oneshotstomyheart · 4 years
All is fair in Love and Pranks
Fred Weasley x OC One-shot 
The one where Fred’s girlfriend doesn’t get pranked.
Warnings: semi-angsty, fluff, silent angry/hurt OC, lovable Fred
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Sarah had been dating Fred for over a year now, and she loved him more than her next breath. But if he didn’t get his arse to the Gryffindor table in the next five minutes she was going to strangle him. She stayed up half the night finishing his potions paper for Snape, only for him to not even bother to show up to collect it from her at breakfast. 
“Honestly, this is the last time I’m ever doing something for the bloke.” she fumed, slamming her hand down on the table effectively startling the golden trio that sat next to her. While Harry stared at her wide-eyed, not used to the kind girls’ outburst, Hermione rolled her eyes and replied, “Sarah just look at his track record. Did you honestly believe he or his twin care about their classes?”
“Well, he’s going to wish he cared once I get ahold of him.” Sarah huffed out, narrowing her eyes when she saw her boyfriend and his twin rushing into the great hall. Coming to a stop behind his girlfriend, Fred laid his hands on her shoulders and leaned over to give her a quick peck on the cheek. “Hello Love, you won’t believe what George and I just did!” He exclaimed, reaching over and taking the potions paper out of her hands then abruptly shoving it in his bag.
“Don’t tell her Fred, let her watch for herself!” George said excitedly while snatching the piece of toast Ron has raised to bite. Taking their seats at the table, they both focused on the entrance of the hall while simultaneously downing as much toast and juice as possible. 
Staring in unbelief at her boyfriend Sarah opened her mouth to put shame to a sailor's vocabulary when all of a sudden there was a big boom and a third-year Slytherin came rushing into the great hall. Red paint covered the boy from top to bottom while his scream practically shook the great hall. Immediately laughter burst from the room. Students were falling to the ground clutching their stomachs and even some of the professors looked to be holding in a chuckle. 
Sarah couldn’t help but smirk, knowing exactly why the boy had such an unfortunate mishap occur. She vividly remembered the same boy harassing her while studying the past week and picking on the Weasley family genetics. Leaning over to whisper in Fred’s ear she asked, “So was the prank for him insulting your red hair, or for hitting on me in the library?” Fred blushed, turning to nuzzle into her shoulder. 
“George thinks it’s for the redhead insults, but I couldn’t let him get away with talking to my girl like that,” Fred whispered back, giving her neck a quick kiss.
Leaving just as quickly as they arrived, the twins grabbed their things and headed to class. But not before Fred could pull a chocolate cupcake from his bag, plant a kiss on his girlfriend, and thank her for the essay. Smiling after her boyfriend, Sarah followed the golden trio to Herbology. 
“You know, it’s been a while since Fred and George have pulled a revenge prank. Honestly, I thought they were stuck on loved ones only.” Ron spoke out, shuddering at the thought of the trick canary cream Fred slipped him last week. 
“What do you mean Ron? Fred and George pull pranks on everyone, not just family.” Harry retorted, having been the test subject for many of the identical brothers' ideas. 
Sarah frowned, slowing down her steps as the words hit her. Now that she thought about it, Fred and George did prank everyone. Literally everyone, except her. Coming to stop, Sarah was shocked by the feelings of hurt and anger that hit her. Why didn't they prank her? They pranked every living soul they knew, yet not once had Sarah been in on one of their pranks. Of course, Fred had divulged her in planning and executing a joke before. However, neither twin had ever even attempted a joke on her. 
Realizing their friend had fallen behind the trio turned to a stop. “Sarah? Are you alright?” Hermione questioned, showing concern toward her friend.
Sarah let out a breath, shaking her head while clenching her fists. “You’re right Ron. They do prank everyone, but not me. Why haven’t they pranked me?” Hearing nothing in response, Sarah looked to her three friends. All of them looked like a fish out of the water, trying to come up with an excuse. 
“I’m sure that’s not right. Maybe they have and you’ve forgotten?” Ron weakly offered.
“Or maybe they just forgot to prank you- OW!” Harry exclaimed, rubbing his ribs where Hermione had just elbowed him. 
“Forgot me?” Sarah questioned, tears filling her eyes. 
“No of course not. I’m sure there is a logical reason why Fred hasn’t pulled a joke yet. Honestly, it’s nothing to get upset about. There are plenty of people they haven’t pranked yet. And it’s nothing to wish for, it’s horrid and sometimes a little painful.” Hermione winced, recalling her misfortunate times being the victim. 
“I wouldn’t know though, would I?” Sarah spoke calmly, her monotone conflicting with the hurt in her eyes.  
Later that day, Fred walked into the great hall searching for his favorite brunette. Walking up to the golden trio, Fred asked, “Has anyone seen Sarah? She was supposed to meet me at the library but she never showed.” 
Ron, Harry, and Hermione traded nervous glances. Ron cleared his throat, then let out a squeaky “no.” 
“Nice, Ron,” Hermione said while rolling her eyes. 
Fred raised his eyebrows, leaning in toward his younger brother threateningly. “Ronald. Do you know where my girlfriend is?” 
Ron gulped, shooting a panicked look toward Harry. “It’s not that simple you see-” 
“She doesn't want to see you.” Hermione cut him off, giving Fred a look of pity. 
Fred frowned, backing off from his brother. “What? Why not?” Racking his brain, he couldn’t think of anything he said or did recently to cause any avoidance from his girlfriend. 
“You should ask her yourself, but maybe later so you can give her time to calm down from this morning,” Hermione answered him. 
“This morning?” he questioned, “She was fine this morning, laughing at our prank.” 
At the word ‘prank’, Harry choked on the bit of juice he just swallowed, Hermione turned her face back into her book, and Ron pretended to be interested in the architecture of the hall.
Fred narrowed his eyes, before releasing a sigh. “Just tell me where she is.” 
Harry mumbled out, “Astronomy Tower.” and then flinched at Hermione’s head snapping up. “Harry!!” she scolded, turning to watch Fred run out of the great hall. 
Sarah stood on the balcony of the tower, trying to calm her insecurities and failing. She has been dating Fred for 14 months and knew him since the first day of Hogwarts. He was her best friend who she told everything to from day one. She shared her best moments with him, cried on his shoulder through the worst, and told him all of her secrets. She trusted him with her heart and confided in him with her dreams. Which was precisely why she was having such a hard time getting over her new revelation. Pranks were such a huge part of his life. Past, present, and future. She just couldn’t understand-
Hearing footsteps run up the stairs, her thoughts were interrupted as she turned to look at who was arriving. Seeing it was the last person she wanted to see, Sarah turned back toward the balcony. 
“Love, I have been looking for you everywhere! I thought we were supposed to meet at the library, and then Hermione told me you were upset with me. Did I do something?” Fred wheezed out, trying to catch his breath from the stairs. 
Debating on ignoring him, Sarah decided to ignore the childish thought and turned slightly toward her boyfriend. “I am upset. And I’d like to be left alone, Fred.” Sarah spoke softly, trying not to let her hurt seep through. 
“No,” Fred said, moving closer toward her. 
“Excuse me?” Sarah exclaimed, whirling back toward Fred to glare at him.
“No, I am not going to leave my girlfriend while she’s upset,” Fred reached out, pulling her into his arms. “Now tell me what’s wrong, please?”
Sarah pushed him away, crossing her arms. Taking a deep breath, she asked, “Fred, how do you pick who you’re going to prank?” 
Dumbfounded, Fred stared at her. “What?” he finally choked out, confused. 
Sarah felt her eyes well up but cleared her throat and rephrased, “You and George, when you pull a prank on someone, how do you choose who to pull it on?”
Fred felt his heart clench at the sight of his upset girlfriend and scrambled to make it right. “Are you mad about the paint bomb from this morning? I swear if I knew it was going to upset you this much we would have done something else.” 
Sarah scoffed, “The paint bomb was brilliant Fred. I could never be mad at you for a harmless revenge prank. Just please answer my question.” Practically begging at this point, Sarah stared up at Fred wide-eyed. 
