#I like the idea that the two of them are outstanding students but in different ways...
gotticalavera · 4 months
High School! Zukaang - Valentine's Day
Zuko decided to give him chocolates for the day, he's just coming to terms with his feelings for him, but... Aang's locker is full of candy and gifts.
Every time he gets a chance to give him the chocolates, someone interrupts them with a bigger and flashier gift for Aang. This makes him more and more upset.
At the end of the day, he hasn't given him the chocolates and Aang has bags full of gifts. Zuko no longer wants to give Aang the chocolates because he accidentally ruined them because he was upset.
When Zuko wants to go on his way, Aang stops him and hands him some homemade chocolates, he too has wanted to deliver him chocolates all this time. Surprised and excited, he also hands the chocolates to Aang and he eats them, realizing that they are the first chocolates Aang has eaten even though he has many.
After that, both of them promise what gift they will give to the other on the White Day.
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saintsenara · 8 months
12, 14, 16, and 22 for Snape asks please
I am most interested in your view of Lily as a character. To me, she never really seemed to live up to the hype I see? Like, I get the point that she's supposed to be Harry's mother and is supposed to be seen as the one who can't do any harm because of the sacrifice and all that. But I don't know whether JK purposely or intentionally put, like, the worst flashbacks to portray her as angelic(?). If I remember correctly, she wasn't even talked about as much as James by Remus or Sirius, they had to add things about her in the movies.
I can't ever see Lily as a good friend to Severus. To others, maybe, but I feel like it was different with Severus. More like a complicated one that was give-and-take, including Severus. Severus, an abused poor boy from Cokeworth, who knew about the wizarding world and Lily, a girl brought up in a happy family, who knew nothing about the wizarding world. Severus was able to get a friend while Lily gained knowledge of the wizarding world. But the one thing that cements this view of mine is the line where it says that Lily looks as if she was about to smile when Severus was being flipped over. Plus, I don't care if anyone says that she tried to defend him, but girl couldn't even use her wand or take points off as Prefect?? Girl was literally making a show, or whatever you want to call it.
Sorry about the rant, but I'm all for a good friend Lily in fics but when people say she was like that in canon? Maybe at times, but not when it mattered. I'd love to hear your opinion though.
thank you for the ask, @be-at-peace05!
[snape ask game here]
12. if you had to choose a golden trio era student to be snape's friend, who would it be and why?
while i don’t subscribe to the idea that he’s his godson, snape’s affection for draco malfoy does seem to be completely sincere. malfoy is also possessed of the sort of intellectual curiosity which snape obviously values (for example, how he figures out how to repair the vanishing cabinet - it’s genuinely impressive, and the fact that this is what he might be doing is certainly something which doesn’t occur to anyone in the order) and, while there’s no doubt that snape probably has as little interest in hearing him whine about everything as lucius does, i can see them having some genuinely fulfilling chats about potions. after all, malfoy gets an outstanding at owl, he must be good at the subject and he does seem to be interested in it.
14. what do you think is snape's favourite potion to prepare?
veritaserum. you just know he was chuckling to himself the whole time he was whipping that fake batch up for umbridge.
16. were you ever a snater? how and when did you become a snover?
i’m also extremely theatrical and fond of chemistry, so snape was always my boy.
i’m also capable of understanding the genre conventions which govern children’s literature and which require him to act as he does, so even when he was being a cock to various children we were chill.
22. do you think that lily was a good friend to snape?
well… this is the big one.
and the answer is no - but.
i always think it’s worth, before discussing lily, doing some quick acknowledgement of her narrative role in the story, which is a major contributing factor to why she feels a bit of a flop in person compared to the way she’s built up by other characters.
lily’s characterisation in canon is primarily hamstrung by two things. the first, as you note, is that her sacrificial role within the story requires a certain degree of perfection - not least because the harry potter series borrows heavily from the genre conventions of christian literature. lily is the analogy for the virgin mary - as we see when her purity of spirit succeeds in inflicting the first defeat on the satan-coded voldemort which will then be fulfilled by harry-as-the-resurrected-christ in the final stages of deathly hallows. obviously, a marian symbol is denied the complexity of other women - and that’s without even getting into the fact that the series has an extremely limited view of what ‘good’ motherhood is.
the second issue is that the text needs to keep lily’s centrality to the mystery hidden for as long as possible, not least because it needs to obscure snape’s true loyalties - and the role lily played in triggering them - until the very end of the seven-book series. this is the reason why sirius and lupin only speak about her once (after harry sees snape’s worst memory - and, even then, they’re mostly talking about james) and why harry’s self-conception is rooted entirely in his father - or in characters like sirius who are stand-ins for james - until half-blood prince, when the narrative begins to suggest that his mother is much more important than harry has previously given her credit for.
[the best way to illustrate this is to note that harry doesn’t give a shit in order of the phoenix that snape calls his mother a mudblood. his primary concern is that his father was a bully and that sirius aided and abetted him - when he thinks about lily, his concern is only that she doesn’t seem to like james, and his worry that his father forced her into a relationship. he doesn’t raise the fact that snape called lily a mudblood with sirius and lupin, and he doesn’t mention it to anyone else. but he cares - viscerally - about the slur at the end of half-blood prince, once the narrative is explicitly trying to convince the reader that snape is an unambiguous villain.]
these narrative necessities are a heavy burden for the canonical lily - and so i think she deserves some grace when it comes to how we analyse her behaviour in the snapshots of her as a real person we get in canon.
because of course she’s not perfect. why should she be? teenage girls are allowed to be less than flawless people - even towards their best friends.
[as an aside here, i think we have to be very careful - in our reading and our writing - not to replicate the contempt that jkr has for women who don’t fit her narrow view of ideal female behaviour. jkr loathes bitchy, girly, flighty, butch, rude, vapid, ugly women - just look at anything she’s ever said about pansy parkinson - and she tends to write her heroines - ginny and hermione chief among them - as that perfect not-like-other-girls storm of exactly pretty and clever and popular and brave enough to be worthy, but not so pretty as to be vain or clever as to be haughty or popular as to be slutty or brave as to be villainous. lily gets this treatment - and i think this drives the tendency of readers who dislike the way she behaves in canon to be hyper-critical of her characterisation. but the issue with this is that it’s also confining ‘good’ women to narrow boxes - while, all too often, allowing male characters a complexity their female counterparts are not permitted.]
which is to say: no, lily isn’t a good friend to snape. but he’s not a good friend to her either.
the issue that the two of them have is that they each relate to the other as though the other is the version of them that they’ve constructed in their head. they never take each other as they actually are.
it’s clear in canon that lily never moves beyond seeing snape as the child - devoted only to her - whose role was to teach her about the wonderful world of magic, and who acted primarily as a tool of her own self-actualisation. this is the reason why she can’t understand why snape is so concerned about fitting in at hogwarts - above all, why he wants to be friends with mulciber and avery - or why she never realises that he wants to be reassured of her affection for him versus the marauders, or why she doesn’t take what happens to him at the marauders’ hands seriously until she is made a part of it by james, or why she doesn’t understand snape’s relationship to his own social class and its role within slytherin. she simply doesn’t conceive of him as someone who exists for himself or who has a life of his own - he exists for her.
and snape thinks the same - he sees himself as the person who gave lily the wizarding world and, therefore, as the person who gets to dictate how she understands it. this is the reason why he can’t understand why she pushes back on his defence of mulciber’s use of dark magic (since he - in a very voldemort-ish move - clearly thinks that applying boundaries to what magic can and should be studied is gatekeeping), or why she doesn’t agree with him that the death eaters will help him, or why she’s upset when he’s rude to petunia, or why she leans into the performance of class expected from muggleborns (sucking up to slughorn, taking her pureblood husband’s name) in a time of increasing sectarian tension. she exists for him.
this assessment obviously makes them both sound incredibly cruel, but actually this is the way that childhood friendships often go. it’s very easy to see how the fact of being the only two magical children in cokeworth was validating for both snape and lily, and how this formed a tie between them which was very fierce but very brittle - which was never going to do anything other than shatter as they grew older, especially as they became aware of things like social structure, political affiliation, and sexual desire. it’s cruel of lily to laugh at snape’s poverty - absolutely - but it’s also the way that lots of teenagers who haven’t entirely grappled with their own relationship to society behave, and it’s also true that acting up in front of a boy you fancy is a time-honoured tradition which can also cause you to be quite cruel. lily isn’t nice by any means when snape is being attacked by james and sirius, but she doesn’t have to be. she just has to be human.
there are two final points which i think it’s worth being aware of:
the first is that snape evidently stands out as one of the few visibly working-class students in the castle [so much so that i have a meta in my drafts about whether or not hogwarts is a selective school] and the fact that he is obviously targeted for his poverty is cruel, and i understand why it makes many fans want to defend him - particularly given the fandom’s fondness for glorifying aristocracy and wealth.
but lily is also an other in wizarding society. i think it’s often not taken as seriously as it should be by snape fans just how terrified she must have been for her own safety, particularly from the later 1970s onwards, when all the evidence of canon is that voldemort is about to win. the wizarding world is set up to exclude her just as much as it is snape, and while we can and should be critical how her response to his poverty is unfair, we have to do the same for his outright refusal to acknowledge that she is subjected to discrimination on the basis of her blood status.
the second is that we don’t actually know if lily was a prefect - she was head girl, but james managed to become head boy without having been one. the person we do know was a prefect was remus lupin. if we’re criticising anyone for failing to intervene, it should be him.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Skip and Loafer Episode 3: Dreamy and Sparky
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P.A Works and Skip and Loafer have really been getting off on the right foot with the start of this season as they continue to build and expand upon a wonderful story and work to further hook viewers and convince them that this is a good anime, great even. Though, much like how Skip and Loafer likes to try and keep things close to grounded, this episode serves as a bit of a reminder that P.A Works isn't going to deliver perfect episodes for the whole season.
So, what do I mean by perfect? Well, the direction of this episode is a bit more "bland", on average. The majority of the episode is rather standard direction, and is peppered with really outstanding work. It's one of those things where you say "Oh man it's a really good episode" because it averages out to that. Really, the direction is the only thing that appears disparate in this episode though, so not anything to worry about, but it's one of those things you notice and you think "huh, a lot of panning and plain shots today".
In spite of that, we get a lot of really great shots from the episode, some that lean into character isolation, and others that focus on a scene in its entirety, and all of which derive their value and quality from the point in the story, so I'll save the images for later
How I about I start with comedy? The actual comedy (not the stuff the characters find funny per se) rests very much with the delivery from characters like Mitsumi. There's reactions and somewhat standard effects for it, but it really does come from how the characters can get the comedy across. That said, having some cute and fun visuals certainly doesn't hurt, right?
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The series has been really mindful of how Mitsumi views things, and the comedy and substance of the show plays into it quite well. Take this aged up version of Mitsumi talking about her "time" on the student council (even though she's not a part of it yet). It's just an extrapolation of Mitsumi's imagination, much like the spacemen and alien are, and gives a great idea of how she thinks and acts.
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Now, just to nerd out a little, I really liked the effort they put in to it here. The camera's moving somewhat slightly and the framing and everything really sells that "on the move interview" feel that they're going for.
Alright, random little bits out of the way, now to get to the heart of the episode, and I'd say there's a good bit.
Starting it off, we get a new character added to the group (that's in the OP), Kurume. She's shy and rather socially awkward and a "geek", so she's got a hard time with how abrasive Mitsumi is, and struggles in the presence of popular people like Shima and Murashige. She definitely adds to the comedy a decent bit at the start since she sells Mitsumi as the "school boss" almost as well as Mitsumi does herself, but I really like how she's shown when she goes to Starmax with Mitsumi and Shima.
The piece that gets me from this interaction is the cups. Mitusmi and Kurume get the same drink, but throughout the interaction we can see the differences in how much each has drank of it. And no, they don't just leave it for the big reveal, throughout the conversation we get to see little pieces and glimpses of it as well which is a very nice detail. Though of course, the actual shot of the drinks is far prettier than randomly spotting it in conversation.
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The conversation is a really nice piece to express Kurume's social anxiety, and how much she wants to leave it behind, and works really well next to Mitsumi since she has a similar piece of social ineptitude. Personally speaking, I feel like it goes to show how similar yet disparate the two girls are. At heart, they both want the same things but they end up expressing themselves differently over it due to upbringing and differences in life.
Switching gears back to direction, since it'll be a repeated point throughout, I really like how wide and panning shots are not an excuse from P.A Works to limit animation or motion in a scene. Most of the time they're used to stimulate those effects, but here it's more of a stylistic choice than anything. (Please forgive the quality, this is the best I could manage)
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Moving on, to the latter half/aspect of the episode, we get a friendly outing for lunch and a movie, which Kurume originally intended for to only have a +1, rather than a whole friend group. I think it's a fun little interpretation of how an introvert gets captured by a group of friends, and explores the social anxiety of larger outings where the content of it isn't as controlled as it would have been with a smaller group.
One of my favorite bits about them going out for lunch and being in a larger group was the overlap in conversation. I don't know if it was in the manga, but having layers to the chattering going on at the table was a really nice addition. It both helps the overall setting seem more normal, while also establishing some of the dominant/favorites within the group for certain people.
At the same time it shows the isolation and concerns of characters as well. Take Kurume and Murashige, for instance. Murashige is trying to make small talk with Kurume and bring her into the friend group (bless her soul she's such a nice girl), but Kurume is still afraid of it and weary of Murashige, so we get scenes like this.
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It's really nice detail in terms of body language. Murashige is trying to bridge the gap between the two of them by leaning closer to make things more personal, but Kurume is taken aback by it and moves to re-establish that distance. It happens a few times and is a nice little detail to insert into something that deals with social conventions and interactions so heavily.
In the same restaurant scene we get more of Egashira which is nice. The story does very well with their character here and heightens their insecurities and negative personality traits very well. It forces Egashira into isolation because she herself does it, but paints it as if it were some exterior force. I mean, she's doing all she can to get the attention of Shima, but he's not batting an eye? It expresses that type of girl that's focused on boys really well, and highlights the tradeoff that occurs with that sort of tunnel vision. Alongside that, I just appreciate how they don't move to vilify Egashira. It's a very easy thing to do and something that ends up very common as a trope in this sort of series, so moving away from it to focus on the more substantial aspects is really nice.
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That sort of understanding is what leads to shots like this. Egashira is talking with Shima like she wants to, but conversation at the table shifts away from her as a general topic takes over, isolating her from Shima as she can't seem to find a way to get into the overall discussion.
It's just really great at selling social interaction through a visual medium, it really gets it. Like this piece. Yeah, it's Egashira isolating herself, but it only occurs after she compares herself to Murashige. It's really lovely how well they grasp the difficulties of high school and relationships, and how much they continue to comment on beauty standards and requirements for women, and this case, younger teenagers.
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Anyways, movie time! There's not really a lot going on here, but I love the interaction between Murashige and Kurume here. They get a little bit rough on their way over in Kurume attempting to drive a stake between them so she can isolate herself, but Mitsumi manages to repair things (although inadvertently). Thanks to that, we get a really cute scene where Kurume apologizes to Murashige over text (both because they're in a movie theater and because she's nervous about it). It also gives us this really nice shot.
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This episode didn't have as stellar work on average when compared to the prior two, but there's really great pieces like what's above that give it a leg to stand on. Sure, there's not a huge amount of great direction that's consistent through the episode, but there's also just as many standout pieces that it deserves credit for.
Speaking of consistent direction, the layering of this episode is really nice. The group is shown to be separated and compartmentalized really well through stuff like dialogue, interaction, and even seating. It does a lot of work to establish the formation of cliques and subgroups within, while (like I said earlier) helping show where the strongest friendships lie. Just simple things like how the group walks from A to B sell it.
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Now, what I really like here is how things are presented and flow into the next piece. We see Mitsumi hovering in the middle since Egashira took Shima, but even if Egashira is clinging to him he always flocks to Mitsumi. It's a really good piece to show how strong Mitsumi and Shima's friendship is, but also further Egashira's isolation as she continues to attempt to attach herself to Shima rather than befriend him. It's a really subtle thing, but I quite enjoy how they present it.
Plus, even though they're in a big group they go through the trouble of actually animating them, which is really nice to see. Though it's not anything "incredible", being bothered to make a cut like this is much appreciated. Also, even in smaller cuts you can see stuff like the movement of the shoulders of characters, or even the slight changes in their clothing as they move.
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And just to finish things off, this really pretty cut of Shima.
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Skip and Loafer just gets it. Even if the direction is a touch weaker than what it's been, it still has zero issues in selling the core aspects of the story and characters, of the essential experience of high schoolers. Struggles and interests and enjoyment all melding into something indistinguishable and being distilled into that high school experience. Right on the border of reality and "grounded", it finds the perfect ways to stretch the truth and norms to give something incredibly passionate and nostalgic (to those out of high school now) while making sure to not overstep and place too much of a rose colored tint over it all.
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rikigai · 2 years
°⭒- ✒ pen & paper.
pairing: nishimura riki x fem!reader genre: high school au warnings: slight cursing, also not proof-read word count: 934 ------author's note: i'm writing this as a result of my experience in high school (basically based irl) only the main idea though, just changed my s/o with riki and change other details with more realistic things riki would experience. if ever there exists a story similar to this, i have no intent of plagiarizing.
pov: author
"class, line up! morning assembly starts in 10 minutes." their adviser says.
"sir, by height?" chiharu asks the second it was instructed. well, yes it was by height. everyone rises from their seat and forms a line, making a fuss about who's taller than who. y/n had no problem with this, she just quietly made her way to the very back (she was clearly the tallest sooo). chiharu lined up in front of her, as she was tall too.
heading down the stairs and into the assembly court, y/n was chatting with chiharu about different people in other sections and how she would get closer to them. in y/n's surprise, as the next class stood beside them, the world seemed like it had stopped revolving, chiharu's endless gossip went on mute. y/n laid her eyes on someone who was nowhere out of her line of vision, literally beside her. she shrugged her head away. "hello???? are you even here?" "oh sorry, who's that?" y/n asks chiharu, slightly pointing in his direction. "hmm, clearly a new student. i've never seen him before".
god, how y/n stared all assembly. unconsciously going idle the entire 30 minutes, no one really noticed, she was new after all. she'd do this every weekly assembly, aside from kicking everyone's ass in projects and tests. she eventually got the "student of the week" award, she shuffled toward the stage in shock. badge received, went down, back into the line.
pov: riki
woah. i would've never thought she'd get an award like that. along with that astounding height, perfectly layered hair, godly body frame, and glistening eyes uncovering her imagination. probably sounds insane to be confessing, i'm too shy to be blurting sincere words.
i better ask someone in my class about her socials, oh god. obviously not going to be following, just being there is rewarding enough. okay, that's probably enough, eek that vocabulary i just used.
pov: author
as months pass on, y/n became more renowned (rather popular) for her grades and outstanding academic performance. yet again, leaves riki mesmerized. they've come in contact through chat a few times, mostly initiated by y/n.
hey, what tests have you taken? omg we have so many mutual followers, what hall's your classroom at?
i mean, it was pretty clear they had a thing for each other. stealing glances, milliseconds of accidental eye contact. well, mostly declared by chiharu, lekki, and lumi catching riki staring at y/n.
04 - 26
english period came on, the lesson was just as interesting to be catching everyone's attention. writing a personal letter to anyone in school. y/n scootched down over to her half-emptied bag on the floor, grabbing a pen and paper. she wasn't that dumb to be openly exposing her name and image to the whole year. she had a plan.
y/n had written an anonymous letter addressed to riki, to be received right in his classroom the next two days. she told him to guess and write back, luckily she left a hint on the paper and instagram story days later.
"dude, QUICKKK" lekki tells lumi as they trample steps along the stairs. rushing into the cafeteria, right in the middle of y/n's lunch. "BRO RIKI KNOWS IT WAS YOU." lekki exclaims right when y/n has had a bite of her orion choco pie. "WAIT WHAT YOU'RE JOKING." "NO ACTUALLY." lumi answered y/n - flabbergasted in disbelief.
"okay so like, lumi and i were getting our badminton rackets and lunches on the second floor when we came across riki. he didn't look gloomy for some reason. 'oh hi lekki, lumi' which was literally the MOST unusual thing for mr. shy type. i didn't beat around the bushes and asked him if he knew about the letter. he said yes and went on with a flushed look on his face." lekki told y/n and chiharu, whom both weren't there (obviously).
pov: y/n
what the actual fuck. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL. okay, okay, OH MY GOD I'M OVERTHINKING IT. at least he knows who to write back to, maybe? WHAT IF HE DOESN'T WRITE BACK. WE'LL HAVE TO SEE.
pov: author
weeks pass by, probably a month already, yet no signs of life. y/n was not one to lose hope. every english period she'd wait for her teacher to hand her over a letter.
dear y/n,
in her dreams. not until 05 - 20, slipped onto her notebook right on top of her wooden desk, a flimsy yellow paper signed
"to: anonymous, from: tall guy :D".
hundreds of tall guys attend that very school, but only one of them would address themselves like that. nishi-fucking-mura riki. as flustered as y/n was, she managed to step out the door to read this letter she'd awaited every day.
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y/n didn't know how to feel, heartbroken or full of cheer that her first love was together. acting like she'd won the lottery, she entered the classroom so people would think it entirely worked out. not a tear dropped from her eyes, knowing there was plenty of time left.
storming out the classroom with the letter tucked into the length of her sleeve, she went to riki's classroom. seeing her eyes peep through the small glass window built in the door, riki brightens up and goes out to see her. they hug each other dearly, yet again, not letting a tear drop from either of their eyes. they spend that exact day together, as if they were a thing for the longest time.
"my house this friday, cool?" riki says as the dismissal bells rung.
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avnkin · 4 years
Shake On It [ d. malfoy ]
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Author’s Note: I originally planned on posting this as just one long fic buuut instead i’m going to do a mini series, ya know torture you guys just just a lil bit (gif is not mine) also I got all the information about the potions and the ingredients from harry potter wiki and of course I do not own harry potter or the storyline/characters.
Word Count: 8k
Summary: There’s little to nothing Draco values more than his reputation so when he sees it slipping, he’ll do anything in his power to catch it.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, foul language, some bullying and asshole!draco.
This is an AU so all the information doesn’t exactly line up with the hp storyline for example it takes place in sixth year but there’s no Voldemort so Dumbledore doesn’t die etc.
You’d never been much for the ‘social scene’ you just didn’t find enjoyment in the same things your classmates did, so you never really had a big friend group, your only acquaintance having been Irma Prince… The librarian.
That was until your second year when Hermione Granger came into your life like a ray of sunshine brightening up the dark loneliness that had consumed you your first year.
She introduced you to Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, although you were never as close with them as you were with Hermione you still couldn’t be more grateful for your newfound friend group, especially since you now didn’t have to endure Draco’s and his fellow Slytherin classmates torment alone.
You were and had always been an easy target for Draco and his entourage since you never really stood up for yourself, instead choosing to ignore how he continuously called you ‘a blood traitor’ for hanging out with ‘the likes of Hermione’ which you never understood, how was someone different from him just because they didn’t have magical parents?
It was a well-known fact that Draco’s father Lucius Malfoy was the cause of his attitude towards muggle-borns, you truly believed that man didn’t have a kind bone in his body.
You remembered once when you’d arrived at platform 9¾ after your third year Draco went to greet his parents and whilst Narcissa (his mother) gave him a big welcoming hug, embracing her son after not having seen him for many months Lucius simply stared down at him with a glare that could only be described as disgust and disappointment before turning and walking away without as much as a greeting to the platinum blond.
Still, that didn’t excuse Draco’s foul behaviour, he was old enough now to have his own opinions and morals and he didn’t seem to be planning on changing them anytime soon.
You were now in your sixth year and unsurprisingly nothing had changed, Draco was still the same arse he’d always been, but as the years went on it was getting progressively easier to ignore him since you’d gotten so used to it.
It almost felt like it had become a part of your daily routine for him to yell something degrading in the hallways, mostly directed at you or Hermione or whatever Gryffindor he felt like bullying that day.
Intently focusing on the potions book that laid opened before you, you carefully followed the detailed instructions, not wanting to get a single thing wrong since you needed at least an outstanding in this class to keep up your average.
The last part was to add: ‘One drop of Unicorn blood’
You grabbed the flask that contained the silver liquid and as steadily as possible you leaned the bottle over your cauldron, letting a small drop slip past the edge and into the black water, but as you began leaning back Pansy Parkinson ‘accidentally’ bumped into you causing the entirety of the bottle to spill into your potion.
You glared up at her as you watched the black liquid turn sickly green instead of sparkly blue as it should. She shrugged her shoulders innocently, before walking back to the station she shared with Draco who greeted her with an amused smirk before turning back to his work.
“Try not to think too much about it” Hermione’s comforting voice sounded from beside you. “I’m so sick of those two” you argued pouring the remaining containments of the cauldron into a sink, now having to start the entire potion all over again.
“I know, I am too” Hermione frowned glaring at the two Slytherins who didn’t even bother to look over at her.
“Miss Y/L/N weren’t you nearly finished a couple of minutes ago?” Professor Slughorn’s voice could be heard from behind you as he looked over your shoulder, an unimpressed look on his face.
