#CRACK  )   that was the dumbest car chase of all time.
dunnitmoved · 4 years
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Date: Jean Havoc x Reader (w/ Big Brother Roy Mustang)
-PRETEND ROY IS YOUNGER FOR THE SAKE OF THIS ONE-SHOT (say, like 20-ish) -sorry this took so long. I had an internship and it got a little crazy
-idc about the timeline because this is a one-shot and i’m not gonna use my big brain lmaooo
Summary: Overprotective Roy? Yes. You’re dating Jean Havoc and your bro watches your first date from the shadows.
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Nervous. That was the first emotion you felt when you stepped out of the front door. Today was a big day, maybe more so than you’d like to believe. The sun shimmered overhead, where the sparse clouds drifted lazily across the sky. “Bye, Roy,” you called. “I’ll be back around sixteen o’clock.”
Roy was your elder brother by four years. If a guard dog had a human personification, it would definitely be him. For all your life, he wrote himself off as the responsible sibling. He acted like his grades were better than yours, like he was the one to take out the trash, or finish all the dishes before cockroaches decided to make home in them.
Anyone would have thought that to be true. After all, Roy was young and rose up the military ranks at an alarming rate. But you knew better, along with his close colleagues. Roy was stupid, overprotective, and impulsive. He would do anything that interested him, and if it didn’t, he’d pay no mind to it.
You prayed your brother would pay no mind today.
The front door slammed open with a creak. “Where do you think you’re going?” Roy inquired. He squinted at you as if you were about to do something stupid. “And what are you wearing? I hope you have shorts under that.” You rolled your eyes and adjusted the purse slung over your shoulder. 
This sun dress was a gift from Jean for your (age) birthday. The skirt flowed in the passing breezes like a flower, illuminating all the vibrant colours under the rays of sun. It was a beautiful dress. If Roy thought otherwise, you’d make him understand. “It’s called a dress, doofus.” you sarcastically replied. “Not like you’d know when you only see Riza in the Command Centre. Poor you. Haven’t gotten the chance to see her in a skirt, huh?”
Roy averted his gaze to the sky with a haughty huff. “What are you talking about? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” Heat rose up his cheeks. “If you’re implying I harbour romantic feelings for my First Lieutenant, then you’re--”
“A hundred percent correct.” you stated with a smug smirk. “I’ll be back around sixteen o’clock. Don’t burn down the house.” If Roy accidently did, you wouldn’t be surprised. He was the Flame Alchemist, and above all, your stupid big brother.
“Where are you going (Y/n)?” Roy called. You flung your hair over your shoulder with a bright smile that could have blinded even the sun. “A date, of course.” Okay, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to rub salt in a wound. What Roy didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. But then you saw look on his face. Nevermind, it was totally worth it to rub in his face: jaw agape, eyes as wide as saucers, and shoulders hunched down.
Ah, it was good to be you.
The city bustled with life. With the sun shining, and the beauty of living in your palms, you trotted down the street. There was nothing that could ruin your date.
"Jean!" Your tone was light as a laugh escaped your lips. "It feels like I haven't seen you in a while." 
Cherry red dusted his cheeks. He stuffed the unlit cigarette into his pocket and offered you a hand. In his other, he placed a single (f/c) flower between your hairclips. "I saw you yesterday," he said with a bashful smile. "What do you mean it's been a while?" You bumped shoulders playfully and intertwined your fingers together. "Hyperbole, Jean."
"Well, it's one hyperbole too many." He remarked with a grin. "Do you want to have sandwiches today or a hot meal?" You shrugged, leaning against his shoulder. It was comfortable to have him hold you like this as you made your way down the street. He always had this secure way of linking your arms with his.
Off to the side, Roy couldn't say the same. It wasn’t like he planned on following you. Curiosity just swept him out of the house. And besides, what you didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt, right? Right.
Roy wished Jean didn’t hold you like you were some stuffed animal. For all he knew, Jean was just playing you. It wouldn't be the first when he had over fifteen other girls in the past four months. If Jean broke your heart, he'd be sure to fry the man up to a crisp. "Damn him," Roy grumbled. He pulled down his fedora and adjusted the glasses over his nose. "What makes him think he can touch (Y/n) like that?"
You suddenly laughed loudly at some joke. “Stop!” you cried, playfully smacking his arm. “That’s the worst one I’ve heard all week!” 
Roy slinked out of the shadows with a low huff. He shouldn't have worn such a thick jacket. It had to be over twenty something degrees today. But that was no matter because you were being whisked away to the park--by Jean! Roy hurried down the street. Since when did you get lunch? And what was Jean going to do to you?
"The park's a good place." you noted. “Let’s go there.” The bag from Sally's Sandwiches hung from Jean's arm. It swung back and forth as he happily pranced along the street with you hand in hand. "Good thing I remembered to bring a blanket this time. We can sit under that tree."
Oh, what was Jean going to do to you? Roy couldn't stand the thought of you walking with him like that. There had to be an ulterior motive to this 'date'. Maybe Jean wanted to leech off you for money, or maybe he would try seducing you in the park? Roy shook his head. No, no.
Jean wasn't a bad guy. Maybe Roy was thinking too far ahead. But what if he wasn’t? What if Jean pulled some sneaky plan?
You crossed the street just as a car wildly swerved. Its tires screeched against the road like nails on a chalkboard, grinding against stone until it came your way. Roy frantically popped out of his hiding space. "What kind of idiot would--"
Suddenly, you slammed a hand into the ground. The stone transmuted, blocking the car from any unnecessary collisions. It smacked straight into the wall, smoke and steam rising from its engine. "(Y/n)!" cried Jean. "Are you okay?" He frantically placed a hand on either of your shoulders and looked you up and down. A smile rose to your lips. "I'm fine. Not even a scratch."
A sigh escaped Jean's lips. "That's good. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt." You placed a gentle hand to his cheek and pecked it (Roy wanted to gag). "I'm an Alchemist. It'd be a shame if I went down by a car."
"Don't joke about that," Jean chastised. He hooked his arm with yours again and led you away from the screeching onlookers and police. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
Roy blinked. Did he hear Jean right? 'I don't know what I'd do if I lost you'? What was that supposed to mean? “Look at them, being all lovey-dovey...” Roy continued after the couple. They passed through a field of forest green grass, where flowers bloomed in straight, uniform lines all around. It was a beautiful spot to have a picnic. 
You swung your arm, hand in hand with Jean. The sun kissed your heads from the Heaven’s, illuminating a bright happiness Roy couldn’t look away from. Urgh. He wanted to kick something, or better yet, set a tree on fire. How could you two look so perfect? You were only (age) and that was far too young to be dating. 
Besides, you had a career in the military. If your little ‘relationship’ was sealed with a ring, you’d be separated. “Did they even think that through?” Roy grumbled to himself. He gritted his teeth together and ducked behind a bush. 
“Excuse me sir.”
Roy glanced over his shoulder with a false smile. “Ah, what is it?” A little boy ball up and down in his hand. The glare on his face could have been intimidating, but Roy was Roy Mustang. He wouldn’t let some kid look down upon him. “Are you lost?”
The kid clutched the rock so tightly his knuckles turned white. “My mama said to watch out for creepy people. I think you fit well, Mr. Pervert.” He took a step back and launched the ball at Roy’s head. “Take that!”
“What are you talking about?!” Roy exclaimed. He jumped out of the bushes and brushed the leaves from his jacket. Boy, it was getting terribly hot in the sweltering heat. Poor Roy found himself losing what little patience remained. “I’m not a creep, kid! Where are your parents? If I was a creep, you would have been kidnapped already. I’m just trying to make sure my sister...!”
At that very second, you so happened to come to a stop. At that very second, you so happened to stare. At that very second, you so happened to recognise a face among strangers.
Roy was royally screwed. 
The little kid pointed at Roy as if he were the most wanted criminal in all of Amestris. “Lady!” he screeched. “I saw this guy watching you since you got here! He’s a creep! Call the cops!” Jean squinted at Roy. At first, he actually believed the kid was telling the truth. What kind of normal person wore a winter coat, a fedora, and a pair of sunglasses if not to deal drugs in the alleyways?
“Hold up...” Jean blinked owlishly. “Colonel, is that you?!”
You released Jean’s arm. “Oh, it’s him alright.” A menacing glare rose to your face as you cracked your knuckles. What was Roy supposed to do? The wrath of his sister was not something he could brace himself for, especially when she could be just as impulsive as Edward Elric.
Roy waved his arms in denial. “I don’t know what that kid’s talking about. I just happened to pass by, and in the process, I ended up dropping my wallet, which turned out to be in the bushes, so--”
“Save it.” You cracked your knuckles and pulled on a glove. “It’s time to crank up the heat, because we’re having fried Alchemist tonight.”
Anger. That was the only emotion you felt as you chased your big brother around the park. Today was supposed to be a big day. You planned to walk around, maybe go shopping, and spend the night wandering around with Jean for a whole day. But no. Your stupid, idiotic, big brother had to be the creepy party crasher.
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peachbear88 · 3 years
So This is Love (Pt 4)
Warnings: Just remembered that this story has a lot of swear words so... SWEAR WORD WARNING
You wake up with a searing migraine, last night coming back in a haze of flashbacks. You taking shot after shot, singing on the coffee table, Wanda taking you back to- Oh shit. Your eyes widen as you remember how bad you fucked up last night. The disgust in her eyes as she slammed the door. You shoot up, ready to go talk to Wanda, to apologize, only to fall back down. "Damn, vertigos a bitch." You mutter before gently pushing yourself to your feet.
You drag yourself to the kitchen to find it empty as you pour yourself a glass of water. "They're probably sleeping off their hangovers." You mutter before opening the balcony door to allow the fresh air to sober you up. You stare out at the vast plain that Tony calls the front lawn before your silence is interrupted by the shuffling of footsteps. You turn to find Wanda, presumably grabbing some breakfast. The two of you make eye contact and her eyes widen before she makes a mad dash towards her room. You snap into action, barely grabbing the Sokovian's wrist before she could slam the door in your face. "Wanda, wait." You plead. She glares at you, her eyes filled with disgust. "What do you want?" She asks coolly, making your heart crack a little. "I want to talk-" You start but she wrenches her wrist away. "Yeah, and I don't want to listen." She retorts, slamming the door in your face once again. You sigh before turning to retreat to your room only to be stopped by Steve. "Lovers spat?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow. You groan inwardly. "Why is it, whenever something happens, you're always here to witness it?" You mutter. He laughs before leading you towards the living room and indicates for you to sit down on the couch. "I'm getting the protective dad talk, aren't I?" You mumble, not bothering to look at him. "No actually. I just wanted to say that no matter how cold she seems, she's got a soft spot for you. She just needs to know you're not going to leave her too." He pats you on the shoulder before leaving, letting you sink in your thoughts as you devise a clever way to win over Wanda Maximoff.
"2 hours away?! You've got to be kidding me!" You exclaim as you chuck your phone across the room. You just searched up where you could find popular Sokovian snacks only to discover that the closest store that sold them was 2 hours away. Nat only laughed at your misfortune. "Great risk comes with great reward." She quipped, swiftly dodging the pillow you sent flying her way. You sigh, realizing the wisdom in her words and proceed to grab your wallet and one of Tony's many car keys. "I'll be back in 4 hours." You wave hastily before heading out the door.
You return to the compound much later in the day, woven snack basket in hand as you march through the compound and into your room. You fail to notice Wanda, sitting in a dark corner of the room, her eyes following you as you take cover in your room with the goodies. You scrounge around for a bit before finding a sticky note and a sharpie marker. In quick, messy handwriting, you scrawl: 'For my favorite Sokovian' and slap it on the gift basket. You lay back, admiring your handiwork before quietly slinking out of your room and depositing it outside her door. Satisfied with your gift, you proceed to head downstairs to the training room, still somehow miraculously failing to notice Wanda.
"So let me get this straight. You pissed her off. Then you dropped off a super cliché gift basket at her door and didn't even put a name on it?" Peter recounted as he dodged a jab you sent at this head. You roll your eyes. "Correct Parker." He groans, sending a double legged kick your way that sends you reeling backwards. "Dude, that's like the dumbest thing you could've done. Trust me, it's going to end in her ignoring you for a long time." You roll your eyes, pulling yourself off the floor. "Sure Cupid." You grunted before dropping back into a your fighting stance. "Now show me how to do that cool-ass kick."
It's been weeks since you kissed Wanda and to your surprise, she was still ignoring you. Every time you entered the room, she'd drop whatever she was doing and speed shuffle out of the room leaving everyone befuddled and you feeling down. That all changed though on one fateful day when Peter strolled into the living room. "Trouble with the Missus?" Peter cackles wickedly.
"Shut up Parker."
"Damn, I'm good with this relationship stuff."
"I said shut it you little insect."
"What you gonna do about it?"
