#I actually have more than this already done but I don't want to spoil anything hehe
overrgrown · 2 days
stray my stand in thoughts in no particular order (e1-7 spoilers) ~
sorry it's long lmao I have a lot of jumbled thoughts that I need to yell about so this is me screaming into the void
Joe being used as a stand in by ming and tong is very telling
ming honestly doesn't act like a spoiled rich brat. he's occasionally entitled, but he's very polite to staff and he genuinely cares for his sister.
I don't think that ming wants to hurt his sister. he wants tong to choose him instead of his sister so that he can break her heart instead and then ming isn't to blame
idk if ming was ever trying to be subtle to Joe about what he was to him. he flat out told him he was a stand in (just didn't mention for who)
Joe getting a second chance at a maternity figure only to have her immediately fall into major trouble and then health issues has got to be triggering the fuck out of Joe rn
do we find out where Joe 2.0's spirit is at all? and what happened to OG Joe's body??
jfc poom is so pretty I can't focus
ik sol and ming are more than likely gonna become friends at some point but my messy ass would LOVE to see them be bitter bitches to the end with each other
where did ming get the chain....?
it's making me so fucking sad that Joe is falling back into his previous direct footsteps bc of his situation and its literally all he knows to do. same people, same habits, same mannerisms, same career, everything
he has an opportunity to completely rebrand and live his life without being under ming's thumb but he is consciously choosing to stay around him. why? what is so alluring about the person who used and emotionally cheated on you for who knows how long and then drunkenly called you the target of his actual affections????
Joe is not only too humble. I think he genuinely doesn't think he deserves better. this life is all he's ever known and he's never had the stones to try and improve himself and get his own life
his job is literally to be a nameless, faceless body double who does the work for a person who gets to take all the credit
(not that I'm shit talking real stunt doubles. y'all are the core of my fave action movies and ily)
but it says a lot about Joe's character and how passive he is usually and it's so interesting to me that he's the big risk taker when it comes to his stunts but he's too scared to make a move to improve his life or branch out on his own
those inconsiderate little bitches. you can't just add a character willy nilly to an already finished script. it'll throw off the whole movie and that's way more work for the writers
yo that hesitation at Joe not being able to break those mugs???? I felt it physically that was GOOD FUCKING ACTING
sol has never done anything wrong in his life he could murder someone in front of me in cold blood and I would help him cover it up
I would come out to sol i trust him with my party drink I'll go to war for him
damn bro how the hell did Joe get roped into being a stand in for HIMSELF that's some meta shit right there. like how is this not just self harm bc that's what it seems like to me
tharn? that's a new name. will we meet him?
ming's condo being green and gold like Joe's old house I am chewing on fucking concrete
is the backception here that ming is kissing Joe 2.0's back bc it reminds him of OG Joe or because it reminds him of Joe reminding him of tong hmmmmmmmmm either way: seek help babe you have a problem
the juicy juicy parallel of ming waking up to an empty pillow I'm gulping this shit down like water this is my life blood rn thank you for the delicious meal
i am not immune to the mesh shirt
Update: I am correct
I thought I was going to hate ming a lot more when I started this bc I have a lot of manipulation trauma but I kind of.... get him
how old is tharn supposed to be bc he looks 16 and it's unsettling
I knew we couldn't trust that twink
ming is about to step off the edge I can feel it this man is about to overflow and drown everyone around him in his search for Joe
"tOng PlaYed tHe scENe hImsELF" oh so tong has always been a piece of shit got it
shut the fuck up why am I actually getting emotional over ming realizing that his Joe is the one in front of him and that it's been him all along
but on another note I am going to pound him into the cement for interrupting that shoot I hope the footage wasn't ruined by ming's emo ass
the back hug with the clear JOE though and comparing it to their first meeting?? stupendous no notes
up is going in a bubble I am kissing his forehead he acted the fuck outta that last scene MWAH
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forgettable-au · 5 months
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urfavleo777 · 7 months
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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, alcohol, oral (f receiving), enemies to lovers.
"Having fun?"
You look up from your phone and see Colby staring at you. You wonder why, out of so many people, he chose to approach you. Well, maybe because half of the guests have lost touch with reality. Your best friend Sam's birthday party didn't end the way you thought it would. Instead of innocent dancing and honest conversations over a bottle of wine, one of the guests decided to bring weed and spoil the whole party.
That guest was, of course, Colby Brock himself.
You'd be lying if you said he wasn't handsome. He definitely was and he knew it perfectly well, but due to his intolerable character, especially when drunk, his appearance didn't matter.
"No," you answer flatly. You direct your gaze back to the Instagram post of some unknown model to block your view of him, but he quickly snatches it away and puts it in his pocket at the back of his pants. "Give it back to me, you freak!"
"Such a shame. You should be dancing on the table, not sitting alone like a puppy," he says with a taunting smirk. "Let me entertain you, Y/n."
You roll your eyes as he sits down on the almost empty couch next to you. Sitting in the main room, where most people have lost contact with reality and are rolling on the floors, reminds you a bit like a scene from an asylum. Colby snorts when he notices you looking at them with a look of horror on your face. You wonder where Sam is. It takes you a moment to realize that he's probably already jumped into his fancy swimming pool. Or is just busy with doing something… else.
You decide to check on him, but as you're about to get up, your dress gets caught on the table, causing it to rip. You curse under your breath, pissed that one of your favorite dresses was ruined. You sit back on the comfortable sofa so that no one notices you exposing your leg up to the hip.
Well, you are wrong if you think this may help.
"Woah, slow down, Y/n," you shoot him an angry look and he responds with a short laugh. His mocking voice is probably caused by too much alcohol in his blood, and it starts to piss you off.
"Give me my phone back, Colby." You say seriously, senselessly trying to cover your legs.
"Take it if you want it so bad."
This is the second time you roll your eyes in his presence. There's no way you're going to touch him. Indeed - now, staring at you with those hypnotic blue eyes of his, messy dark hair, red cheeks from the amount of alcohol he drank, and lips that just ask for a kiss, he is even more attractive than usual, but… no. You can't give up that easily.
"Colby, I swear to god," it was becoming more than taunts. "Give me back something you took from me. If not, that would be the perfect reason to accuse you of st-"
"I want to shut that pretty mouth of yours." You barely suppress a flinch when he whispers the words into your ear.
You don't even look at him, but in your mind's eye you see that damn smirk on his face again.
"Wanna hear something that you'll hate?" He is a whisper in your ear, gooseflesh rising on your arms and the fire igniting in your abdomen. You decide not to play unavailable any longer and nodd without saying anything. He smacks his lips after noticing your obedience. Then he moves even closer, breaking any distance between you two. "I've wanted to rip that dress off of you since the beginning of this party. I see that fate has done me a favor."
Speaking in a low voice directly into your ear, he hit your sweet spot. But it doesn't matter when you finally realize that he's only saying it because he's drunk. In a few hours you will be just friends again with Sam, who is actually your connection to keep in touch.
"Come with me. I'll show you what having fun exactly means."
And truly, you're so close to agreeing if it weren't for the fact that you're overthinking too much.
You lower your head and look away in embarrassment. Maybe it's also the alcohol, which always makes you more sensitive, but you feel like you're about to cry. You try hard not to burst into tears, because knowing Colby he would use it to tease you and make fun of you in the future.
"Is something wrong?" His wild nature disappears in the blink of an eye. Colby cups your cheek, forcing you to look into his eyes. There's no turning back as he grabs your waist with his other hand and pulls you closer to him. "Do you want me to stop?"
You just shrug. You are a conflict full of contradictions. Part of you wants to push him away and send him to hell, and the other part wants to do the things that you only secretly dream about.
Colby, seeing your indecision, respectfully moves away from you.
That’s kinda sweet, actually.
Then he closes his eyes, and when he opens them, it feels like he's even drunker than usual.
"We can't.. do this." You say, looking up at him.
Colby nods sightly, but you know the darkness in these eyes too well. He's not looking at you the way friends looks at each other. Colby notices the way your body shifts next to him, looking at him from under your lashes and biting your lip unconsciously. Nevertheless, he says the following words:
"I have always been far from your ideal man," your face contorts in confusion. You want to tell him he's stupid, but he stubbornly continues. "You've always preferred chasing the nice guys next door, like that fucking church fanatic Dylan. You never paid attention to me, even though I tried. Remember that Halloween night at Sam's? I remember you complaining about your lack of outfit ideas. You thought that by not dressing up at all, you would spoil everyone's fun. The night before, I drove around for several hours looking for the perfect costume shop. Of course, Sam told you that he dug that outfit out of the closet, but you knew that was impossible. A witch outfit in Sam's closet? Sounds bizarre, doesn't it?"
You open your mouth in confusion. True, something like that had happened and you felt strange that Sam had such things in his closet, but you ignored the feeling and just thanked him. Now you finally know who was behind it all.
"Yeah, I know I'm making a damn fool of myself right now, but I want you to know that I don't want to just use you for a one-night stand. You're beautiful. When Sam introduced you to me, that was my first thought of you. Fuck, you're so beautiful, Y/n."
"Shut up and kiss me."
This answer surprises him a bit, but soon afterwards he smiles slyly.
"Close your eyes." The heat of his breath kisses your neck.
You shiver at the suggestion of his lips, and again when they press to your skin. Close-lipped, Colby kisses the skin just under your ear where on the opposite side of your head his thumb strokes quarter circles. You're quickly overwhelmed by the duelling sensations. You don't notice his lips have parted until he's kissing a sloven path downward, his spit cooling in wake.
This isn't a hickey, this is straight up kissing, and you don't know what to do with how you feel. You hide your hands in his hair.
"Please, let's get out of here," you literally beg.
He nods and takes you up the stairs. It doesn't take long before you're in Sam's room. You giggle at the spot he chose. You close the door and let yourself be carried away by the touch of Colby's delicate big hands.
Your hand works further into his hair, getting caught in a tangle as he sucks your skin between his lips. His lazy mouthing turns insistent but still gentle, his teeth scratching ever so slightly at your pulse as it capers beneath his ministrations. You gasp at the warmth blossoming under your ribs. You cup the back of his neck a touch too tight.
He breaks a particularly rough kiss to suck in breath, his nose sliding up the curve of your neck as he leans back. "You okay?" he murmurs, half-lidded eyes locking onto your flushed face.
"Mh-" You cut off your sentence by pushing him onto the bed. With one movement of his hand, he tears off the remnants of the fabric of your torn dress and admires your half-naked body.
You sit on his lap, continuing to devouring him with kisses. In the meantime, you grab his belt and clumsily try to undo it.
"Let me help you, puppy," he chuckles as he continues kissing. You sigh at the word he called you. As he throws his pants down, you hear a loud thump on the floor.
"My phone!"
"Fuck your goddamn phone," he slaps your ass, making you moan loudly. "I'll buy you a new one."
Soon you're sitting on top of Colby, whose only clothes are his underwear.
You continue grinding on his bare thigh, his boxers pushed up high. The outline of his cock shows through the cotton, and you can’t help but grab it. He inhales sharply at the sudden contact, making you giggle.
"Love seeing you all turned on, Colby," you murmur, sucking his neck that has his eyes rolling back in his head. He moves his hand from your waist to your clit, pressing slow circles to the sensitive bud over the lace. A moan slips past your lips, quickly turning into a whimper of his name. "F-Fuck, Colby. Right there."
He throws your legs over his shoulders so quickly that it has you laughing in surprise, but that laughter stops as soon as his mouth is on you. His tongue immediately finds your clit, flicking over it until your toes curl. He wraps his lips around it and sucks gently until he has you on the brink of orgasm. His fingers return to your needy hole, filling you expertly until you cum with a wanton moan.
"So fucking good," Colby says, still between your legs. His mouth and chin are covered in a slick sheen. "You wanna taste now, baby? Wanna know just how delicious you are?"
You open your mouth and eagerly accept his fingers. They taste of your arousal and a hint of strawberry; it does bear a striking similarity to your chapstick. Once Colby lets his fingers drop from your mouth, you’re whining and writhing below him.
