#I feel like this HC just got more and more ridiculous as I kept writing
bruciemilf · 1 year
#like - ill be very transparent. sometimes i write fem bruce solely for harvey or clark eating pussy content KSKSKS #but thats very much achievable with trans bruce so
!!!!! ohhhh pleasepleaseplease give us a few headcanons/some content!! there's not enough trans!bruce out there esp. with harv and clark!
OH MANNN. MAN. MAN. so!! I don't know If you had a set preference between nsfw or sfw and/or harv an clark hcs,, so I think it'll be a mix for both!
Warnings/tags: Degradation, housewife kink, dirty talk, name calling, breeding kink, daddy kink mention, size kink
Transitioned early; Martha, Thomas, and Alfred were as discreet as a star family gets in Gotham City, where the media's eyes never shuts. Which is never enough.
They couldn't pay rich people, media people to ignore the Bruce before the Real Bruce. But if you cared about your life even a little bit, and you didn't want to die under Thomas' scalpel, you kept your mouth shut.
Bruce got in a stage where he was cis passing enough that people didn't think twice to call him a man; I feel like he grew up around healthy examples of masculinity, but when you're in college? You try to make up for your lacks.
There's a subgenre of sexism among men tbh, that its like, specifically To them; It's like, misogyny in the open, but they victimise eachother about it.
Bruce can't quite understand why drinking and hooking up and getting blasted without even worrying there's a pill in your drink is necessarily masculine. It's certainly a privilege, thought, and he's a bit (a lot) bitter abt it
Also most def carries testosterone shots on his batman belt that he accidentally injects instead of adrenaline like, all the time.
Oh, and testosterone and estrogen? Free in Gotham. Courtesy to Wayne Enterprises
Bruce not giving a wet fuck about gender norms in the slightest bit; He'll rock a coral pink tennis skirt and shiny, peach perfumed lip gloss.
He'll rock divine silk dresses. He'll look angelic with motor oil smudged on his cheek from breaking into the autoshop.
And he doesn't really care who has what to say about it, because Harvey Dent? Can't peel his eyes off of him, and that's enough of an achievement for Bruce.
(Nsfw HCs ahead!!!)
Harvey always always worries he might say the wrong thing; the wrong name, (they have a very soft spot for Princess and Baby)
Harvey calls him Baby Girl while Bruce worked him hard with his hand and mouth, dragging holy noises out of him with just a few tugs, and Harvey apologizes profusely
" My masculinity won't shrivel up and die because of a name, Harv. Even I'm not that fragile. "
Bruce is a big time virgin but no surprise there; Have you seen that man. He falls apart at a few words and gets wet so easily it's ridiculous.
Batman riding Harvey's thigh while he's supposed to interrogate him? It's more likely than you think
That being said, he's big on degradation; Harvey calls him a perfect little slut and Bruce's brain goes fuzzy and dim. I'm sorry, but Battinson has huge " pls just break me and take care of me after" energy I am PROFITING
With Clark it's almost the same, because personally? Mean Clark. Mean Clark who'll grip Bruce's diamond sharp jaw and make those strawberry lips pucker. Just to watch those pretty eyes roll back. " Aww. Are you that needy, darlin '?"
HARVEY AND CLARK AND BRUCE? biggest housewife kinks. I'm sorry, don't shoot the messenger, they SPECIFICALLY told me to tell YOU that they love Bruce in a pink apron, legs spread open on the kitchen counter while they're " having dinner"
THE BREEDING KINK???? Bruce rides the hell out Harvey/Clark, making an absolute mess on their laps, whining, squirming, sobbing up a storm because he DEF cries during sex, and he's begging so sweetly
" please-- please, can - can I have a baby? Please? Pretty please? For me, daddy? For daddy's little wife?"
He's very persuasive when he wants to be
And as the tags mentioned; Bruce has his legs spread open wide more often than not.
If he's not laying on his back, getting the soul slurped and licked and milked out of him, he's most definetly riding Clark's or Harvey's faces and I'll die on that hill.
Harvey/Clark love how fucking Big they are compared to him. They love Bruce is small enough to move around, but big amd strong enough to grope and manhandle. Praise kink is on Heavily. " That's a good boy. "
This man's pussy makes Harvey/Clark CRY. They're completely addicted to him. Bruce is all day everyday getting spread on princess pink sheets, lingerie shredded, heels digging in his partner's back and getting SERVICED like he deserves
Pillow princess 100%%%
He likes hard stuff, but he's Very fragile in the after-care process. He's ashamed of ask for it because he's affectionate, or starves for it anyway, and doesn't expect to receive it because he didn't until Then
But it's all so soft, after. Gentle kisses. Harvey/Clark carrying him around everywhere, not minding clingy arms or sharp nails squeezing their shoulders. They're happy to hold that big baby for hours
Gets the baby he wants but like. Of course it's conceived in the dirtiest baby making sex you'll ever hear of. RIP Harvey's old DA office/car and Clark's family barn
That's all folks!!!
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rvnwtch · 2 years
I absolutely love Zenoine! I would love to hear more about her! Got any HCs you wanna share? (I guess they're not really headcanons if they're about your own OC, but I don't know what else to call them lol)
Thank you!! I am so glad everyone seems to like her so far. I've been developing her character for a while now. Also, I had requested headcanons on an OC from someone once and I called them headcanons too?? Idk if it counts or not?? Same thing to me but others might disagree?

At this point in the story Zenni has never fought a day in her life. But Gwendis WILL be teaching her how to fight. And it WILL stress Fennorian out. And Verandis WILL be amused by the entire situation.
I haven't decided if I'm going to turn her into a Vestige or not yet? I love the idea of a Vestige Zenoine but I also love the idea of writing a non-vestige character for once. Like the main characters I've written are all vestige's so far and it's for the most part not important to those stories, BUT that's the lens I look at them through. But with Zenoine it's not. When I think of Zenoine I think of tall High Elf Girl Constantly in Over Her Head, but slowly and surely learning how to take care of herself in new ways.
Zenoine had a rough childhood. And you’ll get to see some of that in an upcoming fic. In Dearly Beloved, it’s mentioned that her father has her on a tight leash. And kept her "stupid" and unskilled so she couldn’t take care of herself. But her mother was the worst figure in her life because she was constantly tearing Zenoine down and ridiculing her.
I like to think of Zenoine as very self-assured, though when she gets to Ravenwatch Castle she will not be. Because she’s, again, completely out of her depth, and surrounded by new people, so she’ll be pretty easily rattled. However, Zenni’s going to use a sense of false calm to feel like she’s still in control, even though control is one thing she’s never really had.
Also did you notice.... Fenn... Zenn... Just sayin. And Fenn calls Zenoine, Zenni. I almost had her call Fennorian “Fenni” But that just made my stomach hurt so I packed my bags and RAN AWAY from that idea so quickly. (Feel free to use that if you like it though, I just personally don't) He will probably be getting SOME kind of a nickname from when he and Zenn were still in Summerset though! It's well known in game that Lyris and the Vestige call Fennorian "Fenn," and he thinks Lyris is getting his name wrong by accident, not intentionally shortening it. I wouldn't mind taking that angle and tweaking it so it's not "Fennorian doesn't understand nicknames/is misunderstanding the situation" and turning it into "Fennorian doesn't understand people having nicknames from someone who isn't your basically-almost-may-as-well-be-wife?" He thinks of it as a romantically affectionate thing. So Lyris and the Vestige calling him it would have thrown him off. (Again, I don't know if Zenoine is going to become a Vestige or if the Greymoor stuff is going to happen in this universe or any of that. In terms of Zenni we have a lot, in terms of actual plot, we have very little!)
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simmonsized · 2 years
Bro strider totally fucking sucks and that’s the fun part of making hcs and analyzing him. Thanks again for answering that.
I will look forward to seeing that development over the course of the story!
Okay, here’s the question we’ve all been waiting for…..
Is Bro Strider…. attractive?
How did your interest in Bro Strider grow? I can tell you’ve been around with Homestuck for a long time.
I’m gonna be asking a lot about Bro strider if that wasn’t obvious already because I ended up getting interested in him (along with the other guardians) once the alpha kids were introduced. People also kept drawing him attractive and my poor self can’t handle that. I am only but a human being.
THHSLFKJS:ELIFJES:OI O:IJFESOI this is so fucking funny to me i'm sorry thank you for asking i'm just laughing so hard
because like
he shouldn't be right bro should not be attractive he looks ridiculous he is just a little guy BUT the fandom just decided actually this guy must be sexy and that was the end of it! i feel like when i was younger i was probably like ya that guy is hot or whatever lol but now it's evolved to, "this man is so tired all the time also his nose is crooked because it was broken when he was a teenager and aLSO he has never slept ever in his life" so. insomuch as a scraggled up dumpster raccoon can be attractive, i'd say he is! i can only draw him one way lol so i think i'm stuck with my headcanons and just. whatever shame that brings on me
"I can tell you've been around with homestuck for a long time" is certainly true! i feel like it's come up more lately but yes i have been here since spring 2011 basically! i've been trapped here for 11 years......... help
BUT honestly it went from passing interest in like, the concept of the dude everyone was drawing, to a more concrete person, once dirk was introduced, and then i left the fandom for awhile, came back, read all of dirk and dave's huge heart to heart, and then became basically a rabid animal who couldn't stop thinking about bro strider!!
i read like, all the gen fics in the bro tag but it simply was not enough, and then when i finally sat down and started writing rng, bro just kind of. decided he had to be a part of it lol! there wasn't really supposed to be a perspective shift ever but the second it happened i was just like. wow i really like being in this guy's head????
honestly just the concept of dirk in general really gets me i think he's such a funny little guy, and awful, and if i'm being genuine, i bet i connected with him on a certain level in 2016, when i got back into homestuck, and that led me to like, the question dave asks in the comic which is like "who knows what life would have been like if we hadn't had the puppet hanging overhead" and then i was like yeah.... maN what would a dirk be like who was like, influenced by an outside force, and how do you reconcile the concept of a genuinely bad upbringing with someone who you still love and who is still a real person and is that person capable of change??? and like, what does a lack of control mean for A Dirk Strider???
and then, post canon, my thesis is, always, "Who is Bro Strider without a purpose?" and that's really my driving force behind exploring him c:
i always joke with my friends, "we do not apologize for bro strider, but we do strive to understand him as a dirk" and i stand by that!
yeah c:
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all-things-mlqc · 4 years
What do you think Shaw's fairytale could have been, had he been included in the "Wonderland after Dark" event?
First and foremost, now that I’ve written my response, I went way over the top with this idea. Was originally going to just summarize this idea and maybe slap Shaw’s face on Disney’s “Robin Hood” fox as a shit edit for funsies yet here we are with a whole HC. Anywho, I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment what other fairytale stories you guys think Shaw would’ve been good for!
Honestly my first thought was Aladdin or Robin Hood. I’m trying to think what best goes with his personality and how you could twist those stories into something new like they have with the other boys. I honestly feel like Robin Hood fits his personality especially with his latest event where he basically pulls a Robin Hood move, stealing from an antique store that was trying to sell fakes for the price of authentic pieces. He “took care” of the owner and people who were involved with this shameless exchange and by took care I mean beat them to a pulp in the alley, stole the items, and even got the shop closed down. While he didn’t necessarily steal valuable items and distribute the wealth to others like what our known Robin Hood does, what he did still protected many people without them knowing. Shaw has that sly, fun way of living life and really does help others without their knowledge. Even if it’s in his own dumbass way which can be selfish at times, I think he could’ve had a pretty good Robin Hood story in this event.
Robin Hood Shaw
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Here’s your shit edit that took a total of 4.6 minutes to make
I imagine it would’ve gone something like this:
Shaw as Robin Hood would never settle in one place for too long. He enjoys adventuring around and would often be found visiting many different villages.
There were rumors in nearby villages of a vigilante who would supposedly ambush criminals, bandits, and even rich folks in the nearby villages who were involved with some sort of dirty business.
While he is a stubborn moron who does stupid things and can be selfish at times, he’s never once harmed or stolen from innocent people. He finds it thrilling when he’s able to let loose and be on the verge of getting caught, so fighting criminals/bandits/bad people within the village was how he enjoyed living life.
While most of his reasoning behind it may be selfish, the people of the nearby villages still considered him a hero.
He enjoyed taking out the rumored bandits outside of the village, getaway criminals within the village, and most of all, he enjoyed stealing from tactless, arrogant “royals” is what these people call themselves who used dirty tactics to gain the wealth they had.
Shaw loved the thrill of sneaking in and stealing their valuable belongings that were acquired unjustly with the chance of getting caught. And what he loved more was seeing their infuriated expressions after realizing they had been robbed.
To cover up his tracks, he would distribute the wealth among the good people of the village. He insists his good deeds are nothing more than him wanting some good entertainment and only gives the villages the wealth to cover up his tracks but we all know he’s secretly soft. Under all that bitchassness ofc
He would, however, always keep one item for himself. Whatever seemed to have caught his eye in that moment. The items he collected varied. He didn’t always care about their worth and would often take whatever seemed interesting to him.
Most of the money he used to provide food, clothing, and shelter came from the bandits and criminals. He had plenty of money to get around.
So in this date, I imagine MC going around village to village looking for this vigilante so called “Robin Hood” to help her village. Similar to Disney’s “Robin Hood” film, the people of the village are forced to pay an unfair amount of taxes to the people in control who then use those taxes for their own selfish desires, leaving the people of the village to suffer.
MC uses Robin Hood’s latest sightings from different villages as clues to where she may be able to find him, but many villagers tell her it’s hopeless, that he never shows himself as Robin Hood in public.
While asking around in a nearby village, Shaw overhears her conversation and catches her outside the village during her departure back home.
He asks why she’s looking for Robin Hood so she explains her village’s current situation vaguely to him.
Without explaining himself, he joins her on her journey back to her village.
She was uncertain about him tagging along without an explanation but soon had some friendly banter I say friendly but this man is just annoying as hell and we love it with one another. Y’all know how friendly Shaw is. Annoying but good at making conversation. Ya know... like his usual self.
Anywho, they come across some bandits on the way back where *enter Robin Hood Shaw*.
While Shaw fends off the bandits, MC also joins in and surprises him with some fighting skills of her own which ya’ll know damn well he’s gonna like.
MC was able to piece things together after seeing his fighting style and capability in which she asks if he’s Robin Hood.
He chuckles and responds with a simple “let’s go” as he continues towards the direction of her village.
She follows suit with way too many questions like mood mc, I wanna know what life is like as a bitch vigilante too but you also gotta remember he’s an annoying asshat
To be honest, her first impression after realizing he was Robin Hood was something like “wow wasn’t expecting him to be a dumb bitch” after all that friendly banter. But then again what do you expect from a man who purposely gets himself into danger?
Her questions included those as such: Why did you become Robin Hood? Have you ever been caught? Why do you always keep one stolen item from each place you rob?
His response was a question of his own “Why do you need the help of Robin Hood when you are capable of fighting, yourself?”
She pauses and explains she isn’t capable of helping the village all by herself and thought if she could find Robin Hood, the village would have hope.
Shaw pauses and states his own desires, “I’m not the person people make me out to be. I don’t do these things for the people, I do them for myself. Whether or not you want to believe I help people, in the end, I’m only doing this for myself.”
With that being said, MC suddenly felt a wall being built between them. Not that they had a well developed relationship beforehand
Still, MC explains her village’s situation in much more detail in hope of coming up with a plan.
MC throws out a few ideas while Shaw asks questions about her village and the men in control and then offers his own ideas.
After a lifetime of teasing and bickering, they come to a conclusion.
Once again bringing in Disney’s classic “Robin Hood” film, I thought it would be fun to include a fox in this story and even did some research on Chinese mythological creatures.
Huli jings are fox like mythological creatures that have the capability to shapeshift.
So to add a little twist in this story like the rest of the boys, MC’s village just so happened to be guarded by a huli jing spirit, or so the legends within the village say.
Shaw, with his sly, sneaky Robin Hood persona decided to use this to his advantage.
For days after returning to MC’s village, they gathered materials for their plan for the next time taxes would be collected.
With Shaw’s skills, he would dress as the huli jing spirit shapeshifted as a human wearing a fox mask and fight those who come by to collect taxes, threatening them to leave the village and never return while MC was in charge of special effects to make the “performance” seem more realistic.
He thought the idea of these awful villagers being frightened half to death by a “spirit” was rather entertaining and would make this mission much more satisfying in the end after everything going according to plan. Basically his thought process was “imagine pulling something off so ridiculous yet so incredible”
Slowly driving one by one out of the village, Shaw continued to “haunt” and threaten anyone involved.
However, it was only a matter of time when one of them realized it was all staged after finding MC off to the side, helping Shaw with his “performance”.
MC was then taken to the person in charge and held captive.
Once Shaw realized she had gone missing, he suspected the remaining few caught on and had her as a hostage so he finished his job more quickly and efficiently. Mr. iM dOiNg ThiS fOr mYsELf
Being stuck with the man in charge who was responsible for the village’s suffering, MC began asking why he did everything he had done, why he doesn’t help the village like one should. Oh MC, sweet sweet MC, there are some terrible people in the world and you should know this
After talking with the man for some time, there was a loud crash following the man being knocked to the ground by a powerful force.
