#🌑 asks
spicyseonghwas · 5 months
ok so his name is Stephen he moved here from Texas in early september he's like 5'9 or 5'10 (to my barely 5'4) hes half native american half mexican he's built literally like toji and he's a Sagittarius i know how to write his birthday in roman numerals he plays football (really badly but he loves it that's what matters) i can write his football number in roman numerals too it's LVIII he's got hot cocoa colored skin a voice like Felix talks like a fucking white douchebag fsr and his hair is longer than Yeosang's ever was and it's dark brown curly fluffy as fuck he stole choi sans jawline and hasn't been arrested for it yet he has trauma but also the nicest ass he acts like a fifteen year old even tho he just turned seventeen and is also the hugest gentleman he has manners somehow im madly in love with him
he has my number
✨he's single✨
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Omg that’s so funny. Like the boys ask you to hold smth for them really quick and you put it in your boobs 😭😭😭
Azul would put you to good use and give you his random little trinkets he carries around
Malleus would be fascinated with how you figured you could hold all that
Leona would start putting his hand in them as a pocket to heat him up 💀💀
YEAH TITTY POCKETS quick snippet before I go to bed:
Riddle was walking past the cafeteria when he noticed a small crowd forming around the table that the Prefect, Grim, Ace, and Deuce would normally sit at. A sense of dread filled him as he approached, positive that one of his freshmen was up to some trouble again.
So imagine his surprise when he walks up and sees a bunch of students, from various years and dorms, surrounding you as they handed you items. Imagine his even bigger shock when you, making direct eye contact with Riddle, smile at him as you take a small notepad from a random hand and stuff it into your breasts.
It takes a moment for him to realize that you've undone your tie and unbutton your shirt to reveal a healthy amount of cleavage, the hem of your white lacy (Oh heavens, he thinks it's lace, wait why is he looking!?) peeking at him.
“Oh, hey Riddle—”
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? YOUR SHIRT—DID YOU JUST—GAH!” Riddle launched himself over the crowd to clutch your shirt and tug it closed, face in his signature red.
“Hey! What's the big deal!” Riddle whipped his head over to see Ruggie pouting, holding a handful of granola bars.
“I was gonna see how many granola bars they could fit—”
“This is utterly indecent! Why are you allowing this Prefect? What even led up to this?!”
“Oh!” You perked up, grabbing and gently pushing his arms off you. “I was telling Ace and Deuce how I can fit up to 19 items into my boobs for storage, 10 if they're bigger. 3 if they're really big though, like a cell phone!”
He stared at you with confusion, flushing again as he saw you take three bars from Ruggie, adjust your…boobs, and start sliding the items in. As if this was a normal thing.
“Why are you acting like this is normal?”
“…. Because it is? Riddle, as someone with titties,” you ignored his scandalized gasp. “I gotta take advantage. These girls may hurt my back, but they also make excellent pockets. Look!”
You took a potion bottle from a different hand, smoothly sliding your hand down the side of your right breast. Taking a moment to adjust again, you stood up with your hands on your hips, looking proud.
“Look at my boobs and tell me how many items I have in them. Right now!”
Riddle gasped, “I will not, that is so, so, so indecent—”
You snapped your fingers at a random Ignihyde student, grinning as you shouted, “Correct! You get a prize, lemme just—”
You took a moment to dig through your bra, as Riddle listened in to the students around him make comments.
“Is it wrong to find this hot?”
“Dude, why can't I have boob pockets?”
“Oh my goooood, am I into this? I think I'm into this.”
“That's actually kinda useful, not gonna lie.”
You cried out triumphantly, holding out a lollipop and handing it over to the Ignihyde student, who shrugged and accepted the candy.
“See Riddle? Useful, you can ask me to carry anything you want—”
“I will do NO such thing!” He scoffed, crossing his arms indigently, “I am a self-respecting housewarden of Night Raven College, and I'm offended at the implications that I'd do such a thing with your... you know.”
He gestured as Azul casually walked up, the crowd parting for him and the twins.
