#Fell is ALSO bbg
elizakai · 10 months
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have a fell snas
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roadkill-creatures · 8 months
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Haha what the fuck
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lovetei · 11 months
AaAaaaHHHHHH I loved your “Things that the citizens of the Devildom witnessed that will prove that this Human have the characters at their beck and call” post lol :P
Could you plssssss do it w the side characters? Especially barbatos I love him. He’s my bbg lol
Sure, I'm actually just waiting for someone to request it :P
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Things that the citizens of the Devildom witnessed that will prove that this Human have the characters at their beck and call
Versions: Demon Brothers, Side Characters
Warnings: Slight yandere themes (Barbatos, Simeon)
Links: Masterlist
He doesn't actually like going around
Sure, it's mentioned a lot of times that he want to visit this or that
But only if you or the others are willing to come with him
Otherwise it's as boring as doing paperworks
He won't even come out to meet important personalities
They need to come to the castle themselves because there's no damn way Diavolo will actually use effort to meet people he's actually not too close to.
But when it's you?
Damn, you better bet the moment you told him "Hey, Diavolo... I'm kind of stuck in the plaza and the brothers are surely too busy to pick me up so can you send me a driver..?"
How dare you ask for a driver?
When he's literally right there?
The moment the words "I'm kind of stuck in the plaza-" He's already in his most luxurious car starting it to get his future spouse
Hell, he'll even bought a flower before getting to you
And you two will make a scene
And you two will surely make it to the news tomorrow
He'll arrive to the place in something quite formal yet still casual
With a bouquet of flowers in his hands
Like the perfect future husband he is
And open the door for you to get in
And if you're asking why Barbados didn't do anything against him...
Well, he's got a few mouse friends there for help.
Anyways, enjoy the ride
And sign the marriage papers
His power holds such an important role for Diavolo
He's such a powerful "demon"
It would actually be quite nice if you were just a little more closer to him
But if you are...
He's willing to use this oh so important power for you like it's just a mere toy
You fell on the stairs and someone saw it? Reversed.
You failed a test? Reversed.
You made the wrong decision? Reversed.
If Diavolo actually saw how much he's rambling the time lines just for you he'll go insane.
Hell, he'll pass out when he knows that Barbatos is letting you use his power like he's some hourglass!
But Barbatos knows you
And he likes you
He knows that someone like you won't actually take advantage of his power like that
And would always choose to do things without it
He knows that he's your last resort
And he loves it
He loves that fact that you treasure his power so much
That you treasure him so much...
His power might seem to be the most important tool for you among the other abilities the brothers and the others gave you
And so that basically puts him above the food chain
And he'll stay there
He'll make sure you will view him as important as right now
For all internity
He treasures himself and the people around him so much
But mostly himself
Because that's what father told them to do
He treat his body like the temple of god
He'll walk around the Devildom with pride in himself
Not too much but not too less
He knows his worth
So when he met you
Such a wonderful human
He will also teach you how to put pride in yourself
And always be proud on what you're doing
And then he'll start to get drawn to you
The body he oh so treasured now treated like a toy for you
He once valued naturality but maybe using this makeup you love so much will make him appear more attractive?
"Oh, Simeon? Did you use some foundation and mascara?! That looks so good on you!"
Yes, MC.
Just look at him
It all started with dressing up more for you
Then it escalated
The body he once didn't let anyone touch is now open for you
Just for you
Hold his hand
Grab his waist
And use his shoulders
God won't punish him for a little touch now would he..?
He's shady and he knows it
It's been so long and he's been around may too many people
He doesn't know who to trust anymore
And who to be honest with
He always have to keep himself alarmed and ready
Because that's what the past taught him to do
And that's what the present is telling him to do
Oh, another human?
How nice...
He just hope you don't end up like him
Overly conscious
You know what... He'll help you
He doesn't want a human to fall to the same hole he is right now
He thought that he'll be the one to guide you
He didn't know that you'll guide him...
And now he's willing to do anything for you
He's willing to follow you anywhere
He's willing to give you anything
He's willing to be your loyal servant
Just like Barbatos, he's willing to use everything he have just keep you by his side
Whether it be human, demon, angel connections, money or power
It can be anything and he'll give it you
To the human who showed him the light once again.
He's a private person
That's why he has a whole ass room reserved just for him in the academy
It can't help but have his blood boiling whenever one of the brothers barging into his room unannounced
The sense of nervousness won't leave him whenever Diavolo came to visit him
And the mixed feelings when the other exchange students decided to drop by
But when you enter his room
The light started to get a little darker
And the atmosphere turned into something heavier yet more comforting feeling
Have you drank anything you're not supposed to drink human?
What's this atmosphere around you human?
Did you... Cast a spell on him human?
To be honest
It'll be better for him to know that you cast a love spell on him
Than for him to consciously know that he's falling for you
Falling for the human others already love
But he can't help but say "Why don't you stay a little longer, MC?" Whenever you drop by.
"You can stay and do your assignments or whatever here. I have a vast collection of books you might need."
It might be selfish but why don't you stay a little longer?
Stay inside this private room with him
And only him.
He's known as a hitman
And his job down here is to probably spy on Simeon or Lucifer
But this weird human caught his eyes...
Maybe he should spy on you too?
Hmm... Why are you so different?
Are you the premium version of human?
But either way...
He saw how tired you were after each day ends
It looks like this place have sucked any living hope and energy out of you
So he took this as a problem and decided to come up with a solution
He decided to help you run around errands and even take some of your work loads
Gosh... You're so busy
So tiring
Sometimes you two will just find yourself in the dark and unused alley of the school
Sitting on the floor with each others head on your shoulder
You'd mutter "So tired..." And he will pat your head to help you at least have a few minutes of nap between work.
And before he knows it
It became a habit for the two of you
Instead of going to the dark alley you decided to take some nap in the cafeteria and even on empty classrooms
The Brothers will not found you two scattered all over the academy sleeping on each other
And before he even noticed
Whenever the slightest danger occurs he's already jumping in front of you and pushing you back as he shield your fragile body
She's such a trouble maker
And you're an expert in keeping trouble makers in line
And Thirteen will make sure she don't follow that line!
She keeps on pulling pranks
Traps here
Traps there
Gosh will she ever stop
Then one day you got so busy that your usual scolding for her didn't happened
Not even once
She felt empty without your nagging voice I guess?
But that doesn't matter!
At least, now, no one will stop her from doing what she loves!
No one...
Will stop her?
But who will scold her when she's about to do an extremely dangerous prank where she might get hurt?
Who will treat her wounds when she accidentally scratched her with one of her schemes?
It's been just a few days without your nagging voice and she's already at your doorstep in the middle of a night on a weekend asking
"Are you ignoring me?"
"Why aren't you talking to me anymore?"
"Are you tired of me now..?"
It feels like she'll start crying if she says anything more so you just denied everything and said that your schedule have been fully packed
Even saying that you're a new member of the council so you became more busy
She felt so embarrassed after that
But she started to treasure your relationship more
And maybe...
Waiting in the line is not that big of a deal if it's for you...
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chocsra · 6 months
"Held like Glass, Kissed Alike"
chuuya x fem! reader - how he holds you 🙇‍♀️
a/n: to all my physical touch bbgs 🫶
content: how chuuya holds you, kissing, holding hands, fluff, drabble/small oneshot, smug! chuuya, soft! chuuya, not proofread, prolly grammar errors
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"chuuya! hold my bag while you're at it!"
'cocky demands from a cocky person', chuuya thinks. "tsk," he tuts--the downpour of rain at the moment was horrific, especially in a city, a populated, developed, city drowned in sad puddles of slushy water. you and your trusted friend, chuuya nakahara, had came to go shopping, and unbeknownst to the subsequent downfall, you both stupidly didn't bring an umbrella.
so when the rain fell, he swiftly grabbed the closest umbrella in one of the restaurant's stands, successfully covering the both of you. chuuya is one of your close friends, and even though he's slightly annoyed most of the time and yaps a whole lot, he's also decently reliable.
you on the other hand, felt like you needed to make his life worse, a living hell. wanting to feel like those clingy girlfriends in romcoms, you pulled down your purse and dramatically handed it to him. watching as his eyebrows furrow in confusion, "might as well hold my bag while you're at it!" and yes, even with a baffled scoff, the redhead still held your bag for the rest of the day.
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"i just realised, why do you always wear gloves?"
a romantic tune of jazz sung in the air, fancy clinks and clanks of cutlery swang past as you and your now fellow date, chuuya nakahara, sat in one of the finest restaurants in yokohama.
the ginger chews on his food intently, elbow planted on the table as he takes two gloved fingers, and motions you to come closer. you cock a brow, leaning forward, ear facing him.
