#Haircare regimen
candylandphotos · 10 months
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Fierce dramatic natural beauty model studio photo blonde hair haircare organic ❤️
"Radiant Elegance: Capturing the Fierce and Dramatic Natural Beauty of a Model in a Studio Photo, Showcasing Blonde Haircare Perfection with an Organic Touch ❤️"
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honeytonedhottie · 4 days
summertime beauty routines⋆.ೃ࿔*:・👙
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since we are now in the hotter seasons of the year i wanna share some routines, tips and regimens to stay fresh all summer 🍹
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during the warmer months i transition from a thicker moisturizer to a moisturizer with a gel formula, otherwise the pores of the skin would get clogged. the gel moisturizer would feel rly light on ur skin whereas the thicker moisturizer would just feel too heavy.
when u go swimming whether thats at the beach or the pool, leave in products are the way to GO. bring a leave in conditioner to apply onto your hair after a swim to make sure that ur hair is protected from the salt/chlorine and the sun.
when looking for summer scents i gravitate towards more fruity scents for daytime events. and for evening or night events i gravitate towards muskier, more shimmery scents. a fragrance that i recommend for the summer is sol de janeiro rio radiance.
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some body products that i recommend for the summer are the watermelon and coconut scented tree hut scrubs. the maui hair products. cabana girl body wash from philosophy. the bum bum body scrub.
keep ur body hair trimmed or dont keep it at all bcuz hair traps odor and in order to stay fresh during the summertime, where we r always sweating. hair control/elimination = odor control/elimination.
use glycolic acid on ur armpits at night and use it on ur body in the day time. glycolic acid helps with strawberry legs too, not only odor. essentially its like a toner but for ur body skin. it goes before lotion.
last but not least dont forget to stay hydrated and apply ur SPF and smile
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faybelinesworld · 8 months
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biophilianutrition · 7 months
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Beauty & Wellness
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gowomenbeauty · 1 month
How Do You Quench Your Skin's Thirst? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Indulge in the art of hydration 💧 Elevate your skincare routine with the elixir your skin craves. Discover the secrets to quenching your skin's thirst and unlocking a radiant glow ✨ For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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ventipiu · 5 months
ventipiu is a prominent brand in the production of argan oil. Focusing on offering high-quality and valuable products, this brand has successfully maintained its position in the health and beauty market, especially in the field of argan oils.
Advantages of Using Argan Oil: Argan oil has numerous benefits that can significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair. Recognized as a powerful moisturizer, it contains vitamins and beneficial nutrients that add softness and shine to the skin and hair. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of argan oil are utilized to maintain skin health.
Personal Experience: The experience of using argan oil from the ventipiu brand has been amazing. After consistent use, I noticed remarkable changes in the softness of my skin and the radiance of my hair. The unique texture of this product quickly absorbs, providing a feeling of lightness and freshness to the skin.
Invitation to Purchase: If you are looking for an effective solution for skincare and haircare, it is highly recommended to try ventipiu's argan oil. These high-quality and reliable products will help you enhance your natural beauty.
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irisintheafterglow · 9 months
Polish Up Real Nice! (bnha boys x you)
summary: hcs about taking care of yourself and taking care of the boys (with bakugo, shoto, izuku, kirishima, and denki)
cw/tags: swearing cuz bakugo is here, sickeningly cheesy fluff, the tiniest little bit of angst, pet names (love, babe, baby, sweetheart, lovey)
note: this is your reminder to take good fucking care of yourself because you deserve to feel loved !!!
likes, reblogs, and feedback is always appreciated <3
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Bakugo Katsuki
he has a longer skincare routine than you
does not matter if your routine is 2 steps or 10
he absolutely has a more complex regimen
will hide your body wash/shampoo to force you to use his instead
he likes it when you smell like him because he doesn't know how to voice his fuckin emotions any other way
it's ok !!! we love him anyway !!!
will automatically assume you're using his stuff if he starts running out
"babe, do you know what the fuck happened to my serums?"
