moonlight-stalker · 6 months
# Dcu/Mcu/Mha 156/42/37
Danny was one of the world's first heroes and is considered a legend because, in all of his fights, there were hardly any casualties and no deaths, he is taught to kids. He had disappeared after he saved the earth from being in by an asteroid, no one knows where he went or what happened to him.
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
Dp x Marvel #5
Peter's school were getting some students due to an exchange program that they were hosting. Apparently from they were from some place called Amity. MJ was excited because she believed that perhaps the students would be witches or part of some sort of cult, but Peter somehow doubted it.
When they arrived though, he believed that he spoke too soon. The three students that arrived seemed to be a bit off, for some reason. The first was a goth girl that had a mix of black and purple clothing. Her attire and personality made Peter believe that she and MJ would get along really well. The second kid was a student who wore casual wear, but the gear that he had in his hands was like nothing he's ever seen before. And he worked with Mr. Stark! So maybe he was an inventor himself?
But the third kid? He was the one who set his spidey sense off the most, but he didn't know why. He seemed unassuming for the most part. Black hair and blue eyes dressed in clothes that seemed slightly bigger than him for some reason. He seemed to be looking everywhere except for him.
No. Wait. His eyes just turned green. That couldn't be right, could it? There was nothing wrong with these new kids. Right?
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five-rivers · 1 year
Life's Great Lie 12
Loki was shaking.  He was furious.  He was excited.  That boy had been so powerful.  Unheard of for a human.  By Loki’s estimate he was about the same age as his boy.  Amassing something like that in less than two decades was…  astounding.  And the way he used it!  Truly, Loki had rarely met a more kindred spirit. 
It complicated everything immensely, especially when coupled with the disappearance of Barton.  After all, no Barton meant no materials.  And they needed those materials, or, at least, the energy source.  Everything else was being labored over by Dr. Selvig and the assistants Loki had procured for him. 
On the other hand, the fight in Amity Park might have been enough to get Earth’s defenders to really hate him.    
No, that wasn’t what he’d been trying to do.  He was trying to divide them.  Divide and conquer, as they said, and Loki would conquer them.  They were divided.  They…  The boy, the pharaoh, he would be against Iron Man, if nothing else.  His boy’s other young friends didn’t seem terribly enamored of the heroes, either.  Likely, they would spend as much time getting SHIELD’s way as Loki’s in an attempt to get their other friend back. 
Not as good as crashing their ridiculous airship, but not terrible, all things considered. 
“That was stupid,” said the boy.  “That whole thing was stupid.  If you’d just waited—”
“It doesn’t matter,” said Loki.  “We still have the original plan.”
“Which was terrible.  Maybe…”  The boy glanced at where Selvig was working and licked his lips.  “What if we spliced into the power cable in the ocean?  Keep everything out of New York?  If the army you’re bringing can deal with space they can deal with water, right?”
“They can do many things,” said Loki, vaguely.  “But we cannot breathe underwater.”
“I don’t need to breathe.”
“And the rest of us?”
“We can steal a boat.”
Loki raised an eyebrow.  “I must commend your dedication to…” he trailed off.  Thanos’s herald was plucking at the strings of his mind.  He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.  When was the last time he’d slept?  He’d have to meditate and see what the irritating and impatient creature wanted. 
He wanted- He needed—
Ice, invigorating and incongruous, washed over him, sweeping away the pull on his mind.  He breathed in through his teeth and rounded on the boy. 
“What did you do?”
“I helped you.  Mind control is unfriendly.”
Loki snarled.  “Boy, do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“Yes.  But my name is Danny.”  He tilted his head.  “I’m pretty sure I’ve told you that before.”
“That is my contact with my army!”
“It isn’t really yours, though, is it?”
Loki raised his hand, intending to strike the boy for his impudence, but…  He dropped it.  There was no point to it.  Loki would merely have to find some way to instruct him not to interrupt the connection again without subverting his other, more important orders. 
Later, later.  Unless he was contacted again, it wasn’t a priority. 
“We could try to contact Jazz again.  I’d bet they took the equipment I asked for with them.”
“We are not talking to your sister.  We do not need any of that so-called equipment, regardless.”