You growl before launching yourself at him. He jumps out of the way, ducking and weaving behind tables and chairs as you lunge at him, attempting to tackle him. Finally, after a good minute of you chasing him, you manage to pin him down, swinging your leg over him to trap him. "Oh you're going to regret that Pete." You grinned but were quickly cut off by a light cough. "Hi." You turn to see Wanda, staring at the two of you. You quickly roll off Peter who takes this as an opportunity to scramble off the floor, hauling ass to get out of the room. "Have fun you two!" He yells, winking at you. "What'd he mean by that?" Wanda asks, making you blush, your cheeks turning a rosy pink. "N-Nothing. So uh, what's up?" You ask, leaning on the marble countertop in an attempt to look suave but unfortunately for you, you misjudged the distance between you and the countertop and you hit the floor with a painful thud. "Oh god! Y/N, are you okay!?" She rushes forward, stifling giggles. "I'm good. What were you saying?" Her face assumes a more serious look. "I'm sorry for ignoring you. You were just trying to help." She looks down at her feet as they shuffle back and forth. You gently lift her chin up to look at you, noticing how her cheeks flush at your touch as you stare into her alluringly green eyes. "It's okay but does this mean you're taking my offer?" You smile at her cheekily but the smile is replaced with a look of agony. "Ow!" You exclaim as she slaps you playfully. "Maybe." She says slyly before turning on her heel, leaving you dumbstruck for a moment before you chase after her. "Wait, what do you mean maybe?!"
BAM! ANOTHER PART DOWN! I'm going to be writing a lot and probably posting part 5 soon because it's going to get exciting!!! I'm just excited :)
Taglist: @username23345
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Incorrect Quotes 4
Errorink (lol I dont have much Errorink in my posts still, sorry)
Geno, to Ink: I dare you to—
Dream: Ink isn’t allowed to accept dares.
Ink: Apparently I have ”no regard for my personal safety”
Dust: Do you miss the imagination of childhood?
Cross: I never had one.
Dust: An imagination or a childhood?
Horror: *accidentally hits Error in the face*
Horror: *trying to decide between saying “I’m fucking sorry” and “are you okay?”
Killer: Do you like my outfit?
Dream: Not as much as I like what's underneath it.
Killer, blushing: I- Dre-  
Dream: I need your chair. Get up.
Horror: Do you know when you know someone, and you see that they have another, like, life away from you and it feels weird?
Dust: Like when you see your teacher in the grocery store weird, or like when someone you’ve known for a long time starts wearing a cowboy hat weird?
Horror: The… The first thing weird
Dust: Oh, that’s good, ‘Cause I was thinking about getting a cowboy hat
Cross: You read my diary?!
Dream: At first, I didn’t know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Lust: Sorry, but you're under arrest for robbery.
Horror: What did I steal?
Lust, trying not to cry: My heart
Dream: Killer and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Cross: *Sighing* What did Killer do?
Dream: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Killer: Who wants a steering wheel?
Dream: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
Killer: *chugs entire bottle*
Killer: It’s perfume.
Killer, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today.
Dream: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a jerk!
Killer, tending to Dream's wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Dream: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Killer: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
Horror, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
Dust: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao
Horror: What did you do!?
Dust, addressing the squad: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Horror: But – that’s just a trash can.
Dust: It sure is!
Dream: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Fell: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Sci: I wake up at 4:30 AM
Fell: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
Sci: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise
Fell: I beg to differ
Sci: Then Beg
Dust: You’re a lying, cheating, piece of shit! You’re not the person I married!
Blue: Fine then! We’re getting a divorce! And i’m taking the kids!
Dream, pushing the monopoly board away from them: …maybe we should stop playing…
Dream: I relate to Belle because she loves books and likes people for who they are!
Ink: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies.
Killer: *dials 911*
Killer: hey i hate to be “that guy” but i glued myself to the ceiling again
Ink: Things have actually been going really well with Error. Our friendship is in a really good place.
Ink: Last week I said, “Did you know the weiner dog is neither a weiner nor a dog?” Instead of saying, “Shut up, Ink,” they said, “Okay.”
Lust: *signs a legal document with a glitter gel pen*
Horror, dumping out a shopping bag full of Lunchables onto the table: Tonight, we feast.
Error or Nightmare: *kicks “G” off Graveyard sign*
Error or Nightmare: Let’s get this party started.
Reaper: Did Geno just tell me they loved me for the first time?
Cross: Yeah.
Reaper: And did I do finger guns back?
Cross: Yeah, you did.
Sci: Name one time I haven’t acted professional
Geno: You’re holding a juice box right now
Sci: It’s to stop me from spilling my juice.
*The Bad Sanses response to I love you*
Killer: Thanks fam!
Horror: oh no
Dust: *cries* I love you too
Cross: Sounds fake but okay
Error: *A flustered mess*
Nightmare: can i get a refund
Sci: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
Blue: What if it bites me and it dies!?
Sci: Then you’re poisonous.
Dream: What if it bites itself and I die?
Sci: That’s voodoo.
Error: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Sci: That’s correlation, not causation.
Horror: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?
Ink & Killer at the same time: That’s kinky.
Sci: Oh my God.
Blue: Truth or dare?
Lust: Dare
Blue: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room
Lust: Hey Ink. 
Ink: Yeah?
Lust: Could you move? I’m trying to get to Geno. 
Killer: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Horror: Okay, but in my defense, Dust bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Killer: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
*The group is getting into the car*
Lust: I’m driving.
Geno, out of view: Shotgun!
Sci, turning to face Geno: Aww! But you had it on the way here-
Everyone except Geno: WOAH-
Geno, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
A random stranger: Go to Hell
Nightmare, tearing up: I wish I could
Error: Dear friends, your Christmas gift this year… is me. That’s right, another year of friendship. Your membership has been renewed.
Blue: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found.
Dust: My life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look like.
Killer: You know how I roll.
Killer: And I’m not talking about that time I fell into a pile of dung at the foot of a hill.
Dream: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Killer: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Blue: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
Fell: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Horror: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Dust: Oh, I’m always running
Dust: The question is from what
Fell: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially
Blue, desperately, as Fell bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Fell: Oh! B positive.
Horror: So what’s for dinner?
Dust, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Nightmare: Hey, you want some leftovers?
Cross: What's that?
Nightmare: You've never had leftovers???
Cross: No, because I'm not a quitter.
Nightmare: You often use humor to deflect trauma
Cross: Thank you
Nightmare: I didn't say that was a good thing
Cross: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Sci, pointing: May I sit there?
Fell: That's my lap
Sci: That doesn't answer my question, Fell.
Blue: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Dream: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Blue: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Ink: edible
'Can I copy the homework?'
Horror: I can help you with it!
Killer: Yeah, sure.
Dust: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Error: lol nope.
Cross: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Nightmare: *Read 5:55pm*
Nightmare: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Horror: >:O language
Dust: Yeah watch your fucking language
Error: 'The fuck word'.
Killer: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Dust: Oh my god they censored it
Error: Say fuck, Killer.
Dust: Do it, Killer. Say fuck.
Killer: Croissants: dropped
Horror: Road: works ahead
Dust: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Cross: Shavacado: fre
Error: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Nightmare, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Nightmare: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Horror: Okay, but what is updog?
Dust: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.
Cross: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.
Error: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.
Killer: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Nightmare: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Cross: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Dust: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
Horror: What’s a henway??
Nightmare: Oh, about five pounds.
Killer: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Horror: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Error: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it.
Cross: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Dust: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Nightmare: I have emotional scars.
Killer: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Horror: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents
Killer: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Error: Actually I did the math, Horror would have $225, not $0.15.
Horror: Fam I’m right here....
Cross: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Killer: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Cross: Sorry I only have a dollar
Killer: :(
Error: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Horror would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Cross: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Error: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Dust: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
Error: Apply juice to what
Nightmare: Directly to the forehead
Horror: Great chat everyone
Killer: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Horror: Have everyone stand.
Cross: Bring three more chairs.
Error: The most important ones can sit down.
Dust: Kill three.
Killer: You're a loose cannon, Horror.
Horror: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Error: I think you play by your own rules.
Cross: No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Killer: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Horror: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. Dust is a loose cannon.
Dust: *smashes a chair*
Cross: Are we really going to let Error keep Horror?
Killer: We kept Dust.
Killer: Good morning.
Horror: Good morning.
Error: Good morning.
Cross: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Killer: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Horror: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies
Dust: Socks are Feetie Heaties
Cross: Forks are Stabby Grabbies
Horror: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties
Dust: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies
Cross: Stamps are Lickie Stickies
Error, annoyed: You are disappointments
Dust: What’s something you guys are better than Killer at?
Error: Mario Kart.
Cross: Yeah, video games.
Horror: Emotional vulnerability.
Dust: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Horror: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Cross: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Killer: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Error: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Lust: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited
Geno: If?
Sci: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and he might not even die.
Lust, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Geno: You did WHAT–
Sci: William Snakepeare
Lust: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness.
Geno: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you.
Sci: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Lust: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.
Geno: You people already know too much about me.
Sci: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Lust: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Geno: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
Sci: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Geno: Good thinking.
Lust: 'Person of interest' is almost too flattering.
Lust: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'A man has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
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yeonjunsbxtch · 4 years
Turquoise Sky - Choi Yeonjun
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Turquoise Sky - Choi Yeonjun
*Sometimes the worst place you can be is in your own head*
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x reader
Genre: Extreme Angst
Warnings: extreme anxiety, overthinking, depression, heartbreak, swearing, crying, yelling, retroactive jealousy, irrational thinking and behavior. 
Word count: 2k
Song suggestions: The Truth Untold - BTS, STUCKINMYBRAIN - Chase Atlantic, Not Meant To Be - Theory of a Deadman, Black Rose - Trapt
Arthur’s note: hello! 🥰 quick notes about this angst I wanted to add! This is actually a prologue for a story I am writing but I did change a few things so it would make more sense so consider this also a sneak peek! Also, this angst holds a special spot in my heart. I hope you enjoy! ❤️
It was a gloomy September day. You gazed out the window of your bedroom, watching the wind blow through the leaves on the trees. The weather seemed to match your mood perfectly today. Your stomach turned as you felt your anxiety growing worse. Your anxiety has always been an issue in your life, but lately, it feels as if it is becoming something more.
As you continued to gaze out the window, your phone suddenly started ringing. You looked down at it and saw it was your boyfriend, Yeonjun. The slightest smile appeared on your face as you answered.
“Hi Yeonjun.”
“Hey babe, do you maybe want to go shopping today?”
Your smile grew hearing that he wanted to see you. You and Yeonjun have been arguing a lot lately about the dumbest shit. And of course it was always your fault. You could have sworn your relationship was ruined with the amount of times you almost split. So this was refreshing to hear.
Your smile grew hearing that he wanted to see you. You and Yeonjun have been arguing a lot lately about the dumbest shit. And of course it was always your fault. You could have sworn your relationship was ruined with the amount of times you almost split. So this was refreshing to hear.
"Sure! That would be fun!"
"Also, could I spend the night tonight?"
You grasped your bottom lip between your teeth as butterflies flew around in your stomach. It's been awhile since he has asked to spend the night. So, how could you deny him?
"Yeah! Sounds like a plan."
"Okay! I'll be there in 10."
And with that, you hung up. You quickly changed your clothes into something cuter.
Recently, you've been overthinking everything more than usual. You weren't sure why. Every word and every thought chewed through your mind and your anxiety always seemed the take over. It was almost like you had another person in your head. Every time you two fought, you were afraid he was going to leave you. Your arguments always ended with him wanting to end things. You felt as if you were walking on egg shells around him, trying not to overreact to anything. You were so afraid of him leaving you. You took a couple deep breaths to calm yourself. You were already feeling down today and the last thing you wanted was to argue with him, again.
"You like this one?" Yeonjun opened up a red candle for you to smell. You took a quick whiff and scrunched up your nose at the strong aroma.
"Not really, kind of smells like ass." He giggled at your comment and put the candle back on the shelf.
You walked over to the other side of the store to explore more options. You were surprisingly in a better mood than you were before. You and Yeonjun's mini shopping trip has been perfect so far and for a moment, it felt like there was hope for you two.
Just when you thought things were getting better, you stopped in your tracks as you heard a specific song start to play.
'I met you in the dark, you lit me up..'
Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur
Your heart felt like it dropped and your stomach started to turn.
Your mind suddenly flashed back to the beginning of your relationship, when Yeonjun and you briefly talked about your past relationships. He told you that this song reminded him of his ex. You didn't know much about their relationship or how she broke his heart. All you knew was that this song was now associated with her.
You knew feeling like this was irrational. There was no reason to feel this way about a song. And you knew you were overreacting. But you couldn't help but wonder what their relationship was like. That made you nauseous. Retroactive Jealously at it's finest. Dark feelings and thoughts started to spiral out of control in your head..
'Does he still think about her?' 'Does he miss her?' 'Maybe that's why things have been tense.' 'Does he even still love me?'
You hated yourself for thinking those things and you knew it was irrational, but you couldn't control them. He's never given you a reason to worry about her. You remembered there used to be a time when you never doubted him. But how could you not when he has tried to leave you so many times before? Why was he always so quick to leave?
As you were staring blankly at a blue candle in front of you, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You jumped a bit, not expecting the sudden touch. You turned around to see Yeonjun, smiling. That smile held so much innocence, so why were you always so quick to take everything out on him?
"Did you pick a candle? Do you want this one?" He pointed at the blue candle that you were staring aimlessly at. 'Turquoise Sky.'
Without thinking, you nodded your head and grabbed the candle. You attempted to smile as you made eye contact with him for a second, before looking to the side.
"You okay?" He asked.
You swallowed hard feeling a lump form in your throat. You knew you couldn't tell him what was wrong. He wouldn't understand. He would just get annoyed that you got upset about something so stupid, again.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go." You said with a not-so-nice tone of voice. You didn't mean for it to come across that way. But for some reason, you felt like you had to mask yourself being upset. Hide your vulnerability. So you portrayed it as anger.
