spnflash · 6 months
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welcome to twelve days of spn flash, the most minimalist of all minimalist fandom events! here are our super-duper minimalist rules:
take a prompt (or both!) and write a story (or more!), no longer than 1000 words each
include your word count in the post or in the tags
tag #spnflash and mention @spnflash so we can all share and read your beautiful words!
Prompts also under the cut:
Day 1: Trial and Error / Present
Day 2: Shadow / Soul
Day 3: A cold day in hell / Absence
Day 4: Envy / Easy as pie
Day 5: Roadkill / Silver lining
Day 6: Transaction / Liability
Day 7: Seven 
Day 8: Prologue/ Epilogue
Day 9: Rewind / Reward 
Day 10: Storm/ Good Samaritan
Day 11: Promise/ Persistence
Day 12: Wildcard! (i.e. "unthemed")
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metroid-prime-ribs · 10 days
Sci Fi horror story ideas: you're a scientist working with a team to create a biological matter 3D printer. After lots of trial and error your team finally hits on a bit of success, being able to print very small scale things.
Jokingly, you ask, "what if we just plugged in DNA sequences so it knew how to accurately print an actual damn strawberry?"
Your team laughs it off, but the thought never quite leaves your mind.
Before you leave one night, you say fuck it and add the DNA code for a strawberry just to see how the printer interprets it. The terminal freezes and you guess it crashes the program so you go to close it out, but a confirmation box pops up with an estimated print time of eight hours.
You'll be back in about nine after going home for some food and sleep, so your tired mind says fuck it and you start the print.
The next day you come into the lab and see everyone crowded around the printer, with one perfect strawberry lying on the print bed...
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asynca · 8 months
Promptober 20th flashfic - Spiders
The cavern had a damp smell about it; something Shadowheart hadn’t noticed on their first foray down here. To be fair, she’d been far more concerned by the thick webs and ominous clicking to pay too much attention to the general ambiance. She certainly hadn’t expected to be led down here by Karlach a few nights later for a midnight tryst.  
It was difficult for them to find time to slip away together; they had to take what they could get, even if it was this, Shadowheart supposed. She kicked a fallen stone into the chasm ahead of them. “Not exactly a stroll on a moonlit beach together, is it?”
From the breadth of Karlach’s grin, they might as well have been on a moonlight beach together.  “Hey now, that…. spider goo… whatever it is up there, is has a nice moon-like glow about it. And the dirt here,” she brushed the floor with the toe of her boot, “has a sort of sandy quality. It’s not so bad, is it?”
Shadowheart glanced around them. “Aside from the spider webs. And the spider carcasses. And whatever that was.” She pointed to a mangled, half-eaten corpse. “No, I suppose it’s not so bad.” Karlach’s smile threatened to slip off her face, and Shadowheart couldn’t bear it. “Though perhaps the company makes up for those things,” she hurriedly added.
Karlach’s grin returned in force. “I’d be happy with you anywhere, you know,” she said easily, as if serving her heart up on a platter still came so naturally to her. She exhaled audibly, looking around them. “Look, sorry it’s not somewhere more romantic. I searched everywhere, but everywhere that’s not like this is full of drunk goblins. I did want it to be different. When I imagined dating you, it had more—I don’t know—flowers and candlelight and giving each other sweet little trinkets and the like, and less of knocking about in damp crypts with spiders everywhere.” She looked across at Shadowheart, heart still on her sleeve. “I hope you’re not too disappointed.”
Shadowheart shook her head at Karlach, the words ‘I’d be happy anywhere with you, too’ trapped in her throat. Her own heart was stuck deep in her chest, imprisoned behind the rungs of her ribcage. She couldn’t say it.
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esculentevil · 1 month
Thorinduil Headcanon (#9): Generous Misunderstandings by EsculentEvil
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Thranduil Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Thranduil (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Thorin Oakenshield Lives, Headcanon, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gift Giving, Dwarf Culture & Customs, Elf Culture & Customs, Dwarf/Elf Relationship(s), Idiots in Love, True Love, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, 1 Sentence Fiction, Self-Indulgent Series: Part 36 of Evil's Thorinduil Headcanons Summary:
During the early stages of their relationship, there was a lot--A LOT--of gross misunderstandings regarding body language and reactions
((Inspired by @petitpotato​’s adorable and funny fanart here; I just... I’ve always thought this; but their art made me wanna actually write it lol))
OMJ I WROTE SOMETHING I'm so sorry all: I've been incredibly depressed these passed few months and unable to get passed what I think was writer's block (probably still is; I don't think it's actually gone just... I found a hole in it, I guess, thanks to that drawing I saw) Things are... a bit better now--head/heart wise--but the cause of my depression is still here; I just think I've thought of a solution of sorts which is basically finally going through with the Crochet ASMR idea I had like last year but meshing it with my need for better marketing when it comes to my crochet store so... yea; might not work but technically I have two chances of success here (either my store finally does well or the YT channel does) so... here's hoping lol sorry for spewing this just... idk it helps to talk I guess
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cocrante · 1 year
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As soon as the beautiful season approaches, Kaveh often leaves the Akademiya to take refuge in the gardens, sometimes to complete a project, other times just to draw, and still other times to improve with music. He had not been playing for very long, let's say only a week, but in that short time he was able to hold a few chords and sometimes, when he wasn't too tired, even play half a song. He felt really satisfied with his results.
