#Avatar legends RPG
goonlalagoon · 1 month
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This isn't an actual scene, but a general 'ehhh probably happened sometime?' backstory scene for my Avatar Legends character Honu and her ward, Raolu.
Pose references from @adorkastock
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sagharaessense · 7 months
I just watched Avatar season 3! Zuko is so cute when he smiles!
Owowowowowowowowo >w<
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lorekeeper-backset · 5 days
I got bored so... Zinnia in Avatar Legends, why not.
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Why Iroh is not a Good Judge of Azula's Redeemability
One of the fiercest debates in Avatar fandom is whether or not to take Iroh’s words and actions towards Azula as proof of Azula irredeemability. 
For those who think that Azula is irredeemable point to stuff like, “She’s crazy and needs to go down,” or the fact that there was never any indication that he ever tried to reason with her, even when he tried reasoning with war criminals (the Rough Rhinos), someone who was literally going destroy a fundamental aspect of reality (Zhao), and someone who was attempting to rob him at knifepoint (Tycho), as proof that he knew that Azula was fundamentally broken, or that, after he returned from his wandering to the palace, he realized that Azula was too firmly indoctrinated for him, or anyone other than Azula herself, to save.
Meanwhile, those who think that Azula is redeemable point out that Iroh said, She’s crazy and needs to go down,” only after she had repeatedly tried to hunt him and Zuko down so she could bring them back to the Fire Nation for their treason, had attempted to kill Zuko with lightning, and had almost killed him with blue fire. Not to mention, Iroh had to dissuade Zuko from trying to show Azula compassion because, as long as she and Ozai where in power, there was no way they could convince her to change her path, and so to show her compassion, or attempt to reason with her, would end with him, Zuko, or the both of them dead or in chains.
And in regards to the comics, where he never visits her in the asylum to try and steer her down a better path now that she lost everything, including her power, and thus would be receptive to his teachings? Well, if Iroh was willing to retire to Ba Sing Se and leave the arduous task of reforming the Fire Nation after a hundred years of war and propaganda to his unprepared nephew, who he sees as a surrogate son, why would Iroh be inclined to try and help steer Azula down a better path? 
Especially when, as far as he knows, Azula is getting top-notch medical treatment for her mental illness(es)?
Not to mention, when Zuko was facing push back to take Azula on the search for Ursa, Iroh voiced his support for taking her, pointing out that it might help Azula find inner peace.
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And besides, regardless of the above points, those who think Azula is redeemable point out that it would be highly hypocritical for Iroh deny the possibility of Azula reforming when it took Iroh suffering one of the harsh losses imaginable, the lost of a child, in combination with the White Lotus, who are made up of people victimized by Iroh’s actions, or inaction, as Crown Prince and as a general of the Fire Nation, for him to reform and redeem himself well into middle age.
Well, in my opinion, this debate is a moot one because the foundational assumption for both sides, that Iroh actually cared for Azula, at least at some point, is not actually true.
For the Legacy of the Fire Nation, which in-universe is a scrapbook Iroh wrote to share memories and mementos with Zuko, reveals that Iroh never gave up on Azula because he never gave her a chance in the first place, first, due to seeing her as an obstacle to Zuko getting Ozai's favor, and then, after his own redemption arc, an obstacle to Zuko becoming the savior of the Fire Nation that Iroh knew he could become.
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In fact, he shows more sympathy and regret in regards to Ozai despite Ozai having decades to change his path as well as being Zuko, Ursa, and Azula's primary abuser.
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And Iroh continues to have such negative views about Azula despite the fact that he begrudgingly admits that it took him decades to change his ways, that he only changed after his own son died despite killing countless Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom sons through his warmongering, and that he engaged in imperialism for the same reasons that Azula did: to make his father proud and because he thought it was his destiny.