Fred uncrossed her arms and grasped her hands, kissing them lightly. “Just whoever crosses our mind I guess.” 
Wrong answer. Sarah jerked her hands back, stumbling back out of hurt and anger. With a fresh wave of tears in her eyes, she pushed past Fred to head toward the exit. “It’s good to know that your girlfriend never crosses your mind, yet first years that you’ve never met are at the top of your thoughts.” she bit out as she got to the stairs and left. 
Fred stood in shock, not quite absorbing the words yet. He felt his heart tear at the sight of his girl rushing out crying. Sprinting to catch up with her, he finally caught sight of her as she ran into the girls’ dormitory. Cursing, he turned toward his younger brother sitting alone at the fire. ‘Perfect’, he thought to himself, cracking his knuckles in anticipation of the interrogation about to occur.
Sarah woke up the next day with her eyes practically swollen shut and tear marks down her face. Seeing that her other dorm mates were still asleep, she took her advantage to shower and head to the great hall early. If Fred keeps to his usual schedule then he wouldn’t be heading down for another hour, giving her just enough time to eat and sneak off to class. 
Avoiding her boyfriend felt wrong, but she needed time to sort her feelings and calm down. She knew she was overreacting, especially since Fred had no clue what he did. Yet that was the core of her pain, he had no clue. He didn’t know how much it was affecting her that he didn’t want to fuse his girlfriend and his favorite thing in the world. Or that he didn’t even consider her when he had pranks lined up. 
Feeling a fresh new wave of pain hit her soul, Sarah trudged on to the great hall. 
As she entered the great hall she noticed a few things that were way off. The first being that Fred was directly in the middle of the room. The second being he was standing next to a ginormous cake. And the final thing she noticed was the strangest of all, there was no one else in the dining hall. Literally no one, and while she did get up early, there was usually always a professor or student occupying a seat. 
Slowing her steps, Sarah frowned skeptically and stopped about 10 feet away from him. “Fred..what is going on?” Crossing her arms, she watched Fred as he stood up and closed the distance between them. 
“You love cake. And I love you, so I made you a cake.” Fred declared, taking her hand and dragging her to the 4 tier chocolate cake. 
Sarah let out a small smile, touched at the thought but also still on edge. 
“Go ahead, dig in!” He smiled, stepping back a couple of feet. 
Even more suspicious now, Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Fred you’re acting strange. And I am not in the mood. Also, where is everyone?” she questioned, baffled when the only thing Fred said in return was, “Eat the cake.” 
“Fine.” she snapped. Deciding to humor him, Sarah leaned over to grab a fork. In the process of doing so, she thought to herself ‘Is this a prank?’ As soon as the sentence entered her head, the cake exploded. Gasping and throwing her hands to her head to cover her eyes, she felt the stickiness cover her robes and skin. Letting out a shriek, Sarah opened her eyes to find the cake all over her, and in its original place was a small floating cupcake with a tiny white flag sticking out that said: “I love you.” 
Quickly turning to Fred, all she could do was stare in shock. Fred, however, looked like he was about to pass out from nerves. “Gotcha”, he laughed out nervously, looking everywhere except her eyes. 
Sarah stayed quiet, trying to digest the fact that she had actually just been pranked. Finally.
Fred, taking this the wrong way, immediately jumped to explain. “This was completely Ron’s fault. He said you were angry at never being pranked and so I thought maybe if I did it you wouldn’t be mad anymore. Obviously, he had no idea what he was talking about, and now you hate me. This is why I didn’t want to prank you because I didn’t want it to go too far and then you loathe me forever. ” He rambled out, switching from foot to foot. 
Sarah stepped up to him, reached on her tiptoes and kissed him. Throwing her arms around his neck, she pulled him down further toward her deepening the kiss. Fred, not caring that she was covered in cake, wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her to him. 
After a few moments, Sarah broke the kiss, laughing at the ring of chocolate around Fred’s mouth. Fred cracked a grin, relieved to see the smile back on her face. “So you aren’t mad anymore?” He asked, keeping her held tight against him. 
“I wasn’t as angry as I was hurt. You and George have pulled a prank on everyone except me. I guess I was feeling unimportant. I’m sorry I didn't just come out and tell you, it just hurt me so bad that I handled it irrationally. I shouldn’t have run and hid.” Sarah explained, trying to push against him to let her down. Fred didn’t budge though, instead, he hugged her to him tighter. 
“No, I’m sorry. You have every right to feel that way. But listen to me. You are the most important person to me, and I love you with my whole soul. I love you so much that I was afraid. For so many reasons. I can’t even tell you how many pranks George and I planned for you. Yet every time it came time to execute, I backed out. I was so scared that you would either get hurt or get angry with me. I couldn’t risk losing you, even if it meant never pranking you for the rest of our lives.” 
“Fred,” Sarah felt her heart swell, “pranking and jokes are what you love. I want you to enjoy both of them, especially with me. I could never get mad at you for doing what you love. Your humor is a huge part of why I love you.” Sarah kissed him all over his face and then on the lips until she was reassured that he believed her. 
Finally, Fred put her down and grabbed the cupcake from midair. “Here, I made sure you would still get the sweet.” He grinned, splitting the cupcake in half. “For all my hard work!” he explained, winking at her. 
Sarah giggled, then looked around the hall. “Hey Fred, where is everyone?”.
“Oh, I asked George to make sure he kept everyone out of the great hall for awhile. I wanted to do the cake prank but I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of everyone. Plus if it made you mad, there wouldn’t be anyone to witness you yell at me.” He finished with a smirk, shoving his half of the cupcake in his mouth. 
Sarah laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the hallway. “Come on Loverboy, let’s get this cake off.” 
Fred tightened his grip on her hand, feeling at peace. “I should have found a way to make you wear a poncho of some sort, now you’re going to have to shower again.”
“Who said anything about a shower?” Sarah smirked devilishly at him, opening a door to the custodian’s closet. Grabbing his tie, she pulled him inside and said: “You have a perfectly good mouth that will work.” 
Ahhhh!! Please drop your thoughts and feelings, or send a request my way! I need something to do during this quarantine! 
Thanks for reading!
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oneshotstomyheart · 5 years
The Switch
So I have been on a Weasley Twin high, inspiring this lovely one-shot. Hope you enjoy! 
Fred Weasley x  OC One Shot
Warnings: semi-smutty, not too bad. 
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As smart as everyone knew she was, Ellie could be a real idiot. No matter how many pranks he pulled on those poor first years, no matter how loud he was, and no matter how touchy he was, third-year Ellie Holland had no idea Fred Weasley even existed. This was the year he finally summed up enough courage to talk to her, yet Fred couldn’t even get her to look at him to initiate a conversation. He was running out of ideas, and George was running out of patience. 
George couldn’t understand why Fred wouldn’t just walk up and talk to the girl. For some brilliant reason, Fred thought if he pulled the funniest pranks, told the best jokes, and grazed her back a few times when pushing by that she would automatically fall in love with him. Therefore there was no need to start a conversation. “Ridiculous”, George thought. But it seemed his twin was truly smitten, therefore the ridiculous schemes went on.
Day after day, Fred dragged his brother into stunts in front of the oblivious doe-eyed girl. Yet always failing to grab her attention. 
Finally, George had enough and decided to take things into his own hands. Grabbing his twin’s sweater with the big F sewn in, he threw it on. Leaving behind a snoring Fred in their room, he made his way down to the dining hall.
He had everything planned out in his head, and success was the only outcome. He was sure of it.  He knew from Fred’s rambling that she was an early bird, so surely it wouldn’t be too hard to find her. However, it seemed more people than usual were awake and it took him a minute until he finally spotted her hunched over a book at the end of the table. Not understanding how Fred could so easily spot her all the time with how well she blended in, George made his way over to the girl.  