He gazed down at you before scoffing and grabbing the candle out of your hands.
"Okay. Let's go check out."
You watched him as he headed to the register. You mentally slapped yourself. 'Why am I like this?'
It was an awkward car ride back. The tension in the car was sickening and you felt frustrated at yourself for causing it. You continued to look out the window as the car came to a stop at a red light. You could feel Yeonjun's eyes on you. You took a quick glance at him and then turned back around. A shaky sigh was then heard from him. Your body flinched at the sound of him slapping his hands onto the steering wheel. You knew you had made him upset, for no reason. You felt the car start going again.
"What did I do?" He asked as his low voice cracked ever so slightly. You couldn't help but stay silent. "Seriously? Why do you always do this?"
"Do what?" You acted stupid. You knew what he was talking about.
"This! We are perfectly fine one minute and then the next minute you act like I am the worst person in the world. Then I ask you what's wrong and you don't say anything! You do this all the fucking time!"
You sat still as his loud voice pierced through your ears. You started to feel your face heat up. You hated when he would yell at you. You couldn't handle it. You knew you fucked up.
"Don't yell at me." You wanted to punch yourself for saying that. What was the reason for acting like this? You knew it would only make things worse.
You heard him chuckle. You know that chuckle people do when they are so frustrated that they can't help but laugh? Yeah, that.
"Why don't you tell me what's wrong or if I did anything wrong? Because I really have no idea."
You wanted to tell him. You wanted to cry to him and express to him that it wasn't his fault. That he didn't do anything. But you were scared. You couldn't admit your insecurities out loud. You were afraid he wouldn't take you seriously.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"What the fuck is your problem?!"
You turned your head towards him, lips parted in awe, not believing what he had just said.
"My problem?! Seriously?!" You raised your voice and let out a soft chuckle. "Maybe this is why I never tell you anything! I'm always afraid you're gonna get mad or you're gonna leave me because I am upset about something!"
You cringed at yourself as you heard what was coming out of your mouth.
Yeonjun paused, taking in a breath to calm himself.
"Y/N... are you happy with me?"
His voice was so soft and low, sounding terrified of the answer.
You looked at him as his eyes held their gaze on the road. He has asked you this many times before, but only when he was rethinking the relationship. You tried taking a deep breath. You knew that you just needed to reassure him. Then everything would be okay, right?
"What does that have to do with anything? You didn't do anything wrong, okay?"
Yep, that was the best you could do.
Yeonjun opened his mouth to say something but shook his head instead. There was something about the tension in the air that felt... different. Something that was inconsistent with all of the other times you two fought.
Yeonjun stayed silent the rest of the way back. The silence added with the tension made you feel even more sick.
After what felt like forever, you finally arrived at your house. You unbuckled your seatbelt and noticed he wasn't unbuckling his. You looked over at him and his eyes met yours. His eyes looked empty as he just peered at you with no expression.
"Are you coming in?" You asked him, voice becoming more faint.
"No. I'm sorry." His deep voice was monotone. You had never heard his voice sound so emotionless.
"Why? You-You said you were going to spend the night.."
"I can't. I'm sorry."
You wanted to rip your hair out in anger and frustration. You wanted to go back in time and change what had happened. You didn't know what to do at this point. You felt as if there was nothing else you could do or say.
"Yeonjun.. please."
You gazed at him as he sat back in his seat.
"I can't do this anymore."
Your heart dropped and you started to feel your palms become soaked with sweat.
"Can't do what anymore?"
Even though you knew what he was talking about, you still asked. You needed to hear it.
"Us. We need to break up."
"Yeonjun, I-"
You tried to reach for his hand but he pulled away.
"Don't try to change my mind. It won't work."
You sat up in your seat and faced him. You took a couple deep breaths, building up the courage to let yourself be vulnerable.
"Look, I'm sorry. I was just having a bad day and I took it out on you and I didn't mean to." Trying to apologize the best you could, he let out a sigh.
"You don't understand.." He whispered.
"Please, explain Yeonjun."
He ran his fingers through his yellow colored hair.
"I'm always scared I am going to do something to upset you. Like I said earlier, we are great one minute but then fighting the next. I love you Y/N and I just want you to be happy."
Your world felt like it had shattered as you watched a couple tears fall from his eyes. All this time you were worrying about your feelings, you forgot about his.
"Please, Yeonjun... I'm sorry! Please baby, you didn't do anything wrong! I just overthink someti-"
"Please, don't- don't call me that Y/N. Don't make this harder than it has to be. Please go.."
You looked at him as he avoided eye contact with you. You tried to reach for his hand one more time. This time he didn't pull away. You held his hand in yours, feeling it for what you hoped wouldn't be the last time. He gazed down at your hands and then let go.
"Stop! Y/N, You need to go. now."
Your heart felt like it had been broken into two. You wanted to fight for him, like you always have. But for some reason, you couldn't. This felt so... final.
He leaned back and reached his hand in the backseat, grabbing the bag with the candle in it. He held it out to you. Your eyes shifted from the bag to him. You couldn't accept this. Not after everything you did.
"Keep the candle."
And with that you exited his car. Without looking back, you unlocked the door and entered your house. You kicked the door closed behind you and immediately fell to your knees.
Once the first tear dropped, there was no stopping the rest from flooding out.
You desperately tried to catch your breath in between sobs. You didn't want to believe what had just happened.
Feeling empty inside as you wept on the floor, you felt as if Yeonjun had just ripped a piece of your heart out. A piece that you would never be able to get back..
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hacked-by-jake · 4 years
"Do you want to be kidnapped too?"
If you have already seen it, it had to post again because a large part was gone
Preface: I wanted to write a little something different and so I came up with this story. Actually, I don’t think Jake and Mc would get that close so soon, but I still like it. And in the story the two know each other now longer than they actually know each other.
👑Attention: Sexual content! For those who don’t want to read it, I have marked the beginning and the end of the pact, you can just skip it. and I didn’t fully describe it. I think that was all haha, have fun or something
You probably made the dumbest decision you’ll ever make. "Can I see your ticket?" the stewardess asks as you enter the plane. You were going to Duskwood. Okay, Duskwood doesn’t have an airport, but there’s one more city, and from the airport, you’ll take a taxi to Duskwood. The flight attendant gave you your ticket back and you could board the plane. You drop on your seat and put the backpack next to you, that’s all the luggage you had. Just a backpack with the most important things. Maybe you’re lucky and there’s no one sitting next to you so you can rest. I don’t think that many people want to fly that way. And you were right. When the plane was in the air, both seats next to you were still free. Your plan was to go from the airport to Duskwood and then go into the woods. You were just stressed and annoyed. Someone or who knows how many of these people lied to you. They’re hiding things from you, obstructing your search for Hannah. The biggest problem was Jake. You were torn by your feelings, and Jake confused you the most. Who was he? Was he lying to you? Is he hiding something from you? Did he have something with Hannah? The point makes you really angry and hurts you the most. That he didn’t finally tell you what happened between him and Hannah. How did they know each other and what connected them? Did Jessy tell you the truth? Or did she want to protect Hannah by saying that Hannah bought the bracelet from a pawn shop? What if it was Jake’s and Jessy was just trying to protect her friend? You were tired and at the end. Hannah was in the woods somewhere. And since no one dared to go there and certainly not go into the hut, you wanted to do that. The odds were 50-50. You were either lucky or unlucky. Either you find Hannah, or in the worst case scenario, you run into the kidnapper and you die. No one knew exactly what he was capable of. Either you’re lucky and you don’t meet the man with the face, or you’re out of luck and he’s in the house. However, you were also afraid that Hannah might be there, but she’s no longer alive. Yeah, okay, it didn’t really look good to you, but that didn’t matter. You’re on your way and you’ve made up your mind. And if you’ve made a decision, you can handle it. Besides, how would the kidnapper know that the person who has to fly four hours to get to Duskwood would go into the woods today. It’s just 8:00 in the morning. After you decided to go to Duskwood, you immediately bought a ticket for the next flight and packed your things. And now you’d be landing in 20 minutes. Most of the time you were just listening to music or playing on your phone. Briefly you thought about renting a car for the time here but then you decided for a taxi. Your whole trip was so spontaneous you didn’t rent a hotel or anything. It was quite early, and you're sure there will be a room available at Miss Walter’s motel. So, since you haven’t had anything to put your backpack down yet, quickly find a taxi and let yourself be driven to the official entrance of the forest in Duskwood. The trip lasted half an hour. The weather was actually quite nice, the sun was shining and it was quite warm.
"Well, then I’ll get 40 euros from you," says the taxi driver. You give him 45 and tell him to keep the rest. "Thank you and take care of yourself, Duskwood is damn creepy," the taxi driver explains through the open window. Before you had a chance to ask him what he meant, he had already left. Now you stood in front of the forest. Straight to the official path with a giant shield. "Welcome to Duskwood’s Woods" is on the sign. "That sounds shitty," you mumble to yourself. There really didn’t seem to be anyone far and wide. No car, no people, not even an animal. Take a deep breath and go. Thanks to the map that Jake created for you, you knew about where you had to go. And so you now walk alone and insulted through the forest. You didn’t know why you were insulted. Your emotions just went crazy right now. Again and again you kick away stones or branches that lie in your way. "This is no fun" you mumble to yourself. When you suddenly hear a loud crack behind you, you immediately turn around. However, you can’t see anything, no animal and no human. You look around in all directions but couldn’t see anything, so you keep walking through the forest. But this time with the feeling that someone is following you. The path was now divided into three parts. And there was a sign on every road where it led. The reight path caught your attention. "House of the Capuchin" you read quietly. That was it! You had previously looked for it on the Internet and fortunately also found it. So you turn right and walked the slant down until suddenly you hear a loud crack. "Hello? I have pepper spray and I will use it you asshole" you shout loudly. If there was someone chasing you, it wouldn’t make anything better. Maybe you’re lucky and it was just a hiker. However, you didn’t get an answer and you couldn’t see anyone. Only trees and bushes. You turn around again so that you can continue walking as one hand grabs you by the upper arm and whirls around. There’s a man standing in front of you, a piece taller than you, dressed all black. The hood of his sweater is pulled deep into his face so you can’t recognize him. Before you could scream, a hand was pressed on your mouth. "Don’t scream, it’s me, Jake!" you hear him hissing. You open your eyes in amazement and wait for him to take his hand away. This he did now but you had no time to answer because he spoke directly further. "What do you think you’re fucking doing here?" he sounded very angry. Angry is still an understatement. He sounded like he had to hold back to not yell at you. "I’m looking for Hannah," you answer immediately. "How did you get the idea? Do you know how dangerous this is? Nobody should go to the forest!" He was not finished talking but was interrupted by a crack of a branch. Wheezing, Jake takes you by the hand and immediately pulls you out of the forest behind him. In the parking lot in front of the forest is a black SUV parked a little off. "How did you come up with such an idea? Are you crazy? Do you want to be kidnapped too?" he growls angrily. He unlocks the car and suggests you sit in. When you sit in the passenger seat, he turns the child lock on at your door. You look at him without understanding. "Do you think I’m jumping out of the car or why?" you ask and raise an eyebrow. Without a word, he closes the door and goes to the driver’s side to get in. "We’re going to the motel and you can explain to me what your plan was," he explains. The drive to the motel was quiet and tense. You feel guilty about this. He was probably right, and your plan was stupid. When you stop at a traffic light you see a car driving past you on the other side of the street. You pull your head around and smile. "Who was that?" asks Jake, watching you. "Jessy" you explain cheerfully. Jake looks at you skeptically. "You seem to really like her," he mumbles. "Yes, she has become a really good friend," you answer. He’s just nodding his head. 10 minutes later you arrived at the motel. Since you can’t get out on your own because of the parental controls, Jake has to open the door for you. "Come on, I already booked a room," he explains, taking your hand, probably to make you go faster. You’re both entering the motel lobby. You look around and you discover a young woman with blond hair standing behind the counter. Of course you recognize her right away, it’s Lilly. Provocatively you grin and wave to her. "Hallooo" you giggle when she finally recognized you. "Stop it," Jake murmurs next to you, though, he also has a little grin on his face. "Stop," Lilly suddenly says, coming towards you. "If only one person books a room, no second person is allowed in the room," she explains to you both bitchy. "Oh, that’s no problem, I booked a double room," Jake answers, and just keeps pulling you away from Lilly. You can’t stop and look again at Hannah’s sister to stretch out your tongue. "See you" you whistle contentedly because of her evil expression. She stomps furiously with her foot on the ground. This thing between you two would turn into a really big fight, but you didn’t have a problem with it. You love fighting with someone like Lilly. Jake stops at a door and pulls you into the room. It was actually a room with a double bed. Are you sleeping with him in this room or getting a own room? After he said that to Lilly, it sounds more like you two sharing a room. You put your backpack on the floor and look around the room but avoid Jake’s look. You’re feeling like a kid who did something naughty and is now getting trouble from daddy. Okay, wait, wrong thoughts. You can’t disguise yourself with a giggle about your thoughts, which is why Jake looks at you questioningly. "uh nothing, all right," you answer quickly. Wrong thoughts in the wrong situation. Jake’s breathing out hard. "What were you thinking?" he asks angrily. "Jake, I don’t know, okay? I was pissed off and hurt, which is also something new for me.I come into a group with strange people. I’m supposed to help save a strange girl from her kidnapper. The psycho imitates a legend and no one knows what he might still do. I’m being lied to, and I don’t even know who or how many people are lying to me. I have no control over the situation and no one knows what will happen. No one dares to go into the woods! Someone has to do it so I wanted to. I was accused of kidnapping a girl and even killing a girl. There are still people writing to me saying I killed someone and kidnapped Hannah. And I don’t even know what’s going on with you and Hannah or how you know each other, and why you care so much about finding her. Sure you don’t just ignore that when someone gets kidnapped and you see it, but the way you’re looking for her makes me think I don’t know something very important about you two. I’m not supposed to trust anyone and still save a stranger’s life. But tell me how to do that if one of the two most important people you and I are doesn’t tell me everything I need to know. And if Hannah is in this house, maybe I could have helped her right now. I trust Jessy and Richy, too.
