magichimalaya · 1 year
Best Possible adventure in Nepal for Upcoming years
 There are lots of adventure activities in Nepal for travelers. Due to the rich in adventure, there are lots of adventure activities in Nepal that are able to attract lots of international tourists. Nepal provides all kinds of adventure activities such as Trekking, Hiking, rock climbing, peak climbing, Mountaineering, Bungee jumping, Rafting, Cannoning, Jungle Safari, and much more. Adventure activities in Nepal are very much able to attract lots of travelers and provide satisfaction in whatever they do. Here is some of the best possible adventure in Nepal for upcoming years.  
Trekking in Nepal
Trekking in Nepal is one of the most popular activities in Nepal for international tourists. We have many mountains in the country which makes many opportunities for trekking adventure. We have the Annapurna area, Manaslu Area, Kanchanjunga area, Mustang Area, Makalu area, Rara area, Dolpa area, Humla & Jumla area, and Everest area for trekking. The most popular trekking destination is the Everest region. We have lots of trekking within the Everest area too It is the same with another area too. 
Rafting In Nepal
Nepal is considered the world's best place for rafting which makes rafting trips popular and people started doing it when they are here in Nepal. Some people just do visit Nepal for rafting whereas some just do rafting in spare days if they come for trekking or any other adventure. We have one-day rafting to multi-day rafting in Nepal. Bhoto Koshi river rafting and Trishuli river rafting are two popular rafting in Nepal. We also have rafting in the Koshi, Kalagandaki, karnali, and Seti Rivers. We can make a longer itinerary as well as a shorter itinerary. 
Paragliding in Nepal
If you want to view Nepal from the sky ten paragliding is the best option. It is a thrilling and enjoyable experience. We can see the Panoramic and spectacular view of the mountains. We can also experience flying above many local villages around. This paragliding is a little bit more risky than other adventures but it’s worth doing it and experience. There are lots of paragliding companying running these activities. We have paragliding stations in Pokhara, Bandipur, Phulchoki, Godavari, Kot Danda and Chapakharka. 
Jungle Safari in Nepal
Nepal is rich in Biodiversity there are many flora and fauna. Due to the dense forest, there are lots of Animals living there which attracts people to see them. Keeping people's interests in mind there are Jungle safari activities in Nepal. We have two options safari by jeep or in Elephant Back. On jungle safari, you will roam inside the deep forests where you can get a chance to see many wild animals. In Nepal safari is done in lower lands which we called Terai. We can find lots of Exotic species in Terai area. Chitwan national park and Bardia National Park are two places popular for jungle safari. Chitwan is very popular Due to being closer to Kathmandu and the tourist destination Pokhara. Bardia is almost 600 kilometers from the western part of Nepal which has more wildlife activities than we can see. Chitwan is just 160 km from Kathmandu. 
Bungee Jumping In Nepal
If you are looking to do Bungee jumping then this will be the best option for you. In bungee, you will be pushed from a long height by tying a rope on your leg. Nepal has the second-highest bungee jumping spout which is along the Kalangadaki River. We have a day trip in the last resort which is close to Kathmandu. If you like to take some risks and try something interesting then this is the best choice for you. 
Rock Climbing in Nepal
 Rock climbing is an outdoor activity that is getting more popular among the tourist in recent times. We do rock climbing in the mountain terrain of Nepal which gives an excellent experience to the professional climber. The entire trekking guide also has to do rock climbing before they got a license from the Nepal government. Now many wall climbing is popular in Nepal. You can do wall climbing in Thamel. 
Sightseeing tour in Nepal 
 When you arrive in Nepal, the first things you have to know are Kathmandu. You can take a day sightseeing tour in Kathmandu. We have lots of museums, sites, cultural heritage, and other places for doing sightseeing. We can do sightseeing at Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Patan Durbar Square, Swambhunath Temple, Pashupatinath Temple, Changunarayan Temple, and many more places. If you are in Pokhara then there are also very popular places for sightseeing. Places such as Devi's Fall, World Pogada stupa, International mountain museum, bat cave, etc. 
Mountain Biking in Nepal
 Mountain biking is one of the famous adventure activities done in Nepal. This is a fun and adventurous activity done in Nepal. People around the globe come for mountain biking every year. Due to the different land topography, Nepal is suitable for mountain biking. People also do Bike riding to Mustang and all over Nepal. 
Honey Hunting in Nepal
Honey Hunting is an ancient activity in which honey is extracted from the bee hive which hangs in the slop of the mountain. This is a very much interesting activity done in Nepal. This activity is a little risky too because we should climb the mountain and sometimes bees also may dunk you. In order to decrease your risk you are tied up with rope. You should also put one special custom to prevent from bee dunk. While trekking at Langtang and Annapurna base camp we can see lots of honey hives on the wall. 
