#I like to think they have somewhat different yet similar relationship to fire
nightwonder7 · 2 months
Willow Don't Starve 🤝 Florian Identity V (this isn't a request i'm just saying i think they would be pyro bros)
Orphans ✅
Set fire to their orphanages ✅
Raging arsonists ✅
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Together they would be a force to reckon with, that's for sure. Crazy how I ended up in both these fandoms.
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agent-troi · 4 months
scully and mulder's dynamic visibly changes after the onset of the season of secret sex
i've been thinking about how dd and ga deliberately played season 7 like mulder and scully were sleeping together, and i think there's solid evidence of that in the differences in how scully reacts to mulder appearing to show interest in another woman before and after the season of secret sex begins (i'm using millennium as the before/after divider bc i think that's what dd and ga decided, but this is based on my vague memory of a reddit comment about it which is how i first learned that the season of secret sex was a thing)
so overall there's an undercurrent of insecurity, borne of scully's uncertainty regarding precisely how mulder feels about her and what her place is in the hierarchy of things that are important to him in his life, that exists in the pre-millennium incidents and is glaringly absent post-millennium:
before millennium:
(i'm not gonna include phoebe/fire here bc i don't think scully's awareness of her feelings had yet risen to the point where she'd be truly jealous, i'd characterize her in that ep as largely protective of mulder and unwilling to let him deal with phoebe's games alone. it also helps that he's clearly not happy phoebe is back in his life again, unlike his much more positive reaction to diana)
war of the coprophages- the second scully finds out about bambi, she immediately hops in her car and drives up to miller's grove to join mulder, bc letting him investigate cockroaches alone was fine but god forbid he spend quality time investigating an x-file with an attractive female scientist who isn't herself- that's their thing!!
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syzygy- to be fair the planetary alignment situation was exacerbating her- and mulder's- behavior here, but her jealousy of and hostility to detective white were still real, even if she would've been able to rein in her emotions better under normal circumstances.
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diana fowley arc- i think this speaks for itself, lol
alpha- this is an interesting period in their relationship: after most of the diana shit is over, but before the tension between them is fully resolved (a process which to me begins with milagro/the unnatural and ends with amor fati, but that would be its own post lol).
other than introducing himself to karin as "fox" (maybe as a way to appeal to her preference for canids lol) and thus implicitly giving her permission to call him by his first name (which she proceeds to do throughout the episode), mulder doesn't seem to show much in the way of attraction to her.
even when he touches her hand to move the mouse, he's more interested in what's on the screen than in paying attention to her:
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karin, however, is visibly affected by the contact, a fact which scully immediately notices:
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later in the car, they have this convo, the last line of which is so heavily laden with diana subtext it's not even funny:
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scully's reaction to karin is similar to her reaction to phoebe in that she's motivated mainly by wanting to protect mulder from his own naive, trusting nature, and from someone she believes is seeking to take advantage of it, rather than being motivated primarily by jealousy and defensiveness. she doesn't really believe that karin is a genuine threat to her relationship with mulder, but with diana still fresh in her memory she can't afford to not be vigilant. hence why she confronts karin alone later:
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here scully demonstrates that she somewhat empathizes with karin (mulder is also someone who challenges her, makes her feel fulfilled and happy and alive). karin's response indicates that she has correctly deduced the basis of scully's dislike/distrust of her, and also acknowledges scully is the dominant one as it relates to the territory (mulder) that they are sparring over.
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scully looks away at karin's "feminine wiles" comment, revealing the nagging insecurity about her place in mulder's life that diana's arrival exacerbated and that will continue to plague her until amor fati.
after millennium:
rush- when mulder looks back at chastity in the hallway, scully's reaction is to possessively grab mulder's sleeve and pull him away into the interrogation room:
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and his response is to laugh and say "what?" like he doesn't know he belongs to her and only her.