“Yeah, sure, and do you really need an army from somewhere else?  I don’t want to tell you how to do your job, but look at everything you’ve already done all by yourself!”  He spread his hands to either side.  “Why not just keep doing this?  I’m sure that by the time whoever is really in charge of that army gets here, you’ll have gotten Earth to the point where it can more than match them.”
“Stop,” said Loki.  That was all irrelevant.  It was meaningless.  He could not—No.  Fighting Thanos was impossible.  All he could do was this.  All he could do… 
But the boy’s suggestion had merit.  Somewhat.  He had—He could—
His skin felt like it was crawling off.  Memories of—
He had made a mistake, and it would be—
There was much a god could endure—
Danny put his hand on Loki’s arm and ice pricked at his skin.  It was like holding the Casket of Ancient Winters.  It was like touching a blizzard.  It was like the chill in his own blood. 
He put a hand on the boy’s shoulder, gently.  “Danny,” he said, voice soft, “this is the only way.  This is the only choice.  Everything else… is worse.”
“Sometimes, the right choice only seems worse.  Sometimes, the worse choice is the only one you can live with making.  The only one that won’t haunt you forever.”
“Then you understand me perfectly.”  He patted Danny on the shoulder, then turned away.  “We are going to Stark Tower.”
“Like some kind of prisoner exchange?” asked Jazz. 
“No,” said Tucker.  “Because of the whole HYDRA thing, they don’t want the really awesome people who are partially famous for being nazi haters to be here.  But they need a place to deal with the alien problem.”
Well, they weren’t the only ones.  Jazz would even say that the alien problem was her top priority right now, right after not bleeding out or crashing.  She looked back at Barton. 
“And you’re sure arrow boy isn’t a nazi?”
“I’m not sure,” said Tucker.  “But based on what I’ve seen behind the curtain, I doubt it.  Unless he’s one of these codename guys.  There’s… a lot of double, triple security on everything and some of it is in languages I don’t speak.  They didn’t put sensitive stuff where the GIW could get it easily.  I guess the GIW were sort of the idiot cousins in all this.  Too loyal and know too much to completely brush off or take out when they have so few people comparatively, but too incompetent to put on anything they thought was real or important.”
“And no one believes in ghosts,” said Jazz. 
“You’d think that people would be more credulous, considering the whole super-soldier thing was decades ago and Thor is, you know, around.  Existing.  All those aliens.  Oh, and they’re not even—” He broke off.  “Okay, yeah, I know you don’t want me to talk about it, but who do you think was the first person I showed when I hacked you?  Get off my back.  There are so many other aliens.  There are even shape shifting aliens, just living here.  Like a Men in Black situation.”  Something in the background of Tucker’s call got very loud and annoyed looking. 
“And you’re sure none of these people are nazis?”
“Pretty sure.  The one woman is Russian, though.  Maybe.  Her accent is really good.  And Thor’s…  He’s not actually Scandinavian.  It’s whatever.  Look, I’ve only met, like, Stark.  And the Russian.  So, you aren’t exactly getting a personal vetting, here.”
Jazz sighed.  A personal vetting probably wouldn’t be all that useful, anyway, given the circumstances.  These were spies that could fool other spies.  Not people who would have trouble fooling Tucker. 
“But they’re all those heroes, right?” asked Sam.  “Not people that are coming out of nowhere.”
“Except the Russian.  And I’m not sure Dr. Banner really counts as a hero.  Except in, like, the pioneer in the field of science sense.”
“I don’t know,” said Sam, “there were some things on the internet way back.”
“Yeah,” said Tucker.  “I think we can at least be sure Captain America isn’t some kind of sleeper agent.  Or Mr. Stark.  I mean, whatever plan would involve making a really awesome weapons dealer billionaire in their pocket dump the weapons part and give eighty percent of his income to charity and spend his spare time tracking down terrorists and curing malaria would have to be really convoluted.”
“The malaria thing wasn’t actually me—”
“And, like.  Thor’s an alien.  So maybe he’s whatever the space equivalent of nazis is, but at least he’s not an Earth nazi, and—”
“Okay,” said Jazz.  “Tucker, you’re rambling.”
“Right, I don’t think these particular guys are HYDRA.”
“Great,” said Jazz.  “So, what do they actually want?”
