#I know they never clarify this in the canon of the show
revenantghost · 10 months
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While I do absolutely adore manga Vash's sass in calling his sister a spoiled little girl, I love this illustration of Vash pre-July.
Now, the circumstances overall are a bit different; in Trimax, the plant was losing control/overreacting, and here she's seemingly just chilling. But in this version, Vash isn't just pushing his way in, he's requesting what he's about to do... which seems only polite since he's about to stop both their vitals and make them medically dead for a bit here (it was three minutes in the manga). Post-July Vash is full of rage and a particular sort of grief we've only caught glimpses of so far, but it makes sense this gentler Vash would feel badly about this, even if it saves lives. Idk man, I just really enjoy the thought put into these younger, less-mature versions of the characters in Tristamp.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 1 month
your friendly neighborhood spiderman
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words: 3k
warnings: spiderman!rafe, attempted robbery, friends to lovers, college student!reader, non canon spiderman things (no one tell miguel o'hara!)
huuuge shout out to @ladyinbl00d who inspired this completely <3
“did you see this new video of spiderman?” you question rafe, plopping down on the couch next to him, shoving your phone into his hand, already pulled open to tiktok. the video shows spiderman swinging through various buildings before disappearing into an alley.
“i wonder if that's near where he lives.” you hum, leaning your head against rafes shoulder. “you know, it's not that far from us.”
“what do you think of this spiderman guy anyways?” rafe questions, clicking the power button to get the screen to turn black. he's had enough spiderman for one night.
“i mean, he's like a hero right? he's great. and he protects the neighborhood which is what matters.” you nod, snatching your phone back from his hands.
“don't you have homework?” rafe asks as you begin to scroll again, trying to find more information.
“yeah, but don't you wanna know more? what if it's someone we know?” you gasp and turn to look at rafe. “what if it's someone in our building?”
“alright.” rafe chuckles, standing up and walking the short distance to your makeshift work area in the corner of the living room, pulling your chair away from the desk, “enough with this spider guy. get to work on your essay.”
“spiderman.” you clarify, but set your phone face down on the coffee table and take your seat at your desk, opening up your laptop.
despite rafes family being extremely wealthy in the outer banks, the money doesn't translate as well to new york city, so when you got accepted to a university in the city, rafe ended up renting a smaller apartment for the two of you.
you didn't expect your best friend to come with you, thinking you'd have to adjust to life without him, but rafe wasn't about to let you live alone in a big, often scary, city.
you finish your essay and quickly submit it, not bothering to proofread it as you navigate to instagram on your school laptop, looking for more spiderman sightings.
“y/n.” rafe says, making your eyes widen and slam the screen closed.
“yup?” you turn, a soft smile on your face, knowing you just got caught.
“time for bed.” he points towards your room, knowing you have your photography class early in the morning tomorrow.
“fine.” you roll your eyes. “you know, you're becoming more like ward every day.”
rafe sighs as you shut your door. he doesn't want to be treating you like this, but he knows the sun setting makes the criminals come out of hiding. he just wants to keep you safe and doing well in school, even if he does wish you chose one closer to home.
“neighborhood life.” you roll your eyes, linked arm in arm with your friend kayla. “i mean what does that even mean? you think an intro to photography class would give us more instructions. and then to say he doesn't want pictures of food stands or subways?”
“yeah, our professor sucks.” kayla agrees, camera hanging around her neck to snap a picture at a moments notice, while yours is shoved deep into your bag.
“maybe i can sit out on the fire escape tonight and try to get a picture of spiderman.” you hum, cheeks blushing slightly.
“that's actually a really good idea.” kayla admits with a nod. “i may just do the same.”
“ugh, i knew i never should have shared my idea with you, you bitch!” you say with a giggle, both dissolving into laughter as you reach your bus stop.
“what, you think spiderman is just going to conveniently fly by your window and you're gonna get a perfect picture?” rafe laughs.
you shrug. “stranger things have happened.”
“like what?” rafe questions, placing his hands on his hips.
“like your family finding all that gold.” you look to rafe, watching the way his face changes. you know there's something he isn't telling you about what happened. there's shame buried deep, and you're determined to find out what it is, but don't want to push your best friend and hurt his feelings.
“alright, sit out on the fire escape all night for all i care.” rafe shrugs.
and that is exactly what you do, sit on your windowsill, slipper covered feet against the metal landing, camera placed on your lap, waiting and watching.
the moon is full, shining brightly along with the city lights, skyscrapers that never seem to dull and yellow taxi cabs that never seem to stop running.
you let out a gasp when rafe opens up the window behind you, making you jump.
“sorry.” he says softly, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders. “just wanted to make sure you're okay.”
he hands you a cup of hot chocolate. you take a sip before placing it onto the sill.
“any sightings?” rafe asks.
“nope.” you shake your head before yawning. “thanks for the hot chocolate though. im gonna wait another hour then call it for tonight.”
“you're gonna get your picture.” rafe says. “trust me.”
you're about to head back inside, hot chocolate drained empty and blanket wrapped even tighter around your shoulders as the temperature continues to drop.
you let out another yawn, unable to stop them now as your eyes scan the horizon one more time.
you think you see something in between two buildings and grab your camera, only for a bike to suddenly dart out and into the street.
you sigh and stand up, stretching your tired legs when you hear a telltale whooshing sound that could only be a body moving through the air. 
you raise your camera, snapping pictures as spidermans web attaches to your building, swinging directly past you. you swear he even looks straight down your camera lense.
you let out a loud whoop as he swings away, even yelling out into the night.
“we love you spiderman!”
“eat your words.” you smack the printed picture down onto your dining room table, right in front of where rafe is eating his cereal.
“i told you you'd get it!” rafe says, snatching the picture up.
“yeah, but you doubted at first.” you smile, accepting his half-hug as you stay standing, dressed and ready to go to class.
“i should have learned to never doubt you.” rafe shakes his head. a small town girl from the outer banks getting into a prestigious nyc school isnt unheard of, but it is unheard of to not use your parents money for bribes, and you did this solely on your own.
“that's right, cameron.” you smirk.
“well, you're absolutely getting an A on this assignment.” rafe hands the picture back, replaying your words from last night. we love you spiderman.
“an f?” you glare up at your professor. “i got a picture of spiderman!”
“and how does that show neighborhood life?” he questions. “he's just a punk who likes to dress up.”
“he's saved lives!” you argue, standing up, outraged.
“he's probably in some drug gangs pocket, letting their criminals go while robbing the others.” he shakes his head. “your photograph should have been more like michaels.”
you look at michaels photograph, sitting a row below you, proudly displaying the photo that the professor deemed an A+. “a rat? in the subway? seriously?”
you stomp out of class, kayla calling out for you, but you ignore your friend, not wanting to stay in that room for another minute.
you don't realize until you're halfway home that you're doing the one thing you promised rafe would never happen. you're walking through the streets of new york city alone.
you clutch your bag closer. certainly the daylight will help protect you as you try to keep to more populated streets, but you have to walk through a few more deserted blocks to get back to your shared apartment.
you just want to see rafe, to fall into his arms and have him listen to your ranting and rambling about how much professors suck.
you're too deep into imagining the relief you'll feel in that moment to realize someone is following close behind you, a man with a dark hood pulled over his face.
you're only made aware of his presence when his hand pushes into your back, shoving you into an alley. 
you let out a scream as the man flips you so your back smashed into the brick wall. 
“shut up!” he shouts, covering your mouth with his disgusting hand, making you gag instantly. “give me all your money!”
you're about to hand over your entire bag, school camera be damned even though you're supposed to return it at the end of your semester, when you hear the familiar whoosh.
the man seems to recognize it too, taking a quick step back before spiderman punches him straight in the face, sending him to the ground.
“stay away from her!” he growls out, a twinge of familiarity striking again. you quickly realize this is the first time you've heard spiderman properly speak, not shouts or groans during fights.
you could never predict what happens next as spidermans arms wrap around your waist. you have a second to react and wrap your arms around his shoulders before you're off, flying in the sky.
you squeal and stick your face into his chest, not wanting to see the street below you. you only look up again when your feet are firmly on the ground.
you blink your eyes open, realizing you're standing on your fire escape, your room right through the window behind you.
“you did see me that night!”
spiderman just nods before he's off again.
you rush inside, adrenaline causing your heartbeat to skyrocket as you call out for your best friend.
“rafe?” you shout, frowning when he doesn't answer.
the front door opens a moment later, rafe whistling as he walks in.
“oh, hey.” he frowns, tune suddenly dying. “i thought you were supposed to be in class?”
“i… my professor gave me an f. i was mad so i just left and started walking home when…” you know you shouldn't tell rafe. it would cause him to be even more paranoid.
“when what?” rafe questions, dropping his bag onto the floor, eyes only briefly glancing to make sure nothing spilled out, no tell tale colors peaking free.
“when i got robbed. but it's okay!” you quickly hold your hands up. “spiderman saved me!”
“spiderman, huh?” rafe questions before sighing at your rapid nods.
“i guess i gotta like the guy now,” he pulls you into a tight hold, wrapping you up in his arms in a much needed hug. “ afterall, he saved you.”
you are humming to yourself as you get the table ready for rafe to come home with your pizza, always splurging on friday nights to get an entire pizza to split between the two of you while catching up on your week, rafe always having a crazy tale of something he saw while walking around the city.
rafe bursts through the door, startling you as he lets out a whoop and holds the pizza up.
you laugh and attempt to reach the box, but even jumping is no use as he's simply too tall, arms stretching almost to the ceiling.
rafe finally brings it down to your level as you grab it out of his hands and set it onto the table, taking a deep inhale of the scent.
“i got you a drink.” you tell rafe, gesturing to the soda sitting on the table.
rafe feels a tingling before it even happens, taking a deep breath, trying to sense what's about to come when your hip bumps into the pizza box as you reach for your lemonade.
the pizza box is only half on the table, the weight of the lid hanging off causing the small bump to be enough to send it over the edge, towards the floor.
your pizza night is about to be ruined before rafe sweeps in, using his extra senses to save the meal.
you gasp, the pizza back on the table not even a split second after you realized it was even falling.
“jesus, rafey!” you squeal. “you've got like super senses or something!”
“yeah, or something.” rafe hums.
“i mean, you gotta be kidding me.” you roll your eyes. “an action shot? that's literally begging for me to submit another spiderman photo.”
“oh, agreed.” kayla nods. “you did not deserve that F, let him eat his words when you send in this next one.”
“mhm, i think im gonna walk around tonight to try and get a picture of him.”
“you will not!” rafe was listening from his bedroom, door open to keep an eye on you and your friend.
“it'll be fine!” you turn to look at him. “if anything happens, im sure spiderman will save me again.”
“girl, go over the details with me again!” kayla squeals. “im still so jealous, i wanna be whisked away by spiderman!”
“ugh, he's so hot!” you agree.
“how do you know he's hot?” rafe is now standing in the doorway. “he wears a mask all the time.”
you're about to respond when kayla stops you. “he's a guy, he'll never get it.”
rafe drops it, waiting until kayla leaves to bring it up to you again. “so how is spiderman hot?”
“he's just-” you sigh over dramatically. “such a good guy. did you see him stop swinging to help that old lady cross the street? like any guy putting his life on the line to help out his neighborhood has to be hot.”
“ah.” rafe simply says, turning his back so you can't see the smile on his face. “you're not going out tonight, right?”
“right.” you lie, knowing rafe can tell when you're not telling the truth.
“y/n-” he warns.
“ill be fine, rafe.”
you take nothing but your camera, hoping leaving your bag at home will get any potential robbers to leave you alone just in case spiderman isn't nearby to save you.
you quietly walk through the dark streets, lights occasionally illuminating the sidewalk as you keep your head turned upwards.
you walk well past midnight, circling in blocks around your neighborhood with still no sign of spiderman.
you were hoping for a perfect action shot from the street below as he swings by. you assume he must be in the rougher parts of the city, your feet subconsciously moving to head to worse neighborhoods than your own.
“alright, you've gone far enough.” the voice makes you gasp and turn around, seeing spiderman hanging upside down from a street light.
“have you been following me?” you question, a smile growing on your face, completely forgetting the reason you were trying to find spiderman was to take a photograph of him for your assignment.
“go back home. its late and dangerous out here.” 
you can see spiderman is about to swing away. “wait!” you call out, moving closer as he drops his web lower. you move carefully, slowly caressing his cheek through the thick uniform.
“i can't show you my face.”
“i want to kiss you.” you say, watching the way his lips move, enticing even being completely covered. “can i kiss you?”
you move the mask lower, exposing his chin then finally lips. you lean in, hesitating for a moment before pressing your mouth against his in a kiss.
you only pull away when spiderman does, flipping to stand on his feet before quickly retaking your mouth, dominating the kiss now that he's right side up.
he finally pulls away with a harsh breath. “i-i can't. i have to go.”
“you're not going to swing me home?” you look him in the mask covered eye. “rafe.”
you can see his body physically react, tightening before relaxing. “how did you know?”
“you're my best friend. how could i not know? especially once i saw your face.”
“you… you knew and still kissed me?” rafe looks around quickly before ripping his mask off, baring his face to you.
“of course.” you place a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him back down. “ive always wanted to kiss you.”
rafe launches a web into the air as you kiss him again, flying through the sky as you makeout, his senses keeping you from crashing as he swings back towards home.