Then one day, while he was going to the gardens, he noticed that there was another person there. He knew who he was; he had seen him several times in the corridors of the Akademiya. It had also happened that during the debates that were held among the students there they had agreed on many things. But he had no idea what his name was...
Without saying anything, he sat down on a bench under a large terebinth and took out his instrument. He tuned it and then started playing it. Kaveh's fingers skillfully plucked the strings, a smile appeared on his lips. He was playing better than usual that day. The boy whose face he knew watched him curiously, but didn't come forward, just stayed there watching him. He had his headphones lowered to listen.
The reason Haitham went out to the gardens was that they were quiet places where he could be alone. The headphones definitely helped, but wearing them all day was still unpleasant, and being in the gardens, in the silence of nature, helped him to relax. One day, however, someone else had the same idea. It was that blond boy who participated so eagerly in the debates. The first time he had noticed his presence in the gardens he seemed to be crying about something... they weren't that close for him to be interested, so he ignored him. The second time he saw him with a drawing album and a smile on his face. Now he was with an oud and playing it well for the first time he used it. But even with his presence, he didn't feel the need to put his headphones back on. His presence intrigued him and in a way, his music relaxed him.
Kaveh was also intrigued by his presence, although the only times he had seen him were during his oud practices. One day, before taking out his instrument, he looked in the direction of the boy who was leaning against a column of the gazebo, reading. "Do you want to sit?" he asked, getting his attention. The two boys looked at each other, for a moment their gazes met, captivated by each other. Then, as if attracted by that look, Haitham moved towards his interlocutor, sitting on the same bench, leaving only a little space between them. Kaveh smiled, starting to play again. It was nice to have some company.
The two started seeing each other more often in the gardens. Sometimes Kaveh went to study, other times to draw, and still other times to play music. It was nice to talk to that boy, and even though sometimes they had very different views, they got along. They were polar opposites in everything, but somehow they always managed to understand each other. It was strange, but for the little they knew each other, a very strong bond had been born.
"Can you teach me?" Haitham asked one day, almost embarrassedly. Kaveh's eyes shone as he put the instrument in his hand, indicating the names of the strings and having him pluck them to hear the sound they produced. Kaveh explained really well, despite not being a teacher and having learned almost out of boredom. At first it was really complicated, both laughed at the mistakes, but every mistake led to success and so they continued lightheartedly. Haitham certainly didn't become as good as Kaveh, but he did pretty well.
The two created a very strong bond, it was probably clear to both of them that they were more than just friends. It had all come about very naturally, Kaveh was made for Haitham just as Haitham was made for Kaveh. There was no other person in the world who could occupy the role that the other person occupied in their life. But things between them had never been clear from this point of view. It was clear but not obvious. Neither of them had said anything about it... then one summer evening, when the sun still illuminated the sky, Haitham took courage to ask him "Kaveh, what are we?" he asked, lowering his head. Kaveh opened his lips, what were they? What did he want them to be? Kaveh lowered his gaze to the boy's hand, gripping the edge of the bench with such force that the paleness of his knuckles was visible. Kaveh smiled, taking that hand in his. Haitham raised his eyes in surprise. "What would you like us to be?"
"I would like you to be a part of my life" he replied without hesitation. Kaveh nodded, that was what he wanted too.
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The idea came after a conversation with @mikopikopon
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This is just the first part, and I will definitely write more later. However, this is just a kind of draft, I will write it better when I write the fanfiction ♡
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catsteinbooks · 9 months
Good Omens Flash FanFic
Setting: Crowley and Aziraphale are in a quaint tourist location. Aziraphale has spied a bicycle rental shop that rents cute old-fashioned-style bicycles in pretty colors with baskets on the front.
C: No. No no no no no no no. We are not renting bicycles.
A: (pouting) Why not?
C: Because we'll look like little old ladies! (waves hands) Which is fine for you, you *are* a little old lady, but I can't go about... (makes vague bicycling gesture)
A: (huffing) I don't see what's so wrong with it. And what do you have against little old ladies? Little old ladies are nice.
C: Some of them. (wags finger) Some of them are nice. Some of them are ill-tempered harpies who feed on poisonous plants and can incinerate you with a glare.
A: (raises eyebrows)
C: (frowns thoughtfully, then shrugs) Yeah, let's rent bicycles, then.
