karamazovanon · 9 months
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rip rodya you would've loved american psycho
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chicago fire 11x08
herrman proving that hes just a grumpy old man is hilarious
kelly and stella just talking about the leadership conference and stella just assuming it’s men drinking scotch and smoking cigars?? 
*chefs kiss*
we love it
oh god
this thing with gallo and carver??
man please
i can't
oh that detective dude
not rlly sure how i feel abt him tho
carver istfg
don't do this
christ, hes doing this isn't he???
goddammit carver
don't do this
sylvie correcting him about the term for fear of clowns is great
oh wow
sylvie and this guy are funny
there are lightbulbs goin off in violet’s head and i cant tell if its bc she wants to set sylvie up w/ this guy or if its smthing else
oh my god its EVAN
that was a clean connection
oh she's gonna set them up isn't she???
stella sensing the tension like ‘my mom senses are tingling’
herrman further proving that hes a grumpy old man
oh god now hes talking about gen z
this is gonna be interesting
‘they have no respect for safety, stop signs, or basic common decency’
that's bc most of us just don't care for our lives anymore but go off ig
ritter just being the embodiment of gen z is fantastic
‘you know what i'm saying’
‘i don't actually’
‘doesn't matter!’
kelly and pryma
how's this gonna play out???
severide playing ‘fire cop’ again
why do i feel like pryma’s the dirty cop??
i don't feel too good about this
here comes violet to set up dylan and sylvie
oh poor violet
i still can't believe evan is gone
i don't like this
stella’s mom senses are tingling again
‘cowardly lion’
mouch’s genuine concern for herrman is hilarious
uh ohhhh
gallo’s in T R O U B L E
i fuckin knew it
her moms senses
they worked
oh god
this thing again
please just yell at him
stella and kelly domestic moments
we love
even tho the convo isn't the most pleasant
pryma is dirty
i can feel it
oh hes gonna ask her out
im low-key kinda loving this
say yes
hes cute and hes sweet
but at the same time
i still want matt to come back
violet lurking around the corner is me
please call him
tf are you doing??
that's not gonna fool--
oh shit wait
why do I feel like this isn't gonna end well
i fuckin knew it
mouch and herrman being besites
we love it
oh no
stella and carver
what's gonna happen here
‘that was just a miscommunication’ my ass
put an end to this
‘mutual understanding’ sure
whatever you say
this beef b/w carver and gallo’s gonna interfere with this call, isn’t it?
this guy IMMEDIATELY going to mouch
i don't like him
‘lady lieutenant’ 
dont try to fix it
u already fucked up
gallo’s look when he got the balcony idea made me laugh, idk why
gallo’s little smirk
nows not the time man
uh oh Gallo
what's gonna happen here??
i don't like it
oh no
this is a suicide
oh no
ohhhhh noooooo
he’s gonna jump
this isn’t gonna end well
i can feel it
he’s made mistakes?
tf is he talking about
is this somehow linked to pryma?
oh no wait its not
god this real talk is killin me
is this gonna work??
i hope it does
oh this poor guy
god please don't do this
carver and gallo better work this out
god he’s still gonna jump isn't he
oh poor gallo
poor poor gallo
this is hurting me so badly
who is this chief???
can you not see the pain on gallo’s face???
oh violet
youre so sweet
oh goD
violet and sylvie supremacy
mouch and herrman back at it again
pryma again
i don't like this dude
this is gonna be a constant thing, isn't it??
its gonna be there throughout the season, isn't it??
i. do. not. like. this.
oh god Gallo
take care oF YOURSELF
where tf has joe been this entire episode???
carver if u don't help
ill kill you
ritter would be such a good friend
don't push him out
accept the fuckin help
the scar has smthing to do with his family doesn't it
gallo don't be mean
uh oh
what’s gonna happen
*cackling sounds*
i love the dynamic b/w trudy and herrman
bro how does she look so beautiful??
i don't understand
she’s so PRETTY
this is so sweet
kidd and severide making dinner
domestic bliss
kelly’s just done
and stella’s throwing the attitude look at pryma
oh that's not gonna happen
oh fuck off pryma
leave them the fuck alone
oh god
gallo and carver
awww they’re so sweet
i don't think this is gonna end well
oh wait
it might
oh poor gallo
carver and gallo
why am i invested in this dynamic???
carver is being sweet
i love it
are we gonna get a story about his scar yet??
stop this is sO SWEET
stop that's adorable
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one episode left babyyyy
silly little notes ep. 5
how do you not go to the dentist for 9 years??????
that was rude prof
touch the box ryan. do it.
surgery is scary. i don’t want it. just kill me.
is he actually their greatest surgeon? is he?
i’m so scared of victorian surgeons. like that’s frightening. i don’t wanna deal with it. i have high pain tolerance but not that high.
can i do nothing? because neither praying or a doctor seems helpful.
i feel like if you go to the doctor you’ll lose your foot. problem is i don’t believe in god personally.
oh so you’d get gangrene if you do nothing but lose your foot if you go to the doctor. i wanna keep my leg
oh you don’t like skinning or scalping huh ryan??? that’s gonna come back.
“time and time again it seems like religion hates science” so true ryan bergara
not the b boys bit again
i really did not think it’d be the cadavers however it does make sense upon further thought
allegedly drake is not a murderer
dorothy ruth is back and i’m still here to tell you that i really think she’s supposed to be dead. good for her getting back on the dating scene i guess. idk.
ryan you gotta stop bringing up the t. rex thing. you’re digging yourself a hole. possibly literally.
this man is about to be such a terrible doctor. i can feel it. i admire the fact that he was determined to tend to everyone but uh. i got a bad feeling.
the barking is somehow incredibly unnerving
he actually was just a big guy. that’s somehow very funny to me.
okay i was gonna say that he was doing pretty well. washing his equipment. washing his hands. taking precautions. and then he had to go and hold his knife in his mouth. goddammit
you’re telling me this man is successful because he’s fast. slay honestly. but also this is happening in a theatre which is insane.
oh his death rate is 10%? that’s pretty good. i think. i don’t actually know.
and he’s developed an ego. this is gonna end badly. we’re going downhill from here probably.
these are fucking wild options for his worst mistake
not the 300% morality rate
well at least we’re able to sort of knock people out. i hope this goes well. it actually did work decently well.
and the mortality rate has gone up. which is so very unfortunate.
there’s no musical guest? that’s uh. something. that’s really odd.
oh lovely he’s knocked ryan the fuck out
oh he’s tied to the chair now. what the fuck is happening.
that’s so fucking upsetting. the substitute is scary.
so it’s the same hologram as at the funeral. that the puppets sent back to the future to fix things.
lmao not the devil failing the audition. also the auditions are funny.
not the estranged producer
what the fuck is happening. also the fact that shane said flesh and this is where we ended up.
okay so he wants to wear ryan’s skin and make the genie grant his wish.
the little hey buddy from shane. iconic. unbothered.
oh no. oh no. he’s gonna sing.
this is unnerving at best.
i would also like to point out that shane in fact did think of some wild out of the box thing
“i’m gonna make one hell of a me out of the pieces of you” is such a raw line what the fuck
hey little rat guy.
ryan really used bargaining to his advantage huh. slay.
OH MY GOD that hologram really just jumped out huh
welp i guess i’ll be back next week… fucking hell
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sohcah-toa · 3 years
your friendly neighbour annoying childe simp is back with another request (if you're up to it ofc, pls never feel pressured to do these 🙏). could i ask for the classic "childe comes over bc he hadn't heard from you all day only to find you sick in bed so he starts taking care of you despite your protests. and it ends in cuddles either way bc mans has a rock for a head"
only asking cause im sick asf rn 😭😭😭
love your work per usual amd i hope you had a good turkey day! also gl on wishes if your pulling these banners 🙏 ily ❤️❤️
thank u so much!! i hope u feel better and happy thanksgiving ♡ childe would def do this 😭
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Staying | toa
w — sfw, fluff, stubborn ass childe x sick gn reader, established relationship
tip or donate at ko-fi
"Where the heck could y/n be?" Childe was pacing back and forth in Northland bank, he has been waiting for you all day. He was worried sick but has no idea where the hell you are. He has tried asking several people but still no information whatsoever. He liked that mysterious side of you but now, not so much. He groaned, getting even more frustrated by the second "That's it, I never wanted to invade privacy by asking Katheryne but I have to now, hope they don't get angry"
Childe immediately went on his way along with his thoughts that can't seem to leave him alone. You've been dating him for just a few days, the reason why he doesn't know where you live yet.
You coughed and snifled. You felt like crying because of the ache you were feeling on your head "Why now of all times, goddammit" you cursed yourself, trying to drink water but you couldn't move much at all. It was getting harder to take care of yourself.
You've been alone, not getting enough food to eat and water to drink because you couldn't move much. You felt so weak. You tried getting water but you accidentally dropped the cup "Oh s-shit" then you sneezed. The floor was wet but you swear to all the gods that you'll clean it up later so you just walked up to your bed, hugging your pillow, coughing then sneezing over and over again.
Then you heard someone knock on the door "The hell? Nobody — knows this place" you were sneezing in between your sentences, you groaned feeling too tired to even get up to answer the door but the knocks were getting louder so you forced yourself to stand up and open it "Fucking— wait Childe?!" then another sneeze.
"Y/N!!" he yelled then hugged you "What the hell happened to you?!" he looked like a worried mother and also acted like one. He let himself in, closed the door and helped you towards your bed. He noticed the wet floor and the cup "Did you drop that?"
"No doy" You coughed slightly, your nose was so stuffy that your voice sounded different "Just leave it — there. I'll clean it up later. What are you doing here?" you laid on the bed, not even caring that you look like absolute trash right now.
Childe's face became red when you asked that question "W-Well, I was worried" he stood awkwardly before the bed, staring at your lifeless body "I'll clean it up for you" he then started to grab a kitchen towel to wipe off the water and fix the mess you made earlier.
You sat right up "Childe — don't bother. It's al—right" you were really feeling weak to even talk but you were embarrassed of Childe.
He didn't even answer, he just started grabbing different kinds of ingredients to cook for you, he was acting like he owns the place "You have to eat properly" if there was something he couldn't find, he would just find it, not even bothering to ask you because he knows you feel weak.
"C-Childe, the hell?" You slowly stood up but because of your state, Childe ran towards you in a blink of an eye then helped you sit on the bed again.
"No, you need to rest" he said, his hand feeling your forehead "You're temperature is too hot, I brought tea, drink it first the after I cook I'll go fix up a wet towel" he went to the table and fixed you a cup, he even helped you drink it.
You felt kind of refreshed after the tea, just the scent alone made you feel better "W-why are you here?" your voice cracked
"I told you, I was worried, I'm staying because you need to be taken care of" he said, walking towards the kitchen to check on the water he was boiling "I'll cook something for you, don't worry about it" he was even wearing your apron.
You continued to drink the tea carefully, you never thought you would see this side of Childe. He was always fierce in the battlefield, a strong brave man who never backs down on anything. Now, he's cooking you a meal with a cute apron on.
You smile to yourself, drinking the tea to hide it so Childe won't tease you "After you cook, you can leave, I can take care of myself"
After you said those words, Childe looked at you with puppy eyes and a pout holding a pan "But!!"
You stared at him from the kitchen "But what?" your sneezes and coughs were not as frequent as before because of the tea.
"But you're sick" he muttered, continuing what he was doing. You sighed thinking that maybe after you eat, he will leave.
He didn't leave. You just finished eating, he even helped you eat, like a mother feeding her baby, you were embarrassed because it was the first time he cooked and fed you. You tried to tell him to stop but he wouldn't, he kept on insisting. If it weren't for the cold, your red face would be questioned by Childe then he would tease you.
He's now grabbing a wet towel to put on your forehead, he helped you with everything so far and you have to admit to yourself that he has been very helpful but it's just far too embarrassing.
"Chi—lde" you sneezed whilst calling him "I feel much better now, you can go home"
Childe came up with the wet towel and gently placed it on your forehead "Don't you want me here?" he sat beside the bed while you were laying down, a frown on his face.
You sighed, not even bothering to answer because you know he'll tease you again.
You let him take care of you, he places the blanket on top of you then the wet towel on your forehead. It felt so refreshing, even the thought of Childe just being here made you feel safe.
"Thank you" you gathered all your courage left to say it before drifting into sleep.
Childe leaned in closer to your face, he flips the wet towel on your forehead from time to time, feeling if you still have a hot temperature. He smiled while staring at you "You must be tired" he was glad being beside you despite being tired himself from all the things he has been doing. He has cleaned up the dishes, fixed the mess you made earlier and has taken care of you all day. Childe can't help but lay his head on the side of your bed, eventually falling asleep too.
You wake up to find a sleeping Childe on your bed. He looked so uncomfortable laying his head on the side of the bed while sitting on the floor. You felt so bad for him but you still felt kind of weak. "You never left me" you coughed a little, preventing to be super loud to not wake Childe but he woke up anyway.
"Hey" he stifled a yawn as he sat right back up, rubbing his neck "How are you doing?" you were still laying down, still feeling sick.
"I'm al—right" You sneezed while talking "You can go home Childe, it's getting late, go home and rest"
He was still stubborn. He shook his head no "I'll stay with you tonight" that sentence made you redder than you already were. Staying the night he says. It will the first time that you and Childe would spend the night together.
He saw your reaction then he chuckled "I'm going to take care of you. If you get thirsty or hungry in the middle of the night, I will be here! Or if your cold worsens. I'll be here until you feel completely better. Fuck work"
You giggled then held his hand "Thank you, you can lay on the bed with me" he was clearly blushing, his grip on your hand tighten.
"You better not try anything with me" He rolled his eyes playfully as he hops in the bed with you, making you lay on his arm.
"As – if" You said, restricting your coughs. You hugged him and he felt so warm. He was all you needed. He hugged you back, making sure you feel comfortable.
You were glad Childe came today. Now, you laid in bed with him, cuddling with each other as you both fall asleep. You were sure that sleeping would feel extra amazing and that you would feel better in the morning and if you don't feel better, well — he'll be here.
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smutsonian · 4 years
f*** being friends
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve is in love with his friend but he doesn't want to ruin their friendship
Warnings: mentions of copulation, making out (it gets heated), jealous steve, awkward steve, lil bit of angst, brief mentions of being bullied (verbally), mentions of game of thrones, i’m hoping for this to be really sweet and fluffy that y’all get diabetes in a healthy way, writing mistakes bby
Characters: Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov, Erik Lehnsher (xmen), Cisco Ramon (the flash)
Word Count: 6.5k yikes
an: i have no idea where those characters came from but they’re there. also, hi! im posting something lmao shocker :o ctto of this picture
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The supersoldier who woke up in the wrong century would’ve been going through a whole lot of hell alone if it wasn’t for the cute scientist who was considerate and patient with him in helping him adjust to his new surroundings after the time-hopping incident. Fury took him to the tower that was owned by the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist (as he likes to be called) after he tried to run through the streets of the modernized city of New York with his bare feet and that’s where he met her.
 The female scientist contrasted Tony Stark so much that it made Steve wonder how Tony even managed to get someone like her to be his assistant scientist. Steve didn’t have to wonder about how you were able to handle Tony because he was a hundred percent sure that you will be able to get along with anyone because you’re… you.