“Like I said, they don’t want the, uh, the Avengers to be around the potential nazis.  Probable nazis.  HYDRA agents.  Whatever you want to call them.  But they still need a place to work.  They want that place to be the Ops Center.”
Jazz bit her lip.  She wasn’t enthusiastic about letting a bunch of heavily armed strangers who were buddies with the guy who had shot her into their space.  But while they could use the ops center to track Danny if he was using his powers and capture him with the onboard equipment and shields, if Loki had more people like arrow boy and the weaponry to back them up…  Jazz didn’t think the ops center would do all that well against, say, a grenade launcher.  It wasn’t built with that kind of weaponry in mind. 
For that matter, it wouldn’t do all that well against the GIW if they decided to attack.  They didn’t have Danny to drive them off this time. 
(And Loki had held his ground against Tucker while he was in the full grip of Duulaman.  Danny had trouble with Duulaman.  His power couldn’t be dismissed.)
“How many of them are there again?”
“Five,” said Tucker.  “Not counting arrow guy.  Barton.”
Then they’d outnumber her, Sam and Tucker by two to one.  And three of them were soldiers trained to fight, another could pull a Cujo if he got even the least bit annoyed, one was armed to the teeth, and one was at least the inspiration for a god. 
“Oh!  And Valerie is here.  Not sure why, but.  You know.”
“Well that’s something,” said Jazz.  She wasn’t thrilled about Valerie being involved, and she didn’t know what side she’d come down on in a fight, but…  Yeah.  It was something. 
“She knows.  Actually, all of these guys do.  About Danny.”
Jazz closed her eyes.  She’d known that, but getting it confirmed had a different effect.
There was a way to even those odds, at least a little bit.  She didn’t like it. 
“Where do they want to meet?” she asked. 
Tucker rattled off a set of coordinates.  Jazz started shaking her head before he was done.
“No,” she said.  “Tell them to meet us at Lake Eerie.”
“Are you thinking it’s a trap?” asked Sam. 
“No,” said Jazz, “but the GAV still has to follow roads.  Mostly.”
“Oh, no,” said Sam. 
Jazz shrugged.  “We don’t have a lot of options.  Mom and Dad…  I don’t even know what they know.  They’re working for SHIELD somehow, too, so they probably know.”
“They might still be okay with—” She looked at arrow boy.  Barton.  Annoying guy.  Whatever.  “With the whole molecule by molecule thing.  More than okay with it.  We don’t know.  We can’t bring them into this situation.”
“Yeah,” said Jazz, “but they’ll defend us.  We’re the ones who’re here, and to help others you have to take care of yourself.  We can cross any other bridges when we get to them.”
Sam wasn’t so sure about that.  In fact, she was the opposite of sure about that.  “I don’t want them to be in a situation where shooting at Danny while knowing he’s Danny is something they have to do.  I don’t want them…”  She trailed off. 
“I get what you’re saying.  I do.  He’s my brother.  They’re my parents.  But… I don’t think they will.  Not like that.”
“If I can put my two cents in,” called Barton from across the room.
“No,” snapped Sam. 
“I did meet the Fentons.”
“Great,” said Sam, “so have I.  You’re not special.”
“Yes, but I have a bit of an outside perspective.  You know how that goes.  I’ve met Danny, too.”
“Did you shoot him, too?”
“No, that’s a good point.  But no.  I met them, and the only thing they talked about more than their work was their kids.  Maybe not the best thing to do when you’re being hired by spies, but…”  He shrugged, the motion cut short by the handcuffs.  “They care.”
“That was never in doubt,” said Jazz, as cold as Sam ever heard her. 
“Hey, we’re on the same side, now, right?  I’m just trying to be helpful.  The more comfortable you are, the better.” 
“The better to ambush us, you mean?”
“Still not helpful,” said Jazz.
Sam crossed her arms and tapped her foot.  She was just trying to look at all the perspectives.  Danny loved his parents.  But there were reasons that, despite everything, he hadn’t trusted them.  And anyone who worked with SHIELD could by HYDRA.  Anyone. 