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pheita · 4 months
Flash Fic: A Fool's Quest
This was a perfect prompt for a set up story for my little OC Kiss Week originial piece @flashfictionfridayofficial
So here we are with a silly rag tag group of adventures who happen to also be in some weird kind of polycule @jezifster @cljordan-imperium @ashen-crest you will read more about them soon.
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The adventurers' tavern was unusually full this early in the day. Tamsin struggled to find a free table and blocked the other bench with her staff. The rest of her party should be arriving any moment now, provided Nasteran hadn't gotten himself into trouble again or Adira was playing the avenger of widows and orphans. She had just ordered a jug of wine when Tamsin saw Kallik's black mop of hair and blue robes. She exhaled with relief, unaware that she had been tense until just then. Behind him followed Adira and Nasteran, only Dyah was missing. Tamsin took a deep breath. "Where is she now?" Guiltily, Nasteran smiled sheepishly and handed the staff over to her before sitting down. "Talking to a possible client." Surprised grunts went through the group. "Since when does Dyah bring the commissioners ashore?" Kallik asked, just as confused as Tamsin felt. Usually she or Nasteran took care of it, for reasons. Kallik pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Hey, not in the tavern." "Now you're distracted," he just laughed at her. "You weren't so coy last night," Adira teased her further. In her thoughts, Tamsin once again wondered to what extent healing magic could be used to harm someone, while she stared at Adira admonishingly and only got a cheeky grin back. Once again she cursed herself that her heart had been such a wretched traitor. "Dyah's coming." Nasteran had stretched his neck and beckoned Dyah over to them. That wide, anticipatory grin on her face and the way her eyes sparkled didn't bode well. It was always a guarantee of chaos when Dyah was in such a mood. "Good news, my darlings, I have a mission for us." "Say it straight away and plunge the knife into our hearts," Kallik encouraged her. "We are to search the ruins of the old mage school for our employer." All four looked at Dyah as if she had spontaneously become a dragon. "Have you gone mad? Have you been enchanted? Tamsin check it." Nasteran waved frantically back and forth between them. "Take it easy. How did the client get this idea?" Dyah looked around in confusion and leaned forward. "He said there are still some old artifacts stored there that are very valuable. Imagine what they're worth." "Dyah, that's a task for the foolish. If this were the case, and not everything has been stolen yet, these things are certainly secured with a lot of traps," Kallik tried to explain to her. "I've already accepted the commission." "Of course you have," Adira groaned, "If we survive this, you'll never take another commission. Understood, sweetheart?" "Don't be so pessimistic, we'll manage." The five of them looked at each other. It was clear that the others would like Dyah's optimism.
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louvay · 6 months
Since we are talking about braids! Fee, braiding Arthur 3 lines~
“Almost finished up here Artie,” the pegasus knight proclaimed, excited to show off the braids she entwined within her partner’s ever so long hair. Arthur grumbled at the nickname she gave him yet had to keep himself seated still otherwise his initial worries would be proven correct. “You sure know how to tend to hair despite yours being short,” he stated to her sincerely, hoping she wouldn’t take it the wrong way. “Do you give braids to Annand as well?”
“Oh nah. Pegasi have sensitive manes so you’d be bothering them if you try to pull it in anyway. And besides… I actually used to have mine long too,” Fee responded rather awkwardly and could’ve swore Arthur chocked up from shock after she revealed that fact. “Really?” he asked as Fee hummed. “It was a long time ago, back when I was a page. See, me and the other trainees used to spar with each other as part of our training routine and I’d always trip up when my hair used to swing sideways, getting me off balance when holding a lance. Used to even cry too when I hit the ground,” she sighed, remembering the rougher parts of her adolescence. “So one day, I decided to shorten it down to where I’d look no different than Cedsy and boy did it work! Sure my mother got the jitters when she saw me like that at practice but I managed to graduate into becoming a cadet in no time. Never regretted it ever since,” she spoke with an aura of pride in her words and Arthur was impressed hearing such an act of resolve from her. “Huh, I guess you were quite the different person back then, eh Fee?”
“You can say that much but what about you? Did you always have hair that long or is it just a fashion statement you picked up?” Fee asked in return. “Oh… well…” Arthur cleared his throat before explaining himself. “I used to have short hair, it kinda looked a bit like Scathach’s now that think about it. But I didn’t know anything about maintaining it since well, someone else would do it for me…” Fee was about to assure to him that he shouldn’t continue speaking if it would bother him but Arthur tried to lighten up the mood in his own way. “Heh… it’s funny. You’d think having loose hair that covers most of your shoulders would make for some poor camouflage in the snow but it seemed to work fine for me back then. Might’ve been because of the color of it…” he stated that much as he laughed faintly. “Yeah… maybe it would. But hey, at least you’ve come a long way from that, right?” Fee remarked to him with a gentle yet peppy smile. The pat on the back from her was this time appreciated by Arthur. “I guess so. We’ve both come quite far from where we were haven’t we?” Arthur responded, this time more livelier now, as he pointed towards the rack where Fee had hung her Falcon knight armor on. Her aunt and mother would no doubt be proud of her. “Yup, we sure have!”