“Uh- yes sir it’s just I accidentally put too much Unicorns blood and had to start over again” you lied looking into the now-empty cauldron before you, glaring at Pansy once you heard her quiet laughter from the other side of the classroom.
“Well alright, but I’d hurry if I were you, I’m afraid you’re running a bit short on time” he smiled before moving on to the students sat in front of you.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Hermione frowned once Slughorn was out of earshot, you gave her a knowing look having had this conversation with her on more than one occasion.
Tattling on them wouldn’t change anything it would simply make their torments increase and you didn’t need that, especially with the N.E.W.T.S coming up you didn’t want anything distracting your studies.
Despite having been interrupted by Pansy you managed to be the only one who brewed the potion right and the displeased scowl placed on Pansy’s face as she watched you get praised by the teacher and the rest of the class was nothing but amusing.
Once you were finally dismissed, you were walking alongside Hermione down the long corridors leading to the Great Hall when someone again bumped into you causing all the books you’d been clutching between your arms to go flying towards the ground and you along with them.
“What a klutz” you heard the familiar squeaky voice of Pansy Parkinson, you hurriedly got back up onto your feet whilst Hermione picked up the remaining books that had sprawled all across the stone floor.
“You did that on purpose” you growled charging at Pansy who cowered away from you as you neared her but once she noticed Draco was watching she stopped dead in her tracks, a side smirk resting on her lips before she tilted her head to the side.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” she innocently smiled before walking around you and back to Draco who held an emotionless expression on his face as he walked with her down the hall.
“Bitch” you mumbled underneath your breath just before Hermione came running up to you. “Are you okay?” she faintly smiled before handing you your things.
“Fine” you deadpanned before the two of you began walking back down the hallway again.
Once you’d made it into the Great Hall you immediately spotted Harry and Ron a smile on your face as you took a seat next to Harry, and Hermione the one next to Ron the previous events being long forgotten as you distracted yourself with the comforting company of your friends.  
“Since when did Y/L/N and Potter become so close?” Draco’s face held a scowl as he watched the two of you interact from afar, he truly didn’t know why it bothered him, but for some reason it did.
“Why do you care?” Pansy replied as she began shifting in her seat to move closer to Draco who almost instinctively moved away causing a bright red tint to appear on her cheeks as she hurriedly moved back to her original seat.
“I don’t” he simply replied tearing his eyes away from you and Harry as he began playing with his food.
“You know what I think” Blaise raised an eyebrow as he daringly stared Draco down, “I think Malfoy’s gone soft” Blaise finished, the words earning loud snickers from the students sat next to them.
Draco’s stomach churned in anger at the words of his best friend throwing the boy a nasty glare before turning back to his food, but Blaise didn’t intend to stop there.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you never pick on her anymore and you always get really defensive whenever- “
“Shut the hell up Blaise” Draco commanded and even though Blaise knew he was skating on thin ice, Draco’s fury only seemed to egg him on further as his eyes wandered towards the Gryffindor table to look at you.
"You know what Malfoy since you claim you have no feelings for her at all I dare you to break her heart"
"What?" Draco questioned genuinely confused at his friends' statement. "Make her fall in love with you and then dump her" Draco looked over at Pansy who seemed almost giddy at the suggestion, of course she'd be happy about this.
Draco thought about it for a moment, he knew that if he didn't do this he'd never hear the end of it, and keeping up his 'I don't care about anyone but myself' attitude had served him well over the years so as he weighed out the pros and the cons it seemed the cons were outnumbered and without a second thought he reached his hand out to Blaise.
"You've got yourself a deal" Draco spoke as they shook hands "and when I win, you'll be my personal servant for the rest of the year" Draco finished as he pulled his hand back causing Blaise's cocky facial expression to quickly drop.
"Fine but when I win, you have to do my homework for Defence Against the Dark Arts till we graduate" Draco rolled his eyes but nodded as he let his hand fall back into his lap.
He stared at you watching as you laughed at something Harry said and couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt knowing what he was about to do, but he shook the feeling away engaging back in the conversation of his friends, pushing all thoughts of you into the back of his mind.
The following week Draco still had yet to make his move on you. He was brainstorming ideas as he made his way to Potions, none of them good enough to follow through with but when he’d finally made his way into the classroom, he went to walk over to Blaise like he usually would but instead he found himself staring at the empty seat next to you.
He looked over at Blaise who was already quizzically staring at him. Draco mouthed a ‘watch this’ in return before he made his way towards you, grabbing a hold of the chair next to yours he stared down at you before asking.
"Is this seat taken?"
You looked up from your book turning to greet who you thought would have been Harry or Ron but instead, you were met with a pair of grey eyes you were not expecting to see, your mouth slightly parting as you stared wide-eyed at him.
"Yes actually-" you began but he had already sat down before you'd been able to reply, placing his backpack on the floor below him.
You raised an eyebrow at the blond, to which he replied by smiling over at you acting as if him sitting there was the most normal thing in the world.
"Do you mind?" you finally managed to choke out as he turned to face you.
"No, not at all" your eyes went wide at his words as you frantically began looking around the classroom for Hermione.
Once you made eye contact with her, you gave her a pleading look silently begging for her to help you, but she only took a hesitant seat next to Neville shrugging her shoulders indicating that there wasn't much she could do.
You grabbed the handle of your backpack beginning to stand up when you felt a hand wrap around your wrist preventing you from moving any further.
"Seems like all the other seats are taken Y/L/N" you frowned at his words turning your head to look around the classroom and sure enough there wasn't a single seat available.
You glared at him before ripping your hand out of his grasp and reluctantly sitting back down.
"Good morning" Slughorn's voice could be heard as he made his way towards the front of the classroom.
"Today we'll be working in pairs so whoever you're sitting next to is your partner for this assignment" your eyes widened in horror at his words as you glanced over at the Slytherin clad boy next to you.
"You're going to be writing an essay on the properties of Moonstone and its uses in Potion making" why did he have to announce this assignment today of all days?
You again looked over at Draco who seemed to be smiling, why was he happy about this? You placed your head in your hands as your mind began to wander, this was probably some stupid plan he and his friends had made to get you to fail the class.
"Professor" you eagerly raised your hand "is it too late to change partners?" you asked, silently begging for him to say no so you could work with Hermione or anyone else for that matter.
"Well I'm afraid everyone else seems to be taken Miss Y/L/N, I'm sure you and Mister Malfoy will be just fine together" you felt a flash off anger as you turned to look at the boy sat next to you.
"I swear if this is your idea of some sort of sick joke Malfoy, I'll hex you into oblivion" you threatened not daring to break eye contact with him, smirking once you noticed his taken aback expression.
"Y/L/N calm down, It's not a joke? You're the best at Potions in our year so I wanted to see if you'd be willing to work together but doesn't look like you have much of a choice now" he shrugged his shoulders; something was definitely off about this.
"So, you couldn't just ask me before we got to class?" his eyes seemed to widen a bit as he thought of a response but you continued before he had the chance to say anything "because I would have said no" and with that, you turned away from him pulling a piece of parchment out of your backpack along with your quill so you could start planning the next few weeks.
As it was nearing the end of the class you and Draco hadn't spoken a word to each other since you'd shut down all his attempts of starting a conversation, not having been interested in anything he had to say.
When class was over you handed Draco the piece of parchment that had a very detailed description of what his part in the project would be, so you'd be able to spend as little time together as possible, although he seemed to be quite displeased at this beginning to protest that you should work together so you'd get a better grade.
"I'm not spending any more time with you than I have to Malfoy so if you'll excuse me" you stood up pushing him out of the way before making your way to Neville's station where Hermione stood shoving her books into her bag.
Once you finally reached her you grabbed her by the arm, quickly pulling her after you out of the classroom. Ignoring her protests until you finally reached an empty corridor, void of any students and teachers.
"Please tell me you saw all that" you pleaded as you let go of her arm.
“You mean Malfoy?” Hermione replied, “yes Malfoy! He’s acting like we’re all of a sudden, the best of friends? Like he didn’t just call me a ‘blood traitor’ last week” you exasperated a scowl on your face.
“I think that was Zabini” Hermione acknowledged making you furrow your brows your mind wandering back to the encounter and sure enough she was right, Zabini had been the one to hurl the insult.
“What does it matter who said it, he’s one of them!” you protested, angrily turning to look at Hermione once you heard her stifled laughter from beside you.
“This isn’t funny! I’m stuck with him for the next- who knows how many weeks on this stupid project” you complained letting your head fall back as you let out a groan.
“Its okay Y/N don’t worry… I reckon he just fancies you” Hermione teased wiggling her eyebrows as she lightly nudged you in the shoulder.
“Have you gone mad?” you practically gasped although you couldn’t help the unfamiliar heat that began rushing to your cheeks at her words.
“Merlin Y/N you’re blushing! You like him?” you frantically covered her mouth as you noticed students beginning to fill the previously empty hallways.
“Would you hush! And no! I do not like Draco Malfoy, I could never like someone like him” you hissed your anger only growing once you noticed the same smile still linger on her lips.
“Whatever you say” Hermione jokingly sing sang, and in response you lightly hit her across the head with a piece of parchment you’d been holding unfortunately not getting the results you wanted since it only seemed to be egging her laughter on more.
“Alright calm down you lunatic I’m only joking” Hermione frowned rubbing the spot on her head you’d begun repeatedly hitting her, “you better be” you hummed, again pulling her after you as you two began walking down the hallways blending into the crowd of students.
“You know I can walk by myself” Hermione frowned once you’d found yourself standing out in the courtyard, your eyes searching for your two other friends since when you had Potions they had a free period which they spent most of their time here.
You finally spotted them sitting on a bench below a large brown oak tree, Seamus and Dean stood in front of them.
It was now Hermione’s turn to pull you away and in mere seconds you were standing next to the four Gryffindor clad boys who all turned their heads towards the two of you.
“Hello” you smiled before looking over at Harry who had already begun scooting over gesturing for you to come and sit down next to him, to which you happily obliged.
They all greeted you and Hermione before continuing their conversation about the upcoming Quidditch game they had against Slytherin next week.
“Yeah well Malfoy hasn’t caught the snitch when competing against Harry once, so I think we’re going to be okay” Ron assured Seamus who didn’t seem to be all that convinced but still began to make his way back into school Dean following behind him shortly after.
“Speaking of Malfoy” Hermione knowingly smirked at you before turning towards the two boys.
“Hermione no-“ you began but it was already too late, “seems he as a little crush” and there it was, you inwardly face palmed feeling the now-familiar heat in your face as you turned away from the confused glances of your two friends.
“Malfoy fancies Y/N?” Ron seemed to be more disgusted rather than confused as he scrunched up his nose.
“Hermione first of all I’m going to kill you! And second of all, he doesn’t like me! He just wanted to be partners on some stupid assignment in Potions” you assured them.
“And you said yes?” Harry perplexed.
“No! Of course not, he- he didn’t give me much of a choice” you rambled scratching the back of your head before glaring over at Hermione.
“What? He forced you to work with him?” Harry again furrowed his brows, “No- or well he sat next to me in class and I couldn’t move anywhere else since all of the other seats were taken and when Professor Slughorn arrived he immediately announced that we’d be working on our essays with whoever sat next to us” you began rambling, causing your three friends to share amused glances, unbeknownst to you.
Harry seemed to understand slowly nodding before claiming him and Ron had quidditch practice pulling the ginger boy along with him out of the courtyard, leaving just you and Hermione.
After a few minutes of silence, you turned to face her, “I think I’m going to go to the library, care to join me?” Hermione shook her head at your words pointing at the book she had just opened already beginning to make herself comfortable on the little bench you’d been sitting on.
You rolled your eyes “suit yourself” you breathed out offering her a small wave as you stood up, which she returned before you began walking back into the crowded hallways.
As you neared the library you began to hear footsteps behind you, smirking since you thought Hermione had changed her mind about joining you.
You turned around expecting to see your best friend but instead, you were met with Draco who now stood still a few feet away from you.
“Are you following me?” you crossed your arms raising an eyebrow at the boy.
He shook his head now walking towards you “just wanted to see if you’d like some company and since you’re heading towards the library we can work on our essay”
“So, you were following me” you accused but before he could answer you continued, “I thought I already told you I’m not spending any more time with you than I have too so if you’ll excuse me” you turned your back to him continuing your way to the library.
“Your loss Y/L/N” you heard him teasingly call after you making a smile appear on your lips which you tried to the best of your ability to contain.
Your next Potions class was one you’d been dreading, knowing that the people who were paired together on the essay had also been assigned to sit next to each other, very much to your dismay.
Professor Slughorn had asked all of you to join him at the front of the classroom so he could show you a couple of the potions you’d be brewing for the next couple of weeks and of course the one you’d be working on today.
“And this one right here is-” Slughorn was abruptly cut off by the sound of the classroom door swinging open. You quizzically looked past Slughorn’s shoulder and furrowed your brows at the two boys who had entered.
“Harry?” you asked a bit louder than you intended to causing the attention of the class to turn to Harry and Ron rather than Professor Slughorn.
“Ah! Harry my boy I was beginning to worry, and you’ve brought someone with you I see, what’s your name then?” Slughorn asked, brightly smiling at the two Gryffindors.
“Ron Weasley sir, but I’m dead awful at potions- a menace actually so I’m probably just gonna-“  Ron’s voice wavered as he began to turn around but Harry quickly put his arm out in front of him pushing him back into the classroom.
“Oh, don’t be silly, we’ll sort you out! There are some books in the cupboard over there if you need them” Slughorn pointed towards the end of the classroom where Ron and Harry quickly began fighting over the last book in there.
You and Hermione both gave each other confused glances before your attention was back on the Professor stood in front of you.
“As I was saying I’ve prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these may be?” you quickly raised your hand Hermione copying your actions as Slughorn’s eyes wandered between the two of you before he eventually pointed at you.
“Yes, miss Y/L/N” Slughorn stepped out of the way as you took a step forward towards the two pots that rested on the table.
“This one is Veritaserum a truth-telling serum and that one over there is Amortentia the most powerful love potion in the world. It’s rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them” you smiled proudly at yourself before taking a step back towards the other students.
You heard Pansy scoff causing you to quickly turn around to glare at her and just as you did you saw Draco elbow her in the side whispering something in her ear before shaking his head at her actions.
You quickly looked away before Draco’s eyes could catch yours since you felt the annoying feeling of warmth rush up into your cheeks and a smile replace the frown you’d indented to direct at Pansy.
“Very good Miss Y/L/N” Slughorn smiled before beginning to tell the students that whoever managed to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death would be walking out of the classroom with one vile of Liquid Luck.
You quickly walked over to your station Draco following in suit behind you as you both turned to page 10 on your ‘advanced potion making’ books.
Your eyes wandered over the page before you spotted the instructions.
1. Cut up one Sopophorus bean.
You frowned down at the text as you glanced between it and the bean, it didn’t look like it was meant to be cut, and your suspicions were right as you began noticing your fellow classmates struggle around you.
Your eyes widened as Draco’s bean came hurling at your face at an ungodly speed, you practically had to throw yourself to the floor so it wouldn’t hit you in the face.
“Bloody hell Y/N are you okay!?” Draco panicked as he rushed to your side offering his hand to help you up which you ignored to distracted by the fact he’d called you by your first name.
You quickly got up onto your feet still ignoring his outstretched hand. You’d never in all your years at Hogwarts heard him call anyone by their first name, let alone you, a Gryffindor he’d hated since the first year.
“What did you just call me?” you asked although it came out a bit harsher then you intended it too. You didn’t mind that he was using your first name you just found it incredibly odd especially for someone like him.
“What, Y/L/N? that’s your name isn’t it” he was acting clueless as he walked back around the table to attend to his potion.
“No, you said Y/N” you raised an eyebrow as you watched him grab another bean now simply resorting to ignoring you, whatever you thought, brewing this potion was more important than what name Draco decided to call you.
As you continued to observe the students around you, you noticed Harry grab a silver knife and slowly press it onto the bean. You mirrored his actions and to your delight, it worked.
“How did you do that?” Draco could be heard from opposite you as he furiously looked between the instructions in his book and the crushed bean in your hand.
“Crush it don’t cut it” you shrugged, your finger traveling further down the page and stopping at the second step.
2. Pour in 250 fl.oz. of Standard potioning water and add 5 oz. of African Sea Salt to the beaker. Set the beaker aside after all the water has been added. Be very careful not to shake or move the beaker now.
The rest of the lesson had gone by in a flash and even though you felt like you’d be the one rewarded with the Liquid Luck, it ended up being Harry and you couldn’t help but wonder how the hell he managed to brew something better than you.
You remembered Harry continuously failing all his Potions classes never getting more than a poor or an acceptable on any of his assignments or tests.
After class you immediately cornered him, and it didn’t take long for him to confess to the book he’d found. Property of the half-blood prince it read and as you flipped through the many pages it had all the ‘correct’ recipes to every single potion you’d be brewing throughout the term.
“I knew it! You’ve always been dreadful at potions” you finally felt at ease knowing that Harry had only won you by cheating, shaking your head as you placed the book back into his arms.
“Hey! I am not ‘dreadful’ at potions” he imitated you his hands making air quotes at the word dreadful, a laugh slipping past your lips as you remembered a certain incident from when you were younger.
“Oh really? Don’t you remember third year when Snape told us to make a shrinking solution and you poured it all over Hermione-“ you began but Harry quickly cut you off.
“Alright! Alright! You’ve made your point now shove off I don’t feel like listening to this story right now” you threw your head back in laughter as you thought back to a tiny Hermione who hadn’t spoken to Harry a whole week after the incident.
“Doesn’t seem like you’re doing a great job with Y/L/N, I reckon Potter’s in there more than you” Blaise sounded amused as he came up behind Draco who was watching yours and Harry’s exchange from afar.
“Don’t worry Blaise, I’m only getting started”
Later in the day you, Harry, Ron and Hermione had all decided to take a little trip down to Hogsmeade for a much needed break from your studies.
“No sit beside me” Harry insisted as the four of you made your way into the Three Broomsticks, you gave him a confused glance but nevertheless dragged the chair out from underneath the table and sat down next to him.
You went to ask why but quickly managed to put two and two together once you noticed professor Slughorn sat at the bar, a beer in his hand as he talked with one of the other professors.
“What’s your deal with Slughorn?” you questioned as Harry began waving the professor over. “I need to get into the slug club” you furrowed your brows but before you could question it any further Slughorn had arrived at your table.
“Ah! Mister Potter lovely to see you, you as well Miss Y/L/N” Slughorn smiled completely disregarding Hermione and Ron who sat opposite you.
“Likewise, Professor” you smiled as he and Harry began talking about something you couldn’t be less interested in, instead your eyes began to wander around the small tavern until they finally landed on Draco who was already staring intently at you.
“You’d be welcomed to Y/L/N” your gaze diverted from the platinum blond towards Slughorn who was smiling brightly down at you. “I’d love too!” you agreed having faintly heard him mention a christmas dinner.
“Wonderful! Look for my owl” you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at Hermione’s face who seemed to be more than distraught that she hadn’t received an invitation of her own.
“Oh, how silly of me Granger, I hope I’ll also be seeing you there” Hermione’s face lit up at his words as she repeatedly nodded, Slughorn awkwardly looking over at Ron before speaking, “good to see you Wallenby”.
You were finally able to let out the laugh you’d been holding in as Slughorn exited the tavern. “Oh, shut up Y/N” Ron frowned crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back into his chair.
When your laughter had finally died down you offered to go and order your drinks since the waiter had yet to make an appearance at your table.
“Four butter beers please” you smiled at the worker as you leaned onto the bar going to turn around but instead you were met with a black suit your eyes wandering upwards to see Draco towering over you.
You cleared your throat causing him to take a step back, “anything I can help you with?” you questioned as Draco stood motionless in front of you.
“Yes, would you like to join me?” Draco asked gesturing to an empty table at the far end of the tavern. You looked over to where he was pointing causing you to quickly spot his friends who were all sat at another table, their eyes set on you.
“Uhm- I think they’d loved to join you” you pointed towards them causing Draco to quickly snap his head in their direction, making them all quickly turn to each other acting as nonchalant as they could.
“But I’d much rather spend time with you” you felt a weird tingly feeling at his words but nonetheless you didn’t dare act on it your eyes going to your friend’s who were all staring quizzically at you.
“Sorry I- Uhm I can’t I came here with them” you gestured towards your table Draco’s eyes following in the direction you pointed before they were back on you.
“Well alright, but you owe me a date then” he winked before turning around and going back to join his Slytherin friends.
Your mouth hung open as you watched him walk away, did he just say date?
You power walked back towards your friends hastily taking a seat next to Harry who already had his eyes glued on you.
“What the bloody hell was that?” Ron asked as soon as you’d fully sat down.
“Oh- Uhm, he just wanted to ask me about our assignment” they all looked skeptical at your reply but didn’t question it any further another topic quickly consuming your table.
“Do any of you have a date to the Jingle Ball?” Hermione’s question rang throughout the table, causing both boys shook their heads and you along with them, in all honesty, you didn’t expect to get asked so you’d probably just end up going with Harry like last year.
“Guess we know who Ginny’s going with” you giggled gesturing towards her and Dean who were currently taking a seat at a table not so far from yours, their fingers wrapped around each other’s.
“I’d like to leave” Ron shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he stared at his sister and who he had once considered a close friend. “Honestly Ron they’re only holding hands” Hermione rolled her eyes.
“And snogging” you added on as Ginny connected her lips with Dean’s. “Yep that’s it we’re leaving” Ron stood up grabbing the coat that hung on the chair beside him.
“Oh come on we haven’t even gotten our orders yet!” you protested as all your friends began to stand up, maybe you should have joined Draco before.
“Fine” you huffed once you noticed they had no intention of staying any longer. “Why don’t you just ask Malfoy to come join you, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” Ron teased causing you to quickly hit him in the arm.
“Shut up Ron!”
Once you’d all made it back to Hogwarts you and Hermione separated from Ron and Harry since they claimed to have yet another quidditch practice although you figured it was code for going to scout possible dates for the Jingle Ball.
“So, what did Draco really want earlier?” Hermione gave you a knowing look as she lightly bumped you in the shoulder.
“It was so weird he-he said that I owe him a date” your voice was hesitant as you turned your head to look at Hermione who didn’t seem at all surprised.
“Well, now you know who you can go to the Jingle Ball with” she stated matter of factly causing your eyes to widen as you gaped at her.
“Hermione, I love you but have you gone mad? Me and Draco? I don’t think so” you denied but there was still the lingering feeling of hope deep down in your stomach that you tried with all your might to suppress.
“Well he obviously has a thing for you, and I mean he’s not too bad to look at”
“Shove off”
You had been actively avoiding Draco ever since the Hogsmeade trip, something about the entire ordeal just felt weird to you, why was he all of a sudden so bold about his apparent feelings towards you when a couple of weeks ago he wouldn’t even look your way.
But it seemed your luck had run out since he now stood in front of you, hand outstretched as he leaned it against the stone wall preventing you from continuing your way to your Transfigurations class.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something” Draco breathed out. He was getting desperate, it was unbearable, the teasing he’d been receiving from his friends once they’d noticed he wasn’t making any progress with you, and he knew if he didn’t do something soon he was going to lose the bet.
“Well can it wait? I need to get to class” you huffed watching as he pushed himself off the wall to come and stand in front of you, causing your body to turn with him, your back eventually colliding with the wall behind you.
“I was wondering” Draco smirked placing a hand next to your head as he leaned in closer towards you, you now only realizing how much taller he was then you as you found yourself craning your neck upwards to meet his eyes.
“Would you like to be my date for the Jingle Ball” the words made your stomach flip and you felt the sudden urge to let out a squeal, but you somehow managed to keep yourself together, taking in a deep breath before you took a step forward his hand slipping from the wall your faces mere centimeters from each other.
“No” you stated watching as his eyes went wide, clearly, he wasn’t anticipating that answer.
“If you want me to even consider going out with you after all the shit you’ve done over the years, you’re going to have to work for it.”
He watched your ascending figure before you fully left his sight and when you did he angrily kicked the wall cursing underneath his breath, he was used to getting everything and anything he ever wanted without as much as a snap of his finger so this was something he wasn’t used too.
The stakes were high, his entire reputation was on the line and he did not intend to give Blaise the satisfaction of being right or his housemates a reason to tease him for what would probably be the rest of his life.
All the girls at this school would practically fall at his feet, why couldn’t you be like those girls? Make this easy for him, not once in his life had Draco Malfoy had a real challenge when it came to girls but now it seemed the tables had turned, he was going to play your game and he was going to win.
It was now the day of the Slytherin versus Gryffindor quidditch game. You, Harry and Hermione, were all sat in the Great Hall watching as Ron entered in his Quidditch gear, helmet, and everything.
You had yet to tell Hermione about Draco asking you to the ball since you didn’t really know how you felt about it yourself and also because he probably wouldn’t be asking you out again, you having let him down quite harshly.
You glared over at the Slytherin table once you heard them beginning to yell things along the lines of ‘Ron you’re a loser’, ‘he doesn’t stand a chance’ and ‘nice hat Weasley’.
“Ignore them, Ron, I know you’ll do great” you reassuringly smiled up at your friend as he took a seat opposite you, his face contorted in worry as he looked over at the Slytherin table who continued to laugh at him.