"Now, get on your knees for me."
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cherriteaa · 5 months
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Mitsuya x Black fem reader
A/n: This was requested!! It was part of a 2 person request so I'll reply to the actual request when I do Smiley's
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I'm talking handwritten love notes, handmade plushies and outfits, jewelry, making sure at LEAST ur nails are always done, flowers, everythinggg.
He seems to me definitely the gift giver romantic kind of guy. Esp if you're just as stylish as him. Even when yall are younger, and he hasn't gotten his big designer paycheck yet, he's still finding ways to spoil you. Including learning how to do nails. And he can do ANYTHINGGG you want. French tips, painted designs, charms, different shapes, dip, acrylic, rhinestones, ANYTHING. That man is a master at nail art. And he's starting to get really good with doing your hair. He makes a big thing of it, going to the store the day prior to hair day to get the cut fruit for you and everything. He's SO cute. He's already getting used to doing Mana and Luna's hair, so he's got the patience for it.
Always sends goodmorning/goodnight/checkin texts. He's the easiest communicator ever. I feel like if you guys ever do have arguments, they're shortlived. He's great at getting to the heart of the issue calmly and without using damaging/hurtful words.
He's another cuddly guy. Loves inviting you over afterschool to cuddle and just spend quiet time with eachother before he has to get up again to make sure his sisters are taken care of ect. If you stay over, he's more than grateful if you help him out. Be it with dinner, or with the girls. It takes a huge load off his shoulders. During these times, he likes to come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, resting his cheek against you. Something about you just helping out with / being around his family brings a domestic feel that he adores
He love love LOVES to have you wear his stuff. His clothes, things he's designed, his jewelry, anything. He thinks you look sooo cute
Romantic dates as much as he can manage. He's one of those 'if he wanted to, he would' guys. Not every romantic date has to be expensive. He finds all kinds of new and cute ideas for dates. He likes to keep the relationship interesting, and more importantly, keep you feeling like his princess.
He's never afraid to let people know you're dating. He'll invite you to toman meetings, and he isn't afraid to hold your hand or kiss in public. As far as it isnt anything too steamy, he's totally fine with it
HE'S A COOOOK. That man can definitely cook, and he has a bunch of recipes in his arsenal to keep Mana and Luna from getting bored of foods. He likes to show off and pretend to be some celebrity chef in the kitchen after inviting you over for a meal or something.
He likes to tease a little. All in good nature. He isnt the type of guy to poke at insecurities though. More like screenshotting typos you made, and making fun of long gone slightly embarrassing events like you tripping or something. He never means to make you feel bad, just to get a giggle or two. He's the type of boyfriend who will need his girlfriend to keep him in check sometimes. Not that he's out there starting random arguments, but in the sense that he'll start to overwork himself, and he'll get burnt out if you don't say something. And he'll be really grateful if you do.
Mitsuya is the type of guy to do promise rings, and then melt down the material your ring was made out of to infuse into your wedding band. He'll talk about you with his last name, and he's very open to talking about the future with you. He's one of the best types of guys to have around. He'll never leave you behind, and he'll gently push you just enough when you start slacking on your goals. Not only that, but he's the kind of guy who'll notice you're overworking you're stressed before you notice yourself. He's 10000% husband material, and the best thing about being in a relationship with him is that you both encourage eachother to grow and better yourselves together.
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A/n: Requested Mitsuya Hc's! I hope they're to your liking <33
Reblogs, Requests and Comments are appreciated!!
My requests are : Open!
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dolliehina · 2 months
Oh wow fem twst is top tier
Whoever’s your fav character you should indulge on (and if you’ve already done them how about fem Riddle 🌹)
♡ Reader is gn!, probably some mentions of girls with daddy issues, ONE SINGULAIR MENTION OF SMOKING AND PREMARITAL SEX♡
♡- If I'm being completely honest, I think dating fem Riddle would be so much worse than dating normal Riddle. She's much more brainwashed by Papa and is probably much for prone to fits or being spoiled. She's daddy's princess but with some emotional abuse sprinkled in. (Maybe more than a sprinkle)
♡- I think after she overblots, though, she's much better. She is much less emotional and calmer for sure (until she gets her period, have fun with that). But Fem Riddle is really trying to get better.. please be patient. She just wants love :(
♡- Fem Riddle is very cute, like a baby rosebud or strawberry! If you call her by the name "My Rose" or "Darling," she just melts. A good way to calm her down actually is to just be affectionate. She melts and immediately just calms down. Also, FAVORITISM, obvious fucking FAVORITISM. If you're dating this ruling queen, she will absolutely have favoritism towards you. You broke a rule? She gives you a warning. You ate one of her tarts? That's fine, you're her darling. She was going to share with you anyway!! (If you listen carefully, you can hear Ace and Deuce screaming in the background with collars on-)
♡- Fem Riddle has never gone shopping before. Her dad would always buy things for her, including her clothes. If you take her on a shopping date, she'll be confused af. There's so much?? What rules apply here?? What can you touch??? HELP HER- But if you are patient enough to help her, she absolutely adores shopping dates or window shopping. Mostly prefers the bakery, but she will refuse if you offer because of Papa... (Buy her one as a surprise. She'll be sobbing and eat it in a heartbeat when you're not around.)
♡- She's a very feminine girlfriend, she's into roses, high heels, beautiful dresses. Makeup, however? Zero experience. If you aren't good at makeup either, then she'll just drop the subject all together and move on. However, if you're good? She'll definitely ask, but with a red flustered expression because baby is shy.
♡- If you can't handle the amount of feminine and woman she is when she IS in charge??? If you can't handle that level of girlboss?? Leave. FUCKING LEAVE. As I said, favoritism, but don't abuse that, if you do, she can tell. She's shy, not stupid. She is seen as little miss perfect, so if you are dating her, don't expect her to do anything rebellious like sneaking out, smoking, or having sex before marriage. She's probably insecure about being seen as boring because of it, but just reassure her, and she'll kiss you! ♡
♡- Overall?? 7/10 girlfriend. Perfect for any gender, so don't worry, boys or girls. But she has many issues to work through and is kind of like a baby, so needy, and she expects to be pampered a bit. But if you're fine with that?? Cool. She knows the basic etiquette to being a lovely girlfriend once the healing is over.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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territorial woes | k. leona
✮ tags ; fem!reader (referred to as leonas woman very briefly) fluff, territorial / needy leona , he is sickly in love in this sorry they're so domestic, one singular sex joke, this is a college au so everyone is over 18 for sake of my sanity, sfw but this blog is 18+ so minors don't follow please and ty
✮ wc ; 2k (? ? ?)
✮ a /n ; im so embarassed that this is leaving my fingertips actually. i do have to clarify like... i dont rlly think leona gets jealous easily but he can be kind of childish bc he's spoiled if that makes sense lmao. i was so Plauged by this i couldnt sleep its like 4am. i took my melatonin at midnight im so sick. blame @/petrichorium i am not responsible.
✮ synopsis ; leona kingscholar is often annoyed, but not usually over something like this.
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He shouldn't have come to class.
The clock on the wall is agitating. Tick, tick, tick. On repeat over and over, plainly the same and piercing. Leona is sensitive to his surroundings, and particularly to noise.
He hates loud noises and sharp cries and he hates the sound of the damn clock in Trein's classroom. He's never been a fan of the classroom setting, general lack of motivation aside. It goes against his very nature to listen to boring lectures and sit through assignments he's already done hundreds of times.
All of his education from being young royalty paid off but ultimately amounts to nothing, because if he wants to graduate he still has to do this all over again.
He's a hunter, so he's not opposed to sitting and lying in wait if there's a promise of reward at the end. If all this sitting around with a twitching ear and bored sigh would amount to anything he'd be a little less annoyed with attending.
And there was one, originally. A thing, that Leona had wanted (which he can only admit to himself begrudgingly) that was worth hauling his ass out of the peaceful botanical garden and into class today. That very thing which is currently giggling their heart out to one of those idiot freshman from the Heartslyabul dorm.
Tick, tick, tick. Leona snaps his jaw close and tears his eyes from the sight, nose scrunched in frustration with a knuckle pushed against his temple.
He wants to go back to his dorm. But he can't. He won't until he gets what he even came for.
The presence of another person alerts his senses, but he relaxes upon realizing it's Ruggie, sitting on the edge of his desk with that usual smug air about him. Leon passes him a glance but doesn't say a word.
"Somethin' troublin' you, my liege? Shyehehe."
Leona all but growls.
"Shut your trap or I'll hang you up by your tail."
"Ouch. That bothered by it, huh?"
"I'm not bothered by squat."
Ruggie laughs hard at that and Leona considers throwing him through a wall. Ruggie is also looking ahead where you at, staring a little more openly than Leona is. He whistles under his breath. He can't remember the names of the two brats, but they're always together. One of them with orange hair and the other with the short blue.
"They're pretty close with those two, yanno. Heard they were having sleep-overs and all durin' their first year.''
Leona narrows his eyes. The clock ticks on. Ruggie grins and Leona knows he should just up and leave. It's stupid to be hanging around here. It's lame that he's even looking. He should just go up there and—
"They're best friends, basically. Been like that since before you two had a thing going too. Way before that, I think."
Leona knows well enough what Ruggie is doing. What Hyena's are good at, goading his annoyance to push him to act. He's looking for a show, and Leona is nearly tempted to give him one. Nearly.
You're not the fierce type like the women back home. You probably wouldn't think twice about it, just bat your little lashes and wave your friends goodbye like the herbivore you are if he decided to drag you away. You'd pester him, follow him around while he acted moody and cold for a while before frowning.
You'd get mad at first, before huffing and saying sorry for something you didn't even do. Mumbling and poking around until Leona eventually drags you in his bed to nap instead of being outright about any of it. If his sister-in-law knew he was acting like such a kid to his woman, he'd never hear the end of it. It's that voice in his head that keeps him stuck in his chair, seething.
"Not like you to be so docile, King." Ruggie says. Leona shoots him a mean enough glare that he backs away in fear.
It's not like he's being docile. Not really. There's more to it than that.
Thing is, Leona is used to being chased. Regardless of his inferiority in birthright, he's still royalty. Royalty means plenty of people itching to get in his good graces to get a taste of the highlife. Leona is used to cheap tactics of seduction and luxury in order to earn his favor - he can smell it from away. He's always half expecting to uncover secret intentions.
It never happens. You are all by all measures, frustratingly sincere. Leona doesn't really know how to respond to it. You don't pay mind to his royalty or his ability aside from a normal amount of awe. You're an herbivore firstly, and a stranger to this world after that. Whatever traits in Leona you've latched onto, he can't wrap his head around nor does he understand.
It's the first time in his life that he's gotten into a romantic entanglement like this. Where everything is all lovey-dovey and things are so important. He's always been respectful to his women but he's never been seriously in love in his life. It's different from just being decent. He cares what you think to an extent that's unfamiliar. It's not like he'd ever fix his mouth to say all that, but it really matters that he does things the right way.
Leona doesn't usually act in self-interest, to begin with. Cocky as he may be - he's still king and kings act in the interest of his people. Regardless of what it looks like, you are part of his people. His pride, in more simple terms.
It's not being docile as much as it's an effort to show some respect for you.
Leona isn't usually jealous about petty, trivial shit. It doesn't matter to him what you do or who you do it with in your own time. He likes that you're independent, too.
He is however, a territorial apex predator and a prince. For better or for worse whenever he looks at you, all he can see is to prey animals encroaching on his territory.
That's the part of him that's raring to go. Teeth clenched and agitated, brows all drawn together in frustration. Leona wants to go back to his dorm, but he wont without what he came for. It's putting him in a bad mood.
But ultimately, he doesn't move from his spot. Ruggie leaves eventually when his mood has soured completely. His head is on the desk and he's got his eyes closed, but his ears twitched at the sound of your chair dragging on the floor.
"Can you guys walk Grimm back to the door? I'm gonna go with Leona. Thanks! See you later,"
And just like that, the classroom clears of the last nuisances occupying it. Leaving only you and Leona and that ticking clock together.
