randogirlo-fando · 4 years
It really is a money business. They also don’t wanna do the work sometimes. I have had only one doctor actually look in a book to find what’s wrong with me. Everyone else was sending me home in pain with muscle relaxers saying I must not have a migraine if migraine meds don’t work. And he wasn’t even a specialist he was an ER doctor. I’ve had both my neurologist and my gynecologist canceled on me three times each claiming they’ll get me in as soon as possible. I haven’t even had one appointment with them and it’s been months. Just like everything else ofc there’s a few doctors that are good at what they do, but a lot of them are just there to make money. I’m going on 2 years of stomach ulcers, nerve problems, and ovarian cysts. And all I’ve got to show for it is a prescription of muscle relaxers and a prescription for my nerves that makes me sick. I’m not even a minority or POC and I have this problem so I can’t imagine what they’re going through with this.
My mom taught me to exaggerate my pain so that doctors would take me seriously and all I'm saying is that it hasn't failed me yet
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
I am writing chapter 5 of Andante, Andante it just takes me a bit to write sometimes because I get distracted by other fandoms and I can’t concentrate on one thing for too long so I promise I’m tryna get it out ASAP. So happy to see all my new family members tho!
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
I’ve been rewatching the Harry Potter movies and I want to read the books after I watch all the movies. So I’ve been in a draco malfoy and Cedric diggory mood recently lol
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
What fandom do you guys want to read? i will be trying to get the next part of Andante, Andante out this week but any requests? 
I’ll write for:
Brooklyn 9-9
Stranger Things
Criminal Minds
That 70s Show
and more may be added 
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
Andante, Andante- 4/?
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Summary-Keg King Billy Hargrove becomes infatuated with Mike and Nancy’s cousin who is staying with them over the summer.
Warnings- swearing, small makeout scene, mentions of sex, eventual smut
Word count-2.2k
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“Okay so the way you play whoever is it asks someone truth or dare and you decide if you want to be asked a question or if you have to do whatever the person dares you to do. Then they give you a question or date and after you get to pick the next person.”
The whole gang is sitting in the circle while you explained to El the rules.
“And you have to answer or do it no matter what! If you chicken out the person picks something gross you have to do” max adds on, smiling.
“Who wants to start?” Dustin pulls your arm to sit between him and Lukas, looking quizzically at the rest of the circle.
“I will!” Mike says, a mischievous grin slapped onto his face while making eye contact with you.
“(Y/n), truth or dare?” You scoff and cross your arms.
“You know I don’t back down. Dare.”
“I dare you to go outside and catch a cricket.”
“Really? That’s it?”
“Oh come on, you used to be scared of those!”
“Yeah and you used to be scared of under your bed!” You stand up and go to the back yard, coming back with a cricket after a couple minutes.
“Done.” You look around the circle, eyes landing on Max.
“Maxi maxi maxi, truth or dare” The redhead pretends to think about it before smiling.
“Max, do you need a ride home?” You ask as everyone else gets ready for a sleepover except for the girls.
“Oh it’s okay, I can walk.”
“I’m already taking El home and it’s dark, that was a rhetorical question.”
The boys said their goodbyes to the girls before you all three walk out to your car, they both hop in the back while you start the car. You pull out of the driveway pretty slowly, worried the usual neighbor would come zooming way too fast down the street.
“So who’s getting dropped off first?”
“I’m closer” Max says after giggling with El. You roll your eyes at the thought of Billy. He hasn’t called you back and it’s been a week, who does he think he is?
“Sounds good!” Max’s eyebrows furrow, making El look confused as well.
“Is something wrong sis?” Max and El(She started after Max explained what it meant) started calling you sis and you’ve pretty much taken them under your wing.
“Oh yeah, just peachy.” You turn on the turn signal and silence falls.
“See El, when someone talks with their voice sounding like that means something’s wrong.” El nods at Max as they both look at you, Max smirking. You roll your eyes with a huff.
“I just hope your brother isn’t home. It would be too hard not to punch him.” They laugh at you and you crack a smile.
“What did he do this time? Oh turn here.” You almost missed the turn, getting to caught up in the conversation about the certain bad boy.
“Thank you, that’s a story for another time.” You pull into her driveway only to see none other then that precious camaro.