"no, love, i'm sorry"
"you're not using them behind my back, are you?"
"i can't read half of the instructions on that tiny-ass bottle."
"it's self-explanatory-"
"it's also $100 for literally 2 milliliters, kats."
"that's a no, then."
it was denki lmao he was over at your house trying to figure out which bottle was soap
also has a haircare routine but not as strict as skincare
he'll just put leave-in conditioner if he wants it to look extra fluffy
MELTS when you massage oil into his scalp
he would rather die than wear one of those cutesy face masks
but he's over here putting fucking cucumbers on his eyes
you have a photo of him with a clay mask on and cucumbers over his eyes that he doesn't know you took
immediately sent it to his friends and now every single contact photo is of that picture
his love language is most definitely not words of affirmation but i think quality time is a strong contender
so when you're both getting ready in the morning he'll wordlessly hand you bottles of products without you asking because he's memorized your habits too <3
Todoroki Shoto
has like????? no skincare routine??????
man is just effortlessly pretty
for a long time he'd just use whatever momo or his mom recommended to him
when he started dating you and you asked about his skincare routine, he was the definition of confused
he was like
"i wash it??"
"no, but like with what product, sweetheart?"
despite not having much of a routine for himself, he will buy you WHATEVER you want
does not matter if the product costs more than the fucking moon
he'll have at least two bottles of it in your house at all times so you never run out
whenever he visits the store or has an assistant out shopping for him, he'll ask if you need anything (applies to basically everything but especially selfcare items)
when you do a facemask with him your favorite part is tying back his hair and giving him a tiny little sprout on the top of his head
also melts when you massage hair oil into his scalp
but he likes to give you massages more
could be with lotion or body wash, doesn't matter
will heat and/or cool his body depending on what you need
he likes running his hands over your skin until you're on the verge of falling asleep
and then he'll just lie down next to you and press his body against yours
Midoriya Izuku
doesn't really know much about skincare but is very eager to learn!!
adores doing facemasks with you
will pick up silly little animal masks from the store while he's on patrol
"look, it's a penguin."
"zuku, my love, where did you get these?"
"on patrol today."
"you're supposed to be stopping villains, babe."
"to be fair, i did kick the hell out of some thieves before buying them."
"ah, so you rewarded yourself."
"by being able to spend time with you, yes."
when he comes home late from a mission or from patrol and he's too tired to take care of his curls, you do it for him
just taking care of him in general when his body is physically unable to do it
which is quite often because you know, he's fucking deku
you'll lead him to the bath and make sure the water is warm beforehand
after he's settled and you clean any pressing wounds, you start working on his hair
he almost falls asleep right there, with your fingers gently rubbing product into his curls
you have to gently wake him to remind him to rinse
will sleepily watch you put on lip balm and then ask to try it
when you hand it out to him, he shakes his head
you smile and he kisses it off your lips
"that's pretty good. keep wearing it, please."
Kirishima Eijiro
probably uses a simple face wash and moisturizer
sometimes uses toner if you remind him but he doesn't really need it since his skin doesn't get super oily
he has a hand care routine
does that even exist??
it does now !
one of your nightly routines with him is rubbing lotion into his palms
because of his quirk, they can get really, really rough and dry
his skin in general gets beat up the most
he tries to remember to put lotion on but he's so busy that he forgets often
he also likes it better when you're sitting across from him and dotingly running your thumb along his palms
despite having a lot of callouses, it's one of the more sensitive spots on his body
"what is it, eiji?"
"that tickles."
he also asks you if you can help him take care of his nails, too
they tend to get roughed up during battles and he also sometimes picks at his cuticles absentmindedly
you help him clean up the nailbeds and scrub dirt from under the fingernails
he watches you like you painted the stars in the sky
when he comes out of the shower and his hair is down, he'll shake his head like a dog if you're in close proximity
effectively hitting you with water like a lawn sprinkler
the absolute KING of physical affection self-care
if you've had a hard day sometimes the one thing you need is just for him to lay his entire body weight on you
"can i ask a favor, babe?"