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kykyonthemoon · 2 years
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Yalda Candies
A Cylou Flashfic
Masterlist: ✧
Ao3: ✧
Hoyolab: ✧
One, two, there,...
Six, seven, eight…
The rhythms swirled together with the girl's garments. The most beautiful and famous dancer at the Zubayr Theater; even if she was just practicing, she drew a lot of attention.
Even the one who had been looking at her from a distant corner. It had been about an hour. Someone had been waiting for the young girl for a long time, a member of the theater murmured in her ear.  The girl smiled brightly in that direction. It was just in time for a break.
"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Cyno!"
As they sat down, she said.
"It's fine." Cyno removed his hood and placed it on the table, easily pushing the candy box to her side.
"Whoa! Yalda candies?"
Nilou's face was slightly flushed and covered in perspiration. She took the box out, cradling it in her palms. 
Cyno gave a nod. "Hmm. I  noticed it on my way here and decided to buy it for you."
Nilou chuckled, "But... It's almost the performance day. I shouldn't be eating candy."
She kept a close eye on Cyno's reaction. He seemed nervous and embarrassed, as if he was worried she might reject this present.
"But just a few won't hurt, right?"
Nilou exclaimed enthusiastically. Cyno exhaled a sigh of relief as he realized this. He was the Akademiya's magnificent General Mahamatra, but in front of his lover, he was merely a person with no love experience at all. Nilou always embraced Cyno's affections wholeheartedly, even once, he returned from the desert and presented her a jar of scarabs.
"Thank you very much, Cyno." As she opened the lid of the box, her eyes sparkled at the colorful and delectable candy within.
"If I eat all of this, Inayah will lecture me for not fitting into my new performance clothing!" the young woman giggled again.
"If you eat this every day, it will be a concern." Cyno responded. "However, your physique is quite fit right now. Not too skinny, nor—"
Cyno felt embarrassed when he noticed Nilou's eyes looking at him and the odd smile on the girl's lips.
"I'm saying strange things again, aren't I?..."
"Hi hi. I'm astonished because Cyno keeps such a careful eye on me."
Cyno's cheeks heated to his ears as he heard this. He averted his sight to escape Nilou's gaze. They seldom saw each other these days, despite the fact that they had just recently expressed their affections to each other. Both of their schedules were hectic, he with Akademiya work and she with extensive dancing sessions. He made an effort to see Nilou as frequently as possible.
Nilou placed a sweet in her mouth. She closed her eyes and smiled blissfully, as if she had been rewarded for her hard work.
"Mmmh. Delicious!"
Cyno made an unintentional smile. He stared down at Nilou's heated legs instinctively. There were a couple more swells today.
He abruptly stood up. Nilou was so taken aback that she let him gently turn her around so the two of them faced one other. Then Cyno crouched down, one knee on the floor. His hands took Nilou's foot gently and placed it on his other leg.
"C-Cyno? What are you doing?" Nilou was perplexed. Her face was indeed redder than the setting sun on the horizon.
"Stay put." Cyno remarked as he removed her shoes. "You don't pay any attention to your health at all."
Nilou felt incredibly flustered. Even though they had formally declared their feelings to each other a few months earlier, this was the first time they had had such intimate contact. She did not know what to say, so she sat there quietly, watching Cyno tenderly massage her feet.
"People in the desert taught me a few techniques to make their feet less uncomfortable when they have to travel a long distance. Remember to take care of yourself, alright?"
Cyno raised his head, his amber-colored eyes full of warmth. Nilou nodded timidly. She would bury her scarlet face under the ground if anyone could see them like this. But she had already overthought. Everyone at the theater knew, even if they did not say it, that the formidable General Mahamatra loved to spoil his little dancer so much!
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yullen · 2 months
The boy kneels in front of a clumsily resoiled flower like it's a grave, his eyes hollow with grief.
He looks at the boy and there's nothing special about him. All the broken children from this war suffered loss.
He doesn't know why, then, he feels like the shape of their shadows is the same.
He turns his head to look forward, down to his petal in the mud.
His rage is so deep in his soul, that he does not have tears.
His anger simmers as the other boy puts on a facsimile of a smiling face. He wants to punch it off his face.
Something is cathartic about it when their fists fly at each other, and Allen Walker is finally genuine.
Allen Walker cries for him.
He cries for everyone, less for himself. Kanda isn't special.
He chases Allen like a shadow, refusing to give up on, and refusing to be given up on. Like it's what he's always been meant to do.
Like their shadows were always meant to walk in tandem.
