#(photos that are of candid moments or places that are art without trying to be)
Behind the Lens
You didn't need to interact with people. You were perfectly content with observing life from behind your camera. That was until he came along. After meeting Bokuto, everything seemed to change for you. You seemed to change. But do you have enough courage to live a life that's not confined to behind a lens?
This is my first haikyuu work, I hope you enjoy!!
Chapter 1: Ants
For as long as you could remember, you had a camera on you. It was like it was a part of you, another limb. You never felt more comfortable than when the leather strap of your old camera, that your father had gifted you, was slung around your neck as the device was perched delicately on your fingertips. 
Photography was everything to you. Your father described photography to be as natural as speaking, a powerful language which speaks to our emotions. It allows us to tell our story and show others our framing of the world around us. It allowed the photographer to express joy and sorrow, wonder and sympathy. Every human emotion can find a place in photography.
It was an outlet.
You were never too good at voicing your emotions. You were a quiet child, still are really, as all the other children ran around and shouted and played, you would sit on the cool cement and watch. Interaction was highly overrated. Watching was a lot more enjoyable. If you were to actually interact and 'play' with the other kids then you might miss something exceptional. Like the look of unbridled joy on a classmate's face as they slid down the slide or swung on the swing set. Any interference could ruin such a sight, if you were to interact, who's to say that you would actually get to see that smile for real? It could become distorted and forced into something fake by your presence alone.
And so you preferred to stay an observer, taking mental snapshots of the world around you. That was until you were given your first camera. Your father was a photographer and some of your best memories growing up was spending time with him in the darkroom. A darkroom is used to process photographic film, to make prints and to carry out other associated tasks. It is a room that can be made completely dark to allow the processing of the light-sensitive photographic materials, including film and photographic paper. It was there that the language of photography came to life and where your dad gave you your first camera on your twelve birthday. 
After that you took it everywhere with you, to dinner, camping, school. You were never seen without it. Finally you could capture the exceptional moments in time, you could make art from the click of a button. Your classmates however…
It wasn't like your classmates were rude about your hobby. It was more like they just didn't understand. It was like they thought it was a game or toy, just something to mess around with, constantly begging you to take pictures of them. And in the beginning you obliged, but whenever the film developed you couldn't shake how fake everyone looked in the pictures they had posed for.
And so you began to decline to take pictures of your fellow middle schoolers. At least when they were looking. You found yourself enjoying the candid photos you took much more. It became all about capturing the unplanned moments. You were an observer once more, a fly on the wall, allowing things to play out naturally with your shutter button clicking along the way. This way, a photo became what it was always meant to be, honest, full of life and emotion.
It was your second year at Fukurodani Academy and you were still trying to capture those honest moments. That's probably what brought you to this moment right here, laying on your stomach, in your school uniform, on top of the asphalt ground as you snap pictures of ants attacking a discarded lollipop. Ah, nature at it's finest. It may take hours, days maybe but those ants will devour the candy until there's nothing left or someone picks up the trash and throws it away. You gotta admire that, they never give up.
As you are engulfed in your subject matter, you hardly hear the heavy footfalls quickly approaching. But you do feel the larger loafer kick into your side just before its owner is sent toppling over you and lands flat on his bottom.
Ignoring the pain in your side, you snap your head over to the student who tripped over you and see just how disheveled he looks. He's still sitting on the ground, his legs parted from the fall he took and one of his arms behind him supporting his weight as the other rubs his head. His uniform is messy, his tie loose and the knees of his dress pants scuffed from the tumble he just took. You spot a few sweat beads on his face probably due to the running he was doing just before colliding into you, his hair though remains intact, you suspect the amount of gel he used to spike up his hair is thanks to that.
Huh, you know it's funny but his hair kind of makes him look like a horned owl.
"Ah crap, I'm already late. Akaashi is gonna kill me" he says as he rubs his head, still somehow unaware of your presence. You take the opportunity to quickly roll over onto your side and snap a picture of the disheveled student, before quickly rolling back onto your stomach and back to your ants.
"Hey, did you just take a picture of me?" You hear the boy ask causing your body to stiffen. Most people don't normally appreciate you taking pictures of them without their consent, they think it's weird and have a tendency to get angry. You wince as your gaze stays hyper fixated on the insects in front of you as you try to avoid eye contact with the boy.
"Uh, yes?" You answer.
"Oh, cool. Can I see?" He asks, his tone much more excited than you thought it'd be. You turn to look at him and are surprised to see him right next to you, lying in the exact same position that you are.
"Sure…" you answer, trepidatious of this new stranger. You fumble with your camera before showing him the screen.
"Hey hey hey. This is pretty good, sucks that I'm not even smiling or looking at the camera though." He says, a goofy grin on his face before he passes the camera back to you.
You shrug, "I think it looks better this way… looks more real."
"Hmmm… I guess your right."  He says as he crosses his arms to rest his head on them. "It was a pretty good picture. Is that something you're into? Taking pictures?"
You find yourself a bit uncomfortable at how genuinely interested he sounds. People aren't usually this interested. "Yeah." You respond curtly.
"That's awesome. Oh, I'm Bokuto Koutarou, third year, captain of the volleyball club. Don't know but, you might've heard of me." He says with a proud, boisterous smile as he offers his hand for you to shake it.
You simply shake your head. You haven't. He seems to deflate a bit at that but brightens up a bit when you take his hand to shake it. "(L/N) (Y/N), second year. I guess you could call me the captain of the photography club but, we don't have one, so I mostly just hang around and bother the art club kids so I can use their dark room."
You fall back into silence as you once again begin watching the ants. Bokuto hums to himself as he turns to see what exactly you are watching so intently. The ants continue to attack the piece of candy with great fervor and even seemed to call in reinforcements. Hundreds, maybe even more surround the lollipop. It's odd, even though they're working together, it looks like utter chaos. You snap a picture.
"Wow! They're really going at it. Do ya think they'll be able to get it all?" He asks, sounding genuinely excited.
You let out a long hum, before finally nodding, "yeah. Eventually." Then the two of you go back to watching the ants.
"Why don't you just start a photography club? You seem pretty into it, I'm sure other people will join." He says earnestly with that same bright smile of his.
You cocked your head at him in confusion. Why was this guy so interested, and why was he just talking so casually with you? He didn't even know you. Honestly, sometimes people just confused you in general. They were unpredictable, and yes that could be a beautiful thing but, you preferred to enjoy that marvelous unpredictability from a distance. But you suppose that you can humor this Bokuto guy just this once, it's not like you'd have to interact with him after this. "I tried to start one during my first year but no one was really interested." You tell him with a lazy shrug of your shoulders.
"Bleh, that sucks. I think you should still try, if you ever nee-" Bokuto is cut off by the call of his own name, causing you both to look up towards the direction in which it was coming from.
"Bokuto-san!" You find yourself vaguely familiar with the owner of the voice. You recognize him as a boy from your class, but he seems to be dressed in some sort of sports gear. Didn't Bokuto say something about being captain of the volleyball club? Maybe they're on it together. As your classmate approaches the two of you, you notice him squint his eyes at the sight before him. "Bokuto-san, why are you lying on the ground in your school uniform?"
Self-consciously you shrink down a bit lower to the ground, your grip tightening on your camera. "Hey hey hey! Akaashi! Come meet my new friend!" The owl haired boy cheers.
The Akaashi boy spares you a glance before turning his glare back to Bokuto, "Bokuto-san, leave that poor girl alone and get to the clubroom and get changed. You're already late for practice."
 Bokuto lets out a groan as he mopily picks himself up off the ground. He looks sort of sad. Actually, it looks like his mood took a whole 180 from his earlier excited disposition. Even his hair looks like it's sad. It's kinda cute to be honest.
You let out a sigh as you sit up. Deciding to be polite, you give the captain a small wave, "Bye, Bokuto. It was nice meeting you."
Hearing your words causes the boy to perk up instantly, "Oh? Oh, yeah! Nice meeting you! Later, (L/N)!" As the third year sets off, Akaashi glances back at you, looking you over. You respond with an apathetic gaze of your own, accompanied by a lazy peace sign. He responds with a small head nod of acknowledgment before turning to leave.
Finally alone, you let out a sigh of relief before you throw your body back onto the concrete underneath you. That was a deviant from the norm. What an odd guy that third year was. You close your eyes as you let the sun shine upon your cheeks, yawning as the warmth of the day envelopes you. Talking to strangers is sort of tiring. Maybe resting your eyes for a bit will be fine. 
"(Y/N)-chan?... Um, (Y/N)-chan? I um, I think you should probably wake up now…", you wince as the sun peeks through your lashes and momentarily blinds you with it's searing light. You groan and sit up so you can glare at the person who woke you up. 
Ando Mei, a second year, class 3. You wouldn't say that you're friends. You make it a point not to have friends. She's more of a very close acquaintance. The two of you live close to each other so you wait until she's done with the art club to walk home with her. Only because you don't like walking alone.
"Why were you sleeping on the ground anyways." She asks as she helps pull you up and off the ground. You scrunch up your nose and flick an ant off your cheek. Gross. 
"Some third year stepped on me." You say simply as the two of you begin to walk towards the gates. The look she gives you is flabbergasted but you can tell she's debating on asking you to elaborate. "Anyways all that 'excitement' tired me out so I thought I'd take a nap."
"Oh, (Y/N). You know you are always welcome in the club room, even if it's just to take a nap."
You shrug, "it's whatever. I was already out here taking pictures."
She just smiles softly. "Okay." She grabs hold of your hand as the two of you reach the intersection, "You ready to go home?"
You give a small nod as you squeeze her hand, "sure."
Being home is nice. You'd prefer for your father to be home when you get there but that's always a fifty fifty chance of happening. You get it though, work is work. If you're ever too lonely, you just log online.
Applepi : finally ur logged on.
Applepi : thought we were going to have to play without you.
Goodpic : srry ken-chan, I fell asleep.
Applepi : relatable.
Applepi : turn on ur mic if we're going to talk, I'm not typing the whole game.
Goodpic : kk.
Applepi, or Ken-chan as you so adoringly refer to him as, is another acquaintance of yours. You two met in a discord of a streamer that you both liked and just kinda clicked. He's probably the only person, besides your dad, that you act this familiar with but, you attribute that to the fact that you two only interact through a screen.
"Alrighty you ready to lane Ken-chan?" You ask as you adjust your headset.
"You ready to stop asking dumb questions?" You can hear him give a dry chuckle as the two of you begin to play.
Ken-chan is good. He's a better gamer than you, that's for sure. You think that annoys him sometimes but he never says anything about it. Instead he praises you for your more interesting decisions you make while duo queuing. And if he wasn't as blunt as you, you'd be sure that he was just being polite.
"You're off today." You hear him say, "Usually you're much more energetic when we jungle. What's up?" 
"Ants." You say simply, biting your cheek.
You let out a sigh, "I was photographing ants today and some jock tripped over me."
"Sounds fun." He responds dryly.
"I guess it was sorta interesting. He actually ended up lying on the ground with me as we watched the ants."
You hear him laugh to himself, "really? Heh, must be your soulmate."
His words cause you to let out a snort as you try to suppress your laughter, "that's funny Ken-chan. But, doubtful."
"I don't know tsuntsun, you already said that ant boy fell for you." You can practically hear his cheeky grin through his mic.
"Bleh!" You spat as you stick out your tongue. "Oh please, you already know that only humans are capable of such fickle emotions like affection. Besides, you're the only boy for me Ken-chan." You say putting on a sickening sweet voice.
He's right about one thing though. You are off. Ant boy- you mean Bokuto, really threw you for a loop. You weren't anticipating the interaction. It was odd, he was… no, the interaction was a fluke and nothing to worry about. It's not like you ever have to see him again.
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jocelynspov · 10 months
Photographic Artist Statement
discuss yourself as a photographic artist
As a photographic artist I try to photograph moments in my life that are memorable as well as people, places and things.
what do you do or try to do?
I try to get candid photos of my friends so photographs look more natural. I also take photos of anything and everything that looks cool to me.
What do you think art is?
I think art is a way of self expression, art can be used to show your interests, your thoughts, your life without using words. It is also a way to relieve stress, meditation is one example of a form of art that helps you release tension or even drawing.
What is the responsibility of a photographer/artist?
A responsibility of a photographer/artist is to produce the best work they possibly can and challenge themselves more with each creation.
What is your future direction in photographic art? Etc.
My future direction in photographic art is just taking photographs on my own free time for my own enjoyment.
0 notes
zevlors-tail · 4 years
Shinsou x Reader x Deku Zoo HC’s
Pairing: Poly ShinDeku x Reader/Shinsou x Reader x Izuku
Description: A day trip to the zoo with Reader!
Warnings: Established poly relationship, otherwise none. Maybe tooth rotting fluff.
A/N: First and foremost! Both boys and the Reader are in an established poly relationship, are Pro!Heroes, and are aged 21+. Bet y’all can’t guess where I went today lol. Today had hella Shinsou vibes, and of course I will forever love the green ball of sunshine that is Izuku Midoriya, so this happened. Enjoy!
A Day At The Zoo
-It’s so rare that the three of you ever end up with the same day off together, so most of the time you have to plan ahead if you want to have outings or adventures, the zoo included!
-It was Deku’s idea first. Well, not idea per se; he just suggested it in passing and you hopped on that train of thought so freaking fast! A whole day spent looking at cute animals with your cute boyfriends? Um, yes please!
-Shinsou had never been to the zoo before, so he didn’t really understand the hype at first. What exactly was the point in visiting animals other than cats? Especially when you can’t pet or hold them? But if it made you and Izuku happy, then who was he to say no?
-Izuku recommended a zoo that was a little bit farther away than your local one, but it had so much more than the typical barnyard animals at yours. He’d gone a few times himself for fundraisers and meetings but you and Shinsou had never been there before.
-So the three of you planned out a day in advance, took the day off from your respective places of work, and thus, the adventure began!
-You talked about it for weeks beforehand, right up until you were parked at the front gates. “Are you guys excited? Because I am SO excited! I’m gonna pet the goats, and the stingrays, and the sharks, and look at all the birds, and take so many pictures-!”
-The first thing you spot is the giant monarch butterfly chilling on the flowers outside of the front gates, so you already know it’s gonna be a good day. You already have your camera whipped out to take a pic.
-Izuku thinks it’s the cutest thing, and Shinsou is literally taking a picture of you taking a photo of the butterfly. The butterfly might be photogenic, but honestly, he thinks you’re the real work of art here.
-The three of you pay and no sooner than when the receipt was in Shinsou’s hand were you running off to the first exhibit, both boys trying to keep up with your pace so they didn’t lose you.
-The first exhibit had some arctic animals like polar bears and seals, which you watched for a while with a content smile on your face. The bears were up and playing around with a dented bucket and a huge rubber ball, and you got some really cool pictures of them. Izuku even managed to get a video of a seal gliding through their underwater tunnel.
-Once again Shinsou is taking pictures of you taking pictures of the animals, because he thinks it’s absolutely adorable. He has this little smirk on his face as he watches you from the camera lens. Although he has to admit, the polar bears are super cute. 
-You keep bouncing around from exhibit to exhibit. One moment the boys are watching the wolves with you, and the next, you’ve wandered over to the giraffes by yourself. Shinsou briefly wonders if they should invest in one of those backpacks with a leash for you.
-Eh, they can just use Izuku’s arms instead. At some point in the day, you’re not really sure when, Izuku just resulted in wrapping his arms around you and holding you while you’re looking at exhibits to keep you from running off. He likes to rest his chin on your head and listen to you gush about how cute the animals are.
-And when you’re walking from place to place, you can bet he’s immediately reaching for your hand to lace his fingers in yours. You end up in between him and Shinsou who also wants to hold hands with you.
-You point out all the animals, even the ones that aren’t a part of the zoo, and the boys think it’s endearing. “Awe, look at this dove over here in it’s nest! Isn’t it so cute!?”
-”Y/N, I don’t think-” He’s being good-natured about it and laughing because he finds it sweet, but Izuku can’t finish his sentence because Hitoshi is slapping a hand over his mouth.
-”Just let them be. It’s precious.”
-”Hello, Mr. Squirrel!” You probably name all of the local ducks and geese walking around, too.
-Eventually you guys make it to the aviary, and you start to explore all the bird exhibits.
-Shinsou, immediately: “It’s so loud in here.”
-Izuku seems to know little random bits of information on the birds, and really enjoys watching them fly around.
-”Shinsou,” you beg him, “can you take my picture next to this giant bird!?”
-He perks up a little after that. Also, he already took your picture. He’s super sneaky and really good at taking pics while you’re not looking. Some of the best photos he has of you and Izuku are candids he took without you knowing. Nothing terrible; they’re all literally still shots of your smiles, your eyes, or just of the two of you doing routine things. His whole camera roll is full of you and Izuku.
-After the birds, you come to the penguin exhibit.
-Penguins just so happen to be Izuku’s favorite animal at the zoo. He loves how they waddle around without a care in the world, and he thinks their black and white patterns are just so unique!
-Definitely embarrasses Shinsou by imitating the penguin walk. He’s a goofball with the two of you, you know he would! And you’re right there with him, following him around with your hands at your sides as you waddle behind him. 
-”I don’t know them,” Shinsou jokes with the people next to you. But he loves you both, you can tell by the way he’s smiling. He thinks it’s cute how the two of you act like this together...in a dorky way, but still.
-Finally, you guys get to the aquarium. The moment you step through the door, Shinsou is practically mesmerized by the fish. He’s never seen so many before; there’s so many colors and shapes and sizes...
-He feels peaceful while he’s watching them swim around.
-You like all the really weird fish. Izuku likes the tropical ones with all the crazy colors, and Shinsou...
-He loves the moon jellies. The second he stepped in front of that tank, he was gone. You and Izuku just watch him for a moment as he relaxes his shoulders and stares into purple tinted waters, totally serene and carefree.
-Izuku takes a 2 minute long video of him bc the moment is just so precious. RIP anyone else who wanted to look at the jellyfish today, bc Shinsou’s literally been there for like 10 minutes now
-Shinsou decides he really likes the zoo after that. Every other exhibit is much more enjoyable and he’s in such a better mood. Not that he was in a bad mood when he first got there, it’s just that he didn’t see the point in all of it at first. 
-Izuku also spends a while looking at the sea turtles, which happen to be his second favorite animal.
-You guys spent the most amount of time in the aquarium no thanks to Hitoshi, but you did manage to make it to the museum before it closed for the afternoon as well.
-Izu reads all the plaques out loud to the two of you and tells you all about the animals and displays. Some of them are interactive, and you can’t help yourself from pressing every single button and listening to the noises and information it gives you.
-There’s a section in the museum where you can pet stingrays. You had never done something like that before, and neither had the boys, so the three of you decided to give it a go.
-It was so soft.
-Stingrays feel like wet velvet, almost. 
-Izuku decides he’s done so he just ends up taking pictures of you and Shinsou. But soon you’re done too so you grab Hitoshi to leave, however-
-You and Izuku are walking away and suddenly: “Uh, Y/N? Wasn’t Shinsou with you?” “No, I thought he was with you?” “Where’s our boyfriend!?”
-You turn back around and he’s still there petting the stingrays. He’s SO fascinated, please don’t make him leave. He’s having the time of his life! It melts both of your rapidly beating hearts (you know, from the mini heart attack you had bc your other third was missing for a second).
-You both let him stay there for however long he wants, and when he reluctantly leaves (finally), you make your way to the giant gift shop at the end of the zoo.
-You guys buy so much stuff it’s not even funny. Partly because as Pros, you have the money to spend, and partly because you want to support the zoo so you can come back. They always appreciate business and donations.
-Speaking of donations, Izuku whips out his checkbook and makes a huge donation to a cause for sea turtles. The zoo is super thankful and you couldn’t be more proud. 
-You’re sure that if there was fund for jellyfish, Shinsou would be donating too.
-You all end up buying each other a plush of your fav animals; Izu gets a penguin, Shinsou gets a jellyfish, and you get your favorite animal too.
-You may or may not have bought a shirt as well... It has the zoo’s museum name on it along with some really cute animals.
-All in all a really great day! 
Bonus Content:
-Shinsou wants to book another trip as soon as you all are back home. He loves the zoo now and he wants to go, like, all of the time.
-You and Izu have caught him watching jellyfish videos on youtube on more than one occasion. He finds them relaxing and can’t wait to go see the real thing again.
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callisto-rants · 3 years
Starting a new ✨series✨ that no one asked for! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Callisto-Rants presents...
Here's my Two Cents
Where we just throw down our two cents on how we would change a series to make it better, in our own personal opinion.
[You can Block this tag if you're not interested in this series: #Here's Our Two Cents]
Here's my Two Cents
Yarichin Bitch Club.
Ever since I had the misfortune of having that opening theme song stuck in my head because of countless memes and tiktok edits. . . I have wished for days to have the ability to create a time machine to prevent myself from saying. . .
"okay, fine I'll bite the bullet and check out the source material."
Now if you're reading this and thinking, "huh. I never heard of this series..." let me just tell you, GOD I WISH I WAS YOU RIGHT NOW.
No one was going to tell me this BL Manga about a "pHoTogRaPhY cLuB" wasn't completely INSANE? I was just supposed to find out Three Volumes Later??
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Now some of y'all who have read the source material might be thinking. . .
"Okay Callisto, get over it it's obviously supposed to be a comedy it's not meant to be taken seriously 🙄"
And to that I say... I mean I guess??? But do we really need all of THAT to make it a comedy?? I feel like you could still have an entertaining comedy BL Manga without 90% of the shit that goes on in that series..... But that's just ✨my two cents✨ take it or leave it.
FIRST THINGS FIRST, here's all the stuff I'd automatically remove from this series off the bat.
💀 The Gang Bangs.
💀 Teacher x Student Relationships.
💀 In fact all instances of unconsensual acts & sexual assault committed in this manga. Throw all of that away.
💀 the fact that the term Bisexual was used as a replacement for the term switch, and had nothing to do with the sexual orientation itself whatsoever.
💀 The High School Setting.
💀 Whatever the fuck Yuri was on.
💀 90% of the hyper sexualized traits these characters had.
Now here's what I'd change to make it better... Basically here's an AU of what if it was actually a normal photography club....
Actually make it a fucking Photography Club. Not a sex club that's in a fuckin HIGH SCHOOL. Hell, you could just throw this in a college setting too, for more mature themes.
