#Gabriel Jiménez
present-future · 10 months
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Personal Project Ship by Gabriel Jiménez
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Military D.va by Gabriel Jiménez (1, 2)
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sociedadnoticias · 8 months
Respalda PRD a Xóchitl Gálvez rumbo a la candidatura presidencial
Respalda PRD a Xóchitl Gálvez rumbo a la candidatura presidencial #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #FAM #JesúsZambrano #PRI @PRI_Nacional #FrenteAmplio #FAM @PRI_Nacional @AccionNacional @PRDMexico @SantiagoCreelM @XochitlGalvez @Jesus_ZambranoG
Con está decisión, los partidos Acción Nacional (PAN) y de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) muestran su respaldo a la política hidalguense, quién medirá fuerzas en una encuesta con Beatriz Paredes para definir a la candidata a la Presidencia de la República. Por Carlos Lara Moreno | Reportero                                            El Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) cerró filas con…
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grayisblogging · 5 months
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love when they’re drawn like this
joshua swaby / gabriele dell'otto / greg huber / serg acuña / jorge jiménez / theron brown II
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princepotatosack · 3 months
What If Choices' Race-customizable LIs Had Surnames Reflective Of Their Ethnicity?: An Experiment Just For Fun (Part 2/3)
Info in Part 1
Part 3
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Marco Diallo
This face option is described in the asset files as "Black". I did a cursory research and learned that there is a significant Black Italian community of immigrants from Cameroon, so that's my headcanon for him and his family. I chose the Fulani surname Diallo because it starts with a Di like Di Vincenzo.
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Marco Diệp
This face option is described in the asset files as "Asian". The most significant Asian Italian community is Chinese Italians, but I didn't find a Chinese surname starting with the sound Di that sounded right to me. So I went with the Vietnamese Diệp.
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Casey Jamil
These face options are described in the asset files as "Middle Eastern". The Arabic surname Jamil was a spelling match for Jameson, and this spelling appears to be common in Syria and Iraq. So if they had this surname they could be Syrian or Iraqi.
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Cassius Han / Cassandra Han
These face options are described in the asset files as "Asian". The Japanese surname Harada is a spelling match for Harlow but I already used Harada for the LI of Guarded. Also, I keep seeing people comparing the masc face to this one Kpop singer, I forget who, so it gave me the headcanon that these faces are Korean. The Korean surname Han seemed like a pretty solid match for Harlow, and it's also a Chinese surname too so they could be Chinese with this surname. Also I know fem Cas's full name is canonically Cassie but like many others on this internet website I am a Cassandra Harlow truther because I think it sounds better.
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Gabriel Almánzar / Gabriela Almánzar
These face options are described in the asset files as "Latinx". Couldn't find any Spanish or Portuguese language surnames that start with "Ad" so I went with a Spanish surname that starts with "A" and retains the "A-al-ar" sounds from Adalhard.
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Gabe Ryu
This face option is described in the asset files as "Asian". Almost went with the Korean surname Rhee but I already chose it for TPS LI and also I think the Korean surname Ryu looks cooler on a law firm plaque. lol
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Jack Mansour / Jacqueline Mansour
These face options are described in the asset files as "Arabic". Mansour was a close Arabic-language sound match to Monroe. This spelling seems to be common across all of North Africa and the Middle East. So I guess they could be from any of those places with that surname.
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Noah Higuchi
This face option is descrbed in the asset files as "Asian". Another LI with a surname starting with "Har" which can correspond with the Japanese surname Harada but I already used that and also "Noah Harada" has too many open "A" sounds in a row for my liking. So I just chose a cool sounding Japanese name starting with the letter H because this face option looks Japanese to me.
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Ava Lozano
This face option is described in the asset files as "Hispanic". Lozano was the closest Spanish-language surname I could find to Lawrence. The Spanish form of the first name Lawrence is Lorenzo, but it doesn't appear to be used as a surname like Lawrence is in English-speaking countries.
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Mason Jiménez
This face option is described in the asset files as "Hispanic". Couldn't find Spanish-language surnames that start with the same sound as Jennings. If my memory is correct I don't think Spanish has that sound? Jiménez has a lot of the same letters though so? That should work?
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Sam Delgado / Samantha Delgado
These face options are described in the asset files as "Hispanic". I considered the Spanish surname de la Torre because it retained the D-L-T-O sounds from Dalton but I thought Delgado sounded cooler……?
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Karan Gill / Sameera Gill
These face options are described in the files as "Indian". I considered the surnames Giri (broadly Indian, common in Nepal I think?) and Ghauri (common in Pakistan as far as I can tell?) for sound matches for Gray but Gill (Punjabi) sounded cooler. Also there was nothing necessarily wrong with the names Callum and Samara other than I don't like them. So I assigned them new Indian names…….
Part 1
Part 3
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whileiamdying · 8 months
Literatura venezolana contemporánea: la exploración de lo transterritorial
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Una contribución para ensanchar el mapa de una literatura marcada por la diáspora, pero con autores clave que siguen escribiendo en el país. Por Alirio Fernández Rodríguez 7 septiembre 2023
Venezuela ha configurado, a través de un flujo migratorio inédito, un mapa literario de escritoras y escritores regados por todo el mundo. Está situación incide en un mayor interés acerca de una literatura no muy conocida. También han influido los premios internacionales. El último Premio Cervantes fue concedido a Rafael Cadenas, figura cimera de la poesía venezolana. El oriundo de Barquisimeto, reconocido ahora como “el poeta nacional”, fue el primer venezolano en obtener tal reconocimiento.
A propósito de este galardón, el más importante en lengua castellana, me he planteado hacer una panorámica actual de la literatura venezolana. Este ejercicio, como toda visión de conjunto, significa una renuncia a la exhaustividad. Así que he elegido ocuparme exclusivamente de la narrativa en el presente. De entrada, reconozco que al revisar cualquier aproximación a las voces literarias actuales de Venezuela, se tendrán por ineludibles los nombres de Karina Sainz Borgo (1982), Rodrigo Blanco Calderón (1981), Juan Carlos Méndez Guédez (1967) y Alberto Barrera Tyszka (1960).
Ahora bien, he dicho ineludibles, pero no los únicos en esta comunidad transterritorial de voces literarias venezolanas. De hecho, en 2022 intenté mostrar la realidad desperdigada que somos. Para ello diseñé el Mapa glocal de la literatura venezolana contemporánea, un mapa interactivo que muestra quiénes y en dónde están haciendo literatura. Allí se muestran las voces vivas, consagradas y jóvenes, de Venezuela. Entre los nombres incuestionables están Victoria de Stefano (1940-2023), Ana Teresa Torres (1945), José Balza (1939), Elisa Lerner (1932), Milagros Mata Gil (1951), José Napoleón Oropeza (1950), Gabriel Jiménez Emán (1950), Laura Antillano (1951) Eduardo Liendo (1941) y Antonieta Madrid (1939).
Por su parte, WMagazín planteó un “panorama actual” de la literatura venezolana que registra una treintena de voces. Además, como parte de una cartografía de la literatura latinoamericana del siglo XXI publicada en Letras Libres, Federico Guzmán Rubio incluyó un grupo de autores reconocidos como infaltables en la literatura de Venezuela de las últimas décadas. Todas estas han sido exploraciones necesarias que buscan señalar lo que va siendo la actualidad literaria venezolana.
Desde esta aproximación, pretendo sumar otros nombres que bien complementan estos panoramas. Así las cosas, un acercamiento a la narrativa muestra cómo la novela sigue dominando el pulso de la literatura, pero sin dejar de lado el cuento, cuya tradición en Venezuela es importantísima. Asimismo, movimiento y errancia se imponen como signos de esta época; pareciera ser este el modo en que va configurándose la patria literaria transterritorial venezolana. Desde allí, y sin ánimos canónicos, quisiera detenerme muy brevemente en algunos proyectos literarios que dan cuenta de este rasgo transterritorial preponderante de la literatura venezolana contemporánea. Destaco a continuación algunas voces, con al menos tres libros publicados, cuyas obras son dignas de considerar.
