#Alaskan cruise
belovedrival · 2 years
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faigheisgay · 8 months
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Oh nothing, just Skagway
My photos.
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jepergola · 10 months
New story today: "Never Turn Down a Free Cruise"
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okckent · 1 year
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Seven seas mariner
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witchy-dabblings · 11 months
Prayer for protection that I will be incorporating into a travel charm soon.
Most Holy Dea, Our Mother, grant me and my family protection as we travel to and from our destinations these next few days. Steer true the wheels of Earth, lift high the wings of Air, still the great northern Waters and bless the machines that run them or sail over them with functionality and smoothness of operation, that we may enjoy our travels and bear witness to your greatness in nature. Cast away all evil intentions, incompetence, and negative energies and grant us beautiful, positive memories to cherish for a lifetime.
In your Holy Daughter’s name I pray
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dylanconrique · 3 months
why is my mom not understanding why i'm sad about spending my birthday alone for the forth year in a row??????
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reading-writing-dying · 9 months
The first full day I've gone without talking to her since mid-late May I'm sad :(
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My family has had trips planned out for years in advance currently to 2025 and hopefully by then I'll be living in a different state anyway but what about the fact that I need to go to Washington. Huh. They need to drive me to Washington. I need to see orcas or I'll DIE
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babymetaldoll · 10 months
"Embarrassed" (Spencer Reid x fem!bau reader)
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Category: hardcore fluff, friends to lovers. Warnings: Cursing, Spencer being a little asshole, the BAU being nosy as usual. Summary: Spencer embarrassed himself in front of reader, and the annual FBI beach trip could be the perfect place to make things even more awkward between them.  Requested: Nop A/N: I wrote this for @imagining-in-the-margins Summer Challenge, hope you guys enjoy it. Prompts used: - He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle? - I don't really like the beach... Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces. - It's like Hotch at the beach- - Next summer we are doing the Alaskan cruise. Masterlist
- “Explain to me again why I have to spend time with you during the weekend when we just spent eleven days working on a case in Oakland?”- Rossi asked as the entire BAU Team walked into a beautiful cabin by the sea, prepared especially for them.
- “Because we have to do the team training, along with all the paperwork it includes. But at least we have a nice view.”- Hotch explained, opening a window, staring at the deep blue ocean in front of them.
- “For once, I’m glad we have to do this stupid program.”- Morgan commented and took off his shirt. - “Sand, sun, and babes, that’s all I need to enjoy my weekend.”
- “We have to get ready for Strauss lecture.”- (Y/N) pointed out and tossed his shirt back- “Please, put this back on. I don’t wanna see your tits around the house.”
Spencer chuckled at those words and Morgan turned to him immediately.
- “What are you laughing about, pretty Ricky? Are there other tits you wanna see around the house?”- Morgan teased his friends, who turned blood red in a minute, coughed, and walked away, to hide in a room, slamming the door behind his back. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms on her chest.
- “You love making him feel uncomfortable, don’t you?”
- “Come on! We all know he has the hots for you, little Mama. When are you going to do something about it?”
- “He is my friend, with a capital F.”
- “You could be doing the capital F if you stopped being so stubborn.”- Morgan replied and turned around. He knew he had crossed the line and didn’t want to give (Y/N) the chance to smack him for being nosy.
Yes, everybody knew Spencer was in love with (Y/N). It wasn’t really a secret after he blurted it out by accident on a supermarket mic during a case investigation in front of the whole team. The entire incident was way too embarrassing to even recall, and the BAU had pretended it never happened. Everybody except Morgan, of course. He loved teasing Spencer every chance he got. The whole episode had been messy, and though it had been a few weeks already, (Y/N) still didn’t have a chance to talk with Spencer about it, and he kept acting like it never happened. That weekend’s Team Training Program at the beach was the perfect chance to fix things between them.
If only Spencer dared talk to her first.
Around half an hour later, a very unhappy team walked out of their cabin, ready to deal with whichever activities Strauss and headquarters had planned for them. The FBI had rented an entire villa for the weekend, to host their annual team training program. Rossi hated the idea, Spencer hated the beach. Hotch hated the fact he was wasting time he could be spending with Jake. JJ hated missing Henry’s soccer game, Garcia hated having to work out so much, and Prentiss hated the fact she couldn’t just lay on a chair at the beach with a drink and just tan a little.