“I’ve come to steal you away” is all MC hears before being swept up into Shaw’s arms.
With the man on the ground letting out painful cries, Shaw reveals himself as Robin Hood, receiving an appalled gasp from the man lying on the floor as he demands him to leave the village for good and never return.
The man refuses to give up, calling for backup only to be met with silence.
Shaw: Oh? You haven’t heard? They all fled the village. The remaining ones have been dealt with as well. It’s best you do the same if you value your life.
With this being said, the man got up and frantically stumbled out of the building.
As Shaw carries MC outside, the villagers thank him as they distribute the wealth found within the mans home among everyone, now safe from their continued suffering.
Enjoying her embarrassed expression, Shaw quietly teases MC while continuing to carry her away from others.
MC: You can put me down now, Mr. Every man for himself.
Shaw: Oh? I guess I found that time spent with you is utterly amusing and would be a shame to lose such entertainment.
MC: Well if you don’t go back soon, everything will be taken and you won’t be able to get your reward.
Shaw: And what reward would that be?
MC: The one item you choose to keep from every theft you’ve ever done.
Shaw chuckles while leaning close, whispering in her ear, “I’ve already taken my reward”.
Bye, I’ll be suffering while wishing we actually had Shaw in this event because he would’ve been 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
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tokrev-roses · 3 years
Boyfriend!Rindou Haitani HC
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Genre: SFW, gn!reader
Warnings: realistic relationship with Rindou Haitani. That’s it. That’s the warning.
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So I imagine you’d meet before he got himself into Reform school, so before he and his brother killed that one dude
And although he can have a mouth, he was more of a quieter child/teen, not because he is shy, but because he is annoyed??? He doesn’t feel the need to have unnecessary conversations when he can go straight to business
So it was hard befriending him, but you somehow managed to do so?
I think Ran and him have rather difficult family background, so he was annoyed by you sticking around, but enjoyed your normality/simplicity
But don’t think this is a good-person-saves-bad-boy situation. He has violence in him and doesn’t hide it (doesn’t mean he’s gonna hurt you, I don’t take him as this kind of guy) you need to take it or stay away
So, if you decide to stay, imagine visiting him in reform school and he would act all annoyed, but instead of leaving, he’d stay nonetheless, listening to you(r voice)
Rindou: :(
You: :)
If you write him letters, he will never answer (idiot) but would reread them over and over every day, waiting (anxiously; but doesn’t know that) for the next one
So, once he get’s out, he’d still be a violent and brutal force BUT would not push you away, if you keep coming to him, that is
Guess you already realized you’ll need lots of patience with him
The stages of your relationship are fluent, there are no words or actions determining if you are strangers, friends or lovers.
His emotions might seem invisible to others, but if you’re concentrating, you’ll notice the little things
How he, although he always seems like it is a bother listening to you, will always remember everything you told him? What you had for lunch, which girl kept pestering you, what you think of that one tv-show you saw yesterday
How he slows his steps if he walks with you
Type to hold the umbrella for you while it rains, acting as if it is the most annoying thing on earth but denies if you ask to hold it instead?
Just because he isn’t outright mean, doesn’t mean he suddenly turned into a nice guy
if your presence is unwanted, let’s say because of Roppongi business he won’t hesitate to tell you to leave. Generally, someone to call you out on bullshit in a meaner way than intended, but it’s Rindou we’re talking about. he won’t sugar-coat what he tells you and isn’t the best with words? More brutish in his way of speaking and not as smooth as his big bro
Not someone to be babied or ridiculed in any way? Like don’t do this, he would take it serious and personal
No PDA, unless he initiates it (and that would happen once in a blue moon)
But it’s not as bad as it seems with him
Most of the things mentioned have to do with his public way of handling a relationship
Totally different if you are private. No 180° turn, but it is easier with him.
Likes to share his hoodies with you, and while you might like the way they smell like him, he loves when you give them back and they smell like you. Would wear them immediately.
There is not that much teasing with him, he is more of a straight-forward type of guy
Has a soft spot for your pouty face, like the big bad boy he is, also likes to be the person you rely on
“I told you to wear something else.”
“Yeah. But I-Its alright.”
”It’s Winter and you’re looking like you’re invited to the next best beach party.”
“Hm.” It wasn’t like you weren’t used to Rindou’s strange antics, but did he really feel the need to be like this when you’re already suffering from the biting cold, attacking every part it could reach?
All of a sudden, you were surrounded by darkness before seeing the light again. The always-grumpy look on his face hadn’t changed, after he put his hoodie over your shivering form.
Yeah, that’s Rindou for you
Secretly melts if you hold his hand with both of yours. The only way for you to know is the soft squeeze of his before he lets go
The best way to lighten his mood is pulling his face to you, your hand giving his chin a soft stroke, and kissing the corner of his mouth. Generally, every time you look at him with your eyes full of sparkling affection, he dies a bit.
I’m a sucker for back hugs but imagine hugging him from behind. Being pressed against his broad, strong back, your arms around his waist and instead of complaining or pushing you away, all he does is putting his hands on yours?
Very protective as your relationship proceeds
If word comes around and he’d find out people are making connections between you and the Haitanis, for example
Wouldn’t hesitate to beat a bitch if that someone bothers you, even if they only just looked at you the wrong way. Especially boys, but not hesitating with girls either. Don’t get me started on what would happen if gangs from other parts of Tokyo tried something including you. Would go to war. And Ran would tag along, ofc. Might have to visit them in juvie again.
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Could you please write the brothers with a genderfluid MC? You’re writing is so amazing! 😍😍
At what temperature does gender fluid become a solid? It varies, welcome to my bad jokes and fluffy headcanons
I use they/them pronouns for this MC throughout the headcanons for ease of reading, but naturally some genderfluid people use multiple sets of pronouns which may or may not include they/them. Know that the brothers would absolutely use whatever pronouns you tell them to!
Also uhhhhhhhhhh… this ended up including some of my HCs about the “brothers’” genders as well. Quick rundown of that, I see Luci, Mammon and Beel as trans guys, Levi as genderfluid but an egg (ie. closeted/still figuring himself out), Satan as demigender/Spite, Asmo as genderfluid/nonbinary, and Belphie as agender/*snoring cow noises*
No I don’t always use these headcanons when writing requests, and in this all the characters are still referred to with he/him pronouns, but if people do want to see more of my Obey Me gender HCs, feel free to ask!
Also thank you for the compliment uwu I definitely did not turn beet red and spin in my chair for several minutes after reading it
The Brothers With a Genderfluid MC feat. some Trans/NB Brothers HCs
When MC first showed up to the Devildom, their presentation didn’t match the gender Lucifer had on file
He didn’t think anything of it, just quietly made a note to correct the information later
But then a couple of weeks later MC starts presenting differently and he’s like, “??? Oh wait I get it”
Decides that the easiest thing to do is just approach MC directly and ask them what they’d like him to write on their file
If they ever got a hold of it, they would see a couple scribbles on it lol
Lots of things give Lucifer headaches
MC’s gender is never one of them
He takes any fluctuations in stride: change of name? Sure. Multiple names? No problem. Feeling more masc/fem but don’t want to go through the effort of necessarily presenting that way? Just let him know how to refer to you and he’ll follow your lead
It’s a complete non-issue for him basically, totally normal
Though because for him gender is a Private Matter, he won’t make a big deal of it unless he senses that they’re nervous about it and his reaction
In that case, he will assure them that he’s not acting the way he is to be cold, he just doesn’t want to make them feel othered or like a spectacle
Will Not talk about his own past though, unless you’re really really Really Super Mega Close
Perhaps post-pact he might be more forthcoming...
Wait, so MC has to buy multiple wardrobes?? Isn’t that expensive?
Not necessarily how it works bud, but go off
His most common nickname for MC is “human”, so no need to worry about any accidental misgendering there
Should any gendered terms/pronouns come up though, Mammon might stumble a bit at first, before he knows MC’s rhythm and preferences
Not in a “ugh it’s too hard to keep track” way but in a “oh shit I don’t wanna get this wrong” way, you know?
This resulted in a lot of “MC’s so stubborn, h— sh— they— OY HUMAN! WHICH PRONOUNS IS IT TODAY?”
While in the Devildom changing names and pronouns aren’t really a big deal, if MC doesn’t like extra attention being drawn to themself this way, they’ll quickly figure out a system to let Mammon know how to refer to them
It makes his whole tsundere act infinitely funnier tbh
Hard to play the “I don’t care about you” card when you meticulously respect someone’s identity and always ensure they feel comfortable
Nooooo, he totally didn’t get MC that outfit they were wishing for because it’s easy to make more masc or fem!! That’s ridiculous!! NO DON’T LOOK AT HIS CREDIT CARD RECEIPT—!
*Leviathan has added Gender Envy to his list of envies*
Someone please crack this egg, he’s got a job in there it’s been so long
I hc that Levi is genderfluid, but because Insecurity and deeply internalized transphobia some Certain Corners of human world fandom, he’s never tried just casually presenting differently
When it’s a costume/cosplay people are generally receptive, but would they accept it if it was just him?
But seeing a genderfluid MC? Either just casually doing their thing, or quietly confiding in him about their identity? It gives him hope
His Henry understands!
If MC is still experimenting with presentation or names/pronouns, Levi is super supportive, even if his proposals are very… particular
And through helping them, he gets a bit more comfortable with himself as well
He’s still a bit nervous to officially come out, that lingering fear and doubt is hard to kick, but it’s nice to know he has someone who will stick by him no matter what
He’ll do little things with MC, if anyone asks he’ll say it’s in solidarity with them, but his brothers start to pick up that something Else is going on
Do Levi and MC get matching TSL pride pins at some point? :3c
It’s at this point that Asmo, known Gender Trapeze Artist, loses his shit and Demands that the others let him help Levi with his Gender Makeover, but they all furtively tell him to zip it. Levi will tell them when he’s ready, and IF he wants help with anything
Satan has more Spite than gender, but is very intrigued by the concept of gender fluidity
Asks a Ton of questions, not out of ignorance but curiosity over the particulars of MC’s specific experience
He’s internally comparing it to his own, as well as others he knows — it’s interesting to see the differences in how humans and demons understand gender!
If MC’s not down to talk about it or gets annoyed by the questions, he’ll of course back off and apologize
He knows there’s a lot of issues in the human world with people asking invasive questions and feeling entitled to trans people’s entire life stories
However if MC accepts and even reciprocates his curiosity?
*Accidentally acquires a degree in Devildom Gender Studies*
Is always ready to help MC stand up for themself and assert their identity
No one misgenders them on his watch
No One
TWINS!!!!! :D
Asmo is very excited to find out the human exchange is just like him!!!
Okay, they might not necessarily be exactly like him in terms of presentation: maybe MC prefers a more consistently masc/fem style, or is more lowkey in general, or— oh no, they’re not too insecure to even try to present how they’d like to, right?!
If MC does find something about their presentation lacking or unsatisfactory, Asmo is 3000% willing and ready to help
But more importantly, if it’s MC’s confidence he cares about most
He’ll help an insecure MC find their inner strength and confidence, and be the Best Hype-Person for an MC who’s already confident
Asmo’s brand of genderfluidity is usually pretty loosey-goosey, his general sense of fashion leaning more towards the fem side but internal identity swinging about wildly, but should he and MC ever “synch up” at any point, he Will make a joke about it and how it must mean they’re meant to be! ;p
Also knows the best tips for coping with fluctuating dysphoria because although he publicly hides it, sometimes it does get him down
It tends to blend into his pre existing issues with public image and his body and even with shapeshifting sometimes things just Don’t Feel Right
So if MC’s ever having a rough time, they know who to turn to
Like Lucifer, he’s very chill about it
It’s the content of MC’s character that matters, not their gender
And he thinks they’re a great person, so any way they want to be referred to, he will respect it without question
If MC is the type to change their presentation to suit their feelings, he’s lowkey in awe that they pull it off so well
Even before he transitioned, Beel was never very good with fashion beyond finding what makes him most comfortable and what’s most practical
But he respects the skill, and sometimes wonders if it would have made some of his pre-transition time easier to cope with
However unlike Lucifer, he’s fine confiding in MC about his experiences if he thinks it will make them feel better
Lots of Support Hugs
Sometimes it feels like he’s trying to hug the dysphoria out of them
Also re: the Lilith thing, if MC ever feels Extra awkward being compared to Lilith because she was a girl and MC Isn’t, Beel will take extra care to remind them that he and the rest of the House of Lamentation love MC for who they are, not because of their connection to Lilith
Ughhhhhh that sounds like so much effort
Uhhh, explain yourself cowboy, and talk fast
Belphie’s not really a boy, but whatever.
See? That’s so fast, “ehh I don’t really Do the gender thing, k byeeee” Done
Or at least it would be if people weren’t so stupid and kept pestering him about it
But MC… if their gender changes over time and people ask about it, that must take so much explaining
Doesn’t it get annoying?
Ohhhh… He’s trying to empathize!
Belphie has a weird way of showing support, but he means well
Like Satan, he doesn’t take any shit vis a vis misgendering, but instead of righteous fury, it’s more of an exasperation
“Just use the right pronouns! It’s not that hard! Mammon can do it, for fuck’s sake, are you saying you’re so dumb you can’t keep track of what even he can?!”
If MC’s having a mini Gender Crisis because sometimes gender is just weird, Belphie will absolutely say something stupid like “Nah, your gender is just taking a nap. You should too. C’mere *grabby hands*”
He’s insufferable, but also a stalwart supporter of MC
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yoshkeii · 3 years
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࿐ character(s): Daishou Suguru, Atsumu Miya, Sakusa Kiyoomi
࿐ genre: angst
࿐ type: headcanons (hcs)
࿐ requested by: dumpsterfireinc
⌦ find the continuation here;-  “𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎.”
⌦ tw/mentions ; yelling, arguments, swearing/curses, cheating (atsumu’s)
⌦  male!reader (he/him)
⌦ 'can I ask for hcs for Daishou, Atsumu, and Sakusa having a really heated argument with male s/o. During the argument the boys say something really mean to their s/o that s/o starts to cry. Before the boys could start apologizing s/o just blurts out that he wishes he never met them and leaves.’
A/N: (i changed it slightly if you dont mind-) we got three new bois im writing for, lets hope i get their personality right. so i apologize in advanced if they seem ooc! (youcantellwhereihalfassedshitimsosorry-)
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→ the argument probably started with his slight manipulative personality and mocking sense of humor, it usually didn’t get to you but lately it has been hitting too close to home. letting it slide with the silence of your voice and change of mood each time.
→ coming back home you didn’t know it would evolve into this, but Daishou Suguru, your boyfriend of 2 years. noticed it and decided to question you.
→ the air was tensed within the shared home you two lived in, it was suffocating despite the room being open and wide. hearing the dark-olive hair male behind you, who was clearly speaking to you. hearing words that you couldn’t comprehend to be anything but venomous.
→ each word stung like a snakes bite. ironic for his previous school’s mascot.
→ Daishou had kept going on, stabbing at you word after word.
→ “You’ve been acting weird all day, what’s up with that?” “..even recently you’ve been off.” “hey are you even-”
→ before Dai could even finish he heard you raise your voice, seeing your hand clench around the doorknob of your guys’ shared rooms.
→ “WHY DONT YOU SHUT UP FOR JUST A SECOND!?” “ YOU..Y-you.. should damn well know w-why I’m acting ‘weird’ and shit, babe.” “You know those- those mocks and insults- you- you fucking call ‘jokes’ aren’t really jokes. Daishou.”
→ your eyes kept low with the casting shadow from the lack of lights in the hall. but the shakiness of your voice signaled something in him, but his stupid pride wouldn’t let down.
→ “Are you serious right now, y/n? We’ve been dating for fucking almost 3 years and now they get to you-” “..really ridiculous of you.” 
→ it went off afterwards. just the words being said at each other with such emotion, none of you have seen each other like this... well.. not towards one another. it was just foreign and strange.
→ “you’re such a sensitive crybaby, fucking christ y/n.” “and if those weren’t jokes, you’d still damn take it like nothing.”
→ freezing as soon the words slipped out from his lips, it grew densely silent. your hand slipping off the doorknob, gaze lowering down onto the floor. only focusing in on the shoes kept on.
→ “..h-hey, babe- i- didn’t-” Daishou realized the words he said, it may not be harmful to most, but knowing you. he knew you hated being called anything of the such, even the shit he decided to add made his heart ache with regret.
→ watching you hurry off towards the front door, to supposedly leave, he grabbed your wrist. before you whacked his hand away, 
→ “D-dont fucking touch me. I don’t w-wanna... fuckin hear it. Not now. Or even ever.” “..i should’ve never met you, i was damn stupid enough to think this will last longer with that- dare you did.” “..you probably never loved me.”
→ watching you slip off outside in the night, he didn’t know what to do. hands clenching into fists, as he heard your steps fade away and into silence. the air was more tensed, more suffocating. his mind was clouded with something unfamiliar to him.