If it were just up to Sam, she wouldn’t work with any of them.  Danny had allies in the Ghost Zone.  If nothing else, his enemies wouldn’t like him being occupied.  They were awfully territorial over him sometimes.  They just had to, you know, make a portal…  travel through the Zone…  hope the portal opened somewhere useful… find the necessary ghosts… convince them to come back… make another portal to a useful place… the porta-portal and Fenton Bazooka portals didn’t last that long, after all. 
Yeah, that was totally doable. 
Absolutely workable despite Jazz’s arrow wound, the assassin/hostage, Sam’s relative inexperience with the technology they had on hand, and the lack of Zone-ready transportation. 
Yeah, right. 
She couldn’t even say all that stuff in her own head without it sounding sarcastic. 
Even if they could do all of that and got an army of ghosts, Loki could bring his army over first.  There was no guarantee that an army of ghosts could beat an army of aliens.  They didn’t even knew how big Loki’s army was, except that he expected it to be able to conquer the planet with it.  They needed backup, regardless.
“Okay.  Fine.  Call them.  We’ll meet up with the superpowered boy band, too.  But you know what people who are used to being in charge are like.  This is going to go wrong, and it’s going to go wrong fast.”
“And then you’ll say I told you so?”
“And then I’ll say I told you so.”
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ikiprian · 2 months
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ao3 authors notes remain the funniest things ever
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shewhowillrise · 10 months
What if Danny is the only ghost with a core because the core is actually the soul stone that chose a host?
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megamindsupremacy · 2 years
So, you want MCU recs.....
People and Peter is a good series if you are looking for stuff in the post-NWH continuity.
I'll build a house inside of you is a classic so you've probably already read it. Pre-Black Widow movie, but really well written. Basically what happens if the Winter Soldier kidnaps Natasha when she is younger and they both try to learn how to be human after being killing machines.
Wanda 1995 post-WandaVision. Really good. Wanda travels back to 1995 and has to deal
Brighter Stars Written Pre-Love and Thunder. Depressed Thor travels back in time to 2011.
Then there is that one long DPxMCU crossover. It's good but also not and I have never finished it but I also quite like it. So yeah, you might give it a try and see if it's something you like.
And yeah I have no idea what you like, so I just thought of general stuff (also I know you like DP) but yeah going MCU hunting is.... an ordeal. Not only because of ships and characters you dislike, but also because depending on when it was written it will be a completely different story than if it was written two years later.
Anywho, I now realize I don't have as many non-shipy MCU bookmarks as I remembered. So, unless you suddenly crave Worm or Star Wars fanfic, I don't have as many recs as I thought I had.
Nice!!! I’ve already read the first series but I’m going to go check out the other ones Right Now
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aikoiya · 1 year
My DP Character HCs Masterlist
This is just a bunch of hc stuff for DP characters. It might take a bit to get it all on here.
Interesting Idea for King Danny
Engineer Danny
Frost Phantom
The Christmas Gift
The Source of Danny's Anger At Christmas
Anti-Gravity Phantom
Secret Identity
Fenton Bias
Jack & Maddie's Perspective on Ghosts
Neurodivergent Fentons
Neurodivergent Jack & Maddie
Neurodivergent Jack
Dani's Obsession
Halfa Jazz
Fenton Preferences
Family Legacy 1
Family Legacy 2
Phantom Family AU
The Walker Family
Vlad Masters:
Ugly Crying Vlad
Vlad Struggling With NPD
Vlad the Methyphile
Vlad's Romantic Profile
Vlad's Sexual Profile
The Origin of Clockwork
Clockwork Through the Multiverse
Full Prompts & Story Ideas:
The Bell Tolls For Amity
The Curse of the Seven Sins
Timeless Journey
Vlad vs Dan
Broken Future AU
Lady Nightshade AU
Purification & Aftermath
Nocturn (My Style)
Dash After High School
Rebel Alliance
Ember's Lement
Head Butler of Manson Manor
Lunch Lady
Vlad & the Supernatural Trio
MRA Tucker
Team Halfa
Dan Insults Vlad
Realistic Danger & Casualties
Valerie's Powers
Dan Likes Greek
Sam's Thoughts on Lionfish
DP Confessions
Plants Rights Lunatics
Whimsigoth Sam
The Haunted Jukebox
A Better Pam
DPxDC - Ship Names List
DPxDC - Psyche Talk
DPxDC - Anger Management
DPxDC - Anger Management & Those Who Think It's Wrong
DPxDC - Grimm Romance (Anger Management)
DPxDC - Superman Isn't a Clonophobe & Backup