(Y/N) and Morgan were the only ones excited to be there. Morgan still thought he could get a girl, and (Y/N) just wanted to spend a little time with Spencer, and maybe ask him out on a date. After all, a weekend at the beach was the perfect scenario to finally talk about what happened and maybe do something about it.
- “Beach activities are a great way to bring a team together.”- Strauss announced as she walked in front of at least 50 FBI agents. All of them, BAU included, wore dark blue short sleeve shirts with the FBI logo, and grey shorts. Everybody except Rossi, of course. He stood among them smoking a cigar and wearing his everyday outfit.
- “All the team-building games you are about to go through, were designed to promote communication, cooperation, and creativity. They will help our agents build trust, learn to delegate tasks, and enhance problem-solving skills.”
- “Sounds like a boy scout’s speech”- Rossi whispered to Prentiss and she did her best not to chuckle. But of course, Strauss noticed and immediately raised an eyebrow in disapproval.
- “You’ve all been designated with a number, that’s your team. Please form your teams so we can start the first activity.”
(Y/N) sighed, already annoyed. She understood the idea of having to go through a team seminar to improve one’s relationship with their team, but having to know other agents and talk with strangers… wasn’t really into her plans.
- “Hey….”- Spencer whispered as he stood next to her in the middle of the beach, right next to a bunch of agents neither of them had met before.- “I… I think we are on the… same team.”- Reid managed to say, and continued staring at his feet in the sand.
- “That’s great!!”- (Y/N) replied, maybe a little bit too enthusiastically. - “We haven’t… it’s been… well, we haven’t had the chance to talk much lately.”- she knew why they hadn’t talked. It was weird. Still, neither of them had addressed the pink elephant in the room, he just nodded and didn’t say another word for a few minutes.
- “Did you put on sunscreen?”- she asked and Spencer turned to look at her with wide-opened eyes.
- “Ye... yes, yes, I did. I always do”- he stuttered and started rambling right away- “Did you know daily use of SPF 15 sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma by about 40 percent? and lower your melanoma risk by 50 percent.”
- “Yes, I try to put on sunscreen daily as well, but I usually forget.”- (Y/N) added ‘cos she needed to make that conversation last at least longer than a minute. It was ridiculous, Spencer not even being able to look her in the eyes only because he had accidentally said he loved her in front of a whole crime scene, Nebraska’s police force, and the whole BAU team. Even Garcia.
- “Anyway”- (Y/N) said when she noticed Spencer wasn’t saying anything - “Are you enjoying the trip?”
He stared at her and licked his lips - nearly giving her a heart attack - as he tried his best to find actual words to reply to that question.
- "I don't really like the beach…”- he finally mumbled- “Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces.”
- “Oh…”- (Y/N) sounded disappointed, and neither of them said another word. Their new team gathered around them, and the instructions for the first activity were delivered.
The first team training activity was a beach scavenger hunt. Hotch’s team won ‘cos he was the team leader and… well, he is the best leader in the FBI. Spencer and (Y/N) tried their best, but their group was having serious trouble focusing. Apparently, no one wanted to spend the day at the beach working.
The second team training activity was a beach obstacle course. Morgan’s team won, basically ‘cos most of the agents in his team were pure muscle. Spencer was incredibly embarrassed to even do the circuit, ‘cos he felt self-aware of every one of his moments and that everybody was looking at him. And he ended up tripping on his own feet. Just when he thought he couldn’t embarrass himself more, there he was, face into the sand, hearing the entire FBI laughing at him.
Rossi looked at Morgan and shook his head. The kid needed help. But how?
- “Are you ok?” (Y/N) whispered when Spencer reached her side and he just nodded. - “Your ankle, does it hurt?”- she was honestly worried, but he felt so humiliated he wanted to disappear. So he did, he didn’t even answer her question and walked away. Rossi looked at the scene from a distance and headed to (Y/N)’s side in a few minutes.
- “How is the beach treating you, bella?”
- “I’m hating every minute here so far”- she replied and followed Spencer with her eyes until he got lost between all the people. Rossi noticed, he knew what was torturing her and though they hadn’t ever talked about it, it was clear he had to help those kids.
