#'X was evil because they were gay'
frevandrest · 1 year
i think i've only seen this mentioned once somewhere, but what do you think of the idea that camille desmoulins had bipolar disorder? is there any basis for it?
The truth is that it's impossible to diagnose people who are dead (not to mention people who lived at a time there was no concept of being bipolar). So in that sense, it's impossible to tell.
Diagnosing historical people is a tricky thing because (imo) it tells more about our own ideas of those people (and various conditions) than about them. That being said, it's sometimes tempting, especially for people who share a certain condition (medical or human condition) to recognize historical people who might fit it. And it can be very useful to speculate, because it questions the (very harmful) assumption about everyone being neurotypical, cis, straight, etc. in history, which is simply untrue.
When it comes to Camille... I saw this being mentioned more than once in informal spaces (like tumblr, LiveJournal), but I don't know if this is a theory proposed in academic circles. We can sure see mood swings in (what we know about) Camille, but tbh I don't know enough about being bipolar to say anything more. Let's remember that 18th century mainstream behaviour often included very passionate and emotional talk/writing, coupled with times of utter melancholy, crying and despair. What we know of Camille, as described by contemporaries, is that he was a bit more of that than the usual (or at least, he was perceived as such). So, I think we can say that Camille's behaviour was considered to be a bit more emotional or expressive or mood swingy than usual, so it's not surprising some people today might think of him as being possibly bipolar. But we just can't know for sure.
At the same time, I don't mind speculation and wondering, even in srs TM academic circles, let alone in an informal space like this one.
I just wish people are not gross about it (not saying that you implied anything like that, anon!) I mean on historians and others using perceived conditions to demonize historical people, or trying to base an explanation on historical events on individuals' state of mind, sexuality, etc by pathologizing it. And true, these claims are not always horrible, but it can easily slip into that territory, and it often does. And not (just) because it can easily be used to paint a specific picture that might not be correct, but also - and this is very important - because it often leads to pathologisation of mental conditions and sexuality. (Pathologisation shouldn't be used even for historical people one hates! Evil Robespierre who is evil because he is gay and autistic is not simply a slander of Robespierre - it is harmful to gay and autistic people because it implies evilness).
tl;dr: It is not possible to say if Camille was bipolar but I don't mind speculation, as long as people are not pathologizing it. Speculation can be useful for challenging the idea that everyone was cis, straight, neurotypical, etc. "unless proven otherwise", which is a harmful mindset in itself.
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mimiri22-6 · 2 years
I have to give it to marvel, specifically the X-Men series.
Charles and Erik do be gay and in love
It's either a testiment to how I can only catch vibes when the vibes are from fictional characters, or the vibes were that strong that 7 year old me was seeing rainbows. Either way the vibes were stong because even as a kid I was bullheaded and didn't even have the word 'gay' in my vocab, but I for sure knew they were more than friends.
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ellieslittlewh0re · 11 months
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Temptations part 2 - stepsister! ellie x fem reader
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
*pictures used are not meant to represent reader
wk- 2.5k
additional tags: reader is Joel’s bio daughter (no race is described), sarah doesn’t exists in this bc I said so, ellie is adopted, rocker! ellie, band! ellie, loser! ellie, perv! ellie, weed! mention, ellie is kinda awful in this, like typical f*ck boy beat, reader and ellie are polar opposites so they kinda don’t get along, reader is a overachiever, ellie is a deadbeat, nothing too crazy happens in this part (yet), clothes are described (both what reader and e! are wearing)LOTS of s*xual tension, mutual pinning and gay longing etc…
*sorry for the pov change I wanted this to read like a typical x reader
It was the next day, and Ellie had no idea that you heard everything... down to the breathy moans and whimpers that exited her mouth while she fucked herself raw.
It was almost 2 in the afternoon, and Ellie hadn't come downstairs yet, and you weren't complaining because how the fuck are you supposed to face her after that?
You sat on the couch, scrolling through Tiktok but not really watching them, your mind too busy thinking about how your name sounded coming from Ellie's lips.
At first, you didn't want to believe it- you wanted to be appalled, but you weren't- in fact, you felt quite the opposite. It was alluring, inviting almost.
While listening to her curses of your name, your hand slipped down to your panties, teasing your clothed cunt as your forehead rested on the wall that separated the two of you, but you stopped yourself, snapping out of it like it was an evil curse.
"This is wrongThis is wrongThis is wrong" You repeated to yourself over and over as you crawled under the sheets, squeezing your eyes shut and pretending it was a weird dream.
"You're not watching that show without me, are you?"
Ellie said as she reached the bottom of the stairs, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a glass from the cupboard.
"Hu-? No, of course not." Your head flicks from your phone as you jump, too busy in your thoughts to notice the squeak of the stairs as Ellie came down them.
"Am I interrupting something?"
Ellie sits next to you,  bringing the glass to her lips as she chugs the water until it was almost empty.
"What? No-?" You scoff, getting defensive because you know your lying.
Ellie sat the glass down on the coffee table, leaning her back into the cushion, throwing her hands up that suggests she comes in peace and doesn't want a fight.
"Where are you going? You got plans today or-?" Ellie asks, motioning her hand at my outfit.
Truthfully, you didn't have plans, but you woke up early, and nerves on high alert didn't allow you to sleep much last night. You were anxious and couldn't sit still hence why you did your makeup and put on real clothes this morning.
"Oh, no. Jus' felt like getting ready." You shrug.
Ellie's eyes go wide with a dramatic expression of shock on her face.
"Done up all pretty with nowhere to go?"
She asked rhetorically, teasing you, but she meant every word.
Pretty. She called you pretty... but she only met it in a friendly way, nothing weird, right? That didn't stop the way your clit began to throb in your panties- or how your thighs instinctively squeeze together.
"It's criminal, right?" You laugh, dipping your head down to avoid eye contact.
You wondered how Ellie could face you after last night and how confidently she spoke to you- is she not ashamed of it? Or maybe you heard it wrong, and it wasn't your name she cried out in pleasure.
"If you want- my band is playing at Owls tonight if you wanna come."
"Owls the bar? Didn't someone get killed there last summer?"
A chuckle reverberated in her throat as she nods.
"Yeah- that's the one."
She leans back, manspreading as she interlocks her fingers, twisting her knuckles between them.
She was still wearing her black wifebeater and sweats, and you can't help notice she's not wearing a bra. The vague shape of her breasts through the thin fabric made your head spin.
You quickly look away, not wanting to get caught.
"Look- I know it's not really your scene or whatever, but you should come..,might help you loosen up a bit." Ellie said, the corner of her lips tugging into a grin.
You tilt your head at her, squinting your eyes before widening them.
"What? Do you think I need loosening up?"
You ask offendedly, but not in a serious way.
Ellie's tongue glides over her top of row of teeth, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of crimson.
"I dunno, do you?"
Ellie tilts her head to the side as she spoke, a cockiness to her tone that contrasted her freckled flushed cheeks.
You held your breath as your stomach erupted into butterflies. Even with her hair all messy, bags under her eyes and chapped lips- she was dangerously attractive.
Ellie thought the same thing about you. You were dangerous. "Eye candy" is how she would often describe you to her friends, conveniently leaving out the part where she was talking about her innocent little step sister.
Ellie's eyes fixated on your lips, trailing down to the top of your breasts that spilled over your low-cut lacy tank, eyes continuing to your short skirt that bunched higher from your crossed-legged position, leaving the tops of your thighs visible.
Ellie had to tear her eyes away, a shaky breath- more like a growl- passing her lips as she did so.
"You don't have to come if you don't-"
"I'll go." You cut her off, a sense of excitement taking over your tone as you lean closer.
Ellie's eyes go wide with shock, not expecting you to be so eager.
"Are you sure?"
"I mean.. I'm kinda curious. I've never seen you play for real before." You shrug, sounding enthusiastic about the idea.
Ellie clears her throat, biting the tissue on her inner cheek to stop herself from erupting into a toothy smile.
"Okay- cool..cool... uh- it's in downtown so we have to leave around 10."
"Els! What should I wear? I didn't bring anything for this kind of occasion." You yell from your room, sounding frantic as you rummaged through your options.
It was 20 till you knew the rest of Ellie's band would be showing up. You thought you gave yourself plenty of time to get ready, but time slipped you both, too preoccupied with Ellie insisting on teaching you how to play video games.
It was a pitiful attempt really. Your aim sucked, and you could never remember the controls- but Ellie enjoyed watching you struggle anyways, cracking jokes like "pretty sure Helen Keller would be better at this than you, doll." and "good thing you're pretty."
You ignored the nicknames in that moment, but now you felt a pressure to look your best for tonight.
Ellie opened the door to your bedroom, lifting her head to look at you, but she froze.
You were only wearing a bra and a skirt you couldn't decide if you wanted to wear it or switch it out for something else.
Ellie swallowed hard, knowing she should look away, but she couldn't. A soft pink, lacy bra that was definitely see through, framing your soft skin with its ruffled pattern.
"Uh- that seems pretty good." Ellie teased, pointing a finger at your half-dressed body.
You roll your eyes, a frustrated huff leaving your mouth as you turn back towards the closet.
"M' serious, El. I dunno what to wear. Can you help?"
Ellie clicked her tongue behind her teeth, pretending to think when really she was just buying time- enjoying herself as you stood half naked, whining and pouting for her help.
Ellie finally musters the common sense to peel her eyes away, looking to your bed that had miscellaneous pieces of your wardrobe scattered on top.
"Wear this."
She holds up a simple, y2k style slip dress, candy apple green that had little pink bows at the base of the thin straps.
Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, taking the dress from her before holding it to your front, looking down at it before looking back up to her.
Ellie observes, her eyes taking their time as they scan your body. Her bottom lip tucked between her teeth.
"I dunno, Els... you don't think it's too short?" You ask innocently, turning to get a better look in your floor length mirror.
Definitely. That's why she picked it.
"No. Plus we don't have time, everyone is on their way over." Ellie said, adding a tinge of annoyance in her voice to make it more believable.
"Y/n! We have to go." Ellie yells from the bottom of the stairs, checking the time on her phone.
"Coming!" You ring back, stumbling down the stairs in a pair of kitten heels, throwing a small purse over your shoulder.
You used your few spare minutes to top off your makeup, adding small silver hoop earrings and a dainty heart pendant necklace to finish off the look.
"Sorry! I'm ready." You say out of breath as you meet her at the bottom of the stairs, smiling wide at her.
Standing there in front of Ellie- she immediately forgets- no... she doesn't care about the time or if she's late or not because holy shit, you look like something out of a xxx magazine in Ellie's mind.
The dress stops just below your ass, but if you bend down, that would be a different story. The fabric cinched below your breasts, making them full and spill over the top. Your hair is perfectly messy, stray baby hairs framing your face.
"Is something wrong?"
Your question snaps Ellie out of the trance that you put her in, her head lifting to your face.
"No- nothings wrong- you just look..."
She hums, looking over your body one last time.
Your head tilts in confusion, worried what she might say next.
"You clean up nice, is all." Ellie said more quietly, like saying it too loud would be like admitting all her sinful desires.
You smile are her warmly, eyeing her over and poking a finger in her chest.
"I can say the same for you."
She chucked, looking down so that you wouldn't see how bright her cheeks burned from your compliment.
Ellie wore a loose muscle tee- black and hand torn by Ellie herself, the logo of a band you didn't recognize in faded letters across the front, cropped just enough to where her lower stomach poked through along with the waistband of her branded boxers.
"Are they here?"
You ask, pointing a finger over your shoulder to the front door.
"Oh- uh.. not yet- got pulled over for speeding or something, but they should be here soon."
