osipeo · 4 years
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All you need is love, coffee and a great book.
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osipeo · 5 years
If you're a man, and a woman friend confides in you about how shitty men are, it's because she considers you one of the good ones--someone it's safe to vent to. Don't ruin that vibe with some "not all men" crap. She knows. That's why she's talking to you. You don't have to say it; she's already telling you, just not in so many words. If you were one of the ones she was talking about, she wouldn't be confiding in you about it, so instead of getting offended, you should feel honored, my droogie.
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osipeo · 5 years
Barnes and Nobles is gonna start serving food and alcohol.
Everybody’s cracking jokes about how it’s a desperate attempt to stay relevant in the age of Amazon.
But you know what? Props to them. This is exactly what Blockbuster didn’t do. At no point was Blockbuster like “Hey, movie rentals aren’t the lucrative enterprise they once were. Perhaps it’s time we become known for our cheesy garlic bread.”
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osipeo · 5 years
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2019/11/13 | Venice, Italy
So.. this was the situation yersterday in my university dorm during high tide. This was the second highest level of high tide in Venice since 1923, with 187cm of water. A lot of people lost their houses or shops... The situation is really difficult and the mayor calls the natural disaster situation for the city and citizens. But there is an high possibility that in the next days this episode will be repeated.
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osipeo · 5 years
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“Ma NoN è CoLpA dEl cLiMa!!!!1!1’ È sOlO aCqUa Di CaMbIo Di StAgIoNe!1!1”
Da me ormai è routine la pioggia, ma per fortuna non forte ed è ormai da 2 settimane che non vedo il sole, non so voi.
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osipeo · 5 years
Richard Parker was like the Moon. Often admired, yet often misunderstood. He wasn’t the most important thing in the sky, but he had his part to play. He brought light into the darkness and was a beacon for Peter to look up to, before he hid behind a cloud, never to be seen again.
Ben Parker was like a star. He may not have been the brightest star in the sky, but he gave light to his little patch of the universe and brought a smile on to the face of whoever saw him. When he left, he left in an explosive supernova, burning the fabric of Peter’s world apart and changing it forever.
Tony Stark was like the Sun. He burned bright and hot, demanding all eyes on him. One couldn’t be in his presence too long; they simply wouldn’t be able to stand it. Despite his harsh exterior, he was warm and hopeful on the inside. In a time where Peter Parker’s world was only night, Tony Stark brought rays of sunshine that would help Peter make his own way back into the day.
Quentin Beck was like a black hole. He was mysterious and awe-inspiring, an enigma no one could quite figure out. He held the world’s attention captive in orbit and pulled in everyone around him. He was devoid of any light, and consumed away whatever brightness Peter’s life had regained in his own expanse of power. 
And Peter? Peter Parker was the Earth, trying his hardest to stay grounded in a universe he was just a small part of. He may not have been the biggest or most powerful player, but he still had his part. 
The Earth rejoiced under the Moon, marveled at the stars, flourished in the light of the Sun, yet still found itself drawn into the neverending darkness of the black hole, hidden away from all light for the rest of its days.
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osipeo · 5 years
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2019.10.27 | Castel d’Azzano, Verona, Italy
This weekend I came back to my hometown, I had time to reflect on some important things to me. But the best part was that I had the chance to see some relatives of my family that I didn’t saw in a really long time. All of us, together, went to walk in a beautiful park with animals and a lot of families.
The picture in this post was took at sunset in that park. It was a really nice atmosfere and sky. We can say for sure that nature gives us beautiful things.
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osipeo · 5 years
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osipeo · 5 years
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osipeo · 5 years
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2019.10.24 | Venice, Italy
So, guys, sorry for being away for a really long time. I’m officially back from my Erasmus in Belgium and it was quite a tough period. Now I’m just happy to be in Venice again. I love this city so so so so much.
Anyway.. I wanted to share with you this picture that I took in Querini Stampalia Foundation. This was the house of Querini family, one of the richest family ever in Venice. The last Querini family member died in the ‘800, so now this house is a foundation, museum and often host exhibitions. In the same building you can also find a public library (I love to go to study there, but shhh, it’s a secret!).
Bye, guys! See you!
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osipeo · 5 years
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Don't underestimate your low days.
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osipeo · 5 years
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osipeo · 5 years
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Happy Spider-Man Day! Spider-Man debuted in Marvel Comics in August 1962 and celebrates 57 years today.
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osipeo · 5 years
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↳Avengers Endgame | VFX breakdown | Cinefex
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osipeo · 5 years
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Fuck fu c K, the end credit scene can kiss my ass aAhH,,. . ,
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osipeo · 5 years
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osipeo · 5 years
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