- “Come on, ragazza. You know he is crazy for you. We all do. You just have to tell him how you feel.”
- “I’m trying, Coronel Cannelloni! but he doesn’t even talk to me. The few things he has mumbled today are the only things he has said to me since “the incident,” and I don’t know what to do!”
- “He is embarrassed.”- Rossi pointed out the obvious and completely ignored the nickname (Y/N) had called him. She usually called him different nicknames just for the fun of it.
- “Well I understand that, but if I already know he loves me…”
- “Embarrass yourself now.”- Rossi suggested and the young woman just stared at him in silence. - “I mean it. Meet him in the middle. You already know he loves you, what’s the worst that could happen?”
- “You know, something bad happens every time someone asks that, right?”- Rossi chuckled at those words and shook his head.
- “It can’t get worse than him stuttering every time he sees you.”
- “I’m sure it can.”
Morgan found Spencer standing against a wall, on the other side of the main building of the complex. His eyes were closed as well as his fists, that he kept hitting against the bricks, over and over again.
- “Hey kid.”
- “Please, not now.”- Derek didn’t say another word for a few minutes. He just stood next to his friends and waited for his tantrum to pass.
- “You know Reid, that woman there loves you. Why don’t…”- and at those words, Spencer just snapped and started yelling.
- “She doesn’t! I don’t know if you remember but I had a little incident the other day with a fucking mic in the middle of a supermarket and everybody heard me telling Garcia how in love I am with (Y/N) and she has acted like nothing happened ever since!”
- “Kid”- Morgan frowned and stood in front of Spencer, holding his arms, trying to calm him down and talk some sense into him. - “You’ve been giving her the cold shoulder every time she tries to talk to you. Don’t blame this on her!”
- “Cold shoulder?! Me? To her? When?”- Spencer chuckled sarcastically
- “Dude, a minute ago she was talking to you and you left her alone in the sand.”
Morgan was right, and Spencer knew it, but he wasn’t going to give him the pleasure of saying it. However, Morgan didn’t sugarcoat things either.
- “And let me tell you one more thing, I saw how the guys from National Security in your team were eying her, and you just left her alone with those assholes after being a jerk. It doesn’t look good. How are you gonna fix it, pretty Ricky?”
Spencer opened his mouth, followed by a long awkward silence.
- “Thought so.”- Morgan sighed, and tapped on his friend’s shoulder - “Come on, let’s go back, and try to talk to her like you did before the incident.”
- “Awkwardly and clueless?”- Spencer whispered, and Derek just chuckled.
- “Just be yourself.”
- “That’s lousy advice, I don’t know how to be anyone else.”- Reid frowned and looked at his friend, who was nearly losing his patience.
- “Just don’t be your asshole self.”
The third and last activity of the day was a sandcastle-building contest. And doing his best to overcome his embarrassment and nervousness, Spencer grabbed a plastic shovel and asked (Y/N) if she wanted to help him with a part of their team construction. His hands were nearly shaking as she kneeled next to him on the sand and started working on their team’s design.
- “How did it go with the kid?”- Rossi asked Morgan, as neither of them even tried to pretend to be into the activity.
- “He is in denial. He swears she doesn’t even like him. What did she say?”
- “The kid is ignoring her and she doesn’t know what to do. So I told her to embarrass herself as much as he embarrassed himself.”- Morgan turned to Rossi and raised an eyebrow behind his sunglasses - “What?”
- “Rossi, that's shitty advice. Next time try something like: “Kiss the goddamn fool!” or something like that! I mean, the kid is hopeless and if (Y/N) doesn’t do anything, they are never going to get together.”
- “Give them some credit, Morgan.”- Rossi regretted his words as soon as they left his lips. Spencer was so nervous as he tried to talk with (Y/N) he gesticulated too much and hit part of his castle, causing half of it to crumble down.
- “He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle?”- Rossi whispered and Derek shook his head. The whole scene was embarrassing to watch.
- “And your great advice was “embarrass yourself.” Jesus! I’m gonna have to ask Garcia to hack the system and move them into the same room. This is painful to watch!”
- “Like Hotch at the beach”- Ross pointed out - “He is so sunburned and he keeps getting redder, no matter how much sunscreen he puts on.”
