seaofthemind-art · 3 years
+40 Pixel Art Tutorials
A growing collection of animated Pixel Art Tutorials by Pedro Medeiros (@saint11) of Studio Miniboss (they previously worked on TowerFall and are currently working on Celeste and Skytorn)
All +40 Pixel Art Tutorials can be found on blog.studiominiboss.com/pixelart (10 Pixel Art Tutorials are posted below)
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seaofthemind-art · 3 years
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SenshiStock’s gallery consists of millions of pictures that are free to use as reference.
General Drawing Poses Sit and Kneel Dramatic and Reaching Drawing Poses Magic and Hogwarts Drawing Poses Staff Weapon Pose Reference Hammer, Axe and Bat Pose Reference Sword Weapon Drawing Reference Small Bladed Weapon Pose Reference Gun Weapon Pose Reference Bow and Arrow Archery Stock Foreshortening and Perspective Poses Dynamic Flying Falling Action Poses Deafeated or Laying Drawing Poses Magic Crystal Magical Girl Wand Weapon Transformations and Dance Cards Back Pose Reference Pin Up Inspired Poses for Drawing Performances Poses Life in General Poses Fights and Fighting Pose Reference Leaning Poses Classic Sailor Senshi Poses Wings Sailor Moon Villains Pairs Romance or Couples Pose Reference All the Male Stock Hanging Stock Drawing Reference Three or More Groups Instruments Mirrors Whip  Technobabble  
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seaofthemind-art · 3 years
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Everyone struggles with this feeling. 
But you know exactly how much work you put into your art, how many hours and how much care and love went into your pictures and no matter the amount of likes or retweets you get, you KNOW the worth of your work.
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
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スパイダーマン(2019.6) アベンジャーズ(MCU)ファンアート
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Being-A-Creative-On-Tumblr-Culture is going through all of the 24 reblogs on your post with 357 notes just to get just enough serotonin to get through your day by reading what the five god sent people who left tags wrote
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Friday Fic Recs: 27th November 2020
I thought this would be a short one this week, but it’s ended up not too bad. Unfortunately, life got in the way of reading, but it turned out to be a great week for notifications from subscriptions on AO3...
Disclaimer as usual: these are selected from stories which I have been reading this week: either recently updated or newly published generally. My taste may not be your taste, but these are a few of the ones that I have enjoyed.
Work in Progress / Series
in technicolor by @deniigi [Marvel]
Brett's encounters with Team Red/vigilantes and their weird fucking way of helping.
Sea-Spider by @the-reverse-mermaid [Marvel]
“Tell me I’m not the only one seeing this,” Tony prompts, gesturing to their catch. It’s a kid. A teenager, by the looks of him, no more than 15 or 16, with curling brown hair plastered over his forehead and eyes. He lays there prone on his side, covered in cuts- some shallow, some deep, all of them most likely caused by the barbs on the fishnet. Tony can just make out blood matted on the back of his head- he probably hit it on the side of the boat and got himself knocked out. Clinging to his torso is a soaked, faded t-shirt and below that… ...below that, his lower body is a tail. A full-on fish tail.
A Privilege to Love You by @irondadbxtch​ [Marvel]
Follow Peter through his first year as a single teenage father, with Tony by his side every step of the way.
Mnemosyne by @missmungoe [One Piece]
She doesn’t remember her life before the human market, or before Amazon Lily. The only clues she has is her name, and the silver anchor around her neck. And that her daughter has red hair.
Piece Out by @blondsak & @whumphoarder [Marvel]
In which Peter makes a truly horrendous pie, Tony’s teasing goes a little too far, and someone may or may not cough up blood.
Pick a place to rest your head by bluesweatshirt
The one where Peter loses a bet with Ned and has to cuddle May and Tony in the aftermath of the blip.
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Apologies to anyone who was waiting on more art, particularly my comfortember to-finish list. I started a new job and need to catch up again. Hopefully I can get a few out this weekend...
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
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Peter, let your dad have his coffee! 😂
Artwork by happyaspie
Click for better quality
This is my new favorite drawing ever- I'm glad I gave chibi art a try!
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Being-A-Creative-On-Tumblr-Culture is going through all of the 24 reblogs on your post with 357 notes just to get just enough serotonin to get through your day by reading what the five god sent people who left tags wrote
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Friday Fic Recs: 20th November 2020
It’s the third week of November, and here’s this week’s recommendations:
Just a note on selection criteria: basically it’s stories which are new/have been updated in the last week or so and that I’ve read and enjoyed. Keeping it simple. I’ve also added which fandom the story is from because there was finally some variation this week...
Works In Progress / Series
The Humbling River by mysterycyclone [Marvel]
Peter’s been distant lately. Edgy. Angry. On his best days, he moves through his life in a vague daze, skipping meals and sleeping. On his worst, he’s hit with fits of anger that border on unthinking rage. Monday afternoon, he breaks Flash Thompson’s hand. Wednesday evening, he goes missing. That night, the first headless corpse appears in Queens.
Under The Advent Of Stars by GigiDoyle [Marvel]
After the events of Avengers: Endgame, Tony Stark wakes up in 1990 in the body of his 20 year old self. He is not okay with that.
Serenity by JolinarJackson [Marvel/Firefly]
In the distant future, humankind has spread its territory throughout the galaxy, inhabiting several terraformed planets and moons. The only thing tying them all together are cargo spaceships, carrying supplies along intergalactic routes. One of those ships is commandeered by Tony Stark, who finds himself more often than not accepting jobs of the not-so-legal sort to feed himself and his small crew while trying to stay off the radar of the legal enforcement agency SHIELD. However, when they decide to pick up passengers to make ends meet, the crew quickly finds what was supposed to be a quiet journey turning into a run for their lives, as they find out that one of their passengers is harboring a secret SHIELD desperately wants to get their hands on.