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And to make things worse, the TTRPG, which was created in collaboration with Avatar Studios, reveals that Iroh learned lightning redirection before Lu Ten’s death. So even if Azula was under Ozai's thrall, he could have stopped her abuse, as well as Zuko's in addition to ending the war sooner, by challenging Ozai to Agni Kai after returning from his wandering and killing him by baiting Ozai into shooting lightning and then redirecting it.
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“But what about Iroh voicing support for Azula to go on the search for Ursa? That at least proves that Iroh has some care for Azula, right?”
Iroh’s support for Azula going on the search for Ursa could easily be explained by Iroh not wanting to go against the wishes of his beloved nephew, especially since he knows that Azula is the only one with relevant information in regards to Ursa’s location due to Azula burning all the letters in Ozai’s secret trunk save for the “Zuko is a bastard” letter, as well as him knowing that him vocalizing his true thoughts on Azula would make him look unwise and/or cause friction to arise between him and Zuko.
And besides, it is not like Iroh has ever lied to Zuko or others about his true opinions and allegiances before, especially when he, rightfully or wrongfully, thinks it is in everyone’s best interests for him to hide them, right?
“Why do you think that Iroh had a responsibility to challenge Ozai to an Agni Kai and kill him? For don’t you remember that Iroh said, in regards to Zuko asking him to fight Ozai during Sozin’s Comet, that he would not fight Ozai for the throne since history would just see it as two brothers trying to kill each other for power, and so it had to be the Avatar who defeated Ozai?"
My response to that argument is the famous phrase, “The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing.”
If Iroh already had his heel-face turn and realized that the war was immoral, wouldn’t the morally righteous thing for him to do is end the war as soon as possible? Especially since he was the person best equipped to stop it considering, unlike the audience, no one in-universe knows when, if ever, the Avatar would return?
Besides, why should we care for Iroh’s opinion in regards to the ramifications of him fighting Ozai for the throne when he, after telling Zuko that he could not fight his own brother to death since history would view it negatively, in the same breath told Zuko to essentially fight his own sister to death for the throne?
So to conclude, why should people care about Iroh's opinion about Azula's (ir)redeemability? Especially when, if people applied his standards to him and Zuko, neither of them would have been able to redeem themselves?
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lucid-bug · 1 year
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Finally drew my ATLA oc, Bozu! She’s a non bender from the Fire Nation. Her family is a part of a gang that supplies fireworks to the royal city. 🧨🎇🔥
I created her for an Avatar Legends RPG one shot ran by a friends a while back before the books were in print. I love her so much and I really want to play more sessions.
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airspeedprime · 9 months
Top 20 New Details from the Republic City RPG Book
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charlietheeliatrope · 8 months
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Flow like the wind…….. Or just canonball people with air!! This is my airbender character for my friends Avatar legends campain! Her name is Yugo! (Yes after Yugo from wakfu haha xD)
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literalcatpod · 3 months
This Month on the Literal Cat Podcast (March 2024)
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We are 5 days late because I have spent the last week being distracted but I did remember this afternoon! It's a new month!
Anyway, tomorrow Kevin Kutlesa, AKA TheLawfulGeek, will walk us through Scion: Origin. Hear all about the street cat who would be king. of something.
Then, on March 20 (sorry, we don't have anything for the 15th), we take a look at the Avatar Legends roleplaying game, where luckily, literal cats ARE part of the setting! Despite all the weird hybrid animals, we got one regular old cat which let us make our water-bending ninja lore-accurate!
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entity9silvergen · 2 years
Screaming about this on tumblr because I’m building this campaign for my friends and I really want to see their genuine reactions so I can’t tell them.
So there’s an ATLA ttrpg, right? It’s chef’s kiss and I love it. I ran a practice campaign with some people I know irl to see if I like GMing in hopes of running a more curated campaign for my friends and now I’m setting up a oneshot for some of my close friends to get introduced to the game.
I’m using semi-pregenerated campaigns for introducing players and I’d originally thought there was only one oneshot, The Forbidden Scroll, premade which seemed like a cool story but not the vibe I was going for. I’d also thought that all the campaigns in the expansion pack were multi-session but turns out there was a pdf I’d never looked at with a campaign called The Vanishing Act.