Dentro de Venezuela, pese a la precariedad de las últimas décadas, hay voces de gran valor. Victoria de Stefano (1940-2023) fue una narradora sumamente singular que construyó una obra sobresaliente con estilo y calidad estética particularísimos, a cuyo encuentro lamentablemente la crítica ha tardado en llegar. Son notables obras como Historias de la marcha a pie (1997), Lluvia (2006) o Vamos, venimos(2019), novelas en las que prosa, profundidad y lenguaje articulan belleza y verdad. También es significativa la obra de Ana Teresa Torres (1945), en la que ha sido determinante su interés y gran manejo de lo histórico, la memoria, lo político, lo psicosociológico o lo distópico para convertirla en una referencia obligada en Venezuela. De su trabajo, resalto El exilio del tiempo (1990), Doña Inés contra el olvido (1992), Nocturama (2006), Diorama (2021) y Cuentos completos (1966-2001). (2002).
Agrego a dos autoras más residentes de Venezuela: Carolina Lozada (1974) y Krina Ber (1948). Lozada es reconocida por una cuentística en la que destacan la efectividad de sus atmósferas, la presencia de personajes cercanos y alucinantes y la búsqueda estética desde temas irónicos y humorísticos, cotidianos y existenciales. Esta narradora acaba de publicar una novela titulada Todo es lo que parece (2023), y de sus libros de cuentos destaco Los cuentos de Natalia (2010) y El cuarto del loco (2014). Mientras que Krina Ber ha sabido dar tratamiento, desde el relato y la novela, a temas tan disímiles como el amor, el desplazamiento, el poder y la política, la muerte y, desde luego, el valor de la vida y la libertad. Quizá sea lo inestable o la desestructuración lo que mejor caracteriza su narrativa, ante la que el lector puede sentirse descolocado y cautivado a la vez. De Krina Ber son destacables el libro de cuentos Para no perder el hilo (2009) y las novelas Nube de polvo (2015) y Ficciones asesinas (2021).
Otras voces narrativas que considero pertinente anotar son Gisela Kozak (1963), Fedosy Santaella (1970) y José Urriola (1971), establecidos en México. El caso de Urriola es el de una voz “solitaria” en la ciencia ficción, a la cual ha resignificado en libros que ofrecen una experiencia enrarecida, a través de historias aparentemente comunes hasta que las máquinas o la inventiva humana irrumpen y desconciertan. De la obra de Urriola hay que mencionar las novelas Santiago se va (2015) y Fisuras (2020) y el libro de relatos Fragmentario (2021). Por otro lado, Fedosy Santaella ha acumulado una ingente obra, con novelas y cuentos que exploran las más diversas búsquedas de la condición humana, el tiempo y la identidad. Entre sus libros habría que señalar El dedo de David Lynch (2015), Los nombres (2016) Hopper y el fin del mundo (2021), Ciudades que ya no existen (2010) y Piedras lunares (2016). Gisela Kozak ha concedido lugar especial a la realidad urbana, a sus modos de vida y las relaciones que de allí emergen para narrar lo que la escritora descifra y desea mostrar: amor, emocionalidad, violencia, intimidad y condición política. Ha publicado Pecados de la capital y otras historias (2005), Latidos de Caracas (2006), En rojo (2011) y Todas las lunas (2011).
Daniel Centeno Maldonado (1974) tiene una obra desdoblada entre el periodismo literario y la ficción. Ha publicado en la primera categoría Retratos hablados: 50 conversaciones de aquí y de allá (2010) y Ogros ejemplares (2015); en la segunda, su novela La vida alegre (2020). En esta, el autor ha sabido combinar la profundidad de vidas ordinarias y grotescas, desde un impecable manejo del humor y el drama, con la tragedia de la existencia humana; todo dominado por un sutilmente esbozado deterioro de la Venezuela actual. También residenciado en Estados Unidos, está Camilo Pino (1970), quien ha publicado tres novelas: Valle zamuro (2011), Mandrágora (2017) y Crema Paraíso (2020). La narrativa de Pino explora la realidad política venezolana, la presencia de personajes fracturados en sus relaciones y las deformaciones derivadas de obsesiones profundamente humanas; sus narraciones se sirven del cinismo, el humor, la ironía y la provocación para hacer funcionar las historias.
En tierras más al sur de América, en Argentina desde hace más de veinte años, encontramos a Gustavo Valle (1967). Es autor de las novelas Bajo tierra (2009), Happpenig (2014) y Amar a Olga (2021). En su obra es clave la carga que se otorga a los personajes, pues parecieran los principales encargados de convencer al lector de que se quede a vivir la historia que se narra. Temas infaltables de su novelística: el amor y sus implicaciones, el intimismo, las ciudades y sus particularidades, la existencia y el paso del tiempo.
Por último, destaca el nombre de Eduardo Sánchez Rugeles (1977), de los autores mejor recibidos por el público dentro de Venezuela, con novelas como Blue Label (2010), Liubliana (2012) y, más recientemente, El síndrome de Lisboa (2022). También ha publicado el libro de cuentos Los desterrados (2011). La narrativa de este autor es potente y atrapa, despierta los sentidos y todo tipo de emociones; las historias suelen contener personajes que han sido llevados a límites inimaginables y nunca está muy claro lo que sucede ni cómo va a ser el desenlace.
Hasta aquí esta aproximación a la literatura venezolana actual. Se ha ampliado el universo de autores reseñados en otros panoramas, sin olvidar a los autores de más larga trayectoria ni a los nombres de mayor resonancia internacional. Con ello se pretende contribuir a la difusión de una literatura marcada por la diáspora, pero con autores clave que siguen escribiendo en el país. ~
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samuelalvis777 · 7 months
Literatura Contemporánea venezolana
Uno de los movimientos literarios más destacados es el realismo mágico, influenciado por Gabriel García Márquez y su obra "Cien años de soledad". Autores venezolanos como Arturo Uslar Pietri y Gabriel García Márquez mismo, quien vivió en Venezuela durante un tiempo, exploraron este estilo en sus obras.
En cuanto a los autores importantes, destacan Rómulo Gallegos, considerado uno de los padres de la literatura venezolana moderna, cuya novela "Doña Bárbara" es un clásico de la literatura latinoamericana. También tenemos a Miguel Otero Silva, autor de "Casas muertas", una obra que retrata la decadencia de una hacienda venezolana.
En la poesía, destacan autores como Andrés Eloy Blanco, quien escribió poemas con un lenguaje sencillo y emotivo, y Eugenio Montejo, cuya poesía se caracteriza por su profundidad y reflexión sobre la identidad y la naturaleza.
En la literatura contemporánea venezolana, encontramos a autores como Alberto Barrera Tyszka, cuya novela "La enfermedad" aborda temas como la enfermedad y la muerte en la sociedad actual. También está Karina Sainz Borgo, autora de "La hija de la española", una novela que reflexiona sobre la violencia y la migración.
En resumen, la literatura contemporánea de Venezuela surge en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, destacándose por su diversidad temática y estilística. Autores como Rómulo Gallegos, Arturo Uslar Pietri, Miguel Otero Silva, Andrés Eloy Blanco, Eugenio Montejo, Alberto Barrera Tyszka y Karina Sainz Borgo han dejado una huella importante en la literatura venezolana con sus obras.