“Hello, Ellie!” George spoke, I mean Fred, as he sat down across from her. Startled, Ellie’s head shot up to the person intruding in on her reading time. “Oh, hello there.” she smiled softly, seeming to glance around as if to look for someone. Quickly understanding he was alone, her eyes shone with a hint of disappointment. “Is there something you need?” She questioned, marking her place before closing her book. 
“Yes actually, I need you, Ellie, to go on a date with me, Fred,” George spoke firmly, leaving no room for questions. Ellie's eyes widened, shock filling her eyes as she stuttered out, “w-what?”
Feeling his initial confidence start to lessen at her reaction, George quickly decided that it was best to just get out before anything else is said. “It’s settled! I’ll meet you at Hogsmeade this weekend then!” George blurted out before jumping up and running out of the dining hall, leaving a very shocked and confused Ellie behind. 
Much to George’s dismay, Fred was already awake when he slipped back into their room. “Hey, where have you been? And why do you have my sweater on?” Fred questioned, eyebrows furrowing when George hesitated before pulling the said sweater over his head and tossing it to his twin. 
“No reason, just quickly threw it on when I went down to the common room to grab the potions book I left.”
“Where is it, then?” Fred questioned, motioning to an empty-handed George. 
“Oh, bullocks! Left if there again!” George shouted out nervously, throwing on his own sweater this time before sprinting out of the room. 
The rest of the day got even stranger for Fred, normally he’d see Ellie in the hallways between lessons. However, today she was nowhere to be found. ‘I hope she’s alright.’ Fred thought to himself, thinking to himself if he should check the hospital wing just in case something happened. 
He never got the chance though, since at the end of the day he was intercepted by the very girl herself. 
It was when he was walking to the quidditch field for practice, and Fred was pondering over why George seemed to be acting so weird that day. First, it was the lie from this morning, then George didn’t speak to him much all day, and now he was coming late to quidditch practice because he had to study! ‘Since when did he study?’ 
All thoughts left his head however when he saw Ellie from the corner of his eye walking toward his direction. Coming to a halt, Fred stood in shock as the girl of his dreams came to a stop in front of him. 
“Hi” Ellie spoke softly, a light blush gracing her features as she stared up at the tall handsome ginger. Fred, like an idiot, just stood there. Completely frozen and completely forgetting every word in the dictionary. Scrambling to not look as dumbfounded as he felt, he muttered a quick hello while struggling to maintain eye contact. ‘Beautiful’ he thought to himself, unable to hold her gaze for too long, feeling intimidated by her beauty. 
“My name is-”
“Ellie. I know.” Fred blurted out, eyes widening in embarrassment. 
Ellie smiled, looking down for a second to seemingly gather courage. Twiddling her fingers, and switching from foot to foot, Ellie finally lifted her head to speak. 
“So, something happened this morning that struck me as quite strange. And I tried to rack my brain all day for a reason, yet I cannot come up with one. I was hoping you could help me.” Ellie brushed her hair back, missing a piece that fell back in front of her face. Fighting the urge to push it back himself, Fred tore himself away from his inner monologue once he realized what she said. 
“Of course. I’m here anytime. Always. Whenever you need me!” Fred rambled on, forcing his mouth shut when Ellie let out a small giggle. Enamored by the sound, Fred couldn’t do anything but smile at her. 
“Was George serious when he asked me out this morning?” 
Fred was so caught up in her smile that it took him a good 10 seconds to realize what came out of her mouth. Fred’s face turned as red as his hair, and if it wasn’t for his crush standing right in front of him he would have most likely used some choice words that his mother would frown upon. 
“He..did..what?” Fred gritted out between his teeth, losing all shyness. 
Ellie’s eyes widened for a fracture of a second, one hand going up to nervously twirl a piece of her hair. “Uhm well, he sort of came up to me out of nowhere at breakfast and told me to meet him at Hogsmeade, quite aggressive about it he was if I must say. Left abruptly as well, after claiming to be you.” Chewing on her lip, Ellie risked a glance at Fred’s face. 
Fuming from his very core, Fred immediately realized what his brother did. Letting out a big sigh, Fred put his face in his hands and wished the universe would just swallow him whole. 
“I can’t believe he did that” Fred muttered into his hands, connected the dots between his sweater and George’s weirdness. 
“Yes, it was sort of unbelievable. I was just hoping you could let him down gently for me.” Ellie pleaded, looking up at Fred. Fred felt his heart sink, if she was turning down his twin then she would have certainly turned him down. 
“You see, I’m afraid I’m in love with his brother.” Fred’s head shot up, convinced his ears betrayed him. 
“Which one? Is it Percy? He’s got a right stick up his arse I’ll tell you!” Fred fumed, jealously consuming him as he thought about which possible brother captured her attention. 
Ellie started to giggle before it turned into a full-blown laugh. Grabbing Fred’s arm for support while her other went to hold her stomach. After a minute or two, she managed to compose herself enough to stand up straight and look at Fred. Realizing how hurt he looked, Ellie stood up on her tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to Fred’s cheek. 
Fred stood there for a few more moments just staring at her in shock before a big grin broke out on his face. “Me? A-Are you sure?” Fred stuttered out, secretly reaching down to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t in a dream. 
“Are you trying to change my mind, Fred Weasley?” Ellie smirked, before turning around to head to the quidditch field. Stumbling to catch up, Fred ran up beside her with a shit-eating grin. Grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers, Fred asked, “Wait a minute. How did you know it was actually George and not me who asked you out this morning?” 
Ellie pulled them to a stop, grabbing Fred’s tie and pulling his face down to her. “Now, if I told you all my secrets before we even have our first date, what will we ever talk about?” She smiled secretively, before laying a passionate kiss on him. Fred immediately reacted, kissing back fiercely while wrapping his hands around her waist and lifting her up. Spinning her around, Ellie broke the kiss laughing.
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“Let me go!” she laughed, tightening her arms around his neck. Slowly coming to a stop and putting her back down on her feet, Fred looked deeply into her eyes. ”Never”, he said, the most serious he’s ever been. 
Ellie stared back, happiness and love in her eyes, “Good.” 
Fred grinned, grabbing her hand once more and led them away from the quidditch field.
“Hey! What are you doing, you have practice!” Ellie laughed at his playfulness. 
“I just got the girl of my dreams. Practice is the last thing I care about.” Fred spoke while sending a sweet smile over his shoulder. Ellie blushed, tightening her hold on his hand.
Sneaking up to the Astronomy Tower, they spent the rest of the day up there talking. From their families to their interests, to finally something that bugged Fred all day. 
“Ellie,” he started, “I’m just confused.” Pausing from where she was running her fingers through his hair, she looked down at his head laying on her lap. “What about, love?” Hearing the new nickname she seemed to assign to him, he grinned and sat up to face her completely. 
He looked down nervously, for the first time since they got up to the tower, causing Ellie to furrow her eyebrows in concern. “Are you alright?” 
“Yes, yes of course. Never better in my whole life actually.” he grinned, gathering her hands in his and pressing a kiss to them. “I just want to know, why you never seemed to notice me before. No matter what I did, I felt like I never had your attention. It’s why I tried so hard this year, I pranked more than ever, all so I could get you to look at me. You never did though.” 
Ellie blushed feverishly, letting out a laugh at the red-headed wizard. “Fred, I actually think I stared at you way too much. So much so that my friend told me I was being creepy and to knock it off. I’ve loved you ever since you dyed that Slytherins hair pink for bullying that first year Ravenclaw. Or maybe I fell for you when I saw how kind you were to the kitchen elves. It also could have been when you tried to give a sixth year a canary cream, only you ate it yourself because you saw me going for it. Of course I saw you, Fred, you're the only one I have ever seen. I will admit this year I sort of gave up, I never assumed you’d go for someone like me so I did my best to avoid you.” Ellie finished shamefully, gazing down at their intertwined hands. 
“What made you change your mind? I mean, you seemed awfully confident before. Not that it wasn’t a complete turn on, believe me, it was.” Fred wiggled his eyebrows, all the worry lines leaving his face, leaving complete trust and utter happiness. 