I’m careful with Cleo, but she seems normal to me too, except her urge to break in somewhere.  Thomas is fucking weird and I don’t trust him. His girlfriend is gone but he behaves like a little child. Dan is just Dan and generally not quite normal but not a bad guy. I don’t need to start with Lilly. And then there’s this guy who tells me to search Hannah’s cloud and send him everything I can find. 
And I like the guy more than I should because I don’t really know him, I know almost nothing about him. I trust him but I don’t even know if the name is the real name and if he really means it what he tells me. Don’t get it wrong, I trust you in a twisted way, but still, you could be the kidnapper, and I wouldn’t have a clue. When you asked me if I was influenced by any feelings, I said 'no ' but I’m afraid that I’m being influenced by my feelings for you." Wow, saying all this wasn’t really your plan. Everything just came out of you. You were pissed, hurt and overwhelmed. "And actually, it’s not even my way of just doing everything someone tells me. I actually do the exact opposite, but then you come and say something and I dare not reject anything because I like you and do not want to make you angry. It annoys me but I just can’t change it" So you end your little speech where you’ve been walking up and down the room all the time. Jake was just watching you the whole time and listening to you. Desperately you stop and look him in the eye. "Say something," you hiss mad. "Okay" he replies and remains calm again. "How okay? Just okay?" you ask hysterically and stroke through your hair. "Yes okay, just okay, that was the explanation I wanted, that it was stupid to go into the woods I probably don’t have to repeat again" You look at him with big eyes. "Actually, you would try to take away the other person’s fears," you explain. "But I just can’t do that," he mumbles. "You could tell me about Hannah and you? And first of all, you really want to find her, and then when I go into the woods, it’s wrong? Shouldn’t you be glad someone wants to do it?" you ask him skeptically. Jake sighs. "Yeah, actually, you’re right, but Hannah was kidnapped, you’re still here, free, and you’re feeling good. I can’t change Hannah’s disappearance right now, but I can make sure nothing happens to you. Even if I want to find Hannah, it’s more important to me that you’re okay. And it is more important to me that you do not put yourself in danger so that I will lose you too," he explains in a harsh voice and comes to you. He’s standing very close. His eyes seek your gaze. But you were afraid to look him in the eye, and you were speechless by his words. You feel the tingling in your stomach begin and your breathing is harder. His smell is pulling into your nose and goosebumps are spreading on your arms. "Oh no no no no" you mumble and quickly walk away from him. "That’s what I mean! You say something and immediately I forget everything and my mind disappears but that’s dangerous for me because I don’t know if you’re lying to me or just using me for something. I like you too much, and I let myself be influenced by you, and then I can’t think clearly." You talk very fast. "Maybe you laugh at me inside that I’m so stupid and just trust you and in the end I’m the one who has all the problems. I know what you meant when you said it was too dangerous, "Again, you run frantically through the room. You’re thinking of scenarios you didn’t really want to think about. "(Your name) stop," Jake mumbles. "No, I can’t do that. I’m not supposed to trust you blindly either, I have to think about myself. I’m important but I don’t know why. I don’t really know you, but trust you, maybe that’s why I’m missing an important detail" It was stupid to tell him all this because if he really didn’t tell you something, he knew all your thoughts now. You were suddenly totally skeptical about everything and no longer knew what to do. "Hold it right there" "No, I can’t listen to everything blindly, I have to stay neutral, it’s dangerous." That’s all you could talk about because Jake suddenly reaches for your shirt and pulls you towards him. Before you could react, his lips were already on yours. In the first few seconds you were much too shocked to realize it. But when suddenly your heart was beating wildly and your whole body was tingling, it was all around you. You put your arms around his neck and tighten him up. For minutes you just stand there kissing each other. And it’s probably the best moment of your life. In between, you pulled the hood off his head to caress through his hair. His left arm was around your waist to pull you closer to him, his right hand was in your neck. You leave each other breathless and Jake leans his forehead against yours. "I understand it’s all hard for you but you should know me so well by now that you know exactly that I wouldn’t just kiss you if I didn’t feel something for you. It’s hard for both of us, but you have to believe me when I tell you that Hannah and I are just friends and you just don’t get out of my head," he whispers to you. "Shit, man, it’s happening again," you whisper. Jake understands you’re talking about influencing and starts smiling. "I mean it, I would never do anything that would hurt you, but you snuck into my mind too much," he breathes. You can’t hold you back and put your lips back on his. When you split up again, you drop on the bed sitting down. Jake’s sitting next to you. In short, it’s quiet and you’re both probably thinking about the kiss and what it means. "You know we’re getting to know the others sooner than we planned. Actually, I never intended to show myself to any of them, "he murmurs. True, Lilly had seen you both, the others probably already knew you were in Duskwood. If you looked at your phone, you’d probably have a thousand messages, and you’d feel guilty about Jake. Because of you he was now also in Duskwood."I’m sorry" you whispered. "It’s okay, I got my problems so far under control that I have more freedom again. And if, after all, we might have gotten to know each other better, I would have known the other people, too. I don’t think you can ever be separated from each other again." But it was clear you wouldn’t be seeing anyone today. "How did you even know where I was?" you ask. "I didn’t have much time to answer but I still saw that you bought a plane ticket. And then I had to come here myself, I couldn’t have told one of the others to stop you going into the woods. The others would not have stopped you but would have gone with you, and then everyone would have been in danger" Yeah, that made sense. "Sorry I was so stupid" "Just promise me, you not to sneak out tonight and run into the woods," he looks skeptical at you. You grin and promise him. "We need something to eat," he suddenly throws into the room. "Well, I have something sweet lying next to me" You look serious at him. Immediately his face turns red and he looks at the ceiling. You start laughing and watching him twist his eyes. After you calm down, you jump up. "Come on," . "Where do you want to go?" he asks confused. "Going to buy something to eat?" you answer in the same confused way. "Actually, that’s not a good idea, but I guess there’s no other way," he mumbles and stands up. Luckily, you leave the motel together without meeting Lilly. In the car, Jake searches the internet for the next shop before you go. Now you notice how dressed you are. You two are wearing black jeans and a black sweater. There’s something on his back, but you couldn’t see it yet.
- Five minutes later, Jake parks in front of a store and you get out. Together they head towards the entrance. "Oh shit," you whisper and pull your hood over your head. Since Jake does not react but just looks at you you pull his hood over his head. "Cleo’s just coming out of the store, coming straight at us," you mumble and carefully look at her. "What are we going to do now? She’ll recognize us, that’s clear, we’re not exactly inconspicuous," Jake asks softly and overwhelmed. Evenetuell you take advantage of the situation easily but that was the best idea you came up with. No one would stare at a couple kissing. So you grab Jake’s neck with your arm and you pull his head down to you and you press your lips on his. This time he was the person who needed a moment to understand the situation. Shortly after that you separate your lips from his and look around you inconspicuously. Cleo is no longer to be seen and relieved you breathe. Neither of you were ready to meet any of them. With red cheeks, Jake looks at you. "Um, that was so Cleo wouldn’t recognize us, no one stares at a kissing couple" nervously you laugh up. "Yeah, sure, just because of Cleo," he doesn’t believe you, but you don’t either. He’s smiling at you. When you’re sure there’s really no one left, you go to the store.
Three hours later, you were on the bed in the motel watching Jake doing something on his laptop. It looked to you like he was hacking the NSA, but for him, it was probably everyday life. "What are you doing?" you ask him. "I’m deciphering a code," he mumbles with concentration. "Is that important?" you look at him innocently as he also looks at you. "Well, somehow," he didn’t sound very convincing. "Can you do that tomorrow?" "So, I - I don’t know" You wanted to spend time with him. "Does it have anything to do with Hannah?" "No" "With your pursuers?" He shakes his head. "Will you come to me?" Nervous, he looks at you. "And then?" his cheeks turn red again. "I don’t know," you’re hoarse. You wanted to kiss him, touch him, be close to him. He was suddenly just there and you wanted to be with him so much it almost hurt. He saw only three meters away from you and was so close to you. He saved you and put himself in danger. "Uh, I don’t know" Jake nervously scratched his neck. "Please" you breathe. He closed his eyes briefly and seemed to think twice. He turns back to the computer, and you thought he’d leave you here disappointed and ashamed. But then he typed in a few things and closed the program. In the chair, he turned to you and looked at you. "I think there’s still time tomorrow," he mumbles. You nod at him carefully. "And now?" he asks softly. "We could uhm.. talk?" Your whole body started to tingle and the mood seemed tense. Now Jake got up and came up to you to sit next to you. "Is everything okay?" he asks calmly. Quickly you nod to him. "Yes, yes, everything okay" "Do you want something from me?" he suddenly asks. Surprised, you look at him. Your cheeks turn red and you look away from him. For a moment, it stays quiet between you. Then you look back at him and see his intense gaze. Small electric shocks run through your body. Jake’s look wanders from your eyes to your lips. "Will you kiss me now?" you whisper in silence. "Do you want that?" he asks cautiously. "Was the question irony?" You sit cross-legged on the bed and look at him. As you sit directly at the edge of the bed, he comes up to you and kneels with one leg on the bed the second leg stands on the floor and gives him support. His hands lie on your cheeks, and he presses his lips on yours. At the beginning the kiss was still cautious but then becomes more and more passionate.
-The part of a hot time lol skip if you don’t want to read it-👑
His tongue touches your lips and you intensify the kiss even more. Actually, you didn’t expect Jake to be so open and not shy about this, but you were wrong. You were more shy than him and probably more excited. Your heart was beating so fast you were afraid of a heart attack. Your whole body tingles as it gently presses you back to the bed and leans over you without ending your kiss. Your hands reach into his hair and pull him even closer to you. His right hand was on your hip. Slowly and always waiting for your reaction if it is okay for you, he pulled up the fabric of your sweater a bit and drove his hand under your top. Since you don’t keep him from it, it enjoys stroking his hand over your skin. The parts he touched were heated automatically. He loosens his lips from yours and you can only hear your quick breathing. "What are we doing here?" he asks softly. "I don’t know, but I know I don’t want to stop" shyly you look up at him "But I don’t know if this is such a good idea in the direction it is going" "Jake, our lives are made up of these moments right now, and more will follow" You’re stroking through his hair. Happily, he sighs. "You’re right," and with those words he kisses you again. His kisses wander over your cheek to your neck. His tongue runs over your skin and you gasp. You feel his lips deform into a grin. With more courage now your hand moves under his sweater and with your palm you touch over his stomach where you could feel light muscle. With your hands you push his sweater further up. His lips leave your neck and he stands up briefly. Carefully and slowly, you take off his sweater. When he landed on the ground, your eyes fall on his upper body. As you could just feel, there were slight muscles on his stomach and chest. But more exciting were the tattoos that occasionally pulled over his upper body. Fascinated, you follow the line of tattoos with your finger. "Why are you looking like that?" he asks softly. "I didn’t expect you to have that many tattoos," you mumbled and looked at him. When you meet his look it grabs you and you kneel before him to kiss him again. Carefully he pulls you on his lap and his hands lie under your sweater on your hips. Always a little further up he pushes your sweater up. You release your lips from his and raise your arms up to show him it’s okay if he takes off your top. When your sweater lands on the floor, he puts its arms around your upper body and pushes you back onto the mattress. He lies above you and immediately begins to kiss your neck again. From your neck to your collarbone to your base of your breasts. You pull his head back up to you so you can kiss him again. You grab into his hair, which makes him growl. His fingers reach down over your neck and your chest to your jeans. He cleverly opens the button and the zipper. Again he waits a short moment if you would stop him, but again you don’t. "Jake don’t worry, I would have stopped you long ago if I didn’t want to," you whisper. Instead, he sat up again and slowly pulled the jeans off your legs. And he looked right in your eye, which made you swallow. It wasn’t your first time, and certainly not Jake’s, but it was kind of different. You were pretty sure you were never so sure about anything like this. And that made it even more beautiful. "Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?" he breathes and presses his defining lips against yours this time. He’s between your legs, pressing his pelvis against yours, making you gasp. His fingers run over your belly and streaks along the waistband of your underpants. Your breathing is starting to shake. Jake looks you right in the eye as he walks his hand into your underwear. You want to kiss him but he won’t let you and just keep looking at you. Watch you twist your eyes because of him, watch your breathing speed up, claw into his arm. Hear your breath and how you mumble out of context. You pull him up a little too rough to be able to kiss him again. Your hand brushes down from his shoulder over his upper body. It’s your turn this time. Carefully loosen the belt he is wearing and then the opening of his jeans. He finally takes these off. Gradually, the rest of the clothes you two still had on, fall down on the floor. Jake leans over you and reaches for your right hand and twists your fingers together, pushing them over your head into the pillows. Your other hand is on his neck. The special thing about Jake was that he treated you like the most beautiful thing in the world. That he cares about you and your desires. How he considers his and your desires and always looks at how you react. It makes him so proud that you seem to feel so good about him. It makes him proud that he was the man you wanted, that he could be with you in this room, that he could make you feel good. That you gave yourself to him.