La literatura contemporánea de Venezuela abarca el periodo desde mediados del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Durante este tiempo, la literatura venezolana ha experimentado diversas transformaciones y ha reflejado los cambios políticos, sociales y culturales que han ocurrido en el país.
Tras la caída de la dictadura de Marcos Pérez Jiménez en 1958, Venezuela vivió un período de democracia que permitió la libre expresión de ideas y el surgimiento de nuevas voces literarias. Autores como Rómulo Gallegos se destacaron con obras como "Doña Bárbara", que retrata la vida en las llanuras venezolanas y aborda temas como la violencia y la lucha por el poder.
A lo largo de las décadas siguientes, la literatura venezolana se diversificó en términos de temáticas y estilos. Surgieron escritores como Francisco Massiani, cuya novela "Piedra de mar" se convirtió en un referente de la literatura urbana y juvenil, explorando la vida en la ciudad de Caracas y la búsqueda de identidad.
En la década de 1980, la realidad sociopolítica de Venezuela comenzó a influir en la literatura contemporánea. El Caracazo, una serie de protestas y disturbios sociales en 1989, marcó un punto de inflexión en la forma en que los escritores abordaban la realidad del país. Temas como la violencia, la corrupción, la pobreza y la desigualdad se volvieron recurrentes en las obras literarias.
La literatura feminista también ganó fuerza en Venezuela. Escritoras como Gioconda Belli, de ascendencia venezolana, publicaron obras como "La mujer habitada", que aborda temas de opresión y liberación femenina en el contexto de la lucha revolucionaria en Nicaragua.
En tiempos más recientes, la literatura venezolana ha reflejado la crisis política y social que ha afectado al país. Autores como Édgar Ramírez, Rodrigo Blanco Calderón y Karina Sainz Borgo han abordado la realidad de la juventud venezolana, la corrupción política y las dificultades cotidianas en sus obras literarias.
La literatura contemporánea de Venezuela ha sido reconocida tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Varios escritores venezolanos han ganado premios literarios importantes y han logrado una proyección internacional, contribuyendo a la diversidad y riqueza de la literatura latinoamericana.
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1958: Se establece la democracia en Venezuela después de la caída de la dictadura de Marcos Pérez Jiménez. Este período marca un cambio significativo en la literatura venezolana, permitiendo la libre expresión de ideas y el surgimiento de nuevas voces literarias.
1960: Se publica "Doña Bárbara" del escritor Rómulo Gallegos. Esta novela, considerada una de las más importantes de la literatura venezolana, retrata la vida en las llanuras venezolanas y aborda temas como la violencia, la corrupción y la lucha por el poder.
1970: Se publica "Piedra de mar" del escritor venezolano Francisco Massiani. Esta novela se convierte en un referente de la literatura urbana y juvenil en Venezuela, explorando temas como el amor, la amistad y la búsqueda de identidad en el contexto de la ciudad de Caracas.
1989: Se produce el Caracazo, una serie de protestas y disturbios sociales en Venezuela. Este evento tuvo un impacto significativo en la literatura venezolana, ya que muchos escritores comenzaron a abordar temas sociales y políticos en sus obras, reflejando la realidad del país.
1992: El escritor Édgar Ramírez publica "La casa de las dos palmas", una novela que retrata la historia de Venezuela a través de varias generaciones de una familia. Esta obra es considerada una crónica del siglo XX venezolano y aborda temas como la dictadura, la violencia y la corrupción.
1994: Se publica "La mujer habitada" de Gioconda Belli, una escritora nicaragüense de ascendencia venezolana. Esta novela, ambientada en la lucha revolucionaria de Nicaragua, también aborda temas de opresión y liberación femenina, convirtiéndose en un referente de la literatura feminista en América Latina.
2006: Se publica "La soberbia juventud" del escritor venezolano Rodrigo Blanco Calderón. Esta novela, ganadora del premio internacional de novela Rómulo Gallegos en 2013, retrata la realidad de la juventud venezolana en medio de la crisis política y social del país.
2010: Se publica "Las reputaciones" de Juan Gabriel Vásquez, escritor colombiano de ascendencia venezolana. Esta novela, ambientada en Bogotá, aborda temas como la memoria, el poder y la culpa, y se convierte en un éxito internacional.
2019: La escritora Karina Sainz Borgo publica "La hija de la española", una novela que retrata la realidad de Venezuela en medio de la crisis política y social. Esta obra, aclamada por la crítica, se convierte en un éxito internacional y consolida a Sainz Borgo.
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ollieinoue · 5 months
Time & Location: The Commencement Gala later in the night Featuring: Ollie Inoue & Sam Jiménez Also Featuring: Gabriel Jiménez, Ren Inoue, and Faye Inoue
"See! It looks so pretty!" Sam said, holding her phone above her head and giving a 360 view of the theater, and the commencement gala around them. Showing her grandfather, and Ollie's parents over face time what was going on. She pulled her phone back down smiling widely into the front camera as she spoke, "everyone looks like movie. It's crazy."
"I wish we had been able to make it!" Gabriel replied, slightly faint and fairly hard to hear
Ollie slid his arm around Sam's shoulder from behind her, leaning his chin against her other one, and tilting his head towards hers as he looked at their families on the screen. "Next year we'll get you guys all up here for my graduation," he said, nodding his head, chin digging into Sam's shoulder making her squirm away as he did. He glanced at her with a small laugh, and pulled her back hugging his arms around her waist.
"Are you hitting the road straight after you guys leave?" Ren asked.
"Uhm, I think we are probably going to drop my stuff, and Sam off first, and then we'll be heading out," Ollie said. Maybe Monty will stop in and say hello to his sister or something as well. He let Sam go, rocking up onto the balls of his feet to look around, attempting to find find Monty, but grew impatient and gave up about two seconds in, turning back and shrugging his shoulders. "I'm pretty sure we're doing that first. So, we'll see you in a few days."
"Alright, you two behave until then," Gabriel said, and pointed at Ollie, "especially you."
"Me?" Ollie scoffed, holding a hand to his chest. Like he wasn't the one between the two of them who was known to be a troublemaker. In some certain circles…
"No going missing either! We don't have the money to get a bunch of news organizations on your case so you'll be shit out of luck!" Faye called from somewhere in the background off screen.
"Oh my god fuck off," Ollie snorted, before Sam pulled the phone away from him with a click of her tongue.
She sent Ollie a look, before turning back to the screen. "Okay, we're going to go now. I'll see you in a few days! Byee! Love you guys! Miss you so much. Mwah mwah mwah." Sam held the phone back out to Ollie the both of them blowing kisses at their family members before she disconnected the call. "So!" Sam's eyes scanned across her phone, before she dropped it into her bag, and looked over at Ollie, "do you want to go get breakfast tomorrow morning? All this food is so so fancy, and it makes me want like… I don't know, hashbrowns or something." Ollie made an ooohhh sound, nodding his head. "Do you think Jacqui and Monty will want to come. It could be fun! We'll all go to the Diner or something."
"Hashbrowns do sound good. And bacon, and pancakes. I can get Jacqui out of bed," Ollie nodded his head, "maybe for Monty. I might have to get him a to-go box or something, but I'll try to get him up." If anything could coax Monty into getting up early (earlier than he usually did) it was probably food. His eyes followed Sam as she made to pull away from the table, blinking a few times. "Wait. Are you leaving me already?" 
"Yeeeeah," she said in a faux regretful tone, with a grimace. "I'm probably going to head back to my room and get all my packing done early. Plus it'll be super quiet and cozy while everyone is here." 
"Alright," Ollie said, a dramatic groan, before wrapping his arms around Sam hugging her obnoxiously tightly. "Love you. See you tomorrow. Text me when you get to your room!" 