He hears you walk up to him before he sees it. Your voice is annoyingly pleasant to listen to.
"Leona? You sleeping already?"
He's starting to understand why his older brother folded at every single word that came out of his sister-in-laws mouth. He lifts his head just barely to look at you and you're looking at him all wide-eyed. He wants to tick you off a little, but can't conjure up any ideas.
"You done with those little yippin' herbivores you call friends? Can we leave now?"
You frown.
"You're in a bad mood. And don't be mean to them, they are actually my friends, you know?"
He scoffs and your frown deepens.
"Leonaaa," You drag out the syllables of his name as you stand beside him "What's wrong with you?"
He hears you pull a chair up. When he finally sits up, you're sitting directly in front of him on a chair turned backwards. There's hardly any room between you. Your face is twisted up with worry.
Leona reaches to pinch your nose. You pull away making his lips twitch upward.
"I shouldn't've came to class." He complains. You rub your nose but don't say anything back, considering him.
"I didn't think it was that bad today though. I guess it might always be for you though since you know like, everything, but I don't—"
Before you can keep going, he leans forward to press his lips to yours. It shuts you up effectively. Your lips are soft. They're sweet and a little sticky - mouth warm and welcoming.
When he pulls away, you blink at him.
"What were you sayin'." He asks.
You look a little taken aback.
"I don't know. Oh, uhm. I liked the lesson. It's fun to learn stuff about this world, I guess." You stumble over your words like you're shy. It's ironic to him, but charming all the same.
He grins.
"What? You nervous after a little kiss?" He teases.
You flush.
"You're not usually that forward, dummy. Which brings me to my question again, what's up? You're sulking."
"What the hell? I'm not sulkin'"
"Yes you are. Your doing the little nose scrunch thing too. Did something happen?"
He pushes the comment about his nose scrunch away entirely because he's sure thinking about too long is gonna get on his nerves. He glares at you for a while, debating on what he should say. Truth is, he is a little pissed. But he isn't going to tell you that your little chat with friends is making him territorial. That would be ridiculous.
There's a brief moment of silence before you pause. You tilt your head, eyes shining with curiosity.
"...Were you lonely?" You suggest.
His face drops.
"You're not the jealous type usually, but you're like a big overgrown kitty. So, you missed me right? That's why you're moping?"
The tone of your voice makes him want to pinch you again.
"Watch your mouth, herbivore." He grits, agitation rolling back into his tone like a wave. And you laugh, the nerve of you. Giggle a little as you lean in closer.
"You didn't say no."
"Shut up." He says, weakly.
"Leona," You say his name again, a little sweeter. Purposefully full of affection and he hates everything about how mushy it's making him feel. You reach your hand up to his head, petting behind his ears in the place you know he likes "I'm sorryyy,"
"Do you go 'nd tuck your tail between your legs like this for everyone? Where's your self-respect, huh?" He means to say with a lot more characteristic sarcasm.
But it all comes out gross and sweet sounding instead.
"Mm, no? It's just that my boyfriend is pretty shit at being honest about his feelings so if I don't dote on him he'll wither away like a houseplant and—"
He covers your mouth with his hand and glares at you, faux annoyed. And you're giggling against his palms, all bely laughs. It's all a little nauseating for him. He pulls away by cupping your jaw instead, squishing your face together.
"When'd you get so damn mouthy?" He grumbles.
"Since forever ago." You say through squished lips. He huffs, leaning forward to kiss you a second time. You're all soft everywhere. Squishy and mellow. Leona kisses you three times in the process, each one a little more impatient than the last before releasing you.
He doesn't let go, hand going to cup the back your neck instead. He cradles your head close, sighing against your mouth.
"Annoying," He says. You smile at him and he has to look away to deal with the intensity of it.
"You love me." You say with a smile. If only you knew the half of it.
He doesn't say that of course. Just scoffs as he stands to his feet, dragging you with him. He curls an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. The warmth of your body makes him purr.
"In your dreams. You owe me for cuttin' into my naptime."
"What can I do for you my liege?" You say sarcastically, grabbing his hand openly. He squeezes it "You wanna take a nap with me?"
"Can't promise I'll get you in my bed and not fuck you about it." He says with a lazy chuckle. You nudge his side.
"You're so crass."
"You love me," He mocks. You huff.
"Unfortunately, I do. Could use some rest though," You yawn, and blinking blearily "So nap time it is. 'kay?"
He kisses the side of your head.
"Sounds good t'me."
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lightlycareless · 3 months
Could you please spare some child au or high school au hc? Please I’m so hungry 😔 /hj
Hello dear anon!!
Well, I've decided to write a lil thing for the child au :> It's the au that I have most neglected, mainly because I don't get any inspiration for it 😭 (idk, just... nothing comes to me, you know?)
BUT I did manage to get this, mainly from my experiences... or maybe that was just me. Either way, I remember taking pictures of just about anything and posting them to my myspace (OOOF) soooo........ enjoy :>
warnings: none, fluff. plus a little something I wanted to explore at the end.
Happy reading!
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“—A camera!” Naoya grins as he proudly shows off his newest acquisition, a gift from one of his grandparents; the latest digital model found in the market!
And perhaps something the adults might’ve wanted to wait a bit longer before getting, or at least put up some resistance against Naoya’s never-ending fits when it comes to impressing you…
“What do you think? Nice, right?”
You stare at it for a few seconds, before giving him a big, bright grin and a nod.
Naoya’s heart flutters—his purpose accomplished.
“I knew you’d be able to recognize excele—exclen—excellency!” he boasts, whether he knew the meaning of that word meant or not, is a mystery for both.
“What are you going to do with it?” you curiously ask. You’ve never had a camera, even though you’ve long expressed your interest for it, (your parents were a bit more… sensible when it came to spoiling you.) Nonetheless, what Naoya’s got was also yours, much to their chagrin.
“Take pictures, of course!”
“But of what?” you pout, frowning.
There’s actually so many things he wishes to do with his new camera, things that he’s partially done already, from taking pictures of the new figures he’s got from his favorite anime to the drawings he’s been slowly working on to impress you…
However, he had a reputation to maintain, and such, he gives you the response he thinks will make him look the coolest, straight from Naoaki’s —his oldest brother— book.
“I don’t know, just, whatever I guess.” He shrugs, copying every mannerism, down to the tone, to impress you.
But to you, he only appeared absent-minded, as if he was foolishly failing to realize the great opportunities having a camera presented!
And thankfully, you’d come to his aid. Unknowingly creating a win-win situation for the two.
“Oh, I know! We can take pictures of us doing cool poses!” you grin. “Like the ones in my brother’s posters!! Or that anime you were watching the other day!!”
“That girl group?” Naoya twists his lips, not very… fond of your idea at first, until the frown on your face rectifies his response. “I mean—If that’s what you want…”
Of course, what he said wasn’t what he felt, for the moment you grabbed his hand with your soft one, tightly holding onto him as you led him towards your room, he was nothing but willing to do what you desired.
He’d silently observe you take out a few of the magazines you managed to sneak out of your brother’s room (Ren’s very aware of it, he just lets you keep them, happy to share his enjoyment for the Spice Girls.) and get ideas of what poses to replicate—down to the smallest details.
Naoya’s commitment had some limits, though.
“I don’t know if I want to do that one…” Naoya murmurs, slightly embarrassed, fearing what he’ll look like before you if he accepts…
“Why not? I even got the clothes!” you encouraged. Kind of. They’re your best attempt at something like that. It’s the thought that counts, though.
But in the end, you let Naoya not take part in the activity, solely because he got an even better job to do—that is, being your own personal photographer.
A camera is something that you’ve always been allured to, especially the instant ones where you can get the picture immediately after, so to hear that your best friend is getting one, and that he’s more than happy to share this adventure with you, is like a dream come true!
So, the two begin to take all kinds of pictures, with just about any pose you could think of, and landscapes to choose from; getting more and more ideas the longer this photoshoot went on.
Eventually, Naoya would also feel comfortable enough to take pictures with you; although truth to be told, he was hoping to get one either way, realizing that by doing this… he’ll have a piece of you to take come.
The thought of keeping your adorableness through pictures is enough to fill his heart with this growing sentiment he has yet to discover as love—or perhaps completely understand, achieving so until much older…
When he isn’t fretting about your increasingly worrisome choices, that is.
“Take a picture when I’m jumping down the edge!!” you’d say. “I’m going to do this cool pose like in Naruto, so be ready!!”
“Y/N, wait!” He cries, camera unprepared, while fearing for your wellbeing. “What if you get hurt?!”
“I’m a ninja! I can’t get hurt!”
The number of scares you’d put him through that day are ones that he’ll never forget, the mere thought of them enough to send shivers through his spine…
But even then, he didn’t complain much. Because he was nothing but happy see you smile and laugh, proof that his decision was the right one, yet again, just to show how well he’s gone to know you—already planning what to get when you eventually grow tired of the camera…
If he doesn’t destroy it first when his brothers eventually discover his embarrassing photos.
“Naoya, come here please!” You’d call from another room, a request that was immediately granted just a few seconds after when he crosses through the doors.
“What is it, my love?” Naoya asks, throughout the years, his determination to please you has never dwindled.
“Look what I found!”
“Oh, its—”
The same camera he got all those years ago, the first one he’s got. A relic of his childhood, in other words.
“The camera, that one! Remember?” you say. Rummaging through the moving boxes has been quite nostalgic as of lately, but you never expected to see something so… ancient, no offense meant. “Wow, can’t believe it’s here…”
“Me neither…” Naoya says, somewhat… nervous.
“Think it still has pictures from back then?”
Naoya immediately turns red.
“No!” he shrieks, making you raise an eyebrow. Did you forget, perhaps? “I mean—It’s old, who knows if the battery or memory are any good.”
“Let’s find out then!” you grin, quickly standing up to look for a compatible charger.
Naoya tries to stop you, kind of; he doesn’t really put that much of a fight whenever he sees you this enthusiastic, although he wishes he could’ve for once, considering how anxious he felt for the impending moment the camera turned on and revealed all those embarrassing pictures he innocently took back then.
To when you giggle graces his ears, amused by his antics…
But when the camera beeps on, he’s received with… well, nothing. Just silence as you diligently flick through the photos, each one received by your intense gaze that makes him wonder if perhaps the camera didn’t work anymore…
Until noticing the fluster in your cheeks, then did Naoya dare to ask what’s wrong.
“Y/N, is… everything ok?”
“Naoya… did you really… keep all these pictures?” you ask, slowly turning around to see him, revealing your burning face.
“I… did.” He silently admits, unsure where this is going, but convinced it wasn’t good. “I… well, you liked them, so I thought I’d keep them, in case you wanted to see them again, of course. I didn’t know you wanted me to… delete them.”
It’s funny to see that even when married, Naoya is just as anxious when it comes to openly expressing his feelings—he’s gotten better at it, of course, the two were now living in the same house together, hoping for a baby…
But maybe it’s the inner child in him, the one that never got to express his feelings back then, didn’t know how. Even though he wanted so, so much.
Which is coincidentally, the same reason that made your breath hitch to your throat, heart skipping a beat when realizing that Naoya, all this time, has…
“—You’ve always cared for me, haven’t you?”
Naoya blinks, caught off guard by the direction this conversation was heading; but even then, he nods, admitting what you confessed.
You knew that already; you wouldn’t have married him if that wasn’t the case.
It’s just that… to be reminded that Naoya always had your wellbeing in mind, probably since the moment he met you… melted your heart.
Truly, you had found your soulmate.
“Enough to even… take these silly pictures of me!” You add, it’s your turn to be embarrassed by all the goofy pictures you made him take; you knew you were nothing but a child back then, actions like these more than expected, but now that you were an adult… you can’t help but wince, covering your cheeks with your hands as you continue to fret. “Oh my god, Naoya—how did you even put up with me back then??! Seriously, look at this one!! It’s all coming to me now—I think I got hurt, didn’t I? Or at least that’s how it felt…”
“I guess I just liked you too much.” He says, a smile on his face.