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zeemczed · 1 year
Letterkenny Cold Open - Chicken
WAYNE: So you're on the road with your buddies the other daaaaaaaay.... (Interior: Wayne's truck) SQUIRRELY DAN: That a Wendy's comin' up? DARRY: Fifteen miles off, but yeah. WAYNE: Didn't think you for a Wendy's man, Squirrely Dan. SD: I likes the spicy chickens sandwich. D: Spicy chicken's not bad. W: Tolerable. D: You got something about the spice, Wayne? SD: Maybe too much spice for him. D: Get a case of the Afters? SD: Little heartburn? D: Lotta heartburn? SD: Snot rockets runnin' down the nostrils uncontrollablys? D: Can always get yourself a good Frosty to counteract that. SD: Though the dairy might not be too good for all that. On accounta- W: It's not that. D: Well enlighten us. W: It's just the chicken. (LONG PAUSE) SD: You never had a problems with the old yardbird before. D: I think I'd remember you having a problem with yardbird. SD: Ate twelve plates of Buffalo Wings at MoDean's during the competition. W: Still can't believe Bonnie McMurray won that. SD: Bonnie McMurray... D: Bonnie McMurraaaaay... (PAUSE) SD: Well then what is it? You likes the chickens, so why- W: It's disrespectful. (LONG PAUSE) D: Explain! W: One - they take a perfectly good chicken breast, deep freeze it, bread it with a load of spices and fry it. SD: That's standards practice, yeah. W: Two - they slap it on a bun with mayo, lettuce, and tomahto. D: Okay. (PAUSE) W: Well that's it, innit. SD: The toh-mah-toes? W: And the lettuce. Disrespects the chicken. D: By - what - cutting down on the spice? W: If you're making a spicy chicken sandwich you embrace the spice. Anything besides the bread is disrespectful to the chicken, and I only account for the bread `cause otherwise you get grease all over your hands. SD: Even the mayo? W: Eh, the mayo's just chicken lubricant, I give that a pass long as they don't slop it on heavy. D: You can order it without, y'know. W: But if I do, I'm just encouraging `em to keep up their practice. To keep the standard of lettuce and tomahto on an otherwise serviceable sandwich, to keep making it the exception rather than the rule to have a naked fillet on a bun. (PAUSE) D: Okay. Okay, I get that. But you know the problem with that. W: Enlighten me, Darry. D: If you want a spicy chicken sandwich that - by default - doesn't have all that... you gotta eat at Chic-Fil-A. (LONG PAUSE) W: Well fuck, Wendy's it is, then. (CUT TO WAYNE IN FRONT OF THE BARN) W: A fella's gotta have some standards.
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chimerickat · 2 years
Falling into their arms after tripping 😊
One moment of falling into Kaiba’s arms (trap?) coming up!
When your alarm goes off, it takes a moment for you to remember why you’d set it in the first place.
Then you remember. That blind date that you absolutely need to show up for or your sister will murder you. Luckily, your office is in downtown Domino, putting you close to the restaurant.
With a sigh, you save your work and put your computer to sleep. Then you take off your cardigan and stuff it into your desk. Almost everyone is gone for the day so you feel confident that nobody will notice that your dress isn’t quite work appropriate. But mostly you just don’t want to carry the sweater around.
Then you pull out a mirror from your desk. It’s useful for a variety of things such as checking for food in your teeth after lunch or even rubbing sunscreen in. Today it helps you as you apply a small amount of makeup to help your dress look less like work and more like dinner at a nice restaurant. 
After a moment of debate, you switch your comfortable shoes out for the heels that you’ve chosen to wear with your dress. You don’t have far to go, and you don’t want to accidentally end up changing shoes in front of your date. 
You consider leaving your large work bag behind. It doesn’t quite match your outfit. Unfortunately you don’t have any other options for carrying your bare necessities like your phone and wallet. So you throw your bag over your shoulder and hurry out to the elevator. 
Your shoes, a rarely worn gift, feel a little big on your feet, making you regret putting them on. As you wait for the elevator, you balance on one leg and casually check the size of the shoes. 
You’re still balancing when the doors open to reveal a man in the elevator. Surprise at seeing someone else combines with the shock of that someone else being your boss. You twist, trying to greet him properly, but your ankles betray you and send you falling forward to the ground. 
Kaiba steps forward, saving you, and instead of the ground, your face ends up buried in his chest. Your hand wraps around his bicep, and you can feel his muscles bulge slightly as his hands land on your waist. You wonder if his chest is just as hard as the ground. 
Damn does he smell good. Then reality sinks in. “Sorry, Mr. Kaiba! I didn’t mean to run into you like that!” You try to pull away, taking a step back, but he keeps a hand on your waist, helping you stabilize yourself. 
He smirks. “I’m used to people throwing themselves at me.” His hand squeezes your waist. 
You can feel your eyes widen. You try to protest. 
