#//....actually wait im getting sidetracked.
thirstyvampyr · 2 days
did mickey knew ian was gay before they hooked up? *cracks knuckles* alright sit down let's unpack this shit because yesterday for dinner ive had 4 snickers and im still not down from that sugar high. shutup
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in 1x6 he's waiting outside kash and grab to beat up ian. why is he nervous? he beat up lip a few days ago, he beats up dudes on the regular. s1 ian isnt exactly intimidating (sorry ian). is he wary of linda because she has more balls than her husband? sure but he wouldn't be smoking and biting his nails. as a former smoker and nail biter, you don't usually do both unless you’re S T R E S S E D. he’s there alone this time. why did he call off his cousins? maybe stalking the store so much made him notice what was going on with kash *spits on the ground*. maybe he overheard when ian told mandy he was gay right outside their house in 1x3. i don't think mandy told him but she could have.
so back to 1x6. mickey cleans up (a little) and goes to the store to provoke ian. "i forgot the dip" no you didnt, you just needed an excuse to go back in because ian showed up. ian says to kash *burns sage to cleanse myself* "what, so you're just going to let him keep coming in here, and take what he wants?" uh oh actually, yes he will! oops getting sidetracked. mickey tells him "you know where i live if you have a problem". *gestures vaguely* if not gay then why everything? to me, this is textbook boy at school pulling on pigtails and running because he has a big crush. and i mean how many opportunities are there for a closeted gay kid in this neighborhood? ian is cute as a button, he's probably checked him out. "where's firecrotch?!" sir have you put much thoughts into that part of his anatomy? we know he likes redheads...
fast forward to 1x7, that scene (changed my life tbh). mickey's probably loving how fearless ian is. there's only so much grunting and physical contact he can take before he folds (ask ancient romans). he's about 16 in season 1, he's probably climbing up the walls horny and ian gave him the look™ (ian u big hoe) and yet i firmly believe he would have never made a move if he didn't know. hell no, no way! and risk having ian yell something with terry in the next room? with how terrified he is about his father?
what do you think? did he know or did he just went for it?
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revvywevvy · 2 years
ok so like-
if any of my mutuals play dbd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, do any of y'all wanna add me? 🥺👉👈 im wawa#1e98 (but I tend to use anonymous mode bc its more comfy for me ^^;;)
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martyrbat · 6 months
a female character isn't allowed to be a character that is also female. she isn't allowed her own agency and complex motives nor any deeper emotions without it being centered around the male cast around her or a child. even if she's not a mother, she remains one because she could always potentially become a mother or she is the ‘mom character’ to the men/children around her and her actions MUST reflect that. if they don't, she's labeled a selfish bitch. if she is an (actual) mother than that's all she is—she isnt allowed deeper characterization or discussion because thats all she'll ever be, that's all she was made to be. male characters are allowed to be fathers (lireral or in the sense of providing for the people around them) with deeper feelings but a mother? never a mother.
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mcdbrainrot · 11 months
does anyone know how to make friends
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clownkiwi · 1 year
so how goes the old man slaughter, rooby ?
oh, you know :)
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modern AU Luffy x reader. pregnancy when you broke up. Pure Fluff
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Inspired: season 8 episode 24 of FRIENDS; @portgasbru
trigger warning: swearing and description of birth 
I know Luffy's a little of out character, but I thought that in the modern world he would be a little less childish and a bit of a burnt out adult. A person that was a very energetic and silly kid, but grow up in a not so free feeling world. Unlike his anime. 
"Deep breaths. Deep breaths." Luffy repeats, soothing her back and rubbing her forearm.
"MY BREATHS CAN'T GET ANY DEEPER!!!" She shouts out despite being out of breath. "Help me out of bed, I need to walk." She demands, holding out her hand for him to grab.
He springs out of the bed and helps her feet onto the floor. Grabbing into her side and her arm, they start pacing around the hospital room, Luffy holding her close.
Her pants and groans of pain, die down just a little bit as they both rub her swollen belly and take slow steps.
"Oh good Lord!" She whines out, the sweat on her forehead causing her hair to stick to her face. "Luffy, I swear to fucking God, I hate you so much!"
"What did I do?!" He asks, dewildered.
"You did this to me!!"
"Well, it was really a team effort." He jokes, rubbing his neck for self comfort.
She stops in her tracks and glares at him, taking a deep breath as her contraction stops for the moment.
Luffy holds (y/n) by her waist and looks over her stomach, he sighs anxiously, "this baby sure is takin' its time."
"No kidding."
Near the end of last year, Luffy and (y/n) broke up, and as fate would have it, about three days after, (y/n) found out she was pregnant.
Despite all that happened, she told Luffy, he is the father, it was in his right for him to know. (Y/n) Of course made it clear she didn't want him to do anything he didn't want to or become a part of something so sudden with hardly any preparation, but he wanted to be in the baby's life and she did always wanted children.
Thus, they agreed to have the baby, and share custody. Nothing more, nothing less. They could be parents and not have to be forced to date again.
Nine months later and after some preparations, her water broke and they rushed to the hospital. Now waiting for her to fully dilate in a semi private room, at the moment, no other person was in the room.
Luffy sets himself next to (y/n) and carefully wraps his arms around her, placing loving hand on her belly and laying his head on a pillow.
"...Luffy? Can I tell you something?" She whispers.
"I'm really scared right now."
"Scared?" He repeats, raising an eyebrow.
"Everyone and their mom's been telling me horror stories of deliveries gone wrong and yeah, I know pain was always gonna happen, but now that it's actually happening, im-im scared."
Luffy glances to the side, licking his lips as if the confession wasn't shocking at all. "It's ok, bab-(y/n). Everythin's gonna be fine."
"You don't know that." She whispers, crossing her arms in a self hug.
"Yes I do. Everythin' will be fine. This baby will be happy and healthy-well. Maybe not happy, babies come out crying right? Healthy then. Definitely healthy." He reassures, getting a little sidetracked.
She giggles, rubbing a circle on her stomach, "yeah?"
"Yeah. I promise."
The two smile and stare at each other. (Y/n) Awkwardly giggles and looks away.
"...you know what we haven't done?" She asks, changing the subject. "Agree on a name."
Luffy's expression immediately drops and he crosses his arms, turning away from her, "I'm telling you, Solo is an amazin' name."
"We are not naming our-could-be son after Han Solo!!"
"HE'S SO AMAZING!!" He raises his arms to his side in protest. "And we are not namin' our-could-be daughter Persephone."