“You know what Max, how about I walk you to the door and meet your mom? I’m sure she would like to know who’s been driving you home.” Max seems like she knows who you really wanna see. She nods and gets out waiting for you.
“El, stay in here okay sweetie?” She nods and you step out of your car.
You walk up to the door and Max opens it, putting her key on the tabletop. You walk in behind her, observing the living space.
“Mom, I’m home! Someone wants to meet you!” Instead of getting met with Mrs. Hargrove, the bathroom door opens to Billy. Towel tied to his lower waist, water droplets falling periodically all over his chest and back due to his hair dripping.
“She’s in her bedroo- oh hey Cherry.” He smirks as if nothing happened and steps closer to you. You ignore him, looking at Max.
“Clearly right now is a bad time, Max why don’t you give your mom the house number? Then she at least has it for when you’re over. I can meet her another time.” After handing her the little piece of paper with the 10 digit number on it she smiles and goes to give it to her mom, leaving you alone with the only person you don’t want to see.
“Why are you ignoring me Cherry?” You push past him to the door before he runs as fast as he can in a towel to block the door.
“Let me through, one of the kids are in the car I have to take them home.” You stand there, arms crossed, eyelids relaxed but eyes piercing through his head.
“Tell me why you’re mad and I’ll let you through.” He smirks and you catch yourself looking at his chest before shoving him into the door harshly.
“You better have a damn good excuse on why you’ve yet to call me.” He chuckles and lets you through.
“I’ve been at the pool everyday except for today. Also, I never call the week after.” You feel yourself turn red, heat radiating off your skin.
“Cool.” You leave the house before you can embarrass yourself.
“I’ll call you!” He yells from the door, you respond with flipping him off and he chuckles before closing the door.
El flinches when you slam open and close the door.
“Wanna move up front girly?” She nodded, still a little spooked.
“You’re scary.” El speaks up halfway through the drive.
“Im sorry for freaking you out with the door. Billy just really pissed me off.” A huff comes out of your nostrils and El looks at you questioningly. You notice the face she made and you sigh.
“Can you keep a secret? Just you and me no one else can know.” She nods and smiles.
“Billy and I went on a date because I thought he would get bored of me. We ended up having a nice time and I kissed him. He told me he would call me and he hasn’t.”
“But he said he would when we left?”
“He was being a prick.” She nods and looks out the window.
“Mike always calls. You need a Mike, not a Billy.”
“You know, for someone who learned most of her stuff within the last 2 years you’re really smart. Who do you think my ‘Mike’ is?” She hums in thought, getting you generally curious when you pull up to her house.
“Steve.” If you had a drink in here you would do a spit take, you almost choked on your own saliva.
“Wow Steve? Didn’t really expect that.”
“I mean, Dustin like likes you but I’ve learned recently that age is important in dating.” She giggles at your eyes bulging out of your face before her face drops.
“That’s a secret though so you can’t tell him I told you. Mike told me.” You both open the car doors and walk towards Hopper, who was waiting for you guys on the porch.
“What were you guys talking about in the car?”
“Steve and Dustin.” He sighs and ruffles his hair.
“Could be worse. Dinner is waiting for you.” El gives you a hug before running inside.
“(Y/n), is that girl going to be the death of me?” You smile and pat his shoulder.
“I’m not gonna lie to you, it will feel like that. But hey, if you think she’s gonna you can call me and I’ll scoop her up.”
“But you live with Mike.” He rubs his face with both hands and you chuckle.
“I mean where else would I take her? Honestly, my favorite part of them hanging out is getting to see everyone in the group help her learn and understand everything. It’s pretty sweet.” He smiles slightly at you before tipping his head as a thank you. You mirror his actions and head back to the car, ready to listen to some ABBA.
“Hey boys, who’s ready for a night long campaign!” You walk downstairs to see Steve and all the boys staring at you.
“Woah, who died?” Steve rolls his eyes and stands up.
“Why did Billy call for you? I thought it was a one time thing?” You roll your eyes before looking everyone else in the eyes, all of them with a look of disappointment or frustration.
“Wait a second, did you tell the boys? What the hell Harrington!” His brows furrow at that accusation, scoffing at your reaction.
“What was I supposed to say when I was here, waiting for you, and douche King calls saying you need to be ready tomorrow at 3? When he realized I answered I could hear the shit eating grin on his face!” Breathing out slowly, you lick your lips and look at the floor.