Ellie scratches the back of her neck- a nervous tick of hers.
You hum in acknowledgment, walking past her to sit on the couch, crossing your ankles with your hands tucked between your thighs.
Your hands were clammy, and your stomach started to twist- your nerves were starting to get the better of you. It was all very out of your comfort zone- the crowd, the music, hell.. even hanging out and getting along with Ellie felt alien.
"You want a shot?" Ellie asked, noticing the way you were starting to get cold feet and wanted to do everything in her power to keep you in her grasp.
Your face lights up, visibly delighted at the suggestion.
"Oh my god- yes please." You exhaust dramatically.
You move to the kitchen, taking a seat on a barstool.
You watch Ellie open a cupboard, reaching for a couple of shot glasses. Your lips part as you watch her shirt rise up, leaving her toned stomach on display. Her slim waist contracting, making the muscles even more visible.
Your stomach tightens, biting your lip as she walks over to you, blissfully unaware of how you were staring her down like she was a meal, and you were starved.
"Titos or fireball?"
Ellie holds up the two bottles for you, looking up and based on her reaction (a scoff and a grin tugging the corner of her lips) your stupid stare did not go unnoticed.
"Keep it in your pants, would ya?" Ellie asked rhetorically, teasing you where she knows it would make you burn the hottest.
Your jaw drops- shocked and embarrassed, your face grows warm.
"Oh my god- YOU'RE unbelievable." You exasperated, yanking the clear liquor from her hands and started to pour it yourself into one of the glasses.
She watches as you toss your head back while simultaneously filling a glass for herself, the cocky grin on her face never faltering.
The vodka burned as it went down, leaving your throat tingly as you tried your best to not make a face.
"Wow- didn't know my baby sis was a pro."
Ellie teased before doing the same, tilting her head back and downing it in one go, not flinching like she'd done it hundreds of times.
"What do you mean by that?" You questioned the sarcasm in her words, furrowing your brows as you leaned in, your breasts plunging out further as they rested on the countertop.
"Nothin' angel. Jus' can't imagine you partying it up at that shiny college of yours."
Your tongue pokes the inside of your cheek, wanting to prove her wrong- your grab the handle of liquor and pour another shot, swallowing it with more determination this time.
Ellie closes in, resting her elbows on the other side of the countertop dangerously close to you.
You felt warm, not just because of the alcohol, but because of how close proximity she was. All her features- scars and freckles, were crystal clear. Her lips were chapped and full, her eyes a darker shade of green than you remember them being.
You lean closer, leaving only a few inches between your lips and hers- enough to feel her breath mix with yours.
"You don't know me as much as you think you do."
It came out like a whisper, soft and dripping with need. Your back straightened as you widened your knees- allowing the surface of the seat to be pressed against your thinly clothed cunt, chasing friction that you desperately needed.
Ellie's eyes widened in surprise before they narrowed in, growing frustrated and hungry. It's like you were toying with her- punishing her, using her own fucked up fantasies to your advantage. You simply wanted to gave her a taste and see if she'd bite.
She bit her lip before wetting it with her tongue, leaning in to ghost over your lips.
"Guess I have a lot to learn."
You practically whimper into her, restraining yourself from closing in fully to feel her lips on yours, when a knock at the door interrupted.
taglist:@unstablefemme @97cityy @eddiemunsonsgroupie @girlfr1endism @perrzs 6. @kenz-ee @imahallucination11 @ellieseattle69
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malereadermaniac · 1 year
Cool about it. - Kuroo x Male Reader
I recommend looping the song while reading this <3
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Your chest hurt
You're used to the feeling, though it doesn't make it hurt any less
Walking home with Kuroo was a daily occurrence, just like his bragging about the number of confessions he had received that day
He always tries to tease you about how you "get no action (n/n)"
He doesn't know you're gay
You've tried to tell him before, but you chickened out after looking into your bestfriends eyes for a second too long
"And then there was this girl in my chem class............."
Kuroo babbles on
It hurts you
You get that funny feeling in your chest everything he talks about girls
But you never let your facade slip, and continue to pretend that you're interested and support him
By this point, it may as well be method acting
"How come you don't crush on any girls, (n/n)?"
" 'cause I don't like girls."
You didn't even think
It just slipped out
You look up at the taller man with fear in your eyes
But he has a smirk on his lips
"How come you don't have the guys lining up then?" He teases
It didn't affect him whatsoever
Kuroo is a good friend to you, unconditional support no matter what
Anyone would be lucky to have a friend like him, so why did his support kill you on the inside
It gives you butterflies in the worst way possible...
"Hey! Wait for me, (n/n)!" Kuroo shouts from behind you
You tried to escape early today. Your heart couldn't really take more of his girl blabber
"Oh, sorry, Kuroo" you say with a small smile
The walk I again filled with his own talk about girls
But he pauses at one moment
"About what you said yesterday...."
"We don't have to talk about it" you interrupt quickly
You smile up at him and keep walking
Kuroo sighs but smiles back
Truth be told, Kuroo always rejected the girls that asked him out
He had put it down to the fact that a relationship would only add more stress to his life - he already gets only 4 hours of sleep because of his parents fighting
But recently, he's been thinking that he'd also rather spend time with you
And if he were I a relationship, then that would mean he couldn't
But he kept the thought to himself as he walked you home
Lying in bed late at night was something you usually did
But you looked at the alarm clock at said "3:00" in big red numbers and sighed
Those evil butterflies have returned, you'd been thinking about Kuroo again
Tears flowed down your cheeks as you breathed shallowly
You'd wished he was less of a good person
You'd wished that Kuroo would just be cruel about it and drop you after he'd found out you liked guys
But he didn't
He did the bare-minimum but it still made your heart flutter after he'd accepted you so easily
You lie on your side and continue to cry until your ducts are dry
Thinking about Kuroo until you'd fallen asleep
Just 10 minuets away, Kuroo was also awake in bed
Listening as his parents argue about idiotic things
He doesn't want a relationship like theirs
Kuroo's thoughts drift as his parents' argument fades into the background
He doesn't ever want a marriage like his parents. He wants to be friends with his lover
Get to know them really well, as well as he knows you
Then his thoughts drift to thoughts of you
Kuroo really liked you, the two of you clicked immediately when you were sat together in English
He was closer to you than with Kenma, and that's saying a lot
From admiring you as a friend, Kuroo's thoughts moved on to how cute you were
You took his teasing with a blush, and even teased him back sometimes
He then thought about how cute you looked - his type exactly but as a guy instead of a girl
He liked the nicknames you'd given each other, sort of like pet names
After a solid half an hour, Kuroo noticed his parents had gone to sleep and shut up, and that he'd been thinking about you for half an hour...
And his thoughts were definitely not very 'no homo'
A funny feeling filled his stomach as he thought about you again
Kuroo fell asleep finally, but the thought of you didn't leave his mind
School the next day was a little different
Kuroo still met you early in the morning to walk with you, and there was the normal complaining about his parents
He only did that with you, he was comfortable around you
But his blabber about girls was missing, it gave you a well needed break...
During English, you noticed him staring at you a lot
"You good, Roo?" You whisper warmly
His eyes stared into yours for a second too long
"I'm great..." he whispers with a smile, it made your heart pang
You wish you could have him as more than a friend, but it'll pass (you hope)
You'll forget about it.
Break and lunch was normal with the guys, but Kuroo was a lot more touchy with you than normal
An arm around the shoulder was normal, but asking you to feed him as he sat behind you and hugged you was strange
You'd almost had it by the end of volleyball
He kept looking over to you and smirking, it made you feel uneasy
And when one of the guys asked him about the girl in chem
Kuroo responded in a way that made you feel sick yo your stomach
"Nah, I'd rather spend time with (n/n) than her"
You were silent on your way back home, mumbling responses to Kuroo's "are you okay?"s
You felt ill from the mix of emotions
When you felt his hand on yours, you snapped
Your heart was pounding, and your face went pale
Lucky you were both in front of your house and not in the middle of the street
"What do you mean, (n/n)?" Kuroo tries to reach for you and calm you down
"Don't (n/n) me, Kuroo. You've made my day hell today with all the mixed signals... I guess you figured it out and decided to tease me. You've taken it too far!"
Kuroo was worried
Worried to lose you over something he had no idea about, worried that this argument reminded him of his parents, worried him that he may lose you as more than just a friend
"Mixed signals? What do you mean, (y/n)??"
Kuroo was pleading, his face full of sadness and worry
"Don't play dumb... you figured out I like you and... and you're being a dick about it"
Kuroo's world stops
"You... like me?" Kuroo says confused, but then a smile starts to form
"Great..." tears spill from your eyes
"You didn't know and now I've told you. I'm sorry, Kuroo... you can pretend you never heard that." You say as your tears drop onto your shirt and the floor
You rush into your house, locking the door as Kuroo shouts for you to come back put and talk
A day passed by
Kuroo tried to talk to you in the morning, but you shut him down with a short "later"
Everyone noticed the two of you weren't talking
Your day was consumed by him, and vice versa
It felt like you were drowning in the emotions and thoughts of only one thing: Kuroo
By routine, you head over to the volleyball court
"(Y/n) we have to talk"
Your skin crawls and you jump from the surprise
You turn around and see a glum looking Kuroo
"Yeah, we need to talk about it at some point..."
The two of you head towards a more secluded area
Your hearts racing
Your chest is in an indescribable kind of pain
You feel so ill, you might hurl
"I'll start, I guess..." you say quietly
Kuroo stays quiet and listens
"I promise I didn't like like you since the beginning... I did see you as a friend. It's just that for the past year, I've had these feelings that I can't explain"
"I think I know the feeling you're talking about, (n/n).... that panging feeling in your chest and heart"
You feel warm from the nickname
You look into his eyes and smile
"Yeah... those fucking butterflies..."
"I'm sorry that I like you, it's a lot to put on you... plus you like girls so I know it's an impossible situation" you say with a defeated chuckle as your eyes fall to the ground
Kuroo's shout brings your eyes back up to his
"I- I like you too! Or at least... I think so? I've always liked girls but with you... I like you more than any girl I've ever dated! When I think of the kind of relationship I want with someone, I think of the one I have with you! It's all slipped passed me until now but..."
"(Y/n)... I think I'm in love with you!"
Your heart skips a beat
Tears flood your eyes, and you and Kuroo both go in for a hug
Not for a kiss, there's still a lot more talking to do before you can both get the sweet relief of a kiss
But a tight, long hug will do for now
Those evil butterflies have been replaced with good ones
You're chest no longer hurts
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strawberrysodaslut · 2 years
(just an fyi, in this eddie would be okay with you telling ppl obvi)
Bitter - Steve Harrington x Reader
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[ Steve Harrington Masterlist ]
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word count: 2.6k
summary: Steve has always been jealous of your relationship with Eddie, convinced he was in love with you. When you take Eddie to a party, his jealously goes wild, making sure Eddie knows exactly who is your boyfriend.
warnings: steve harington x fem!reader, gay!eddie munson x fem!reader (platonic), SMUTT, unprotected sex, fingering, choking, squirting, overstim, multiple orgasms, semi-public sex, car sex
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You and Eddie were good friends- you’d go as far as to call him your best friend. Regardless of what people said about him, you knew how sweet he was, how kind, how goddamn funny he was. It wasn’t exactly a new thing for people to think you two were dating- many people asked you if you were. But you always shut them down, telling them the two of you were, and will only be, friends.
One thing that made you certain that Eddie didn’t have feelings for you, was him coming out to you. It was very late at night, the two of you higher than the goddamn Sun when he admitted it to you. Obviously, you understood why he was so apprehensive about telling you, in a town like this- anyone gay would HAVE to assume everyone was homophobic to survive.