"Okayyy let me breathe," Sam said as she pushed Ollie off of her, the two of them laughing. "Have a fun rest of the Gala. Let me know if anything weird happens! I'll call you before I come over tomorrow!" She dodged Ollie reaching over in attempts to ruffle her hair, and waved over her shoulder as she headed through the crowd to make her way out of Tate Theater.
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herederosdelkaos · 8 months
Antología de poesía contemporánea. Compilación - 105 autores (2006-2023)
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Apps requeridas para acceder: Telegram o Google Drive, y "Lithium: lector ePub". Todos los archivos disponibles en formato (EPUB) en Herederos del Kaos (canal telegram).
©Autores: Daniel Frini, Alberto Jiménez Ure, Nieves Jurado, Milton Ordóñez, Shabely Botello, Wafi Salih, Pablo López, Roberto Garcés Marrero, Leopoldo Reinhard Resch, José Alberto Capaverde, Francisco J. Barata Bausach, Susana Medina, Adrián "fino" Sosa, David Crauley, Jordi Tauler Vaillet, José Luis Regojo, Federico Ambesi, Juan Benítez, Alex Armega, Sebastián Trujillo,, Gabriel Valdovinos Vázquez, Juan Luis Henares, Miguel Ángel Acquesta, Juan Carlos Vásquez, Ludim Cervantes, Rita Morrigan, Carlos Almira Picazo, J.R. Spinoza, Moisés Cárdenas, Jacqueline Campos, Mario Flores, Eduardo Omar Honey, Claude Nogueras, Alberto Quero, Pilar Rezzano, Mirza Patricia Mendoza, Caroline Cruz, Alberto Juárez Vivas, Rodrigo Miguel Quintero, Montserrat López Alsina, Luna del Castillo, Guillermo Martínez, Víctor C. Drax, Lucía Scosceria de Cañellas, Everardo Gómez, Edinson Martínez, Mario Andrés Arcos, Rolando Revagliatti, Sebastián Abdala, Alina Kummerfeldt, Magdalena Páez Amador.
©Antología de narrativa contemporánea es una publicación sin fines de lucro. Su distribución a través de terceros es completamente libre, siempre y cuando no se haga un uso comercial del libro y se citen correctamente sus fuentes."
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scienceninjaturtle · 1 year
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BATMAN #135/#900
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ON SALE 5/2/23
It’s Batman versus Red Mask in a brutal Gotham that’s never known hope! Can the Dark Knight overcome the terrifying infection that Red Mask has unleashed? Only one thing is certain: he won’t be able to do it alone.
The conclusion to the bestselling “The Bat-Man of Gotham” is so big it could only be contained in an oversize #900 anniversary issue featuring the return of fan-favorite artist Jorge Jiménez and a wild collection of guest stars! Full of wild revelations and a new path for Batman, this is one issue you won’t want to miss!
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
“Batman #135″ to Mark 900th Issue
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DC Comics is celebrating 900 issues of Batman’s solo series by making Batman #135 an oversized 56-page comic book. The issue will conclude “The Bat-Man of Gotham” storyline. Additionally, artist Jorge Jiménez will join artists Mike Hawthorne and Mikel Janín and writer Chip Zdarsky for the special issue.
“The villainous Red Mask has infected Gotham City with a gas that generates multiversal energy in the people that it taints, in an effort to travel the multiverse and become this Gotham City’s version of The Joker. In the process, Red Mask discovers that he has a higher, far deadlier purpose. If Batman is to overcome this infection and save Gotham, he’ll need plenty of help, and he’ll get it in the form of the mysterious freedom fighter Jewel, Selina Kyle, and Alfred Pennyworth. Although, who will help him save the multiverse?” (DC Comics)
Batman #135 / #900 goes on sale on May 2, 2023. The comic book features a main cover by Jorge Jiménez, two connecting variants by Joe Quesada (also available as a 1:100 wraparound black and white cover), and variant covers by Gabriele Dell’Otto, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, Kael Ngu, Jim Cheung, Lee Bermejo, and the late Neal Adams.
(Image via DC Comics - Jorge Jiménez’ Cover of Batman #135 / #900)
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navedelmisterio · 1 year
La voz de las sombras – Bible John – El gigante de Mozambique – El dossier del Coronel
CUARTO MILENIO – Programa 18×17 – 8/1/2023
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La Voz de la Sombras es una sección de Iker Jiménez en la que analiza, de manera muy particular y con una visión totalmente diferente, los crímenes que más le han impresionado.
Esta noche, Iker se introduce en la piel de una conocida actriz española, Terele Pávez, que va a interpretar el papel de Pilar Prades de Santamaría, “La envenenadora de Valencia”, la última mujer ajusticiada en España con el garrote vil. Iker nos desvelará una extraña vivencia que tuvo la actriz cuando se preparaba el papel de la envenenadora.
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Cuarto Milenio recibe a la escritora Dolores Redondo para hablarnos de la investigación que ha realizado para la escritura de su último libro. La novela trata el caso de un violador y asesino británico que hoy día sigue sin resolver. Su nombre surgió a raíz de las declaraciones de una testigo ocular, hermana de su última víctima conocida, que aseguró haberlo escuchado citar el Antiguo Testamento, lo que, unido a su aspecto pulcro y a su cuidada educación, dieron con el apodo Biblia. ¿Qué ocurrió con este hombre y sus víctimas?
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Gabriel E. Monjane nació en 1944 en Manjacaze (Mozambique), en el seno de una familia de nueve hermanos. Tuvo un crecimiento normal hasta los diez años. A los 12 alcanzó 1,90 metros y a los 16, 2,30 metros y 125 kilos de peso. En su adultez llegó a medir 2,45 metros y pesaba 189,6 kilos.
A los 16 años, Gabriel sufrió su primera caída desde un segundo piso, lo que le provocó una lesión de cadera que lo acompañó durante toda su vida.
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Continuamos con la sección del coronel Pedro Baños, experto en Geopolítica y Estrategia, quien nos hablará sobre las neuroarmas, ingenios creados por el hombre para afectar a nuestro sistema nervioso con el objetivo de condicionar nuestro pensamiento, nuestras actitudes y nuestras emociones, tanto las positivas como las negativas. Conoceremos cómo se crean estas peligrosas armas y quién está detrás de ellas.
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artsywinter13 · 1 year
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Selena and Solana
The younger twin sisters of the Winters Jiménez family, these two are as energetic as the rest of their family. They are two young teenage girls that love to dance, cook, read, and listen to their favorite idol group D.A.Y. They have a pet cockatrice named Blanco that they love to dress up and give tons of attention. Blanco was given to them by their grandmother Mami Kiki as a birthday gift. Due to Solana’s albinism, she has to wear long-sleeved clothes, sun hats, and sunglasses so that the sun doesn’t affect her as much. Selena doesn’t need to wear sunglasses or hats, but she does anyway so that her sister doesn’t feel left out. They have been very influenced by their older brother Gabriel, as for if this is a bad thing or not is up to debate. They are inseparable. Wherever one goes, the other is sure to follow.