He takes a step toward you, closing what little gap there was. You might as well be pressed to his chest again. “But if you insist on making it up to me, you can accompany me to dinner tonight. You’re already dressed for it.” 
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starlling-writes · 2 years
"I'm home!" Grimm calls out as he closes the front door behind him. It's been a long day; he's mentally exhausted. He sighs, takes off his shoes, then heads for the kitchen, where it smells like Pearl is cooking up a delicious meal. "Sorry I'm late. My computer froze up and I ended up having to resubmit all of my paperwork"
"No worries, hunny. I just got back too, like 10 minutes ago because of similar issues."
After she kisses him, he looks past her and notices the takeout boxes spread out on the counter. "Takeout tonight?"
"Yeah?" She looks at him, confused by his surprised tone. "It was delivered right after I got home. I thought you ordered it."
"With how tired I am, I wouldn't be surprised if I did and just forgot because of all the paperwork I had to type up twice."
Pearl gave him a pittying look, then pushed him towards the dining table. "Go sit. I'll bring you a plate."
Dinner is great, especially since neither had to cook it. Afterwards, they curl up on the couch together for some much needed decompressing.
The moment was interrupted by an email from Algoth.
Grimm groans at the notification. "Fuck. I swear, if something happened to the paperwork again..." He opens the email. He glares at his phone. "Sonofabitch."
Curious, Pearl leans over to look at his phone.
INVOICE: $87.36 — — — — — The Bamboo Pantry $32.64 — — — — — — — — Service fee _________________________________________ $120.00 TOTAL NOTES: Happy Retrograde. Enjoy your dinner.
"What...?" Pearl pulls out her phone and looks up an astronomy chart. Mercury recently went retrograde; every other planet is either direct, or has been retrograde for quite some time already. While trying to figure out how Mercury's retrograde would warrant Algoth buying them dinner, something connects in her mind.
Pearl sits upright then intently goes through Mercury's chart, while flipping back and forth between the calender app. "Oh my gods... This totally happens every retrograde!"
"We always mess up our paperwork during the Mercury retrograde!" She groans and throws her head back against the couch. "How haven't I realized this before? How did Algoth realize it and not me?"
Algoth, sitting at home enjoy his night, completely uneffacted by Mercury's retrograde—possibly because he plans ahead to counteract any influence, or because Mercury know better than to affect him, or simply can't (who knows?)—smirks as he sees the pending deposit appear in his bank account.
[Inspired by a message @niuniente sent me]
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sunderedandundone · 1 month
UrGoh and SkekGra have a dream about their former self and companions:
It’s not hard to find the Academy hall; all GraGoh has to do is hurry in the direction of glory. The sounds radiating and echoing down the corridor are rapturous, almost ravishing, and so multifaceted — whenever they turn their head even slightly, notes glance off the walls at different angles like shafts of reflected light, forming ever-renewed counterpoints and harmonies. It rotates like an orrery graphing the heavens. It is the work of masters…or rather (as they allow themselves to think very, very quietly), *a* master.
The fact that UrSkeks float means that the Explorer has no need to worry about making too much noise as they glide up the ground-crystal aisle that terminates at the first curved row of the Academy Choir. The choristers are exerting themselves almost as hard as Homeworlders ever exert themselves, but they show no signs of fatigue. All eyes and ears are trained on what at first appears to be an unassuming figure placed not quite halfway along the first row. Conductors are an exotic concept to UrSkek society; only the very youngest of their kind have any trouble keeping the collective momentum within their spirit, following the almost-invisible visual cues from those who have been assigned to serve as leaders (supposedly always temporarily — though in practice, GraGoh has noticed that there are *certain* wells their fellow UrSkeks tend to go back to by a silent common consent).
The music swells at last to its climax, bursting upon them all and then hanging in ringing echoes for quite some time after. This is a rehearsal, so there is no murmur of approval or answer of appreciative audience improvisations. All allow themselves for just a brief space to exult in it, even as their heads modestly bow.
Then the leaderly figure looks up and spots the Explorer, and delight suffuses their features. SilSol the Musician, as they were back in the old days before everything went so hideously wrong: a softly-incandescent churn of enchained chakras running the length of their form; an immediate smile that always seems somehow *particular*, as though whoever it graces is the one person in Crystalgate City they have been waiting all unum to see. GraGoh feels their own chakras rise in sympathetic resonance. All is beauty. Everything is good and right.
“So kind of you to come and sample the incomplete product,” the vision says. *Product* is an odd, foreign word, but GraGoh cannot but let it pass as they fall into a twosome leaving the choir behind. None of the others *seem* to mind.
“It was *magnificent*,” GraGoh gushes, in a somewhat shamefaced whisper.
“‘Magnificent,’ really?” The Musician's head cocks in genuine if pleasant surprise. “Well, don’t let anyone else catch you saying that.”