"got a nasty case of athletes foot, but on my fingers." that's one way to swoon you, great work chuuya. the mafioso wiggles his eyebrows sarcastically watching as you sink away back into your seat. "thank you s'much," you reply, now picking at your food, "think I just lost my appetite."
the redhead snickers and pinches the tip of his gloves in between his teeth, removing it. "I'm joking, here." he smirks, a large hand urging you to place yours atop of his. you follow, feeling the warmth of his palms spread to yours, his hands were pretty damn big, bigger than a lot of men despite of his height.
"you like holding hands, hm?" the mafiosos smirks playfully as you try to hide the big smile creeping on your lips. he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, gently looking as the moonlight illuminates your eyes focused on your hands. chuuya felt damn lucky he could ever get someone to look at him like that. the redhead darts his eyes back to you and your interlocked hands, whispering, "i do too, it's okay." even though chuuya was a terrifying mafia executive, he couldn't help but hide the boyish smile as he held your hand in between his fingers, feeling as your soft skin smooths over his rarely bare, lithe hands.
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"this is rush hour in public transit, would ya look at that?"
you beam a light-hearted smile at the redhead beside you, in one of the most crowded subways. sweat and humid air pierced through, and so did the amount of space you could breathe in. chuuya nakahara, your newly and beloved boyfriend, hasn't taken public transportation in years. so he wasn't used to the crushing claustrophobia of other people at all, you, on the other hand seemed rather desensitized to it. smiling and rambling about how 'it's not that bad'. the redhead could only scoff in return, his right hand tightening on the bar for support.
"actually," you continue, clutching your purse in your left hand, "you haven't been here in a while, have you?" you smirk teasingly, causing chuuya to groan in annoyance at your words. the subway doors opening yet again, "well, consider this your fir--"
a new line of bustling people rammed into the compartment, as they filled the station, you stepped back in oblivion, almost seperating you and your fellow company. but with a calculated pull, chuuya hooked an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him, thumb rubbing at your side.
the mafioso lets out a dramatic sigh, "yeah, well? continue?" you look at him in a surprised gaze, eyes darting to the hand still tugged around your waist, even as the sea of other people weren't in threat of a stampede anymore. you felt a knot twist in your stomach as chuuya cocks a brow at you, waiting for you to finish your sentence. "shit, well, now i forgot."
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"opinion on people who sleep with socks on?"
you weren't so used to grand gestures in general, but every month your boyfriend, chuuya nakahara, surprised you with something new just because you could deal with his shit. this month, he took you stargazing, with a small theme park next to your designated spot. neon arcade lights reflected off your face and eyes as he took a gloved hand and brushed away some strands with an ever soft graze of his fingers.
you, feeling foreign to the affectionate brush of his fingers, smile tugging at his lips, eyes rested on yours, asked the most random and stupid question that popped in your head. "what's your opinion on people who sleep with socks on?" the ginger chuckles softly at your question, still cupping your cheek, watching as your eyes drag away to anything but him. "shut up already." chuuya smiles boyishly, which reminds you of his raw humanity every once in a while. you hum in a quipped agreement before stiffling a laugh.
"happy not-so-ani-aniversary, pretty girl." chuuya's pillowy lips come down on your left cheek, leaving a soft peck as his thumbs grazes against the side of your face. his lips then connect to your right cheek, making your pinch one of your eyes shut as the redhead pecks your nose. uncontrollably smiling as you giggle, pushing your hair to the side as he presses his soft lips against your forehead, bringing yourselves down.
the mafioso brings you in closer, "i love you." he mutters, as he connects your lips to his. a soft fluttering in his stomach occurs as he feels you smile against his lips, taking his fingers in between your hair as he smooths through it. he was truly enamoured, enchanted, beyond bewitched. chuuya took in how good it feels to have you, a girlfriend, an asshole, a companion.
from every place he held, it was always just you. chuuya knew, that if his fingers fit so perfect in the interlocking of yours, curled around your waist, or cupping your cheek, he was meant to hold you. to be yours, as they say.
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a/n: sorry for my vanishing bbgs, ill upload more at christmas break😔😔
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How would Jason Grace spoil you? boyfriend hcs list
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author's note: ik i have an angsty jason grace prompt in my asks and i swear im working on it! But this idea just popped up on my mind and I've been thinking about it all night yesterday omgg. Let me know if you guys want a Leo/Percy/Frank version of this, I mostly write for Jason since he's my bbg but I might actually do the others this time since the idea is so cute!
I'll start off by saying, Jason is a selfcare supporter bf.
Okay so yk how the Romans in CJ have such high standards? They literally exhibit royal/regal energy, and are super fans of luxury stuff.
Jason despite being influenced by greeks would always be a roman. Whether he likes it or not, there will always be roman blood in him. So he makes these cute/simple ideas for dates/gifts but his execution is just pure sophistication. He's SO simple yet so fancy, and Ik they're contradictions but I promise I'll explain.
like this boy would make sure to run you a nice warm roman bath after you come back from a dangerous/tiresome quest to ease your muscles. Cute and simple right? Wrong. This man would buy all sorts of expensive bath perfumes, bath bombs, fragranted petals, etc to make it extra special for you.
See so this is what I mean when I say his ideas are cute, but executed in a very fancy way.
He LOVES spoiling you with self care products, like sheet masks, lotion, cleansers, hair masks, etc. like he simply does NOT care about the money, as long as his girl is taking care of herself?? That's all that matters tbh
This is mostly because Jason, as a kid soldier, never had any time for himself, the closest thing he's ever done to "selfcare" is probably take long baths + trim his hair lol
jason was blessed with his mother's ethereal actress beauty okay. So selfcare or no self care would have zero effect on him physically bc bro would still look majestic.
ANYWAYS he feels like his inner child just kinda heals when he sees you prioritising yourself and he admires it sm :((
would be ecstatic if you rope him into self care. He would be sceptical at first but then as you're applying a face mask on him he'd be like "wait this is actually so relaxing what" and you love the way his face muscles soften at that. Like he really deserves a break and some relaxation, you'd often trick him into using your skincare products intentionally bc he deserves self care.
once he felt so soothed with the lemon facemask he was wearing that he fell asleep on your shoulder and was all zzz 🥺
and would make sure to restock all your products if they run out.
he feels that the self-care has more of a mental and emotional effect on him rather than physical
Which is what matters to him
honestly?? He supports you if you want to wear makeup. Like he'd think you look gorgeous either way but if you like wearing lipgloss? So be it. You get any lipgloss you want he's paying. He just LOVES that you love yourself too :( and would do anything to make you feel comfortable.
This man loves investing on food. Again, it's bc he never even had the time to properly eat as a legionnaire :(
So he'd love to take you out to places and just munch on tasty food and talk. New Rome has bomb food okay. Bro just never got to eat them.
Lmao he's like everyone's grandma when it comes to food. "Have you eaten? You HAVE to eat!! I'll get you food! Go back to your room!"
would spoonfeed you soup if you're sick bc nuh uh you ain't going without eating hun 😤
hes the worried anxious mother hen bf okay fight me.
Food + selfcare = Jason Grace's love language
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bedoballoons · 9 months
can We get a very physically hurt/half dying reader x the healers? And by bbg’s wanderer and albedo? Like when we get so hurt that we almost die?🩸💀☠️🩸☠️💀🩸☠️💀🩸☠️💀🩸☠️💀
Absolutely!! I'm not particularly sure which healers you meant though so I hope this is okay and I know Tighnari technically isn't a healer but he's a canon doctor so I figured he could also be in this! If there's characters you wanted to see that weren't in this don't be afraid to ask for them! Also so sorry this took so long!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Readers injured~༺}
CW: Some gore because of injury description, it's my first time writing Kokomi so I'm sorry if it's not the best!, angst and fluff <3
(Includes: Albedo, Baizhu, Tighnari, Wanderer, and Kokomi!)
"Just stay awake."
Albedos words rang in your ears as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, carrying you through the thick white snow to the nearest heat source in hopes of saving you. Your body was already limp against him because of the cold and it made his heart pound in his chest, he was scared...terrified and right now the only thing keeping you alive, your life was in his hands...and he knew it.
He kept telling you it was going to be alright, promising you nothing bad would happen, but it didn't matter...after all you could barely hear him over the loud screams of the wind, each one smacking you both with whips of freezing cold air, some of them harsh enough to make him stumble backwards. You were starting to loose hope, tears staining your cheeks and stinging as they froze against your skin, were you really going to be alright?
Suddenly Albedo fell forward onto his knees, setting you on the ground and pushing you into what appeared to be a cave, just big enough for the both of you. He didn't waste a moment, crawling in after you once he had removed his coat and covering you with it like it was a blanket, his hands busying themself with the start of a fire. The second the flames appeared he pulled you into his lap, forcing you to heat up...and doing everything in his power to save you, the love of his life.
"I'm with you now, don't worry dearest...it's all going to be alright."