"anything, lovey."
"work was shit today, could you-"
he's already throwing himself at you and burying you both into the couch cushions
Kaminari Denki
definitely used hand soap to wash his face before dating you
instead of hiding your body wash to make you smell like him, he likes to use your products instead to make him smell like you
because of the videos you send him, most of his social media feed is influencers doing product reviews
he'll send you those product reviews and ask if it's legit or not
if you say it's legit, he'll buy it for you even if you didn't ask for it
"the fuck is this?"
"looks like some crystal roller thing, i don't know."
"baby, you're the one that bought it."
"to be fair, i black out every time i press 'proceed to cart,' so i don't remember doing it."
LOVES taking pictures and videos while you're doing self-care together
he's a sucker for the domestic life what can i say
will play music while you're trying to do your routine and take videos of him just spinning you around your bathroom
his skin also tends to dry out because of his quirk and sometimes he just needs a nice, long soak
will adamantly try to convince you to join him
not in a sexual way but in a matter of he has a small water gun hiding below the surface of the bubbles
instead of doing deep pressure therapy for you, sometimes he needs it from you
it gets hard for him, being a conduit of such a volatile quirk, and he needs you to remind him that his body isn't just a weapon
therefore he likes to just walk up behind you and ask to put his arms around you or just hold you
because he needs it
and deep down?
you need it too
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if you think this was self indulgent then you are absolutely correct;
if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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heich0e · 2 years
Sakusa Kiyoomi is not vain.
He has regimens that he sticks to diligently to keep his life, mind, and body in peak working order. Of course this extends to the way that he cares for himself.
He buys expensive skincare that he applies twice a day (though swapping out certain products in the morning compared to those he uses in the evening before bed.) He follows a carefully balanced diet and exercise routine, one befitting of an olympic level athlete, that was devised for him by some of the best nutrition and fitness experts in the field. He uses only professional quality haircare products that he buys from the salon where he gets his hair trimmed every five weeks, that help keep his curls hydrated and easy to manage.
He is not vain. He's just meticulous.
And he's currently screaming in master bathroom of your shared apartment.
"Kiyoomi what is--" your frantic words die out as you skitter around the corner into the washroom, socks sliding on the polished floor as you go, and see your boyfriend with a towel wrapped around his waist while he stands in the bathroom mirror looking like he's seen a ghost, "....happening?"
He turns to you, a neat smear of charcoal facemask over the bridge of his nose (to combat the oiliness of his t-zone), his eyes wide and frightened.
"I have a grey hair."
You stare at him, bewildered.
"I have a grey hair," he repeats when you say nothing, taking a few steps towards where you're standing in the doorway, bending at the waist so you can see the top of his head. He points to a part of his hairline just above his two moles where, as previously mentioned, there was a little grey hair.
"Hey," you say gently, taking his face in your hands and tilting it up so you can meet him eye to eye. "I don't know how to break it to you, but you have way more than just one grey hair."
Your boyfriend squawks indignantly, ripping himself out of your hold and stalking back over to the mirror to see if what you've said is true.
"Where?" he asks as he struggles to locate the offending strands.
"Kiyo," you say softly, placatingly almost, as you step into the bathroom after him. "They're... all over, just sorta mixed in with the rest of them. I see them all the time when we're snuggling."
He looks at you with devastation on his features.
"And you never told me?"
You could almost laugh if he wasn't so distraught. "Baby, it's normal. I just assumed you knew."
"Oh my god, I'm old."
You can't hold back the laugh any longer.
"You are not old!" you exclaim, poking him in the side. He doesn't even flinch. "Plus if you're old that means I'm old. And I don't think that's a very nice thing to say about your girlfriend."
Kiyoomi shoots you a sullen little look.
"Of course you're not old," he mumbles, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you forward to tuck his chin atop your head. He smells clean from the shower he's just taken--the expensive bath products lingering on his supple, freckled skin. "You're as beautiful as the day I met you."