Main character, Takashi Toono a college student that's trying to get out of his comfort zone more. So he decides to join the photography club, because he thinks it's not demanding to require anything of him compared to any other club on campus. He knows completely NOTHING about photography, and doesn't have any passion for the art media. His Character growth would be learning to appreciate the art media While learning what it means to him, as well as who he wants to be as he enters the adult world as a young adult.
Yuu Kashima, can stay as Takashi's love interest. Also, I feel like all the members should have a specific style of taking photos that correlates with their personality in some way. Yuu's photography style would be something the lines of Candid photography which is a type of photography style that's main focus is to take photos in the moment or in surprise. Something he has already done when he took that photo of Takashi. I also feel like Yuu would be the one to keep pushing Takashi to love photography, and understand it's more than snapping a photo.
Kyousuke Yaguchi, can stay as the Love Rival for Yuu Kashima and overall keep his personality? It was actually pretty interesting and I liked his Character dynamics with everyone else. Kyousuke Yaguchi can also stay as the outsider that directly / indirectly influences Everyone else in the club. Causing Takashi to explore his feelings and expand his social group, and make him think about what he wants to capture in his photos. Overall the same interaction between Kyousuke & Yuu Kashima with their rivalry and brotherly relationship at it's breaking point. As well as, Kyousuke and Yui's relationship being tense with miscommunication.
Yui Tamura, I imagine Yui's photography style would be more of Adventure (capturing shots in the great outdoors, usually involving extreme sports; mountain-climbing, skiing, kayaking, sky diving, etc) & Sports Photography. Which could create interesting interactions between Kyousuke and Yui. Cue Yui trying to cover up the fact that, every time the soccer club commissions Yui to take some photos of their club activity to promote their club, all of Yui's photos are of Kyousuke playing soccer. Causing Yui to complain to Kyousuke to get out of his shots and that he's ruining them by being in all of them. So, Kyousuke just shouts back "then stop following me around with your camera, DUMBASS". Just imagine Them bickering, because Yui 100% did not delete the photo he captured of Kyousuke getting knocked out by a soccer ball to the face.
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Itsuki Shikatani would definitely be in the club, but only because he prefers to have his photos be taken, more than he likes taking photos himself. He would probably be a cross dresser, who enjoys dressing up in feminine articles of clothing and posing for photos. Everyone on campus who doesn't know Itsuki personally, always asks who the beautiful woman in these photos are, the club president and vice President always just says it's one of their cousins that happen to be in town. If Itsuki had to have a style of photography, it would probably be fashion.
Toru Fujisaki. . . This one is difficult only because his Character is purely centered around Yuki's Character. . . So I'm going to take some creative liberties here. . . Probably really insecure about himself, because he feels like he's a wall flower that's really forgettable, that no one cares about. Although, it's mostly because he's shooting himself in the foot by not letting one have the opportunity to get to know him to give him a chance, in the first place. Until, he meets Yuki who makes him realize that not everyone sees him as a wall flower and someone can notice his nicer qualities about himself that he's hiding away. Toru's Character development in this AU, would be for for him to learn to love himself more and try to trust people to accept him. As well as to expand his social circle with the support of not only Yuki, but the Photography Club as well. At first I bet, he would only feel comfortable with Yuki taking his photos and modeling only for him, but over time he'd let the other club members take his photo when he gets more confident in himself. While also, developing his own style of photography, that isn't just "cute photos of Yuri", it would probably be Still Life or Portrait.
Ayato Yuri, okay first. . . I'm still not over the fact that this boy was written like a deranged feral child, that was given access to a pornhub account way too early in life. While being dropped on his head several times, before and after his first words. Anyhow. . . I feel like Yuri would fit the trope of the genius, that no one understands in any capacity. His mind is 10 steps ahead of everyone else and he forgets to slow down and explain what the fuck he's talking about, when he goes into a passionate rant about photography. With endless rambles about golden ratio, gold lighting and blue lighting, and how he needs these specific props, that don't seem to fit the theme of the photo at all to make it perfect. But despite that, his photos always come out beautifully. No one can deny that his methods might be extremely weird, but they always work out way too well to give anyone the opportunity to chastise him. Anyone trying to work with Yuri often leaves the experience with a beautiful photo in hand, but an enormous headache. Even members within the photography club can't keep up with Yuri most of the time either, he's often in his own little world that just makes sense to only him. He can be a eccentric and passionate about his hobby and goofy to not make people feel too uncomfortable with the huge distance he unintentionally places between himself and others when he doesn't bother to slow down for anyone. But, he still has a good heart to make sure everyone gets a piece of art that'll always be memorable to them. Additionally, with that being said I feel like Toru would be the few people that would consistently attempt to keep up with Yuri, when he's a light year away from everyone else in his rambles. Toru wouldn't shut down and show disinterest in what Yuri says when he can no longer keep up, he's always being supportive and encouraging Yuri to continue because he knows it makes him happy to be able to express his passion. And sometimes, Yuri will pause and explain a bit to let Toru keep up with him, because he just truly appreciates someone trying to get closer to him, without making him feel bad. I would say Yuri is a jack of all trades when it comes to Photography styles. There isn't a single style he is terrible at, but he truly excels at Abstract Photography.
Koshiro Itome I think Koshiro would fit the silent type trope, but with a lot on his mind. Always over thinking things, and although he looks calm his mind is always buzzing with 500 things at once. Because, of this the only way he can find some semblance of peace is by going out for a nature walk and letting the environment take his mind off things. He's always worries about deadlines for projects, meeting up with clients face to face for the first time, whether or not a company will like his photos he submitted, if his boyfriend Akemi is okay, what if he doesn't find anything to take a picture of or if he's missing the perfect shot right now, will the club be okay after they all graduate, what else can be learn to improve his skills etc etc. Akemi can always tell when he's actually calm and when he's just zoned out and drowning in his own worries behind his calm demeanor. Luckily for Akemi, he knows exactly what to do to make him feel better, like a life boat to his pleas for help in the vast ocean of his thoughts. Koshiro is 100% the mom friend in the club, always helping newbies out on how to properly take care of their equipment, and the general basics, stopping people from bickering and carrying around a Mary Poppins bag of useful items. "Damn I forgot to bring my infrared lens with me!" "It's okay I brought a spare, here you go." Koshiro's photography style would be Nature & Wild life, cue everyone wondering how the hell he managed to capture a photo of baby bear and it's mother so close up with such clarity with the equipment he has on him. It should be impossible there's no way he could it's just unlikely, but all Koshiro does in response is just shrugging calmly "I just slowly walked up to them, and took some photos and went my way after I was done, they weren't bothered at all." At first no one believes him, until they see the next photo of him petting the mother bear, and within the next photo of him holding the baby bears paw. I like to think Akemi is always bragging at how his boyfriend is basically a Disney Prince, with the way animals just trust him enough to let Koshiro approach to take the photos. Of course Akemi has the proof that his Boyfriend is not making any of these up. With photo evidence he had taken from a incredibly safe distance away, of Koshiro just interacting with wildlife at such a close distance. Because, Akemi was not in fact gifted the ability of a Disney prince, to be doing that shit that Koshiro pulls on a daily basis. I feel like because of this Akemi can be a bit over protective of Koshiro, always telling him to text him before he goes to work and he gets back home, so he knows a feral bear didn't devour his boyfriend in the woods. He tries his best to join Koshiro while he works so he can be at peace of mind that Koshiro is in fact safe, but they both know it's very difficult for Koshiro to focus. When his boyfriend is being incredibly cute how could he remember he's here to take photos of the wild life and not his boyfriend? That and Akemi always accidentally scares away the wildlife, when he accidentally reads the animals body language wrong as any attempt to devour his boyfriend. Akemi will lose 25 years of his life with amount of false alarms, he has encountered in those damn woods.
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Keiichi Akemi, Akemi is definitely one of those smug bastards, that has an ulterative motive or an ace up his sleeve. Appearing sweet and kind until you realize it was a facade. But one way or another you find yourself wrapped up in his convoluted plans, where you're either in his photoshoot as a model or you're carrying all his equipment, while he goes from one job to the next. Akemi's photography style would be Wedding Photography & Landscape something he definitely would've picked up from the countless outings he had with Koshiro in the outdoors. Akemi's friends are almost always married or paired up together, and that's no coincidence. This man is a match-making demon, a hopeless romantic who loves to see a budding romance finally bloom. So, he can snag a fat check when they thank him for brining them together and hire him as the official wedding photographer. His intuition is never wrong about the perfect pairings and how to push the right buttons to move things along, without getting directly involved until the right time comes. Something, that will be a pain in Toono's ass down the line as he stays in the Photography Club.
Overall, I feel like this could've been a really nice BL Manga which was a love letter to the art media of Photography. As Toono figures out what Photography means to him and how he wants to use it to express his feelings. "Why do you take photos? What do you want to say in these photos and tell people without the ability of using your words?" I feel like at first Toono, would just be confused "it's just a photo what's so special about it? You take it as a cool momento for something."
But, as time goes on, and he learns why everyone in the club enjoys photography and why they're here, he learns it's more than that. Whether it be to vent something you're unable to express in words, express your love for something or someone, to tell a story, to inspire others, to feel free, to share something with someone. All these different forms of expression, will let Toono figure out what he wants from photography and how he plans on expressing it.
Also instead of the whole "have sex with someone in one month or we gang bang you against your will" dilemma. . . I feel like another suspenseful situation could have been, "Create a photo album, that will impress all of us in one month, or you have to help us all out with our next projects." Which at first doesn't sound terrible, until you remember...
Yui is a thrill seeker, and would probably push you off a cliff to snag a cool photo. Or force you to be his pack mule as you climb up serval mountains.
Itsuki would force you to cross dress and model different fashion styles to make you look like a clown for his own amusement. All the while he revels in your shame, and points out how these colors don't suit you at all, but ignores the fact he's the one who put you in that outfit in the first place.
Yuri is such a wild card that you honest to God don't know what the fuck will happen to you, it'll be like being on an acid trip the whole time. And not knowing what will happen brings you more fear than knowing what will.
Koshiro would probably bring you to a wolf den full of hungry ravenous wolves, and let you accidentally get eaten alive by a pack of wolves. While he takes pictures of puppies, without a care in the world.
Akemi... Akemi just scares Toono, he seems like the safest bet out of everyone else. But Toono knows better to trust that sweet smile. Toono would be safer walking into Satan's house than spend a day with Akemi at work. Whatever he would have planned for them if he were to lose this challenge would not be good for his sanity. He hates how he knows Akemi wants just that for Toono to know he's not going to be safe either. Akemi would probably make him cry with prying questions about his romance life. While hitting too close to home with all his assumptions about him that he can't argue back. It's losing battle from there on out.
The only problem for Toono is Everyone in this club is so different, that it's almost impossible to be able to impress them all. None of them agree, which style is better or having almost anything in common photography style wise. Toono can't just half-heartedly replicate anyone's style either, he's going to actually try and fail miserably to understand this art media better, like everyone else. I think after losing the challenge and spending time with everyone, Toono would come to really like the club and everyone else in it.
And that's my ✨two cents✨ on how this story could've been better if it didn't focus too much on the whole pwp aspect.
Take it or leave it.
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zayashmaya · 3 years
Oh my God please share your poly thoughts on Luna Tagora and Galekh.
With pleasureeeee!!
I’ll do sfw stuff and maybe nsfw hcs another time.
- Luna loves Galekh’s secret artistic side and encourages him to do more than simple notebook doodles. He is still very guarded about his sketches, but Luna understands that we all need a mental safe space for ourselves so she doesn’t pester him about her curiosity. She took him to meet Charun because she is chaotic and wanted to see if these art snobs would play nice (spoiler alert they got along). Tagora will never let those secret sketches go, though. Partly because he wants to see what the hell Galekh drew and partly because the very act of being an annoying snoop pisses Galekh off to no end. Luna lets them strife for the funny drama. All three of them enjoy peaceful walks so they’ve made a habit of showing Luna new places, the safer parts of highblood gardens, etc. Luna inspired him to bring a sketchbook on their walks so whenever they want to relax, Galekh can shut his mind off and work while Luna and Tagora quietly talk among themselves. 
- Galekh discovers the addicting joy of having something small, cuddly, and warm in his lap while he reads by the fire. He’s had little experience with red/pale intimacy, and Tagora is quite literally an angry cat with claws who always wants his space. Even Luna knows that physical intimacy with Tagora needs to be expertly skated around. As such, Galekh never really knew what he was missing until Luna entered the quad. And he quickly realized how much he enjoys having her anywhere near him. He wants it pretty badly once he’s hooked on it, but he either hits uncharacteristically shy mental blocks and doesn’t ask, or he goes off on a thesis-sized tangent that all says one thing - please come cuddle with me. Luna picks up on his neediness early on in the relationship. Galekh is lucky that she’s like a puppy who inserts herself into people’s spaces (if they let her). Snuggle times are wonderful for both of them. Galekh’s chest is very comfortable - he’s not a chiseled muscular athlete, his muscles peak through a bit of chub. And his pecks are like pillows. Luna is thriving. And Galekh is very enamored by her complete trust in his safety. And she’s so soft. Galekh craves dat tactile sensation of caressing Luna’s warm squishy body, her tummy rolls and thick thighs, and her fluffy hair reminds him of his lusus. Tagora sometimes side-eyes this scene because he thinks it’s a little to palerom for his liking, and he is very protective over his quad with Luna, but once Luna starts her horny endeavors to make out with Galekh, Tagora knows he’s in the clear. 
- They all take pictures of each other, especially during candid moments, and it’s so incredibly obnoxious how in love/hate they all are with each other like it’s truly mind boggling to some outsiders who witness their domesticity. Galekh and Luna work out with Stelsa and you bet there’s picture-taking of Galekh’s perfect fat ass and his muscular back and his sweaty concentrating face all flushed indigo and hair tousled like he’s a greek statue. Luna makes sure to get his tattoo into some shots before she sends them to Tagora for that extra kismesis flavor. And she of course has to take creep shots of powerhouse Stelsa for Tyzias. She knows that’s Tyzias’s kink. Luna takes candids of Tagora after he’s showered and particularly relaxed. Settled onto the couch in nothing but a bathrobe that’s sliding down one shoulder, his hair loose and a little disheveled, cradling a mug of Galekh’s hated coffee, and watching the television with a relaxed expression. Galekh texts up a fury over how patheticly complacent Tagora looks with his shitty coffee brand but Luna knows Galekh is nutting over how enticing Tagora looks in the photo. And there is an unspoken unity among Galekh and Tagora to always send pictures of Luna to each other, no matter if she looks silly or cute or beautiful or messy af. All three of their phone storage content is just ... embarrassing. 
- Luna is an expert in palerom intimacy. Truly a woman sent from the gods with golden hands. All of Alternia would bow at her feet if they experience what Tagora experiences during an intense palerom grooming/snuggle session. It’s why he guards his relationship so fiercely - Luna is actually a total catch and nothing short of betrayal or death will shake Tagora off of her. She looooves calming Tagora down to the point of sending him into a stupor-like state where he is endlessly purring and borderline paralyzed from all the positive emotions he’s experiencing. I’d call this something like a palerom subspace. It’s a very intimate moment because Tagora is at his most vulnerable. Usually his head is in her lap with his arms around her waist while she slowly brushes his hair, runs her nails along his scalp, softly traces his horns, grooms the base of his horns (a huge weakness for trolls), and talks low and sweet to him, sometimes telling him how much he means to her, sometimes telling him that he deserves to rest and he works so hard and she’s so proud of him, like idk ya’ll I think this would be considered the filthiest degenerate porn to Alternians. Galekh accidentally witnessed this once and he’s been curious ever since, and also incredibly scandalized. It’s the most embarrassed he’s ever been. Thank god Tagora didn’t spot him or there would be actual physical violence. Galekh wants to understand this palerom ritual just for the sake of knowing, but a part of him also deeply yearns to experience Luna’s attentiveness like that. Eventually Galekh and Tagora reach a mutual agreement (with a 600 page contract on Galekh’s limitations and what lines not to cross). They are honestly just so goddamn extra because they do ALL this shit just so Galekh can have his hair petted without Tagora having a conniption. Luna is happy to oblige! 
God i rambled with these and I still feel like there’s more for me to explore askjfda i’ll leave it here, hopefully you see the dynamics i’m trying to portray here! 
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aggresivelyfriendly · 3 years
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Hello babes!!! OMG, today has been a long week! A wonderful, dream big come true week! HARRY IS SOLO ON THE COVER OF VOGUE! Also, I have a new installment of Tryst for you all based on this 👆photo! Without further ado, I give you...
It's the pose that does it.
She's been so,  mon dieu she hates the moral judgment of the word. But it remains the right one here, in any language. Soo good, since she decided he couldn't give her what she needed, or maybe wasn't ready to, or didn't see her like that. Nothing more than a flying fuck when he got itchy on the road and she was available to scratch.
But here she was, with his encompassing form around her back and his arm causally slung across her collarbone and she could barely keep her lip from between her teeth to smile.
Smile for the camera, Helene. He'd whispered in her ear and she was thankful for their blustery setting the clothing covering her chill bumps.
All day, She'd been trying to keep dry and get some candid shots to go into the vault. Sometimes she wondered why they paid her to take so many images, most of them, a greater preportion than usual, just lived in her computer or Jeff's computer never to be used.
Would they ever release them? To the utter delight and meltdowns of this man's rabid fans.
She gets it, Helene does. What they see in him, she sees it herself often. And she sees more, his dick has made her soul smile on more than one occasion. It didn't start with these libidinous thoughts, it wasn't one of those moments where he was a living lighthouse or hedonism personified. It's the first scene with the imaginary fish and he's having a bit or trouble. He's also cold and wet. Which are two sensations he doesn't love, but seems to include in every damn piece of art he makes. He's throwing the little bean bag onto the rock and it's not meant to be gentle exactly, but he seems irritated, not concerned as you would be for a suicidal fish when you yourself are suicidal. His character at least. Thank god. But his physical discomfort is intruding on his ability to act right now; he's barely holding on. He loses his balance while frustrated and falls into the water, cursing.
Helene will not laugh.
She hides her giggles while they change him. He got his Gucci denim outfit uncomfortably wet. Why would you chose that outfit to go to a watery death? She is overthinking. As always.
He's ready to go again, fresh Gucci down to his drawers, and by the 10th take, he's in the swing.
When Harry nails it, He gives the director and Helene the biggest grin and she's charmed. The lights have turned on and the fog has lifted. He shines.
He is finished with this set up and Helene has just put her gear away. Harry brushes past her to get around a rock and presses an affectionate kiss to the easily accessible top of her head.
"Thanks for coming, Tiny. Know it's cold."
Helene smiles at him, and somebody else with a camera, someone not her, clicks their picture.
It's always weird when she is the subject. She's pretty sure she has more photos with Harry, selfies at least than with any boyfriend she has had, in her life, which flashes before her eyes, with a highlight reel of her beneath Harry, while he turns her around towards the camera.
The arm that was across her scapula, turns her like a top and her stomach flutters with the motion. His motion. His arm has come across her clavicle, like it did in LA, and she comes together like the place in between those bones, a shallow place where her heartbeat is thumping visibly.
She's thrumming.
Not that there is a damn thing she can do about it. He can do about it. Anybody can, they have so much work to do.
The quiver in her chest and bones and betwixt her legs stays with her all day. Through lunch with all the people she's missed on their break, around the lunch Harry's had cooked for them, with all the little flourishes he likes. All the different food needs accommodated, hospitality on show. It's a wonderful midday after a bitter morning, the sun's even peaked through. The whole group brims with happinesss. Helene and her table included, she laughs and kisses Molly's cheek, she's so cute.
She stays away from Harry though, through at least theee set ups, one not involving him where she could see his intention to hover and smell her pent scent. So, she puts distance, physically between them all day, especially when they move on to the shoot at the docks.
She's taking far away shots. It was easier to control the pulse at her center when he was in the loose jumpsuit. Now in the tight sweater vest, where he looks like some movie star from a bygone era, she's struggling.
It's sending her. Fly her to the moon.
So she keeps her distance and captures him from afar. She'd been doing so well.
Still is! She reminds herself.
The day is long because of her longing, but Helene makes it through.
"You coming to the pub." She jumps a bit at his breath near her ear, her hair is stirred by its breeze. She's surprised, she can usually feel his approach 10 paces off.
"No, need my bed." She begs off. She's begging he doesn't press, with those puppy dog eyes and dimples he knows how to wield.
"Really?" He pouts. "Need your company." He insists.
Oh, he's reached for the big ammunition, he's used everything in his arsenal, he's even touching her arm. He turns her again and she knows she going to say yes before he bites his lip and says, "please."
"Qui." She exhales. She'd like to qualify the sigh as resigned, but it's full of breath and melodic.
"Yes!" He presses a kiss to her forehead and squeezes her before he wanders off to gather troops.
So much for distance.
The pub is lovely, if their wine selection a bit limited. She can see why Harry picked this for his fictional island. He has excellent taste and this is so picturesque and any number of stories, real and imagined, could be contained in its Walls.
He tastes excellent.
He's across the room holding court. He's a little drunk, and he's just thrown his head back and she can remember the shape of his Adam's Apple on her tongue, and the taste. God the taste of his skin, especially after a show. Her lips would be raw from the salt afterwards, and dual thirsts would greet her in the morning light. Water with something more mineral from his skin.
Helene gulps her wine and tries to tune back in to the English around her. The mix of accents and the still difficult language is enough for her to have to get her mind out of the gutter intentionally to follow along.
Not the gutter, Harry's room.
She's squinting and translating something someone has said in her head and wondering how many times somebody has refilled her glass when another intoxicant fills her senses.
Harry's hand is on top of her head and then sliding down the back of her hair. It's exactly like he does when his dick is in her mouth. But he's usually not grinning like that.
"Tiny!" He's  so jovial when drunk. "This seat taken?"
There is no seat. It's the end of the booth, there is a small amount of brown leather, and Harry wedges himself onto it and picks up her legs, uncrosses them and lays them over his own to make space. He's solved his own problem and worsened hers.
She quirks a brow at him and he just kisses it like it's totally normal she's basically on his lap among all their colleagues. Only in this group he's made close as family would this not look risqué. Only with him. She's thinks only Sarah and Mitch know about them. Know that the 'know' each other. And they aren't on this shoot.
Nobody is looking at them funny, so she had better stop staring at him.