Baizhu held your hand tightly, his fingers intertwined with yours while Changsheng used her gifts to perform the ritual...draining his life force right from his body...so you could live to see the next day. If you had been able to stop him...to keep him from shortening his life to lengthen yours, you would have...but you were so weak from your injuries...you could barely keep your eyes open. If he didn't do this...you would have died.
"Changsheng..." He simply said the serpents name, but even in your dazed state you could tell he wanted details...he wanted confirmation you'd be okay and he wouldn't rest till he knew, even as he was rattled with coughs...he had to know if you were going to make it. "Baizhu...they will be alright, your life force wasssss enough. Rest with them now...you both need it."
Baizhu nodded, crawling carefully into the bed with you so you could rest together...his ears tuned in to your breathing, listening for any signs of trouble and kissing your head while you drifted off to sleep.
"Don't die on me now...you're far to important for me to loose."
You could taste blood on your lips, metallic and coppery...dripping down your chin in bright red streaks, all the while you clutched your stomach, hunched over in the most excruciating pain you'd ever felt in your entire life. Your body was riddled with bruises and cuts, your insides screaming at you for medical attention as you frantically scanned the area around you for the one person that you knew could save you, "Tighnari! H-help!"
Suddenly big blue ears twitched in your direction, his movements quick and calculated as he hurried to you, taking down anything that got in his way while you fell to your knees. He could tell this was serious and he didn't wast a single second, as soon as he was close enough you were getting bandaged, his senses on high alert just in case a enemy got to close. "You know when I said, give them a beating, I didn't mean to include yourself."
You couldn't stop yourself from chuckling, which hurt...but his sarcasm...it also made you feel better
"You'll be okay, you have to...y-you can't leave me."
Wanderer couldn't even think correctly, his arms holding you so carefully...like your body was made of the most fragile of material in the world...all the while your crimson red blood dripped down his clothes. His emotions going hay wire and leaving him on a roller coaster, fear like he'd never felt before, anger burning in him like a raging fire and most of all..the lack of understanding.
If someone had went after him...that he would have understood...he would have defended himself, he would have fought against them and he most likely would have won, but who...who the hell would attack you.. and why? Why couldn't he have been there to keep you safe? "Please...I...I love you and I know I don't say it enough because of my stupid pride but I love you and you're not allowed to die on me because some stupid jerk attack you." He hugged you tighter as he spoke before bursting through the doors of Tighnaris house and quickly laying you down on the bed, his hand intertwined with yours even when everyone told him to leave.
He wouldn't let you wake up alone...no matter what he'd be there.
Kokomis hands rested softly on your chest...a faint blue light seeping from the cracks of her fingers while she used her vision to heal your wounds and you tried desperately to keep breathing like she'd instructed you to...,but despite her incredible powers, you were in so much pain...each breath threatened to be your last one.
"It's going to be okay...I'll have you patched up in no time, just concentrate on me...I'll save you, I promise." She leaned in close, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, her sweet calming aura making you feel warm as you struggled to keep your eyes open. That warmth spread all across your body, as if she had hugged you with all the love she could give and just when you'd thought you were going to take your last breath, that love made all the pain fade away.
Your injuries healing till they were nothing more than scratches and your fear replaced with happiness...gratitude. The two of you shared a sweet kiss before she had to hurry away to help someone else.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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0-hoony · 2 months
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he's the one that's livin' in my system baby! [03]
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pairing : roommate!sungchan x reader WE BACK GUYS genre : flufff cw/tw : food mentions + reader is sick and overworks themself :/ dont do this bbgs (gn) wc : 0.4k!
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you're sick. in the head, yes, but also physically.
maybe it wasn't the best idea to stand in the rain to buy a newly released mint chocolate sundae; which surprisingly had a lot of fans who were out for blood.
apparently though, they'd all been much better prepared than you - meaning that they had checked the weather app and brought along a plethora of umbrellas and raincoats galore.
you however, had not, and hence here you were. starting off spring and your vacation from uni with a cold.
the image of your roommate sungchan's butterflies in the tummy inducing smile as he noticed the green dessert was the only thing that kept you going.
through all the piles of extra credit work you'd brought onto yourself. through the aches and the tiredness. and through not having seen him since the morning.
and hence, here you are : in a feverish (pun intended) haze; hunched over your laptop, mindlessly slaving over a word document.
"wasn't there a saying which spoke about idiots not catching colds?" a voice startles you awake. you .. fell asleep? of course you fell asleep.
you mumble sleepily, "you're the idiot..."
the voice easily responds, "well you know, that may be right! it's not me who with a fever of 102.5 degrees."
"a ... fever?"
"mhm. oh and you're overworking yourself on top of that! that's obviously very helpful."
your attempt to defend yourself comes out rather weakly owing to your sleep addled senses, "i need to get this finished by today.."
"no you don't. i called professor hong - he's really such a sweet guy - who mentioned something about this not being due for 2 weeks."
you're left a bit speechless at that. you really need to make it a habit to double check things, don't you? weather app notifications, project deadlines, etc....
you feel your arms being moved gently. before you can ask when he came back or even display your slight shock at his appearance, you find yourself lifted up completely in sungchan's arms.
"i didn't want you to get me the ice-cream yn. nothing's worth your health," he says in a voice barely above a whisper.
you can hear his heartbeat from where your head rests on his chest. it's comforting.
"i wanted us to go there. together."
your sickness-hazed brain barely allows you to able to string together any words for an appropriate response before he reaches his room and lays you down on his bed.
"sleep." sungchan tucks his covers around you in a comfortable way. "you need more rest."
but when he seems to get up from the side of the bed, you can't help but grip onto the hem of his shirt, hoping it gets your message across.
it does, of course it does.
he smiles; and oh, you think, maybe this was worth it.
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notes : super inspired by irl events. i.e. im sick. in spring. vacations. cryinf. + [series m.list] [m.list] song rec : !!! BOX BY NCT DREAM yes ik this has nothing related to it BUT STILL STREAM SMOOTHIE
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ave09 · 4 months
Please write for will. I AM DESPERATE
BET! i just wrote something cute and fluffy but if you have any specific scenario (specifically angst bc im in. a mood) send ‘em to my box!
will graham x reader
(based on szn 1 bbg will)
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one word to describe the day: draining. jack was on your ass the entire day, hounding you about the chesapeake ripper, and it just wouldn’t let up. 
all you wanted was a night of peace, just you, a book, and some wine. and yet, as the peace was finally being restored and you felt calm… there was a knock at the door. 
“great,” you mumbled, rising from your comfy seat on the couch, crossing the room towards the front hall. who would be here at this hour? you unlocked the door, pulling it open slightly, seeing will graham standing there, fidgeting nervously, a bottle of wine in hand. 
you furrowed your brows, “will?” pulling open the door all the way, “what are you doing here?” 
the man cleared his throat, averting eye contact, “well-you-you seemed on edge. with the ripper, jack and everything, and i thought maybe you could use some wine-and company-“ 
you heart warmed at the gesture. the two of you had been spending a lot of time together, working on this case, and doing so, were also getting to know one another better. and she loved it. 
a small smile tugged at your lips as he let out a nervous chuckle, “but now that i’m here, i’m thinking you’d probably want to be alone-so i’m just gonna leave this here and-“
she shook her head slightly. sure. maybe he was right. but if there was anyone she’d want to spend her evening with, it would be will graham. 
“please, you’ve come all this way, come in,” you gestured for him to enter, and he did, “thanks,” he mumbled as he stepped inside, taking charge and closing the door behind him rather then waiting on you to do it yourself. 
will glanced around, taking in your home. he’d only been here once before, and that was when he had offered to help you home after a particularly rough patch in this chesapeake ripper case. 
it was a long day, the scene was beyond disturbing, leaving you frazzled. will had taken it upon himself to drive you home and help you out. you most definitely appreciated the gesture. and in all honesty, that’s probably where your attraction for the man started. 
he was always so sweet. intelligent too. not to mention handsome. 
“here, i’ll take that,” you said, gently taking the wine from his hands, cradling it carefully before gesturing to the living area. 
the two of you walked towards it, you settled into your comfy spot once again, will took a seat in the loveseat across from you. 
you set the new wine bottle on the coffee table beside the open one, sighing softly as you glanced up at him, “so..” small talk did not come easier for either of you. 
“how’ve you been? with this whole shitshow?” you ask. he simply shrugs. “it’s rough. he’s too smart.” 
“he knows precisely what he’s doing and how to get away with it.” 
will nodded, glancing up at you for a moment before clearing his throat again, “ya think maybe we could leave work be for a second? and just… talk?”
you nodded, shifting slightly in your seat, “of course,” you then fell into silence, trying to find something to discuss.
his voice was soft. fragile. 
he leaned forward slightly, fidgeting with his fingers, “hi,” you replied jokingly, your voice equally as soft.