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keep in mind this happens just before they interrogate tony reed, and right after they finish interrogating him this shit happens:
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i already made a post last week about how insanely flirty they are in this episode, but this scene!!
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she's pouting and giving him big doe eyes and playing with his tie!! at work!! in public!! she feels comfortable staking her territory in such an obvious way (also playful rather than hostile) bc she's not longer insecure about her place in his life!! i can never be normal about this i'm sorry ssdfgksdgsjdkfhkjsdf
first person shooter- when mulder checks out jade blue afterglow as she's leaving, he leans so far over in such an obvious, exaggerated way, almost as if he's deliberately trying to get a rise out of scully, but all she does is raise her eyebrows at him and lean over to block his view (while smirking):
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and then he says he's "feeling the great need to blast the crap out of something", an almost direct quote of scully's line from their convo in the autopsy room right before they went down to the station:
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and her response is to SMILE at him!!
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pre-millennium scully would absolutely not have reacted this way in this situation. just like in rush, the insecurity that previously haunted scully whenever mulder seemed to be close to or interested in another woman is utterly absent here. they're joking and teasing and enjoying each other's company like they've always done, but there's a different dimension to it now. pre-millennium mulder would never have made a show of checking out another woman like that right in front of scully (unless a planetary alignment is affecting his behavior ofc lol), and pre-millennium scully would never have found it amusing.
(side note: people were debating on twitter a while back about whether this scene was ooc for mulder, and tbh i'm not sure what my own opinion is bc to me the whole episode has an air of... unreality? idk but it gives me similar vibes to post-modern prometheus, like maybe it's real or maybe it's just someone telling a story or it's somewhere in between, and it's also got that same unserious feel idk how else to describe it)
anyway, back to my main point, which is: dd and ga are damn good actors in the way they were able to subtly telegraph this shift in mulder and scully's dynamic. one might be able to argue that the insane flirting throughout season 7 isn't by itself evidence of the season of secret sex bc on some level they've always been like that, but to me these specific interactions provide important clues that the nature of their relationship has changed.
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olistar255 · 10 months
What do you think Leaflings are capable of? they seem to be fine if left underwater, would that be a gameplay thing, or could some perhaps have bits of Blue Pikmin in them? would that imply other hybrids are possible? wings? the White Sage was there for Ages apparently? wonder if they have an extended lifespan? also some have 4 eyes?
Thank you for the questions!! i always appreciate some Pikmin discussion
So… leaflings are a weird case in the Pikmin ecology. As far as i know, they are the only case where what the Onion absorbs directly influences what comes out (which was even already the case in Pikmin 1). We already know Onions' offsprings get influenced by environment and, through evolution, by the DNA of what it absorbs, but leaflings are unique in that Onions doesn't really decompose/recompose the creature, but rather simply attaches Pikmin attributes to the host, rejuvenating them and usually bringing them back from the brink of death.. which is very important.
I believe what sets the leafling apart is that all the people leafified weren't corpses yet, but either in deep sleep, comatose or about to die. Because the Onion may be too weak to decompose still-living creatures (hence why the Pikmin need to kill them first), it skips that phase but still implants the Pikmin seed/Hermikmin in them before spitting them out. I would even assume this was the same process that birthed Ice Pikmin, Rock Pikmin, and Bulbmins.
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Now what does this mean for what leaflings are and are capable of? Well, the logical conclusion is that the leafified person gains Pikmin abilities along with the physical attributes; as seen ingame, the most important one being the ability to breathe PNF-404's air, and like you pointed out also being able to go underwater with no helmet (for the sake of discussion i'll just assume it's a real trait and not just the devs not caring about putting dandori challenges underwater :p)
The idea of leaflings receiving different attributes depending on which Onion transforms them is awesome (and would make for a ton of awesome OC concepts) but i do think those abilities would be limited because the Pikminification is limited. In my opinion, realistically the ability to breathe underwater would just be limited to the blue Hermikmin somewhat adapting the lungs of the host to underwater breathing (more on that later) while the leaves allow air breathing through their stomata. In a similar vein, i assume red leafification would allow for limited resistance to fire because the leaves would somewhat protect the skin, etc.