→ ‘..how did he know about that.’ 
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→ you always had a sneaking suspicion. you always did. that instinctive feeling ;lm, jn your gut that you should’ve trusted. it was dumb of you to push it away because of the hope you had. well... false hope.
→ you always caught him not at the spot after his practice, the usual spot. always questioning his team to know where he could’ve ran off, they all gave off a shrug and sometimes a slight assumption you followed. leading somewhere more secluded and hidden, to avail to not find him.
→ stumbling back to the previous spot you seem him slink his way at the same time from around a corner... or somewhere. waving up at him and happily greeting him with the usual smile and hug, you question how his hair looked more ruffled and messed up. as if hurried and ruffled up. Atsumu giving a silly excuse of whatever, you shrugged it off. continuing on with the rest of your days together.
→ this would continue a few times. but different things would seem off about him every time, and you took note. occasionally questioning again, before being shot down with an excuse. taking in it again just to not escalate things.
→ as time passed. you began to grow assumptions, noticing how distance he was becoming, having ‘plans’ already up which were not with you, and he often came home late from it. or not, and came home the next day. not even the morning.
→ sitting on the bed of your shared room, you stared idly at the buzzing phone on the nightstand. ‘..’tsumu’s phone is going off.’ as curiosity grew the longer it went on, your boyfriend was in the shower so it wouldn’t be too much of a harm right?
→ peering over to look at the illuminated screen, you blankly stared at the text messages. reading the messages word for word and slowly, ‘..who..’ 
→ staring at the messages and the sender, you knew it was someone who had a liking of your boyfriend... should you even call him that now?
→ swiping the phone from its original position you just watched the messages keep going till it stops to the recent time. you didn’t open the app, but just merely stare at the name. it had a cute nickname and all, similarly to yours. mind becoming hazy and clouded, you didn’t know how long you were staring at Atsumu’s phone till his raising voice snapped you out of the trance.
→ flinching as he snatched his phone away from your hands, you stared up at the fake blonde who had just gotten out of the shower simply wearing nothing but casual sweats with a damp towel hanging off his shoulder. 
→ “Hey! y/n why were ya’ staring at my damn phone?” his gaze was ironed onto you, meeting your [e/c] eyes. you could tell he was furious and he was getting ticked off by each silent second you let by. “not gonna speak? are ya braindead or something honey?”
→ seeing you softly mutter words but it was too quiet to hear, almost like a whisper. but besides the way it was heard, the words itself were not light and gentle.
→ “..why did you cheat..” 
→ a sudden jolt hit him, “..c-cheat? I didn’t cheat on ya’ baby, what are you talking about?” he lied.
→ “now.. you’re lying to me... ‘tsumu.” the softness of your tone was quite concerning, it was saddened and dismal. the building of tears daring to fall any second, you just stared at him with the distraught expression.
→ “What? I’m not ly-” before the fake blonde could slip out the rest of the word, you jumped in.
→ “You are LYING, Miya. Stop acting like you aren’t.” quickly standing up and moving to the side.
→ “How did you even know?” he yelled back, knowing it was worthless to keep up his lies and fake pretending.
→ “Those damn texts-??” you pointed towards his phone that his fist was holding. “..a-are you stupid?” the wavering of your voice made you regret speaking, but it was inevitable and shittier if you left your feelings unsaid.
→ Atsumu’s thick brows furrowed down, “Wait- So you’re telling me ya snooped on my phone?! The fuck is wrong with you!” “..can’t I have some privacy? can’t I!? Y/n!?” he snapped back.
→ “What’s.. wrong with me? With ME-? Miya..” averting your gaze for a quick second, you looked back as you poked him roughly, “..you have been.. been- fucking.. Cheating on me this whole time. A-and.. I know you have been-! Those times you’ve been slipping off after practice. you leaving off to ‘hang out’ with friends? What a fucking. load. of. bullshit. Miya.”
→ tears were dripping down from your eyes, before you bit down your lip for the next response. while the blonde could only stared in silence, conflicted.
  → “I-..I really thought you loved me, that whole time.. really did. and i was a damn fool to have such hopes.” you had hurriedly rushed off to leave the room, the quick muttering of an foreign phrase stabbed his heart.
→ “..i should’ve never met you either.”
→ he didn’t know what to do, but hearing the click of the front door opening and shutting accompanied by your running steps that faded. he knew you weren’t coming back. all he did was stand there in distraught, confusion, troubled, everything.
→ ‘what do i do now..’
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→ he wouldn’t be the physical affection type person, but at times, you were an exception. knowing you liked to cuddle, gives hugs, and all that jazz. it often took a lot persuasion for him to get to cuddle whenever you had a chance too, having a schedule that often didnt mesh well.
→ so it wasn’t a big deal if it ended up into a confrontation about it, occasionally small arguments. but this one was unexpected, especially to you.
→ hearing Sakusa walk in your shared home, you looked over from your position in the kitchen. giving him a soft welcome home, asking “Hey, Omi! How was your day?”
→ “..pretty irritating.” he muttered from under his mask, pulling it down under his chin as he took off his shoes.
→ instinctively you walked over to hug him at least, but he steered away quickly. obviously denying it without a word. blinking at him, you took the sign and stepped away, apologizing softly under your breath.
→ you were having an off day yourself, some things weren’t going so well for you during the day till you got home. hoping you’d have some time with your boyfriend, wanting to cuddle and maybe a hug at least knowing how he is. 
→ “..I-..uh.. do you wanna cuddle after you shower or-” Sakusa interrupted you bluntly and rather quickly, “no.”
→ only biting down the rest of your words, you softly nodded. seeing him drift off into your shared room, supposedly gonna rinse up. sighing as you went off to do your own thing to wait, hoping he’ll feel a little better for the offer again.
→ he doesn’t.
→ raising your arms up to him as he walked out of the bathroom door, he doesn’t bat an eye towards you. making your heart ache slightly, “..omi? are you okay?” you began to follow him shortly behind into your bedroom.
→ “..didn’t i say i was irritated earlier.” he stiffly said, slipping on a shirt as he did.
→ “i-..i mean yeah but.. are you at me? I’m- uhh.. also having a bad day too y’know.” “i wanted to be with you.”
→ the air was dense. even if there was barely any physical aggression and irritation it would make you cower. as it settled down longer, Sakusa muttered something. it was so clear as day in the suffocating silence.
→ “you’re really so selfish you know that.” “..matches your clingy attitude.”
→ ‘he didn’t care. he didn’t.’ is all you could think of. it just rushed 
→ “..you think I’m selfish?” you repeated, your hands tightening around the edge of your long sleeves. nails almost digging into your palm. “do you really think that.” your soft and gentle demeanor faded quickly.
→ the wavy haired male turn to look at you, seeing your head and gaze kept low and averted from his. seeing your clenching hands, almost penetrated your own skin. instantly regretting his words. 
→ “y/n- I- really didn’t-..” stopping himself he sees the dripping tears fall onto the floor, then your sniffles.
→ “Just- just shut up. I n-need space..” already slipping pass and out the door, he went to go after you yelling out your name. seeing you freeze at the doorway, about to slip on a coat and shoes.
→ “..Sakusa. Just drop it. I don’t- wanna deal with this right now. You.. you made my.. day far worse.”
→ ‘he said.. my last name. not... not my first. shit.’ biting back what else to say, he stood there silently. watching you put on a pair of shoes before rushing off out into the cold.
→ silent fights and arguments is what scares y/n the most. it happens quite often but this was the most suffocating one by far, ruining his day. and his mind. letting the negative overwhelm him more. letting Sakusa’s word stuck in his brain on replay. 
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banzaitaka · 3 years
im new to your blog and new to requesting, so I'm sorry if im doing this wrong. a fluff scenario with xingqiu and male s/o, where male s/o is normally calm but xingqiu decides to cup his face or pull his cheeks and male s/o is super flustered but too embarrassed to admit it?
i haven't been following you for long but i love your writing :) take your time and take care of yourself
Howdy! You did everything right, no worries
And thank you uwu those little words really boost my confidence, especially considering I’m a German dude, writing these without making a draft in German first
Hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Xingqiu x male! reader
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Genshin Impact Masterlist
Red cheeks
It was a quite surprising sight to see (Y/N) walking around the funfair inspired festival in Liyue Harbor, as many saw him as someone who would rather spend his time at a more quiet place like Xingqiu did. Especially considering the fact that the funfair was designed for children.
But there they were, walking through the crowd of kids and parents, looking out for interesting looking stalls while holding hands as to not loose the other amongst the people.
Xingqiu surpressed a chuckle as he saw the excitement in his boyfriend's eyes. (Y/N) never really showed strong emotions and mostly kept his voice rather low. He didn't surpress it or anything. That was just who he was, a calm and gentle young man.
The (Y/HC)-haired's eyes widened as he saw a gigantic turtle plushy, hanging on a stall. It was love at first sight. Xingqiu followed his gaze as soon as he noticed it, "Would you like to take a closer look at that stall, love?", he asked with a smile.
(Y/N) only nodded before he made his way over to said stall, careful to not just drag Xingqiu with him in the process. The blue-haired quietly chuckled to himself from the lack of words he recieved as an answer as he followed his boyfriend.
As they got closer they noticed the stacked cups at the back of the stall, an easy game to win, (Y/N) thought. Needless to say that he knocked them all over with one throw.
He may or may not asked Xingqiu to wet the ball to make it heavier. We all know how light those balls are.
"What an amazing throw, young man! What would you like? You can choose whatever."
Without hesitating the male pointed at the ridiculously huge turtle, a bright sparkle glistening in his eyes.
With a gentle smile on his face, (Y/N) carried his award to a free table next to a food stall. Xingqiu couldn't keep his eyes from the satisfied look on his lover's face, trying to hold back any teasing until they sat down.
The blue-haired intertwined his fingers as he rested his elbows on the table, gazing at the (Y/HC)-haired with teasing eyes. "You know, you look really adorable right now.", he said. (Y/N) payed him little mind, he was used to being teased. So those little words weren't enough to break his calm demeanor.
Xingqiu tilted his head slightly in amusement before leaning over the table. He cupped (Y/N)'s cheeks with his hands, soflty pinching and pulling them, "You really are the cutest thing, aren't you?", he cooed in a voice some people use to talk to dogs.
"Hmmm!", the (Y/EC)-eyed hummed in annoyance and embarrassment. He could feel his cheeks heating up as he tried to get his lover's hands off his face. Xingqiu didn't let go though, continuing to squish (Y/N) cheeks, laughing, "So that causes you to react! I shall write that one done for future reference."
"I don't know what you're talking about!", (Y/N) almost yelled when he was finally able to free his face, rubbing his cheeks. The blue-haired covered his mouth as his laugh died down in a soft chuckle, "It's been quite a long time since I last saw that precious little blush adoring your face, love."
"I'm not blushing!", (Y/N) covered his face with the plush turtle's head, "It's because of the pinching.", he tried to convince his boyfriend, slowly building up a facade to cover up how flustered he was.
"I know, love.", Xingqiu chuckled out.
Short bonus scenario:
The moon stood proudly in the middle of the sky when the two of them laid in bed, holding each other close. They weren't tired at all, surprisingly, even though it was the middle of the night. In a soft whisper they talked about the things they were wondering about. Little theories they had in their heads.
"You ever thought about clapping?", (Y/N) asked which caused Xingqiu to stiffle a laugh as he looked up from his position on (Y/N)'s chest, "What do you mean exactly?", he asked in return.
"We basically hit ourselves when we find something good."
The blue-haired smiled at his lover, amused, "I suppose you are right, love. But I cannot help but wonder how that thought entered that cute little mind of yours."
Xingqiu brought his hand to (Y/N)'s cheek, slowly brushing his thumb over it. Even in the darkness, the blue-haired could see the red hue that spread across his boyfriend's cheeks in return. The (Y/EC)-eyed glanced to the side, hoping XIngqiu didn't notice how flustered he got over such a simple thing. "D-did you just call me stupid?", he asked to distract Xingqiu's mind even further from his expression.
The golden-eyed let out a short chuckle, "No, no...I'd never do that, my love.", he moved himself so he could plant a little kiss on (Y/N)'s chin.
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hey, you can ignore this if you want. But, just a thought, hybrid Izuku? Like maybe he has a kinda bad past too, just because I live for the angst beginning to fluffy end.
Sorry it took me a couple of days to answer! I wanted to switch it up and I mainly had to think a way to make Izu work as a hybrid, so I decided to make him be a bunny hybrid [ blame his cute hero costume, srsly ] I ended up writing the small amount of 3.7k words somehow— [ listen, i get emotionally involved, ok??? 😭 ] I genuinely hope you like it! 💕
[ Masterlist ]
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Hybrid!AU Bunny!Midoriya Izuku
× you looked at the man sitting in the corner of the cell, both petrified staring at each other
× his bunny ears were lowered, his green eyes widened in your direction
× all you could do was to stand still, shocked and without being able to even mask it
× he looked awful to say at least
× meanwhile the reception guy that accompanied you for a tour of the shelter whispered in your direction; "This one is in really bad shape. Very traumatized, poor soul..." he clicked his tongue before continuing "He's been sent here from another shelter cities away, I don't know much about him and he won't talk."
× you could not look away even if you tried
× the reason why you decided to pass by the shelter was because you offered to help voluntarily in the weekends as you had some free time
× you did read and hear horror stories about the shelters and the hybrids thrown in them, how underfunded they were, how bad the conditions there were and how little help they had but—
× even if you came prepared for the worst you got surprised with the state some of the hybrids were in
× specially this one; his name was on a plaque by his prison like cell— Midoriya Izuku
× he had bruises, cuts, his hands looked specially beaten up and scarred, his behavior was erratic, nervous, just a disaster...
× something deep inside told you to smile and show him you're no threat, so you did
× you introduced yourself and nodded your head, really trying to keep a calm composture but your heart hurt seeing him like that
× much to your surprise, he nodded back, still uncertain but didn't move from his place, far back in the cell
× you've been gently pushed away to continue the tour and to establish your tasks, all while being thanked for your kindness; you didn't know why you felt like throwing up at the indifference in the man's voice...
× there weren't many hybrids in the shelter anyway, yet you've gotten your scheduled hours in which you'd help clean and cook and as you left for the day after some introduction to those tasks; your mind still lingered on Midoriya Izuku even through the night, as his terrified eyes stole the sleep from you that same night
× the following two days you began your volunteering hours and always kept an eye for the hybrid; he was skittish and asocial even at lunch and dinner times, did not talk to any other hybrid and specially not to any worker there
× he caught your eyes multiple times whenever you'd be in his general proximity, yet you'd see him scurrying away instantly, which made you feel unease; you weren't any threat, really, so maybe with time...
× it's when you brought your own cleaning supplies [ because there were little to none ] and decided to help clean their "rooms", so called by the staff, when you firstly got to talk to him
× you reached his cell and he was reading an old book, probably borrowed from the small library they had; he snapped his eyes up when he heard you approach
× "Hello, Midoriya" you'd say gently, heart in your throat, really scared you'd frighten him
× he just nodded and looked away, not before giving your cleaning supplies a long look, knowing what's to come
× with his permission, he let you go inside as you started preparing everything to swipe the floors, putting the broom in a corner as you leaned down to pick some other stuff; what you didn't notice was how the broom was gently falling, almost about to hit you on the head
× the green-haired hybrid was on your side instantly, catching it; it would've been a small tap on your head and most out of the situation would've been you looking ridiculous but you chuckled at the scene and thanked him wholeheartedly
× smol bean blushed so hard you almost dropped everything in your hands at the sight; "N-no problem—" he stuttered, his voice sweet and shy 🥺
× he stood there fidgeting with the book in his hands watching you move around until you heard an unsure "Can I help you?" 🥺🥺
× you told him sure, if he'd like to, mainly worried he really didn't want you in his "territory" but the man took it as an invitation and—
× it didn't stop at his cell? he helped you all day???? you cleaned around together but not without an awkward air around both; which ngl it's funny bc he's staring whenever you talk to everyone, clean, help, so on; big round eyes are always on you;;; IF YOU LOOK THO, oops— "what an interesting wall right there!" - Midoriya, probably.
× it's from then that you notice a switch; whenever you're at the canteen, he's there offering to help, looking just as skittish as always but a small blush always on his face
× whenever you'd be playing with the younger hybrids he'd watch in awe bc you treat them so well
× exactly when he actually starts talking to you more too! he's in the impromptu playground with you and the few little ones when he suddently drops your name in a stutter and says you're kind-hearted
× you almost drop dead in the spot bc his look, man; you haven't seen him so sure of something until now and it did something to you
× it's been a month and hybrids came and got adopted, yet your new friend wasn't really getting any attention; he really acted terrified and you of course questioned his behavior; you knew nothing of his past but seeing the way he acted it could've been just awful
× as you started to slowly engage in larger conversations with Izuku, it's at the canteen that this time you've been caught staring; at his hands in particular
× he was helping you cook, which he really didn't know how to do but tried nonetheless just because he really enjoyed being around you [ or so you assumed, hopeful ]
× when he realizes where you're looking at, you almost dreaded him retracting from the situation like he used to do but he just looks down at them too and sighs
× "I was at a fighting ring—" he said, pursing his lips "—but I'm a rabbit hybrid... a prey... they used me as a punching bag."