“so… how did this all happen?” you question. “you haven't been spiderman the whole time i’ve known you.” you can tell now in hindsight that he changed. you figured it was just being in new york, being older, but now you know.
“i got bit by a spider. i- i will spare you all the details but i did some very bad things in the outer banks. involved with getting the gold. so-” rafe sighs, looking at you, making sure you’re not judging him, not thinking of fleeing. “i wanted to fix my life. and when i got these new powers, i wanted to use them for good.”
“you are a good man, rafe.” you reach out and squeeze his hands. “whatever happened… you’ve made up for it. i promise.”
“thank you.” rafe breaks, falling forward and pressing his face against your shoulder. you wrap your arms around his shoulders, hugging him close.
you whisper quietly, not sure if you’re ready to say the words properly yet. “i love you.”
rafe looks up, hope sparking in his eyes. “i love you too. i always have.”
“be careful out there.” you press a kiss to rafes lips. you've known his secret for two weeks now, still getting nervous every time he leaves, even if he comes home unscathed the next morning after protecting the neighborhood all night long.
“i will.” he kisses you again, wishing he didn't have to leave your bedroom as he crawls out your window onto the fire escape. he pulls on the mask before swinging away, all while you watch from your bed.
you wake up the next morning with rafes front pressed against your back, spiderman suit still on except for the mask, arms wrapped possessively around your body.
you turn carefully in his grasp until you see his sleeping face, cheek slightly scuffed up from whatever happened overnight.
you press gentle kisses against his face, keeping him asleep. you look at the clock on your bedside table.
wait any longer, and you'll miss your photography class. you shrug, screw that class, and snuggle back into your boyfriend's hold.
sfw taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months
Storm's End 2
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HOTD Masterlist
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Strong!Reader
Summary: your mother sends you to Storm’s End to rally Lord Borros Baratheon for your side, but your uncle arrived there before you
Warnings: Cursing, use of the word bastard, angst, heavy, canon level incest, thoughts about dying, mentions of bedding, and more, dark fic, Aemond is unhinged, rape, non-con, minors engaging in sexual activities, mentions of a minor in a pleasure house, maiming, blood, violence, victim blaming, self blame, and other very dark things. 
Wordcount: 4,7 k
Notes: Ufff It seems I can’t do one shots anymore, I think this required another third part because I didn’t want to make it so long.
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They say that when you are dying, all your life passes right through your eyes, making you relive all those moments, and the way you felt
Now you are able to say, that it wasn’t that accurate
Because all you could see was HIM
His head on your lap while you read to him in High Valyrian under the heart tree 
You turning to him with a smile on your face the first time Karnax obeyed your command, the way he smiled back
The time you grabbed his hand and patted Karnax’s snout making him purr 
But suddenly you were that frightened little girl in that tunnel in Driftmark
“no! stop it!”, you screeched, as Aemond had your older brother grabbed by his vest and he held a rock in his hand
“stop it!”, you begged him again, he threw his hand back to gain momentum and he hit you in the face with the rock
You wailed and cried, your face burning, a warm liquid filling your mouth with a metallic taste, blood pouring from your nose 
Because of you your brother grabbed the knife, to avenge you, because of you baby Lucerys jumped at Aemond and slashed his eye off of his face
Soon you were not the only one crying bitterly
Soon some gloved, adult hands grabbed you and lifted you from the ground and took you to a maester 
Soon you were seated across from Aemond, as the maester sewed his missing eye shut, his remaining eye didn’t leave your face, his mouth twisted in a dark mock
He didn't even blinked, he barely reacted when the needle pierced his skin over and over
While you only got a bloody nose.
Deeper into the night, after the maester sneaked you a bit of milk of the poppy, you woke up when you could no longer breathe, feeling a weight over your chest, when you opened your eyes the first thing you saw was Aemond’s scowl, the slash on his face still bright red. 
“Aemond?”, you called, then he took a knife off his belt, you screeched but he placed his hand in your throat, “what’s happening?”, you cried, “I want my mom”
“Why was I the only one who lost something?”, he asked bitterly, “the only one scarred”
“You have Vhagar”, you whined
“I didn't stole her”, he clarified
“I know”, you said
“perhaps I should scar you too”
“You mom scarred mine”, you whined, a tear falling down your cheek, “please don’t”, you cried 
Aemond looked down at you, you didn’t know what he was thinking, you only stood still, afraid. Your uncle seemed to ponder about something, thinking, analyzing, and then , with the hand that hold the dagger, he grabbed the covers and retired them, you were sleeping only in your loose nightshirt, 
You were eight and he was ten, he grabbed the dagger, you were so scared you didn’t even move, you only cried and whined when he carved an “A” into your thigh
“Now you are scarred like me”, he said with an even voice, and an uneven stare, looking down at you like he was bored.
Even though you thought the Red Keep was your home, you were so relieved when your mom told all of you that you were going to live in Dragonstone from now on. You were now scared of your own uncle, of your friend, and therefore you managed to conceal your mark, never showing it to your parents 
The next part of your memories were only a few weeks back, when you return for the first time to the Red Keep, to defend your own right to inherit Driftmark
You were lucky you were the only one that looked like a Targaryen
But Lord Vaemond Velaryon’s words still hurt 
As he screamed bastard and whore to the entire court, you couldn’t help but look up at your uncle, feeling his gaze on you.
And before that in the training yard
That is when the uneasiness began, his gaze on you, that same smirk, like he was mocking you, and Jace, you were barely a year younger than your brother, he was only a year younger and yet, it seemed like Aemond was ages your senior, in abilities, in knowledge, in maturity, in everything
Perhaps that is why he was so amused
He seemed to mock you, to pity you, to be amused of how much of your childhood you still carried with you
You hugged yourself as Vaemond cursed you and your mother, and you felt his gaze on you the entire time
But then Daemon slayed Vaemond in front of all of you, Jacey, before you could see anything, he grabbed you and hid your face on his chest, to prevent you from looking at your now dead great uncle 
Soon the impression on Aemond passed, as he watched in anger that bastard touching you, protecting you
He couldn’t stand the thought of you with someone else other than him.
That’s why he asked his mother, to ask Rhaenyra for your hand that very afternoon, right before the dinner 
You couldn’t even eat, not with his gaze on you, you kept looking up at him, as he drank you in your black leather dress at the same time he drank from his cup. He didn’t not even for a second, let his gaze off of you.
You mother saw this, and grabbed your arm gently, and whispered to you what he wanted, that he asked for your hand 
When your face twisted in fear and anguish, your mother’s changed to that of concern, then you both looked at Aemond across the table, and he could see in your faces, what the answer was going to be.
So fueled by anger and resentment, he stood from his chair and toasted to the health of his Strong nephews, and he looked directly at you when he said this.
“To the health of my nephews and sweet niece, my the gods keep them handsome, wise and Strong, she will need her strength, to bear my children after we are married”, he said with a smirk, and the entire table shared concerned looks
“WHAT?”, growled Daemon, looking at Rhaenyra
Whole hell broke loose
You tried to stop Jace, but he wouldn’t hear of it, he went for Aemond to defend your honor and he pushed him away like he was a doll 
“Stop it!”, You begged him, after helping Jace on his feet you put yourself in between them Aemond walked towards you and grabbed you by the neck, he didn’t squeeze, he didn’t choke you, but you could see the anger in his eye
“You think you have a choice?”, he whispered to you, “I think you should see the scar in your leg to remind yourself of who you belong to”, But a leather hand grabbed Aemond’s arm roughly, you looked to the side and there was Daemon
“Get your hands off my daughter”, he whispered dangerously, and in the background, you could hear everyone screaming in desperation, specially Alicent 
You were already crying, but he released you, smiling wickedly.
He had a face to face with Daemon, who put you behind him to protect you
“Over my dead body you will marry her”, he promised, Aemond only looked at you, and then he exited the room 
Your mother send you home with your siblings that very night, scared of her own brother 
And then as you took to the skies in the night you were suddenly transported to the last time you saw him
Aemond standing in front of you, 
You were still in Storm’s End Hall, but there was no one else besides the both of you, you were alone. You wanted to speak, but couldn’t 
“My beautiful, bastard, niece”, his words made you wince
You didn't know why you were here, is this what it was like to die? it felt like you were dreaming
“Why?”, you whispered, he tilted his head, amused, “Why do you hate me so much?”, you manage to ask, “I never did anything to you”
“I don’t hate you”, he said simply, “I’m just treating you like you deserve to be treated”, you frowned, “you are just a bastard, mine to toy with, mine to torment”
“Nobody deserves to be treated like that”, you fought, “is not my fault”, you whined, he only smirked, with a smooth movement he retrieved from inside his leather vest the dagge 
“You are nothing, only the bastard daughter of a pretender who will never be Queen, strutting around the keep, with your bastard siblings”, a tear fell down your eye
“Is not my fault”, you cried, you believed him, a sadness taking a grip on you, you gasped for air as an inexplicable sorrow took a hold on you, “is not my fault!”, you cried, soon you couldn’t breath, you felt someone had a tight grip on your throat, you couldn’t breathe
You gasped for air, but something was preventing you from taking the oxygen you needed, you dried heaved, until you managed to throw up
Your body convulsed trying to expel the water from within your lungs, you tossed and turned until you finally manage to turn in the sand and threw up the salt water from within you 
That is how you came to your senses again, disoriented, feeling sick, and clouded, and cold
So so cold
“So cold”, your voice sounded like a broken bagpipe, you tried to grab onto something, but your hand grabbed rocks and sand, you could barely see around you, it was all dark, it was late, and it was cold
You were soon aware that you were back in the land of the living, if you were dead, you wouldn't be in pain, you wouldn’t be so aware of your numb extremities, from the cold, the adrenaline, and the fact that you felt like you had been ran over by a herd of horses 
You took your time to gather your bearings, to take deep breaths and expel the salty taste from your mouth, so sharp it clouded your mind even more 
For some reason, even the stranger had forgotten you
once you managed to regain the mobility of your arms and legs, you turned around 
“Karnax?”, you called, as you whimpered, feeling your loss in your chest, making it tight and hurt, as memories of the last moments coming back to you
“KARNAX?”, you called desperately, but you knew it was of no use, your dragon had been ripped apart by Vhagar, and it was a miracle that you were still alive 
Then you stopped, maybe shouting and drawing attention back to you, wasn’t the brightest of ideas. But as you looked into the stormy sea, bitter tears fell down your eyes
Your baby dragon was gone, the one who had been with you since you were born. 
You couldn’t stand on your own legs, you tried to, but failed.
You shivered, and tried to hug yourself
it was some miracle that the waves and current had dragged you to a small piece of beach with dark sands, rather than the rockery all around you 
But you soon realize it wasn’t a miracle 
You saw something, someone moved in your peripheral view, and you got a feeling…
Aemond walked towards you slowly
It had stopped raining but he was still wet as you were, his wet silvery locks stuck to the edges of his face and his clothes, all leather, protected him from the rain, he had taken off his eyepatch, and the sapphire gleamed even in the dark
You haven't yet recovered the feeling to your legs, but scared out of your mind you tried to crawl back, away from him. he smiled, wickedly, as he walked towards you 
“Get away from me!”, you whined, but he stopped on your leg meanly, preventing you from advancing away from him. He only hummed, entertained
He looked like a creature that had come from the bottom of the ocean, front he pits of hell, he had resurfaced just to drag you back with him. He had come from your deepest nightmares
He leaned down towards you, you tried to fight him off, but he wouldn’t budge, he grabbed you tightly, roughly, tears fell down your eyes when he dragged you to him in a wicked embrace 
“NO!”, you screamed squirming, trying to get away from him, “Why would you do that?”, you cried, bitter tears that burned your cheeks fell down your eyes, “My Karmax, my dragon, he was gentle, fair tempered, he never hurt anyone! He was good! Why did you do this? HE LOVED YOU AS HE DID ME! YOU KILLED HIM!”, you screamed, desperately fighting against him, to release yourself from his grasp
“He was weak and small, so are you”, he mocked in your ear
“WHO CARES ABOUT THAT?”, you felt physical pain in your chest, “he was my soulmate”, he manhandled you until he was face to face with you, he grabbed your jaw forcefully
“You have other things to worry about”, he growled, and you whimpered in his hold, trying to get away from him, but still you couldn’t, he was stronger than you, and you were completely destroyed 
“please”, you whimpered, “you killed my dragon…”, his eye darkened even more, his expression was now the one of a man enraged 
“Don’t you dare to even think we are even”, he growled, he then smirked darkly, “but after this we might”
The night was awfully calm, strangely so, and it was ridiculous you would think about something like that in a moment like this, but here you were 
Because you knew what was about to happen
You only cried when Aemond threw you on the sandy floor, the hit numbing you partially, more than you were already. Aemond looked down at you for the very first time, in all this years, you saw him smile, he didn't smirk, he smiled widely, openly, you could see his teeth
“Please”, you begged him, to just leave you alone
“I love it when you beg”, he ceremoniously removed his long leather jacket, and left it gently on the floor 
“I never did anything to you”, you whined, tears kept falling from your eyes and he finally jumped you, like a lion to his prey.
You tried to fight him off but you were so tired, so drained of all your energy, you couldn’t
You whined against him, but he didn't care, he never did, why would he do now?
He took the dagger off his belt, and for a fraction of a second you felt relieved, he was going to slice your neck and be done with it, but no, he sliced your riding pants instead, you tried to kick him, but barely moved him.