But you never really got the anger surrounding gay people, they’re just trying to love who they love. How would that be different from a man and a woman? You’d learnt early in life not to ask questions like that, but it was always in the back of your mind.
You could feel the tension in Eddie’s shoulders disappear when you pulled him into a hug, promising him that nothing had changed between the two of you, and swearing that you wouldn’t tell anyone.
To be honest, knowing the truth made the dating rumours all the more hilarious, you and Eddie in fits of laughter whenever someone asked.
The rumours quickly died down when you started dating Steve, you weren’t sure if he had ever heard the rumours, but if he had, he knew they weren’t true. You were his, not anyone else’s, certainly not Eddie’s.
But no matter how much it bothered Steve, he would rather die than say anything about being jealous of Eddie Munson.
Eddie on the other hand didn’t have that quality.
You swear to god, if you had a dollar for every time he said, “I know he’s your boyfriend and all, but he pisses me off.”, you’d be a damn millionaire.
Once again, the source of the jealousy wasn’t about you- it was about Dustin. Because for every word Dustin spoke about Eddie, he spoke ten about Steve. The kid looked up to Eddie, but Steve was his goddamn idol.
Because of this, Eddie and Steve never really spoke to each other- let alone hung out. But all that changed at Chrissy’s birthday party.
You had known Chrissy since you were a toddler, spending a lot of your time doing ‘gymnastics tricks’ on the playground, your parents screaming at you to be careful as your head had near-misses with the asphalt.
But as close as you and Chrissy were, you hated her friends. The girls on the cheer team were nice- to you at least. But some of the boy's basketball team were just… evil, they would spend all day bullying anyone who was even the slightest bit different, and then spends their weekends preaching about ‘loving thy neighbour’. You didn’t fit in with them at all.
So when you got the invite, you knew you needed backup. Steve was pretty easy to convince, being friends with a lot of the attendees, but Eddie, he was a tough one to crack.
“Why? Why in God’s name would I go to Chrissy’s party?” He said, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.
“Because…” You knew this was gonna be work, so you put on your award-winning doe eyes and started the guilt trip. “If you’re not there, you’ll be leaving me with jerks like Jason, and we swore not to do that to each other.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, knowing what you were doing, “You don’t have to go you know?” He says.
You shook your head at him, “Eds, I’ve been friends with her since we could walk, I have to go to her birthday party. Come on, it’ll be fun! You even said it yourself Chrissy was a nice girl, don’t you want to commemorate her birthday with your best friend?”
He pauses, knowing you’re right. “Fine.” He says, dragging out the ‘e’, “But you’re driving me, I don’t want those laundry basket freaks keying my van.”
You laugh, accepting his terms, intentionally leaving out the fact that you were also driving Steve.
After careful consideration, you decided to pick up Steve first, you told him you were also driving another person to the party, but you left out who. So when you turned into the trailer park, his eyebrows furrowed. “Why are you taking Max to the- oh you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” He says as Eddie walks out of his trailer, recognising your car and walking towards it.
You thank every god there could be that you had tinted windows, ensuring Eddie didn’t see Steve until he was already in the car. Starting the car as soon as he gets in.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” Eddie complains, slumping in his seat.
Steve shrugs, “Could say the same thing about you, Munson.”
Of course, this is the one thing they agreed on.
The rest of the car ride was torture, no one said a single word the entire time. You quickly regretted your entire decision, all hope of tonight being the night where Eddie and Steve finally got along disappearing the closer you got to the party.
When you finally get to the party, Eddie honestly looks excited to get out of the car, immediately walking into the house with his little lunchbox in hand. You couldn’t blame him for bringing it, if he isn’t gonna enjoy the party he may as well make some money from it right?
You and Steve were quick to follow, Steve almost immediately ditching you for his old jock friends. Leaving you and Eddie to fend for yourselves.
Despite the… awkward energy in the air, you and Eddie managed to have a pretty fun time, even convincing him to dance to some Madonna with you- in exchange for permission to rant about how pop music is the bane of our existence. But he couldn’t hide the smile on his face as you twirled him.
What you didn’t see was Steve’s glare from across the room. He wasn’t an idiot- of course, he heard the rumours about you and Eddie, and he trusted you, he really did. He just didn’t trust Eddie.
Nothing could convince him Eddie wasn’t in love with you, the way he looked at you would’ve been enough, but it's also the fact he’s known you for YEARS. Anyone who knew you for that long had to be in love with you, Steve was within a few months. He couldn’t keep watching this, you were so oblivious. How could you not tell?
Steve didn’t know Eddie well, but he knew one thing for sure.
Eddie needs to learn his fucking place.
You had left Eddie to continue his “business transactions” when Steve came up to you, arms wrapping around your front as he hooked his chin onto your shoulder.
“Hey” You mutter, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “‘You having fun?”
He nods, angling his head to pepper small kisses on your neck. You giggle, moving your body to capture his lips in a kiss. His hands glide up to your waist while yours hook into his hair.
“Wanna find somewhere private?” He mutters into your lips.
You nod, “Definitely, but all of the- private rooms are… taken.” You say, remembering watching different members of the cheer squad walk upstairs with jocks.
Steve pulls back from the kiss, his eyebrows furrowed, “how are they all taken?” he said. He knew how much the basketball team got around, but Jesus Christ. “Guess we gotta go for a drive…”
Steve practically drags you to your car, not that you weren’t following. The place you parked was quite… hidden, so there was no real fear of being caught. The two of you piled into the seat, Steve immediately pulling you into his lap.
He captures your lips into a kiss, “I’m gonna be rough, yeah? Is that okay?” he says in between kisses. You nod, gasping as he slips his hand up your shirt, groping your breast. He shakes his head, “Words, I need words.”
You whine, rolling your hips down onto his lap, already needy, “Please touch me, Steve,” You beg.
That’s all it takes for Steve to push his fingers under your skirt, moving your panties to the side as he slides his fingers through your slick. “Shit,” He mutters, “Always so fuckin’ wet for me.”
And with that, he pushes two fingers into you, curling them against your spot. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, begging him to touch you more as his thumb rubs circles on your clit.
He picks a steady pace with his fingers, nearly completely slipping them out of you before thrusting them back in. You let out a near-pornographic moan, causing Steve to move his free hand from your breast to your throat, cutting off your moan as he applies pressure. The buzz from the oxygen deprivation only adds to the pleasure Steve is giving you.
“Shut the fuck up. We don’t want anyone finding us.” He says, whispering soft ‘shhs’ as he refuses to relent the torturous pace on your clit as he pounds his fingers into you.
Steve was lying however, he wouldn’t mind Eddie finding out how good HE was making you feel, reminding him that he would never be able to do the same. But Steve will have to just settle for him seeing the aftermath.
Steve can tell your close, your walls clamping around his fingers, he prods a third finger at your entrance before thrusting it into you, the stretch sending you over the edge.
When the coil snaps, you swear the world ends for a moment, only pleasure remaining. Your hips stuttering as they roll against his hand.
As you come down from your high you expect his hands to slow, getting ready to slip out of you. But they don't, in fact, Steve seems to have picked up the pace, watching you with an eager eye as oversensitivity bites at you.
“Steve, please” You moan, unsure if you're begging for him to stop or keep going.
He presses kisses down your throat, “One more for me, come on, you can do one more.” He asks, voice slightly muttered by your skin.
You moan, nodding against him as the overstimulation fades to pleasure. You grind your hips down, riding his fingers as he continues to flick at your clit.
It doesn’t take long for you to cum again, your hands tugging at his long locks, face buried into his neck as you writhe against him.
“Good girl,” He groans, fingers still guiding you through your orgasm, slowing to a stop when you start to pull away. You’re already pulling at his belt buckle when he pulls his fingers out of you. He lifts his hips to help you tug his jeans and boxers down his thighs, his hard cock springing out and hitting his stomach.
You lift your hips, lining up his cock. Just as you’re about to slowly slide down, Steve thrusts up, tugging you down as he bottoms out. You moan out, gripping his shoulders as he immediately thrusts up into you.
Normally when you were fucking like this, Steve was more than happy to let you ride, enjoying watching you in control, but now… you don’t know what’s gotten into him.
But you weren’t about to complain.
You let him fuck into you, using his hands on your hips to grind you onto him. He hits deep in you, and your eyes roll back into your head. “Fuck, Steve.” You say, cradling your hands in his hair- just looking for something to hold on to.
Steve moves one of his hands from your hips to your clit, rubbing harsh circles on the swollen nub, barrelling you to your orgasm. “Holy-shit, Steve, close.” You stutter out in between moans.
He takes that as a sign to fuck harder into you, nearly fully exiting you before harshly thrusting back into you, going as deep and as quick as he can. Finding a spot on your neck and biting down to suck a bruise- just to keep himself quiet.
The warmth in your stomach grows stronger, until a wave crashes over you, your body going completely lax, a massive amount of wet presenting itself as you squirt around him. Steve pulls off your neck, moaning out as your walls clamp around him, spurting his cum into you as he rocks you through your respective orgasms.
It’s not until he stops moving that you see the mess you’ve made. His jeans are completely soaked. The car seats are wet, but thankfully nothing a good clean won't fix.
Steve holds you against himself, watching carefully as you take in the mess, still mewling from the orgasm. “That was so hot,” He says, tilting your head to his face, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Your jeans…” You mutter, brushing your hands through his hair.
He chuckles, “I brought a spare change of clothes since we said I’m staying over”
You sigh, body relaxing knowing he wouldn’t have to go back in with soaked jeans. He slides out of you, laying you down on the backseat while he grabs his overnight bag, as well as some tissues from the glovebox.
He carefully cleans you up, apologising every time he bumps your sensitive clit, before changing into new jeans, they were a different colour than the ones he was wearing before, so people were gonna figure out what had happened, but you didn't care.
You make eye contact with Eddie as you walk back into the party, you gesture your head to the drinks and then at him, asking if he wants one. He nods, and you walk towards the drinks table, ready to grab you, Eddie and Steve a drink.
Steve sits next to Eddie, he’s sitting in a secluded spot, so Steve knows he’s been dealing. He watches as you slightly limp towards the drinks. Eddie looks between you and Steve, then notices the change in jeans. A knowing smirk forms on his face.
“Jesus dude, you couldn’t wait ‘til you got home?” Eddie says, laughing as you stumble back with the drinks. “She can’t even walk properly, holy shit.”
Steve rolls his eyes, finally ready to put an end to this. “Look man, I know you have a thing for her or whatever, but you’ve gotta back off. She doesn’t like you back” He says, turning to Eddie, “Understood?”
Eddie’s brows are furrowed, confusion written all over his face, “Yeah,” he says, chuckling before turning to Steve, “You know I’m gay, right?”
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frooogscream · 7 months
David Jenkins said Ed x Stede were not supposed to have a real love story!
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So not only where all the beautiful queer details not part of the original idea (Izzy being a jittered spouse instead of just evil lil henchman-because of how Con envisioned him, Jim being NB- added after casting Vico, Wee John doing drag- because of Kristian, etc.).
And even the main gay couple, the only queer thing remaining, was never supposed to end in a happy love story. 
This show was NEVER supposed to give us beautiful things and treat it’s queer characters with “kindness”! It was NEVER supposed to be for queer people!
Every thing I loved about ofmd was because of the queer actors involved in this show (+apparently a little thanks to Taika and Rhys seeing more of the beautiful potential this has as an actual love story then David ever did).