“Boys, can Steve and I have a word alone? There should be left over pizza in the fridge, you guys can have my ice cream too.” They look at each other and slowly walk up the stairs. You turn to see them consoling Dustin, you hasn’t been able to even look directly at you.
“You think I’m going on a second date with him just because he called? I won’t lie to you, the first date was actually pretty fun despite the part where he tormented you. So I told him he should give me a call this week and then he didn’t. I saw him today when dropping Max off and he acted like I shouldn’t have expected a call so I said cool and went to take El home. I don’t want anything to do with him anymore, at least o don’t think. Now please tell me why you’re even here, or answering the phone for that matter!” During your rant, you back him to a wall, poking his chest in anger.
“I’m here because I wanted to talk to you about something, but I guess that’s out the window since you possibly want the only dude I seriously despise and you should too! Mike asked me to answer it because he thought it would be El and he was busy doing something, so don’t get all bitchy with me!”
Looking down to see his chest heaving, you realize just how close you two are. The distance so close that you share your breath.
“You’re hot when you’re pissed for no reason.” That was the push you needed to crash your lips on his. The kiss was weirdly slow for how hard you started it. He took his time, his hands on your cheeks and yours in his hair and on his arm. His tongue touches your bottom lip lightly, asking for permission. You let him in, starting to feel weird about this. He tries to heat up a little more, keeping with the slow and soft tempo.You pull away, your foreheads touching.
“You know I hate being called bitchy. And being told I’m hot when I’m mad.” You whispered, making him smile.
“I know. I was being a prick, I’m sorry.” You pull away from him completely, wiping your mouth and looking at the floor.
“So uh-“
“I’m sorry, did that feel a little weird to you too?” He blurts out, scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah, thank god you said it! It was so weird.” You smile at each other.
“I guess I always told myself you were the one that got away, but I guess it’s more like you’re my best friend that got away.”
“Totally! You know El told me I need to find a Mike and she told me you were my Mike. I think friendship slash dynamic duo fits us best.” You go to your suitcase to look for your shower stuff.
“I’m sorry but dynamic duo is for me a Dustin.”
“Speaking of Dustin, does he like me?” Before he can answer you the boys come busting through the door.
“The yelling stopped so we assumed it was safe now.” Lucas says, smiling. You look at Steve and he mouths later.
After your shower, you change into your pj romper and head downstairs for a snack. As you watch the stars from the kitchen table you see a head stick out from the window. You gasp and grab a knife ready to attack when you realize you know those pearly whites. Putting the knife down you roll your eyes and open the door as quietly as possible.
“Why are you here??” You whisper yell at him, hitting his shoulder.
“Well you never called back so I assumed you didn’t get the message because who wouldn’t call me back?” You roll your eyes and he just smiles.
“No I got the message. Thank you for the fuel in that fight with Steve by the way.”
“Ha yeah, didn’t expect him to answer but it was nice. Anyway come with me, I have a surprise.” You scoff and go to close the door before he blocks it with his foot.
“Please?” Giving in, you grab your sandals and leave with him.
“Did you walk here?” Realizing the Camaro is no where to be seen.
“I parked it down the road so it wouldn’t wake anyone in the house up. Nice pajamas by the way, they’re hot.” You huff and hug yourself.
“Let’s get on with this then”
A/n- y’all it’s been months so I understand if you guys are over this story now. I’m sorry.
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
Me on rollerblades:[name], can you record a tiktok of me?
Younger sister: fine.
Me:*goes across the street and falls on my wrist trying to turn*
Sister:I should’ve started the video, you’d be famous
Me, laughing but crying: can you grab my phone while I take my skates off* checks wrist and turns around to see sister recording*
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I’m right and I should say it
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
Tumblr Criminal Minds fans please don’t let me down.
I don’t have cable and I just finished every season on Netflix. Where can I stream 13-15?? Preferably free or cheap ofc cuz hoe is broke lowkey. My mom needs to hook up too so lmk lol
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
Andante, Andante Part 3/?
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Summary-Keg King Billy Hargrove becomes infatuated with Mike and Nancy’s cousin who is staying with them over the summer.