 While Tony was an obnoxious guy who likes mocking him, you were nothing but sweet to him. Going out of your way to make him feel comfortable and show him how time has changed the past. You taught him everything he should know and anything he wanted to know and in return, he bestowed you stories from his time before, during, and after the war and the supersoldier serum. 
 When you told him embarrassing stories about Tony and confessed that you sometimes get vexed by your boss that resulted in you ‘accidentally’ making one of his suits dance crazily while he’s in it, you and Steve shared a laugh and thus, started a genuine friendship.
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Tony groans dramatically when he sees Steve giggling at his assistant while they’re making something in the kitchen. He walks over to them and knocks on the counter to catch the pair’s attention before giving them a faux smile. “As much as I love seeing capsicle giggling like a halfwit, I’m gonna have to ask you to stop stealing my assistant. We’re in the middle of discovering what must be the most important information in the world and you’re out here stealing her for shits and giggles.” Tony looks at the captain with a stern look before noticing your dramatic eye roll. “Hey-” he was about to chastise you when you cut him off.
 “Tony, learning how to bake chocolate chip cookies isn’t the most important thing in the world but I admire you for asking me for help for the sake of Morgan. But please, stop being so dramatic.” you chuckle at the end of your complaint. Tony bites his lip as Steve looks at you with such fondness without you even noticing it and he doesn’t know if he should feel sorry for the love-struck captain or be annoyed at how stupid and juvenile he was being. Just ask the girl out, goddammit.
 You turn to look at Steve before sighing, “Well, duty calls.” you shrug and smile at Steve when he reaches a hand towards your face to fix a stray hair away from your face. You stood frozen, staring at his ocean eyes that were staring right back at you before he started blinking and looked away. “Alright. I’ll see you later?” he asks as he looks back at you and you nod at him with a smile before walking past Tony. Tony rolls his eyes at Steve before pointing at him. “You clearly have it bad for her, cap. Why don’t you do us all a favor and just ask her out?” 
 Steve gawks at Tony, his face tinting a tiny shade of red before shaking his head. “What are you talking about? We’re just really good friends, Stark. I don’t even want to have this conversation with you.” Steve’s jaw clenches before he too walks out of the kitchen.
 Good friends my ass. Tony shakes his head in disbelief, smirking to himself. This is going to be fun.
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  Some members of the team were in the kitchen, elbows on the counter, and tired out of their minds. Sam has his head on the counter, Natasha was taking a bite out of her sandwich every now and then, and Clint was slurping the milk from his cereal bowl. There was a mission the day before and everyone was showing how much it took a lot out of them.
 Y/N was putting whipped cream on top of the iced chocolate drink she made when Steve walked in. His face showed how tired he is but it quickly lightened up when he saw Y/N grinning at him with the iced chocolate. Steve made his way towards her and sat beside her, watching her put colorful sprinkles on the whipped cream before sliding the glass in front of him.
 “There ya go! Made with love and all.” she laughs at her own joke and Steve grins at her before taking a sip, earning a mustache made of whipped cream. “So good” Steve closes his eyes as he moans dramatically, making Y/N laugh even more. When Steve looks back at Y/N, she chuckles at him before making a motion towards the space between her nose and her upper lip.
 “What?” Steve smiles as he tilts his head to the side.
 “Here, let me…” Y/N gets a tissue before leaning towards Steve’s face and gently wiping the whipped cream off his face. God only knows how much I want to kiss his whipped cream covered lips. 
 Steve stared at her face, heart fluttering at the closeness of her face and gulps when he sees her looking back at his eyes. Those eyes will be the death of me. I wonder if she’ll look at me like that when I’m giving it to her good. 
 He watches as her eyes flutter towards his lips and then back to his eyes before he’s leaning closer to her face, his lips almost brushing against hers. Fuck.
 A bang interrupted them and they quickly pulled away from each other, awkwardly trying to compose themselves. Bucky seats beside Sam who was glaring at him. “You just have to stroll in here, you armless shithead.” 
 “Not cool, dude.” Clint chuckles before dumping his bowl at the sink. Natasha just sighs before taking another bite off her sandwich. 
 Y/N’s ears perked up when Sam’s words registered to her brain. Armless shithead. 
 She turns to look at Bucky before cursing under her breath. “Oh gosh, Bucky. I’m so sorry! Your arm reattachment scheduled this morning completely slipped out of my mind. Oh god. I’ll bring it up here now. Just give me a sec.” Y/N stumbles out of her chair, earning a concerned look from Steve who held his hand out just in case the fidgeting scientist falls. Y/N successfully runs out of the kitchen unharmed, leaving two supersoldiers confused.
 “What’d I do?” Bucky asks Sam who just shakes his head at him. Nat did the same thing as Sam did when Bucky turned to look at her. Steve still stared at the door that Y/N left in, thinking about how he almost kissed her and realizing how stupid he was. He could have ruined their friendship right then and there. She was so jumpy and awkward right after too. She probably got spooked by his actions. 
 “Why the constipated face, capsicle.” As if he wasn’t suffering enough, Tony enters the kitchen with a smug smile. “Barnes ruined his chances of kissing the little scientist.” Sam scoffed as Bucky gasped. “Oh shit. Sorry, punk. I didn’t know you were making moves already. Thought you would never do it. Sorry for ruining the moment. You’ll get—” Bucky’s teasing words were cut off by Steve’s booming voice. “Will you all just stop it?! We’re just friends. Stop pushing it. I don’t see her that way so please, just stop. We’re friends and that’s that.” Just as Steve’s speech was ending, a flustered Y/N walked in with a huge box. She walks over to Bucky and starts fumbling with his arm.
 Steve curses under his breath as he realized that she just heard his ‘confession’ and it’s not exactly what he wanted her to know. It’s exactly the contrary to what he’s feeling. He wants to be more than just her friend but he didn’t have the guts to do something about it. He also didn’t want to ruin the beautiful friendship that they already have. Relationships are too complicated and he couldn’t risk losing you just because of his stupid feelings. 
 “There! All done!” Y/N smiles at Bucky and Steve finds himself yearning for her to smile at him like that every-fucking-time. Bucky thanks her and winks at her that made Steve’s insides boil with something he didn’t have an idea about. Y/N picks the box up before walking over to Tony who was standing beside Steve. Right before she gets in front of Tony, she slips and before she knew it, her face was falling down the floor- only to be stopped mid-air as firm arms found their way to her waist and her shoulders.
 She was hoisted up and was met with Steve’s face just inches away from hers. “I got you.” Steve smiles.
 Y/N coughed and pulled herself away, making Steve’s smile flutter ever so slightly. “Umm, thanks. I gotta get back to work.” She smiles at him before turning towards Tony and starting a topic about their current topic about using vibranium as something he didn’t have an idea about. He sighed in disappointment as he realized how he managed to fuck up his friendship with her by trying to preserve it. How does that even happen to someone?
 “Is it just me or does the supersoldier serum affect the brain badly?” Sam pipes up after Y/N leaves the room to go back to the lab. Bucky elbows his ribs in response while Tony laughs at Sam’s words.
 “It’s just Steve who’s being an idiot. Don’t drag me into his lack of brain cells” Bucky muttered under his breath. Tony pats Steve on his shoulder before leaning up to his ear to whisper something.
 “Just friends, huh?”
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Steve was nervous that you would bail on your weekly movie nights with him in his room where the two of you will watch movies that he missed while he was frozen. His nerves were getting the best of him until you knocked on his door only to greet him with a huge smile and arms full of snacks that were almost covering your face. “Movie night?” Steve swore that your giddy voice sounded like angels singing.
 Steve felt his heart flutter at the sight before shaking his head back to reality and easily grabbing the snacks out of your arms and setting it down on the foot of his bed. You skipped over to the bed and plopped yourself on it before looking at Steve with a raised eyebrow. 
“So… What are we watching tonight?” The anticipation in your voice made Steve smile before scratching the back of his neck.
 “Can we continue the game of thrones?” He asks and Y/N thought that him blushing was the cutest thing in the world so she couldn’t do anything but to nod. I mean, how could anyone say no to that face?
 You opened up a bag of chips while Steve tinkered with the tv attached to the wall in front of the bed. As the opening song started playing, Steve hopped on the bed beside you, grabbing the bowl of popcorn before laying on his back beside you and scooched closer to you. You smiled at that and laid your head softly on his shoulder which he seemed to like because he chuckled before stealing a piece of chip in your bag. You playfully glared at him as he only booped your nose in return, laughing when some powder from the chips were left on the tip of your nose. He leaned closer to your face, pausing for a while before blowing the powder residues on your nose. You felt your heart skip for a moment before turning back to the tv as the show continued to play.
 The room was dark with only the tv being the source of light but it’s enough for you to watch Steve’s every reaction to the show that you’ve already watched yet willing to rewatch it as long as it was with Steve. He was in one of the earlier episodes where Danaerys was betrothed to Khal Drogo. The tv was playing the scene where Danaerys’ handmaid was teaching her how to make love to Drogo. Your body warmed up at the scene, remembering how graphic this series can be and turned slowly to see Steve’s reaction. You expected him to be fidgety and awkward but he seemed to be really focused at the tv screen so you turned your head back towards the screen and continued to watch.
 Steve was trying his best to not have a panic attack right then and there. The scene was making him flustered and the effects of it were going straight to his crotch. He saw you move your head to watch his reaction but he did his best to act nonchalant and he was so relieved when you looked away from him that he almost cried. He thanked all the gods when the scene ended but his eyes widened when the screen showed Khal Drogo entering the tent butt naked and heading straight to Danaerys. When the man started ramming into her, Steve knew that he was fucked.
 Y/N nostrils flared in embarrassment as she watched the screen as it showed a very erotic scene. She turned her head sneakily to see Steve’s reaction once again but was surprised to see that he was already looking at her, their faces just an inch apart. 
 She looked at Steve’s eyes and was shocked to see that they were darker than usual, pupils dilated and his breathing erratic. She stared at him for a brief second before asking if he’s okay, genuinely concerned for the supersoldier. 
 “Steve, are you ok—” Y/N thought that she could’ve died right then and there when Steve closed the space between their lips and kissed her hungrily. Steve’s lips were so soft against her and when he plunged his tongue into her mouth, she almost came right then and there. This was how she’s deeply, madly, and hopelessly in love with the man. 
 Steve couldn’t explain the feeling he felt when she kissed him back. He could almost hear the wedding bells ringing when she moved her hands to caress both sides of his face. He placed the bowl of popcorn beside her head before placing his hands on her waist, easily manipulating her body so he was on top of her as he continued to kiss her lips like a starved animal.
 Steve felt her hands traveling up to his hair as she arched her back. Steve’s eyes went to the back of his head when she felt her grinding against his hard-on and he was thankful that her mouth was on his so she was able to swallow his moans. He responded by grinding his hips down against hers, earning a tug on his hair and a whine from her lips that made his eyes snap open in shock. Shit. 
 Steve stumbled as he quickly pulled away from her, knocking the popcorn by her head off the bed and making popcorn scatter all over the floor. “Shit” Steve looks at the mess on the floor and back to you, lips plumper after his assault. “Shit” he says again. “I’m so sorry.” He whispers. “Shit, Y/N. I’m so sorry! I didn’t—” He cuts himself by cursing at himself again and again.
 Y/N pushes the hurt she’s feeling at the moment. What was he about to say? That he didn’t mean any of it to happen? 
 She places a hand on Steve’s left cheek and it seemed to immediately calm him down. “Breathe, Steve. It’s okay. Everything’s fine.” You smile at him which he returns sadly.
 “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean for that to happen, I was just… I don’t know what got into me.” Steve stuttered, almost crying. That’s not how he wanted it to come out.
 Y/N looks at Steve with a faux smile. Ouch. Saw that one coming but it still hurt like a motherfu—
 “I shouldn’t have done that.” Steve shakes his head. 
 Y/N gives Steve an understanding nod. And here I thought things couldn’t get uglier.
 “I mean… I don’t want to ruin what we have. Our friendship, I mean. I love being friends with you and I love what we have and I don’t want to ruin that because of me.” Steve tries to explain. Keyword: tries. “I mean you’re obviously the most gorgeous person in the world but I don't want to lose what we have just because of a kiss or a ruined relationship, do you get what I’m saying?” Steve looks at you hopefully. Clearly, he’s not very good at explaining things but you nod nonetheless.
 “I totally understand. I mean… I’ll be more than fine to try things out with you but I understand where you’re getting from. I wouldn’t want to lose what we have either. I guess being friends is the best idea for you.” Steve flinches at your words. Your tone was sweet but your words were hurting him and it’s his own fault too so that just frustrated him even more. 
 “How about we forget about what just happened and stay as good friends, deal?” Y/N gives him a friendly smile. How the hell is he supposed to just forget about what happened. That was easily the best thing that’s happened in his life and he drove the woman he loves the most to tell him to just forget about it.
 “Deal.” Steve smiles. I am a fucking idiot. I managed to put myself in the ‘friendzone’. 
 Y/N nods and starts to head for the door before looking over her shoulder towards Steve.
 “Goodnight, Steve.” And then she was gone.
 Steve’s smile fell and he turned around to study the mess left behind. Popcorn all over the floor, game of thrones playing on the screen, and a very hard cock under his pants.
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That was it for Steve. He knew he fucked everything up when he barely saw you and talked to you anymore. When you no longer made him the usual iced chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles that you always made him, it broke his heart. But what really broke his heart is when you started skipping out on your movie nights with him. He’s beginning to think that you’re spending extra hours in the lab with Tony just to avoid him and it did horrible things to his heart.  Y/N cursed at the turn of events. She hated how the movie night incident turned out but she was ready to make things go back to normal but of course, Tony decided to overload her with work. She didn’t blame him though. They were at the peak of their research and they’re almost done with it and Tony wouldn’t stop until they finished. Y/N stayed to help her mentor/boss until they got to finish the work. She couldn’t deny the fact that she too is excited about the outcome of the research so she kept herself busy.
  She saw how it affected Steve though. She saw how his face would light up every time he would catch her taking quick snacks in the kitchen but she would watch that handsome smile disappear from his face when she waved at him to say goodbye and run back to the lab just to continue on her work. She knew that Steve being Steve, he would blame himself for it so she made a little bit of time to explain how things are currently hectic in the lab.
  Steve felt a little bit of weight lifted from his shoulders when she approached him after training one afternoon. She handed him his shield as she talked about a few changes and improvements she did here and there. He was so happy that she was finally talking to him again that he couldn’t help but just admire the way her lips moved and her eyes looked at him with a glint of excitement as she talked about his shield.
  “Steve?” Her smooth voice brought him back to reality and he smiled at her adoringly, patting her shoulder awkwardly before thanking her for the improvements she did on his shield. “I just want to point out that I’m not avoiding you.” Y/N bit her upper lip as she looked at Steve shyly. Steve thought that she could never be more adorable than this.
  “Tony and I are working on this research and we’re both really working our asses off. We’re so hellbent on finishing the research so we’re always working on it over time. I just… I don’t want you to think that I’m avoiding you.” She finished with a breath. 
  Steve looked down at her, processing her words before breaking off into a grin. He leaned down to give her a hug which she gladly returned before pulling away. Steve cursed at himself for immediately missing the way she felt against him. 