In some way this almost makes it beautiful again, like we were never even supposed to have what we got, just another mid queer baity comedy, but then all these amazing people poured their fucking heart into it and changed it in a way that actually made it mean something to us!
link to the interview compilation post+link to original interview: https://www.tumblr.com/ladyluscinia/733134895182970880/what-exactly-did-david-jenkins-say?source=share
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sp4cepunisher · 2 years
dress [ e. williams ]
summary ; ellie loves to see you in your dress, almost as much as she loves seeing you out of it.
warnings ; 18+ themes, minors dni ! pure smut, top!ellie x bottom!reader. very strong language, explicit depictions of sexual intercourse [ reader receiving; fingering ] + semi-public sex basically ellie can’t stop looking at you and fantasising about you because you’re just so fucking hot and you can’t help but do the same because she looks so good in her suit sooo she fucks you in the bathroom at a party!!!
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author’s note ; buckle yourselves in, folks! because… *evil little smirk* this is one hell of a raunchy piece of gay, smutty smut. it’s like, a great mix of romantic and dirty and just brimful of all the good stuff! thank you so much to the anon who requested this because it’s actually my first piece of full smut since my return! so! i hope i haven’t lost my sparkle! + if i’ve forgotten to feature any warnings above which you think should be included, (as always) pleeeease let me know! also, like... half way? three quarters of the way? through writing this i became very aware of the fact that it was aaactually supposed to be more of a make love kind of narrative, buuut i got way too wrapped up in the idea of the reader’s dress, which then unfolded into pure smut whiiich then just... became a super raunchy desperate bathroom situation and.... *scratches my head* uuuh.... yeah! i hope that’s cool with you because there isn’t much i can do about it, now! *blows you all the biggest, fattest kiss ever* okay, i thiiink that’s it from me! enjoy this you sick, twisted little fucks!!! (jk i love u we’re sick + twisted together<3) 
. . .
ellie wasn’t particularly fond of parties.
sure, she enjoyed a drink. to a certain extent, she liked to mingle. and yeah, she enjoyed music (that being said, it had to be good music). but ellie’s favourite part about any party was when she was able to attend with you, like tonight; adorned in a dress you had found in the back and beyond of your wardrobe; your features complimented by light makeup with a demeanour a little looser than usual, thanks to the one, two, three, four drinks which you had been sipping and cradling in your hand throughout the evening. you were shining; a golden statue amongst the other grey bodies; glowing like a household fire, and ellie was enamoured by the way in which she could practically see the happiness radiating from your every pore. making an appearance at dina’s birthday party hadn’t exactly been at the top of ellie’s to-do list, but the night actually hadn’t turned out to be as bad as she had anticipated. as far she was concerned, ellie would have been content in staying at the party all night if that meant being able to continue catching lucky glimpses of your upper thigh whenever you would sit down, or being able to admire the way your nipples would harden beneath the thin fabric of your dress whenever the cool summer breeze would make its way through the open door and kiss over your bare shoulders. 
you were a little tipsy. probably more than your sober self would have cared to admit in any other circumstance, but right now you didn’t care. your veins were flooded with serotonin, head as light as air and body warm from the alcohol, which had been sliding down your throat like honeyed velvet far too easily that evening. you had actually felt happy; watching the birthday girl spinning around in admirers’ arms, but always finding her way back to jesse; content in remaining seated at one of the tables, you had been enjoying chatting to those who came and left the few seats beside you, catching up and sharing a few polite laughs. but what had made you the happiest was the feeling of a certain girl’s eyes fixed to the side of your head for what had seemed like hours, now. it had been hours. you knew that ellie preferred to remain at the sidelines at things like this— close enough to keep you in her eyeline, but far enough away to ensure that she didn’t have to mix with too many people, aside from those who would linger at the bar for a few minutes— but you could tell that the majority of her attention had been dedicated to you, and only you. 
“hey, party girl!” a voice cut through your train of thought, and you knew that the person standing beside you was dina before you had even turned your head. there she was; a little sweaty from dancing but still looking as pretty as ever, chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath, a smile plastered to her face as you looked up at her. “y’wanna dance?”
“oh,” you shook your head insistently, eyebrows furrowing a little. “no, thanks. i’d end up on my ass if i danced, right now.”
“c’mo—n,” she reached for your hand, curling and uncurling her fingers as she silently willed you to place your hand in hers. “it’s my birthday. are you really gonna refuse me a dance?” 
you sighed. it wasn’t just an excuse, although you didn’t love dancing in a room full of people. you really were too tipsy to remain content in your self-awareness. “dina. there are still like, twenty people out there who wanna dance with you.” you gestured towards the abundance of people that remained out on the floor.
“but there’s only one person who i wanna dance with, right now. buuut, she’s sitting right here, refusing me my wish, on my birthday!” 
you rubbed your fingers across your forehead, eyes searching dina’s for even the tiniest glimpse of her giving up, but you weren’t sure you were going to get it. you couldn’t help but allow your gaze to drift over to the bar, eyes immediately finding ellie and lips curling up into a smile when you noticed the way in which her green eyes sparkled. 
“cheers to another trip around the sun, dina! another year older and wiser, and yet, (y/n) still won’t dance with you!” dina’s gaze soon followed yours when she received no reply, her face immediately softening when she realised what— or rather, who— had grabbed your attention before she could continue guilt tripping you into making a fool out of yourself. “oooh, i see,” a smile was evident in her voice. “you’d rather sit here and stare at ellie all night, huh?”
you turned back to look at her, rolling your eyes. “actually, she’s been staring at me all night.”
dina laughed. you knew how much she loved you and ellie together. “okay, well. i guess i can’t exactly stand in the way of love-” 
“oh my god, stop.”
“-but you owe me a dance next time, okay?”
not being entirely sure when “next time” would be, but realising that it was probably in your best interests to hold your tongue, since you were pretty sure you had — god knows how, because she was stubborn when she wanted to be — just managed to get out of dancing with dina, you simply nodded your head and smiled politely. “okay, dee.” you rested your chin on your fists as you propped your elbows up on the table. while you watched as she turned back around to regain her rightful position on the dancefloor, you hadn’t been aware of the sound of wooden chair legs raking across the oak flooring as the seat beside was pulled out.
“hey, you.” 
the voice didn’t make you jump exactly, but it did take you by surprise to assume that someone else may actually want to be in your company. that was, of course, until your turned your head to put a name to the body in the chair and came to realise that it was ellie; dressed in the white button-down shirt that she had borrowed from jesse, (which was technically too big for her but which she made do with by tucking it into her trousers) and complimented by the contrasting black tie which you had secured around her neck a few hours earlier, after she had complained that she had “no fucking idea how to tie a stupid tie”. you knew that dina’s choice of dress code hadn’t thrilled ellie— she was the most comfortable in one of her old sweatshirts and a pair of her battered black jeans— but my god, did she look good in her make-shift suit. with half of her hair tied up into a messy bun at the back of her head and the other half barely brushing her shoulders, you couldn’t quite believe that she was all yours. 
“hey,” you breathed, smile stretching over your features as soon as you were aware of a steady hand coming to rest on the small of your back, and you felt your girlfriend’s lips press a gentle kiss to your exposed shoulder. 
“having a good night?” she whispered into your skin, the loose ends of her hair tickling your pores which caused goosebumps to rise up over the back of your neck.
“yeah, actually. it’s been fun. s’nice seeing dina so happy,” you nodded. “are you?”
ellie shrugged her shoulders gently, eyes making their way around the room momentarily but finding their way back to you with no problem. “yeah, i mean... i thought it was gonna be worse.” 
you let your eyes drift over ellie’s features; having free rein over the sandy shore of her freckles and the glint in her tidal eyes, her auburn wisps framing them as if an art exhibition; she belonged in a museum. you were well aware of how much she regarded these kinds of events with disfavour, and knew how much she would have preferred spending the evening inside, alone, with you. “always the optimist, babe,” you teased her, lifting a hand from beneath your chin and using it to give her cotton-clad knee a squeeze; subtle in nature but obvious to your girlfriend in both reassurance and affection. “but, i am glad we came. i mean, look at her,” you reverted your attention back to dina, gaze softening as you watched her being swayed in jesse’s arms, still a magnet beneath every onlookers’ cobalt eyes. “she’s glowing.”
but ellie had no real desire to look at dina. not when she could look at you. her eyes were glued to you; wandering over the slope of your back, the dent of your spine nestled between your shoulder blades as if sculpted by god himself, and which she honestly believed she could litter with kisses until the sun came up. how the definition of your breastbone shone in the light, taunting her; almost beseeching her to drag her callused fingertips over the skin to bring about the inevitable goosebumps which would come decorate you like sequins. the way your delicate fingers wrapped themselves around your glass, lifting it from the table and bringing it to your lips, which appeared like two pristine rose petals; how your throat twitched as the alcohol disappeared and you swallowed it down so easily. “you’re even brighter,” she whispered, her words making themselves known to you before she had even really processed them; brisk in the way they launched themselves from her lips but weightless in the way they drifted down before your face. it was too late to stop them now. actually, she didn’t really want to stop them. “you look beautiful, tonight. have i told you that?”
you turned your head back to look at the girl beside you, your action soothed by the feeling of her hand travelling up the expanse of your back, tracing your spine with her thumb and allowing her fingers to follow closely behind. “only like, twenty times,” your comment evoked a certain glint in ellie’s eyes. “but, so do you.” you batted the compliment back, almost without missing a beat.
she scoffed. “please, i feel ridiculous.”
you shook your head insistently, dutch courage guiding your hand like a puppeteer and sliding it further up ellie’s thigh. you loved the feeling of the fabric against your fingertips, the roughness of the fibres contrasted with the sleekness of her skin hidden beneath them; the rise and fall of her muscle which felt like heaven to you, in that moment. “you shouldn’t,” your voice was lower now, just loud enough to still be heard by only ellie above the music. “you look so good.”
the solidity evident your words peaked ellie’s interest. sure, you had told her how well you thought she pulled the look off before you had arrived at the party together, but the most self-conscious parts of ellie had all rallied round to persuade the girl that you were simply just being nice. however, although she knew that you were a little more tipsy than usual, the look in your eyes seemed to ignite something in her; the need to argue her opinion until she was blue in the face evaporated when she noticed the earnest in your face and felt the way in which your thumb was rubbing gentle circles against her inner thigh. “well,” she leaned forward, tucking your hair behind your ear with her nimble fingers, but not before the side of her knuckle grazed against your neck. “that makes two of us, then.”
“oh, stop.”
“been looking at you all night.”
“mm, i know. felt your eyes on me.”
“can you blame me?”
“well, i could look at you in this suit forever,” you whispered, feeling yourself becoming bolder with every breath. “it’s like, made for you.”
“except it’s fuckin’ huge.” ellie grinned. “but, your dress? so perfect. you look so gorgeous,” her fingers slid over your collarbone and to the right, where they caressed the strap of your dress, skimming your skin in their wake. “don’t know which i’d rather see; you in the dress, or…” her eyes flicked back up to find yours, and you noticed that they were considerably darker than before. “you out of it.”
silk words, woven right before your eyes pulled on your brows and caused them to rise, top teeth tugging your bottom between them as an automatic response to the way her sultry words made you feel. the butterflies in your stomach were awoken, swarming in a pack and reaching your throat where you were at a loss for words for a good few seconds. the confidence in your previous comments had been snuffed out just by ellie’s eyes finding yours and the words she had uttered, for your ears only. it had always been easy for the girl to make you feel so small; so shy and yet so bold in your willingness to do anything for her if she asked.
“cat got your tongue?” she whispered, noticing the way in which she had silenced you and revelling in it while the pad of her index finger ran over your jaw. she observed the way the corners of your lips twitched with a shadow of a smile before you leaned a little closer to her, and she couldn’t help but let her gaze fall to the way in which the edge of your dress pulled away from your chest. the valley of supple skin between your breasts was almost calling for her; begging to be kissed and licked and sucked between her teeth, reddened and bruised and marked for a couple of days.