“Believe it or not, George did. I sort of connected the dots when he asked me out, claiming to be you. Your reaction only confirmed what I already suspected, and while I must admit seeing you angry was a huge turn on itself, I just wanted to kiss you. It was all I could think about.” Ellie licked her lips as if reimaging the moment. Fred’s eyes darted down to her lips, a sudden new hunger coming over him. 
Pouncing on top of her, he attacked her lips with a burning desire. Hands-on her waist, he let out a noise of surprise when she flipped them over. Laying her hands flat on his chest, Ellie broke the kiss for air. 
“Speaking of this afternoon, we aren’t just going to let George get away with his meddling, right?” Ellie spoke in a surprisingly semi-evil tone, kissing her way down Fred’s neck. Moaning from her tone and actions, Fred sat them both up and grabbed a fistful of her hair. Pulling her head back with it, he placed open mouth hot kisses down her neck in return. Finally finding her sweet spot, he bit down and swore he never heard a sexier sound than what came out of her mouth. 
Muttering a few curse words, Ellie ground herself down onto him, relishing in the moan she elicited from him that mixed with her own. Fred could barely get the words out, and Ellie truthfully forgot she had even asked a question.
“Oh, we will be getting him back, alright. He’ll never see it coming.” Fred grinned at her, pulling her down for an unforgettable kiss to go with their soon unforgettable night. 
Should I do a part 2??? I have some ideas on what they could do to get George back, but I felt like I wanted at least this first part to be about them getting together. 
Let me know what you think! :)
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oneshotstomyheart · 5 years
Double the fight, Double the anger - Part 3/3
Stucky x reader
Warnings; major fluff ahead, some angst, comfort
“I’m coming home.” Y/N spoke into the phone, standing up from the couch only to immediately feel the ground shift beneath her. Y/N fell back on the couch, feeling a wave of nausea when pictures started falling off the walls and the sound of glass shattering surrounded her. Coming to the realization, Y/N faintly heard Bucky’s voice, “Y/N?!” before static erupted through the phone. Tightening her grip, she stood in shock before rushing to get out of the middle of the living room. Bringing the phone back up to her ear, Y/N heard Steve’s voice coming through the static questioning where she was. “Steve I’m at Natasha’s!” Receiving only a dial tone in response, and knowing it was no use trying to call back, she threw the phone to the side while standing in the door of the hallway. “Nat!”, she screamed again, wondering how crazy she would seem if she ran all the way to the other side of the apartment to Natasha’s room. 
“Y/N! Are you alright?!”, she heard a voice yell from rooms away. Y/N felt her shoulders sag in relief, though it was short-lived by the building starting to crumble. 
“The building is going down, we have to get out!” Y/N shouted, feeling fear creep up her neck like a snake, wrapping around her throat and shortening her breath. 
Hearing a deep crack, Y/N slowly turned back to the living room. As if time was frozen, Y/N watched as the carpet started to open up. It was like the gates of hell were right at her feet. Suddenly, the room was at a tilt and Y/N was hanging for dear life from the doorway of the now split in half apartment. She felt the water from the drain pipes being sprayed onto her and looked down to see her shoe fall into the cracks of rubble down below. 
“Y/N!” Nat screamed, being on the more upright side of the apartment. While still at a tilt, Nat held on as she scaled the walls. 
Y/N felt her heart in her throat when her grip on the doorway starting to slip, a scream slipping through her lips. Digging her fingernails in the wood and scratching to hold on, blood started pouring down her hands. “NATASHA!”, tears of fear slipped down her face as she screamed. She could fight evil men, but not mother nature. And right now, mother nature was kicking her ass. 
Natasha tried to move toward where she saw Y/N hanging but had nothing to hold onto or use to pull them back up. “I’ll be right back, just hold on!” Moving as fast as she could, she went toward the utility room. Only seeing an old rope, Natasha tied it around her waist to carry out. 
“Y/N?! I’m here! I’m sending down this rope, okay? Grab it and I’ll pull you up!” Nat screamed, faintly hearing a form of agreement back before looking around to see what she could tie it to. Knowing tying it to herself was too risky for both of them, she tied it to the wooden pillar and tossed it down below. “Grab it!” she yelled out.  
Seeing the rope fall just above her face, Y/N pried one of her bloody hands off the wood and made a grab at the rope. Missing the first couple of times, she finally got a good enough grip to pull herself up and grab it with her other hand. Finding solace at the moment, it was short-lived as she heard the worst sound possible. [SNAP]
Looking up in horror at Natasha, Y/N knew exactly what was about to happen. “NO!” Natasha roared, reaching out too late as the rope snapped in half, breaking off and sending the other agent down below. 
She should be dead. She felt the wind in her hair and face as she fell, yet never the impact of the ground. 
Opening her eyes, Y/N looked down to see the huge pile of mass destruction below her. Feeling the pressure on her wrist, Y/N looked up to see a face she never thought she’d see again. 
“I got you, Honey,” Steve said, looking deep into her shocked eyes with his relief filled ones.
As she dangled in the air, she looked up past Steve to see Bucky holding onto a pipe while simultaneously keeping ahold of Steve’s other arm. It was like the barrel of monkeys game, each of them having a grip on the other while hanging. It would be amusing if it was any other situation. 
Hearing someone shout her name from above, Y/N stretched her neck to see Natasha peering down from what’s left of her apartment. Apparently, she had fallen at least a few stories before they caught her. Seeing a rare smile grace her friend’s face, Natasha yelled, “Don’t move! I’ll be right down!”
“Like we have a choice!” Bucky yelled back, trying not to move and risk the loves of his life falling because of his grip on a weak pipe. Snorting out a laugh, Y/N spoke to her dark long-haired soldier, “Hey! Watch your tone, that’s my best friend!” After watching Bucky attempt a smile at her horribly ill-timed joke, Y/N turned her eyes to Steve. 
Steve, who hadn’t taken his eyes off her since they saw her falling, decided this would be the best and worst time for his apology. However, it seemed Y/N had Wanda’s ability to read minds at the moment because she quickly snapped at him, “Steven Grant I know that look. And I swear to Thor that if you even think of using RIGHT NOW as a time to talk I will shove my foot SO far up your ass!” 
“LANGUAGE!” Snapping his head away from Y/N, Steve glared at the redhead who decided to grace their presence with her jokes. Letting out a laugh at the look, Natasha quickly got to work tethering a hook to the wall and helping Bucky pull the pair up. 
“Don’t think I’ve already forgotten that you’ve been hiding her here the whole time Romanoff!” Steve yelled back, causing the famous Natasha smirk in return. 
++++ 1 WEEK LATER ++++
As it turns out, there was a ton of work cut out for the Avengers after the natural disaster. Enough that Steve, Bucky, and Y/N were all separated when assigned to their duties. Having learned enough from the last time, neither soldier said a word of protest when Y/N, still bloody and covered in debris, climbed on the jet to her stationed assignment in the city. 
With everything happening so fast, not one of the trio could get a word in about making amends. Y/N simply hugged them both before taking off, and that seemed to be that.  
Now a week later, they were all released to go home. And Y/N was conflicted. Not in the going home part, but in the totally forgiven because they saved her or not part. She was completely over feeling hurt and angry at them, but there was still the insecure part of her that felt betrayed. Something she knew they would have to talk about if they were going to move past it all. 
Making her way into their apartment, already fixed thanks to Tony, Y/N immediately went for her hidden stash in the kitchen. Knowing she might actually kill one of them if her stash was empty, Y/N sighed in relief as she saw the package of newly bought unopened cookies. 
Ripping them open, she never even got the chance to grab one before she was airborne. Grabbing onto the arms that were suddenly wrapped around her waist, she immediately recognized the embrace and relaxed into it. Hearing Bucky mumble words where his face was pressed into the back of her neck, she let out a small laugh, “Put me down you goof!” Slowly being put back onto her feet, Y/N spun around only to be engulfed again. This time she smiled while wrapping her arms around his neck, one hand going up to play with his hair. 