“Yeah, thanks” he gulped once he turned back to face you, this had to have been the first time you’d ever seen Ron leave his food untouched.
“You look dreadful Ron” Luna’s voice could be heard from the other end of the table, your eyes widening as you looked over at her, “Is that why you put something in his drink” she finished, the last part of her sentence directed at Harry.
You looked over at the boy sat next to you and faintly managed to see a glimmer of light before it disappeared fully into his pocket.
“Liquid Luck?” Hermione sounded from opposite you and you finally managed to put two and two together.
“Are you mental Harry? You’ll get in so much trouble if you’re caught” your eyes widened as you watched him pass Ron the cup of pumpkin juice he’d poured his one vile of Liquid Luck into moments ago, well according to Luna at least.
“Don’t drink it Ron” Hermione scolded, before you both gasped as you watched Ron without a moment’s thought chug the remaining juice in his cup.
You watched intently as his frown was turned upside down and he slammed the cup back onto the table, a sly smirk now playing on his lips.
“You could be expelled for that” Hermione pointed out glaring at Harry who innocently smiled at her before shrugging and stating that he had no idea what she was talking about.
“Come on Harry we’ve got a game to win” Ron’s sudden aura of confidence was radiating off of him as he quickly pushed himself away from the table and began exiting the Great Hall.
“We’ll see you guys there?” Harry questioned as he looked between the two of you also beginning to stand up.
“We wouldn’t miss it” Hermione assured him as you both watched him awkwardly wave before he turned to follow Ron.
“This is going to be interesting”
Loud screams and chants began filling your ears as you watched the two teams make their way out onto the Quidditch pitch, you and Hermione quickly joined in beginning to clap and cheer as you made eye contact with Ron who looked as ready as ever.
A particular blond seemed to have caught your eye since before you knew it Madame Hooch was announcing the start of the game causing you to snap out of your trance, when you looked back at Draco he was already smirking up at you making you quickly look away as your cheeks turned bright red, pulling your Gryffindor patterned scarf up over your face in hopes that he wouldn’t notice the crimson colour.
“Seekers shake hands!” you watched as Harry and Draco walked up to each other clasping each other’s arms before Draco retorted something in Harry’s direction causing him to quickly pull his hand away from his the game now officially beginning.
It had been almost an hour now and so far Gryffindor was in the lead the score being 23-45. You were beginning to think you’d lost your voice but nevertheless you still raised your hands high in the air and cheered Harry on as he dove towards the snitch with Draco hot on his heels.
You anxiously began biting your nails as the two continuously bumped into each other both their arms outstretched as they neared the golden object.
“Come on Harry” you whispered the anticipation was killing you, but you didn’t have to wait much longer since the two boys suddenly crashed into each other sending them both flying off of their brooms and hurling towards the grass below.
You gasped as you stood up beginning to lean over the railing to get a better look at the two seekers who now both laid on the grass clutching their stomachs, but you widely smiled once you noticed a familiar shimmer coming from Harry’s hand.
“Yes!” you screamed as he carefully sat himself up raising the golden object up into the air for the rest of the stadium to see. Your happiness was quickly replaced with worry once you noticed the Slytherin boy laid next to Harry wasn’t moving.
“Is Malfoy okay?” you frantically shook Hermione as you pointed down at him but Hermione paid you no mind her eyes trained on Ron who was proudly raising his hands in the air as it was announced that Harry had caught the snitch.
Since everybody seemed to be too caught up with themselves you again leaned over the railing before screaming Draco’s name hoping it would at least capture the attention of someone from his team so they could help him.
You felt a wave of relieve wash over you as you watched his previously limp body turn over before he placed his hands on the grass pushing himself to sit up, the hand that wasn’t holding him up immediately going to rub his forehead.
He sent a glare Harry’s way before he grabbed his broom and began storming off the field his teammates following shortly after, for some odd reason you began to feel bad for him as you watched the disapproved glances from his fellow Slytherin’s being thrown his way but you decided to push the feeling away joining in on the celebration of your house.
Once you arrived at the Gryffindor common room a celebration had quickly ensued the hollering of Ron’s last name began sounding all around the room as you began clapping in rhythm to all of their chants, you and Hermione watching as Ron got pushed in the middle of the crowd.
Before you knew it a girl you didn’t know the name of had wrapped her arms around his neck, harshly pulling him down to meet her lips, you gasped as you faintly remembered a conversation between you and Hermione where she’d admitted to harboring a crush on the ginger boy.
You quickly turned to see Hermione pushing her way through the crowd and out of the common room. You began following her but quickly lost sight of her as you tried your best to squeeze through the teenagers who had now begun lifting Ron into the air.
“Hermione!” you called out but it was impossible to hear anything over the celebrations so you gave up on calling out to her simply resorting to pushing the students that stood in your way.
Once you finally managed to reach the door that led out into the hallway you frantically pushed it open beginning to search the corridors for your best friend.
When you rounded a particular corner, you came crashing into a much taller figure then yourself sending you flying towards the ground at the impact.
“Watch where you’re goin-“ the familiar voice of Draco Malfoy sounded from above you but stopped once he made eye contact with you. “Y/L/N?” he questioned before reaching his hand out to you which you accepted letting him pull you back up onto your feet.
“What are you doing out here, shouldn’t you be celebrating?” there was a defiant malice to his tone as he scowled in the direction of your common room where chants could still be faintly heard.
“I could ask you the same thing Malfoy” you raised an eyebrow since you weren’t anywhere near the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was.
“Just needed some air, some people aren’t exactly thrilled with the outcome of today’s game” Draco shrugged causing your stomach to drop slightly at his obvious disappointment. He sat himself down on a bench a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he let his head fall back onto the wall.
You slowly sat down next to him carefully contemplating your next words. “Not that it would mean anything to you but I thought you were really good” you tried to comfort him as you watched a faint smile appear on his lips before he turned his head towards you.
You didn’t realize just how close you were to each other until his eyes quickly looked down to your lips and back into your eyes. You suddenly remembered why you were out here in the first place, your thoughts traveling back to Hermione who had disappeared only moments ago.
“I’m sorry but I really need to go, uh- I’ll uh see you in class” you excused yourself before standing up and continuing your search for your best friend, but a hand wrapping around your wrist stopped you dead in your tracks as you were turned back around.
Your eyes slowly travelled up from Draco’s tight grip on you and back into his icy grey eyes. You carried a confused glance on your face which Draco seemed to notice since he quickly let go of your wrist.
“Thank you” is all he said before he swiftly turned back around and began walking down the corridor, disappearing out of sight.
next part
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celestialevie · 3 years
Career Day // Sirius Black x Herbology professor! Female reader
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(not my GIF, credit to the owner/creator)
(also, Billy Russo is how I imagine auror! Sirius 🥵🤤)
Genre: Fluff with comedy on the side
words: 1.5k
warnings: mentions of murder (in the joke kind of way), Sirius and Remus being annoying, marriage, talks of careers, discrimination against Hufflepuffs, kissing
Summary: It's career day in Hogwarts for fifth years, and you decide to invite your husband along with Mad Eye Moody and Tonks to talk about auror career.
A/N: So this is a completely different fic with Sirius and herbology professor! reader than the one I originally imagined when I asked you guys to help me choose a fic, but that fic would've been waaaay too long for my liking so one day I'll definitely either turn it into a series here or a full book on wattpad, because I still love that idea. Hope you guys don't mind it and still enjoy this fic!
Credit to @firefly-graphics for the divider!
Being in marriage while working as Hogwarts professor and your partner being an auror along with raising your godchild isn't the easiest thing. But seeing your godchild practically every day was one of the perks of being herbology professor at Hogwarts. Harry was a lovely child despite him causing mischief occasionally, which was expected considering half of his DNA is from one marauder and was raised by another. So when it was career day for your fifth year hufflepuffs, you decided to grab the chance and invite your husband to present aurors. Which let's be honest, might not have been the best idea, but who can blame you for wanting to see your husband, and he was an excellent auror. Of course, along with him, you invited Mad Eye Moody and Tonks. Asking different friends who were in different careers to come and have a small speech about their careers to your house. After most of them were done with their careers, you decided to talk to them about the process of being a professor since the aurors were late (to no one's surprise)
'' First, I would love to thank all of you for coming and helping the hufflepuffs hopefully decide on their future careers. So now it's my turn to speak about becoming a professor one day. The most important thing is, you have to be one hundred percent sure this is something you want to do. While yes, it can be easy to change career, being a professor is something you must love. Like I do. Since the moment I was able to think about my future, I saw myself either being a healer or herbology professor. Those two things were something I adored...'' as you were speaking, you could see three figures quietly coming in, and you immediately knew who it was. ''...when I was still a student I would occasionally help madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing, or if professor Sprout needed any help during class I would immediately volunteer. Just ask my husband, who just sneaked in after coming late. '' the students laughed, while Sirius only grinned while coming to your side and giving you a kiss on the cheek. '' It's true. Since the moment I met her, she only spoke about how hard it's going to be to decide what she wants to do between those two things. Whenever one of my pranks along with my best mate's would go wrong, she would talk our head off while helping us heal if were injured. When were doing bad in herbology she would help us with no exception. '' he smiled while remembering how without any hesitation you would help the marauders after full moon after Sirius convinced Remus to trust you with his secret. '' To become a professor, whether it's Herbology or Defence against the dark arts or any other, you need Outstanding or Exceeds Expectations O.W.L.'S in that particular class you're interested in teaching, along with other ones you choose. Same with your NEWTS, but more on that in your 7th year. The most important thing is your dedication to how much you want to do this. I would be honoured to work one day by any of you by my side. Now I'll let the wonderful aurors speak about how to become one of them. The podium is yours. '' pecking Sirius' lips before moving to the side and letting Tonks and Mad Eye Moody join him. They spoke about things they've witnessed in the first war (mostly Mad Eye, with Sirius joining him occasionally). Tonks spoke about her training and how she herself was a Hufflepuff and how people used to think she's too soft for her to be auror only for her to prove them wrong. About what O.W.L's they took, and just encouraging them to think really good before deciding to join aurors. Soon after that, she let her kids go to their next classes before going to her office along with Sirius.
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As soon as she was back in private with her husband, she pulled him into a tight hug. Despite them living in Hogsmeade during the school year, Sirius often was gone for days or weeks on auror missions, so forgive her for missing her husband. '' I'm glad you still have your head on your shoulders.'' she spoke quietly while still hugging her husband, making him chuckle. '' Well I am not sure what you think of me love, but I am one of the best aurors out there. My head will always be on my shoulders. '' he pulled away slightly from her, just enough to kiss her on the forehead before bringing her into the hug again. It was two minutes of silence before someone knocked on the door of her office and barged in. She immediately knew who it was and smirked. '' It seems I am not the only one who missed you. '' as she pulled away from Sirius, she looked at her godchild. '' Can I help you, Pottah? '' she asks, imitating how Draco calls Harry, making Sirius laugh while Harry rolled his eyes. '' Sometimes I really hate you working here at Hogwarts. Isn't it enough you two bother me always at home during summer? '' he asks while grinning. Sirius dramatically gasps before pulling Harry into a hug tightly, making Harry grumble. '' Sirius, you're making it really hard to breathe. I knew I should've gone to Remus instead of coming here to see you. '' you grin, remembering your best friend who is also probably just waiting to come and see Sirius again. '' You're being really hurtful Harold, how dare you say we bother you during summer? We're the best godparents you could've asked for! '' you nod, agreeing with him. '' He's right. And what do you mean you hate me working here? I am literally only seeing you if you come to me or if you're having herbology that day and during meals. I am grateful Sirius is not also working here. Having the child of one marauder and one of the marauders teaching here is already giving me enough headache, praying school doesn't crumble down to the grounds with you two. '' Harry and Sirius look at each other before grinning. '' You've just given me the greatest idea, my love. You know I played quidditch during our school years, I was thinking of applying to become quidditch coach. '' Your eyes widened, Harry and Sirius laughing at your reaction, just as Remus walked in your office with a slight knock on your door. '' Remus please convince your best friend to not apply to be quidditch coach. '' Remus only laughed as he walked over to stand by Sirius. '' Why would I? I think it's appropriate that both of Harry's godparents work at school. Don't you agree, Harry? '' Harry nodded his head, making you look at him bewildered. '' Two minutes ago you complained about me working here, and now you want Padfoot here, your godfather, Sirius Black to be your quidditch coach? I swear to Merlin I'm about to have a stroke. '' Sirius scoffed. '' And you say I'm the dramatic one. Save yourself from having a stroke, my love, I was just taking the piss. I'm content with being auror. '' rolling your eyes, you pulled your godchild into a short hug before placing a kiss onto his head even though he was already almost taller than you. '' I love you and go to your class, I don't want to hear from Snape about how you're late again because of me. You don't need to witness me killing your godfather and professor. I'll see you at the dinner tonight. '' Harry kissed your cheek as he laughed at your comment, giving Remus and Sirius a hug before rushing out to the dungeons. As he left, you just glared at your husband and best friend while they were just grinning like kids. '' You two annoy me. I was being content with only dealing with one of you at the time. '' they laughed before they both hugged you. Sirius kept his arms around your waist as Remus told you that he needs to go back to his class. Soon it was only you and Sirius alone again. Sighing, you relaxed in your husband's arms as he placed gentle kisses around your face. '' You're coming home tonight or staying here? I want to sleep next to you. '' Turning in his embrace, you put your
hands around his neck, resting your forehead against his. '' Home. I just need a relaxing night with you after you being gone for a week. '' he only nodded before kissing you gently on the lips. Just holding him close to you felt right. '' I'll see you home tonight. Want me to cook dinner for us, or will you bring something from the kitchen's? '' Pulling him closer and nestling your head into the crook of his neck, you mumble how you'll just bring home something from the kitchens. He hummed, placing one last kiss to your lips before parting for you and leaving to go back to home. You were truly the happiest whenever you were with your family.
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yurimother · 3 years
The Best Yuri of 2020
2020 was hell in every way, and many of us are looking forward to new possibilities and advances in 2021. However, the year brought us many small moments and gifts worth celebrating. Among these, the explosive growth and change within the Yuri genre are among the most precious and most outstanding achievements. This second century of Yuri opened with a bang, as phenomenal new works, creators, and moments made their mark and helped change the future genre.
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This annual list is a celebration of just a handful of the fantastic titles, people, and events in Yuri. There are likely some even greater ones that did not make the list because there is so much content in both English and Japanese that even I cannot keep up. However, among the troves of treasure, these titles stood out as shining examples of Yuri excellence. Some were released this year, others were recently adapted into English, and still, others are established titles that rose to prominence to dominate the conversation and my mind this year, but every one of them is worthy of being on this list and in your heart.
Here is the Best Yuri of 2020!
15: The Curse of Kudan Remastered
Japanese Yuri visual novel developers show no sign of slowing down as they continue to push to new heights and try new ideas. These are the same amazing people who brought us the delightful educational Yuri game The Expression Amrilato and the hilarious and surprisingly queer OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbando’s. However, this most recent release, The Curse of Kudan Remastered, is their best work yet. Released near Halloween, this game brings a new edge of dark mystery and the occult to Yuri audiences worldwide.
The Curse of Kudan is available on MangaGamer, JAST USA, Denpasoft, and Sekai Project.
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14: Adachi and Shimamura
English audiences were finally treated this year to Hitoma Iruma’s long-running and wildly successful Yuri light novel series, Adachi and Shimamura. Although the story struggles to gain traction, dedicated readers’ have their patience rewarded with a sweet tale full of gay pining. Alternatively, you can jump into its stellar anime adaptation, with gorgeous visuals and realized characters you will actually be willing to put up with the annoying Yashiro just to see where the title characters go. The series shows no sign of slowing down either, as the manga adaptation is coming to Western audiences next year.
Adachi and Shimamura is available to stream on Funimation. The light novel series is published by Seven Seas - https://amzn.to/3rTSZTK
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Honorable Mention: Happy Go Lucky Days
The OVA adaptation of Fragtime got most of the attention this year. Still, director Takuya Satou and Pony Canyon also gave us this much-overlooked “love is love” anthology movie based on Takako Shimura’s manga (Sweet Blue Flowers, Wandering Son). The first short in the film, “Happy,” is easily the best Yuri anime of the year. It follows the beautiful yet realistic queer love story of two women hooking up at a mutual ex-girlfriend’s wedding, only for the relationship to blossom and warm viewers’ hearts. Sadly, while stylized, the budget demanded the animation cut a few too many corners. Additionally, the subsequent stories are at best tedious and at worst alarmingly problematic, which is why Happy Go Lucky Days only gets an honorable mention.
The OVA is streaming on HIDIVE
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13: Mieri Hiranishi
The Yuri scene has many colorful creators with a breadth of different ideas and stories in the genre, yet few have provided as much humor and joy as Mieri. This talented creator spectacularly tumbled into the scene with her manga essay The Moment I Realized I Wasn’t Straight, which embodies the brutal honesty and realism of Nagata Kabi and matches it with exaggerated hilarity. She continues to chronicle her painful struggles of being a butch girl in love with butch girls in the monthly series The Girl that Can’t Get a Girlfriend. Alternatively, you can follow her on Twitter for just as much heart and laughter.
Read The Girl that Can’t get a Girlfriend on Tapas and Webtoon.
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12: My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
My Next Life as a Villainess has what can only be described as volcanic bisexual energy. Every character protagonist Catarina Claes encounters is entirely enthralled by her. Of course, she is far too preoccupied with her quest to avoid doom flags and change her ultimate fate to notice any romantic interest. The series is rewarding and well structured, as views are just as focused on how Catarina plans to avoid certain doom as they are with the various romantic misses her band of companions cooks up. While the “friendship ending” did not capitalize on its Yuri potential, it was perhaps the most satisfying possibility for this crazy harem, at least until season two comes out, which looks, unfortunately, to be significantly less queer.
My Next Life as a Villainess is streaming on Crunchyroll
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11: Love Me for Who I Am
Kata Konayama’s manga series is less Yuri than a general LGBT work, but it has a lesbian character and explores her identity and struggles in great detail. Few titles before have captured the exciting and nervous waves of emotions that young people feel as they explore gender and sexual identities and try to find themselves. This heartfelt and extremely queer series rubberbands between cute moe dress up to tragic and gripping backstory, keeping readers on their toes the whole time.
Love me for Who I Am is published by Seven Seas - https://amzn.to/3rTSZTK
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10: A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986
Oracle and Bone’s debut visual novel, A Summer’s End, is set in a vibrant and electric 1980’s Hong Kong. Drawing inspiration from classic Asian cinema, music, and fashion. The worlds of Michelle, a young office worker, and a free-spirited woman named Same collide. The two struggle to comprehend and accept each other’s feelings just as they struggle against society’s expectations and prejudices. An incredibly thoughtful and touching adventure, the creators incorporated vital contemporary elements include Asian LGBTQ rights and growing political unrest in Hong Kong, into this illustrious game.
The visual novel is available on Steam.
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Honorable Mention: Goodbye, My Rose Garden
In the same vein as A Summer’s End, Goodbye, My Rose Garden is a beautiful period piece that incorporates LGBT views into its shattering narrative. The story follows a bright-eyed immigrant, Hanako, wanting to make a new life in England as an author at the dawn of the twentieth century. She takes a job as a maid to noblewoman Alice, but their relationship takes a turn when Alice asks Hanako to kill her. This poignant tale is beautiful and an honest depiction of love and its conflict with responsibility and society.
Goodbye, My Rose Garden is published by Seven Seas Entertainment - https://amzn.to/3hFSyaG
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9: Shio Usui
Usui’s hit Shaikaijin Yuri manga Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon could easily take this spot even though it is not even out in English until February 2021. The manga is already making waves and receiving constant praise. The characters and their journey to discover love and self-acceptance are as charming as they are relatable and grounded. However, it is the creator, Usui, who really deserves acclaim. Not just for their work on Doughnuts, but having a second serialized story, Onna Tomodachi to Kekkon Shitemita, in monthly Yuri magazine Comic Yuri Hime simultaneously. It is even more remarkable when you consider these two iconic stories are Usui’s first long-running works, as they only contributed one-shots before.
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8: Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka
Bloom Into You is possibly the most iconic Yuri series in the past decade, and while the manga deserves its own place on this list, the best thing to come out of the series as a whole is easily the light novels. This trilogy by Adachi and Shimamura creator Hitoma Iruma dives deep into supporting cast member Sayaka. Readers are treated to a delightful journey as she discovers her sexuality, experiences heartbreak, and finally finds herself breaking free and falling in love. With the help of gorgeous illustrations by Nakatani Nio herself, Iruma masterfully captures Sayaka’s unique voice and emotions in this wonderful series. Whether a fan of the originals or not, every Yurijin must check out Regarding Saeki Sayaka.
The light novel series is published by Seven Seas - https://amzn.to/3hFSyaG
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7: Our Teachers are Dating
The best a Yuri can get. This workplace romance follows two teachers at the start of a new relationship taking nervous yet enthusiastic first steps, including saying I love you, going on their first date, and even sleeping together. It is so heartfelt and salacious that readers will squeal the whole time. Additionally, our heroines are supported in their relationship by everyone they know, their students, colleagues, and even the principal. It is a perfect world for these two lovebirds! Our Teachers are Dating would easily be number one or two in any other year, but the competition is fierce in 2020. So even though this is only number seven, it is still a master class Yuri manga.
The manga is published by Seven Seas Entertainment - https://amzn.to/38XY3O9
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6: Amongst Us
Who would have thought that a comedy alternative universe story spinoff of a fantasy action series would be the single best Yuri webcomic this year? Shilin’s astounding artwork illustrations the hilarious and irresistible journey of girlfriends Blackbird and Veloce. These two eccentric young women get into all kinds of everyday mischief that bounces between tender and touching romance, completely outrageous comedy, and downright thirst-inducing sorcery. Seriously, you should buy the first volume for Veloce’s back muscles alone. The storyline skips between time, but both their established relationship and their meeting as teenagers are adorkable and captivating.
Amongst Us is available online free on Webtoon and the comic’s website. The first volume is in paperback on Shilin’s site.
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Honorable Mention: Éclair
There are a lot of Yuri anthologies out there, and they have done some beautiful things. Many focus on themes like Syrup. Others collect a series of stories by an author into one bound work. However, out of all of them, Éclair is the most successful. ASCII Media Works took some of the genre’s most extraordinary creators and let them do whatever they wanted, and the results are spectacular. The incredible talent behind Éclair somehow packs a full volume’s worth of story and character into just a few pages with every chapter. While the first volume came overseas a few years ago, Yen Press gave Yurijin a gift this year by releasing the entire rest of the series in which readers can get lost.
The anthology series is published by Yen Press - https://amzn.to/38XY3O9
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5: I’m in Love with the Villainess
A small trend of isekai Yuri with villainesses emerged recently, and I honestly had few hopes of I’m in Love with the Villainess. The series is pretty popular, but I often find that this does not denote quality, and with isekai having some institutional issues, I suspected this would fall flat. Then the volume three cover showcased an incredible accomplishment, allowing for a lesbian relationship to blossom into a family with children, and it blew me away. Finally, I read volume one and realized that the series has incredible character, some of the best world-building I have ever seen in a light novel, thoughtful discussions of inequality and societal issues, and most impressively, open and frank discussion of queer identity and life Yuri has ever seen! This one is something special.
The series is published by Seven Seas Entertainment - https://amzn.to/3nedvdZ
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4: The Last of Us Part II
Yes, I know this one is not Yuri and that a portion of the population despises this game and will likely be exceptionally angry at me for including it. However, I maintain that it was an incredibly challenging masterpiece. Naughty Dog did not take the easy route out and delivered one of the most devastating media experiences I have ever seen. As I said in my article about the game, playing it changed me, and it sticks with me to this day. The Last of Us Part II earns its spot on this list because it pushed boundaries more with LGBTQ inclusion than any other AAA game. From brave inclusion of LGBTQ themes to queer characters and storylines at its center, the game changes gaming and it will never go back.
The Last of Us Part II is available on PlayStation 4
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3: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
She-Ra feels like the culmination of all the LGBTQ progress western cartoons have made over the past few years. From The Legend of Korra to Steven Universe, young people are finally seeing more LGBTQ people represented on the small screen. This epic fantasy concluded with an amazing and powerful lesbian romance, delivering on its queer promise and revolutionized representation in a trope-defying crescendo.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is streaming on Netflix
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2:  The Conditions of Paradise
The greatest single Yuri work of all in 2020 was the English release of Akiko Morishima’s breakthrough manga, The Conditions of Paradise. Initially released in 2007, this anthology detailed the love between adult women. It was in every way a manga ahead of its time, and seeing it finally get a small piece of the recognition it deserves overseas is a true gift. The fact that we can own this legendary piece of Yuri history and Morishima’s other anthologies is nothing short of a blessing from the Yuri goddess.
The Conditions of Paradise is published by Seven Seas Entertainment - https://amzn.to/38bh4xq
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Honorable Mention: Otherside Picnic
This eerie sci-fi horror series combines the best of pulse-pounding thrillers, complex and intelligent hard science fiction, and exciting Yuri romance. Author Iori Miyazawa spends as much time crafting a well-paced and intriguing narrative about a mysterious world where occult creatures roam as he does establishing two believable and grounded heroes in Sorawo and Toriko. The romance between the two may be slow to start, but their chemistry is undeniable and as the stakes and story build, so too does their relationship. Not only are the light novels incredible, but the series’ manga adaptation is coming soon to the West as well as an upcoming TV anime in early 2021.