“am i imagining things?” he asked suddenly, catching you off guard. “imagining what?” 
he swallows, adam’s apple bobbing slightly, “i-i don’t want to be too upfront, but… what’s this about?” he asks, gesturing between you and him. 
he nodded. you tilted your head slightly, “what?”
“you don’t see it?” slowly, you sat up taller, somewhat catching on. “listen… i’m not one to do this.. not really.” he’s reluctant with his replies as he continues. 
“i… have feelings for you. and not-not the platonic kind.” 
your heart flutters, breath quickens. was this actually happening? was this real?
“you have.. romantic feelings for me?” you asked, to which he nodded. 
“and-i don’t know if i’m crazy-and this is just somewhat delusional but-“
“i do too.” 
he glanced up at you. “what?”
slowly, you stood, crossing the room towards the loveseat, will slowly rising as well. you now stood before him, a smile tugging on your lips, “i too have romantic feelings for you, will graham.” 
a small smile broke out across his lips, “you mean it?” 
“why would i lie?” 
slowly, he took a step forward, a very small gap between you now. you took the opportunity to lean in, gently brushing your lips against his, testing the waters.
his hand gently found your neck, gently pulling you closer, his lips melting against yours. this was only something that you’d dreamt about, and now it was happening. 
slowly, he pulled away, his eyes closed as he rested his forehead against yours. 
“real?” he asked softly, “this is real?”
“as real as ever.” 
and you leaned in and kissed him once more. 
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roe-and-memory · 5 months
every time someone says cars 3 is the worst cars movie another angel punches me in the stomach and pulls my hair.
this is probably just my intense special interest in the origins of nascar, but that movie feels like such a nice send-off for the main “trilogy”, and yes people can have their own opinions but i NEED to talk about how much this movie means to me
first of all, a major misconception is that lightning quit racing - he DIDNT! this is proven by both the end of the movie (where he says hes obviously going to keep racing) and cars on the road where, in the final episode, cruz and lightning wish each other “goodbye” and say they’ll see each other on the racetrack. he was only cruz’s crew chief for that one season, presumably healing from the trauma of the crash (because lets be real his ass did not mentally recover from that in FOUR MONTHS) and also waiting for a permanent crew chief to take his place.
second.. the sheer amount of detail put into that movie is INSANE. the racing center being shaped like grandstands at a track? fireball beach being both a direct reference to the daytona beach race course and also “fireball roberts”, a 1950s racer (he was actually the reason that firesuits were mandated in the sport), we meet a bunch of 1950s racers as well and just augh.. so good. also, the detail of thomasville being in north carolina is brilliant - N.C is the “racing state”, and thomasville speedway is based off of north wilkesboro, a track that was opened in 1949, and last used in 1996 (aside from the series of races in 2010), and it fell into disrepair. (fun fact, north wilkesboro is reopening in 2024 for the nascar all star race!! they fixed my bbg)
third. cars three brings so much more lore than the first movie did. yes, we knew doc raced in the 50s when the sport was getting its start, but in cars 3? they brought in characters based off of real 1950s racers (doc is based off of herb thomas, smokey is smokey yunick, lou is louise smith, junior is junior johnson, river is wendell scott, and leroy hemming is tim flock) (another reference in the movie is “jocko flockos party supplies” as macks disguise - jocko flocko was tim flocks pet monkey that was the FIRST and only co-driver in the history of the sport. he won a race with his monkey in the car with him :) )
as i was saying, the lore we learn is insane. we learn that lou and river had to fight for their place in the sport, which is similar to what both louise smith and wendell scott experienced in the 50s, they show us accurately how racing worked back then too - they didnt have fancy pits, they had a fence and a pit member with a sign that would tell them to come in the next lap for service. all of these cars are gen 1 nascar, which means that they were strictly stock - they had much more intense pit sessions than any of the other “built for racing” generations have ever needed. i recall watching a race wherein smokey yunick had to change the radiator of one of his racers vehicles mid-race due to a crash.
this isnt everything, but seriously for an animated movie about talking cars, they discuss grief and hardships and handle them so well its insane. i know cruz isnt everyones cup of tea, but (in reference to the flip scene at the end of the movie) watching cruz get shoved into the sport must’ve been insane for lou to watch. she saw herself in that girl. it wasnt some movie about lightning giving up, it was him sharing the torch with another kid who lost their way just like he had.
also i dont cry at movies but i literally bawl my fucking eyes out at the letters scene every time. its PATHETIC (its not im literally tearing up just thinking about it)
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svmjaeyvn · 4 months
love maze, s.jy.
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chapter six pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: tbd (series)
add yourself to the taglist here!
genre: college!au, mutual friends, fake dating, smut.
synopsis: an unfortunate encounter, drunken mistakes, and a sort of (definitely) stalker leads jake sim ‘dating’ his best friend’s childhood crush.
or, your life gets intertwined with a rich boy’s in attempt to not get sued by his crazy personal fangirl and like with all good cliches, sex overcomplicates things.
contents: smut, sort of strangers to fuck buddies to lovers pipeline, childhood best friend!jay, mentions of best friend! yunjin, curly haired & mixed reader, uni!au, rich nepo baby!jake, enha frat boys, lots of kissing, fake dating turning into fwb real quick, totally way too into it for it to be fake early on, big booty reader that’s jake’s obsessed with, partying and alcohol use, slight violence, he fell first and harder trope, stem bf & writer gf, (kinda overly) possessive jake, some angst to spice things up, daddy issues, hyper independent reader who struggles with her feelings, fluff and happy ending!!
a/n: hello~ i’ve never been a tumblr girly but i have went through my w*ttpad era back in 2018 so bare with me y’all. this will be a series but not that long (i hope) so pls look forward to it. warning tags will be placed before each “chapter” to specify what to expect. pls pls reblog and interact, i’d love to have feedback and see what your thoughts are. okay! yay, for now enjoy and thank you sm :D
MDNI, 18+
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word count: 3.3k
warnings: swearing, kisses, calling minjun a stalker, protective jay and ni-ki
a/n: not a lot of jake in this one i know but i have to make a plot and conflict yall 😩 adding in bbg riki and some more best friend!jay pls enjoy
           "HOW MANY TIMES have I told you to wear the gloves when you do the dishes?" You tsk, delicately wrapping the small gash that ran along Ni-ki's, the newest trainee at your work, hand. He sheepishly smiled, tilting his head in the smallest of ways.
"Sorry noona," He mumbled out, embarrassed by his third time sitting like a kid being scolded due to his clumsiness. "I needed the steaming pitcher so I just reached in the sink and didn't see realize the tongs were so sharp,"
You shake your head with mock disappointment though a small smile perked at your lips nonetheless. With the middle of the semester rolling around, most freshmen had found themselves finding a rhythm with balancing their school lives enough to find a part time job. You've seen numerous come and go, Cho— your generous manager who was the sweetest old lady that ran the cafe, always took them in for at least a short amount of time.
Ni-ki was your favorite thus far, always listening intently (to everything aside from the dishwashing) and picked up the skills relatively fast. Respectful but also comfortable enough to joke around with, the two of you had become a dynamic duo in closing four days out of the week together.
Of course he was still a boy, a young and partially annoying one at that but he reminded you of your younger brother, weaseling his way in having a soft spot in your heart even though it had only been two weeks.
"Okay now we switch, you run the front I'll clean up back here," Satisfied with your makeshift bandaging, you shoo the younger boy along who rolled his eyes but nonetheless disappeared from the back of the house. Cleaning up the medical kit and barely managing to slip on your gloves to handle the load of piling dishes, you noticed his head poke in around the corner.
"Someone would like to talk to you," He hums before disappearing once more, not giving you enough time to determine whether it was a good talk or bad one in having to handle the customers. With a small sigh, you make your way to the front, prepped for the worst but your tension dissolves seeing your bright smiled best friend leaning over the pastry case.
"Off the glass," You warn, making your way to the register where Ni-ki stood with a goofy smile. Jay reluctantly stands himself up straight, pouting seeing as you didn't greet him with the same warmth he was expecting.
"That's not very good customer service, where's ajumma Cho? I'd like to file a complaint," Jay tuts, peering around the store though he knew well enough it was only you and Ni-ki in the building. The younger boy lets out a small snort, used to his antics in the past two weeks of running into each other and forming a budding friendship through their mutual teasing over you.
Rolling your eyes, you lean against the counter expectantly. "What'd you need Jay?"
"I can't just come say hi?" He pouts, seemingly offended by your words while he shakes his head. "I haven't seen you in days teeny, you've been too busy with your boyfriend to give me any attention now,"
"I saw you when we had lunch," You deadpan, finding his dramatics amusing though you knew the mess that occupied the back room needed tending to before you were forced to stay late. "Seriously, I actually have work to do today so I can't talk—"
"I'll help!" Jay volunteers, the same boxy smile on his lips while you shake your head. "What? I've done stuff before! I'm bored and want to hang out, let me help. It'll show me what you broke college students do everyday to survive and stuff,"
"Let rich boy do the dishes," Ni-ki interjects, rolling his eyes at his ladder sentence though it was all in playful manner.