She tears her eyes away, like the wrapper of a condom, and goes back to translating.
It's useless when he starts running his nails along her thighs. She puts her hand on his to stop him, but he just grips her thigh instead.
It is not a step in the right direction. It's only leads one direction for her thoughts. To the way his huge hands look on her tiny body. The way his palm can cover her whole stomach and his fingers reach her honey pot still. She has photographic evidence. Between that thought and the wine, she needs to leave.
"Where are you going?" He looks very sweet, except the glint in his eye. She narrows hers at him.
"My room."
"Already?" He pouts.
"I can't really leave yet."
"I didn't ask you to."
He tilts his chin. "Maybe not out loud." He whispers just under her breath.
She exhales.
"Will you wait up for me?" He looks up through his lashes.
She can't even answer but her head moves up and down like a teabag into hot water in the morning.
She's boiling.
He grins. And leans up to kiss her cheek. "What room?" He murmurs. She knows he could find out if he wanted, but it would also alert the front desk, which might make it to the media, or worse, a fan with Twitter.
"24" she whispers through the veil of her hair. Pulls away from his tractor beam eyes and smiles at the table. Gives a few hugs and a big wave.
The inn is small, quaint. She's on the second floor, which is the top floor, waiting. Helene's kept her clothes on. The same outfit she has had on all day. Jeans, loose, and a t shirt, her dad trainers. Should she change? She tries to remember what Harry had on at the pub. He had changed a fair few times throughout the day.
She think he was wearing a hoodie, his name emobossed on the breast in some language or another, Gaelic?, and loose light jeans. Dirty vans adorning his feet.
She hopes she ends the night in his jumper, or wakes up and slipes it over her shoulders.
The hours slip away and her eyes have kettlebells attached to them. She's just about to take care of single girl tasks, washing her face and putting on the extra lock when the knock comes.
"I was about to go to bed without you." She leans against the door jamb. She's not purposely jutting her hip.  She's not!
"Ahh," he teases, touches the smudges below her droopy eyes and pulls her blonde hair. "You tired."
"Qui, it's been a long day." She breathes.
"What?" He laughs and pushes her into the room with his hips, "your call time was hours after mine!" He flashes his big green eyes.
"Maybe, but I don't have your stamina." She counters. Harry the athlete raises a brow at her statement.
"I've never had a problem with your endurance."
He let's that lie there, and she can tell both of their mind's are roving over memories of late nights turned into early morning mapping flesh.
"No, I suppose you are right." She goes easy when he pulls her forward and his mouth slides against her like a skeleton key into a waiting lock. She expects the kiss to escalate, but maybe they are both a little tired, exhausted from a long day, while longing for an extended night. His kiss remains deep, full of tingling tongue touches, but doesn't get faster, her back doesn't hit the wall, and there are no stops where she is pressed against or onto furniture.
He has some embedded geography of hotel rooms, because he navigates the suite like the globetrotter he is. They are both fully dressed, and the squeezes and rubs over the fabric are exciting, reminiscent of juvenile contained eagerness. When her knees hit the back of the mattress, Helene decides the adults need to take over and hikes the tucked in button down up and over his head, forgoing the buttons.
The black ink on his golden skin is a trail familiar to her fingers tips and she follows it down, down to the leaves framing his joyful path. She can feel the pressure of his erection on the slide mechanism of his trousers and against the strained teeth tethered together on his zipper. If it wasnt metal, it would unzip itself against the force. She sighs when she pulls him out. His dick makes her so proud every time. She can't imagine what it's like to carry it around.
No wonder he is so self confident, the word cocksure occurs to her and she giggles.
"Are you laughing at me?" He looks down and she's charmed, for all his assuredness, he's still vulnerable. It's why he is so endearing.
"Non," she's got him naked and guides him back to the head aboard. He looks more tired than her suddenly, he had a bigger day, job. She'll keep up the inversion of the evening, she can recall no other time together where she had clothes on while he was naked. "I was just think how much I appreciate your dick."
"And it made you laugh?" Oh he's still a little offended.
Helene will have to make it up to him. She ruts against his lap and takes stock.
He's half mast. Which is a rare state for him, in her experience. She nuzzles into his lap and laps from his base to tip. She can feel the plumping under her tongue and decides that's not quite adequate.
She can fit him all the way like this. It won't last, so she takes advantage and mentally pats herself on the back as she seems to expand her capacity as he swells. Once she can't muzzle her nose into his patch of hair anymore she pulls off with a gasp and looks up to his panting face.
"I wasn't laughing at you," she nods towards his bobbing shafts. "In my head, I thought how I'm proud of your dick, and decided it was the wrong word. But the right feeling." Helene put him back in her mouth with her tongue extended out, and stroked him from her throat to the squirming tip.
He's chuckling now and she smiles with her eyes at him. "You're proud of my dick?" His dimples are the size of salad plates.
"Qui, aren't you?" She flashes her brows while She straddles his lap. She's not sure she's satisfied her mouth hunger for him, but they have all night.
"Well...." He blushes, which makes her giggle. She's fully naked on his bare dick and he's blushing.
"Know you are." She whispers in his ear. "You have every reason to be."
"Mmmhmmm." He could be responding to her statement or her rocking over his lap. If one of them tilted just so....
"You've been cocky!" She emphasizes that by moving her hips to an almost position. "Enough before."
He looks just a touch frustrated.
"Should I show you how proud I am?" She slips the tip in, just the tip. Not quite to the popping point. It's a tantalizing suspension, just rocking while his eyelashes flutter. "Show you why you deserve to be cocky?"
"Mmmmm," he hums, vision now between their legs, mesmerized. "Please." He breathes and looks at her.
"Do we need a condom?" She's not sure how active he's been.
"Not for me." He grabs her hips and tries to push her down, as tantalizing as the pop of a champagne bottle, the moment of jubilant anticipation.
"Better safe than sorry!" she dismounts and grabs a skin. He breathes a breath like he is frustrated.
"Oh, Cherie, ne t'inquiète pas!" She teases and strokes firmly, guiding his foreskin over the sensitive tip. "We're only beginning." He helps her roll it down and lifts her thighs to press against the headboard on either side of him. She's glad it's padded. Harry's done waiting, or being gentle and shy. She can't even acknowledge the pop of their joining she loves, she's too busy catching up to the rough thrust of his pelvis up and into her own. "Merde!"
"Mmmmhmmmm." He hums and catches her lips with his own, a net to butterflies. It's soft, slow and sensual, in opposition to the bruising hold he has on her hips. He can handle her with one of his big hands. The other has found its place on her sensitive nipples. This escalated so fast she thinks the ending will follow the beginning with no middle to enjoy. She was hoping to fuck him slow.
Her hands slide down the headboard, it's coarse beneath her hands in comparison to the hair that fills her hands in the next moment. She pulls his neck back a little roughly. "Wait."
"For?" He keeps working her over his dick and it's compelling, and she loves it, but he's showing her why her makes her proud, and that wasn't tonight's lesson.
"I want to come."
"Good, that's what I want to." He hits her spot unerringly. And she's nearly convinced.
"No, non, on your tongue." She has to forcibly take herself off him. She lifts her knees and places her hands on his shoulders to hoist herself up. It's a favorable arrangement, her legs as long as his torso. "Allez." She suggests and his answer is a smile and the extension of his tongue right up her slit.
Helene has to grab the headboard to stay upright. She knew she was on the way. But how close she was to her journey is even clearer when his hands draw her ass cheeks apart and he's spreading her wetness over both holes while manipulating her clit with his tongue.
When he fits his mouth over her hood, creates suction and licks while fitting two fingers inside her separated by just inches of skin accessing both holes, she clenches without prologue. "Fuck." She rides his face until her orgasm has ridden out its welcome and he pulls his fragrant hand out to aid its twin in holding her steady until she's clutching the headboard and coming against his tongue again. Her wriggling at the over sensitivity only aiding his quest for number two.
She slides down his body slow and she's done, until she remembers her intention when his dripping shaft, wet with her and leaking a few drops for himself, prods her ass. She was gonna run this show, swing her hips like a pendulum so he'd enter a trance like state while inside her, the suspended animation of ecstasy. Helene needed to come so she would be calm enough to do it. To hypnotize him, slow and sweet.
She just needs to control the tempo, bang out a rhythmic unhurried beat on his hips.
It only takes a minor shift in alignment to throw them off their orbit. Send his mercury into retrograde with her pussy. She slides over the tip with ease, she's wet enough that she doesn't even have to work him in like normal. Though it still prickles her nerves with that familiar addictive burn she's only had with him and a few others. Those that pushed her boundaries. She's a globetrotter when she fucks Harry though. Her exhale would be loud if his groan wasn't louder.
"Fuck, Helene!" He looks down again and she decides now that she has given him dinner, he needs a show. Time to mesmerize him.She flexes her pelvis, rounding back and holds the headboard hard to find her beat. It's a slow jam, all the flavor of a samba. She's got a circle like a Ferris wheel and he's stuttering her name like he's afraid of heights but loving the ride.
"Again." Helene demands, her head against his forehead.
"What?" Harry's staring at her motion hard, distracted. Helene stops, she wants his attention, his eyes, his mouth, his dick, every inch of him focused on her, including those inside her. She rides the circle to the top, just his tip inside, and hovers. No other passengers are getting on, she just wants him to admire the view. She clenches and knows he can see it when he shivers.
Helene uses her nose to nudge his gaze up. He looks up, down, up, again. She pulls out enough to nearly unseat him and his fingers dig into her hips. "What?"  He repeats.
"My ñame." She looks him in the eye and presses her panting mouth to his while she slides all the way down, his pubic hair against her swollen clit. "Say my name."
He breathes it out, like a prayer, "Helene!" While she takes them to the top again. "Helene!" He shouts in exhalations when she slams down to his pelvis harder. "Helene!" She swings back up slow, and drops like they've found themselves on a rollercoaster.
By now her name is a chant, "Helene, Helene, helene, fuck Helene!" He's squeezing and staring and licking her lips sloppily and she can tell he doesn't know if he should stop her, try to help her along so they can get off together, or just cum.
He looks desperate to finish.
So she stops, and he looks frantic. "Baby, please!"
Helene shrugs, kisses him and grinds herself against him inside on her spot and outside on begging pleasure zone until she's almost there. She squeezes him rhythmically to keep him ready.
She's almost there. They can hop off this ride together now. So she starts the ascent to the top again, slow circles until he's panting and chanting again, and then it's a free fall ride for them both.
Helene loses her stomach and screams his name in harmony with his chorus of hers.
Their sweaty foreheads rest together, until he is chuckling.
"Quoi?" She catches her breath enough to ask.
"I was just thinking, I definitely won't need a photo to remember this one!"
She feels proud, but she knows there is an image he's forgetting, one that will remind her of this Scottish adventure forever.
Months later, they've found themselves together, like together together, when she comes across it. She posts it, with a longing thank you.
When Harry gets home from set, he's smiling like a Cheshire Cat. "You trying to tell me something?" He shoves his phone at her with the open Instagram.
Helene shrugs. She's feeling proud, even prouder than she felt a year ago.
And she wants to show him.
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gingeralepdf · 4 years
Polaroid 101
A/N: hello!! i’m back with a follow up of my first fic, A Little Love. thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read it since it was posted. it really means a lot to me because i was so incredibly nervous to dive into writing. i hope you all enjoy this little follow up just as much :)
extra thank you to brailey ( @daydreamsofh ) for being such a sweet beta reader! all the heart emojis for you bby!
also thank you to @arianagrands​ for the polaroid edit
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A Little Love fluff featuring Harry, the main character, and Wednesday the cat.
word count: ~2k
“I know I’ve got a pack of black and white somewhere,” you mutter to yourself while rummaging through your camera bag.
“I know I’ve got a pack of black and white somewhere,” you mutter to yourself while rummaging through your camera bag.
After only finding packs of color film for your polaroid camera in the top drawer of your desk, you’ve been searching everywhere for the pack of black and white film that you know you bought last week.
You set the bag on your bed with a frustrated huff, causing your cat to jump off your bed and scamper through the doorway of your bedroom. You start to zip open the side pockets, sticking your hand in each one. Finally you feel the familiar shape of the slender box and yank it out triumphantly, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Can you remind me why we’re doing this in the kitchen?” Harry’s voice echoes through your apartment, bringing you back to the reason you were looking for the film in the first place.
You make your way from your room to the living room and grab your camera from your desk.
The wild eyes of your little black cat, Wednesday, peeking over your boyfriend’s shoulder are the first things you see when you enter through the doorway of the tiny sun-filled kitchen. She was quick to find a spot in Harry’s arms with her front paws perched on top of his shoulder. You can only guess that she jumped on his lap to get to her favorite window sill that he happens to be sitting in front of.
When you make your way over to where they’re sitting, you slowly reach a hand up to lightly scratch between her perky ears. She closes her eyes and seems to relax in response to your touch.
“Sorry for scaring you, sweet girl,” you say, adopting the soft voice you only use when talking to her.
“Why are you scarin’ her?” Harry whispers in an accusatory tone.
You lightly scoff and roll your eyes, “Wasn’t on purpose. Just didn’t see her on my bed when I put my camera bag down.”
“Did you find what you were looking for?”
“Yeah, finally,” you sigh. “I’m gonna get this ready real quick.”
You set your camera on the counter and routinely tear open the box and the foil wrapper before opening the film door and sliding the plastic cartridge in. When you shut the camera, the blank slide ejects with the familiar high pitched whirring sound that always makes you feel nostalgic. Like you’re six years old again, watching your aunt take ‘magic pictures’ for the first time.
Flash forward to today, where you have been offered your first official photography related job. One of your favorite instructors at the art institute owns a camera shop that hosts workshops for different types of photography. When she reached out to you a few weeks ago to see if you were interested in teaching Polaroid 101 three days a week, you were more than elated.
You’ve already gone through many packs of film in the past week in order to incorporate examples and visuals into the presentation you’re putting together. Now you’re enlisting Harry’s help to be your model for a little bit.
While you’re making adjustments to the exposure dial, you get back to the question that Harry asked earlier, “To answer your question from a minute ago, I wanted to take these in the kitchen because this is the only room that gets direct sunlight in the morning.”
He hums in response and you look up to see him in the same spot holding Wednesday on his shoulder.
He’s wearing a red and black striped shirt that fits snug on his torso and has a tiny Mickey Mouse face sewn onto the chest. He also has on a pair of brown checkered trousers and his beat up black vans.
Now that he’s turned his head to plant kisses on her face, you can see the scruff covering his jawline that tickled against your neck just hours ago when you were waking up.
You smile to yourself at the thought while taking your phone out of your pocket. You hit shuffle on your morning playlist and lower the volume to background noise before setting your phone down on the counter.
“You ready?” you ask.
“Yeah. Let me just put her down.” When Harry attempts to lift Wednesday off his shoulder, she only climbs up further and proceeds to whip him in the face with her tail. He grunts and turns his face away in response, “Don’t think she liked that.”
“Here,” you spot a ping pong ball, her latest obsession, sitting on the floor and kick it into the living room. The rattling and bouncing instantly catch her attention, making her launch off Harry’s shoulder to dash away.
“Jesus,” Harry says, looking down with furrowed eyebrows at his shoulder that just served as a launch pad.
“She didn’t scratch you, did she?”
“No there’s just,” he pulls his shirt out and starts to brush it off with his hand, “lots of hair.”
After brushing a few more times he asks, “Am I--,” he gestures at himself and then looks up to you, “Am I good?”
You can’t help but let out a sharp exhale through your nose, “Yes, you look good.”
Sensing a bit of hesitancy in his face and watching him fiddle with his rings makes you shift to a slightly more serious tone, “Are you comfortable?”
“M’ a little nervous. Never been a model before,” he says through a cheeky grin.
“That’s not true. Remember that night you cut all your hair off? I got some really great shots of you-”
“That’s different,” he raises his finger to object. “Wasn’t really sober for that.” He furrows his eyebrows, “And that was... years ago.”
“Well, I really only need two photos of you. Do you think you can manage?”
“If I must,” he huffs, rolling his eyes.
“Get over yourself,” you laugh, rolling your eyes. “Can I start already?”
“Yes, sorry.”
“Okay, where you’re sitting is perfect. I just want you to face me and you can smile or just relax your face, whatever feels more comfortable.”
“Like this?” He sits up straight and clasps his hands together in front of him.
“Yeah, that’s perfect.”
The sunlight pouring in through the window in front of you makes the tile floor warm against your knee when you kneel down to frame the photo before pressing the shutter button. After the picture ejects from your camera, you quickly pull it out and set it face down on the countertop next to you.
“Okay so now I wanna move in front of this wall, so if you’ll scoot over here,” you step over and point out a spot in front of the only blank wall in your kitchen.
Harry dutifully gets to his feet, moves the metal stool over and sits down.
“And I’m just gonna take a couple with flash and a couple without. Then we’ll be done!”
The cheerful tone in your voice is clearly putting Harry more at ease. You’ve noticed his shoulders relax and he’s now drumming his fingers on his thighs in time to the music.
“Do you want me to sit the same way?”
“Hm,” you tilt your head while quickly scanning over his torso, “try crossing your arms.”
He looks down at his arms as he crosses them over his chest and looks back up to you expectantly.
“That looks good,” nodding your head in approval, you lean against the countertop behind you in order to capture everything you want in the frame. As you look through your lens, the sunlight is hitting the side of his face perfectly, as if it’s saying ‘highlight this, and this, and this’. Once you instruct Harry to tilt his chin up and away from the window slightly, the light accentuates his nose, his cheekbones, the corner of his jaw, and his neck. You hold your breath as you center him in the frame, wanting to keep the camera steady and the moment intact. You press the shutter button and the camera flashes.
“Argh. Shit,” Harry grunts as he leans over and rubs his eyes.
“Sorry,” you can’t help but laugh at the way he unintentionally broke the tension you were feeling.
“That’s fucking bright,” he groans.
“Oh wait, look at me,” you raise your camera and lean forward, seeing the perfect opportunity for a candid picture.
“No,” he grumbles in protest.
“Please? I won’t use the flash on this one.”
He peeks one eye open while still rubbing the other with his finger and you quickly pull the previous photo out and snap the picture.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly, kneeling down and brushing the fingertips of your free hand against his knee.
“My eyes are burning but it’s alright,” he replies flatly while squinting his eyes at the floor.
You roll your eyes at his dramatics and offer, “It’s already pretty bright in here, so can I just get one more without the flash? Just so I have options to work with?”
He shakes his head in agreement and you tell him to stay in his leaned over position, wanting another photo from this angle.
After scooting away from him, you prompt, “Now tilt your head like you did a minute ago.”
Once he poses, you raise the camera to your face and center him in the frame, “I’m obsessed with this lighting,” you mumble to yourself before snapping the picture.
“Well. I think that’s a wrap,” you clap your hands together before collecting the photos and setting your camera on the counter. “Wanna see how they turned out?”
“Of course.” The metal stool squeaks when he stands up and walks over to you.
“Ohhh I’m already really happy with these.”
You lay the four photos out on the counter in a neat square. None of the photos are fully developed yet, but the first two that you took are coming along very nicely and you’re just starting to see the outline of Harry’s head and shoulders in the last two.
The feeling of Harry’s hand on the small of your back makes you jolt a bit. You look to your side just as he rests his other hand on the countertop and leans in for a closer look at the pictures.
“Which one is this?” He points to the photo on the top left. The top half of the photo is almost completely white, washing out the majority of his face. His arms and the dark outline of his t-shirt are about the only things that can be seen clearly.
“That’s the first one I took. It’s overexposed. I wanted to make sure one of them was overexposed because one of the things I want to talk about in my presentation is how lighting is everything when shooting on polaroid. So when you’re shooting directly into the light, especially the sun, your photo is more likely to be washed out like that,” you gesture to the photo that Harry is now holding in his hand. “But if you shoot with light behind you or beside you, then your subject is gonna be more clear, like these,” you explain, pointing to the remaining photos on the counter.
You can’t help but smile to yourself at how well these are going to look in your presentation. It makes you feel like you’re doing something right.
You turn back to Harry, who is now looking directly at you while donning the widest grin and the deepest dimples.
“What?” You eye him suspiciously.
His hand that was resting on your back slides over to grip your hip and he steps to close the gap between the two of you.
He plants a kiss on your temple, “You’re the perfect person for this job,” he says with his lips still pressed to your skin.
You groan and press the back of your hand into his chest, effectively pushing him away so that you can look him in the eyes, “Don’t say that.”
You’ve been trying to not get your hopes or expectations up too high when going into this job. Photography is very exciting territory for you but teaching most definitely isn’t. Despite your years of experience, your love, your drive, and the support from your friends, your boyfriend, and your instructors at school, self doubt inevitably begins to creep in.
“It’s too late. I’m saying it.” Harry shrugs and slips his free hand into your hand that’s pressed to his chest. He laces his fingers with your own before giving your hand a light squeeze. “Your eyes light up when you talk about this job. I’m glad you’re finally getting some recognition because you’re so talented and you’ve worked really hard and--”
Before you can stop yourself, you bring your free hand up to cup his jaw and lean forward to press your lips to his.
Harry’s voice catches and you feel him smile and laugh against your lips. You tilt your head up slightly to kiss his top lip before you part with a light smack. When you look into his eyes again, there’s an intensity to them that was not there a second ago.
He folds his lips in and pops them back out, “Wasn’t finished,” he smirks.
“I’m not finished,” you whisper and lean in again.
You’re not sure if you kiss for thirty seconds or ten minutes due to being swept up in the feeling of his lips, the sighs that pass between you, and every single spot where your bodies are touching.
Eventually you have to part to catch a full breath. When you do, you wrap your arms around him in a tight hug which he immediately returns.
“Thank you. And thank you for helping me,” you mumble into the soft fabric of his t-shirt.
“M’ glad I could help,” he fills your senses even more as his chest vibrates against you.
You run your hand from the middle of his back up to his shoulder blade and back down again, “I really love you, you know that?”
You and Harry have exchanged countless ‘I love you’s over the years of your friendship. The four extra words started getting tacked at some point after things became official with the two of you. In moments like these, where it feels like time has paused for you to share a moment together, it always feels right to say.