--here you can read on--👑
Those feelings between you were strong. None of you could describe exactly what it was. It wasn’t just a desire, Or a little exciting between you. There was more, much more than you could describe. Again and again you were about to tell him that you loved him but you were unsure if this was not too soon. But it felt that way to you. The circumstances in which you met were so special that it wasn’t just a simple bond between you. It’s a lot more than that. Actually, you don’t believe in that, but it felt like he was the only one you ever wanted. But Jake didn’t feel any different. He was more scared, and he was more at stake, but he felt better with you than anywhere else. It was very unusual for him but since you were there he felt much happier. It’s the middle of the night and you talk about everything. You laugh a lot and get along really well. You lie on his chest and drive him with one hand through the hair while he tells you everything he has experienced through his "job". Hackers have a pretty exciting life, you notice. After a while, you just lie in bed together and think about something. Well, what Jake thinks you don’t know, but you’re wondering what’s between you two. You want his opinion, but you’re kind of afraid of his answer. One thing you knew, you wanted to be with him, you didn’t want to be another second without him. Your conversations make you realize how much you like him. Why you want to lie? You had met and he immediately crept into your heart and took every single part of it completely. So you took all your courage and you took a deep breath. "Jake? What is this between us?" The room was completely dark and you weren’t even sure if he was asleep. When you realize he pulls you closer and hides his head in your neck bend, you know he’s still awake. "I don’t know, but I know you mean more to me than anything else"
I hope you enjoyed it, I might want to do a second part but I’m not sure yet.
Bye 👉🏻👈🏻🌹🎭
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noodlegoo · 4 years
Modern AU geraskier with ahem,, ABBA
Jaskier is a frequent performer at a local night club and he’s been seeing Geralt, one of the barmen, for a while,
Geralt’s a bit insecure about being openly in a relationship with Jaskier and so they never really talk about what they are, Geralt just thinks that their relationship is fwb rather than almost-boyfriends
Jaskier finds this out when he catches Geralt kissing a girl backstage after work, and his whole world just shatters because he loves Geralt and Geralt clearly doesn’t give a shit and betrays his trust
So they have a big fight and Jaskier severed the relationship between them, Geralt being an awkward bastard who’d like to avoid any emotional confrontation, swaps his shifts so he can avoid the performer.
Months go buy, Jaskier still isn’t really over what happened, still hung up on the idea of what could have been between them. But he makes a promise to himself if Geralt ever works the same night he’s performing again, he’ll become THE pettiest ex and sing the winner takes it all by ABBA (or alternatively, if you really wanna get extra extra petty, he sings the king has lost his crown).
And then— the club is short staffed, Geralt is free to work and he’s still not ready to see Jaskier. He gets to the club and Jaskier is setting up on stage, and he glares over at Geralt,
Geralt remembers. And his heart clenches.
But nothing else really happens, Jaskier’s set is a bit more pent up that usual, he does a few more aggressive songs than his usual hits. Geralt sighs with relief—
Jaskier’s getting ready for his last song, and the first piano notes start ringing out. He grins, mischief in his eyes, and he stares right at Geralt, from his seat on the keyboard,
“My last song is dedicated to a special man in the back of the room,”
Jaskier winks right at him, and all the audience heads turn to look at the white heard barman, who tries to duck out of view.
Triss is laughing at him from somewhere.
Oh and Jaskier sings the song beautifully, the whole club absolutely loving the 80s hit rammed in with the rest of his set. After that he says goodnight, packs his stuff and leaves without a second thought to Geralt waiting for him backstage.
[cue Geralt softly calling ‘Jask’ and longing grasp to the air as something so good walks right past him]
Geralt goes back to the bar, Triss giving him a knowing look and just tells him to get his shit together, because Jaskier misses him and he obviously misses Jaskier. So she kicks him out of the bar to go chase after the performer,
Who’s sat in his car sobbing. And Geralt softly knocks on the window,
“What the fuck do you want?” He says, wiping a tear with his shirt sleeve,
Geralt thinks for a moment, breathing deeply, before he uses the mist in the car window to write “To start over” backwards with his finger.
And Jaskier just thinks it the dumbest shit, but oh his heart flutters nicely as he reads the scrawled writing on his window.
He cracks the window a little, but Geralt doesn’t really give a shit about it as he tentatively opens the car door. Jaskier just watches, hiccuping a little and his breaths spurred.
Then Geralt’s pulling him into his arms and just saying he’s so fucking sorry over and over and over, whilst petting his hair,
It takes them sometime but they build up the communication again, their relationship becoming more solid and they actually become boyfriends this time. [imagine: Geralt and Jaskier doing the big hand holding swing, as Jaskier smiles brightly over at Geralt, who looks sheepishly in love] and then,
they get engaged and married and Triss is standing there all smug at the wedding, holding Geralt’s cat, roach, in her arms, whilst the two of them finally fucking tie the knot,,,
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Date night, and rain with Wanda x reader please and thank 💕
my brain is being an asshole and just... fucking with prompts. enjoy the shitshow i’ll be back tomorrow :)
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Date night was something you so rarely got to do. It wasn’t always something silly or romantic, usually dinner with roses and an overindulgence of food, sometimes an arcade where you would spend too much on something worth nothing, but it made her smile.
She never wanted anything enough to use her powers, knowing it meant more for both of you to get it using your luck and various skillsets. The one time she did, you’d both spent a lot of money and tickets, but when you were out of luck and cash, and the attendee refused to let one ticket slip. 
You laughed so hard when he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder, convincing him of a ghost, sending him running. Your cheeks and your lungs hurt by the time you reached the car, the gigantic teddy bear stuffed under her arm, just as cuddly as she hoped it would be.
You wanted it, not for you, for her. A giant bear to add to your shared collection of idiotic and useless toys, the only thing that made you feel better when you fought. All you had to do was drag her in, apologise into her lips, remind her of how hard you always laughed at the dumbest things.
It didn’t always work.
Date night that night was wrong, the whole day was wrong. Usually it made you feel better, but it seemed to only be a time to clear the air, and you were both kicked out of the restaurant for arguing. Of all the places you’ve been kicked out of, and the reasons why, that one stung.
You never argued that much, you never fought that much, but in those moments you were inexcusably and irrationally angry. Your anger was always white-hot, but Wanda’s was a wetter angry. She would tear up and try and escape, melting and turning to water as you spoke.
You don’t even remember why you felt so cold to her, but something shut off in you completely. You crushed a wineglass in your hand, gripped a door handle so tight it bent into your handprint. 
Unable to get a ride, you chased Wanda half a block, calling for her to come back under a bus shelter where you could hide if the rain hit, at least until someone picked you up. She dropped to her knees not far away from you, sobbing as the rain began to fall.
Every step closer you got, it pelted deeper into your skin. You could feel it all around you, pushing you away, and you knew it wasn’t just the rain. She didn’t want you near her right now, and you understood. You’d scared her, then yelled, then chased her four blocks in the dark.
You ignored the rain pushing you away and pulled her into your arms, too tight not being tight enough. She had felt she was losing you recently, the power surge you had caused giving you a strange demeanour, an odd shift in your energy.
She didn’t know until she held you then and there why that was, looking up at the sky as the pressurised rain stopped in its tracks. She knew you were too close to her that night, that you shouldn’t have resorted to your powers as the only form of protection. She didn’t see the surge push through her and into you, nor had she seen the effects.
This was all on her, she felt, for being unable to save you all on her own, without magic. She couldn’t protect you, no matter how powerful she was, and you had both paid the ultimate price.
Wanda held you close as you whispered apologies, not even able to process why she really ran. If only you hadn’t called out to that waiter, he wouldn’t have turned and spilt the bowl of hot soup on Wanda, she wouldn’t have been hurt, you wouldn’t have crushed the glass or chased her down the street. 
She wouldn’t be crying in your arms as you apologised for finding powers you hadn’t even known were inside you, but you wouldn’t be kissing her like you were. You needed her to know you didn’t mean anything to harm her, that all you wanted to do was protect her.
Neither of you noticed how the rain had stopped, or cared why your powers only showed up that night, when she was hurt. You could only see her upset, needing you to be there, wanting you more than anything in the world.
Natasha had always said dating a civilian led to danger for you both, Wanda just never knew it would happen in your apartment while you were laughing, cooking popcorn. How the microwave exploded was a mystery, how it funnelled the mystic forces lying within her to awaken a secret power inside you, all unknown.
The only mystery she cared about then was how long you were going to kiss her in the street before calling a cab. She held you tight while you waited out of the rain as it started to pour again, never stopping to breathe while apologising for dragging you into her world.
She didn’t know you weren’t listening, staring into her eyes as she fumbled apologies and solutions, people to reverse what happened. The whole time you dated, Wanda relied on herself to protect you both, and now you could do it on your own, there was nothing she had to hide.
You silenced her apologies with a soft kiss, thinking about the last time you were in the arcade. When her back was turned, and you smacked down the mallet on the “Test Your Strength” machine so hard it cracked. When you threw a skee ball so hard it shattered the glass case, or when you danced on all the buttons so fast, you left a mark.
Lying to Wanda had been so hard, but it had been so long. She wouldn’t forgive you if she knew, and you couldn’t have that. The only human you had ever loved, and she just happened to accidentally amplify your powers during a freak accident.
All you had to do was hide the rest of your powers, and wait until she either broke up with you or you died, and you would be fine. Oh God, what if she convinced Steve to let you into the Avengers? you thought, knowing how fast they would find you out.
Why of all places did you have to break into the HYDRA bases during their experiments? At least Wanda and her brother’s powers were given to them in a controlled room, you just happened to stand too close. One way or another, you were going to keep her safe, even if it meant you had to lose the only thing that made you feel powerful. Wanda was more important than anything to you, and she had to know.
@marvelfansince08love @mymarvelwomen @imnotasuperhero
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main-force-patrol · 6 years
Autotomy - Chapter 1
Sometimes, you've got to cut off a part of yourself in order to survive.
Told from the perspective of Max's fellow Main Force Patrolman, Roop. As he watches the MFP and civilization crumble, Roop tries to understand the place of violence, vengeance, and hate in the new world order. Seeing what Max's quest for revenge has yielded, Roop begins to question his own methods and revisits a past he's tried to forget.
This story takes place immediately after the events of Mad Max (1979).
Warning for the kind of violence that takes place in MM1, including animal death and gunshot wounds.
Chapter 1 - Transference
Just over the crest of a hill, the collision came into view. But when I laid eyes upon it, the mess was unmistakable: a Transcon truckie’s semi was stopped in the middle of the road; behind it, a crushed heap of metal and a body, mangled but recognizable. All that moved was the fur on his jacket as the wind blew past.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Grinning like an idiot, I whispered under my breath. “The Toecutter.”
Charlie craned his neck to look; just as quickly, he shrunk back into his seat, like a child hiding behind the sofa during a scary movie.
I hit the radio. “Main Force Patrol? I’m on the scene of the collision in sector 27, north of Route 4 and Kennedy. Send a meat truck. I think you’re gonna like this one.”
Charlie stayed back again. Fine, whatever. At least he wouldn’t vomit on the road again.
I stood above the corpse and nudged its head with my boot. From behind the visor of his helmet, I could see his eyes; they’d damn near popped out of his head. He looked like one of those squeeze toys. No sense in stifling my laughter.
Through static, a voice emerged from the radio. “Please report on the status of the victims.”
Charlie started to lift his electrolarynx, but I hustled back to the car.
“The motorcyclist was dead on arrival.” I probably sounded a little too jovial. ”The truckie looks…”
He was standing in the grass, doubled over, holding his head. That counts for something, I guess.
“He’s alive. Appears to be in stable condition. Still send the ambos, have ‘em check him out.”
Strolling over to the driver, I called out to him, “You got nothin’ to feel bad about, man. Couldn’t have hit someone better, really.” I said with a chuckle. “That was the Toecutter, the leader of one of-”
He sat on the pavement, hunched over, red faced, and crying like a baby. I don’t particularly like crying people. Never know what to do with ‘em. And what I said didn’t mean a damn thing to him.
Let’s try something different. “The damage to your truck seems relatively min-“
“It’s not about the goddamn truck.” His voice cracked. A thick, calloused palm wiped away tears. “He just popped over the hill, I couldn’t stop-” The sour stench of vomit laced his breath. The old man just wouldn’t stop shaking, and his snot-filled sobbing churned my stomach. “I just… He just… Went under the wheels. I felt his body when it-”
I was running out of shit to say. “I felt real bad when I hit a dingo once.”
He looked at me like I was the dumbest person alive. Listen, it’s not my fault you're a soft bitch, yep, that’s what I wanted to say.
“That’s somebody’s kid, man!” He was shaking, fighting for breath between sobs.
What an obvious thing to say. It was a fact; everyone was someone’s kid.
Thinking back to my first kill, I couldn’t have been further from tears. No, I felt my pulse pounding through my whole body; it was like lightning was coursing through my veins. I was invincible. I was unstoppable. It was like the scales had been cast off, and I was seeing the world clearly for the first time. My eyes had been opened to how I, of all people, could take control; how I could contribute. And when it stopped, I couldn’t wait to feel it again.