"I don't like Persephone anymore." She confesses, placing a soothing hand on one of her swollen ankles.
"I was thinking, if it's a girl, Céleste?"
"Céleste...." He repeats in a whisper. "Yeah, I'm good with that."
"And if it's a boyyyy...." She trials off tilting her head to the side as if it follows her sentence. "Ace."
Luffy snaps his head around and raises his eyebrows in an annoyed expression, "that's not funny."
She laughs softly, running a hand through her hair. Her sweat wetting her palm. "It's a little funny."
He doesn't reply, but leans against the headboard, "Arie." He deadpans, staring down at the foot of the bed. "If it's a boy, Arie."
"....Arie," she repeats, smiling to herself, "ok, Arie it is."
"Welp, that took us longer than it should have." He chuckles, combing his hat hair with his fingers.
She takes notice, biting a nail, a habit she hopes doesn't pass onto her baby. "Luffy? Why did you take off your hat?"
"Your hat." She points to his signature straw hat sitting on the beige night stand next to the bed.
"Oh, um-"
"You don't like taking it off. You wore it to our first date. Hell, you wore it when we were conceiving this thing." She chuckles, gesturing to her belly.
"Hehe, yeah, that thing's seen a lot." He whispers, a light blush on his cheeks.
"Why'd you take it off?"
Luffy pauses, and scratches his neck for the possible millionth time now, and glances around the room to not meet her eyes.
"Uh, the doctor looked at me kinda funny when she saw me wearin' it."
"So? I've seen you wear that thing with a full fancy suit."
"Well, I..I need to mature a little, don't you think?"
"What?! No! Where is this coming from? Who are you?! Luffy wouldn't say that!"
"I'm gonna be a father now, (y/n), I need to start actin' my age-"
"Don't ever say that again." She pouts, glancing down at his shirt to avoid eye contact, "I like that you're immature, you've always made me laugh and it's admirable how you're never afraid to be yourself in any situation. Why would you want to change that?"
He pauses, taking his head off the headboard and putting his arms between his legs, his elbows resting on his knees.
"Please, put it back on." She tucks a hair behind her ear, "It makes me anxious when you take it off."
"Huh? Why?" He raises his head a little.
"Because! It makes you look serious, especially when you're frowning. How am I supposed to be less scared, if you look like your getting ready for something bad?"
Luffy sighs, seeing her worried expression. Without saying anything, he reaches towards the nightstand and places his hat back on his head, not bothering to adjust the string.
(Y/n) Also stays silent, laying her head right under his shoulder, her fingers gently adjusting the string to tighten perfectly around Luffy's jawline.
He let's her, not speaking or moving, not even watching, instead focusing on the outside world, right through the room window. Watching as the people walk by, probably none of them having to deal with an accidental pregnancy or the complicated feelings it brings.
"Can you....talk?" She asks, softly, lowering her hands from the string and placing them on her lap.
"What?" He snaps his focus back to her, forcing his gaze away from the couple below sitting in a park bench as they drink coffee together. A bittersweet nostalgia feeling eating at his heart.
She frowns softly, her eyes feeling with a bit of anxiousness. "Talk. About...anything really. I love hearing you talk." She whispers, remembering all the times she used to ask him to talk in order to fall asleep.
"Anything?" He snorts, "don't get me started." He crosses his arms and titles his head, thinking of something to say that would help her forget about basically pushing out a nine pound bowling ball.
"I saw the trailer for a movie, but I don't remember what the movie was called. So I made Zoro drive me to the movie theater, to see if I could recognize it by the poster. Turns out it wasn't a movie, it was an ad for car insurance."
She laughs and grabs his arm, "how do you mix that up?"
"Ads are becoming movie level, (y/n). Don't judge me!" He giggles, playfully scolding her. "Anyways, I bought popcorn and then me and Zoro went to go see Oppenheimer instead."
"Is it good? I haven't watched it yet."
"Yeah, it was. Really loud though." He explains, rubbing his ears as if he can still hear it perfectly.
"I wanna see sonic three!" She states, bouncing her feet on the bed slightly.
"Oooh, me too!" His eyes lights up in excitement, the exact way she likes them. "Let's go see it when it comes out!"
"Uh, when it does, we'll have a seven month old."
"We'll take 'em with us!"
" I don't think the other people there would appreciate that." She giggles.
"Oh, right. Fuck." He exclaims, scratching his leg while thinking of a new solution.
She smiles brightly at him, reaching towards his hat and fixing it to balance better on his head. The action causes Luffy to pause and watch her as her eyes glance at him more times than actually needed.
She puts her hand on the bed, in the space between the two. He clears his throat and rubs his cheek.
"I've...I've been thinking." He starts, placing his arm across her back, rubbing his leg nervously.
"You can think?" She jokes, Luffy only ignoring it.
".....I think-"
The door opens, causing (y/n) and Luffy to turn. The doctor walks in, putting on clean new gloves. "Nineteen hours." She exclaims, stopping right at the foot of the bed, "How you doing?"
"Like if this baby doesn't come out now, I'm gonna cut my stomach open and make 'em." She deadpans, causing Luffy to widen his eyes.
The doctor nods in understanding, checking her dilation, an action (y/n) unfortunately became used too. "Welp, you're in luck."
"I'm sorry?" Luffy asks, getting off the bed in shock. The contraption pain forgotten for (y/n).
"You're fully dilated. Let's go have this baby." She proudly announces, calling in nurses to help move the bed.
"Wait-wait. No-what? What. What!?" She panics, as they roll her away into the hallways, Luffy right next to her, holding her hand. "I'm not ready for this!"
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!" (y/n) Sobs out, inhaling rapidly.
"Ok, we stop in five seconds." The doctor announces. "Five.......four-"
"Threetwoone!" (Y/n) Whines out, immediately stopping and laying her head on the angled bed. Panting and crying.
"You're doing great, (y/n)." Luffy praises, moving the hair from her face. Her sweat sticking to his finger. His other hand wrapped around her leg, helping her keep them open.
"Take a break, alright? breathe and we start again in ten minutes." The doctor explains, pushing her chair away slightly.
"No. No. No. I can't. I can't push anymore." She whimpers, covering her face with a hand as she cries.
"Yes, yes you can, (y/n). You're the strongest woman I know." Luffy reassures, adjusting his grip.
"Talk. Talk. Talk. Please. Luffy, please." She pants. Grabbing onto the sheets and she pushes herself up more.