Warnings- swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of weed, eventual smut
Word count - 2.1k
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“So you thought the best time to tell me you’re going on a date with that jackass was right before I leave for work wearing a stupid sailor costume? Really?” He frustratingly slaps the spatula down from making eggs on the unheated stove and put his face in his hands making you roll your eyes.
“Steve it’s one date, how else was I supposed to get him to leave me alone? I’m trying to not get Hopper called on me because I punched someone....AGAIN!” He turns to you trying so hard not to laugh.
“I’m sorry, did you get in trouble last time? NO! He brought you to the station and gave you a high five for sticking up for yourself.” You look back at your memory of punching Tommy and giggle a little.
“Okay, so what if I go on one date!? I can make my own decisions and I already told him I don’t kiss or fuck on the first date so maybe after this date he will get bored and leave me alone.” He sighs and hugs you, laying his head on yours.
“Promise me you call me if he touches you?” You nod the best you can and he pulls away to look at you.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t tell Dustin.” The solemn nod you give back to him makes him smile before realizing the time.
“Shit I gotta get to work! Grab your stuff I’ll take you home.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you in the car.”
“I’m home!” Your voice echoes through the house while you close the door behind you. As you enter the basement the phone rings, grabbing your attention. You take the phone in your hands and bring it to your ear.
“Wheeler residence, (Y/n) speaking.”
“Hey Cherry, can you be ready in an hour?”
“Ah Hargrove, what makes you think I take any longer than an hour to put myself together?”
“Well I don’t know, do you have to practice your snarky comments ahead of time or something?” The rhetorical question brings a smirk to your face as you roll your eyes.
“Babe I could practically feel that eye roll. Are you free to be picked up in an hour or not?”
“I’m free. Hey, where’s the kids? They aren’t here at the Wheeler house.”
“They’re at that kid Will’s house. And I just left my morning shift at the pool, that’s where your hot aunt is with the little one.” You gag into the phone.
“If you call my aunt hot again today I will tuck and roll out of your car.” He chuckles.
“Fair enough. See you soon Cherry.”
“Whatever Hargrove just don’t be late or I won’t answer the door.” You end the call and walk over to your suitcase to find clothes.
“Hey (Y/n/n), what are you doing?” The voice behind you makes you jump. You turn around to see Nancy and Johnathan laughing.
“Shit, y’all are stealthy.” Once you calm your heart down you look back at your suitcase.
“I have plans today and I’m trying to find a good outfit.”
“What are the plans?” Nancy walks forward to look in your suitcase.
“I mean it’s technically a date but I also don’t count it as one.”
“Woahh already? I knew you were a guy magnet but you’ve been here for 3 days.” Johnathan stands there awkwardly while Nancy giggles at her joke.
“Well I only agreed to it so they would stop asking.”
“Wait, so it’s not Steve?” You look up into Nancy’s eyes and your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“What? No. Why would I be going on a date with Steve?”
“Because you guys are clearly going to end up together. I mean he’s been in love with you since you left.”
“Nancy since I’ve left he became the school king and dated you, my cousin. I doubt he’s in love with me. Besides, he even knows about this. We had a sleepover last night.” A small sigh escapes her lips as she continues rummaging.
“All I’m saying is who could you possibly be going on a date with when Steve is right there in plain sight.”
“I honestly don’t think you want to know...” she freezes in place before slowly looking up at you.
“You don’t mean...?” You clear your throat and ignore her shock.
“(Y/n/n) don’t tell us you’re going on a date with that asshole.” Johnathan butts in, scoffing at the silence.
“Okay I’m leaving, Nancy I’ll see you later.” He kisses her cheek and pats your shoulder before going up the stairs.
“I only said yes so he would get off my case. He will be here in like forty minutes.”
“Be careful, he doesn’t treat girls nicely.”
“Oh trust me I already know.”
“Here put this on.” She lifts up a yellow and white striped tank with some baggy blue jean shorts and throws them at you.
“I’m going to be in my room to do your hair when you’re ready.” You smile at her while she goes towards the door.
After you changed and did your hair and makeup, making sure to wear your signature red lipstick, you sit on the kitchen counter talking to Nancy.
“He should be here any minute. He’s got 5 minutes or I’m locking the door on him.” You two giggle before hearing a knock on the door.
You jump off the counter and open the door to Billy leaning against the doorframe.
“Hey Cherry, you’re looking...good.” He compliments, making sure to obviously check you out.