× your heart rips in two as you're speechless; even if you tried to be careful with your movements not to spook the man, you could not help yourself by putting your hand on his
× and that's how Midoriya Izuku died, end of HCs 💀
× just kidding; he almost fainted, face fully red as his ears perked up, staring at you with big eyes yet did not move an inch
× and even if his face would've been adorable in any other situation, his words remained imprinted in your mind as you squeezed his hand in yours
× "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Izuku" you whispered back at him; he just nodded and blabbered something before continuing with the task clumsily
× boy is broken for the rest of the day, that's what I'm implying
× bad news got to you when you found out you couldn't go to the shelter anymore to help; your hours got increased at work and your shift was all over the place and even if you really did talk with your boss, it was decided that for now you had to adapt
× dread filled your gut when you realized you couldn't see Izuku anymore and with that you noticed how fond you grew of him, that's why you loathed the next visit there
× but— you really wanted to see him more; getting to spend time with him and helping around was what got you through the week...
× you told him slowly that same Saturday and it visibly broke him
× he tears up and tries to mask it as best as he can, yet he nods understanding
× "Will— Will I ever see you again?" the soft tremble in his voice shook you to the core
× "Of course. Every day, if you'd like." you blurted;;;;; he blinks at you, tears stopping just to have his head tilted to the side, ears flopping with the movement. "Would you like to come home with me?" you say, idea just popping in your head and balling it;
× he cries harder then he nods
× everything about your volunteering ceasing for the time was already filled in, you guys just needed to fill some paperwork for him, grab his little to no belongings and get the hell out
× small gym-bag in hand, i sweat to god, this man is overwhelmed with being outside
× stays glued to your side all the time, specially on busy streets towards your home
× once you feel him grab on your shirt just for precaution and you melt?? but let him have it
× once you arrived, you see tension leave his body as he smells his surroundings; mf drops a "It smells like you here" through a smile before realizing what he said and getting all flustered 💀
× sooo you move past that as you can and show him around, a spare bedroom not long ago used by your old roommate offered to him
× you only see his surprisingly muscled back as he enters the room and drops the gym-bag on the floor
× he slowly turns around to look at your face and fat ass tears run down his cheeks, not being able to say a word even if he tried
× hands-down the scene almost gives you a panic attack; he then asks if it's all for him and you assure him that indeed it is when he cries harder...
× ok, that again shreds your heart but it wouldn't be the last time
× like for example the moment of utter disbelief he threw at you when you asked him what he wanted to eat that night and he didn't know how to respond because nobody, ever, asked him; you got that as a response after asking if you said something wrong
× or the following Monday, when you suggested you went to do some shopping for him in the morning, since there wouldn't be many people and it would be calmer
× the look of awe in his face, istg...
× from then on he opens up pretty nicely too; it's such a refreshing sight to see him tell you about how he learned to use the computer, TV, phone— the sparks in his eyes whenever he talks of something new he learned? imagine it and now you've gained 20 more years of lifespan, you're very welcome
× such a soft cutie, i swear 🥺 always asks things about you and gives you the same sparkly eyes when he learns more about you
× it does take him some time to come out if his shell though
× you fastly realize he's a nerd; oops, but it's true, and definitely isn't a bad thing! he just really likes to learn about everything and anything and I feel he genuinely likes to tell you about those new facts
× i hope you like them bc when he learned new cool stuff he made a note to tell you about them bc he thought you'd find them cool too and—
× is very tidy and helps around the house, but when it comes to being social he just freezes
× you ask him if he'd like to go for walks and you see him itching to go out for some fresh air, although the thought of other people...
× with time and small walks around the neighborhood, he overcomes the fear as long as you're by his side
× will definitely want to go back to the shelter to volunteer even if you can't, but the fear of walking there just overtakes him again since he'd have to do it alone
× mentions it though
× his expression is so uneasy bc he feels like a burden
× maybe you could work around your schedule to take him there and pick him up? he genuinely loved giving a hand at the shelter so if you do, Izu would be so thankful
× in a few weeks he'd gain the confidence to walk alone
× one 💕adorable💕 thing he does without even thinking is jumping around you, or just in place
× "Today little Miya got adopted!" he'd say, hopping slightly in place "I could tell they were good people too! They had good intentions... just like when I saw you for the first tim—"
× so he mumbles without thinking;; and sometimes blurts out cute stuff like that but when he realizes what he's saying he gets very shy 🤭
× he has this fluff smol tail but we don't talk about it;;; no, no, it's too much for us, I promise you it's the cutest fucking thing you've seen in your whole existence and it moves a little bit and we all die here???? he hides it though, pft
× so fluffy we gonna dieeeee
× he steals your blankets
× hear me out, omg! he does!! if you have small blankets you just throw over yourself to stay on the couch or anything, sometimes they'd dissappear only to be found in his room; he's very sneaky about it but cracks under [the zero] pressure you put on him, leading him to say "It's because whenever you're not around, I like to have something close to me that smells like yOu! it makes me feel sAfe—" his voice cracks "BUT IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO, I'LL STOP, I JUST—" he'd placate his hands instantly, apologizing
× tell him it's okay and now your hoodies are gone too lmfao
× he's a muscular guy too so consider buying really big ones just for him to wear;;; after you wore them;;;;;;
× says sorry a lot and that's a thing you have to work with a lot
× if he messes up something, he will apologize instantly; if you tell him to stop bc you don't mind he forgot to put the washing machine as he promised he will act like he's the worst
× as if he feared you'd get angry...
× i know it's a recurring topic but give him time
× whenever you both have free time and hang around the house, he'll be on the couch reading near you
× eyes you constantly and he's so obvious about it it's ridiculous; you can see him from the corner of your vision when he turns his head to check on you so through a smile you have to ask him if he needs anything
× what's fantastic is that he's getting over the point of being scared to speak out around you YET he stutters, blushing
× "N-no, nothing!" but he's observing your comfortable form with much interest
× "Wanna... cuddle with me?" [ 's not like you read about bunny hybrids and how they need skin contact which definitely didn't make you uwu and die in the spot bc that's so 🤧💕😭💘🥺 but you waited for him to show any signs that he'd want that; we're respectful like that, mhm ]
× his fluffy ear twitches
× shock, disbelief, blush
× it twitches again
× blushes harder then nods
× sksjdkdjd he's by your side instantly though with no idea of what to do
× good lord, he's so stiff; why don't you grab a blanket to throw it over both of you, hmm?
× he'd bury himself into it then into your arms and soon he'll find out being there is his favorite place in the galaxy
× since his mind drifted to galaxies, Izu then starts talking about constellations bc he's nervous
× so when you rub his back he melts into you with a happy sigh yet when your hand reaches his hair, almost about to touch the top of his head mindlessly as you hum at his words
× he flinches— then you stop to look down at him, catching him wide eyed staring into nothing
× you don't even know why you apologize; maybe his horrified face?
× but before you can form a full sentence he interrupts you
× "Don't apologize. It's not your fault—" he'd glue his eyes on you "I— I used to get bullied a lot back then... they'd pull my ears..."
× without any other explanation you take your hand away, placing it on his shoulders, mainly feeling out of place again; every time he speaks of his past, it just gets worse...
× "But! But I trust you, [Y/N]. I really do." and he leads your hand back to his head
× 🥺💕💕💕💕💕
× then, with convinced features, he drops his head on your chest and snuggles for some good seconds before it clicked to him
× now he's apologizing
× until you ruffle his hair and he just experiences bliss in real life
× massage his scalp and say goodbye to ever leaving his side, you're now in his firm grip until the end of time but who's complaining
× like he has no shame anymore, it feels that good
× he can hear your heartbeat, as fast as it is, and he snuggles further into you; it's his lullaby
× now let's get to business
× look: he's adorable, sweet, doting, cares about you and about hybrids, he's actively trying to get out of his shell, he's built but tender, couldn't hurt a fly;
× don't lie to yourself, you've got a big fat crush
× little did you know this guy right here liked you from the moment you introduced yourself to him, months prior
× the issue is Izuku is really insecure; after hearing his whole life that he's inferior to both humans and some hybrids, he started believing it
× and comments whenever you're outside with him do not help
× he has a spectacular hearing
× doesn't miss how people whisper about you two, even if you mind your own business doing whatever
× it's mostly older people, judgemental and disgusted with hybrids that call you a freak for having one, that call him an abomination
× he tries so hard to ignore them but his behavior changes back to his silent old self, yet this time he doesn't cower anymore although grips his pants until his scarred hands are white, not answering back to you if you talk
× you have to assume he's again uncomfortable outside so you suggest leaving, not sure how to behave
× he kinda snaps on your way back home when there's nobody around
× stops in the middle of the road, looking down, brow furrowed and trembling lips
× "Am I never going to be good enough for you?" he'd clench his teeth
× "Izu—, what...?"
× the determined glare he sends you stops you in your tracks
× "Because I want to be. I want to be better for you."
× 😳
× basically confesses in a dramatic way as he's overtaken with emotions then screeches bc oh no what if you don't feel the same so "I-It's okay if you don't feel the same! If you're uncomfortable I can move back to the shelter!! I'm so sorr—"
× smooch him pls????
× and share your feelings just to give him a stroke lmfao
× he'll take the initiative to grab your hand and walk home like that, the other on his face covering it
× peck his lips and he malfunctions every time
× but loves it
× be sure of this: after that night, he's so soft for you and won't hide it
× he's a creature of contact, meaning his fingers will linger on your form, he will seek your form, he will want to snuggle his face in your neck, he definitely will stare at your lips for too long bc he's still shy and embarrassed by his confession to make a move; smooch him pt. 2
× he's so— adorable; he finds himself in front of your bedroom door with your blanket in his arms and has an existential crisis
× you see his shadow at the small creak under the door and akfjaksj
× open the door and let him sleep with you ffs I'm having a stroke for him
× can he be the little spoon? or can you two hug face to face? it's just that 🥺 he feels safe with you like that, a feeling he's been always missing
× any time you're in his arms or vice-versa he breathes out as tension leaves his body; best place in the whole universe, no hesitation.
× he's a petty lil shit, let me tell you that, ok??
× someone flirts with you? lol k he's behind looking not intimidating at all but he's frowning, his ears are twitching and chest puffed
× takes your hand just to prove a point
× talking about his hands
× kiss them, caress them, anything
× he just... yes, pls, do that
× whenever you're not looking he's giving you the gentlest smile and even if you notice, his lips will curl even more before he throws a compliment at you
× pretty much likes your reactions bc he's always the one that's flustered the most between the two [ genuinely doesn't matter if you get flustered or not, he just tops that energy 100x more ]
× likes to know he has the same effect you have on him on a daily basis
× will try to find a job at something he's interested in and i definitely see him finding one at a library or something like that
× he enjoys the silence, completely different from his old loud and over the place life, and also loves books
× unrelated hc but i just imagined Izu whispering the words out loud whenever he reads without noticing it; his green eyes focused in the book, face concentrated and ears low to not get in his field of vision; want to make him happy? listen to him and when he finally notices you, tell him to go on~
× he's the embodiment of akfwpdkslfjjwj 💕
× honestly your life with him is peaceful
× the way he loves is gentle, really sweet and it all revolves about peace in your household
× he adores you to no end and thanks you for helping him improve himself
× and getting him out of a life without a goal or purpose
× gets out of his way to help you, always you and wants to prove he's good enough
× he already is and you better tell him
× give this baby all the love he deserves and you'll get just as much in return
× I'm soft for him oml 💘
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official-weasley · 3 years
Headcanon time (Part 4)
I can't believe I am back! I have been away for such a long time (almost 2 months since I posted any of my content I have been told) and I missed writing so much (even though it felt good to take a break too) so I decided to return with a Charlie HC since I love writing these and it's something lighter to come back with 💙
Nobody’s going to tell me that with the amount of knowledge Charles Weasley possessed about animals that he wasn’t invited to teach Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts.
It wasn’t something Charlie ever thought about doing – even though there were moments when he reached his fifties when he wondered what will he do if he ever gets too old for dragons. Just the thought sent shivers down his spine but he had to at least think of the possibility.
Charlie Weasley loved his job more than any of the Weasley siblings loved theirs. He was proud of every scar and bruise he had and he worked hard to get to where he is. He blew people in the Sanctuary away on the first day of him working there because they haven’t had such a talented lad in quite a while.
Everybody wanted him on his team and even though he was quite a popular sibling in the house he couldn’t deny that the amount of attention and praise he got from his co-workers felt nice.
He loved working in the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary – so much so that when they offered him a job in both Chinese and Swedish Sanctuary he turned them down. Not that he didn’t like working with Chinese Fireballs but he liked his variety of dragons more – always said that it kept things interesting being surrounded by so many breeds.
With that being said he did not expect to get a letter one morning from his former Head of House (now Headmistress).
He stared at the closed envelope for a minute more than necessary and no matter how much he tried figuring out what she could possibly want from him he couldn’t and the curiosity got the better of him.
He breezed through the letter, his eyes stopping at the signature just for a moment before flicking back up to the beginning so he could read the letter – slower this time – as he couldn’t believe what he was reading.
Hagrid has taken his first proper vacation and they need someone to fill in for him for 2 weeks?
And out of all the amazing teachers and acquaintances the school had the Headmistress thought of him? But he only knows about dragons? Like REALLY knows. He is knowledgeable about every creature in the book but he isn’t confident about teaching about them.
He never taught anything in his life – maybe a newbie here and there but that’s different!
Charlie tossed the letter in a drawer in the hopes that he would remember to reply to Professor McGonagall in the morning and kindly decline her offer.
Of course, the opposite happened – he couldn’t sleep all night!
The question Charlie was puzzled with was why? Why couldn’t he stop thinking about the offer he got? He loved his job. He loved his routine. He loved his peaceful life in nature surrounded by creatures he adored since he was a kid.
Why would he go to Hogwarts again? He had nice 7 years there – there was nothing to complain about – but he would be lying if he said that he missed the place. Being in his books most days he didn’t have that many friends and the ones he did have disappeared after the war or he lost contact with them so nothing was connecting him to the place.
Perhaps it’s a thrill of something new?
To do something else.
Or maybe to share his knowledge?
Charlie’s favorite professor was Silvanus Kettleburn and he will never forget him. He remembers when he asked Ron about him but Ron replied that Hagrid is teaching them instead. Charlie was intrigued and wished he had the time to attend one of Hagrid’s lectures – his little brother, however, wasn’t so impressed.
He loved to listen to Hagrid and only Bill knows that he was probably Charlie’s best friend while at school. If Hagrid went for a vacation and Charlie was the next best thing – he couldn’t even imagine what an honor that is.
That’s it! He wants to take the job for Hagrid’s sake – so he can take a proper vacation!
Without thinking twice about it, Charlie stood up and replied to Professor McGonagall. It’s only for two weeks, how hard can it be?
Charlie decided to take the Hogwarts Express to the school – purely for nostalgia and definitely not because he doesn’t like apparition.
The second the train conductor told him that they will arrive in 10 minutes Charlie’s nerves started to kick in.
This was a mistake! Who was he kidding? He can’t be a professor. What if the students don’t listen to him? Or worse –what if they laugh at him or mock him?
The work in the Sanctuary might be difficult at times but at least everybody minded their own business and they never laughed in his face if he made a mistake. But these are students – teenagers – he can’t deal with teenagers, he doesn’t know how!
A carriage was waiting for him at the station and brought him to the castle where his former Head of House greeted him with one of her special smiles. He knew that she appreciated him coming on such short notice and that she couldn’t wait to see how Charlie will do.
She kept saying what a wonderful job he will do and how excited the students are for Hagrid’s temporal replacement and how happy she is that she got such an amazing person for the job.
He, however, couldn’t share her enthusiasm. Charlie didn’t see the qualities she saw in him and couldn’t imagine how could he – with zero experience – be a good teacher.
Charlie thought of expressing this concern but he liked McGonagall too much to wipe that soft smile off her face.
“Will I sleep in Hagrid’s hut?” Charlie asked as they were making their way to the part of the castle Charlie never managed to explore.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Mr. Weasley. You will be staying in the teacher’s quarters. You are getting a nice room with a fireplace and a living room.” McGonagall replied and pointed to the door ahead of them.
Charlie was appreciative of the room when he saw it but he couldn’t help but be a bit sad that he can’t stay at Hagrid’s. Charlie wasn’t big on socializing so staying away from other professors and away from the chatter of students in a small hut seemed like a dream.
It didn’t matter that he had a nice room or a very comfy bed. Charlie woke up feeling like a mummy. He couldn’t sleep at all, the nerves kicking in, and it was even worse when he remembered that he didn’t even have a syllabus or any idea what he is about to teach in his first class.
On Monday morning McGonagall calmed his nerves at breakfast and told him that she prepared a list of topics for every year so that he will feel more organized.