You soften at the earnest affection in his words. "But I don't look exactly the same as I did then, do I?"
Kiyoomi pulls back from your embrace slightly, looking down at you. His eyes narrow as he scans your features.
"Yeah, you do."
You laugh again, grabbing at his hands and pulling him close.
"I don't, Kiyo. But that's okay," you say, sincerity weaving though your words. You take his hands and press them to your cheeks, much like you'd been holding his own face a few moments prior. You tilt your head and press a kiss to his palm. "Isn't it kind of nice that we've been together long enough to see each other change?"
Kiyoomi pauses for a moment, considering your words.
"I guess."
You puff your cheeks out. He really does have such a way with words.
"You guess?" you challenge him, letting his hands drop from where you're holding them to your face.
"I just..." You watch as Kiyoomi struggles to find the words to express what he's trying to say. You give him the time he needs to do it. "Are you sure you still love me even with grey hair?"
You blink at him.
"Kiyoomi, I'd love you even if you were bald."
"Well now you're just lying to me," he says with a roll of his eyes, but he's smiling a little bit as he steps back towards the sink to wash off his face mask.
"I mean it!" you insist, wrapping yourself around him as he goes about splashing water on his face. "I really think you could pull it off. And you and Atsumu could match once he finally bleaches all his hair off his head!"
Kiyoomi laughs so hard it shakes his frame, water dripping off his chin. He rubs a towel gently over his features (careful not to tug his skin and cause wrinkles) to dry off, turning to face you once he's done.
There's still a few drops of water clinging to the sharp line of his jaw as he stares down at you.
"Can I tell you something?" you ask him quietly, playing with the edge of the towel he has wrapped around his waist.
"Does it have to do with me being bald?" Kiyoomi remarks dryly.
You shake your head.
"Alright, then."
"I think it's kind of hot," you say, reaching up to push Kiyoomi's fringe back and get a better look at the two little strands of grey streaking through it.
Kiyoomi quirks a brow, the two beauty marks above his eye shifting slightly with the expression.
"Really?" he asks, but it's trepidatious--like he wants to believe it but isn't quite sure if it's true.
"Yeah," you say with a little nod, "it makes you look handsome and grown up. I didn't tell you about them before because I was scared you'd dye them next time you got your hair done."
Kiyoomi can't deny that it fills him with a certain sense of pride to hear you admit it, to see the way you peek up at him through your lashes with a little pout on your lips. It reminds him briefly of the you from many years ago when you'd first started dating; the you who wasn't so comfortable and outspoken around him as you are now.
Maybe you were right in saying that it's nice to get to grow together, to see the ways the other changes through the passing years.
And yeah, Kiyoomi might be a little bit vain.
But he's also incredibly lucky to have you by his side in spite of it--and the grey hair.
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cfcreative · 14 days
Dumb BG3 thoughts based on a single pun for Korydass…
The Companions & Their Relationships to Makeup
Thoughts under the break…
Lae’zel: “Tchk! It is called battle paint, Istik!”
Shadowheart: Loves it, is clearly talented & practiced with it—also wildly jealous of Isobel’s eyeliner game. Has she worn poisoned lipstick? Probably at least once she can’t remember.
Astarion: Will deny that he uses anything. Actually uses everything he can get his hands on. Has gotten incredibly good at doing things by feel/memory. The only reason he isn’t more dramatic with it is that pesky lack of reflection.
Gale: Has a meticulous skincare routine and a manicure kit. Very particular about his hands AKA “The finally tuned instruments with which I compose the intricate melodies of my art!” Used to have a haircare routine, but it fell by the wayside when he wasn’t leaving his tower.
Wyll: Careful haircare routine. Enjoys eyeliner and eyeshadow. Was much more fussy about everything when every other day he had to attend a ball. Much more practical now that he’s been the Blade of the Frontiers.