"Uh-um. I-I don't know what to say." He awkwardly laughs, whipping the sweat from his palms on one of the pillows.
"What were you gonna tell me? Back in the room, you were gonna tell me something."
"Oh. That, um. Can that wait-"
"Please. Please. Please. I-I need a distraction." She begs, closing her eyes tightly.
"I ... I was just gonna say that.... I think we should try again."
"Try what?" She asks, turning her head to look at him.
"Us." He exclaims, "when-when we broke up. I-I actually died. Like my chest hurt and I couldn't get out of bed. Then when you told me you were pregnant, I immediately thought that we should get back together." He confesses. "But you know, you told me you didn't want that, and I wanted to respect it, but after all these months, I kept missing you. You were right there, but I couldn't call you mine anymore and I missed it."
He glances at the floor and gulps, "I-I think we should try again. We have a kid now, we should be a family. I want to be a family. And I think you do too." He pauses, "I know I didn't say it enough when we were together, but I love you. I love you a lot and I don't think it can ever go away, because it can barely even fit in my body."
(Y/n) Stays silent, looking up at him with a wide eyed expression, her sobs causing her body to shake a bit and her tears still spill out of her eyes.
Luffy glances around the room, and clears his throat, "can you say something?" He whispers.
"...I don't know what to say." She confesses.
".... Say you still love me too."
"I do still love you." She breathed, "and honestly? When I found out I was pregnant, I hoped that it meant we got to try again, but I was scared, because what happens if we get hurt again and our baby gets in the mix."
"We won't get hurt again." He insisted, "I know I'm an idiot and pretty dumb, and I don't make good decisions, but it's okay, because you're amazing and perfect and i would learn calculus for you. I know with all my being we'll do it right this time. You deserve it, I deserve it. They deserve it."
They both pause and stare at each other in full love and tenderness. Leaning in, they smash their lips together in a passionate kiss. The hat sliding backwards a little and he places his hand on her cheek, they continue the kiss for a few more seconds.
The doctor places her hand on her heart and cooes. "I'm gonna call my baby daddy after this." One of the nurses whispers. The other three nod in understanding.
"Ok, if you guys are ready let's finish this up." The doctor pushed her chair closer, placing her hands on the bed.
The two pull away and turn back towards the doctor, "yes, please." (Y/n) Exclaims, the pain intensifying as another contraption starts. Luffy wraps his arm around her leg again and hold her hand with his other.
"Ok, now. Push."
She continues to push and cry, repeating the action for the next hour, when finally. The room is filled with baby cries.
(Y/n) Screams and sobs for the last time as she watches Luffy cut the umbilical cord. The nurse holds up the baby in front of them. "It's a boy." She says softly, before taking him away.
(Y/n) And Luffy smile at each other, he wipes away her tears, and she traced the scar on his cheek, a small action she didn't know she missed doing.
The nurse gives back the baby, now wrapped in a blue blanket. (Y/n) Takes him and places him perfectly in her arms. Luffy kisses him in his forehead as (y/n) admires him.
"Do we have a name?" A nurse asks, her hands on her hips, admiring the baby as well.
"Arie." Luffy and (y/n) reply in union, before glancing back at each other. They smile brightly, before sharing another kiss, the hat falling off this time, the string tugging on Luffy's neck a bit.
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booksanddarkchocolate · 5 months
Anyway here are my live reactions on episode 6:
- Did they- did they cast Kronos already?
- Iris messages!!
- Luke what are you doing in Chirons office 🤨
- They really do act like an old married couple 😭
- “Everyone is picking sides” SO YOU BETTER PICK A SIDE (live, love, laugh tlt musical)
- Nooo they didn’t have the “because I’m your friend, Seaweed Brain, any more stupid questions?” interaction 😭
- And they’re not showing that Percy can talk to horses yet? I wonder why they put that off and when we’re gonna see it
- Okay I love book!Grover, but show!Grover is toptier, Aryan is so amazing and Grover is such a mood
- Especially the ‘oh yeah people.. but the animals are safe!’ part
- Percabeth 🥹 I love their friend era so much too
- Levitating is not what I was expecting to hear, I don’t know what I did expect, but it’s not that lol
- No but why do they suddenly have to know everything before they experience it? I understood it with the other monsters, but why here? Like surely they would know about the loti (lotuses?) in the Odyssey but the connection is not that obvious here
- Wait so is Sally a Seer too? Or will they specify the difference between seeing through the Mist and seeing the future?
- Grover seeing another Satyr getting sidetracked on the Pan quest 😭
- Oh I’m not sure if I trust Augustus
- Percy being so perplexed when Annabeth admitted she didn’t know lol
- Smooth location transition
- What was that 😳
- Sad baby Percy in a police car 🥺
- Annabeth pickpocketing Hermes is such a slay
- “I’m multi-talented” love that
- Is it my delusion or was Percy lowkey in awe with Annabeth for stealing Hermes car keys
- “Is it dangerous? Not a dealbreaker, just curious” 😂
- “Are we late because of me?” 🥺🥺 Grover better get his memories back soon >:(
- Also Augustus did nothing wrong lol he was just playing a video game 😂
- What’s smarter, giving a random cabdriver a creditcard with infinite money and letting him keep it or driving a cab themselves? I’m not sure honestly lol
- Did they just get hit by a truck?
- Right it’s a magic car
- They are so cute ugh
- Wait why did they pick this chapter title as the title and not show a zebra 😭
- I’m intrigued by the Nereid’s design, not sure if it’s in a good or bad way
- Wait they changed it so that the deadline is already over? Okay 🤨
- “What belongs to the sea will always return to the sea” it’s a seAshell
- Ngl I’m not sure if that was a book quote (it probably is), but the musical will always be the first thing that comes to mind
- Huhhhh four pearls? Sally is allowed to come with them?