"As long as I get to wear an apron," Jay agrees, pointing a finger at the coffee brown colored uniform piece you had to wear.
It was a temping offer, and he wasn't wrong. Typically you had him clean the menus or refill caramel bottles whenever he wanted to be like a kid and help out but you really did dread washing dishes. With a reluctant sigh, you nodded your head and not even a split second later, Jay had made his way around the counter to the employees side.
"This is exciting," He hums, following you to the back while you reach into the locker cubbies, pulling out one of the spare aprons left just in case anyone needed it. Jay slips it over his head, securing the strings behind his waist while you point toward the far end of the room. His excitement visibly deflates seeing the mountain of items waiting to be cleaned, the cherry on top being the empty dishes Ni-ki waltzed in with a genuine smile of content as he added to it.
"Have fun princess," You laugh, patting his shoulder as you walked by and with some reluctance, Jay made his way to begin without a word of protest much to your surprise. Having far more time to do your tasks, you began with the inventory. Going through the store and marking down the amounts had while Ni-ki continued to clean and restock due to the end of the night approaching, it was peaceful with the younger boy taking hold of the aux to play his own music now opposed to the cafe playlist.
A few minutes passed without any words, finding comfortable silence and both of you working on your own things before the jingle from the front door indicated someone coming inside. "Welcome in," You called out, not bothering to look up from the fridge you were bent down beside while Ni-ki headed for the register to attend the guest.
"Hey," You stiffen at the familiar voice. Pausing in your count, you stare at the half empty milk carton in the fridge, waiting for the person to speak again, praying it wasn't what you thought. "Sorry man, is ___ here?" With a deep sigh, your head falls down. Ni-ki peers to the side, giving you a questionable glance noticing your reaction and unaware of what to respond with.
Sending him a half smile, you stand up properly, exposing your hidden figure behind the counter. You make eye contact with Minjun, void of emotion and placing the fakest of smiles onto your lips as you spoke. "How can I help you?" Decidedly going with the faux customer service route, you place the book down you were previously using to record while his eyes trail over your figure.
"Hi," Was all he spoke, almost hesitant and you had to hold everything in you to not roll your eyes. "You're a manager here now?"
"Yeah stuff changes over a year," You respond dryly, not particularly seeing the point in his attempt in a conversation. Ni-ki lingered, seemingly wiping at the warming station but he listened carefully, aware of how unenthusiastic you seemed and found it best to stay close just in case with how stiff the air seemed. "Something you need from me?"
Minjun opens his mouth only to close it twice over. Not having the proper words to say, he purses his lips. "I've been wanting to see you," Was all he could come up with, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. "Heard you still worked here and figured it'd be the best place to find you,"
"Yunjin told you to leave me alone and that I didn't want to talk," You reiterate, sending him a pointed look while he nods along. "So you came to my place of work knowing I didn't want to see you," Another nod. "Yeah, think that's called stalking,"
Ni-ki stiffens up at your words. "Noona," He mumbles, coming up significantly closer to your side while you shake your head. Ni-ki was tall, significantly more than you and a majority of the male population was shorter than him but he was still a kid. Besides, you didn't need any protection, Minjun wasn't a dangerous guy, just an idiot.
You hold up your hand, silently telling him that everything was fine. Reluctantly, he backed away, though he still lingered and his eyes stayed glued to Minjun who stood on the opposite side of the counter.
"I just wanted to talk," Minjun starts, voice seemingly sincere but you shake your head.
"There's nothing to talk about,"
"No means no dipshit, did you forget kindergarten rules already?" Jays' loud voice interrupted the stiff air, the attention brought to him as he emerged from the back room, a drying towel being throw over his shoulder and his apron slightly damp at the waist. He makes his way beside you, arms folded across his chest and puffing out the muscle and veins that peaked out from his rolled up sleeves. You nearly let out a laugh seeing the tough guy act your best friend pulled, almost wanting to take out your phone and take a picture but you had to admit, Jay was intimidating when he wanted to be.
"Lovely to see you again too Jongseong," Minjun sighs, plastering on a more than fake smile at the man who always expressed his distaste over him even when you were together. "Didn't think you'd be a part-time cafe guy,"
"You gonna order or not?" Jay cuts to the point, his patience thin enough as it was and especially with people he didn't like. You made a mental note to applaud him for being mean for once.
"If I order will you go away so I can talk to ___?"
"She has a boyfriend," Ni-ki interjects, standing beside Jay who nods along. "Plus she doesn't like you, so I can either take your order or you can leave,"
Minjun's eyes flicker to you once more. "A boyfriend," He repeats. "Thought you told Yunjin to tell me that just to get rid of me,"
"Not everything's about you man," Jay rolls his eyes, quick to answer for you. "Being desperate doesn't really work for you,"
"How long?" He ignores Jays jabs, eyes focused on you while you shrug. "Recent right, considering you haven't posted anything about him,"
"You really are a stalker," Ni-ki grimaces, not knowing the full details but hearing enough to make his judgements.
Sending the two behind you pointed looks, silently telling them that you'd handle it, you look back at Minjun with a small sigh. "It's not really any of your business, is it?"
"Well with me you were all about posting stories and making sure I posted you so it's just surprising,"
Narrowing your eyes, you pick at the skin of your nails at your side, something that Jay took note of in your old habits whenever you grew irritated. "Things change. Being with a guy who provides reassurance and treats you well does wonders," You hum, no longer bothering with decorum. "I don't have time to go back and forth with you. If you want to order they'll help you, if not, leave,"
Without giving him time to protest, you made your way to the back of the building ensuring he wouldn't be able to follow. Jay was quick to tag along leaving Ni-ki to fend for himself but knowing the young boy would be fine.
"He's fucking insane," Jay rambles as soon as the two of you were out of sight and behind the door that separated the front from the back. "To think that after all the shit he put you through you'd just, welcome him back? Delusional ass who doesn't know how to take no for an answer apparently—"
You nod along, taking a seat in the plush chair that was tucked away in the corner of the room beside the desk. You stared at the ground, focusing on counting the tile patterns allowing for Jay to ramble as he paced around the room. Taking note of your unusual silence, he stops mid step to look at you, a small sigh leaving his lips seeing how your bottom lip was tucked between your teeth and how you continued to pick at your hands.
Leaning down in front of you, Jay squats as his hands find way to your knees, leaning against you and forcing your line of vision to be filled by him. "You okay teeny?" He asks softly, the look of pity one you remember all too well and not what you wanted.
"I'm fine," You respond. And you were, for the most part. You just couldn't deal with your own emotions and Jay going back to treating you like a fragile piece of glass, it was exhausting enough having him be as attentive as he was in general. "Seriously, I'm fine. He's not worth my time anymore J, I just hope he got the hint and won't come back,"
Jay nods along, giving your knee a small squeeze in reassurance while you click your tongue. The door swings open, Ni-ki poking his head in the frame. "He left," The younger boy reassures, a small smile sent your way. "Am I allowed to ask noona?"
He looked concerned, an expression you had yet to see from Ni-ki and it emphasized just how young he seemed in your eyes with the innocent gleam. Gesturing for him to take a seat, you lean back in the chair while Jay settles himself on the ground. Peering up at the security cameras, ensuring to have a clear view of anyone were to walk in, you begin your story.
"Buckle up kid, you're getting a whole new level of lore from me tonight,"
           "THIS IS SUCH bullshit," Jay huffs, eyes focused behind you as he takes a rather large bite of the apple he had been holding for the past ten minutes. "I can't believe he transferred back,"
"You know, it's kind of heartwarming how upset you are for me," You tease, significantly less worked up over the situation although it was less than ideal.
"No I agree, he's a fucking asshole," Yunjin adds, shooting daggers with looks that could kill causing you to raise a brow. "What? I hate him. We're not even really related, my aunt is divorcing his uncle and I only hung out with him cause of her so now it's free range since he's being a weird idiot,"
"Are we talking shit?" Sunoo draws the attention to himself, placing his bag down and smiling brightly as he clasped his hands under his chin. "Who about?" He sing-songs, voice dripping like honey and a grin that seemed so innocent but the content behind it was entirely different.
"Her stalker,"
"Whose stalker?" Heeseung interjects, Sunghoon trailing behind him to join the ever growing table. Jay and Yunjin's fingers immediately point toward you, silently answering his question causing the older boys brows to frown. "What happened now?"