He got tired of your antics and grabbed you by the neck roughly
You whined and trashed, but he wouldn’t let go, soon the inability to breathe make you dizzy, losing the little strength you had left 
“Please Uncle”, you managed to let out, cheeks wetted with your tears, the salty air making your skin burn
But he wouldn’t let go, he looked down a you with a sick satisfaction that make you whimper once more, as you were bare from the waist down
You never had high expectations regarding your first time with a man, you had heard from the Septas that it was your duty as a wife to please your husband in that matter, they had also said that it won’t be pleasant, that pleasure is not something you must seek
That the act of bedding was only to produce heirs
But with your sibling, Jace in particular, you had seen and read things, fueled by your curiosity, and you found out that it was quite pleasurable, for people that worked in the skin trade anyways…
You knew you had no expectations, but still
You never expected this
He undid his pants, releasing his manhood, it was big, thick, long, the tip red and angry, and even looking at it make you cry even more
“No please”, you managed to say, Aemond could see you were running out of air, so he released you just a little
He needed you conscious
“Please don’t do this, please”, you begged and begged, and he rebelled in it, he placed himself between your thighs, making you hurt
But the worst part was yet to come
“Why wouldn’t I?”, he mocked
While he still had you by the neck, the other went between your legs, yout thighs shook when you felt him, trying to introduce one of his fingers, it was uncomfortable, and it burned 
You were dry
And he seemed to enjoy it
“Noooo”, you babbled, as you started hiccuping because of your distress, he only hummed. Pleased, with the situation, with you, or whatever
He fisted his cock only a couple of times, and gave you no reprieve.
He give you no space to move, no space to escape, 
You shrieked in pain, the burn felt like nothing you had experienced before, you cried out as he ripped you open for him 
“No! it burns, please”, you begged, “it hurts!”, you cried, you scream bloody murder
“Fuck”, he cursed, a sick smile on his lips
“Why?”, you cried, tears falling, whimpers being drawn, “Why?”, he paid no mind to you, only retrieved yourself and you almost thought that he was going to free you from this torment
Only for him to thrust into you even more roughly than before 
You shrieked, as Aemond looked down for when your bodies were united and smiled when he saw the blood pouring from you. But he almost caught a glimpse of the mark he had drawn in your skin all those years ago. 
“Now you are just a whore”, he said, satisfied with himself, again thrusting into you, “do you think Cregan Stark will want you now?”, he mocked
He kept fucking you, raping you, and the only thing in your mind to distract you from the pain was… why? Why did he hate you so much? if your dreams were to give you any clarity… which you doubted 
“I’m sorry uncle”, you whispered, as he retrieved himself from you and then pushed again inside you, making you cry out
“I don’t care”
“I’m sorry”, you repeated again, and then again, like a mantra while he defiled you, while he took you against your will in that beach 
“Come on, come for me, like the little wanting whore I know you are”, but you were far from it, you were still in pain, and your body reacted accordingly, trying to soothe you, lubricating itself to help you cope. He found your clit, pinching it and rubbing it roughly, too rough to be pleasurable, but it still helped. 
Your head fell to the side, looking at the waves, so far yet so close, you wanted to get lost in them, as the rough sway of Aemond against you, you saw the waves coming and going with almost the same speed.
Until he grabbed your jaw and make you look back at him
The unhinged look in his eye, his growls and gasps 
You grabbed the wrist of the hand that had you by the neck and you looked into his eyes, almost defiantly, and what you found in them scared you even more
You felt him deep in your belly, your insides were on fire you wanted to throw up, but the salty taste of all the sea water you drank was still present, giving you no reprieved
“Please stop”, you begged one more time, “please uncle, it hurts”
“Shh”, he only shushed you, he leaned in and kissed you, for the very first time, ever
His wet lips were a welcoming distraction, but not even in the kiss you felt relief, feeling only dread, desperation and anger 
He bit on your lower lip, apparently the blood of your maidenhead wasn’t enough, he needed to taste it in his mouth too
You thought it was never going to end
Until finally his movements became sloppy, his eye rolled and he grabbed your neck even tighter 
You felt him, deep inside you, ropes of his seed filling your womb
You cried even harder, moving more than before
He stood planted deep inside you for endless minutes, looking down at you, analyzing your face, and every expression on it, you only cried softly, your body tight with pain and trauma.
“i have to make sure it takes”, he mocked, and your shrieked shortly, “I told you I was going to give you my bastard”
You looked away from him, barely imagining how it was going to be like to bring shame to the family in that way.
You had let him do this to you
If only you were stronger
He finally released you, you whispered one more time when he took himself off of you
You felt a thick substance leaking off of you, and you could only imagine what it was
Aemond stood up, as he fixed his pants, you barely could roll to the side, hugging yourself, to look at the waves
You felt dizzy, nauseous, in pain and cold
And if you had something in your stomach you would have throw it out
But you didn’t 
You felt his gaze on you again, you tried to ignore him, thinking faintly on how you are going to survive this, how you were going to go back home
To your family
They were going to love you no matter what, you knew this, and if Aemond tried to say the opposite, you were not going to believe him
Aemond didn't move, he only looked at you, the soft, musty wind hit your face, making you whimper in cold, but still, you laid there, unmovable, you could feel him moving, placing his jacket back on him, taking his time, and yet, you didn't move. Then he leaned in, and you tried to squirm away, but he grabbed you easily
“You either come with me, or I leave you here”, he whispered in your ear, you didn't move, you just stayed there, laying in the sand, he came into your frame, as you stared down at the beach. You were not an idiot, if he left you here, it is probable you were not going to make it, you were far away from everything, you had no dragon, another storm was coming
But going with him is unthinkable
Yet you didn't move 
You saw his boots walking away from you, and then, they stopped
He looked back at you
You were stubborn
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“Your Grace”, greeted the woman shakily, bowing to the Queen. Rhaenyra had unshed tears in her eyes 
Daemon barely managed to get her out of her chambers. They had no news of you, and that is what scared them, they assumed the worse
“You are Lady Alyne Felwood, are you not?”, she asked, she did not mind to present herself like this, she hasn't brushed her hair, she hadn't even bathed, she wasn’t wearing her crown, still crying in front of that woman, a woman whose family was of the Stormlands, sworn to House Baratheon
“I am, indeed”
“Are you not sworn to House Baratheon?”, spitted Daemon by her side, looking as imposing now that his sweet wife couldn’t 
“I was”, you whispered, “I was a part of the court of House Baratheon, and I was there that day when…”, Rhanyra’s gaze that had been on the table looked up at her, alarmed
“You were there?”, she asked, tears falling freely, the lady barely nodded
“I was”, she whispered, she looked within herself, to tell the tale as softest as she could, she did not want to bring her more pain, “I was there when the princess entered the Hall, unfortunately, Prince Aemond…”, she stopped to see their reaction, Daemon grabbed the pommel of his sword tightly, and Rhanyra whimpered, “had been there for hours when she arrived”
“It was him?”, she asked, Alyne barely nodded 
“She made her case to Lord Borros, but one-eye had already made his own, offering his own, or his brother’s Daeron’s hand in marriage”, she said, “Lord Borros mocked the princess when she had nothing of the sort to offer him, and that is when…”, she paused, she might lose her head for this, in a “kill the messenger” situation, but she came her for a reason, “Aemond interrupted”
“What was said?”, asked Daemon impatiently, tired of the pauses
“He said that her brother had a debt to pay, that he wanted her to pay instead” 
“What debt?”, she asked
“He said that he wanted a payment of blood”
“He slayed her…?”, cried Rhaenyra, but the lady shook her head
“He said he was going to take her maidenhead, and send you their sheets with her blood in it”, Rhaenyra whimpered, grabbing onto the painted table, “he tried to go to her but lord Borros intervened, he commanded her to be taken back to her dragon, she exited hastily, but so did he…”
“He demanded her maidenhead? And they let him go after her?”, she cried
“The guards on the battlements told Lord Borros that they have heard shouting, laughs and screams, and… a shriek of a Dragon”, Rhaenyra covered her mouth in an attempt to swallow her cries
“my little girl”, she cried, and Daemon hugged her tightly, hiding her face on his chest 
“Why?”, asked Daemon, angry at this woman, who brought Rhaenyra sordid details about that day
“I’m a mother to a girl too”, she whispered 
Then she was dismissed 
“My girl!”, Rhaenyra cried, when they were alone, “my little girl”
“Shhh, my love, we will get her back, whatever it takes” 
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@lightdragonrayne @immyowndefender @aemondswifeisme @twobluejeans @toodlesxcuddles @sassysaxsolo @thearchitectoflove @maidmerrymint @floralsightings @daughterofthemoons-stuff @glendarollitkatharinesanders @ruhjkie @starkjedi @baconturtle
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ezwezz · 1 year
lost in your eyes
h.yj x f!reader
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genre: fluff!! summary: you and yunjin find yourselves lost in the countryside, so you make the obvious decision to start a livestream. words: 1.1k
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yunjin x yn!! my cuties omg hi where are you guys?? they look like a couple lol
the viewers instantly surged in numbers and countless comments came pouring in. most were excited greetings and some were doting on the pair on screen, a few begging for couple poses to screenshot.
"hey everyone!"
"hi guys! thank you for joining us."
you and yunjin stood side-by-side, waving at the camera, which yunjin held as you nestled your chin on her shoulder.
"just to clarify, we aren't lost...we just can't seem to find our members anywhere."
the camera flipped around to reveal the open countryside. fields upon fields of...nothingness.
help where tf are they??? plz r they stranded idk whether to laugh or phone emergency services
"as you can see...there is no sign of civilisation. this may possibly be our 'rural survival' era." you announced, the camera flipping back to you and yunjin.
"but don't worry guys, we're safe, we just need to retrace our steps."
"i could've sworn they came this way..." you glanced around one more time as if your members were hiding somewhere in the barren landscape.
"i know... but i'm starting to think they may have gone down the other path."
"it all looks the same, this feels like the backrooms."
"i know right, we're too city girl for this." you nodded in agreement before hooking an arm beneath yunjin's and starting your trek back down the path.
the woman began replying to comments as you walked comfortably together.
"they're telling us to hold hands." she stated after a moment, a goofy smile on her face.
"guys…we're literally stuck in the middle of nowhere and that's how you're feeling?" you feigned offence but happily complied, gently taking yunjin's hand and intertwining your fingers, lifting it up to show the viewers, who were going wild in the comments.
you two were often affectionate with each other, seemingly having instant chemistry, which the fans quickly picked up on. it didn't take long for you and yunjin to become the most shipped pair in the group, but you didn't mind- you thought it was quite sweet actually, and you could definitely think of worse things to be circulating. not to mention the fact that you'd had a small crush on yunjin for a while now and clearly weren't subtle about it, judging by the copious amounts of dating rumours between you two, but you could usually play it off.
yunjin's opinions on the matter were kind of a mystery to you. she'd never explicitly addressed the shipping, but seemed to entertain the idea, often initiating affection or playfully flirting with you...for the fans, you dejectedly assumed.
you felt yunjin squeeze your hand and glanced up to see a soft smile adorning her features. you reciprocated the affection by squeezing back, the wordless action lighting a welcome warmth in your chest. the sun had begun to melt, plunging you into a golden hue that captured yunjin's eyes, causing them to gleam like sparkling pools of honey. the sight almost took your breath away and you gulped, wary of sinking too deep.
the way they look at each other, i can't absbjsbfh love love love pretty yunjin x yn is canon idc the way they're lost rn....IN EACH OTHER'S EYES
the last comment made you chuckle, and you saw yunjin's face light up on the screen when she read it as well.
"we probably look like an old couple right now. all we need is a dog." she stated with a laugh, causing you to smile shyly.
"or a cat."
"but cats don't like to go on country walks."
"neither do i. we're an old couple trying to be youthful and active while our grumpy cat chills at home, in the city." yunjin giggled loudly, squeezing your hand once again.
"yes that's perfect. let's make it happen." your eyes widened and you were met with her mischievous smirk.
damn you yunjin.
are the dating rumours even rumours at this point we're witnessing y/n's gay panic, live plz yunjin is such a flirt
"we should probably find our way back to civilisation first." you stated, hoping the inevitable blush in your cheeks wasn't too noticeable.
"that's true...maybe instead of going on live we should've called chaewon...?"
"wait why didn't we think of that first? your stupidness is rubbing off on me yunjin." you reached for the phone in your coat pocket, only to find many...many missed calls from your members. yunjin nervously chuckled beside you, also witnessing the horror.
"this is definitely because of your stupidness. why was your phone on 'do not disturb'?" she exclaimed.
"i was trying to experience nature properly!"
when the cottage-core liftestyle backfires because you're literally an idol
"okay everyone, you're about to witness y/n being torn to shreds by chaewon-unnie. prepare to be entertained."
you shot yunjin a dark glare before calling chaewon, the hollow ringing sending cold waves of fear through your body.
"y/n! where the hell are you?? why weren't you answering?! are you seriously on live right now!?"
"uh hi chae..." you glanced to yunjin for help but she simply shrugged angling the camera to show your panicked face instead. "we just got a bit sidetracked..."
"sidetracked??? you went missing and decided to do a livestream! i'm literally going to start developing grey hairs because of you two."
"i'm sorry chae, we're on our way back now...i think."