If you asked anyone at the FBI about how the first day of their annual Team Training Program went, they would say it had been a mess. Most agents were sunburned and exhausted after Strauss’ program. Only Morgan and Garcia still felt like going out for dinner and maybe hitting the club, hoping to have some fun that weekend.
Spencer was alone, sitting on the sand in front of the sea. The sun was setting and he just sat there, on his own, doing his best to clear his mind and come up with a plan. But instead, he had nothing but regret. He kept remembering his worst and most embarrassing moments of the day in front of (Y/N) over and over again. It was a bad movie he’d pay not to watch ever again.
- “There you are!” - Prentiss sat next to Spencer and sighed, staring at the scene in front of them.
- “This is beautiful.”- she whispered and Spencer merely nodded. - “Why aren’t you watching this with (Y/N)?”- instead of an answer, Reid just groaned and rested his forehead on his knees, closing his eyes.
- “I’m guessing you didn’t have a chance to talk today.”- Prentiss whispered, knowing very well what had happened. Not like Morgan and Rossi could keep a secret. - “Come on, Reid, you are a fucking genius! Grow a pair and get your shit together”
- “What am I supposed to do? Honestly, ‘cos I’ve tried, but I just… can’t fucking think when she is next to me.”
- “Then don’t think, just act!”- Prentiss nearly smacked Reid as she spoke.- “I don’t think I have to tell you again, she fucking loves you! Do something.”
- “She doesn’t…”- but before Reid could finish that sentence, he felt Emily’s hand against his head, hitting him.
- “Don’t! She loves you! Now stand up, move your skinny ass, and kiss her!”
Reid turned to his friend, still rubbing the spot she had hit, ‘cos it had been incredibly painful.
- “Are you… drunk?”
- “Come on! There is no way I’m surviving sober a weekend with all these agents.”- Prentiss answered and grabbed a tiny gin bottle from her pocket- “Need one?”
- “No, thanks.”
- “Fine… now go! She was having some dinner at our cabin.”
(Y/N) was about to start eating when Spencer got to the cabin. She sat on the terrace with a grilled sandwich and a glass of wine, holding a book. Reid looked at her from the other side of the house and took a deep breath before he continued walking.
- “You’ve got this.”- he whispered to himself - “You can do this.”
- “Hey Spencer!”- (Y/N) watched him approach and smiled so wide he even stopped breathing as he stared at her.
- “You are not doing this.” - he admitted as he sat down on the chair across from (Y/N) and cut her a little smile.
- “Did you eat?”- she asked and offered half her sandwich, but Spencer shook his head and smiled.
- “Thanks, I’m not hungry.”
- “Sure? It’s your favorite. Lots of cheese and zero veggies.”- (Y/N) teased and smiled at Spencer. He blushed and looked at his hands on the table, trying to find the words to finally say what he had to.
But he never found them, instead, they fell into a comfortable silence. (Y/N) finished her sandwich and Spencer read half of her book. The one he had gotten for her a few months earlier. Neither of them said a word, just looked at each other from time to time and smiled awkwardly.
- “So… I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”- (Y/N) finally said as she folded her paper napkin a million times, in a sad and pathetic attempt at making origami.
- “Wh… wha... what about?”- Spencer stuttered immediately. Not a good sign. (Y/N) looked at him and felt bad about how nervous he was. But he had to tell him, he deserved to know.
- “I have to tell you something, but I can’t tell you here. Can you come with me, please?”- the young agent stood up and offered Spencer her hand. He hesitated, not knowing what was happening. But she just smiled and he reached out and held her hand.
(Y/N) drove in silence for a few minutes. They didn’t go too far, Spencer asked a few times where they were going and what was so important that she couldn’t just tell him in the car, but she refused to say a word. Instead, she just smiled and shook her head.
- “Just wait a second.”
Spencer didn’t get it when she parked outside a small supermarket, he just followed her in silence and watched her walk straight to an aisle and then to customer service. Reid didn’t register anything, he just followed her with honest curiosity. Until he saw her grabbing the mic and locking eyes with him.
- “Spencer Walter Reid. I am so fucking in love with you.”- the few people that were shopping at the hour turned to look at her and the young agent simply giggled.