“Eyes up here Hargrove, lets get going. Bye Nance!”
“Bye (y/n/n)!” You close the door behind you and make your way to the passenger side of the blue camaro and climb in.
“So Hargrove, where are you taking me?” He starts the engine and smirks at you before pulling out of the driveway.
“Well for starters, the mall. Thought we could get some food and go to a movie.”
“What movie?”
“Oh so your plan is a horror movie so I’ll get scared and you can be my knight and shining armor? Hate to break it to ya but I’m not scared of horror movies.”
“Oh really? How much you wanna bet you’ll be in my arms by the end of the movie?”
“If I win, you have to buy me something at the mall.”
“And if I win you have to go on a second date with me.”
“Deal Hargrove.”
“Two for Hellhole.”
“That’ll be $10” Billy pays for the tickets before getting you a large bowl of popcorn and Pepsi.
“Right this way Cherry.” He guides you with his hand on your lower back into the theatre and to the very back seats.
“My rule isn’t going to change Hargrove. Just because we’re in the back doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you do anything.”
“Yeah yeah just pass the Pepsi will ya?” You hand him the drink and the room goes dark.
“I can’t believe you weren’t scared.” You giggle at him and smirk as you walk to the food court.
“I told you, I’m a horror movie fanatic. Now you have to buy me something pretty.” He rolls his eyes playfully and then you see Steve working. Billy drags you to the ice cream parlor by the hand, holding onto it so you won’t let go.
“Well if it isn’t Harrington. How’s the sailor thing working out for ya?”
“Billy piss off I’m working.”
“Now now Harrington. I’m a customer, which do you want Cherry?” You roll your eyes and smile at Steve.
“Your favorite?” He asks, making Billy clench his jaw. You nod and pull your hand out of Billy’s grip.
“That’ll be $2.67” Billy puts the money on the counter and watches while Steve gets you your chocolate cherry swirl. He hands it to you and winks before putting the money in the register and giving change.
“C’mon Billy lets go sit down.” You walk away and sit at a table, Billy close behind.
“Did you just ask me out to make Steve jealous?” You’re face is unreadable to Billy while he scoffs.
“Not entirely.” You sigh and lick your ice cream.
“You’re a dick you know.” He stays silent until an idea pops in your head.
“He already knew about this date, you know. I stayed at his house last night.” His jaw clenches again as he watches you lick your ice cream.
“His parents weren’t home because of a vacation. It was nice hanging out with him. Like old times.” You realize he’s watching you and take one long lick on your ice cream to stir him on more.
“Of course I didn’t have any sleep clothes though since we went straight to his after the pool so I had to wear his shirt and sweats while we slept.” You’re halfway through your ice cream before Billy takes it from you and throws it away.
“That’s enough of that. Let’s go get you something pretty like I promised.” He pulls you up and drags you into Lovelace Lingerie.
“Are you crazy!? I’m not having you buy my underwear. We’re going into The Gap.” You drag him into the store and start looking around.
After a bit, you find a baggy black mesh dress and fall in love.
“Billy I want this.” He looks at the price and huffs.
“Okay let’s get it.”
“Hey Billy?” His concentration leaves the road for a split second to acknowledge you.
“Yeah what’s up” a huff leaves your lips before tapping the car door.
“I’ve actually had a fun time today. You know, you’re not a total dick when it’s just us two?”
You hear him chuckle before hearing the clicking of a lighter while at a red light. You watch him take a puff and he catches you staring, causing him to smirk.
“Want a hit, Cherry?” He offers the cigarette to you and you hesitantly take it from in between his fingers, your fingers brushing against his. He watches as you place it between your lips, inhaling the contents before coughing and handing it back.
“Guessing you’re not much of a smoker?” The light turns green and he puts his attention back to the road.
“I only really do it when I’m stressed. Now that schools over I’m not as stressed. It was also usually blunts, not nicotine.”
“So the southern belle has a bite to her. I mean I could tell you were feisty but pot? We should smoke together some time.” You smile at him and nod.
“I mean if you have a dealer here then totally.” Silence swallows you until you realize you past the turn to the Wheeler house.
“What, are you about to pull a Ted Bundy on me?” That joke made a genuine laugh come from him for the first time and it makes you proud.