As you opened your mouth to explain, a rather loud one cut you off once again. "Noona!" Ni-ki calls out, voice booming as he made his way toward you with Jungwon leading. Rather obviously pointing in the direction you spoke of, his eyes were wide seeing Minjun on the other end of the plaza with his own group of friends. "What the hell is he doing here?" The youngest asks as they reached the table, now having all curiosity peaked of those out of loop.
"Who?" With the last member of the group joining, Jake smiled widely as he weaseled his way beside you, placing a quick peck to your cheek as he sat.
"Everyone here now so I can talk?" You ask aloud, glancing over the group and doing a quick headcount. Over the past week, with the concept of you and Jake being together, your friend group had merged with his. Well your two friends, one of which you shared already, had joined in with Jake's while Ni-ki had been recently adopted in after finding Jungwon and him shared a general ed class. You had to admit, it was nice having more people to talk to, your life had certainly become more interesting in the best of ways.
"Do tell," Sunoo urges, far too excited to know more as the certified gossip of the group, though he was always the best at giving advice so it was two sides of the same coin.
"My ex transferred back here," You finally say with a small shrug. Jake tensed up from beside you, his brows pinching together as he leaned in closer to listen to your explanation. "He came by my work the other day trying to talk and I told him to get lost and then now he's here,”
"He's weird," Ni-ki adds in, his face pinched with disgust as he shook his head. "Desperate stalker behavior,"
"Who is it?" Sunghoon asked, looking in the general direction Jay pointed in but not particularly locking in on anyone.
"Kang Minjun," Yunjin answered without missing a beat.
Jake lets out a scoff, leaning closer into your side. "He's a fucking prick. Came into class today and wouldn't shut up during the lecture," Taking hold of the unpeeled orange you had left since it seemed like far too much work at the time, he peeled the skin off without a word, holding out the first piece to you before popping one into his mouth. "Professor Choi loved it, annoying as fuck when most of us just come since attendance is mandatory even though it's a gen-ed class,"
"We're the same year, he had always been popular," Heeseung shrugged. "Definitely annoying considering he used his looks for basically everything and acted cocky all the time,"
"The pretty one?" Sunoo asks, glancing around while he gained a few pointed looks for the comment. "What? My bad I've never seen him before," He pouts, hands up to show his lack of defense.
"Stalker," Ni-ki reminds, entirely ambient on making it knowing for everyone how uncomfortable he was to be around. "Doesn't matter what he looks like, he's still a weirdo,"
Jungwon lets out a small snort at his comments while Heeseung suddenly changes the subject. The conversation topic switching over to plans of a staycation in the near future while Jake absentmindedly holds out the last slice of orange for you to take.
“He comes over here and I’m throwing this apple at his head,” Jay warns, holding up the partially bitten fruit causing you to grimace.
“I don’t think he’s that dumb,” Sunghoon snickers. “And that’s gross, you can see all your teeth marks,”
“Who cares?” Jay retorts, beginning to bicker as the two change the topic for the second time in a near minute. Everyone else following along, paying no mind and rather comfortable in one another’s company.
You felt Jake’s arm wrap around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side as he leans down to your ear. “You alright?” He mumbles, breath fanning against your skin causing you to shiver but nonetheless nod along.
You pull away slightly, enough to see his face while a small smile peaked at the corners of your lips. You had to admit, it wasn’t ideal and made you exhausted having to deal with your past. You put on a brave face, one enough for the others but for some reason, Jake could see through it more than you knew.
He let out a small sigh, a lingering kiss placed to the crown of your head as he did so. “You’re alright,” Jake spoke, the words intended to reassure you, fully certain of it for your sake and that seemed to be more than enough to help your nerves for the time being.
Letting out a puff of air, you allow yourself to melt into his side, settling in comfortably as your head tucked itself below his chin, leaned into his chest and arms caged around you for extra support. Your attention was brought back to the rest of your friends, eyes meeting with Yunjin who sat with an amused expression being one of the ones who knew everything while Heeseung had his nose scrunched up with disgust.
“I hate couples,”
my tags!! @slutforsjy @jaklvbub @whowantshota @addictedtohobi @coolwitu @simjyunnie @kgneptun @graythecoffeebean @143ikeu @zyvlxqht @tesywesy @nxzz-skz @aishisgrey @missmischief1408
( pls make sure your settings make you applicable to tag )
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In which Ollie turns 21...
series masterlist
scuderiaferrari posted
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scuderiaferrari Happy Birthday to the youngest driver on the grid!
tagged: olliebearman
liked by aubreyyang, charlesleclerc and 990,842 others
user1 awww everyone say ty admin
olliebearheart BABY BEARMAN ALERTT
aubreyyang ❤️🎂
olliebearman and the author liked this comment
olliebearman Thank you! ❤️
charlesleclerc happy birthday son, can't believe you're 21
-- olliebearman love u dad
-- user2 STOP MY HEART
logansargent happy birthday bro!
landonorris party hard mate 🍾
happy birthday ollie!! im so happy I met u in that paddock :) you make life more fun good luck with your next race xx
thank you aubrey :)
wish you were in Italy with me us rn
:( me too ive been in meetings all week
but party hard!!
can't Im on a strict diet :(
also it would be more fun if u were here
aww poor baby
I have smth that might cheer u up?
im directing a music video for a week in london...
😭 mid July? u have a two week break then right
HIWHFEJOJFE I stopped breathing I have an idea
this might be ur greatest idea yet
no actually tho
you finish up in London and we can backpack through a few countries
okay yeah sure :)
bearyfast_04 posted
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bearyfast_04 confused because she sends me "xx" calls me baby but when I suggested a trip with her she asked if we should bring friends. Be honest is it over for me 🫠
liked by kimi_possible, landoakabob and 14 others
landoakabob yes.
-- leosdad NO. it is not over bring another couple (me and Alex) and it'll still be romantic
kimi_possible that picture and the quotes💀
-- bearyfast_04 how I feel fr
chililos55 still waiting for someone to fill me in
arthuranddw GET UR ACT TOGETHER (what was the context of the baby calling)
-- bearyfast_04 "poor baby"
-- arthuranddw ur cooked
-- leosdad Arthur now hes crying 😤
aubreyyang posted
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aubreyyang 🇺🇸
tagged: oliviarodrigo
liked by olliebearman, iamcharliebushnell and 559,907 others
view all comments
walker.scobell pls tell me u fell out of the window
-- aubreyyang shouldn't u be at school
-- walker.scobell shouldn't u be w ur man
this comment was removed
-- user2 PLS SAY SIKE im traumatized from mace
this comment was liked by dior.n.goodjohn
oliviarodrigo 🤭
-- aubreyyang love u Livy!!
olliebearmanfanpage2 pls can we get her to another race I have aubrey content withdrawals
this comment was liked by olliebearman
-- user3 AYOO they're shameless now they have to be together
f1wagsupdates posted
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f1wagsupdates In recent episode of Grill the Grid, Ollie Bearman was asked what his favourite movie was and his reply was "Station 13. I watched that movie so many times when it came out" and later on when asked who his celebrity crush was as a child, he answered with the star of the aforementioned movie, Aubrey Yang. The two have been linked together more than once...all we can say is that we would love to have Yang as a wag.
liked by olliebearhearts, aubreyxloves and 17,031 others
aubreyxloves Ollie Bearman I was unfamiliar with ur game 😳
user1 he's having his tom holland moment AND IM MANIFESTING IT TOO PLSS THEYRE SO CUTE
-- olliexaubes RIGHT the way he was blushing afterwards they're so bbg coded 🤭
user2 oh to be Aubrey yang with her oscar, multiple nominations as an actress and director and a Ferrari f1 driver in love w her 😞
-- user1 low-key I dunno if I want to be her or be w her
-- aubreyyann REALL
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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thegayspencerreidstan · 7 months
i just found ur blog and ur amazing, utterly. my request is for Aaron hotchner x autistic ftm reader, but I know you said you get a lot of Spencer asks so if you don't want to do criminal minds, a peter parker x autistic ftm would also be rlly nice :) take care of yourself!!
Tysm for this request,,,I'ma do Peter Parker because he's so bbg (for everyones knowledge...I only do Andrew Garfield Peter Parker)
AG!Peter Parker X Ftm Autistic reader
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You and Peter were chilling at his place, of course, you knew he was Spiderman, and because you were neurodivergent, you had to refrain from revealing his identity went someone spoke about spiderman, considering your fixation on Spiderman, aswell as Peter, Peter, of course, knew you were trans and autistic, but neither of these bothered him, especially considering he had a slight feeling he might also be autistic.
But anyways, you and Peter were working on a science project on one of the most basic subjects ever, Volcanos, because your teacher chose that, which upset the both of you considering how boring and basic it was, but neither of you complained too much since you knew the teacher wouldn't change it.