The premise is fairly simple with a lot of room for the GM to add complications. The daughter of a Ba Sing Se diplomat was kidnapped and the prime suspects are the local gang leader and the rival gang leader but the GM can decide which of them it was or if it was the lead detective or the girl herself.
As it turns out, the daughter’s trying to escape Ba Sing Se to elope with her lesbian lover. And, according to the GM notes, that is unnegotiable. You can decide who’s the kidnapper, the details of all the political conflicts in the Middle Ring, and whether or not the Cabbage Merchant betrays his beloved turkey duck Daisy but you can’t decide they aren’t gay. They are queer and I love that the writers left no openings for the GM or players to change that.
Love the queer rep in this games, especially because I know zero allocishet people to play with. This is a game for the gays.
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ly0nstea · 1 year
My Avatar Legends Backerkit came today!!!
I'll probably post a review on it in like the next week when I'm not exhausted from exam season.
If you've got any specific questions on it feel free to drop an ask or something!
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coleyoly · 9 days
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Jhilu Tianyi, character for Avatar Legends TTRPG
Stats: Creativity +2 | Focus +1 | Harmony -1 | Passion 0
Below are just... A ton of notes to help me flesh out her character and wrap my head around to play her in this unfamiliar RP setting.
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Hashtag Contents: History Principles Playing Jhilu Jhilu trivia
Jhilu is the eldest daughter of the Tianyi, a powerful family located in Tu Zin. Their fortune is made from the ownership of the prosperous, enriched mines on their land. The Tianyi are merchants of raw or refined metals, jewels, crystals, and stone. She was raised in privilege and refinement, educated in history, the arts, business, and social etiquette. At this time, her earth bending took a back seat. What abilities she had were more of a parlor trick to entertain guests than a serious endeavor.
At age 18, Jhilu and her family were victims of the Fifth Nation’s raids on the Zeizhou Province, resulting in their abduction and captivity in the South Pole. Among the thousand hostages, the Tianyi family were deemed higher collateral due to their prominence and therefore isolated from the others. Jhilu and her sister (3 years younger) Chiyo, were kept separate from their parents and under constant supervision.
While awaiting their captain’s meeting with the Avatar, the male pirates grew restless and their unwanted attention landed on their captives. One night Jhilu found herself surrounded, with a sword to her throat, an assault eminent. Suddenly, one of the female pirates entrusted with her imprisonment charged in, beating back her comrades and wrenching the sword from Jhilu’s throat. In the process, this pirate (later known to Jhilu as Mika) severed three of the fingers on her left hand, and Jhilu was badly slashed. In the bloody moments that followed, Mika beat back the other pirates, healed Jhilu, and then healed herself. Mika grimly guarded the two captives day and night despite threats, scuffles, and fatigue. When the Fire Nation Navy arrived to aid them, Mika surrendered without a fight.
Jhilu was inspired by Mika’s bravery, humbled by her helpless experience, and grateful to the Avatar. (Jhilu’s tutor was at the summit, and described a girl who would later be named Avatar Kyoshi taking out Fifth Nation ships by raising spires from the sea floor). After these events, Jhilu dedicated herself to honing her bending and martial art abilities and becoming what she hopes is a better person.
It started at home. Jhilu’s parents, Zhong (father) and Chen (mother), are not cruel people by nature but are capitalists, willing to push the limits of morality for the sake of added revenue. Jhilu became very vocal and active in improving conditions for their workers, chastising her parents for decisions made valuing profit over safety, and calling out business partners for less than scrupulous suggestions. When Chiyo began to follow in Jhilu’s footsteps, Zhong chose Jhilu to be an ambassador, to travel, network, and broker deals in the more prosperous cities of their nation including Ba Sing Se.