"you think?! please don't tell me you need a search team to go after you..."
"a search team?? wait... omg i think i see some cars."
yunjin swivelled her head in the same direction as you then gasped, physically jumping for joy.
"yunjin and y/n have navigated the perilous journey and return unscathed." she addressed the viewers as if she were a sports commentator.
you were literally walking for 5 minutes yay! power couple these two are perfect for each other poor chaewon LMAO
"oh thank god." chaewon sighed. "we're waiting by the car. remind me to get you guys those backpack leashes next time." and with that, she hung up.
you and yunjin took one look at each other before bursting into laughter.
"alright guys, sorry this was brief but hopefully you found it entertaining." you told the viewers.
"if you don't see us shitposting on twitter later, assume that foul play is involved by the hands of chaewon-unnie." yunjin added.
"mhm... okay, goodbye everyone! pray for us!" you and yunjin gave the camera a final enthusiastic wave before ending the live.
"that was fun." she stated before rejoining your hands. the action catching you off-guard since the live had ended, but you certainly weren't complaining.
"i reckon we should get lost together more often." you replied.
"in each other's eyes." yunjin wiggled her eyebrows, referring to the earlier comment causing you both to giggle.
"i have no objections."
"hm..." yunjin squeezed your hand, leaning slightly further into you. you squeezed back and relished in the closeness. "can we call our grumpy cat chaewon?" she mused after a moment.
"oh absolutely."
your eyes met once again, this time exchanging an unspoken feeling of adoration.
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carowleysposts · 7 months
When I tell you I NEED Aziraphale and Crowley to kiss again, I mean it.
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Anyone who thinks asexual people don’t kiss (or don’t have sex, but that’s not the point of this post) is misinformed. Asexual people - or celestial beings, for that matter - absolutely can and do express feelings and desires by acting physically upon them. Many ace people enjoy the sensations, the nuances, the feelings involved in the physical expressions of love - the only difference is HOW they experience attraction, which has NOTHING to do with kissing or sex, but with what motivates wanting to do those things.
With that said, let’s go back to everyone’s favorite idiots: Aziraphale and Crowley.
During their kiss, you can literally see them pulling each other in, like they need to be as close as physically possible in that moment. You can see it as Aziraphale embraces Crowley for a split second, and you can see it as Crowley throws himself onto Aziraphale more and more during the kiss. He can’t even pull back for a single second, not even to adjust to the kiss - he just GLUES his lips to Aziraphale’s.
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Aziraphale’s look after the kiss CANONICALLY means “do it again, please, right now”, as Rob Wilkins already clarified. And that is writing perfection. It creates the angst - the cue - we need to make sure a second kiss - the reward - happens. I’ve been saying this in almost every post, but here i go again: the whole point of angst is that it HAS to pay off eventually, it HAS to be followed by relief, otherwise it’s just angst for the sake of angst.
Aziraphale mouths “no” as Crowley is leaving. He doesn’t say it, but he wants to. Whatever that means, whatever the reason for the “rejection” after the kiss was, the kiss changed something. He wasn’t expecting it, but he was heartbroken to see that Crowley thought he didn’t want it. You can see him not being able to keep his eyes off the door - and later on, off the window he can see Crowley through. He almost changes his mind - and that is still true even if he had a plan all along, he didn’t think Crowley would KISS him and that blows his mind.
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He touches his lips after Crowley leaves. He relives that moment by doing so, but also realizes something completely new: Crowley did what Aziraphale had spent millennia wishing for him to do, but did it in the worst possible moment. He almost loses the strength to carry on with whatever it is his plan required. But he doesn’t. He pulls it together, and goes back to heaven.
Wether Crowley knows he has a plan (the “trust me” theory) or believes he was truly rejected, they both know they crossed that line for good. They both know that, if they’re ever reunited, they will never be able to act like platonic friends again. Aziraphale, in a beautifully made parallel to the ox rib scene, realizes he had been starving for Crowley’s touch. And that is just absolutely beautiful.
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If you’ve seen my post about why this couple NEEDS a happy ending, you already know why i think Good Omens is the perfect show to give queer couples back their hopes for love. I think we are all tired of the tragic gays / couple baiting fictional couples. Now we need the happily ever after. The fairytale. The cheesy, chaotic, rom-com-y, EPIC resolution. We NEED them to kiss again. We NEED them to be happy.
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essycogany · 24 days
Why Sonic Prime Shouldn’t Be Canon
There will be 0 disrespect to anyone involved in this post.
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Think whatever you want to think and make your own conclusions after reading this. Prime is an entertaining show. This is only for whoever wonders why I talk about this show a certain way. Yes, the consistency in the franchise is already shattered to pieces, (no pun intended) but the excuse implies the mistakes in the past shouldn’t be improved upon. Making things worst doesn’t fix anything. Also, give the franchise a little credit, there’s more obvious reasons to believe this show isn’t canon then stuff in the games and IDW.
Why Are We Told Prime Is Canon
1. The writer for the games/comics and the director stated Prime was canon. I assume in order to sell the show and make it seem more important than it is. That’s not even an insult because so far, Prime impacts nothing in canon.
Ian Flynn: “It doesn’t matter, b/c Prime wipes itself out. It’s something after Advance 3, but otherwise, it’s moot. I didn’t want to sour anyone’s expectations or investment by spoiling how Prime resolves, that’s all. If you enjoyed it, awesom. Savor it. If you didn’t, then you can safely ignore it. Simple as that.”
2. While I don’t remember who said this, it’s also been stated Prime went through changes. It was originally meant to be written as its own thing and hilariously ended up feeling less canon because of this change. Which you’ll probably notice in a bit. Long story short Sonic Prime, like the movies and shows, is a disposable adaptation you can love or hate.
3. Aside from Sonic and Shadow, you aren’t able to spend enough time with the OG cast or world, so you’d need to know and understand them outside of Prime. Which debatably isn’t enough, but that’s a can of worms I feel plenty have already opened up, so I’ll only simplify it later. In the end, the show never gets time to establish itself in the OG world. Which has a terrible impact on the writing, but let’s move on.
Side Note: No, the shatterverse crew don’t count in my opinion. While they are similar to the OGs they are still their own characters with separate personalities and issues in their own worlds. They are similar, but not the same.
Prime feels more like an origin story without the continuity of the games.
Example 1: Green Hill is Sonic and his friend’s home. Despite the games and IDW have them live everywhere that isn’t Green Hill. Classic timeline included. They barely talk about the place. I recommend watching “Where The Heck Does Sonic Live?” on YouTube. If you want the short of it, I’ll explain a few points and add my own as well.
Here’s most of the different homes these characters lived in.
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Station Square, the Mystic Ruins, Emerald Town, and others use to be homes they stayed in and they’re never mentioned. It’s like they put the modern cast into the classic timeline. Which still had them not live in Green Hill. Heck, Shadow, Rouge, and Big are shown in Green Hill too and they didn’t even exist during the classic era.
This is how Green Hill is seen in IDW.
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Sure looks like people use to live in this place. Sarcasm aside, Green Hill either wasn’t special enough for them to keep living in or they never lived there before and this was conjured up because Green Hill is constantly used in the games.
Even people who knows the bare minimum about Sonic lore would understand how baloney this is. Especially since Sonic and the gang has been established to be found in other places. Which is shown in the Origin cutscenes. They don’t clarify in the show who exactly lives in Green Hill and who doesn’t. They treat it like everyone’s home. Shows how much we know about these characters within Sonic Prime, doesn’t it?
Example 2: No other group of Sonic characters, locations, or worlds are ever mentioned/referenced. In Prime the blue blur meeting Chaos!Sonic should’ve reminded him of Metal!Sonic, but he talks as if he’s never seen another version of himself in his life. “Is that a… knock off me?” The lack of robot knowledge in this show is crazy when given more errors.
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“Robots without flickies? Now that’s new.” I believe everyone knows how false this line is. Also, Orbot and Cubot doesn’t exist until Colors. (though Orbot is in Unleashed) Which is a problem because Prime is suppose to take place directly after Advanced. Which had several games before Colors. Where they didn’t exist.
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Example 3: The OG cast though similar, still have their differences.
Big: He’s treated like a core member of the team when he’s not in anything else. Bro doesn’t even get much to do or say at all. He’s just there for the most part.
Knuckles: He meets Sonic in a completely different setting then in actual canon and doesn’t seem to live on Angel Island for some reason. At least not by what was shown.
Eggman: Still relatively fine, but teaming up with anyone even himself never turns out well. He usually doesn’t care for sharing his spotlight.
Rouge: Same thing as Big besides Dream Team. In the games/comics she usually does her own thing. And is also more sneaky and unpredictable while Prime shows off her more leadership side. She’s kind of half and half in the same to different category.
Tails: Surprisingly more closed off then usual and almost seems to switch sides with Sonic in the personality department. Emotionally that is.
Amy: She’s more of a motherly figure than anything else. Amy’s bird friend is pink instead of blue like in SA1. They also treat it like it’s always been with her but hasn’t. She’s also incredibly calm and collected compared to how she was during the 2000s. The time the Advance games where coming out. She was written pretty differently to say the least.
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Not to mention one line in the entire show is the only indication of Amy’s crush on Sonic. It was implied not shown.
Sonic: He’s almost treated as an amalgamation of different variations before him. Except it’s his first time getting into an issue he isn’t ready to handle. Because he caused it. On top of that, this guy also carries most of his friends emotional traits. Amys’ excitement, Tails’ saddens, and Knuckles’ anger. Here’s why.
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Prime!Sonic seems to be naturally affectionate then in canon since he hugs almost everyone in it. He’s also more emotionally triggered, childish, and inexperience while Game!Sonic isn’t. And has never been shown to be either. Not even in the IDW comics or games with Classic!Sonic. A younger version of him. Don’t get me started on the differences to the 2000 games like Advanced. Game!Sonic then was more introverted while Prime!Sonic is very extroverted. He also panics a bunch. As if he’s not use to terrible things happening frequently.
He can be very wimpy and whiny when it comes to confrontations. Which was never a thing before in any other media. At least not to the point where he’s begging and pleading to people over and over again. I’ll even admit this Sonic isn’t the smartest either. He’s the Sonic you’d be the most convinced to believe is a teenage boy. Besides Movie!Sonic.
Of course Prime!Sonic is still Sonic, but he’s as much of a Sonic as every other version of him. He’s not the same guy who use to not be a fan of hugs. Who can deal with atrocities without freaking out once. The character who hasn’t even officially cried up to this point. Who is just now starting to open up and is still having trouble with it. The silly hedgehog isn’t too out of character but is enough to not be called the same character. Sure, Sonic’s characterization is inconsistent in the games, but I’d say the 2010s is less out of character and more one noted. He at least carries these traits even if not written well.
- The “sentimental” line in S1 Ep6 is one of the few out of character things he says. Even if the blue blur thought this, he’d never say it out loud.
Shadow: He’s the best written character in the show. Not to mention the most accurate to how he is in canon. Even compared to some of the games and comics. He’s the true MVP of Sonic Prime and has the most common sense. I only hate how he’s literally pushed to the curve in every season. And how Shadow’s backstory is never referenced. Only implied by Sonic screaming his name when he plummets to his doom. But I’d argue that’s more so because Shadow is the last person left who isn’t implied to be dead. Sure, it reminds people of SA2, but that’s all it really is. A reminder not a direct reference.
I will clarify I don’t dislike the show for being different. I dislike the show calling itself canon despite it’s differences.
I know Prime “wipes itself out” but the original world doesn’t have the same continuity of the games either. The established world and lore in Prime is barely connected to the Games due to the writing, so wiping the shatterverse out doesn’t help. These may be small details but if you’re a person who might be interested in getting into the fandom it becomes small details that makes big differences.
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I’m not saying if you think the show is canon you’re wrong. Actually you are 100% correct. It’s been confirmed multiple times and the deed was already done. I just don't think it should be. Does it really matter? It depends on what you think. Is Sonic Prime being canon a bad thing? I’d say yes and no. While I don’t think it was the best move, as long as Sonic Prime exists on its own, there’s nothing to worry about. Prime being canon isn’t a crime. It just makes no sense. I’ll leave it at that.
Stay Creative! 💜
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steviewashere · 1 month
Balls in Laundry Baskets: An Apology Chp. 2
Rating: Teen and Up CW: None for this part, but check part one for the CWs that pertain to that one Tags: Post Season 4, Post Canon, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Arguing, Making Up, Apologizing, Steve Harrington & Lucas Sinclair Friendship, Eddie Munson Gets Put in His Place, Lucas Sinclair is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Protective Steve Harrington, Emotionally Hurt Lucas Sinclair, Emotionally Hurt Steve Harrington, Established Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Means Well He's Just Defensive, Hurt People Hurt Others
This is chapter two! Want to read chapter one? Click here.
Can also be read on AO3
🏀—————🏀 Eddie knew that Steve was right. He had to apologize. He had to mean it. And he can’t let Lucas think that his interests are unimportant to him.
What’s eating at him, though, is how exactly he’s going to prove his apology meaningful to Lucas. Whatever it means, he’ll do it. If Lucas wants him to beg for forgiveness, he can up the dramatics. If it means saying the words ‘I’m sorry,’ and then never seeing him again, then he’ll stomach that. But he doesn’t want Lucas out of his life. The sheepies are important to him. They matter to him on so many levels that they don’t know. 