- What are they gonna do with the “and you’ll fail to save what matters most” line in the prophecy? This is a change that does actually keep me on my toes lol
- Next episode is gonna be wiiiild
- Someone has a theory that the sandy place in Percy’s dreams is a time turner and I’m so convinced that’s true
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possamble · 2 months
do you think falin went on dates/potentially even hooked up with people periodically during those 4 years she and marcille were separated? i know you ascribe to has-been-pining-since-childhood falin (and tbh so do i), but i find it interesting that there were at least Two people interested in falin if we are to believe chilchuck's party relations chart. at the very least, she considered toshiro's proposal -- even if her intentions for doing so were rooted less in mutual interest and more in her fear of being alone -- and it makes me wonder if anyone else were to like... show interest in falin, what would the circumstances have to be for her to be an active participant/if she would've reciprocated if it was casual enough (because i can't see her getting into a serious relationship with anyone while she's still in love with marcille -- unless?)
i could see it going either way. girl who can't believe people could actually LIKE her that way because she struggles with liking herself (despite probably being the most beloved character in canon, though her ostracization in her hometown and the magic academy could explain why...... wait hold on i'M GETTING SIDETRACKED!!) vs. girl's first time being freed from an authority's expectations going a little wild at, well, a taste of freedom (plus a dose of delayed sexual awakening due to prior ostracization + "don't think of marcille like that don't think of marcille like that doN'T. DO NOT." double whammy)
idk idk idk! i find it SO interesting that she's so beloved in canon but is simultaneously very passive about it? i really love how a little creature explores what a more proactive falin could look like, and i'm super curious about your thoughts on what falin's love life would look like/if a love life would even exist decoupled from her newfound dragon instincts and marcille
honestly this is the one aspect im never sure about bc... i've seen other people establish that falin's gone and kissed or gotten involved with some of the other girls at the academy, or other adventurers. and i respect that! mostly bc it's a way of painting falin as more independent and mature than the canon material, and i can't knock that.
but i guess? idk. she was as clueless about shuro's feelings as laios was until he actually proposed to her. she also believed that she wouldn't get another proposal, so there's an element of her not realizing that she's particularly attractive. that, or she's... still somehow working by her hometown logic, which im assuming is the old "if you're not married by your teenage years you're considered a really bad marriage candidate for men" type thing, considering how much of a small town it was/the fact that she and laios already had marriages arranged from a young age.
an intensely auDHD woman, who has spent all of her independent life focusing on at least one person she was inseparably close to, not having had any romantic experience at the age of 23? that's very likely. personally i'd consider it more likely than the alternatives, but that's just my opinion lol
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
My [ongoing] CodyWan Fic Masterlist
Hello! Sorry that this post is a little late, as I said in another post, I've been busy and it kinda got sidetracked--but it's here now!
This rec list isn't gonna be as long as the other one, since I haven't really had time to get into new fics (life stuff + the work of writing my own fic), but there a still a good chunk of them + a couple are series.
They're gonna be separated into "Ongoing" and "Abandoned" so that way you know what you're getting into and I'll put more info in the description--and yes, I'm recommending a couple abandoned works because I think they're still good and maybe with enough support the authors will decide to continue. Either way, they're good fics.
shoulder the sky by @shootingstarpilot
Have I already recced this series? Yes. Am I still reccing it again? Also yes.
I seriously cannot rave enough about how awesome and well done this fic is, and no amount of me harping on it will ever do it thejustice it deserves. This fic has made me laugh, cry, get really pissed at the characters, and it has me waiting (im)patiently for every update--like, every single day I check Ao3 and it's just to check if this fic has updated.
It handles Jedi and Clone culture beautifully and adds in so much interesting world building, it perfectly balances out the fluff with the angst, it handles grief and PTSD very well, and so many other things! The author is also honestly just very sweet and even takes time out of his day to reply to as many comments as possible (which is insane, because there are always like 70+ comments on every chapter).
The Emperor and His Mandalorian by wanderingjedihistorian (RangerJedi67)
Technically I think this would be considered finished, but the author has added a new work to the series every couple months since I found it, so I'm adding it here just in case.
It's a Sith!Obi-Wan AU where Obi-Wan kicks Palpatine's ass and becomes Emperor and marries Cody, son of Manda'lor Jango Fett, as an agreement when Mandalore surrenders to him. I honestly really like how this fic handles Obi-Wan as a Sith and how that affects his actions and relationships with others, as well as Cody being a sort of "balance" for Obi-Wan's dark tendencies.
I'm not even a big fan of Sith!Obi-Wan fics, but this series is the one that got me to start reading some of them--so it definitely comes recommended!
no one left to sing to by slotmachines_fearofgod
This fic is a really interesting take on what would happen in TCW if Cody took more of an active role in the story. I love the author's take on Cody's character and how both his duty to his brothers and all the Kamino bullshit effects how Cody handles Obi-Wan and his feelings towards him.
Also the ending of the most recent update had me screaming and crying at my computer.
The art of living anyway by Itstwointhemorningwhyamiawake
A "Rex is Force-sensitive" fic that follows Cody and Obi-Wan's relationship as well. This fic is pretty new, so I don't really know where it's going, but the first two chapters have been amazing so far!
the sun is just a star by clementines_and_colorful_things
It's hard to give this fic a description that does it justice, but it's honestly really really good. It's basically a slow burn that follows Obi-Wan and Cody through TCW and, according to the tags, would eventually lead to Order 66 happening differently than in RotS.
More Than Blood by generalekenobi
Where Order 66 happens a bit differently and Cody and Obi-Wan end up on the run with baby Luke and Leia, having to masquerade as a Mandalorian couple to do so (uh-huh, yep, totally fake--them have feelings for each other? never).
I really love how this fic gives Cody agency and lets him go "no, we're not doing that, try again" and actually effect the story's outcome. It makes the story a lot more interesting and adds to the dynamic between Cody and Obi-Wan--both relationship-wise and in their newfound mission in taking care of the twins.
I Can Barely Recall (but it's all coming back to me now) by Shortcuts_make_long_delays
Ok, so I don't know if this fic is abandoned or just taking a while to update, so I just put it here--just be aware of that.
This is a Modern!AU where Cody and Obi-Wan used to date, but broke up due to something that keeps being hinted at but not overtly stated (and fuck, I just wanna know what happened! It's killing me!), and now Cody meets his ex "Ben" again when he turns out to be Obi-Wan, Anakin's older brother.
This fic is really interesting and well written and, like I said before, I really just want to know wtf the accident is--the suspense is killing me! Ahhhhhh!
Honorable Mention
An honorable mention for Not This Crude Matter by thebitterbeast
This fic was gonna be apart of the "ongoing" section, but the final part was posted like right after I posted my finished CodyWan rec list.
This series isn't just centered around Cody and Obi-Wan, but I still think it handles their relationship--and other relationships--beautifully. It centers mainly around Jedi culture and it's honestly one of my favorite takes on it. I can't recommend this series enough!