“But it’s true.” GraGoh is still too overwhelmed by the talent of this UrSkek — so much their elder and (let’s face it) superior, who nonetheless deigns to treat them as a good friend — to be rebuked. “I only speak the truth.”
Another brilliant smile, quickly submerged like the glow of fading coals. At such moments, their mutual love and devotion for Master SoSu notwithstanding, the Explorer feels as though they would do anything to earn another of those lip-crooks. They are suddenly reminded of the forum last unum, when a good-natured debate between the Master and the Musician had begun to flow very deep and a tad rapid, and the Master had gently said “SilSol. Let the others catch up a little,” and GraGoh had heard themselves blurting, as though from afar, “No, don’t, SilSol.”
A shocked silence and many stares greeted this — not least, that of the Master themselves. What happened to GraGoh then was a thing they couldn’t seem to stop from happening again and again, many times for an Age and an Age afterward: having rashly thrown their lot in, they were now determined to act as though they had meant it all along. This was a circle of heretics, after all, the most trusted of SoSu’s followers and intimates, so they let their chin lift just the tiniest amount. “I want to learn,” they went on earnestly. “As you do, as all my fellows here do. I have so much catching up to do, I don’t want anyone to have to slow down for me. I would the Musician were allowed to be *themselves*. I would far rather fly to keep up with their genius than slink after like a…like a…well, a Rigger of low education.”
It was at once clear that the Explorer had made the Musician very, very happy with their words. Happy, and once again surprised, and perhaps even…touched. GraGoh certainly knew why. To find the ‘overindividuated,’ mysteriously scandalous traits that everyone else seemed to disapprove of — traits SilSol hid so well in public with their mask of humility, appropriate to a celebrated musician — not only accepted but seemingly even *approved*…that moment could be overwhelming in its beauty. GraGoh had come to love that feeling supremely, here among their fellow transgressors, the UrSkeks they adored most in all Homeworld, where so many things were at long last *permitted*. Where they didn’t have to agonize about throwing shadows upon anyone else by the fullness of their own light, or drowning out the music of others with too passionate a solo.
(Indeed, the Explorer had come to suspect that part of SilSol’s success lay in their music’s ability to subtly, gently evoke a sense of that forbidden uniqueness. Always within the unvoiced societal bounds, but often *just barely* within them.)
SoSu, though greatly taken aback, had at last nodded and bowed to let SilSol continue, saying to GraGoh as they did, “Very well, young one. If you aspire to fly so fast, it is not my place to fetter you.”
It was a joyous day, a Wonderful day, one of the best of their entire miserable existence.
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esculentevil · 16 days
(Thorinduil Vamp!Thorin AU) Short Sucker (388 words) by EsculentEvil
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Thranduil Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Thranduil (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire/Elf Relationship, Vampire Bites, Mating Bites, Love Bites, Claiming Bites, Biting, Mild Blood, Nipple Play, Size Difference, Height Differences, Cultural Differences, Elf Culture & Customs, Vampire Culture & Customs, 1 Sentence Fiction, No Dialogue, Self-Indulgent, Bottom Thranduil (Tolkien) Series: Part 1 of (Thorinduil + Vamp!Thorin) Short Sucker AU Summary:
Thorin can't feast on Thranduil's neck and sow him at the same time without him literally bowing the Elfking’s back, like an archer stringing their prized weapon, because he’s so bloody short
Note: Because I love Thorin biting Thranduil and Thranduil loves it even more my headcanons (still unpublished cuz I haven't finished THAT fic [don't ask why this one was so much easier to throw down idfk]) surrounding dwarves and their own biting culture weren't enough (cuz they're apparently too hard to pen down -.-💢) and I just needed this in my life: vampire!Thorin struggling to stake~ his~ claim~ on his elf ;P lol Thoughts?
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roseclaw · 1 year
in wine, truth
cute and funny sangcheng fic! Rated G! Exactly 1k.
Summary: Both Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang are drunk, and they're both missing their boyfriends. So they decide to call them!
on ao3 here
or below the cut!
Nie Huaisang was drunk. It had been years since he had been drunk, but Wei Wuxian kept refilling his wine glass, and he kept drinking from it, because Wei Wuxian was talking about interesting things, and Nie Huaisang wanted to keep listening, but he also really needed to pee.
“I’ll be right back,” he announced. He set his empty wine glass down and carefully navigated his way to the bathroom and back.
When he returned, Wei Wuxian was looking at his phone forlornly.
“What’s wrong?” Nie Huaisang asked as clearly as he could. His head was a bit floaty and so was the rest of him. His tongue only sometimes seemed to work.
Wei Wuxian sighed. “I miss my boyfriend. He’s such a good boyfriend, and I miss him.”
As far as Nie Huaisang was aware, Lan Wangji had gone home hours ago, because he was tired and parties weren’t his thing. However, Nie Huaisang realized that he missed his own boyfriend as well.