Otherside Picnic is streaming on Funimation. The light novels are published by J-Novel Club - https://amzn.to/3niiv1g
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1. Yuri subgenres
For a long time, Yuri was not a genre of its own, but elements of romances or bonds between women found in other works. Now, thanks to an increasing library of works, the advent of social media, and a wider audience, Yuri is a genre on its own, with many creators telling different stories in different styles. However, 2020 saw the continued emergence of something extraordinary, subgenres. Yuri is now so vast, we can actually categorize the works within. Depending on their characters, like classic schoolgirl romances or spicy shakaijin office affairs, their world, such as fantasy or isekai series and thrilling science fiction adventures, and even other elements within. One of my personal favorites is the feminist Yuri that emerges from titles like Sexiled, where women celebrate the accomplishments of other women and dismantle power structures stacked against them. Now, no matter what kind of Yurijin you are, there is something for you to love.
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I am happy to leave 2020 behind, but I bring with me a renewed love and admiration for Yuri. 2021 looks to be a somehow even better year for the genre, and I am thrilled to experience every minute of it that I can. Yuri has transformed into something far greater than I ever thought it would be, and let us all enjoy its evolution and expansion together in 2021.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Victor’s Business Exhibition Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 企展之约, which has not been released in EN 🍒
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[ This date was released on 16 July 2021 ]
After a meal on this weekend afternoon, I’m nestled on the sofa, watching a new episode of an anime.
MC: Hahahaha!
Watching the comical antics of the main character on-screen, I can’t help but laugh out loud.
Hearing the rustling of papers from behind, I subconsciously shut my mouth, my line of sight flitting past the sofa and landing on Victor.
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He’s sitting at the dining table, a look of concentration on his face while he reads a report. The small dining table is full of documents.
I had initially planned to watch movies with Victor at my place today. I didn’t expect him to be so bogged down with work lately, and unable to relax over the weekend.
MC: Victor, am I disturbing you? Why don’t you use the study room or my bedroom instead?
Without lifting his head, he props up the spectacles on the bridge of his nose.
Victor: Who was the one who wanted to “stick” together with me over the weekend?
MC: ...that’s true, but you’re focusing on work now.
He has no intention of continuing the conversation. Rubbing my nose guiltily, I head into the kitchen quietly. After cutting some fruits, I bring them over to the dining table.
MC: In that case, I’ll apologise to CEO Victor~
Sticking a toothpick into an apple slice, I bring it to him. He tilts his head up slightly, taking a bite from the apple in my hand.
From my peripheral vision, I spot an invitation card with the words “Elementary and Middle School Students” on it. Curious, I take a closer look.
MC: “Corporate Culture Exhibition for Elementary and Middle School Students”? Is LFG participating in the Corporate Culture Exhibition?
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Victor: We received the invitation and haven’t decided if we’re participating.
MC: I see... I’ve never heard of this exhibition.
Victor: The government organised it this year. 
Victor: The officials said that it’s meant to introduce elementary and middle school students to outstanding occupations and various career paths to help them establish their aspirations.
MC: This exhibition seems pretty meaningful. It’s beneficial to LFG’s business image too.
MC: Come to think of it, I wonder if little kids have an understanding of LFG, and what kind of impression they have of LFG?
MC: Oh yes! There was a news report on elementary and middle schoolers going on company tours. Does LFG want to organise a similar activity?
Ideas come one after another in my mind. I rattle on about my opinions, but Victor doesn’t express anything.
When I start making an inventory of the company tour for students, the pen in his hand pauses, and he lifts his eyes slowly.
Victor: I can consider the exhibition, but not the company tour.
MC: Why not?
His deep eyes sweep over the anime on the television screen before landing on me.
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Victor: There’s already one very noisy kid in LFG.
In the end, Victor accepts the invitation to the Corporate Culture Exhibition. The exhibition commences as scheduled.
Out of interest, I offer my services to Victor. I become a volunteer responsible for decorations at the venue.
Seeing the detailed and vivid posters introducing various occupations  in the exhibition hall, the LFG employees next to me are slightly awed.
LFG Employee A: It’s really nice that we have the chance to understand different occupations. When I was young, I thought there were only astronauts and scientists in the world.
LFG Employee B: Even if you only knew of those careers when you were young and decided on an aspiration, it might not become reality when you grow up. I wanted to be a dancer, but I’m doing something completely unrelated to the arts now.
LFG Employee A: That’s true. If it weren’t for the excellent pay in LFG, I’d probably be at my old home opening a second-hand bookshop and retiring early. Oh yes, MC, what did you want to do when you were young?
Getting pointed out suddenly while engrossed in their discussion causes me to be stunned momentarily.
MC: When I was young...
I blink, recalling somewhat faraway memories. Before I can ponder deeply, my phone rings - it’s a call from Victor.
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Victor: Come to the café near the entrance of the exhibition hall.
MC: Now? What for?
Victor: ...what else can you do in a café? Play golf, amend proposals, go horse riding, drink coffee - which one do you think is the most suitable?
MC: ...to be honest, I can’t decide between the two options of “amend proposals” and “drink coffee”.
Victor: I ordered a custard cake. If you don’t come over, I’ll take it that you’re not interested.
MC: I’ll be there immediately!
After notifying those LFG employees, I turn around and head towards the café.
MC: Is this really okay? The others are still busy.
Victor: When did you have such a high sense of awareness? Who was the person who painstakingly learnt “Slacking Hacks” on the internet a few days ago?
MC: I was reading that for fun... I wasn’t planning to put it into practice.
Lifting my phone as I squeeze into the packed café, I notice that most of the people here are parents who are preparing to accompany their kids to the exhibition.
Victor: There’s still an hour till the exhibition begins. I’ve already told Goldman to inform everyone to take a break. In short, there’s no need to feel guilty, because...
Taking two steps into the café, I spot Victor at a glance as he sits at a table near the window calmly.
Seeing that I’m walking towards him, he puts down his phone gently, lifting his head to meet my eyes.
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Victor: Aside from you, there’s another person who’s “slacking”.
Taken aback for a moment, I quickly react to the meaning in his words. My brows arch upwards as I take a seat.
MC: I didn’t expect to ever “slack” together with CEO Victor.
Elated, I pick up a fork and try a bite of the dessert in front of me. The custard melts in my mouth instantly, and it’s sweet and smooth.
MC: Delicious! As expected of CEO Victor’s pick~
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Victor: Even delicious food can’t stop you from being talkative.
Right after saying this, he seems to stare at me fixedly, his expression slightly strange.
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Just as I’m about to ask why he’s looking at me that way, he lifts up his coffee, his lowered eyelashes covering the smile in his eyes.
...am I overthinking things? Why do I feel as if he’s making a joke out of me?
Feeling puzzled, I notice a pen and a post-it booklet at the edge of the table.
MC: This is...?
A staff who is passing by takes a step forward, smiling as he explains.
Staff: This is a small event by our shop. You can write your hopes or suggestions for the children, then hang it on the “Hope Tree” near the door of the shop.
Struck with an idea, I pick up the pen and a post-it note.
MC: Victor, shall we write a few suggestions for the children too?
I tear a post-it note and give it to him. After staring at me in silence for a while, he suddenly reaches out his hand.
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Victor: Give me one more.
MC: ?
MC: Does CEO Victor want to write a mini essay?
Ignoring my joke, he writes a sentence on each of the two post-it notes. He hands one to the staff, and stuffs the other one to me.
Bewildered, I sweep a glance at the post-it note given to the staff. The words “You only have one life” are written on it.
Lowering my head, I stare at the post-it note in my own hand. In an instant, I realise why he displayed such a strange smile earlier. There’s a short sentence written on the post-it note:
“Dummy, there’s custard on your cheek.”
??: Hello, could I trouble the two of you to help me with something?
My face reddens. After wiping the custard off my cheek with a tissue, I hear an unfamiliar female voice next to me.
Turning towards the sound, I see a lady standing beside me with two small boys.
Woman: I need to use the washroom, but bringing two boys with me isn’t really convenient. Could I trouble the both of you to take care of them for a while?
I ask for Victor’s opinion with my gaze, and he responds with a slight nod. Understanding this, I nod at the mother.
MC: Of course we can.
While thanking us, she gets the two children to sit at both ends of the table before hurrying off.
The table now comprises of the four of us - two adults and two children. The air gets filled with an inexplicable, thick awkwardness.
Victor looks at me. I look at the kids. The kids look at Victor... Clearing my throat, I decide to break this strange atmosphere.
MC: Kids, how old are the both of you?
Kid A: Mommy said that we can’t give personal information to strangers!
MC: ...
I didn’t expect to be given the cold shoulder the moment I opened my mouth. I release an embarrassed laugh.
MC: Personal information... You can use such advanced terms. You’re so smart haha.
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A soft and low chuckle drifts to my ears. I glance at Victor as he picks up his coffee with a blank expression, staying uninvolved in the matter.
The other boy suddenly widens his eyes and leans towards me, pointing at my volunteer name tag and reading it aloud.
Kid B: L! F! G! Do you two work in LFG?
MC: Well...
I ponder over this. LFG is the investor of my company, and Victor is the CEO of LFG. So...
MC: I guess so.
Kid B: In that case, what are the two of you doing here? Did you sneak away?
MC: ...
Although these are unintentional words from a child, I avert my eyes guiltily. At this point, the kid who behaves like an adult speaks loudly.
Kid A: That’s impossible! Mommy said that everyone who works at LFG are really incredible people! They won’t sneak away!
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Victor: Cough...
Victor pauses his sampling of the coffee. As though he choked on something, he clears his throat.
Kid B: Really?
The kid blinks his eyes as he waits for our response.
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Victor’s expression is a little unnatural. He picks up a newspaper from a rack near the window, immersing himself in it.
Seeing him like this, he probably recalled the earlier conversation we had on “slacking” as well.
It’s rare to see Victor being choked up by someone. A little demon with horns suddenly appears in my heart.
I can’t help but laugh inwardly while turning to the kids.
MC: You’re correct. The employees from LFG never sneak away. We were talking about work-
MC: Right, Vic?
[Note] In CN, MC calls Victor “小李” (“xiao li”, which translates directly to Little Li).
Saying this, I wink at the person opposite me.
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Victor arches his brows, astonishment in his eyes. Without waiting for him to speak, I immediately do a “stop” gesture with my hands.
MC: The previous proposal for the show is too conservative. There aren’t any highlights, and it isn’t clear who the target audience is. It might be a waste to show it during prime time.
Adjusting my posture, I clasp my fingers on the table, mimicking VIctor’s tone and expression.
MC: When will you be submitting the new proposal? Tomorrow is the deadline.
Kid A and B: Wow...
Awed gasps from the kids drift to my ears. I straighten up with pride, tilting my chin towards Victor.
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He stares at me with a calm gaze, his eyes gradually illuminated with an unreadable, dense light.
He lowers the newspaper slightly, blowing the coffee in his hand gently and unhurriedly.
Victor: Are you sure these are the only problems, Miss CEO? 
Victor: I've also “reflected” much on that proposal, and there are some problems I haven’t had the chance to tell you about. 
Victor: Since you brought it up, I have no choice but to do a “self-reflection” here.
Victor’s tone is composed, and there isn’t a ripple in his expression. As compared to my pretentious posture, he’s laid-back and natural.
Victor: The theme of the show is too general and lacks a segment which stirs the audience. 
Victor: The structure also has the shadow of previous shows. A change in form but not substance - it’s a little unoriginal. 
Victor: A scandal broke out yesterday involving one of the guests for the show. A replacement guest has not been decided upon.
Victor: Also...
MC: Stop! I... I get it!
He leans against the back of the chair, a teasing glint in the depths of his eyes.
Victor: When will you be submitting the new proposal? Tomorrow is the deadline.
MC Tonight, tonight! I’ll definitely submit it tonight!
I reply instantly, my voice carrying with it some alarm. The corners of his lips hook upwards, and he retracts his “overbearing” aura.
Victor: I’ll wait and see.
I heave a sigh of relief, then feel a dryness in my mouth. Lowering my head to take a sip of coffee, I see the disappointed gazes of the two kids.
My cheeks flush. Just as I’m about to say something to salvage some pride, their mother returns, thanking us while taking them away.
I glare at Victor indignantly. He chuckles softly, then clasps his fingers together on the table just like I did earlier.
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Victor: I look forward to your next “challenge”.
After the exhibition ends, Victor and I leave work early.
The weather is really nice today. We pick a restaurant nearby, planning to head there on foot.
Dusk hangs low, and a misty pink evening mist smudges the sky.
Perhaps due to how smoothly the exhibition went, little emotions surface in my heart. 
Beneath this beautiful sky, how many young aspirations and lives took flight earlier?
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Victor: Why are you just standing there in a silly daze? Aren’t you hungry?
Retracting my thoughts, I see that Victor has stopped in front of me, his body turned to the side as he looks at me.
I hurriedly catch up to him, pulling on his arm.
MC: Victor, why did you write “You only have one life” on the post-it note today?
Victor: It’s true that you only have one life. Even an elementary student knows this principle.
MC: ...that’s not what I meant. I’m asking about what’s implied in it. For instance, are you asking the kids to seize the day and work their hardest?
His gaze lands on me. Seeing how serious I look, he slows down his pace slightly.
Victor: If you were to meet your childhood self, would you tell her to work her hardest?
MC: Mm... it’s difficult to say. I might tell her what to do in order for the current me to be even happier?
Victor: And that the reason why you can’t use an overly objective and rational principle to teach others. 
Victor: It’s a desirable trait to work their hardest so that there won't be any excuses to stop in their footsteps. 
Victor: But this doesn’t mean that everyone must have the goal of working their hardest.
Victor: After all, every person expects different things from themselves. 
Victor: Not everyone wants to stand at the peak. 
Victor: As compared to looking down from a mountaintop, there are some people who wish to happily and simply appreciate the scenery along the way. 
Victor: This might sound simple, but being an ordinary person isn’t easy.
Victor: “You only have one life” - this phrase has many meanings in different contexts.
I’m stunned for a moment. I initially thought that Victor’s words were meant to be a motivational quote, and didn’t expect for him to have such thoughts.
Even when he’s faced with young children, he doesn’t wish to give a fixed answer on the basis that he’s a mature adult.
My lips curl upwards, and I can’t help but stick a little closer to him.
MC: You’re right. After all, aside from people who stand at the peak, there are even more ordinary people.
MC: Ordinary people have one life too. They need to cherish it properly, and do what they want to do.
MC: CEO Victor, I’ve learnt something from you!
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Clasping my hands together, I bow in mock seriousness. An almost indiscernible smile lifts the corners of his lips.
MC: Come to think of it, I had so many aspirations when I was young. Lawyer, teacher, police officer, judge... I didn’t expect to become a producer in the end. Perhaps in a parallel universe, there’s a me who became a lawyer, teacher or judge!
The scene from the café flashes across my mind, and I burst into laughter.
MC: I might even be a CEO! What do you think?
After I say this, Victor turns his head and gives me an amused glance.
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Victor: I think you do behave like a CEO.
MC: It’s because I’ve been influenced after spending such a long time by your side~ Returning to the topic - what was your aspiration when you were young? To become a powerful business tycoon?
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Victor: ...have you ever heard of a child having such a pragmatic dream?
MC: In that case, tell me about it?
He doesn’t respond, and simply keeps his eyes faced front. No matter how much I probe, he doesn’t speak.
The sweet fragrance of desserts wafts into my nose. Following the scent and turning to the bakery near the roadside, I’m struck with an idea.
Since I can’t crack this difficult question in a straightforward manner, I decide to adopt the process of elimination.
MC: A baker?
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Victor: ...
A signboard with the words “Watchmaker Shop” enters my vision, and I immediately look at him.
MC: A watchmaker?
MC: The boss of a lottery shop?
MC: ...director of a zoo?
Throughout the journey, I rack my brain and ask him about all sorts of occupations. However, it’s clear that none of them are correct.
Finally, we stop in front of a crosswalk, waiting for the red light.
Looks like I won’t be able to get any answers from him today. Disappointed, I let go of Victor’s arm, releasing a soft “hmph”.
MC: Aren’t you curious if there was a choice and you weren’t the CEO of LFG, and if I weren’t a producer...
MC: What would our identities be? Would we meet? And what kind of a relationship would we have?
The red man at the other end of the road suddenly turns green, signalling for us to move forward.
My hand, which had drooped to the side, is lifted up gently by someone. His broad palm conveys a comforting temperature.
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Victor: There’s nothing to be curious about.
The crowd flows past in an endless stream on the crosswalk. Their footsteps are hurried, and the tips of their feet point in different directions.
I look at the person beside me. His gaze is resolute as he holds my hand, taking large strides towards the restless crowd.
He seems to sense my gaze. Lowering his head slightly, the light in his eyes is deep and scorching.
Victor: The life that I want to choose most is already in my hand.
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Victor's Post: Turns out someone could still go to work normally after staying up to watch anime last night.
MC: Could we cancel tonight’s reservation at the restaurant? I really want to go straight home to sleep...
Victor: Eating is a necessity. The location will be changed to your home.
Victor's Post: Turns out someone could still go to work normally after staying up to watch anime last night.
MC: As long as I’m hardworking enough, nothing’s impossible!
Victor: Working hard to make yourself even more stupid?
Victor's Post: Turns out someone could still go to work normally after staying up to watch anime last night.
MC: I solemnly vow not to do such things again.
Victor: This vow better count before you start on the next anime.
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🍰 Call: here
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pretty much read your umich marriage fic blind and I loved it!!! but i literally had no idea that umich hockey had so many fans for like rpf??? is there a reason for this (like other than having so many first round draft picks) interest in this year’s roster 😭
thanks anon! i love hearing that people read that fic even without umich background. i need to do some reflective writing about why umich turned out to be a great fandom niche for me, but to answer your question more generally, here are my thoughts on why umich was generally popular this year:
the gateways: fandom loves the hughes brothers, and umich got one. there's also a well-established fandom for the NTDP 2019 class/WJC gold medal team, and brendan and matty are tight with that crew. i think those factors put umich on the radar for a lot of people.
the content: abundant content sustains fandom, and umich had a flood of it this year. we had it all: general hockey media coverage of the first round picks, coverage in connection with each of their future nhl teams, a robust student newspaper hockey beat, and an outstanding umich social media team with a heavy focus on player personality. plus the social media content generated by the players themselves, which is more casual and candid than we usually get from pro players. basically these boys cannot stop flirting with each other on instagram.
the *vibes*: truly, this team delivered everything fandom could want. do you like size difference? umich had big owen power and short kings nick and thom, plus scrawny alley cat kent. do you want a smart kid theater nerd to relate to? here's matty. want a laid back beach bro himbo? here's brendan. want a flashy skill guy? i give you kent. do you need someone whose fashion choices give you a whiff of Gender? thom bordeleau delivered. friends to lovers? every damn one of them. oh my god they were roommates? all of them all of the time. roommates in dorms, roommates in houses, roommates on the road. oh no there's only one bed? anon, with these guys it's more like oh no there's two beds, because they always found a way to use only one of them.
basically, umich 2021-22 didn't just have a little something for everyone, they had an abundance of everything for everyone all the time. if you were paying the slightest bit of attention to them, it was stupidly easy to fall hard.
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VICTORY! New Free File rules ban tax-prep firms from hiding their offerings, allow IRS to compete with them (a love-letter to Propublica)
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Six months ago, Propublica began beating the drum about "Free File," a bizarre, corrupt arrangement between the IRS and the country's largest tax-prep firms that ended up costing the poorest people in America millions and millions of dollars, every single year.
The scam is one of those baroque, ultimately boring and complex stories that generally dies in the public imagination despite its urgency, because "boring and urgent" is the place where the worst people can do the worst things with the least consequences.
With that warning, here's a short summary: in most wealthy countries, the tax authority fills out your tax return for you, using the information your employer already has to file every time it pays your wages. If all the numbers look right to you, you just sign the bottom of the form and send it back, without paying a tax preparer. If, on the other hand, you want to claim extra deductions, or if something complicated is going on with your finances, you can throw away that free tax return and fill in a form from scratch, either on your own or with the help of a professional.
When Americans asked to have the same courtesy extended to them -- a move that would save the vast majority of Americans millions and millions of dollars they were currently paying to the likes of HR Block and Intuit/Turbotax, every single year of their entire working lives -- the tax-prep industry mobilized to kill the proposal. The industry (which is highly concentrated and dominated by a small handful of firms whose top execs have mostly done time in all their competitors' board rooms, making them into essentially one giant company whose different divisions have different shareholders) lobbied the IRS very hard, and won a resounding victory.
That victory is called "Free File." Under Free File, each tax prep company is required to serve a slice of working Americans with free, online tax-preparation. The arrangement was hailed as a victory for public-private partnerships, harnessing the efficiency of the private sector to perform this public duty of the state. Importantly, it meant that the IRS would not expand its headcount or budget, both of which had been slashed by successive right-wing presidents and their legislative enablers. The move was cheered by anti-tax extremists like Grover Nordquist, who was delighted by the "efficiency" of you saving a bunch of pieces of paper the government already had, typing them into an online form, and hoping that a company's website came up with the same calculations that the government had already made about your tax-bill.
Part of the Free File deal banned the IRS from creating a competing offer and it banned the IRS from advertising the existence of the program or telling people where to find the free offering.
As soon as the ink was dry on Free File, the tax-prep companies set about to sabotage it. Intuit -- a massive company led by a bizarre cult figure -- and its competitors hid their Free File offerings deep in their sites, and used the "robots.txt" system to instruct search engines to hide them. They took out search ads for the phrase "Free File" that directed users to paid offerings with the word "free" in their names. They created "Free File" systems that would make you go through hours of work entering your data before surprising you with a notice that you didn't qualify for Free File because you'd paid interest on a student loan (or some other normal thing) and then ask you if you wanted to pay to keep your work and finish your tax-return in the non-free system.
There's a simple name for this kind of activity: fraud.
But it was a fraud in plain sight, one that went on for years and years, and which created a stealth tax on the majority of Americans, which they had to remit not to the IRS, but to the tax-prep companies, which used the money to lobby to make it even harder to get away from handing them your money every year.
Enter Propublica, whose relentless reporting did the seemingly impossible: it made a complicated, boring important thing into something that millions of Americans cared about. Something they cared about so deeply that they actually managed to shame the IRS into taking action.
Remember, the IRS is an administrative agency, under the direct control of the Trump administration. That means its commander-in-chief is a guy who said dodging his taxes means that he's "smart." While the IRS has many good, hardworking staffers, it has also been demoralized and gutted by the right, who have convinced millions of poor people that it's somehow in their interests if it's easier for rich people to duck their taxes.
Despite all this, the IRS has enacted new Free File rules: first, these rules ban tax-prep companies from hiding their Free File offerings, and it bans them from using deceptive names for non-Free File offerings (Turbotax will no longer be allowed to confuse Americans by offering "Turbotax Free" -- which is not free -- as a competitor to "Turbotax Free File," which is).
Second, the rule allows the IRS to develop its own competing Free File product, which means that the government agency that already knows how much tax you owe will allow you to review its findings each year and then either challenge them, or simply click OK, without paying a single cent of tax to Intuit or HR Block, and free you from filling in lengthy, bureaucratic forms.
This outcome is nothing short of miraculous: it did not come as the result of Congressional action. It did not come as the result of the Trump administration's inattention (the release came out the same day that the Trump administration revised its tax rules to allow money launderers to retain billions in the loot they've stashed offshore).
It came about as the result of fucking journalism. Propublica wrote its way into a better world, with relentless, deep, accessible reporting that made this boring, important thing come to life.
I am sympathetic to the idea that talking about politics isn't doing politics, but that's not entirely true. Learning about what's going on and telling the people you know about it and getting them to tell others is part of how we make change. Propublica's excellent reporting wouldn't have mattered if people hadn't read it -- and talked about it.
And Propublica has done this repeatedly over the past year, deeply reporting on naked, grotesque corruption in ways so vivid and undeniable that they actually changed things, and not in some abstract, boring way, but in ways that matter to the immediate, lived experience of real people who had been brutalized and poisoned and jailed and mistreated with impunity, for years, until Propublica wrote about it.
Here are some examples, just from the stories I paid attention to this year (Propublica does so much good work that I can't manage to cover all of it):
* Reformed South Carolina's "magistrate judge" system that let "judges" with no legal background and less training than barbers sentence poor people (most of them Black) to prison in defiance of their constitutional rights;
* Dismantled Illinois's system of Quiet Rooms where special ed kids were put into solitary confinement, sometimes for days at a time;
* Shamed a "Christian" hospital into ending its practice of suing thousands of patients, many of them its own employees, for inability to pay their medical debts, and forcing it to jettison the private army of debt collectors it kept on its payroll.