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livelaughlovekny · 10 months
Texting him for homework help
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a/n: going to try out a new format + wrote this fic when i was meant to be revising a test but got sidetracked. anyways, you can see how bad i am at science and math HAHA
Summary: You text Muichirou for homework help and he helps you a little
  You flip through the pages furiously, nearly ripping them. You should have revised earlier but the fanfiction you were reading was just too good. Your brain is officially a blank slate. Giving up, you opened up WhatsApp on your laptop. His name was at the top of your recently contacted. Tapping into your chats, you quickly sent him a SOS message.
You help, i cant do this anymore
mint ice creamok
You ☹️ science isnt sciencing
mint ice creamok
You how the frickity frack does a fuse work like does it just like stops current????
mint ice cream are you serious 💀 it lets current flow through but if theres too much then the wire inside the fuse will melt and like current can flow through cos its an open circuit do you get it
You ty bbg YES ok and so explain what earth wire does pls its so stupid ☹️
mint ice cream 🤡
You plsplspls i dont get anything 😢 the slides sucks
  Muichirou rolled his eyes but opened up a new tab in which he searched for the chapter’s slides. Screenshotting it, he sent it to you, knowing full well what your response would be. Waiting for you to reply, he formed his response to you in his head, figuring out how to explain it in simpler terms for you.
You [Image]
idiot wow so helpful 🥺
You it literally just like conducts electricity to the ground like if theres a leakage then it will prevent the user from getting a shock yk 
idiot still a little iffy about it but ok
You its a test, you cant be “iffy” about anything
idiot ☹️ tbf its just a revision
You ok 💀
  Rolling his eyes, Muichirou contemplated explaining the concept to you again or just letting you ask him other questions. He patiently waited for you to send your message when he noticed you typing.
You i think ill revise science tmr can you help me with math
mint ice cream the test is tmr wdym 💀
You ik but im too tired of it ☹️
mint ice creamalright, what is it
You soo whats like the four congruency tests
mint ice cream shit are you serious
You yeah 🙁
mint ice cream 💀ok wait
mint ice cream SSS = Side-Side-Side = All sides are the same SAS = Side-Angle-Side = 2 sides + 1 angle are the same AAS = Angle-Angle-Side= 2 angles + 1 side are the same RHS = Right angle-Hypotenuse-Side = Hypotenuse + 1 side is the same
mint ice creamdo you get it 🤓
You lol ass and idk 🙁
mint ice cream i dont deserve the torture of tutoring you
You 🖕 ok but fr i actually appreciate your help 🥺
  Twirling around in your spinning chair, you waited for his response. You glanced at the messy pile of worksheets and textbooks on your desk. No matter how hard you tried, his explanations were the only things that you could somewhat get.
You you know what congruent means right
You impressive. so basically after you prove that theyre congruent youll write “[] is congruent to []” right
idiot yeah
You ok then at the back you write one of the congruent tests like which kind of congruency it is
idiot ok
You 🤡
idiot shut up im tired idw to do this anymore oml
  Muichirou’s fingers hovered above his keyboard as he thought about how to respond. He deleted his original message and sent another one.
mint ice cream L
Bonus: <Original message: itll be alright, im here for you>  He knew how hard these stuff were for you and was honestly extremely glad that his explanations could help you, even if it was just a little.
a/n: im so bad at this oml i feel like im horrible at explaining math and science :( tbf i do suck at them and i wrote this for fun (comforting myself) HAHA
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anzynai · 2 months
Study Break!
Riddle & Ace & Chenya (TWST)
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a/n: WOOOO another twst fic done! and its lee riddle!! surprisingly enough, i actually got a lot of lee riddle requests (which i dont blame u nom nom) so im planning to write those requests in the future. still, here i combined two of them so i hope u dont mind! this was actually meant to be posted much sooner but well.. got sidetracked. plus, i wanted to write another fic before i posted this one. (that did not happen) ANYWAY, enjoy!
summary: when ace is forced to study with riddle, he finds that things may not be so bad after-all when a friend of riddle’s comes to visit!
word count: 1.5k
“Urghhh..” Ace groaned to himself. “This sucks..” Slouching over his papers, he wanted nothing more than to just go back to his room and sleep for ten years.
See, it was his fault, wasn’t it? That he had to waste three hours of his day on schoolwork instead of doing literally anything else. It’s true that he did get a.. well, less than favorable score on his test, but no! What he blamed himself on was the fact he had accidentally let Riddle see it!
And now, he was here, in the Heartslabyul Lounge, textbooks as far as the eye can see (or really, only covering the table) and Riddle drilling lesson after lesson into his brain. He was sure that if he stayed there a second longer, his brain would quite literally melt.
He hated that Riddle was actually a really good tutor. This wasn’t Ace’s first time getting a tutoring session with the Housewarden, despite the other’s busy schedule. But.. he had to be in the mood to study, you know?
“Do you get it, Ace? This is important,” Riddle asked, causing another groan to pass through the freshman’s lips.
“Yes… but..” He said, knowing full well that he hadn't been listening to Riddle for the past five minutes. “Can’t we just take a small break?”
“Not when you haven’t been listening to me at all. Do you really think you’re deserving of a break?” Riddle narrowed his eyes, his arms crossed. Ace, on the other hand, averted his eyes after getting through his initial shock.
“So you noticed..”
“Of course I did.”
“I just can’t focus! It’s just one test. I’ll do better on the next one.” Ace shrugged, looking out the window. He could be doing other things right now. Should he just.. say he needs to go to the bathroom and just leave? No, it’s Riddle. He would wait until Ace got back and punish him. And no one wanted to be on the receiving end of Riddle’s punishments.
“But you didn’t do well on this one. Tell me, what will you do if this material shows up on the final exam?” Riddle questioned, doubtful.
“Hehe, playing teacher?” A voice suddenly cut out, startling the two. Ace jerked his head over towards the source to see.. a floating head?!
“Ah! It’s you!” What was his name? Arte… Pinky..? Huh???
“Chenya,” Riddle sighed, then looked up, a glare directed at him, rather than Ace. “Stop using your signature spell to scare others.”
“Hehe.” Chenya winked, then the rest of his body appeared.
“Freaky…” Ace mumbled to himself, still recovering from his heart attack earlier. How did he get in here anyway? When did he get here?
“What are you doing here?” Riddle asked the RSA student.
“Can’t I just visit my friends~?” Chenya put his hands behind his head, casually.
Riddle pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m assuming you’ve already met with Trey then?”
“Nope,” Chenya started, popping the p. “I actually thought I was gonna see you two together. You two used to be like, attached at the hip.”
“We were not.” Riddle looked away.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatcha doing?” He said, half-walking, half-skipping over to the table. Sevens, him and Floyd would get along swimmingly— no pun intended.