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sociedadnoticias · 8 months
Inicia FAM sondeo para definir candidata presidencial
Inicia FAM sondeo para definir candidata presidencial #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #FAM #AlejandroMoreno #PRI #AMLO @PRI_Nacional @GobiernoMX #FrenteAmplio #FAM @PRI_Nacional @AccionNacional @PRDMexico @SantiagoCreelM @XochitlGalvez
El Comité del FAM destacó que a partir de mañana inicia la encuesta telefónica y casa por casa para consultar a la población sobre la defunción de la candidatura presidencial de cara a las elecciones del próximo año. Por Carlos Lara Moreno | Reportero                                            El Frente Amplio por México (FAM) informó que del 25 de agosto al 3 de septiembre se llevarán a cabo…
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
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For My Next Orignal Story for one of my creations, here is my very own (if not) first foreign original story, "Bone Man". Taking place in Mexico, every year From October through November, People celebrate their traditonal holiday, "Day of The Dead" where many mexican people visit their love ones' graves and even offering them gifts for their dead members (especially families') that they lost as the spirits of the dead people who are mostly depicted as Sugar Skeletons visit their members who offer them gifts and are able to celebrate their holiday despite not being seen cause they're ghosts of the dead and the ghost can only see the living. A Hardworking Family who lived in a Farm Cottage of Mexico love to celebrate their most favorite holiday every year. A Boy named Gabriel Hernández (Born in November 3, 1895) who lived in a sheltered life loved their holiday from his country as his Parents would always bring him to celebrate the Day of the Dead along with other people. Gabriel wanted to be a musician in Mexico, his most favorite musician was José Alfredo Jiménez, for he dreamed that someday he wanted to be a Famous Musician. Gabriel is Half Mexican and Half African American. His Mother, Camilla Hernández, was a Mexican Worker Woman while his Father, Andre Lavigne, was a African French Man who moved from France to Mexican as a Tween. As Gabriel grew a Happy Life in his Childhood with his Family, however, things quickly began to change tragically as his childhood was over. in 1907, When Gabriel reached to his tweens and was somewhat 12 at that time, his Father somewhat started to drink alcohol and somehow started to became a alcholic as Andre's alcohol addiction came and somehow lost interest in spending time with his family, even his Son. One Night, Camilla and Andre were having a total fight as Andre's alcohol addiction was a bit way too much since he somehow started to cheat on her with another woman. When Gabriel woke up, he was horrified and scared as a child when he was nosy through the doorknob hole and saw his Parents fighting. This somehow now broke Gabriel's Happy Life as his parents got a divorce as Camilla was now a single Motther raising her Child on her own for now since Andre took his drinking addiction way too far and wasn't the same man that he used to be for both Camilla and Gabriel. Through out Gabriel's life, things became much worse when he and his Mother started to become poor without Andre's Money as they decided to survive on their own for now so they moved to another town in Mexico where they can hopefully make Money to survive and even earn it as well as having a brand new shelter life without Andre. Even Gabriel went to a New School as a Kid where he made some friends but most of his time in his new life, but most of the kids at his new school would make fun of him because of his music or that he once had a farm life for growing up was now somehow rough and very harsh for Gabriel after his parents divorced. In 1915, When Gabriel somehow reached to his adulthood when he was about 20 at that time, his Mother decided to open up and even create a Resturant in Mexico so they can have more money to feed customers their own creative food. A Few years after the Resturant was finally build as "Cena de dia de muertos" (most commonly known as "Day of the Dead's Dinner") where they now had all the money they wanted. When Gabriel was now somehow 25 at the time in the Year, 1920, he decided that he know wanted to become a Musician for his dream that he ever wanted as a child and got a tired of working of his Mother's Resturant and decdied to try something new. When he had a talk with his Mother about wanting to become a Musician, Camilla forbidden that because he feared that Gabriel would somehow end up much like his father. Some Men out there can be mishevious and even do such unfaitfhul and harmful things to Women, especially to some Musicians out there that some people in the world have a dark side. Gabriel didn't really wanted to become that kind of one of those men that his Mother despised the Evil Type in Human kind. But after an Argument he had with his Mother when he try to convince her that he wouldn't be like his Dad, Camilla kicked him out as Gabriel now had to live somewhere else on his own since he was now an Adult and no longer worked at his Mother's Resturant as he quit his job. Gabriel would never end up being an alcoholic man like his Father or even become Evil like the Other People in the World, especially to those other types of Men out there. One day, shortly after moving away and even living on his own for now when Gabriel walked on the streets, a Truck Driver accidentally hits Gabriel on the Road by a Truck as Gabriel gets killed and even crushed down after being hit by a truck. When Camilla found out that his Son was now dead, she grief with tears and sorrow for the loss of her Son. First divorcing the Man who she onced love and now the loss of her Beloved Son after she kicked him out, of course, it was deeply down her fault for she should have listen to what her son had said of wanting to become a musician, if she listend, she would have understand and even accept it. The Locals build a funreal for Gabriel as Camilla came a visit to her Son's Funreal and was deveasted and even heartbroken for it was her fault for losing her son out there alone in the town. Gabriel now lives in the "Tierra De La Muerte" (English; "Land of the Dead") after being hit by a Truck, he decided to spent his time among the Afterlife along with the Other People who have died as Camilla does visit his Son every year of Day of the Dead. But sometime, Gabriel started to change as he somehow became a jerk and somehow became a womanizer of other women (either in flesh or non-flesh). Through the harsh years as a child in his life, all Gabriel ever wanted was to follow his dream and to have a good life but sadly that never happened and his life was officially over. Now in 2010 in the Modern Era, Gabriel was now 115 years old in the Land of the Dead, Ghosts of Dead People can't age because they are already dead but they can still walk like the living depsite being dead. Gabriel somehow sounded and stayed in the same age that he died in like the most ghosts. Those who died in any age will never age or grow in the Land of the Dead as they're spirits still roam in the Afterlife underground where their bodies were burried underneath. Even after 91 years of being dead, he still lives among the dead, even his Mother died in an Old Age at the age of 90 in 1955 and now lives with his Mother again as their resturant was already re-made in the Land of the Dead as well after it got taken down in the Living World in 1963. Everything was now alright for Gabriel, but he wish he could have got that dream when he was alive and things would have been much better for Him and his Mother in the Living. But it is unknown to what happened to his Father, Andre, after he somewhat died due to his alcohol but his body was never found and his soul didn't make it to the afterlife. People's dead bodies who are unfound don't make it to the Land of the Dead unless if they are buried on their funreal. But then, a 24 Year Old Mexican American Woman named Gina Sanchez moves into another town (the same town that Gabriel moved to with his Mother) in Mexico to look for a Job to work at. Meanwhile, in the Land of the Dead, Gabriel goes out to a Party with the Other Dead Men as he parties with the Other Skeleton People. While at the Party, some Skeleton Women took a flirtatious flirt in Gabriel and one of the other men which makes Gabriel's taste in women even more pervy as he and the other male dead folks try to chase them through the party which leads the Skeletons themselves try to have sex with each other (Even though the Dead cannot make babies each other in the afterlife, their genitals are mainly invisible but their souls still cannot produce and can only feel their bone bodies). After a reckless time at the party, Gabriel heads home late looking drunk after a fun time at the party, once he heads home in the Land of the Dead, Camilla quickly notices that his Son has been out doing some trouble again as Camilla confronts her Son to never go out trouble again or else he'll end up like his father but Gabriel doesn't even care since he's so sick and tired of his dead life. He then heads out on the streets after his argument with his Mother just like last time in his life when Gabriel stumbles upon a Graveyard (which is a Cematary of the Other Dead People who are forgotten through years), As Gabriel was now in the cematary, so sick and often tired, he often wish he was