Not getting the full extent of the Pikmin abilities come with the perk of keeping most of your cognitive abilities (even if you do become dandori-obsessed) and the possibility of reversing the process with glow sap-based medicine.
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Now i want to bring up the relationship between leaflings and time. We only have 2 samples of specimen who have been leafified for a while by the time we find them, Olimar and the Sage leaf, so the following more or less will be on the conjectural side.
First the most obvious part is how these two are much more coherent than recent leaflings; and while we don't have a ton of dialogue for the Sage leaf, we see how he's aware of concepts like pupils, leaving, the outside world, etc., while Olimar suppresses anything unrelated to dandori until we defeat him, so i think it's fair to assume a proportional correlation between time passing and the Pikminification brainrot ceasing.
Secondly - and this is harder to prove given the small sample size -, the older leaflings look closer to normal people than the recent ones, who all have the same body type with freaky eyes.
My theory is that because the Onion's attempt at turning a person fully into a Pikmin fails, those Pikminification effects (simple mindedness, modified organs like the eyes or the lungs) simply wither away with time, with only the beneficial effects sticking with the host: the leaves covering their body.
This is pretty much all i can think about when looking at the leaflings. In short they're a hybrid between a person and a Pikmin, down to how they think. I do wonder, though... Are they truly the result of the Onion failing to do its task completely, or is there some conscious decision behind them? Can the Onion choose to refuse to digest a creature, maybe even because they care about their wellbeing? or are the leaflings a result of strategic evolution? After all, their obsession with dandori is very beneficial for the Pikmin; what's the first rule of dandori any leafling will remind you of when you start a challenge? "Gather and make as many Pikmin as possible..."
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Zuko & Azula: Eyes
I was checking out the Avatar arts in my gallery, and then I found the old collages that I made:
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Zuko indeed looks a ton like Ozai here. And I made this collage to point out how similar they are in appearance.
However, then I realized how their eyes are completely different.
Yeah, Zuko has light golden eyes like Ozai. Yet his eye shape is very different from his father's.
As you can see better in this one:
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Again, they're looking pretty similar (No sh*t Sherlock, almost like they're related!)
Yet, their eyes are very different.
Zuko's eyes are larger, rounder, and much softer compared to Ozai's.
And it isn't only his eyes, his eyebrows are different as well. Zuko's eyebrows are comparatively softer and s shaped whereas Ozai's are longer and hard angled.
And apart from that, Zuko's hairline also comes softer on his forehead. Ozai has a very visible widow's peak.
But, do you know who has sharp eyes, hard-angeled eyebrows and a visible widow's peak like Ozai?
Duh! Here's your answer:
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(They look nearly identical here tho. Eh, genetics)
-"V" shaped hairline? Checked✅
-Long, hard-angeled eyebrows? Checked✅
-Sharp eyes that could puncture a hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship and leave thousands to drown at sea? Also checked✅
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Despite looking pretty similar to Ursa, Azula inherited Ozai's sharper features.
And speaking of Ursa, let's compare her eyes to her children's too!
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As you can see, Ursa has a darker shade of gold in her eyes, which she and Azula have in common.
But despite sharing the same dark golden/amber eye color, Ursa and Azula's eye shapes are completely different.
Ursa's eyes are larger, rounder and softer, just like Zuko's. And her eyebrows are s shaped too, also like Zuko's except she thins it.
So, what's the point of this entire eye comparing?
I do believe there's symbolism involved, that is why.
->Sharp eyes are often associated with serious, intimidating personalities. Which suits Ozai and Azula's characters very well.
->And as a contrast, soft eyes are often associated with kindness and innocence. Which also suits Ursa and Zuko's characters.
->So Azula's sharper features symbolizes how she inherited her father's personality. And it makes it clear he was the parent that she was closer to.