“no,” you bluffed, shrugging your shoulders as nonchalantly as you could manage to pass off. “i was just waiting for you to tell me which one you’d prefer.“
“how about i show you?”
. . .
a cacophony of sound; feet shuffling, the door locking, deep breaths and heavy sighs, filled the intimate space of the room which yourself and ellie soon found yourselves in. her provocative comment had caused you both to make quick work of rising from your seats at the table, your hand slotting into hers like second nature, and your underwear already becoming bedewed from beneath your skirt as she tugged you towards the washroom.
your head was spinning in the best way possible, partly thanks to the alcohol, but otherwise due to the adrenaline which was pulsing through your body like heroin. everything was a blur; everything except the features belonging to your girlfriend which rested just a mere few centimetres from your own face. kisses that were being pressed to your lips took a couple of seconds to be reciprocated, but which were soon accompanied by arms which snaked around your waist and pulled you from the wood of the door, flush against her body as the kisses deepened and soon became one messy, passionate, wordless conversation of shared i love you’s, i missed you’s, i want you’s. your body seemed to become utterly malleable in that moment, moulding into ellie’s like sand as her hips pushed into yours and her hands smoothed over the rise of your ass while yours slid over her shoulders and enjoyed the softness of her cotton shirt against your fingertips.
“mm,” she pulled away from the kiss, lips pink and pupils already blown out so much that her eyes— always so pretty in their viridescence— now seemed deeply sable. “been wanting to touch you all night,” her words were hot against the side of your face as she leaned in and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to your jaw, taking them down to your neck where she tasted your perfume on her tongue. you felt her fingers teasing the edge of your skirt, the pads of each digit gliding over the silky fabric and barely skimming the skin of your upper thighs.
“you’ve got me now,” you reassured her, head taking full advantage of the solidness of the door that it rested against. “all to yourself,”
your words caused the girl to smile. “oh, i know. i’m so lucky,” her lips spoke against your collarbone when she finally reached it, teeth grazing the prominent bone menacingly while her fingers toyed with the elastic hem on your underwear. “y’gonna let me touch you, baby?” ellie whispered again, lifting her head to catch your eyes in her darkened stare.
“yes, ellie,” 
“mm? you want me to?” 
her index fingers hooked around the waistband.
“god, yes,”
“say please,” 
her thumb brushed over your veiled folds. 
“please, ellie. please,” 
your pristine manners, the breathiness of your voice, and the way in which she could almost feel how your cunt was throbbing beneath her touch caused any light that was still evident in ellie’s eyes to be blown out; totally snuffed in a mere couple of seconds. agile fingers pushed the thin piece of material aside while the open palm of her free hand trailed over your breasts, and you felt the cool pads of her digits begin rubbing circles on your clit; firm enough to make your body go stiff, but slow enough to ensure that she could gather all of your wetness.
“fuck, baby,” ellie sighed, eyes threatening to roll back just from the feel of you beneath her digits. “you’ve been wet for a while, huh?”
you nodded, head feeling weightless atop your shoulders as your girlfriend continued her exploration of your arousal.
“is that right? been wet for me all night?” her voice seemed quieter now as she leaned in closer to you, lips pressing against your shoulder in open-mouthed kisses.
you nodded your head again, eyelids heavy and chest beginning to rise and fall a little faster the moment you felt her fingers pick up beneath your skirt. “yes, oh my god,”
“mm, does that feel good?” ellie’s words were hot against your skin; almost scorching against your pulse as her lips began climbing the lustrous slope of your neck.
“feels so good,” you made sure to keep your voice down, the feeling of intense pleasure swarming your body not being quite enough to swipe your conscience completely clean of the fact that yourself and ellie were separated from the other residents of jackson only by a wooden barrier. “need you…”
“yeah? what do y’need me to do, sweet girl?”
the way in which ellie’s fingers were encircling your clit was beginning to make your knees wobble; you needed more, she knew you did. your body was trembling against hers like a newborn calf, your fingers gripping onto her shirt. “need you to fuck me,” you weren’t embarrassed to say it, nor were you too stubborn, which would certainly have been the case if the shoe had happened to be on the other foot. plus, you knew how much ellie enjoyed hearing you tell her what you wanted; how much it satisfied her every need alone, just to simply hear the words come out of your mouth. “please…”
the girl hummed, her middle and third finger parting to slide over your folds, which were both so deliciously slick with the wetness she had been enjoying only a few seconds earlier. she lifted her head from your shoulder, catching your gaze as best she could from behind your blissful expression and heavy eyes to soak up the desperation and ardour which resided in your irises. “i love you,” she whispered, leaning close enough to whisper against your lips. you remained quiet, the sound of your deep inhales and exhales being the only shadow of an answer that she received. that was when she decided to dip the very tip of her middle finger into your luscious hole, which she could already tell was flooded with your arousal in an attempt to prompt a real response from you. “do you love me, baby?”
you released a shaky breath, lips parting a little wider when you felt ellie ease her finger into you a little further, but still not enough to be fully satisfied. “yes,” you nodded, voice heavy but still quiet enough to remain undetected. 
“yeah?” she was mocking you now, her finger dipping in and out of your hole at a snail’s pace; still not enough to relieve you. “say it,” your walls were in desperate need of something to tighten around, your wetness beginning to dampen your inner thighs as your girlfriend taunted you, her free hand coming to slide one strap of your dress down your arm, then another. pulling the material from over your breasts, her eyes trailed over the way your pebbled nipples protruded from the silken skin, and the prepossessing fullness of your tits. “c’mon. tell me you fucking love me, pretty girl.”
“i love you,” you breathed, and that seemed to be music to ellie’s ears; the music she had been yearning to hear all night, and enough to finally make her sink her finger into you completely. you instinctively gripped onto her shoulder at the sensation, eyes turning to the ceiling and lips parting to let out a breathy moan as you felt the callused pad of her digit skim over your walls. she was easing you open, just like she always loved to do, while her thumb took its time in smoothing over your nipples with ease. you could already feel your feet threatening to slip out from under, and therefore you kept one hand clamped on ellie’s shoulder in a vice-like grasp, while the other remained tucked behind your back; palm open and desperate in its search for a solid grip on the wood.
your girlfriend teased the outer edge of your hole with a second finger. "mmm,” ellie’s voice vibrated over the expanse of your chest as she littered the rise of your breasts with sloppy kisses, tongue wetting the skin unapologetically. “you feel so fucking good, baby,” the warmth of her breath blew over your hardened nipples, and you felt your back begin to arch from each of the simultaneous sensations which were now ricocheting throughout your body like bullets; one, after the other, after the other. it was then that you felt your nipple become swathed by the flick of ellie’s tongue; then, the sheathing of her lips, and with a subtle curl of her finger, your back started arching off of the door when you felt her push a second digit inside you. 
“oh, fuck,” you gasped, arm coming across to drape itself around both of ellie’s shoulder and your nails digging into her bicep through her shirt. she wasn’t going easy on you now, either; both fingers crescent moons, and already pushing against the sponginess of your g-spot like it was nothing. finally finishing her gentle assault on your breasts, she lifted her head and admired the way in which your eyes had fallen closed, jaw having falling slack and your eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. 
“you like that? like it when you can feel me nice ‘nd deep, sweet girl?”
“ye–es, fuck... ellie,”
“sound so pretty when you say my name,” oh, she was getting comfortable, now. “always love hearing it, baby...” ellie knew you were teetering on the edge of an orgasm; clinging onto the last sliver of sanity which barely remained, and so she was tactical in the bending of her thumb and its newfound position on your clit. the obscene squelching which could be heard from beneath your skirt made you bite down on your lip in your best attempt to hold back your moans, and made ellie grin against your jaw as she came to rest her face in the crook of your neck. “oh, fuck yeah,” 
the noticeable tightness of your cunt, on top of the incessant pleasure she was supplying to your every nerve through the rhythmic movements of her fingers was threatening to let you down; lungs swelling with the need to cry out from how close you were getting to reaching orgasm. ellie could sense it. she had noticed the way in which your knees had began to buckle and how your spine had curved, body slumped against the door as if you were fully prepared to give it all up. with her gentle words of encouragement being pressed into your neck as if she intended to make them stain, the brunette made quick work of snaking her arm around your waist to hold you up, her grip firm, yet somehow, so gentle, as you reached the great peak of your entirely euphoric, entirely secret, little meeting.
“ellie,” you panted, her name almost totally lost on your lips from beneath the breathy moans that followed. “oh my god. p–please don’t stop, please don’t fucking stop, baby,”
you felt ellie moan into the side of your neck, her thumb brushing over your swollen clit where it began to rub small, firm circles again. “yeah? are you gonna cum?”
“fuck, fuck, fuck, yes,” 
her fingers sped up, plunging in and out of your soaking cunt, desperate to earn her prize. “cum for me, pretty girl. i’ve got you, c’mon. i’ve got you,” the way in which the girl coaxed you through the pleasure— disregarding the gibberish which followed your previous coherence, yet making sure to savour every syllable— only made your orgasm more intense. your walls spasmed around ellie’s fingers, eyes rolling back into your head and lips pressed tightly together to muffle the moans which rose up in your throat and threatened to crash straight through them, like a tsunami past a floodgate. your orgasm washed over you; intense and merciless, rendering you stone-cold sober yet disorienting you like a concussion, and with no room for anything other than a ripple in your abdomen, and the absolute soaking of ellie’s hand. 
your girlfriend could feel your pulse through your neck, thumping against her face, her skin practically burning from the warmth that was radiating from your body as it remained flush against hers; rendered totally rigid only a few minutes ago, but now falling limp and docile. she couldn’t help but moan into your neck when she slowed her movements enough to feel the stickiness that coated her fingers, her palm, her fucking wrist at this point. she made sure to slide her fingers out of you with conscious and noticeable care, her other hand soon reaching down to slip your underwear back into its original position over the top of your heat. once your grip had loosened from around ellie’s shoulder, and she was content in the sturdiness of your stance upon letting go of your waist, the two of you shared a smile; ellie’s accompanied by eyes which were evidently florescent, and yours through heavy lids.
“mm,” you nodded. “always so good,”
your girlfriend leaned in and smiled, capturing your lips in a kiss which was rich in love and reassurance, and which you were quick to return. “good,” she whispered once the two of you had pulled away. “i don’t know how the hell you stayed so quiet, though.” 
you grinned, cheeks turning a gentle shade of pink as ellie pushed your hair back from your face. “well, i mean... i’d rather dina remember tonight for reasons other than what we got up to in the bathroom, y’know.”
ellie nodded her head, watching as you slipped the straps of your dress back over your shoulders and smoothed down your skirt. her eyes were full of adoration, pupils still twinkling in the dim light of the room as she took a moment to just look at you. somehow, you looked more beautiful in that moment than you had looked all night, if that was even possible; your eyelids still weighty, skin abundant with that particular kind of glow and your lips slightly reddened. “i love you,” she reminded you, lifting your chin between her thumb and index finger. “a lot.”
“and i love you,”
“even in this stupid suit?”
“oh,” you nodded, biting back a smirk. “especially in that stupid suit.”
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⭐ Gay wrongs tournament, finals of the major bracket ⭐
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For the Leverage trio:
No murder (except occasionally by Elliot) but the theifsom as they are sometimes called rob from every kind of evil rich asshole they can find. Three of the best criminals in the world. Be poly do crime
A canonical (Word of God) triad who run cons with the ultimate goal of helping people. Hardison is a hacker, Eliot is a hitter, and Parker is a thief
For Hanningram:
Ive previously only heard the term "murder husbands" refer to hannigram so it feels flitting. The whole series culminated with a murder they did together bathing in blood. 