  Steve lets out a loud sigh before smiling at her. “Thank, god. I thought I scared you away.”
  “Never” she grinned before looking down at her wristwatch. “Well, I gotta head back to the lab” she gives him a smile before offering him a handshake, saying “Friends?”
  Steve bit the insides of his cheeks as he remembered the position he put himself in. 
  He gripped her small hand with his big ones before nodding. “Friends.”
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  Y/N thought that the day she and Tony get to finish their research would never come but here’s Tony now, planning a party for the achievement. He’s also telling you something about introducing and showing you off to an old friend of his that he invited. Max Eisenhardt, you heard Tony say. He was a fellow scientist who specialized in magnets and Tony can’t wait to show him your research about vibranium.
Steve finds Y/N in the kitchen a few hours before the party starts, making her famous iced chocolate milk. “Do my eyes deceive me or is that my most favorite chocolate drink in the world?” Steve walks over to her, placing his elbows on top of her head before placing his chin on them. “Congratulations on finishing the research, Y/N. I’m really proud of you.” He sincerely says and he watches her duck under his arms and looks at him with a playful smile. “Thank you, Steve.” She makes a move to fix her hair before looking back at the glass. “And yes. This is your favorite drink” she winks at him.
“Well, not to be presumptuous or anything but… is it for me?” Steve bites his bottom lip as she pretends to think about it before nodding. “Of course, it is! It’s been so long since I made you one so I figured I’ll make you one before the party starts.” She grins at him before handing him the glass which he gleefully takes before drinking it, not minding the whipped cream that stained his nose and his lips. 
 Steve’s heart leaps in joy when he hears her laugh at him before handing him a towel. “Clean yourself up, captain. I’ll see you later at the party.” She waves at him before leaving the kitchen. Steve would’ve preferred it if she was the one wiping his face but he settled with cleaning his face on his own.
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You settled on wearing black slacks, a white button-down shirt, and a pair of black flats. Tony mentioned something about introducing you to his scientist friends so you figured that a formal attire would suffice. You were barely starting on fixing your hair when Tony barged in. He took a quick look at you before smirking and dragging you out of your room and into the elevator. 
 “What the hell, Mr. Stark. I wasn’t done—”
 “You already look amazing. Cap will definitely lose it.” Tony smirks at you and before you could even say something, the elevator door opens. He gently pushes you out of the elevator before pulling you towards a middle-aged man who smiled at you immediately when he saw Tony dragging you towards him.
 “That’s Max Eisenhardt” Tony whispers to your ear before pushing you towards the guy. You stopped yourself from falling onto Max and he was nice enough to steady you by placing both of his hands on your arms. “You okay?” He gently spoke with an accent you couldn’t quite name.
 Y/N cursed at Tony in her mind for putting her in this situation. She manages to give the man a smile before nodding flusteredly. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Max. I’m Y/N. Mr. Stark’s lab assistant.” Y/N offered a hand for him to shake but he quickly shook his head. 
 “No need for formalities. Call me Erik or Magneto.” He reached for your outstretched hand and pulled on it until you fell onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around you before chuckling and pulling away. You gave him an awkward smile before nodding and sneakily walking away when he and Tony started talking about magnets and whatnot.
 Steve’s blood boiled when he watched the interaction between one of Tony’s friends who calls himself Magneto and Y/N. The way he shamelessly grabbed you and flirted with you made Steve think of horrible things on how to dismantle a man’s arm. He hated this feeling. He was so sure that he’s jealous. He knows that he’s jealous.
 Tony somehow managed to push you towards Magnet—or was it Magneto? Max? Erik?— every time he would find you hiding from the guy and you managed to sneak away every time as well. He seemed like a really nice man but he could learn a thing or two about taking hints. She politely rejected him five times already and he still hasn’t given up yet. Y/N just have another guy in her mind and possibly her heart so she couldn’t be bothered by any other person. She’s got eyes on Steve and him alone.
 Steve felt so proud and giddy whenever you would politely dismiss this Magneto guy’s advances on you. He would watch as you would shake your head with a smile before leaving the guy. He enjoyed watching the guy get rejected over and over again but at the same time, he hated seeing you so uncomfortable. 
 Steve couldn’t do anything but watch as Tony introduced you to a bunch of other threats scientists. He was doing his best to remain calm but when he saw you smiling and getting cozy with one of the younger scientists, he couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t do anything and he didn’t have the right to be jealous so what the hell would he do? He also couldn’t just stay and watch as another guy wins her heart.
 Steve settled on ditching the party.
 “Y/N, is that you?” A familiar yet strange voice spoke up from behind her as she was ducking behind a wall, avoiding a certain scientist. 
 Y/N felt like the angels above blessed her when she saw a familiar face when she turned to look at where the voice came from. “Cisco?! Is that really you?” The smaller man with long hair nodded while grinning at her. He spread his arms to his sides before saying, “The one and only!” 
 Y/N couldn’t help but squeal and jump on her heels as she jumped into his arms, hugging him as tightly as she could. She knew Cisco from freshman year in college up until they got their own jobs in very well known industries. “Oh my god, it’s been so long!” 
 The two continued to talk and catch up with each other’s lives until a point where Cisco bid his friend farewell saying something about needing to be home for his family.
 Y/N tries to look for the one person she wants to be with but fails to see his face at the party so she decides to look for him at the compound before a certain Magnet named scientist comes for her again.
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“There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Y/N groans as she closes Steve’s door. She frowned at him before asking, “Why’d you leave the party?” 
 Steve closed his eyes before letting out an exasperated sigh. “The atmosphere was becoming a little too much for me” he gives her a cheeky smile, patting the spot beside him on the bed. Y/N happily plops herself down beside him before nodding. “Yeah. Tony’s really good at being too much with his parties. Also, I think his friend got mad at me” 
 Steve frowned at that. “Magneto?” his face reddens when he sees her watching him, probably wondering how he knew the scientist. She’s probably thinking how much of a creep I am and how I was watching her the whole time. 
 Much to Steve’s relief, she chuckles under her breath before shaking her head. “So that’s his name! I understand why he got so annoyed now!” Y/N laughs and Steve just watches her with a smile on his face. 
 “Why? What happened?” Steve asks, praying to god that no asshole tried to hurt you. “I kept calling him Magnet instead of Magneto...” Y/N watches Steve as he lets out a laugh, his eyes closing, and little wrinkles forming at the sides of his eyes. Why is he so beautiful?
 “Tony seemed determined to push that guy to me though…” Y/N stares off into the distance and Steve managed to get all the confidence he could get to ask. “Seems like he was trying to set you up with a lot of his scientist friends.” he chuckles but it was so dry, he was scared that she might see how annoyed he was with the idea.
 Y/N tilts her head and looks at him with furrowed eyebrows and at that moment, Steve felt his heartache for not having the guts to just ask the woman in front of her out. How can she manage to make his heart feel like this every single time?
 “What do you mean? Magneto’s the only guy he’s setting me up with” Y/N’s voice cuts Steve's internal battle with himself. 
 “What about that guy with the long hair… I think his name was Cisco?” Steve pretends to not know his name but in all honesty, he’d done every research on the guy as soon as he got to his room.
 “Oh! Cisco!” Y/N’s face lights up at the mention of her friend’s name and Steve felt his heart break a little at her excitement. “He’s an old friend from college. He’s a very nice guy.” Y/N starts and Steve prepares himself for the heartbreak that’s inevitable.
 “We were both freshmen and I used to get bullied by this group of guys. You would think that being in college would stop all the stereotypes and all that but no. These guys would always torment me just because they can but then Cisco, I didn’t know him yet, stood up for me. Even though he was much smaller than the guys and is completely outnumbered, he still fought them and instead of me being bullied, it was us two getting all the torment. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.” Y/N laughs at the end of her story, remembering the event in her mind. 
 Steve’s blood boiled at the thought of people bullying you. If there is anything that he hates the most, it was bullies. As much as he tried to hate this Cisco friend of yours, he genuinely sounds like a nice guy. Kind of reminds him of himself.
 “I can’t believe how we both turned out to be. We’re both scientists now but it looks like he’s doing much better than I am.” Y/N looks down and shakes her head with a smile.
 “What do you mean? If you ask me, I think you’re doing a hell of a job!” Steve’s voice cracks a little and he couldn’t help but blush as Y/N looks up at him with a smirk.
 “I know. I’m working for Tony Stark, for goodness sake. It’s just Cisco is living the complete package of adulthood. Being married, having kids, and all that.” Y/N sighs, standing up from the bed before moving towards the door.
 Oh… Oh!
 Steve stood up from the bed as fast as he could, walking towards her with determination. 
 “Woah, Steve. I’m just going to get some snacks—” Y/N stops talking as Steve pulls out a small velvet box from his slacks and hands it to her. 
 “I uhh… Congratulations on the research, Y/N. I’m really proud of you.” he guides her hands to open the box, revealing a vintage necklace with a scarlet gemstone.
 “Steve… You honestly didn’t have to.” Y/N admires the necklace before running her fingers against the red stone. Steve takes the necklace and moves to stand behind her. “May I?” He asks her to which she quickly nodded.
 Steve stared at Y/N and admired how she managed to look ethereal with or without the necklace. “You know… I bought that necklace for you a few months after I met you.” This was it. Steve couldn’t keep his feelings from her anymore. He might regret it later but at least he got to tell her how he really feels.
 “You did?” Y/N whispers under her breath as she looks up at Steve when he tilts her chin up with his fingers.
 “When you were tasked to babysit me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. About how you were so understanding. The way you were so patient with me. The way your eyes lit up each time you would tell stories about something you’re passionate about.” Steve gulps before continuing, “I knew I was fucked when you laughed at one of my lame jokes. I remember how angelic your voice sounded and how everything seemed to disappear and all I could see was your face.”
 Y/N stared at Steve with hooded eyes. It felt like she was in a dream. She watched how his eyes glossed and watched him breathe through his lips before he leaned closer to her, lips barely touching.
 “What about being friends?” Y/N watches him as he bites his bottom lip.
 “Fuck being friends” he breaks the distance and kisses her with determination. One of his hands finds its way to her back while the other cradles her face, pulling her closer to him as if he didn’t want any space between them. 
 Y/N’s hands find their way towards the back of his neck, pulling him closer with the same determination. They didn’t pull away from each other until they needed to breathe. 
 Steve goes back in for another kiss, guiding her back to the bed and positioning himself on top of her.
 Their night was just getting started and wouldn’t end any time soon.
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  Steve stared at you while you peacefully slept beside him. You looked otherworldly wearing nothing but the necklace he gave to you, rays of sunshine hitting parts of your skin, and his blanket laying on top of your body. He decided then and there that he will always want to wake up to this view. He wants to wake up every day with you beside him. He smiled at the idea. 
 His cheeks tinted red when he remembered how you looked on top of him and how you looked under him. How you became breathless because of him and how your body squirmed under his touch. Just the thought of you makes his cock spring back to life. It doesn’t help that you’re currently staring at him with a small smile and tired eyes. 
 “You’re awake!” Steve breathes out, eyes widening a little.
 “Good morning to you too” Y/N chuckles at Steve's reaction before turning to look at the ceiling.
 “You’re beautiful, you know that?” Steve leans down to kiss your lips, then your nose,  and then your forehead. You smile up at him before kissing his lips.
 “So we’re not friends anymore?” Y/N raises an eyebrow at him before giving him a cheeky smile.
 “I want to do this the right way.” Steve watches Y/N tilt her head in confusion.
 “Let me take you out on a date,” Steve asks. 
 “I think you got your sequence a bit mixed up, Steve.” Y/N grins and Steve retorts with showering her face with kisses making her giggle under him.
 “Okay! Okay! I’ll go on a date with you on one condition.” Y/N straightens up before staring at him seriously.
 “Anything” Steve responds immediately.
 “I’ll go on a date with you if you agree to become my boyfriend” Y/N gives him a toothy smile.
 “I will gladly be your boyfriend… I guess I’m not the only one who got the sequence of dating all messed up, huh?” Steve teases her and she just laughs in return, taking Steve’s dress shirt from the floor and putting it on. It was big on her so it fell just above her knees and she rolled the huge sleeves up to her forearms.
 Steve admires her in his clothes. Another view that he would always want to see. He stands from the bed only to pull her body on top of him as he lays back on the bed.
 “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go.” Steve’s voice was deep and sincere and he loved how her body responded to his voice.
 “I’ll only leave you when you no longer want me but I’ll still be there to watch over you. I’ll always be there when you need me.” Steve turned her body around so now they were chest to chest.
 “I don’t think that’s possible.” Y/N watches Steve as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
 “I will never not want you. Besides, I got it bad for you just as you got it bad for me.” Y/N leans her face closer to his, pressing her forehead against his. 
 “How do you know that?” Steve smiles as he looks at her lips before looking back at her eyes.
 “Because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go as well.” Y/N grins before pressing a kiss on his lips and him immediately responding to the kiss by pulling her body closer to his. A kiss that sealed their relationship because they were no longer just friends.
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Tim’s plastic surgeries have made him physically indistinguishable from Jack. When both are caught by bandits with a score to settle, Tim puts his acting skills to use to protect Jack, despite how much the CEO rants otherwise.
Tim is way too good at what he does, and he suffers for it.
This is Day 5′s sentence prompt fill for FebuWhump: “Take me instead”
This labeled as Understudy. Also on my ao3 here. My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here. 
Jack had always applauded Tim’s acting skills. The guy was talented as hell. Sometimes Jack couldn’t even remember which of them it was in his biopics that they watched together. Tim sometimes seemed like he knew him better than he knew himself, and he trusted the younger man’s judgment when he slipped into important roles that Jack himself couldn’t be there to fill.
Right now, though, Jack wanted nothing more than for the handsome idiot to shut that gorgeous mouth and stop claiming that he was Jack. But Tim wouldn’t do it; kept pushing the inbred bandit clan that had taken them, and they were taking it out on the younger man’s body.
Tim was taking a beating meant for him, and the double wouldn’t drop the act, despite how Jack yelled at him otherwise. He was bleeding already from the mouth and nose, still standing somehow, but his arms were bound behind his back, and he was kept from retaliating by two brain-dead lunks gripping him at the elbows.
Jack wasn’t scared at first-- didn’t want to accept that he was scared now- but he didn’t know how much more the double could take. There hadn’t been any demands made yet. No trying to extort cash or guns or anything that might tempt the usual Pandoran idiots; Jack didn’t know how to manipulate the situation to their advantage. It seemed like all they wanted was to lay down some hurt on Jack.
But without knowing who was who-- they’d both said they were Jack when it had come to it- the bandits had had to choose who to start with.
Apparently, Tim made a more convincing Jack than Jack did.
Tim’s left eye was swollen shut, bruising already darkening the flesh as he visibly began to sag against those flanking him; they made sure Tim stayed up while their boss laid into him.
Jack couldn’t handle not being able to do anything. Not being able to command Tim to shut up and tell them who he really was. Not being able to put a damn bullet through their thick skulls. “I told you morons, he’s a double!!” Jack raged from where he was trapped in what more or less amounted to a human birdcage in the room. “Timothy!! Goddammit, tell them who you are!”
Tim spat blood on the floor, then laughed. “...he’s good, right?” Tim boasted with a rough, cocky sort of tone, looking up. He hurt all over, and they hadn’t really even begun yet in his opinion. Right now it was still just fists laying into him. And that was something Tim knew that he could take.