Year 3 – Porlocks
Year 4 – Werewolves
Year 5 – Pixies
Year 6 – Dragons
Year 7 – Demiguise
Charlie’s chest felt lighter when he realized that he knew loads of fun facts about all these creatures but he couldn’t help but be the most excited about teaching sixth years about dragons.
He had one hour before his first class to prepare an introduction for Pixies and then talk and teach about them for 2 hours. It seemed like an eternity to talk about a creature like that for 2 hours and since Charlie was never a smooth talker or good at making small talk he began to feel nervous again.
He tried to remember how he was like when he was in his fifth year but failed. He knew that he was nose deep in the books Kettleburn gave him about dragon care but he doesn’t remember much else than that.
Charlie’s legs have never felt so heavy walking down for his first class. He was seconds away from just giving up and going to tell McGonagall he can’t do this when one of the students called for him to wait up.
He stopped walking and turned around to see a girl running toward him. She introduced herself and started asking him questions about the creatures they are going to study. Without letting him answer her first question she bombarded him with the next one about the Dragon Sanctuary and then started to name every creature she is fond of.
This calmed Charlie’s nerves – knowing he had a student just like he was in his first class.
After his second class of the day, he couldn’t believe how amazing the students were. Charlie couldn’t recall his classmates being so interested in Care of Magical Creatures as he was but fourth and seventh-year students were more than happy to listen to him talk about werewolves and demiguise. They also asked loads of questions and didn’t complain at all when Charlie gave them a bunch of homework.
Waking up the next morning, he felt rather confident in his ability to teach. He had nothing but a pleasant experience so far. The professors and students have both been so nice and he couldn’t help but think that he overreacted. Being a professor wasn’t so bad and perhaps if the day comes when he won’t be able to handle dragons anymore he might apply to work here full time or if Hagrid will still work then at least as his assistant.
Charlie was on his way to the last class of his second day. He met every year students except the sixth years. He was walking down the path with a big smile on his face and his chest was filled with confidence – dragons – he has to talk about dragons!
“Good afternoon, students, my name is Charles Weasley and I am your substitute professor until Professor Hagrid returns. We are going to talk about dragons today. Can any of you name 5 breeds of dragons?”
“Aren’t you a Dragonologist, you name the breeds!” One of the students said after a few seconds of silence.
“I am and I know all the breeds that’s why I am asking you.” Charlie wanted to swallow thickly but he also didn’t want to appear weak in front of the first rude student he had.
“Seems to me that you’re avoiding the topic. Are you a fraud?” The student kept pushing.
Charlie couldn’t believe it. The class he was most excited about and it didn’t go well! He looked around, all eyes on him. He won’t let this student ruin this experience and the ability to learn about dragons from a real Dragonologist for everyone else!
“Fine,” he said softly. “Ask me anything you want to know and I will answer. If I get one question wrong you are free for the rest of the lesson. If I get all of them correct you will write a summary of every breed of dragon – half a parchment each – and get detention for talking back at me as you did. Does that seem fair?” Charlie wanted to smirk, a look of triumph on his face, but he had to stay professional.
After a minute of silence – half of the students looking at Charlie and half at the boy who dared to talk back at a professor – they bombarded him with questions.
Charlie answered every question correctly from how many known species there are to how long do the Antipodean Opaleye’s eggs need to hatch and without having to think for 2 seconds about the answer.
The students stared at Charlie in pure awe and admiration and he couldn’t help but notice that even the boy that tried so hard to bring him down on his second day of work looked impressed.
Charles Weasley left that class with his chin high up, feeling confident for his next day, happy and humbled that he took this opportunity and with a student put in detention.
Doing all that in one day, he was now even more sure that he could do this and even though he missed all his dragons back at home in Romania, he couldn’t help but admit that this was a rather nice pace and change of scenery from what he is used to and perhaps – somewhere in the distant future when he will lose a hand and a leg like Kettleburn – he might see himself working like this every single day.
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thearoacewriter · 3 years
the foxes on a party, Neil got drunk A LOT and started dancing, others were surprised but most(I don’t know what Andrew and Kevin would do😟) of them joined him
I tried writing this a million times, but brain broke and I hated it each time akjfajsfh so I hope you don’t mind that I’m making this an hc
Even after the foxes find out everything about Neil, he’s still pretty hesitant to drink. Old habits die hard and he doesn’t really see the point in it. He’ll have a shot or two to make them happy (because we all know Neil is a big softie when it comes to the foxes) but that’s about it
One night, he decides to let loose a little. He’s only ever really been “drunk” when he was using it as an anesthetic on the run, but he wants to see what it’s like in a safe setting with his friend and Andrew at his back. Though, at least for the beginning of the night, he stays away from Andrew. He doesn’t know how the drinks will affect him and he doesn’t want to touch Andrew without his permission, even if it would be an accident
Andrew, of course, knows what Neil is doing and rolls his eyes, making his way to his boyfriend. He holds out a hand and Neil whispers out a tentative “are you sure?” Andrew nods and doesn’t pull away, so they hold hands for the rest of the night.
After that night, he drinks more leniently with his friends. Though he still doesn’t see any point in it, he doesn’t see any harm in it either. It makes him feel more dizzy than drunk anyway, so he puts trust in himself that he can control his actions.
The one thing Neil never did was dance. Countless times, the foxes have tried to pull him to the dance floor but he would refuse every single time. He didn’t see how moving around in a crowd of wriggling bodies could be any fun. Besides, that meant he’d have to leave Andrew behind, and that wasn’t something he wanted to do.
However, there was a first time for everything. Neil didn’t exactly know what made him get up and join Renee and Allison on the dance floor. Maybe it was the fact that he felt restless. Maybe it was the fact that they were in the safety of the Foxes and Vixens, and not the stranger filled Eden’s. Maybe it was simply the fact that Renee and Allison looked like they were having fun. Whatever it was, Neil got up and walked over to them.
Allison looked shocked, but Renee just smiled. “I don’t really know what I’m doing,” Neil said. The shock on Allison’s face was replaced with amusement and exasperation. She laughed and held out her hands. “I’ll teach ya, kid.”
And so Neil danced. First with Allison pulling his arms here and there, and then on his own, Renee and Allison jumping around him. Eventually, they were joined by Dan, who gave Neil a bright smile, and Matt, who ruffled up Neil’s hair.
Nicky was the last to join, as he was in the bathroom when it happened. “Neil’s dancing with us and you guys didn’t immediately come get me? Some friends you are,” he said with no malice or upset in his voice. He jumped into the mix, dancing like he’s been doing it for hours already.
And Neil had fun.
He didn’t know what he expected to get out of it, but he felt a small thrum through his chest as he moved around. He knew he probably looked ridiculous, but he didn’t care. He never thought he’d have a life like this, but there he was, surrounded by his friends, his family. The only thing that could make that moment better was…
He felt a tap on his shoulder. When he turned around, he saw the familiar mussed up blonde hair. He didn’t bother hiding the full force of his smile. Neil looked behind the shorter man to the table where Kevin sat alone. He didn’t exactly know where Aaron was, but that didn’t matter. Not when Andrew was right in front of him.
Andrew held out his hands. “Are you sure this is okay?” Neil asked. “There’s a lot of people and not a lot of space.” “I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t want to.”
But Neil dragged them to a more secluded area anyway. They could still hear the music, still see their friends, but there was no risk of Andrew accidentally getting touched. Andrew rolled his eyes and whispered “156%”. Neil laughed quietly and moved Andrew’s arms around a bit, the way Allison did to him earlier.
“I’ve never seen you dance before,” Neil said.
Andrew shrugged. “I’ve never seen the point in it.”
“What changed your mind?”
Andrew was quiet for a moment before answering, “You.”
Neil looked at him like he’d hung the moon.
Andrew rolled his eyes again, but didn’t say anything. He drew Neil in closer, leaving him plenty of room to get away if he wanted to. Neil didn’t, obviously. He let Andrew pull him in until their foreheads were touching. Normally, they weren’t big fans of pda, but they were in a secluded enough space that no one paid them any mind or even noticed that they were there.
Despite the fast pace of the song, they swayed around slowly for a moment, Neil’s arms around Andrew’s shoulders, Andrew’s hands on Neil’s waist. It was nice. Neil could probably fall asleep if he wanted to.
But he didn’t. He wanted to ingrain that moment into his brain. He was jealous of Andrew’s eidetic memory, wishing he could see this memory frame by frame on his mind whenever he wanted to, Then, he thought that he could ask Andrew to describe it to him. The thought made him smile.
“Hey, Andrew?”
Andrew hummed in acknowledgement. Neil pulled back so he could look into those eyes that he liked so much. Neil grinned, ever so slightly.
Maybe it was the atmosphere that made Neil say what he said next. Maybe it was the fact that Dan and Matt were cooing at each other in a corner. Maybe it was Allison and Renee standing in the middle of the dance floor in a fierce embrace. Maybe it was just the fact that Neil couldn’t keep the words in any longer. It had been almost four years after all.
“I love you.”
Andrew pulled away from Neil completely. “You’re drunk.”
“I’m not. I’ve only had soda tonight.”
Andrew blinked at him.
“You didn’t notice?”
Andrew didn’t answer. He looked to the Foxes, then back to Neil. Finally he held out his hand. Once Neil took it, Andrew pulled them out of the basement study room and out into the cool night. He turned on Neil as soon as they were away from prying ears.
“What are you doing?”
Neil scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion. “Following you?”
“No. Why did you say… what you said?”
Neil was more confused than ever. “Because I love you?”
“And you meant it?” Andrew asked quietly.
Neil softened. “Yeah, Drew. Of course, I meant it. I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t.”
Andrew nodded, but kept quiet.
“And you don’t have to say it back,” Neil continued, wanting to make his intentions clear. “You probably already know that, but I just wanted to clarify that I didn’t tell you because I expected anything back from you. You’ve always been more of a ‘actions speak louder than words’ type of guy.”
Andrew nodded again. He looked like he was contemplating something, tilting his head the slightest bit. “Yes or no?”
“It’s always a yes with you.”
Andrew bunched a hand up in the front of Neil’s hoodie and pulled him closer, placing a soft kiss to his lips. It didn’t last long. Once they broke apart, Andrew attached himself to Neil, arms wrapping around Neil’s midsection.
Neil kept his arms up, not entirely sure what to do. They’d never hugged like this before. Neil didn’t know what was allowed.
“You can touch my back,” Andrew said, words muffled by the fabric of Neil’s hoodie. Neil obliged. He hugged Andrew back, burying his face in Andrew’s hair. He’d been using Neil’s shampoo recently. Neil smothered his grin, but he couldn’t smother the giddiness from bubbling up inside him.
And then, as quiet as a hummingbird sipping from a flower, Andrew spoke.
“I love you too.”
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
Sakusa, Kenma, Oikawa, and Tsukishima getting jealous (NSFW)
anon asked: hello!! i saw tht ur requests are open so can i request a HC with jealous Sakusa,Kenma,Oikawa,Tsukki and Hoshiumi and can it be abit NSFW😳 i love your writings btw🥰💗
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a/n: i only accept 4 people per request so i cut hoshiumi out since he was the last one mentioned. also doing this request because it’s oikawa’s birthday!!
wc: 2,034
✶   ✶   ✶   ✶   ✶
Sakusa is not someone who gets jealous easily
What bothers him a lot more is when people get way too close to you for comfort
He does not say anything when he sees someone getting too close to you he just tries to stand closer to you
Only this time the guy who was desperately trying to flirt with you just did not seem to be taking the hint
Even with Sakusa looming menacingly behind you, this guy was not getting it
And bless your heart, you were far too kind to tell him to leave you alone
But this was not sitting well with Sakusa so he grabbed your arm and pulled you right into his chest
He doesn’t usually initiate any PDA but he wasn’t just going to sit back and let someone hit on you right in front of him
You were surprised but let him wrap his arms around you anyway, enjoying the warmth radiating off of him
The guy finally seemed to get it and left you alone
You looked up at Sakusa smiling at him as a way to thank him for helping you but he kept his normal deadpan face
And even stranger was the gleam in his eyes that you didn’t recognize
Before you knew it he had an arm around your waist and was leading you back home
You tried to ask him what was going on but he just remained silent and was on a mission to get you home
As soon as he got you through the door he led you into the bathroom and locked the door behind him
He started stripping you of your clothes while you stood there dumbfounded
“O-Omi? What are you doing?” 
He looked you straight in the eye while he turned on the shower
“He got too close to you, we need to clean you up”
He pushed you into the shower and he took off his own clothes before joining you
Ah, so this is what Sakusa is like when’s jealous huh?
Soon all thoughts left your mind when Sakusa grabbed the shower head and brought it down to spray directly onto your clit
You moaned and leaned into his chest for support 
“You need to be cleaned inside and out” He mumbled before slipping two of his slender fingers into you
All you could do was hold onto his arms and mewl
He pumped his fingers into you a few times but had an unsatisfied look on his face
He pulled his fingers out and put the shower head down
You looked up at him, face still flushed
“We need to cleaner deeper”
Your eyes widened when you felt his hard dick slide into you and suddenly he had you up against the wall, with your legs wrapped around his waist
He started thrusting into you much harder than he normally did and your nails dug into his shoulders
“You won’t let anyone get you dirty again will you?” He whispered gruffly in your ear
“No Omi, I promise” You managed to squeak out 
He groaned in response and the only other sounds were your endless moans and the lewd sound of skin slapping against skin
Kenma does not ever let it show when he gets jealous and honestly, it doesn’t happen very often
He usually gets very insecure and worries about you finding someone better to date
But god, what really made his blood boil was when his friends flirted with you
He knew it was all just playful and in good fun but it still got under his skin seeing Kuroo so close to you
And you weren’t pushing him away, in fact you were flirting right back as if Kenma wasn’t right there watching both of you
As soon as Kuroo was gone you made your way over to Kenma who was sitting in his chair, playing a game
You wrapped your arms around his neck from behind and nuzzled into his neck
He grumbled and shrugged you off
“Oh now you have time for me? Done flirting with Kuroo?”
You blinked in surprise and just stared at the back of his head
“Kenma were you jealous?”
He stayed silent and focused on his game 
“It wasn’t serious” You stated
You moved in front of him so you could see his face and you were shocked to see he was scowling at his game
You stayed there waiting for him to react and squatted down between his legs
He stared at his screen like he was contemplating something and finally put his game down and pulled you so you were straddling his lap
His lips immediately attached to yours while his hands had a death grip on your hips
You did your best to keep up with his kiss but he was feverish and rough
Soon one of his hands slid into your pants and cupped your pussy which caused you to gasp in surprise
He took his opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and his fingers pushed your panties to the side so he could properly rub against your wet folds
You started grinding against his hands and he started teasingly slipping a finger into your eager cunt
You pulled away from his lips to let out a breathy moan when you finally felt one of his fingers delve into you
He moved his kisses to your neck and slid another finger in, curling them inside of you
At this point you had started bouncing lightly on his fingers as he used his thumb to rub your clit
You tangled your hands into his hair as he slipped a third finger into you
“More, please” You begged and he obliged, adding a fourth finger while his thumb continued it’s ministrations on your clit
You were bouncing desperately on him as he nearly fisted his hand into you
You could feel your orgasm coming and just as it was about to wash over you, you felt nothing
You looked at Kenma and he had removed his hand completely 
“You think girls who flirt with my best friend deserve to cum?” 
You groaned and slumped against his chest
Note to self: do not make Kenma jealous
Okay out of everyone, Oikawa gets the most jealous and he gets jealous so easily
Literally everything sets him off and he turns into the biggest pouting baby
Even if you’re just talking with his friends normally he has to pull you into his lap and glare at his own friends
It’s kind of ridiculous
But you had never seen him actually get jealous before
That is until some guy thought it was a good idea to ask for your number when Oikawa was just a few feet away
You didn’t even get the chance to turn the guy down before Oikawa grabbed you and planted a deep kiss on your lips right in front of this guy
He wasn’t letting you go either, he had an arm firmly wrapped around you waist and he was already slipping his tongue into your mouth
He stuck a leg between your thighs and grinded you against him, causing you to let out a little moan
When Oikawa finally pulled away, you were horny and flustered
There was a string of saliva still connecting you and he made eye contact with the guy who had asked for your number
He was stunned and couldn’t move and Oikawa just smirked at him and moved one of his hands down to squeeze your ass
You jumped and hit his chest and the poor guy finally walked away, very embarrassed
“Tooru! What were you thinking now I’m all...” you trailed off, far too embarrassed to admit you had gotten turned on in the middle of a gym
“What’s wrong baby? Oh let me help you out” He smirked and led you to a storage closet where he pushed you down on the mats 
You stared up at him with wide eyes as he stood over you with that same smug look on his face
He slid his pants off and his hard dick sprung free
He started stroking himself and you gulped but you were so eager you took off your own clothes and spread your legs for him
“Such a good girl, you’re already dripping for me”
For some reason jealous Oikawa was such a turn on for you so you just spread your wet pussy open for him and whimpered at the cold breeze
“Please Tooru, I need your help”
He finally succumbed to your begging and got on his knees, easing his cock into your awaiting pussy
You both moaned at the delightful feeling and he made you look down at where you were both connected
“Look how good you’re taking me all in baby”
You moaned at the sight of him sliding his dick half way out and slamming it all right back into you
“That dumbass couldn’t fuck you like this, could he?”
