breatherue · 3 years
Uka’s diary! It was beautiful..
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breatherue · 4 years
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breatherue · 6 years
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“You really love gazing up the sky, huh?”, he asked me.
I just smiled, and told him,
“I just wonder why we always love those we cannot reach.”
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breatherue · 6 years
I'm hopeless,
but hoping.
-Mayday Parade, Still Breathing
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breatherue · 6 years
"We live but we crave to feel alive."
-April Avery
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breatherue · 6 years
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We love you so be brave Ate AA 💚
Can you hold me tight? I’m a little sad.
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breatherue · 6 years
I need this right now. Thank you 💚
What I learned this past few days:
It’s natural to ask ourselves if this is the life we wanted. A lot of us navigate through life still searching for a place to belong no matter who we are or what we do.
We must find our why. Why we keep doing the things we are doing. What makes us stay.
We must remind ourselves that we are here. Do not let the worry, overthinking, and doubts, make us fail to see how great is the now.
So breathe. Soak it in.
The laughs, the memories, the ideas shared. The frustration, the late night voices and the sleepy morning greetings. We are here, with these people, with these memories.
No matter how lost we are, or how dim our paths could be, let these memories and experiences light our way.
So run along now. We might be lost, but this journey is as good as being found.
April 🍃
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breatherue · 6 years
But you are already our moon, Ate. You are the one shining and guiding us with your words through the dark. ILYSBB.💚💚
Maybe that’s the problem. I was never the water. I never intend to go with the flow.
I have a habit of sticking out with my silence. A still rock on a ranging river, who hardly belongs to anywhere.
Sometimes the current pulls me down. The feeling of not belonging anywhere floods me like rain. It comes with mud of self pity. Covered and drowning, I hardly recognize myself.
Yet I stay afloat, peaking for a slice of hope. For the moon is a rock too, who found its place in this wide universe.
May this water that drowns me soften my roots, to break from the soil that holds me in place. Maybe I could be the moon, too.
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