But my first time killing a man wasn’t my first time seeing death. I know what you suspect, but no. Let me lay that to rest. I wasn’t the kid that pulled the wings off butterflies or the boy that yanked the cat’s tail just to hear her scream. No, I used to be a soft bitch, too. I was the four-year-old kid that was on his knees, a sobbing mess, when his dad shot a roo that was raiding the wheat fields.
I still remember collapsing in front of that boomer’s empty eyes and slack-jawed face, trying so hard to keep my eyes away from the hole through his neck. Mum scooped me off the straw-covered ground; Dad was cussing, calling me a disgrace, calling me a “fucking idiot child.”
Throughout the chaos, she held me tight to her chest and swayed gently, patting my back all the while. I buried my face into the side of her neck, wanting nothing more than to disappear; to get away from the yelling, the criticism, the disappointment that I was. Resting my cheek against her soft skin, I could almost feel the bullet hole boring through my neck, and I could imagine the terror and confusion that kangaroo must’ve felt.
“He was only trying to eat,” I must’ve said it a million times.
“What the hell kind of a man is he going to be?” I flinched every time he shouted at us. “You made him soft!”
Mum took so many photos of me at that age. Too many were on the mantle. I hated seeing pictures of myself back when I was a disgrace.
And now here’s this bloke, crying. I had no words. I could only offer my hand in support. That was somebody’s kid. His words replayed in my head. It was so obvious, although I had never cared to entertain the thought, let alone allow it to guilt me. But his words were like battery acid etching into metal.
The old truckie was still trying to collect himself. Forcing a hard swallow, he gestured to bikie, then to the road ahead.
“A black car chased him into me. Looked like one of yours, with the badge and everything. Had a blower on the bonnet, though.” He shook his head. “He didn’t even bother to stop.”
I bit my lip.
Gesturing back to the Toecutter, he continued, “I tried blaring the horn, but he was looking back over his shoulder.” He bowed his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, “There was just nowhere to go, no time to stop.”
Silence passed between the two of us. Breathing deep, he looked me dead in the eyes and said, “I wanna tell his family that I’m sorry.”
All I could do was nod.
From this day on, that poor bloke is going to know what it feels like to crush a human body beneath his wheels. He didn’t ask for this. And he’s going to know that a Main Force Patrolman caused it all to happen. I told the truckie that I was sorry; he just nodded. I’m not sorry in the sense that I’ve done anything wrong. Any guilt should belong to our resident Code 3 Red Alert, Rockatansky. He brought this upon a civilian. You can kill scags without ruining everybody else’s life.
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zeppelinzori · 6 years
Fresh Knows How to Kill his Time
This is how I wrote a year ago. Thicc jokes were in their prime and it was okay for me to know I suck and keep writing anyway.
forewarning: this SUCkS
This is honestly the dumbest thing I’ve done all day, and it’s not even PaperFresh it’s just another crack ship ( and if you’ve just met the wandering writer then good to see you B !) I’ll just leave you to it :^>
Horror and Fresh didn't exactly live their lives clean of secrets, no one did. But theirs was secret to the point of absurdity. Horror kills to eat for a living and somewhere along the line forgot that he was even forced to. And Fresh’s entire character was a scam to begin with. Neither of them would understand feelings if they ever got any. So, then, what was it that scratched at the back of their heads when they first met?
It was when Fresh decided to peek in on some of the Multiverse’s most unfresh, super sadistic places of all time to teach monsterkind a lesson about how wack it would be to just - stop, the killing? He never addressed to himself that this goose chase started out of boredom anyway.
“Welp, McFreshity’s bored, I’m out!” he said aloud to himself in the privacy of a dark, deserted forest. Already after stepping in the the portal Error kindly pushed him through, the air was hard and stank with dust. But moreso with dread, and more of it than anywhere he’s ever seen before now. It would be too stupid of him to stay here any more than he needed to. So, he started walking back. Hands nuzzled in his t h i c c jacket.Then seconds later, they were whipped out into the freezing cold that Snowdin was capable of, unwillingly. He propped his head forward and let his shades drop down, in case he’s crossed ways with a freak, in case a certain freak was head over heels to parade his head on a stick around the shops. You never know what real, unrad people thought of these days.
“Yo, wanna trade cards or something? ‘Cuz I’m totes up.”
The monster only gripped his wrists worse.
“Psyche!” Fresh replied. He jerked his foot up to his pelvis and, when he crouched away in pain, found his chance to jump back out of reach. His shades slid further from the confines of tape they were holding on to. This stranger’s big-time doomsday device was being spelled out right in front of him.
“Man, what a shame we couldn't talk this out first. I’ll give you time to say your last words though, it’s cool.”
But saying this only got him more fired up.
“What do you think you’re doing, idiot?” he spat. Now pulling one red-mess of an axe into view.
“Uhh.” Fresh shuffled to his left after that the same axe came hurtling toward him.
“Hey man,” he warned, “I’d better go or else you’re not going to be feelin’ so nice by the end of this.”
But the monster persisted for a fight. He threw a hand up and signaled the start with a Ping! Calling to a wall of bones and bone picks to cave him in. Fresh was quick to react, supplementing every five bones with one explosive furby aimed expertly above the path. He took it upon himself to fish his fanny pack for Nickelodeon Moon Shoes while he had his seconds to spare.
“What makes ya’ fight, bro?” he yelled meters across. He also figured that he might as well teach his lesson mid battle.
Another collision of projectile and snow sounded beside the trees. A total miss. Out of anger, his fellow novice finally shouted a response: “Our <FUNK>ing code of conduct, okay? Are you done yet?”
“Done with what?” he said. The stranger’s next wave of blows was cut short.
“You hit me in the pelvis and now you wanna fight for some stupid reason? I’m not even sure why the <HEELIES> you’re here! The Queen should be here to finish you off not me.”
“Oh, yeah gotcha. Well..” Fresh strode a bit closer.
“I’m just stopping around each au to teach everybody a little bit about the power of love and friendship. And so far, I think your wiggity waggity neighbro has been successful.”
“Bull<SHRIMP>.” His novice kicked the grass and dirt dead under his feet. But since something like this might never happen to him again, he decided to have his fun while it lasted.
“What, did you shove sparkle guns into their system until they understood?”
“Sparkle guns? Nah, nah, dude, check it. I hit the books for this, alright? So, first, I introduce myself.” Fresh stuck his hand out like he was accepting his oncoming death.
“Sup, broski, the name’s Fresh. What’s yours?” And from this point forward, it looked like he wanted him to follow suit to the scheme.
“Horror,” he blurted, having maybe stammered once or twice but it was better not to think about it. He didn’t remember this idiot getting so close as he is.
“And then,” Fresh went on, “Im’a be all like, ‘Wow, it’s so radical to meet you, Horror. The pleasure is totally mine.”
Horror didn’t bother telling him that he read his books wrong.  
“And then I do what all partners and people do in -  some - countries. I think. I mean, I’ve seen it in movies.” And with no shame of his own, he minimalized distance, minimalized space,and pushed his teeth into Horror’s all buddy-buddy. It was in Horror’s first impulse to push him off but with fingers so light and trembling what else could he do? Fresh could only feel them drumming against his jacket during the exchange until he let go.
Horror stared at him, unfaltering, a beet red surge dragging him to the depths of hot Hell where he couldn’t run from. He didn’t feel like he could even stay at eye-level with him anymore.
And Fresh was- Fresh was Fresh. He didn’t look anywhere visibly affected or different than he was just a minute ago.
“How dee do, broski?”
“Dee do my <DRONE>, why aren’t you hot or… Or turned on?”
“What are you?” he whispered.
Fresh swung his hands up to his head to re adjust his pinwheel cap as he started his way back to Toriel’s doors.
“A parasite, dawg! Supposed species of monster. Preferably with another soul and host.”
Horror marked the grave mistake of not running after him. Then another for letting everything before and after the kiss record again in the empty, lovesick space of his head. He didn’t even flinch, there was nothing about him that registered to be humane.
/Again/, how warm had he felt before now, in that distinct touch, than ever in his life?
No, he couldn’t just let this slip by. He needed to know just where in Undick’s name did he belong in this universe.
/Again/, the crushing heat. He wanted to know if it came from Fresh or himself.
When there was a break in the standstill, he gained the newfound energy to sprint and blare his voice box to the best of his ability.
But when he got to the doors, he was gone. The doors were already locked as they were with only the wind there to clean up his traces. The Nickolodean Moon Shoes were nearly depleted of their tracks on the snow…
“yO, wHErE ya aT B? I nEeD a RiDe to SoUtHweSt AveNue f0r a WeNdY”S!”
Horror continued to break down like a dysfunctional Putt-Putt in front of the car pulling up from the stretched and snapped out trees of the forest. Meanwhile, Fresh would be going with his homeslice Greasy and Error to pop a cold one with the boys.
> Ask to Go With Him
> Leave Me to DiIiIEeE
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dunnitmoved · 4 years
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elvensemi · 6 years
I write a lot of really fucking dumb shorts for the Monster of the Week game I’m in. 
"What should we call our group?" Julie said excitedly. She wasn't quite clapping when she bounced back on her heels, but everyone could tell she wanted to.
"Portuguese man o’ war," Laelia suggested immediately. Many, many eyes turned to look at her.
"...Why?" Russet said, deciding if no one else was going to, they would have to.
"Because," Laelia said slowly, swallowing another bite of what was probably more pot than brownie, that she had stolen from Sal's kitchenette. "It's, like, four thingies together to form a better, scarier, more deadly thingy!"
Ms. Park nodded in obvious approval, likely already filing this away for useage in a future argument about why Laelia was a promising young girl who should come back and finish high school.
"Also, like, we're all Portuguese," she added.
Eyes dragged over the extremely white crowd, and then back to Laelia, who was munching away happily.
"...I'm one-sixteenth Ojibwe," Julie suggested, trying to help. 
"Hey, so, Jules." Laelia was talking, which wasn't super surprising as she was often the only person who was deeply comfortable with making idle chatter while running for her life from a horrifying abomination whose existence in the world was proof that if there ever had been a loving god, it too had turned into a rotting, maggot-filled corpse that then proceeded to grow tentacles and use them to get up and chase a gaggle of high schoolers whose only crime was intense curiosity and bad decision making.
It was a convoluted metaphor, but it worked.
"I've been wondering, what's that thing you're carrying?"
The thing in question was either a stuffed animal or a very sad, deflated turtle. Possibly a stuffed animal of a sad, deflated turtle?
"This is Shuckie!" Julie exclaimed, not appearing to struggle for breath, likely because she ran track. Laelia, who mostly ran drugs, was envious of this.
"NO." Julie said, giving a sidelong glare that nearly caused her to run into a lamp post. Laelia yanked her absentmindedly out of the collision course. "SHUCKIE. He is a SHUCKLE."
"Should that mean something to me?"
"Laelia, please stop being such a sad foster cannibal and come back to my house to watch 16 hours of pokemon cartoons with me."
Russet eyed the car, looking fiercely unimpressed. This was impressive in and of itself, since Russet's expressions rarely looked fiercely anything, except maybe bored.
"...It's bad enough that it's pink," they began. Julie pouted impressively, hands on her hips.
"Pink is my *favorite color.*"
"But now why does it have a weird elastic turtle with sunglasses painted on the hood?"
"That," Laelia said with dripping pride. "Is SHUCKIE. He's our MASCOT."
"Why is our mascot a... that."
"How do you not know what a Shuckle is?" wondered Sal from where he sat on the trunk, rolling something that definitely was not JUST weed into blunts.
"Shuckie is a proud and beautiful creature."
"Why is this part of the car a different shade of pink now?" Russet wondered, eying the hood.
"I painted 'fuck the police' on it," Laelia explained. "But Julie made me paint over it."
"None of us can afford getting stopped by the sheriff that many times. Also my mom would have killed me."
"You painted this?" Ms. Park asked, running a finger over the fortunately-dry paint. "You have real promise as an artist, Laelia. You know, our high school has an art's program that--"
"Shuckie wouldn't nag me to go back to high school." Laelia said. "Be like Shuckie."
Julie held up the now-famous plushie proudly, and said in what was now Shuckie's official canon voice, "STAY IN SCHOOL, KIDS!"
"Laelia. Laelia! It's been six days! Your friends are worried about you!"
The only response from inside was the clang of something being thrown violently against the door. Julie flinched backwards, then glanced around--as if there was anyone here to see except a voyeuristic squirrel--before straightening herself out. "No one got seriously hurt. And Yoongi was going to need therapy anyway. I don't think he *really* minded, he just, you know, panicked."
Another clang against the door, this one more of a smash. She was almost definitely running out of things to throw and possibly resorting to furniture.
Julie sighed. "Alright. You leave me no choice."
The volume was too high. Julie, for one, had earplugs in so she didn't have to move too far away from her car--so that, presumably, the voyeuristic squirrel didn't car jack her. This was the fourth repeat of the song. On the third repeat, a window had opened and a pot had come flying out at approximately mach 2. Fortunately, this wasn't Julie's first rodeo. She had parked away from windows.
Laelia held out to the seventh repeat before the front door SLAMMED violently open, one of its hinges cracking and flying off into the woods. (It was fine, Julie reasoned. She probably had replacement doors at this point.) Laelia looked like the spectre of death crammed into a very unhappy teenage girl, bags under her eyes, hair a wild mess, wearing nothing but a tank top and boxer shorts. The way she was glaring might have been alarming if Julie didn't already know what *was* a dangerous look on her.