You shook your head as Oikawa started drilling into you
“No Tooru, only you”
He had a bruising hold on your hips as he rammed into you and he made you watch each time as your tight pussy sucked him right back in
God you should really make him jealous more often
Tsuki does get jealous from time to time but he is remarkably good at hiding it
But he is 100% the kind of person who lets his jealousy build overtime until it finally spills over
So to you it seems like he snaps at the smallest things
But he’s been watching you get hit on by random people for days and he’s seen the stares people give you when you’re walking together
All of this has gotten completely under his skin and he has had just about enough of it
So when Yamaguchi very innocently tells you that you look nice, Tsuki almost kills him right then and there
Before you can thank Yamaguchi, you’re being pulled away and Tsuki is coming up with some excuse for why the two of you have to leave right now
You are very confused but Tsuki has a firm grip on your wrist and he looks completely pissed off
You ask him what’s wrong and he just looks at you with the sharpest glare
“He said you looked pretty”
You were completely confused, why would he even get jealous over that?
Soon he had brought you back to his place and pushed you down on the couch
“H-huh?” You looked up at him in complete disbelief 
“You can’t keep wearing those clothes if people are going to hit on you”
“But I don’t have any other clothes to wear?”
“Then strip”
You weren’t going to argue with him when he had that look in his eyes so you tentatively took off your clothes until you were just sitting there in your bra and panties
Tsuki kept his gaze trained on you as you tried to cover yourself up with your hands, feeling very exposed and embarrassed 
He knelt down in front of you and rubbed his hands along your thighs, placing little kisses here and there
“Only I get to see you look like this okay?”
You nodded as you watched him pry your legs apart and lick a stripe up your clothed pussy
You shuddered as he peeled your panties off and brought his tongue to your now bare folds
“So pretty” He mumbled against your core and his hot breath elicited a tiny moan from you
Soon he was kissing your pussy and shoving his tongue in as far as it would go
Your moans grew louder as you brought your hand to his head and pushed his head closer to you
He held your legs wide open every time you tried to clamp your thighs around his head
He wasn’t letting up anytime soon as you started to whine and squirm 
He sucked and nibbled and all you could do was call out his name in desperate squeals
If this was how he treated you when he got jealous you were going to get him riled up a lot more
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andie-cake · 3 years
perhabs,, early relationship, Paul wanting affection but being anxious and not knowing how to go about it?
Ceej, you understand me and my Paul hcs on a spiritual level, thank you for my rights and an excuse to write soft nonsense. It's uh... It's a little long.
Being in an honest-to-god romantic relationship was taking a bit of re-getting used to for Paul. He hadn't dated anyone since college, and suddenly wham, he's head over heels for a cute, snarky barista who seems to return his affections. It was odd, but no less wonderful, feeling his heart flutter in his chest whenever Emma so much as smiled at him. He hadn't felt this way about someone in damn near a decade, and then this beautiful 5'0 biology student walked into his life, and god, his brain just didn't know how to handle it.
Paul and Emma had started seeing each other around late October, hooking up in the Beanies break room during a Halloween party her boss Nora had thrown. It was mid-December now, a week and a half before Christmas, and things were still going strong between them. Though there had been... something strange on Paul's mind for a few weeks now, something that had never bothered him before in his past relationships.
Paul was a tactile guy with people he liked, something his friends all knew well. He was never sure exactly how he'd rank the five love languages as applied to himself, but touch was definitely his number one. Casual shoulder squeezes and light nudges were common gestures of his among friends, as Bill could easily attest. With romantic partners, this was cranked up a bit. Lots of light kisses to their temple or resting his hand on their back, stuff like that. It was always the easiest way for him to show that he cared. His partners... were never as tactile as him. It was very all give and no take on Paul's end when it came to physical affection, and he hadn't really minded it. At least, he was pretty sure he hadn't...
But now? With Emma? Her touch was something he actively craved. And it's not as if Emma never touched him outside of sex, far from it, she was probably the most physically affectionate partner Paul had ever had. She held his hand, kissed his cheek, cuddled up against him during movie nights, and gave him playful little jabs in the side when he was being a smartass. But she wasn't quite as casually affectionate as Paul was with her, and he couldn't help but wish she was.
And sweet jesus christ, did Paul find it embarrassing. It made him feel like some dopey lovesick teenager whenever he thought about it. Like, what was he supposed to do? Ask her to touch him more often? He'd sound like a total fucking weirdo if he tried to explain it to her. But still, he couldn't help but think about it a lot.
It had been a lazy Sunday evening, the one day of the week when neither half of the couple had work. And of course, they were... taking advantage of their day off, as it were. On Paul's living room couch, no less. They'd just finished up, and Emma had gone off to use his shower and whatnot. After washing up a bit, Paul had promptly put some comfy sleepwear on (because it was December in Michigan and Paul was not one to lounge around in the nude with temperatures like that outside), and was now absentmindedly channel surfing whilst laying on the couch.
Nearly half an hour later, Emma had emerged from the bathroom, hair tied into a braid and clad in a bright red hoodie that Paul recognized as his own. He couldn't help but smile, it was so big on her, and she looked adorable in it.
"Find anything to watch while I was in there?" she asked.
"Hallmark movies, a bunch of stock Christmas faire, and like three separate Harry Potter marathons," Paul replied. "None of which I'm particularly interested in watching, so we might have to retreat to the DVD shelf again."
Emma shrugged. "Hey, fine by me, TV edits are usually garbage fires anyway," she said. She strode over to the other side of the living room, where Paul kept his DVDs, and eyed the shelf. After a minute or two, she plucked a case off the shelf, snickering. "Monty Python: Life of Brian, that's a Christmas movie, right?"
"Absolutely," Paul quipped. "Anything can be a Christmas movie if you stretch the definition enough."
"Good, because I wanna watch Monty Python."
After popping the disk in, she turned back to the couch, and Paul sat up to give her some room. As she sat back down, Paul took in the sight of her. God, she was lovely. And she looked so cozy in his hoodie, it was hard not to find the sight of her absolutely heart-melting. His heart fluttered a bit, he was getting that feeling again. Unfortunately, Paul found himself staring at her instead of the screen for a bit too long, and she took notice.
"Paul?" she piped up, snapping him out of his trance with a befuddled smile. "You good, babe?"
Paul felt his cheeks flush. Had she ever called him "babe" before? "It's, uh... it's nothing," he stammered unconvincingly. "I just zoned out for a bit."
Emma, being the observant person she was, eyed him with skepticism. "You look like you have something on your mind," she noted. "What's up?"
Well, shit. Feeling his face burn hotter, Paul attempted to weasel himself out of this inevitable awkward conversation.
"N-nothing's up, I'm fine!" he tried to assure her, perhaps too defensively to sound convincing.
"That's the voice of a man who definitely has something up," Emma observed. She grabbed the remote, and paused the film before continuing. "Something's bothering you, Paul, I can tell."
"It-it's just..." Paul tried to begin, feeling momentarily reassured by Emma's soft gaze. But when the right words wouldn't come to him, he groaned and buried his flushing face in his hands. God, why was he like this? "Nevermind, it's really stupid, can we just watch the movie, please?"
"Paul, I know stupid, I work at Beanies," Emma retorted playfully, earning a brief chuckle from Paul. "Whatever's bothering you, it can't be any worse than the shit my co-workers complain about on the daily. I promise you I won't laugh."
Paul removed his hands from his face, meeting her gentle gaze once more. "You mean it?"
She nodded. "I'm all ears."
Exhaling a deep breath, Paul took a moment to think of how to word his self-imposed predicament in the least stupid way possible. Probably best to start small.
"Um, y'know how... when we watch movies or whatever together," he began, trying to force himself to talk above a whisper. "You'll like, lean against my chest, and I'll wrap my arms around you and play with your hair and all that?"
Emma nodded, looking somewhat confused. "Yeah...?"
"Do you think we could... do that the other way around this time?"
There was a brief moment of silence, and Paul was pretty sure his face had turned a shade of red that had only ever been seen by shrimp before. Jesus, that must've sounded so stupid.
"That's all?" Emma asked.
Yep, there it was. Paul looked down at his lap again, embarrassed beyond belief. "Basically, yeah..." he chuckled despite himself. "I know, I know, it's really dumb, and I probably got you all worried for nothing-"
"Whoa, whoa, Paul, slow down!" Emma cut him off, reaching out to put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She smiled at him softly. "I mean, sure! If that's what you want, we can do it!"
Paul took another deep breath. "Really?"
"Yeah!" Emma replied. She leaned back on the arm of the couch, and opened her arms. "Come on, bring it in."
Still nervous and flustered, Paul slowly eased himself against Emma, resting his head against her chest. He could feel her heartbeat, even through the thick fabric of the hoodie. Emma rested one hand on his back, and began to thread her fingers through his hair, just like he would do with her. Paul felt a chill go down his spine. God, he forgot how much he loved having his hair stroked. He wrapped his arms around her torso, face still flushing like nobody's business.
"How's that?" Emma asked, undoubtedly noticing the ridiculous smile that had forced itself onto his face.
"Wonderful..." he sighed, finally beginning to calm down a bit. "Thanks, Emma."
"No prob," Emma snickered, still stroking his hair. "But before we un-pause the movie, can I ask why it was such an ordeal for you to ask me about this?"
"It's kinda hard to articulate," Paul explained, adjusting himself so that he wasn't muffled by the hoodie. "My, um... my past partners weren't really the, uh... the affectionate kinda types, y'know? So it just kinda felt weird to ask you to... do this... I guess..."
"...Well," Emma began after a moment's pause. "I'm not your past partners, so I'd be more than happy to do this more often."
"You would?" Paul inquired hopefully.
"If it makes you feel as loved as it makes me feel," Emma said, rubbing a calming circle between his shoulder blades with her thumb. "Then I'll do it anytime."
Paul could've melted right then and there. He was loved... In a somewhat indirect way, Emma said she loved him. Perhaps now was the time...
"Thanks again, Em," he said, slightly choked up. He craned his neck a bit to press a kiss to her neck. "I, um... I love you."
Emma briefly paused in her stroking of his hair, only to resume moments later, and press a kiss to his forehead.
"I... I love you too, Paul."
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cafecourage · 3 years
Thy....... ok here you didn't give me an AU so I just f***ed around and found out.
Vio headcanons (for all Au’s and general)
General HC:
- Vio crochets. People can fight me on this!!! He crochets and knits. He does it to calm his thoughts, just to slowly zone out. Catch him plotting his own story in his brain while doing so.
- Speaking of stories, this man is probably an Author. He most likely had written a fluffed-up version of their adventure. There wasn’t really a point of him doing so but it did get all of his feelings out on paper.
- Out of all the colors I feel like he would get the most night terrors. It will lead to him having bad insomnia.
General Love HC:
- Indifference. That’s the base emotion he is feeling towards a Reader that ended up traveling with the chain. He does like you! Don’t get that wrong. It’s just the situation calls for his attention to be on the goal. The other colors are better at social interactions then him.
- Reader in a normal traveling with the chain au, would be from a more modern timeline. Not fully but like one of that mixed technology and Medieval fantasy-based era.
- It honestly was weird that you just hang out with Four with him in control. You seem like you just gain energy from just talking or interacting with the others and Vio isn’t…really… that social.
- It was a slow bonding experience. It started as you sitting nearby when he was reading or working on a project. Nether talking nor really minding the other's company.
Isekai HC:
- This man is super anxious around you. The sobs when you were also convinced, he killed green, along with your cries from his betrayal still ring in his ears even now. He hates knowing that you might not trust him anymore because of that. The other Colors think he is just overthinking it because you did welcome him back with open arms after.
- Vio is kind of just dancing around you when they finally realize you’re the voice and presence that they felt during their adventures. While the other colors jumped on to the opportunity to get to know you better. He just… can’t?
- You’re his and the other’s anchor. They consider you their (ex. Imaginary) friend. The one person that was always by their side. Cheering them through the toughest of times, and Vio feels like you would leave them if he even tries to get close.
- He really, truly wants to standby you. He wants to not feel guilty enjoying your hugs. He just… wants you to be happy.
Divide and conquer. That’s normally how Four dealt with supply runs. Four was accompanied by you today. Which meant the others were in town. So, Four decided to let the colors stretch their legs. It was nice for each of them to actually speak to you one on one. However, they had limited time and still needed to get the items before sundown.
With five people it should go a lot quicker than normal. So, with the promise of being able to hang out after. Each Color and you went their separate ways. Vio was almost done with his list of items. The last thing he needed was some more personal items.
“Sneak attack!!” A warmth from behind engulfs the purple hero. Picking him up briefly to give a small squeeze. You were smiling brightly down at Vio. “Hi again.”
It was a miracle that his brain didn’t just short circuit just looking up at them. “I- Hello??” One of the many things you’ve said on their journey came out as, Vio was scrambling for a sense of, for the lack of better words, ground to root himself to. “Why are you here?”
“Is it against the law to hug someone I am closed to?”
“No, but…” he didn’t understand why you wanted to shower him, in affection and love. But how can he ask you that? You’re always giving Four hugs and small platonic kisses. He didn’t want you to stop. He and his brothers loved and craved that warmth you brought with your presence.
Vio didn’t know if he was deserving of it. The others were, that’s for sure. Despite how rough blue is, how bossy Green could be or how much Red cried in their adventure. You always had the patience of a saint. It was him that tested that and found how far that patience went. “Viiiioooooo, earth to my favorite grape color hero!” He was finally put back down on his feet. “Are you ok?”
“Define ok.” He was quick to answer, after finally getting some semblance of his ability to think back. He took his chance to back away from your presence.
That wasn’t the right thing to say apparently as your face slowly twisted to a pout. “Are you mad at me?”
“Mad… at you?” He repeated to confirm he heard you correctly. You gave a small nod now doubting your assumption. “Why?”
Your shrug didn’t give him much of an answer. “Well, it just seems when Four is influenced by you he is more distant.” You paused trying to figure out what to say next. Vio on the other hand was mortified that you were able to read his body language so well. Actually, he should have expected it. That’s how you knew that the colors exist in the first place. “If I did anything-“
“No, it’s not you!” It was him. It was all him. Vio knows logically being still hung up about the past was ridiculous. Emotions are annoying. He isn’t built to deal with them. “I just thought.” There was no nice way to explain this to you though. “You were still mad at me.”
“Oh.” Well, this got awkward really fast. Vio kept up his indifferent front hoping that his cheeks weren’t still as red as his brother’s tunic. “But I like you a lot!” You took his hands suddenly. “Don’t get me wrong I was mad. But I know you’re a good person Vio! I like you; I like your brothers and I like Four!”
Ah. There he goes.
- The first of the Colors to realized he loved you in this AU. Which just makes everything even worse for him. Since he knows the other colors feel the same but are in denial because of your connection with Four.
- He could help the others…..Nah…. Vio wants to watch them suffer.
Cafe HC:
- Coffee? If he feels like death. Yes. Tea mostly though. He tends to get the blunt of the headaches. Tea also helps with his ability to sleep.
- He is the type of customer that comes in and stays for hours. In his case just writing and/or reading. You’ve only ever spoken to him a few times before. Mostly to get his order and asking about his day. Small talk!
- Slowly you learn more about him. You learn that he has brothers. Is an author, (you’ve bought his book and teased him about having it signed now.) Had traveled around the world a few times before.
- You’ve met some of his siblings before. They actually come as often as he does. Striking up more of a conversation than him. Sometimes even getting him to talk to you more…
It’s has occurred to you how much time has passed since you last saw a Vio. It was a long time. A few months honestly. It kind of hurt that he and his brothers just up and left without giving you a fair warning but, it’s their personal business and not yours. Yet…
You thought you five were close.
It’s fine. Maybe Link was around! They were his siblings and you could just go to the forge and ask. Though you weren’t too close to Link so maybe it would be a bit awkward to ask him about his brothers.
They are probably fine.
There is no need to worry, they are all seasons’ adventurers!
It seems like this day was just going to be a slow one. Where you couldn’t get your mind off of your friends. It was almost closing time so another day without any word from your favorite color-coded brothers.
You decided to clean the shelves early tonight. Leaving some smaller bits for the Minish that may or may not be inside your small cafe. Lifting the chairs onto the tables to clean the floor. Making sure they get every nook and cranny. To make your life easier the next morning.
As you picked up the finally empty tray off of the counter you were heading into the back. Until the door to your small shop swung open and a group of similar-looking Adventurers comes stumbling in. “(Y/n)!”
“Vio?” You turned around quickly, only to see him helping to keep one of his brothers up. They looked like they ran through ten monster camps just to get to your sleepy little shop. You felt dread came in full force as the empty tray slips from your grasp. You bolt to his side ordering the others to get in the store. “You lot are staying over here.” You didn’t ask it was a demand. No room for argument. “There are potions in the back. You can use what you need.”
“Thank you, Ms.” a larger man with a scar across his eye went in the direction you pointed.