“I guess you did.” You giggle. “Guess you must’ve had it real bad if you were willing to make silly faces with me! Though you looked far cuter than me, but then again, you were always good-looking.”
“What are you on, love? I don’t think either of us looked good.” he snickers, leaning down and looking at the camera. “Definitely not you on that photo.”
“Hey!” you gasp. “No need to go that low!”
“Or what?” he smirks. “Gonna make me take more pictures of you?”
You gasp. “I’ll take this as blackmail, then!” and then, you stand up, sprinting past the door and away from him, hoping to get a copy of these pictures onto the computer and let your evil scheming commence.
“Huh?! No you’re not!” Naoya says, running right behind you, eventually catching up to you and taking the camera away from your hands.
But you meant no harm, of course, not when the presence of them filled the two with nostalgia, fondly looking back to the moment the two were nothing but kids, yet, unknowingly fated to be with one another.
It’s always meant to be that way; to be happy together, whether in the past, the present, or the future.
One the two have yet to create, now as a family.
Which neither could wait for it to happen.
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Naoya and YN growing to be together is the ultimate endgame. I will not discuss otherwise :) also, Naoya might be holding onto those pictures in hopes of showing them off to their future daughter, just to get back at her (Naomi is not thrilled, at all. It's probably the first time she thinks of her parents as weird)
Oh, I hope you enjoyed this little thing 🥺❤️ thank you so much for sending in this ask, the child au is 😭 the fluff I need amongst these times of angst haha.
Anyways, I will try my best to write the Naoya b-day one shot :> In between requests and updates.... you know... eheh.
Thank you so much for your patience, take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️❤️
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osaka-lilac · 4 months
Asking you to kindly elaborate on the strollonso football au:
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hello raapija my beloved, i would love to elaborate <3
for those out of the loop, refer to my tags on this post!
warning: i am an american with a incredibly basic understanding of footy ("soccer"). there is a reason the actual talk of any gameplay is basic and limited
fernando is this new guy to Lawrence Stroll's footy team right. (because in every universe, lawrence has to own a Team.) i can imagine he's some draft pick from spain for a new striker or something like that. possibly some trade, maybe a mid-season exchange (they do that in american football but idk if they do that in footy) those who know specifics of positions in footy please let me know your thoughts on what position fernando would play
lance: couldn't give two shits about footy. he's seen maybe once in a blue moon on the sidelines tagging along, and he's known for being visibly bored or on his phone during matches. (he has the Pout Blast 3000 for this.)
the reputation he receives from fans is much like the perceived impressions he gets irl: some spoiled kid who shouldn't be there. he's more into hockey than any match his dad's team could ever play.
now when fernando shows up its like a fucking slap to the face. like. "holy fuck i didn't think they could be this hot" type beat.
for the first time, lance shows up to a team practice with his father, not just a match. but he's really not there for the team: he is enamored by fernando. his speed. he's a sly yet devilishly handsome fucker with this wicked grin when he knows he's tricked his opponent yet again, and lance is obsessed.
not only does he start going to way more matches. he also starts showing visible interest and gets invested. and he gets loud. the mumbles online about his "spoiled reputation" turn to joy. he becomes a meme of the team for a few weeks after a clip of him getting frustrated after a poorly-called card is given to fernando ends up going viral.
and maybe this entire time, fernando has been watching this young boy from afar. he totally believes he can't be with his literal manager's young son and jeopardize his spot on the team and a shot at glory. and maybe he believes that lance initially isn't interested. but maybe when he sees lance become more invested in the team, he figures he might have a chance. he just can't figure out why lance has become so invested in what was, quite frankly, a very short amount of time.
so maybe fernando's on the side for a while in a practice. lance is there, but he seems distant. not in the game. not really watching the drills by the other players with much enthusiasm. and fernando's a smart man. and he puts some pieces together in his brain. and makes a move.
he comes up to lance and asks to talk with him once practice is done. when all the other players are gone. in the locker room. of course lance agrees
flash forward a bit. n lance is like. hanging out by the exit outside of the locker room. he counts all the players. and when there's only one left. he goes inside. finds fernando sitting on one of the benches, still in his kit.
they get to talking. what lance does outside of being at games, (i can imagine him being a student but i don't have the will to kin assign him a major right now), what his favorite hockey team is (habs. of course) and of course, the loaded question:
"lancito, what's gotten you so interested in the team now?"
of course, lance doesn't really respond to this, kinda dances around the question. he gets flustered. he doesn't want to be found out. what if he sees right through him, what if he already knows, what if he tells his dad??
fernando leans in slightly, and slides his hand over lance's hip. he cups his chin softly, and slowly turns lance's head to look at fernando straight on.
"be honest, niñito."
and when has lance ever been anything but honest.
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assiraphales · 11 months
i don't feel like posting anything about go2, partially because i don't want to spoil my friends and idk if they have the tags blocked, and partially because i don't want people with stronger opinions than me sending me shit. but anyways i have been loving your commentary and thoughts, and you seem like the right audience for me to say: yo can we also discuss how like, it's heavily implied that angel!crowley was an archangel and even a "prince of heaven," and thus he knows from personal experience that you can't change it from the inside like aziraphale thinks he can, like he already went through that. idk i just loved all the hints and implications about crowley's status in heaven and i am not seeing as many people comment on that bit, meanwhile i'm like detective pikachu with a magnifying glass over here. anyhoodles i thought it was a beautifully done and fun season that ended in a way that, while painful in the moment, makes sense for the characters and story and will provide a far more satisfying conclusion at the end. that is all
wait wait wait I noticed that too (crowley being implied to being an archangel) especially in the scene where crowley is watching the footage in heaven because he 1. had the security clearance to watch something extremely confidential and 2. when michael wonders if he will fall the others are like ‘no of course not we already did that to once and if we do it twice it’ll look bad. I also can’t stop thinking about how crowley canonically fell bc he asked questions, and most angels wouldn’t ever have the chance to voice their opinions and have it actually be heard UNLESS they were high ranking. it’s probably why crowley got all the big jobs (job, jesus, etc)
edit: someone said the fallen angel was probably lucifer not crowley which. oops!! didnt go to sunday school! but the argument stands
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how to marry a millionaire | chapter two
mafia bucky x spoiled brat reader
words: 2.8k
warnings: **18+ ONLY** explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral (m receiving), exhibitionism, thinly veiled threats (??) if i missed anything pls let me know my brain is fried
a/n: f i n a l l y... she is here. thank you @cultofcarter for reading through this for me :) as always, any and all mistakes are mine. feedback is encouraged & appreciated ♡
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“You've been an absolute delight this evening. Thank you for accompanying me.” He stands, coming around the table to offer his hand to you.
You accept it gratefully, your skin tingling from the contact as you rise from your seat. “Are you sending me home already?” you question, meeting his gaze straight on and ignoring the displeasure you feel when the warmth of his hand retreats.
Dinner had been, predictably, delicious. The conversation throughout was much more pleasant than you anticipated. He's got great banter, and you laughed more than you ever have on past dates. Honestly, he's so charming that you’ve almost forgotten you should be a little wary of him. You're hardly even putting up a front anymore.
He tilts his head, swiping his tongue along his bottom lip as he contemplates. “I’m not sure you're ready for more yet.”
“This is hardly the first time I've been through this song and dance, James,” you say coyly, tracing your index finger down the lapel of his suit jacket. “These sorts of arrangements are perfectly normal.”
He’s silent for a moment, watching you with unreadable eyes. You try to maintain eye contact, but it’s so intense you find yourself breaking it, glancing away to the empty room.
Everything about tonight has been nowhere near what you expected, especially James. You've dealt with enough men in your life to feel as if you know exactly how to handle them. Yet, with him, you feel like a complete novice. He’s totally unpredictable.
It’s unsettling.
It's exhilarating.
“I think you're confused about what's happening here,” he informs you. He grabs your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes. Your heart stutters in your chest and you have to physically force your shoulders to relax. “I'm not a fucking sugar daddy,” he states coolly, his expression still frustratingly blank. “I’m not interested in sharing and I’m not looking for something casual. If we’re to continue, we will be exclusive. I’ll still spoil you like crazy, don't worry about that, but I’m not going to throw money at you and not gain anything in return. The same way you know what you want, I know what I want. So you better decide now. It’ll be your only chance.”
Jesus. You know you should be terrified, because that was not a threat, it was a promise, yet for whatever reason it's got desire swirling in your core.
“You make it sound like you'll own me,” you mutter faintly.
His grin is all teeth. “Oh, sweetheart,” he starts, condescending, his grip on your chin tightening. “That's exactly what I mean.”
There is not even a hint of dishonesty in his eyes. You're not sure if that’s better or worse. The fact he's even giving you an opportunity to decline seems like it's a rare occurrence, so you actually take a moment to consider your options.
On the one hand, you're almost entirely positive his other work consists of illegal activities. You have no doubt that he’s done some truly nefarious things and that thought settles in your stomach like a heavy stone. His hands are definitely dirty. He’s a dangerous man, and there’s no way he hasn't made some enemies. The risks are substantial.
But, on the other hand, you have had a fantastic preview of what his money can get you. He's spent more on you in one day than some of your past sugar daddies have spent during the whole relationship. He's made it abundantly clear that he has more money than he knows what to do with. If you choose to agree to his stipulations, you could very well be set for life. Call you greedy, or even selfish, but you have every right to be spoiled beyond your wildest dreams as much as the next person.
It's with that in mind that you take the smallest step closer to him, craning your neck to hold his stare, his hand loosening and dropping. You slide your palms around his waist.
“May I still call you daddy?”
He grins wider, a wicked glint in his eyes. “You fucking better.”
Your chin drops slightly so you can look at him through your lashes.
“And do I still have to go home?”
“Well, I suppose that depends,” he hedges. “If we leave here together, I can no longer promise any type of restraint from me. I've used all of my willpower through dinner to keep from taking you on the table.”
Biting your lip, you hold back the needy noise that almost escaped. “I fail to see how that would be a problem,” you reply breathily.
You feel his hands slide down until they reach your ass. He squeezes roughly and you’re not quick enough to stop a gasp from slipping. His expression tells you he liked hearing it, liked knowing he could put a crack in your pristine, iron-clad composure.
“Then, I guess you better follow me to the car,” he says, landing a smack on one of your ass cheeks.
He threads his fingers through yours and begins walking towards the kitchen, pulling you along with him in the process. You do your best to keep up with his long strides, but you struggle to match his pace. Your heels do not make up for the height difference between the two of you. His legs are longer than yours, no matter what. He's a tall bastard. He's quite large, in general, actually. And according to him, that includes his cock, though you'll be able to determine if it's true or not very soon. Just the thought sends a rush of heat through you.
The employees in the kitchen all scramble to clear the way for James when you enter, their eyes trained on the floor as he marches by. Clearly, they know exactly who he is and what he's capable of and are not keen on getting on his bad side. They must've been in the middle of cleaning, you think, because there are rags on the stainless steel counters and a huge sink full of soapy water with pots and pans draining on the counter next to it.
“Dinner was perfect, gentlemen,” James announces as he passes. “Thank you for your time.”
Nobody responds verbally, but you see their shoulders slump in relief.
“You can take tomorrow off,” he adds, smiling when excited murmuring picks up after you've turned a corner and entered a narrow hallway. There's another overly tall, beefy man standing next to the door. “Anything I should know about?” James asks as you both approach.
“No,” the man replies, curt.
James nods. “Thank you, Steve. Is Sam ready with the car?”
“Yes. I assume the girl is coming with you.”
“The girl has a name, asshole,” you interject before James even has a chance to open his mouth.
The man, Steve, cuts his eyes to you. “With all due respect,” he starts, and you can already tell he means no respect, whatsoever, “I was speaking to my boss. Not his arm candy.”
You scowl. “Regardless, I would appreciate not being talked about like I’m not here, you overgrown guard dog.”