So he’s got to prove himself. He’s got to mean it.
Which gives him a great idea. And it’s one he can share with Steve, now that they’re seeing each other again.
Steve picks him up from home. Drives out to their local diner. Orders them some food. And then Eddie leans in close across the table. “I’ve got an idea on how I can apologize,” he states.
“How’s that?” Steve hums. He drums his fingers against the table. Is feigning nonchalance, but the slight excitement in his eyes is enough to tell Eddie that he’s genuinely ready to listen.
“Okay, I was thinking,” he starts, “involving Lucas’s interests with mine. If, maybe, I decide to do Hellfire every other week instead of weekly. And on my off days, you and Lucas can show me the ropes of balls in laundry baskets.”
Briefly, Steve’s eyes widen and his eyebrows raise. All his minor movements slow to a stop. He leans away from his seat, across the table. Nearly nose to nose with Eddie. “You…you want to postpone Hellfire to practice basketball with Lucas and I?” He questions, clarifying.
Eddie leans back and nods. “Yeah. I figured the only way I’m going to make it up to Lucas is by showing him that I’m serious. And…maybe it’ll do me some good? Plus, the whole reason Lucas is mad at me is because I wouldn’t postpone Hellfire meetings. If I show to myself that I’m capable of doing so, while involving myself with basketball, then it can be a start?”
Steve leans away again, his eyes calculating. Eddie wants to chew on his fingernails or bite his tongue, but he sits patiently. Waits for what feels like an eternity before Steve gives a slow nod. He’s not sure if it’s out of approval or taking in the idea for what it is, but Eddie stirs something hopeful in his stomach.
However, the silence between them stretches. Steve’s eyes continue to roam. And the idea grows to be futile in his mind. Was it that bad, he has to wonder, am I still being an ass?
“Do you not like it?” He finally asks. Clasps his hands together, if only to keep them from sweating, jittering off his body, shaking like a leaf. “I can…I’ll think of something new if it’s that bad of an idea. Maybe I should just go to Lucas’s? Apologize to him there and then let him sit with it a few days, let him decide whether or not he still wants to…” he trails off. Eddie doesn’t particularly like the outcome that could be Lucas completely distancing himself, backing away from the tabletop game he loves and their already tentative friendship. But if it’s what he has to do, for his own sanity and his own hurt, then Eddie should just let him. Right?
He rubs a hand between his eyebrows and looks down at the tacky table. “Who am I kidding?” He mutters, “Lucas is never going to forgive me.”
“Hey,” Steve softly scolds. “He will, Eds.” His eyes cast to Eddie like beacons. Of hope, Eddie isn’t certain. But of love, probably.
His hand slides from his eyebrows to cover his mouth. Next words muffled to the skin of his palm. “But you’re right, y’know? I’ve basically sidelined Lucas entirely. Separated myself from what he loves all because of stupid high school hierarchies. Which is…ridiculous considering I try to think of myself as somebody who doesn’t put people in boxes. And, well, look at me,” he states, gesturing to himself, “Here I am, putting people in boxes.”
Steve’s breath does something sort of funny, a little stuttered puff. His foot connects with Eddie’s shin in a gentle kick. That makes him look back up. Where Steve’s eyes are once again calculating in the odd perceptive way they do—all big and shiny and unmistakeable. His mouth is pinched down into a soft scowl. Eddie has to swallow back a shiver, he’s never seen somebody look so adamantly offended on his behalf. 
“We all do it,” Steve finally says. His voice is measured and low. “Even when you think you don’t, you do. It’s just the nature of how you’ve had to survive your environment, I guess. So give yourself some credit—at least you’re willing to face the reality of what you’ve done, as immediate as it’s been shown to you.”
Eddie shrugs. “How else am I going to make it up to you two? Lucas especially. Not that—I mean, you’re hurt, too. You are and I made you feel like that and that’s—“ He stops himself from rambling any further with a dismissive wave of his hand. Sighs away a grievance, an irritation at himself. “But I want to try. I want to show that I am capable of indulging other people, despite what I’ve known. And…Basketball seems like the way to go, for now.”
Steve’s foot is still firmly pressed against his shin, but then it slides down, hooking itself around Eddie’s ankle. His left hand is scooped up by Steve’s right; a gentle squeeze. There’s a tentative, lopsided grin plastered to his face, squinting the corners of those perceptive eyes. “I’ll help you do it,” Steve states, “I was thinking of how to get Lucas, though.”
Humming, Eddie sits further back and thinks. Of every opportunity he has to see the kid. Or what would end in sure failure, based on the approach he uses. There’s fear that if he apologizes at Lucas’s house, that he’ll only be shunned and turned away. Maybe even the chance that Lucas will notice him through the window and refuse immediately to even open the front door. A sure knot begins to form in Eddie’s chest when he notices the ways of approach are dwindling between his fingers.
Before he can say anything else, though, Steve is already speaking for him. “We should just pick up Lucas from his house.”
“We?” Eddie asks, befuddled.
Steve nods, his eyebrows scrunching in blatant confusion, as if this should be obvious. “Well, yeah? Did you really think I’d let you do this alone? Besides, it’s best to have a mediator there just in case. And, not only would I be there to kind of relax the conversation, but it gives you a chance to show yourself to me, too, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Eddie mutters in turn. He fidgets with a straw wrapper from the soda he had, that Steve insisted he paid for. And swallows heavily. “Maybe you can…Would you help by maybe just bringing him here? And that’ll give me the chance to apologize to his face while also…I just don’t want to corner him at his house or in your car or something.”
Across the table, he watches Steve’s eyes relax. Something in them going soft and easy. A small nod. “I can do that,” he murmurs, “just stay here, go over what you want to say, and keep yourself calm.” His hand squeezes Eddie’s, fingers toying with his rings. Reassures, “This’ll work out. There’s no reason that it won’t.”
“It’ll resolve.” And his voice is like an anchor, something tangible and grounding.
For now, Eddie believes him. Because Steve hasn’t been wrong. Not yet, at least.
——— When Steve returns, it’s with Lucas in tow, just as Eddie asked. Granted, from what Eddie can see, Lucas has the appearance of somebody going on their first roller coaster ride—queasy before the ride even goes over the first hill of track. But it’s a miracle he’s here at all.
He finds himself straightening up in his booth seat, scooping the straw wrapper garbage to the side, even going as far as to untangle the ends of his hair. Wrestles his hands together so that they’re intertwined and heavy on the surface of the table. And flashes at the two of them, what he hopes, is a graceful and pleased smile.
Steve sits in the booth opposite of Eddie, against the wall. While Lucas joins him, also facing Eddie. And he realizes it for what it is: in case Lucas needs to claim bail and make his grand escape. Something turns over in Eddie’s chest, hot and hard like a freshly warmed piece of coal.
“Uh—Hey, Lucas,” he greets, choppy and clumsy. Good thing his hands are kneaded together like pretzels—they’d probably be glistening with sweat and shaking otherwise. His stomach tenses briefly at Lucas’s stare, stoic, yet calculating like Steve’s. Eddie takes a deep breath, it nearly wheezes right out of him. “Do you…I can get you something to snack on while we talk? Y’know, if you want?”
Lucas shakes his head. Swallows harshly, the sound carrying over the clatter of other diner’s eating, forks shifting on plates. “Nah, man,” he answers stiffly, “I just want to talk. Steve told me you had something to say?”
Eddie nods tersely. Brings his intertwined hands to his lips, just barely kissing his knuckles. Eyes darting over Lucas’s shoulder to the diner’s glass push door. Truth be told, he’s never been good at apologizing. More of a person who awkwardly says something good about a person before running in the other direction. But that’s reserved for people he’d be willing to see leave his life. Saved for people like his dad, a few old crotchy neighbors, the cops.
Not somebody like Lucas. A friend. Somebody Eddie wants to know until the end of time, see flourish, be proud of. Now, it should have started with attending the championship game, making time for the kid. But later is better than never. And Eddie’s great at being notoriously late—part of the reason he had to redo senior year three times.
He takes another deep breath and locks eyes with Lucas. Schools his expression to be empathetic, but not pleading. He has to do this right. And he has to be serious. Can’t joke his way out of this. Can’t explain away with supernatural bullshit. This has to come from him, he knows. Not The Freak. Not Edward. Just Eddie. His hands fall back to the surface of the table.
“I’m sorry,” he says immediately. “I’m sorry for not being a good friend. To either of you, but to you, Lucas, especially.” Eddie hates the way Lucas startles surprised. Bouncing on the vinyl of his seat, eyes widening beyond belief, nose flaring slightly with the purse to his lips. But he won’t say anything about it. Because if he loses track, if he stops talking, he knows this will be it.
He’ll lose Lucas. And he’ll lose Steve. He’ll lose all of the Hellfire boys.
Eddie will be just as lonely as the day he came back to Hawkins. When he moved in with Wayne. When he wouldn’t say anything more than: “Yes”, “No”, and “Whatever.”
“I’m sorry for being ignorant. And hypocritical. And abrasive about what you enjoy. There’s no excuse for my actions or my words. The only explanation I have is that I know what it’s like to be treated that way and I got overly defensive.” He shifts in his seat, eyes casting down to where Lucas and Steve’s hands rest on the table—palms flat and fingers spread wide. Solemnly, he murmurs, “People who have interests like the both of you have always shat on my likes. On Dungeons & Dragons and metal music and theater. But that should’ve never included the both of you.
“But, Lucas—“ And he makes sure his eye contact is firm, deep, and unbreaking. “—I never meant to make you feel…outcast, othered, or singular. Ever. But I did make you feel like that. Not only did I shun basketball, but I made your best friends and your sister play. And that wasn’t fair or right of me to do.
“I’m sorry, for all of that. For every bit of hurt I’ve made you feel.”
For a moment, there’s a long stretch of silence between the three of them. The white noise of the diner flittering through them. Plates and forks and mindless chatter. A staticky jukebox and a shitty rotating fan. Then, Steve’s foot slides under the table, pressing firmly into Eddie’s calf.
Lucas begins to open his mouth to say something. But Eddie beats him to it. Too afraid of what his response is.
“I’m going to prove myself to you,” Eddie promises.
He watches as Lucas’s eyebrows furrow. All his movements stop as he stares at Eddie. “Wh—What?” Lucas eventually chokes out, confusion clear in his voice.
So, Eddie repeats slowly, “I’m going to prove myself to you.” He separates his hands and taps his thumbs incessantly on the tacky tabletop. Wishes, briefly, that he had something to fidget with—a straw to chew on or a glass to pass back and forth. He continues, however, with a fierce, yet soft voice, “Hellfire is going to be moved to every other Friday. And on the days we aren’t playing D&D, you, Steve, and I are going to go to the park. To the basketball court. And I’m going to learn why you like playing basketball so much. I’m going to learn to indulge your interests, just as the both of you are indulging mine.”
And then, again, the silence envelops them. Across the table, he catches Steve’s eyes. There’s significant pride in them. A glow, a glisten to them. You did good, they say. Though it’s hard for Eddie to believe that, he tries to convey his gratitude with his own eyes. Because Lucas is still in front of him, quiet and absorbing.
Lucas’s mouth is twisted and his sight is down at his hands. But his breath is even and he isn’t making a swift exit, so Eddie counts that for something. Doesn’t take it as a win or as forgiveness, not yet. It’s good, though, that Lucas isn’t adamantly refusing him.
Though, Eddie recognizes, there’s still time. For their eyes to meet and for him to read every ounce of disproval Lucas has in store for him. To hear every note of bottled rage and pure, unadulterated hatred. He holds his breath. And in the time it takes for Lucas’s mouth to finally drop into something even more silent than the pervasive silence they’ve existed in, Eddie feels as though he’s facing the demobats again.
Like he’s noticing this window of opportunity. The great disaster that could come with it. The chance to let them have time before their friendship comes to an unsatisfied end. But he can take it, even as it brings tears to his eyes, he’ll take it. He’ll stomach when and if Lucas leans over to Steve and whispers something that’s lost in the scrapes of silverware—and as the softest of scowls form—and as Lucas’s back disappears into the confined space of Steve’s car. And with it: all the love he’s received, and all the love he has to give for the people he’s met—who he cherishes, even when they were in a moment of deep, disturbing crisis.
Finally, Lucas breathes, “Okay.”
And Eddie’s heart clenches as if a mighty fist has grasped for it. As if that fist has it in its hold, still beating, but now bleeding.
“I’ll let you prove yourself to me,” Lucas continues on, “but if you make a point to complain, criticize, or refuse any of what Steve and I do—then I…I won’t hold my breath and wait for you to be a good friend.” His eyes are so expressive, even as the rest of his face sits blank. Deep and promising. Fierce, protective.
God, Eddie realizes, he actually fucking means that. Though it hurts to hear, what he’s feared this entire time, he understands it.
“And…” Eddie steels himself, focusing in on Lucas. Only Lucas. “…I appreciate what you’ve said, but I’m not ready to accept it.”
“That’s fine,” Eddie rushes to say, “I didn’t expect you to forgive me, Lucas. I just wanted you listen to me. Let you decide, y’know, what’s worth the trouble.”
Lucas hums. “This Thursday, three in the afternoon. Wear something comfortable, something you can move in, and bring some water. Meet me on the court,” he says quickly before he stands. Towering over the table, his eyes fierce again and defensive. He slaps a hand on the back of Eddie’s left shoulder. His hand squeezes where it rests and Eddie can feel every ounce of tension leak out of Lucas and into his own body. “Thanks again, man, for apologizing. I’m not ready, but I’m sure I will be.”