- “Wh… what?”- Spencer stuttered, feeling his red burning red.
- “I love you. I’ve been in love with you for so long.”- (Y/N) kept talking to the mic, until one of the girls in the staff walked up to her and nearly yelled she couldn’t do that. But she (Y/N) didn’t care if she got kicked out of the store. She just cared about Spencer, who kept staring at her in disbelief.
- “Come on dude! Kiss the girl”- some random guy said and slapped his arm, forcing him to react. But before he could do anything, (Y/N) grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his lips. Spencer wide opened his eyes as it happened, and watched her winking as she slipped her tongue between his lips, deepening the kiss.
- “You… do?”- Reid whispered as he gasped for hair when the kiss was over.
- “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you but you kept running away from me.”
- “I was so embarrassed after that happened I…”- but Spencer couldn’t continue speaking, (Y/N) started kissing him again, and some of the customers watching the scene even clapped.
- “What the hell is going on here?”- a sunburned Erin Strauss asked in shock, shoving a small cart with twenty bottles of aloe vera gel, but David Rossi just chuckled and stood next to her, staring at the scene.
- “Let the kids have tonight. You can make their life under the sun miserable tomorrow.”
- “By the way, next Summer, we're doing the Alaskan cruise.”- she added and started walking away- “Agents, tomorrow we’ll have a serious conversation.”- both Spencer and (Y/N) nearly jumped as they heard her voice when she passed by their side, but Rossi just winked at them.
- “Ok, now I’m embarrassed”- (Y/N) whispered and felt Spencer holding her hand. But she didn't really care if Strauss had seen them. It was all worth it when she stared at Spencer’s sweet smile as they walked out of that supermarket. 
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Ideal locations for the next Benoit Blanc movie
High end skyscraper hotel in NYC
Alaskan cruise ship
Garden party at a lavish British mansion
Ski lodge
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☀️ CM Summer Sunshine Fic Challenge 🏖
The following are prompts including the theme of Summer! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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☀️ Generic Prompts ☀️
Everyone looks better in a sundress.
Character doesn't know how to swim.
Characters A and B cuddle in a hammock.
The team has a (MASSIVE) family barbecue.
The BAU has a pool party at Rossi's vacation home.
The sun makes Characters sleepy, so they take a nap.
Characters A and B have a picnic (it goes well/wrong).
Character shows up in swimwear that no one expected.
Character A suffers heatstroke and B takes care of them.
Character A teases B about needing to practice CPR at the pool party.
Character A never loved B more than when they ran through the sprinklers.
The air conditioning broke and Characters try to find creative ways to cool off.
Characters A and B go berry picking together (and enjoy the fruits of their labor).
It's Character's first time camping and they weren't prepared for how cold it gets on summer nights.
Character A lectures B on the importance of sunscreen, yet freezes when they are asked to help apply it.
The BAU is a group of very serious FBI agents. They take their water gun/balloon fights very seriously.
The couple thought their vacation would be a chance to get away from the BAU, but the resort town they're staying in turns out to have an unsub in it.
Character helps their child with their first entrepreneurial venture... a lemonade stand. They weren't expecting half the damn FBI to show up.
Character A’s wide-brimmed hat flew right off their head and into a tree. B helps them get it down.
Anything else you can think of!
☀️ Dialogue Prompts ☀️
"It's like Hotch at the beach."
"Come on in, the water's fine."
"It's so hot but I am so touch starved."
"... How did you even get that tan line?"
“Yes, the sunburn is as bad as it looks.”
"Oh my god, do I hear the ice cream truck?"
"Next Summer, we're doing the Alaskan cruise."
"It's a million degrees outside, why are you in the hot tub?"
(sarcastic) “Feels just like the summer camps of my youth.”
"I am staying hydrated. All of my drinks are iced." "That does not count."
"There is no shame in using a pool floatie." "Yes, there is. I'm shaming you."
“You look hot.” “Thank you!” “No, I mean literally… I think you’re overheating.”
(lying) "My phone doesn't work on the beach. Must be the signal or something..."
☀️ Character Specific Prompts ☀️
Spencer: He learned from the last time a beautiful person pulled him into a pool.
Spencer: He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle?
