introvert-insight · 2 years
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so many worlds to see through the window
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introvert-insight · 2 years
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Details: Ship on Rough Seas, Max Jensen, 1908
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introvert-insight · 3 years
“I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.”
— Oscar Wilde
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introvert-insight · 4 years
Lol! Sometimes we just wanna be left alone in our own little bubble. Typically Uber rides are one of those times. That being said, given the right circumstance and person I don’t mind striking up a conversation if it goes beyond the dreaded “small talk” phase and can provide a little more meaningful connection.
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introvert-insight · 4 years
It’s hard for me to explain why this is exactly, night time does indeed offer such peace and tranquility, especially for introverts I’ve noticed. I’m curious to hear who else here is a night owl and why you find such solace and peace late at night compared to any other time in the day.
Late at night is a weird thing... It radiates a certain peace, a lack of expectations and responsibilities. You can sit there for hours, staring at the wall or reading a book or petting your cat. It's nice.
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introvert-insight · 4 years
I don’t know if anyone here is aware of the Broadway musical “Be More Chill”, but this post gives me straight “Michael in the Bathroom” vibes.
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Comment if you’ve ever hidden in the bathroom to avoid socializing
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introvert-insight · 4 years
THIS! Please read. For me personally, I’m extremely self conscious with how I think I come off to people and this post gives amazing insight as to how some of these actions and traits are more common in introverts and not meant to be seen as rude. OP is right, this list isn’t meant to make excuses, we do have flaws as introverts, but due to us living in a society where these things might not be talked about as much, I think it’s important to bring up in order to represent each other in the best light and speak up for ourselves. Communication is everything in our society and we need to put as much truth out there pertaining to introversion rather than perpetuating stigmatized misconceptions and generalizations made about us.
6 Traits That Make Introverts Seem Rude At Times
Introverts are often misunderstood. Our inability to openly express leads to a lot of ambiguity about our character and behaviour. Though we are quite aware of our flaws (I’d rather call it uniqueness), we can’t help it. Sometimes we might come off as rude to our closed ones. But are we? Let’s dig deeper.
1. Not receiving calls
If you have an introvert friend, you will always find yourself complaining that they never receive your calls and they cannot clarify but be guilty as charged. Well, there’s something about that phone screen indicating that someone is calling, that just freaks us out. No matter who is on the other end, we tend to not swipe right or up unless it’s something urgent. We always prefer talking via text messages and emails as it gives us a sense of freedom to express freely as opposed to talking face to face or through the phone. This might give an impression to the other person that we are not interested or intentionally not picking up (the latter is quite true often) but there’s no hard feeling or personal grudge behind that. It’s just the way we are. Text and test us.
Keep reading
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introvert-insight · 4 years
“When we reach our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.” - Avatar Aang, The Legend of Korra.
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Low point. Book of Yasmin
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introvert-insight · 4 years
We as humans are so self critical of ourselves in frequent reflection, but... I don’t think that necessarily has to be a bad thing. Like many, I’m guilty of asking these questions, and as emotionally-based as they appear, sometimes I feel like it keeps me grounded and sane by choosing to reflect on these aspects in my life. I’ve noticed a lot of introverts choose to internalize their emotion and channel deep reflection within themselves. For me personally, I do it because of the lack of a support system I have available in my life. I would rather not trouble anyone with talking about my internal affairs and emotions, even if they’re willing to listen. I’ll admit, it may not be the best course of action and believe it’s genuinely best for everyone to have some a support system in their life, but understand that a support system can come in many forms. For example, my support system is this blog, and my hope and goal is that it can provide others the same level of support as well.
In conclusion, the questions listed above are ones I ask myself almost daily, and it can be exhausting at times. But I implore you to keep going and keep searching for truths to all of these questions. I genuinely believe you will come out the other end feeling more resilient, capable, and in a better mental state. It’s all a work in progress.
I wake up every morning wondering who and what I'm supposed to be.
What is it to be?
What is it to feel?
What is it to be alive?
Am I gonna think about the good stuff I've done?
Am I gonna think about the bad stuff I've done?
Should I think about what ive done towards others?
Should I think about what others have done towards me?