Harry’s response is nuzzled into the skin on your neck, “I really love you, you know that?”
thank you so much for reading!! 
if you enjoyed this fic, please remember that reblogs and/or nice messages mean the world to fic writers. <3
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blvirz · 4 years
Living Life Through a Lens: Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter 23: You Always Did Look Good in Chanel
Word Count: 8.9K
Warnings: smut
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A/N: Hello! Just a heads up. This entire chapter is filled with moments throughout the series between Y/N and Jennie that I didn't know where to fit. Some of which you have only seen from Y/N’s perspective. As I was writing the ending (which is already 6k words long, fck), I went looking through all my drafts, and there were so many points in the story where I wish you could have read from Jennie’s perspective. So that’s what this whole chapter is going to be! I hope you enjoy it.
[7:55 AM KST. Just before the meeting in which Y/N meets Blackpink]
“Jennie! Hurry up! The van is already downstairs, we're going to be late!” you heard Jisoo yell. From where the noise was coming from, you gathered that she was still in her room. You were thankful that she always warned you when it was time to leave, but not when you were just about to do your eyeliner.
Stopping and glancing over, you saw that she too was still getting ready, and so you went back to taking your time. When you were satisfied with how everything looked, you put on some perfume and walked out of your room. At the same time, you and Jisoo both made your way to the front door, and saw Rosé and Lisa already standing there with their shoes on.
Today, you and the members had a meeting with a new director that was supposedly going to film your daily life as well as your life on tour for the next couple of months. Yesterday you and the members spent a few hours watching their previously released documentaries, but you fell asleep. And so, you were a bit worried with the lack of background knowledge, but trusted that the members would catch you up to speed.
Once you were settled in the van and on the way, you noticed that there was something eerie about the drive on your way to work; so quiet and peaceful. Oddly, there was no traffic, and every light had turned green at exactly the right moment for you to pass through. Everything was going perfectly smooth. In less than twenty minutes, which was how long it usually took, you arrived at the front gates of YG.
Approaching the front gates, you saw a crowd of people gathered around. Some of them for you, but some of them had signs for a Y/N Y/L/N? It was all very fast, but you also managed to see a billboard with a picture of you and the members. On it read, BLINKS DEMAND FOR BLACKPINK, written in big white letters. Soon Blinks. We’re coming soon, we have so much planned for you. You thought to yourself.
Like you had done at least a thousand times before, you exited the van and headed into YG. While doing so, you heard the screams of the fans on the way in, but knowing full well of YG’s protocol, you couldn’t stop and had to keep walking. In the elevator on the way up to the meeting you heard your song, Playing with Fire, playing through the speakers. It was Lisa’s verse that was playing and when you looked over at Lisa, she was doing the choreography in hopes of trying to get Jisoo and Rosé to laugh, but before they could the doors of the elevator opened.
Walking with your members alongside you, and your managers in front, you made your way over to the conference room. As you passed the frosty glass wall of the room, you could see that there were a few people already inside. Shit, did I really make us late? Is our boss already in there? Shit. Shit. Shit.
Immediately as you entered, your whole being seemed to gravitate toward one person who was standing on the other side of the room. Looking her up and down you saw that she had her hair tied up, wore a white top, corset, and some blue jeans. And from where you currently stood you could only see her side profile. When she turned and you were able to get a good look at her face, you recognized her. Y/N Y/L/N? As in… the woman from Paris Fashion Week? Am I seeing things? Why– How– You look so– wow.
As you watched Jisoo go to hug Y/N first, you automatically followed and did the same. Pulling her in for a hug, you smelt and recognized her perfume right away. Because it smelled exactly like yours. I think I love you. I didn’t say that out loud, right? Focus Jennie!
“Oh my gosh, this only happens in my dreams,” Y/N said as she hugged Rosé, causing everyone in the room to laugh.
Throughout the entire meeting you could only focus on Y/N. Thinking about how simple yet beautiful her features were. How she was here in front of you. How out of all people, she was the one that your company decided to work with. How. How. And Why.
Even the way she explained things was beautiful to you. She had just the right amount of seriousness, but also the right amount of humour. It had only been a few minutes, but you were convinced that anything and everything she did was just… beautiful.
Is she real? Stop staring! Am I allowed to like you Y/N? Is this appropriate? Wait, what did she just say? Phase one… What was that? What? I get to spend the next year with you? How do I tell the members? Phase two. So many words! Wait for me Y/N!
[6:45 PM NZST. Y/N and Jennie fool around at the art exhibit]
“Are you upset about the painting being sold?” Y/N asked while tilting her head in a way so that she could look at your face.
When your eyes met, you tried your best not to shy away from her and looked at her as you answered. With your other members around, her attention had to be divided between the four of you, but now that it was just you two alone, you found yourself a nervous wreck just trying to look at her in conversation.
Quickly you gathered yourself and turned to look at her instead of the ground. Reassuring her by saying, “no not at all! Sorry. I just– I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, so my head is all over the place… Shall we continue looking at the other art pieces?” Smooth Jennie. Smooth.
Y/N must have sensed your nervousness and so she gave you a warm smile, and said “sure.”
Thankfully, she didn’t ask why you weren't able to get sleep the night before, and continued on walking. How could you possibly tell her that she was all you thought about, without freaking her out? You thought back to yesterday when you had hugged her from behind, and the face she made when she flinched and turned around to look at you. That alone made you want to crawl into a ball and hide in a very dark corner.
For the past week you have been trying everything to let her know you were interested in her, but she wasn’t biting, or when she did make a move, she was reluctant. You were so sure that she was flirting back. They could have been slightly biased, but even each of your members had said something about it a couple days before. Were you just rushing things? Was she not interested in you? Or was it all a friendly game to her? Either way you had to find out, if not for the sake of your own curiosity then your business relationship; you just weren’t exactly sure how.
Just then, you both walked into the only dark room in the whole exhibit. There was no one in it, and so you both hesitated and swiftly stepped out of it. Every room you had been in previously so far had been well lit, but this one was dark and the only source of light came from a bright pink neon sign that hung on the wall. It read: it was always you.
Surely this was a part of the exhibit. Having both decided that it was safe to enter, an idea popped up into your head as you looked at the bright neon sign once again. So very quickly before Y/N could walk away from it, you pushed her in front of it to capture a photo.
“Will you at least let me see the photo? It’s the least you could do after almost killing me,” Y/N said as she slowly made her way toward you. Fixing her messed up hair as she did.
Both of you gasped when you discovered that it was a well taken photo, despite it being taken in a rush. It was slightly blurry, but the neon sign was clear enough to read in the background, and Y/N had on the brightest smile you had ever seen in your life. The perfect candid shot.
“What is that?” you asked while squinting to look at a large box that sat upright on the other side of the room.
Y/N looked and squinted too before saying, “oh it’s a photo booth!”
And before you knew it, she took your hand in hers and was pulling you toward the opposite end of the room. It was a tight space, but you both fit snugly inside. Was this meant for a single person? You were only a few inches apart, and as the time passed, you could feel your heart begin to beat harder and harder in your chest. To avoid Y/N from noticing it, you pressed the large red button in front of you, and suddenly there was a robotic voice that started counting down from the number three. Throwing the both of you into a panic. Well this is a photo booth Jennie… what were you expecting to happen?
Just before the countdown hit one, you mentioned to make a funny face. When it took the photo and started counting down again, you two settled on smiling at the camera normally. Looking at the screen it showed three empty slots, indicating that there were three photos left for you to take. Why is this so stressful?
For the third photo you posed randomly, and while looking at the screen instead of the camera, for a brief moment you saw Y/N just stare at you. As the countdown began again, you expected her to follow suit and strike a pose, but she didn’t. She sat there staring at you as the flash went off, making your heart melt. Why are you staring at me? Do you stare at all your friends this way?
The fourth photo was of you two staring at each other and laughing. And after the flash went off, there was yet another countdown. What to do for the last photo… What to do… How do I– ah. Okay, this will answer my question.
Without any hesitation or care for what would happen after, you grabbed Y/N’s head and firmly planted a kiss on her cheek. This time she didn’t flinch at the contact or pull away. Instead you felt her face scrunch up, and her hands grab a hold of your wrists. Her skin felt soft, and she smelled like the perfume that you knew all too well.
Unsure if you were just imagining things, but the timer seemed to wind down slower, and with each passing moment you could feel the heat rise up in your cheeks. Thank goodness these photos are in black and white.
The flash went off and still you remained. It wasn’t your fault; her cheeks were just so… kissable. In your mind you swore it was the hardest thing you had to do in a while, but you managed to pull away, and just like that, it was all over.
Suddenly, before either of you could say a word, you heard the sound of what you figured was the curtain being drawn back, at a great speed. Whipping your head back to see who it was, you immediately saw Lisa there. She was jumping up and down all the while shouting the words ‘I was right’ over and over again. Rosé and Jisoo were both behind her clearly not as pleased with the result.
I love you all so dearly… but you guys have the absolute worst timing, you thought.
[8:34 AM EST. After Y/N and Jennie decide to be together officially]
Despite it being early in the morning, it was still a bit dark in the house as you made your way down the stairs. So cold too, causing you to fold your sweater and even your arms closed against your body. Each step you took down the stairs was a new and even colder surface for your feet, and so when you saw a pair of slippers waiting for you at the bottom, you picked up the pace at which you descended and quickly shoved your feet inside them.
Y/N was already up and making breakfast for you both. You were only a few feet away from the kitchen and you could hear the clattering of utensils, sizzling sounds of food, and even a few curses mixed in between. When you finally were in the doorway of the kitchen, you looked over and saw Y/N. She had her back facing you as she cooked something on the stove, so very quickly and quietly you walked over to her and hugged her from behind. This time she didn’t flinch.
Automatically, your head rested in the spot between her shoulder blades, and somehow knowing exactly what you wanted to do, she lifted her elbows to allow for your hands to make their way to the front of her stomach. Your fingers now interlocked, and you stood there attached.
It was a close second to being your favourite spot in the whole wide world. No. It was for sure your favourite spot in the whole world. While closing your eyes, you felt the vibrations coming from her back as she spoke. It was mumbled, but you assumed it was something along the lines of “good morning. Would you like some coffee?”,which is what she always said when you two did this in the morning. Before Y/N, you hated waking up so early in the mornings, but lately it was something you looked forward to each night you laid your head to rest. A peaceful breakfast with Y/N. Even better sometimes, was when Lex and the members would join, and you would all sit around the table.
Lost in your thoughts, you felt her push back against you. You didn’t let go and stayed attached firmly on her back. You followed her as she walked the both of you to the other side of the kitchen island, placing some scrambled eggs on both of your plates. After setting the pan down, with her hands she unlatched yours that were around her waist and turned around. “Shall we eat?” she asked.
In the middle of your breakfast, you felt Y/N put her hands on your chair to pull you closer toward her. She got real close and said, “so I thought I would give Lex a break. I was thinking of risking it and venturing out into the nearest town to buy some groceries myself… would you like to come?” As she asked, she placed her hands on your thighs.
Double meaning. I know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to work. You thought, and so, challenging her you got even closer and whispered, “I would love to.”
“Rosie would like these,” you said as you threw a few bags of potato chips in the cart and continued to push along the aisle.
Y/N, who was looking at her checklist, looked over at what you had thrown in the cart and just laughed. “It’s Rosé this time? Not Jisoo? Or Lisa? Babe… the least you could do is come up with a better lie. I know she doesn’t eat those kinds of snacks, so just say they’re for you. I’m going to buy them regardless. I’ll buy you a whole cart’s worth if that’s what you want.”
Peering inside the cart, it was already full, and you and Y/N had so far only made it through half of the aisles in the store. Y/N had taken you to a tiny grocery store run by a local couple, who seemed peculiarly friendly. But then again, you remembered that everyone here was too friendly.
Walking up and down the aisles you thought about what had happened when you two had first walked in together. The couple immediately noticed Y/N, and got to talking. On accident they called you Irene, which you politely ignored and let them think you were, that is until Y/N introduced you properly. “Ah no. This is Jennie. My ne– my girlfriend,” she stuttered. You smiled back at her as she continued talking to the couple. My girlfriend. Can you say that again?
After Y/N was done catching up, you two went up and down the aisles throwing everything that had caught your eye into the cart. Snapping back into focus, you looked at Y/N as she tried strategically placing some bottles of soda into the overflowing cart. “Okay so I think we have everythin– no wait. One last thing, Rosé said she wanted strawberries. Would you mind getting them while I fix this mess?” Y/N asked as she had her hands full trying to stop a few things from falling out of the cart.
She didn’t have to ask as you were already making your way out of the aisle, but before leaving you said, “okay I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere, okay? Stay here.”
It was a running joke. The members had said something about you two never being apart for no longer than five minutes, and so, you two always said the exact same thing before leaving one another’s sight.
Stubbornly, you stood there waiting for her to say something back. You chuckled as you saw her struggling to keep everything in the cart still. When she turned her attention to look at you instead of the overflowing cart, she had a clear look of distress on her face, but still managed to crack a smile. “I– H– How? Go where? And why would I ever leave without you? Now go please!”
[11:04 AM KST. South Korea. Phase two. Filming Jennie’s day-to-day]
It was about the third day into filming your daily schedule with Y/N, and although she held a camera up to film every single thing you did, you were just glad to be in her presence. While away in Japan you were positive that time went by slower over there, but now being back in Korea, with the tour just around the corner, everything was coming at you at full speed. The time apart not only forced you to focus on work, but made you think of what your life was like before Y/N. Having been attached at the hip in the last few months, it would take some getting used to; especially since your days quite literally began and ended with her.
Filming one on one with Y/N was a different dynamic. It wasn’t easy. Particularly the interview session. Being asked questions under bright lights with at least half a dozen cameras recording you from different angles was overwhelming. So having your girlfriend be there to ask you the questions was even harder. She didn’t go easy on you either, some you didn't have to think twice about and could answer quickly, but others dove deep and caught you off guard.
However, you would take what you were currently doing over the interviews any day. What did she call it? B-roll? Before you did anything, Y/N made you explain very briefly what it was that you were doing and then told you to go about it as if she weren’t there. Since you talked to her so much, you found that it was a hard thing to do. In fact, you had already done it a couple of times, and each time, Y/N would have to cut.
Today, your schedule consisted of conducting research. When Y/N had asked you to explain what that meant, you told her, or really the camera, that in order to keep up with the latest fashion trends, you had to go out and look firsthand. To see and feel the quality of the clothes and accessories you needed to stay up to date; research. And each time you explained, you could see her roll her eyes behind the camera.
While walking through all the stores along with your stylist, Y/N lagged behind recording the things you did. With her eyes practically glued to the monitor, you sometimes found her walking into the displays scattered all throughout the store. Earning a laugh from you in the process.
“This is nice– oh and this one and– this one too– omg no this,” you said as you looked through all the clothes on the rack.
“Y/N, doesn’t thi– Crap. Sorry.” The minute you said her name, you apologized for what was probably the 1000th time.
“Cut,” Y/N said while pinching the space in between her eyes.
After placing the camera down on one of the tables in the store, she walked over to you and put both of her hands on your shoulders. Looking you dead in the eyes she said, “Jennie. Please. You. Cannot. Look. Into. The. Camera. Or. Speak. To. Me.” Emphasizing every word.
“Should I just have my assistant record instead?” she asked.
“No! I’ll try harder. Just– It’s so hard not to talk to you when you’re standing right there,” you whined as she walked away.
Y/N picked up the camera again. Before pressing record and signalling to her camera assistant, she said, “just forget that I’m even here.”
Forget you? Never.
“Okay I think we got all the shots. We’re done for the week.” Y/N said as she handed her camera over to her assistant, who then proceeded to place it carefully into a padded box.
You couldn’t believe that everything was done, “That’s it? We’re done? Like forever?” you asked just to make sure.
After Y/N could confirm something with her team, they all packed up in the van and left you both behind which had you confused. When she turned around and saw the puzzled look on your face, she said, “yes we’re done. At least with the one-on-one. Filming will start again once the concerts start.”
Still confused, you looked at her and asked “but– our ride?”
While she looped her arm through yours, she pulled you along and started walking along the road. “We’re done early. I thought we could enjoy some time to ourselves. Go for a walk, maybe eat, and shop without an excuse?”
“It wasn’t an excuse! It was research! And how about security?” you asked while looking behind and around you.
“They will meet us at the place we’re going for lunch. For about fifteen minutes you have me alone,” she said as she smiled and winked.
“It’s okay. I only need five,” you said proudly. Seconds later when she figured out what you meant, she let go and crossed her arms over her body.
After the joke was over, Y/N returned to you and automatically her fingers entwined with yours. While walking down the road, you noticed that it was a quiet afternoon, and everything around you had a certain peacefulness to it. Almost nobody was around except for a few shop owners, you and Y/N. The sun was out and there were just enough clouds in the sky to keep it from scorching your skin. It wasn’t humid outside either, and there was a nice breeze too, which was oddly a nice addition to the faint sounds of the highway that you could hear nearby.
“Do you think we would have met someplace else? Like if I didn’t take this job?”
The question came out of nowhere, but because you’ve thought about it before, you already had an answer. “Of course. Another fashion show maybe… or something along the lines of that. Do you?” you asked.
“I thought of that too–” when she cut herself off, you looked over at her and then over at what caught her attention. Up ahead you saw a few paparazzi get out of a van. Instantly she pulled you into another alleyway all the while yelling, “alright I guess we’re going to have to take another route, we gotta run!”
Although it was of no help for either of you to scream, you two did so anyway while running away from the paparazzi. Everything about your life that you thought was negative or even thought of as a slight inconvenience, Y/N always found a way to turn it around and make it interesting and enjoyable; she had a positive impact on just about every aspect of your life.
Let’s do this forever, okay Y/N?
[3:30 PM KST. South Korea. After Y/N gifts Jennie her painting]
You and Y/N were lying down side by side in a field, soaking up the sun. It was a few hours after lunch, and you planned a relaxing afternoon picnic in the park. Touring was just about to start, and although you would be together, it was important to fit in times like this where you weren’t expected to work, but just relax and have a good time. But sitting around and doing nothing quickly got boring and you decided to do something that was much more stimulating… according to Y/N, that meant renting bikes, and going for a ride around the park.
“Last one to that large rock over there is a loser!” you heard Y/N shout as she zoomed past you on a bike; her laugh getting quieter as she furiously pedalled away from you.
Right away your competitive nature kicked in, and you started pedaling faster in an effort to catch up to her. Each time you got close, she would look back and pedal even harder, making the gap between you wider. She was toying with you, which only made you want to beat her even more.
However, the race was quickly cut short because something either got caught in your gears or your tire collided with something awkwardly, which caused you to fly off your bike. As you hit the ground, your hands scraped along the gravel and in turn slowed you down to a stop.
Sitting up on the ground, you held your hands out in front of you and rested them on top of your knees. With all the adrenaline that was coursing through your veins, your arms shook and your fingers kept twitching.
There was a stinging pain that was coming from your hands, and when you turned them over, you immediately saw red start to drip down from the clearly torn skin. You winced as you carefully flicked some of the tiny rocks away from the scarred tissue.
While you were occupied with cleaning your wounds, you heard another bike fall to the ground next to you, and saw Y/N slide over to where you were on the ground. She saw the blood that was streaming down from your hands, and then quickly patted down the rest of your body to check for any other wounds. A look of worry covered her face as she checked you and asked if you were hurt anywhere else. When she realized that the cuts in the palm of your hands were the only injury, she right away took them in hers; trying her best to clean the dirt and rocks that covered the palms of your hands.
Y/N’s gripped tightened around your wrist as you tried to pull your hands away. “It doesn’t hurt. It’s fine, Y/N. Just a couple scratches,” you tried reassuring her, but the concerned look on her face didn’t go away.
It took a few minutes to get the dirt and rocks out. She did everything from blowing to pouring water over the wound. “Okay that hurts,” you said as the stream of water hit your palms. There wasn’t much blood, but still you could see a tinge of red as it continued to make its way down the rest of your arm.
Once Y/N was sure you were okay and that the wound was as clean as it could be, you two sat there for a while. The both of you sat there on the gravel road, with Y/N’s bike lying on the ground in front of you; yours just a couple meters out to the left of you. From where you sat, you looked at and examined your bike. What the hell got in the way?
Your thoughts were immediately interrupted when you heard what sounded like muffled laughter coming from Y/N. Looking over, you watched her shoulders bounce up and down. “Why are you laughing?” you asked.
She turned around, and you swear you meant to listen to her, but the sun was hitting her face at all the right angles, and suddenly you couldn’t understand the words that were coming out of her mouth. She was beautiful, sure. And yes, it was her features that initially drew you to her, but what she was most beautiful for, was the way she always made sure that everyone around her was looked after before she thought about herself. She was beautiful for the way she encouraged Lisa’s jokes and indulged her in her sometimes not-so-comedic antics. Beautiful for belting out the lyrics to the songs that were playing in the dorm with Rosé, and even beautiful when her eyebrows were permanently furrowed in an intense battle of Mario Kart with Jisoo.So, although it wasn’t wrong to call her that for something as vain such as her looks; it was wrong to say that that was the onlything that made her beautiful. Her character, her personality… the way she did things, was what made her most beautiful to you. But in this light, you couldn’t help but appreciate the way she looked.
Snapping out of the trance you were in; you were luckily able to catch her at the last bit. “You were so close to me, and then all of sudden… you weren’t. How did you manage to land so far away from your bike?”
Giving her an annoyed look and exaggerating what had happened you said, “your girlfriend is catapulted off of her bike, going at least a billion kilometers an hour… landing on the rough gravel road. Only to start bleeding out. I could have died, and you have the audacity to laugh at me?”
“Baby I love you… but don’t you think you’re being just a tad bit dramatic?” she asked.
What did you just say? When you didn’t answer her question, she turned to look at you totally unphased by what she had just said. “You love me?”
“Did I say that?” Y/N asked as she turned to look at something on the ground.
Oh hell no. You’re going to look at me when you answer me. It took some time, but eventually you were able to get up from off the ground. Not having the ability to use your hands made everything so much more difficult. Staggering from side to side in an effort to get up on your feet, everything felt sore.
Y/N was still turned away from you, so she didn’t see you coming when you took a seat on top of her legs. In all the times you had done this before, she would protest and try to push you off, but this time she remained motionless looking at the ground. Still no eye contact.
At this very moment, you were so sure that this was your favourite thing in the whole wide world; sitting on Y/N’s lap while she was clearly a nervous mess underneath you. Carefully and with your longest fingers, you put them underneath her chin and guided her head so that she was now looking at you in the eyes. “Y/N…” you trailed off. You were going to make sure she heard everything you said.