You gather the knocked-out brother to help Vio. “Thank you.” He said sheepishly.
“It’s no problem,” You smiled back at him. “Let’s make sure your brothers are safe. I was about to get dinner ready. How does something hearty sound?”
“That sounds lovely thank you.”
- You might have not known Vio and his brother for long but they really do consider your small little cafe as a safe space. A little heaven that they don’t need to be a Hero.
- Now when he stops by on this adventure you tend to give him packs of supplies and a bunch of treats for the road.
- You also started writing him letters and care packages when you can. Now that you know that he is traveling around. Though you don’t know how the mailman knows where he is… that’s… not something your gonna question really.
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
How would you do a wolfstar fic based on the way I loved you by taylor swift? from remus' pov :)
~Notes: OMFG Nonny! I need you to understand that this ask threw me back to my Twilight days when I’d watch endless edits of Bella/Edward and this particular one with this song where for some reason Edward was both guys lksajghdsfjoieagh God what a time😂 So thank you and here’s a HC of how’d I write it becs I sorta hate all my writing rn rip fklsdghasdgh But JFC it got so fucking long!!! I’M SO SORRY!
So It would be a muggle AU, non linear sort of thing where you’d see Lily and Remus just hanging out in his house on boxing day of their sixth year. And they’re shuffling through photos of themselves and friends at  Hogwarts. And Remus kind of just stops at this one, particular photo from second semester of last year, when he and Sirius were still going out.
James and Lily are in the background smiling straight on the camera, but the focus is mostly where Remus and Sirius are completely oblivious to the photo, and it’s obvious that Sirius is trying to drag him onto his lap, and Remus’s head is thrown back in laughter, and Sirius is looking at him in that grossly besotted way that softens his gorgeously angular features, and it’s just an absolute deluge of emotions for Remus.
So flashback
They first met when the marauders were auspiciously roomed together as young lads in Hogwarts, and Remus grew up in a quiet coastal town in the north of Wales where everyone knew everyone, and English was actually the second language, and to put it simply, being thrown into that space with the chaotic duo that are James and Sirius was a culture shock. Even Peter— who’s plummy and  who comes from a fine, upper middle class family and is at least familiar with them in the way that the patrician always are aware of one another. So Remus automatically felt like the odd boy out.
But that night, when he wakes up because he misses his Mam and Da, he finds the tallest boy— the one with striking pale eyes and an air of superiority that kind of got on Remus’s nerves, sitting on the windowsill and up at the stars— his namesake in particular. And so Remus joins him and tells him the love story of the moon and the sun that was his Mam’s favorite and it’s the first time they feel something neither of them know the name for quite yet.
Throughout the subsequent years the marauders grow as close as family, a brotherhood of sorts.  But they all know there are different manifestations of friendships within them. There’s Sirius and James who are the boisterous, bombastic ones that always seek the spotlight, and who can finish each others sentences and who cheer one each other along when it comes to their rowdiest of pranks. There’s Peter who’s always been intimidated by Sirius, and thankful for James’s friendship and comfortable with Remus because he’s the only one who never teased him. Then there’s James and Remus where they’ve always been impressed by one another, James because he knows Remus comes from humble beginnings and is bright in the way he works for everything he has and it’s never doubted he deserves it. And Remus is impressed over how much and how deeply James loves and cares about his chosen people, how he can inspire a crowd so effortlessly. But then, probably most peculiarly to Remus is his relationship with Sirius.
He doesn’t mean to sound rude or ungrateful, but his string to Sirius is  a relationship that absolutely eclipses all the others. It’s quiet in it’s intensity, but persistent like a heartbeat. It’s nights they spend trading stories by moonlight, and afternoons quizzing each other by the fire even though Sirius has always been naturally brilliant and Remus knows he’s just humoring him, but doesn’t call him on it because he hates the thought of it ending. It’s also evenings when James is at extra footie practice that Sirius teases him for, and Peter’s at chess club, and it’s just the pair of them, existing in each others space, doing whatever they want because it’s enough just to have the other there.
Remus is confused in third year when Sirius got especially pissy because Remus began hanging out more and more with the girl James has always targeted to being a know-it-all. And Remus was cross right back because they don’t even know Lily, and she’s a nice girl, and the only other Northerner like him in their entire year, and Sirius has no reason to be cross at him making a friend outside the marauders.
But then he got even MORE confused when Sirius asked him if he liked her. And Remus literally laughed out loud, which made Sirius scrunch his face sourly which just looked funny because his features are far too gorgeous to be put in such a nasty expression. And it’s nearly five minutes later when he catches his breath and tells Sirius that he and Lily are just friends and only friends. Comparing her to a sister, which became truth in the following years.
And it’s like a snap of the fingers when Sirius immediately smoothes out his face and grins cockily once more, and makes Remus promise that they don’t date any girls unless the others all approve. And Remus isn’t sure why Sirius’s intense focus on his love life makes something peculiar unfurl in his gut but he ignores it and shakes Sirius’s still too large hand— like a puppy needing to grow into his palms. And then they write up a contract and make James and Peter sign along with them in the codenames they came up with last year. Prongs for James because his hair is something gravity defying, Wormtail for Peter because of his pet rat, Padfoot for Sirius because of him asking sodding Minerva McGonagall— their head of house— if she was on her time of the month— as a first year when she gave him and James three weeks detention for a crude prank. And Moony for Remus who constantly got lost in his books and in his daydreams that it takes the others multiple times calling his name for him to be brought back to earth.
Remus kept the contract in his lovage, but never bothered to pull it out fourth year when Sirius suddenly became very, very aware of his good looks, and high social standing, and how any girl attracted to men would chew off her own leg to get a date with him— well save for the possibly only exception that is Lily Evans. And Remus had to just deal with it, and he did. He didn’t know why Sirius and his frequent, but short lasting flings got under his skin so thoroughly. It’s not like he’s annoyed over Peter and his girlfriend Eloise or how James is still going out with a couple different girls even though he’s near constantly flirting with Lily. And it’s not like the ones Sirius decides to go out with are annoying or anything. He really likes most of them. Like Marlene is absolutely hilarious, and Maci has the same world history class with Remus so they studied together a lot. And the rest have perfectly fine attitudes. It’s just— It’s just Sirius begins sleeping more often through the night instead of swapping stories with Remus, and isn’t readily available for whenever Remus needs to take a walk in the woods because he’s becoming full of anxiety over just about everything, and it’s just— He just misses Sirius a lot.
And Remus thinks he’s an idiot because why the fuck does he feel so territorial towards one of his best friends? Why doesn’t he act this way towards James or Peter or even Lily. He doesn’t ever feel this ridiculous, clawing emotion. Something he only calls by name, jealousy, when it’s late and quiet and he’s all alone. And Remus panics because he has no idea what this means, what or why he feels this way. Because he’s not a poof?? Is he? It’s not like he’s ever been especially interested in girls or their knickers, and if the other fifteen year old boys around him is anything to go by, that’s odd. But it’s not as if he’s especially interested in any other blokes either— anyone besides Sirius. Sirius and his artfully tousled black hair that tumbles down the nape of his neck and just a couple inches above his shoulders. and his piercing eyes that always seem as if they can look right into Remus’s soul and sift through all his points of diffidence. Sirius who’s always been there for Remus in ways Remus never even expected, even knew how to ask for. The boy who brings him hot chocolate on days his migraines are especially awful, and who always begs the Matron to stay over on the nights Remus is just forced to stay in the hospital wing when he has a flare up, and who always knows to ask the caretaker for a spare blanket at the start of every term because he knows Remus is always cold but would never dare ask himself. And God, just why does it have to be Sirius!
Strangely enough, it’s Sirius who answers the question in a non direct sort of way at the end of their fourth year when Remus asks him why he broke up with Isidora so publicly and a bit callously while they’re sitting on the balcony of the astronomy tower, trading their flask of gin that Sirius snuck away from his parent’s house over easter, staring down at the grounds and the lake and it’s a beautiful night, and Remus only sorta feels it how his heart twists while Sirius sits so close. And once the question spills out his lips, Sirius peers down at him in a very subdued, very weighty sort of way and he simply says, “she’s not you Moons.”
And it’s like Remus’s heart just freezes, refuses to continue beating with the shock, with the somber words spoken without an ounce of humor. And part of him is just waiting for the joke, for the other shoe to drop. He’s just  waiting for the overdone hand to his chest, and lips pretending to pucker for a smooch. He’s waiting for the ground to return but Sirius doesn’t move, and maybe this means that this is real, that it isn’t just in Remus’s head. so all he says is a simple, “oh” and the next thing he knows is that Sirius kisses him right then and there, and it’s beginning to shower from above,  and the kiss is a bit hard for his liking— more teeth than lips and a tongue that slips in with fervor— but Remus wouldn’t stop it for all the money in the world. Wouldn’t ever let go of his grip on Sirius’s broad shoulders, or move away from where Sirius’s arms are snaking around his narrow waste. Would pay anything just to constantly feel the weight of Sirius over him like this for forever.
He doesn’t know for how long they lied their in the pouring rain, just exchanging slow, lingering snogs, and tender touches that feel like a thousand flames. But Remus probably should’ve expected that the next morning, while they’re all preparing to board the train, Sirius doesn’t catch his eye or ever really speak to him. And that’s fine. Remus has been questioning his sexuality for a while now. Maybe Sirius is just confused or just nervous because they’ve been friends for so long. So he doesn’t mind. Ends up splitting his time on the train with the boys and with Lily and it’s all alright. When he gets home, he types Sirius a letter explaining to him that it’s fine, that they can take things slow, that they don’t have to call it anything yet, and he toys with that patch on his neck that’s still purple from Sirius’s mouth and he’s actually elated with the idea of it.
Sirius doesn’t answer the email
And he doesn’t answer the one after that either, or the ones that follow. And Remus eventually takes the hint when he gets a email from Peter who’s holidaying in France and asks Remus how hard he laughed from Sirius’s story about how he nearly pulled the mum of the latest London bird he’s shagging that he wrote them about. And Remus is equal parts embarrassed and self rebuking. Because he’s such an idiot, Sirius was probably annoyed from his constant emails like he’s some jilted ex lover, like the girls he pulls along. And Remus is really a fucking idiot. So he rings Lily and they meet at a pub that’s equidistant from both of them, and he didn’t have to tell her what happened because she’s really just a genius, so they drink the night away and he swears off love and she swears to kick James in the Bollocks at least once this year, and it’s the first time all summer Remus laughed.
By the time they got to fifth year, Remus had ranted enough to Lily that he was over it— well erm, mostly at least. It still hurt like nothing else when he first spotted Sirius on the train, looking taller and leaner and tanner and just sexier as all get out. ANd it makes something ugly twist in his gut, laughing at himself over thinking  that a practical demigod would be interested in someone who prefers books to most people and who has to wear charity shop clothes when he’s not in his school uniform and just— He’s an idiot. So when Sirius steps into the cart with Remus, James and Peter, and his look of contrition tosses to Remus  a beat passes. And  it’s quickly willed away when Remus just smiles warmly, tries to silently tell him not to worry about it, and asks out loud if he’d like a chocolate frog.
And it’s normal, it’s fine, the first weeks of term are typical as ever for the boys. They commit pranks on the creepy wankers like Snape and Avery. And they laugh at James’s latest failed attempt to woo Lily. And they spend all nighters in the library and celebrate with pickup games of footie. And it’s pretty bloody brilliant, but then Sirius’s birthday hits, and they plan a surprise for him on the astronomy tower in the middle of the night, filled with food and drinks  and friends. ANd Remus gets the key as prefect, and Peter sneaks in the booze with his free afternoon off and James make sure that everyone they like is there to celebrate the greatest git they all know. And Sirius is so, so happy when he sees it. Wich of course he is, Remus knows how difficult his parents are, how lonely he can get over the breaks without the lads. So he’s so, so happy to see that look of mirth twinkling in Sirius’s pale eyes, and he does everything he can to make it so Sirius is laughing all night long.
But towards the end, no matter how much he wants to make it the best night for Sirius, he just has to get away from the sight of Sirius dancing obscenely with Florence Whittemore. Because he doesn’t have to be a damn martyr. 
He goes to a private nook on the rooftop, and pulls out the pre-rolled spliff to light up, only sorta surprised when Sirius makes his way to him— far away from the crowd and away from the music. And he plops down on the step right  under his, obviously loaded and smiling like the sun, crooning “Moony,” over and over again and Remus can only dimple down  indulgently at him, carding his hand through Sirius’s hair gently, spurred on by the drinks and the weed and just by that quiet, unassuming love he has held for him like a torch all these years.
“Did you wear my favorite sweater on purpose?” Sirius asks, a bit slurred, tilting his head so it rests on Remus’s shoulder and he can feel the tendrils of his warm breath brushing against his neck, and Remus suddenly feels like he’s on fire again. 
And he looks down at the green sweater he’s got on, a gift from his Mam for his fifteenth last year and the one that he was wearing the first night Sirius kissed him. So, yeah maybe Remus wore it subconsciously precisely because of that. But he’d never tell him.
And neither of them could say who leaned forward first, but they were kissing again and it still feels like everything splendid and like Remus’s mind is melting right out of his head and it’s so fucking miraculous.
But then they hear a coughing and they spring apart in panic, only to meet Lily’s shrewd, green eyes and she’s glaring at Sirius like she could scorch a whole right through him. And she tells them that there’s a Filch sighting and they need to get to the dorms pronto. 
Sirius scrambles up, looking at them panicky like he doesn’t know what to say, but then Remus tells him to hurry along because he and Lily—as Prefects— are the only ones who won’t get in trouble for being out. And Sirius looks at Remus like there’s a thousand things he’d like to say, but nods soberly and sprints away, and Remus is objected to Lily’s silent, judgmental worrying for their entire track back downstairs.
Remus isn’t surprised when Sirius tells them all that he’s dating Florence now over breakfast, and Peter gazes at him in aw at pulling the fittest girl in their year, and James claps his back hardily and talks about the double dates they can go on now since he’s still dating Jeanette. As if James isn’t glancing back at Lily even as he’s speaking it, and as if Sirius isn’t peering over apologetically to Remus as if there was ever anything between them.
However, what does surprise Remus is when late that night, Sirius pads over to his bed in the middle of the night like they haven’t done since they were both 14, and they’re lying down, not looking at each other before Sirius kisses him again and Remus lets himself enjoy it, let himself melt into him. But then he remembers the pretty blonde girl who he’s actually dating and it hurts like nothing else when he tells him the next night when Sirius makes the same track to his bed that they can’t do anything because they’re going to ruin their friendship and he has a girlfriend and Remus just can’t. So Sirius nods, tells him he’s always been the best of them, and kisses his forehead before returning to his own bed. And Remus silently refutes the comment because he hates not letting himself even get the scraps.
So Sirius dates Florence for the next month or so, and Remus puts up with it because of course he does. Because if it’s Sirius’s friendship or nothing at all, he’d always pick the former. Would always want Sirius to be with him in anyway possible. But then over winter break he officially runaways from his barmy ancestral home and goes off to James’s house in the countryside. And he texts Remus, begging him to come visit for New Year’s Eve. So Remus does, even gets Lily to tag along.
And once they get there, Sirius just smacks a big one on him in front of literally a whole house of people— including James and James’s Parents and all the Potters’ friends— and he tells him that he loves him and that he doesn’t want to pretend they’re only friends anymore, and Remus is blushing and grinning, and he thinks that Sirius is the maddest bloke he knows and he loves him to.
And it’s good between them, it’s remarkable. Sirius is passionate about every aspect in his life so it’s no surprise how remarkable of a boyfriend he is, how his every splendid gesture is large and vivacious and vibrant in ways Remus can’t even describe.
But the thing is that Remus is just simply not like that, has never been loud or commanding a presence. When he’s the leader of something like a prank execution or a school project, he prefers to get input from the others, make them think they did an equal amount of work even if Remus was the one behind it all. He’s always been reserved, quiet. And it’s not that he’s shy, it’s just he doesn’t ever see a reason to make a big show out of everything. And Sirius has known him for over half a decade now, so Remus assumes that he gets it.
But then it’s apparent that sometimes he doesn’t think that Remus loves him as much— which is so bloody bonkers Remus can’t even fathom it. or he thinks that Remus is just going with the motions, dating Sirius just because Sirius asked him too. And that gets Remus mad, absolutely fucking furious. The idea that Sirius can doubt his emotions like that.
“Get your cocky head out your arse and think about how not everyone has to be as ruddy loud as you are.” Remus had yelled one night in the common room in early February when Sirius tried giving him a ridiculous teddy bear holding a heart as if he’s an actual sodding bird and he refused it and Sirius got tetchy. But then Sirius had laughed like the mad man he is and then snogged him within an inch of his life and Remus thinks he got his point across.
Their one, really huge blow out, is on Remus’s birthday when he gets to his birthday dinner with his parents who came up to celebrate. And Sirius was visibly, painfully drunk and he spluttered the whole three hours and Remus was secretly thankful that his parents only thought he was a friend and not his sodding boyfriend and by the time they got to the dorm Remus had shouted, really fucking shouted at him. Had screamed things that he would regret just as soon as they came out. But it was ridiculous and Sirius could be such an arse sometimes. And Sirius had yelled back about how fucking stuffy Remus is about everything and claiming that they didn’t even notice and who the fuck cares. And Remus was shaking so hard, grabbed his pillow and blankets to sleep in the common room instead.