But what he couldn’t take was letting them have Jack. If he could do anything, he wanted to protect the CEO while he could; buy more time while their drones must be trying to locate them.
Tim gave Jack a smile, something genuinely amused in his words even for how bloody his smile was. “I get what you’re trying to do here, kiddo, but I’m the hero of this story. Me. The real Jack.” Jack made a face, and Tim fell back on the easy speech patterns of a calm, confident CEO of Hyperion. He could see the effect it had on the older man; he knew he was good, and he knew Jack wished he wasn’t right then. “It’ll take more than these assholes to do in your pal Jack, cupc--”
The punch to Tim’s midsection knocked the wind out of the double with a painful sound, and Tim dropped to his knees and bent over himself wheezing for air as their assailants laughed.
Jack was scared that the younger man was going to get himself killed at this rate.
Not that Jack didn’t think they weren’t going to kill the both of them anyways, but there was no reason to hurry that process along. And Tim’s smart mouth-- Jack’s smart mouth- was going to get him into trouble.
“...Yeah, fuck this,” their boss spoke as he finally wiped Tim’s blood off his hands and onto his pants.
Tim stayed down still trying to catch his breath. Jack hoped that meant that this was done. That they’d quit for the day-- or at very least trade Tim out for Jack. This never should’ve happened to Tim. Loyalty, love, regardless, Tim should not be experiencing this.
“Take ‘im downstairs. Put ‘im in the chair.”
Tim was hoisted up by his arms, weakly slumped forward in their grasp as blood and saliva dripped from his mouth to the floor. He couldn’t lift his head, but he’d caught his breath; he was still defiant.
“...I can... take whatever you dish out… butthead.” He grunted in pain as he was hoisted up further, and Jack absolutely rattled the cage with helpless panic. They’d kill him. They were gonna kill Tim. He was absolutely gonna be killed. And Jack couldn’t do anything.
“No! No, hey! Take me, you assholes! He’s just a liberal arts major! He’s a stupid-good actor with expensive surgery!!” Jack shouted out. He railed on, chest tight with a sudden panic that he wasn’t going to see Tim come back up alive if they took him now. He was stuck in this damn cage, helpless to stop it, and the thought of losing the other man was too much to even consider.
It had Jack scared to death.
“He’s a useless double!! I’m Handsome Jack! Me, you shit for brains! Take me instead!”
Jack could hear Tim’s cries echoing up the stairwell from where they’d taken him. He didn’t know what they were doing, but he screamed his throat raw trying to convince them who he was: gloating about smaller victories in non-publicized towns on Pandora. Of the finer details of murdering Tassiter; of things that he knew Tim could never hazard guesses at all; things which incriminated him a far deal more than Jack wanted to admit to himself
Something must have worked along the way, because one of them came up for him and took Jack below as well with utter outrage.
Both of them woke up in Hyperion medical beds several days later, whole if not worse for wear.
Jack wished he could remember what had happened once he’d been taken below. He remembered putting up a hell of a fight. That much he was certain of. He had the feeling he’d blinded one of them with just his fingers, but there was no telling for sure. The unit that had rescued them had cleaned up the whole town and murdered everyone in the compound, so he supposed it didn’t matter in the end anyways. The hero won.
Tim no longer sounded like Jack. But he didn’t sound like himself, either. Voice modulator improperly removed, and a reconstructive surgery hours later to fix it, and Tim was joking about this voice still sounding better than his original one, but already missing the sound of ‘his’ old voice.
He wasn’t going to be Jack’s double again for a long time. Not if their new menagerie of scars were any kind of indicator. The one at Tim’s throat was especially brutal; he didn’t know when he’d be able to get back on the job convincingly unless Jack took to wearing turtlenecks.
Jack had a different solution for the problem entirely.
He told Tim in a voice that left zero room for argument that Tim was retiring from the double program with a generous severance package… Or else.
Tim was frankly not keen on finding out what ‘or else’ might entail, but when he told Jack that he had a generous package for the older man as well, the CEO just smirked.
At least Tim’s good humor survived everything, and for everything else, well, the painkillers certainly helped matters.
my kofi | ao3 main
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This was requested by the lovely @fallinforhappiness​! I hope you enjoy! Considering I had already done similar prompts for Damien, I chose to do them with Shayne this time!
Prompts Used: 9.  “He loves you, you know? He’s just afraid of admitting it.”   15. “I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.”
(gif by me)
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Shayne watched you from across the room at the Smosh office, smiling to himself as you were laughing with Courtney. Your smile was so beautiful and so infectious to him. If only he could find it in him to actually tell you that.
Your friendship meant the world to him. Shayne realized that he had feelings for you about a couple months after you guys met. The more he got to know you, the more his feelings grew for you. He knew he needed to tell you how he felt soon because he just needed to know if you might feel the same way.
“Yo, Shayne.” Damien called to Shayne, breaking him from his daydream. “Jesus, I’ve been trying to get your attention for 20 minutes.” He exaggerated with a knowing smile.
“Sorry, I was trying to think of how to finish this.” Shayne motioned to the computer in front of him.
“Come on, man, we both know that’s a lie. You were watching Y/N.” Shayne looked over to you to see if you heard Damien. “Don’t worry, she didn’t hear me. When are you gonna tell her?”
Shayne sighed and scrolled through the script page open on his computer.
“I don’t know.”
“Look, as a fellow anxiety sufferer, I get it. It’s feels scary.”
“It’s different with Y/N, and I don’t know why. Normally I could find it in me to at least ask for a date but I just--”
“It’s normal to really like someone and fear rejection. It a basic human fear. But you know you’re gonna have to tell her if you want to see where things go. She won’t be single forever.”
“I know.”
Damien stood up, patting his friend on the shoulder before he left the office to get some coffee from the kitchen. 
“Hey Damien.” You greeted with a smile on your face as you went into the fridge.
“How’s it going?” Damien smiled back at you.
“Not too bad. I can’t complain. How are you?”
“Pretty good. Just trying to get that next sketch finished with Shayne.”
“Speaking of Shayne...is he okay? He’s just seemed a little spacey and frustrated earlier.”
“Oh yeah, he’s fine. He’s dealing with some stuff right now.”
Damien took a moment to really think if he should say what he wanted to say next. Maybe if he told you about Shayne you would take the pressure off his best friend and if you felt the same, you could ask Shayne out instead. Or he could make it look like this was all his doing because in reality, he was right now.
“So, hey, I was thinking about setting Shayne up with someone.” Damien continued casually, making his coffee the way he liked it. “Would you hate me for saying that I think you would be good for him?”
“Really?” You replied in surprise. “That’s big coming from his best friend.”
“Yeah, of course you. I think you would be good for him.”
“I don’t know...I don’t think he would see me as more than a friend.”
“Trust me, you don’t have to worry about that.” 
Damien paused when he realized what he blurted out. Crap. He already kinda sorta spilled the beans. Well...that didn’t take long at all. Sorry Shayne...so so sorry.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
Wait, wait...was that hope Damien heard in your voice? Oh god, please. Please let it be. Despite possibly blowing this for Shayne, he really did mean it when he said that he thought you would be good for him. He still ended up sighing because he felt bad that he let the secret halfway out of the box...and was about to let it all out.
“Okay, look…” Damien put his coffee down on the counter. “He’s probably gonna kill me but he loves you, you know? He’s just afraid of admitting it.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. Love? Wow, how long has he been holding out on you?
“He loves me?” 
Oh goddammit, Damien. Did you have to use the ‘L’ word? That’s it, no more coffee for him because apparently he didn’t start messing up until he drank any.
“How long has he had these feelings for me?” You asked.
Honestly, wow. You did not see that coming. You felt butterflies in your stomach and hope filled your heart. You had the biggest crush on Shayne and sometimes you swore it was obvious but maybe you hid it well enough to go undetected.
“Long enough.” Damien relented, deciding there was no point in hiding it. “I know he thought you were cute when you guys met but the longer you guys got to know each other…”
You nodded, understanding where he was going. You lightly smiled when you thought of the timeline because it matched up to yours.
“Can you let me talk to him? Like, don’t mention this conversation to him?” You smiled at Damien softly.
OH thank god. He didn’t mess this up. 
“Thank you, Damien. Seriously.”
You waited to talk to Shayne. You didn’t want it to be obvious you had talked to Damien about it so time was important. You didn’t want to unintentionally rat out Damien.
Currently, you and Shayne were the only ones at the office at the moment. Damien and Courtney were both filming and you two weren’t expected on set for at least another hour.
“No, I think we can add that here.” Shayne told you, pointing to the paragraph on the page and moving his finger up halfway.
“Yeah, the joke would land better there.” You agreed, cutting the paragraph and pasting it back.
You looked over to Shayne. Maybe now would be a good time to talk to him about what Damien told you last week. You both had managed to finish sooner than expected so you had some free time.
“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.” You added before looking back to the computer, hitting the save button.
“Sure, what’s up?” Shayne asked, curiosity in his tone.
“I, uh--” Oh no...the nerves were kicking in. Why? Damien said Shayne had feelings for you so what are you nervous? “This may sound like it’s coming out of left field but I like you, like, really like you.”
Shayne’s heart started beating what felt like a million miles a second...you...you had feelings for him too?
“And I feel like I needed to say something because I didn’t want to possibly regret not telling you.”
“Y/N…” Shayne started, his nerves getting the best of him. Wait, what the hell? You basically did the hard work but he still had a rough time with it? “I--I don’t feel the same way--” WAIT WHAT? SHAYNE WHAT WERE YOU DOING?”
You heart sank...was Damien wrong? I mean, why would he lie about something like this? Did even Damien misread things? You took a shaky breath in and nodded.
“It’s okay. I understand.” You began to grab your things...you just needed to get out of there.
“Y/N, wait…” Shayne tried to stop you.
“I’ll see you on set, yeah?” You smiled at him sadly.
You were already out the door before he could correct himself.
“Are you serious?” Damien asked Shayne.
“I don’t know what happened, I panicked and that’s what came out.” Shayne said.
“Oh Shayne--”
“I know, I know.”
“You need to make this right.”
“How? I don’t think she wants to talk to me right now. I just hurt her feelings.”
“You can fix it by straightening up the misunderstanding. You do it or I will.”
“Look, I’ll give it until tomorrow.”
“Why wouldn’t you wanna try now?”
“Because like I said. She wouldn’t want to talk to me right now. She needs some space.”
Damien shook his head and before he could just ignore what Shayne said, they were called to set...unfortunately there wasn’t a chance for them to talk after that.
Turns out you had a date the next night with a friend of Courtney’s and Shayne didn’t take to that very well. You decided to work from home that day so he couldn’t fix it or he can at least tell you why you couldn’t go out on that date.
Thing was, you decided not to go out on that date. You decided it would be best to stay home and sort out your feelings instead of acting on a bad impulse. It wouldn’t be fair to Courtney’s friend if you chose to go out with him because you were hurting after what happened with Shayne.
You were watching Schitt’s Creek on Netflix when your phone rang. You paused it and grabbed your phone seeing Shayne’s name on the Caller ID. Should you answer? Yeah. Of course. It could be important because normally he’d just text you.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Y/N…” Shayne voice sang on the other line, followed by a laugh. “Oh Y/N...yer so beauful.” He slurred.
“Are you drinking, Shayne?”
“No, no. I finished. Im callin cause Damimen--Damin--Damien? Yeah Damien said to. He hope you can give us a ride home.”
“Why can’t he?” 
“He doesn drink much...but he did wif me so he cant drive.”
“Where are you?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Damien said from the passenger’s seat. He wasn’t as drunk as Shayne but he had enough to keep him from driving.
“It’s okay, Damien. Better this than you guys driving home.” You replied with a small shrug. “So thanks for being responsible and not getting yourselves hurt or killed.”
“Y/N…” Shayne called from the back seat. “I messt up.”
“It’s fine, Shayne.” You couldn’t help but smile. Drunk Shayne was new to you and it was funny.
“Nooo...no s’not. I really like you.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.”
Damien smiled in shock as he looked towards Shayne. Finally. Also, he managed to get that out with a slur. Impressive. He then looked over to you to your shocked face as well.
“Wh--why didn’t you just say that yesterday after I told you how I felt?” You asked as you turned to face him at the red light. 
“I panicked. I been waitin to hear that then I said what I said. M’sorry.”
These past 24 hours have been a rollercoaster on your emotions. But in a sense, it was worth it because Shayne fucking felt the same way. It was happening. You quickly wiped at the tears brimming your eyes as you turned to face the stop light, a small smile on your face. 
“Hey.” Shayne greeted you when you answered your front door, nervous smile on his face.
“Hey. Come in.” You said, moving aside so he could come in.
“Thanks for last night. I’m so sorry about you dealing with drunk me.”
“Drunk you was hilarious. But how are you feeling?”
“Well, I woke up feeling like I was hit by a bus but I’m slowly getting better.”
“So about last night. I meant what I said. And I’m sorry I made you believe that I didn’t like you back.”
“It’s okay. Really, Shayne. I got into my own head and didn’t let you finish.”
“It’s not your fault.” Shayne took a step closer to you and took your hands in his. “I’m just glad to know you feel the same way about me. With that being said, can I take you out tonight?”
“Of course you can.”
You couldn’t help but close the gap between the two of you and lean in. Shayne met you halfway, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss.
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Whumptober #28
Borderlands - #28 - Accidents
“Up, Timmy!”
Tim looked up at Jack but didn’t move from his seat. Jack scowled at him and smacked his lunch off the table, the food splattering on the floor.
“I said I wanted a cat, not a boss who has all the worst traits of a cat,” Tim said, glaring.
“You’re going to clean that up, pumpkin,” Jack said, patting his shoulder. “And make it quick. We’ve got places to be.”
“It’s my day off,” Tim said.
“Day off?” Jack laughed so hard that Tim wanted to smack him. “Not when you’re me, kiddo. Heroes don’t get a day off.”
Tim heaved a sigh and stood up. He looked around and snapped at the closest loader bot. “Clean up that mess. Some asshole dropped his food.”
“Language,” Jack chided. “And I thought I just told you to clean it up.”
“Heroes don’t clean up food like some lousy janitor,” Tim said. 
“Alright, fair.” Jack slung an arm around his shoulder. “Now, the real reason I dragged you back from the casino. We’re going to take a trip to Opportunity to see how the construction is going. They’re bringing in some expensive materials at the end of the week, and I want you to oversee the construction for a bit.”
Tim would much rather stay in the casino, where the vault hunters couldn’t get him. “Why me?”
“Because bandits have been trying to steal the construction materials. Those chump doubles there suck at combat. But you? You, kiddo, held your own on Elpis. So you’re going to get out there and make me look good, at least for a week or two. Then I’ll stick you back in the casino like I promised,” Jack said. 
Just one or two weeks. That wasn’t so bad. He doubted the vault hunters would even bother with Opportunity right now, anyway. Jack had them running circles around Pandora, but he tended to keep them away from places like that. 
“Fine,” Tim said reluctantly. “Do I at least get a bonus for this?”
“Already taken care of,” Jack said, which made this whole thing a lot more pleasant. “Extra pay for your time there. Don’t say I never gave you anything.”