“Uh huh?”
“Do. You. Love. Me?” you asked. Enunciating each word slowly.
Again, she tried to look away, but your grip tightened around her chin. Causing you to feel the stinging pain in your palm come back as you tensed the muscles in your hand, but you didn't care.
“Yes what?” you asked.
“Yes. I do love you Jennie Kim.” Her eyes never once left yours as the words left her mouth.
Seven words. Seven words was all it took to have you feeling like you were on top of the world. Everything around you was… better. The sky was bluer, the grass was greener, the sun yellower. The sounds of the birds in the trees around you… clearer. Even the air that you were breathing in felt cleaner. “Sorry… can you say that one more time?” you asked while tilting your ear closer to her mouth.
She knew you had heard her, and so after letting out a sigh, she said, “I. Love. You.”
Without hesitating you said, “I love you too, Y/N.”
I love you so much.
[7:20 PM CST. Taipei. Getting ready before leaving to go on stage]
“Like right… here,” you said as you guided your makeup artists’ hand closer toward your inner eye; she held the brush and was about to add a little bit of colour to even out both of your eyes.
Currently, a number of people stood around you. With your makeup artist on one side, your hairstylist behind you, and a seamstress kneeling on the ground fixing the outfit you had on, there really wasn’t much breathing room.
You couldn’t turn around, but by squinting hard enough and looking in the mirror, you read the clock; you had just a half hour before you had to leave for the stage. Today was your last concert of the first leg of the tour. Even more special about tonight was that Y/N was here, and you two had finally worked through your issues. However, that wasn’t to say that you didn’t enjoy every concert you put on, because you did. Y/N being here, just made everything better.
The team around you all stepped back and gave space for you to get in one last look in the mirror; all of you double checking to see if everything was okay. While doing so, you saw Y/N standing there eyeing you in the background. She smiled and started making her way over to you once she realized you were looking at her too.
“Do you mind if I have this?” she asked while toying with the roll of ribbon in her hands. Your stylist that was kneeling on the ground in between you two quickly glanced over to see what she was referring to and said that she could.
What on Earth are you going to do with that? you questioned.
Walking down the hallway of the hotel, you said goodnight to each of the girls on the way to your own room. Like always, there was an assigned hotel room order. It went as follows: Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo, yours and then finally Y/N’s.
To you, your members seemed exhausted, and rightfully so. Thus, this time you kept your goodnight greeting relatively short. You, on the other hand, were still wired from the concert. It was rare, but it happened from time to time nonetheless. It probably had to do something with Y/N being back.
With your foot holding the door of your hotel room open, and your grip around the handle of your suitcase, you waited for Y/N to kiss you goodnight before returning to her room. During your discussion at the amusement park a few days ago, you two decided that you would sleep in separate rooms when it came to tour, but if you really needed each other, your doors were always open. However, this time she didn’t ask, or much less give you a warning before pulling you toward her room.
As you were being dragged along, you heard the door you were holding open shut behind you, and the things in your suitcase jumble around. “Y/N, if you’re going to yank my arm out of its socket. Next time give me a warning,” you said quietly.
Before ushering you inside her room, in a serious but quiet voice she said, “stop complaining.”
As soon as the door closed behind you both, Y/N turned the lock on the door and flipped the door stopper up. I guess I’m sleeping in here tonight? You were confused but the thought alone made you smile.
“Leave your suitcase here and sit on the bed.” Was all she said as she kneeled on the ground, digging around for something in her suitcase; every movement of hers was rough.
Stopping to look at what she was doing on the way to the bed, she looked up at the same time and you shot her a questioning look. Very scarily, she said nothing and pointed to the bed, causing your heart rate to instantly pick up. Are you mad at me? What is going on?
If you were being honest, how Y/N’s nature could change so quickly was frightening yet fascinating to you. For the vast majority of the time she was friendly and delightful as could be, but on the off chance, she was capable of being the exact opposite; everything about her was alluring, especially at this very moment.
From your current view on the edge of the bed, you leaned off to the right and watched as she pulled the same roll of white ribbon she had asked your stylist for just a couple of hours ago– as well as a blindfold? You didn’t want to make any assumptions, but the thoughts in your head ran wild. If your heart wasn’t beating fast before, surely it was now. Nervously, you gulped as she stood up and walked toward you.
Your eyes never once left her face. Even when she threw the items on the bed, or when you felt the bed sink a little bit as she moved to rest her arms on the bed beside both of your legs. Her lips looked so inviting that it was hard for you to look at anything else.
She got real close to your face, and while staring at each other's lips, you read hers as she said, “this is only going to work if you listen to me. Don’t question me or my decisions. Can you do that for me?”
Unable to speak you simply nodded, and only then did she continue. Firstly, she put the blindfold on, and then asked for you to put your wrists together and extend them outward toward her. With your sense of sight now gone, everything else was heightened. Touch, smell, hearing… and although she didn’t give you a reason just yet, you were sure that your sense of taste would be heightened too.
Very clearly could you hear the sound of something being unravelled, and quickly you were able to gather that it was the ribbon she had in her hands earlier. Seconds later, you felt the silky-smooth texture of fabric being wrapped and tied around both of your wrists. It wasn’t loose, nor was it too tight.
“Tug on your wrists for me.”
Silently you sat there and did what she asked of you. In your head you debated over whether or not you would defy Y/N on purpose, just to see what would happen, but for now you listened. The moment she was satisfied, she pushed to lie you down on the bed and got on top of you. Underneath her weight, you felt secure.
So this is what it feels like when I straddle you? I could get used to this.
You couldn’t help but chuckle and try to play it off as a cough, but Y/N caught on anyway and asked what was so funny.
“Nothing,” you said.
Roughly, with one of her hands she got a hold of your wrists and moved to pin them down on the sheets right above your head. In both arousal and frustration, you let out a sigh which was cut short when Y/N attached her lips to your neck. She knew you all too well, and went straight for the spot that made you ache in the place where you needed her the most. With her other hand, you could feel her start to unbutton your shirt.
It had been so long at this point that everything felt good, and each time it got to be too much, the grip she had pinning your wrists down had to be increased. “Keep your hands above your head. The moment they come down or touch me, everything stops. Do you understand?” she asked; her voice still stern.
You nodded, but that wouldn’t cut it this time as she asked again. “I understand,” you were able to choke out.
With the help of her warm breath to tell you where she was headed, she stopped at your now exposed chest. Taking her sweet time to run over both of your nipples with her tongue. You sucked in a deep breath, but still, you kept your wrists above your head. Keep them there Jennie. Keep. Them. There.
She travelled further down, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your torso. Each one wetter than the last. You were growing impatient and you were positive that Y/N knew it too, because each time she stopped, you could feel her smile against your skin. “Y/N please,” you begged. Unsure if you were allowed to speak at all. She didn’t say I couldn’t right? Fuck. What were the rules?
You heard her ask, “please what?”
Shuddering underneath her as she asked you the question. You hadn’t realized, but she was right back up next to your ear within seconds. “It’s been a long day… I put on a good show. Don’t you think I deserve to be rewarded?”
She gave you a quick kiss and hovered over your lips. “You do baby… but who says I can’t have a little fun?”
“Me.” Your answer was short and rude, but you made sure to give her a nice smile as you said it.
Suddenly you felt Y/N get off, and before you could begin to apologize, you felt her hands pull off the sweatpants and panties you had on. Oh good. You’re not stopping.
The air conditioning in the room was on, so you felt the tiny hairs on your legs rise, as they were exposed to the cold air.
“I’ll let that one go and pretend you never said it.”
Y/N continued on with her painstakingly slow exploration, which only made you feel more annoyed and agitated, but you bit your lip to avoid voicing your opinion. It was too soon to push her buttons, and you couldn’t risk her stopping. Not when you were just getting started.
Every little noise was clear to you. The creaking noises that the bed made, her slow and steady breathing, and even the simple sounds of skin moving against the hotel sheets.
All the while you were taking everything in, you felt Y/N reattach her lips to the soft spot on your neck. At the same time, one of her hands moved down to your already wet core. Before her fingers could dip inside, she teased you by sliding her fingers up and down, letting only the tips of her fingers do the work; gathering your growing arousal. It drove you insane. “Y/N please just fuck me already.”
She didn’t say anything and instead responded by pushing two of her fingers inside you, it was simple, yet just enough to coax a ragged breath from you and have your body arch off the bed. With her fingers moving in and out of you at a steady pace, it didn’t take you long to have you moaning underneath her. “Jennie, we're in a hotel, remember? You have to keep it down.”
Out of breath you said, “then kiss me.”
You could have sworn that Y/N was supposed to be in charge, but everything you asked for, she willingly gave in.
Maybe I should just listen… It’s not so bad.
As her fingers pumped in and out of you, your tongues moved together in a sensual rhythm. Your moans now being muffled by her mouth that was busy over yours.
Her motions were patternless which drove you to the edge even faster. One moment she was going so deep to the point where the palm of her hand stopped her, and at another, she could be paying attention to your clit; rubbing fast paced circles around it.
Eventually it all got to be too much, and when you came, you did everything but bring your wrists down. “Fuck bab–” your words were immediately cut off by her lips once again. Anything from pulling on the restraints, biting onto her lip, clamping your legs together to keep her from pulling away, you rode out your long awaited orgasm.
Once she was sure you weren’t going to yell out anymore, she pulled away but still kept her palm firmly resting against you. Through the pressure, you felt the pulsing sensation of your clit. When her fingers started moving again, you were quickly thrown back in.
“We’re not done yet my love. But before we start again, let’s take this off just so you can watch me clean up,” she whispered into your ear. The sternness in her voice now gone, and replaced by something that was much more lustful and seductive.
She pulled off the blindfold. The room wasn’t at all bright when you first entered. It was only being lit by a single lamp that was in the far corner of the room, but it took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust. After blinking a few times, you wanted to take a moment and stare at Y/N, but she was already moving down to your legs.
Her left arm firmly wrapped around your leg, which was most likely to keep you from moving. You couldn’t see it of course, but with her free hand she readily went back to work. Surely it was counterintuitive for her to be pumping in and out of you, hitting all the right spots, all the while she was lapping up your juices and teasing the bud of your clit with her tongue. But you couldn’t care less, it felt good, and you sure as hell weren’t going to be the one that would tell her to stop. What she was doing was perfect, and in record time, she once again had you closely approaching the edge.
Naturally, each time she fucked you like this, she learned what you liked the most, and so the minute you both felt and saw her tongue give you that one last lick, it was over for you.
Your second orgasm was more overwhelming than the last, and instinctively you threw your head back against the sheets, arched your back, and clamped your legs around her head. What was different this time around was that your vision blurred around the edges, and with Y/N down near your ankles, you were left to suppress the noises you made.
In the midst of trying to regain some of your senses, you felt a slight panic when you realized that part of your hand was stuffed in your mouth, and your wrists were brought down to your face. Oh shit.
Y/N didn’t seem to mind when she came back up, in fact she was laughing. While hovering over you, she worked to untie you. When your hands were free, you examined the deep red lines that covered the both of your wrists.
I should be able to cover them up with a watch and a few bracelets.
Your thoughts were quickly cut short when Y/N took your hands in hers. She massaged over the lines. Her expression was soft and full of concern, which made you miss the rough attitude she had just a few moments ago.
Quickly and roughly, your hand made its way to the base of Y/N’s neck and you were able to flip the two of you over. Now in the opposite positions, you had all the control. Or at least that’s what you thought until she bent her leg and her soft skin glided against your soaking centre. While hovering over her, you dripped down her leg. The contact right away made you lose focus for a split second. “My god, babe. You’re going to make me cum again.”
“Ride me.” Her voice wasn’t the stern one you found yourself craving, but it turned you on regardless.
Just as you were about to listen to her instructions, suddenly the lamp across the room flickered, capturing your attention. When it stopped flickering, on your way back to looking at Y/N’s face, your eyes landed on her camera that rested on the table beside the bed. Y/N turned to look at what you were staring at, and right away she said, “no.” The seriousness in her voice returned.
“Why not? Wouldn’t it be hot to have this on film?” you asked.
“Well it would, yes– no. Just no. Don’t you like your job? If a tape like that–” “just call it what it is Y/N,” you interrupted.  
Y/N sighed underneath you and said, “I’m saying no to a sextape. A film like that can have a detrimental effect on both of our careers. Now come on, let’s just keep going.”
You gave her a pleading look, and still she remained firm with her decision. “Fine,” you huffed out in frustration, but it was short lived as you gladly went back to riding her thigh.
Rocking back and forth against your own slickness, you let out a moan. One of her hands was on your hip to help guide you, and with her other hand, she had her fingers in your mouth trying to keep you quiet. Though at the moment her fingers weren’t doing such a great job. So, when another loud moan escaped your lips, she sat up and pulled you in for a kiss. This was the only way she could get you to be quiet.
While continuing to ride her you were able to find your rhythm and quickened the pace at which you moved. Right away you couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for the loud noises you two were making; surely your neighbours couldn’t hear your rings colliding with the wood and the bed knocking against the wall, right?
As if it weren’t enough, Y/N took one of her hands and shoved a finger in the space between you and her leg, occasionally curling it inside which drove you to the edge faster. “Fuck that feels so good.” But it was only for a few seconds as she pulled it out, “taste yourself,” she said slowly. Her voice dripping in seduction.
As you moved to suck on the finger that was just inside you, you missed as she quickly put it in her mouth. Though, before you could question it, she kissed you and shoved her tongue in your mouth, tasting yourself as she did. With your tongues battling for dominance, you felt her hand snake its way back down your body. Using her thumb, at a fast pace, she rubbed and took full advantage of your already sensitive clit.
“Look at me when you cum,” she said while grabbing the back of your head.
You tried your best to fight it off for a few seconds longer, but you came hard against her thigh. Biting your lip and keeping your eyes focused on hers. If it weren't for her other hand that held the back of your head in place, you surely would have broken the eye contact. The overwhelming high that took over you this time, had your legs shaking and all ten of your fingers clawing down Y/N’s back.
It took a few minutes to get yourself under control, and as you sat there trying to gather yourself, you watched as Y/N sat back against the headboard, fiddling with the ribbon in her hands. You hadn’t noticed up until this point, but there was a word that was repeatedly printed on it, and when you took it from her and looked at it, it was the word Chanel, written in black capitalized letters. “Are you kidding me?” you laughed.
“I had to. You always did look good in Chanel.”
“Did?” you asked.
“Do,” she corrected.
Chapter 24 - HERE
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vcsecretgifts · 3 years
Snap shot in time
From: @auburnandamberangel
Merry Christmas @plopofcolour Qotd era Khayman and Armand interaction on the Night Island. Hope you like ^u^
Armand watched Khayman looking at his upper terrace garden, the plants benefiting not only from the sunshine but also the seaspray. The cacti, the large Saguaros with their armed tall appearance especially had captured the ancients fascination. The silhouettes classic to many a western. They weren’t indigenous to Egypt, effectively a new world plant, and certainly capturing this until recently slumbering vampire. Perhaps as they too were long lived, slow in maturing. He had his cameras slung over his neck and shoulder wanting to capture the bloom on one of them, a first. He recorded all of them on this island. Mementos.
Khayman was a very good guest, polite, and surprisingly unaloof compared to other vampires of a similar age. ‘Mr manners leaves their bodies after the first few thousand years!’ Daniel had observed dryly not to long ago as they say in said same garden, watching the waves. Sitting on the stone steps, snuggly between Daniels stretched out legs. Barely dead himself, so manys ways appeared rude by his modern standards. “Not all are…impolite.” Daniel had nodded, smiling almost as if he’d read his mind and knew he was thinking of the Egyptian. Which was impossible, he just people watched very well. And surely he was an expert in Armand observations by now.
“Ahh but Khayman was nice as a human, not many airs on him plus he’s sweet on you. So you’re the last person he’d be short with.” Interestingly not too much jealousy in that statement. A small possessive kiss to the top of his head, caressing of his arms about his waist. Their guests came and went, things were more peaceful minus some of their vampire brethren. Peaceful between them even. Born in a time of crisis, his home even invaded it wasn’t ideal for them even with a notorious nosey parker like his fledgling. He’d borne so much strain at his hands before being turned, it worried Armand. Sometimes they fought as he instinctually pulled back.
“The fact he’s easy on the eye doesn’t hurt much either does it.” Daniel added laughter in his voice. Teasing. Armand smiled despite himself turning his head. “But I’m famous for a penchant for blondes darling aren’t I.”
“Except Louis.” His beloved kissing his dimples. And others he’d best not mention. Not eager to quote that book at him right now.
“Hmmmm. Nice to not always be predictable then.” Kissing Daniels matching smile. It had ended up being a very good evening that night. Allowing himself to bask in the glow of the memory of it.
Khayman found the sea soothing, the air fresh and the garden a magical oasis. A small movement betrayed his hosts presence, rare to not have an exuberant Daniel or hesitant brooding Marius in orbiting attendance around Armand. Moths to this ’cherubs’ - seraphin now surely more apts flame- A ethereal beauty no matter the flowery language. In his time one destined to be blessed by the gods. A soul just as full of substance as his appearance. To think without her, the mother waking he’d probably not have crossed paths with this one. So artful at cloaking his presence. Deep in thought he was looking at him, but not really seeing him. Caught in a recollection. Unguarded he looked so young, in the eyes the depth and knowledge in them gave his age away. This was the way with their kind. Trapped in their making, the soul grew seen through the orbs alone. Somehow still warmth there, if the mood was right. A miracle considering the heartache had been through in so far centuries. He would do much to make sure he didn’t make those eyes cold. Watching this former coven master navigate so many vampires in his sanctuary, first love mingling with last. Struck by the poise. The former parents guardian, the Roman made said face light up and close down in equal measure. Not his place to intervene ofcourse, though tempting. Best to announce his presence, so Armand didn’t feel too exposed.
“Armand, good evening. Was there something I can aid you with?” Smooth heavily accented voice totally interrupting his reverie. “Did you want private time in your garden?” Previously observed vampire catching him unawares, hoping he hadn’t left himself open to scrutiny thoughts wise. His mind usually locked up tight, some of the first brood lacked finesse with the mind gift, it coming to them later. But what they lacked in finesse, could be made up by brute force alone. Being Marius’ blood line vicariously provided some civility that otherwise may not exist, for a not even five hundred year old former cult coven leader. Ageism was alive and well in their surviving group from Akashas cull. As if age always came with wisdom… Khayman had been gentle and respectful in his manner towards him. Armand appreciated this from his most recent friend. He saw him as he was, no judgement.
“No not at all. I take pleasure in seeing enjoyment from my garden. The cacti have you in their thrall I see.” Genuine smile to the ancient. Moving closer. The garden lit by coloured uplights here and there to make it appealing.
“They are exotic to my old eyes, yes. Beautiful yet dangerous. So like us I feel.” Small smile back. “Your a gracious host, I know it’s not in most of your nature’s to live on mass for long. You’ve been patient where you could have been firm. Silent when you could have spoken.” Khaymans turn to watch and enjoy the view that had nothing to do with the garden, but more it’s creator.
“Ah well, tact or diplomacy is something I’ve always had to have. Never to speak unless it improves the silence or my position in it.” Being quite open now in this admission. Unusually candid for himself truly. He didn’t think he’d regret it in this situation.
“The lone jackel is a hard role to break, though it’s served you well.” The ancient replied. Looking back at the cacti. “How old is this one then?”
“This one is around seventy years. It’s the first year it’s flowered, you’re lucky to have witnessed it.” Itching to take a picture of the flower, and perhaps Khayman too if he was truthful with himself. Just incase his stay was brief and centuries passed until another meeting of minds. “But they can live to around one hundred and seventy five perhaps even two hundred years. Not bad for a desert dweller.”
Khayman eyed the camera, that was the term wasn’t it. One of the magical picture capturers. “You’ll record it with this?” He hadn’t tried anything new in a while. Armand was patient, the best person to ask to try. “How?” He uttered before he had time to edit.
Inquisitive and open to instruction, not your average elder. Refreshing like the sea breeze. “I need a tripod, unless you can hold it steady as a rock. I’ll do both.” Zipping inside and then back out to get it. “I’ll need a long exposure to make the most of the moon light, and a flash for my close ups. The window inside opens for the picked time, the light hits the film and makes an imprint like an eye I suppose but in reverse, or inverse a negative. We can use the darkroom next.” Twinkle in his eye as he saw the ancients eyes widen. “The Polaroid develops as you shake it.” It must sound odd to the others ears.
“Witchcraft then. I’m an apprentice to a modern sorcerer.” Pleased by the laugh this comment brought from Armand.
“Usually I’m called bewitching. But I’ve been accused of worse.” Daniels words echoing in his head, pleased he didn’t blush as easily as said youngblood.
Gingerly taking the camera and going still, statue like as he could. A trick you learnt which came easily with age. Though it usually unnerved younger immortals. *Direct me as if I’m a tripod.* He said is the mind voice. Armands softer hands aiming the slr camera for a closeup. Physical contact was a luxury being a nomad rarely afforded.
Hearing the snap of the inner workings, turning of the spool. With each shot, the flash singing. Armand liked this process, methodical, practised yet still room for error and surprise. *Move back a little so I can get a portrait of it. Perhaps one of and for you to take with you?* Because people leave - eventually. This was always a possibility. Sentiment came with a cost, this he always knew.
A photo to keep. An anchor would be good for times Khayman felt unsteady. Stronger by the year, but wispy in his soul sometimes. A welcome light in the Night Island Villa, to concentrate on. *Yes. A portrait of plant, myself and it’s guardian even better.*
Warm glance, nodding his answer. “This also has a cable to take a photograph at a distance. A bellow balloon, a tube and a metal press.” Screwing it into the button. Then retrieving it from the taller elder. Fixing this on the tripod via it’s own foot. Let’s set ourselves up. Standing and leaning into the framing arms of the cactus, as if the plant was behind them, reaching to hold them close.
Khayman followed the younger ones lead. Moving in closer and realising he could smell Armands hair. Wondering if this was his shampoo or just his natural scent. Vampires sometimes exuded a odour that was unique to them, a spice in the blood perhaps. Marius had made him, imbued with donations by Akasha during his guardianship. Perhaps he had smelt like this in Venice as a mortal. Not something he could easily ask the child of two millennia. Nor share a want to share his blood to strengthen those below a thousand in their coven, truthfully only this one piqued his interest.