Letting out a sigh, Bucky repeated his words. “I missed you so much.”, he spoke softly, holding her firmly to him as if she would evaporate into thin air. 
Leaning as far back as she could, which wasn’t much considering she was practically molded to him, Y/N looked into his eyes, “I missed you, my love.” Softly kissing his lips, she smiled at him before stepping out of his hold. Bucky released his grip but quickly wrapped his arm around her waist, not wanting to give up her touch so soon. 
As Bucky buried his face in her hair, Y/N noticed Steve standing across the kitchen, leaning against the door. With only a kitchen island separating them, Steve stood with his hands in his pockets and looked at her with a mix of guilt and hope in his eyes. ‘He really does look like a kicked puppy,’ she thought. Telling herself it’s better to get this over with now, she spoke firmly, “Let’s talk.”
Feeling Bucky tense up and tighten his arm around her, she led them to the living room couch. 
“Sit down. I need to get a few things off my chest and I just need you to listen right now,” she started, standing in the middle of the room looking like she was about to speak at a wake. 
Clasping her hands together in front of her, she stood as straight as she could before neutralizing her face, “This isn’t easy for me, and I know you both want to apologize and explain but I need to say this otherwise it will never be said. You two will NEVER do what you did to me again. I was my own person before I met both of you, and I will continue to be my own person for the rest of my life, regardless of if you the two of you are in it or not. I make my own decisions and life choices, neither of you have the right to do so. Saying it was only to protect me was very noble, but very stupid. I have been an agent long before Steve was even brought out of the ice. I know what I am doing and if either of you have a problem with that then I will leave. For good this time. You two mean everything to me,” Y/N broke off, voice cracking softly before she cleared her throat and started back strongly, “But my independence is something I hold very dear. As well as my trust. And both were broken by the two of you. I have been mistreated my whole life by men who thought they were better than me, I stopped taking that shit a long time ago. Don’t think for a second that my love for you excuses you to treat me the same way as all those men before.” Y/N finished, switching eye contact between the two men on the couch who both had their heads slightly bowed in shame.
“I want to thank both of you as well.” Y/N fought to contain a smile when they’re heads snapped up to look at her, eyes widening in confusion. “I realize it completely goes against everything I just said, but I am grateful the two of you were there to catch me last week. So thank you.” She smiled at them before narrowing her eyes, “However, don’t mistake that as a damsel in distress moment. I am perfectly capable of saving myself, that only proved that we work better as a team than working alone if anything.” 
Letting her words sink in, Y/N relaxed her form. Feeling the anxiety lift off her chest, she took a seat on the coffee table in front of her soldiers. Bucky took the chance of the closer proximity to grab her left hand with both of his, rubbing the back of it softly. She squeezed it in reassurance before glancing at the one person who had yet to speak. 
Knowing it was usually her and Steve who went head to head in previous arguments, Y/N mentally prepared herself for his stubborn nature to prove himself right. However, that never came. Instead, she watched as her strong blonde soldier knelt to the ground, burying his face in her lap while wrapping one arm around her waist. 
Locking her shocked eyes on Bucky, she only saw understanding in his. Removing one of his hands from hers he placed it on Steve’s back, rubbing it in circles to comfort him. 
Placing her free hand on Steve’s head, she started running her fingers through his hair. Hoping it would give him the comfort it usually does. After a few minutes of complete silence, Steve lifted his head and spoke softly, “You’re right. You trusted us and we took that trust and destroyed it. We betrayed you, and that’s something I'm going to have to live with for the rest of my life. But if you forgive us, I promise, no no I swear that I will spend the next 100 years making up for it. All I know is I never want to live without either one of you ever again. I’m so sorry baby.” Y/N let out a breath, looking into his genuine eyes. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to his lips, signaling her forgiveness before looking expectantly, and somewhat jokingly, at Bucky. Tilting her head, she watched as he started fidgeting nervously under her stare. 
Knowing he went through enough the past few weeks with his nightmares, she cut him off when he started to speak. “Doll, I’m so sorr-” 
“I know.” she smiled at him. “I’ll take that offer on both of you making it up to me very soon, don’t worry.” She winked at him, watching a grin spread across his face. Grabbing her waist and pulling her from Steve’s grip, Bucky lightly threw her on the couch and curled up into her side. Steve threw a blanket over the three of them, then leaned down and gave Y/N a passionate kiss before placing a quick affectionate one on Bucky’s forehead and laying his head on Y/N’s shoulder. 
“I missed this” Bucky muttered, reaching across Y/N’s stomach to hold Steve’s hand. Laying her head on top of Steve’s, Y/N started running her hand through Bucky’s hair. Frowning to herself, she interrupted the moment to sarcastically say, 
“Completely off-topic, when was the last time either of you had a shower?” 
Ahhh!! I am SO sorry this part took so long! I started clinic and could barely find the time!! Anyways this is it! Please tell me what you think and feel free to request anything with anyone! I have my schedule sorted out now so I will have more free time on my hands! 
Also so grateful for all the attention the last two parts received, I was so nervous I wasn’t going to be able to make this one live up to them! Hopefully, it does! Love you guys!
P.S. I just want to point out something I did not mention in the first two parts. Natasha does not live far from Steve, hence how they both got to her place so quick. I didn’t realize it until after I was done with the whole thing that I did not talk about that anywhere, so please don’t hate me for the error. :) 
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oneshotstomyheart · 5 years
Double the fight, Double the anger- Part 2/3
a Stucky x reader 
Warnings; angsty, sad, comfort
‘One week’, Steve thought, currently holding Bucky in his arms after his latest nightmare. After almost completely disappearing, the nightmares have come back in full blast ever since the night Y/N left. Steve did little to no good with comforting him, he couldn’t sing like Y/N could, and his combo of back rubbing and head-scratching just wasn’t the same as hers. 
One week has gone by and it’s like she completely dropped off the radar. No calls or texts. Even with putting their tracking skills together, Bucky and Steve had no idea of where she went. And it was really starting to affect their stability.
Steve was sleeping less, if at all, and has been staying up to search traffic cams of Y/N’s favorite places. That’s after he had to beg Tony for the resources. Apparently, Y/N had contacted Stark immediately after her departure and made him promise to give her time alone, and not use his advanced locating tech to find her. Of course Tony agreed, he’s always had a soft spot for Y/N. That didn’t mean he couldn’t give Steve at least a little help with some of his not so advanced methods. 
Bucky wasn’t really speaking, only ever talking to ask if Y/N had called. Or if Steve had found her. When he wasn’t being forced to eat by Steve, he was constantly in their shared bed, holding her pillow close. He lost the number of times he called her but knew for sure the texts were double that. The messages ranged from sadness to anger, to guilt, and back to sadness. All these emotions triggered something inside his brain, causing him to suffer from night terrors again. Y/N’s smell was slowly starting to disappear, as was his sanity he felt like. 
“Y/N, you have to call them. You can’t stay bundled up here forever.” Natasha spoke softly, eyeing the girl who had taken claim over her couch the past week. Letting out a sigh after no response, Nat climbed onto the couch, lifting part of the blanket onto her. Laying her head on Nat’s shoulder, Y/N spoke in a guilt-filled voice, “His nightmares are back, Nat. And he says Steve hasn’t been sleeping.” With the phone in hand, Y/N showed her where she had been reading the thousands of texts from Bucky. 
“Call them,” Nat spoke sternly, betraying her hand that ran through Y/N’s hair softly. “I’m getting tired of Steve constantly calling me to see if I have heard from you. You know he is going to be pissed when he finds out I’ve been hiding you here.” 
“I know. And I really appreciate you letting me stay here on the down-low. I just think about going back, and forgiving them. And it makes me happy... until I remember what they did in the first place. And it hurts, knowing that they had so little trust in me that instead of discussing it with me they locked me in our room and left me there.” Y/N finished with a whimper, holding in the tears that seemed to never stop coming. Wiping her face on Bucky’s sweatshirt and holding a picture frame of the three of them, both she had stolen before leaving the apartment.