Or should I think about what is? What can be?
Should I focus on what I dont want? Or should I focus on what I do want?
Who am I supposed to be?
Maybe I'll never know...
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introvert-insight · 4 years
What a beautiful poem that holds so much truth to it. <3
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introvert-insight · 4 years
This is true.
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introvert-insight · 4 years
I FEEL THIS! Anyone else relate?
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I could call someone but nah.
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introvert-insight · 4 years
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Every time I end up getting close to somebody. 🤣 Not necessarily an introvert thing specifically, though I am curious how many of you all experience this? I’d say this meme could apply to people of either social personality, introvert or extrovert.
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introvert-insight · 4 years
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Anyone else hear relate to this on a spiritual level? 🤣 There’s just something about small talk that makes me have a disdain for it; perhaps due to the fact that most of the time it’s not genuine? Hmm...
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introvert-insight · 4 years
Everyone please take the time to read this. The raw emotion and vulnerability brought out in this one post is just simply awe-inspiring. I think this post sums up the INFP personality type perfectly, and even if you’re not an INFP, you could still learn so much from this fragile dreamer who’s trying to dare to be brave. What an absolutely powerful message.
“The thing about dreaming is that you can always be disappointed, and I will be. An anxious mind which constantly thinks about failure, trying to look through reality. For a dreamer, nothing ever comes easy. Being a dreamer is about idealizing things, people, places, scenarios, goals, and even ideals itself, but at the end of the day, fear will always arrive. In this world, I meet thousands of different people, and to find someone who truly comprehends what’s inside my fearful heart, is an accomplishment and a real achievement. For me, just one reality is simply not enough; there has to be something more, something more meaningful and fanciful. My mind travels around unusual cities and camps, my heart is never filled completely; it’s not empty, but it may never be full, at least not entirely. You may tell me I’m a pessimist, but I guarantee I’m not one of them. Fear is not the same as pessimism. Yeah, I will always be the kind of dreamer who wants to run the world in a singular way, to save people, and spread some kind of magic. Reality breaks my heart, but what would reality be? Isn’t it just a word people use to design something they are too scared to reach, or just they simply don’t want others to find? There’s a fine line between wanting something but not daring to dream ahead, to someone trying to find a single sign of courage inside their heart. I’m the fearful one, but deep inside my heart I know I’m already courageous. It takes a great deal of courage to live in a world like this, where the odds are always trying to put me down, such as insecurity. You may call me a pessimist, but I guarantee I’m not one of them. I’m just a fragile dreamer who’s trying to dare to be brave.”
Inside an INFP’s mind and heart.
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introvert-insight · 4 years
It just goes to show you there’s true beauty in solitude. What I’d give to escape to a place like this, amidst all the craziness happening in the world. 💕
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Sometimes it’s good to be alone 🌱
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introvert-insight · 4 years
This is an interesting perspective that I’d be curious if any other introverts face. While I’m uncertain of the direct correlation with what OP was referencing and being introverted, I will admit it reflects my own personal life pretty well and how I was raised. I think a major part of this just depends on your upbringing, as I could totally see an extrovert facing the same problem, though perhaps dealing with it in other ways. Something else I wanted to address is the issue of confidence. I think a lot of people are under the impression that introverts are often unconfident in themselves a majority of the time. While you will find this a lot of the time (keep in mind, 50% of the population are introverts) I have my doubts with this particular being drawn from their introversion, as I’ve known countless introverted people in my life who are well-spoken and confident. I think the confidence issue resides more in the psychological that could have been influenced in someone’s upbringing.
I’m in no means an expert, this is just my personal take. I’m intrigued in doing my own research on this subject of non-confrontationists and introverts and their correlation among each other, as well as hearing some anecdotal evidence from anyone willing to reply with their own thoughts and stories in their personal life. Submissions are open if you would like me to address your comments in a future post. introvert-insight.com/submit
I think the reason most introverts are so non-confrontational id because they were raised not to question/talk back to others because it was considered disrespectful and you would get yelled at. Like if my order is wrong at a restaurant I'm not gonna say anything because in the back of my mind I have a voice saying I am always wrong.
This is probably obvious but I just thought of it.
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