“Hello, my dear Prefect, can you hand me the spare punch cards I gave you? We ran out faster than anticipated this week.”
“Oh yeah, here” You dug through your left breast, taking out a small bundle of Mostro Lounge punch cards. “I ended up giving out a few to some guys, so expect a few new customers this weekend”
Azul smiled and nodded at you, taking the cards from your hand.
“That's fine, thank you, Prefect. I come by again later to grab the rest of my items.”
“Okie! See ya, byeee!”
You waved him goodbye, turning back to Riddle, who, once again, looked at you scandalously.
“… What?”
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ovaryacted · 2 months
Making Chris suck the strap 🫣
WOAHH?!?! NEURON ACTIVATED HEAVY LIKE. New moon anon, you are crazy I’ll give you that. But you’re also real af and you get me and that’s why I adore you.
But yeah, just imagine seeing this man on his knees, usually a leader in everyone else’s eyes but you’re the only one who can break his walls, who can see him like this in this position.
He is always head of command, head of the household, in charge of everything and anything because that’s where his strengths lie. He was an alpha through and through, never letting anyone else get the upper hand or risk his superior place in life.
Of course, that rule doesn’t apply to you. He’s at your beck and call like a loyal pet, keeping all the mission shit out of the house and entering your domain in the bedroom. You still grant him the control he needs, what he desires, but for Chris sometimes he just needs to learn to let go, to stop worrying about the superficial.
Hazy brown orbs glanced up towards you as he sucked on the tip of your strap slowly, growing accustomed to the shape and sensation before going lower. You kept one of your hands close to his cheek, caressing his skin as his eyes fluttered closed, growing lost to the sensation of the weight of your cock resting on his tongue.
“Ah ah, keep your eyes on me baby. I wanna see how pretty you look”, you mumbled out to him, the mellow tone of your voice bringing him back to reality as he rocked on his knees. Big hands caressed your thighs, his pupils blown as he looked up directly at your face again.
“Need me to fuck your head empty? Is that it?“, you offered him a solution to the problem, something simple and effective that gets the job done.
“Yeah, please”, Chris replied breathlessly, cheeks starting to redden and his plump lips covered in his own spit. You smirked at him, grabbing the back of his head and tapping the silicone tip against his chin playfully.
“Open up for me, I’ll take care of you”, you said before thrusting back into his mouth, making sure to go deep enough to where his throat constricted around your length, audibly gagging in the process.
You weren’t going to stop until Chris was a puddle underneath you, until he was completely relaxed and not a thought was going off in his brain. He may be known as a leader to everyone else, but when he was with you, you called the shots.
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lavenderstemssss · 4 months
Lav here
This account will have NSFW themes
That being said NO MINORS 🔞
Just your average POC, plus size, nerdy girl who loves all things pink 🎀✨
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555bunnies · 5 months
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Custom design + ref sheet commission for someone on discord
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cheezy-moon · 7 months
OC Ask Game
🐥- If they could pick an animal to accompany them, what would they pick?
☀️- What's their favorite time of day? Why?
💢- Do they get mad easily? What do they get upset/mad at?
🔥- Do they have any regrets? If so, what do they regret?
👎- Do they dislike anyone? If so, who? And why?
👍- What type of people do they like?
💅- Do they paint their nails?
🌈- What's their favorite color?
☕- How do they drink their coffee? if not coffee, tea?
⭐-What are they best at?
✨- Do they take care of things like their hair and skin?
❓- What are some things your oc is fascinated by, and/or likes to question?
💡- Why did you make the oc/ What was your idea that got you to make them?(idk how to word this💀😭)
❤️- Do they fall in love easily?
😨- What are they scared of?
Oh and thank you @edith-is-apparently-a-cat for some question ideas!
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somos-deseos · 2 months
Hola buenas noches hay varias preguntas que quiero hacer y saber ¿su nombre? ¿de donde es? Y ¿qué edad tiene? ^^
Me gustan las hojas caer del otoño.