“As you can see, I’m tutoring one of my freshmen. He got an unacceptable grade on his last test and I am going to ensure that doesn’t happen again,” Riddle explains, gesturing at the textbooks sprawled about on the table.
“Way to put all my business out there, Housewarden..” Ace muttered under his breath. Riddle pointedly ignored him.
“Looks like he’s been working hard. I heard him ask for a break! Why not give the little freshie one?”
“Little freshie?!” Ace can hardly be grateful for Chenya trying to convince the housewarden to give Ace a break when he’s called that! Still.. a break would be nice.
Riddle looks between the two, a hopeful glint in each of their eyes.
Then, he sighed. “Fine. I will permit silent reading for ten minutes,” He responded, at last, handing him an alchemy textbook.
“Eh?! That’s not a break at all!” Ace exclaimed, before he could help it. He withdrew slightly at the glare that Riddle sent him.
“Yeah. I mean, like, something away from studying. Come on, the Chenya is visiting, do you think I’d wanna watch you two studying?” Chenya whined, throwing his arms out. He seemed very.. mischievous. Clearly, this was not his first rodeo.
“And what do you suggest?” Riddle raised a brow.
“I know!” Chenya declared, like he had been waiting for it, then he set his sights on Ace. Ace startled when Chenya started walking towards him, getting closer and cupping his ear to whisper into it.
Ace lit up while Riddle grimaced. Ace looked at the housewarden, newfound fervor in his demeanor. Ace had a mission and he could tell Riddle was not looking forward to finding out what it was.
“What are you two scheming over there?” Riddle demanded and Chenya shook, like he forgot the other was there. Then, the same fervor was in his eyes.
“Get him!” Chenya shouted, suddenly, as if Ace were a soldier or a knight or… something. Still, Ace obliged, running to pounce Riddle. Riddle didn’t seem to stop him, even though he very well could have, so the freshman could tell that he was curious about where this was going to go.
Then, Ace wiggled his fingers on Riddle’s sides and Chenya joined in, tickling Riddle’s ribs and armpits.
“H-huh?! Unhahand me!”
“No way! You were right, he is ticklish!” Ace exclaimed, almost incredulously.
“Hehe, isn’t he?” Chenya giggled. And that’s when it seemed to click in Riddle’s mind that that’s what they were whispering about. Riddle bit his lip, trying to resist but it was all over before he even began.
“Lehehehet gohoho!” Riddle laughed, an unwilling blush rising to his cheeks. Ignoring all that Riddle was, he looked so.. cute and innocent here.
“Nuh uh! This is how I want to spend my break!” Ace started poking his fingers in between Riddle’s ribs, loudly and obnoxiously singing some classical music, like Riddle was a piano. He knew he would probably die later, but… it was worth it.
When he hit a particular sensitive spot on his ribs, Riddle actually snorted. Yep. Definitely worth it.
Chenya was squeezing Riddle’s thighs, lightly grazing the tops of his knees all the while.
“You twohohoho, stahahap!” Riddle cried, squirming and trying to grab his magic pen from his pocket. That is, until Ace started scratching at Riddle’s waist, grazing his sides just barely, but enough to drive him mad.
“No way! Not when I found out my housewarden is,” Ace started, teasingly. “…this ticklish~” He enunciated his words with a poke to his side, laughing at how Riddle jolted each time.
“Teehee, he is just as ticklish as he was when he was little! So cuteee!” Chenya cooed, his slender fingers exploring Riddle’s tummy and bellybutton.
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!” Riddle screeched, his face bright red and Ace wasn’t really sure whether it was from embarrassment or anger. Maybe both. Maybe this shouldn’t go on much longer, he thought, thinking back about the times Riddle had used his unique magic on him. Riddle was better about it now, but he definitely still had his limits.
“Seems like you’re having fun?” A voice called out of seemingly nowhere. All three heads jerked towards the sound, spotting Trey in the doorway.
“Trehehehey! Mahahahake theheheem stohop!” Riddle giggled, finally giving up on trying to break free as he looked at Trey who chuckled in response.
“Alright, don’t you guys think he’s had enough?” Trey asked, walking closer to them but never actually stopping. Ace looked at his house warden and backed away. Chenya got in a few more pokes in before he stopped, as well, deciding to jog over to Trey.
“Trey! Your best friend is here!” He exclaimed, pointing at himself and winking. A fond smile made its way onto Trey’s face and Ace offhandedly wonders about the history between the three.
It is almost silent for a few moments, save for Riddle exhaling slowly and deeply.
“I hope that made for a sufficient break.” Riddle glared at the two, but especially Ace. Likely for giving into Chenya’s whims, which.. fair, but shouldn’t he be more angry at Chenya who suggested tickling him in the first place?!
“It definitely did, Housewarden!” Ace admitted, pushing any fear of retaliation that he might’ve had, recalling the moments just now. If Riddle hadn’t collared him, he must be safe, right? And well, it’s Riddle. Riddle would never do something so petty like tickle him back.
“Whatever. Let’s just get back to learning. And there will be no breaks until we are finished,” The Housewarden declares, sitting up to pick up one of the textbooks on the table. However, he scooted closer towards Ace, so that they were more diagonal than across.
Ace decided not to think about it too much. That is, until Riddle began poking him in the side every time he lost focus or got an answer wrong.
He supposed that this was what he deserved, so he didn't say anything. At least pokes in the side were all it was…
He shivered at the thought of Riddle finding out about how embarrassingly ticklish he was, but he’ll save that for another day! Now, he just has to get through this tutoring session… Ughhhh…
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first kiss headcanons! (moon knight)
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holy moly would u believe it i am back
this was supposed to be just a kissing headcanon list but i got sidetracked when i started writing and here we are
reader is gender neutral!