Pigeon and Crow by deniigiq [Marvel]
Peter puffed himself up and then stood up suddenly. Johnny grabbed his hand and pulled him down so that he crash-landed all over his lap. He pulled the coat over the both of them like a tent. Peter twisted around and tried to find Johnny’s face in the dark. “You’re my friend?” Johnny asked above him. Peter held his breath. “Only if you want me to be,” he said.
Bind Me to the Tide by missmungoe [One Piece]
She was thirteen the day it happened, old enough to know what a soul-bond was, but not to fully understand what it meant, to bind two souls so thoroughly as the Fates were said to do. Every new thread they measured was tied to another; a knot that ensured their paths would cross, somewhere along the line of their lives. It was the stuff of romances. Or it would have been, if it hadn’t been for an unfortunate side-effect. For as long as Makino could remember, she’d been feeling the pain of another as her own.
Co-Pilot by FerretShark [Marvel]
May Parker defines terms and Tony listens.
0 notes
seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Alt #7 - Sunrise
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Although it was originally planned to be the illustration for prompt 18 (Hot Cocoa), I’m putting this as alternative prompt 7 as it seems more fitting. Anyway, continuing with my “Month of Illustrations feat. Comfortember”, and working on my motivation to finish my backlog of drawings..
Alternative Prompt No. 7 - Sunrise
Based off ArwenKenobi’s Living Proof
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Honestly I very much prefer an internet where everybody is trying to prove they’re smarter and more clever than everybody else than one where everybody is trying to prove they’re more morally pure and better at being a Good Person than everybody else.
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Seconding this.
Taking it further, looking at it at level specific to the MCU:
If you compare May’s screen time in the MCU to her presence, as per tags, in works on AO3 she actually does fairly well:
Civil War - May Parker: 1 Minute (Peter Parker: 8 Minutes 30 Seconds)
Homecoming - May Parker: 4 Minutes (Peter Parker: 1 Hour 16 Minutes)
Infinity War - May Parker: Doesn’t Appear (Peter Parker: 7 Minutes 15 Seconds)
Endgame - May Parker: 15 Seconds (Peter Parker: 3 Minutes)
Far From Home - May Parker: 3 Minutes and 30 Seconds (Peter Parker: 1 Hour 7 Minutes)
[Source: IMDB]
Now, looking at the most popular character tags under the “Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)” category on AO3 gives us:
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Out of a total of 29129 works (as of 15 Nov 2020), this means that she is tagged in 27% of works in the category. A percentage far higher than her screen time alone would lead you to expect, arguably showing that her importance as a character is recognised somewhat (a comparison is with Ned who has three times her screen time but the same presence in the category).
Yes, Tony appears far more in works, as per tags, than May does, but then this also matches the MCU itself. I don’t have the exact screen time for scenes containing both Tony and Peter, but at roughly 20 minutes it is more than double May’s total appearances. And, to reiterate the previous commenter, these tags still pick up any work where this category is tagged, which therefore may include where Peter is only a minor character in Tony-centric works.
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Posts that make you want to punch a wall
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
As I was feeling unmotivated today, I decided to try drawing squirrels instead.
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For a fairly common local wildlife, I’m kind of surprised I haven’t tried drawing them before. I can see my improvement through the five sketches, so I would say it was a success.
Plus, I got to make friends with squirrels on my walk home from town, so win win.
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
Friday Fic Recs: 13th November 2020
I thought I’d give this another go. Here are a few recommendations from this week:
Work in Progress / Series
A Peter Parker Problem by @spagbol99
Peter comes back to find May has a husband and a kid. A new family he has to fit into. But he has done it before, he can do it again. When things at home take a turn for the worse, Peter decides that he'll handle it himself. He is Spider-man. He's been to space and fought aliens. He can get through anything. After all, if May is happy, he is happy, right? Right?
Blood & Iron by AliciaMirza
His uncle’s fascination with family trees and learning about fourth cousins was not something that Peter ever shared, but he decided that continuing it was something his uncle would love to see him do. What started out as a simple genealogical DNA test resulted in a series of discoveries changing his entire life.
Comfortember 2020 Series by @skeeter-110
A series of one-shots based on the Comfortember prompts.
Death by Waffles by @whumphoarder
When Tony decides to adopt a cat for Morgan, Peter is almost more excited about it than the six-year-old. He just failed to mention one minor issue before coming to visit at the lake house for the weekend.
More Than Okay by Icylightning
Peter cleared his throat "Mr Stark I...". Tony raised a warning finger "Not. A. Word. Kid". Peter sealed his lips shaking lightly. Steve noticed this and wrapped an arm around the boy and frowned at his friend "Tony you're scaring him" he said protectively
Making Bail by @snarky-drabbles
Ned stresses as he awaits his fate after being arrested, he has no one to rescue him, but to his surprise, Tony Stark walks into the room and things start looking up. Apparently, Tony sees Ned as one of his people, too.
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
#8 - Lashing Out
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Here’s today’s addition for my “Month of Illustrations feat. Comfortember”. This is one of the earlier illustrations that I planned but, due to the perspective I used, drawing the background turned out to be a bit more complicated than expected. I don’t think it turned out too bad in the end.
Prompt No. 8 - Lashing out
Based off @happyjuicyfruit​‘s The Burning in My Bones
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seaofthemind-art · 4 years
#2 - First Day
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Back to something a little bit more traditional for this prompt. First time drawing Pepper and May, but I think they came out okay? It’s one more complete for my “Month of Illustrations feat. Comfortember”, and I’m slowly catching up.
Prompt No. 2 - First Day
Based off @zanderljones‘ Back to Normal, But Everything’s Changed
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