Well, for some extra pay, Tim would tolerate it. He allowed Jack to lead him along towards the office.
They activated the fast travel station in the office and arrived just outside Opportunity. Jack led Tim inside, and Tim looked around curiously. He hadn’t been here in a while, and construction was coming along nicely.
“Handsome Jack, sir!” a worker said in alarm, running up to them. He looked briefly afraid to see two of them, but shook it off and wisely didn’t mention it. “Sir, it’s not safe to walk around this area right now. We’re moving materials up to the roof, and some of them have been slipping off. We’ve already had two workers injured and one killed.”
“Well maybe you should be more careful, kiddo,” Jack said, and strolled past him. “Keep up, other-me. This is the section you’ll be keeping an eye on.”
Fantastic, another hazardous workzone. He wondered if having materials dropped on him would be better or worse than being shot at on the moon, then decided he never wanted to find out. Shit, he missed the casino already.
“Paycheck, Timmy,” he mumbled to himself. “Do it for the paycheck bonus.”
“The bandits have been sneaking in, because apparently these idiots can’t even do a basic security job,” Jack said. “I’ve got someone working on getting new security in, but in the meantime, you’re in charge of killing anyone who gets in here unauthorized. And make a big show of it. You can, I dunno, stick their heads on a stake outside or something to warn off the others.”
“Yea, no, still not a psychopath,” Tim said.
Jack shrugged. “Your loss. It’d probably make the job easier.”
“I’m not sticking anyone’s head on a stake,” Tim said. 
“Oh, please, we both know you’d do it if I paid you to,” Jack scoffed.
“...Alright, depends on how much. But still,” Tim said. 
“The other double will be on the opposite side of Opportunity to watch their operations there. So you’ll just have to-” Jack started.
Tim looked up, startled at the shout. But then he saw something plummeting at the two of them, and he moved instinctively, just the way Jack had trained him to.
He shoved Jack out of harm’s way, just in time. Something crashed into him, and he screamed at the sudden agony in his legs as he hit the ground. 
People were yelling all around him, but Tim could only scream and writhe in pain. His legs. God, his fucking legs.
Someone jabbed him with something- a health kit, maybe. He didn’t know. It hurt too much to focus on anything but the pain and the horrible pressure on his legs.
“-im! Tim!”
His own voice. No, Jack’s voice. 
He was injected with something else, and after a few more moments of excruciating pain, everything fell numb. He panted heavily and looked up at Jack’s angry face.
“Whoever the hell dropped that on him! I want their asses on Helios when I get back!” Jack snapped. “Goddammit, look at this mess. Do you know how expensive he was?”
Tim looked down, and his face paled. There were huge slabs of marble crushing both his legs, blood pooling all around him.
“Sir, the doctor just arrived at the fast travel station!” someone yelled.
“My legs,” Tim said numbly.
“We gave you something to numb you. You wouldn’t stop screaming,” Jack said, putting a firm hand on his shoulder. “Don’t move or you’ll make it worse. I’m going to be really pissed if they can’t fix this.”
Their personal doctor rushed over with a small team. “What happened, sir?”
“An accident. These idiots just dropped marble on his legs,” Jack said, gesturing to it. 
Tim felt detached from his body as they attempted to remove the marble from his ruined legs. One of the medical team guided his head onto the ground so that he was looking up at the sky instead of their progress.
But still, he found himself staring up at Helios. He’d given everything to Jack. He’d just sacrificed his own legs to save Jack.
But some part of him knew how this was going to end. He knew what that horrible pain meant.
“Sir,” the doctor said a long while later, his voice quiet. “There is no fixing the damage to his legs. We’ll have to amputate both of them.”
“Ampu-” Jack stopped and swore loudly. He ran a hand down his mask, and Tim watched him, his stomach sinking. 
Because he knew Jack. And he knew what Jack would not tolerate.
Sure enough, Jack took his gun out. “Goddammit. They better have rounded up every idiot who caused this. I’m pissed now. He was supposed to oversee construction here. He was a good investment.”
“You can get me prosthetics,” Tim said, but his tone was empty. 
“Do I look like I have prosthetic legs?” Jack said in annoyance, kicking Tim’s shoulder. Tim felt nothing, his body still numb. “You were useful while it lasted, but these useless morons just ruined one of my greatest investments. I’ll have to find another doppelganger now. What a pain.”
Tim wanted to argue. He wanted to beg. He wanted a last chance to call his friends in the casino, or even his mom. 
But none of that mattered to Jack. Tim was just damaged goods now, and Jack didn’t like broken toys.
He’d survived so much. To think an accident would be the thing to finish him.
He would’ve been fine if he’d moved out of the way. His reflexes were quicker than Jack’s. It was Jack who would’ve been crushed.
But Jack had trained Tim too well. Tim had just reacted, not stopping to think about his own safety because Jack had drilled it into him for years that his safety didn’t matter anymore. Only Jack mattered.
And now…
“Jack,” Tim whispered.
Jack rested the gun against Tim’s temple. “I’m showing you mercy, kiddo. If I don’t do this, there’ll be surgeries and physical therapy. You’ll never be whole again.”
Jack didn’t really care about any of that. He just didn’t want to see himself damaged. They both knew it. 
There was no guilt, no pity. Jack would pull the trigger and it would be back to business.
Tim looked back up at Helios. There was nowhere else to look. If he had to pick a final sight, at least it wouldn’t be that uncaring face he’d worn for the past several years.
“Asshole,” Tim said, and closed his eyes.
He heard Jack’s laugh, but then the gunshot rang out and everything stopped.
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danurso · 5 years
The twins during Halloween 🎃
(Yeah, i know im late for halloween, do you want the story or not? You want? Good, now read it)
Jaune: *leaving the bathroom in a knight armor* so, what do you think?
Nora: *dressed as frankenstein* it looks so cool!
Ren: *dressed as ninja* it fits you really well.
Pyrrha: *dressed as a witch* looks really good.
Jaune: thanks, although i think it's a bit tight on the chest area.
Nora: well, you did got more muscled since last year so i think it makes sense
Jaune: yeah, you're probably right.
Jaune: coming! *open the door*
Ruby: *dresses as a werewolf* roar! Trick or treat!
Jaune: *chuckles* hey ruby.
Ruby: hey jaune, nice costume.
Jaune: thanks, yours looks really good too.
Ruby: i know. So, yang and blake went ahead to the halloween party, are you guys coming too?
Jaune: yup, they were just waiting for me to put on the costume. By the way, are weiss and bleiss already on the party?
Ruby: nope, they're still getting their costumes on.
Jaune: right.
Ruby: are you coming?
Jaune: i'll wait for them, you guys can go ahead, i'll be there in a minute.
Nora: sure thing fearless leader. *grabs ren and drags him away*
Pyrrha: just don't wait too much, i don't think there's going to be much candy left after nora gets to the party.
Jaune: *sheepishly* yeah, i know.
Ruby: we're going then, don't be late. *walks away with pyrrha*
Jaune: welp, guess i'll wait here, they're probably almost over, it shouldn't take long.
*half-hour later*
Jaune: *sitting on the floor and playing with his scroll* . . . . . *sigh* just where are they. *closes the game and opens the messenger*
Jaune: bleiss? Are you there?
Bleiss: im always here for you darling.
Jaune: where are you and weiss?
Bleiss: me and sis got a few problems with the costumes, but i don't think it's going to take long to fix it. Actually, you could come here and help us out, it would make things way easier.
Jaune: i'll be there in a sec.
Bleiss: thanks darling, love u.
Jaune: *sighs, getting up and knocking on the door*
Weiss: c-come in!
Jaune: *walks in* so, what's the proble- *blushes*
Bleiss: *in a sexy devil outfit* hello there mr.knight.
Weiss: *in a cute angel outfit and looking away with a blush* h-hey. . .
Jaune: *looking away with a dark red blush* w-what are you two wearing!?
Weiss: d-don't look to me, it was bleiss' idea!
Bleiss: yeah it was, but it wasn't me who turned the internet upside down after the costumes, nor it was me who paid almost the double of the price just to make sure the costumes would arrive on time.
Weiss: *blush deepens* 
Bleiss: *chuckles while getting closer to jaune and leaning on his chest* what's the matter mr.knight? The devil got your tongue?
Jaune: i-i-i-
Bleiss: *grinning* did he darling? Cause if he didn't i can gladly make that happen.
Jaune: *getting redder and redder* . . .
Weiss: h-hey *hugs his arm* i thought we agreed i would go first today.
Bleiss: what can i say? the devil lies sometimes, deal with it sis.
Jaune: g-girls, could you let go for a sec.
Weiss/Bleiss: why?
Jaune: i-its just that you two are a bit *gulp* too close.
Bleiss: *grin gets wider* ohh, a pure hearted knight like you having impure thoughts? How embarrassing.
Jaune: *even redder*
Bleiss: don't be shy, just give in to your dark side *tiptoes, whispering on his ear* i promise you won't regret.
Jaune: *staring at bleiss* i-
Weiss: w-wait!
Jaune: *looks back to weiss*
Weiss: *blushing* d-don't fall for the tricks of a devil. . .if you're having impure thoughts *dark red* i can help you to deal with them.
Jaune: *getting a nosebleed* w-weiss, i-
Bleiss: ignore her mr.knight *hugs his arm, pressing her chest on it* angels are just too correct, if you give in i can make you feel good in ways you could never even imagine.
Weiss: d-don't listen to her! I. . .i might not be creative like a devil, b-but i will do my best to make you feel good *pulls him to a kiss* so please don't give in! 
Jaune: *speechless*
Bleiss: you fucking cheater, well, two can play this game *pulls jaune into a kiss, this time longer and more heated*
Weiss: h-hey!
Bleiss: *grinning* what?
Weiss: you can't keep him all to yourself! *pulls jaune into a deep passionate kiss*
Bleiss: i can do whatever the fuck i want. *pulls him into another heated kiss*
Weiss: no you can't! *pulls him yet again i to a kiss*
Bleiss: i can, and-
Jaune: *dark red* STOP!!!
Weiss/Bleiss: *freezes*
Jaune: look girls, i appreciate the surprise but i can't think straight with you two fighting over me like that.
Weiss: right, sorry.
Bleiss: yeah.
Jaune: *sigh* thank god.
Bleiss: that means we should just go for it at the same time. Truce?
Weiss: okay.
Jaune: wait, that's not what i- *gets tackled on the bed*
Bleiss: can you please take care of his mouth? He talks way too much sometimes.
Weiss: *sitting on his stomach* agreed.
Jaune: wai- *gets silenced by weiss kissing him*
Bleiss: while you two are busy, i think i'll have fun down here *starts taking off his pants* this thing is really hard to take off, are all knights that worried about their chastities?
Jaune: *breaks the kiss* b-bleiss? What are you doing? We should be at the party already.
Bleiss: oh believe me mr.knight, the party is going to start soon. Angel! Shut him up please!
Weiss: *kisses him again*
Jaune: *deep red*
Bleiss: *yanks his armor pants off* hehe, get ready mr. Knight, party is about to start. *licks her lips*
*a few hours later*
Ruby: *on the corridor* where are they? They didn't showed up at the party
Pyrrha: something must've happened.
Yang: like?
Ruby: *getting on her dorm* i don't know, maybe-
Jaune: *naked on the bed and covered in hickeys and scratches* err. . .hey guys.
Ruby: . . .
Yang: . . .
Blake: . . .
Pyrrha: . . .
Ren: . . .
Nora: . . .
Jaune: . . .
Ruby: what happened?
Jaune: would you believe if i told you that i was attacked by a demon and an angel?
Ruby: nope.
Weiss: *pops out from under the blanket rubbing her eyes* what's going on? I'm trying to sleep.
Bleiss: *also pops out from under the blanket* yeah, what's up with the fucking noise?
R_BY/_NPR: . . .
Ruby: okay, now i believe in you.
Blake: i guess we're sleeping on JNPR's again, right?
Yang: it looks like that.
Blake: *sigh* goddammit. *closes door*
Weiss: *looking around, still sleepy* what was that sound?
Jaune: n-nothing snow angel, it was nothing.
Bleiss: *pulls him back to the bed and lays on the left side of his chest* great, now shut the hell up darling, i wanna sleep.
Weiss: sleep sounds good *lays on the right side of his chest.
Jaune: good night you two.
Weiss/Bleiss: niiight~
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Reimeiroku Saito Final Chapter
have i ever mentioned how i’m a masochist when it comes to this stuff? like, i will freely admit how i actually don’t like translating and doing more unnecessary work, but I when I do something for myself, I tend to want a certain degree of quality.... which is why i decided i’d do some video editing for this... a decision that I really regret now though i can say that it’s something that i know hate more than photoshop lol. 
after i finished my yuugiroku 2 vid, i figured i might as well try to install Visual Novel Reader to see if that could offer me better visual and audio quality for this... but before I finished installing it, I went and checked what videos were available that I could use for assets and found a video made through vnr had about the same audio quality as to ppsspp... along with videos from someone other psp emulated version of this... which i then clipped for audio. 
between visual and audio quality... i’ll pick audio any day so after deciding that i’d be using some of the less grainy audio i found along with my ppsspp footage... i set to work trying to layer the tracks.... but since the audio didn’t match the visuals’ timing, I had to manually cut pieces of my screencap video up so that it matched the audio timing, while also making sure that the visuals looked like they were still continuous (damn  circle icon which wouldn’t go away and caused problems)... on top of which, i had to deal with removing a number of random black screens that would just flash on screen for less than a second when i ran reimeiroku through the ppsspp emulator.... then i also had to find the song that plays towards the ending of this cuz the audio i had cut before the end of my screencap vid which was also a pain because i couldn’t find the damn thing anywhere on youtube so i had to go find the game rip audio (thankfully i have a site for that. also in the game, that song doesn’t naturally fade out and i manually added in that effect cuz i felt like it and thought it was better than the audio just cutting off) so i could put that in and align it so that track matched the audio timing for the vita audio track.... and then i also had to do something about the interval where i had to increase and decrease volume since the end kept sounding off no matter what i did....tho i kinda think the video still sounds off in 2 places.
once i got all the damn visuals and text properly lined up, i gave up on having to deal with the the stupid circle icon in that was originally in the bottom right hand corner since i got pissed enough seeing it and cuz it was no longer continuously in motion so I decided to remove it entirely along with the auto-play icon (at this point im on about version 10 of the video).
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then, to cover up the right side of the video, i figured that’d i’d just stuck up an image over top of that section.... but after several tries i gave up on that since every damn picture i imported regardless if that was a screenshot of the game or a screen capture of the video from the editing software itself, nothing would match the colour of the text box for some infuriating reason... which ultimately led to me redoing everything so i didn’t have the stupid text box then stringing together clips between those stupid bouncing icons to erase the damn thing entirely though i thankfully didn’t worry about the auto-play icon the second time around....
however, doing that in itself posed a whole new problem since what i could effectively clip was less than >0.5 seconds each time to create cropped video layers that would hide that stupid icon, and my comp reaaaaaallllly started to issues when i did more of this and when i copied and pasted too many of those millisecond clips together... it got to the point where i was waiting 15 minutes for about 4 seconds of copied hide-the-damn-icon-video-clips (or about 8 hours for 40 seconds worth)... which pretty much crippled my computer..... 