DPxDC - Bruce the Burdened
DPxDC - Elder Wayne Return
DPxDC - The Lazarus Pits & Jason Todd
DPxDC - A Bird in Amity
DPxDC - The Black Cat
DPxDC - Bell Above the Box
DPxDC - Jazz as Altair the Bluebird of Gotham
DPxDC - Duul Aman Thal
DPxDC - Green Lantern Danny
DPxDC - Vlad As a Lantern
DPxDW - Danny & the Doctor
DPxMCU - Saving Private Vision
DPxMH - Calamity Park
DPxIV - Viltrumite Kryptonite
DPxSU - GemHaunt
DPxMHA - Hawks' New Life
DPxMLP - Cutie Mark
DPxDB - Death Comes For All Eventually
Other DP Masterlists:
Ghost Zone Masterlist
DP Ask AU Masterlist
DP Phantom Twins AU Masterlist
Other Useful Masterlists:
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
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theaudiovore · 11 months
really don't like DPxMCU crossovers
except ones where Danny hates the Avengers
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shower-phantom-ideas · 10 months
Yall wanna see mw write a snipoet of dpxfnaf!?? But like dca? Cause ill fucking do it man. Im crazy. I havent slept and I worked 6days straight (thats 6 12hr shifts baby) ill do anything you want man
Ill write a dpxrwby for u hell ill uhhh maybe a um dpxgf shit from 2012 don’t try me. Ill ummmm (my brain is powering down) dpxmcu
Dpxsubmas ???
I am realising I don’t know a lot about a lot so this is hard
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agentianlegend · 4 years
Also on Fanfiction
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Danny Phantom, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Danny Fenton & Peter Parker, Danny Phantom & Spider-Man, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Danny Fenton & Maddie Fenton, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Characters: Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton's Parents, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton, Jazz Fenton, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Ned Leeds Additional Tags: Mystery, High School, Conspiracy, Bonding, Sibling Bonding, Family, Humor, Drama, Confusion, New York City, Queens Summary:
Danny Fenton and Peter Parker find themselves at the heart of a secretive power struggle in an increasingly supernatural world. For the Avengers and the world’s sake, the demons in their shadows must be conquered.
From the author that brought you the Danny Phantom-Young Justice crossover universe of Recognized. Rated T for themes, occasional language and action, though as a whole it could probably pass for General Audiences.
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moonlight-stalker · 8 months
# Dcu/Mcu x Dp 124/27
The Fenton learn that Danny is Phantom but cannot immediately start supporting Phantom because if they did the government could easily claim that they have been overshadowed and get rid of them so instead they continue making wapens but if any of them tune into Danny they would shoot the equivalent of a Nerf gun power and all traps would have a fail-safe that would let Danny free himself and others.
When heroes learn about the etc acts they immediately tried to get the them move and to get all of the hunters arrested the problem is they think that the Fenton are also supporting it
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
DP x Marvel Prompt #3
Thanos had done it. He had collected all of the stones and managed to snap half of the universe out of existence. Many lost friends, family, and loved ones for a long time, with no idea whether or not they would come back. But, come back from where, exactly?
Danny, as Ghost King, was surprised to learn the news that the Infinite Realms had expanded to something unknown by any of the other ghosts. Something living.
So of course as king, Danny goes to check it out and make sure that it wasn't some threat to the balance of the infinite realm. But when he gets there, he is surprised by the sight of millions of people there. All of them very much alive! And-oh ancients, was that Spider-man?!
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five-rivers · 1 year
I finished writing the last chapter of Mortified (319) last night, so now I have to figure out what to write next. The list below is made of popular fics or series I currently have the vibes for. Links under cut.
Danger First
The Doomsday Planner
Life's Great Lie
The Soul Trade(ing Card Game)
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13threbagel · 4 years
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[ A Secret, Fear, and A Mirror ] part2 | part 1
The book Danny gave you. 
“I’m growing fangs.” He said from behind his hand.
“Because I do.” Danny said. “I do recognize this face.”
Loki felt the fear, he knew that fear, even opposite as it was to his own.