Zip Flyer in Nepal
Zip flyer is one of the most thrilling experiences in the country. While doing a zip flyer you will fly above the green forest with a beautiful view. We also need to be tied up in a rope with safety and you will be pushed to another end of a rope from one end. You will experience it like a bird flying. 
Helicopter tour in Nepal
This is one of the popular and most exciting activities in Nepal in recent times. People around the world come to Nepal and do helicopter tours to visit different parts of Nepal. People visit Gosainkuna, Manang, Muktinath, Rara, and many other parts of Nepal. The common and most popular helicopter tours are Everest base camp landing helicopter tour which is a 5-hour journey from Kathmandu to Kathmandu. 
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magichimalaya · 1 year
Why Everest base camp Helicopter tour?
The Everest base camp Helicopter tour is simply the flight to the base camp by helicopter. It is one of the best tours in recent times.
Many people doing it and asking lots of questions about it.
Here I have mentioned some of the questions that people ask most.
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What is the current price for the Everest base camp Helicopter flight landing tour?
Answer: The cost for the Everest base camp helicopter landing tour is USD 1100 per person for joining and for the private tour it will be USD 4200.
How many helicopter Companies are there in Nepal? Can you let me know some?
Answer: There are 11 helicopter companies operating Everest base camp helicopter tours in Nepal. They are as below:
a. Prabhu helicopters
b. Fishtail Air
c. Air dynasty
d. Kailash helicopters
e. Manang Heli
f. smirk helicopters
g. Mountain heli
h. Altitude air
i. Shree air
j. Mountain air
Heli Everest
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How many people do helicopters carry?
Answer: For the Everest base camp helicopter tour people fly from Kathmandu which is 5 people and until Ferichea it will carry 5 but after that, it will only carry 2 or three. So it will shuttle twice.
How to focus on reducing your anxiety?
Answer: To avoid fear we need to see some of the videos about Heli ride tours before we go.
You also can have the symptoms while doing Everest base camp helicopter landing flight tour. To avoid such feelings and problems you can start the day with some deep breathing and meditation. You can also watch YouTube videos about tour and can visualization how it will be the flight experience. Watching videos makes your visualization better. you can also consult with doctors and take medicine for this problem.
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Are there any rules we need to follow while entering and exiting from Helicopter?
Answer: Yes there is a rules which is important to know. Here I have mentioned some of the rules. check below:
1.     Do not approach without receiving a visual signal from the pilot. Do not leave without the visual or spoken instructions to do so. Say at the place where the pilot can see you all the time
2.    On slopping ground always approach or leave on the downslope side for maximum rotor clearance.
3.    If blinded by swirling dust or grit, STOP –crouch lower, or sit down and wait for assistance.
4.    If disembarking while the helicopter is hovering, get out slowly and smoothly when cleared by the pilot.
5.    Do not approach or leave a helicopter when the engine and rotors are running down or starting up.
6.    Crouch while walking for extra rotor clearance. Always remove hats. Never reach up or chase after anything that blows away.
7.     Carry long objects horizontally below waist level- never upright or on the shoulder.
what about the Turbulence?
Answer: Most of the Everest base camp Helicopter tour is going to be smooth. However, during the take-off and landing, it is normal to have some turbulence. Some first-timers people who do helicopter the first time might panic during takeoff and then don’t enjoy the rest of the tour at all. So do not panic during turbulence and enjoy every beat of the Everest base camp helicopter flight landing tour with magic Himalaya treks.
What are the extreme sports in the Everest region and Everest mountain?
Answer: We can do snowboarding, skiing, paragliding, and Base camping besides Mountaineering. Extreme sports already started in the 1970s when Yuichiro Miura becomes the first man to ski down Everest. She descends nearly 1300 vertical meters. After that many others also ski in Everest. Many people are also injured and die during these sports. Steve Mckinney is the first person to fly a hang-glider off the mountain. The first paraglider to descend Everest is the Frenchman Jean-Marc Boivin. He did this adventure in 1988. In 2011 two Nepali made a gliding descent from the Everest summit. They take 45 minutes to descend down 5000 meters. On 5 May 2013, the beverage company red bull sponsored Valery Rozov who successfully base-jumped World's off the mountain. He did this wearing a wingsuit which is also the world record for Worlds highest BASE jump.
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What Mountain we can see on the Everest base camp helicopter tour?
Answer: we can see lots of mountains on the Everest base camp helicopter tour. Here i have mentioned some of the mountains:
a. Mt. Everest
b. Amadablam
c. Thamserku
d. Kusumkangaroo
e. Lhotse and Lhotse Shar
f. Nuptse
g. Pumori
h. Loubecha peak
i. Island peak
j. Shisha Pangma
k. Tawacha peak
l. Cho oyu peak
m. Mera peak
n. Khangtega
What animals we can see in the Everest base camp area?