The show and ship that coined murder husbands. It’s in the text in s3 from a journalist side character. They do Many murders either together or as a message to each other. Usually this involves turning the dead body into an art piece. The show ends with them killing a guy together in a slo mo scene backed by porno music.
They're both batshit and manipulative.
ALRIGHT so they're not canonically together but it is HEAVILY implied and they have some sort of fucked up psychosexual obsession with each other. in the later parts of the show they start committing murder and cannibalism together and they're soooo unhinged but it's awesome
kill people for each other. maim each other. kill people together. most batshit insane metaphors. send each other to jail. ruin everyone’s lives. someone can probably say this better than me but these gay people are insane
Literally THE murder husbands. They kill for each other. They've tried to kill each other. They're canon in all but name, like the homoeroticism between these two is the driving force of the show.
one time hannibal folded a guy into an origami human heart
They are in love and they kill and eat people. They are called Murder Husbands in canon.
The original murder husbands (literally, that's not just their ship name, they get called that in canon)
The show begins with Will working for the FBI and trying to catch Hannibal, but because Hannibal is so intrigued by the way Will is able to see the world and the motives behind the killings so easily, it becomes a game of Hannibal isolating Will even more from the people around and seducing him to try and kill. By the time Will starts embracing the side of him that Hannibal sees, he starts oulling back and trying to distance himself so that when the time comes for Will to fully embrace himself and Hannibal, no one really suspects what they have planned. 
hannibal literally does murder as courtship and it works bc will is also a fucked up little guy
I'm actually quite offended they aren't included by default (joke). They are THE murder husbands!!!!!! (mod note: they should have been, but I wanted to see how many submissions they'd get. They got 19, making them a little more than 6% of total submission count).
do i have to say it. they literally get called murder husbands IN THE SHOW
There are 3201 works for Hannibal on ao3 tagged Murder Husbands. They are the ogs, they are the pioneers we owe it all to them.
THEE murder couple. You know it. I know it. They commit crimes at each other as courting and then commit crimes together and then fall off a cliff to wash up somewhere and live on to serve cunt. Get referred to as 'murder husbands' in canon. What more do you need
Hannigram were literally called Murder Husbands in canon, they are the og, they are THE blueprint. They were gay as hell and comitted so much murder so many crimes. THEY RAN OFF TO EUROPE TOGETHER.
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sawyerconfort · 9 months
eyes on fire | lottie matthews x fem!reader
I said two posts in a row and I DID IT!
Enjoy, Yellowjackets fandom!
Thanks for the likes and follows, by the way!
Requests open! Send me an ask if you want to! (I normally don't take requests from messages, sorry!)
Masterlist for these ladies coming soon!
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Prompt: After Misty's disastrous Doomcoming, some things between you and Lottie need to be straightened out. But she still doesn't seem truly regretful about what happened at the party, and it might be too late to run away now…
WARNINGS: smut, sub!reader, dom!lottie, mentions of possession and cannibalism, post-fight sex, make-up sex, +18 (not really but be careful), mentions of platonic natalie x reader, lottie being bratty, lottie swearing and being a hot gay mess.
The morning after the party started off wildly. The mood was not at all favorable and there seemed to be tension between the girls in general, not to mention poor Javi who had mysteriously disappeared the night before, leaving his brother a nervous wreck.
A fight between your friends was what you least needed right now. Months had already passed, you had already gotten used to life after the plane crash - another absurd thing that you never imagined you would be a part of - and everything seemed to be settling into place even though you had to deal with the chaotic life in the forest on your own.
It was a daily struggle to survive, and you were doing pretty well. You were confident that you could handle it until someone came to rescue you. Eating deer and bear meat wasn't even that bad.
Except for last night, you were sure you were going to die.
And maybe you'd prefer it now, if you knew you were going to have to face your teammates fighting.
You had no idea how the argument had started, because you weren't in the cabin. You knew Misty had something to do with it and that she was talking about last night's party. A few girls were arguing about being possessed by something - like Jackie and Shauna, screaming for no reason a few steps away from you.
But you visibly remembered one thing.
Lottie Matthews. Lottie Matthews going wild.
By the way, you didn't know where Lottie Matthews is now. And you didn't want to know either, because the sound of her evil laugh as you spouted off the truths about the madness she and her friends were about to pull off with Travis still echoed in your messy, confused mind.
Just trying to escape Jackie and Shauna's fight, for fear of getting in the middle of it without even having a clue why, you decided that maybe you'd better get going, talk to Natalie, at least, because she wasn't affected by the "Misty's Mushrooms", had helped you confront Lottie and was not part of the forest brawler's party.
"You stay there", that voice startled you, and you turned around to face those small, dark eyes again, beyond the face that seemed to glow with the sun hitting her skin. Lottie was beautiful, yes, that was nothing new, but at that moment, she looked even more so. It was as if the wilderness had given her ethereal beauty as a gift for the follies she had decided to lead last night.
She seemed much calmer, and probably, like the others, she had already recovered from the hallucinogenic effects of the mushrooms.
"Lottie," you whispered, just trying not to remember how scared you were of her for a moment.
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry if that scared you, I couldn't control it."
She knew. How could she know?
"Are you going to let me apologize for sounding like a crazy cannibal last night?", she asked, in the same tone, leaving you in a tight spot, not knowing what to answer.
You sighed.
"So you remember what I told you yesterday?"
She nodded. "Every word. And I'm sincerely sorry, (Y\N), I'm so, so sorry."
You knew you couldn't faithfully believe what she was saying. Something in her tone betrayed that she wasn't really sorry after all. And worse, something told you that she hadn't really been high last night.
Something inside you insisted it was all real. Some kind of possession.
And it wouldn't be the first time something like this had happened to Lottie. When Jackie had contrived to have a séance your first few days in the woods after the plane crash, she also had been possessed by something bad, something that wasn't quite her.
And you were there. The glass wound on her forehead? It could have caused some kind of hemorrhaging if you hadn't been there to heal it beforehand.
"Why would you guys eat Travis? Why him?"
She looked at you with a smirk, and then raised her eyebrow. The next words that came out of Lottie were unbelievable, and you wouldn't believe it if it weren't for her speaking, in front of you.
"We weren't. Who told you that bullshit?"
"Nobody. Didn't have to. I saw it with my own eyes…", you snapped, and then, the whole thing went through your head in a flash. You couldn't believe you were being so nice and genuinely caring while she was trying to trick you. "You don't remember that part then?"
"I remember everything, sweetheart. I remember everything anyway. Including how you trusted Natalie and started insulting me like I was a fucking danger to you."
Oh, Natalie. You knew Lottie adored her anyway. Except when she was around you. For some reason, your friendship with the blonde girl bothered her to an absurd degree.
"Natalie was right. And I was trying to help you," you replied, voice shut. Obviously, Lottie made a face and slowly approached you, step by step.
She didn't give the evil, sneering laugh this time, but simply grabbed your waist and pulled you so hard against her that more memories of last night flooded your mind. Memories of her words, frightening, strange, affected by whatever was happening to her there.
"The wilderness chose this, (Y\N). It wants you and me, together. It's watching us. And it knows how much I want you all to myself."
Her eyes weren't different, so it couldn't be possession, one way or another. Lottie brushed a strand of hair out of your face with one hand as she held you with the other, lightly biting her lip.
"If you really wanted to help me, you would have turned yourself in when I told you to," she breathed, whispering in your ear. "But you resisted, like the mean, pathetic little girl you are."
"Lottie, you need help. You're getting so worked up about all this, you're not making sense."
"I don't need help," she breathed into your ear again. "I need you, only you."
"Lottie, we can't…"
She laughed, softly, and then shook her head. "We can, there's no one else holding us back, we're on our own. We can do whatever we want here, and we can please the wilderness if we do the right thing, if we follow our instincts…"
You didn't have time to respond, and she wouldn't let you have time to respond either, if it was on normal days. Lottie always looked forward to being in your presence, you could feel the hard-on exploding as she looked at you, all the desire she'd always repressed so badly now written all over her face as she kissed you, taking your face in both hands.
"You have no idea how long I've been holding back to do this…", she murmured, trailing kisses lightly down your cheek, then down to your chin. "I always wanted you so much, (Y\N), but I was the perfect girl. If my parents knew, I would stop being that way, and it would be so hard to adapt to a life where I wasn't like that…"
You sighed with relief, relieved now because you knew you didn't have to voice your feelings out loud. Lottie felt the same way. Lottie knew you felt the same way. If the wilderness had really come to life somehow, if this whole wilderness thing that chooses people's fates was even real, the wilderness would tell Lottie how much you reciprocated her feelings.
Still, it wasn't one hundred percent safe for you to confess like that, all of a sudden.
"Come with me, we should go somewhere more… private…"
You laughed as she pulled away, squeezed your hand in hers, and led you back to the cabin. "Uh, Lottie, we're not in New Jersey, we don't have a motel or anything like that here, remember?"
Lottie's eyes widened, as if her domineering persona had given way to the ordinary person you better know. She cleared her throat and shrugged with a wry smile.
"Okay, so, uh… at least let me take you to the cabin?"
"With pleasure…", you whispered, still enjoying her failed attempt at looking sexy, even though in the first few moments, it worked for you.
She shouldn't have, and she didn't let it go. When you reached the top floor of the cabin, Lottie threw you to the ground and your back - by a divine miracle - narrowly missed hitting the ground. She crawled your body like a lioness walks to hunt carefree prey and went back to kissing you, pressing her body more and more on top of yours.
Lottie's kisses were different from the kisses you imagined she would have. Of course, she probably still wasn't in her right mind, and the way she showed her love for you at that moment was anything but wholesome and caring. And, to be honest, neither you nor your body minded that much.
Your body was about to set the whole cabin on fire with the heat it gave off, and you were about to break into a sweat when Lottie started to put her fingers under your shirt, practically pushing her face into your neck. Bites, hickeys, nibbles, sucking, she was determined to do it all, and you couldn't even complain.
"Is this satisfying you? Am I doing everything right, babe? Hm?", she whispered, after a while, panting. Her face was red, her nose was glowing like a firefly at the tip, and you could tell she looked like she was sweating too.
You nodded, and you had the faint impression that your inner desire took hold of your body for a moment as you said, "More, Lottie. I want more."
She smiled, and nodded too. "You look even hotter when you ask like that, you know? I can't believe I never got the chance to touch you and hear those words come out of your mouth…"
She continued to roam your body underneath the shirt you were wearing. Her fingers really had something unearthly about them, charged with shock and electricity, feeling like when you've been hurt and need to press ice into the warm spot of the wound to make it heal faster.
And then she finally lowered her face and wriggled her body between your legs, and if you weren't already moaning before, now you'll start hearing them loud and clear. So loud that you had to make a mental note to lower your voice. Lottie tugged down your sweatpants with enormous ease, and you tugged at her white dress, trying to reciprocate. Now you were the one apparently not making sense.
Lowering your panties slightly, Lottie introduced the first finger, and the shock in your body was immediate. You moaned even louder as she explored, attentive, seemingly oblivious to what was going on. Of course, she wasn't. She was just pretending so you wouldn't feel ashamed of giving yourself all to her at once.
"Hm… Lottie…", you called her, whispering, breathless.
"Yes, (Y\N)?"
"Just keep going…"
She laughed and continued, obeying you, introducing two, three more fingers. All of this was driving you crazy, and she was starting to lose character, moaning in satisfaction that you were responding to her touch that way.