"so...do you want to do a PowerPoint, a speech...or something like a model?" Peter asked, glancing at you with a small smile, you shrugged your shoulders, yawning, it had been a rather long day, and you needed to remove your binder, but you also didn't want to, Peter sighed, walking over to you, he gently kissed your neck, smiling "let's get your binder off...and then you can borrow one of my hoodies or something-" he murmured, of course, the mentioning of hoodies was enough to convince you, so Peter slipped your shirt and binder off, being gentle of course, he took his hoodie off, slipping it onto you, it smelt just like him, which made it so much better.
Peter grabbed your shirt and binder, folding them and placing them on his bedside table, he glanced at his desk before looking back at you, smiling "the project can wait..right now..I think you deserve some cuddles-" he chuckle, laying down on his bed with you, his arms cradling your body against his, his lips occasionally pressing gentle kisses against your neck, cheek and forehead, it wasn't long later that you both fell asleep, to which aunt may walked in, seeing you both asleep, she smiled, closing the curtains for you both before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.
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inarizqkis · 1 year
pillow talk ㅡ l.k.
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summary! in which leon wakes up to find you gone.
warnings! angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, leon had a nightmare, u have insomnia (ME), comfort, slight derealization, ooc leon
notes! THIS ISNT AS ANGSTY AS THE SUMMARY SAYS I PROMISE,, u guys should listen to hojean hes so cool and funny his music is so fire too ‼️‼️ also leon is my bbg 😍
edit: i tagged this wrong mb guys 😭 i was half asleep when i posted it LMAO
fem aligned/identifying dni
reblogs are appreciated! enjoy :)
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leon looked for you everywhere. he felt like he was running in circles with how tired he was, but finally he found you. before he could get to you, the floor gave out, and you fell. before you could fall, leon grabbed your hand, trying desparately to pull you up, but you were slipping. he couldn't hear anything, not even his own words. it was dead silent, and it freaked him out.
'leon, it's okay.' he saw you mouth, and let go of his hand. shaking his hand, he grabbed your wrist tighter, and as fit as he was physically, it was like his arms were made of jelly. he was unable to lift you back up, and watched as you fell down, sobbing.
leon shot up in a cold sweat, panting heavily, tears gathering in his eyes before he wiped them away. he looked around the dim bedroom, only your light had been turned on, and he looked for you around the room. not seeing you in bed, he got up, his heart beating fast.
"babe..? where are you?" leon called out, searching the whole house for you, nearly in hysterics, looking on the balcony before you had stopped him, putting your hands on his shoulders gently.
"leon? what's going on, is everything alright?" you had asked worriedly, and leon sighed in relief, wrapping his arms around you, burying his head into your shoulder. you furrowed your brows, concerned, returning the hug gently.
"i.. i thought you-" leon sniffled, trying not to cry, eyes slightly watering. it was rare for him to be like this, so you just let him let it out, running your fingers through his hair soothingly.
"shh, shh, it's okay, just calm down, leon." you murmured, and he squeezed you tighter, afraid you would disappear, taking deep breaths.
"you.. i had this dream, and then when i woke up, you were gone.. i thought it.." leon explained, calming down slowly as he pulled away to look at you, eyes flitting over you; unable to focus on one thing, he was just making sure you were okay. his thick eyelashes were clumped together with tears and he was still unsure if this was real, flashes of his dream appearing in intervals.
"no baby, i'm right here. always." you reassured, combing through his hair gently, looking into his eyes. you took his calloused hand into yours, pressing your palms flat together.
"see? look, leon. remember what we practiced?" you said, and leon nodded, his breathing slowing down and his fingers gently intertwined with yours, squeezing your hand gently, wanting to be sure for himself you weren't just a figment of his imagination.
"thank you.." leon replied, now calmer, not as panicked as he was a few minutes ago. you smiled, kissing his hand gently, and led him back to the bedroom, while he followed you like a puppy.
"are you okay?" you asked softly, rolling to the side and turning off the dim light. he nodded, laying on your chest, still holding your hand.
"yeah.. i think so." leon mumbled, so quietly you had to strain to hear it. you kissed his head gently, your thumb rubbing his hand gently.
the two of you layed there until the sun rose, and you continued to lay there when leon fell asleep once more, combing your fingers through his blonde hair.
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all rights reserved © inarizqkis 2023. do not repost, rewrite, or translate.
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applepie46 · 6 months
ex geto still being your roommate getting jealous when reader flirts with other guys infront of him, that caused a big fight between the two of them (and maybe make up sex) <3
no bc I started writing 4 this and it did't save so this is my redo bbg <3. 1/2
warnings: NSFW, toxic geto, low key !stalker geto, !obsessive geto, doggy style, missionary, multiple rounds, literally smut so if u still can't tell if you don't want to see NSFW SCROLL also MDNI I will block you if your I minor and you like or repost.
You and Suguru have been friends since eighth grade, as the years wen't by and the two of you grew closer you began to fall for him. I mean who would't he was so sweet you felt like you would become diabetic. He was carrying and compassionate towards you, always making sure you were ok, and had a healthy meal every day. Shit on school days he would pack you a lunch unless you told him you were gonna go out to for lunch. He was just so... perfect. Since you two were already friends having him as your roommate was just a bonus, he already had an apartment near campus all you had to do was pay half of the rent... but even tho everything was great.
You felt horrible that you fell so hard for him, that you ruined a perfect friendship that you could never replicate because of your stupid emotions. It hurt evreytime you would feel butterflies wen he called you an endearing nickname. Or wen he would hold you close wen you watch movies on Saturday. It wasn't like this before it used to be innocently spending time withe each other. you just... could't help it.
Maybe you feel better if you knew he was the same just without the guilt . Maybe if you knew how he would steal a pair of your used panties wen he did the laundry . Or how he patiently waited for you to go to that little cafe in the morning, before he would pull them out and put them on his face. How he'd get off to the idea of you catching him jerk off with them wrapped around his cock, or watching him cum in the center pretending it was your pussy. But those were nothing but daydreams he would never never let you find out about his little "Daydreams" not even after you started dating.
Wen you two began dating everything felt perfect.You no longer had to hide your feelings you could just love all over him, and he did the same to you. He cooked, and cleaned for you. Never made you fell alone of not loved.He just made you so happy who would ever want to leave. So what he got a little possessive after a bit that's normal. Who cares if he gets overprotective time to time over a couple months that's completely normal in a relationship. Or if he gets mad wen you talk and smile at the waiter "too much". Or slowly try to pull you away from your friends and family saying "I just want to spend more quality time with you can't you cancel some plans" wen you question him, but it's ok that's normal wen you get serious in a relationship...right?
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Hi there my bbg (big black guy 🥰🥰)‼️‼️‼️ I have a teeny weeny request to make. How about f!child reader x Hantengu(s)?
Here's plot:
So, basically, Hantengu is getting chased by slayers, right, and it's also bright out. So, he runs and runs, but bumps into a child who somehow catches the speedy lil fuck and takes him home, thinking he's cute and y'know "you're my friend now :D" type shit. But then, here's the thing, child reader is an orphan and the brothers and sisters and the caretaker aren't very nice to the lil baby ): (Hantengu is gone btw). So, she runs away and goes into the forest Hantengu came out of when boom bam, she's attacked by demons and faints out of literal fear. The next thing she knows, little friend is on top of her with four big scary men (and soon two more friends) who then vow to take care of her as a thanks for saving Hantengu (let's be realistic here tho she's gonna get turned into a demon if that's the case)
That's is all 😊😊😊😊
Here you go. This was very fun to write. I love writing Zoha as someone who is soft with children
Readers POV:
Yet again I had been shut out the house and left to fend for myself so I had taken to wandering the forest in hopes of finding something to keep me occupied. Off in the distance I hear the screeching of metal and thunderous footsteps which put little old me on edge as I back up into a tree in fear, my little ears picking up the tiny patter of fast little feet on the forest floor and out of instinct my hands shoot out and catch whatever was rushing at me and hiding behind the tree as many a armed men rush past us angrily shouting. I wait until they are long gone before opening my hands to be met with the sight of the smallest person I think i’ve ever seen, he trembles in my hands begging over and over again to not hurt him but the only thought running through my mind is ‘TINY FRIEND!!!’
I bring him up to my face and nuzzle my cheek against him gently which stops his crying, albeit probably out of confusion more then anything else, as I ramble on and on about how small he is and how i’ll protect him from the horrors of this world. When both of our heads swivel around at the sound of the angry men coming back our way, my hands feel a tab bit lighter as I look back down to see the little friend is gone and the angry men turn the tree to find me standing there. “Hey hey little one it’s alright, can you tell us if you’ve seen a demon around here?” One of the men crouch down to my level, asking if i’ve seen a…. demon? what the hell is a demon? I shake my head, not wanting to speak to the men that were running around screaming their heads off and slowly inching away from them and running off back ‘home’ as the sun peaks over the horizon.