* Killed an Illinois scam whereby affluent parents temporarily gave up custody of their own children so they could steal college grants earmarked for poor children;
* Got two Louisiana cops fired for encouraging people to murder Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez;
In addition, Propublica has done lots of reporting that hasn't yet created political transformations, but has changed our debate and laid the groundwork for change to come: called attention to the penniless hero of the ransomware epidemic; discredited a "walking polygraph" system used by police forces to frame their preferred suspects with sheer junk science; documented the link between pharma company bribes and doctors' prescribing; named every former lobbyist in the Trump administration; tracked every penny of the 2008 bailout money; documented Wayne LaPierre's self-dealing from the NRA's war-chests; documented the grifty conservative PACs that scammed millions out of scared old white people with racist Obama conspiracies and then kept the money for themselves; published a blockbuster story on the theft of southern Black families' ancestral lands through a legal grift called "heirs' property"; debunked the "aggression detection" mics being installed in America's classrooms; outed a "ransomware consultant" that was working with ransomware crooks to simply pay the ransom, while pretending that they were able to get you your files back without enriching the crooks who locked them up; named and shamed Alabama sheriffs who lost their re-election bids and then spent thousands of public dollars on frisbees or stole discretionary funds, or destroyed food earmarked for prisoners, or drilled holes in all the department computers' hard-drives in a form of "vindictive hazing"; followed the payday lender industry to a Trump hotel where it staged an annual conference, funneling millions to the president's personal accounts shortly before Trump reversed Obama's curbs on predatory lending; documented how TSA body-scanners single out Black women for humiliating, discriminatory hair-searches; revealed the secret history of wealthy people destroying the IRS's Global High Wealth Unit; and did outstanding work on the Sackler family, a group of billionaire opioid barons whose products kickstarted the opioid epidemic that has now claimed more American lives than the Vietnam war.
2019 was a dumpster-fire of a year and 2020 could be worse -- or it could be the dawn that breaks after our darkest hour. Finding Propublica's victory lap on Free File on New Year's Day was just the sunrise I needed to give me hope for the year to come. Sometimes, simply finding the truth and telling it to the people can make a change.
I'm a Propublica donor, and an avid reader. I admit that sometimes when I see that PP has published another 15,000-word expose, I am slightly dismayed at the thought that I'm about to lose 1-2 hours of my life to digesting and writing up the new story, but that dismay is always overcome by excitement at the thought that they have turned over a new rock and found something genuinely awful beneath it, and that, with all our help, we can sterilize that foetid sludge with blazing sunshine.
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xlehukax · 3 years
Thank You For The Music
Foreword: This is for the Sanders Sides Gift Exchange! Analogical Soulmate Au, as requested by @romantichopelessly! Happy holidays. And there’s also a playlist!  @sanderssidesgiftxchange! 
Ships: Logan x Virgil, (Background) Patton x Janus 
Word Count: 8374 
Warnings: SelectiveMute!Virgil, like one fight scene, Cursing, Logan’s ignoring feelings, it’s mainly the Logan and Virgil show... I don’t think there’s really anything! 
Summary: Logan’s been asked to assist a local student on campus. Having nothing else to do, he agrees: and so starts a connection that he would’ve never expected, and one that flowers more beautifully than he could ever imagine. (Soulmates can hear each other sing in their heads: Italics are either singing or sign language) 
Somehow, Logan thought his fourth year in College would feel different. Like he’s gone on some sort of journey: like he’s learned in the education manner but also in the lifestyle sort of way. 
It doesn’t appear that way. It seems like Logan’s the same. 
No friends. 
No challenges. 
Nothing to be excited about whatsoever. He’s going to college for the degree at this point, and the title alone. It’s why when the professor for his Microbiology class asks him to stay after, it shocks him. Especially so close to the end of the semester. 
Is he not doing enough? A quick inventory of his mind ensures that he hasn’t forgotten anything. The professor must need something: she’s taken a shine to him anyway, it probably isn’t bad. Logan gathers his things and then places them carefully in their individual places in his bag: once everything is where it belongs, in pockets and folders and sections, Logan presents himself to the professor. She smiles at him over the top of her laptop, eyes sparkling with mirth before shutting the lid of the machine. 
“Thank you for seeing me, Logan,” she grins. 
“I’m going to be blunt here: why have you asked me to stay? I assume that there is nothing out of order.” 
“No, no… your grades are impeccable, participation is great, and you’ve been fantastic. It’s simply that you’re so outstanding that I want to ask a favor,” his professor asks shrewdly. Logan hums for a moment, debating, before wincing in pain and clutching his temple. 
“Logan! Are you alright, dear?” 
“Ah, yes. It’s merely my soulmate,” he says by way of explanation. The professor smiles broadly. 
“How fantastic! Anything good?”
Logan quickly takes stock of the song: his mystery mate sang Overkill yesterday during Office Hours, and Sally’s Song the day before that while he was at his college apartment. He only knew because a) these were repeating songs, and b) he’d looked them up right away. Listened to them after the music fades to hold them close. 
It’s funny that he never once thinks that the original is better in any sense than the sweet song of his soulmate. His (Logan’s assumed it’s a he, based on his own sexuality and interests) music is so sweet: his voice is lilting and beautiful and it makes Logan feel so guilty. So guilty, because he must be the most beautiful man in the world and Logan hasn’t given him anything. Logan does not… sing. 
And in a world where you hear your soulmate’s singing in your own head, it’s a betrayal. 
“So? What is it?” the professor’s voice snaps him back to reality. 
“Oh, I’m not sure. It seems to go… oh, oh, oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting. Oh, oh, oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting. I’m a lonely boy, I’m a lonely boy,” he repeats the song in a monotone. The professor snaps her fingers. 
“Ah, The Black Keys. Lonely Boy, a classic!! It’s a good song, your soulmate has some bloody good taste. And, what are you doing, letting them be lonely like that?” she winks at him, “It’s quite the song.” 
“I do not see how this is relative to our conversation,” Logan deadpans, tired of this discourse already. If it has nothing to do with academics, he doesn’t want to hear it. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I got off-topic. Anyway, you know ASL right?” 
“Perfect,” she smiles gently, getting up from the desk and dusting herself off, “There’s a student at the school, it’s his second year: he’s mute and uses primarily ASL to communicate. So far, he’s been surviving by being with his brother. But the brother is changing schools after this semester to go to a better nursing school and… well, we need someone to look after Virgil. Virgil Williams is the name of the student and Patton Williams’s the brother. There’s not a lot of students who know ASL here, and from what I’ve heard you don’t really participate in extracurricular activities. This would be not only a great way to flesh out your resumé but also simply a great thing to do, you know, humanitarian wise. Would you be up for it?” 
Logan considers for a moment. It’s true, he doesn’t do a whole lot outside of schoolwork: he does tend to have too much free time spent re-reading books. It doesn’t have to be anything special: it’s only helping this kid when he needs it. No problem whatsoever: he’s tutored people before, it’ll be similar. 
“I don’t see why not. Do I have an opportunity to meet with them before I agree completely?” 
“Oh, of course! They should be at their dorm now… here’s the dorm number,” she passes him a slip of paper and what this job will entail and waves him off. The dorm’s only a short walk away: it’ll be less than a ten-minute walk from the lecture hall if he crosses the Courtyard. 
Logan walks briskly: he doesn’t require the extra exercise due to his rigorous workout schedule but it’s always nice to stretch his limbs. He breaks into a light jog, his bag bouncing slightly on his back as he moves, and makes it there in exactly 8.7 minutes instead of 10. Logan wipes the sweat from his brow with a cloth before entering the dormitories and heading to the shared Williams dorm. It’s on the third floor, right outside the elevators. 
Logan takes the stairs. 
He combats a sudden influx of nerves at the door: swallows it deep and regulates his features. Professional, he thinks to himself. Be professional. 
His knock is answered immediately as if they were standing at the door. Logan’s presented with a man who breaks out into a broad smile immediately: his hair is pulled up into a small bundle at the top of his head, sparse brown curls sticking out haphazardly. He’s quite large and strong-looking: he’d be intimidating if his eyes didn’t have that same sort of sparkle that the professor did, his large circle-rimmed glasses hiding absolutely nothing. 
“Oh!! You must be the guy the Prof knew!! Hello! I’m Patton!! It’s so great to meet you!! Agh, I’m so excited! Well, Virgil too,” he grins. Logan blinks. He is… a lot. 
“Greetings. I am Logan,” Logan signs the words alongside the verbal words to demonstrate his fluency. Patton squeals and Logan winces. 
“Haha, sorry about that. Again, eee! So excited! I’ll introduce you to Virgil,” Patton holds the door ajar for Logan to enter, gesturing to the small pile of shoes to remove his. Logan gently unties his trainers and places them beside a pair of Doc Martens and Toms. They’re about as different as they could be: one is black and bulky with thick purple laces, the others a sky blue with little paw prints. Polar opposites. Logan diverts his attention to Patton, who’s been jabbering on about something or other. 
“-and there he is! Virgil, come on out kiddo- meet Logan!” Patton coos at what at first glance seems to be a shadow but in reality is a man who practically hides by the door of the conjoined bedroom. He’s encompassed by an oversized hoodie. 
“Hello, it is nice to meet you, Virgil,”  he signs out silently. Patton bites his lip to stop himself from speaking, but his noises of excitement escape anyway. Virgil signs back a meek hello: his hood falls off in the process, and Logan scrutinizes the face that he’s apparently going to be assisting for a while. 
Virgil has long dark hair: unkempt and uncut, old dye lingering stubbornly on the tips of it. His eyelashes are long, drooping over his cheeks, as he avoids Logan’s gaze. He possesses dark circles under each eye- so dark it seems intentional. Virgil tugs his hood over his head the moment the silence stretches a bit too long, and he’s gone: a rabbit ducking into a hole. Logan wishes he’d put the hood back down. 
In all regards, Logan means to say that Virgil holds palpable beauty. 
The idea within itself isn’t strange: Logan understands the various societal norms and standards that society adheres to beauty and usually makes deductions off of that, but there is… something about Virgil. Virgil’s not muscular looking, or overly lean, or anything of the sort. He’s simply…  enchanting. 
“Well, say something!” Patton shouts, breaking the silence. “Or, I mean, sign something, Virge. It’s too stifled in here: do either of you want something to drink?” 
“Water?” Virgil signs. His hands are shaking.
“I’ll have one of those too,” Logan adds on. Patton smiles at the two of them and finger guns. “You can hear, correct?” Logan asks, keeping his tone easy. He makes sure to enunciate each of his words, just in case. Virgil blinks up at him moonishly. 
“Yes,” Virgil says, worrying at his lip. 
“You don’t need to be afraid. I’m only here to help you,” Logan attempts to smile at him comfortingly: judging by Virgil’s expression, it seems more like a grimace. “Let’s sit down and talk about this, alright?” Logan sighs. He pulls out a chair at their small table and lets Virgil sit in it, pushing him in. Immediately after, Virgil pulls his legs to his chest and wraps his arms around them. He’s vanished completely into his hoodie. 
Logan sits next to him, rather than across: he doesn’t want to make him feel like he’s being interrogated. 
“I’m sorry,” Virgil says. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for?” Logan replies, more of a question than an assurance. “My apologies Virgil, but you’re not trying to impress me. I am simply here to introduce myself so that I can begin to help you. I am here for you. You can take as long as you want.” 
Virgil peeks out from under the hoodie like a prairie dog emerges from a hole. Hair first, then curious eyes, then his hands. 
Logan smiles. 
“Now, let’s draw up a contract here, to outline what we’ll be doing this year. I do believe,” he retrieves the papers the professor had given him, “that you already have a solution for classes, so you will not require my assistance there. It’s more after school hours and personal activities, no?” 
Virgil nods meekly. 
So… Virgil just needs a… friend? A friend who knows ASL? Logan’s heart swells in his chest: Virgil just needs a friend. 
Logan doesn’t let his excitement show: because deep down, deep enough that he’ll never admit it fully- let alone say it aloud- he’d truly like a friend too. 
And as Virgil glances over the contract and bites his nails and spares him the smallest glance before Patton returns with two glasses of water and a plate of supermarket cookies… Logan can’t help but feel like this will become more. 
The contract is solidified: Logan will go to Virgil after his classes end, assist him with homework or anything else he needs at the time. Logan will be on speed dial for him if talking to people if needed. Logan will be paid a small sum per day, as well as the equating service hours. 
Patton can’t stop thanking him with tears in his eyes. Virgil doesn’t look at him once, spares him no glances. Rather, his eyes are downcast for the next hour that Logan’s there. He has a little fidgeting toy and presses it in his lap. Logan exchanges cordially with Patton, Patton cheers animatedly, and Virgil is silent. 
“If I may ask… why now? Is this not your second year of college? Why would you leave now?” Logan asks. Patton’s expression saddens. 
“Oh… well, I’m transferring to a better medical school after this semester and- I couldn’t leave Virgil here without any help- he waited for me so we could go here together and… I can’t leave with no safety net for him,” Patton says tearily. He wipes at his eyes and goes to squeeze Virgil’s shoulder.
Virgil sinks deeper into his hoodie. Logan feels deeply uncomfortable. 
“So thank you, Logan: you seem so nice, and so smart, I’m sure that I’ll be leaving him in capable hands,” Patton assures him, and then looks at the time mounted on the wall, “Oh! You must be going now, huh? I’ll walk you out,” 
“Goodbye, Virgil. I look forward to seeing you soon,” he says curtly, before letting Patton lead him back to the door. As he ties up his shoes, Logan opens his mouth hesitantly. 
“You are… you are a good brother, taking care of your younger sibling like that,” he does his best at comforting. Patton laughs at him. 
“No, no! Virgil’s my older brother by two years. Technically, he should be at your level: but he waited for me to go. We’re really close and we help each other out so… Goodness, that’s the reason why I’m doing all this, reaching out to the teachers and organizing things for him. I want to -no, I need to- help him out. Like he’s helped me,” Patton explains. Logan blinks. This means two things. 
Patton feels guilty. He feels oh so guilty, and Virgil probably feels betrayed. Betrayed and alone. 
Virgil and Logan are the same age. 
The end of the first semester comes quickly. It was only a few weeks away, and Logan spends minimal time with Virgil: giving the brothers space to make amends before he comes between them. 
On the last day of the quarter, Logan makes his way to their dorm room. Music had been stuck in his head all day: his soulmate singing the same song over and over again. It’s beautiful, of course, but nagging as he tries to focus. Logan debated singing a little “shut up please” but even that little snippet of musicality makes him nervous. 
And what would his soulmate think? What would he think, after years of silence, that the first thing he gets in return is a demand for silence? Logan shivers at the thought of it. The song goes: Time is an illusion that helps things make sense, so we’re always living in the present tense- it seems unforgiving when a good thing ends, but you and I will always be back then. 
Logan likes the scientific simplicity of it, and finds himself humming along as he swiftly walks across the courtyard to the dorms. His soulmate’s voice rises with the music: piano, he thinks. His soulmate is playing the piano and singing over and over and over again. In his mind's eye, Logan wishes he could comfort him: do the soulmate things that soulmates do. Embrace him and calm him and quell his fears. The music fades in time for him to get to the dorms: Patton’s already outside, bags packed. 
Logan is giving, or rather attacked, with a hug from Patton. 
“You are leaving now, yes?” he says, trying to make it seem like he’s not worming out of the embrace despite his discomfort. Patton releases him after a moment, worrying at his lip. 
“Yeah! I’ll visit as often as I can, call me if ANYTHING happens, and-” 
“Patton,” Logan grips his shoulders, “I can handle this. Go on now,” Patton nods tearily. 
“You promise you’ll take good care of my brother? You have to- to pinky promise, because if anything happens to him it’s going to be my fault,” Patton wipes his eyes, and there’s that intimidating that he always knew Patton had the potential for: “You have to promise. I love Virgil more than anything or anyone in the world. He is the kindest, most thoughtful person. You may not see it right now, but he is. Virgil is the best person I know. You have to help him when he needs it, even if he doesn’t want it,” 
“I promise, I’ll perform to the very best of my ability Patton,” Logan says steely, “I promise. You go and pursue your dreams.” Logan and Patton both glance up to the window of the dorm that Virgil’s in: the curtains are closed, and Patton sighs. Gives Logan a meaningful look. 
Patton juts his pinky in his face, and Logan exasperatedly links his. Patton’s face brightens, and leaves to the nearby road where a taxi awaits. In Logan’s head, a new song begins. It starts with a guitar and then continues with his soulmate’s angelic voice: “Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, they slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe-” 
Logan watches him go for a moment: and then he starts walking into the dorms to check in on Virgil. Logically, he’s probably feeling due amounts of stress and uncertainty in the new situation. 
“Nothings gonna change my world, nothings gonna change my world…. images of broken light, which dance before me like a million eyes, they call me on and on across the universe,” 
Logan’s heart feels full, an odd feeling: there’s something about the music and the situation that blends and rushes into his chest so wonderfully. Perhaps this is what it’s like to be with your soulmate: life and soul singing together in perfect harmony. 
“Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box, they tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe,” 
Logan takes the stairs step by step, enjoying the music as long as he can. 
“Nothings gonna change my world, nothings gonna change my world, nothings gonna change my world, nothings gonna change my world…” the music stops all at once, guitar too: Logan misses it for only a moment, before he remembers that it’s no passing street musician but rather his soulmate. His soulmate who sings so perfectly. The soulmate he’ll never meet. 
He arrives at the Williams’ dorm- err, now just Virgil’s, and raps on the door. He waits for a “coming!” but then realizes his mistake. He waits patiently for Virgil to open it: and when he does, it’s only a crack. Logan stares back at the scrap of Virgil’s face he can see. 
His lips purse. 
“Would you like to let me in?” Logan asks gently. Virgil’s face tightens nervously, and he signs something quickly. 
“I’m not okay right now,” he says. Logan swallows. 
“Can I help with anything? Or should I leave?” he keeps his voice as soft as he can. Virgil’s head shakes a vehement ‘no’. 
“Virgil… I-” he tries to come up with a reason, a real reason for him to stay. There is none. If Virgil says he doesn’t need any help then there’s no reason to stay. Logan swallows. “If you have no need for me… then I… I should leave,” he sighs. The door closes shut behind him with a click. 
Logan’s moving to leave when he has a new idea. He raps on the door once more. Virgil’s face peers through the crack in the door again. He rolls his eyes at Logan. 
“What is it?” he signs. 
“Fancy a game of chess?” 
Unsurprisingly, Virgil is a silent but deadly good chess player. He’s forward thinking and takes no risks that he can’t counter the backlash of. Logan is thrilled to play with someone so astute. 
“Checkmate,” Logan announces, after a long and difficult game. Virgil huffs in mock indignation, and knocks down his own king. “You’re quite proficient at this, Virgil. We should play more often.” 
Virgil blushes, signing a quick “Thank you” and then zipping his hoodie up further. Logan finds himself smiling at him. 
“Would you like to go again? Or do you have work to do that I can help you with?” 
“Again,” Virgil signs, hands quivering slightly. Logan chuckles and resets the board for another go. Virgil bites at his nails and waits. It’s too quiet without Patton’s incessant yammering. Logan decides to ask the first question that comes to mind. 
“Do you have a soulmate?” 
Virgil makes sweater paws and ducks into his hoodie more. 
“Oh- I’m sorry, is that a bad topic-” 
“No. I do not have one.” 
There’s been cases of people ‘missing’ soulmates: only to find that they were dead, or that they didn’t want a soulmate and merely ignored them. Or like Logan, who don’t sing whatsoever. 
“Ah… well, that’s a shame, Virgil. You’d be amazing to have as a soulmate, I’m sure,” 
Virgil flushes deeper, if it’s possible, and hugs himself. Logan finds himself smiling again: Virgil’s cute. 
Perhaps he said it out loud, because then Virgil’s growling at him and signing a “Fuck you, I am not!” 
“Maybe just a little bit?” Logan teases, he teases, such an odd and different thing for him to do. But teasing Virgil is different. It’s like another game and Logan doesn’t feel out of place or silly: it’s still serious.
“No! No!” 
“I think you are,” 
“No! What? No!” 
“Hmm,” Logan merely says, finishing the chess board. 
His soulmate has a crush. A sort of crush that’s teetering constantly between deep pining and attempting to squash it. 
It’s apparent, between the lines of “Fly Me To The Moon” and “despair”. In other words, I love you. Cause it’s not romantic, I swear. Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore. I want you to be here, but please don’t come near. You are all I long for, all I worship and adore. It’s not love, I swear. 
Today’s song is “Raincoat” (according to the internet) and if that’s not appropriate, Logan doesn’t know what is. Once more, Logan wishes he has the confidence to thank him for the soundtrack that’s been accompanying his life as it rises in joy each day. 
These songs… they’re a quick change from the dreary songs that had been going on a few weeks ago. Logan, ironically, doesn’t mind the sappiness, actually. Usually he would, but it fits his recent joy. 
Virgil’s exactly what he wanted, what he could’ve never hoped for. He’s smart, he’s clever, he’s shrewd, he’s not touchy, he respects boundaries… 
It’s perfect. Logan goes and sticks with him each and every weekday after classes end. They work together, they read together, they watch True Crime shows, they eat dinner together, they play chess and cards and backgammon and Clue and everything possible. They talk: and miracles upon miracles, Virgil seems to like him. 
Today is different. Today is a weekend: there’s no real reason that Virgil should need him, he’s never before, but he was invited to have lunch with him anyway. Even though it’s going to be snowing! Even though it’s freezing! Even though in any other instance Logan would be curled up at home with a good book and Star Trek. And rather… rather they’re going to get Hot Pot at the small university town in Logan’s ramshackle car. It gives Logan the strange feeling of hope rising in his chest that Virgil wants him around as much as he does. That Virgil enjoys it as much as he does. 
Enjoys the company, the quiet, the whole thing. 
He doesn’t even have to go up to the dorm: Virgil’s waiting for him outside the building. Logan waves after he gets out of his secondhand car: Virgil offers a small one in return and walks up to him. He’s all bundled up in several mismatched layers: though he still wears aggressively ripped jeans with skinny knees peeking through, he’s wrapped in several warm coats. 
Logan gets a sudden urge to press a kiss to his shaggy hair and hug him tightly, the slouching man at the ideal height. He squashes it quickly, blushing anyway at the mere thought of such romances, and lets Virgil into the passenger seat without looking at him. Virgil taps his hands on the front of the car, a rare grin donning his features. Logan swallows. 
Virgil has never looked more beautiful than he does right now. With a smile and all of those layers and his hood just barely adorning his head. Logan notices now that his makeup is different today: a sparkling purple rather than the usual dark tones. 
“Where to, Virgil?” 
“I do not care!” he signs excitedly. Logan chuckles. 
“How about sushi, then?” 
Virgil smiles and nods. Logan sets the car into reverse, and then drives out of the parking lot. Virgil fiddles with his fingers. I should say something…
“Would… would you like to listen to any music, Virgil?” Virgil’s head bobs an exuberant yes, and Logan gestures to the old car radio: Virgil fiddles with it, and finally ends up with a channel that’s not staticy. 
‘You’d be like heaven to touch… I want to hold you so much,’ At the beginning of ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’ Virgil sinks into his hoodie: Logan casts his eyes off the road for a second, glancing at Virgil- the scrap of his face that he can see is ruby red. At least the car isn’t silent anymore, he thinks to himself. Virgil’s quiet (well, not signing), and the song plays to completion and fades into “This Guy’s In Love With You”. Virgil, if it’s possible, seems to hide even more. 
“We’re almost there, do you want me to turn it off, Virgil?” Logan suggests. 
“It’s fine.” 
“If you say so… seems like you’re hiding but…” 
“Fuck you.” 
‘Say you’re in love, in love with this guy… if not, I will just die’ 
Logan turns off the radio as they turn into the parking lot of the local sushi joint. He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns to Virgil. 
“Eat in or take out?” 
“To go,” he signs. Logan hums: maybe one day, they’ll be able to go out together for a meal. Virgil doesn’t like public places due to his anxiety, and Logan doesn’t want him to be uncomfortable and he’d never push him but… it is a classic ‘friend’ activity to go out for dinner together. It would be nice, but having a friend generally is nice and he’s not about to lose him over some stereotype. 
Virgil’s not ordinary, so why would their friendship be? 
“Come now, Virgil, let’s order,” Logan gets out of the car, helps Virgil out, locks the car. It all feels very normal, very quaint. He has to admit that he enjoys it, despite what one would think if they met him. 
Walking into the restaurant is normal. Ordering food (ordering for both of them)? Also normal. They wait for their sushi in the front, Virgil warming his hands by blowing on them. 
“Do you enjoy spending time with me?” 
The question bursts out of Logan with little warning: he doesn’t even register that he said it until after it’s out of his mouth. He’s about to rescind the words when Virgil responds. 
“Yes. Yes. I love spending time with you,” He blushes slightly, looking away, “And you make me feel safe.” 
Logan blushes: he grabs the newly presented food and goes back to the car- but Virgil grabs his sleeve. 
“Do you want to sit in the park?” Virgil asks, nervous after the flurry of hands.
“It’s freezing outside,” 
“I know,” he signs, his expression saddening slightly.
“There’s no one out here.” 
“I know, I can see. I’m mute not blind,” Virgil rolls his eyes, heading for the car already. Logan chuckles and clasps his shoulder: Virgil stiffens under his touch.
“I don’t think I said I didn’t want to,” he teases. Virgil’s eyes widen, and then a smile creeps up his lips. 