James snorts. Steve stares at you for a beat, then cracks a smile, shaking his head.
“You've met your match, Buck,” he states.
“It would appear so,” James agrees.
Steve pushes open the door and the three of you walk out into an alleyway where four black SUVs are idling. Steve tugs on the handle to the back door to one of them and beckons you and James to get in. The doors lock as soon as he closes it.
“I take it your date went well,” says the man in the driver seat.
“Better than anticipated,” James replies, winking in your direction. “Take us to the estate, please, Sam.”
Sam gives James a salute and shifts the gear into drive.
“The estate?” you inquire as the sparkling city lights pass by.
James hums. “Yes.”
“Still trying to impress me, huh?” you tease.
“Of course,” he replies easily. “Can't have you getting bored.”
“Cute,” you claim.
He huffs a laugh. “Nothing about me is cute.”
“That's debatable,” you retort.
Sam lets out a quiet snicker that changes into a cough when James clears his throat pointedly. You giggle, leaning into James’ arm.
“Oh, c’mon. Don't tell me the big, bad, scary man isn't allowed to be cute once in a while.” When all you get in response is an eye roll and a clenched jaw, you sigh dramatically. “Okay, fine. You're not cute.”
“Thank you,” he says loftily.
“Big baby,” you mumble.
His hand, which has been comfortably resting on your bare knee, squeezes hard enough that you jerk in surprise and barely bite back the protest on the tip of your tongue.
“You ought to be nicer to me.”
His voice is low and his eyes are dark with warning. You’re suddenly struck with the understanding at that moment that you're not necessarily promised anything here, not yet. One wrong move could land you on your ass, or worse, so it's in your best interest to keep a man like him happy. With that thought in mind, you make a mental note that too much teasing is off limits. For now, at least.
“Sorry,” you respond quietly. You let your palm glide across his thigh. “Let me make it up to you?”
He eases his grip slightly. “What did you have in mind?”
“Considering we’re headed for the highway, I imagine we have some time to kill,” you observe.
“Smart girl,” he praises, letting go of your knee entirely and reaching for the hand on his thigh, directing it to the considerable bulge in his slacks.
You cup him through his pants and realize he's not even hard yet, which makes the size of what you're feeling even more mouthwateringly impressive.
“Wanna blow you,” you request, meeting his eyes. “Please.”
“You're not worried about having an audience?” he wonders, nodding towards Sam.
“It wouldn't be the first time,” you confess with a cheeky grin. “And I doubt it'll be the last.”
James matches your grin then gestures to his pants. “Go ahead, doll.”
You're extremely grateful for the spacious floors in the backseat as you lower yourself to your knees and maneuver your way between James’ legs. These luxury SUVs are top notch for a multitude of reasons, but this is always one of the main ones for you.
You waste no time in undoing James’ Italian leather belt, the button and zip on his slacks following, then lower the band of his boxer briefs to pull his cock out. You wish you could say you're surprised, but the fact he has a perfect cock isn't all that shocking. The length of it alone is worthy of praise, but it's the girth that makes your cunt clench around nothing. He's going to feel fucking divine inside your pussy, but for now, you'll settle for getting your mouth on him. You wrap your lips around the head as you stroke him, getting him as hard as possible, swiping your tongue across his slit.
“So pretty,” he compliments. You glance up at him coquettishly and he smiles. “Yeah, yeah. You know.”
You hum around him, pleased, and he sighs as he settles more into the seat. You take another inch of him in your mouth, slowly working your way down his above-average length. As much as it pains you to admit, even to yourself, you can't deepthroat. It's not for lack of trying, or anything. You've just unfortunately been graced with an unforgiving gag reflex. God had to keep you humble somehow. So you'll have to make up for it, take as much of his cock as you can and work the rest with your hands.
Normally, you're the type to give sloppy head, but since you're both in nice clothes, you keep it fairly tame. James doesn't have any room for complaints either, considering the way his mouth is slack and he's got his head tipped back. He's letting out these clipped, quiet noises, like he's trying to hold them in, but it just makes you work harder to get more out of him.
You slowly pull off his cock, and when you reach the tip you lightly graze your bottom teeth along his frenulum. His hips spasm and you smile when his eyes quickly find yours. They're blazing, pupils blown and just a touch glassy. Holding his gaze, you dig your tongue in his slit, and the way the vein in his neck pops is so satisfying that you keep doing it for several more seconds. You take him back in your mouth, stroking him with one hand and using the other to play with his balls. His breathing picks up, his chest heaving with it, yet he still only lets cut off sounds slip past his lips.
It's when you let go of his balls, moving your fingers down a little further to put pressure on his perineum, that he finally groans. Deep, guttural, and music to your ears. After that, all bets are off. You go from bobbing on his cock to stroking it at a brutal pace and sucking on his balls, back and forth, all while continuing to massage his perineum. And to your absolute delight, James is putty in your hands. He still tries to cut off his noises, but he's mostly unsuccessful.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he grits through his teeth, fingers digging into the leather seat below him so hard his knuckles turn white.
You’re understandably proud of yourself, but your jaw is starting to hurt, so it's time to bring this blowjob to an end. Stroking his cock even faster, you hollow your cheeks and put suction around the head, rubbing his perineum harder. His hips begin shifting, his noises going slightly higher in pitch, breaths coming out in harsh pants. You look up at him with watery eyes and he whines, ass coming up off the seat about an inch, his jaw locking, and then with a drawn out groan, he comes.
You moan as his cum fills your mouth, swallowing all of it as you help him through his climax. He twitches with aftershocks and grunts with overstimulation, but you wait for him to weakly push at your head before you let go of him.
With one last lick to the red head of his cock, you murmur, “Thank you, daddy.”
He laughs, a breathy, disbelieving sound, and wipes a hand down his blissed out face.
“I don't know what kind of stars aligned for us to meet, but I’m sending all of my thanks to whatever deity that made it happen.”
You giggle, pushing yourself back up into the seat beside him as he sluggishly puts his cock back in his boxers and rights his trousers. He's practically boneless where he sits and you know you've done a fantastic job at making up for your thoughtless teasing to him.
“Once we get to the estate, I’ll take care of you, doll,” he promises with a lethargic grin. “Wanna get you spread out on a bed.”
“You won't get any complaints out of me,” you assure.
For the rest of the ride, you and James chatter about anything that comes to mind. Sam, who'd been totally silent before, pipes in when prompted and you're pleased to find he's got a sense of humor that rivals yours. It feels like hardly any time has passed when the car is turned into a driveway with an iron gate. Sam punches in a code on a keypad and the gate opens.
When you're able to get a good look out of the windshield at the looming home ahead of you, your jaw drops. It's fucking massive. You faintly register James snickering next to you, but your attention is better drawn to the mansion you're pulling in front of. You're still gawking when Sam comes around to open the door for you and James. Your “thank you” is quiet and mumbled and not all that polite, but like. C’mon.
“It's nice, huh?” James asks.
“That would be a fucking egregious understatement,” you retort, head tilted up to take in all the grandeur.
He steps up behind you, his front pressed all along your back, nose nuzzling your neck and ear, hands settling low on your hips. “I do believe I promised to lay you out on my bed.”
“That you did,” you murmur, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair.
“I’m a man of my word,” he says. “Always.”
Of that you have no doubt.
“I suppose you should take me inside then,” you reply.
Without another word, he links his hand with yours and leads you inside. You barely make it over the threshold before he's swept you off your feet, literally, and carries you up the stairs, grinning at your giggles.
You'll get a tour of the place in the morning, you guess.
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hoedamn-eron · 6 months
baby, please - part 14
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You and Santiago go furniture shopping for his apartment. You don't expect to be invited to a Halloween party.
Warnings: Mentions of being sick, so emetophobia warning. Unrequited feelings (👀👀). Some swearing. Teasing between Frankie and Santi, standard bro's. Lightly proofread so definitely some mistakes in here. Word count: 3,616 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
I'm BAAAAAACK. Sorry it took so long to get this out. Ideally I wanted it out for before Halloween but here we are, nearly at Christmas. My bad!
Also this feels just...a little stale to me. I tried re-writing it and going in a different direction but it just wouldn't fall into place the way I wanted it to. But I think that might be a me problem, and I will probably look at it differently once I'm back into the swing of things.
And I know we've already done a shopping trip with Santiago but I need it for the plot, okay?
Part 13 ● Series Masterlist ● Part 15
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He came again with the truck. 
Now was the day to really ask about the car, right? You were twenty-four weeks pregnant; he needed a car. There was no room for two babies in this truck. Oh, but you don’t want to ask him, it was rude, it was up to him if he got a car or not. And honestly, the truck was probably the best thing for today, since he’s planning on buying an entire nursery, twice. 
No, he needed a car. You’ll gently ask him today. 
Santi had finally cleared out his spare room, and he and Frankie had deep cleaned it and gave it a new coat of paint, and it was now ready to be filled with furniture. He had told you that you weren’t allowed to go in the room until the babies were born as there was a small gender thing in there and he didn’t want to spoil it for you. 
“I’ve already looked online with Frankie and his wife, and I have an idea on what I want to get,” Santi said to you as you set off from your apartment. 
“You could have ordered it online,” you say. “It’ll be easier for you.” 
Santi shook his head. “Nah, I like to see the stuff before I buy it. Also, I need your input.” 
You nod and hold back your joke about him being an ‘old man’. You weren’t sure why he needed your input, but you weren’t complaining about spending a day with Santi. Your cheeks warm as you think back on the last few weeks. You hadn’t brought up the fact that you were probably (definitely), stupidly in love with him, and you weren’t going to. You were embarrassed enough that you were practically getting off every night to the thought of him. 
Damn your hormones. 
“How’s your morning sickness?” Santi asked as he focused on the road. 
“Oh, uh…nearly gone, actually,” you say. “It’s just once or twice a day now, or if I drink orange juice. Not sure why they’ve decided now to hate orange juice.” 
He nods at you before smiling. “Good. I’m glad. I know it was getting you down.” 
You bite your lip to stop yourself smiling like a love-struck teenager. “Yeah, it was.” 
You doze against the window of his truck until you arrive to Ikea. As you pull into the busy parking lot, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about the day ahead. It was more than just a furniture shopping trip; it was a glimpse into the future of your babies’ life with Santi, and the thought of that made your heart race. 
Santi parked up as close as he could to the entrance and helped you out of the truck (you will mention the car today). You wobble a little as your centre of gravity was starting to work against you, but you steady yourself by holding onto Santi’s arm for a second before letting go, your cheeks burning. You don’t look at him as you both walk into the Ikea, and you grab a cart before Santi takes it off you. 
“I have to push a double stroller soon, Santi,” you say, grinning at the look on his face. “I’m able to push a cart.” 
With that, you make your way into the large store before he could say anything, Santi soon following you. 
A feeling of togetherness washes over you as you pause every now and then and talk to him about your new house, how it’s big enough for you to fill with furniture. The excitement in your eyes was contagious as Santi navigated you both through the maze of furniture displays, joining in with how the kids would be able to play in the back yard with all the space you’ll have. Your heart swells at the image. 
You’d been imagining two boys, with your eyes and Santiago’s hair. Tanned skin and your nose, and you could see him taking them to baseball games in those jerseys he bought when you both went shopping. 
But sometimes you saw two girls, taking after their father in everything. Down to the curly hair and dark eyes and dressed in those Metallica shirts he was still fawning over. He’d probably get them all matching caps. 
“I could get them a swing set,” you say. “I loved the swing set at my grandma’s house.” 
“Yeah, corazón, I think they would like that.” 
“And a pool, maybe. Not a big one, but a decent sized one.” 
“You can do all’a that now with your house,” Santi says as you both go deeper in the Ikea. Eventually, he does take the cart from you, and you let him with no complaints. 
The first stop should have been the nursery section, but you stop in the toy section. You know, you know, you have bought enough toys for your kids, and Gabrielle has donated enough to you too. But you ‘don’t have this bear,’ or ‘that dinosaur,’ and you throw them in the cart. You grin at Santi as he shakes his head at you, smiling fondly. After a few more additions to the cart (where Santi had to physically pull you away), you finally make it to the nursery section. 