“No, I just thought you’d want to come with me to pick Max up from the Byer’s.”
“Oh shit, that might not be a good idea. Chances are Dustin’s there, and you have no idea how pissed he would be to see me in your car.” He senses the tone of worry in your voice and genuinely feels concerned.
“I know they don’t like me but shit it’s that bad that you didn’t even tell them we had a date?”
“The only people that know are Steve, Nancy, and Johnathan.” He chuckles before making a U-turn.
The drive to the Wheeler house didn’t take longer than just a few short minutes. You both silently wished it was longer but before you could make up a reason to stay out with him, he pulled into the driveway. The car stops and he catches you staring blankly at him.
“Well, this was fun Cherry. Guess now I gotta leave you alone?”
“Well I may give you a second date, who knows. Maybe you can even take me out this week.”
“So I should call you?” You lean closer to his face, a genuine smile with a tone of snark on yours.
“You betcha...” you look down at his lips before closing your eyes, slowly leaning in meet him. The kiss lasts a minute, just slowly moving along his while he holds your cheek. You pull away and keep your eyes closed afterwards.
“What happened to no kissing on the first date?” You open your eyes slowly to the shit eating grin on his face.
“Maybe I couldn’t wait.” You give him a wink before opening the car door and stepping out.
“Don’t forget to call me this week.” You blow him a kiss and close the car door. He watches as you enter the house before driving off, the smile not leaving his face.
A/n- hey again I’m so sorry it takes me so long to post, a lots been going on.
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randogirlo-fando · 4 years
Why has no one who’s seen Frozen 2 talked about how Anna said Kristoff looks better in leather and he looked like he got exposed.
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randogirlo-fando · 5 years
I got a heart-Peter Parker Blurb
I got a heart and I got a soul
“Baby thank you so much for this.” Your hand intertwined with his, you hug his arm and give him a kiss on the cheek. The lights from the Botanical Gardens fade behind as your walk away, heading to the next destination.
Believe me, I will use them both
“Anything for you, love. Happy 3 year anniversary.” The walk becomes comfortably quiet as you walk to your shared apartment, the building becoming closer and closer. You search for the building keys in your purse before he drags you past the building.
We made a start
“Where are we going? The apartments back there-“ he stops you in the middle of the sidewalk and holds both your hands. His soft lips hit yours gently before he pulls away and goes to grab your scarf.
Be it a false one, I know
“The rest is a surprise.” He takes the fluffy scarf and steps behind you, wrapping the fluffy scarf that once kept your neck warm over your eyes securely. Quickly, he grabs your hand and walks towards the direction you were facing.
Baby, I don’t want to feel alone
“Where are we going” the giggle erupts in you as he leads you by your frozen hand with a blindfold warming your eyes in the crisp winter night. He shushes you as he chuckles as well and rubs the top of your hand with his thumb, attempting to give you some warmth.
So kiss me where I lay down
“We’re almost there, just a few more minutes.” The warmth of his hand meeting your back sparks your nerves even with several layers between your skin and his hand. The smile doesn’t leave your face as he kisses your cheek.
My hands press to your cheeks
“Okay now open your eyes.” He pulls the scarf from your face and once your vision comes back you find the Christmas light pathway the city puts up every winter. Walking forward, you spot the place where you two went on your first date.
A long way from the playground
“Peter-“ you turn to face him when there he is, in the snow, with a ring.
“I have loved you since we were eighteen”
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randogirlo-fando · 5 years
New update!
Gonna post my little blurb called I Got A Heart tomorrow afternoon, so be ready ❤️
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randogirlo-fando · 5 years
I have this tooth rotting fluff blurb I wrote but idk who it should be about. So tell me. Peter Parker, Tom Holland, or steve harrington?
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randogirlo-fando · 5 years
I can’t tell if I’m uncomfortable or not
Phones with only one pussy are classist “ohh you can charge your phone and use headphones if you got Bluetooth” you got Bluetooth money???
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randogirlo-fando · 5 years
As a 2003 baby I approve this message
i’ve had a realization and i’m sure it’s been done before but-
millennial depression:
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gen z depression:
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randogirlo-fando · 5 years
Prompt ideas
So I have some Peter Parker x Reader ideas but they both need to be more detailed for me to really write them.