I open the sliding doors to the house and am greeted to screaming from my adopted mother as she drags me to the stove to help her cook as I am still too small to cook properly (much to her chagrin). She shoves a knife in my hands and instructs me to start cutting the fruit and for 20 minutes, that’s all we do in silence. The silence is broken by a pair of running feet as my adopted family’s actual children round the corner, pushing and shoving each other playfully. My ‘mother’ turning around with a smile on her face, a smile that would never be aimed at me, and gently scolded them for roughhousing before turning back to me and demanding that I serve her children breakfast. I do as i’m told before scurrying off to my ‘room’ (the closet) so that i’m not yelled at for being seen.
I think back to the tiny friend I made the previous night, how cruel it seemed to be chasing him and if he was doing alright. I sat in that room until nightfall where the house fell into silence which is when I decided to run away. These people didn’t care for me and I could probably do better in the wild then here, at least that’s what my eight year old brain was telling me. So I packed my little bag and ran out the house into the forest to try and find my tiny friend. It had been about 20 minutes and no sign of my tiny friend but growls in the distance had me on edge for the second time in this forest, suddenly a creature of disproportionate size lunges out of the bushes at me and I scream as it lands its claws into my chest. Not enough to kill me but enough to hurt and the next thing I know, I faint out of a mix of fear and pain.
I groan in pain and manage to open my eyes to see…. tiny friend?! Whimpering and crying as he covers me with his body, from the peaks of his kimono I can see four other people beating the daylights out of the creature that attacked me. Looking up at my tiny friend as his tears drip down on my face, I reach up and with the sleeve of my tattered kimono I wipe his tears away and he stops his hysterical sobbing, quietening down to hiccups. “Don’t cry tiny friend i’m alright see?” I point to my chest, only now realising that the wound was gone, not even a scar remained as I gasp and pat at the area. “oh hey, where’d it go?” My intrigue turned back to tiny friend as if he knew. “I-I-I couldn’t help ittt, not my fault. I made you swallow some of my blood.” His explanation isn’t the best, especially when I don’t know what demon blood did to humans. Nevertheless, I cheer and throw my arms around tiny friend thanking him for saving me. By this time, the four men hand finished and were gathered around us, tiny friend shrunk to be picked up as the one wearing a kimono matching his, picks him up, eyeing me carefully. The winged one has no concerns, picking me up playfully, being careful of his claws as he lifts me up to his face and examines me. “This the one Hantengu?” He asks tiny friend who I now know the name of, Hantengu nodding his head and the four of them started walking further into the forest.
After a while, we come across a run down shack an we enter, it smells of blood and dust. A larger version of Hantengu turns the corner and takes tiny friend out of the red mans hands, eyeing me carefully. We all move into the living room (I don’t know if they had these but they do now) where I see yet another person, this one looked younger, although not as young as he. his brows furrowed as he sets an intense glare upon me. “Is this the one that protected Hantengu?” I am shocked, his voice sounds so much deeper then I would have expected it to sound. The one holding me nodded, throwing me up and catching me a couple of times. “Don’t do that, you’ll drop her and that’ll be upsetting” The blue man with a sad frown spoke up yet made no move to take me out the winged mans hands. The green one with no shirt on laughs out loud at this statement. “Oh Aizetsu you do say the funniest things! Urogi won’t drop her she means too much to the old man” I had learnt two more names as the largest one snatched me out of Urogi’s arms and settling me in his lap with Hantengu, who pinned himself to my side as the red one growled at the antics of the others. “God you lot are insufferable!” He snaps to which the youngest one nods in agreement, the furrow in his brow becoming deeper as he finally takes his intense gaze off me.
“Awwwah Sekido! You always ruin all the fun, you as well Urami” The green one whines although he doesn’t look too upset at the yelling like Aizetsu does. Yet another two names are learnt, the red man is Sekido and the one holding me and tiny friend is called Urami. The only two nameless men left are the green one and younger one. Sekido growls again. “Karaku…” His voice is threatening as I now learn the green mans name. “Enough both of you!” Urami growls from above me and Hantengu grips my kimono in his little hands which I awe at, he’s so small which I find cute. What I haven’t realised yet is the small horns and purple discolouring that decorated my face like the men in the room. Karaku keeps his giggling, poking fun at Sekido and Urami as Urogi joins in, Aizetsu having left the room, sensing the incoming shit storm. Urami’s grip on his arms tightens as he stands up and shoves me and Hantengu into the younger mans arms, storming up to Karaku and Urogi, grabbing them both and draggin them outside with Sekido following.
All three pairs of eyes follow them as they leave, a moment of silence passes over us as the younger one keeps a tight grasp on us and I risk looking up at him only to be met by an intense stare. “You saved Hantengu from those villians and for that you have our gratitude small one.” He raises a finger to prod my forehead and horns, which I now realise I have. “To show our thanks, we have made you just like us and we will take care of you from now on. Oh where are my manners, My name is Zohakuten” My head nods in acknowledgement as my hands reach up to touch my horns, they are short, stubby and very firm. I look back down at tiny friend and point to my horns. “Look! Now i’m just like you tiny friend.” I am ecstatic, not realising what demon life would mean for me. Hantengu nods about as cheerfully as he could. I yawn, regeneration having taken a toll on my weak demon body as I snuggle into Zohakuten, holding Hantengu in my arms. Drifting off into a dreamless sleep, I swear I felt a small kiss being placed on the top of my head.
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sandwichfordinner · 1 year
Hi its strawberry anon once again >:3, Eli (my bbg real), Ganji, Edgar and Norton with a S/o who wears cute outfits but hella strong? Like strong enough to probably lift a car if they want. (Also take care of yourself and eat well!)
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Eli, Ganji, Edgar and Norton with a strong s/o who has a cute clothing style too ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 🔔 (female reader)
Strawberry anon hello again! Also thank you for the kindness I appreciate it! I don’t think the last ones turned out great I am not sure because I was out of ideas, so sorry
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Now we all know Eli, a calm, intelligent and clever man who promised to himself to not date at the moment ESPECIALLY when he is trapped in this nightmare-
Oh nvm…. uh.. remember how is said like 5 seconds ago he kept his promise? Yeahhh.. well… about that!
He has now a pretty girlfriend that has the best style of clothing! Amazing, spectacular, brilliant, ate the whole table-
The two of you being silly and happy , when you suddenly turn the tables which shocked Eli and Brooke till this day.
No way… Tries to use words instead of touching you but if you have anger issues he will be on panic mode and scared. But he shouldn’t worry, because later on he will get used to it and will be taking lots of notes.
You are so lucky that Ganji has fallen for you.. He didn’t search for your look,,, but… the way you are so strong amazes him.. You’re perfect..
Also likes your clothing style, while he is a poor little guy.
Do you know how he fell even harder for you???
When he couldn’t run because his legs gave up in Moonlit River Park and you carried him in bridal style. AND YOU WERE HUGGING HIM CLOSELY which left him looking away trying not to make eye contact with you..
If you’re beating the absolute shit of someone he will quickly try to pull you away cursing under his breath. He barely got you out of this situation😭
He is still so thankful that you’re his girlfriend, so you sometimes lift him in bridal style to tease him which ALWAYS works to make him blush
An irritating painter falling in love with a peasant????? Please love is the last thing he actually cares about! Love is nonsense.
But when he saw you how surprisingly strong you are he was confused. Confused about all of this situation, first you dress so much differently from the others and you are even stronger than some hunters?? How is this even possible? If you’re extroverted enough to annoy him he will fall in love with you somehow.
And there it is. A boyfriend that is 0% strong and 1000% girlfriend that is stronger but cheerful. I can just imagine you giving him a kiss on the cheek, which makes him blushy and Joseph disturbs you two but you just somehow twist the sword with your hand. And this leaves the photographer and painter flabbergasted.
So confused . How do you even do it???
You know that Norton loves jewels, but you have never been in the mines because of the incident he experienced. Don’t remind him of it please..
,,*sigh* I wished I could’ve had money or diamonds.. something shiny and good…-‘’
You literally crashed your hand into a big rock, and searched until you felt something smooth. You smiled and got your hand out of the big rock, and to his surprise you were holding a bunch of small kimberlite which one costs like 50$ (and you know back when things weren’t expensive as now, and 50$ WAS A LOT I think). Please his reaction was priceless. HOW ON EARTH DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS KIMBERLITE IN THIS BIG ROCK AND HOW DID YOU EVEN SMASH YOUR HAND INSIDE OF THAT ROCK??? HAVENT YOU BROKE IT??
if you two are in the mines, Norton is having bad flashbacks while you crash your hands in the rocks to find anything: iron, gold, coal. Anything that would make him happy.
,,Hey Nort look I found a.. diamond!!!-‘’
,,That’s great honey’’ Literally doesn’t pay attention so you better quickly get him out of here..
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