"Fuck, Lottie…", you laughed, sighing. "Fucking hell."
"That's it. That's my good girl… all given to me."
You guys had sex for a while longer, her going slowly as you seemed to get your fill. And it was so magical, the moment you came in her arms, the moment you could breathe a sigh of relief because you were feeling fresh again.
She hugged and held you, even with the cold outside, the breeze coming in and penetrating your naked bodies, making you shiver even more - if that wasn't just Lottie's effect on your body -. Her chest rose and fell as she breathed, and you buried your flushed red face in her neck, laughing.
"Like I said, we have no way out. The wilderness chose…", she murmured. "And it's proud of us. Of you especially."
"Oh no, Lottie. I refuse to have to listen to your magical conversations and wild witchcraft with the wilderness, especially after we literally had sex on the cabin floor!"
She giggled and nodded, purring as she rubbed her face against your bare chest.
"Sorry, (Y\N), sorry. I promise not to do that again."
"Okay, I'll forgive you. It was sexy, by the way."
Her eyes widened. "Oh, really? Well, in that case, then, I guess the wilderness is kind of asking us to try again, round two maybe, what do you think, hm?"
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olderthannetfic · 8 days
re: 'coded' language (/post/752041382197248000/one-of-my-biggest-pet-peeves-with-coding-people).
Yeah, I see 'x-coded' language not only for things that should definitely be labeled 'headcanon' or 'interpretation', but also for things that are always actually straight up directly canon as shown in text, the character just didnt turn to the viewer and say 'im x thing'.
-coded is specifically for things that the writers both a- intended to invoke the aesthetic of a minority, and b-did not explicitly show. There is a connotation of it being used for ill (queercoding villains, for example), as well, but it can also be used to get past censors. It usually involves Stereotypes to get this across.
Him, from Power Puff Girls is a good example of a queer coded character. He dresses femininely, often speaks in falsetto, and is very flamboyant to evoke a gay man doing drag without making him explicitly a gay man doing drag. He is also a villain. This is to evoke a gay man for the purposes of highlighting being evil without actually showing a gay man.
Anakin Skywaker from Star Wars is not 'BPD coded'. Bold of you to assume George Lucas put that much thought into his writing decisions and research process(and I say this with love of the prequels), and there isnt nearly enough bad stereotypes even if the writers were not people who just did whatever. Him being as well representative as he is is an ACCIDENT. This is an interpretation of canon or a well supported headcanon.
Rin Tohsaka from Fate Stay Night is not 'Bisexual coded', she is just canonically bisexual. In the original VN she fucks another girl and likes it. She says 'I didnt know I swung that way' at one point. The good ending is a FFM polycule with her. Thats not even getting into whatever going on in the spinoffs. Just because she doesnt use the words in a very old as hell and dated VN doesnt make her not canon bi. Calling that coding cheapens what it actually is and saying coding doesnt make the whiny dudebros yell at you less for pointing out the truth. You pull up your sources and you put up your middle finger and you say the canon with your whole chest.
Coded is not for canon things where the characters just didnt say certain words out loud, its not for things that were almost certainly accidents, its for winknudge stereotype coded language stuff like making the villain talk in a 'gay voice' and wear leather, or making a young boy who doesnt talk and is only focused on trains and doesnt respond to social cues and Is Therefore Sick.
Put this damn word on the top shelf, my god.
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marksbear · 2 years
How about nate jacobs x male reader where they skip class to have sex inside the locker room, and reader though about doing something daring so he manhandle nate and walked toward the empty hallway fucking him there. Reader just laughed it off watching the panicking nate can't do anything, scared someone will see them. Maybe someone did see them but reader just shush him and walked back inside the locker room
I'm on the Job!
warnings! Public sex, cheater Nate, manhandling, Top male reader, spit as lube, short but not to short, strong male reader
This wasn't the first time you did this. Well fuck Nate Jacobs. You two had this agreement at some random party in the bathroom just to do one another some face but things went south to you bending him over the sink.
Ever since that day Nate never left you alone. I mean you took his gay sex virginity he couldn't leave you alone. He was in some deep shit with Maddy and Cassie when you two had done it. Of course you regretted it at first because you and Maddy were like sisters and brothers. But pleasure overcame the guilt and regret.
Now it was almost like four times a week you and him sneak off to fuck in some bathroom or locker room.
This time the two of you were going to your regular spot in the locker room but you couldn't handle the urge any more. He had been teasing you all day and you wanted to get your revenge in your own little way. "Hey! Y/n are you even listening! I swear-" You cut him off by kissing him and slamming his back into the wall. He tries to pull away and shouts out a "What the hell man what are you doing! are you craz-" You cut him off again kissing his as roughly and deeply you can. You unbuckle his pants and shove your hand in his underwear jerking him off. You finally pull away letting Nate catch his breath "W-what are you doing mmm fuck! A-are you insane!" You laugh with an evil smirk and flip Nate's stomach to the wall harshly and causes him to moan. "Y/n L/n I swear to Ooh shi-shit. Fuck!! Nate shouts as you shove two fingers inside of him stretching him out as fast as you can. Once you think hes ready you spit onto your cock and slide it in his ass causing Nate to moan out like hes a virgin. Your thrust is sloppy and fast not caring about Nate and only looking for his prostate to make him be louder. Once you find it you abuse and hit the spot over and over. Nate mouth and chin are cover in drool as you fuck the life out of him moans "Yes yes yes!! fuck me" "Use me like im some cheap whore." and some more sentences that don't sound correct. Nate was too much in bliss to hear a gasp but you did and turn around just for you to calm down when you noticed it's just one of your close friends.
You turn him around and pick him and ask him to wrap his legs around you. Once he does you walk back towards the locker room while still fucking him walking.
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borrelia · 6 months
Sonic Old Man Yaoi/Old Woman Yuri Knockout
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TWO pairings with the LEAST votes will be eliminated
Intros to each pairing below
Gerald Robotnik was Eggman's grandfather, introduced in Sonic Adventure 2. He made a false deal with Black Doom to create Shadow the Hedgehog in exchange for the Chaos Emeralds, making them both Shadow's dads. They definitely banged and had some kind of toxic mess of a relationship.
Grimer Wormtongue is a nasty little assistant to Ivo Robotnik in Fleetway Sonic the Comic. He is extremely devoted to his cruel master, which is for sure a sexual thing.
Ebony the Mystic Mog and Pyjamas the Psychic are two characters from Sonic the Comic who appear briefly in a Knuckles story, then become minor recurring characters that take in Super Sonic from the streets. They appear as old friends in their introduction and are implied to live together. If these two aren't married, it's only because Mobius is homophobic.
Blockhead Bill is Mighty's dad in Sonic the Comic. He is a very confused old man who convinces his posh "business associate" Society Max to assist him in taking down his nemesis the Crimson Cobra. This involves Max eating a magic mandrake root and becoming a giant dinosaur, which Bill rides around to cause destruction. idk about you but I'd only let someone do that to me if they were my funny little lover.
Mephiles the Dark and Iblis are two halves of the sun/time god Solaris, introduced in Sonic '06. Iblis is kind of just a big fire monster I think but Mephiles orchestrates this whole plot through the course of the game to re-merge with Iblis and form Solaris. Which sounds like some pretty twisted villainous gay devotion to me.
Ixis Naugus and Ian St. John are characters from the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics. Naugus is some kind of evil wizard who enlists the help of Geoffrey St. John, Ian's son, with plot things. I can't decipher Archie plots sorry. When Naugus first contacts Geoffrey, he expects him to be his father Ian. From @mischeva: "why are you wanting to talk to geoffrey’s dad? hm naugus? kinda….kinda interesting." Image also provided by mischeva, ty :)
Starline and Eggman were allowed in by popular vote, mostly by Eggman's qualifying age. Dr. Starline is a character from the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comic. He is a fanboy and devotee of Eggman, restoring Eggman's lost memories and assisting him in his Metal Virus plot. Starline eventually plots to betray Eggman, as he believes himself smarter and more genre-savvy than his idol. He is of course wrong and Eggman beats the shit out of him and kills him to death. Starline is sort of like gen z's Grimer, kind of the tumblr sexyman dark academia Grimer, in that he's younger and prettier than Grimer, but he probably still wants to fuck that old man so bad.
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newnlovesjennie · 4 months
one piece au where literally nothing went wrong everyone is alive and happy hc's
belle mere is still alive obvi
the attack on her island was less of an attack and more of like a alliance? like the fishman pirates pulled up and were like hey we need a hideout can we pls use ur island. and they were like yeah offer us protection and in turn u can use our island! no violence no blood nothing!!
in this au fisher tiger is still alive and the fishman pirates are still what he envisioned before his death, so he’s the captain, not arlong
speaking of arlong he’s like hella toned down. he got the jinbei affect in the sense that koala changed him and showed him humans aren’t all bad. yeah sure he’s more radical and unhinged than the other pirates but he’s just like the weird conservative uncle you tolerate at thanksgiving not a real threat
hachi and nami bonding!!!
nami never develops an obsession with money, she gets to put her full effort into map making and exploring that talent
she makes maps for the fishman pirates completely out of her own free will
she joins the movement for fishman human equality woohoo!!!
yeah in this au that movement actually gets taken seriously instead of played off and the fishmen actually make progress in equality 
koala visits sometimes! koala and nami bonding time!!!
doflamingo is toned down like 1000% in this au he’s not a family killer in this one he’s just odd
like seriously idk how the logistics would work but maybe somehow after the whole “doffys family becomes human” thing the humans don’t persecute him? so in turn he just kinda is pretentious and misses being rich instead of holding a particular grudge against humanity?
either way he’s also just the weird conservative uncle you see at thanksgiving 
corazon is number one dad ever did he offer law henny for his 8th birthday yes does he know how to do laundry or cook not at all but he is trying his best!
LAW BABY FIVE AND BUFFALO AS COUSINS. PLEASE!!!! dellinger too maybe idk if he’s a kid or not tho
the executives like trebol diamante whatever the fuck also aren’t as evil either they just tryna do their own thing yk just black market deal in peace but no unnecessary killing 
donquixote family stays pirates instead of going and trying to take a whole kingdom (took a shit ton of convincing for doffy to accept that)
the whole pirate warlord thing gives doffy enough prestige he don’t need to be a king necessarily 
law eats the op op fruit, doffy tries to get him to make him immortal, corazon slaps him, doffy changes his mind
(i am taking so many liberties in this au omg)
kuina didn’t fucking fall down a flight of stairs!! yippee!!!
their whole competition abt who will be the greatest swordsman is still on
they venture outside the dojo and become pirates
both bounty hunters maybe
kuina is so so gay
hear me out…. kuina x tashigi? LET ME COOK
yeah zoros just there
they find their way to mihawks island without the whole kuma blasting zoro to a random island thing
they beg mihawk to train them but he’s like wtf get out of my house but they show potential and he’s like ok fine ill train y’all 
persona is also there bc i said so FUCK MORIA ALL MY HOMIES HATE MORIA she left him and somehow ended up with mihawk he also let her stay for some reason (he needs to stop adopting kids)
hear me out…. perona x kuina? or at the very least they become besties
once again zoro is just there
olvia and saul are still alive
all of her island is still alive, don’t ask why the world government is ok with that they just are shhhh shhhhh 
robin grows up an archeologist but decides she needs to find the poneglyphs and discover the truth of the world
so she becomes a pirate and joins baroque works, led by crocodile
he respects her (WHAT) doesn’t try to kill her (WHAT) and they actually have a fun friendship a friendly lil boss secretary relationship its adorable
she helps crocodile get with doffy because god knows he couldn’t do it himself
ok if this is how this au is going robins gotta be besties with bon clay come on. mr three hello?? 