As you walked through carefully arranged cribs, changing tables, and adorable baby bedding sets, Santi's enthusiasm was evident. It was obvious he had done his research, and you watched him with probably heart eyes as he discussed the pros and cons of different options with you, valuing your opinion on every detail whenever he asked you. 
"I was thinking something like this crib," he said, pointing to a sleek, white crib with some wooden accents and a drawer underneath. "What do you think? Is it too minimalist?" 
You shrug, bending to look at the label, checking out the dimensions. “It looks good. But yeah, it looks a little plain. Does it match the nursery at your place?” 
“It does,” he says. He looked around. “But everything does, really. Everything’s so…white.” 
You let out a giggle as you look around too. “There is a lot of white. I suppose it’s gender neutral.” 
“Suppose I could get some sheets to bring in some colour,” Santi mumbled. He looks at you with a grin. “It is a nice crib.” 
“And it turns into a toddler bed for when the time comes,” you say, nodding at the product information. 
“It has a matching chest of drawers,” said Santi, taking a few steps away from you and to the rest of the furniture. “And changing unit.” 
“Ooh,” you say, following him quickly and taking a look. “Oh, I like the chest of drawers.” 
“Yeah? Should I get them then?” Santi asked you. 
“It’s up to you, Santi, these will be in your apartment, not mine. If you like them and you think they’ll go well in the room, then you should get them.” 
You back and forth with him over other pieces of furniture, like whether he should get a rug (“I think it’ll bring the room together nicely.”), or a chair in their room for feeds (“It would make it easier but I’ll probably end up on the couch anyway.”), and after a while, the room started taking shape in your mind as Santiago put more things in the cart. From what you could gather, the room had a nice sage green somewhere, and Santi had chosen a blend of soft pastels and natural wood tones; you had the sneaky suspicion it may be jungle themed, based off of some of the rugs he was looking at. 
You almost laughed. You could take Santiago out of the jungle, but you couldn’t take the jungle out of Santiago. 
As you strolled through Ikea, you couldn't help but sneak occasional glances at Santi, admiring his dedication to making the space – his space – absolutely perfect for your babies. The way he was talking about the future with them with so such excitement and care warmed your heart, and you couldn't ignore the feelings growing inside of you. You were in love with this man. 
Foolishly and despairingly in love. 
“Want some lunch after this?” Santiago asked you an hour later, as you strolled through the warehouse, picking up the flat packed boxes of furniture that he’d chosen. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I could eat.” 
“What’re you craving?” Santi asked, grunting as he pushed another flatpack box onto the cart. 
“Nothing in particular,” you say, shrugging nonchalantly as your eyes roamed over him. “I’ll have whatever you want to have.” 
“Italian? I could go for a pizza.” 
You nod, trying not to obviously stare and get distracted by the way the muscles in his arms move as he loads up the cart. “Sure.” 
“We can stop by my place first, get this stuff to my apartment.” 
You give him a look, raising your eyebrows pointedly at him. His knees. “Santi…” 
He was already shaking his head. “I’ve already asked Frankie to stop by, he’s gonna help out.” 
Your breath hitched at the thought of meeting Frankie. You don’t know why you suddenly felt so nervous, you were going to have to meet him sooner or later; you were pretty sure Santi was going to ask if he could make Frankie Godfather of the babies (of course you’d say yes, why wouldn’t you?). 
“You don’t need to be nervous,” Santi said, chuckling, shaking his head lightly. 
“I’m not nervous,” you immediately say, lying through your teeth. And it’s obvious too. 
“Your face says otherwise,” Santi replies, grunting as he places the last flatpack on the cart. You internally curse yourself; you should have gotten a second one. “He doesn’t bite. He’s soft.” 
“Nothing wrong with being soft,” you quip back, but Santi doesn’t reply. He just pulls the cart out of your reach, and you make your way to the check out. 
After paying (you wince at the price – you offer to pay half, but Santi downright refuses) you make your way back to his truck, where an employee (practically a kid, he looked no older than nineteen, but he was built like a tank) had offered to help load. You, again, attempted not to stare at Santi as you tried not to feel so useless, but every time you reached for a box, even just a small one, Santi quickly shot you down. 
“You’re carrying twins, you will hurt yourself.” 
“I’m pregnant, not elderly!” 
Your protesting falls on deaf ears, and Santi profusely thanks the employee for the help and hands the kid a tip. Santi helps you climb into the truck before making his way back to the driver’s side, and sends a quick text to Frankie, you assume telling him that you were on the way back to Santiago’s place. 
“Want to get Carmelo’s?” Santi asked as he pulled out of the parking space. 
You pull a face. “Their pizzas are greasy.” 
Santi laughed as he looked in his mirrors and drove out of the lot. “That’s what makes them great.” 
“Yeah, ‘great’ at giving you heart disease.” 
“Okay, how about Solorzano's?” 
You go quiet and think about it, before nodding. You’d ordered in with them before, and their garlic knots were to die for. Your mouth practically started watering at the thought of them. Maybe you don’t need a pizza, maybe you could just order appetisers, like the macaroni and cheese wedges, the mozzarella sticks, oh, maybe their chicken wings. 
Yep, Solorzano's was good. 
“Yeah, that’s fine, let’s do that,” you say. 
You arrive back at Santi’s after telling him all about the food you were going to get, him laughing and telling you that you were hardcore ‘playing into the pregnant lady trope’. You pretended to take offence, telling him fact that you were just appreciating good food, that he suggested, whether you were pregnant or not. 
“All right, fair,” he’d said, amused. 
You try not to fawn at his laugh, but you couldn’t help it. You sighed, hopefully thinking Santi took it that you were happy that he agreed with you over your food choices. 
You soon pull up to his apartment and park in his designated spot, only for a dark blue car to pull up minutes after you arrived. Your eyes widen a little as you see the infamous Francisco Morales climb out of his car and approach you both from his place parked behind Santi. He was shorter than he looked in the video, but still taller than Santi. His dark, tousled hair was hidden behind a cap, and it gave him a rugged charm, and there's something about the lines on his face that makes him look like he's seen it all but is still totally approachable. You catch a glimpse of some scars on his tanned arms, on show as the sleeves of his dark shirt were pushed up to his elbows, and it only added to the sense that this guy has some serious stories to share. 
“Hey, Pope!” 
“How’s it going, Fish?” Santi asked, giving Frankie a smile as they hug, patting each other on the back in a way that you would expect brothers to do. The nicknames confused you; Santi had never referred to himself as ‘Pope’, nor Frankie as ‘Fish’. “Could have tidied yourself up a bit.” Santi jokes, motioning to Frankie’s cap and old battered jacket. 
“I’m doing you a favour, hermano, watch your mouth. Sarah asked me to drop this off for you too,” Frankie said, holding up a paper bag before looking at you and pointing at you with a good-natured expression on his face. “You are not to look in that bag, because it is a surprise.” 
Your eyes widened for a fraction before you nodded. “Okay, yeah...noted.” 
“Are you going to introduce us, teo, or did the news of twins and the financial recovery make you forget basic manners and social introductions?” 
Santi gave Frankie the bird before introducing you both. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” you say, shaking his hand as he offered it to you. 
“It’s nice to put a face to the name,” Frankie says, letting go of your hand and taking a look at the bed of the truck, full of the furniture Santi had bought. He nodded towards it as he looked at Santi. “What did you get?” 
“Everything, it seems,” you joke. 
Frankie gave you a grin before turning back to Santi. “When are you gonna get a car, feo? Can’t fit car seats in this thing.” 
You almost laughed in relief. Now you didn’t have to ask and feel like you were intruding. 
“I’m working on it, tu idiota,” Santi replied, opening the bed of the truck. “Now help me with these boxes, you can’t expect me and my knees to do all the hard work. Don’t even think about it.” 
You hold your hands up in surrender at Santi’s firm gaze, landing on you as you had reached for a box. 
Santi hands you his keys and you go up to his apartment to unlock the door, Santi and Frankie following you up moments later, carrying boxes up with them, huffing and puffing together. You grin as you hear Santi grumble that they ‘felt heavier than they did at Ikea’, and you make your way down to get some of the lighter things. You grab the rug that Santi chose, along with the soft toys you’d picked out. 
You eye the paper bag Frankie bought, that was sat in the bed of the truck, the curiosity to take a peek inside itching at your fingertips. You look around quickly before looking at the bag before you finally shake your head. Frankie said it was a surprise, something Santi might have organised, so you shouldn’t. You should leave it alone. 
“You better not look in that.” 
You smirk before looking at Santi, who was giving you an amused look. “I was thinking about it. But I won’t.” 
Santi rolled his eyes in amusement as he and Frankie both grab another box. You grab one last toy before you follow them up the stairs and into Santi’s living room, placing the stuff on the couch. You go back to the truck, taking the last of the small things before sitting back and watching the two men bring back the last of the flatpack boxes. Soon, Santi’s living room was representing the Ikea warehouse with how many boxes were littered around everywhere. You spotted the paper bag sitting on the small dining room table by the open plan kitchen. 
Again, you choose to let it go. 
You step outside, closing and locking the apartment. You see Santi and Frankie chatting by the truck, the bed now closed, and you make your way over. You hear Santi thanking Frankie for the help with the furniture. 
“Don’t thank me yet, you still need help putting that shit together,” Frankie replied. “You’ll probably need all the guys for that.” 
Santi snorted. “Would love to see Benny try to put together a crib...or two.” 
“Well, he put Sofía’s together,” Frankie said. 
Santi went quiet at that, and the two stared at each other. You weren’t sure what was happening, but it was as though they were having a private conversation with each other, without having to say anything. You go quiet, letting them have their telepathic conversation, until you cleared your throat, breaking the awkward silence. “Would you like to join us for lunch, Frankie?” 
After a few more moments, Frankie turns from Santi and gives you a small smile. “I would love to, but it’s Sofía’s birthday next month, and Sarah’s got me running around trying to get the stuff for it and she has me planning this Halloween party in a couple of days.” 
“The guys say they’re still going for Halloween?” Santi asked, crossing his arms over his chest. It was as if his and Frankie’s interaction hadn’t happened. You put a pin in it for now. 
“Benny said he’s still coming, Ironhead’s still unsure, since Claire’s putting a bit of pressure on him to make some solid decisions on the wedding.” Frankie chuckled before looking at you. “You should come,” he suddenly said to you. “I know it’s a bit last minute and it’s mostly for kids, but it should be fun.” 
Your brain stops for a moment, not realising Frankie was suddenly talking to you. You blink at him for a moment before shaking your head. “Oh! Uh, yeah, I’ll definitely think about it. I was gonna go with my friend and her kids trick or treating – “ 
Frankie cuts you off with a wave of his hand. “Bring them along, seriously. Sarah loves meeting new people, she’s been talking my ear off about when Pope was finally going to introduce you to everyone.” 
“Frankie,” Santi muttered firmly, a light blush coming to his cheeks, causing you to giggle. 
You nod at Frankie. “Didn’t realise I was such an interesting topic.” 
“Are you kidding? You managed to get Santiago Garcia to slow down and think about his future for once,” Frankie said, ignoring Santi’s very obvious glare. 
You grin. “I’ll talk to my friend, see if she wants to join.” 
“Great. You’re coming though, right hermano?” 
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Santi replied. “Can’t disappoint Sofía.” 
You feel your chest warm and your heart swell with the way he looks as he talks about his niece, how he was so enamoured with her. You wonder how he would talk about your kids and how he would act with them. You find your eyes quickly swell with years, and you look away from the two men quickly, wiping at them. 
Damn hormones. 
“Great, just let me know plans, yeah?” Frankie said, nodding at you both. “No pressure, though, if you can’t make it.” 
You nod. “No worries, I'll let you know. Or I’ll get Santi to tell you, anyway.” 
“Again, it was nice to finally meet you,” Frankie said, shaking your hand again. “I’ll text you later, hermano.” 