“I’ll be there, Lucas,” he promises. “You matter to me and it’s time I show that.”
An affirmative, single nod from Lucas. And then his hand falls away from Eddie’s shoulder. He doesn’t spare a glance anywhere else. His eyes calculating again, just as Steve’s were doing earlier. He must see something because he’s turning back to Steve, his body looser and his face easier. “Thank you,” he mutters, “for what you’ve done for me.”
Steve dawns a soft smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling with it. Eddie wraps his own foot around Steve’s ankle, a gesture of: You did good. “‘Course, Lucas. You and your interests deserve respect, for somebody to care,” he responds.
Lucas shares the same smile. “Means a lot,” he sheepishly says. Then, his watch unceremoniously beeps, interrupting the rest of this interaction. He quickly silences it and looks back to the two of them at the table. “I’ve gotta go. Max and I have been reading comic books again, but she needs me to describe the panels to her.”
“Need a ride?” Steve asks.
But Lucas is already turning away from them. “Nah, it’s alright. It’s only a ten minute walk from here, no worries.” And then he’s off, gone without a trace.
Though, his presence is felt in the warmth glowing in Eddie’s chest. He gets a second chance to be Lucas’s friend. And he’s not going to waste it.
“Proud of you,” Steve says when Eddie turns his head back to the table. He can only furrow his eyebrows in response. Steve knocks his foot against Eddie’s leg again. “Well, I don’t know if any of that was planned or if you’re really just good at improv, but that was good. You didn’t excuse yourself, didn’t bulldoze over anything, showed your intentions. Something to be proud of, that’s all I’m saying.”
“Yeah, well, I needed to be quick and honest or else I was going to lose him.”
“It’s still great,” Steve murmurs, “took me literal years to get over my bullshit. You’re making record breaking changes, babe. Not exactly something to brush off.”
Eddie shrugs. “You guys matter to me. And I’m a grown fucking adult. The winds of change were bound to hit me sooner or later.” He sighs, a breath that rushes from him like sudden rain. Relief. “Thank you for getting on me about it, though. Really gave me the knock on my head I needed to notice the reality of things.”
“Everybody needs a knock to the head every once in a while,” Steve jokes. “I know a lot about that.”
“Let me take you home and show you how thankful I am?”
Steve’s face flushes, a grin splitting him in two. “Need a personal trainer for basketball?”
Eddie rolls his eyes. Shuffles out of his seat. “Let’s go, dork. Show me all your special stretches.”
🏀—————🏀 I've got one more chapter in me for this fic, but I hope y'all are enjoying it so far! <3
Taglist (open for chapter three): @wonderland-girl143-blog @tinyplanet95 @sharingisntkaren @ghostquer @practicallybegging
@croatoan-like-its-hot @reinedeslys-central @scoops-aboy86 @imfinereallyy
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EXCUSE ME I only got to the first panel and had to scream
But I suppose I should actually read the page too.
Where do we even start.
Yuuko’s talking about the Jam Jar and explains that it was “entrusted to me by the flesh and blood relations of the two of them.”
And the [two of them] seems to be referring to Lava Lamp’s parents, judging by the rest of the page (unless there are even MORE Syaorans and Sakuras floating around but I'm not even considering that yet). But immediately PULL THE BREAK. PULL EVERY BREAK. LET’S STOP RIGHT HERE. 
The panel that mentions the “blood relations” of [the two of them] shows Touya and Yukito from behind. Touya and Yukito specifically in regular, modern clothes. 
And I completely lose it.
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We’ve done this dance before.
Lava Lamp’s backstory was FULL of references that seemed to imply (on purpose) that Cardcaptor Sakura was the origin of his parents, with JUST enough small inconsistencies to show that that’s PROBABLY not actually who they are, YET THEY CONTINUED to tease it as the real answer.
And EVEN HERE they're doing it again. 
They show us a Touya and Yukito who 1 to 1 look like their Cardcaptor Sakura counterparts, in modern clothing - but FROM BEHIND, to add a little bit of doubt. The story is lining up all the pieces so that once again it looks like CCS Touya and Yukito gave Yuuko the Jam Jar - and that it's potentially CCS Sakura and Syaoran in the Jam Jar, who have never met Yuuko, but still turned back time, even if it meant “distancing themselves from their own children”. 
MORE - THEY SHOW US THE MAGIC CIRCLES. Sakura stands on Syaoran’s magic circle and Syaoran stands on CARDCAPTOR SAKURA’S MAGIC CIRCLE. And even though people argue with me over this I will stand by the fact that we have canonically only seen this magic circle for Cardcaptor Sakura at this point in the story. It is her UNIQUE magic circle she created on her own. That’s the only place we have seen it. 
And, yes! From a wider universe perspective it’s possible that Sakura’s Unique Magic Circle is Actually Not Unique and Other Sakura’s Also Have The Same Magic Circle, but we don’t know that yet. We've seen Xing Huo, for example, using the Reed magic circle. Which could be for many many reasons, but on the simplest level it's an example of Another Sakura using a magic circle that is Not the one implied to be unique to Cardcaptor Sakura.
And do I think Lava Lamp's mother is Cardcaptor Sakura? No!
But what we do know is that Clamp are having the TIME OF THEIR LIVES showing us glimpses of symbols and characters KNOWING That it all points directly towards Cardcaptor Sakura
 EVEN THOUGH IT COULDN’T REALISTICALLY BE HER. But with enough doubt in place for the thoughts of "OR COULD IT?" to be just as valid at this point.
AND JUST. Even though I know it’s most likely not actually them, is just genuinely so much fun to see them that I don’t even mind. 
Lie to me Clamp! Lead me to the wrong conclusion! I will have a fantastic time even if I don’t actually believe you. 
Also I am absolutely not receiving any comments that clarify who they are at this time thank you. 
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basilone · 1 month
Folks, I hope whichever writing you’re working on today creates joy for you!
Just this past week, I wrote a good 3k worth of words that were born from an idea 2AM me had. 2AM me is a different animal, you know. 😉 2AM me does not really care about what I’m “supposed to be working on”. 2AM me sees my prompt-filled inbox and shrugs at it. 2AM me has never met an outline she can’t ruin, has never encountered writer’s block once she gets going, and has most certainly never given a hoot about if there are going to be people willing to read the thing. 2AM me cares about one thing and one thing only: does writing this vague idea fill me with complete and utter joy?
So. Here I am. 3k words into a mafia AU that will likely not see publication beyond a groupchat with friends. 3k words into a story that features no canon characters from the shows we love, but features several of my original characters instead. 3k words into a story that is, in no particular order, doing the following: feeding my love for particular tropes, allowing me to explore my OCs in a different setting, giving me a better handle on how my OCs express certain emotions and ideas, fueling and clarifying certain aspects of the main fic these OCs inhabit, and taking away all my self-imposed pressures about needing to have a finished and publishable story as “proof” that I have spent my precious free time well by being productive.
And, friends, I’m having a blast. I’ve talked some of my friends to death about this already because I’m so excited. I’ve spent more time working on the outline for my actual fic in this past week than I have in all the weeks of this year so far because writing this silly AU gave me the confidence boost to sit down and figure that out. (That pesky outline that's been eluding me for months? Pretty much complete at the time I write this.) I’ve gained a truckload of stuff to use as special tools that will help other writing later on. And it’s all made possible because 2AM me had an idea and morning me went “well okay why not try it on for size just once”.
So, I’m writing you a permission slip. Work on what sparks joy. Work on something that inspires love in you for an aspect of your storytelling, for your characters, for the world you’re creating in. Forget about your inbox and comments and requests. Forget about your WIPs you’re either rotating in your head or threatening to smack like a piñata until the complete fic rolls out. Forget about prompts, polls, and whatever you think people’s expectations of your writing are. Work on the little idea you can’t shake, the OC that’s bugging you, the ship that won’t let go, the AU that can fit soooooo many tropes in it, and I promise you that all your other writing is going to fall into place too.
Give yourself the opportunity to love and be joyful about your creativity! I’m allowing it! 💙
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What makes you know hobie is 18 or above? And not the in the same age range as miles and gwen
Honestly, great question. And the answer is:
I Don't Know Jack Shit. So jot that down.
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Additionally, anyone telling you they DO know Jack Shit is a liar. Jot that down too.
[I may go a little Miguel Mode at the end of you know what I mean]
I personally operate under the headcanon that Hobie is over 18.
Why? He says he goes to pubs. You need to be over 18 to do that. The End.
You can headcanon that he has a fake id or simply finds himself in pubs while underage - and that's completely valid. Go ahead. You can headcanon he has a mfing tail. I can't stop you and we haven't seen his ass so maybe he do, who knows.
But my headcanon is just that. And to me - until Hobie's age is clearly displayed and mentioned on screen, then it'll always be a headcanon.
No matter what age you headcanon him as - if you think you KNOW his age, you're probably wrong. And I mean that.
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The ATSV describes him as a 'slightly older boy'. Case closed, right? He's a minor then.
Nah, three lines later they say he's MUCH older than Miles....literally contradicting themselves within the same paragraph.
[And the funny thing is - I've seen the artbook used as evidence in the argument multiple times. Even though it literally contradicts itself. And every single time I'm like 'bruh did you even read the full page come on now'.]
Case in point, if you think you KNOW Hobie's age when 1) it's not stated on screen and 2) even the official external material gives conflicting information - you're just wrong. You can't know a theoretical number. And you can't be wrong about a theoretical number.
It's Schrodinger's age.
Example: A character is shown to be in High School. They live in New Jersey where the driving age is 16. If a fanfic writer has the character say "I can't do that, I can't drive yet.", is the fanfic writer canonically wrong? No. Because the character could reasonably be above OR below the driving age, either 14-18. Even if the director mentions the character having a sweet-16 that is never mentioned in the show, it's not screen-canon and the average viewer will not know the character is definitely over 16. Therefore they can reasonable be 15.
"But the director said-"
Don't care. Not weighted canon unless stated on-screen.
Maybe this is a controversial opinion. But if it's not on screen, I can't say it's canon.
Sure, the director may have said in an outside interview that Hobie's conceptually 19-20 -
But a normal person who goes to see the movie, and comes home to write fanfiction isn't going to know what.
They shouldn't have to dig through all conceptual and external content of a specific character in order to be deemed 'acceptable' and knowledgeable enough to write about them.
A person who watches the movie and writes solely based off of what the movie says about Hobie shouldn't be harassed or told they're wrong because they didn't listen to a podcast of a director who's name they don't even know.
There's no pass that says 'Okay you've done enough research about Hobie to write about him, congrats-'
If it's not in the movie, show, book, etc - a fan should not be required to seek out that information to be caught up to speed. External information is supplemental, not a part of the hole.
If it's not in the movie - It DOESN'T MATTER.
ATSV is a very well written movie. Every line is used for the purpose of telling the story. Especially Hobie's.
They didn't tell us Hobie's age because it didn't matter to the story. And it shouldn't matter to you.
If the writers didn't care enough to take time out to clarify his age, then it makes no sense to spend take arguing about it.
They obviously don't find it important. Because it isn't. It doesn't matter to the story at all.
Hobie's age doesn't matter to the 'love triangle'. Although the film is narrated by Gwen, we largely see it from Miles' point of view. And the 'love triangle' only exists when Mile has no concept of who Hobie is.
Miles doesn't know Hobie. So him questioning a love triangle happens regardless of whether Hobie is an adult or not. Miles doesn't know, neither do we.
The 'Hobie' in the 'love triangle' is an empty-shell of the mystery of who Hobie COULD be. The moment Hobie takes off the mask and we're revealed to the real him - the illusion of who he could've been is shattered for both us and Miles.
Because his age isn't stated, it has no bearing on Miles' perception of him. Miles don't know shit. Neither do we.
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Also you people should be fucking grateful GODDAMN WTF
If you deadass beef about this you one ungrateful mfer i swear. Take offense. All offense.
We have a black, attractive, educated, useful, respected character in an animated movie that's available for ANY SHIP with ANY character and what do you people do??? - you argue.
Why? Explain to me why.
You should be happy it's up to interpretation and not definitely stated that you were wrong. At any time the creators could just put it in the next movie and make you look stupid.
You could be out there enjoying any ship of your choosing; with any character you enjoy him with - regardless of age. But no, instead of enjoying the ship that's available to you, you antagonize others.
Sit there and eat your mfing salad you INGRATE
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Be grateful we have a character with such free range of shipping. A character that's un-aged and doesn't have a specific gender preference. BE THANKFUL.
You like Gwen x Hobie. Great. You argue with people and harass people who think Hobie's an adult??? - What if Hobie deadass looked in the camera next movie and said "I'm 19 also I'm gay." You'd look dumb as hell.
But they didn't do that. They left it unstated for you to go and enjoy your Hobie x Gwen or Hobie x Miguel or Hobie x whoever the hell.
I'm thankful everyday they didn't say his age because I don't make OCs that go to high school because I'm 24 and hate high school. And guess what, I can do that.
Him and Diane can just hang out on the houseboat all day cause they're grown ass adults with no place to be. Isn't that swell?