Armand had the cord behind his back to depress at just the right moment. Khaymans strong heartrate was hard to ignore so close. “Ready. One two three.” Not using cheese, referring to a dairy product as slang for smiling usually put older vampires in a spin. So a countdown better. Not flinching at the flash or the next long exposure. “Always take more than one for practicality.” Moving to replace the lens cap and concentrate on the Polaroid camera in front of him now. “Arguably this one is like magic.” He stated with a smile. “As Daniel can attest I took so many in our early years here.” Boxes and boxes of them, indulgent expression on his face. He was rich, but some things were priceless that had little monetary value in his collection. “Strike your next pose. Make yourself comfortable.”
Khayman liked Daniel. He was full of life, and hoped that energy didn’t turn downwards into madness. Knowing Armand was concerned with this too, any elder making a first fledgling would be - especially one as fond of forward planning as his host. Smiling nervous about doing something wrong. Hoping irrationally it wasn’t magic, as magic never bode well. Flash and snap. Painless. Wondering what the twins back in Sonomo thought of this new family, Mekare learning after her travelling the wilderness. Focus on Jesse, their link to Miriam.
Armand handed the Polaroid by its framed white bottom edge to the elder. “Now shake it, and you’ll slowly appear.” Charmed by Khaymans expression, bouyed one so old could still feel the wonder of the new. Despite intermittent sleeps. Hope for all of them surely. Watching Khayman watching the photograph as it developed. “What do you think?”
Bit by bit the image appeared - the dark background shading in firstly, the bright green cacti appearing next with its vibrant blooms. Then the paled by time figure, a smile all for the taker. Now one such photo of Armand with or without himself would be wondrous. “A fine picture.” So excited he placed kisses on Armands cheeks stopping before he daren’t put any on those rosy lips. Moving faster than he usually did, enveloping the younger vampire in a hug would perhaps be too much of a liberty. They had time. “One of us next, yes?”
Armand didn’t have time to start at the sudden movement of the ancient. Stealing himself to be squeezed, fortunate it didn’t come to pass. Khayman smelt inviting though, heady blood from their fount. Marius would be jealous no doubt. But he wasn’t here was he. Attending to Pandora, a promise of a return soon. As ever time would tell. Trying not to stare at Khaymans lips. “Yes. An instant portrait next.” Glad of someone who gave as much as he took.
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momentofmemory · 3 years
FICTOBER 2020 - day thirty
Prompt #27: “Give me that.”
Fandom: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Characters: Michelle Jones, Peter Parker
Words: 1326
Author’s Note: Set post endgame pre ffh, Peter’s acting weird—but different weird from his normal weird. MJ’s determined to find out why. Fluff, MJ POV.
>> light me up
MJ’s pretty used to Peter doing weird things.
In fact, ‘Peter doing weird things’ is pretty much the reason she started paying attention to him in the first place: the sudden dropping out of extracurriculars, skipping classes when he’d rarely even been tardy before, zoning out in the middle of decathlon on questions even Charles could get right.
(That, and he’s cute.)
(A little.)
But regardless, Peter tends to reserve his weird behavior for getting out of school activities—so when he all but vaults over her to get into their arts classroom before her, she can be forgiven for being taken a little off guard.
“Peter, what the—” MJ freezes when Mrs. Pats glances in her direction—“fudge?”
He’s hastily taking down one of the photographs hanging on the wall, and trying very hard to ignore her.
Naturally, she walks directly up to him and tries to snatch the photograph away.
“MJ!” He’s faster than she is, to an obnoxious degree, and stuffs it into the folder sticking out of his backpack just in time. “What’re you—hi?”
“Hi,” MJ says, like they didn’t literally just walk to class together. “What’s with the photo?”
It’s times like these that she has to question her ‘Peter Parker is Spider-Man’ calculations, because wow is he bad at lying. “Yeah. Photo. The one you just put in your bag, genius.”
“Oh. That one.” He shoves the folder deeper into his backpack. “Mr. Catz likes to display his favourite class photo of the week as like, a motivation for us to do well or something.”
MJ glances at the corkboard—sure enough, ’Photos of the Week’ is spelled out in multicolored foam sticker letters across the top.
“Huh,” she says. Then she nods towards his backpack, which he’s been not-so-surreptitiously sliding behind him. “So is it yours, or you just stealing some random freshman’s pic?”
“Mine,” Peter says, clenching the straps a little tighter.
The clock in the back of the room ticks away the seconds of their free period, Mrs. Pats dutifully grading assignments in the corner. Peter doesn’t offer anything further.
“Great, so.” MJ clears her throat. “You gonna show me what you did to earn a spot in Mr. Catz’s heart, or—”
The rejection is so abrupt MJ barely has time to parse it before Peter’s brushed past her, walking to the far side of the room and pointedly taking out his sketches for the still life study that’s due on Wednesday.
MJ stands stock still.
A year ago (six years ago?) it probably wouldn’t have stung as much. But ever since the Blip, she, Ned, and Peter—and really, most of their class from Before—had hung out a lot more often. There’s nothing quite like a worldwide disaster to force people together, and while she wouldn’t’ve chosen it, acting as a full-fledged member of their group had been—nice.
Except, apparently she isn’t one, since he’s determined to keep something as simple as a photograph a secret from her.
His mistake. If there’s one thing that’s sure to get her to figure something out, it’s being told that she can’t.
MJ slinks to over to the seat next to his, feigns that she dropped something, and then deliberately leverages her backpack so that it swings off her shoulder and crashes into his—
Spilling its contents out all over the floor.
He’s still definitely faster than she is, but she has the added benefit of surprise this time.
She snatches up the folder and flips it open to the offending photograph before Peter can fully register what’s happening.
“Wait, no no no—” Peter lunges to grab it from her, but MJ swings it out of reach (one of the many benefits of being tall). “Give me that!”
"Nope,” MJ says, darting to the opposite side of the table. “We’re going to find out exactly what was so important you could show it to your class but not to—”
MJ freezes mid-sentence, because she’s finally registered the subject of the photograph and—
And it’s her.
She’s sitting out on her fire escape, legs crossed, head tilted just slightly up and laughing at someone out of frame. Her posture is relaxed, nestled comfortably in the lower left third of the composition, and light from the setting sun spills across her face. It’s shot in tight focus—only her face and hands in full clarity, the rest a soft blur.
It’s the sort of photo that would’ve been taken quickly, the moment there and gone in an instant, but not on a whim. It would’ve been captured by someone paying careful attention.
Her eyes flick up to meet his.
“Michelle, I’m—I’m sorry,” he stutters. “I didn’t think he’d choose it; I just submitted it because I thought it turned out well enough for a grade. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I can just—we don’t have to—”
He trails off, pleading silently with her to say something.
MJ rests her hand on the table, tracing the curvature of her smile with her fingers. She remembers the night he must’ve taken it.
They’d been at her apartment—her, Ned, Betty, and Peter—going over interior and exterior angles, congruency, and transitive vs substitution properties for the hundredth time, in anticipation of the Geometry test on Monday.
It’d been a good night. To feel like she was part of a group; to have just a moment to be a normal teenager instead of a survivor of a world-ending event.
And apparently, Peter had thought so, too.
She clears her throat against the rush of emotions that brings, not the least of which is the heat that floods her cheeks.
“The background’s a little overexposed,” she manages, squinting at it like she’s looking closer, when honestly it’s an attempt to mask the hopeful smile she wants to make instead. “And I—I mean, your subject—it could use a little more light on the camera facing side, probably. A reflector would help with that.”
She hands the photo back to Peter, and he accepts it wordlessly. She doesn’t miss the crestfallen look that passes over his face.
She swallows.
“But, uh. If you’d used that, you probably would’ve lost the candidness of the shot.” She bites her lip, then takes the plunge. “And it… you wouldn’t have wanted to interrupt a really fun evening.”
Peter lights up with a speed that astonishes her. “Yeah?”
MJ very, very willfully does not smile, because she’s already given away too much. “Yeah. You know. As best as you can get spending a Friday evening on math homework.”
Peter laughs, and he sounds relieved—and hopeful? Maybe she’s projecting. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s great, I just—I mean, I took it without you knowing, and I didn’t want to make you feel weird.”
It definitely, definitely makes her feel weird. And exposed. And—
“It’s fine,” she says. “It was good enough from a technically standpoint for Catz to be impressed. And, um.” She shrugs and looks intently at her shoelaces. “…You can tell you put a lot of care into it.”
A pause. 
Then: “It’s easy when my subject’s pretty great, too.”
MJ jerks her head up at that, but Peter’s already walking back over to the board and she doesn’t feel like broadcasting her wtf does that mean across the room.
Instead,  sits back down in her chair and watches as he clips it back to the string. It’s definitely still weird seeing a picture of just her in their classroom.
Weird enough that she might have to adjust her ‘Peter Parker likes Michelle Jones’ calculations.
She grabs a pencil and starts working on her still life studies, deliberately not looking up when Peter comes back from his task to join her.
But if she happens to scoot her chair just a little bit closer to his, well.
It’s just because there’s better lighting.
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c-atm · 3 years
Fighting Flirty: Character Select PT4 (Act 4.3)
"Oooh, that's a beautiful shot," Alex grinned, taking a picture of the not couple standing back to back, fixing the wrist of their gloves. “and with that, we’re done with the couple shots.” She announced, getting a sigh of relaxation from the two.
As it turned out, there wasn't much official art of Shinji and Asuka together in romantic situations, and any scenes that did show them was kind of iffy. 
'Forgot how psychologically screwed up Eva was .' Alex mused, looking over her shots. ' Ah well, that’s what model sheets and fanarts for...And boy, did I get some good ones then…'
Steven and Connie watched as the photographer started to chuckle to herself, both looking a bit concerned. 
"Hey, you ok there, Alex?” Steven voiced.
“Hmm!?!” Alex looked up to see the two gazing at her, Steven with his arms crossed and brows arched while Connie had her hands in the jacket pocket smiling cheekily at their photographer, ”What?” Alex blushed, feeling the gentle tease in their eyes.
“Nothing, you. Um…”
“You seemed very proud of your work.” Connie continued where Steven paused.
“You better believe I am. This is Diamond status stuff you two gave me.” Alex praised with a grin, “to think I’d get two wonderful subjects. It’s a photographer's dream.”She laughed as she walked back to the desk, “come look at your shots, yourself.” she challenged, “You’ll understand what I feel.”
Steven and Connie took that challenge with a nod to each other walking back over to the workstation as Alex plugged the camera into the laptop and pulled up the catalog of pictures she just took of the two of them. 
“These are some good shots, right?” Alex smugly asked as she watched the duo’s faces as they stared at the first picture.
It was a simple shot and the most current one. The two of them back-to-back, fixing their gloves while looking heroically determined as if they were going to battle. It was a bit cheesy but also cute.
"Look at how hot you are with your brows furrowed, ready to take on the angels." Connie praised, "not to mention how well the picture shows your body, Bisky."
"I think you're looking at the wrong thing Heartberry," Steven suggested, instinctively pulling her close to his torso as he interlaced his fingers over her stomach, "You're the one who is stealing the picture, with the way your fist tighten and smirk on your lips," He praised, nipping the back of her ear and evoking a small purr. "That confidence is alluring. Looks like you're about to give a class on beating down evil and making it sexy." 
"That just…My 'Auska psychosis' acting up. "Connie leaned into his oral manipulations, holding his nape. " Hmm~mm,  that feels nice . " 
Steven laughed upon her skin, giving her goosebumps, as he went to the next picture. It was of Connie lifting and dangling him by the costume collar in anger while he looked surrendered, his hands up a sheepish look on his face.
"That’s a cute one." Steven laughed, "Really showed your 'mad bitch' in this picture."
"Not to mention my physical ability." Connie teased, "though holding 260 lbs of dead round, thick muscle is a lot harder than bench pressing your standard 320, you ok?" She rubbed his cheek with a smile, "Didn't dig into you, right, Mister?"
"Hey, hey! I should ask you if you're ok. You are the one who basically balanced my whole body on their forearms." He countered.
"I mean, you did take care of the strain when you touched down." She blushed, "I'm fine. More so than Alex was."
"You're small compared to him!" Alex exclaimed, "and yet; you can deadlift this burly man for ten seconds without shaking. - Clap! - What - Clap! - kind - Clap! - of - Clap! - training - Clap! - regiment - Clap! - are - Clap! - you - Clap! -on!"
Connie giggled at Alex's animated praise, "Trade secret, Alex." Connie shrugged, grinning.
"Oh, come on," Alex pleaded."You gotta tell me what's what."
"Now, if we tell you all our secrets," Connie leans a bit forward, closing her onyx eyes halfway as a slightly mischievous grin enveloped her lips.
“You might lose interest in us, and we don’t want that,” Steven added as he wrapped his arms over Connie’s shoulders, interlacing his fingers and gingerly resting his chin on her crown, giving Alex a similarly flirty smirk and gaze.
'These two! It should be a crime to be this teasy.' Alex screamed in her mind as she felt her cheeks glowed a little. "Yeah, like that gonna happen." Alex scoffed, turning away from her muses, "just finish looking through the pictures and while I set your camera for Connie's solo shoot in that costume." Alex hummed in pause, "Are you going to shoot in all those other costumes?"
"Yup. We need them for a project." Connie nodded, "Though, they won't be too big. Five singles each and five couple pics."
"Still gotta make it for the parade," Steven added as he kissed Connie's crown, getting a smile. "Though, doubt we'll be wearing these two to the parade."
"What you got planned, Mister?"
Steven grinned at her suspicious smirk.
"You two are adorable." Alex chuckled," speaking of the parade, I'm going to be there...So maybe, I can get some candid shots of you two, In whoever you two are going as."
"Alex, is that your way of asking to be our photographer?" Steven implored, grinning at Alex's sudden bashfulness.
"I don't appreciate the tease in your voice, Universe." 
Steven's eyes widened a bit at the slight edge of her voice.
"Sure," Connie answered, looking up at Steven, who nodded.
"To me taking pics at you-
"To both, Alex." Steven clarified.
"You have a talent for getting the best shots of us," Connie spoke in slight distraction. Her eyes on a picture of Steven and her grabbing each other by the collar with angry stares. "This is a cute one too!" 
"It really is," Steven laughed In agreement before turning to Alex, "That doesn't mean I'm letting you take my solo shoots of Connie." He playfully warned Alex."Those are for me."
"Thought those were for me." Connie's arched her brow at Steven.
"No, it's definitely for him/me." Alex and Steven corrected simultaneously, giving each other a knowing point.
"Hmm." Connie bit the inside of her jaw, " you wanna make this a game then, Mister?" 
"A game?" Steven pondered, getting a nod, "what type of game, Heartberry?" He kissed her forehead.
"A competition on who can take the better photos and be the better model." Connie proposed. 
"There's something underneath that... I know there is." Steven dipped down, capturing her lips with his own as Connie squeezed his wrist in excitement, "Talk, you mischievous Minx."
'This man and his damn husky baritone gonna be the end of me one day.' Connie thought breathlessly, "Oh, of course, there's something more to that, but you haven't agreed to play yet?" She bit her lips," and if I stay silent, you'll try to force it out." She gave him a slight shrug, "why should I miss out on that?" 
"She is trying to get more kisses."Alex laughed.
"Alex isn't wrong." 
Steven sucked his teeth at those onyx orbs that shined with a prankster's ambition. Those full-sharp lips in an alluring half-smile. 'This lioness and her damn seduction gonna be the death of me one day.' Steven mused as he dipped down gently and captured her lips with his own in an upside-down lip lock.
' And once again, I get to witness their very close friendship , if you can even call it that.' Alex smirked the camera once again in her hand, putting the two in her crosshairs. Watching his palms trailed the sides of Connie's costumed torso as her hands rubbed his whiskered cheeks, simultaneously pulling him deeper into the lip lock as her back arched due to his manal manipulations.
The slight peek of tongue every time they broke with a popping -CHU!- and rejoined. The gasping breaths that slipped from Connie's mouth, accompanied by his teasing little nips on her lips that made her eager to pull him back in. It was all beautiful, all sexy, playful and them, but she was waiting...Waiting for the shot. The moment that showed everything.
Even the thing they hid from themselves.
- click!-  
' Oh! That's...That right there...That's the money shot.' Alex inwardly praised herself as she looked at her newest prized shot.
Both of their eyes half-lidded in a sensually adoring gaze with the bridge of their noses brushing against each other as Connie's fingertips gingerly touching the corners of Steven's lips, while Steven palms lovingly held her upper torso, right under her breast, and their lips met the others forehead, at the same time.
It was a quick moment, a millisecond in the deepest part of their world, a secret shared between the two, and it was caught on camera. As she placed down the camera, they were already looking over the pictures again
"Pff!! I like this... A lot" Connie laughed at the picture of her stepping on a spread out Steven.
"Bet, you would…" Scoffed her Mister, who soon rubbed his chin, "though it is kind of alluring, with how it's your toe and not your whole foot on me." The appreciation in his voice was evident.
"Can't say I'm surprised.'
"You like being under me, Eh-heh-heh!"
"Cheeky Minx!"
"Yeah...What's you gonna do about it, Bisky?"
"Gonna put you through your paces during your photoshoot and then make you red-face during mine."
"I don't turn red-face, blushy...I turn maroon, heh. Besides that, you're running a lot of mouth for a 'Shinji' to an 'Asuka.' Writing a check  your butt can't cash, Mister."
"Oh, you really are cheeky right now."
"As if most of your pictures aren't going to try to exhibit my 'cheekiness.' "
"You have a lot to show."
"I feel like I'm being slandered; you hearing this right, Alex?"
"Don't pull me into your competitive  flirtation!" Alex yelled as she watched the two.' I should be working, but this is too entertaining.'
"It’s not slander if it's true. Not that I would slander you anyway." Steven said, rubbing on her knees, trailing upwards.
"Whatever you say, Hippy." Connie breathed a teasing whisper in his ear, squirming gently as she allowed herself to bask in the touch of Steven's hands on her outer thighs. ' This man and his touch.' Connie sighed.
"Hey, now. Just because I prefer peaceful resolutions doesn't mean I'm a hippy." His baritone voice argued with a grin.
"Nuh-uh, you can't back out now; you threw down the gauntlet." She nuzzled behind his ear.
"I'm trying to give you an out."
"Cocky and hippy, now aren't we?"
"You're to blame for both, you amorous lioness."
"Ain't my fault your hands squeezing my hips right now."
"Oh, it's definitely your fault, cheeky temptress. You heart-shaped, honey trap in red-latex."
"You know this and yet, here you are." She crossed her legs, "ensnared and entranced by everything under my navel."
"Who's cocky now?"
"By the way, you're breathing and staring...I'd say both of us...Though, mine is more mental and less physical ."
"Why'd you crossed your legs then?"
"Cause you like when I do or anything that has to do with my lower half, Hippy . "
"Upper-half too, Nini. The whole package is lovely."
"You're a hot package yourself, Burly Bisky in blue."
"You just like big guys."
"You're to blame, big guy."
" so we're both to blame for our preferences."
"Admitting you're a lover of the hips."
"If they're yours."
'I think that's a checkmate.' Alex chuckled, lifting her camera to Connie's adorable marooned cheek face, bit-lipped pout in a low glare at the smug charm of Steven and his smile. 
Just when Alex was about to sit the camera down, it happened. 
Connie's face switched from blushing prey to beautiful predator as her thumb and index finger gripped his chin, making him face her before closing her eyes and giving his lower lip a nipping, suckling kiss.
Steven brows rose before the sensation traveled through his nerves. His eyes closing, his body melting into the kiss as he held her by the hips, instinctively kissing back, getting a swooning giggled from his Heartberry, though not as vigorously, willingly being led by her in this lip lock.
She broke the kiss with a clipping -chu !-, licking her as she opened her eyes to a dazed and lovestruck Mister, feeling herself slowly fall into the same state. "Since you love my hips so much.." she chuckled like a fox, grinned like a jackal, "I expect you to show that reverence in your pictures." and spoke like an empress.
 A conquering empress, treasuring her most precious heirloom as she thumbed his lips. Her onyx eyes steeled as they were, glowed with passion, affection, playfulness, and protection. All while being the target of Steven's dreamlike gaze and pink-cheeked smile as he nodded.
' She took the win from defeat.' Alex surmised, looking at the last two pictures. 'These two...God damn...Can’t wait to see how they act during their head-to-head photoshoots'
"Well, then." Connie stood with a stretch giving him a peck on the nose before bounding back on the stage. Turning on her right foot to face Steven and Alex, the not quite yet birthday-girl bent forward by her waist, letting her hair hang low, pulling the hat down, so the brim shadowed her left eye."I'm ready for my close up, Mr.Universe."Connie breathed out flirtatiously before she gave a small toothy snicker.
'God damn. She can switch from cunning and amorous to cute and adorable at a drop .' Both Steven and Alex thought, both red-face. 
"Good-luck."Alex teased, handing  Steven the camera, who nodded before turning and walking towards the stage. Stopping just foot away from it and six from Connie.
"Ten shots." Steven started. "Ten shots to make me fall for you...want you."
"More than you already are and do, you mean." Connie countered with a lick of her top front teeth.
"Cheeky. "
" And love it…" She teased, patting her hip. "You got ten-shots to make me squirm and blush involuntarily."
"So you gotta charm me."
"And you gotta break my character."
The two stared at each other before laughing. Excitement surging through them over the new game. 
The new bond and memory to be had.
"Good-luck, Heartberry." Steven teased with adoration and competitiveness on his tongue.
"Good luck to you too, Mister." Enamored heart and a hunger to win fueled her reply, " make me beautiful."
"You already are...Now give me, dynamic."
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"Miss Americana" Director Lana Wilson on Capturing Taylor Swift, Mid-Transformation
By: Chris Willman for Variety Date: January 31st 2020
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Lana Wilson was taking a risk - albeit a pretty good bet - when she set out to make what turned out to be “Miss Americana,” her new Netflix documentary. As Taylor Swift told Variety: 
“When I began thinking about maybe possibly having a documentary-type thing happen, it was really just because I felt like I would want to have footage of what was happening in my life, just to have later on in my life, even if we never put it out, or even if we put it out decades down the line. When we brought Lana on board, I was pretty open with her about the fact that this may be something that I wasn’t actually ready to put out. So I think we began the process without a lot of pressure, because I didn’t necessarily think that it was an actual eventuality to put out the documentary.”