“You should call him,” Nie Huaisang suggested, because that’s what he would do – should do? Maybe? “It’s not that late.”
“You’re right!” Wei Wuxian immediately dialed, and when someone finally answered, he said brightly, “The love of my life!”
Nie Huaisang heard a grumbled, “It’s nearly two in the morning.”
“I miss you,” Wei Wuxian said, voice squishy in a way Nie Huaisang had never heard before.
“I miss you, too,” came over the line. Then nothing.
Wei Wuxian looked at his phone, and Nie Huaisang stole a glance as well. It was dark.
“He hung up on me!”
“Poop!” Nie Huaisang wrinkled his nose.
“Rude,” Wei Wuxian said, but he was smiling.
“I miss my boyfriend, too,” Nie Huaisang said with a pout. And he did. He really missed his boyfriend. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d spoken with his boyfriend. It must have been a long time ago.
“Wait. You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” Wei Wuxian said, eyebrows knitting together.
“I do,” Nie Huaisang said dejectedly. “I miss him. I haven’t seen him in so long.”
“You should call him,” Wei Wuxian said. “Tell him you miss him and you love him!”
“That's a very good idea!” Nie Huaisang pulled his phone out of his pocket and called his boyfriend.
No one picked up.
“He’s not answering,” Nie Huaisang said as he felt tears prickle in the corner of his eyes.
“Try again,” Wei Wuxian said. “Maybe he was in the bathroom or something.”
“Okay,” Nie Huaisang said. He tried again.
No one picked up, and Nie Huaisang felt the tears fall.
“He’s not picking up,” he said wetly.
“Then he clearly doesn’t deserve you!” Wei Wuxian declared loudly. He wrapped an arm around Nie Huaisang’s shoulder. “I’m sure there are plenty of other people out there who are worthy of your attention! Jiang Cheng! He can help us brainstorm! Jiang Cheng!”
Nie Huaisang looked up to see Jiang Cheng make his way over to the corner where Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian had been talking.
“Huaisang, why were you calling me?” he asked. “I was literally on the other side of the room.”
Wei Wuxian made a noise.
“Why are you crying?” Jiang Cheng asked, concerned, which was sweet of him.
“My boyfriend wasn’t answering his phone when I called,” Nie Huaisang said through his tears.
“Wait,” Wei Wuxian said, looking back and forth between Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng.
“Okay,” Jiang Cheng said. “I think you’ve had enough wine. Why don’t I take you home?”
“No,” Nie Huaisang wailed. He sniffled and threw himself onto Jiang Cheng, clinging to his shirt and pressing his face between Jiang Cheng’s pecs. They were nice pecs. Pillowy. “My boyfriend won’t answer my calls. He doesn’t love me.”
“I’m sure your boyfriend loves you,” Wei Wuxian said. His voice sounded funny, but Nie Huaisang couldn’t see his face, because his own face was buried in Jiang Cheng’s chest.
“Wei Wuxian,” Jiang Cheng warned, and Nie Huaisang could feel the rumble of it. “Huaisang, why don’t we step outside and you can try to call your boyfriend again. If he doesn’t answer, we can go over to his place and kick his ass. How does that sound?”
“Okay,” Nie Huaisang mumbled and let Jiang Cheng usher him outside.
“I’m going to call now,” Nie Huaisang declared once they were on the sidewalk outside. He pulled out his phone and dialed.
Jiang Cheng’s phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket with a roll of his eyes. “Hello, Huaisang.”
“Hi!” Nie Huaisang exclaimed happily. “You answered!”
“I did,” Jiang Cheng said, staring Nie Huaisang in the eye. He looked done. Really super exasperated. “Let’s get you home and sobered up.”
“Wha—oh.” He looked at Jiang Cheng and then the phone in his hand. He hung up. Jiang Cheng hung up, too, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“Are you ready to go home?” Jiang Cheng asked.
“Yes!” Nie Huaisang enthused. He threw himself at Jiang Cheng again.
“I’ll make you some greasy noodles to help you sober up,” Jiang Cheng said. He petted Nie Huaisang’s head as he said it.
“I’d like that,” Nie Huaisang said. He smiled broadly. That was the best possible outcome. He loved his boyfriend’s cooking.
“And I think it’s going to be some time before we go out to another party again,” Jiang Cheng said wryly. “I’m sure you’ll agree when you wake up with a terrible hangover.”
“Okay,” Nie Huaisang agreed and let Jiang Cheng lead him down the street, arm around his shoulder. It would be better if Jiang Cheng did not walk in a zigzag. “Will you make me greasy food in the morning too?”
Jiang Cheng sighed. “If you’re not a nightmare. You’re not even walking straight.”
“I'm a delight,” Nie Huaisang enunciated. “You love me!”
“Unfortunately,” Jiang Cheng said. He let go of Nie Huaisang’s shoulders and wrapped the arm around his waist instead. “Sometimes you’re a delight.”
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