“Hey, you need to pull yourself together here. They might be heroes to everyone else, but they are still semi-human. And they are going to make mistakes. That’s where the love part of the relationship comes in. You use the love you have for them to forgive them.” Nat explained, slowly grabbing the phone from Y/N’s hands. “And now, you need to call them.” Dialing the number before handing the phone back to Y/N, Nat stood and left the room to give her some privacy. 
Staring down at the 10 digits, Y/N felt ridiculous for allowing herself to be so resentful for a whole week. These were her boys, she knew they would never intentionally hurt her. And they were obviously in as much pain as she was being away from them. Gathering up her courage, the kind she had fought wars with, she pressed call and brought the phone up to her ear. It was time to go home.
Hearing the home phone ring, Steve snapped his head toward the kitchen where the receiver sat. A beat later, something crashed in the bedroom before Bucky was a blur moving through the doorway. Coming to a stop where Steve stood, he blurted out, “Is that her?” 
Not waiting for a response, Bucky dived for the phone, knocking the receiver stand as well as some fruit off the table. “H-hello? Y/N?” 
There was silence, and then a small sigh before they heard the voice they went so long without. 
“I’m coming home” 
That was the last thing they heard before chaos erupted. The building started to shake, appliances falling everywhere. Vibrations going through the floors and walls while screams were being heard outside and inside the building, 
“Earthquake!”, Bucky yelled, as Steve grabbed him and dove under the table. The phone still in hand, he yelled through it, “Y/N?! Baby are you okay? Are you there?” Hearing static and a scream breakthrough the phone, Steve got closer to it and yelled, “Y/N where are you?!” With the table shaking above them, the two soldiers heard a faint “-tasha’s” before the line was cut off and all that could be heard was a dial tone. Bucky tried redialing but was met with no sound on the other end. “Dammit!” Buck exclaimed, throwing the phone across the room. 
After what felt like hours, but in reality only minutes, the vibrations stopped and Steve jumped up. Throwing his hand out for Bucky to take, they stood and raced toward the windows, looking down at all the damage below. Faces filled with horror, it looked like God had made one big crack through their street going down for miles. Buildings as far as they could see looked like they folded in on themselves. Smoke and dust filled the air with emergency sirens echoing in the distance. 
Slowly turning toward each other, their faces showing exactly what they both had in mind. 
OMG, I was way too excited by the attention part 1 got so I immediately typed this one up and am currently working on part 3. If you have any requests please shoot them my way, I will be happy to do any characters you’d like! :) Since part 3 will be the last part, it will be much longer so I can wrap everything up nicely. Tell me what you think! 
And no worries, she has not completely forgiven them yet.
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oneshotstomyheart · 5 years
Double the fight, double the anger - Part 1
Y/N feels betrayed by the two people she thought she could trust the most. Stucky x reader
Warning; angst, fighting, betrayal
The day started out normal, you woke up in between your two favorite soldiers, made some coffee & waffles, and then three of you snuggled up on the couch for some movies. Y/N didn’t think there was ever a time she felt so safe. Between being superheroes and going on missions for weeks or months at a time, having her boys here meant more to Y/N then she could ever say. Which is why they specifically designated lazy Sundays as an official part of their weekly calendar. 
This particular Sunday went differently. While it started out great, it ended in broken hearts and tear-stained sweatshirts. Y/N knew her boys were protective, some would even say possessive, but those people didn’t see what went on behind closed doors. Bucky still fighting the nightmares, Steve handling the after-effects of beating Thanos, and Y/N trying to recover from her injuries after the war. It had terrified Steve and Bucky to their very core, one moment Y/N was on comms and the next was radio silence. It all happened so fast that the only thing Y/N can remember is waking up in the medical ward in Wakanda days after it ended. 
Since that day she’d been on bed rest. Well, up until last week when she had been cleared for missions again. Y/N was relieved, while she loved quality time at home with her boys, she missed the outside world and it got lonely when they were away, leaving her with no one to talk to at the apartment. 
Steve carried a bowl of popcorn into the living room, scooting next to Y/N and placing the bowl in her lap. “Here, sweetheart. Your turn to pick the movie today.” He smiled sweetly at her, while Bucky handed her the remote. Y/N barely got the chance to turn on the TV before their alarms went off, alerting them of a new immediate threat. Bucky picked up his device, reading out the words flashing in bold letters across the screen. “Mission Status; Active. Jet sent to your location. All active agents report to jet immediately. Agent Romanoff, Agent Barton, Winter Soldier, Captain America, and Agent Y/L/N.” Bucky’s face went blank after reading the last name off, looking toward Y/N and frowning when she got up from the couch. Steve already running toward their room for their uniforms. 
“This must be a mistake. Sit back down, I’ll let Agent Hill know that you aren’t ready yet.” Bucky laid his hand on Y/N’s shoulder, gently pushing her back down onto the couch. Steve walked back into the living room with his shield in one hand and his & Bucky’s suits in another. “Buck, hurry up we have to go.” 
Y/N frowned deeply, stood up and pushed Bucky’s hand off her, while brushing past him saying, “I have to go suit up. I’ve been cleared baby, and I’m ready to get back into the field.” Steve dropped the shield and grabbed her arm before she could pass him, haltering her movements and jolting her in front of him. “Honey, you sit this one out.”  
Y/N was baffled and honestly starting to get irritated at the fact that they didn’t have more faith in her. She ripped her arm away from Steve, “I’ve been given a mission. I’m going and you can’t stop me.” She replied, sending him a glare before marching to her closet. 
“Steve, we can’t let her do this. She isn’t ready, and you know it.” Bucky whispered, coming up to stand next to Steve. 
“Yeah I know, and I have a plan but it’s a bad one. She won’t like it, but she’ll be safe.” 
“Count me in.” Bucky glanced over at their entrance to the room, watching Steve go close the bedroom door and order Friday to not let Y/N out under any circumstances until he or Bucky say otherwise. 
“Yes, Captain. Although may I say, Miss Y/N will not be pleased.” 
“I know, but she’ll forgive us later” Steve replied, sharing a heavy serious look with Bucky before they walked outside to the jet. 
Meanwhile, Y/N had suited up and grabbed her weapons, before walking out of their closet to find she couldn’t open the bedroom door. Pulling and twisting, she tried to reign in any unknown strength she could have had, before giving up and banging on the door. “Hey, I think the door got jammed. Can one of you break it open for me?” She called out but got no response. “Hello?” She called out again, her eyes narrowing when the worst thought came to her. Did they leave her here? No. No way, they’ll notice when she doesn’t come out in a minute and come get her. 
Then she remembered Friday, and the quickest option was to just ask her to tell them. “Hey Friday, can you let Steve or Bucky know that the door is stuck and I can’t get out?” She asked, raising her head to look at the ceiling. “I’m sorry Miss, I’m afraid the Captain and Mr. Barnes requested I keep the door shut until they say otherwise.” 
Y/N froze, blood rushing to her face once she realized the situation. They locked her in? Y/N couldn’t tell you how long she stood there, the reality of the situation sinking into her bones, fueling her feelings of anger and betrayal. Y/N brought her hands up, watching how they shook with fury. Tears building up in her eyes, letting them run down her face as she stared at the door in exasperation. 
Once everything sunk in, she became like a tornado. Throwing their stuff across the room, flipping the tv stand over, grabbing the lamp and using it to bang on the door. She knew it was useless, Stark specially designed these doors for them, the whole apartment really. Although designed to keep people out, she felt like it was only trapping her in. 
Finally exhausted, she slumped against the wall opposite to the door, putting her head into her hands and sobbing. The whole time she has known Bucky and Steve, she has always been there for them. She was there through all the nightmares, through everything they went through when mending things with Stark, and not once had she ever felt like she had misplaced her trust. She felt safe with them, and she loved them with every ounce of her being. Yet right now, she felt nothing but resentment, anger, and sadness toward them. 
It felt like hours later when she heard the nearby engines of a jet. Millions of thoughts were running through her head, but only one stuck out. And it made her decision on what to do perfectly clear. 