reborn as a different person to continue to live in the life (which can happened to some dead folks who are alloweed to be reincarnated as a Different Person in the Living). But he then stumbles upon a Cat in the Forgotten Graveyard. Adored by the Cat's Cuteness at first, Gabriel decides to name the Cat "Nahla" and was about to take her home but then Nahla runs away as Gabriel chases it when he was trying to bring him to his Mother as an Apology Gift until Nahla jumps through an invisible wall at the dead end of the Land of the Dead. Gabriel, both surprise and curious to see where the Cat went through as he carefully tries out the Invisible starting with his hand. He was shock in surprise at first to see that their really is a Magic Portal in the Dead End so Gabriel decides to take a step through the Invisible Portal. Through the Portal that Gabriel walks through, he lands in the Living World again as his Body was now in Flesh again. The Portal itself is revealed to actually be a Gateway through the Living where some Ghosts can take a visit to the Living as their Flesh would appear on their skins based on how they looked like back then when they were alive. Shocked in surprise to see himself in Flesh again, Gabriel looks around and finds himself in the Living World in the Fields near the Town of Mexico, but could this be that it could change his life forever? Naturally, he does find Nahla (Who's actually a Black Cat when she was alive) as Gabriel chases the Cat again in the fields and then through town. When he finally captures the Cat herself, Gabriel almost got hit by a Car but he gets hit through the car that was driving and didn't feel pain at all. Gabriel finds himself in the City of Mexico and realizes that everything around in the Country has quite changed a lot since after his Death but he then realizes that he's still actually a Ghost as People can't see ghosts but Ghosts can only see The Living. He does find out that there are other Ghosts from the Land of the Dead living and even hanging out with the Living while the Alive People are unaware in fact that there are actually some Ghosts around in Town. Gabriel decides to go back to the Afterlife but then he then finds Gina across by in the streets reading a Book unaware as a Car was about to hit her but Gabriel saves the Woman's Life as he physically pushes off of the streets as the Driver in the Car already stops as Gina lands on the ground off the streets which makes Gabriel's Spirit a Skeleton Man again. The Driver that almost killed Gina steps out of the Car as Everyone else sees that Gina is on the ground almost got hit which makes people wonder (who saved her life?). The Driver helps Gina out as he apologizes that he didn't recognize her on the streets as Gina forgives him but she is curious on who exactly saved to push her off the streets. Fearing that he might get recognize by the Living, Gabriel insantly runs away while holding Nahla afriad that he will be seen by the Alive Souls among the Living World as he finds a Magic Mirror in a Pawnshop as he goes through it (which is actually another Portal) as Gabriel and Nahla find themselves back in the Afterlife. Glad that they were back in The Land of the Dead, Gabriel heads home without Nahla thinking that he's better off without a pet as Nahla sees that Gabriel looks so harsh so she secretly follows him which leads her to his house in the Dead. Camilla looks unpleased as she wondered on where he was as Gabriel didn't want to tell the truth so he decides to keep it a secret, hoping that maybe perhaps he could visit the Living more often. Later that night when all the dead were asleep, Nahla enters Gabriel's Home as she walks up close to find her new friend. The Street Cat herself does find her new friend sleeping in his room as Nahla licks Gabriel causing him to wake up. He sees that Nahla is in his Room asking the Cat of what she wants this time as Nahla wants to show Gabriel the living world again so he follows her to the same graveyard they want to and then back into the living world. In the Night time among the Alive World, Gabriel takes a visit to the Living once again only to himself and Nahla some magical yellow fireflies flying among the Living World while everyone is asleep, surprised to see himself around the Magic he finds the Other Ghosts who are also visiting the living just like him. Intrigued by the Modern Era that the World is currently living in, Gabriel decides that maybe he should visit the living more often just to remind me very much of the Good Old Times in his Life. The Next Day, Gabriel visits the Living again while Camilla is unaware that his Son's Secrets since Gabriel decides to keep his Living World visits a Secret for now on after they decided to keep Nahla as their new pet cat. As Gabriel visits the Living Once again, he takes a good stroll around in the Brand New City in the town of Mexico as he meets Other Ghosts there who are also taking a visit to the Living as well. On his way by, he meets Gina (the same girl who saved her life from yesterday) again as Gina walks down in the streets through people as Gabriel hides so that way he won't see her while Gina doesn't noticed that the Ghost who saved her is behind her. Once Gabriel takes a look at Gina again, he takes a closer look further while Gina is unaware but as the Dead Man looks at her Beauty, he insantly somehow falls in love with her. Unaware of being followed by a Ghost, Gina stops by at a Bakery for a Job to work at while Gabriel sneakily watches through the window of what she's doing as Gina asks the Baker to work at the Bakery for a Job. Realizing that he is somehow in love, he is then interuppted by three of the other few ghosts who found him by the Bakery Window outside which makes Gabriel look awkard as he runs away from them leaving the Three Ghosts who saw him confused. During the Job Interview at the Bakery, Gina heard voices mostly from Gabriel and thought she heard something that sounded like the voices of the spirits. Gabriel runs through some of the ghosts in the living and insantly hides behind the walls of the streets. He has never had this feeling before as his invsible heart beats in silence realizing that despite being a flirtatious for skeleton women, he has honestly never fallen in love with a Living Human before. In his life, he never fell for any girl until in the afterlife. Keeping these feelings down in secret, he stops thinking about Gina after seeing her again as he calmy keeps wandering down through the city again after a quick embarrassment. However, in Mexico, they are actually Ghost Hunters who are Agents that secretly work for a Paranormal Agent Company searching for Ghosts to spy and even capture them while that most of the Dead fear as Gabriel and the Other Ghosts who are roaming around in the living are unaware that they were being watched by. After the visit to the Living, Gabriel comes back to his Home in the Afterlife as Camilla asks on where he was as her son replies "Just Took a Visit to a New Town". It makes Camilla curious to what this "New Town" he is talking about but what she doesn't know that the other ghosts in The Land of the Dead are visting the Life World above. But when the Secret Agents have already filmed Gabriel saving Gina that was actually caught on Camera, they show it to their secret business where they could capture their Next Ghost Victim who roams around the earth. The Next Day, Gabriel shows the Living World to his dead best friends (Juan, Marco, and Pedro) as The Boys couldn't believe on how different and new their Country is now as Gabriel shows his Friends around the place. Unaware of the fact that they're secretly but actually being followed by Nahla (Gabriel's Pet Cat) as Nahla journies in to see what's going on with her new owner and his friends. However, what they are mostly unaware is the fact that the Ghost Hunters are somewhat seeing them in their technology glasses where they can see ghosts. When they are later found by them in the same day, The Ghost Hunters try to chase Gabriel and his Friends but Nahla saves them by dropping barrels all over the Ghost Capturers. After the chase, The Boys were somehow splitted apart as they didn't know each part of the city they were in. Gabriel tried to look for his friends but somehow he sees Gina again outside picking up the boxes that her Job ordered, of course, he does hide behind so that way Gina can't see him. Gina enters the Bakery as Gabriel sneakily heads inside and cheeks out the Bakery that she now works at. In the private room, when Gina was still working at her job she then finds Gabriel's Human Form in the reflection of a Mirror. She turned and saw that there was no one there behind her, strange as she thought, she thinks it was only just probably her imagintion but in truth, Gabriel hides behind the mirror and sees his crush go. Later that Night, Gabriel's friends already head home after failing for trying to find their best friend but Nahla does not give up as she headed straight to find her owner. Gabriel follows Gina the way home as he hides outside behind her house as he sneakily sees his crush on the balcony. As Gabriel peeks, Gina holds her locket that has a picture of her and her family for when she was young as she talks to herself wishing that her Father was somehow here and that he would be very proud of her since he died long ago when Gina was a child so she only had to live with her Mother for now and that she wanted to prove herself to be a working hard adult for her family