Stop playing with me and enjoy the goddamn shipping buffet. Christ almighty
All in all - I don't know shit. You don't know shit. And it's okay to not know shit.
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Get comfortable with saying "I'm not the authority on this." or better yet "I don't know shit about nothing."
I love him to death, but I am not the authority on Hobie Brown.
For me - I know he said he goes to pubs and I know I wanted to ship him with Diane. Personality wise, Diane is 19. So Hobie is 19.
But I don't know anything about his age. No one does.
I'm just cute and like to share headcanons. Hobie Brown as of right now doesn't have an age. And that's fine. Cause he ain't real.
If you made it this far ummmmmm Here he is. I'm giving you this photo under the condition that you'll act right and enjoy him in a ship of your choosing if you'd like to do that.
Now lets sit here, and eat this ship salad.
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[me making sure ur enjoying ur shipping salad]
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pokemon-ash-aus · 7 months
Your Dead AU gives me brain rot. I dunno if this was asked yet or not, but I wanted to know your thoughts on Ash’s other rivals finding out about his status as deceased. Hypothetical what-it’s if you don’t honestly see them finding out for one reason or another in canon to the AU, but I’m curious as to your thoughts on how they’d find out.
I guess I should better specify Barry, Paul, Trip, and Alain, how they’d react to Ash’s being dead?
Barry doesn't believe it at all. Even when given hard definitive truth, he's under the assumption that all of this? All this deadness? It's just a cruel prank that needs to be fined for!
Paul... I imagine Paul is the one to outright calling him pathetic for dying so soon. It's both malicious in intent and not.
He wants to call Ash Pathetic, he wants to make him hurt and make him feel inferior. He wants to revel that Ash will never succeed with the methods he's going by.
But Paul isnt a cruel person by nature. The moment he says it, he's filled wih so much dread and disgust. He just called a dead person pathetic for... For DYING, nothing on his actions or movements. He's just pathetic for dying.
He avoids Ash for awhile after that. Even when Ash instigates. It's just that much level of disgust with himself. Eventually he does apologize. I can see it being at the league. When he walks up to Ash after loosing their battle and apologizes without any eyes or ears around. He's not good at it.
"That really hurt me." Ash grimaces. "Ive never been called Pathetic for Dying..."
"Im sorry you felt that way." Paul tries. "I didnt mean to say it the way i did."
Its a lot of awkward dancing before Ash realizes Paul is really Socially inept and has to clarify. It's a shitty apology for a Shitty action, but Paul is absolutely trying and Ash cannot fault him for that.
Trip. See my bias shows here because I absolutely believe Trip is 100% an asshole Racist.
But would Trip insult Ash's dead status? I think so. I think he'd sprinkle it in with all his other racists remarks. Never outright outing him, but also never letting him forget that Trip KNOWS.
And fuck if that doesnt wear Ash down. And When Iris and Cilan find out, they back Ash up without a thought but it doesnt erase how much Trip taunts how Ash died. Doesnt erase that Trip continuously makes snide remarks about it.
I think this is the one and only time Ash truly uses his own abilities and powers to make Trip HURT.
And it doesnt even give him any satisfaction! Cause Trip had successfully made him feel disgusted by his own dead status. Something mind you, he had been over for fucking YEARS, by that point!
So yeah I think Trip is the worst one and my bias will not falter.
Alain. I imagine he finds out at the BRINK of Ash getting mind controlled. And he's fucking horrified. He truly does believe that He led Ash to his death and then his partner Pikachu as well.
Just fully goes into Shock after everything calms down.
He killed someone he considered a friend.
He killed them.
And Even through soft reassurances from everyone else, it weighs so heavily on his mind. It takes Ash slapping him for him to come back to a reality where he can actually understand what their saying.
And Then Ash explains it all, how he died, how long its been, and NO Alain did not kill him, but the backstabbing was painful as shit and that would take time for Ash to get over.
Alain both believes it and doesnt, but he's still horrified his friend is fucking DEAD.
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alice-after-dark · 4 days
back at it again with my shitty fandom hottakes — if you’re still accepting asks about the whole “canon v. fanon” thing, that is — because i have ✨ opinions ✨ that have been ruminating in my head for a while now and i kind of wanted to throw them out into the void (i DO humbly apologise for the length — i have more than one talking point and am not known for my brevity lol)
(1) Alastor being sex-repulsed, or just sex negative in general.
yeah, we’re getting the controversial one out of the way first: probably should clarify that i personally AM a sex-repulsed aroace and therefore, i can See why people, including our fellow aces, naturally come to this conclusion — really, it’s only when people tote this statement as fact *specifically* to deter shipping that annoys the hell out of me. Alastor is a mysterious character: we REALLY don’t know much of anything about him in the grand scheme of things beyond what he *chooses* to reveal and that includes the matter of his sexuality — and frankly, he doesn’t reveal much of anything on that front, man doesn’t even know what an “asexual” *is*, XD. Most evidence I’ve seen citing his so-called sex repulsion that *isn’t* just dubiously canon at best supplemental material such as the Hunnicast or simply headcanon being repackaged as fact are the two scenes where Alastor turns down Angel Dust — a character who, especially at that point in the narrative, is VERY forward in his hypersexuality. The thing that i just don’t see a lot of people acknowledge, however, is: (1) Alastor turns him down, yes, but not in any way that would characterize him as being *particularly* sex negative (“Ha! *No.*”/“Haha! Never going to happen!”), he’s just bluntly rejecting Angel Specifically; and (2) Husk *also* rejected Angel and far more overtly before the two started to genuinely bond + is much more open about his discomfort with Niffty’s kinks, and yet he isn’t treated as sex-repulsed by the much of fandom — quite the opposite, in fact. Frankly, while i can *see* the reasoning behind portraying Alastor as sex-repulsed, the idea of him being this sex negative person who lashes out or faints at the notion of literally *anything* that can be perceived as sexual to be laughable when you consider his long-lived friendship with Mimzy — a *flapper* — and that he grew up in a period of great sex revolution in the United States: just because the 1920s is considered “prudish” by today’s standards doesn’t negate that fact; i can easily see Alastor as being repressed as a consequence of the time period and his unwillingness to adapt, but not to the extent that he’ll keel over seeing a fucking ankle getting flashed or while getting hit on — he *is* an adult, after all, and has had plenty of time to adjust to Hell’s general hedonism while not partaking in it himself.
(2) the infantilization of Charlie, Niffty, and Velvette. pretty self explanatory, i think: fandom in *general* has a pretty glaring issue of treating happy-go-lucky or just...short characters, especially women or neurodivergent characters, like children and it’s not *just* limited to hazbin fandom — it just makes me sad.
Charlie gets it slightly less *severely* compared to the other two, i believe, but i still see it crop of in some sects: yes, she’s clearly sheltered, and yes, she wears her heart on her sleeve to her detriment, but she’s also a grown ass woman (Faustisse — who i don’t personally consider a reliable source for most things relating to the current day show by virtue to them having left the project in 2020 — has stated that she is around 200 years old, so i’m going with the general assumption she’s older than MOST sinners here) and she *is* trying to run a business beyond feel good therapy exercises, however messily because, frankly, she isn’t particularly *good* at doing business: still, i see certain sects of the fandom treat and portray her as having the naivety of a child, reducing her to an “uwu smol bean” blindly trusting even the shadiest of fuckers like Alastor without any hesitation or critical thinking whatsoever under the notion of “well, EVERYONE can be redeemed” and relegating characters like Vaggie to be glorified babysitters at *best*: in canon, yes her ideas of redemption aren’t particularly well-rounded *yet* and it’s clear there’s a disconnect between her and other sinners due to her upbringing, but she *isn’t* an idiot — she’s well aware Alastor is shifty as fuck and doesn’t have her best interests at heart no matter how much she hopes he secretly *does* care, that’s *why* she held off on making any deals with him until she was driven into a corner, and she has no problem calling people out on their shittiness or showing her teeth just because she leans more towards pacifism compared to the rest of the cast.
Niffty, frankly, isn’t treated *much* better in canon compared to fandom, but that’s honestly a rant for a *different* day: it’s obvious she likely has SOME kind of disorder to explain much of her more eccentric behaviour, frankly we can speculate but we simply won’t know for sure until we know more about her in general, which *may* come in s2 considering where things left off with her. Oftentimes in fanon, she’s pigeonholed into simply being “Alastor’s hypomanic daughter” rather than her own individual character, which is a shame — it’s obvious the two have an amicable relationship despite her being his thrall, but it doesn’t read as particularly familial to me personally beyond him finding her antics amusing (and in a, frankly, patronizing way typical of Alastor) — and she’s regularly coddled, not allowed to have relationships with other characters *beyond* a parental dynamic with deerboi or husk: despite the actual show pointing to her having, at the very least, a friendly relationship with Mimzy and the rest of the hotel’s guests, and her being a former housewife who’s explicitly into hardcore kink/BDSM.
Velvette getting this treatment is the most egregious to me, tbh: i’ve frequently seen her be boiled down to being staticmoth’s glorified wingwoman/their daughter rather than their *equal* and business partner — frankly, i think people hear that she was the “youngest Overlord” and took that in the most literal way possible to portray her as a glorified teenager, her being a social media influencer not helping matters in that regard because people tend to subconsciously associate social media primarily with teenage girls due to bias. i can’t speak on *some* aspects of her infantilization in fandom that gives me a particular case of the “ick”, but I can’t help but be bothered by it showing up even in work I *enjoy*. Food for thought, all that jazz.
(3) Vox being portrayed as this overly flirtatious and horny 24/7 voyeur creep guy, *especially* around Alastor. this may just be my bisexuality speaking, but it just...*doesn’t* sit well with me when so far the only *confirmed* bisexual male character in the show is written with this sleazy behaviour he doesn’t exhibit in the show proper — yes, he’s suave and charismatic, and clearly not a prude considering his frenching with Val and...well, Val: “[which whore] could i be talking about?!” Vox: [points to self], and yes, he runs surveillance literally *everywhere*, but...[sighs] He Would Not Fucking Say That, guys — where at *best*, he’s a horndog, and at worst, an outright rapist, who’s *solely* driven by his obsession with Alastor and fuck the rest of his character, i guess. It just...makes me uncomfortable. but hey, that’s just me.
(christ on a stick this is a lot, i am so, so sorry :skull:)
Oh, MK, this was delicious. Do not apologize for the length, I am absolutely delighted. I am always interested in hearing peoples’ hot takes!
(1) Alastor being sex-repulsed, or just sex negative in general.
I totally get you on this one and honestly, I never thought about the Husk angle but you’re absolutely right. Husk rejects Angel way more often that Alastor and yet I have never seen Husk labeled as sex-repulsed, yet Alastor is labeled as that for…doing the exact same thing? What? I’m asexual and possibly aromantic myself, and this just rubs me the wrong way with people just assuming because he’s asexual that he doesn’t like sex full-stop. Not how it works.
I also really like how you point out the historical context of it. The 1920s were a time, man. This fic explores some of the crazy things that went down in the 1920s and it’s wild. But yeah, the idea that he would freak out over any little sexual thing (which…we actively see him not do?) is frustrating and kind of makes him out to be this delicate flower whose innocence must be protected.
Now, if people want to make him sex repulsed for various reasons, then go right ahead, but I definitely agree that it irks me when I see people trying to use it as an argument against literally any ship with Alastor.
(2) the infantilization of Charlie, Niffty, and Velvette.
Yeah, I definitely see this. Charlie is naive, but it gets ramped up a lot. People forget she is literally now an official war veteran and has actually led an army into battle. She is an overwhelmingly positive character, yes, but she’s not an infant. We even saw in the pilot that she was cautious and hesitant to even speak to Alastor, let alone make a deal with him (she slammed the door in his face twice). She is kind and emotional and optimistic, but she’s not stupid. She wants to see the best in everyone. This doesn’t make her a child. And like you said, we see her demon side come out when she’s angry. She’s not above getting pissed and letting it show when she really wants to.
I think people honestly forget that Niffty is not a child. She looks like one, but yeah no she’s an adult. Like you pointed out, this is done pretty frequently in canon and fanon. I honestly like her and Alastor more as friends than as a parental relationship, someone who entertains him and he genuinely enjoys the company of. I do hope we get to see a little bit more of her being an actual character in season 2 because I do love her and want to see better for her.
Velvette is complicated for me as the Instagram kind of did set her up as their daughter, so I think a lot of people got used to that concept. But honestly? I prefer them as equals. I can see Vox taking on more of a mentor role with her when they first started out while Valentino was more her creative BFF, but ultimately she is shown to be a capable character who can stand on her own two feet. I do think the whole social media thing and her being the youngest plays into her infantilization alongside her previous incarnation, but I definitely prefer her as an equal player in the game.
(3) Vox being portrayed as this overly flirtatious and horny 24/7 voyeur creep guy, especially around Alastor.
Fucking THIS. Okay, gonna just jump forward a bit here, but people calling him a creepy horny voyeur because of the cameras bothers me so much. HE. IS. A. CONTROL. FREAK. Those cameras aren’t for him to jack off to! They’re literally to siphon information and blackmail and anything else useful. He is a connoisseur of information. Literally every instance where we see him using his camera, HE IS INFO GATHERING. The one exception is when he is watching Alastor’s fight with Adam and that is clearly outside his norm. That being said, I think people take that scene and run with it, especially his comment about being “so hard right now,” which I think is ridiculous. He’s exaggerating, he’s having fun and joking around because the guy he hates is getting his ass handed to him. And the idea that his obsession with Alastor rules his brain 24/7 is a hard pass for me. The man is the CEO of a media and technological empire. He does not have the time to devote his every waking moment to obsessing over Alastor. In the scene where Pentious calls him, it’s pretty clear that Vox was busy doing other things both times he was called. He wasn’t sitting around with bated breath waiting for Sir Pentious to report in. He was just going about his day and getting his shit done.