But of course, he knew that Sirius would follow him, that Sirius always prodded whenever Remus wanted to just runaway, that he could never leave well enough alone. And they argue again but it quickly became them rutting up against each other in the middle of the night, atop the sofa where anyone could walk down an catch them an Remus didn’t care, just needed to feel Sirius, feel him all over.
Remus only found out the next day by a red faced and quiet Sirius that he was nervous, that he didn’t mean to get so sloshed but he’s already failed with his parents and he didn’t want Remus’s to know how much of a fucking screw up he is and Remus just kissed him gently and called him an idiot and they never spoke about it again.
A few weeks later, Sirius goes off to holiday with the Potters on the Moroccan coast and Remus was only sorta jealous, but he understood that Sirius has always starved for a family, a real family, and that this is good for him. And the Potters are lovely people, and nearly as wealthy as the Blacks— well erm, as close as can be possible for ordinary folks. And James is Sirius’s brother in all but blood. Of course Sirius wouldn’t want to spend the week in Remus’s sleepy hometown with his bookish father and somewhat smothering Mam. But then he gets a call at two in the morning— so three in the morning by them— and It’s a pissed Sirius screaming into the phone over the music of some club and Remus hears a girl’s voice crowing his name and he hangs up in the middle fo Sirius trying to tell him some story about a boat or llama or what the fuck ever. And then Sirius storms to their shared dormitory when they all got back, yelling at Remus for not answering his calls for the rest of the week, and then Remus screamed back that he didn’t want to keep him from his haram of girls. And Sirius snarled out that he didn’t kiss or even bloody flirt with any of them and that Remus needs to start trusting him or pull that stick out his ass. And Remus was just so taken aback he had no idea what to say, so he just shook his head, discarded words and pounced on him for them to snog instead— James and Peter rolling their eyes as they slowly exited the room.
And there entire relationship is a bit like that, firecrackers that simmer to something tender because their foundation has always been the purest, most important friendship and even though the sex is fucking miraculous and mind-blowing and maddeningly delicious, they’ll always be friends. 
So that’s why Remus gets so angry that Sirius is acting so blasé when Snape finds out about them and threatens to tell the whole school. “It’s not a big deal Moons, practically everyone who isn’t an idiot already knows.”
And Remus swears he saw red, felt his blood pressure pulse. “Well my parents don’t know, and I’d rather be the one to tell them instead of them hearing it from the gossip mill from one of the other students parents!”
And Sirius’s expression got very stoney right then, his shoulders drawn back and brows furrowed. “So what? You’re ashamed that you’re dating a bloke? Or a bloke who’s own parents didn’t want him?”
And Remus is so fucking gobsmacked, so disbelieving that this is still such a point of sensitivity for him. That he still isn’t quite comprehensive just how much and how thoroughly and how desperately Remus loves him, and all that comes out is “You’re a bloody pillock.” And Sirius doesn’t give him enough time to explain himself and before he knows it they’re on the train home and Sirius isn’t even talking to him and he’s home in Wales once more.
He tries messaging Sirius all summer long, tries explaining himself. He even tells his parents that he’s as gay as the day is long, and they were so supportive that it gave him hope. But then Remus goes to Lily’s house one night for a movie, and her phone pins with a snap notification from James, and she tells him to open it for her while she tries pulling out the biscuits from the oven, and Remus Sees a dorky looking James, a London night club’s logo on the bottom of the filter and it’s all innocent until he really looks and he sees Sirius— clear as day, and he’s kissing another bloke. A blonde, good looking bloke that Remus could never be and one that Sirius deserves. And he feels so empty, so exhausted, so tired of it all as he numbly hands it over to a anxious looking Lily.
And Remus decides right then that he and Sirius really need to end this. 
They need to cut all the strings of this ill-fated romance, because they’re both too volatile and too sporadic. They can’t risk their friendship over this. Remus can’t lose Sirius just because Remus never deserved him as a boyfriend.
So when they get back to classes for their sixth year, Remus pretends nothing had ever happened between them.
He acts cordial, and companionable and like the friend he was to Sirius before he let his bloody emotions get in the way. And Sirius is suspicious but cautious and sometimes he looks like he does when he wanted to kiss him, so Remus would have to race off and he’d stay out late as possible in the library so to get back to their room after they’ve all fallen asleep. And he’s thankful he does the one time he finds that Sirius had ended up falling asleep in Remus’s bed while waiting up for him.
On one of those nights out to the library he begins speaking with Ezra.
Ezra is a prefect also, and he’s a year above them in classes so he gladly helps Remus with the questions he has for the course work. He’s extremely handsome, and Remus doesn’t feel so guilty when he recognizes the fact. He’s got brown hair numerous shades darker from Remus’s tawny color, and he’s got very lovely green eyes and he smiles at Remus shyly. So it’s not a surprise when he kisses him softly for the first time in early October, and it’s nice. It’s not fire licking up his insides like Sirius’s kisses are, but it’s sweet. And he’s sweet. 
They go out on casual dates to the city on allotted weekends and they drink coco by the fire. He tells Remus about growing up right outside Edinburgh and Remus tells him about the sea glass his Mam taught him to find by the ocean, and his collection of shells and his favorite peer to watch the sunset and Ezra listens like he is so very interested. And They’re a quiet pair, even the first time he gives Remus a blow job behind the greenhouses. And it’s good, because it’s fucking sex of course its good. But he doesn’t know how to use his tongue like Sirius learned how, or how to squeeze just a bit too tightly around his shaft when he’s lapping the head. But it’s not Ezra’s fault. Sirius and Remus had plenty of practice, the one thing they did more than laugh or argue was fuck. And that’s because it was always fun, always good. They stumbled through it together and learned what they liked and what they didn’t and how amazing it felt whenever they were intwined like that— When Sirius was on top of him, underneath him, deep inside of him and all around him.
But that’s not a fair comparison. Sirius has always excelled in everything, has always been a supernova. And Remus needs to learn how to be his friend again, and stop remembering all those times between the sheets or hidden behind the greenhouses or sometimes even in closets between classes.
And they’re getting there. Sirius has stopped trying to wait up for him, and he laughs at his jokes easily again. He doesn’t touch Remus, not really, not ever. And he looks like a flicker has been blown out behind his disarmingly handsome face, but they’re getting closer.
And Ezra is great, Ezra is so amazing. He’s sweet and he texts Remus a good night and good morning message every day. He walks him to class and they kiss softly goodbye. He buys Remus cherry filled brownies even tho that’s possibly the one type of chocolate he doesn’t like. But he eats them anyways because he knows they’re expensive. And he steadfastly ignores the box of his favorite caramel ones that are left on his bed the morning after Ezra got them for him.
And when Ezra comes over their house for Christmas he’s perfect in front of his parents. He complements the dinner Lyall made and how lovely Hope’s necklace is. And he gets along seamlessly with Lily when they met up nearly every night to go out to the tree in the center of her hometown or ice skating or to take pictures by the lights.
But when he leaves, Remus just feels empty. He stays up all night thinking about it, about why he can’t love Ezra the way he loved— the way he’s always loved and continues to love Sirius. How he will forever love Sirius. And he ends up cursing Sirius’s name a thousand times over throughout  the span of one night.
And it’s back to the start of the story with Remus and Lily lounging in his living room and looking at the photo and Remus feels his eyes watering and Lily kissing his cheek while silently handing him his phone.
They exchange a smile.
And Remus decides he’ll talk to Ezra in person, explain how he’s a great guy and how lucky Remus was to be with him. But now— well now he needs to slide open his phone because he can hardly breathe anymore.
And when he hears Sirius’s familiar, golden baritone answering tentatively, “Hiya Moons.”
And Remus swallows down the emotion in his throat, and he just loves him so much.
“Can you drive up here? Preferably not with the bike.”
“James’s Dad left us his car.” Sirius retorts, and Remus can hear the smile in his voice. “But, are you sure?”
And Remus wants to scream it to the clouds and the ocean and the mountain tops that of course he is, that this— the emotions he has for Sirius, the way he loves him— is the one sure thing in his life.
“I love you Pads.”
A silence beats between them before he hears Sirius answer back, buoyant and vivid and so much him that it aches.
“I love you to Moony. I love you so much.”
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jinxedpanda4life · 3 years
DamiRae Hospital AU?
  No I am not writing one, if I could write well I would though! So here are some HCs for a hospital AU.    If someone decides to write this then I’ll be your first reader. Also I am sort of basing things off of Grey’s Anatomy just a bit and my limited knowledge of the medical field.
- Starts of as 1st year residents, specialties may vary
- The “Titans” are residents and 1st years that show great promise, this doesn’t really play a role its just what people call them behind their backs
- Dr. Kori Anders is a OBGYN (women parts and birth) resident, a year or two away from finishing
- Dr. Richard “Dick” Grayson is is a surgery resident, trained by the hospital owner Bruce Wayne (who is a world renowned surgeon, has awards, etc), specifically general surgery
- Dr. Garfield Logan is pediatrician (kid doctor) res, bonds well with kids, but is considering going back to school to become a vet instead
- Dr. Jaime Reyes is an oncology (cancer doctor), having had cancer as a teen and is now forever trying to rid the world of it, works mostly with kids and teens
- Dr. Jonathan Kent is a physical therapist that works with pain management. Up beat guy and is always trying to brighten his patient’s lives.
- Dr. Damian Wayne is a surgical intern, blood thirsty little thing, hoping to become a neurosurgeon (brain, spine) (or cardiothoracic (heart, lungs) both are competitive)
- Dr. Raven Roth is an anesthesiologist (the drug person that knocks you out) and is starting her surgical internship (she wanted to do more than just help people get high essentially or whatever) has no current preference for any specific surgical field
- Add in characters:
-- Dr. Jason Todd, trauma surgeon (fits too well)
-- Dr. Timothy Drake diagnostician (medical detective basically) 
-- Dr. Donna Troy gynecologist
-- Terra Markov is a nurse (i don’t like Terra but nurses are the actual best)
- Story stuff:
- Damian and Raven meet as they are put under the guidance of the same resident
-Damian has an automatic dislike for Raven because she knows everyone already and is equally, if not much more, knowledgable about surgery, the OR, the ER, protocol, etc  He also thinks she is cold because she rarely shows emotion (pot kettle Damian)
- Raven can always be found in the medical archives researching old cases and studying new ones, Damian stumbles upon her when looking for an old cardiomegaly case (enlarged heart).
- Raven gets along with all of the past ‘Robins’ making her a go to intern
- Garfield can be seen whenever he is not needed trying to flirt with Nurse Markov and often goes to Raven to sulk 
- Damian and Raven are always early to pre-rounds and are typically the first ones there (usually early in the morning, getting there before 500)
- Jon bumps into Damian more often than not and they start becoming friends (Damian is reluctant at first and is still you know Damian about everything), Damian even recommends patients to him 
- Though Damian doesn’t want to really ‘hang out’ with anyone he reluctantly hangs out with the Titans, because of Jon and Dick
            - When in a large group when at a bar, club or whatever Damian tends to stay close to Raven because 1) they actually have things to talk about 2) she isn’t loud
- Raven & Damian are both assigned to a case that is frankly befuddling and have to start spending long nights and early mornings together to figure it out
- Over that period of time they learn things about each other:
-- Raven learns: 
Damian has a dog (Titus) and cat (Alfred) 
He is single (Kori told her) and lives in an apartment close to the hospital
He has lived in various countries
He is trained in multiple martial arts 
He prefers his tea with brown sugar and a slice of lemon 
His eyes are a true emerald color with a ring of gold and flecks scattered within 
He may hide it well but when Raven compliments him he becomes flustered
He speaks to himself in Arabic when he curses, trying to remember something, doesn’t want anyone to know what he is saying
He isn’t always an asshole
When he actually smiles a true and genuine smile, she has heart palpitations
-- Damian learns:
Raven has two tattoos (neither are a bird), a gang tat (she is saving up to get it removed), and a mantra in Azarathian; Azarath Metrion Zinthos
She immigrated from Azarath when she was around 8
Her notes are in Azarathian
She actually feels a lot of emotion and knows how to control them
If she is not reading about a current or past case she is reading any book or file she can get her hands on, he has caught her reading in multiple different languages; Azarathian, English, French, Russian, Arabic, Dutch, Mandarin, (could be more or less)
She lives alone and has a cat, Nevermore, and thanks to Dick he already knew she was single
She likes all tea, no matter how prepared, but prefers the sweetener to be honey
Her hair is black but shines purple, especially under the ER lights
Her eyes are a purple that at first glance look blue, like Elizabeth Taylor, he realizes though her eyes are galaxies on their own 
When she smiles the world actually stops moving, her eyes shine like stars and he never wants the world to start moving again
She always wears a necklace with a gold and ruby ring at all times (it was her mother’s wedding ring)
- When Damian starts having le feelings for Raven he considers actually seeking medical advice as this has never happened to him before
- Raven tries her best to contain her feelings when at work, going so far as one day a month staying home just to scream, cry and feel her feelings
- It does not help that new feelings towards Damian start popping up, especially since he starts bringing her tea and hanging out with her at work
- During the middle of their 2nd year of residency someone holds Raven hostage in the hospital to fix someone that person loves (this person had connections to Trigon and knew who Raven was)
- That was not a fun time for either Damian or Raven; Damian was outside the hospital pacing trying to figure something out with the other Titans trying to calm themselves and him down
- Shots are fired and when all is said and done, Raven gets shot in the abdomen and the hand (she was in ICU for a hot sec)
- Damian seemed to be there every time Raven woke up, he was always checking on her during rounds even though he wasn’t on her case
- Raven did have to have surgery on her hand and in her abdomen (idk where i’m not getting that specific), she hated being, in her words, coddled 
- Even though Raven was right handed (the one that got shot) she learned how to do everything, writing, eating, going to the bathroom, etc. (many of the other residents are impressed since she keeps working on it after her other hand heals)
- Raven’s room also becomes a space for other residents to destress and just vent about their day. She listens and gives advice, all without looking up from whatever she was doing. 
- During this time Raven becomes hooked on Pretty Pretty Pegasus
- Raven’s room is also full of cards, flowers, etc all from fellow staff and some from patients. When she leaves (she spends a couple weeks in thanks to multiple surgeries, recovery, and other minor injuries) all of the gifts litter her apartment, the cards end up in a box by her desk, she presses the flowers, and stuffed animals are donated to children’s shelter (she keeps some that she has grown attached to)
- During this time Damian is more of an ass than usual (people notice and tease him)
- Damian at some points keeps working without breaks/sleep for hours on end. Dick pulls him aside after noticing, scolds and forces him to sleep in one of the on call rooms. (He really wanted him to go home, but Damian wasn’t leaving)
- Once Raven was discharged Damian and Garfield help her back home (clothes + gifts + Raven w/a healing hand/other injuries = need help) the other Titans would have helped but were needed at the hospital
- Garfield leaves after dropping off Raven and Damian (and her stuff) as he is called in on a Peds case (could be fake, may not be) and Raven & Damian spend the rest of the time basically watching terrible movies. (with Nevermore sitting on both of them)
- That is the night Damian realizes that not only does he like Raven, but he like likes her. He starts devising plans on how to get her to date him. 
- All his plans basically are thrown out the window because of one reason or another (he kept overthinking it)(poor guy)
- It is not until their 3rd year of residency that Raven realizes her feelings towards Damian (Have I made it clear she likes him? I can’t remember...)
- She realizes her feelings when she has to crash at his place for a night (because he lives ridiculously close to the hospital, like how expensive is that??) and he tries to make sure that she is as comfortable as possible 
- She never realized how much he cared for her? Like she was always helping him out and there for him but she never realized he reciprocated that care? *Shocker*
- Raven becomes kind of a mess because of all her emotions that she is trying to bottle up. (all the corks are disintegrating and the jar is overflowing)
- Raven is during her Ortho rotation (bone surgeon people, they are cool, ik from experience) that she actually gets a good release for her emotions (setting peoples bones and drilling and hammering in pins is actually therapeutic) 
- Raven thinks that may be the specialty she chooses
- Damian saw her as a mess and could not fathom why she was said mess, he figured it was about a romantic interest after someone made an offhand comment about her love life and she became a blubbering mess (very un-Raven like)
- After all of well *motions with hands* that Raven asks why Damian doesn’t have a s/o or someone
- He says there is only person that he has been meaning to ask out (looks pointedly at Raven)
- All Raven says is “Go for it.”
And that is where my HCs end. Now if anyone who happens upon this post decides to write a Medical AU with any of these please tag me, tell me, message me. 
You do not have to give me credit, I just want to read it. 
This took me a couple of days to write up, so if it is disjointed I apologize. 
If anything needs to be corrected for any reason let me know!
 I hope this fuels some imaginations!
-I may post more HC AU things if they come to mind, we will have to see.
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