Karlach: Is interested, but since there weren’t cosmetics that could stand up to the fiery hells of Avernus at her disposal she hasn’t had a chance to dabble. Unironically will ask Wyll (before anyone else) for ideas on what she could/should wear, because he’s her bestie and that’s who you ask!
Halsin: Works solely with what nature gave him, gods bless the man.
Minthara: Has a makeup/skincare/haircare routine that is precisely timed down to the minute. Has absolutely worn poisoned lipstick on multiple occasions. Also has painted her nails with poison. Not for a specific reason, just to test out the practicality of it. Didn’t use it again because it chipped too easily.
Jaheira: Used makeup more often when she was younger. After her kids and “bonus kids with weapons” (The Harpers) she didn’t bother as much with it. She still does her hair exactly the way Khalid loved it, though.
Alfira: Adores makeup! Stage makeup, everyday makeup, you name it! Can be overly ambitious with it.
Lakrissa: Never was interested when she was younger, in fact, was pretty anti-makeup… then Alfira begged her to try an eyeshadow. Alfira fawned so much over Lakrissa afterwards that Lakrissa has been wearing it ever since.
Isobel: Effortlessly an expert in makeup. Obviously adores a dramatic eyeliner and eyeshadow. Occasionally gets the whim to practice on Aylin. Takes up a more vigorous skincare regimen after resurrection because she’s quietly alarmed by the “clamminess” of her skin. (Nobody else thinks she feels clammy).
Aylin: Fully believes she is perfect without makeup. Fully believes she is also perfect with it. Does not own any of her own cosmetics. Really only wears makeup when Isobel puts it on her. Makes a lot of loud excuses about not understanding mortal hair-care because it prompts Isobel to wash and brush her hair.
Korydass: “Make up? Make up with whom? Have I offended someone?!”
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sneeb-canons · 6 months
Mind absolutely does not care about his hair. He uses 3 in 1 shampoo, towel dries his hair, and dry brushes out his curls. His hair is always frizzy and damaged.
Heart has a whole haircare regimen and strictly follows it. It is the only time henis not impulsive because his hair means a lot to him. His curls are the healthiest out the the three.
Soul does the bare minimum for his hair. A good shampoo, conditioner, and wide tooth comb. That's it. While not the best, there's minimal damage but no natural shine.
Headcanon #265
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Dating Genesis headcannons
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-Whiny little drama queen-perfectionist, this one. Genesis values perfection and elegance, as well as cleanliness. He has a daily routine that he absolutely must stick to; the slightest disruption will have him bitching about it for hours.
-If he ever comes across any insects of any kind in the house, no matter how small and harmless, he will scream loud enough to shake the Planet itself and burn the damn things with a fully charged Firaga before running into your arms, sobbing about the "horrible monster" that nearly "ate him alive".
-Hates dust. The mere sight of it causes him to crinkle his nose up in disgust and leave the room. Your living quarters must constantly be clean if you want him to be in them--but don't ever ask him to clean for or with you, because then he'll start yammering on about how cleaning products are full of chemicals that damage his "perfect skin".
-Takes his skin and haircare regimens incredibly seriously and has like 1,000 different creams, gels and ointments for literally everything. Contrary to what one might expect, he will actually share them with you. Just ask him first or he'll smack you with a towel or something
-Will not shut up about LOVELESS. From the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep, all he does is quote LOVELESS, even during conversations with you, he'll find a way to interject snippets from LOVELESS, even if they don't match the context of what you're talking about.
-Is the most needy, attention-seeky bitch alive. When he wants to be pampered (which is all the time) he will constantly bug you until you cave in and give him what he wants.
-He craves affection and compliments not because he's vain, but because he was never given that growing up. His parents were noblemen and were always busy carrying out their duties. They never had time to show their son affection--something that stuck with him his whole life. You taking the time to compliment his outfit or comment on how nice his hair looks means the world to him, even if he never shows it.
-When he's not talking your ears off or begging for a massage, Genesis loves to cuddle you. He wants to show you how much he appreciates you putting up with his shit every day, choosing to do so by sitting on top of you, crushing you with his weight alone, and then strangling you with the biggest, tightest hugs imaginable.