“See ya, Fish,” Santi replied, giving Frankie a quick hug before the two of you watch him leave. You both wave as he drives away. 
“So,” you say after a few moments, handing Santi’s keys back over to him. “What’s with the nicknames?” 
“Our call signs,” Santi said, taking the keys. “Just stuck afterwards.” 
“Oh, right. Why is yours Pope?”
Santi was silent for a moment before he pulled a face, shaking his head. “It doesn’t matter, I think it was something stupid Benny said.” 
You don’t believe him, but you won’t push. He was always a little closed off about his days in the army. “Okay. So, ready for lunch?” 
“Sure...yeah,” he answers, before opening the truck door for you. He hesitates again for a moment as you turn to climb in, before he blurts out, “You don’t have to come to the party.” 
You look at Santi, seeing his unsure face looking at you. “Why?” 
“Don’t want you to feel obligated,” he says. 
You study him for a moment, noticing his stance. He seemed a little out of sorts, nervous almost. You give him a reassuring look. “I want to go. It’ll be fun.” Then you give him a teasing smirk. “And besides, I’d miss out on hearing all the embarrassing stories about you from your friends! No way am I missing this.” 
You see his shoulders relax a little at your words before he rolls his eyes. “Funny. Get in the truck.” 
“You know, if you got a car, I wouldn’t struggle so much getting in and out of this thing.” 
“I fucking knew the truck bothered you.”
• tu idiota - you asshole • feo - ugly
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Tagged - @khonsulockley, @bluenredndeath, @superficialfeelings, @othersideoftheparadise, @beezusvreeland
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0046incognito · 13 days
i promise this isn’t being asked in ill intent, just curiousity:
how does hibiki being trans work since he’s a robot? if i have to guess, was he originally built to be female but he decided he preferred to be male instead? if not, if you’re comfortable can you elaborate on his trans story? <:) i recently rediscovered your art and i think the lgbt rep is very cool 🥺
TRANS ROBOTS IS SOME OF MY FAVORITE PART OF CMY2K WORLDBUILDING especially because both robots as a trans allegory and explicitly transgender-in-text robots are extremely important thematically. and this kind of thing is just interesting to think about!
basically yes hibiki was originally built female but considers himself 100% male instead. the only physical transitioning he's done is he gave himself a haircut partly because he's scared of maintenance/repairs/upgrades, but he's also a kid he's only ten so it's not like he needs much more than a haircut and people respecting his name and pronouns
and he's not the only trans livicom either!! there's quite a few actually, some of which are spoilers because they figure out their gender over the course of the plot and it's key to their free will/self-actualization journey, but plenty others already know they're trans from the start and either have transitioned or fully intend on doing so. mantid for example is in the latter category, and i don't mind spoiling this because it's so inevitable and kind of very obvious with the way he carries himself and hints at wanting it but he literally gets top surgery in his spotlight episode
physically transitioning gender is WAY easier for robots than it is for humans, since rather than having to take hormones and Wait, you can just switch out your parts at will. if you know which screws connect what you can even easily do surgery on yourself to Remove dysphoria-inducing anatomy, it's Adding parts that's more difficult because you have to find someone that will make and provide you with custom parts
but also on that note, livicoms by default don't have genitalia whatsoever, it's just flat down there like a barbie/ken doll UNLESS they're a model that was explicitly made for sex work, so bottom surgery is less of a thing unless they're either A) a sex worker android that wants different anatomy B) a sex worker android that wants No anatomy or C) a non-sex worker android that Wants anatomy
in terms of socially transitioning, when it comes to nonbinary robots, just as many of them use it/its as ones that use they/them, whether it's a matter of "reclaiming the dehumanizing use of it/its or just especially proud of being a robot to the point they don't want anything to do with feigning human identity" [as is the case with KK] or just because it/its is seen as a fairly default gender-neutral pronoun for robots. those aren't the only gender-neutral pronoun options [plenty of neopronouns existed pre-'99]; carmine for example uses xe/xem
speaking of KK, it's my favorite example of being both "robot as a trans allegory" and "textually transgender" at the same time, since its whole thing is "i'm sick and tired of feigning humanity for the sake of making humans more comfortable, just let me be myself [which is a robot that has decided to fully reject human notions of gender]". it's also basically ship of theseused its entire body by replacing/modifying All its parts as its transition, so good for KK
since this is 1999 and all, transphobia and homophobia alike are pretty rampant in society and not as open or known about as it is today, so circles of trans robots modifying their own bodies are kept pretty hush-hush and word of mouth, and they're very tightly knit and plenty of them try to go as stealth as possible. circa episode one hibiki isn't even really remotely aware of any other trans robots, he just came to this conclusion completely on his own and has yet to meet other robots like him, but trans humans keep pretty tightly knit too, so he has zinnia to look at as a trans role model at the very least [since she's a pre-E trans woman trying to go stealth][on the subject, blue is trans too, they're nonbinary and use he/they, but they're not out publicly nor do they know what the word for it is, so most people just call them he/him. zin's the only one that knows and Gets It]
i hope that sufficiently answered your question and if it raised any additional ones i am more than happy to answer^_^
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A/N ::: *puts finger up and opens mouth like I may actually have ANYTHING of importance to say but changes my mind and closes my mouth and puts my finger down because let's face it ... I don't have shit to say that anyone really needs to hear.*
C/W ::: Language, more broken heart stuff, angst? Longing. No smut yet. aged up character. You'll all see my handy dandy 18+ thing when there is. Thank you for reading, I do appreciate it. ❤
WC ::: just about 1,800
Part I
Part II
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
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Part III
You stared at your phone for another few minutes before you turned it off. Sitting it down on the nightstand - your nightstand, you stood up and began looking around to collect some things - your things - from around Katsuki's place.
He hadn't taken down any of the pictures of you guys that were scattered about the space. There were innumerable frames hung on the walls, sitting on the mantel, and end tables. You guys at the fair, at the beach, on vacation. On staycations. There were a few things you hadn't gotten to do yet. But you'd always assumed that what you two hadn't done, you would eventually get around to doing at some point.
You grabbed your favorite photo - the two of you in the middle of the carnival, mid-kiss. It was so rare to see a moment where Bakugo was fully relaxed and happy. The person who took the photo was from out of town. They were 'so captivated by Katsuki's unique looks' they snuck the photo and then approached you to show you what he'd captured in the sweet but unspoken display of true love.
It broke your heart to remember that. Was it supposed to hurt this much? You've been heartbroken before. But this was physically painful. It was like your lungs couldn't take in air. Your stomach churned like you'd just been in a car for 4 hours after eating spoiled food. Your eyes burned from the tears that hadn't stopped and they ached from the tears that already fell.
You were exhausted and you still had to get all of your things together and back to your apartment before Kats got home. For the most part, if you were being totally honest with yourself, you didn't want to see him. It wasn't because you couldn't bear the thought of his face, but because you didn't know if you could keep yourself from falling to your knees in front of him and asking why all of this was happening.
But you know why it's happening. You’re why it's happening. It was hard for you to carry this alone. Somewhere in this mess, you know he was responsible for something. It was just a matter of figuring out what his slice of this shit pie was.
You went to the kitchen and stood at the fridge for a minute before you pulled out a half-empty bottle of white wine and made yourself comfy on the couch and watched whatever movie was left sitting in the DVD player.
It almost made you vomit to see that it was his surprise 25th birthday party you’d planned. You didn’t even know he had all of that stuff put onto a disc.
It was turning out to be from-the-bottle kind of night.
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The next thing you know, you were waking up on the couch. Your right hand down your pants, your left hand cradling the empty wine bottle, and Katsuki standing over you. A smirk on his lips and a growl leaving his mouth. “Long night?” He asked, taking the empty bottle from you.
“I - I - when - oh … shit.” Pulling your hand from your pants, you know you turned a red brighter than a sun-ripened strawberry. “Kats it’s …"
He shook his head and calling you a dumbass, he turned and walked into the kitchen to rinse and put the bottle in the recycling bin.
You got up and followed him, standing close to him but not too close that you were invading his space. It was almost like you were sent back in time. You watched him work around the kitchen like it was second nature. Like it was any of the other days you two had been in there.
He had such a strong presence that you had to look away before he caught you staring.
He sucked on his teeth and asked, "It's what, y/n?" His voice soft and gentle. It wasn’t the way he normally spoke. It wasn't like him to sound so quiet and fragile. It was almost like he was trying to break you in a way that wouldn’t cause too much damage.
"It's - it's nothing. I just wanted to know how long you were there." You looked at him, a nervous smile tugging at your lips. You didn’t know where you stood. Was this a joke? Did he know how much you missed him? How much you still loved him?
Katsuki leaned back against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest. "I got home 3 hou- I mean, a little while ago. Don't worry about it, ok? You're fine. You just looked so cu- uh, so comfortable and I didn't wanna bug ya. Why didn't you sleep in the bed? You could've, you know. Didn't have to sleep on this shitty couch." He laughed quietly.
"Hey! I picked out this couch." You wanted to reach out and squeeze or slap his bicep but fought off the urge.
"Yeah," he snorted. "And? I thought that was mutually understood that you pick out shitty furniture." His smile was so warm. You felt the overwhelming desire to kiss him. To touch him. Anywhere. You wanted to brush the hair from his face. To smooth down the perpetually creased skin between his eyes. Something.
Dear God. Anything to feel his warm skin.
But you couldn’t. Not now. Maybe not ever again.
"Ok, well, I should get going. I didn't get a chance to get all of my stuff out of here. I don't know what I left. I'll buy you a new bottle of wine," you said as you picked it up to look at the label. "Huh. Never heard of this one before. It was really good. Thanks. And uh, well, sorry. I hope it wasn't anything special. Jus' throw my shit out, I guess. If I -"
He moved and stood in front of you, one hand on the bottle, the other in his pocket. "I'm not going to throw your stuff out, y/n. Don't be so damn dramatic about it. Jesus."
"Eh, if I didn't already miss it, I don't think there's much of a point in me having it back." You felt stupid as soon as you said it. It hadn't been years since you had last seen it. Maybe weeks, and even that was being generous. Katsuki was right. You were being dramatic about it.
You were both standing there, each of you had a hand on the empty wine bottle. Both of you were waiting for the other to say something but neither of you had any idea what to say or do with yourselves.
Moving first, you let go of the bottle and reached into the pocket of his sweats you wore to retrieve the key to his apartment. "I uh," you tapped it on the marble counter as tears burned your eyes again. "Heh," you said, choking on the lump in your throat. "... fuck. Kats ..."
His face fell when you said his name. And it wasn't too much longer before his arms were wrapped around your waist and his face was in your neck. "God fuckin’ damn it, y/n." Katsuki held you tighter than he ever had before. His grip was vice-like and you knew that you couldn't go anywhere without a struggle. So you gave in.
You held him back and tried to steady your breathing. It was hard to believe that the last time you two were in this position was less than 2 weeks ago. "I know, Katsuki. I know. I ... miss you so much." You couldn't hold it back any longer. The tears began to stream down your face, soaking the collar of his shirt and the hair that poked out from behind his ear.
You wanted to kiss him. To pull his face to yours and breathe in the scent of his skin. To feel his breath on your lips.
But you couldn't. Not like this. Not when you both were still so lost and confused about what had happened.
It took you several minutes to pull away from him. Your body didn't want to let go of him. Your soul didn’t want to let go of him. You needed the physical comfort that his embrace provided. It was a home that you couldn't find anywhere else.
You pulled back and wiped your face with the sleeve of his hoodie. "I'm sorry, Kats. I'm so sorry. I have to go. I have to finish getting my shit out of here. Please, can you just let me get my things another time? And I'll be gone." You choked back a sob and turned away from him, not wanting him to see your face anymore.