Julie grinned her biggest, dumbest grin,Eiffel 65 still blaring at ungodly decibels from her car's speakers, and spread her arms wide.
Laelia hit her like a bullet, almost knocking her over with the force of it. The fact that she hadn't gone flying was evidence that it was an accident. And then Laelia was sobbing, shaking with the force of it, the loud wails of someone who never learned how to process grief in silence.
Julie patted her on the back and whispered shushes into her ear. She would be okay. It would be okay; she'd saved Yoongi's life and no one was mad at her.
...She really needed to get a remote for her car radio.
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unkindnessofone · 7 years
Good Golly
Thank you for sending in happy story ideas! There wasn’t a bad one in the bunch. I started writing a couple, but on the way home, this is the one that really stuck. I wrote it very fast and pretty much entirely on my way home from work. Hope it’s alright.
It should have been raining Ashton figured as he mindlessly glared out the window. He didn't even notice the tense frown on his face or sour look in his eyes as he stared through the window of Calum's California house, his personal favorite bachelor pad. The wind was crying outside, calling for night birds, and Ashton understood it's lonely sound like it was language he knew fluently. It wasn't as if anything had gone horribly wrong all day, but very little had incited any joy. He felt like his time was wasted as he listened to Luke layer his vocals in the studio on a track they were recording strictly for a charity drive. Ashton wished he was anywhere else, specifically London, England.
He glanced down at his left hand, the one free of a beer can, and glanced at his manipulated reflection in the thin gold band, a texture over it that his wife had made herself. He loved his wedding band. He wore it proudly and felt like it made him cooler somehow. It was proof that he had found his dream girl, that he had someone who loved him enough to be connected forever. It was romantic and Ashton knew his friends thought he was a sap for it, but he was still eager to tell anyone who would listen that Simone was wonderful and he was the luckiest man on Earth. He stretched out his fingers and debated picking at the chipped black nail polish, anything to keep him busy. In the background, he could hear Luke flirting with Cagney and making her howl with laughter and even Calum and a friend tossing darts across the room at the board on the wall, but nothing pulled him in. Ashton was in a bad mood and the worst part was that he didn't want to step out of it. 
He finished his beer and considered moving away from watching the trees in the backyard dance without choreography, but the thick buzzing of his phone in his pocket kept him in the same spot. Ashton sighed as he fished it out of the tight pair he wore, but eagerly answered when he saw Simone's name flashing on the screen. 
"Hey." A smile cracked through the bored scowl he had been wearing permanently for hours. "Finally." He felt like he had been waiting for to call all day, but that was because he had been despite their time difference.
"I'm literally in the car park of the doctor's office." Her voice, vibrant and polished, laughed on the other end. "I guess I could have called a minute sooner from the elevator." She teased. Simone knew it had been devastating to Ashton that he couldn't be there for this check-up. They had gone to every appointment together and Ashton had enjoyed them even though they feel more nervous than he knew he could feel anymore. After playing the arenas he had drummed through, it was kind of wild that ultrasounds and waiting rooms had such an effect on him. Still Ashton was cross with himself for not being able to get to her. Somehow his schedule had become congested without him realizing. He would have ripped into his assistant about it, but he loved Skye like a sister and couldn't bring himself to raise his voice when she pointed out that he wouldn't be able to make the check up. While disappointed, Simone tried her best to not make Ashton feel worse about his absence. She knew no one could beat him up worse than he could to himself. It was important to him that he be a part of every movement and development of his child even if he was currently an external factor. He wanted to be able to honestly tell them that he was there every step of the way, that he was a part of it all. Being in California took that away from him and he was bitter about it. "Are you good? How's your day going?" Simone inquired while going through her purse with one hand, looking for the envelope with the latest ultrasound on it so she could snap a photo and text it to her husband. 
"It's fine. How are you?" Right now, that was what he cared about. He wanted to be sure she wasn't overworking herself, that she was within walking distance of folic acid, and in general, feeling good. He felt useless being so far away from her. 
"Ashton, how are you really?" Simone sat up straight and pressed. The envelope was rested on her black pantyhose clad legs.
"What do you mean? I'm fine." 
Simone was trying to be discreet, but it wasn't working, "I heard that you were in a bit of a mood." 
"Oh yeah? From who?" He turned around, discarding his empty beer can on a nearby surface in order to cross his arm over his chest as he scanned the room, scouting the snitch. 
"A little bird." She laughed only because she swore she could hear his eyes roll. "Skye texted me...and Michael..." Ashton sighed again. "And Luke." She decided to leave out that Luke referred to Ashton as a ‘total asshat’ in his message.
"They can talk to me if they're having a problem." He scoffed, comfortable being King Grump for the day.
"They care." She explained with ease. "It's like how my mom texts you to make sure I'm taking prenatal vitamins and sleeping on my side." 
Ashton liked that Calista Telford in all her regal glory turned to him, her ferociously independent daughter refusing to pick up every one of her daily dozen calls. It made Ashton feel important in a situation where he was otherwise just a desperate assistant. 
"How was the appointment?" It was all he really wanted to know. Ashton walked deeper into the house, finding the bottom step that led to the second floor and taking a seat. He pressed the phone closer to his ear as if it would bring the two of them nearer to one another.  He shut his eyes and held his breath. Ashton just wanted good news. 
"Good strong heartbeat." Happy to inform him, Simone said while feeling comforted by the sound of Ashton's sigh of relief loud through the phone. "I did miss your hand drumming along on my leg though."  It was some kind of nervous tick he had developed through the pregnancy. Any time they had a chance to hear the heartbeat, Ashton took to showing off his own percussion skills. 
"Next time, I promise." There was nothing that would keep him from missing another. "Anything else?" He was really hoping for thorough details. Ashton wanted a play by play. What colour scrub top was the nurse wearing? 
"You know how these things are. It was over before it started. She said everything was just as they wanted it to be. They said she is healthy and starting to bounce around." Simone's eyes panicked, she watched them enlarge in her rear view mirror. She and Ashton had decided to be surprised with the baby's gender. They just wanted a healthy child, but when the doctor inquired Simone couldn't resist. It was as if she went rogue without Ashton there to shut it down. 
"She is healthy?" Ashton had been hanging on to every one of Simone's words. If they had just been talking about the weather in England, he might have missed a detail, but not about this. "She?" He pushed. 
"She." Reluctantly, Simone caved. "I couldn't wait any longer, I wanted to know!" She hoped that he wouldn't be upset with her or that she hadn't made his day any worse somehow. "I'm sorry." Since he was silent, she continued. Simone figured he did deserve the apology. "Ash?" Simone peeled the phone away from her sunbeam earring stud to check that their connection was still in place. “Ash?” She called out again, sounding very concerned. He had never given her the silent treatment before. He was always very forthcoming with his emotions and that was something that made him stand out to her.
“I'm having a girl!!!!” In the distance, his cell phone on the floor of the living room as he had tore through the house to return to the group of people he had been ignoring before, Ashton roared out with celebration exploding like freshly lit fireworks inside his mouth. “I'm having a girl!” He shouted again and this time, Simone could hear a chorus of voices that belonged to their friends joining in. As Calum tossed his arm around Ashton's shoulder merrily, careful not to poke him with the dart he was holding, Ashton managed to reach down and collect his phone. Luke cracked open another beer for his friend while Cagney clapped between them. “Simmie, I'm so excited. You've made me so happy tonight.” He told her honestly, his neck being pulled tightly to the left as Calum was still hugging him. It wasn’t as if news of a boy would have changed his reaction, the news just sent off a confetti cannon of pure delight inside of him and he couldn’t contain it.
“Congratulations!” Cagney leaned into Ashton's right side and hollered into the phone.
“Thank you?” Simone just shook her head and grinned, wishing she could be there to joyously celebrate with them all. Since it seemed okay with Ashton, she figured she would tell her family tonight and then they could toast it over some kind alcohol free cider. Maybe a nice ginger tea since she had a light stomach ache. “I'm glad you're happy. I know we had promised to wait - “
“No, I'm glad I know.” His mind was flashing different videos in his mind, all of them framed with mist while their focal point was clear. He imagined himself chasing a giggling little girl in a towel cape around their own house, he saw himself sitting behind her braids and helping her down a park slide for the first few times, and he imagined building blanket forts in hotel rooms while she wore a mini 5SOS shirt and one of his old bandannas. Ashton's sourpuss mood dissipated as he stood among his friends, his hand cupping a fresh beer, with the dumbest grin over his face. “Get here soon, okay?” He knew she had work to do out in her home country and that if it was up to her, she would do it all over the phone in the place they condo they were renting out there. Still, Ashton was proudly selfish and wanted her with him. He wanted to be celebrating with her, kissing her over and over again until they both needed ice cubes to hold on their chapped lips, and he wanted to feel her stomach even though it wasn't going to feel any different than before he knew that there was a small little girl inside. “I love you.”
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The Camp Crystal Lake Walker
A/N: This fic was done for @embracetheapocalypsewithme‘s 400 follower Negan challenge! My prompt was horror, so I decided to have Negan tangle with Jason Voorhees. I hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 2,028
Warnings: Swearing, monster showdowns, blood, gore, dismembered heads, death.
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“But when the boy went to open the car door for his girlfriend, there was… a bloody hook on the door handle!”
“Dwight, that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard,” Negan said with a groan.
“It’s kind of old too,” Arat chimed in as she kicked around some dirt at her feet.
“You all asked for a story, and I gave you one,” Dwight grumbled as he poked the wood in the campfire around with a stick.
“I thought it was good,” Joey chimed in.
Negan rolled his eyes. “No offense Fat Joey, but you couldn’t fucking say a mean thing about anyone, not even if someone was stealing your shit right in front of you.”
Simon had just returned with another armful of wood and tossed it next to the fire for later before taking a seat next to Negan. The five of them had gotten stuck on an overnight supply run and were trying to find ways to pass the time.
“Why the hell are we wanting to tell each other scary stories when we’re practically living in a post apocalyptic horror film?” Simon asked.
“Because we’re bored and there ain’t shit else to do,” Negan responded. “Besides, we can handle walkers easily. It isn’t like there’s masked murderers marauding around in this fucking forest somewhere.”
“I don’t know, some of those serial killers are like… part walker,” Simon said.
Negan raised his eyebrow at Simon. “The fuck are you talking about now?”
“You know, Jason Voorhees is technically a walker. He died and then came back to life and killed more kids,” Simon said.
“But it’s not like Jason Voorhees is real,” Arat said.
“And you all thought my story was dumb,” Dwight interjected.
Simon pointed his finger at Dwight. “Shut up, I didn’t say anything bad about you. Besides, we never thought walkers would happen, and yet here we are,” Simon said.
The group sat there for a moment, contemplating what Simon had just told them. If anything, that thought was eerier than any ghost story they could have come up with on the spot.
At the sound of crunching twigs in the forest, the five Saviors all looked at each other with wide eyed expressions. After a moment of silence, Negan snorted and shook his head. The rest followed in suit. They were just getting jumpy, that’s all.
Before anyone could come up with another topic of conversation, Joey suddenly collapsed on the ground in front of them, a machete sticking out of his back. The four of them jumped up out of their seats and swiveled their heads around, looking for the direction of the thrown machete.
They heard loud hulking footsteps in a darkened part of the forest. Negan raised Lucille in his grip, while the other three stood their ground. When the source of the machete walked out into the clearing, Negan lowered Lucille in shock.
The figure was a large looming presence of a man. His arms hung by his sides as he stomped forward, his features highlighted by the light of the fire. His clothes were tattered and torn, almost like they draped over his huge frame. And of course, there was the hockey mask on his face that shone pale like a beacon in the darkness.
The four of them didn’t wait for Jason to approach further, and instead they made a mad scramble in the other direction.
“What the fuck kind of Stay Puft Marshmallow Man bullshit did you do!?” Negan yelled at Simon as they ran into the dense forest path.
“Are you saying this is my fault!?” Simon shouted. “Are you fucking kidding me!?”
“Shut up or else it’ll be easier for him to find us!” Arat berated them as they continued forward.
They heard a sudden thump behind them, and heard Dwight call out, “Shit, I think I twisted something!”
“Sorry Dwight, you’re gonna have to be a martyr here!” Negan called out behind him as he kept running. “It’s under the “sudden-serial-killer-every-man-for-himself clause!”
“Fuck you Negan you son of a bitch!” Dwight shouted out.
“I’ll take care of Sherry for you!” Negan yelled and caught up to Simon and Arat while they heard Dwight slew curses behind them.
After what felt like hours of running, Negan, Simon, and Arat slumped against the thick trunk of a tree. They panted and caught their breath, trying to assess the situation before them.
“Look, I know that the real life Jason Voorhees is on our tail, but was it cruel leaving Dwight behind?” Simon asked.
“Did you trip him?” Arat asked Negan with a raised eyebrow.
“Fuck no! I’m not that much of an asshole,” Negan said. “He’s skinny but he’s not that skinny to lug around with the Goalie from Hell chasing us.”
“Fair enough,” Simon said. “Still feels shitty though.”
The other two nodded in agreement. Negan suddenly turned to Arat and said, “Well, since we’re operating on horror movie rules, I just figured I should tell you. I never thought I’d say this Arat, but don’t try to fuck me or else we’ll both be dead.”
Arat punched Negan in the arm as he snickered. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? You’re cracking jokes at a time like this!?” She growled.