“Okay!” Logan and Virgil walk right next to each other into the park: Virgil signs quite fast that he rather likes the cold, and that the skeletal trees remind him of his favourite movie, and does Logan like Nightmare Before Christmas, and what about stop animation? And halloween movies? 
Logan chuckles and answers all of his questions, slowly fielding them back to him. Virgil never talks this much when they’re in public. It’s nice to see him opening up, Logan thinks to himself pridefully, Is this my doing? 
He doesn’t mean to preen, but it happens anyway. 
“Why are you doing that with your chest?” 
“Oh, apologies, Virgil. It was accidental.” Logan reels himself back in: it’s so strange to have to do that. He’s never done anything like that, something that breaks his front stage appearance. It’s odd: like there’s another, smaller, smiling, animated Logan inside of him. A little Logan that’s been ignored and malnourished for a while now. Virgil giggles though, and Logan stops amidst his musings to stare at him. 
That was… cute. Why was that cute? Genuinely cute, not teasingly. 
Virgil catches him staring and glares at him, though his cheeks flush. 
“What are you looking at, nerd?” 
“Ah- it’s nothing. Would you like to sit down here and eat?” Logan points to a random bench: Virgil shrugs and sits, holding his arms open for his food. Giving him his food and sitting down next to him is a battle of wills: if it was another other person, in any other situation, he’d excuse himself and leave. But it’s Virgil, and the man looks so thrilled to just sit with him: it’s his friend. He’s not abandoning him. Even if his emotions are crawling up his throat. 
The silence is amicable as they eat. The first flakes of snow start to fall, and Virgil’s attention is drawn to them immediately. He watches the snowflakes float down slowly, enraptured. 
“You’d think you’ve never seen snow before,” Logan chuckles. 
“Fuck off,” Virgil signs fluidly. He doesn’t even look at Logan, simply eats his sushi and quickly stands to spin in the snow. “It’s beautiful.” 
“Yes,” Logan agrees, as he watches Virgil laugh quietly and kick the powder around, as Virgil’s eyelashes are decorated with snowflakes, as he holds his tongue out like a child, as Virgil looks so free and unafraid in his lonesome company… “It’s quite beautiful indeed.” 
Patton’s coming back in two weeks. The second semester is almost over, spring finally showing her colours after a frigid winter, and Logan’s almost nervous. The music in his head doesn’t help whatsoever to calm him. What if something changes? It’s not like Patton’s staying, he’s allegedly very happy at his new school, but… Logan can’t help but worry at the idea that something in their dynamic will change irreparably if Patton reenters. 
There’s nothing you can do about it, he assures himself once again, Just keep doing your job. Logan’s class lets out early, and he takes a brisk jog to meet Virgil outside his class. By now, Logan knows his schedule by heart and knows where to meet him. 
He waits outside the lecture hall, student after student exiting… he waits until it’s fifteen minutes after his class has ended. Frowning, Logan peeks inside: it’s devoid of people, even the professor. 
“Virgil?” he calls out into the empty room fruitlessly. Panic starts to rise inside of his chest as he calls for the anxious man. “Virgil? Virgil, where are you?” 
He searches each aisle of the lecture hall, calling Virgil’s cell phone. Virgil hates it when he calls him, but if he’d just pick up, it means he’s okay. Logan feels incredibly antsy as he runs out of the room, sprinting at full force (he’s a strong man) around campus calling for Virgil. He wipes at his face: he can’t have the budding tears block his vision. He needs to find Virgil. 
“Virgil, where are you? Virgil, I need to find you. Virgil, please please be okay,” he dashes around a corner and drives his heels in to stop. 
His beloved hoodie in a secluded alleyway. 
Logan reaches down and grasps it: he’d never leave it alone, let alone in a public place. Logan shakily picks it up into his hands, feeling the fabric: it’s dirtied. He gently folds it and puts it under his arm.
He’s starting to walk away when he hears the muffled shout and the sound of a punch’s impact. 
“Oh, so you want to talk now, huh?” Another punch. “Fucker.” 
Logan walks purposefully in the direction of the noise: two large women and one large man are whaling on Virgil, kicks and punches and spit, who’s curled up on the paved ground in the fetal position. Logan takes out the first buff woman with a strong punch to the side of her face, the second with a well placed kick and shove. The man runs away, pulling his fellows along with him. 
“Virgil, they’re gone now. Are you alright?” 
Virgil makes a broken sob, holding his midsection with his eyes downcast, and spits out some blood. Logan sighs and bends down to Virgil’s level, and wipes his mouth with a handkerchief from his book bag. He gives Virgil his hoodie (which he takes to immediately) and rubs his back. 
I should’ve gone after them, made them pay- 
“OH MY STARS, are the two of you alright?” a fanciful voice calls out from the entrance of the alley way. 
“We just saw a trio of assholes running away with some wicked bruises-” 
“Remus, that’s not the point!” The two boys walk into the alley, one worrying with a red letterman’s jacket and coiffed hair, the other (Remus) morbidly interested with a large denim jacket and wild hair sticking up every which way. They have the same face, unnervingly, though the wilder one sports a partially-grown mustache and the other has a scar though his eyebrow. 
“Alright, alright, I’ll bite. Are you okay?” Remus asks, extending a hand to Virgil. Virgil looks away and tucks into Logan more. Remus retracts his hand with a shrug. Logan gives the both of them steely looks. 
“If you’re here to promote any more harm or mockery, I advise you to leave concurrently.” 
“Ooh, put those big words away, Daddy,” Remus mocks. His brother elbows him roughly. 
“Remus, be nice. They’ve clearly been through quite the ordeal! Greetings, I’m Roman, this is Remus. We’re in Virgil’s class, and we saw him being… escorted, one could call it-” 
“Forcibly swept away!” 
“-Thank you Remus, out of class so we followed along after reporting it to the professor. He seems to be in quite a state: is there anything we can do?” Roman finishes, rolling his eyes at his twin. Logan sighs and adjusts his glasses. He doesn’t want to accept their help. He can take care of Virgil by himself. But…
He takes a closer look at the poor beaten man, at his bloodied mouth and shirt and his bruises and scrapes and thinks beyond him. 
“I thank you for reporting it to the teacher. This is a heinous act, and I loathe to think of what would’ve happened if I arrived later or not at all,” he attempts to look thankful, but judging by their expressions, it doesn’t work. Logan pinches the bridge of his nose. “Could you alert the on campus clinic that we’ll be coming? One of you? The other can make sure they don’t come back as I take Virgil there,” with that, Logan takes a deep breath and gets to his feet, holding Virgil tightly in his embrace. Virgil turns into him, making a pained sound. 
It breaks Logan’s poor heart. My friend, my friend, my friend- he’s hurt. 
“It’s alright, Virgil. I’ve got you, you’re safe now,” he whispers to him. 
“Cute!” “Ick.” 
“Oh come on now, Remus, they’re precious!”
“I came over here for the bloody beat down! Not touchy feely lovey-dovey!” 
“I will never understand you. You’re absolutely vile,” 
“Ah, look in the mirror lately?” 
“Excuse me,” Logan growls, diverting their attention from their bickering, “Are you going to help or not?” 
“Ugh,” Remus rolls his eyes, “I guess I’ll go to the clinic.” 
“Goodbye, Remus- you see, he’s a bit of a pain, always been that way,” Roman sticks his tongue out childishly at Remus, who returns the gesture in a more lewd fashion. “Alright, let’s help the emo up,” Roman extends his hands to help: Logan turns away, holding Virgil alone. 
“He is not emo. Virgil is a selective mute,” Logan frowns at Roman. 
“Aha, it’s just a mere quip!” 
“Oh,” Logan swallows. They walk in near silence to the infirmary: How weird it is that the silence with Virgil seems familial and warm but with this Roman it feels charged and uncomfortable. 
“You aren’t a very funny guy, are you?” 
“Excuse me?” Logan glares at him through his glasses, holding Virgil tighter. 
“Take no offense, but I mean… you’re very uptight! Serious. Grumpy. Straight to the point. I’ll stop prattling on synonyms, but I think you get the point now,” Roman explains. 
“I- I’ve never thought about it that way. I presume you’re right,” he frowns. Logan’s never felt like any of those: he just likes working. And now he feels foolish: perhaps that’s the reason that he’s never gotten anywhere socially. Is it his inability to “quip”? 
Would Virgil be happier with him if he could? 
As if he heard his thoughts, Virgil winces in pain in his arms. 
“Oh! Virgil. Should I hold you differently? Are you uncomfortable?” Virgil looks up at Logan blearily: his eyes open in recognition and a full-face blush breaks out all over his face. Virgil takes a bruised hand to hide his face. 
“Awe look at ‘im! Debbie Downer is shy!” Logan whirls over to glare at Roman’s almond eyes angrily. Virgil turns away. 
“Don’t talk to him that way,” he growls. Roman flushes and stammers. 
“It was only teasing!” 
“It was hurtful, and the last thing he needs right now is that. So do me a favor and leave those quips to yourself,” he reprimands. 
“Yes, sir,” Roman salutes. Logan looks away from him and back to Virgil. 
“Hey. Why did those thugs hurt you anyway?” he questions. Virgil frowns. “You don’t have to tell me-” 
“No- I will. I was- I was singing in the bathroom,” he signs shyly. 
“Wait- how could you-” 
“Sometimes I talk when I’m alone. Or sing. I’m nervous around people, when I’m by myself it’s okay,” 
“Oh,” Logan shouldn’t feel so betrayed, he knows he shouldn’t: this is the way Virgil is, after all. He’s a selective mute. He can speak when he wants. And if he doesn’t want to speak around Logan well- it’s fine. It’s his choice. 
It shouldn’t bother Logan. 
“So those jerks beat you up purely for the angelic music of your soul? Their cruelty knows no bounds, if they were to hurt you for communicating with your soulmate! How dare they, those vile, disgusting, cotton headed ninny muggin ruffians!” Roman supplies, filling Logan’s silence with declarations of war. Virgil laughs slightly at Roman, rolling his eyes. Logan swallows his questions, his pleas for “what about me?”. 
Virgil can like whoever he wants. It doesn’t have to be just Logan. 
Virgil had asked Logan to drive him to the airport to pick up Patton. Logan wanted to say no, to say that he didn’t want to, hell, just leave him at the airport but… Virgil’s face betrayed his excitement, and Logan couldn’t put him down. 
So now he’s waiting in the pick up zone with his car, waiting for Virgil to come back and completely ignore him again. Logan blinks.
Is that what this is about? 
Does some part of Logan, some illogical part that manipulates his feelings, worry that Patton would mean Logan’s out of the picture? Logan grips the steering wheel. It’s Virgil’s choice! If he wants to hang out with Patton, sure. Sure. It’s fine. 
Logan makes a low growl. 
It’s not fine. 
And… there was nothing he could do. He stopped coming to visit Virgil during the mid-semester break: why should he? Virgil was with Patton. He’s happy. He doesn’t need Logan around… 
Logan hates it. He hates not going over each day, each class ending with Virgil’s tiny smile. 
He hates his soulmate, whoever he is, for singing so sadly whenever he wakes up. 
“What's the name of the game? Does it mean anything to you? What's the name of the game? Can you feel it the way I do? Tell me please, 'cause I have to know… I'm a bashful child, beginning to grow…” 
“Shut up,” Logan tells him quietly each time he goes at it again, “Shut up. I don’t want your questions, I can’t answer them.” 
Logan, for the first time in his life, isn’t happy doing his work. There’s no gratification from finishing something: there’s no hunched over man beside him gesturing wildly as he finishes so quickly. There’s no giggle as he presses his glasses higher on his nose: there’s no smack on the shoulder when he corrects his work. It’s so… so bland. Was it always like this? 
Before Virgil, was it always like this? 
Logan finishes his test and hands it in at the front: his professor gives him a confused look. Logan twitches as his soulmate starts to sing: “It's you I like… not the things you wear…” 
“Is everything okay, Mr. Adleman? You seem… listless, lately. Distracted. And you took all of the allotted time to finish your work- quite out of the ordinary, I’d say,” 
“I assure you, sir, everything is normal,” he merely says, before adjusting his bag and exiting the classroom. 
“Not the way you do your hair… but it's you I like,” 
“Shut up,” Logan murmurs under his breath, walking stiffly with his head down down the hall. His soulmate’s voice is beautiful, as beautiful as always… but Logan can’t bear it. He’s already dealing with so much! To hear his soulmate’s longing notes doesn’t help. If anything, it exasperates his issues. Logan is grumbling under his breath when he hears it: and suddenly, all his issues get worse. 
Patton’s in a classroom, with his teacher and a few students, singing to them: 
“The way you are right now… way down deep inside you…” 
“The way you are right now… way down deep inside you…” and his soulmate croons at the same time. 
“Not the things that hurt you, not your toys; they're just beside… you,” 
“Not the things that hurt you, not your toys; they're just beside… you,” 
They both stop at the same note, and Logan swallows. 
Patton, smiley, hazel-eyed, exuberant, talkative, Patton, is his soulmate? Patton, the Patton he’s been mildly despising for the past few days.
 I can’t believe it. But I presume… he has a right to know. And maybe we can make this work? 
“Ah… Patton,” Patton’s face whirls to Logan’s in the door, and his face lights up. Logan can’t help but set his face: aren’t soulmates supposed to elicit some kind of joy in their partners? When they finally figure it out, isn’t it supposed to be some revelation? 
“Logan!! How nice!! I haven’t seen you this whole trip, what a delight! Virgil’s been all out of sorts without you around, it seems,” Patton grins, sliding off the desk he was sitting on and walking over to Logan. 
“I- I think- I think you’re my soulmate,” he stammers. 
“I- I heard your singing, in my head, as you were singing in here-” 
“Oh my god. No, no, Logan,” Patton smiles at Logan tearfully, his hands landing on his shoulders, “That was Virgil. I started singing that song because Virgil was singing it again when I left.” 
“That’s- that’s impossible how-”
“If you need any more proof, then just look at my soulmate: I met him at school, he flew in after me,” Patton smiles dreamily and waves at a man sitting in the corner, typing on his phone: he has two black forearm crutches and deep burn scars  across the left side of his face. 
“Hullo,” he greets from the other side of the room, “I’m Janus. Pleasure, fellow Patton soulmate,” Logan’s mouth dries as Patton giggles. 
“It’s really Virgil. That- that makes a lot of sense but- I can’t believe it-” 
“Okay, how about this, Lo?” Logan’s nose scrunches at the nickname, “I’m going to send a message to Virgil: and you go sneak back to the apartment. He’ll sing. It’ll match up. Then you have to confess. He’s thought he’s been alone… for so long. He’ll be so happy: so thrilled to have a soulmate… even more so if it’s you.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Patton shakes his head, chuckling. Logan looks away: his teary eyes are too much for him. Logan clears his throat. 
“Let our third go, Pat!” Janus calls, his voice smooth. Logan casts him a glare, though he blushes, and walks off. Thousands of thoughts swirl through his head, clouding his vision. He almost loses his way to the dorms. His mind is so full, so so so full, and then a voice breaks through it all. 
“If I could ride a bike, I’d zoom around the world, with you sitting there behind me…” 
Logan’s breath hitches. If that’s Virgil, he hates not seeing it before. Meeting him and not loving him right away. Not beating around the bush. But embracing him with everything he is, using all he knows to help all he needs. 
“I’ll take you to places, past several faces… just livin life so carefree. If I could sail a boat, I'd cruise across the seas, a sweet adventure for us two,” 
His pace increases as he gets to the dorms: he runs up the stairs maybe a little too fast. The music increases in volume but perhaps it’s in his head. The door to Virgil’s room is cracked open. 
“I'll be Jack and you Rose, just please don’t let me go, cause I'll be nothing without you. Oh when you call me… I'm drifting on clouds, like I'm dreaming,” 
Logan’s footsteps falter as he peers through the door. Virgil, with a guitar, singing those notes so sweetly. It matches up in his head, it matches perfectly, and despite himself, Logan starts to er up. It’s perfect harmony, it makes his heart swell and the whole world brightens. 
This is what it’s supposed to be like.  This is my soulmate. Virgil’s voice rises and falls, and it becomes so mind numbingly soft. 
“But in the morning, I'll wake up and see that you're stuck… here with me,” Virgil sings, his voice sad, “If only you knew, what I would do for you. I'd jump up and hold you… so tightly…” Virgil sobs, “Logan. Logan. I’m sorry. Whatever I did. I’m sorry. I miss you.” 
Logan’s chest pulls. His voice is like an angel. Virgil, his soulmate, wants him back. Everything he thought… was wrong. He needs to tell him, he needs to- 
No. No, it would embarrass both of them, and Virgil’s anxious. He needs to do it in a way that would make no room for error, no room for suspicion of any foul intent. 
Logan… needs to sing. 
It’s all planned out, only a few days later. The sun is out, the weather is warm. Patton has Virgil entertained, introducing him to Janus in the front lawn. Roman and Remus are keeping people away in their respective fashions so that they have privacy. Logan adjusts his tie, getting ready in their apartment. He wants to have the song at it’s apex before meeting him as his soulmate. 
Logan clutches the ring in his pocket: a customary soulmate ring, black and fitted to Virgil’s finger. They haven’t been together, and he doesn’t have to accept it of course but… he wants to do this right.  
This has to be perfect. 
He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to sing. 
“I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a bore… If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before,” Logan sings softly. He chuckles- something so foriegn to him, so averse to what he wanted to do just a week ago- and he doesn’t sound bad. As he sings the next few lines, he runs out to the window by the elevators and can just barely make out Virgil on a picnic blanket rising to his feet and looking around confusedly. Logan carefully walks down the stairs, taking his time as he goes: 
“So I say- thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing. Thank you for all the joy they’re bringing: who can live without it? I asked in all honesty, what would life be- without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music, for giving it… to me,” he sings, breaking out into the fresh air. Logan sings the next few stanzas under his breath, making his way to Virgil’s picnic spot. Virgil’s standing up, shaking Patton’s shoulder and signing wildly. 
“I've been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair: I wanna sing it out to everybody…. What a joy, what a life, what a chance!” his voice rises as he nears the grass, heart beating wildly. 
Virgil’s fallen to his knees, his crying sounding even from where Logan stands, dozens of feet away. 
“Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing. Thanks for all the joy they're bringing. Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty… What would life be? Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say thank you for the music,” he’s suddenly close, standing at Virgil. Virgil looks up, tears running down his face. He gasps: he smiles: he laughs. “For giving it to me.” 
Virgil stumbles to his feet, and wraps his arms around Logan’s middle. He chuckles, and hugs him back, squeezing him tightly. Virgil cries into his chest, hiccuping and laughing all the same. 
“So I say,” he rubs his back, and presses a light kiss into his hair, “Thank you for the music, for giving it… to me.” 
There’s no fanfare, no wild confetti or cheering. It’s quiet, as Patton and Janus laugh and Virgil tearily accepts his ring before digging back into his chest. It would be perfect like this but then… 
“Logan,” Virgil whispers, hiding in his chest, “Logan.” It’s so quiet, but it makes his heart burst in joy. Virgil didn’t have to say anything, he would love him anyway, but it shows. It shows the trust. 
“Surprise,” he whispers back, pulling him in closer. “Thank you. For everything, Virgil.”
The End! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed! 
Anything & Everything: @myraiswack, @blindtaleteller, @head-over-heart, @karushinekomiya
Sides of the Sanders: @a-goldengirl-in-a-condominium246 
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Boys as Fathers
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Warnings: In the post below I decided to make girls like stereotypical girly things and boys stereotypical boyish things, but it doesn’t mean I believe it’s how it’s supposed to be. I personally had periods when I was very girly and ones when I was very tomboyish and that’s okay. What’s not okay is forcing your children to act certain ways and like certain thing just because they represent a certain sex.
Dedication: anon
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baby girl
Have you even seen that nail-painting Karma with him? This cutie!
If you guys had a daughter, she would be the happiest little girl on earth.
He would be unable to deny her anything. Don’t let these two go to the mall alone. Unless you don’t care for electricity or hot water. Then you do you, I guess.
I even can see him dressed in pink tutu, sitting by a small, pink table and sipping on nonexisting tea. Anything to make his little angel happy
I overall don’t see him as a parent who actively takes part in his child’s school life - like helping with organizing plays or sawing costumes or parent-teacher association associating or other stuff alike, BUT...
He sure would never miss a single performance of his baby girl and would support her along the whole way there.
And yes. He will watch YT tutorials to learn how to do some pretty hairstyles for his princess, even though initially he wouldn’t want to do them at all.
And yes. He will paint her nails when she’s old enough not to stuff her hands into her mouth all the time.
baby boy
They are collecting figures. Like, motorcycles and cars at first. Then also planes when the boy gets a little older.
He would look upto his daddy very much. Would adore that he’s a police officer and could fly and was just basically flawless - at least in your son’s eyes.
They would play with his plane toys, which boy could all name. His favorite would be the Supermarine Spitfire. Gavin could never play with that one. Dad is great and all, but it’s HIS plane.
When your sun gets a bit older, his dad would take him to aerobatic aviation shows and historic planes displays.
He surely would be a daddy’s boy, if you didn’t figure it yet. You’re cool and he loves you… BUT GAVIN?
Their bond remains strong throughout the years. They keep alot of secrets from you, but you benefit from it from time to time. Especially in saving nerves. So it’s cool. Unless it’s not…
When grown up he sure would become a police officer like his dad or a soldier. I sure see him in military aviation. Dad would be a bit worried, but would give him his full support and all the help he could.
I also believe you and Gavin would have more than just one child, but that’s just a side note.
baby girl
He’s not a regular dad. He’s a cool dad.
Not a reckless dad tho. He knows it’s not good for kids to eat as much sweets as they want to. He knows it’s not the best idea to say yes to every single whim of theirs…
But his little princess is so pretty. And so cute. And so sweet.
Remember when I told you how Gavin would be not so happy to attend her daughter’s tea parties?
Kiro would live for those! He would buy himself dresses for those occasions.
And they would do fashion shows for you. 
This dad is going to ask his daughter to do his makeup.
Takes her to get ice cream behind your back after picking her up from her ballet practice.
baby boy
I don’t know why, but I see his son as that shy, artistic type. That romantic boy with an acoustic guitar kind of trope.
He would have a voice of an angel and a talent surpassing even his father’s. He literally doesn’t need Kiro’s evol to have his charm.
This dad would be so proud. A little sad that his modest, little boy doesn’t want to perform on stage with him, but still - so extremely happy to have such a talented son.
He would get him the best tutors, and the finest instruments and every other equipment his little angel might need. Not even necessarily ask for.
If that was what wished for, he would help him start a career. He surely has what it gets to make someone famous.
If that wasn’t what his son wanted however - he would never push him. He knows the price that comes with money and a large fanbase and he wouldn’t force anyone to pay it.
baby girl
I see Lucien as the best dad of all 4, and before you get mad at me for being biased, know that he's not my fav. I like being called an idiot and men in uniforms.
Big part of it would surely be his psychological knowledge, not gonna lie. Second one would be his outstanding intelligence that helps him with application of  upbringing’s roles into life.
He just knows exactly how and when to be soft and when and how to be firm.
He would take his daughter for walks and movies. He would love to take her to an amusement park from time to time.
It’s important for him that his daughter would be well socialised.
And surprise, surprise - his daughter would be a genius. Doesn’t matter if you are biological parents or not. It just happened. And he’s very happy to be destroyed in a chase game by his nine year old.
He helps her with preparing for math contests. And any other contests there are.
They often sit together on the couch and read books. She even makes the same face as she focuses. Yes - even she’s adopted.
It’s a Christmas miracle, I don’t know. Ask Lucien, he probably does.
baby boy
Wouldn’t it be absolutely cute and a little bit ironic if his son would be a little trouble maker?
Wouldn’t want to study. Just spent all day on the playground with other kids. An tradic picky eater. Can fall asleep wherever he is, in whatever position he is.
I could see Lucien struggle to find a way to get to his child, but I couldn’t see him ever give up.
He would enroll his son into some school sports team and would very actively support it. They need a parent to go with them to attend a sports contest in another school. Sign him up. Lucien is a very busy man, that’s true, but not too busy for that.
He would learn the rules and tactics of whatever game his son plays.
Would help him practice outside his practices. Even if he might not enjoy it.
And obviously, would eagerly help him if he had any problems in school.
Overall, I see Lucien as a very loving father, who doesn’t shy away with expressing just how important his kids are for him.
baby girl
The one who would constantly motivate his children.
They are learning languages, participating in at least one sport, playing an instrument and traveling around the world with him to experience many different cultures.
His little girl would be confident, smart, self-disciplined and an absolutely cute dork who thinks daddy doesn’t know she figured how to get to that cookie jar on the highest shelf.
She started drawing things for him since she was too small to even talk properly… and she was really good for such a small poppet.
He quickly decided to add art classes to her already long list of extracurricular activities.
At some point she was absolutely wonderful. Daddy was swelling with pride.
A perfect student, remarcable artist… Obviously a Li.
She would then study architecture at the most prestigious university in the country. Victor would spare no expenses. She deserves it.
baby boy
A quiet but intimidating kid that sits in the first row in class and gives his teacher a challenging look.
Destroys in chess even Lucien’s daughter… sometimes.
Has no friends because he’s disgusted by other people.