He hoped that worldly experience would make Jhilu understand. He hoped that during her social obligations that she might find a young man to marry. Jhilu now understands that the system is terrible, but that she must play the game to have the leverage to make change. Jhilu also discovered two things: One, her favorite past time is being mean to bad men. And two, her heart calls exclusively for women.
Tradition versus Progress.
For Jhilu, the definition of Tradition would be to continue her family’s interests in both business and political sectors. The Tianyi’s continued tradition equals power – present and future – for Jhilu, which she believes bolsters her ability toward Progress. Progress for Jhilu involves policy and humanitarian work to uplift the lower rungs of society, and elevating them when possible. It means protecting others from abuse of power, and also means keeping those with more power in check. Jhilu will intervene witnessing excessive force, abuse of power, or unchecked growth of power.
Jhilu is self-aware enough to address her capabilities and knows that her best shot at accomplishing Progress is working within the path of Tradition and pushing for Progress when she can. She has chosen to integrate herself into the machine to change it slowly from the inside, even if it is just within her providence. She is not a revolutionary shaking the foundations of everything. She is not a master martial artist willing to throw her life on the line fighting against the status quo (yet?).
It should be noted, her ideals are not perfect! Jhilu likes being able to throw her money at problems. She likes being smart enough to recognize the problems and being capable of helping. She likes that her name comes with just enough clout that many people take her seriously. Part of the imperfection of her ideals is that Jhilu sees herself as a benevolent keeper of power. She is unlike many of the Earth Kingdom sages, unlike the Beifongs and her parents, and would not act without considering the consequences to her company or providence. However, her goals – while intentional to improve the lives of others – still exist in a system that harms them. Given that the canon indicates the Earth Kingdom remains this way long after Jhilu is dead, Jhilu must maintain this flawed ideal with good intentions. Tradition and Progress exist in the same space for her.
#Playing Jhilu
Notes to self for playing Jhilu.
I'm going for a saucy, confident, courageous (bawdy, egotistical, foolhardy?) earth bending heiress. She's going to have a strong moral compass, which sometimes puts her at odds with her family and sometimes leaves her self-preservation lacking. She's playful and can be a bit of a pest to her friends.
Jhilu believes she can do everything. I should not say, "I don't think I can" when playing Jhilu. She agrees readily to the plans of others if it meets her ideals.
Innuendos. The more clever and tongue-in-cheek they are, the better. Jhilu uses the impropriety of it to trip people up, get them off their guard, and honestly because it's fun.
Jhilu is ON AVATAR KYOSHI'S SIDE. Anything Rangi or Kyoshi ask of her, she'll do it. It doesn't matter what it is. If people are talking shit about Kyoshi in her hearing range, she'll try to counter or change the subject.
During conversations, Jhilu might lift her chin and tilt her head to show her scar. She does this move when people insinuate that she's naive (I've seen more than you like to think about), when she needs to bluff (I'm stronger than you think I am), or when she needs to guilt others (look at what I've had to endure). It's subtle, it's body language.
Sincerity is her undoing. Jhilu is a master of the charade and keeping things superficial. She may care deeply about someone and be sincere to them, but when it's reflected back ("I care about you. I'm scared for you. I love you") it impacts her deeply. Sometimes she's a little scared by it.
"I've decided-! I've decided that I'm going to make you regret that you ever heard my name." - Shit Jhilu would say.
#Jhilu trivia
Jhilu is named after Jhilu Luo, a rock climber.
I chose the name Tianyi because Tian can mean “sweet” and yi can mean “virtuous.” I wanted to bake Jhilu’s good intentions into her name directly.
The Tianyi's house emblem is a CobraCrane. @kiyoshimori helped me pick it out. I wanted something beautiful and dangerous to represent Jhilu. I also felt like it would be in fashion for other rich families to imitate the Beifongs.
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goonlalagoon · 27 days
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We encountered some turtleducks in our last session and decidied to do a quick digital painting of some of my doodle.
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mrkapao · 8 months
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We're kicking things off tonight with a Session Zero and Meet the Cast on Fresh Out the Box for a limited actual play series of 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' TTRPG (Avatar Legends: The RPG) by Magpie Games!