He reached out for your hand and took a deep breath. "Y/n, stop. Just ... just wait, ok? It's fine. You can take whatever you want. I don’t give a shit. Take the bed. The couch. The tv. I really don’t care. But you gotta … Just stop this shit. Stop runnin’ away ... stop fuckin' runnin' from me. Don't leave like this. Don't make me live without you completely. I don't -" He pulled you back and looked at you, his eyes red. "I can't ... don't want to lose you. You're ... you're the ... Fuck. Please, just don't make me lose you." His voice cracked and he leaned his forehead against yours. "I'll fix whatever it is I did wrong."
Your heart sank. You didn't know what to say. He hadn't done anything wrong. It was your fault. Your issues. Your baggage.
"No, Kats. You haven't done anything wrong. It's not you. It's … ugh fuck. I have to fix some things. And I have to deal with the fact that we can't fix this. At least, not - not right now. Please, let me get my things when you're not here and that'll be that. OK?" You started to cry again as you pushed the key to him again. "I love you, Katsuki. I don't think I'll ever love anyone like I love you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
It hurt a little when you gave in to the comfort that you had been going without. But it would have hurt more to not reach for him. Even though it had been a short while, you couldn't believe how much you missed his touch. His smell. His warmth. It was like he was a drug that you couldn't live without. And while you knew that it wasn't healthy to depend on someone like that, you couldn't help but want to give in to the temptation. You were weak and would give into him. No questions asked.
Just one ... last ... time.
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82 @millennialmagicalgirl
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peaches2217 · 10 months
Fuck it! Expectant Parents Mareach post. Putting this one under a Read More to hide my shame. Y'all were warned.
(But actually thank y'all, I wanted to get this out of my system so bad 😭)
✨ The first person Peach tells isn't Mario, but Toadsworth. She wants to surprise Mario with the news and is willing to wait until later in the evening, but she wants her surrogate father to know right away. Mario spends the rest of the day wondering why Toadsworth can't look at him without suddenly having to excuse himself, only to burst into ugly-crying one room over, but he decides it's probably not good.
✨ And of course he's incorrect! The news doesn't come out of nowhere; they've discussed it in the past, and recently they've decided they're ready. Now, when I say recently, I mean recently. The biggest surprise is that she's already pregnant.
✨ "Can't blame a girl for being eager!" Daisy jokes. "Making the baby's the fun part, after all." Before Peach can smack her hand in retribution, Peasley adds in, all too casually, "If the red one is anything like his brother, then I certainly understand that enthusiasm." Peach threatens to revoke their titles of Uncle and Honorary Aunt if they don't stop talking immediately.
✨ You know the ending of the All Stars version of Lost Levels, where Peach covers every surface inch of Mario's face with kisses? Peach ends up on the receiving end of that, a lot. That's his wife! She's carrying their child! She's beautiful and strong and perfect! And if he doesn't kiss her a thousand times right this instant he is going to spontaneously combust! Peach laughs through the entire process because his mustache tickles, and that makes it even better.
✨ Also, her feet like never touch the ground the whole pregnancy. The second she mentions her feet being sore or touches her back with a small wince or even just makes a face that looks anything other than content, Mario scoops her up and carries her wherever it is she's needing to go. She stops trying to protest a month in.
✨ To that end, keeping her comfortable throughout the process is a role Mario not only falls into flawlessly, but absolutely adores. He runs hot bubble baths for her every other night because royal work is taxing when you're simultaneously growing an entire human, he rubs her feet while she eats tiramisu in bed because it's 2AM and she woke up crying she wanted that particular snack so badly, he uses his Firebrand to soothe all of her aches and pains on command, and it's some of the most fulfilling work he feels he's ever done.
✨ They decide eventually that they want their child to know Italian fluently (Peach is still trying to learn it, and what better way than having both a husband and a child to hold her accountable?). So nearly every night, once Peach is comfy in bed, Mario will lay his head on her stomach and have one-sided conversations or sing a few songs; since she doesn't get to hear him speak in his native tongue at length too often unless she requests it, Peach is enraptured the whole time. She even has him teach her a few of the simpler songs so their baby will recognize the language in her voice as well. Any time Mario catches her singing one of those songs to herself, hand on her belly and gentle smile on her face, he melts into a puddle on the spot. Cue the face kisses.
✨ Mario decides pretty quickly that they're having a girl. He starts addressing her stomach as (la nostra) principessina, his contributions to name ideas are all feminine or neutral, and Luigi and Peasley jump on board too, discussing all the ways they're going to spoil their niece rotten, because a princess deserves no less! "What in the world are you going to do if it's not a girl?" Peach asks Mario one night. "I'll love them all the same!" is Mario's response. "...but I'm pretty sure she's a girl."
✨ When Peach goes into labor, the head nurse argues against Mario's presence at first, because she insists an untrained man taking up space in the room will merely be a hindrance (whether or not that man happens to be King Consort). Mario bluntly tells her she'll have to drag him out herself if she wants him gone. The nurse is a Toad and Mario is over 200lbs, so she relents.
✨ The labor ends up being long and difficult and Mario doesn't leave Peach's side for even a moment of it. It's emotionally draining, seeing her in so much pain for so long and not being able to do much about it, all while staying calm and being as much help as possible, but his perseverance is a big part of what sees her through. All that collectedness goes out the window the second he's holding their new baby in his arms. Peach just gives him a tired giggle and pats his back while he bawls his eyes out.
✨ Mario was right! They have a little girl with her papa's hair and face shape and her mama's eyes and nose. And when he sees his new granddaughter for the first time, Toadsworth may or may not vow to commit war crimes for her should the need ever arise. Peach chooses to believe she's just hearing things in her exhaustion.
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headsincloud9 · 11 months
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Credit: 400+ smut prompt list was found on pintrest from a tumblr that was called @trash-hours
400+ smut prompt you can use for 2 paragraph smut as well as requests, or asks.
Rules here.
Part 2
1. " Ths cock isn't gonna suck itsell.
2. "So desperate for it aren't you? Well, if you want it so bad you better start taking it."
3. "I'd hold onto something if I were you.
4. "1 love it when you moan my name."
5. "Just a littie harder."
6. "Let me give you a reason to stay in bed."
7. "No panties?"
8. "I want you now."
9. "Use your tongue."
10. "Please don't stop.
11. "I can't sleep without you here."
12. "If you don't change out of those shorts and into some pants l'll have them around by lunch."
13, "Do you like that?"
14, "You need a place to stay for the night?"
15. "Spend the night with me?"
16. "You can get louder can't you?"
17. "Look what you do to me.
18. "| want to taste you."
19. "I think it's time you get rid of that V-Card."
20. "Open your mouth."
21. "If you want to cum you better beg."
22. "Maybe I should leave you like this, that way anyone who wanted to use you could have a
go with you, Would you like that?"
23. "That feels so good."
24, "Don't cum yet."
25. "Strip. Now."
26. "Take off your clothes."
27. "Bite me!" "if you insist."
28. "Can you feel what you're doing to me?"
29. "This is a one time thing."
30. "Tell me how you like it."
31. "Get on your hands and knees, right now."
32. "I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it."
33. "1 just want to please you."
34. "Each of my thoughts about you are improper."
35. "I love it when you kiss my neck."
36. "Don't be gentie."
37, "I've never wanted to fuck you more than 1 do now.
38. "You want to have sex with me?"
39. "You're not going out dressed like that."
40. "I'm afraid i can not longer remain professional."
41. "Make me."
42. "You're mine."
43. "l love it when you talk dirty."
44. "I'Il let you do anything if you just touch me now.
45. "I've never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.
46. "This is new."
47. "Don't give me that look."
48, "Like what you see?"
49. "Stay quiet."
50, "I told you to stay still."
51. "I promise I'll be good."
52. "Just shut up and fuck me."
53. "You feel so good."
54. "| want you inside me."
55. "| think I like you better with a gag in your mouth.
56. "I'd like to breed you."
57. "Perhaps I need to remind you of your place."
58. "I think I've made my intentions clear.
59. "Be a good girl and spread your legs."
60. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
61. "I know a workout you might actually enjoy."
62. "Come on. Take it all on your own like a good littie pet."
63, "Think you can handie that much."
64, "Let me show you what happens to littie brats who don't follow the ru
65. "How do you feel about two at once?"
66. "I want it to hurt."
67. "I had no idea you were into this kinda thing.
68. "Don't tempt me."
69, "I've never done this before.'
70. "Don't be afraid. It's me."
71. "I just want to feel something.
72. "I swear I'm gonna fuck the next person that comes through that door
73. "I want your cock in my mouth."
74. "Wanna join?"
75. "Mind if 1 join?"
76. "I'm either joining or watching, you pick."
77, "Don't make me take you home and punish you."
78. "Your more than just a one night stand."
79. "Don't forget who you belong to."
80. "Want me to give it back? Make me."
81. "Would you just shut up and kiss me already.
82. "Try to stay quiet, understand?"
83. "| think I've spoiled you too much these last few days."
84. "We're in public, you know."
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cobwebcorner · 11 months
Hey there, are you new to the Resident Evil fandom and want to know more about this weird blond guy with the sunglasses? Maybe you only play Dead by Daylight and want to know what his deal is without having to comb through a 20+ game series for his appearances? Are you trying to write a fanfic and can't think of anything for him to say, outside of constantly proclaiming his right to godhood?
Then have I got the resources for you!
(don't trust the fan wikis. They do things like claim that a man with one of the most Irish surnames in the world is Italian, just because his parents have some implied organized crime connections)
Ok now that you're in here I will reveal that the real purpose of this post is to spread the good word of original flavor Wesker, who I think is a really interesting villain with more complexity than people might expect. It doesn't look like Capcom is ever going to remake code veronica, which has a significant portion of his story, and there's a ton of his lore locked in a rail shooter most people never played, so I'm here to help fill in some knowledge gaps.
To start off, here is Wesker's Report 1. This is Wesker himself summing up the first 3 games for you, with glorious footage of the original playstation graphics:
Don't panic it's actually only 22 minutes long, the rest is an untranslated interview with the game directors.
Bam boom, you know what Wesker was doing from 1998 through 2000. Now let's step back in time a little and talk RE 0, the prequel game that explains how the outbreak that started it all happened in the first place. This is the story of Wesker and his buddy Birkin's past mistakes coming back to haunt them with a zombie-leech army (the past mistake in this case is disposing of your mentor's body improperly):
Stepping even further back in time we have Wesker's Report 2, which talks about his early years at Umbrella. This was only ever released in Japan, but fans have done a translation and gotten it voice-acted. This video has both the report and a compilation of all Wesker's scenarios in Umbrella Chronicles (the rail shooter this-is-the-story-so-far game):
It's long because it includes the gameplay footage. If you just want to read the report instead, google project umbrella Wesker's Report 2. You can also find UC's cutscenes separately on youtube. Wesker's scenarios are Beginnings, Rebirth, and Dark Legacy. UC condensed a lot of stuff and made some…odd story changes (especially to RE 3. Poor, poor RE 3), but it also added fun new stuff for Wesker to do, like beating up his creepy masochistic ex-boss. Godspeed, Wesker.
Now rumor has it that we are going to get Ada's campaign added to RE 4 remake eventually, but we don't have it yet, so until then here's their interactions from the original (lovingly updated to HD by fans):
RE 5 was Wesker's last (chronologically) and probably most significant appearance in the series, not to mention the version of him that's been everywhere since, but I'm not actually going to talk about him. To my eyes, RE 5 Wesker is a fun villain in his own right, he just isn't Wesker. He feels like a completely different character to me. If you've watched these videos you might have noticed this already.
RE 5, if you wish to give the writers the benefit of the doubt, is a story of Wesker having a complete mental breakdown after finding out certain retcons truths about his past. He's not usually like that. For one thing, count how many times he mentions being a god in any of this footage. Go on. I'll wait.
Classic flavor Wesker is calm, cold, and calculating. He loves pitting enemies against each other and then running off with the spoils. He does very little grandstanding and he's not all that hammy (campy? definitely, but not hammy. there's a difference). He's pragmatic to a fault, and a master at shifting his plans around to work on the fly. He also doesn't give a flying fuck about eugenics, or "saving the world", he's in it for power and money and building better monsters just because he can. There. I said it. I feel better for it.
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