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this resulted in me having insane amounts of segments that looked entirely like this^, which occurred whenever there was an icon to hide... or text shake for some reason.... which caused me to create +20 openshot files for editing...(btw this is 138 tiny clips over the span of 6 seconds)
in the end, over the course of a fucking month, which i can honestly say that me finishing this for today was a complete coincidence (i barely managed to finish Warframe’s Scarlet Spear event cuz of how bad this was lol), i lost count of many versions of this video I made sometime after I reached version #32, openshot crashed on me at least 15 times (gave up counting that too), and my laptop crashed twice.... 
after i finally finished my video, i thankfully didn’t spend that long on subtitles but it took me far longer than i’d have liked to get the damn positioning right since potplayer is annoying when it comes to single lines and i had to guess and check the positioning almost every other time for some strange reason whenever i had a single line... which was never a problem when i had 2 or 3 lines of text... but editing was a slight hassle cuz i wanted the text used to be as accurate as possible... and i checked 3 reimeiroku tls of this chapter and the JP mtl of a bunch of sentences just to be sure. 
anyway, thanks to doing all of this unnecessary torture, i am absolutely never going to ever be repeating this experience ever again even if someone pays me because video editing is a serous pain in the ass and I hate it more than photoshop (also why the hell does ppsspp have so many issues with reimeiroku when compared to yuugiroku 2)!!!
also, learned my lesson and didn’t write this post this after staying awake til an ungodly hour lol. my attention to basic grammar plummets like a rock if i stay up past 4 am.... so i decided to write out all my grievances beforehand.... and put my video for this at the very bottom cuz im terrible like that and want everyone who sees this to deal with a massive wall of text xD! suffer! suffer as i have dammit lol!
enjoy the fruits of my damn labour! i’ve passed the point of caring if there are errors in this so keep anything you notice to yourself!! goddammit i noticed something wrong that i couldn’t ignore... namely the chapter name and my credit.... fixed that now.
on a final note, it’ll probably be more than a year before I touch Reimeiroku again because of my commitment to what I am able to translate for SSL so don’t ask lol.... 
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Explosive warmth
Ground Zero ¦ Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
GENRE: Smut. Fanfic. 18+. Aged up characters
WARNINGS: Smut, sex, cursing.
This is my first fanfic post. I hesitated on posting this, but here we go. Hope you like it. 😊
P.S This was originally a bakugo x original character because I like writing with names, but I changed it to bakugo x reader. Sorry for unchanged pronouns/grammar errors.
Please do not copy/plagiarize. Lovelots.💟
You took the coffee from the server's hands, thanked him, and rushed out the door.
You entered the company and went straight to the elevator, a few good mornings was thrown back and forth
You went straight to Ground Zero's office and placed the coffee on his table, exited the office, went to the bathroom and looked at yourself.
You pulled your sleeves, removed some hair covering your face.
The rush was intense this morning.
You went back to your designated desk and checked his schedule for today.
He is supposed to appear on an interview with Deku.
You sighed. He yells everytime you bring this one up.
Suddenly, you heard some explosions coming from Bakugo's office.
"God fucking dammit! Y/N!" You immediately stood up and went for his door, knocked three times before entering.
"Yes?" You asked standing in front of him.
"That shitty hair is gonna come here today." You nodded.
You just cant help but stare at him, his muscles evident on his shirt. His sweatpants exposing the slight bulge.
"Hey?! Are you listening?!" You snapped back to reality when you heard him yell.
"O-Okay, I'll be sure to serve him tea later." He glared at you, and you smiled at him.
"By the way, the interview with Deku today-"
"Goddamit! I fucking told you to cancel that shit! Im not going to have an interview together with that fucking nerd!"
"Yes, you told me that, but I also told you that Im not gonna cancel this one anymore because its already the third time this month, that you want an interview with the number one hero, cancelled. So, I'll be accompanying you later. Dont worry."
He growled at you. "Who the fuck is the boss here?!"
"You, of course." Beaming a smile at him. "We'll be leaving by 4pm, Sir. So, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving now." You turned around to leave. You hear him muttering curses and shuffling around, you just chuckled and headed for the door.
"Goddammit. Y/N." You turned around once again when you did, a pair of something soft touch your lips.
He kissed you roughly and you responded immediately. Your hands wrapped around his neck and his are placed on your waist.
The couple of you were so deep in the kiss when knocks on the door disturbed your heated rendezvouz
Both of you let go, catching breaths.
"I-I'll check it out." You manage to utter. Suppresing the whine of having to stop. You fixed your ruffled blouse, opened the door and saw Red riot smiling outside.
"Whats up?! Is bakugo there?" You just nodded.
"Red riot's here." When your head turned around he is already on the couch looking pissed.
You let Red riot in and asked him to sit on the opposite couch where bakugo is sitting.
"Hey! Whats with the face?" Red riot asked.
"You're an idiot. You fucking bastard!" You chuckled at his response.
You went to the counter behind the couch where Red riot's sitting to prepare tea.
They were talking about Hero work, well. Red riot is talking about hero work and Ground Zero's just staying silent.
"Hey. Bakugo. You know. You should try dating already!"You felt your ear throbbed when you heard that, you even stopped moving to see if he's gonna answer.
A few seconds passed by.
"Dating doesn't sound too bad." For some odd reason, his response made your heart skip a few beats.
You took a deep breath and brought the tea to them.
"Mmmm! This is really good Y/N."
"Thank you, Red riot."
"You can call me Eijiro when we're alone!" He took another sip of tea.
"You know, I cant believe that you're gonna last as bakugo's secretary. You're so sweet and bakugo's just-"
"Stop talking there you idiot! Dont give her any ideas!" You just chuckled and shook your head.
You just slipped back to the counter to clean up.
"You should leave now!"
"What?! Why?"
"Leave now or I'll blast you off the roof!"
"Fine! fine! Thanks for the tea again, Y/N!" You paid a look at Eijiro who is now on the door waving goodbye.
"Bye eijiro!"
"What the fuck?!" You jumped when Ground Zero appeared behind you and yelled.
"What is it?"
"Why're you calling that Idiot Eijiro?!" You frowned.
"Because he said so?" You responded, not sure why he is acting all weird about it.
"Then I command you to call me Katsuki too!" shocked is the appropriate word to describe how you feel when he snapped.
"O-okay, K-kat-su-ki." You felt your cheeks blush, its the first time you called him his first name.
"Its KATSUKI! The fuck are you stuttering for?! You just called that idiot Eijiro!" You blinked a few times while staring at him.
Is he somehow jealous?
"You're being cute." You told him.
"The fuck is being cu-"He was cut off when you pulled his collar and kissed his lips.
You heard and felt him mutter idiot while you kiss but did not pay anymore attention to that and just continued enjoying his lips.
He let go of the kiss and pulled you by the wrist. He pushed you on the couch.
He smirked, and damn, he is hot.
You looked into his eyes and it was those of a predator ready devour its prey, which is YOU.
That thought brought a chill down your spine, out of excitement.
He then kissed your lips again, not too long though. His kisses travel down to your neck almost immediately.
He nibbled and sucked, and you're sure it left a mark there again.You're gonna have to conceal that again..
You felt a grasp on your left breast which made you moan. He started to unbutton your blouse impatiently, complaining that its taking too long, so you helped him.
When its finished, he immediately took it off. He took no more than 5 seconds to remove your bra next.
He kissed your cleavage and proceeded in licking your left nipple.
You moaned when he started sucking on it aggressively, your back arched, feeling more and more sensitive to his touch.
His right hand went roaming further down when you felt his finger touch your sensitive part.
You bit your lips as the thin clothing between you and his finger felt so rough.
"T-touch me more, please." You uttered, eager to feel more of him.
He stopped suckling your nipple and went back to face you. He claimed your lips once more as he slipped off your underwear.
You then, touched the hem of his shirt before pulling it up, he continued removing it for you.
His muscles are defined,you thought. Tracing down his abs with your finger.
When you reached his sweatpants, you pulled the string and looked at him.
He's staring at you intently, you pulled his arm to get him even closer.
"I want you inside me, Katsuki."
"Godammit!" As if the tiny string thats been holding him back popped, he flipped you over.
With no warnings, he slammed his cock inside you. It made you moan loud. You held on to the sofa while he's coming in and out of your castle.
Your walls are embracing his cock very well and he lives for it.
"You're so fucking wet!" You bit your lower lip, getting turned on by his grunts and moans.
""K-katsuki! You feel so good inside me!"
"Yeah? Whose cock can make you feel this good?"
"Y-yours katsuki! Only yours!" You screamed, head is spinning because of the sensation he's making you feel with every thrust.
"Damn right!" His pace fasten as you felt a familiar build up.
"I-I'm close!"
"M-me too. im gonna cum inside you!" My eyes widen when he said that.
"W-wait! I might- ah! get pregnant katsuki!"
"Yeah? Then get pregnant with my child!Ah! fuck!"
"Katsuki!" You called his name out as you felt a blissful release.
"Y/N!" Not a moment later you felt katsuki's seeds spilling inside your walls.
You felt his hand arounf your waist, embracing you.
You rested on that position for a minute then and both sat down on the couch.
He placed his arm around your shoulder as you rested on his chest.
You stayed silent for a few minutes.
"We should start going out together." You shot my eyes up at him, looking shocked.
"What? Dont you dare tell me that you just want to be fuck buddies?!" You laughed, he really panicked.
"Take me out on a dinner first." You answered, sticking your tongue out to tease him.
"Fine. whatever." You smiled and rested on his chest again.
"But not tonight, you have the interview and you said your mother asked you out tonight." I said, circling my fingers in his chest.
He grunted but did not protest anymore. You smiled again.Still can't believe he's asking you out.
"Stop blushing!" He yelled. You looked up at him again, and he should talk. His cheeks are deep red.
You just shook your head and chuckled.
EDIT: Part two can be found here
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scaryscarecrows · 4 years
AN: I don’t know how we got here and I don’t care.
* * *
“I feel like I should make a bird joke,” Jim says, leaning against his car and digging his cigarettes out of his jacket. Robin sneezes and wedges himself a little further under Dove’s wing-er. Arm.
“Fuck off, Jim,” Dove tells him. “Kid takes a trip into the river and you’re gonna make fun of him? Wow.”
“Yeah, commish,” Robin croaks. “I coulda drowned.”
Jim fishes his cigarettes out of his coat and corrects, “I’m not making fun of Robin.”
She gives him a flat look and says again, “Fuck off, Jim.”
Though come to think of it, Robin does indeed resemble a baby bird that fell out of the nest. Not a bald one, but a scraggly, screeching one that can sort of glide from a tree stump to the ground. He’s a wet, bedraggled mess and truth be told, he’s damn lucky he didn’t get dragged into the bay because of that stupid cape. Does it detach? It should. If it doesn’t, Batman should fix that.
Robin cackles before convulsing in another sneeze and pulling the towel into a hood. Jim sighs, because what is he, fourteen? He shouldn’t be out here. There’s nothing he can do about it, but he’s always been skittish about the idea of Robin.
“That wasn’t smart, kid.”
Robin flashes him a cocky grin from behind his styrofoam cup.
“But I got ‘im,” he says, voice stiff in an effort to force it through chattering teeth. “Was th-the—”
“Less talking, more drinking,” Dove says, and he takes a sip, pulls his knees up to his chest. “Thank you.” She leans away and the noise the kid makes before he catches himself is absolute distress. Jim won’t make a bird joke. But it’s tempting. “Hold still, I’m gonna try and—”
The distressed noise returns when she gets her fingers pressed into the towel on his head and starts scrubbing. But he holds still-well, as still as he can, given the rough treatment-with one hand curled protectively over the cup lid.
“It’s something,” she says at last, and when she pulls her hands away Robin burrows miserably against her side again. “Drink.”
The kid draws his cup under his chin and rasps, “I’m gonna die.”
“Don’t be a dumbass.”
“I am. I think I swallowed something squishy.”
Jim grimaces. Given the state of Gotham’s waters, that’s…that’s not unlikely.
“You know what they say, kiddo,” Dove tells him. “Couldn’t swim, couldn’t float…”
“I’m serious!”
“If it hasn’t killed you by now, you’ll be fine,” she says smoothly, but she adjusts the shock blanket so it’s a little snugger around his shoulders. “Finish that, it’ll help dilute whatever you swallowed.”
Or, at the very least, inspire him to puke it out. Jim’s sympathetic. He’s taken his share of impromptu swims, and even barring the recent concern of Croc, they’re never pleasant.
Fifteen minutes later, Robin’s asleep in what looks like the most uncomfortable position possible; he’s pressed as close to Dove as he can get, but his shoulders are up around his ears and one hand’s clasping the blanket closed at his neck.
“Well, now I’m really tempted to make that joke.”
Dove looks like she’s going to give him the finger, but refrains. And he thinks it’s because she doesn’t want to disturb Robin, until—
“You saw him,” he accuses, and Dove grins at him, just a little too sharp, a little too close to Penguin for his liking.
“He’s fine,” he tells Batman. “Just worn out from his swim.”
Ahh. So verbose, is Batman.
The man steps around him and then Robin is cradled in his arms. The movement wakes him, just enough to crack his eyes open and mumble, “T’anks for th’ hot choc’l’te.”
“Sure, hon. Go back to sleep.”
“An’ for th’ warm.”
“Sure, kid.”
“Night, commish.”
He has to. He’s a father and he has to. Batman will appreciate this, he’s sure.
“What do you give a sick bird?”
Robin sneezes. He’s always been a helpful sort.
Batman doesn’t really do anything, but Jim knows he’s laughing on the inside. Robin laughs on the outside, for all of two seconds before he sneezes again and curls miserably into Batman’s arms, pressing his forehead against the chest plating. Jim wonders how that’s comfortable. Robins are weird. The first one used to do handstands...on Batman.
(That Batman didn’t even seem to notice was nothing short of hysterical.)
Dove bites back a laugh and Jim should let it go, he knows he should let it go, but…
“There, see? Birds of a feather--”
“Fuck off, Jim.”
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banditthewriter · 5 years
Dirty Work - Billy Russo - 7
Here you are, part 7! Reminder that this is only 10 parts long, so we’re wrapping up. 
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
*gif is mine*
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The specs were all over the place. You pushed aside the files you were working on and grabbed a different set. Maybe it was just your exhaustion that was making everything blend in together. 
You flipped through the pages slowly, your mind wandering. Your hand moved to press against the sore spot under your breasts and winced. 
Three weeks and you were still sore. 
Though you'd never been shot before so maybe this was normal. How would you know?
Curtis had given you some care instructions before you left his makeshift clinic. You had been doing pretty well in taking care of the wound so you thankfully didn't have to go to the hospital. 
In the three weeks since you had been shot, you had slowly packed up Billy's things. His clothes, his toothbrush, his shampoo, his mug. The whole of your relationship with the man fit into a cardboard box. 
You didn’t send it to him. You figured he wouldn't want the stuff back. And if he received a package from you, he'd probably think it was a pipe bomb. 
Instead you left it on your kitchen table. This way you had to look at it and face your guilt every day. 
As you tried to force yourself to focus on the files in front of you, your door swung open. You hadn't even heard the knob being turned. 
You raised the gun you kept beside you, pointing it at the intruder, but your hand wavered when you recognized the person. 