Every other Fridays starting at 6PM PST on TWITCH (/jahananon)!
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redsnerdden · 9 months
OOPS! WoTC OGL Misstep Shakes Up RPG Business
OOPS! WoTC OGL Misstep Shakes Up RPG Business #TabletopGames #RPG #dnd #Pathfinder #Fantasy #WoTC
If you recall in late December 2023, Wizards of the Coast announced that it would be changing up their OGL (Open Game License) after describing the D&D Brand as under-monetized, which led to speculation that Wizards of The Coast would seek to increase revenues by changing OGL or eliminating it to cut off third-party creators. It also led to Fans and Game Creators facing the possibility that the…
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Zuko and Azula Were Raised Differently
A common argument that people make in order to support their claim that Azula was born evil and/or that Zuko was always a naturally good person was that they were raised in the same household in the same way, and yet, even before Zuko got banished, he had empathy and was generally a decent person while Azula never showed any empathy towards others and was well on the path to becoming the monster she becomes later on in life.
However, in my opinion, this argument fails because its central assumption, that Azula and Zuko were raised the same way, is not true at all.
For even notwithstanding WoG statements by Bryke all but saying Azula is a product of nurture, not nature, the comics not only show that Azula and Zuko were not raised the same, but also explains why that is the case.
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This is because Azula and Zuko were literally conceived to help Iroh's line's continued dominance from Azulon's POV, or to help Ozai gain and maintain power from Ozai's POV. 
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However, Zuko appeared to be dud due to lacking the spark while Azula was everything that Ozai wished for in a child. So Ozai put all his efforts into raising her into the perfect conqueror and absolute monarch while essentially neglecting Zuko, only really interacting with him in order to emotionally abuse him for not living up to his standards.
Or in other words, Azula was the golden child while Zuko was the scapegoat, meaning that Ozai not only encouraged anti-social behavior in Azula, but also emotionally abused Zuko, often in front of Azula, whenever Zuko tried to act in a prosocial fashion.
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Meanwhile, Zuko’s status as Ozai’s scapegoat meant that it was easier for Ursa, and later Iroh, to influence him down a better path since Ozai wasn't invested in him while it was impossible for Ursa due to being a powerless sex slave and Iroh deeming her too under her father’s influence to try.
In fact, Iroh in the Legacy of the Fire Nation all but says that Ozai neglected Zuko and stoked the competition for his favor between Zuko and Azula while at the same time lavishing Azula with “praise” whenever she acted in accordance with his values.
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Also, it is implied in the “Zuko is a bastard letter” that Ursa resents Azula for justifying everything the Royal Family did to her since it appeared that, for most of her childhood, Azula was the child of prophecy that led Azulon to find her family and force her to marry Ozai.
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“So are you trying to say that how Azula turned out and all of the horrible things she did was not her fault?”
No, because while I was showing how her environment explains her actions and behavior, it does not excuse them. For she was sane when she committed most of her heinous actions, and even when she is insane, the whole existence of “Ursa” shows that what knows what she is doing is wrong.
In fact, I think it reflects poorly on Zuko and Aang that they agreed to Azula’s terms in regards to the search for Ursa before having the unmitigated gall to lose custody of her. 
Especially Zuko since he knows how dangerous Azula is and the threat an escaped Azula presents to the post-war order he is supposed to help protect, and yet disregards all this due to his understandable, but selfish, desire to find Mommy, even though a major part of his redemption arc was learning to put the world’s needs over his desire to have a happy and whole family.
Moreover, I think they are idiots for not dropping everything to bring her in, have a moral imperative to arrest and/or stop Azula again, and would deserve all the scorn in the world if she hurts anyone permanently before they can stop her for good.
“Come on, even if your interpretation of the “Zuko is a bastard” letter is correct, Ursa never let her resentment towards Azula and/or her fear of Ozai affect her parenting towards Azula. For she treated Azula the way she treated Zuko. And if she didn’t, it is because she saw Azula’s latent darkness and decided to save the one child who she could save: Zuko.”