Also hard agree as a fellow bisexual that it’s troubling that the only confirmed male bisexual character gets so hypersexualized in a way that he…doesn’t demonstrate at all? Literally the one time we see him get sexual is the fight with Adam. That’s it and yet suddenly it’s his entire personality. The flirtiest we ever see him act is during his part with Valentino in the finale and even that isn’t focused on sex or romance. It’s more them talking about being in power.
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nalyra-dreaming · 24 days
Regarding my last ask I have a rough idea but you can go ahead and explain
So, buckle up ;)
So I just checked but the only true Loumand post I tagged “lol“ on was this one (if I saw that correctly):
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Note that "I can SMELL the discourse that will happen already" there.
That is something I anticipate - because, well. Armand... is Armand.
I'll elaborate the (book) canon on that below the cut:
Armand has been a coven master for centuries, in the Children of Satan/Darkness and later as the master at the theater. He was literally tasked to uphold the laws of the vampires and did so as he saw fit. I have talked about them here, note also the difference these laws go through in the books:
Armand does what he sees is best, which does not always align with what others think is best. For example he usually hunts down rogue vampires, "cleaning up" so to speak, which is something that Lestat for example is loathe to do in the later books.
And he canonically influences Louis several time with the mind/spell gift, to make him do something - even after he promised Louis not to do so (here an ask with quotes):
Armand originally is interested in Louis because he is Lestat's ... he literally "imprinted" on Lestat when showed up after his turning, because Lestat reminded him so much of Marius.
Lestat goes to him to plead for Louis' and Claudia's life after Claudia tried to kill him, and Armand, though he did promise he would help Lestat if he asked him to, throws him into a dungeon instead, starves him, and then uses him at the trial against Louis and Claudia.
The trial itself happens because Louis - even deeply infatuated with Armand - decides to leave with Claudia and Madeleine after all. (And of course the coven knows, and insists on the rules.)
Armand uses the spell gift on him as they are taken by the coven to be tried.
Louis is sentenced to be entombed, something the original cult Armand was the leader of did to young vampires - until they're mad or manage to dig themselves out.
Claudia is sentenced to death. Madeleine as well. Later on it is revealed that Armand has a little surgical theater there as well, where he conducts the experiment of chopping off Claudia's head to sew it onto a grown woman's body. But he is unsatisfied with the result and puts Claudia and Madeleine into the sun after.
Armand digs Louis out after a while, and Louis feeds (a lot) and destroys the coven.
He thinks Lestat died there, but actually it is later revealed that Armand throws Lestat off a tower instead, and tells Lestat Louis and Claudia are dead.
Louis goes on, numb, and Armand... tags along, keeping a "veil" between Louis and the world.
Louis stays with Armand, because he has nowhere else to go - and despite knowing that Armand killed Claudia.
He stays until the veil is lifted and Armand finally tells him Lestat did not die.
Armand... is Armand.
We will see the horrific things he can do wrt the Devil's Minion arc with Daniel as well, because Armand hunted Daniel. And the beginning of their relationship was far from cute. I think that will be episode 5.
Also, Armand is not too big on consent. He does what he thinks best.
I reblogged something earlier wrt this as well:
So where does that leave us with the show and wrt my tag? :)
When Armand says he never hurt Louis then he is not lying. But look at their faces after:
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That's history, baby.
Because no, Armand does not physically hurt Louis.
But he literally hurts everyone Louis loves in an effort to keep Louis for himself.
He experiments and then kills Claudia (and Madeleine). He hurts Lestat and tells him Louis is dead. He tells Louis Lestat is dead and keeps him under the "veil".
And it will be far from pretty.
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the-sweet-hibiscus · 7 months
On the Topic of Christina Strain & SaB
So while browsing the hellscape that is Twitter today, the first thing you see in the Shadow & Bone Fandom, is this exchange between Christina Strain (a producer/writer on the show) and a fan.
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And I didn't think this would be necessary to say, but this is EXTREMELY unprofessional on the part of Christina.
But I do want to take the time to look and explain WHY from the perspective of someone who is a professional creative by job description. Christina, openly, speaks about her time as a writer on Shadow and Bone. Which is well within her right, as a creative, many times the appeal of following is for behind the scenes takes, more insight into writing decisions, and generally furthering the interest in a show / property after it has concluded. Especially if the conclusion was incomplete and/or canceled before the full story was told.
So here we have a situation.
The Question:
So the question Merel (the fan) asked was about the obvious sidelining of Alina Starkov, our main character. It's not an opinion that Alina was sidelined, it's been observed numerous times, most recently in this collider article talking about / reviewing the blatant reduction of character for Alina.
Merel's question, originally was about S3. Specifically, where was Alina, was there ever a plan for her? Originally, Christina just said, there was nothing written for Alina, and she had a vague idea of a separate storyline.
To which, Merel responded with the wide-spread rumor that Six of Crows, had been rejected by Netflix three times. For reasons not relevant — that rumor isn't true. But she also expressed frustration, as since the announcement of the show's cancelation, Christina specifically has given an overwhelming amount of attention and care to Six of Crows, while not seeming to have any real passion for the Shadow and Bone property or it's characters. Christina's response starts out professional. She clarifies, Six of Crows was not rejected (aka the rumor wasn't true) and that she didn't have control over that decision, which is true.
Where Christina stops being professional, is the other half of her response.
The Response
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Here is where so many people take offense, and find issue. Christina, openly shames the Darklina ship. Which isn't inherently bad, no one is forced to like a ship, however. It had NOTHING to do with the question at hand. Just because a fan likes a certain dynamic, of a ship that at one point was canon, and likes to explore that, doesn't mean that they don't know what they're talking about when they're just asking about the future of a character. Merel didn't ask "Oh, how are you going to make this darklina?" She didn't even mention the ship. The only reason Christina even knew about Merel's shipping preference is because she either went on Merel's page or looked at the "Relevant People" column on Twitter for Desktop.
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And now we venture into a much worse territory.
Let's take a look at the power dynamic in this exchange.
Christina has 9.58K Followers on Twitter. Merel has 114.
Christina is a producer/writer on the show. Merel is a fan.
Christina has a self-appointed responsibility to promote the petition to bring her show back. Merel is a part of the larger community who supported the show. Christina is 42 years old. Merel is 19.
Instead of, ignoring the second response. Or even just clarifying the rumor and moving on, Christina decides that it'd be best to expose this account to harassment from her much larger base. Who responded in kind.
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What was the reason? Truly?
Fans are supposed to only engage with a show if it matches how you specifically view it? They can't have questions, or criticisms, or thoughts? Because what was so mean about Merel's statement? What was insulting that Christina had to bring in shit that had nothing to do with the conversation? The rumor accusation? Is that worth getting attacked over? Is that worth attacking over?
The Correct Response
Move on.
No one would have an issue if the conversation ended a tweet earlier. Christina has over 9K followers, anyone could reasonably assume she was simply inundated with responses and couldn't/wouldn't respond further. Her first statement, was fine. To book fans, it may be frustrating, especially if they believed the rumor, but it was still a calm-ish response.
Merel could've been frustrated and that would've been the end of it. Instead, Christina decided her best course of action was to attack a fan, just because she enjoyed the same ship dynamic as people who were rude to her before. Decided to belittle that fan's interest in her show, bc she didn't like the way that fan interacted with them.
It's childish. It's gross. It's lashing out at someone b/c they want to know why the main character wasn't paid attention to in their show.
Anyway, it's clear Christina has a definitive disdain for the darklina fans of Shadow and Bone. It's clear she doesn't respect the people who support her show — unless they just unconditionally praise it. So that's it then. A disappointing end to Shadow and Bone, and an even more disappointing showing of character from the producers/writers.
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kahtiihma · 5 months
I feel I need to clarify my stance on Malevolent and HG since more and more people are asking for my opinion and expecting me to be a source of information or gossip.
What I think people struggle with understanding, and what I hope to encourage embracing, is the realization that HG is just some guy. He never intended to write a queer story nor gain a following of people who enjoy shipping his characters. It all just happened that way. Of course he's going to be polite but not well spoken when it comes to addressing these topics. He's not a bad guy. But he is just some guy. He will say things inelegantly or potentially offensive. He doesn't understand fan community etiquette. He doesn't understand that most people who would ship characters already know and accept that their ships are not canon. He doesn't understand why people get frustrated when he keeps pointing it out or making jokes about it bc he doesn't understand it's strange for him to be so directly involved with the community on that level in the first place.
I don't think it's healthy to assume everything he says is an attack against the fandom, just as I don't think it's healthy to hero worship him and expect everyone to kiss his toes for being the creator of a show we all enjoy. I think we can look objectively at the things he has said and be honest with ourselves: that this straight white guy wrote a horror story and accidentally made the main characters' relationship super compelling. He's friendly about the response to his show but it's probably super strange to have his horror story interpreted as a romance when that wasn't his original intention.
Could he have said or handled things better? Most certainly! Will he likely say or do something again in the future that people will find frustrating or offensive? Probably! He's likely doing his best, just like the rest of us, because he's just some guy. If this type of thing stresses you out, I advise taking a step back from direct interactions with the dude and enjoying the show from a safe distance (there's plenty of fan servers on discord to help with this!).
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ladymisteria · 11 months
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Yesterday, wandering around here on Tumblr, I found another post about how Eristine fans (like me) prove to have absolutely no understanding of Gaston Leroux's original work.
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Because we do not see how wonderfully perfect - and more importantly how absolutely healthy as a choice, for Christine - is Raoul de Chagny.
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The post then concluded with a clear victorious note establishing how - given the canonicity of Raoul/Christine - this paring was obviously right.
Well, if you will allow me, I would like to respond to that post - by saying that yes, it is quite true.
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In fact, everyone knows that:
sneaking - uninvited! - into a person’s dressing room and expecting everyone to leave to be left alone with an unconscious young woman is healthy;
waiting, once - rightly so! - being dismissed from the dressing room by said young woman, in a dark recess, for her to be alone in order to “get back at it” with an unsolicited courtship is healthy;
getting jealous when you hear her talking to a man, to the point - literally! - to becoming enraged and beginning to regard her as a prostitute is healthy;
entering her dressing room in her absence to see who she was daring (!) to talk to is healthy;
following her when she leaves Paris, raging when she apparently rejects your affections and - again! - practically calling her a prostitute when she tries to explain about the Angel of Music is healthy;
escaping through a window so that the innkeeper doesn't see you stalking the young woman in the middle of the night - again without her knowledge - to find out if it is true that she is going to pay her respects at her father’s grave, or if it is just an excuse to meet another man, is healthy;
questioning anyone who knows anything about her and her private life - even though she has clearly expressed her intention to break off your relationship (of friendship, let’s clarify! There is no engagement, secret or otherwise) - and even going so far as to show up at her home - again, uninvited! - to “put the screws” on his elderly and ailing foster mother, suggesting to her that the said young woman is (guess what? Bravo!) almost a prostitute just because she has not yet fallen at your feet, smitten in love with a spoiled child, is healthy;
“ambushing” the carriage in which the young woman travels, so that you can confront face to face the man with whom she dared to cheat on you (?!?), ending up for the umpteenth time considering her a prostitute “who led you on” (again, what?!?) is healthy;
considering her a saint or a whore depending on the time of day is healthy;
offending and humiliating her (accusing her, as is now ritual, of being the worst of whores) when she tries to explain to you, at the masquerade ball, what has happened to her and is still happening to her is healthy;
slipping - once again! - uninvited into her dressing room, spying on her as she writes a private letter, and even managing to rage when she seems to show pity for someone who is not you is healthy;
showing up - uninvited of course - at the young woman’s home, accusing her of not being herself, of being naive and a person completely incapable of judging the people around her, trying to get her to promise that she will never go out without you again, even managing to become enraged when she refuses to reveal the name of the “man who had the audacity to put a gold ring on her finger,” and her response to the proposal that certainly came with the ring is healthy;
taking seriously a fake engagement (which has very little secret about it, since the “third wheel in the triangle” himself urges the young woman to engage in it), and firmly claiming to turn it into a marriage - despite the fact that over and over and over again the young woman has told you that she has no intention of marrying you, and that yours is a game - is healthy…
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Just tell me: should I continue? Because I don’t know how you feel about it, but it never seemed to me that Raoul was so much “the best choice” at the end of the day…
(To be clear: Erik has not a few problems and flaws, but at least he was honest and never claimed to be a "healthy choice'... and no honest Eristine fan would ever say that).
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As for the "canonical = perfect" argument... I would like to remind you that Hades/Persephone is also canonical, yet everything is but a happy couple riding off into the sunset, so...
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(P.S. I can no longer find the original post, so I would like to apologize to @textsfromthefifthbasement for using her screenshot).
(P.S. part 2: Thanks to @brendadaaedestler for pointing out how I needed to... "express out loud" this analysis of mine of the real 'healthiness' of Raoul de Chagny's character.)
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