Spencer: "I don't really like the beach... Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces.”
Luke: Reader loves to go to the dog beach to look at cute puppies. A dog named Roxy takes special interest in them.
Tara/Emily: “And what did you do with your summer vacation, Emily Prentiss?”
☀️ NSFW Prompts ☀️ 18+ ONLY ☀️
Character gets caught skinny dipping.
Character A can't get out of the water after seeing B.
Sex on the beach is so much worse than everyone said.
Character A can't deal with how much B loves popsicles/ice cream cones.
It's too hot to wear clothes at home, so Character walks around in their underwear.
Character A finally convinces B to go to the beach with them. Turns out it's a nude beach.
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character.
Tag me in the fic, or send it to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it just for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
🏖 Happy Writing! 🏖
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belovedrival · 2 years
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On board our ship, the piazza on Deck 5 was a great place for people-watching. Also, the cafe (seen in the background behind the spiral staircase) was great for a morning or afternoon or anytime snack…as if we were hungry, which we weren’t, but that’s what we did anyway: eat too much. 😄
Next to the elevators on each deck were computerized screens with which deck you were presently on, and showing either SEA DAY or highlighting whichever port we were currently in. I took a picture of a screen the day we were in Ketchikan, Alaska. Since it says Lido Deck 15, I assume I took the picture right after breakfast. The buffet was on Lido…I miss the food 😄😋
The screens are cool in that you can use your medallion by holding it over the blue button (on the left). Your name will come up and you can check dinner reservations or your schedule for the day. You can also scroll down the ship’s calendar for the day, seeing what events are going on. It’s handy.
While we probably won’t go to Alaska (right away), Mister and I have definitely been bitten by the cruise bug. We’re already looking into options for 2024 lol. Whenever and wherever we go next, Jonas will come along too.
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Glacier Bay Beanie designed by Nancy Bates. I made these for friends who are going on an Alaskan cruise in May, out of a book called KNITTING THE NATIONAL PARKS, which has a lot of cool things in it! You can also find the standalone pattern here, if you’re interested. I used Woolstok Worsted from Blue Sky Fibers (in Spring Ice, Highland Fleece, and Cast Iron). It was my first time doing stranded colorwork, and my first time doing duplicate stitch, and I’m super pleased with how they turned out!!
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okckent · 1 year
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Reflections. Of Hubbard glacier
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blooming-violets · 1 year
My sister in Christ, first off, hi. Second off, amazing writing like *chefs kisses* all around.
I don't know if you're taking requests or not, so sorry if this is out of place. I would love you to smithereens if you did a part three for the Peter Parker car accident fic.
Maybe his girlfriend could come out of the coma but like need lots of help recovering mentally and physically? Idk, just an idea.
Xoxo 🕺💃🏽🕺💃🏽
The original car accident fic can be found [here] AND WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE A ONE SHOT but then turned into a part two [here] aaaaannnd now a part three.
It's pretty short but she's awake and alive and here to stay...and spilling all Peter's secrets but he ain't even mad about it because he's just happy she's alive.
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She had been awake for exactly one week…if he could call it “awake”. 
Coming out of a coma wasn’t anything like the way movies or shows portrayed it. May, and a few other nurses, tried to warn him as such but Peter was never very good at listening. She didn’t blink her eyes open and reach for his hand with a slightly confused smile. She didn’t ask how long it had been or what had happened to put her in the hospital. She didn’t seem relieved to be alive or happy to see him or even knew who he was. It was like she had no concept of being in the hospital at all. Her big eyes gave off vacant stares, almost as if she was sleeping with them open. When she spoke, her voice would be small and scratchy, and nothing she said made much sense. Sometimes she would fall asleep mid sentence. The doctor claimed that this was all normal. He heard the term “PTA” thrown around a lot. Or post-traumatic amnesia. It was apparently something that happens after a traumatic brain injury and is common among people waking from comas. He only half heard what the doctor’s said when they spoke to him. His focus was usually trained on his girlfriend. 
Even though she looked rough, he liked seeing her without the tubes blocking half her face. Her eyes might be unfocused and her words might sound like she’s speaking a forgein language at times but she was conscious. Being conscious meant she could improve. 
And she did. Day by day. Little by little. 