EDIT: i've managed to read enough oneshots and fanfiction for jake lockley that i feel comfortable writing for him (didn't do it the first time bc i don't know much about him)! i would like to address that i am not 100% aware of what jake's nationality is and have not found any accurate sources that tell me that info so just assume that he is hispanic in general! (my being mexican definitely has a bias on jake lol)
。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆。゚☁︎。⋆
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steven was dedicated to making your first kiss PERFECT, he felt like this would make or break your relationship (it most obviously wouldn’t)
the day he decided to do it wasn’t any different to you, though; he was chatty and rambled about anything just as he always did
steven’s heart is beating hard in his chest when he walks you home, his hands clammy with nerves as his fingers stay intertwined with yours
once at the door to your house, he can barely get a word out except a rushed “goodnight” and he’s already chickened out before you grab his hand again, taking both of his hands in yours when he’s facing you before kissing him
you kiss him and he thinks he must have died because this is heaven
you almost pull away when he makes a sound but by the way he leans into the kiss, you know not to stop JUST yet
his first instinct is to grab your waist (i mean that’s what he always sees the guys do in movies) but he’s so distracted with how amazing he feels that his hands are just kind of uselessly hanging in the air
until your hands are in his hair and it’s like you sent an electric current down his spine, his shaky hands cupping your face so that he can confirm that this is actually real (also to stop from his head spinning but holding you doesn’t really fix that)
when you finally pull away, his lips chase yours and you can’t help but laugh a bit when his face goes red from how embarrassed he is that you saw him do that
he wants to say something, but he can’t stop looking at your lips but is also trying to look anywhere but your eyes bc he can’t believe he actually did that
“sorry, that was kind of sudden, huh?” you say with a nervous smile, finally catching steven’s gaze and smiling at the way a smile spreads onto his own lips
speechlessly, he nods before you watch him physically take a deep breath and suddenly, he’s cupping your face again and kissing you with so much passion that you can barely believe you are still kissing the same person
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oh but your first kiss is definitely not planned
marc is a walking red flag obviously but he also has boobs and i love when men have massive honkers (im sorry) and i think that could pull (almost) anyone
but just bc he can pull doesn’t mean he kisses you the first time he feels like it, he’s careful to wait until you give him permission to do so which hasn’t happened yet
even if he isn’t planning your first kiss, he still keeps his word to himself to make it special (him and steven are the same in that way)
marc comes to visit you one day and catches you cooking to which he immediately he invites himself in
serving the two of you a glass of wine, he watches you move in the kitchen, can’t help but smile when you stir something in a pot with one hand and take a sip of wine with the other
that’s when he decides it: he could kiss you now and remember the feeling on his deathbed
he walks over to you and you don’t immediately suspect what he’s up to, instead teasing him to wait back at the table for his food which will be out soon
then you see the look in his eyes and your smile falters a bit out of curiosity
“marc..?” you say, putting down your spoon and swallowing thickly as he slowly approaches you, making you back up against the counter and your hands holding the edge
you don’t break eye contact with him, your breath hitching when his hands immediately move to hold your waist
his eyes ask you for permission, searching your own for any discomfort or uncertainty; his shoulders relax a bit when you place your hands on his and caress the backs of them
with that, he gently presses his forehead against yours and brushes his nose against yours, his breathing is uneven against your lips and in a blink, he’s kissing you
he’s eager but even still you can sense he’s holding back with the way his grip on your hips increases
without warning, he picks you up to sit you on the counter, hooking one of your legs around his waist; he wastes no time in reaching down to squeeze your thigh
when that gets a noise out of you, marc pulls away, one hand caressing your cheek and the other still on your thigh
his chest rises and falls as he catches his breath, his eyes flitting from your eyes to your lip, “this alright?” he whispers, a smug smile on his lips as you nod wordlessly and with that, he’s kissing you again
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jake is the complete opposite, obviously and he thinks that him being able to kiss you wasn't going to be something that you found incredibly important, it would just be something that the two of you did considering you're in a relationship
but boy was he wrong because the first time he tried it, you immediately put a finger to his lips (and he would have been a little ashamed to say that he actually listened to you when you did that but anything for his partner)
"not just yet, mi amor" you had said with a mischievous smile, reveling in the shock written all over your boyfriend's face
oh so THATS the game you want to play
jake could already tell that two of you were making a competition out of this and he didn't plan to lose, even if it killed him (metaphorically that is)
and oh was it worth it
the way he would get SO close, his breath on your lips and his fingers brushing your jaw that made your hair stand on end in the best way possible
but every single time he would pull away with that signature shit eating smirk of his that would say "i win" before ultimately changing the subject to something as mundane as the weather
but on this particular date night, you had plans to finally end this playful little feud
a dinner date at home lead to an impromptu dance session, music provided by none other than jake (this playlist i made is pretty much the music y'all dance to!)
the night starts out innocent enough, jake is teaching you to dance to some of his favorite songs which have less fancy footwork than you expected but you were having the time of your life nonetheless; then the slower, more R&B music starts
you relish in the feeling of jake holding your waist as you sway to the music, your cheeks flushing at all the sweet nothings your boyfriend is whispering to you
"i love you", "te ves tan bonita/o", "mi amor", "princesa/mi rey", "mi angel"
you don't know when but suddenly it's quiet between you two and the only sound is the soft melody playing in the living room where it was feeling much warmer than before
"it's getting late, huh? think it's about time to end the night?" you say to which jake simply shrugs at, his movements slowing along with your own
slowly, though, you feel that familiar stubble tickle the crook of your neck, feel your boyfriend's lips brush your skin that make you jump; "todo bien, amor?" he asks to which you simply nod (you didn't trust your voice right now)
the two of you go still when he starts to drag his lips up to your jaw before he's doing the usual, pressing you close and kissing everywhere except for where you want need him to
but this is where you draw the line and finish this
without hesitation, your hands move to cup jake's face and you slam your lips onto his before he even has a chance to react, making him jump in a way that fills you with glee
of course, it takes him all of two seconds to kiss you back with all the energy he has because por dios, he's been waiting for this for so long
his hands move to tug on your hair which immediately makes you pull away, panting heavily and meeting jake's eyes who's pupils have dilated so fast that you can't help but giggle a bit
"about time." you say, the smile on your lips growing when he tips his head back with laughter before pressing his forehead against yours. "i would have waited an eternity for that, mi vida."
that immediately makes you duck your head in embarrassment, a shy smile on your face as jake tucks his thumb under your chin and tilts it up to face you again
that's about as long as the tender moment lasts because you immediately see the playful smirk on his face before he expertly tosses you over his shoulder with a celebratory grito
you squeal out a protest, saying his name in between giggles and kicking your feet in a failed attempt to get away as your boyfriend leads you to the bedroom
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MASSIVE THANKS TO @ellieheim FOR REQUESTING A JAKE LOCKLEY HEADCANON LIST!! i had the time of life writing this and loved having the opportunity to finally write for him (and have an excuse to start his playlist lol) !! also, i would like to take this opportunity to promote my ask box! i just recently set it up and would love to see what you all would like me to write! rules are in my pinned post!
