#2014 teen titans
vicknit · 9 months
I know new 52 isn’t well like but I think it’s a great rendition for beast boy, he’s just a sweet silly guy and sometimes smart like wow??? And he doesn’t get upset when people think he’s gay good for him ally king YAYY anyway I heart bunker and I heart their relationship
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gffa · 1 year
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Some dude on YouTube:  They shouldn’t have made an established character like Tim be the one to come out as interested in guys, there’s no precedent for it! me:  You sure that’s the hill you wanna die on, buddy?
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Every Flash Missing In The Flash Movie
All Of The Flash Variants We Never Got To See:
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And Especially:
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Or Even These Guys:
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Oh Well.
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zahri-melitor · 1 month
me again with new 52 questions -- I've seen a few people, including you, suggesting that n52 Tim becomes Robin at age 13. The Batman Chronology Project says that Secret Origins 2014 #3/3 specifically tells us Tim is 13 years old, but I'm struggling to find that reference in the actual comic. The only age reference I see is that he's at a high school gymnastics event. Am I just being blind?
Mostly it's inferred - Tim's declared 16 years old immediately after the end on n52, which does imply that given he's 17 before it and 16 after it, Tim's probably 16-17 during 2011-2016 (and realistically for his stories they don't want him any younger than mid teens).
In terms of being 13 to start, that's just counting backwards - given Lobdell and other writers' determination to have Jason as old as possible, Jason has to both die while still underage AND manage to be drinking in American bars by the end of the story line, so there's a restriction on where in the timeline he can die (and it's probably Year 3). Even if Jason is only 19 and drinking in bars because he has fake ID (I have an argument why this isn't the case but let's take that option as one), he probably still should die Year 3 as that lets him be the 15 of his traditional storyline, rather than him becoming Robin AND dying at 17 just to shove everything into the timeline before his 18th birthday.
And if Jason dies in Year 3, Tim needs to be Robin by Year 4, as there is no excuse leaving gaps in the timeline when you're trying to fit 4 Robins into 5 years, and Damian needs to already be Robin by the end of Year 5 (and all of Morrison's Batman run for at least Bruce, Dick and Damian needs to stay in canon because Morrison continued it straight through in Batman Inc). Equally as much as they try to squish things, you probably should give everyone a 'year' to themselves outside of Dick, so that it goes Dick, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, because that's the easiest way of partitioning everything up when writing a timeline with no solid markers to show otherwise.
If n52 occurs over Year 6 and Tim's 16 at the end where it's becoming Year 7, then in Year 4 he has to be 13-14.
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angel-girl-2014 · 4 months
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me when staying postive💪🫡
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pumpkinautumnly · 3 months
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"I always loved you."
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skullsenpai · 1 year
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Otp dump
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jasontoddssuper · 2 years
I just realized that since Jason Todd used to be a redhead who dyed his hair black in canon(the status of this in current dc isn't clear but stay with me)and i headcanon him as afrolatino,that i'm doing that thing that adaptions in the past years have been doing where they take white redheads and make them black.Idk i just thought it was a funny coincidence on my part and that it makes my headcanon fit even more HFKCHFJC
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cynthalt · 1 year
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This lifestyle >>>
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vicknit · 9 months
Homies or Homos? Let’s discuss
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gffa · 1 year
oh dear you’ve gotten to That Timkon Scene
I am a wreck over that TimKon scene, how am I supposed to go on after this?
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Kon's asking Tim to let him go and Tim just can't, this is emotionally wrecking him, and he can only let go once Kon thanks him for everything he did, for everything he couldn't do, and even then he's literally shaking because he doesn't want to, like. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITH THIS???
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bitimdrake · 2 years
What's interesting is how Wally's heart defect began as an explanation for his sudden heart problems under Marv Wolfman. (Even back then, speedsters were broken as hell, and besides, Wolfman had other plans for Barry and Wally. Yes, indeed. Other plans. *cackles evilly and Anti-Monitorly*) the basic idea was that Damian caused Wally's heart problems, but it became easier to just write it into the future since DC had reset time three times at least by this point.
wh. what is this related to. did you send this to the right person.
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devil666132020 · 1 month
Already did this on Twitter but now it's time to do this here
So yesterday my mutual suggested spin off Books for the Titans, now they have a WIDE array of characters to choose from so I did exactly that:
Titans: Main Team
Donna - Leader
Vic (Cyborg)
Garth (Tempest)
Jesse Quick
Roy (Arsenal)
Kori (Starfire)
Karen (BumbleBee)
Leo (Red Star)
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Titans West:
Bette Kane (Flamebird) - Leader
Toni (Argent)
Grant (Damage)
Hank (Hawk)
Dawn (Dove)
Lorena (Aquagirl)
Joey (Jericho)
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Teen Titans-
Wallace West (Kid Flash)
Jackson Hyde (Aquaman)
Quintela (Teen Lantern)
Marcus (Monkey Prince)
Tanya Spears (Powergirl)
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Titans Academy (Teachers)
TTA- Train The Next Gen Of Heroes-
Wondergirl (Cassie)
Batgirl (Cass)
Speedy (Mia)
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
Virgil (Static Shock)
Isaiah (Hotspot)
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Titans Night Force-
Lilith (Omen)
Mal (Herlad)
Eddie (Red Devil)
Zachary Zatara
Kole (Yes she’s alive)
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Titans Space Crew:
Miss Martian
Kon El
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Please for all Titans fans who love the comics and have read the Titans mythos, feel free to reblog this with your OWN potential rosters, I'd love to see all the members used ^^
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angel-girl-2014 · 4 months
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me and sis
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heroicmultiverse · 2 years
//verses tag dump
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