Her memory was nearly nonexistent. She kept getting her dreams confused with reality. She would wake up and be absolutely certain that she had spent the evening dining on a cruise ship in the Alaskan waters. She would excitedly tell him how her boyfriend had managed to win the cruise tickets after competing in a pie eating contest and dominating the other competitors. Then she would pause, blink a few times while staring at his face, and laugh about how he looked just like her boyfriend. Peter would smile and tell her that he was glad she enjoyed her cruise ship dinner. And he was glad. If she got her dreams confused with reality, at least she was having good dreams, and he was present in them…even if she couldn’t make the connection between her dream boyfriend and himself being the same person. 
A week after she woke up, her memory was still not right, but it was slowly getting better. Yesterday she had successfully remembered Peter’s face as being someone she knew. It was better than nothing. He pushed the elevator button to her level. Now that she was awake and stable, he felt less guilty running home to shower every few days. When the doors opened to the neuro recovery ward, he stepped out and smiled at the nurses behind their station. 
“Hey there, Spider-Man!” One of them looked up with a sly grin. “Save any people last night?”
Peter’s smile faltered and his face immediately flushed as the panic rose, “...What?”
Alarm bells rang in his head. His heart pounded in his chest. How did they know? Did that paramedic say something? He should have never told her his name or taken off his mask in front of her. He thought he could trust her. If his secret got out- 
A chorus of laughter followed his panicked spiral. 
“Your girlfriend has been telling anyone who will listen that she’s dating the infamous Spider-Man. She claims that he once brought her on a rooftop date overlooking Rockefeller Center during the Christmas tree lighting. We never knew you were so romantic, Spidey.” The nurses giggled, clearly assuming that her words were nothing more than another confused, dream infused reality instead of the actual truth. 
Peter forced a smile and took a shaky breath, “Ha, ya got me! It’s me, you’re friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, just swingin’ in to check on my girl.” 
“Aww, that’s sweet. How lucky she is to have a real life superhero looking out for her,” she winked at Peter to indicate she was only teasing. “She’s doing well today! Go see if she can remember your face this morning. Don’t want her actually falling in love with Spider-Man instead of you.”
He let their jests fall into the background as he swiftly walked to her room. His heart was pounding in his chest. Not because he was angry she was out here spilling his secrets but because she actually remembered something. Last December he surprised her by setting up a rooftop picnic as they watched the giant tree light up. That was no dream she was recalling. That was a memory. 
Peter burst into her hospital room to find May sitting by her bedside and speaking softly to her. He beamed at the two of them, jogging over to his girlfriend and planting a big, happy kiss on her cheek. 
She made a face of disgust and turned to May, saying sarcastically, “Who does this nurse think he is? Personal space much? They’re gettin’ real friendly here.” 
May chuckled under her breath, “Nurses these days are very hands on. Peter, honey, why don’t you have a seat? I was just about to leave and I’m sure she’d enjoy the company.” They often took turns watching over her as she didn’t have any family of her own. 
She studied him from her hospital bed with wide eyes, analyzing his face, “Hey, I know you. Has my boyfriend ever saved you from a disaster? He’s Spider-Man. He saves people. We’re going to get married someday…probably…if he wants to. I’m going to have his Spider babies.” 
May suppressed another laugh and patted her nephew’s arm, “She also had a very good dream about Spider-Man last night. I think you might have some competition on your hands.” She gave Peter a quick wink. “I’ve got to get home. I had a full night shift but I couldn’t leave without stopping in to say good morning to my favorite girl. You take care of her, honey. I’ll see you later.” 
Peter waited until they were alone in the room before he turned to her with a big smile, pulling up a chair to her bedside, “You are an absolute nightmare, you know that? Almost gave me a damn heart attack today. Could you please do me a giant favor and stop telling everyone you meet my biggest secret?” 
“Okay,” she stated with vacant ease. “What’s your secret?” 
He laughed under his breath, “You’re lucky you’re cute.” 
Her smile faded the longer she stared at his face. Her brows pinched together in thought. He could tell she had just remembered something and was working hard to put it into words. 
“...Peter…” She whispered. “That woman called you Peter. That’s my boyfriend’s name. You look like him. You come here every day. You sit by me. You bring me flowers. You talk to me. You fall asleep in that chair every afternoon. You look just like him.” 