Well, I don’t think Ursa parented Zuko the same way that she did Zuko.
For when Zuko threw bread at the turtle ducks in an attempt to emulate Azula, presumably since Ozai would approve of such behavior, despite not hitting innocent animals being something that should be obvious, Ursa took the time to explain to him why that was wrong in a calm manner that was easy for a 11 year old to understand.
Meanwhile, when Azula burns flowers in the Royal Palace gardens in an attempt to get Ursa’s attention since acting violently gets Ozai’s (positive) attention, Ursa tells Azula to respect the flowers, never once paying attention to Azula saying she burned them because they weren’t perfect, or in other words, I am “perfect”, yet why do you not give me (positive) attention while lavishing Zuko with it?
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And while Ursa was more than right to punish Azula by sending her to her room after she burns Zuko for snitching on her, there is never any indication that Ursa ever talked to Azula about why burning flowers is wrong, or why burning them because they aren’t perfect is wrong.
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Or in another example, when Zuko fails in his impromptu bending display, Ursa immediately reassures him and praises him for his performance while she says nothing to Azula after her perfect performance.
For while I know that Zuko needed more reassurance, not only in that moment, but also in general, since Ozai had it out for Zuko from birth and Azulon is displeased with Zuko at best while Ozai and Azulon are more than happy with their prodigy/eugenics experiment, Azula is not privy to these dynamics, nor should she since she is a 9 year old.
So it appears to a 9 year old Azula that perfection is not enough to get her mother’s attention while Zuko can be a “screw-up” and still get their mother’s attention.
Or how about when she says out loud what is wrong with that child after Azula disparages Azulon and wishes for his death so Ozai can take the throne, even though she knows that Azula is all but parroting Ozai’s words.
For it might seem obvious to readers and a former peasant like Ursa that wishing for your Grandfather to die so your father can gain more power is utterly vile. 
But to a nine year old who has been repeatedly told that such desires are more than ok, and in fact are natural, it seems like from Azula’s POV that Ursa is berating her for no reason other than because something wrong with her notwithstanding her thoughts, like maybe the fact that she is monster….
(Yes, I know we never see Ozai ever directly talk to Azula about his feelings in regards to the line of succession pre-Azulon’s death, but considering the TTRPG says that Ozai made it a point to teach Azula that conquest is all that matters, even though we never see that on screen or on panel, I don’t think it that much of stretch to assume Ozai in private vented his thoughts about Azulon, Iroh, and Lu Ten to Azula.)
And in regards to the argument that Ursa saw Azula’s inner darkness, and therefore rightfully distanced herself from Azula? That is not supported by text.
For it is true that Noriko might have been motivated by self-preservation when she told Azula that, if she was her mother, she was sorry for not loving her enough, it still does not change the fact that an amnesic Ursa knew by looking at Azula’s face and hearing her raving that Azula’s issue was not that she was born evil, but that she never experienced unconditional love and proper guidance from a parent or parental figure.
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And during Smoke and Shadow, Ursa expresses her worry about Azula and acts overprotective towards Kiyi because she did not want to lose another daughter on top of acknowledging during her confrontation with Ozai that Azula never had his love, only his approval.
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So to conclude, while it doesn’t excuse any of her actions, the truth of the matter is that Azula turned out differently from Zuko because they were raised differently. For Zuko could not live up to Ozai’s standards for what an imperialist, colonizing, absolute monarch should be, and so was discarded by Ozai, thus allowing Ursa, and later Iroh, to be the primary influences in his life.
Meanwhile, Azula was everything that Ozai wanted, and so he poured all his time and attention into her, with Ursa and Iroh being unable to counteract it short of killing or imprisoning him.
So while it may be true that Azula is irredeemable as of current canon, it is because of how she was raised that led to her becoming irredeemable, not because she was born evil.
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jabberru · 2 days
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