Answer: We can see lots of animals in the Everest base camp area. Here are some of the animals which i mentions belwoe:
Himalayan Thar (mountain goat) Martens
a. Himalayan Musk dear snow leopard
b. Red panda Tibetan Snowcock
c. Golden Eagle Mountain Yak
d. Blood-pleasant Himalayan Monal
e. Golden Eagle Mountain yak
f. Himalayan black bear Blue sheep
g. Rhesus Macaque Mountain weasel
h. Marmots Griffon vulture
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What are the other popular tour and treks in this area?
Answer: Besides the Everest base camp Heli tour we have a popular Everest base camp trek which we can do on yoga formats and luxury ways too. we also co do Everest high pass trek and many more including island peak climbing.
Which base camp is more popular after the Everest base camp?
Answer: Annapurna base camp trek is another popular base camp trek in Nepal this is also an outstanding trek and we can see lots of things and mountains on this trek.
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Gorekshap standing at an elevation of 5,164 metres above sea level. #gorekshap #ebc #everest #magichimalaya #magichimalayatreks (at Everest Base Camp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZ1WI9PeMG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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#everest #sunrise (at Everest Base Camp 5364M) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVlJj6Pol1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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at Everest Base Camp 5364M https://www.instagram.com/p/CqU6IanP4q5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Nepali food vs Chinese food.. Which one you prefer? Comments bellow.. #nepalifood #chinesefood #dalbhat #nepalithali (at Thamel -26 Kathmandu Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUy9_vvxe3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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#annapurna (at Annapurna Base Camp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSsAZzP73K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Base camp: Made it. What an adventure…… #basecamp #magichimalayatreks #magichimalaya #magichimalayatrekscompany #everest #ebc #everestbasecamp #everesttrek (at Everest Base Camp 5364M) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGF0y9Phhh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Everest base camp part done … now time towards the chola pass. Stay tuned .. we will keep updating…#everst #ebctrek #cholapass #everestthreepasstrek #loubecha #gokyo #magichimalayatreks (at Sagarmatha National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqFJa71vQn4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Adventure to base camp of world highest mountain #everest (at Thamel -26 Kathmandu Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAKtAuvfBw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Mardi himal trek#mardi (at Somewhere Inside Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpg2CR0v73X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Annapurna base camp during winter… #abc #annapurna #magichimalaya #magichimalayatreks #holiday #trekking #adventure (at Annapurna Base Camp) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cot5FPhvbS2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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The place where people can see amazing Amadablam.#magichimalayatreks #magichimalaya #magichimalayatrekscompany #ebc #ebctrek #everest #everestbasecamp #thukla #thuklapass #namche #dingboche #kalapather #loubecha #luxury #trek #hiking #travel #travelphotography #travelblogger #adventure #holiday #etc (at Thukla Pass: Memorials to the Fallen Everest Climbers Elev. 16,000 ft) https://www.instagram.com/p/CobKeQzPagq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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What a view of Annapurna Himalayan range…#nepal #trekking #adventure #magichimalayatreks (at Australian Camp Trek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoW5egFv8b0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Mardi himal a spoon hill trek with the wonderful people from latvia. #magichimalaya #mardi #mardihimal #mardihimaltrek #mardihimal #poon #poonhill #poonhilltrek #poonhilltrekking #trekkinginnepal #nepal #travelphotography #travelblogger #travelblogger #traveler (at Ghandruk, Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoH1JZAvkUX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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Can’t stop stopping people and enjoying the view of pumori mountain while crossing the thukla pass and entering into the loubecha area. The loubecha base camp and peak on the left hand side is another things to stop and enjoying. During the climbing season Ree can see the climbers climbing the loubecha peak from our backed eye. What a area to be in….. #worldcup #tagsforlikes #viralpost #nofilter #life #beauty #amazing #instamood #igers #instagram #photo #music #photography #makeup #dog #beach #sunset #model #foodporn #motivation #followforfollow #sky #lifestyle #design #gym #f4f #toofunny #cat #everest #loubche (at Thukla Pass: Memorials to the Fallen Everest Climbers Elev. 16,000 ft) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHzj62PBVL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magichimalaya · 1 year
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What a view that people like Yosef again and again. #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #trending #explorepage #viral #tbt #like4like #followme #picoftheday #follow #me #selfie #summer #art #instadaily #friends #repost #nature #trendingnow #fun #style #smile #food #instalike #likeforlike #family #travel #fitness (at Badal Danda, Mardi Himal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHyvwVvA80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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