-Some of his (many, often overused) pet names for you are: Goddess (his favorite), Sweetness, Sugarplum, and Beloved.
-He 100% whispers those nicknames into your ear late at night when/if you can't sleep and need to hear something other than LOVELESS from his mouth. His voice is perfect for that, though. It has an ASMR-like quality to it. Very relaxing.
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candylandphotos · 10 months
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Natural beauty model studio photo blonde hair haircare organic 💕
"Radiant Authenticity: Embracing Organic Haircare and Natural Beauty 💕"
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stylesavingssavvy · 1 month
How to Save Money on Beauty Products Online: A Complete Guide 
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Keeping up with the latest beauty trends in the modern world can occasionally feel like a financial burden. But do not worry! Saving money on your favorite beauty products has never been simpler, thanks to innovative shopping platforms like Redfynd. Whether you're shopping for skincare, haircare, cosmetics, or other basics for your beauty routine, this guide will take you through five easy steps to help you look amazing on a budget.   
Identify what you need: 
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Understand Your Beauty Regimen Needs: Take some time to determine what you require before sinking into the world of online cosmetic shopping. Are you in need of a new serum, or are you almost out of your favorite lipstick? Determining exactly what you need will keep you concentrated and prevent you from making pointless purchases, ultimately resulting in financial savings.  
Do a personal assessment. Assess your skin type, hair type, and any specific concerns you might have (like acne, fizziness, or pigmentation) to better understand your needs. For accurate advice and to ensure you choose products that offer effective results without side effects, consider consulting with a dermatologist, especially if you’re dealing with sensitive skin or serious beauty concerns.  
Create an Inventory List: Develop the habit of maintaining an inventory list of your current beauty products. This not only prevents you from buying duplicates but also helps you avoid purchasing multiple products for the same purpose. Utilize apps or simple spreadsheets to track the usage and expiration dates of products you already own. Alongside your inventory, keep a wishlist of items you want to explore. Prioritize this list based on your most-needed items and include products that come highly recommended or have top-rated reviews.  
Conduct thorough research by reviewing customer ratings: 
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After you have a clear idea of what you want, it's time to do a little homework online. Conduct Research the product and make sure it matches your concerns, skin type, and hair type. See online reviews to see if you are buying make-up and how it looks after application. Examine many online merchants to locate the greatest offers and compare prices. Keep an eye out for deals, discounts, and package deals that will enable you to spend less on cosmetics. Avoid impulsive buying.  
Spend a little time reading feedback from others before making a purchase. This can help you prevent costly errors by providing insightful information on the efficacy and quality of a product. To be sure you're receiving the most value for your money, look for items with high ratings and reviews that are positive.  
Use Comparison Sites like Redfynd to Compare Prices: 
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Comparison websites like Redfynd, in addition to cashback, may be very helpful resources for online shoppers looking to save money on beauty items. These websites make it simple to locate the greatest bargain without spending hours searching the internet by allowing you to compare prices from several stores all in one location.  
Redfynd is the largest beauty comparison site with more than 1.5 million skincare and makeup products and 15+ beauty retailers, including Nykaa, Myntra, Tira, Ajio, Taacliq Palette, Sephora, etc.  
Whenever you're looking for a new hair oil, shampoo, hair styling gel, or comparison website, they may assist you in finding the best deal. Additionally, a lot of comparison websites include thorough product evaluations and information to aid in your decision-making. You can purchase with confidence knowing that you're getting the greatest bargain possible on all your favorite beauty goods thanks to comparison sites' simplicity and savings.  
Utilize Cashback Sites like Redfynd: 
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Platforms like Redfynd provide an easy-to-use but efficient means of getting money back on cosmetic purchases. All you must do is register, shop on their site, and watch as your savings increase with each transaction. It's like getting rewarded for shopping for your preferred face mask, face wash, or cleanser. To help you save more money, with Redfynd, you can find the best deals that are available in any online store in India. You can begin receiving cashback on all your cosmetic purchases with only a few clicks, and you can gradually see your savings grow.   