He held his breath and nodded, silently watching her try to put the pieces together. It was like he could see her bruised brain starting to heal in front of his eyes. 
“Why do you look like him?” She asked.  
He blinked back the tears starting to press into his eyes, asking softly “Why do you think?”
Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes intently studying him, “You’re Peter, aren’t you? My Peter. I think I know you. I think you might belong to me.”
His smile broke through the tears and he quickly cleared his throat, “Yeah. I belong to you.”
“Cool,” she sighed, sinking back into her pillows. Her face settled back in its placid, nearly vacant expression once more. 
“I love you,” he whispered to her, terrified of letting the moment pass.  
She turned her head back to face him, confusion pulling at her brows, but she flopped her hand out on the bed for him to take. He gladly accepted the offer. It was the first time since she woke up that she willingly reached out for him. His thumb brushed over her fingers as he relished in the feeling of holding her again. He would wait for her forever. 
“I think I love you, too,” she whispered back, a tiny smile gracing her face. "Spider-Man."
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differenteagletragedy · 5 months
omg.. for the holidays, the olba poly boys and mc go on a nice cruise together. cove is at the food places 24/7 derek is swimming and playing the sports stuff, baxter is taking those dance classes with mc. please hear me out.
Oh how fun!!!
-- Lollllll Cove at the food places, you know he would! He's going to have a bellyache the whole time.
-- Except he won't because Derek is there, and Derek is going to tell him to take it easy. He also packed some tummy meds too because he knows how Cove is and everyone saw his coming a mile away.
-- Personally I love sporty Cove, so he'd also take some time to play stuff with Derek. You and Baxter like to watch Cove and Derek be sporty together, so that's a fun activity for you guys too!
-- It doesn't even have to be on the cruise, like Derek asks Cove if he wants to go kick around a soccer ball one afternoon, and you and Baxter don't even have to be invited, you just start packing a few things and they're like "???" but then you get to the park together and you and Baxter just set up a blanket and some snacks near the field.
-- What if Derek convinces Baxter to try a sporty thing with him because it's a cruise and it's a special occasion?! You're out on the ocean with a bunch of strangers, no one is going to know Baxter. It'll be fine if he borrows a little athletic shirt (well, it's little on Derek, pretty fitted, but it'll hang on Baxter) and some shorts (Derek is going to have to help him tie that drawstring tight, he is skinny boy) and does an activity.
-- I pulled up an itinerary, looks like some cruises have mini golf too! Everyone can play mini golf! Baxter is going to cheat though, so keep an eye on him.
-- Or you probably don't need to, because Cove will. And if he catches him then boy is he going to be in trouble.
-- Also it looks like most cruises that leave from California go somewhere in Mexico, so that's fun! You can go to an island! Forget the buffets (for just a moment, anyway), this is Cove's favorite place.
-- Oh man you're on some island, not your usual beach in Sunset Bird, and it's such a magical experience. Everyone is feeling extra happy and cozy, and Baxter lets Cove take him out a little farther in the ocean than he usually does.
-- Derek is taking pictures, he's got a little waterproof thing for his phone.
-- Everybody's sitting on the beach, taking it in, feeling all romantic, and Baxter goes, "If you were a mermaid, what would you want to look like?"
Cove: *explains with not a single nanosecond of hesitation*
You and Derek: *secret fist bump*
-- Baxter is going to be dancing with all three of you and he's going to be the happiest guy in the world.
-- Did he make everybody pack their formal clothes? You already know he did.
-- You know when you go on a trip with a group and there's always that one person that knows everything that's going on and has a schedule and tries to stick with it? That's Derek. Make him let loose.
-- It's such a special experience, you decide to make going on cruises a semi-regular thing!
Derek: Maybe next time we can fly out to the east coast and do one in the Bahamas or something!
Cove: And get lost in the Bermuda triangle? No thanks.
You: Cove, I don't think that's --
Cove: No.
Baxter: Perhaps an Alaskan cruise? See the northern lights?
Cove: *scoffs* Yeah, we'll go on vacation and get eaten by bears, Baxter, sounds like a blast.
Derek: ... We could do this cruise again.
Cove: *smug* Now you're talking.
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