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'It should come as no surprise that Russell T Davies, the man behind Queer As Folk, the one who first made Doctor Who tangibly gay, has returned to the franchise with what might be its queerest outing yet. But even we were surprised by quite how integral LGBTQ+ themes would be to the story this time around.
Much has been made of David Tennant and Catherine Tate's return, yet it's Yasmin Finney's brand-new character Rose who's at the heart of this Star Beast special.
Donna's daughter befriends The Meep first, and she's also the one who saves London when The Meep reveals itself to be evil. What's special about this is that it's Rose's trans identity specifically that proves key to her victory.
When we last saw her mother, Donna had absorbed some of the Doctor's energy, creating a 'metacrisis' that would have killed her if the Doctor had not erased her memories. But when she's reminded again of the Time Lord's existence in this latest episode, Donna survives intact, and that's because when she gave birth to Rose, she unknowingly split that energy between them, halving their potentially devastating impact.
As Donna's memories return, Rose's innate Timelord energy is then activated too, enabling her to stop Meep with newfound knowledge and abilities from her position on the ground.
Rose's non-binary identity stems from The Doctor's. (The show finally acknowledges them to be gender-fluid after they presented as both male and female over the course of the franchise). That means the source of Rose's power comes directly from her nature as a non-binary individual, positioning her as a hero because of her gender identity and not despite of it.
That's not to say Doctor Who shies away from the difficulties trans people face in real life. Earlier on in the same episode, bullies deadname Rose in the street and soon after, Donna's own mother, Sylvia, accidentally misgenders Rose as well, despite her good intentions.
Donna's response to all this? "I would burn down the world for you, darling," and honestly, that's how we feel after seeing some of the negative feedback these scenes have received online.
Despite scoring strong reviews from critics and the majority of fans, it seems not everyone is celebrating Doctor Who's much-lauded return.
On Rotten Tomatoes, trolls are review-bombing the episode, bringing the audience score down to 41%, which is a huge contrast from the critics rating of 89%. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and the episode won't be to everyone's tastes, but when comments suggest the show 'needs to stop pushing talk of pronouns onto kids', it's safe to say most of these opinions are grounded in hate and ignorance.
Imagine being shocked that a show about an alien who regularly changes their body and gender would dare acknowledge such concepts?
In the days following the special, a hashtag named #RIPDoctorWho continued this backlash on X/Twitter, to which Doctor Who casting director Andy Pryor said the following:
"Just stopped by to say that on @bbcdoctor who (or any of our work) we don't work hard to cast inclusively for publicity. We do it because we like stories. & stories should speak to all of us & include all of us. And if one person feels a little less alone, then."
With more queer cast members on the way, including Neil Patrick Harris as the villainous Toymaker and Ncuti Gatwa as the new face of The Doctor himself, the future of Doctor Who is looking queerer by the day.
But it's not just the future that's queer.
To those who baulk at more inclusivity in future seasons, we can't help but wonder: What show have you been watching this whole time? Because Doctor Who is super queer — and it always has been.
Yes, even before Jack Harkness slapped a guy's arse or Bill Potts fell for a puddle named Heather, the Classic era channeled queerness with how it defied the establishment and stood up for those who need it most. It's hard to exaggerate how much stories like this resonated with LGBTQ+ people at a time when positive representation was almost non-existent on screen.
It's no wonder then that a sizeable chunk of Doctor Who's fandom identifies as queer, even if the show wasn't able to address LGBTQ+ fans directly until (queer lifelong fan) Russell T Davies regenerated the franchise in 2005.
But now, all these years later, The Star Beast ushers in a new chapter for Doctor Who where the show can finally live up to the inclusive ethos it's always striven for.
That's not to diminish the positive steps other showrunners have taken in the interim. 2015's 'Sleep No More' featured Doctor Who's first trans actress, Bethany Black, and season twelve's 'Praxeus' successfully flipped the 'Bury Your Gays' trope, although the less said about how season 13 handled #Thasmin the better.
And it's not like everything is suddenly perfect now. Rose's metacrisis abilities could feed into sci-fi tropes around trans/non-binary identities being considered "alien", plus the inclusion of Rose's deadname has garnered a mixed response from the trans community online.
While some argue this has given trolls the opportunity to use that name venomously against her character, others point out that transphobia is a reality the show shouldn't shy away from.
The moment when Rose calls the Doctor out for assuming Meep's pronouns might feel a bit-on-the-nose for some too, although if this kind of talk immediately heralds the end of the franchise for you, you might want to cast your mind back a few decades to 1972's 'The Curse of Peladon' where the Doctor and Jo discussed Alpha Centauri's pronouns at length.
But still, seeing trans and non-binary identities celebrated to this degree is very much welcome regardless, especially in a family show with such a huge fanbase like Doctor Who. This is the kind of storytelling that saves lives, trolls be damned.
And now, with the impending arrival of more trans actors and characters in Yasmin Finney's wake — including Jinkx Monsoon, Mary Malone and Pete MacHale — Doctor Who's next season promises to be more inclusive than ever before.
If you have a problem with that, remember that your hero, the good Doctor, would never discriminate against trans people, or any other marginalised group for that matter either. So why would you?'
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slutburn · 5 months
can we the people have your catton quick headcanons can be nsft if you like or just seperate felix and oliver headcanons i hunger for them. 🛀🏼
sorry this took so long, i wanted to give you good ones! cattonquick is my lifeblood atm, those will be at the end:
oliver didn’t decide on a big grand plan to lie to felix beforehand. he’s more just impulsive than some kind of evil mastermind. felix wanted to know about his family & because he felt they were unremarkable, oliver made stuff up. it snowballed into something much bigger when felix pulled away and he felt the need to continue lying. we saw how the professor responded to his background — he’s probably gotten this response all his life when he’s talked about himself to people he wants to impress. oliver didn’t think that felix would be invested in their friendship long enough for his lies to matter.
oliver is a bottom. this is just an infallible truth in my mind. i don’t want to elaborate or overanalyze it lol
oliver is gay — the only reason he makes any romantic or sexual advances towards women is because of their connections with felix. i don’t think he really thinks about sexuality, he just gets impulses and all of them are towards men
oliver has to masturbate a lot. being around felix who’s constantly teasing and flirting with him is rough. every day is a challenge, especially at saltburn. does he lock his own door? that’s for you to decide..
farleigh is the first out lgbt person oliver has known who’s not made to be an outcast because of it. it’s another reason he’s jealous of him.
felix is bad at kissing and bad at sex. emerald fennell said this herself. he doesn’t need to be good at any of it because girls (and guys) will still want him regardless. but i like to think that sex between him and oliver changes things bc im a romantic at heart lol.
felix is truly, genuinely unaware of how much he takes advantage of people. his life has always been made easy so why would he not just enjoy the attention? it’s not like he’s forcing people to be do things for him, they’re offering themselves up to him. no need to overanalyze why people love you so much.
felix went to boarding school — i’ve always assumed this means it was an all boys school. this is why he’s so good at unabashedly, publicly flirting with oliver. felix had his first kiss with a boy and he’s had all kinds of experiences with boys. maybe he even lost his virginity to a boy.
JSYK @leiflitter’s you’re almost home has basically become canon fix-it in my head so read these with that in mind. also if you want a1 cattonquick headcanons, i reblogged theirs a few posts ago
once people know that they’re together, felix and oliver are always holding hands or touching each other. but you’ll never see them kiss in public.
felix is the one to propose. it’s only appropriate given oliver’s insatiable need to be wanted, and this would be the truest form of want and love that felix can give to him after keeping him at a distance for so long.
felix loves for oliver to wear his clothes. we know this. even when they’re married and live together, with their OWN CLOSETS, felix will hand oliver his own sweater to put on after they have sex and he’s going to pee. oliver doesn’t protest.
oliver loves when felix ties him to the bed. he can stay that way for hours, felix giving him sips of water in between sessions of whatever he’s decided to do to him
they love movie dates. oliver always wants to pick a scary one because felix is easily scared & it’s hilarious to watch this 6’5” man yelp and spill his popcorn in the theater over jump scares
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captainzigo · 3 months
since I have been making my little pony comics for the past few months, I have basically forgotten what every single one of my duckverse comic prompts means. I had a big list full of one sentence prompts for duckverse comics that I was going to make, and I was reading through it yesterday, because I thought about making one. I was surprised to find out that I have no idea what any of them mean. instead of just deleting the list, I have decided to share with you. For what good it will do you. Think of this as a little shout out to the people who followed me for duckverse content. i havent forgotten about you. it’s also a little peek in my twisted mind. my horrible creation process. a behind the scenes look from hell. the list of prompts is below the break
max college fund
launchpad rescue hero
costco 22¢ per bite
house of mouse
door to darkness
because i’m hispanic?
donald cousins catch and release
fish wife
the greatest skateboard trick in the seven seas
backyardagins movie
evil versions boy band
gladstone gay moms
the poor part of town
private army of freaks vs my boys
you own the town. you are politics - what do you think taxes are for - not gladstone bail - id be doing everyone a favor
kids table is great actually
donald cry gold swim
beautiful gold moon
villains table
these lovebirds
gladstone can’t read
gladstone hyper specific thrift store shirt
louie seeing anyone right now?
managed my uncle’s finances
june dolls episode
may louie webs spy episode
house of mouse christmas hdl want to come
propeller cap start to turn. big wind. its a helicopter landing. thanks babe
double gay batteries
daisy likes donald snoring
if you can understand anything he says then yeah!
sora. quack pack. bald monkey
i respect your pronouns. i dont not respect YOU scrooge
why are you friends with my rival’s girlfriend
we’re sisters now too???
The dancing hacker - do you know how hard it is to lucid dream
are you guys playing dancing hacker?
how did you do that? Those dice were rigged i mean.
you guys were supposed to prepare a musical number every session
Lady in pink but with a knife
girl boss? No girl lady. But not a girl.
sephirof at the door. never seen Donald that serious in my life.
I have a superhero alter ego - like super Grover?
louie x robin the frog
daffy: i’m getting you a job in Hollywood, kid! You gonna make big times. Why? uh… i’m friends with your mom.
Duckburg community college is the only community college that does dance scholarship
duckberg community ducks, and the Duckburg University geese
in helicopter: you ever going to get tired of having our dates like this? no never.
donald take responsibility for our son! panchito what
babe your costume is terrible. why are you still in a sailor hat
tasha austin gay lesbian solidarity
hey webby! *glittery hands*
webby diary
shake for trust? glitter on hand. body slam
why did t you tell me your girlfriend is a pilot? tasha said i shouldn’t tell you because of what happened to you pilot ex. he’s still alive!
pablo: sleeper agents be like time for my next mission
donald’s boyfriends what does gladstone have against gay people
donald you should wingman for me. i thought you were gay
dugan duck is your secret kid isn’t he
huey ponytail
donald has three boyfriends why can’t i have two
woops i mexed up their super powers - let’s go, t boys! i didn’t make them trans! they were like that before, right?
your brother donald has like five partners. yeah and i’m not my brother donald. you’re right. i should date your brother donald
dewey damn girl your ass phat what are your pronouns. katy nun/ya
tying normie trans girl to a chair turbo pablo
don’t worry. the promise ring is just a tracking device
punch buggy gets steadily more and more violent
dewey’s many licenses
duck twins cobwebs
beaks: help! #911
katy can not entertain in her tiny trailer
uno gaydar donald i finally give you a job and you’re being gay on the clock??
when mom comes in and you have to hide your DS under your pillow
HDL Tulin
HDL chart
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