Steve opened the door, letting Bucky walk in first. The mission had been simple, just saving hostages and beating up hydra thugs. However, the whole time they were gone, all they could think about was the overwhelming guilt they felt for leaving Y/N behind. They expected a mission far more dangerous than what they got, and for once, Steve was dreading what was behind their bedroom door. 
“Friday, unlock our door please.” Bucky requested as he stood at their door, having missed his doll way too much. His guilt was gnawing at him, and he knew the only thing that could make him feel better was seeing Y/N safe, to reassure himself leaving her behind for the potential danger was worth it.
However, when the door unlocked and he walked in, he was surprised the see their room empty and completely trashed. He winced, knowing the mess was no doubt a result of her anger at them. Walking further in, he saw the bathroom light on with the door cracked. Walking up to it, he gently knocked on it, slowly pushing it further open. All he saw was a flash of Y/H/C hair whip past him, catching him off guard for a second as she swiftly walked back into their room. “Doll?” He softly spoke, reaching out to where she stood with her back to him in front of the closet. When she turned around, his heart dropped. 
Y/N was standing with two duffel bags in her arms, wearing a sweatshirt that looked like it had been cried on for days, with her eyes being no different. Bloodshot and red, Bucky got a glimpse of glaring eyes before Y/N’s face was indifferent. She looked him up and down, almost as to reassure herself that he was okay, before turning and walking out of their room. 
Almost crashing into Steve, Y/N stormed to the kitchen where they kept their medicine cabinet and started to put her prescriptions in her bag. Steve watched with wide eyes, stuttering out, “H-honey what a-are you doing? Where are you going?”. She turned, glancing at him long enough to check that he was fine, then marching towards their front door where Bucky stood prepared to stop her. 
“I know you’re mad, WE know you’re mad, but just let us explain to you why we did it. Don’t leave, there is no need to leave.” Bucky exclaimed, practically begging by the end of his sentence. Y/N watched him with narrow eyes, feeling Steve walk up behind her and grab her hand. “Please, “ he whispered, tugging on her heartstrings when she saw his distraught face as she looked over her shoulder. 
Throwing her bags down next to the door, Y/N walked over to the couch and plopped herself on it, looking expectantly at the two super soldiers. “Go on” she spoke with no emotion, clearly past the furious stage. 
Steve looked at Bucky nervously, before approaching the couch to sit next to Y/N, only for her to stand up and stand facing out toward the big glass windows surrounding the room. “Listen,” Steve started, letting out a big sigh.
“No, you listen.” Y/N interrupted, turning quickly toward the two soldiers who looked as if they were about to be scolded by their mother. “I have had all day of being locked in a room, restrained from doing my job, to think about what I want to say to you two. And honestly? I have nothing. Just looking at each of you is making me sick. The two people I trusted most in the world, betrayed me.” Y/N spoke strongly, tears filling her eyes but face remaining a picture of fury. “Both of you conspired against me and kept me from doing something I love. Something I have been doing for far longer than the three of us have even been together. How do you expect me to react to that? How do you expect me to forgive that?” Y/N exclaimed, glaring back and forth from Steve to Bucky before she started walking toward the door. 
“I’m leaving. I can’t do this.”
Bucky stepped in front of her, stopping her into her tracks. His eyes bore into hers, pleading. 
“Baby, don’t. You know we just wanted you safe, we didn’t mean to upset you like this.” He explained, glancing at behind Y/N as Steve walked up behind her. Effectively trapping her between the two of them. 
“Y/N we love you more than anything in the world, and we should have discussed it with you beforehand. It just all happened so fast, and we made a stupid mistake. But if you’re going to be mad, be mad at me. It was my idea, and I have never regretted anything more.” Steve said, lightly laying his hands on her shoulders, kissing the back of her head softly. 
Y/N stared straight ahead, her heart and mind in battle. She knew they meant well, and she knew she might have done the same if the roles were reversed. But she had far more confidence in them than they obviously had in her. With that in mind and her heart in the losing race, she lightly pushed past Bucky.
Bucky went willingly to the side, reaching to grab her hand as she went by yet failing when she snatched it to her chest. 
Walking to the door, Y/N picked up her bags and turned back to look at her boys. Tears falling down her face, Y/N whispered, “I just need some time.” Pulling the door open, she walked out of their apartment, her last words echoing in Steve and Buckys ears. 
Bucky turned toward Steve, disbelief mixed with shock on his face. “She didn’t forgive us. You said she would forgive us, Steve.” He whispered, beginning to fall to his knees. “We were supposed to let her yell at us, and then make her laugh. And then watch movies all night while we rubbed her feet. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this Steve!” Bucky broke, face falling into his hands. 
Meanwhile, Steve was unable to tear his eyes away from the door. One of the most important people in his life just walked out, because of him. He broke her trust and in return, their relationship suffered. All he could hear was his heartbeat pounding in his ears, eyes starting to unfocus as the reality of the situation hit him. Breaking into a sprint, Steve ran to the door swinging it open and heading toward the staircase. 
Rushing to the lobby, Steve looked around rapidly for Y/N. Getting a glimpse of Y/H/C outside, Steve pushed his way through the crowds, “Y/N!” he yelled as he pushed through the lobby doors. 
Hearing her name, Y/N paused before getting into the taxi. Meeting Steve’s eyes, Y/N shook her head no before climbing into the cab and demanding the driver to the closest airport. Steve watched in horror as his girl, the holder of half of his heart, left him. Feeling a hand of his shoulder, he glanced over to see Bucky teary-eyed and staring in the direction of the cab. 
She was gone. 
I have been working on this one for a while, like before endgame was released hence the tony reference. Please let me know if you like it, I plan to make it a three-part series. Follow for more! (: 
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oneshotstomyheart · 5 years
The Most Important Thing
She wasn’t stupid. She knew what it meant to be dating Captain America. She knew the price she would pay for dating a brave war hero who answers to anyone in need of help. What she didn’t realize was how messy Steve Rogers was, nor how little of regard he had for the said messes.
Don’t get her wrong, Y/N loved Steve with her whole heart. But living with him was a constant battle itself. Her whole life all Y/N has done was pick up after her drunk father, her OCD has always been so intense & her father’s lack of care for using a trash can made her sick with the weight on her chest. And the only way to remove that OCD ‘weight’ was to clean everything up. It was the only way she could cope. And now that she is finally away from that, she’s stuck picking up after her superhero boyfriend who can’t clean to save his life. And honestly, it was getting to be a big problem. 
It wasn’t like he did it on purpose, at least that’s what she keeps trying to tell herself. Steve listened to her when she talked about her past and understood how she felt, he didn’t think it was strange or crazy. And at the beginning of their relationship, he was very clean. He always picked up after himself and made sure she never had to worry about her OCD rearing its ugly head at any mess. Over time though, he became sloppier. 
When he would get called in, or need to ‘get to saving people’ in a rush, he would literally drop whatever he was doing to suit up & head out. This included whatever food he would be eating, or whatever item that would ultimately end up in the trash in broken pieces from him previously carrying it. He would leave clothes all around the apartment, art utensils scattered around their office, and to-go boxes left on the kitchen counter. 
Now to any other person, these things would be fine. Just pick them up and move on, right? Especially if your boyfriend is a superhero out risking his life for the greater good. Not for Y/N. While she does appreciate and respect everything Steve does for the world, she’s spent her whole life picking up after men, not being about to handle leaving a mess uncleaned. And for once she would just like to come home from a long day of work and not have to clean up a huge disaster. Was that too much to ask for? 
Today had been no different. Y/N returned home from a long day at work, just planning on changing into her pajamas and fixing herself a glass of wine after the terrible day. Her boss had yelled at her, her assistant had spilled his coffee over her, and her computer crashed causing her to lose everything she spent the week working on. But it was finally the weekend and she was ready to get home and spend some time with her amazing boyfriend. 