Mirar a las estrellas y creer que cumplen deseos.
Me gusta mucho el 11:11 y esa clase de cosas bonitas.
Te aseguro que soy mayor que tu, sino estoy cerca.
Hogar propio por ahora no tengo, así que no se de dónde soy.
R : ⋆·˚ ༘ * 🔭.
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transpanda-1 · 21 days
Hi! You can definitely ignore this or just tell me if you're the wrong person to ask, I'm kind of nervous asking this but, how do you figure out if you are a system or not? I don't know if I am or not, I kind of talk to an alternate version of "me" in my head a lot, and I regularly think of myself as a "we" but I don't know if that means anything. I don't feel like I ever change in my outward personality or anything but Idk. There might be two of me in my head?
🌑Hello, apologies for the delay. Got a little sidetracked today.
If I may, we'd like to direct you to this post, which was made to help someone think they may be plural as well.
We do know of alters that do not front, but moreso exist purely in headspace. So it's not out of the question there could be more than one of you.
Most of our methods are listed in the post we linked, though we did learn something.
As we demonstrated with welldrawnfish, if you're already this far along, you can have someone say to a suspected alter, "Thank you for existing, [blank]". That seems to be doing quite effectively in the artist circles lately.
Our usual method though has always been to give people an environment where they can comfortably be plural. Where they can even attempt to identify with it and see how well it goes for them. You say that hypothetical alter has never fronted before? Try making a safe environment with someone you trust, where you can at the very least try to "be them", alright?
And really, none of this is any bother, we always appreciate helping people. - Donna 🖤
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spicyseonghwas · 9 months
i bet youre so gay you dress like an 80s american rapper boy
you stalk my myspace dont you
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savior-of-stars · 2 months
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Flowey didn't reset for Clover during a geno run, just letting Martlet kill them in order to see what happens. Martlet gives Clovers soul to Asgore and is promoted to the Royal Guards Lieutenant
Prison Yuri possible...
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Mod is @cybers-sillyzone
No NSFW/anything suggestive
No venting whatsoever, this really isn't the place for that. That and also the person running this account is generally bad with advice and gets stressed when people vent without warning <3
If you send an RP starter but I don't know you well / without asking first I most likely won't reply
I will likely respond to most asks, but if i don't want to / know how to respond I won't. You're more than welcome to send another ask, just don't keep sending the same one over and over again.
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deepspacedukat · 5 months
Nobody in the fandom has considered the epic sick nasty robot sex that one could have with a Borg drone and I personally think that’s a travesty.
👀 Y'know, you're right. There are a couple of Borg characters that immediately came to mind, so...who knows? I might attempt writing something like that some day. In the meantime, I would like to state formally that I fully agree with you on the amazing robot sex potential of Borg drones. 👩‍🏫
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mochinomnoms · 6 months
shark reader and Floyd would be so cute. Opposites attract is my fav troupe. Shark s/o is like a calm reserved mer and Floyd is just…. A menace 💀💀
A cute lemon shark s/o would be a great fit for Floyd “The Menace™” Leach. They're highly social and calm, especially for a predator, wild lemon sharks will sometimes approach divers for pets! Over all, lemon shark s/o is chill, slightly bigger than Floyd, and will allow Floyd to bite, scratch, and squeeze them to his heart's content as long as he follows up with a kiss.
Floyd, on the other hand, wants to try to find their weak spot that will eventually break them until they toss him with their tail 50ft into the nearest current. Then it's a game of “who can throw the other one farther”? Hint: it's not Floyd.
It's a good match though, as Floyd, believe it or not, can actually mellow out if he has someone that will go with the flow and indulge him occasionally, as long as they aren't a doormat and can be firm on when certain behaviors have a time or place.
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ovaryacted · 4 months
Random thought.
People underestimate re2r Leon's sexiness so much. Like sure, he's cute. Of course he's pretty and beautiful. He's our babyboy. But that man is also hot as fuck.