especially her Dad that she misses so much who already passed away. As Gabriel hears this behind, he felt the same pain of having a rough childhood like her since they both lost their fathers at such a young age (main difference is that Gina's Father isn't an Abusive Alcoholic Man like Andre for sure). Gina heads back inside when it was Gabriel's time to finally introduce himself as he flies through the window doors on the balcony and even enters the room. Only this time when Gabriel accidentally bumps into her physically this time Gina could really now see him as she turns in shock for she sees a Dead Skeleton Ghost Man behind Her. Gabriel looks nervous as he waves "Hi" to her but Gina screams in a heart attack as she tries to throw stuff at him but Gabriel calms her down as Gina breathes in calm. Freaked out at first, Gabriel apologizes her for scaring at first because he didn't mean it like that as Gina asks to him of who he is. Gabriel explains that he was once a Living Handsome Man until he got hit and killed in a Car Carsh and now lives in the Land of the Dead (The Afterlife of Ghosts who are buried at their Funreals). This insantly makes Gina intrigued as she asks him about the Land of the Dead as Gabriel replies that it really is the afterlife and is mostly celebrated in Day of the Dead. But he also explained that he was the one who saved her life from the Car Crash that she almost died in. Surprised by the fact that Gabriel was the one who saved her, they decided to become friends and even keep their friendship a secret away from everyone as Gabriel decides to visit Gina every day now when he is roaming the living. When Gabriel returns to the Land of the Dead after walking home with Nahla, he comes back to his home but when his Mother questions him of where he was he only replies in a lie that he was just out busy doing something with his friends in the Land of the Dead. Still unaware of her Son's Secret, Camilla will soon realize of what her Son and the Other Dead have been doing. Meanwhile, upon the Ghost Hunters' Business, they have been somehow tracking down their next victims to capture for they have taken photos of Gabriel and his Friends' spirits that were now caught on camera but they plan to show them in public about the Ghosts who are somehow roaming the earth. The Next Day, when Gabriel comes again to Earth, Gina's Ex-Boyfriend, Rafael pays a visit to his Ex-Girlfriend's Job. Rafael convinces Gina to go out with him and be in a relationship again but Gina refuses because Rafael is techincally bad at relationships and that's why He and Gina broke up. But when Rafael tries to force her Gabriel insantly pranks him and wouldn't allow the ex bastard himself to fall for his living girl while Rafael is unaware that he's being pranked by a Ghost that angered him. After falling for so many pranks, Rafael quits as he gives up trying to reunite with his ex and leaves the Bakery without Gina trying to comfort him. As Gina continues her job, Nahla finds Gabriel hanging out in the Bakery as Gabriel introduces Gina to his pet cat but Gina has to be very busy first at her job there in the Bakery just to earn some money for her family. While Gina is working, Gabriel plays some music with a guitar and even sings a song but this leads him into helping out his human living girlfriend which leads them to dancing in the Bakery. But when Gina's Boss finds out of objects magically floating everywhere, he interrupts the moment as he yells down causing the Couple to stop dancing as every object that was magically floating falls down on the ground. Shocked and surprised Gina almost tried to explain but the Boss orders her to clean everything up. Fearing that there might be some ghosts hunting his Bakery without seeing Gabriel or Nahla, he decides to call the Ghost Hunters for an emergency. After an embarrassed moment, Gina and Gabriel argue on how he would have been spotted by people since ghosts can be terrifying but Gabriel replies it in a jerk way saying that he was only just being himself. Angered by the embarrasement, Gina refuses to talk to Gabriel as he tries to apologize but she still refuses. However, Nahla intervenes Gabriel and directs him to be himself as Gabriel gives Gina a Rose as an Apology. Intrigued by the Flower, Gina accepts despite his lack of qualilites as a dead person. Recently, the Two often hung out more some other time as they get to know each other and eventually became friends. Gina knew all of Gabriel's likes and what he would have been like if he was alive if he wasn't killed and even Gabriel knew Gina's likes of nature and even to get know around the world. Their romance somehow blossomed when one night, Gabriel takes Gina out in a local abandonded resturant where the two have a romantic date. After their dinner, they somehow danced when Ghosts on Earth where dancing to the Ghost Mexican Musicians including Jose Alfredo Jimenez, even Nahla enjoyed their romance. But they had decided to keep their romance a secret from others for their love was a resemblance between Life and Death. Until One Day, when Camilla finds out of her Son's Secret after when Gabriel visited to the living with Gina after their date when he brought her roses, Camilla asks on what he has been doing lately when he didn't appear more in the Land of the Dead since he's been worried about him when he finds a Guitar that he played for Gina that he actually stole in the Living when he cheered her up. Gabriel tries to explain the truth of why he didn't tell his Mother that Ghosts can actually visit the living but this horrified his Mother for Camilla actually heard recently about Ghost Hunters in the Living hunting for some ghost but Gabriel says that he didn't get captured by the Agents and that he actually quickly escaped from them. This worried Camilla more for she orders her son not to go back to the living but Gabriel explains that he would still be careful and that visiting the living ain't so bad but Camilla insantly shuts down Gabriel's visits as he locks him up in his room cause she still feared in hope that he wouldn't end up in the same mistakes as his father. But his friends somehow go looking for him across the streets, Nahla frees Gabriel with the key that she stole as she shows him back to the Cemetery. Curious to know on where they are, they somehow actually visit La Catrina, The Death Goddess of Chicunamictlan. He asks The Goddess and Ruler of Death herself on how did Ghosts find themselves in the Living as Catrina explains that we spirits are allowed to roam the earth and are only to be seen in Day of the Dead unless if someone is born to see ghosts like them but techincally sometimes when people grow older, they can somehow quickly start losing their ability to see the Dead. He also asks if they'll ever be reborn or alive again because Gabriel has been crushing on Gina ever since they first met but Catrina explains that He and Gina can't be in a relationship because The Dead and The Living are completely different since the Dead can't be affort to make families with the Family since it's actually considered to be necrophilia, unless however if Their Soul is decided to become a reincarnation of a New Person in the Living. Gabriel's Friends keep on looking for him because they think that he is somehow lost in the Living but when his Pals search through in the town of Mexico, however, one of the friends accidentally bump into Gina physically as Gina sees as he meets Gabriel's friends for the first time but they freak out when they are spotted by a living they eventually run but Gina this time chases them through the city to ask on who they are as she didn't mean to frightened them when they first saw Gabriel's Human Girlfriend. But they are somewhat captured by the Ghost Hunters who caught them, sending them to their laboratory where they trapped ghosts and to test them. When Nahla finds out that her Owner's Friends have been captured, she immediately tries to find Gabriel and Gina everywhere through the city. But when Gabriel looks to find Gina again, she somehow starts to lose her ability to see Ghosts when she somehow vividly hears Gabriel calling out her name as Gina tries to see him but as they were about to close embrace with touch her ability of seeing ghosts instantly fades away and so does Gabriel's physics of touching her as Gina tries to find Gabriel through the streets of the City but Gabriel keeps calling out for his love as it turns out, Gina can no longer see the Dead anymore. Heartbroken with Silence, Gabriel walks alone with pity as he starts to head back to the Land of the Dead. But when Gabriel heads to return home, he finds a Stray Dog that barks at Gabriel as the Dog can see his spirit as it grabs Gabriel's hat as the Skeleton Man chases the Dog who stole his hat through the city. But when he finally gets his hat back from the Dog, the Dog reveals himself to be none other than Cizin, the Mayan God of Death. Terrified and shocked to meet the Mayan God of Death for the First Time. Gabriel explains that his Human Friend cannot see him anymore and he wants Gina to see Ghosts again. But when Cizin explains that ghosts can be seen again if humans have the ability for the ones who are born with as Cizin explains that Gina was actually born to the power and the ability to talk to Ghosts. Gabriel tells Cizian that he loves her and he wishes to be alive to start a new life but Cizian can't do that and in order for him to see his Living Girlfriend again is by playing an old love song so Gina can see him