When Y/N unlocked the apartment door and opened it to find the worst chaotic clutter in all the messes in human history, she swore she felt her nerves pop. Junk was scattered all across the apartment, reaching from the living room to as far into the kitchen as she could see from the front door. And guess who was sitting on the couch watching tv lazying around like everything was fine and dandy? Yep, Steven Grant Rogers. 
“What. the. FUCK.” Y/N exclaimed, slamming the apartment door behind her. Livid would be an understatement. Her emotions were like a volcano about to erupt, red hot anger fighting to bubble over & explode. 
Steve’s head shot up, away from television and toward his usually loving girlfriend, who now looked ready to kill. Seeing the look on her face made his eyes widen and he felt himself wanting to sink into the cushions to avoid the look in his girl’s eyes. Especially after hearing the curse words fall from her lips, shock filling his features when he registered that his doll actually just cussed, much less at him. But why?
“Honey? Is everything alright..?” he asked, standing up and slowly walking toward Y/N. “You look tense”, He spoke out, then immediately wished he could take the words back when Y/N’s face turned red hot and Steve could practically see the steam coming from her ears. 
“Tense? I look TENSE? Geez, HONEY, I wonder why?” Y/N spoke through gritted teeth. “Maybe it’s because my LAZY, MESSY, UNGRATEFUL, SLOB OF A BOYFRIEND NEVER PICKS UP HIS SHIT.” She yelled out, tears of anger and frustration starting to build in her eyes. 
Meanwhile, Steve stood in before her looking like a fish out of the water. He has never seen her like this before, and he honestly had no clue how to handle it. Guns, Aliens, Hydra? Easy. A scary furious girlfriend yelling at him? No idea.
After a few moments of silence filled with them just staring at each other, Steve stuttered out, “B-baby, what?? Where is this coming from?”. He spoke with his hands slowing raising into the air, like a criminal being caught by the police, or in his case a symbol of surrender/retreat. 
Y/N scoffed, shaking her head while the built up tears started spilling over, “You know what? Forget it. I’ve had the worst day at work, and all I wanted to do was come home to a clean apartment and relax. Yet here I am coming home to a garbage dump, the same kind that my boyfriend leaves every time he goes to work, while he just sits in it and waits for me to come home to clean it.” Y/N started toward their shared bedroom, bursting into a, thankfully, tidy room. 
Steve slowly followed behind her, worry filling his eyes when he saw her grab an overnight bag from her closet and started filling it with her usual necessity items. “Honey, slow down, what are you doing? Why are you packing?” He asked frantically, grabbing her arms to halt her in her movements. Surely she wouldn’t leave him over a small mess? 
“DON’T touch me”, Y/N ripped her arms out of his grip and stormed into their bathroom, slamming & locking the door behind her. Steve could hear her inside ruffling through the cabinet, most likely gathering more of her things. 
“Please doll, let’s just sit down and talk about this. Please. I’m sorry I didn’t realize how upset you were about this. I’ve just been so busy with work lately that I never even noticed the messes I was leaving behind.” Steve pleaded through the door. 
On the other side, he could still hear Y/N gathering stuff. And that’s when the reality of the situation hit him in the face. She was actually leaving. He could feel the fear creeping up the back of his neck, not the same kind as the one he felt earlier. No, this fear was much worse. He was possibly about to lose the best thing that ever happened to him, and all because he was too insensitive and selfish in their relationship. He knew about her past and her disorder, he knew how serious this was for her. Y/N rarely got angry, but when she did it was never at him. And the few times he witnessed her anger, he was always there to calm her down afterward while feeling sorry for the bastard that pissed her off. She could be seriously terrifying when she got mad. 
Y/N unlocked the door, swinging it open and pushing past Steve with her makeup bag in hand. Steve jumped back, barely missing being run down, and ran to block the door of their bedroom. Y/N packed her toiletry bag into her overnight one and turned to leave their bedroom when she met Steve with hard eyes, using his broad frame to fill the doorway. “You’re not leaving this bedroom, and you’re sure as hell not leaving this house.”, he spoke with his Captain America voice, though his eyes told a different story. They were filled with regret, guilt, and most of all, worry. 
Y/N felt her anger diminish slightly at the look in his eyes, but his words brought reality crashing back down to her. “Move, Steven. I won’t stay here in this filthy apartment tonight, I’m going to Y/B/F/N house until I can stand to step foot in here again. Or until I can stand to look at you without wanting to punch you. Whichever comes first.” Steve flinched at the use of his full first name but stayed where he was regardless. 
“I love you, and if you think I’m going to let you leave angry then you don’t know me at all,” Steve spoke, softening his voice toward the end. “Talk to me baby, please.” he reached his hands out to her, one grabbing her bag on her shoulder and throwing it on the ground, the other hand reaching to hold her hand. 
Y/N let him hold her hand but stayed put when he tried to tug her closer. She could feel that her anger was practically gone, but the fact still remained that she was tired. And she didn’t know how much longer she could put up with being his personal maid. 
Y/N released a big sigh, “Steve, I’m tired. I can’t handle living like this anymore. You know I support what you do, and I love that you save more & more people every day. But, each day that I get up and go to work, and you get called in, I come home to a huge mess in the apartment. When it started happening I was okay with it because it was only every once in a while, and it wasn’t fair that you had to do all the cleaning. But now? I dread having to come home and clean every single day. I work so hard at the office all day Monday through Friday and it is exhausting coming home to a dump. My OCD is too strong to ignore it, and I feel like I can’t breathe until everything is in order again.” Y/N felt tears coming down like waves now, releasing the built-up stress. 
Steve stepped forward, pulling Y/N into his arms and burying her face in his chest. He felt his eyes water and silently scolded himself for being such an idiot & ignoring all the signs of distress his girl has been showing the last few months.
He let her cry for a few moments, before pulling back to look into her eyes. “Listen to me, you are the most important person to me in this whole world. And I have been so so selfish these past few months, there are no words for my behavior. I focused myself so much into the job that I lost sight of the most valuable thing. You.” He pronounced every word loud, clear, and strong so she would make no mistake in thinking anything different than what he was telling her. 
“I’ve been nothing short of a dumbass. But I promise you, I won’t ever make those same mistakes again. In fact, wait here.” Steve placed a quick kiss on her nose, rushing out of the bedroom and closing the door behind him. Y/N frowned in confusion, before turning to start unpacking her bag after her dramatic tantrum. 
Not even 5 minutes later, thanks to his enhanced speed, Steve opened the bedroom door and grabbed Y/N’s hand, pulling her into the living room with a timid smile across his face. 
Y/N felt her heart swell and the weight, that was on her chest since she had stepped into the apartment, get lifted. Steve had cleaned the whole apartment, getting rid of the junk and putting everything back into their rightful place. She did a full 180 before facing him again, the light back in her eyes and a smile on her face. Steve swore he had never seen anything more breathtaking. 
“Listen to me, I can’t promise that I will always clean up after myself immediately. But I can promise you that I will try, and I will make it all up to you. And I will never let it get to this point again where you feel like you have to leave our home to get some peace. I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?” Steve asked, with a hopeful look in his eyes. 
Y/N softly smiled, “Of course I can, but I don’t want you to change. I love you just the way you are. I just want some help every now and then, that’s all I’m saying. I might have overreacted earlier,” Steve blurted out, “Might?”, then quickly whispered ‘sorry’ and motioned to zipping his mouth when she narrowed her eyes at him. “As I was saying, I’m sorry for blowing up on you like that. I let my anger get the best of me and you didn’t deserve those harsh words.” Y/N spoke softly toward the end, reaching out and pulling Steve in for a kiss.
“But, if you really wanted to make it up to me, I could think of a few ways you could start..” Y/N whispered against his lips, giving him a small seductive smirk while looking up at him through her eyelashes. Steve grinned, and let out a small laugh. “Anything for you.” He spoke out, as she grabbed his hand and led him back toward their bedroom. 
Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! I take requests so if you liked my writing, shoot me a message and I will for sure write something for you! (: 
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All Blessings :)
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