shethoughtabout · 2 months
grief is dying with them while having to live
parts of me have gone with you.
a written understanding
the engraving of pain in my heart
as if it was a tombstone
alive from 1994 to 2017
and what happened then?
it didn‘t stop beating, yet died;
it would never be the same again.
- i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 2 months
heute hat mich die vergangenheit eingeholt, überrollt, den dicken, schweren umhang übers herz geworfen, doch wie trägt man ihn? ich tappe im dunkeln, der schmerz ist formlos, ich spüre die schatten, doch das ende nicht. sinnsuche scheitert, worte rutschen ab, verlieren den halt. nur die gedanken stürzen in trümmern auf mich ein, ihr tut mir weh, doch meine arme schützen mich nicht. kauernd empfange ich schläge ins herz, erinnerung, so fühlt sich mein schmerz also an. panik ohne gegenwart.
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shethoughtabout · 1 year
a voice inside my head whispers
„who is the person you want to be?“
it is not the shaken child
it is not the worried adult
it is not the girl holding herself in her pain.
those might be but the roots of a strength
I see myself display
as the person I want to be.
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shethoughtabout · 1 year
we dream, we strive, we suffer
we deem ourselves not enough
we are on our own
the hardest judges of our lives.
we believe, we doubt, we fear
we think daily that we fail
so we stand lost and lonely
in the midst of moments passing by.
we reflect, we worry, we hurt
we lose sight of the good
so here we stand in our achievements:
the depressed lucky ones.
we feel, we crash, we numb
we store the painful memories away
and in our denial of weakness
we become thieves of what we so desperately need:
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shethoughtabout · 1 year
struggles come and go
constant tides
ebb and flow.
so you think
one heavy road is travelled
one mountain climbed
one lesson learned
when the next one
knocks gently on your door
like an old friend knowing:
it is time.
I come visit
did you know I lived in you?
will you invite me in?
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shethoughtabout · 2 years
everyone will rise and fall
and I? I take hold of it all
my shoulders merely strong enough
to bear the times that have been rough
but when I feel their suffering
it‘s too hard not to just jump in
despite the battles that I fight
I drown in trying to make things right
we carry things that no one can see
and for what I‘ve lived, this gets to me
so yes, I‘ll lend a helping hand
invisible the abyss of where I stand
and if you‘d ask, I‘d probably lie
no, I never wish to die.
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shethoughtabout · 3 years
my voice sometimes lingers
at the back of my head
and my pride hides
behind the walls of fear
my openness suddenly turns silent
and honesty feels out of reach
sometimes I really wonder where I am
when I talk to you.
- i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 3 years
stillness is my relief of the moment
breath my savior of now
I sit down to rest in silence
to find my why and how
calmness is my soldier of peace
and in its soothing embrace
walls tremble and tears ripple
and I accept what I face
nature is my savior of presence
and watching her rivers flow
with utter presence and safety
all of a sudden, I know
I sit and play with surrender
let go in so many ways
and from what ever felt so heavy
it‘s only the present that stays.
- i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 4 years
sweet poetry of the birds not travelled south yet
silent whispers of the leaves not fallen
gentle touch of the last warm winds and weakening sunrays
faint recession of summer’s remnants
watching you is just like that;
a longing before you are gone,
beautiful, tragic melancholy.
- i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 4 years
when the ink has laid its weight on paper, and the truth has slightly bent until it became heavy, when fate has reached a point of no return, when we halt to fill our lungs with air, when we drown despite the deserts in our hearts, when we continue stumbling toward tomorrow‘s fulfillment, when we‘re brought down to our knees on a too sunny day, then we still, we still haven‘t died yet and what do we make of it, the thought burns in our minds.
- i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 4 years
My body.
My body carries me through the world. It is complex, ever-changing, it is breathing and walking and running and dancing. It is a reflection of my soul, my self-love, my values and my life. It is a mirror of the worth I see in myself.
It is a process, constantly evolving and growing, absorbing and replacing, hurting and healing, it is - a miracle. It is a vessel, an expression, a multitude of functions, it belongs to me but is not me, it is art, it is pleasure, it is home.
It is the stage for my thoughts, my emotions, my skills, my nonverbal and verbal communication, it is the canvas I paint my life on.
It is unique, it is different, it is object of comparison but uncomparable, it evolves and it is a place of endless opportunities. It is present. It is fully and completely here.
It is the curtain my personality shines through. It is never quite the same and still familiar. It is what I do with it, how I nourish it, what I think of it, how I treat it, move it and rest it. It is what I see in it.
It is silent and patient and working for me, never tired, never still. It is an expression of life. Of love and of pain. Of laughter and tears. Eternity and transience. It is always both.
It is here and it is now. And there is no other time to breathe in and breathe out, there is no other time to appreciate, to honestly and unapologetically love it - but now.
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shethoughtabout · 5 years
we are widows of our old ideas
they have vanished
but we’re still theirs
we define ourselves with a past long gone
and don‘t realize
it‘s not so much about things dying
but about the names we give ourselves.
we create sadness over and over again
while those old things are actually free
and wouldn‘t dare weighing on us anymore.
we ask ourselves how the past
has such an impact still
while we name ourselves with it daily
and put its weight on our hearts
as we could just as well
like them, as they vanished so lightly
let go.
- i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 5 years
You see the elegance in a head held high
Despite the tears kept in the eye
You see the pride in furrowed brows
Despite the numbness that aroused
You see the grace behind sealed lips
Shaking under fingertips
You say it‘s ok, it is not fair
And touch the grace in her despair
Hold still, it hasn‘t been in vain
There‘s so much beauty in your pain.
- i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 5 years
I scratch the surface of the pain, but feel unable to dive in deeply. I see no safety net, I‘m reluctant, I do not dare. I see my freedom down there, somewhere just in the middle of despair, and I long for it. So much. But I don‘t give in, and on my shoulders I carry the weight of it all, unable to stumble and fall. My feet have grown so strong, how can it become so hard to acknowledge a tender, deeply shattered spot? It feels like the pain of a century, of all people around me, and somewhere beneath it all, I carry my own vulnerable heart, whispering the wish to be set free, to be held in someone’s arms, to break open, to let it all out and sob until the tears finally dry. -i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 5 years
a pure soul
a pure soul is someone who is kind, gentle, open-hearted. who knows and manages to just be themselves, and who resists judgement.
who has a warm attitude and gentle outlook on life, who sees the good in everyone and in circumstances, despite the suffering they have in their lives.
someone who is honest about their feelings, who doesn‘t hide or tries to cover or be someone else. who loves deeply, lives passionately, laughs honestly.
a friend asked me what a pure soul means to me
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shethoughtabout · 5 years
you are
infinitely tender
yet miraculously strong
like a thousand years old tree
in the eye of a storm.
you‘re soft and bright
in all your features
almost translucent, it seems
sun shines through your eyes
love through your speech
even for a world that hurt you
more than you’d deserve.
you‘re gracious, hopeful
yet rest in pondering silence
every now and then.
you’re intangible, elusive
a brilliant being
how could you not be
- i.h.
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shethoughtabout · 5 years
And then leave.
Then set yourself free.
Set both of your souls free
and make room to breathe.
To realize that you deserve without condition.
That you actually deserve
all and every little bit
you‘ve ever wished for.
Don‘t deny your luck to yourself,
it is all there.
So then leave.
Then set yourself free.
Don‘t settle for anything less
than what your dreams
are made of.
- i.h.
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