again. Agreeing to this, Gabriel looks for a Guitar to play at an abandonded apartment but he somehow finds the dead corpse body lying on the ground wearing the exact same clothes as his father wore. Recongzing that the Corpse Man on the ground is actually Andre (His Father). Andre actually died due to his alcholic disease and that his own house was acidentally burnt when he caused a fire in his house as his body was never found. Disappointed and sad at the same time that his Father never had his own tombstone, he often wish he could see him again despite the horrible things that he has done. Andre would have been able to apologized if he would ever see his son and his wife again in the afterlife, so Gabriel picks up his bones and burries his parts in the ground, hoping that he would see them again in the afterlife as he borrows his Father's Guitar. At Gina's home, she is deveasted that she can not see her Boyfriend again until she hears a familiar singing voice coming from outside of the balcony. She somehow listens to the song that sound so familiar towards Gabriel's voice realizing that Gabriel is still hear and that he's actually singing a song, but when he somehow completes his love song towards Gina, his full body appears in a spirit form with the magic as Gina finally sees her Boyfriend again. They of course reunited with each other but when Nahla interupts the moment, she tells them that Gabriel's Friends have been captured by the Ghost Hunters. Shocked by this news, the Couple and the Cat order themselves to save Gabriel's Dead Friends. When The Ghost Trio were already trapped inside through the glass, the Ghost Hunters and Scientists wanted to test them on how they could touch by physics and even possibly send them back to their Grave but they figure that maybe they would have their bones to be used in a musuem which would not make the Dead and their Spirits roam around anymore. The Other Trio make their first way through their hideout as they try to find them through the lab but when they are in there, they see other ghosts and even some dead body parts in the jars which creeps them out. Eventually, they do find their Friends but once they are caught, they try to catch Gabriel to put him along with his friends but Gina has a battle with the Ghost Capturers and even the Scientists as she quickly frees her boyfriend and his friends as Gabriel's Friends escape as Nahla leads them the way but Gina and Gabriel end up being trapped once one of the Ghost Capturers put down a lockdown. When the Ghost Capturers and the Scientists see Gabriel for the first time, they can also see ghosts as well as Gabriel asks on why they keep doing this to capture ghosts. They explain that the reason as to why they capture ghosts is because long ago when Ghosts first started to roam the earth in the 18th Century, people have seen ghosts as ghosts used to haunt and terriorize around places so their Ruler decides to hire a business to capture ghosts and even trap them so they wouldn't escaped, which could explain one of the reasons that the cemetery of the forgotten exists in the Land of the Dead. Shocked by the news of this, the Ghost Capturers and the Scientist were about to capture Gabriel but Gina pushes him to safe him as Gina gets shot and killed through the heart. As the Ghost Hunters and Scientists gasp, Gabriel, heartbroken and pissed exposes his whole Spirit and even hunts the whole lab as he posses the objects to scare them. One of the Ghost Hunters try to trap Gabriel but he destorys all of the Weapons that they have. Terriyfing the Ghosts and the Scientists, he tries to kill them but then he slowly realizes that not everyone deserves to die as he flashbacks as he starts to remember the good old times in his childhood. Gabriel changes his mind as he tells them an advice to leave all ghosts alone and let they roam as he is sorry for terrifying but he asks them to bury Gina so that way, he could see her again in the afterlife and then disappears as he leaves. When the Ghost Hunters and Scientists look at Gina's Dead Body on the ground, they felt sorry as they now know what they must do; change their lives. So they quite ghost hunting and freed all of their spirits as they finally let it go. Gabriel finally returns home but he looks sad as he tells his Mother everything of what he did on earth and that he lost his human girlfriend which makes Camilla heartbroken as she sympathiezes with her son as The Mother and Son duo bond with each other as Nahla joins in after hearing the death of Gina. Even everyone including Gina's family visited her funreal, her Mother was heartbroken that she first lost her husband and now she lost her daughter as Gina's family buried her body hoping that She and her Father would find a better place together. On November when "Día de Muertos", all the people including the family members celebrated their loved ones who passed away in the holiday as they all visited to their graves. When the other Ghosts who came up in the earth to see their loved ones, Gabriel thought that perhaps he could see Gina again since she's now dead but when he tries to find her in the living, he accidentally bumps into a familiar looking Skeleton Woman as they somehow recognize each other. It turns out that the Skeleton Woman that Gabriel bumped into was Gina, who was now already dead. As Gabriel and Gina reunite, she introduces him to his Father as they come here to visit their loved ones who are alive. Since Gabriel has never been visitng to Day of the Dead for a long time, the Three somehow celebrate with Gina's loved ones as they all have a celebration party between the Living and the Dead. In the End, Gabriel and Gina were now together, as they somehow got married and eventually moved into their new home that they now lived together as Camilla and Gina's Father now work at Gabriel's Mother's Resturant in the Afterlife. I'm totally obsessed with the romance trope dynamic, "Death and the Maiden" where the concept is actually Beauty and the Beast only the Beast can be in Different Species. I actually inspired this story off of the African Folktale, "Afiong, The Proud Princess who married a Skull" however, I put that folktale in a twist in a much more Mexican style. My own Mexican Death and the Maiden story also inspires a lot of Coco and The Book of Life, but I do enjoy these foreign animatied traditonal films. Gabriel Hernández and Nahla (c) Me
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acapulcopress · 16 days
Desarrolla Congreso actividades en pro de mujeres empoderadas
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CHILPANCINGO * Abril 12, 2024. ) Congreso de Guerrero Por tercer año consecutivo el Congreso del Estado desarrolló el taller-bazar “Ella cree. Ella crea. 3.0”, marco dentro del cual se ofreció una serie de actividades a mujeres
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emprendedoras para que tengan un mayor impulso en sus negocios y mejoren su economía. El evento realizado en la explanada del Congreso del Estado, bajo la organización de la diputada Jennyfer García Lucena, contó con la participación de la diputada Gloria Citlali Calixto Jiménez y el diputado Raymundo García Gutiérrez, presidenta y vocal de la Junta de Coordinación Política, además de la diputada Patricia Doroteo Calderón. En su intervención, la diputada Jennyfer García Lucena destacó que al asumir el cargo como legisladora, uno de sus propósitos fue abrir las puertas del Congreso a las mujeres emprendedoras, como parte de la lucha continua para que se respeten sus derechos en todos los ámbitos.
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Por su parte, la diputada Gloria Citlali Calixto Jiménez celebró la iniciativa de su homóloga para establecer redes de apoyo entre mujeres, ponderando en todo momento la sororidad. “Estas mujeres que incentivan y empoderan a otras mujeres demuestra el por qué hay paridad de género en el Congreso, donde hay una verdadera representación sustantiva que ayuda a empoderar a otras mujeres, y a crear legislaciones y acciones que amplíen los resultados en favor del sector”, resaltó. Calixto Jiménez reafirmó, asimismo, el compromiso de la LXIII Legislatura de continuar trabajando en pro del respeto a los derechos humanos de las mujeres, su desarrollo integral y por la erradicación de la violencia.
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Intervino también la diputada Patricia Doroteo, resaltando la importancia de apoyarse entre las féminas e impulsar sus proyectos. Finalmente, el diputado Raymundo García Gutiérrez externó que no se puede concebir una sociedad sin la presencia de las mujeres, quienes generan fortaleza en todos los ámbitos, iniciando por el ámbito familiar. En la realización de dicho evento participaron también la maestra Talía Cobarrubias González y Lizbeth Trejo. Entre las actividades desarrolladas destacan el bazar “Ellas crean su historia”, “Taller de automaquillaje”, impartido por Karla Domínguez; participación musical por Gabrielle Wences; panel “Entre Mujeres. Ella crea lo que quiera ser”; presentación del tema “Frente a mí”, impartido por Gabrielle Wences; concurso de carteles “Ellas siempre crean” y el taller “Ella se crea conectando con mi poder interior”, impartido por la licenciada Adriana Maldonado Bravo. ) facebook.com/acapress.mx ) facebook.com/angelblanco.press  ) facebook.com/groups/mexicosur.news ) facebook.com/groups/AcapulcoNoticias ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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