Daddy’s boy lvl. 100 Future LFG CEO.
If he could he would even sleep with daddy… but daddy doesn’t let him because he needs “privacy” with you. Good thing you sometimes make him sandwiches, because you might get taken care of…
Victor would have his kid’s photo on his desk. Two of them actually. One facing him and one facing anyone who sits on the opposite side. People need to know just how cute they looked in their matching shirts during last year’s father’s day celebrations.
They would go to the movies together. Victor who usually makes sure your kids are eating healthy would buy him a huge popcorn… and sometimes even M&M’s.
Victor would be a principled dad with high expectations, but don’t make a mistake. Even if his kids weren’t as ambitious and success focused as he’s he would love them just as much and care for them just as much.
There would also be no favoring if you had more than one child. Everyone must feel equally loved and he would make sure it’s exactly the case.
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prfctethereal · 3 years
My Everything - Tom Riddle x Reader
pairing: tom riddle x reader
word count: 3,175
a/n: uhh this is my first one shot imagine thing so i hope it doesnt stink. I’ve already posted this on ao3 but i thought i might give tumblr a try. -kennedy
A cold winter’s day was nothing as the potions classroom steamed up in the heat. Stressed students in their last year of school fumbled with their cauldrons, scribbling notes onto their parchment, trying to remember everything they would need for their NEWTs coming up in June. Smokey fog misted the room, suffocating the students. If only someone could crack open a window - too bad they were in the dungeons.
On today’s agenda, Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It was only revision but since I had done so poorly on it last year, I was determined to get a higher score this year. Luckily, we could choose our potions partners in our seventh year, so I partnered up with my best friend, and exceedingly talented potions maker, Tom Riddle.
I’ve known Tom ever since year one. My nervous self lost on a train in a sea of strangers, unsure of where to go, unsure of where to step. Everyone seemed so intimidating and daunting; I struggled to even speak up and talk to anyone. Alone I sat, in an empty compartment, scanning my new textbooks so I wouldn’t seem so daft.
It was hard being muggleborn. I thought I would’ve been behind everyone academically, only just learning about the wizarding world last May when I turned eleven and got my Hogwarts letter. Of course, I was ecstatic - who wouldn’t be? The idea of magic had always fascinated me, growing up on fairytales and myths. But then, I traded in Snow White for Standard Book of Spells: Volume One.
Yet, as I saw the compartment door open and I locked eyes with a reserved, charming boy, I sat my book down and gave a small smile. He returned the smile with a wave, before turning his attention to the spell book in my lap, cocking an eyebrow up.
“Getting a head start?” The strange boy had asked. At that moment, I had to decide what to say. I could tell the truth and reveal that I was a nervous muggleborn who was afraid of knowing nothing in my classes, but I had already heard about the prejudice around muggleborns. Many people believed they were inferior to pureblood wizards and I wasn’t sure if this boy was one of those people. I was in no position to pass up a friendship. So I lied.
“I was just so happy to be going to Hogwarts that I just wanted to get right into the learning. I mean, I've been waiting to go for my entire life.” I stuttered out, praying that I had said the right thing. The strange boy’s face relaxed as he heard that and held his hand out in front of him, waiting for me to shake it. Hesitantly, I leaned over, taking his hand in mine. His fingers were cold and slender, curling around mine in a menacing manner. All my thoughts told me to get out of there, to run away before anything bad could happen, but I was so alone. I wanted a friend more than anything.
“My name is Tom Riddle.” His voice was smooth like melted silver, enchanting me. I could feel a pink tint rise on my cheeks, encapsulating my face in a blush. Looking down to avoid his piercing blue eyes, I smiled softly. I shook his hand as he wanted, pulling away. His hands were foreign and they felt strange wrapped around mine. Yet, so alluring.
“I’m [Y/N L/N].” I blurted, placing my hands in my lap nervously. Regret flushed into my veins as I watched his mind process what I had told him. Was my name too muggle-like? Had I given away my secret already? Yet, he smirked. A good sign, I had decided.
We talked casually for the rest of the train ride. Avoiding as many questions about my family as possible, I noticed Tom doing the exact same thing. So I never brought it up and he didn’t either. He seemed interesting though. Like his last name entailed, he was a riddle and I was curious to solve him. I was never going to get anywhere though with just small talk. I wanted to be closer to him.
At the sorting ceremony, I watched as he went up to the sorting hat. Immediately after the hat was placed upon his head, it exclaimed “Slytherin!” I had at least read up on the different houses at Hogwarts. I knew what Slytherins were about; their pureblood propaganda was almost impossible to avoid when reading Hogwarts: A History. As I saw the glint of passion in Tom’s eyes when he heard the house, I realised I had made the right choice to lie about my blood on the bus. He was ever so pleased to be a Slytherin.
When my name was called, I begged not to be in Slytherin. Tom would find out my secret if I was around him too much, so I asked the sorting hat not to place me in the house of serpents. The most I remember from that sorting ceremony was hearing “Ravenclaw” come out of the sorting hat’s mouth and fainting onto the cool ground.
Waking up in the hospital wing, my eyes fluttered open to see none other than Tom Riddle sitting in the chair next to me. He was looking out for me and at the moment, he became my best friend for the next seven years.
But now, we were seventeen years old, sleeves rolled up, sweat beading at our foreheads. I wiped it away panting heavily. I couldn’t mess up Amortentia for a second time; I would never hear the end of it from Tom. We were both top students in all our classes but in potions, he was definitely on top. As I shrugged my cardigan off, I heard him snigger under his breath, shaking his head while chuckling. I gave him dagger eyes before turning back to my potion. I knew he was mocking me for being stressed. Not everyone could be so calm while potion making.
“Do you need some help?” I heard Tom’s voice from behind me, as I flicked my head around, revealing his cocky grin, watching me from over my shoulder. My lips were pursed tight as I gave him a small smile, trying not to reveal that I was struggling. Yet, as I was about to add bat wings to the cauldron, Tom put his hands on mine, pulling it away from the bubbling mixture. “I think you do if you’re going to add uncut bat wings into the potion.”
Frantically, I looked over at my potions book, seeing that Tom was correct - they needed to be roughly chopped. Taking a deep breath, I listened to his laughs as I grabbed my knife out, chopping them up into big chunks before adding them into the deep, velvety mixture, and stirred it three times anti-clockwise. All I needed now was to wait for it to simmer, so I sat back in my chair, tying my hair up to get it off my face.
Joining me peacefully, Tom sat beside me, a smug look on his face. His potion was simmering now too. We were both very quick at making potions, even if his potions were of a better quality than mine. I closed my eyes, taking a whiff of the aromas in the room. Nothing distinct could be smelt by me, except for the boy sitting next to me. All I wished to do was fall asleep right now, but I knew that I couldn't do that, so I sat up to take the potion off the heat. It should be finished by now.
Tom followed me up and I looked into my cauldron, unsure if it was any good. Questionably, I turned my head over to Tom, hoping he could smell it and test if it was working right. Tom trusted me with the information that he was born out of a love potion and couldn’t love anyone, so if he couldn’t smell anything, it should be perfect. As I gestured to my finished potion, I offered him to smell it and he leaned in. When the fumes raised up to his nose, his eyes widened in shock, his pupils dilating.
“Well, I can smell something in there.” He laughed, but I just sighed, on the verge of tears. I really needed to make it correctly but I had messed up again. Tom noticed that I was about to break down and placed his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a small hug. His soft hands came to my cheeks, taking his thumb and rubbing my flushed cheekbone. “Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. Maybe we can restart it before Professor Slughorn comes to check on it?”
But, it was too late. Professor Slughorn had noticed the lack of us doing anything and had wandered over to us, excitedly. I tried to hide my scarlet cheeks from the old man, burying myself in Tom’s torso, yet Slughorn had arrived, eagerly wanting to smell my potion. Reluctantly, I took the lid off my cauldron and moved out of the way to let Professor Slughorn smell my Amortentia.
Surprisingly, Professor Slughorn smiled as he smelt my potion. Confused, I tried to study his face and find out what he was smiling about. My question was answered soon after. “It’s perfect, Miss [L/N], it’s absolutely perfect. I can smell my late wife perfectly. Outstanding work! A big improvement from last year, aye?”
I was so shocked by what Slughorn had just said that I just nodded and gulped, looking over to Tom next to me. He looked even more nervous than me, avoiding eye contact with me as Professor Slughorn walked off. “You said you could smell something,” I asked Tom, “so why did you lie?”
“I didn’t.” Tom said quietly, leaning over his own cauldron. He took his bottom lip between his teeth, chewing nervously. I wasn’t paying much attention though, as I bent down over my own cauldron, taking in the aroma of the Amortentia. Old parchment, fire, and -
Tom caught my eye. His face looked pale, as if all the colour had been drained. Shyly, I looked away, turning my attention away from Tom and towards our teacher, folding my hands awkwardly in my lap.
“So, that’s the last lesson of the term. Over the holidays, I would like two rolls of parchment on the effects of Amortentia on a person. You may go now.” Slughorn said, before dismissing us. I grabbed my book bag before heading swiftly out of the potion classroom. As I left, I was met with a great gust of wind, sending shivers down my spine, cooling me down immediately, to a point where the sweat felt like icicles. Opening my bag, I searched for my cardigan, realising I had left it in the classroom.
Clumsily, I reentered the classroom, to see that the only one left in the room was Tom. He turned to me as I walked in, so I flashed him a calm smile. Strolling back to my seat, I took my cardigan in my hands, wrapping it around my cold body. Leaving the class, Tom followed after me, catching up to me and engaging me in conversation.
“So, everyone leaves tomorrow for the holidays.” Tom started, “What do you want to do first?” A dangerous smirk raised on his face, waiting for my answer. As a tradition, every year we stayed at school together, two of the only people who stayed, and caused mayhem to all the teachers and remaining students. It was the most exciting time of year. It always ended with us falling asleep on Christmas Eve in the Astronomy Tower, watching all the stars into the night. Unfortunately, this year was different.
“I have to go home this year.” Tom’s face fell as I said these words, his eyes filling with sadness. Before he could ask why, I answered his question. “I’m going to be eighteen soon and that means I’m going to get married. My parents want me to go home and meet my new fiancé that I’m going to have to marry. I’m sorry Tom.”
“Y-you’re getting married?” Tom stuttered, and he never stuttered. I looked away from him ashamed. He looked at me like I was some foreign person, someone who he didn’t know. I couldn’t even look at me.
“I’m sorry.” I spluttered out, as I turned the corner towards the Ravenclaw tower, leaving Tom down in the dungeons. I turned back towards him before quietly saying, “goodbye Tom.”
Morning broke and I woke up early to pack my suitcase up. Of course, I didn't want to go home. I didn’t want to be a victim to some muggle arranged marriage. In all honesty, my parents were ashamed of me being a witch. That’s why I never returned home each winter holiday, only going back to them in the summer holidays, when I needed to. Hoping that it would squash out the magic in my blood, my parents were forcing me to marry the blandest, most normal man they could find.
I decided to skip breakfast this morning, being unable to even look at Tom. Last night at dinner had been sufficiently awkward enough, even while ignoring him as much as possible. Yet, I could feel his eyes burning the back of my head the entire time. I couldn’t handle that again so I decided I could just get something to eat on the train.
It was currently nine o’clock in the morning. The train was scheduled to leave at ten so I had to hurry up, shoving as many as my muggle clothes in my bag as possible. If this day couldn’t get any worse, outside my window I could see the clouds closing in, small raindrops falling onto my window pane. Sighing, I pulled out an old sweater that I had given to Tom to borrow earlier this term. It still smelt like him - the smell was alluring.
The plan was to get out of the castle and onto the platform as soon as possible. I could talk to Tom one on one again once I had gotten back from my trip, but I was still terrified of what would happen. He was my best friend, surely he would understand?
Taking a carriage out of Hogwarts, I arrived in Hogsmeade, ready to take the train. With my suitcase in hand, I reached up to grab onto the train, yet I was pulled back onto the platform. 9:50am. The train would leave in ten minutes and I needed to get on. Also, it was raining harder now, and I wasn’t happy about getting soaked.
I knew it was Tom who pulled me away and I couldn’t disagree with his feelings. I had left him with nothing. I had ignored him for the past sixteen hours. I was being a bad friend, I know, but I couldn’t stand to see him sad and miserable. It hurt me. It hurt him. I hated seeing him hurt
9:52am. We had finally reached our destination. A small secluded area away from the platform. It may have been quiet but I was still being pummeled by the rain, shivering in my thin sweater. I looked up through my dew-covered eyelashes up to Tom, who stood much taller than me. His normally perfect curls were damp and limp, clinging tightly to his pale face. His eyes had a look of disappointment and confusion in them. His hands were resting on the sides of my arms, not letting me go. For a few moments, we just stood there, staring at each other, breathing heavily, until Tom finally spoke.
“Don’t go.” Tom finally said. 9:54am. I couldn’t find the words to say, the only thing coming out of my mouth was incomprehensible sounds.
“I have to go. My parents-”
“I don’t care about them. Stay here. With me.”
“What about my marri-?”
Tom looked away and I stopped talking. Out of instinct, I took my rain-sodden hand up to his cheek, turning him towards me. I leaned in closer to him, trying to get him to see where I was coming from. Yet, my heart fluttered at our closeness. He no longer felt cold, like when I first met him. His hands were warm. His eyes were kind. He was different.
“You will regret it if you go.” Tom muttered. “I know you will. I know you. And no man will ever know you like I do.”
9:56am. I really had to go, but I couldn’t leave Tom here. Slowly, I released him from my grasp and went back in, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a warm hug. His arms fell perfectly around my waist, pulling me in tighter. I never wanted to move, but I felt his hand leave my waist. My heart fell for a moment until he reattached his hand to my chin, tilting my head upwards. That’s when his lips connected with mine.
His lips were soft, something I didn’t expect. Truthfully, I didn’t expect a kiss at all. It was innocent as small as first, slowly releasing me, but it wasn’t enough. My heart wanted more, so I cupped his cheeks with my hands and pulled him in for another kiss, more passionate than the first. Our lips were synchronised perfectly, our touch igniting each other. It was as if I had never been happy before and Tom filled me with all the joy I needed. Then, he pulled away, placing a piece of my wet hair behind my ear. “Don’t go.”
9:58am. “I have to go. I can’t stay here. I’m not enough.” I looked down but Tom’s hand pulled me upwards again so I could feel his breath on my ear.
“I love-”
I pulled away before he could finish. He was making a mistake. He had no idea who I really was and it seemed like time to finally tell him.
“Tom, I am not who you think I am.” I started, feeling Tom’s eyes watching me intently. “I’m nothing more than a muggle born witch. I’m a mudblood. I’m nothing compared to you.”
9:59am. He didn't hesitate. He didn’t say anything. I was waiting for him to say something, to end this awkward silence, but instead, he just pulled me into another kiss.
“[Y/N] [L/N], I do not care that you are muggle born. You aren’t nothing. You are my everything and I love you. I love you so much.”
For one last time, he pulled me into a tight kiss and none of us let go. The rain poured down, keeping us in a tight bubble of our own heat. I could never let go.
I heard the train’s horn go but I didn’t care.
I pulled away, much to Tom’s despair, but whispered something, almost inaudibly.
“I love you too.”
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My Oh My | Draco Malfoy one shot
Request: yes! @leydileyla (I would like to request a Draco Malfoy fic, with a Female Hufflepuff Reader (you don't need to specify Hufflepuff if you don't feel like it goes with the story) with the prompt,2. Take another step, and I can’t be responsible for my actions.Maybe it could be something like, they could have been flirting for a while and both sides feel like they are hitting their boiling point )
Word count: 3,205 words
Warning: drinking (just a tiny)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!reader
Note: This was a requests from the prompt list. Used prompt: “Take another step, and I can’t be responsible for my actions” 
They say he likes a good time
He comes alive at midnight
My mama doesn't trust him
He's only here for one thing
But (so am I)
The dungeons. The Slytherin Common Room was located there. A place for the cunning, ambitious, determined and resourceful wizards and witches. And of course the kingdom of the Slytherin Prince, Draco Lucius Malfoy. He was mysterious as the night, but oh Merlin, he was the most alive during the dark hours of the day. He really knew how to have fun and how to throw the best Common Room Parties without the professors or Filch founding out. Those parties were the topic of every conversation. Students were talking about how the Slytherins managed to sneak snacks and alcohol to their Common Room, and how clever they were to use the Muffliato Charm, so the loud music wouldn’t be heard from outside. But the most interesting and exciting part of those parties was the way students from other Houses were invited. Not so many people had the privilege to be good friends with a Slytherin, due to their struggles with trust, but that didn’t mean they refused to have some fun time with their fellow school mates. You could only enter the party, if a Slytherin invited you. They would leave a note in your book, on your desk before class or sneak it into your bag with the exact details and the password. That’s how Y/N was invited. Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were at the same Transfiguration class, and one Monday, when Draco Malfoy passed her desk, he dropped a piece of parchment. She bent down to pick up the folded note and give it back to him, but she saw her name on the middle of it, written in neat handwriting. 
Beautiful, come to our party this Friday, 10 at night. Bring only one FEMALE friend if you want. The password is serpent. I’ll be expecting you - Malfoy
That was the beginning of a beautiful flirtationship with the Slytherin bad boy. That night, Draco never approached Y/N, but he was always around her, glancing at her while I was talking to our school mates, staring at her while she was dancing with Pansy on the tables. After that party, it was hot glances at each other during class. Draco couldn’t kept his eyes off her, and after a while, it wasn’t enough for him. For some strange reasons, he wanted to be as close to the Hufflepuff girl as possible, so he made her House mate move from next to her and sat by her side during classes. Draco would greet her with a compliment, and Y/N would wink at him in response. The small nice gestures and words soon turned into more. She would stroke her hand along his back as she passed him in the corridors. Draco would touch her hand secretly while they were chatting with friends. He never hid how he was feeling about her, and wasn’t afraid to threaten anyone who tried to approach the subject of his admiration. The flirting between the youngsters was something that couldn’t stay unnoticed by anyone. 
“Who is the boy?” Her mother would ask when she was back at home for Christmas. She kept receiving owls with litters and small parcels with her name on top of them. Same neat handwriting. She would smile brightly and even blush while reading the shorter or longer notes attached to her gifts from Malfoy. 
“It’s probably still Draco” Y/N’s sister groaned and with an annoyed expression on her face, she shoo away the owl. She didn’t like the idea of her sister being involved with someone who was mostly famous for his jerk behaviour and the idea he was brought up in. In her eyes, Draco Malfoy was the devil himself. She wanted to hex him just because he would breathe around her. Of course she didn’t want Y/N to get hurt or being used by him. 
“Draco? As in Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy’s son?” Their mother looked up from her book and her kind eyes focused on her youngest child. She knew that family and heard enough about their shady businesses and arrogant behaviour “I don’t trust him, darling” she shook her head disapprovingly.
“You know he likes to sleep around and mess with girls, right?” Her sister asked, but Y/N shut their voices out. Of course she heard about his reputation, and even saw him throwing girls away from one day to another, but that was what pulled her in. She wanted his taste. Maybe he wanted only one thing, but so did she.
A little bit older
A black leather jacket
A bad reputation
Draco Lucius Malfoy. Everyone knew who he was. Everyone knew about his reputation at Hogwarts. And of course, everyone warned her about him. He had everything that a girl could wish for in a guy. He was tall and strong. He was hard to get and a total twat. He bullied everyone who wasn’t good enough in his eyes and he never regret it. But he had the most beautiful pair of stormy blue eyes with the slightest hint of baby blue in them. And that damn smirk that could make a girl faint. He was just a few months older, but his features made him look much mature. Y/N always found herself staring at him when he wasn’t by her side, just admiring the man he was. After a while, Draco would feel someone watching him, and would look for the person, secretly hoping it was the girl who he wanted so badly. He could have made her his fully, but they loved and lived for their little cat and mouth game. The bickering and flirting entertained not only the two of them, but everyone around them. 
“Bite me” Y/N said to the blonde bloke towering over her body. She couldn’t tell anymore what they were arguing about, she just wanted to push his bottoms and see when he would snap. Her remark made Draco smile at her darkly, and leaned in, dangerously close to her face.
“Where, princess?” His was deepened and he bit his bottom lip. A tiny gasp left her lips and he knew he won this round “You thought you were so badass, but then you met me”
“You think too highly of yourself” she rolled her eyes and pushed him away. Draco sat back next to her on the bench and put his hand on her thigh, softly stroking her soft skin with his thumb.
“Am I not everything you wanted?” He asked with raised eyebrows, and he sneaked his hand up a little higher. They crossed the line of innocent flirting a long time ago. Y/N and Draco were basically on fire when they were just simply in the same room, yet alone sitting next to each other.
“I wanted a little less arrogance” she pushed his hand away and stood up, grabbing her back from the ground and walking away with a huge smile on her face. She loved the affect she had on the Slytherin boy, and enjoyed teasing him too much to end it anytime soon. 
“You can’t resist me, Y/L/N” Draco yelled after her and watched how her hips swayed as she walked further and further away. That girl really knew how to ignite the fire inside him over and over again, but never stayed long enough to let it warm her. Draco smiled at the thought of chasing after her in the corridors and throwing her over his shoulder to her back to his room. 
Insatiable habits
He was onto me, one look and I couldn't breathe
Yeah, I said, "If you kiss me
I might let it happen”
I swear on my life that I've been a good girl
Tonight, I don't wanna be her
Y/N was a good girl, always the first to submit her homework and the one who volunteered to tutor the younger witches and wizards when they had troubles with any of their classes. She liked to know all her assignments were complete and outstanding, searching for new information about the topics of their lessons to add to her essay and show her professors how determined she was about her studies. She was nice with everyone, she was the shoulder you could cry on even if you didn’t know her that well. She liked to help people and loved to make new friends. But she had a side that only a few people knew. She wasn’t that innocent little Hufflepuff girl like so many students would have thought. She was always up for a good party and flirt with boys. They were young after all. It was their time to live, to experiment, to fall in love and to make mistakes. She loved her life and wanted to live it fully. That was what Draco admired her. Her essence and the way she saw life. She was fun to be around, and hot to stare at. And he liked to watch every move she took.
“Like alchemy, Kabbalah isn’t one generalised study either, but several different branches. The two beaches that specifically have the most influence” she was trying to teach Draco  everything about their Alchemy class before their midterm test, but she rudely interrupted her.
“You gotta stop doing that” he said with a teasing tone. He was laying on his side on the bed, keeping himself up by his elbow while he was playing with the rings on his long fingers. 
“What?” she asked with a confused expression and looked up from her notes. Draco wasn’t paying attention to her words, but the way her lips moved.
“Saying things that make me wanna kiss you” she annoyedly rolled her eyes and pushed Draco of her bed. She might tried to act cool, but she couldn’t hide the smile dancing on her lips and her eyes brightening up by the thought of kissing him.
“See you tonight, Y/N?” Pansy Parkinson asked as she passed by in the corridor. It was Friday afternoon, and they just get out of their last class. The usual Friday Night Party was the topic of every conversation, which made Y/N rather annoyed. She found it weird that she wasn’t invited. The last four months, she was there. Draco always made sure she was invited and had her by his side the whole night. But this week, she wasn’t. She kept checking for little notes in her books where Draco doodled during classes or Study Halls, she reorganised her bag to see if he had slipped a piece of paper, but nothing. Maybe he didn’t want her there.
“I wasn’t invited” she shrugged and tried to hide her disappointment with a smile. The Parkinson girl laughed and hugged her by the side. They weren’t the best of friends, but it felt good for Pansy so have another girl in their group of friends, who was actually a lot like them. It was a nice change to be able to have girly chit chats with someone, who wouldn’t make gagging noises by topics like skin care, menstruation or clothes. 
“Oh, bunny” she shook her head in amusement. Pansy found it funny how a bright witch like Y/L/N could be so stupid sometimes “You don’t need to be invited anymore. You’re one of us now, so when you hear about a party, just know that it’s your party too”
“Then I’ll see you tonight” Y/N smiled happily and quickly kissed Pansy on the cheek before she hurried back to the Hufflepuff tower to take a nap before the party. Her afternoon was a blur. After she woke up, she found Parkinson sitting on the floor beside her bed, drawing little butterflies and birds on a parchment. Pansy insisted that they get ready together to the party, because she needed some girly time and she was fed up with Enzo and Blaise making fun of her for taking too long to get ready. So the girls went to her dorm room and took a few shots of Fire Whiskey while they were doing each others hair and makeup. Y/N had a plan for the night. She was done with their little game, and wanted Draco to finally make the first move. She had been trying to make him do something that would move their relationship forward, but it seemed like the Slytherin Prince was more than happy with their current status. If Draco wasn’t man enough to make a move, then she will do it.
Her dress was perfect for her plan, and even Pansy drooled over her a bit when she saw Y/N coming out of the bathroom. The dress she chose was a simple black dress with think straps made out of diamonds and reached only down to the middle of her naked thighs. The fine satin fabric hugged her feminizing curves perfectly, the light fall of it on her chest and the slit of the dress on her thigh gave the whole look a slightly innocent, but teasing vibe. And everyone in the Slytherin Common Room agreed on that. Boys turned their head after her and tried to talk to Y/N, but the Hufflepuff had eyes only for a certain Slytherin, who was nowhere to be seen at the beginning of the night. She was tipsy and waited for the two more shots she took with Theo and Adrian to kick in and push her into another stage of drunk. All her insecurities, worries and boundaries were long gone, all thanks to the Fire Whiskey burning in her system. She was determined, she felt irresistible and she knew she had the boy in her palms. He just needed a little nudge, to finally make a move.