but for now, i hope that u all enjoyed this and thanks so much for reading!! <33
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floydsteeth · 5 months
hi hi hi hi 💞 how are you doing?
for the silly ask game: What would happen if you swapped occupations for a day? + Rio
pfft, whats his occupation? #1 fanboy?hehheheheheheh
hi ana :D! i'm doing good today i hope you're having a lovely day aswell! <3
but yea, if i swapped jobs with Rio i dont think it'd go well,
if say i was his personal attendant for a day i do think i'd spend all glued to him like how hes glued to mc, but alot less helpful
he asks me to do something or for help? what sorry i didnt hear you i was really distracted looking at your--
i do think i'd just waste away the day cuddling with him in bed or smt
i would be useless, maybe i'd try to draw him?
ya'know like the scene in titanic the the draw me like your french girl thing, i'd do that
but Rio's my french girl, actually wait im gonna draw that then continure writing this after
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uhhh so yea long story short i'd ignore all my duties so that i could spent every moment of that day with him :3
i got sidetracked really fast but that's pretty normal its a good example on why i'd be a really bad attendant
and if Rio had my job for a day it'd be pretty easy cause i dont have a job, i'm planning on getting one but not anytime soon
yea i think thats all, this was really badly written and rambly but i had fun :)
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gloopdimension · 1 year
ugh. im so emo. pongormas first I Love You said to one of the other 3 (likely dedusmuln i think she says it most often to gormy). uuughghhh. i think ghey should have a particularly mushy gushy moment where they r cuddling to hell and back and the overwhelming adoration in gormys heart overflows into words as i love you. Uugghhh. i think itd be a while after actually bc gestures in my mind gormy tried to not get very attached to these HOOLIGANS bc i dont think she expected to get so attached to them over their many adventures as the years and deaths go by. Expecting to wake up alone in the afterlife but there they are waiting for her. And its a genuine loyalty not out of intimidation or necessity they enjoy her company as stinky as she is. i got sidetracked. anyway i think shed be lightly teased/bantered with abt it but in the end he truly does mean it
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
hello! i've been following u for quite some time now and i rlly love the way u write!! 🫶 i'm a fellow writer but i'm still comtemplating if i should open a writing blog bcos english is not my first language. sorry i feel like this suddenly turned into a rant/vent message 😣 anyway, the reason i wrote to u is to share smth that's been on my mind for a lil while now! have u watched kimi ni todoke? i recently finished the anime + manga and i rlly loved the whole series! i can't stop myself simping for sawako and it's kinda ironic since in these kinds of romance anime, u typically get hung up with the male lead but it was the opposite for me! kazehaya is sure charming but my little darling sawako is so adorable im willing to burn the world for her 😞 okay i got sidetracked again sorry for my simp ass jdkwkxiw
so i've been thinking of sawako!reader that works for the kamisato clan. long, black hair that usually hides her face — she's kinda feared amongst the workers inside the kamisato estate. always mistaken as a ghost or spirit that roams around the estate when in fact, she's just trying to finish her job. rumors about her seem to worsen everyday that even the loyal and trusted retainer of the head, thoma, thinks it's kind of ridiculous. of course, our ever charming blonde boy tries to interact more with the reader but he feels like he was hated. don't get her wrong tho, she admires thoma so much! who wouldn't? he's lively, respectful and always seemed to be the center of attention, even amongst the maidens that work for the kamisato. she strives to be a person just like him but the reader understands that she somehow scares the people she tries to talk with. worry not, she isn't discouraged by this! she simply has to try next time right? there's always a next time (tho she couldn't help but wonder, when is this next time? why does it take so long?). little did she know, her life's going to be changed when the gentleman himself took it upon his hands to properly talk and get to know her. little by little, her life changed and she even managed to befriend the lady of the house, lady ayaka! the ever kind and loving younger sibling of the kamisato household, ayaka made it her life mission to try and make the reader smile. no one had seen her smile genuinely, and frankly speaking, even thoma and ayaka felt the chills run down their spines when they tried to force her one time to give them a smile. it's safe to say that they never tried it again. ayaka did succeed and it took only a game of hotpot to see how much of a beautiful maiden the reader was, especially with that eyes filled with stars. and archons, the way her lips curl into a small and satisfied smile, thoma suddenly had the urge to keep this smile, only for him to see because gods this girl is so heavenly he was sure others would stop and stare. his eyes widen when he realized his train of thoughts, cheeks burning in embarassment as he berated himself because why would he even try to keep the reader for himself? he's so stupid (and whipped yes, don't tell him i said that), he thought as he silently squirmed in his seat. no one but ayaka noticed the whole ordeal, hiding her own smile behind her fan. oh the fun she would have watching these two, especially her retainer. the pining, the awkward yet satisying interactions, the stealing and fleeting glances—oh, she's so excited! (ayaka is me fr). she can't wait to spill all of these to her brother!
so yeah haha that's all for now, i think i got carried away with this brainrot im so sorry kwkxiwjd
— 🫶
I haven't watched kimi ni todoke! i actually haven't been able to watch anything lately other than bungo stray dogs and moriarty 😭 but this is a scrumptious brainrot, dw about the rant, thank you for sending this in!
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dropout-if · 9 months
YAY here was my NSFW idea for Kai/Jay/MC. I am not a writer by any means lol so im not writing it out like a scenario. Just pitching it to you if you want to write it out! Also feel free to scrap it if you don't like it I won't be offended.
Kai needs to be punished. They've been an absolute brat all day and have finally pushed Jay to their limit. MC has been good and deserves to be rewarded.
Jay ties up (hands and feet) and gags Kai while they have to watch Jay pleasure MC. Kai doesn't get to touch or be touched. Jay is turning MC into a complete mess right in front of Kai and all they can do is sit there and watch. At the end, Jay throws MC on top of Kai and is relentlessly pounding MC from behind. Rough and fast like Kai would have liked it. Jay pulls MC up by their hair and has Kai and MC face to face. MC is absolutely WRECKED and super close to finishing. Red faced, tears, drool. Jay tells Kai "See Kai. If you would have just been a good slut like (name) here, this could have been you."
So yeah I am not a good writer, but if you like this Idea feel free to use it or toss it if you think it's trash lol. I'll be turning myself into horny jail now.
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Some some food for the people waiting for Travis' abc (I got sidetracked sorry kdks).
Once I have some time and I start doing actual NSFW one shots... I'll most likely do this👁️ Love seeing Kai suffering a bit!
Now— to the horny jail you go. Bonk.
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