Wilson was too fascinated by what she was getting early on to worry much about whether her subject would sign off on releasing it. At the outset, she was catching Swift at the end of the “Reputation” album/tour cycle, when Swift was finding a more contented place in her personal life and finally exorcising Kanye-gate from her system. The star quickly moved on to the making of “Lover,” her most upbeat album, with Wilson getting fly-on-wall footage that captures the joy of creation and eureka moments in the writing process in a way few films ever have. And then things got more interesting altogether when Swift decided that the days she could afford to be standoffish about what was happening in the country had come to an end. The movie - and by now, it was a movie - had its third act.
Variety spoke with Wilson for the magazine’s cover story last week on Swift, prior to “Miss Americana’s” Sundance premiere. Here’s a breakout of more of that conversation.
There is some footage in the movie that goes back a few years that clearly predates your involvement. When did you start filming - was it during the “Lover” writing and recording sessions or the “Reputation” tour before that? I came on during the tour. She had been collecting bits and pieces of footage; she often filmed stuff with her own cell phone - songwriting stuff. Netflix introduced us, and we really hit it off the first time we met. She had watched my previous work, and I had admired her for years, not just for her music, but also the fact that she had written all of her own songs since she was 15, and that she’s the sole creative force behind the whole shape of her career. When we met, I remember being excited that she didn’t want to make a traditional pop star documentary. She knew that she was in the middle of a really important time in her life, coming out of a very dark period, and wanted me to collaborate on something that captured what she was going through that was raw and honest and emotionally intimate.
When we first talked about it, she immediately wanted me to bring my perspective as a director to what was going on with her now and to make a film that really had something to say. I think the first time we met, we talked for 20 minutes about narrative structure in documentaries, and we even talked about film score in documentaries. At one point she said that she didn’t like documentaries that are like propaganda, and I was thrilled to hear that. In my work, I take stories that are often told through sound bites and headlines and bring depth and complexity to them. My goal is always to reveal the humanity that’s beneath the oversimplification. And to me, there are few things more frequently diminished and reduced by others than female creative forces.
It could be seen as a feminist statement, or at least some kind of intention on her part, that she picked someone who’d made an abortion documentary (“After Tiller”). It could also mean that she was just more comfortable with a woman. I think that’s totally true. When I started filming, it was before she’d come out politically. But that said, even before meeting her, I could only imagine how much pressure and scrutiny she’d faced as a powerful and successful female artist. And I definitely sensed that those pressures would be ones that other people and especially other women and girls could relate to. Obviously, yeah, I’m a female artist working in a male-dominated industry. So although Taylor and I inhabit very different worlds, I figured that we’d have some shared experiences. And I also worked with an all-female crew, which I do think helped her feel comfortable right off the bat, and a small crew. When I met her, she hadn’t done an interview in almost three years. The first one she did was an audio (-only) interview with me for this film. So it was a big deal, and trust was a big part of that.
You had an all-female crew, but Morgan Neville’s name is on there as a producer, and he’s not a gal. [Laughter.] What’s his role in it? He was a part of the creative process, and it was wonderful to get to work with him, as a creative sounding board, from start to finish. On the crew, I will say that we did always have male production assistants, because I like trying to show people that men can fetch coffee for women, and not just the other way around! So that was the only exception to the all-female rule.
It had to have been a small crew, when you were filming the fly-on-the-wall creative stuff in the recording studios, sometimes in very small control rooms. It was often just me and one or two other people in the room with her, trying to keep the footprint as small as possible. You know, no one had filmed her writing songs before. That was some of my favorite stuff to film, but it was also the stuff where we tried to really be the most low-key presence possible. You’re just in a tiny room, and it feels so amazing to watch her get in the zone creatively. One of the most fun parts for me as a director is when it feels like you’ve been in the studio for enough hours that everyone is so relaxed that you really feel invisible in a wonderful, exciting way.
When she’s having the talk with her team about wanting to make endorsements for the midterm elections, which is maybe the most important scene in the film, it’s not clear if that is something you shot or if that was something that was on the spur of the moment, where she had someone get a camera in your absence. That was spur of the moment. So that was something someone on her team shot who was pretty good with the camera. That was very last minute. I’d been starting to work with her and talk with her before that, and I’d say, “If something’s happening last-minute that could be at all important or meaningful, film it with your cell phone, of if there’s someone around you that has a little DSLR camera or something, they could film it.” It allowed us to get really powerful, crucial scenes like that one that might’ve been hard logistically to get otherwise. And I love the personal quality of that material from especially the few little bits of stuff from her cell phone.
She told us she wasn’t sure she wanted to actually make or release a movie when filming started. Did she make that clear to you when it started? Like, this might be on spec, and might not come out? Well, it was less talking about the end result and more, honestly, just talking about what she was going through emotionally at that time and the kind of things that were on her mind. Then we’d brainstorm stuff that could be cool to film. I love the idea of filming really quiet, almost more mundane moments, because I think that ordinary/extraordinary contradiction that’s so central to the life of someone in the public eye is really interesting. I loved that moment early in the film where she’s alone in the car in the dark after the show riding to her hotel room - the idea of going from being on a massive stage in front of tens of thousands of people to being an ordinary person alone just going to bed at the end of the night.
She’s already been pretty candid with her fans. There are moments in the film where she’s shown as being annoyed with the fans and photographers gathered outside her door and that sort of thing. Do you think she felt okay with being portrayed as not being happy at all times? Oh yeah, totally. She’s a complex human being, and I think whether you like her music or not, if you watch this movie, you really get to know her as a human. And as you say, she writes so candidly in her lyrics about the hardest times, the times when she made mistakes. And that is what her fans love her for. But a lot of people don’t share their hard times. The most popular photos on Instagram are of weddings and babies, when what’s really relatable and what’s meaningful is connecting with someone over that time things weren’t perfect, or the friendship or relationship that didn’t work out, or the argument you had with your mom or something. You know, everyone wants to feel less alone in the more difficult experiences in life. And that’s one reason why they turn to art. And I think it’s why people watch movies. And the happy moments are meaningful when you’ve also been through the sad ones. Young girls need to see that their heroes are just as human as they are. And I think girls and boys of all ages could benefit from that reminder.
I want people to be surprised by it because I think that Taylor Swift is someone who everyone thinks they know. But I think if people start watching this film, they’ll realize they’re watching a film about this iconic artist deciding to live life on her own terms, and it’s a feminist coming of age story. I think they’ll be surprised by her sense of humor and her self-awareness, and they can appreciate the craft of songwriting, for instance. So I hope that even if people are not fans, that they’ll watch the movie and be really surprised and also feel like they’ve just met a complicated, layered human being.
Very few people at the superstar level have the gift of healthy self-awareness that she seems to have. Self-consciousness, yes, but self-awareness, that’s more rare. Yeah, it’s so true. I’m sure you’ve seen bits of the home movies in some of her videos in the past. When I looked at the home movies, what struck me the most about them is that she really always has been the same person. She’s been kind and generous and smart and imaginative and very hardworking since she was a girl. At age 11 she knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. One of my favorite moments in the archives in the film is this clip of her, where she’s like in a diner and it’s just after the release of her first album, and she’s 16. Her childhood dream has just come true. And she tells the interviewer that she wakes up everyday being like, “Yes, this is happening.” But then she tells herself, “Now you have to figure out how to make it last.” That is so her. She had so much maturity and pretentiousness then, and she knew she wanted this to be her career and her life, and she wanted to write songs forever. It’s incredible to see a person at that age that self-possessed and cognizant.
At one point she says she wants to use her platform to speak out because she’s aware she won’t be in this position forever, where her opinions have some kind of import. Not that she’s predicting a major downfall, but she knows she won’t always have this attention. That’s undoubtedly true, but at the same time, she’s one of the only ones besides Beyonce that we would imagine being almost as big a star in 20 years, and not necessarily subject to the normal standards of diminishment of interest. She’s conscious of the historically short lifespan of female pop stars, and it’s so poignant when she says that. But it’s hard to know what will happen, though, because she issuch a trailblazer. I mean, there’s just been no one like her, and her fan base and the relationship she has with her fans is so unique, and, I mean, she’s already done so many things that no one else has done before — who knows what will happen in the future? She is cognizant of what’s happened in the past and what’s going to happen in the future … but it could be anything, because she’s different than anyone that’s come before.
We can hope we all live long enough to find out what a 50- or 60-year-old Taylor Swift is like. I love that idea too. I want to go to the arena tour of a 60-year-old Taylor Swift. I want to know what the songs she’s writing then are.
The last third of the film focuses on her decision to make a political statement and what comes after. It was a profound decision for her to make, and a multilayered one. In that, I saw this feminist coming-of-age story that I personally connected with, and that I really think women and girls around the world will see themselves in.
You didn’t actually have the “Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince” song in the movie, but that’s the song on the album that most speaks to her political turn. So it seemed like a good thing to title the movie after? It was cool because it’s obviously, yeah, a reference to this song she wrote that has political themes. It was interesting that when the documentary was announced, her fans instantly understood some of the themes the film would have, because of the song title. And then for me, even if you don’t know the song, I see the movie as in some ways looking at the flip side of being America’s sweetheart. So I like how the title evokes that, too.
You have the twin moments of disappointment in the movie. Early on, you have the Grammy disappointment, and then later there’s the midterm result disappointment. Those are the parallel scenes, almost, where she’s having to deal with the results not turning out as she planned and one of these ultimately being more important than the other. I’m glad you noticed that. That means a lot. One thing that I think is amazing about her is that she goes to the studio and to songwriting as a place to process what she’s going through. I loved how, when she got the Grammys news, this isn’t someone who’s going to feel sorry for herself or say “That wasn’t right.” She’s like, “Okay, I’m going to work even harder.” And I think it’s amazing how you see her strength of character in that moment when she gets that news. Then with the election results, I loved how she channeled so many of her thoughts and feelings into this song (“Only the Young”). It was a great way to kind of show how stuff that happens in her life goes directly into the songs. You get to actually witness that in both cases.
Were you surprised that she addressed having had what could be described as an eating disorder? She seems hesitant to use that term but finally does. She’s been open about so many things, but that’s not something that she’s revealed. No, that’s one of my favorite sequences of the film. I was surprised, of course. But when you hear her talk about it, I love how she’s kind of thinking out loud. And yeah, she’s an icon of beauty, but even for an icon of beauty, as she articulates so beautifully, women are in this double bind situation. It’s impossible for anyone to meet every standard of beauty. It’s an impossible situation. And every woman will see herself in that sequence. I just have no doubt. And I do think people will be really surprised by it.
I tend to be clueless about these minor shifts in weight or body size, until people point them out en masse. It never would have occurred to me that she was any less thin on the “Reputation” tour until I started seeing comments about weight gain. But there are those who have their antennae out for the slightest change, and often it’s women, maybe it’s because you’re under that scrutiny yourselves. But you can also just not notice people being really skinny, because we’re all so accustomed to seeing women on magazine covers who are unhealthy skinny, and that’s become normalized. I think it’s interesting what you say about what you read during “Reputation” about her weight, because you really can’t win. There is a moment in the film where you see that part of the media backlash she experienced during 2016 was people saying, “Oh, she’s too skinny.” People complain if you’re too skinny, and if you’re not too skinny, you’re too fat. It’s incessant, and I can say this as a woman: It’s amazing to me how people are constantly like “You look skinny” or “You’ve gained weight.” People you barely know say this to you. And it feels awful, and you can’t win. So I think it’s really powerful to see someone who is a role model for so many girls and women be really honest about that. It’s a brave thing of her to do, and I think it will have a huge impact.
Her interactions with Kanye West are such an essential part of the story, but that’s not a name that has really ever escaped her lips publicly since 2010; she’ll say “a person” or something euphemistic if she has to address it. So I was in suspense to see whether or how much it would come up in your film,  given how little capital she wants to give this guy in her life. It’s a crux, twice, of her journey of self-acceptance, but it’s easy to imagine her not wanting it in the film. I think it’s an important part of the story, but I wanted to position… Like, with the 2009 VMAs, what was surprising to me when I asked her about it was that she talked about how the whole crowd was booing, and she thought that they were booing her, and how devastating that was. That was something I hadn’t thought about or heard before. And it meant a lot more to me because it made more sense in the context of her being this extraordinary young artist who is doing so well, and who, like so many performing artists, loves applause. And then she is on stage [still as a teenager] and it felt like all these people were booing her. When you put it that way, it’s so much more relatable to me, and it’s understandable to anyone, because we all want people to like us. And being on stage with a giant crowd booing would be horrible for anyone. So we tried to use it in a way that showed it in a slightly different light than people have seen before... We all care about what people think about us. It’s not a celebrity problem. It’s a universal one. It’s something everyone goes through, and I think the difference is that with Taylor, it plays out on a massive international stage.
At the outset, you’ve got her in voiceover talking about how she wanted to be the good girl and be accepted. And in the end, she is a good girl, so maybe that’s not a bad thing to want to be, but there are gradations of that. She’s played around with bad girl archetypes in the “Reputation” imagery and songs, but it was role-playing to a degree. Where do you think she ended up on the scale of all that? She starts out as a good girl and she ends up as a good girl who’s decided to speak out. You know, we live in a society in which girls are taught that other people’s approval is of paramount importance to our self-worth. “Do they like me? Was I nice enough? Are they mad at me?” Every woman I know is constantly asking herself these questions. So it’s so relatable in that way. But it’s not about not being a good person. I think that the arc in the film and what Taylor went through was letting go a little bit of what other people think of her, deciding to live on her own terms, and to put her own values first. The transformation that you see is going through this period where she lets go a little bit of that. She’s a good girl speaking out now, in a way. You can’t win everyone over. No one can. I think she’s really accepted that in a deep way.
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detectivesebcas · 3 years
Comfortember 2020 Day 19- Memory Lane (Catalyst)
Warnings: none
Universe: Catalyst
Sebastian comes home from work to find that Lily and Stefano have covered the dining room table with what he can only assume is ‘art’.
“Hey guys,” he says, taking off his jacket and hanging it up.  “What’s going on here?”
“We’re making a scrapbook,” Lily says brightly.  There is a smile on her face, but her eyes are fixed on her work.
“Oh…” Sebastian says, moving in closer.  Once he is standing over the table as well, he can see that what is spread out there is an assortment of pictures- probably hundreds of them.  “Wow, I forgot about most of these.”
Of course, Stefano takes quite a few pictures at important occasions and events at Lily’s school, and his candids are just as good as his studio pictures, but Lily herself is becoming quite a prolific photographer as well, and Sebastian can tell a lot of these pictures were taken by her.
He scans the table, feels his insides clench as he wonders, just for a moment, why they don’t have any pictures of Lily when she was younger.  He answers his own question immediately of course, but it doesn’t make him feel any better to know that all but one picture of Lily from birth to age five was destroyed in the fire, that no pictures of her from ages five to ten exist either because she was locked in a steel capsule in Mobius’ sick experiment.
He must be frowning, because Stefano adopts a light tone and says, “Why don’t we show you some of our favorites?”
“Sure,” Sebastian replies with a quick shake of his head, taking the cue from Stefano, who by now is adept at redirecting him when he starts to get into one of his darker moods.  It won’t do any good to get angry about Mobius all over again, especially not with two people who have already suffered so much, who deserve some peace and happiness in their lives.
Lily reaches across the table and grabs a picture, placing it in front of him.  “Remember the time you almost got eaten by a bear?”
Sebastian has to laugh at that one, because Lily’s recollection of events is a bit of an exaggeration, even though the picture does show him drawing his handgun on a bear at relatively close range.  “I don’t know about ‘almost eaten’,” he says.  “I’m pretty sure that bear only wanted to eat our sandwiches.”
He does remember the picture though.  It’s one Lily took during their first few days on the road after escaping from STEM.  The memory and the thought of the three of them looking out for each other, taking care of each other, brings a smile to his face.  He would face down a hundred bears if that’s what it took to protect Stefano and Lily.
“How about this one?” Stefano says, handing Sebastian another picture.  Sebastian can’t remember who took this one, but it shows the three of them with Juli Kidman.
“Kidman,” he says fondly.  “I wonder how she’s doing.”
There was a time when he was angry at Kidman, when he saw her as part of the problem- one of the people who started this entire mess with STEM, one of the people who brought about the destruction of his family.  But Kidman came through for them when they needed her, and they really do owe her so much.  There’s no way they would have gotten out of STEM without her.
“She should come and visit,” Lily says.  “We had so much fun last time!”
“That would be nice,” Sebastian says, “But she’s pretty busy.  We’ll have to see if she has time.”
He shoots a meaningful glance at Stefano.  The last time he and Kidman parted ways, she was continuing on her mission to investigate abandoned Mobius facilities in search of survivors, Sebastian’s old partner Joseph in particular, but they’ve been out of touch recently.  The secretive nature of Kidman’s work makes it risky to reach out to her, but now looking at the four of them in the picture, he’s inspired again to try to reconnect.
Stefano nods in understanding.  This isn’t something they need to share with Lily right now.  They’ve been doing their best to give her a normal, stable life, as much as that’s possible considering what she’s already been through, and a child her age shouldn’t have to worry about the ultimate fate of Mobius or who else might still be trapped in the STEM system.
Sebastian’s eyes drift back to the table, and he spots another picture.
“This is one of my favorites,” he says.  The photo shows the three of them standing in front of their house- this house in fact-, the one they bought once they stopped running from Mobius and settled down.  It wasn’t an easy decision, but it was an important one.
Sebastian can still remember that day.  It was the day they stopped being three people thrown together by circumstance and clinging to each other out of necessity, and started being a family.  Even though he’s Lily’s biological father, he’s been away from her for more than half of her life, and he and Stefano met for the first time in STEM, but the bond between the three of them is undeniable.  Everything that Mobius and Theodore did to drive them apart only brought them closer together, and now he can’t imagine spending his life with anyone else.
Stefano’s hand covers his where it rests on the table.  “I am partial to that one as well,” he says.  Then, as if he can’t help it, he adds, “The formal elements are somewhat lacking, but the subject matter is very dear to me.”
Sebastian can feel the blush creeping up on his face as Stefano leans in to kiss him on the cheek.  He may not understand anything about the formal elements of the picture in front of him, but the subject matter is very dear to him as well.
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emma-what-son · 3 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson has stalkers and a bodyguard
Posted on March 23 2014
From dailymail.co.uk March 2014, "Harry Potter star Emma Watson has hired a former NYPD officer as  a bodyguard to protect her from obsessed stalkers. The actress – thought to be worth £23  million – is believed to be paying the female officer £90,000 a year after a number of incidents of threatening behaviour towards her. The latest came as Emma, 23, right, was working on her new movie Noah, when an over-zealous ‘fan’ duped studio security staff and got on to the set. Emma, was left screaming, believing she was in danger, and filming had to stop. The British actress, who played Hermione Granger in the Potter films, is now constantly shadowed by blonde former New York Police Department officer Denise Morrone. A source said: ‘The  one person Emma is never without is Denise. 'Emma has had problems with stalkers in the past and, because of her wealth, there is always the threat of kidnap. 'She pays for her bodyguard out of her own pocket and Denise accompanies her everywhere, even when Emma is out for dinner. Denise is always there, making sure she is safe.’ Another source said: ‘Denise is on high alert for one particular stalker who tracked Emma down on the set of her latest film. ‘She is very discreet and very good at her job. She is always there looking after Emma, but you wouldn’t know. ‘She makes sure Emma has plenty of space and freedom. If they are at dinner, Denise is part of the gathering, but is always on duty.’ The new arrangement marks a departure for Emma, who has seemed determined to try to live a low-key, normal private life unencumbered by a security detail. Post-Potter she went to Brown University in Rhode Island, New England, and Worcester College, Oxford, to study for a degree. When she has appeared in public she has had no visible entourage. A spokesman for Miss Watson, who has homes in  London and New York, declined to comment." ^That's what the dailymail says but here below is what Emma said at the time.