1. (Y/n) meets Peter through May (maybe she is a highschool intern in May’s office?) (maybe she works at May’s favorite grocers and always checks May’s items out?) (maybe May found her hurt on her way home and stopped to take her to the hospital?) idk I need some ideas for that
2. It’s (y/n) Stark and literally all I have is she has really cool AI commands like ‘fuck me up fam’ that plays her playlist or ‘Okay boomer’ that locks her father and other Avengers other than Peter out of her room. Idk just some fun stuff like that
Message me if you have ideas!
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randogirlo-fando · 5 years
Andante,Andante part 2/?
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Summary-Keg King Billy Hargrove becomes infatuated with Mike and Nancy’s cousin who is staying with them over the summer.
Warnings- swearing, mentions of sex, eventual smut
Word Count - 1.6k
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A faint knock wakes you from the pile on the floor. You fell asleep during the campaign the night before, not remembering how you got a blanket and pillow.
“Come in!” You sit up and stretch, the stiffness leaving your body a little bit at a time. You notice Holly coming down the stairs and you smile at her.
“Mommy told me to get you up so we can go to the pool.” The heat in the basement starts getting to you so you stand up a little too fast.
“Okay, tell her I’ll be ready in 5 minutes.” You smile, holding up your hand for her to mimic. She runs upstairs and closes the door for you so you can get into your swimsuit. The simple black one piece with cherries catches your eye and you quickly slip it on along with a coverup on top and your flip flops.
The smell of eggs drifts through the air as you make it into the kitchen to see everyone at the table.
“Morning everyone!” After the several mumbles of morning you find a seat next to Mike and you smile at him.
“Hey Mike, where did that blanket and pillow come from?” He looks confused at you first before realizing what you’re talking about.
“Oh, you fell asleep so Dustin wanted to make sure you were comfortable.”
“Aw, well today you tell him thank you.”
The hot air and burning sun almost makes you not want to leave the air conditioned car, but of course the pool will feel amazing. Getting there, you feel a few eyes staring.
“Don’t worry, it’s probably because you’re a newish face.” Karen rubs the strap of you coverup and you smile at her. Once Karen finds her friends and Holly finds hers as well you decide to find a seat and lounge for a little while listening to your Walkman play Madonna.
“Looking good (y/n)” A deep recognizable voice says, making you look above your sunglasses.
“Whatever Billy” He winks before going on his stand, which just so happens to be next to your seat. A nap consumes you, ignoring his smirks and winks.
Once you wake up you pause your music, deciding to get a snack from concessions.
“Aunt Karen where’s my wallet?”
“Oh it’s right in this bag hun.” She says, not even looking at you. You turn your head to see who she’s staring at before realizing it’s Billy. With rolled eyes, you grab your wallet and head to concessions.
“Hi ma’am, what may I get for you?”
“Hi can I get a Pepsi-cola and Twizzlers?”
“I’m sorry, we only have Coke products. I can get you a slushee instead?”
“That works, I’m not drinking that gross ‘new’ coke.” The girl smiles at you in agreement before adding up your total.
“That’ll be 3 dollars.” Before you can hand her your card, someone throws three dollars on the table from behind you.
“I can pay for my own stuff.” When turning around, you realize it’s that same curly headed boy.
“A pretty lady shouldn’t have to pay for her candy.” With rolled eyes you give him his money back and hand the girl your card again.
“I’m sorry, we only take cash.” She looks empathetic as you deal with the boy behind you.
“Fine Hargrove you can pay, but I’ll pay you back.” The space between you two is almost nonexistent as he smirks.
“I know a way...” he looks down at your lips before biting his own.
“Calm down, I’m not blowing you off.” And on that note you take your candy and slushee and leave to relax back in your seat. Relief washes over you as a female lifeguard takes Billy’s place on the stand as you drink your frozen drink. Talking heads starts playing in your ears and you bob your head along, the lyrics silently leaving your lips.
After finishing the slushee, you throw it away and take your sunglasses off while wincing from the bright sun. You dive into the cool water, reaching the surface to push the hair out of your face before swimming around on your back.
“A show already? It’s not even my shift yet.” The voice of Billy brings you out of the daydreaming in your head and makes you sit up straight while still floating.
“Who said the show was for you?” The smirk and lip bite almost makes you blush as his eyes rake down to the water, trying to see underneath while you keep yourself afloat.