He looked pissed beyond belief. He slammed the door behind him and stormed forward, glaring at you. You lowered the gun but didn't release it.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
There was something violent in his voice as he stalked forward. 
"I… I live here? What the hell are you doing here?"
Billy slammed his hand on your desk, making you jump. You placed the gun against the table but still didn't release it. 
"Goddammit Y/N, I told you to get out of New York. I told you this guy was coming after you. Why the fuck didn't you disappear?"
So that's what this was about? You pushed your chair back, keeping the gun in hand, and stood up. Slowly, because your chest hurt.
"I'm not running Billy," you said quietly as you moved around the desk and towards the living room couch. 
"The hell you aren't. Go pack a bag."
You narrowed your eyes at Billy before you settled onto the couch. 
"Why do you care Billy? The trouble I'm in is because of what I did."
He still looked livid. He marched over to the couch and yanked the gun from your hand. He checked that the safety was on before he tucked it into the back of his jeans.
"Pack a bag, grab the cash, and let's go."
You stood up on shaking legs, but when he moved to allow you through, you refused to budge. Instead you held your hand out for the gun he had taken from you. 
"I'm not running Billy. If the guy wants to go after me, I accept the consequences. If it means you're safe, I'll take it." 
You wanted to tell him you loved him, but he didn't want to hear it the first time. You doubted he'd feel better about it now.
Billy looked between your face and your hand before he finally pulled the gun out. He slapped it into your hand and took a step back. 
"You're a goddamn idiot."
You gave him a bit of a smile, the first you'd been able to conjure in weeks.
"I'm well aware," you promised quietly.
He turned around and made his way to the door. You thought about telling him his stuff was on the table, but instead you watched him disappear out of your place. Out of your life.
"What the shit? Why am I just now hearing about this?"
"Because I didn't want you to do anything stupid," you cautioned David as you shifted a bit in the seat. "The hit is off of Billy and I doubt he will come back to make sure I died. It's fine."
"It's not fine. These people aren't playing. I can't believe you didn't tell me you got shot."
He was driving erratically and you had to remind him of the speed limit more than once.
"I think it's because of the digging you did for me. You gotta promise not to continue. I don't want him to come after you next."
David scoffed, but you saw him check his rear view mirror. 
"So that's just it? You and Billy are done?"
You sighed, your hand moving to the ache in your chest. It wasn’t physical pain this time though.
"I tried to have him killed David. It doesn't matter that I tried to stop it. He'll never trust me again."
David made a sympathetic noise before he turned onto the next street. Even he didn't have anything to say to that.
"Henry, can you print off those reports for me? I want to make sure I have them all."
You leaned back in your desk chair and frowned at the screen of your computer. This was supposed to be an easy day but it was shaping up to be horrible.
Your office door pushed the rest of the way open, but it wasn't your assistant that stood there. It was Billy.
Henry stood behind Billy, dwarfed by his height. He fixed his glasses and frowned at you. 
"I'm sorry Miss Y/L/N, he wouldn't take no for an answer."
That sounded about right. You sighed but offered a nod to Henry to let him once it was okay. He pulled the door shut with a huff. 
"He never liked me," he said with half a grin before he turned to look at the windows. "I see you still haven't taken my advice and left the city."
You rubbed your forehead. Then, when it became obvious that he wasn't going to get to his point quickly, you propped your chin up on your hand.
"Is there something I can do for you Billy?"
He turned and looked at you, his eyes narrowing. He paced the length of your office, reminding you of jungle cats in cages. You hadn't been to the zoo in a long time, but you imagined you weren't far off in your comparison. 
"You won't leave the city and continue to put yourself in danger, so I’ve decided to help you."
That drew you up short.
"Help me with what?"
Billy turned to face you, one eyebrow raised.
"I'm going to help you get this guy off your back. We'll make sure you're safe and then we're done."
Done. So after you were no longer in danger, you'd never see Billy again. It almost didn't seem worth it.
"You don't owe me anything," you reminded Billy in a soft voice. "I brought this on myself. You're not responsible for what happens to me. I can… I'll be fine."
You wanted it to be true, but you had no idea where to start. You lived every day like it could be your last.
Billy crossed over to the desk you sat behind. He put his hands flat on the surface and lowered himself so he could look into your eyes.
It was the closest he had been since he'd caught you after you had been shot. You could smell his aftershave and feel the heat coming off his body. 
Good thing you were sitting or you would have been weak in the knees.
"Once upon a time, you were the woman that made me think that I deserved to be happy. I would've done anything to make you happy. It's that person I'm gonna help. I owe her that much."
There it was again, the feeling of being heart broken. 
"Okay," you said softly as you broke eye context, "okay, I'll let you help. Then you'll never have to see me again."
You didn't bother trying to decipher the look on his face at that. It wouldn't do you any good. 
Billy sat back up and gave you a nod.
"Okay. We start tomorrow."
What had you gotten yourself into?
Let me know if you want to be added to my Permanent Tag List @hermioneshandbag @onebatch--twobatch @smiley-celine @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @starless-skyox @youveseen--thebutcher @citation-is-here @mightymelly @realduckvader @1550kilogramsofsilver @hxbbit @rockintensse @missphanosaur18 @thepuffyeyedpuff @the-three-eyed-ravenclaw @yessy2012 @gingerstarlight @siriusement @marauderskeeper @xinyourdreamsx @wickidlady @sassygirl25 @maraudereestauderelb @rainyboul @cutie-bug @random-quartz @holamor @lea----b @heyitslexy @detectivebourbon @coffeenmoscato @presstocontinue @elisemockingbird @assbuttwithwings @geeksareunique @siriuslovesmarlene @witch-of-letters @delicatelilyflower @l-l-c-m-w-b @whovianayesha @hiddenprincess @yannii04 @jeanettexkillian @brighteststarinthesky @kilyra @gallxntdean @sweetvengeancee @lady1505 @thedarklightwithinus @ateliefloresdaprimavera @siriuslyimmoony @elodieyung @fudgeflyss @madamrogers @thatwrestlingfan91 @teranya @sophiabulbu69 @delusionsofnostalgia @effielumiere @mamaraptor @hot-and-spiceyyy @i-padfootblack-things @aya-fay @fcavalerro @bellamys @raquelbc2003 @iwishyoucouldbekissed @taman-a @newtstarmander @suchatinyinfinity @blushingskywalker @queencocoakimmie @funerals-with-cake @love-dria @arrowswithwifi @swiftyhowlz @cheyfleur @dark-night-sky-99 @margot-black @celestegolden @king4thesirens @beautifuldesastre @ashkuuuu @luminex3 @nerdypinupcrystal @iblogabout-stuff @curlyhairedblueeyedangel @myplaceofheavenorhell @nea90sweetie @traeumerinwitzhelden @lexxierave @binbons-is-theloml @lostinthoughts23 @aikeia @christinawxxx @cafeconsoya @kryyta @russosprettydiamondnow @dorkybryan @mahalobro @yesixoxo
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berrydorkstuff · 5 years
Explosive Warmth
GENRE: Smut. Fanfic. 18+. Aged up characters
WARNINGS: smut. sex.cursing.
Word count: I dunno. Sorry 😥
This is my first fanfic post. I hesitated on posting this, but here we go. Hope you like it. 😊
Oh, btw, I posted this on my original acct instead of the one for writing. Maybe I'll just post it again there, or maybe not. Lol
P.S This was originally a bakugo x original character because I like writing with names, but I changed it to bakugo x reader. Sorry for unchanged pronouns/grammar errors.
Please do not copy/plagiarize. Lovelots.😘
Ground Zero Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
You took the coffee from the server's hands, thanked him, and rushed out the door.
You entered the company and went straight to the elevator, a few good mornings was thrown back and forth
You went straight to Ground Zero's office and placed the coffee on his table, exited the office, went to the bathroom and looked at yourself.
You pulled your sleeves, removed some hair covering your face.
The rush was intense this morning.
You went back to your designated desk and checked his schedule for today.
He is supposed to appear on an interview with Deku.
You sighed. He yells everytime you bring this one up.
Suddenly, you heard some explosions coming from Bakugo's office.
"God fucking dammit! Y/N!" You immediately stood up and went for his door, knocked three times before entering.
"Yes?" You asked standing in front of him.
"That shitty hair is gonna come here today." You nodded.
You just cant help but stare at him, his muscles evident on his shirt. His sweatpants exposing the slight bulge.
"Hey?! Are you listening?!" You snapped back to reality when you heard him yell.
"O-Okay, I'll be sure to serve him tea later." He glared at you, and you smiled at him.
"By the way, the interview with Deku today-"
"Goddamit! I fucking told you to cancel that shit! Im not going to have an interview together with that fucking nerd!"
"Yes, you told me that, but I also told you that Im not gonna cancel this one anymore because its already the third time this month, that you want an interview with the number one hero, cancelled. So, I'll be accompanying you later. Dont worry."
He growled at you. "Who the fuck is the boss here?!"
"You, of course." Beaming a smile at him. "We'll be leaving by 4pm, Sir. So, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving now." You turned around to leave. You hear him muttering curses and shuffling around, you just chuckled and headed for the door.
"Goddammit. Y/N." You turned around once again when you did, a pair of something soft touch your lips.
He kissed you roughly and you responded immediately. Your hands wrapped around his neck and his are placed on your waist.
The couple of you were so deep in the kiss when knocks on the door disturbed your heated rendezvouz
Both of you let go, catching breaths.
"I-I'll check it out." You manage to utter. Suppresing the whine of having to stop. You fixed your ruffled blouse, opened the door and saw Red riot smiling outside.
"Whats up?! Is bakugo there?" You just nodded.
"Red riot's here." When your head turned around he is already on the couch looking pissed.
You let Red riot in and asked him to sit on the opposite couch where bakugo is sitting.
"Hey! Whats with the face?" Red riot asked.
"You're an idiot. You fucking bastard!" You chuckled at his response.
You went to the counter behind the couch where Red riot's sitting to prepare tea.
They were talking about Hero work, well. Red riot is talking about hero work and Ground Zero's just staying silent.
"Hey. Bakugo. You know. You should try dating already!"You felt your ear throbbed when you heard that, you even stopped moving to see if he's gonna answer.
A few seconds passed by.
"Dating doesn't sound too bad." For some odd reason, his response made your heart skip a few beats.
You took a deep breath and brought the tea to them.
"Mmmm! This is really good Y/N."
"Thank you, Red riot."
"You can call me Eijiro when we're alone!" He took another sip of tea.
"You know, I cant believe that you're gonna last as bakugo's secretary. You're so sweet and bakugo's just-"
"Stop talking there you idiot! Dont give her any ideas!" You just chuckled and shook my head.
You just slipped back to the counter to clean up.
"You should leave now!"
"What?! Why?"
"Leave now or I'll blast you off the roof!"
"Fine! fine! Thanks for the tea again, Y/N!" You paid a look at Eijiro who is now on the door waving goodbye.
"Bye eijiro!"
"What the fuck?!" You jumped when Ground Zero appeared behind you and yelled.
"What is it?"
"Why're you calling that Idiot Eijiro?!" You frowned.
"Because he said so?" You responded, not sure why he is acting all weird about it.
"Then I command you to call me Katsuki too!" shocked is the appropriate word to describe how you feel when he snapped.
"O-okay, K-kat-su-ki." You felt your cheeks blush, its the first time you called him his first name.
"Its KATSUKI! The fuck are you stuttering for?! You just called that idiot Eijiro!" You blinked a few times while staring at him.
Is he somehow jealous?
"You're being cute." You told him.
"The fuck is being cu-"He was cut off when you pulled his collar and kissed his lips.
You heard and felt him mutter idiot while we kiss but did not pay anymore attention to that and just continued enjoying his lips.
He let go of the kiss and pulled you by the wrist. He pushed you on the couch.
He smirked, and damn, he is hot.
You looked into his eyes and it was those of a predator ready devour its prey, which is YOU.
That thought brought a chill down your spine, out of excitement.
He then kissed your lips again, not too long though. His kisses travel down to your neck almost immediately.
He nibbled and sucked, and you're sure it left a mark there again.You're gonna have to conceal that again..
You felt a grasp on your left breast which made you moan. He started to unbutton your blouse impatiently, complaining that its taking too long, so you helped him.
When its finished, he immediately took it off. He took no more than 5 seconds to remove your bra next.
He kissed your cleavage and proceeded in licking your left nipple.
You moaned when he started sucking on it aggressively, your back arched, feeling more and more sensitive to his touch.
His right hand went roaming further down when you felt his finger touch your sensitive part.
You bit your lips as the thin clothing between you and his finger felt so rough.
"T-touch me more, please." You uttered, eager to feel more of him.
He stopped suckling your nipple and went back to face you. He claimed your lips once more as he slipped off your underwear.
You then, touched the hem of his shirt before pulling it up, he continued removing it for you.
His muscles are defined,you thought. Tracing down his abs with your finger.
When you reached his sweatpants, you pulled the string and looked at him.
He's staring at you intently, you pulled his arm to get him even closer.
"I want you inside me, Katsuki."
"Godammit!" As if the tiny string thats been holding him back popped, he flipped you over.
With no warnings, he slammed his cock inside you. It made you moan loud. You held on to the sofa while he's coming in and out of your castle.
Your walls are embracing his cock very well and he lives for it.
"You're so fucking wet!" You bit your lower lip, getting turned on by his grunts and moans.
""K-katsuki! You feel so good inside me!"
"Yeah? Whose cock can make you feel this good?"
"Y-yours katsuki! Only yours!" You screamed, head is spinning because of the sensation he's making you feel with every thrust.
"Damn right!" His pace fasten as you felt a familiar build up.
"I-I'm close!"
"M-me too. im gonna cum inside you!" My eyes widen when he said that.
"W-wait! I might- ah! get pregnant katsuki!"
"Yeah? Then get pregnant with my child!Ah! fuck!"
"Katsuki!" You called his name out as you felt a blissful release.
"Y/N!" Not a moment later you felt katsuki's seeds spilling inside your walls.
You felt his hand arounf your waist, embracing you.
You rested on that position for a minute then and both sat down on the couch.
He placed his arm around your shoulder as you rested on his chest.
You stayed silent for a few minutes.
"We should start going out together." You shot your eyes up at him, looking shocked.
"What? Dont you dare tell me that you just want to be fuck buddies?!" You laughed, he really panicked.
"Take me out on a dinner first." You answered, sticking your tongue out to tease him.
"Fine. whatever." You smiled and rested on his chest again.
"But not tonight, you have the interview and you said your mother asked you out tonight." You said, circling your fingers in his chest.
He grunted but did not protest anymore. You smiled again.Still can't believe he's asking you out.
"Stop blushing!" He yelled. You looked up at him again, and he should talk. His cheeks are deep red.
You just shook your head and chuckled.
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77marvelimagines · 5 years
Ursala’s Bet
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Ursala’s Bet
Tony Stark X Reader
Prompt(s): For the Drabble thingy can I get #64 with Tony Stark please Note(s): #64- “Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.” I love taking seemingly angsty plots and making them cute! This got a lil carried away but that’s alright, I think, since Tony is so determined to beat Clint’s butt xD
Warning(s): Fluff, swearing.
Word Count: 1043.