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Shopping online for cosmetics doesn't have to be a difficult way to save money. You can buy more wisely and get more beauty for your money by following the above five easy steps: figuring out what you need, researching, using cashback and comparison websites, and checking user ratings. So, feel free to treat yourself to a wonderful mascara or to that lip gloss without breaking the bank!   
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biophilianutrition · 5 days
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Wellness & Beauty
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gowomenbeauty · 2 months
What Are the Benefits of Hydration Hero? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Discover the secrets of the hydration hero! 💧 Dive into the world of benefits awaiting you when you prioritize hydration. From glowing skin to enhanced focus, this liquid champion does wonders for your body and mind. For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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dreamcrow · 6 months
I need some Hot Crow Takes on what was the worst example of Villain Decay throughout ToA. also on what Leonora Janeth uses in her hair
send me a meta prompt (currently closed); thank you for the ask!
the arcane and esoteric mysteries of janeth's haircare regimen are beyond my humble (straight-haired) supposings. but for the villain decay? oh, morgana, hands down. 
gunmar is spooky, but a bit of a ham. for most of trollhunters, he’s also relatively distant. bular is a lot closer, and much more of an immediate threat, but he’s always ultimately subordinate (either to stricklander or his father) and he does, in the end, get got by a teenager. angor is initially presented as terrifying, and rightly so, but even if he becomes sympathetic he’s always formidable; stricklander starts out pretty nefarious (especially if you think about some of the implications of e.g. feeding bular a human security guard) but is of course, in proper gdt fashion, domesticated by wuv. obviously i have niche side blorbo brain fungus re: the arcane order but it's hard to assess their actual "villain decay" without having to think about That Film. at any rate, i don't think they're actually the worst example in toa: despite a concept/design that fucks so absolutely severely, once they get on screen, they're not actually built up all that much (or...well). it takes them less than the space of an episode (22 minutes) to go from "dread, ancient terrors that even merlin is afraid of" to "merlin shooing away them, the green knight, and their evil floating skull castle with less effort than he usually spares to criticize douxie." but that's another post.
morgana, though. part of what made her such a compelling villain was how little arthur figured in trollhunters. the existence of merlin implies the existence of arthur, of course, but in trollhunters arthur isn't there at all. instead, we get the negative space of him: his right hand (merlin) and the anti-arthur (morgana). obviously this is partly her role in arthuriana proper, but it also strikes me as pretty deliberate here: merlin's liege vs. merlin's student (and that liege's sister); humanity's last best hope vs. the queen of the otherworld; the king under the mountain vs. the witch under arcadia. i was not very tuned into morgana when i first got into trollhunters, but looking back over the series for this ask, the parallels are so obvious. and so tight! i wouldn't be surprised if some of this was even deliberate.
and the thing is: trollhunters has enough space as a series that its antagonists don't really have to pull their punches. morgana was nasty in trollhunters. pale lady, baba yaga, eldritch queen, mother of monsters—holy shit, right? and she's creepy, too: all muttering whispers and dread ancient magic! she takes angor’s soul, and then his free will. she taunts stricklander while possessing the body of one of his students (while threatening the permanent exile of two more to the depression dimension), and then in the guise of the human he's in love with. speaking to her faithful children—who only exist through morally dubious, unpleasant processes, for which she is implied to be responsible—via institutional heirloom phonograph! she's so much more connected to the shadow realm, here, probably the most compelling justification for reading shadow magic as dangerous. she's the big bad behind angor and gunmar (while playing them both against each other). she absolutely feels evenly paired with merlin, and (rightly) kicks his ass through most of the battle of the eternal night. she's evil but charismatic and even despite all that still a little human: when she taunts jim for not knowing merlin used her hand for the amulet, it isn't without a shadow of what must have been an ancient hurt.
and then. wizards. jesus christ (tired ben affleck smoking dot jpg)
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