From fansshare.com October 2012, "There was a lot of fuss made recently about the fact that a man who has been stalking Emma Watson managed to get onto her set before being chased off into the woods. It was claimed that Emma was terrified by the incident and feared for her safety.  However, it appears that the claims were not true, as Emma has spoken out about the “incident” stating that nothing of the sort happened. Emma felt that she needed to let everybody know what’s what and hoped to clear up any confusion about the stalker situation. Watson took to her official Twitter account to say, “Ok. Few things to clear up. I was not terrified by a stalker in the woods. And he was not fought off by martial arts experts.#whowrotethisstory”. I don't get this DM article because Emma has had this bodyguard for ten years. I think this might be a great big dose of media sensationalism or maybe a planted story so everyone will go, "Aww poor Emma" because she has said some really dumb things lately. I've seen photos of Denise (the older blonde lady we always see her with) with Emma as far back as 2005 Here they are outside the Regis and Kelly show (USA) in 2005 and to the right currently in 2014
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^She still looks 15 doesn't she? I've seen one or two candids of Denise with Emma at Brown. I've read an article from a Brown website (thank anonymous for tipping me off) where they were talking about her bodyguards on campus that followed her around. Here's Emma, some guy and Denise at Brown in the fall of 2010 (I can't find the others)
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Here she is talking about stalkers in her GQ interview from last year From gq-magazine.co.uk May 2013, "Did you have stalkers? 'Yes. I do have people who show up from time to time in different parts of the world. I've never really known how to respond; I've never really known if I should be afraid or not. This is how I put it into perspective: thousands of women all over the world have to deal with feeling afraid when they walk home from the Tube, on their way to work, when they go out for a drink. Feeling not safe isn't something that is singular to me or my experience as a woman, and I don't think any of these people mean me any harm. They just tend to be people caught up, who don't really realise what they are doing, and I think it is very important that I don't allow it to isolate me further, to be another reason why I shouldn't go out and meet people or walk down the street. Weird guys sometimes take it too far, and that is it. I just keep a friend with me. I don't have a full-time security guard or anything like that. Even at university I went everywhere completely alone, which looking back was probably a pretty ambitious thing that I tried to do there, but somehow I got away with it. There were times when I did feel stressed and anxious and could probably have done with a bit more support. At the same time I would rather make my own mistakes and learn what I need. I think it is so easy when you get famous to just disengage from having a life and that can make some things really dangerous.'" Remember she told rookie magazine she used to lie about walking to places but had a car waiting for her? She was trying to make it seem she has this normal life. I reckon this could be another little white lie about not having a full-time guard because we've seen Denise with her for years. She's the woman that pushes people away and pulls her from signing autographs and even refuses people. How about other instances like Glastonbury where that big muscular man tailed her everywhere. At airports when Denise is not there she has men which looks to be bodyguards to me. When she went to the Box Night Club she had a bodyguard. They're rare shots because most candids are just of Emma and Denise or Emma and a friend or boyfriend. You really think Emma travels alone? For example
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Last photo from 2011: Check this out and seethe altercation You rarely catch her bodyguards photographed other than Denise who looks more than just a bodyguard. I think she's more like a bodyguard/assistant. I bet they are always around but you wouldn't know it. I'd go as far as saying they probably follow her from a distance to make it seem like she's really by herself. Here's something she said in 2009 and it was really stupid From wonderwall.msn.com July 2009 (interview with Dan, Rupert and Emma. she started brown in Sept 09) In this film, Ron has sort of a stalker girlfriend. Has it ever gotten strange where you're dating people who are more interested in dating Harry, Ron or Hermione rather than yourselves? Emma Watson: "I'm dating my stalker, actually." It's dumb to even give a stalker the time or day in a magazine discussing them. It will probably embolden them by fueling whatever twisted fantasies they have in their head. If it were me I would not even mention it. In 2010 she said this From digitalspy.com November 2010, "Emma Watson has revealed that she and her Harry Potter co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint used to hide from their security guards. The actress admitted that she "hates" having bodyguards and prefers to deal with the attention she receives on her own. Watson explained: "I hate having bodyguards and when we were younger, Dan, Rupert and I used to try to hide from the people trying to keep an eye on us." The 20-year-old went on to say that she now feels comfortable traveling on public transport by herself. She added: "Now it's like, 'Really, I'm fine'. I take the train and the bus and, if I don't dress up too much, I'm usually fine. Occasionally people stop me but I'd rather deal with that than not go out at all. That'd be really tragic." In her most recent interview for Elle she said this From snitchseeker.com March 2014, “So while Radcliffe reportedly rarely leaves his house without a bodyguard, Watson memorably began her college career by moving into the freshman dorm-the very definition of exposed. She lopped off her hair, appeared in a student production of Chekhov. There were moment, she says, when she thought, “I don’t know if I can do this. Or if this is sensible anymore.” But she held firm, turning down high-profile work that would interfere with her studies. “I just don’t want a life where I can’t have a life, “she says. “And so I’ve been just unbelievably stubborn about it.” ^Peculiar and then this article comes out about her hired bodyguard. Could it have been Radcliffe's people saying, "Hey, wait a minute" and then ratted Emma out? That last quote, the newer one, is of course a total contradiction from what she said about Brown before. I don't know it's that's the truth or this is some rouse to plant the idea she was heckled out of college life. I don't know but one thing is for sure I don't believe most of what comes out of this girls mouth. I'm like those towns people that had it with the games of the little boy that cried wolf. As for the stalking it's the only thing I'll give her sympathy for. I think it would suck. If it's an over zealous stan or a weirdo I don't think it's cool. If you like or even dislike her there are still lines you should never cross and that includes invading her space. She's just one fake ass actress that lives in her own head that plays make believe and makes millions off it. Then of course she complains about it and manipulates the media and her fan base to cover up "the real Emma Watson". She's a prettily weaved illusion designed to trick you. There is no such thing as the perfect person and just because she is pretty it does not make her perfect girlfriend material. Stans and weirdos please understand this.
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momothegeckho · 4 years
DL: The Scarlet Hetaera |01
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Intro to the story
Those who enter are doomed to remain.  Adachi Yasuko just wanted to get the perfect picture, and as a result, she was thrust into the craziness that was the Sakamaki mansion. It becomes survival versus eternal pleasure in this all-out Diabolik Lovers fanfiction~
‘All I wanted was to take a photo… All I wanted was to be appreciated. So how did I end up here?’
Adachi stood outside of the dark mansion, contemplating how her life had gotten to this point. All she wanted was to take a photo that would land her a scholarship in America, where she could find herself amongst all the unique souls out there. She gulped and clutched her favorite camera to her chest, knowing that if she was caught outside the Sakamaki mansion, she would be done for. 
Since she went to night school with the Sakamaki brothers, she often saw them in the halls, usually being gawked at by their fangirls and acting like they ruled the world. 
‘Come on, Yasuko... you came this far. Just get one of their handsome faces in a natural pose and get the heck out of this creepy ass place.’ 
Adachi sighed and walked up closer to the mansion, looking through the windows as much as possible without getting caught by anyone. The only reason she was there was because she had gotten a letter from the company she sent her portfolio to that she never captured living human beings in her work. If she could get a person in a picture, it would be a ticket into the most advanced art institute in America, Golden Sun University. 
She went to all the windows, but had no luck looking inside. They were all blocked by dark curtains, and if she used her flash, she would die. 
‘Next best thing, check the second floor! Tree climbing skills, help me now!’ 
Adachi found a tall tree, gripped onto it, and started to climb. As she went up, her pants snagged on a tree branch and ripped, scratching her skin as well. She winced and went back to climbing, realizing she was almost up. Once she found a sturdy branch to sit on, she took out her camera and pointed it at one of the rooms, which fortunately, had the curtains drawn back and the light on. Inside the room was a girl with blonde hair and soft pink eyes, sitting on the edge of her bed and reading a book. 
‘Isn’t that, Komori Yui? I knew she rode with the Sakamaki brothers to school, but I never knew she lived with them, too…’ Trying to come up with a rational reason why Yui was there, she didn’t notice that someone had appeared in Yui’s room and started picking on her. When she looked back at the window, she saw a guy with shoulder length orange and red hair standing above the girl. 
“Sakamaki Laito!? When did he get there? Oh right! Camera time!” 
Adachi lifted her camera to eye level and zoomed into the room, hoping to get a pose out of the male. Instead, all she saw was the brother lift Yui by her shoulder and press her against the wall. She blushed and put down the camera, trying to calm down. 
‘What the hell?! Are they dating!? Dude!’ 
She lifted the camera again and instantly regretted doing so. She saw the Sakamaki brother burrowing his face into Yui’s neck, while she winced and struggled to move. 
‘What… the HELL!?’ 
Suzaki took the picture and cringed at the sight, but at the same time, couldn’t bear to look away. 
‘I got my picture… but I can’t possibly publish it… goddammit.’ 
As she raised her camera, she broke into a cold sweat when Laito’s eyes came to the window and looked at the tree suspiciously, holding her breath as she felt his eyes pass over her, Adachi climbed down the tree and took the roll of film with the picture on it. She put the film in her purse, watching as her chance for a scholarship slipped away. She was about to walk home, when she suddenly got an idea, which was legal and safer than her stunt earlier.
The annoying sound of knocking resonated from the front door of the Sakamaki mansion as Adachi pounded at the door, waiting for an answer. She had decided to come back in the morning and see if they would allow her to take pictures of their home and maybe a few candids as well. The door opened slowly to reveal Yui, who had a look of surprise on her face. 
“Hi Komori-san. I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m in some of your classes. I’m Yasuko  Adachi.” 
Yui thought for a moment and smiled. “Oh, hello Adachi-san! I do remember you. But what are you doing here?” She opened the door a bit more and stepped outside. 
“Well, I wanted to take a few photos of this mansion, so I was hoping the owner would allow it… If it’s okay with you.” 
Yui’s smile disappeared as soon as it came. She didn’t want Yasuko to be involved in the chaos that was this mansion. After all, the inhabitants were possessive. 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea… You see…” Yui was about to say something, when she was cut off by someone clearing their throat. 
She looked behind her to see Reiji, who walked up to the door and looked at Adachi. “What do you need from here?” His tone was relatively cold as he glared at the female, expecting her to shrink back and walk away, but instead, he was met with a smile and a look of confidence. 
“Yes, you must be Sakamaki Reiji-kun. I’m Adachi Yasuko. I was wondering if I could take a few pictures of your home. It has a certain aura to it that I just can’t ignore.” 
Her smiling face turned into one of determination as she looked at the purple haired male, awaiting his answer. “Yes, of course. May I ask what for?” Adachi held up her camera and walked into the mansion after the two teenagers. 
“Well you see, I plan to attend Golden Sun University of Art and Photography. They said that they would give me a full ride scholarship if I took a few candids and structural art as well.” Reiji nodded and looked at Yasuko as she looked around and snapped photos of certain areas. “If you need any assistance, Yui-san will help you.” Reiji walked off and disappeared down the hall, leaving Yui and Yasuko to themselves as they walked around taking photos of the mansion.
“Komori-san, is there a garden here?” 
Yasuko looked at Yui, who nodded and brought her to the back of the mansion, where there was a garden full of white roses, swaying ever so delicately in the wind. Yasuko looked in amazement at the garden and took a photo. “This is amazing! Who grew these?” 
“He did. Subaru-kun.” Yui pointed at the white-haired male as he knelt down to a bed of white roses and tended to them. Yasuko quickly snapped a photo and smiled. She walked up to Subaru and knelt down next to him. “Your garden is really pretty, Subaru-san.” Subaru’s eyes widened as he stood up and stepped back from Yasuko. He looked startled and hostile as he looked at the red head, who was also a bit startled by his reaction. 
“What are you doing here?” He looked at Yui, who proceeded to tell why Yasuko had appeared here. “How long did it take to grow all of this?” Yasuko’s smile was met with a cold and steely gaze. Subaru knew if she was allowed in so quickly, it was trouble. With an annoyed sigh, he walked away without answering the question. Yasuko’s smile faded, and was replaced by a face of sheer awe. He looked like one of the white roses. Elegant, gentle, yet with a hint of bitterness and sharpness, like the thorns. She pulled her camera to her eye and snapped the perfect shot. Looking at how it turned out, she smiled. 
“May I see your photos, Adachi-san?” Yasuko smiled at Yui, and Yui’s heart warmed. It had been awhile since she had received an honest and generous smile like that.
“Of course! And, Yui, please call me Yasuko! I think we’re friends now.” Yui smiled and looked through the pictures, wondering how she was able to make such art out of the same walls she had been seeing for a while. After Yui and Yasuko walked around the garden a bit more, they went inside to tour the mansion fully. 
Yasuko began taking pictures of the most appealing parts of the mansion, when she stopped on a figure resting on a couch in a parlor. She had become so preoccupied that she didn't notice she had strayed from Yui, who continued to walk on. The figure on the couch was none other than Shuu Sakamaki, who just so happened to be Yasuko’s classmate. She stayed an arm’s distance away from the beautiful male, and gathered up all her courage to take a picture. 
Once she had snapped it, she gasped when a hand clasped around her wrist and pulled her close to the couch. She let out a small yelp, locking eyes with Shuu, who had no emotion in his cool blue eyes.
“Delete it.” Yasuko froze. 
“I-I’m sorry?” “Delete the picture.” 
Yasuko tried to back away, but ultimately failed, as Shuu had his hand wrapped tightly around her wrist. 
“You’re hurting me… I’m sorry, okay?” Shuu stood up,  easily towering over Yasuko, and froze. She became confused as the male began to ease his face closer to her, causing her to heat up considerably. It only became hard to breathe when Shuu began to sniff at her neck, allowing his nose to tickle her skin in the slightest.
“Sakamaki-kun, I apologize for taking the picture and I’ll delete it, but… I want to ask you something.” “Who let you in?” Shuu disregarded her request and began to interrogate.
“Sakamaki… Reiji-kun.” Yasuko didn’t know when, but she began enjoying the intimate position the two were in. It was sinful to think about, but she couldn’t help it. She wouldn’t admit it though, because behind the closeness, was hostility she couldn’t ignore.
“Your blood is heating up. You seem anxious. Could it be that you are enjoying the danger you are in?” Yasuko had no idea what he meant, but she couldn’t lie, she was strangely anxious and felt like putty. 
“What do you want?” His tone cold, demanding, rang through Yasuko’s ears. She began to feel lightheaded. 
“I just wanted to take your picture for my portfolio. My school scholarship is riding on candids of other people, so I could really use your help.” Shuu was amused. This girl was bold, yet stupid to walk into this place. Though he had to admit, it was cute how strong she was. 
“What do I get out of this? You get pictures, it is only fair you give me something in return. How much are you willing to give up for pictures of me?”
Yasuko couldn’t catch her answer in time to re-evaluate before she let her true feelings slip.
“Everything. For my school, I’ll give you… everything,” Shuu let a smirk cross his face as the girl looked away from his gaze. This girl was interesting. A strong will, creativity, and blood that smelled appetizing. So good in fact, Reiji had to have smelled it himself in order for her to have let her in so quickly. Yasuko’s blood smelled close to Yui’s, but with more hints of sweetness, and purity. He had to have it. 
“Leave.” Shuu let go of Yasuko’s wrist, and returned to the couch to sleep once more. Yasuko left the area, confused by the actions of her classmate, and went to catch up with Yui, who was looking for her by the front of the house.
“Yasuko-chan! I was looking for you! Where did you go?” Yui grabbed Yasuko’s hands, which were slightly shaking from her encounter with Shuu, but nonetheless, she smiled, reassuring the blonde that she was okay.
“Yui-chan, I’m okay! I got caught up in the moment and started taking more pictures. I’m sorry I worried you.” Yasuko made her way to the door, but before she could leave, Reiji came back and stopped her, dismissing Yui so he could be alone with Yasuko.
“Thank you for allowing me in your home, Sakamaki-kun. I think I have enough for my portfolio for school now, so thank you.” Yasuko bowed deeply to show her gratitude, but was met with silence. She straightened up to see Reiji fixing his glasses, before looking her straight in the eye, as if he were judging her with one gaze.
“I take it you have all of your pictures, correct?” The question was very obscure, but Yasuko answered as best she could. “Yes. I believe so.”
“... Even the one from last night?”
|02 - Part 2
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vicunaburger · 4 years
Admittedly, I’m Hard to See
Fandom: Beetlejuice the Musical Chapters: 9/? Pairing: Beetlejuice x OC (Holidae) The Players: Beetlejuice, Lydia Deetz, Holidae Bell Word Count: 1,604 Warnings: M for Language and Suggestive Content
Notes: ...you all knew going into this it was slow burn, yeah? ....right??
Chapter 9 - In Which Closeness is a Matter of Perspective
“Lyddy, when I said I would help you with the art show, I meant things like… carrying equipment. Or getting props. Maybe picking up extra film.” Holidae subtly tried to adjust the position of her foot, pins and needles already crawling along her skin. “Being a model is not on that list.”
Lydia walked over, kicking Holidae’s foot back into place, “You are helping. Hold still, you keep twitching and get all blurry.”
Infinitely thankful that they were quite alone in the cemetery that afternoon, Holidae muttered under breath, trying her best to hold the poses as Lydia commanded them. She was wrapped in several layers of sheer black organza, designed to mimic a sort of mourning gown with a bit of wedding charm thrown in for flavor. The result was surprisingly effective, but did nothing to stave off the cold autumn weather, and Holidae could already feel her extremities freezing over. She did promise Lydia she would help her a photo shoot, and she learned a valuable lesson about not trusting the small photographer as far as she could throw her.
“I think my fingers are frozen. They’re blue,” Holidae leaned against the nearby headstone for support.
“So are your lips, now hush.” Lydia maneuvered herself around the other girl, the camera shutter firing rapidly. “Lean back like you’re just overwhelmed with grief.”
“I’m overwhelmed with something,” Holidae tried to do as she was told, dipping her body backwards as far as she could. “This good?”
“More.” Another series of clicks.
Holidae wobbled, catching herself on the headstone, “I don’t bend that much.”
“Try,” Lydia came over and tried to balance her friend, who promptly caught her funny bone on the granite grave marker.
“Fuck you, you try!” Holidae hissed in pain, rubbing her elbow furiously. “Or you best pay a chiropractor.”
Lydia went back to her equipment, fiddling around with some different lenses, and giving Holidae a much needed break before they tried again. This wasn’t the first time she had roped her friend into posing for her photos, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last despite protests from the model. No matter what Lydia would try and get her to do, or how she would dress her up, Holidae would just go along with it. It was like having a doll to dress-up and torture in creative ways.
The only request Holidae ever made was that her face never be in full view, and Lydia always respected her wish. Whether it be a large hat brim, or in today’s case a veil, Holidae was kept away from curious eyes. The truth of the matter was Holidae was embarrassed of her looks, and always had been. Self-esteem was a rough, bumpy road to traverse; and there were good and bad days.
It was a touchy subject, and Lydia never pushed it.
Lydia tapped her fingernails on her camera bag, trying to think of a solution to the posing problem. After a few minutes, she let out an ah-ha, getting up and brushing some leaves off of her skirt. In one quick breath, she spoke her ghostly best friend’s name three times in a row, summoning him outside of the house for a change.
Beetlejuice looked happier than he’d been in a while, smiling ear to ear, and picking up the small girl with a twirl, “Lyds! We’re in a graveyard! What’s the special occasion? Someone die? Someone needing to die? Picking out a good plot? Don’t get one by a tree or the roots will get all gnarly and stick into your casket.”
Laughing as he set her down, she shook her head, “No, I need a favor, but nothing that major.”
He stuck his hands in his overcoat pockets, looking like a noir film detective, “Anything for you, babes.”
“I need you to bend Holidae over,” Lydia said pointing over to the woman desperately trying to warm herself up.
BJ did a double take so hard there was an audible crack of his neck, “…do what now?”
“Balance issues. If you go over there and help, I can get the pose I want and you won’t show up in the picture. It’ll look super cool, trust me. Just go over and she’ll explain what I want.” Lydia waved him away, unconcerned with her phrasing.
There was a moment of hesitation on Beetlejuice’s part; not really sure if this whole thing was a setup in some way that would get him banished forever, or something worse. Well, if Lydia wanted him to be a helpful little demon, who was he to argue with such an opportunity.
Humming to himself, he flourished his stroll over to Holidae with a spin, “Oh, what have we here? Getting all dressed up just for me, Holly-hock? I just adore the shade of blue on your skin.”
Holidae tried to straighten herself up, covering the more see-through parts of the draping with her arms, “W-what are you doing o-out h-here? Fuck it’s cold.”
Beej pulled her tight against him, “Body heat is the best solution of hypothermia, right?”
“Not when you’re an ice cube!” She shivered, torn between accepting his offer and freezing to death right then and there.
“Hey! Less flirting, more posing!” Lydia barked at the two of them. “Save that stuff for indoors, it’s gross. He’s there to hold you up so you don’t bash your head open on the rock.”
“Lydia, you say one more word and I’m throwing your camera off the bridge.” Holidae pried herself out of his arms, readjusting him so that he would support her back. “If you drop me, you’re dead.”
Beej snickered, giving her flesh a hard pinch, “Already dead, baby.”
“Smartass.” Holidae grit her teeth, but bent back with her arms splayed our behind her, “And I am fully aware that you’re getting a good view of my cleavage, so don’t even start with me.”
“I am getting Lyds the best birthday gift this year,” Beetlejuice made a very obvious show of studying Holidae’s chest.
Over the next hour, Lydia would move her two companions in different ways, getting the most out of the fact BJ wouldn’t show up in the film. It saved a lot of money on expensive photo editing programs; but it was also just a fun way to spend the afternoon together in a new environment. When things would get too serious, Beetlejuice would make some face at Holidae to get her laughing, ruining the next few shots Lydia took until they could compose themselves. Or, at least Lydia was claiming they were ruined.
She wasn’t about to tell them the truth: those candid shots were not being deleted off her camera.
During one of their breaks, Holidae sat herself down on a blanket Lydia had spread out her camera equipment on to keep it from getting dirty, holding her knees to her chest in efforts to keep warm. Without warning, something was dropped onto her head, mussing her hair as she pulled it down. It was a dirty, ratty grey coat. Stained and stitched together in odd places, carrying the heavy scent of tobacco and musty earth.
Strangely enough, it was warmer than she thought it would be, and she wrapped it around her body as best she could, “You might want to wash this once in a while. Maybe just spot clean.”
Beetlejuice flopped down next to her, digging a pack of smokes from the coat pocket, “If you don’t want it, I’ll take it back. Ungrateful.”
She shook her head, burying herself deeper into the oversized clothing, “No no, I want it. I was just offering a suggestion. Thank you for not letting me freeze, I mean it. Honest.”
He took a long drag, the smoke hanging in the air due to the weather, “Eh, dying is what it is. Done it twice, not that exciting.”
Holidae looked around at the tombstones surrounding them, “Do you think these people would have the same opinion? What if they died doing something exciting?”
“I really don’t feel like digging them up and asking,” He shrugged, holding the cigarette between his teeth. “So what’s Lydia gonna do with all these photos anyway? Seems weird.”
“She keeps telling me she has a theme, but doesn’t want to jinx it with discussion and negative thoughts. I swear, she takes after her stepmother more than she wants to admit.” She picked at the blades of grass by her feet, “I just put up the pictures when they’re done.”
“Well, since she can’t have me as a model, at least she has something decent to work with.” He flipped the edge of the coat up, peeking at her sheer dress. “You’re not as beautiful and sexy as I am, but then again, nobody is.”
Holidae scooted backwards, tucking the coat back tight around her, “Hey, you’ll let the heat out! And good on you for self-confidence, but calling yourself sexy all the time is weird.”
Beetlejuice grabbed her by the ankles, dragging her back toward him, “Are you saying I’m not sexy?”
She was getting tangled in the coat, looking like an unhappy caterpillar, “No, I said that calling yourself sexy is weird. I would really appreciate you listening when I talk to you, Juice. I don’t just say things to hear myself prattle on.”
With a truly maniacal laugh, Beetlejuice jumped up, picking up Holidae in a bridal-style carry, and spun her around with a flourish. “Youuuuu think I’m sexy. You think I’m seeeexy~”
He set her back on her feet, leaving her to balance herself after all the spinning, and ran over to find Lydia.
“Lyds! Lyds, listen listen listen~ you’re friend said I’m sexy. Now you have to take back all those times you said I was only referring to myself as a sexual being to hide the fact that I have a lack of positive self esteem from a childhood borne of neglect. HA! Wait. Why are you running from me? Lydia!”
Writing Tags: @mr-geuse @paxenera @leiasolo77 @go-commander-kim @ashemspirit
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