“Sweetheart who else would it be for?” Just when he finishes his sentence there’s a familiar mop of brunette coming up behind him.
“Ayy (Y/n/n), The party said you’d be here today so I thought I’d come hang out after my shift!” Your eyes go back to the piercing blue ones annoyed with Steve’s entrance and you smirk.
“Hey Harrington, hope you got your trunks on because I need someone to teach me some new swimming techniques.”
“You know I could teach you if you’d like. I know all the styles. Freestyle, butterfly...breaststroke.” He glances at your chest before winking, making Steve audibly gag.
“Dude she obviously is trying to get rid of you, leave her alone.”
“Oh what is she your girl Harrington?” Billy stands tall against Steve, trying to intimidate him.
“N-no, but she’s my friend and she asked for my help not yours.” Before Billy can answer with a snarky remark, the whistle blows indicating it’s his shift.
“This isn’t over Harrington.” Billy walks away before seeing a kid running and blowing his whistle.
“Oh my god thank you for saving me Steve!” He scratches the back of his neck while his cheeks tint the tiniest bit pink.
“Oh yeah, it’s nothing. Now where’s your stuff?”
“Next to big head himself” you roll your eyes before Steve jogs to put his shirt and small bag down next to yours and jumping in. He swims up to you and throws you across the pool making you giggle uncontrollably.
“Oh you are so dead Harrington.”
“Hey (y/n), it was nice to hang out today with you.” He smiles at you from the side of the pool, his feet moving in the water while he has his towel around his neck.
“It really was. I missed this.” You smile brightly at him while you lay your head on his lap, your body floating in front of you.
“I missed you...”
Ditto. That’s all you could muster up the courage to say. Ditto. No ‘hey I missed you too’ no ‘I wish I never left’ just ditto. You stare up at the sky as the sun starts to set. Aunt Karen and Holly left three hours ago to make dinner and Steve is your ride home. No kids were there since it was late and the only other people were a few teenagers and the guards, making this moment between to friends pretty beautiful. Steve’s hand softly plays with the wet strands of your hair while you’re mesmerized but the beautiful stars starting to come out.
“Hey Harrington! The pool closes now. Pack up and get out of here!” Billy ruins the perfect moment with his annoyed barks.
“Hey Billy! Take that umbrella and shove it up your ass!” You yell back, getting a high five from Steve while he helps you out of the pool.
“You know Cherry, you sure got a mouth. It’s kinda hot.” You stare Billy in the eyes and fake gag, flipping him off while you grab your towel to and bag to go clean up.
“I’m gonna go get dressed and I’ll meet you in the parking lot.” Steve nods and goes to start the car to get the AC going for you.
“Need help (y/n)?” You get startled when you turn around to see Billy so close to you in the dressing room.
“Billy this is the girls’ dressing room get the fuck out.” You try to push him with all your strength but he doesn’t budge.
“Only if you let me take you on a date.” You contemplate how terrible one date could possibly be.
“Only one? Just one date?” He confirms for you and you sigh.
“Fine but I don’t kiss on the first date so I sure as hell don’t fuck. Now get out.” He kisses your cheek before winking and getting out of your hair. You strip from your wet swimsuit with a huff and throw on your sundress and underwear, wanting to leave the pool as fast as possible. Steve smiles from the driver side and it makes your face warm up. After finally getting in the car the quest to go home commences.
“Hey do you actually wanna spend the night? We can call Mrs. Wheeler at my house that way you won’t have to worry about waking anyone up.”
“Y-yeah sure that sounds fun.” He pokes your cheek making you both laugh as he pulls up to his house.
“Okay she said it’s fine.” You explain, walking into Steve’s room to see him holding some basketball shorts and a T-shirt.
“Thought you’d want some clean clothes.” A smile comes to your face as you thank him and take the clothes to the bathrooms
“You know, I missed when we would have sleepovers and sneak into the kitchen for snacks.” He says through the bathroom door as you slip the shorts on.
“Yeah, or when we would prank Jonathan.” You both giggle while you’re muffled by the shirt going over your head. You grab your clothes and open the door, smiling.
“Alright (y/n/n), let’s go to bed.”
A/n-hey y’all! I suffer from constant writers blocks so I’m sooo sorry it took literally months for a second part, I’ll try to update faster!!
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