“Shut up!” Simon hissed. “I hear something.”
They calmed down and listened for what Simon was talking about. Silence was all that came to their ears. Taking a deep breath, Simon leaned out from behind the tree to check to see if the coast was clear.
Simon shouted and made Negan and Arat jump. Simon recoiled back against the tree just as something whipped past his head. Negan didn’t hesitate in running after what had been thrown, walking backwards towards the object as he held Lucille in front of him.
There Jason was, standing a few yards from them, his bloodied machete held tight in his grip. He held a body in his other hand, the arms and legs hanging limp. Negan only looked away from Jason to pick up the object from the forest floor.
Negan held Dwight’s head in his palm, the gruesome expression on his face making Negan’s stomach turn. Negan might not have liked Dwight that much, but he didn’t deserve to go like that, and neither did Joey.
Negan set Dwight’s head back on the ground and turned his attention back to the present threat. He pointed Lucille at Jason, who only tilted his head in curiosity at him. “Alright you big motherfucker, you’d better not be feeling too ahead of yourself because I’m going to bash your skull in with my lovely lady Lucille over here!” Negan said.
“That was in horrible taste!” Simon shouted at Negan.
“I didn’t mean to make the head pun, I swear!” Negan shouted back before pinching the bridge of his nose. “It doesn’t fucking matter though. This fucker’s going down, immortal or not.”
“But do we have a plan!?” Arat shouted as Negan ran towards Jason, Lucille raised in his grip.
“Kill him until he’s dead!” Negan yelled as he dodged Jason’s machete before it could connect.
While Negan ducked below the blade, he swung back and slammed Lucille into Jason’s side. He barely flinched, the only movement he displayed was dropping Dwight’s body from his grip. His arm shot forward, grabbing Negan by the back of his leather jacket and throwing him down onto the ground.
Negan’s mouth opened, trying to groan in pain but no sound coming out. He’d had the wind knocked out of him. While he scrambled to back away from Jason as he slowly approached with his machete raised, he cursed himself for not coming up with a better game plan.
Out of nowhere, a sizeable rock thwacked against the side of Jason’s head. He stood stock still for a moment, confused at the sudden impact. When he turned towards the direction it came from, another rock collided with the front of his mask, making him stumble backwards in shock.
“Over here ugly!” Simon shouted, trying to distract Jason.
It seemed to work, as Jason changed his focus onto Simon and skulked over to him. Before he could get too close, Arat launched herself onto Jason’s back with a shout. He reached behind him to pull her off, but she was too quick for him. She drove her knife into his thick neck, black blood spilling out over the wound.
Jason groaned at the pain as he successfully elbowed Arat off of his back. She fell to the ground with a thud and rolled away from his machete just in time before he slashed the ground where she had landed.
As Arat scrambled to her feet, Simon drove his heel into the back of one of Jason’s legs. Jason dropped to the ground, but swung behind him with his machete. Simon jumped back with a yelp, clutching his arm. The machete had barely grazed him, but still nicked him nonetheless.
Jason pushed up with his good leg, trying to turn around and face Simon to take him out once and for all. But his eyes widened as Negan’s imposing figure came into view. Jason tried to slash out with the machete, but Negan swung faster. Lucille’s barbed wire tore into Jason’s wrist, causing him to release his weapon as it flung itself away from his grip.
“Should have paid attention to me first, you fucker,” Negan said as he cracked Lucille down on Jason’s skull.
He didn’t go down so easily at first though, and Jason gripped the lapel of Negan’s jacket and brought him down with him. Negan never lost his footing, his knees pressed against Jason’s chest as he slammed Lucille down over and over. The two were in a struggling embrace, Jason trying to reach Negan’s neck but being unable to with the assault on his face.
The hockey mask cracked, and Negan drove home Lucille once more to crash down on his already deformed face. Again. Again. And again he swung, not losing concentration from his task even as Jason’s hands fell limp from Negan’s jacket.
After a few more solid cracks, Negan pulled himself away from the still body underneath him. Without hesitation, Arat stumbled over with the discarded machete and hacked at Jason’s neck. The two men watched as she finally made it through the thick skin and bone, Jason’s head tumbling away from his body.
When the men stared at her, she explained, “So he doesn’t come back.”
“This fucker for a fact won’t be coming back,” Negan panted, leaning over the body and picking up the bruised and bloodied head of Jason Voorhees.
The three stood for a moment in awe of the situation. Then, without a moment’s notice, Negan swung his arm down as hard as he could, smashing Jason’s head into the ground one last time. “Goal, motherfucker!”
“Okay, you just ruined the whole damn mood of the story!” Simon shouted across the poker table at Negan. Simon had gotten used to telling his stories late at night with the rest of the Saviors, but they never seemed to understand where he was coming from.
“No I didn’t, you keep making these stories of yours so damn depressing by the end. I’m just improving them,” Negan said as he leaned back in his chair.
“I still don’t know why I couldn’t make it to the end. Joey’s the only one that’s really dead so his makes sense, but I’m still here!” Dwight snapped at Simon.
“It’s to up the stakes! Horror movies aren’t scary when everyone’s still alive at the end! It’s like none of you know how storytelling works!” Simon exclaimed.
“Stop being such drama queens and get a room or something,” Arat said, rolling her eyes and standing up. “I’m going to bed.”
“Why’s she pissy, she got to decapitate Jason!” Negan pouted and crossed his arms. “I wanted to have the final blow.”
“Unbelievable,” Simon sighed. “Why do I even tell you guys my stories if you act like this every damn time?”
“Because we’re all you got,” Dwight said.
“Yeah, you’re stuck with us,” Negan said with a grin.
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dunnitmoved · 4 years
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
Cold Blood - Doctor Who blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Did I mention how much I don’t like Chris Chibnall as a writer and how I really, really didn’t want him to write a Silurian story? I’m sure I did.
‘But Quill,’ I can hear you saying in my head, ‘it’s not that bad. The only reason you’re being so negative about it is because you’re comparing it to the original. Why not judge it on its own merits?’ Well first of all, it’s impossible not to compare this to the original because Chibnall is trying so desperately to emulate it (and failing miserably), and second, even by its own merits, it’s still shit.
The reason why the original Silurian/human debate worked so well was because there was no clear right or wrong answer. Both sides had a point and neither side was presented as being 100% good or evil. It was complex, nuanced and thus interesting. The debate in Cold Blood however is so cack handed and so extreme that it’s impossible to be invested in this at all.
Let’s start with the Silurian side of the debate. You have Restac, a character who’s even more boring and one note than her twin sister Alaya (i didn’t even think that was possible). Her solution to every problem is to kill all the humans. A mysterious drill from the surface is detected. Kill the humans. The perimeter has been breached. Kill the humans. You lose your car keys. Kill the humans. She never considers the possibility that this is all one giant misunderstanding. Nor is there ever an explanation for why she hates humans so much. She’s just a dull cardboard cutout foaming at the mouth.
Then there’s Eldane, played by Stephen Moore. The leader of the Silurians and who is so insanely nice to the point where it almost starts to become comical. Even when Rory, Ambrose and Tony show up carrying Alaya’s corpse, and Ambrose threatens to kill all the Silurians with the drill, Eldane still tries to help the Doctor and everyone escape at the end even by going so far as to gas his own people. What the fuck?! You could probably sit there quoting excerpts from Mein Kampf whilst jetting heroin into your eyes and defacing a library book in front of him and he’d still insist that peace could be brokered between our species.
Finally there’s the Silurian scientist Malohkeh, played by Richard Hope, who is by far the most confusing character. In this episode they go out of their way to present him as this cuddly, reasonable person who abhors violence and confrontation, but in the previous episode he was the one torturing Mo and Amy and threatening to dissect them. Talk about inconsistent.
The humans are just as bad. Tony, Ambrose’s dad played by Robert Pugh, was poisoned in the previous episode and is slowly dying, so he secretly offers to let Alaya go in exchange for a cure. Now this could be interesting. Deceit, backstabbing, survival at all costs etc. Except it’s never brought up again and even at the end he’s still treated as one of the good guys. What?! It gets even weirder when he chastises Ambrose for killing Alaya as though he’s the moral authority when a few scenes earlier he was prepared to sell out his own grandson in exchange for his own miserable life, the conniving bastard.
Ambrose too, played by Nia Roberts, is just plain daft. She’s desperate to save her son and dad (and husband Mo, although she keeps forgetting to mention him. Bad writing or a sign of marital problems? I’ll let you decide... but the answer is bad writing), and threatens to torture Alaya for information. Three problems with this. One, it’s already been established that Alaya isn’t going to talk, so torture is pointless. Two, she already knows the Doctor has gone underground to negotiate an exchange of hostages, so if she just sits patiently and doesn’t interfere, everything will be fine. And three, there’s no buildup to this whatsoever. She’s not suitably desperate enough to resort to such drastic action. All that’s happened is that Alaya has taunted her a bit and now all of a sudden she’s a cold blooded murderer. This isn’t subtle character shading. This is just picking random scenarios out of a hat.
And then there’s the Doctor, who is quite possibly the biggest idiot of the bunch. He insists that a peace can be brokered and that despite all their atrocities and crimes and violent actions, humans are still nice, kind, lovely people that the Silurians can totes be bezzy mates with. Where the Doctor is getting this idea from I don’t know considering this is the fourth time he’s tried to get the humans and the Silurians to play nice and it never works out. But my biggest problem is that he makes it all sound so simple. He claims there’s no reason why the Silurians and the humans couldn’t work together, but as I’ve already mentioned at the beginning of this review, it’s not as simple as that. We have trouble sharing the planet with members of our own species. How are we going to cope with another? And Nasreen sensibly points out that we can barely sustain our population due to limited resources. We can’t just shove another population of people on top. But no. The Doctor says it’s possible, therefore it must be so. I’m sick of New Who constantly squashing any chance for a complex moral debate in favour of overly simplistic answers. I would much rather watch Nasreen and Eldane debate about their futures rather than watch boring chase scenes and the Doctor pissing about like a tit in a trance.
Also how are Amy and Nasreen qualified to negotiate on behalf of the human race? I know Moffat and Chibnall are trying to sell the idea of the everyman hero, but again, it’s not as simple as that. How are they going to explain this to the people on the surface? Are the Silurians just going to march into the UN and go ‘Hi guys! Sorry to disturb you. We’re the Silurians. Basically these two humans that you don’t know and have no authority whatsoever have said we can share the planet with you guys. Hope that’s okay. Bye.’
Also Amy makes the idiotic suggestion that the Silurians can populate the Sahara, the Nevada Plains and the Australian Outback because they’re ‘uninhabited.’
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Blimey, I’d hate to be the one that has to tell the Tuareg or the indigenous Australians that they’re going to have to share their lands with a bunch of lizard people.
Anyway the negotiations break down, everyone scarpers, the Doctor tells Tony that he’s not in fact dying but actually mutating (Huh?), and so has to stay underground to be decontaminated while Nasreen elects to stay with him (it’s a shame. I’d love to have seen her as a companion. She got on so well with the Doctor and Meera Syal is always fun to watch). Then Eldane poisons his own people (da fuck?!), the Doctor blows up the drill and then makes the insanely stupid suggestion that Mo, Ambrose and Elliot spread the word that in a thousand years time the planet is to be shared.
That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. There are two possible scenarios to this. Either everyone dismisses them as a bunch of weirdos or UNIT and Torchwood get wind of it and venture underground for a bit of pest extermination. (Also doesn’t the Earth get scorched by solar flares a thousand years in the future in The Beast Below?)
And then just when you think things couldn’t possibly get any worse, that bloody crack shows up again. It has the same effect as the one in Flesh And Stone did, effectively trampling all over the narrative. But then things take an unexpected turn when Rory kicks the bucket. Both Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are to be commended here because they both act their socks off in this scene, but it’s hard to be emotionally invested because Rory’s not dead. And I’m not just saying that with the benefit of hindsight. Even at the time I didn’t think Rory was actually dead because we saw him and Amy’s future selves waving at the beginning of The Hungry Earth. So I suspected that Moffat’s hand was hovering over the reset button. It was just a question of when he was going to press it. So yeah, it did dampen the emotional impact ever so slightly.
Now usually I like to inject some humour into my reviews, usually in the form of cynicism, bad puns, and occasionally through the use of smutty innuendo because I’m really, really childish. Believe it or not, I don’t sit there thinking of naughty things to say. Sometimes the best ones are just handed to me on a silver platter, and this is one such occasion. I see it as my reward for putting up with an hour and a half of crap, so if you don’t mind I’d like to take this opportunity to just savour the moment.
Ready? Here we go.
The Doctor sticks his hand up Moffat’s crack and pulls out a shard of the TARDIS.
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Oh thank you God! You’re too kind to me!
Cold Blood is terrible in every way. Chris Chibnall tries so hard to replicate the success of the original Doctor Who And The Silurians, but forgets what made the original so good to begin with. If you’re interested in the Silurians and/or want to get into the classic series, I urge you to watch the original Silurian story. It’s dark and morally complex with well written, nuanced characters and the ending has a shocking and tragic impact because you actually grow to care for both sides. If you’re prepared to look past the bad 70s special effects and cheap looking rubber latex monster designs, it’s a treat. The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood on the other hand is an absolute failure that pales in comparison to the original. The characters are one dimensional, the moral debate is reduced to two sets of extremes with none of the complexity or nuance the story requires, and I didn’t give a single shit about anyone or anything. The Silurians deserve so much better than this.
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