Based off @enigmaris and ScarletNightFury DPxMCU The Ghost of Heroes fic specifically how Loki view Danny on the fic
@zrllosyn helped me with the words because i cant word for my life
Man I’m just goin wild on this also basically an excuse on how many fanart n aesthetic of this fic i can squeeze in one post im sorry if i went too far i really love their paralel
Edit : fixed typo n some colors orz
I hope you like it qwq
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wildestheart4ever · 2 years
I’ve basically resigned myself to the fact that I’ll probably never find any DPxMCU crossover of my preference [More Team Cap, less TS of the “Tony has a heart uwu” or “Tony needs a hug uwu” variety], so I’ve taken to browsing through DP fics and skipping over any crossovers I do find.....
With that in mind, I was not expecting to find a fucking Darcy Lewis/Vlad Masters fic. I know Darcy is character that people love to ship with anyone and everyone [It’s a tag, for Pete’s sake!!] - but this definitely threw me off lol
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aikoiya · 2 years
DPxMCU Crossover - Saving Private Vision
I feel like if Danny was there in the Marvel Universe, he'd have been able to find a way to really resurrect Vision provided he had plenty of help.
Thing is, I think Vision had a soul. As the Ghost King & by my Legacy hc, Danny would have some power over souls. That, plus the fact that Vision was a synthetic entity & therefore hadn't been "alive" in the same sense that organics are, would give Danny some leeway.
The problem would be finding the right power source to take the place of the mind stone & if the mind stone is needed, he might be able to use the piece inside Wanda to do it. He could probably find a way to make Vision's body work off of ectoplasm if he could find a way to create a regulator able to generate ectoplasm from thoughts & emotions the way Danny himself can. That would allow Vision to function indefinitely via his own existence. However, that would take reconfiguring him to be able to do so.
Not to mention, he'd need to locate Visions' spirit, but it could be possible.
If he could get Vision's spirit to form an ectoplasmic shell, a.k.a. a core, then seal it into his body, it could work.
Though, if it did, Vision would've lost some memories via my theory of mnemonic imprints. Not to mention, he'd now have ghost powers.
Wandavision would have to take place first, then Danny would show up after the Multiverse of Madness.
The reason being that the GZ is the natural means of travelling the multiverse as portals through the GZ don't thin the membrane between universes. Because they are natural occurrences that work with the natural order rather than against it.
In this case, the Gap Junction wouldn't exist & instead, the Book of Vishanti would be hidden in the Ghost Zone.
It would be at this time that Danny would show up as, being the Ghost King, one of his duties would be protecting the book.
The Strange from Universe 838 actually had to have an audience with Danny to appeal to have the chance to run the course protecting the book. Which, the course would be the gauntlet leading to the Book in the movie.
In this instance, Danny would protect the Book of Vishanti from Wanda.
I theorize that the Vision that Wanda created was made when she used her piece of the mind stone to call back Vision’s soul for a time. That’s part of why he didn’t remember anything before his life in Westview.
On the other hand, the white Vision is Vision’s body reanimated without a soul & I figure that the little bit of Wanda’s magic used to revive him won’t keep him going for too long & when it runs out, so will he.
I believe that the fully revived Vision would remember Westview, but only bits & pieces from before that. However, with his body & the data inside it back together with his newly-formed core, he could remember eventually. Though, no need to rush that.
I feel like his coloring would be inverted. What was red would be green, green would turn red, yellow to purple, & gold to silver. It’s a bit of an outrageous color scheme, but what can you do? Not to mention, he'd also need help learning how to regulate his Obsession, which I figure would be similar to Danny's, making him a Tutelary & a Ghost in the Machine.
Anyway, after reviving Vision fully, I feel like Danny would recommend finding a universe in which Vision was born human &, awkward as it sounds, asking him to... donate. A quick trip to get artificially inseminated & Billy & Tommy are on their way.
It wouldn’t be the same Billy & Tommy, but it would be a Billy & Tommy. Only this time, Wanda & Vision would have to do it the right way. The long way.
Either way, Danny helps them by using the Infini-Map to find the right guy. Fun idea, the guy they ask is named Jarvis, he's a psychic, & he's married to his universe's version of Wanda.
In the end, Danny now has 2 friends for life.
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