Draco Malfoy wasn’t the one who was easy to be amazed, but when he finally spot Y/N walking towards him, he almost choked on his drink. He had seen her in a jogger and sweater, with absolutely no makeup on and with messy hair, and he thought she was the cutest little thing ever. He had seen her in leggings and a workout top, with sweaty hair and face, and Draco felt motivated to go and workout too. He had seen her with a high pony tail and her school uniform, and he thought she was someone who could easily beat Granger at studying. But this was new. She never dolled up like this for a party. Her dress, the way her corrugated, tied up hair swung from left to right in perfect harmony with her hips made Draco to think about a lot of unholy things. She was a goddess in his eyes and he wanted to be the man by her side. His whole body, his heart and soul had been burning for Y/N for months, and he was getting impatient with their little game. He desperately wanted to take the next step, but he wasn’t completely sure if she was feeling the same way. Of course she flirted with him. They had their heated moments, where both of them were seconds away from crossing the line and kissing the other, but somehow, they managed to control themselves. Draco loved to replay their playful fights, their bickering that turned into heavy flirting and the secret glances and touches when he was in bed and tried to sleep. He loved to see the light blush in her cheeks when he complimented her hair, makeup or just her beauty or brain in general. He absolutely lived for the flame igniting in her beautiful eyes when he said something dirty and naughty to her during class or Study Hall. But he wasn’t brave enough to actually man up and ask her on a date. Or maybe to be his girlfriend. They were far too deep for basic things like first date, first kiss or anything like that bullshit. Their relationship was on a different kind of level, and he knew she was someone you just don’t want to lose. 
“Hey, handsome” she greeted him from a few feet away. Draco knew Y/L/N and Parkinson were getting ready together, and the two witches pre gamed a little before they came downstairs. He also saw her taking shots with their friends, so he was sure she wasn’t completely sober anymore. Not drunk enough, to not know what she was doing or saying, but definitely not sober anymore to be shy “Haven’t seen you all almost all night. Here I thought you were ignoring me” she smirked at him and twirled the end of her hair around her finger, looking at Draco with tilted head to the side. She wanted to take a step forward, but he held out his hand to stop her.
“Take another step, and I can’t be responsible for my actions” he warned her, his blue eyes never leaving hers. He couldn’t take this anymore. They were playing a very dangerous game, and they were so close to hit their boiling spot. Y/N straightened up and started the play with the ring on her necklace. Draco gifted her his ring two weeks ago, after he got enough of her always stealing it from him while they studied together. Little did she knew, Draco meant it as a sign, that she was all his. He wanted the boys at Hogwarts to see she was wearing his ring and she only belong to him.
“Than maybe you should take a step” her voice was teasing but serious at the same time. She bit her bottom lip and pushed her hip to the side a little bit, showing Draco that she was waiting. It was all up to him. And he did. The sassy look on her face, the way she was biting her bottom lip and everything that had been building up in him for long weeks, gave him a final push and he said fuck it. He grabbed her and pulled her to his body. Their chests were pressed together, he could almost feel her heartbeat. She looked up at him, fire burning in her eyes “If you kiss me, I might let it happen”
Draco kissed her. He kissed her like he had never kissed anybody before. It was exactly like it was written in romance books and said in the films. They had butterflies raving in their stomachs. Fireworks behind closed eyes. Hands holding onto the other like their lives depended on it. Lips moving in perfect harmony. She was his. He was hers. After months of flirting, it was good to finally burn in their love. 
“Just for the record, you’re mine” Draco said and rested his forehead on her. They were both breathing heavily, trying to catch breathe after the kiss. She giggled at his possessiveness and rolled her eyes at him. Of course he had to show who was the alpha “Oh, and this dress is coming off at the end of the night” he winked at her and pulled her face into another passionate kiss.
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the-himawari · 3 years
A3! Mizuno Kaya - Translation [SSR] The Company President of April 1st (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Sakuya: It’s the General Affairs department! Please excuse us!
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Izumi: !
Tsuzuru: Got the stepladder… Here. Go ahead, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Yes!
Izumi: (Woah, he climbed right up the stepladder and he’s replacing the fluorescent bulb that went out…!)
Sakuya: Change complete!
Tsumugi: Thank you.
Azuma: Fufu, as usual, I feel healed by Saku’s cute, smiling face. It’s so relaxing when the General Affairs department comes by.
Tsumugi: I know what you mean. They’re refreshing and pleasant, just like a spring breeze, right?
Itaru: Here’s the list of today’s visitors.
Chikage: I’ve also inputted the data, so please check it over.
Citron: I’ve sorted all sorts of documents and organized them all beautifully!
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Tsuzuru: I ordered the additional equipment as well.
Sakuya: And I tidied up the file room.
Homare: Ahh, you have my gratitude.
Guy: Thanks to the capable General Affairs department, the Secretarial department also has an easier time with our work and it’s a great help.
Izumi: (That's what you expect from professionals who improve the work efficiency of the employees.)
Chikage: By the way, is Mr. Sleepy-head here actually helpful to the Secretarial department?
Izumi: (Mr. Sleepy-head?)
Hisoka: I’m working properly even if you don’t tell me to.
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Chikage: You haven’t been dozing off, have you?
Homare: Hisoka-kun works properly as long as you give him marshmallows.
Chikage: What about the trouble you’re causing your coworkers?
Hisoka: It's none of your business, Chikage.
Tsumugi: Hisoka-kun and Chikage-san from General Affairs are from the same hometown.
Izumi: I see, that’s how it is.
Tasuku: Hasn't this guy been playing games during work again?
Itaru: Haven't you been doing muscle training during work again?
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Izumi: Umm…
Guy: The Secretarial and General Affairs departments also have modest conflicts in some cases.
Citron: Now, now, don’t fight, everyone! We’ll calm everyone with one of our General Affair’s specialty Manzai acts! Let’s do this, Tsuzuru!
Tsuzuru: Hold on, Citron-san! …Good grief.
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Citron: Hello~, it’s Citron & Tsuzuru’s CITRUN! I’m thinking of making a bento for lunch tomorrow.
Tsuzuru: Oh, that sounds nice. What are you gonna put inside?
Citron: A vegetable terrine, lobster bisque, tilefish poêle, red wine braised beef tail…
Tsuzuru: Um, what kind of bento is that! Isn’t that a full course meal!
Citron: …Flavoured onigiri.
Tsuzuru: ONIGIRI!?
Izumi: Ahahaha.
Tsumugi: Fufufu! The General Affair’s specialty Manzai shows are really funny.
Guy: Indeed.
Izumi: (…Wait, huh? Speaking of which, from a while ago, the President’s been…)
Mizuno: …
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Izumi: (EH!? It looks like he’s hiding with only his head peeking out from behind his desk…) P-president Mizuno…?
Mizuno: …!
Citron: Ohh, President?
Tsuzuru: I knew it was a bad idea to show President Mizuno our Manzai… Sorry for always showing you something so boring.
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Mizuno: THAT’S NOT IT!!!
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Izumi: …!
Mizuno: TSUZURU-KUN’S MANZAI IS WORLD CLASS!! So much so I’d like to push it with all my might with the company…!
Tsuzuru: You don’t have to go that far. But I appreciate it.
Izumi: (Ehhh… The two of them have a really friendly air around them…)
Tsuzuru: Ahh, sorry for surprising you. Actually, Mizuno and I are childhood friends.
Izumi: Oh, I see!
Tsuzuru: That being said, I should keep my manners properly in check while at the company. Sorry for acting so over-familiar with you, President Mizuno.
Mizuno: N-no way! Please don’t worry about it! You don’t have to use formal speech either! Even if you call me President, compared to Tsuzuru-kun’s magnificent humanity, I’m just…!
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Izumi: (President Mizuno looks all flustered…)
Tsuzuru: I’ll work hard so I can be even more helpful to you, Mizuno.
Mizuno: Thank you. I will do my best too. Tachibana-san, my apologies for the late introduction. These guys are the members of the General Affairs department.
Sakuya: It’s very nice to meet you!
Izumi: I’m Tachibana Izumi. Same here, nice to meet you!
Citron: Ohh, the rumoured new hire. I’m Citron! I want to get along! You’re definitely, definitely welcome at the General Affairs section~!
Chikage: The General Affairs department is fun and noisy too.
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Itaru: We hold game tournaments sometimes, you know? Wanna be our player 7, Tachibana-san?
Tsuzuru: We’d be really happy if you joined us.
Sakuya: Welcome! Let’s do our best together as colleagues at MIZUNO Enterprise! If there’s anything you don’t know, please ask me anything, any time!
Izumi: Thank you so much!
Itaru: Now then, I guess we should head out… Oh, hm?
Masumi: …
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Izumi: ?
Itaru: Masumi? Oiii, Masumiii.
Masumi: I’ve found… my soulmate.
Mizuno: Soulmate?
Tsumugi: Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure Masumi-kun’s been staring at her the whole time since he entered the President’s office…
Masumi: I joined this company in order to look for my destined partner. And now, I’ve finally found them. You’re my…
Izumi: Ehh, ehh?
Masumi: I love you. Marry me.
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Izumi: EHHHH!?
Masumi: Join the General Affairs department. I want to be with you. I’ll file paperwork and order various things with you. Then we’ll go on outings, listen to music together, and we’ll think about the things we’ll need for our married life. The two of us will spend lots of time doing different things together…
Itaru: LOL, that had nothing to do with General Affairs halfway through.
Citron: Is this love at first sight!?
Sakuya: Masumi-kun, calm down!
Tsuzuru: What are you doing in front of the President…! I’m so sorry! Come on, let’s go!
Chikage: Then please excuse us.
*door closes*
Izumi: T-that surprised me…
Tsumugi: Ahaha…
Mizuno: I was shocked too… But Usui-kun is a very outstanding person.
Guy: Alright, we will be on our way as well.
Azuma: Right.
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Tsumugi: Let’s make today a great day too.
Mizuno: Yes, thank you very much.
*door closes*
Mizuno: So, I’ve shown you all the departments within the company; what do you think?
Izumi: I thought that it’s really amazing. Everyone is so professional… Honestly, I’m not confident I’ll be as helpful to the company as they are.
Mizuno:  What’s important isn’t to be useful to the company, but that you, Tachibana-san, yourself, are able to have fun working without any worries. As you’ve seen today, every department plays an important role within the company—. But everyone wasn’t able to work so competently from the very beginning. Even so, you will eventually find a role that suits your aptitude, and you’ll be able to work comfortably. In other words, no matter which department you’re assigned to, I’m sure you will find a role that will make the best use of your own unique strengths! So let’s find that role together.
Izumi: President Mizuno… (Once again, I’m glad that I got to join this company…!) Yes…!
Mizuno: —san, Director-san… Director-san?
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Izumi: Hm… (This is the MANKAI Dorm…?) Hah, President Mizuno…!?
Mizuno: P-president…?
Izumi: (Huh… Oh, that was a dream just now.) (I had a meeting with Mizuno-san scheduled today, but I was reading documents until late last night so it looks like I nodded off.)
Mizuno: I’m sorry for disturbing you. The manager let me inside.
Izumi: Oh, that’s what happened. I’m sorry for showing you my embarrassing appearance.
Mizuno: Oh, no. You must be tired… I apologize for taking up your time while you’re busy.
Izumi: You see… The truth is, I had a dream where Mizuno-san was the President of a company
Mizuno: EHH!? No way, I’m still just an inexperienced intern…! It’d be unthinkable to succeed my father…!
Izumi: Still, in my dream, you filled the role wonderfully.
Mizuno: T-thank you very much. That’s too kind. Imagining myself as a President is an exaggeration… But in the future, 100 years from now, I want to become a splendid, capable person who can pour all my efforts into entertainment. So that’s why I will continue to improve myself from now on as well.
Izumi: (Mizuno-san… He really does have a President's capability...!)
1. So it's come to my attention that a lot of people have never heard of a sleeve protector. It's like this (but the one Tsuzuru is wearing is made of cloth, not plastic):
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Workers and students wear them in various different contexts to keep their sleeves clean (i.e. when doing handiwork, when you're writing so the ink doesn't smudge on your sleeve, etc.) 2. So you're telling me Mizuno was watching Tsuzuru like this... I--
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 10 - Student Council President Sakura
To Sakura, world still revolved normally; nothing changed between them, nothing mattered enough for her to behave differently. To Sasuke, the world shifted in its axis, having revealed a glimpse of his true feelings to her however falsely convenient she deemed them to be; everything changed between them, everything mattered enough for him to behave differently.
Like flinching at her slight grazes on his skin or his ears picking up her voice in the middle of the crowd noises or his eyes following the trail of her rose hair tied up in a ponytail, bewitched by the sway of the strands as she tousled to get to the front of the fray, her fingers burning a hole through his sleeve.
“HOMERUN!” The announcer screamed through the microphone, the feedback running through ripples in the throng of people. “Uzumaki Naruto nails a clutch win in the last inning for his team in their first ever nationals!”
Screams erupted around them, and as others jumped and cursed and hugged each other, she stood there frozen in time, her hands on her mouth. “He won. He won, Sasuke.” Her voice quivered, and he knew then that she was crying.
“Yeah, the blonde idiot won.” He allowed himself to smile, picking the blonde among the ruckus that enfolded below.
An hour and lesser filled stadium after, the two went down to congratulate their friend with open arms despite the sweat and the grit. Sasuke went with the flow, jumping up and down and circling about in the middle of the pitcher’s mound. They broke away from each other’s hold after several minutes, breathless in the undertaking, and flushed with all the gleeful screaming.
Two firm pats on Naruto’s back and a ruffle on his porcupine hair. “You did well, idiot.”
“Ah I earned a compliment from grumpy. This truly is the best day of my life!” His teammates broke in laughter in the background.
“I’m so proud of you. I’m so glad we took the bullet train to watch your game,” Sakura said through tears. Perhaps it was the height of the celebration or the ride of her emotions; she reached for Naruto’s face and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Sasuke turned away just in time, thankful for the screams, hoots, and whistles that possessed the student body. In his aversion, he also saw another face who kept looking anywhere but at the two. Hyuga Hinata, his ironic comrade in heartbreak.
Haru was in the group of spectators earlier, a pseudo-coach and mood-raiser for the team, his undercut prominent against his cap. Sasuke guessed him and Hinata were civil enough to be enclosed in a common space. He walked towards her, hands in his pockets.
“I’m gonna confess to him in the cultural festival,” she told him before he could reach her side.
He leaned against the bleachers, shutting out the continuing noises from the student body. In the midst of it, he can hear Sakura scolding all of them for misunderstanding. “And you’re gonna get rejected.”
“At least I told him what I felt,” she replied. “Did you already?”
He shrugged, unsure himself whether he got the point across or not.
“You better make it clear. You berated me for giving mixed signals after all.”
“You don’t hold your punches, Ms. Hyuga.” Sasuke sighed. “I think she rejected me already.”
Hinata let out a small laugh, the first in his vicinity. “Well, I’m just giving back your advice. If you think it so, you should ask again.”
“A second heartbreak won’t do me good.”
“The future has a lot in store.” She finally landed her gaze on Naruto and Sakura who separated now and were engaged by Haru in some funny exchange. “Good luck to us, Uchiha. I’ll take my leave.”
Sasuke detached himself from the bleachers. “Without saying congratulations?”
But Hinata continued on her exit without giving him a reply. To his surprise, it was not only him who caught her leaving; a pair of blue eyes also followed after her, mouth agape, hesitant to call her name not when he was in the presence of her ex-boyfriend and ex-captain. Ah, we’re all stuck in this complex hell, aren’t we?
His phone vibrated against his pocket. On normal days, he would ignore the call, but today wasn’t normal and he had to act nice for the favor he asked.
“Did your best friend win?” Itachi’s voice greeted him.
Sasuke didn’t correct him on the terminology. He just grunted a small yes, and somehow, he can hear his brother smiling on the other end of the call.
“Glad my donation helped fund their team’s expenses. I take it you also spent some for the bullet train?”
Again, another small yes.
“That’s nice.” It was the first time he heard Itachi chuckle again after the accident. “I’m glad you have friends.”
They’re not my friends fell silent on Sasuke’s lips. All he wanted was to consistently rank first, have uninteresting interactions…but all of those foiled because of the two. “Yeah, something like that.”
He heard the beeping pager in the background. “Gotta run, little brother. See you.”
Little brother. Sasuke swallowed back an unfamiliar sound.
It was a sob.
Sakura tried to look at anything but him – the titles of books on his shelves behind, the heads of other faculty members bobbing, the ticking of the second hand on the wall clock. Kakashi clucked upon seeing her career sheet.
“Haruno, you’ll be graduating salutatorian, just points away from Uchiha Sasuke and yet you haven’t listed a university or a job listing. It’s referral season, and you’ve done a lot of good in this school.” Kakashi held his eyes steady on her, a firm line on his lips. “Don’t you want help?”
She mustered a smile, if that was what they call it nowadays, and handed him a filled out form. Whether he could see that it was written with wavering hands, she’d never know. “I settled on fashion design. I’ve always wanted to be a seamstress myself.”
That was a lie, and she knew Kakashi knew judging by how the firm line stayed. He briefly nodded and let her go.
Sensing the bubbling anxiety, she traversed the noisy hallways and almost sprinted to what has also become her safe space – the hidden spot of the boys behind the library. It wasn’t lunch time yet so Sasuke and Naruto wouldn’t be here. She slumped against the wall, sobs racking throughout her body.
Aimless was what she would describe her direction, untethered her depth, and a black hole her emotions.
“I wish you would let me help you.” Kakashi’s voice made her jump. She scanned her surroundings but cannot find a telling strand of silver in the hedges. He was probably standing on the entrance, just before the canopy of vines. “I didn’t follow you. I just knew the three of you went here for lunch and after-school chats. I’m a faculty, Sakura.”
“Please go away.” She never heard her voice sounded so small…and vulnerable.
“Sometimes, talking it out would make the burden feel lighter.”
She didn’t respond, and he didn’t wait for it. His audible footsteps were an indication he was moving away so she took the bait. If this was one way to be near him, why couldn’t it be in the guise of her pain?
She emerged in the hedges, eyes bloodshot red and strained, only to find him leaning against the wall, waiting with a handkerchief for her.
In an ironic turn of events, he brought her to the program she initiated. When he turned to leave to give her the privacy she needed, she asked him to stay. And that simple silent gesture gave her the courage to face her reality.
That her parents were divorcing, and in a futile attempt to cope, she made herself scarce, almost invisible.
Perhaps she was too much work for a middle-class couple with a lot of bills and unemployed siblings to feed. Maybe if they didn’t have a child that hindered their defining career opportunities to relocate or get promoted to an overseas position. Her outstanding community work and numerous distinction medals just weren’t strong enough to warrant a reconsideration of their decision.
And maybe it was a wrong move to get a part time job and dissociate from the pink-haired, studious Sakura and be the adult black-haired, funky cashier Sakura because it only gave them the idea she can live just fine on her own without any of them worrying about her instead of seeing the whole thing as a call for help.
“If you’re ready, you should share your problem to the two,” her sensei said when they finished with her therapy consultation.
“They have heavier baggage,” she simply replied.
“They’re not comparable. Naruto has an empty baggage, a kid with no past, yet he drags it around. Sasuke has sand for load, it’s leaking at the seams but he refills it. And for you, it could be air or water. It’s because you’re compressing them all inside that they become heavier.” He laid a hand on her head, an action of a sensei to a student. “Thanks for sharing some of those with me, Sakura.”
Cultural festival was an amalgamation of confessions, last clinchers, and stolen moments. Whoever snatched a dance with someone they liked would be blessed with good relationship – that was how the saying went among the ranks of students.
It was the reason why Sasuke and Naruto hid throughout the day in their spot, content to eat instant ramen, batches of onigiri, and packs of orange and tomato juices. Throngs of freshmen and second years were on the hunt for their feet as dance partner.
“If only they knew I have two left feet,” Naruto grumbled. “I can’t even enjoy the day with Sakura. It’s pathetic to think I’m stuck with you.”
“I second,” Sasuke said. “Do you think she’ll confess to Kakashi later?”
“She hasn’t made a move yet?”
Sasuke shook his head.
“Wait what do you mean you second?”
Minutes of silence ensued. Sasuke put a whole onigiri in his mouth, too flustered to say it right at his face. “I like Sakura.” The words were jumbled with his chewing, and he was sure Naruto didn’t catch it.
But the idiot grinned and laughed maniacally. “The great pretender finally admits! When did you realize it? Did you have the fireworks in your head too?” He even mimicked a rainbow with his hands.
“That’s a rainbow, you idiot.” Sasuke scratched the back of his head. “When she was busy looking at Kakashi playing the piano.”
“Ah, will we ever have the chance?” Naruto snickered. “Let’s confess tonight, grumpy.”
“Already thought of that and already prepared for it.” Despite the seemingly downfall trajectory of their common affections, Sasuke still managed a smirk.
Not to be one-upped, Naruto pulled out his phone and flashed a small bouquet of dahlias. “Ready to be picked up tonight.”
A Greek tragedy, that was them; two best friends falling in love with and being rejected by the same girl.
Majority of the school population have gathered around the giant bonfire on the campus grounds, but Sakura knew Kakashi would be stuck in his cubicle in the faculty lounge, nose-deep in a novel, headphones in to drown out the noise, and feet propped up on his desk.
Tonight was the night she would bare her other truth naked to him.
But before she could even step foot in his space, she already heard the voice of his favorite book drifting across the nooks and partitions.
“You should be with your students.” Giggling and a sound she would only assume was a string of kisses.
“I don’t have much time with you. Let me be greedy just this time.” Hearing her sensei say that painted him in another light. So there was this very attached Kakashi, far from the laidback and chill professor she knew.
Sakura should turn her heels and join the rest of the student body. She should act like a good student model, ignore her teacher’s affairs, and pretend she was never here. Except she tripped while running, and that summoned the two of them to her aid.
“Sakura? Did you need something?”
She side-eyed Rin Nohara and shook her head, her one only good chance blown to bits by her own recklessness and stupidity. She muttered an apology and starts to walk away with limping feet when Rin stopped her.
“I’ll get a drink in the vending machine. I’ll be back in five minutes Kashi.”
Thank God for women intuition, Sakura thought.
But inevitably she was left alone in the corridor with her heartbeat far stronger than the noise of the band outside around the campfire and the unknowing subject of her admiration. She held tightly to his rubber tie around her wrist, the mark etched deeper by each day she leaves it there mangled with her pulse.
He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, a smile etched on his face, the soft moonlight falling on his features only to highlight his beauty mark. It was unfair seeing him like this only to have him break her heart.
She knew she didn’t stand a chance, but even then, she had to hear it clear and loud.
“I like you.”
Were three words ever enough to encapsulate the three years of affection she held for him? One word for each year she felt content with glimpses of him, may they only be passing shadows in the halls, an echoing voice in the adjacent room, the silent arbiter in council meetings or a silver strand she could easily pick out in a sea of black of white.
Kakashi looked at her, his smile still etched, his face still immaculate. “That wasn’t a question.”
“And that wasn’t a reply.” It was nature to look away when one was too scared to face truth, but for the many times he helped her, even without him fully realizing the extent, she owed it to him to be brave.
“But you already know the words.” A head pat, the same gesture that gave her comfort in the past was the same gesture that broke her heart just now. How easy it was for the breaker to give and take minute and mindless affections, but what right did she has to think they were special to begin with?
It was the end of an illusory conception.
A bouquet of dahlias and a bouquet of daffodils were hidden behind Naruto and Sasuke. It was dark, already past seven, the bonfire in its final vestiges, its sputtering flames waiting for last-minute lovers to dance in their splendid light.
Within the shadows came the girl of their dreams, hair untangled and morose emerald irises dipped in pools. Sasuke first noticed the bare wrist, the rubber tie gone, and he knew then that she confessed, and she was heartbroken.
He didn’t need to say anything to the blonde beside him. Her stance was enough to convey her present state of being. What she needed right now were her friends, not aspiring lovers stupid enough to break the friendship label.
And so they hid the bouquets on their backs, safe in the clutches of the dark, and when she reached out to them, their free hands already grasped her trembling fingers in waiting.
There they were, three broken-hearted people, wallowing in their own respective pain, sitting on the dewy grass that would leave stains on their clothes the next morning. When the school band started the last song, Sasuke stood up, abandoning his bouquet on the side, and pulled the other two up.
“Would be a shame to end our last cultural festival like this.”
Ten steps later, they were in the middle of the crowd of couples, three awkward friends holding each other’s hands and stepping on each other’s foot.
“For the love of God, you really can’t dance Naruto. Can’t you do a simple turn to the right?” Sasuke complained.
“Why are you putting all the blame on me? You’re the one who can’t differentiate the right from left!” Naruto spat back.
She laughed, and it somehow stopped their bickering for a moment. Bent at her stomach and eyes clinched shut in crinkles, that was their Sakura.
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