“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything,” Tony begged, a hand draped over his brow. From his position laid over the couch, he looked like a maiden in distress. The pitched tone of voice only aided in (y/n)’s thought of so. “Please, dearest mine, let me hear your pretty voice! It’s been a week and I miss hearing the sound of your laugh. Say something, anything, or else I’ll die, sweetcheeks, I’m sure of it!”
Their only response was a raised eyebrow.
Tony’s expression collapsed back to annoyed defeat as he pressed his lips together tight. He groaned and smooshed his face into the back of the couch, which he promptly screamed into. There were most definitely more than a few curses thrown into there, both of the swear and magical type. Which was saying something, considering Tony’s intense dislike (“I don’t hate magic, it’s just unexplained science and Strange can kiss my ass!”) for the supernatural art.
(y/n) struggled to suppress their snickers at his almost adorable frustration. God, this was pretty fun, Clint was right. But then again, they were in this situation because they lost a bet with him anyway, so.
Tony shot upright and launched himself into his lover’s side. (y/n) muffled their laughs into his shoulder as he cried out, “Alright J, tell me where Ursula is! I’m gonna kick his skinny ass, both in and out of the armor! Let me at ‘im!”
“I’m afraid Agent Barton is somewhere within the ventilation system right now. Agent Romanoff predicted this outcome and has disabled my tracking of him in hopes that it would buy him time. Apologies, sir, as I cannot give a precise location.”
(y/n) barely hid giggles at Tony’s string of curses. Wow, he was angry. Even the smooches he placed to their crown was laced with fiery determination, or just extra aggravation, as he picked them up and started for the common floor.
“Don’t you worry Baby, I’ll stop by my workshop on the way and pick up my latest armor. Then we’ll tear this tower apart floor by floor until we find him and beat him! We’ll break that dumb bet, I promise!”
As if on cue, an alarm went off right before Tony could step into the waiting elevator. The inventor jumped in surprise and (y/n) let out a full-belly laugh as he dropped them. Their phone clattered a few feet away and proceeded to vibrate violently against the floor.
It’d been a full week, to a T, and finally they could talk.
“Wh- what time is it? Why in the world do you have an alarm set for 7:43pm?! That’s so obscure! And stop laughin- wait, you laughed!”
“Barton?!” Tony’s head shot up towards the ceiling, where a vent laid about two inches in front of the elevator. “HEY! Get down here right now, asshat!”
“Fuck no!”
(y/n) wheezed on the ground to the point of tears. They laughed until their ribs ached and their throat felt raw. They’d been waiting for this spectacle all week and it was finally happening.
Tony and Clint could barely argue for a minute more before Jarvis flushed the vent system. Clint screamed as a gust of air push him and he crashed through the grate. (y/n) screamed with laughter when he toppled over onto Tony, who’d taken to standing beneath the grate with a hands-on-hips scolding posture. Even piled on top of one another, the two of them wrestled and spat insults like a pair of territorial kittens.
At some point Clint tossed Tony far enough away to make an escape. Still seething, Tony got up and petulantly brushed himself off. Even serenaded by his lover’s laughter he managed to pout.
“H-hehe, wow, what a beatdown, I’m sure he’s really afraid.”
“You know what?” Tony huffed, “I can’t even be mad right now. Look at that, Ariel got her voice back and nobody got stabbed. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect ending.”
“Yeah you could; you’d totally rig the smoothie maker on Clint the next time he makes one and give him diarrhea.”
“You’re damn right I’m gonna; thank you for the suggestion. I can’t believe he made you mute for a whole week!”
(y/n) snickered as he pouted. Gathering their inventor in their arms, they made way to the couch and curled up with him again. “Well, I held up my end of the bet, so I don’t have to go toe-to-toe with Nat on leg day. She was really excited too; had a whole regimen made up and everything. It’s too bad I value feeling in my calves and thighs, otherwise I totally would have broken the bet for you.”
“Awwwe, how sweet, we can both be afraid of Nat’s workout regimen together! I’m glad you don’t have to do it though, Honeypie. Although, I totally would be down for giving you a massage in the case that you did have to endure such torture.”
“Oh?” (y/n) raised an eyebrow and nuzzled against his cheek. Tony’s goatee scratched at their cheek, but it was familiar, and they loved it. “Do you have anything to soothe me with after a whole week of being mute? My vocal cords are soooo sore from being used after a week! Woe is me!”
Tony snickered into their cheek. “Oh yeah, I’m sure I can think of something for that… Perhaps we should make our way to the penthouse, my poor darling?”
“Please, whisk me away and heal my wounds! Legolas has been awful to me all week! My knight, fix me up!”
“Oh, I can do better than fixing you up,” Tony tittered. (y/n) shrieked with peels of delighted laughter as he picked them up and ran for the elevator.
The next morning Clint had the worst smoothie in the history of smoothies and occupied the bathroom for a full hour. When he came out swearing up and down while as pale as a ghost, (y/n) and Tony lost it in the safety of his workshop. There was nothing sweeter than revenge and untampered, lovingly made smoothies. Oh, and being able to talk was pretty cool too, they guessed.
Tag List:
@princess76179 @kalechipps ​@a-confused-blogger @agent-valkyrie-romanoff  @starkslaufey @bad-black-angel @pieceofsupersoldiertrash  @chari-a @bluudhavens @wowitstonystark
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How bout a fic later in a mob!au timeline? Peter being mobboss Stark's pretty pet for 2 years now and everyone is predicting Tony will grow tired and get rid of him soon. When Tony shows interest in another pretty thing, Peter kills him/er in a jealous rage. Going from straight-laced innocent pete to murder in 2 years just proves how much Peter really is the perfect pet for Tony.
THIS HAS TAKEN FOREVER IM SO SORRY SKSKS bUt here it is if you still want it anon babe ;-;
Mafia boss!Tony, 18+ sugar baby Peter, advisor Stephen, murder, manipulation, blood, guns and knives (and Tony being a bit soft but only for his boy)
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“He left just now, Boss.”
“Which gun did he pick?”
“A Glock.”
“About 50 yards, Boss. He’s about to enter the apartment building.” Clint’s voice came through the speakers of the laptop on Tony’s desk. Besides the radio tab on the screen, which showed four connections, there was only one other tab. It showed an overview map with a red blinking dot moving steadily through the streets - the tracker that Stephen had placed in Peter’s leather jacket before the boy had headed out.
The red dot stopped by a building and both Stephen and Tony watched intently as they waited for Clint to update them. A minute passed before he spoke through the radio again.
The red dot stopped by a building and both Stephen and Tony watched intently as they waited for Clint to update them. A minute passed before he spoke through the radio again.
“He’s in. Quite the hacker, that boy.”
Tony smirked around his cigar before giving further instructions.
“Now, get on the roof, Clint. Steve, Bucky, your turn.”
“Yes, Boss.” Steve replied immediately. A minute later he spoke again. “In position by the main entrance.”
“In position by the back door.” Bucky confirmed as well.
“Clint? You got eyes on him yet?” Tony asked.
“Yes, Boss, he’s entered the apartment and has the girl at gunpoint. She’s unarmed as far as I can see. She’s on her knees and hands over her head. He’s saying something.” Clint narrated without any emotion in his voice. He had seen such scenes a thousand times by now, unlike Peter. “Peter’s shaking- I don’t know if he can do it, Boss. Shall we intervene?”
“Told you-“ Stephen tried, but was cut of by a sharp glare from Tony.
“No, do not intervene. Give him some time, goddammit. You are your itching trigger finger, Clint, fucking hell.” Tony snapped back and the radio fell silent. The seconds ticked by and Tony felt a few drops of cold sweat on the back of his neck. The Boss was growing impatient and was just about to bark for an update when Clint spoke.
“Peter did it.”
It was like Tony’s own child had taken their first steps, that’s how proud he felt, but instead of first steps then his pet had made his first kill. All Tony showed on his otherwise expressionless and cold face was a half smirk.
“You are an unbelievable manipulator, Boss.” Steve chuckled through the radio. “I’ll admit, I had my doubts, I mean such a sweet little thing like Peter? Sweet little Peter in oversized pastel sweaters and stockings killing someone? How are you gonna reward him later, Boss?”
“As much as I like the pastels, I think he looks amazing in all black. He even picked out boots two sizes too big and wore gloves. No prints and no trace for the coppers! I remember my first kill was much more clumsier than his- oh, he’s leaving now.” Clint informed.
“Shut it!” Tony barked, feeling a wave of possessiveness wash over him as he sat up in his chair. “Just bring him back already. Nat.”
“On it.” Natasha replied and rolled the car up to the apartment building. A minute or two passed before Steve spoke through the radio.
“I got him, Boss, we’ll be over in- Hey, Peter!”
“TONY!” Tony snapped his eyes up from his cigar to the laptop screen in front of him. It seemed that Peter had snatched Steve’s earpiece. “What the hell is this, Tony? You followed me?”
“Well, hello, baby boy.”
“Don’t ´baby boy´ me, you ass! What is going on?”
“I’ll explain everything when you get back.” Tony explained blandly before moving to cut the radio connection off in the middle of Peter’s protest.
It all started when their two year anniversary of meeting one another for the first time came around that Tony started plotting. He had done it to all of his pets in the past, but unfortunately very few of his pets survived long enough for Tony to even put them through it. After meeting Peter, Tony did not want any other pet in his life and put extra effort into protecting his favourite toy. Tony was loyal to Peter, but was Peter loyal to Tony? And how far would he go to have Tony? By putting Peter through his test, Tony would get the answers to those two questions.
After their luxurious anniversary retreat to Bora Bora, Tony had strategically pushed Peter further and further away from himself each day. He would deny Peter his company, the privilege of sitting on his lap during meetings and having his hand on his bony hip during deals, but worst of all, he denied the boy sex. After two weeks, when the hole in Peter’s pastel pink heart was gaping like a black hole in space, Tony had brought in the girl. She was a nobody, an associate to a rivalry mafia, but she was pretty, very pretty. The girl, Nora, was a tall and skinny one, with long blonde hair that flowed over her delicate shoulders and framed her heart-shaped face beautifully. Despite her skinny form, she had a perky ass and large breasts, which even had Clint and Steve gaping at her when she passed them in the halls of Tony’s warehouse. She was a beauty and an obvious rival to Peter in the game of getting the Boss’ attention and honour of being his pet.
Unsure of what to do and afraid to confront Tony face to face, a sobbing Peter had gone to his second closest figure in the gang, Stephen. He had poured his little heart out, begging Stephen to tell him what he had done to anger Tony. The advisor wanted nothing more than to tell Peter the truth, that it was all a test, but all he said was what Tony had strictly instructed him to do, which was to fill the hole in Peter’s heart with furious jealousy.
“That’s just Tony Stark being Tony Stark. He gets tired of his pets and gets rid of them. You know how he is? He isn’t a good man by far.”
“He is good to me.” Peter had hiccuped before correcting himself with a small voice. ”Was good to me…”
“He will get rid of Nora too, you can bet on that. No one around here is special, Peter.” Stephen had said bluntly, but on the inside he felt dirty for deceiving the sweet little boy. However, Peter dried his tears and sat up straighter, his eyes turning hard as a thought seemed to occur to him.
“Not if I get rid of her first.”
And that is exactly what he had done, surprising Stephen, Natasha, Clint, Steve and Bucky, but not Tony. He knew the boy, what he was capable of. Nora was nothing compared to Peter and Tony dreaded the time he had to spend with her to keep up the deception. The Boss was thrilled that he would never have to have her clammy hands on him again and could not wait to get the boy that he truly loved on his lap. But, based on Peter’s angry tone through the radio, he wasn’t gonna sit on his lap just yet.
Ten minutes passed and Tony heard footsteps out in the hall. It was an unspoken rule that one would always have to knock and get explicit permission from Tony to enter his office, but this time Peter ignored that completely and burst into the room, letting the door slam into the wall without care.
“Start talking!” Peter demanded, crossing his arms in front of his chest to appear intimidating. Despite the leather jacket, the black hoodie, the heavy boots and dark jeans, which was a rare look on Peter, Tony was far from intimidated. Instead, he felt his cock twitch with excitement at the sight of a furious Peter. Nora never satisfied him like Peter could and Tony ached to have his cock buried deep in the boy’s heavenly heat.
Tapping his cigar on the ash tray, Tony got up from his seat calmly and made a hand gesture to Stephen who was still leaning against the desk as well as Steve and the others out in the hall.
“Leave us.”
Soon enough Peter and Tony were left alone. It had been almost a month since they had been together like this and Peter ached to be close to the older man, his Daddy, but he had to stay strong and hold his ground. The boy’s otherwise bright eyes were darker now, like they have been stained by what he had just done. Tony saw that same darkness in his own eyes every time he looked at himself in the mirror. In a way, it was a shame, that such a sweet thing like Peter would also have to have his eyes darkened and hands dirtied with blood, but it had to be done. One cannot survive in this sort of life without getting pastel oversized sweaters stained with blood or start to catch the hint of gunpowder.
Stepping closer to Peter, Tony wet his thumb with his tongue and wiped away a drop of blood from Peter’s cheek before he spoke gently.
“I knew you could do it, my baby, I’m so proud of you.”
Peter gaped at the man in front of him, his brows knitting together in a puzzled expression before his eyes widened. It all seemed to fall into place in his head and the boy pushed Tony’s hand away from his face.
“You- you wanted me to do that… You made me kill her! But… why did you fuck her then? When I was here? I mean- Stephen said that-“
“I told Stephen to say that to you.”
“You’ve been doing this on purpose! Since Bora Bora, right? This- this was all a test? ”
“And you passed, baby.”
“You- you asshole!” In a quick manoeuvre, Peter retrieved a knife from his shirt sleeve and shoved it under Tony’s jaw. The Boss’ expression fell just a fraction, but otherwise he was completely calm, with his hands in his pockets and eyes fixed on Peter’s teary ones.
“Stephen didn’t tell me you took a knife too.”
”This one is mine.”
Tony hummed at that and smirked with pride again.
“I think I underestimated you, baby.”
“You sure fucking did.” Peter said shakily through gritted teeth, his jaw all clenched up tight as he swallowed thickly. Tony could feel the pressure of the cool knife on his neck lessen and soon it fell to the floor with a clatter. The boy collapsed into the older man’s arms with a sob. Holding Peter close, Tony inhaled the smell of Peter’s fruity shampoo and conditioner, loving the sensation of those soft curls against his skin. The boy fit so perfectly in his arms, his head tucked under his chin and skinny arms tight around his middle.
“Hey, hey. You’re no crybaby, Peter. Come on, it’s all right.” Tony shushed as he ran his large hand up and down the boy’s back.
“I-I’m no killer either…” Peter stuttered out, sniffling a couple of times. Wrapping his arms around Peter’s ass, Tony hauled the boy up into his arms. Peter made a little surprised squeak, but settled into the familiar position easily. This was his throne and letting his teary eyes fall shut, Peter leaned down to kiss Tony. Unlike their usual kisses, this one was soft, slow and sweet. There was no heated tongue nor groans in the back of throats as Tony fought for dominance over Peter’s delicious mouth. Instead, it was just a simple press of soft and delicate skin together which made both Tony and Peter feel all warm inside, all the way into their bones. Pulling away just a fraction, Tony whispered to his boy.
“You are a killer, my baby boy, and you made Daddy so proud.”
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