I wanna suck him dry so bad :((
Horny thoughts go brrrrrr sorry Nic I'm ovulating and I'm making it your problem <3
Hey, new moon anon. Hope you’re doing well boo, it’s nice to hear from you. I don't mind you making your ovulation thoughts my problem, I'm happy to feed into those delusions.
To your point, I agree. I feel like a lot of people default to the older versions of Leon because that’s when the “grown sexiness” kind of kicks in, and believe me, I get it. But RE2 Leon has a certain boyish charm to him that makes him sexy. Like he’s always been attractive, by real-life beauty standards he’s considered “pretty”, and has features that can be seen as soft or feminine which differentiates him from other character styles (I mean look at his Karen haircut, literally who thought of that?). I also think that his softer appearance is intentional to highlight how he doesn’t fit in the harshness of this world he was forced into so it’s a stylistic choice that’s done strategically.
Leon as a character gives me the impression that he doesn’t know that he’s attractive, or considers himself desirable, but RE2 Leon in particular is just completely oblivious, which is expected from a 21-year-old man who probably just developed a sense of stability and independence. I mean he’s corny for a reason, it’s to make up for his insecurity because he’s just a guy.
I think that obliviousness is what makes him attractive, plus the fact that he’s a sweetheart and kind of has that puppy-dog type of vibe, it just makes you want to do whatever the hell you want with him because you know he’ll just take it. Leon is pathetic and a loser in canon, but he just comes off as so sweet it’s like a “let me suck you off” because that’s his reward.
He’s just cute, and sexy at the same time, and his actual physique is slim-fit. He’s still carrying biceps and has a nice back, which gets more broad as he gets older with the added muscle mass. But I’m with you, RE2 Leon holds a soft spot in my heart cause all I want to do is top him, but then that’s me with every version of him LMFAOOO.
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sovaghoul · 3 months
Top 5 tumblr peeps! (I'm looking for people to follow)
Hi Anon~
@midnight-moth has been arting a lot lately and it's glorious. And they also write!
@crooked-hourglass is another artist who is amazing. Her Halloween 2023 series and the Language of Flowers series are particular favorites.
@littlemoon-beam and her Holy Dew series is mind-blowing, and I'm so glad I get to read it.
@askingforthesun is writing a Priest Aether AU that I am so invested in. I crave more more more.
@mac-and-thefox is the sweetest kindest soul ever, and her Beekeeper Mountain hc is very dear to me, as well as her series about Ghoul Sprites.
Bonus! My tumblr family! My brother-in-law @jimothybarnes, my son-in-law @jesusbutbetterrr, and my daughter @to-spread-the-ministry, just bc I love them.
To my other mutuals and others I follow, please don't feel slighted!! These are just the people that came readily to mind. If I follow you, it means I like your blog and I like you 🖤
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finnslay · 8 days
Hello I’m Sorry if this offends you, I’d like you to be my sugar baby just letting you know my intentions Dm if you’re interested...🥰🥰😍
....i- I'm sorry?
Chat this real....?
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yourdaddyfigure · 7 months
I'm so sorry to ask....I am needy. Constantly in need of attention and continuesly wanting to follow orders and to please the one in charge. What do I do as a need sub who had convayed these feelings but is continuesly having life get in the way...?
I am always amped up and in need of being satisfied.
It's completely valid to feel needy and constantly in need of attention as a submissive. It's important to acknowledge and embrace your desires and needs in a healthy and consensual way. However, when life gets in the way and interferes with fulfilling those needs, it can be frustrating.
In situations like this, communication is key. Have an open and honest conversation with your dominant about how you're feeling and the challenges you're facing. Together, you can work on finding ways to navigate through life's obstacles while still maintaining the dynamic that satisfies both of you. Your dominant should be understanding and supportive, as a healthy D/s relationship involves mutual respect and consideration for each other's needs.
Remember, it's okay to ask for what you need and to express your desires. Your satisfaction and well-being are important. Just be sure to communicate openly, be patient with yourself and your dominant, and find ways to adapt and adjust when life gets in the way. You've got this! 🫶🏼
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