->It's the same case for Zuko. He inherited his mother's personality. And it clears the fact that he always felt closer to his mother.
But... What about eye colors?
I'm not sure if there was a symbolism going on with the fair gold or brownish gold eyes since Fire Nation people seem to have both.
Sozin, Ozai and Zuko have light ones. Iroh, Ursa and Azula have dark ones. Zhao is somewhat in the middle, not too light nor dark.
However, I do think there's a symbolism with the shades based on the parent-child relationships:
-> Zuko has Ozai's eye color. So whenever he looked in a mirror, he saw his father's disapproval.
-> Azula has Ursa's eye color. So whenever she looked in a mirror, she was her mother's judgement.
At the end, their eyes were a constant reminder to the Fire kids that they were disappointments to their parents.
But their parents' disappointment is not something they could fix. Because Ursa and Ozai were polar opposites as parents.
-> Ursa valued kindness and compassion.
-> Ozai considered kindness and compassion as weaknesses.
-> Ozai appreciated ruthlessness and cruelty.
-> Ursa disliked ruthlessness and cruelty.
-> Ozai praised brutality and despised mercy.
-> Ursa despised brutality and praised mercy.
-> Ursa seemed to favor Zuko, because he had a gentle heart.
-> Ozai hated Zuko because he had a gentle heart.
-> Ozai favored Azula because she was a firebending prodigy.
-> Ursa neglected Azula because she already had her father's approval.
The list goes on but I think I made my point.
Doesn't matter what Zuko and Azula would do, they were doomed to be accepted by one parent and disapproved by the other.
Basically, darned if they do and darned if they don't.
So at the end, Azula and Zuko didn't have much choice other than choosing a certain side.
Zuko chose love and kindness, like his mother. Which is symbolically portrayed with his softer features.
Azula chose fear and violence, like her father. Which is symbolically portrayed with her sharper features.
Yet, whatever they do, they're destined to live with the eyes of their parents who didn't accept them. They will see their parents' judgement 'till the end of their days...
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Hello! It’s me again with your daily Wesper thoughts. I think I could write a short essay about the contrast between Jesper’s usual arrogance and bravado and to how flustered and unsure of himself he can get around Wylan. After he realizes he has romantic feelings for Wylan (I mark this as That Face he makes when Wy is playing piano), he’s so awkward around Wylan. His typical confidence is absent. It’s like when faced with something so real, Jesper doesn’t know how to fake it anymore.
Hello! You`re always welcome in my askbox😊
Exactly! Jesper is shocked by the power of his feelings for Wylan and by their realness. He can`t brush them off, he can`t get away from them. They have changed him - or rather not changed but brought out the parts of him that remained half-hidden for a long time.
Jesper is a loving, caring and loyal person, and it shows in his relationship with Kaz and Inej - especially with Inej. She`s essentially his beloved sister - he absolutely adores her, and he`s going to miss her terribly. But Jesper is also a gambler, used to win a lot today and lose more tomorrow. He`s not exactly holding on to much in 'the chaos of Barrel life'. That`s not to say he wouldn`t do his damnedest to protect Kaz or Inej should the need arise - he totally would. He`d die for them, in fact.
And here`s how his relationship with Wylan is different. He would die for him, yes. The thing is he doesn`t want to. He wants to live for him. Dying is easy in Jesper`s world where risk and danger are all around. Living - daring to be happy and doing everything to make your special one happy as well - is way harder. And for Wylan Jesper is willing to try.
It`s enough to look at the way he holds him - often with both hands, often clutching Wylan instinctively. A gambler who has finally found what he isn`t willing to put on the line.
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The 4th gif is by @dramaism
It’s like when faced with something so real, Jesper doesn’t know how to fake it anymore. - This made me think of what Sybil Vane said to Dorian Gray: 'I thought that it was all true... I believed in everything... I knew nothing but shadows, and I thought them real. You came—oh, my beautiful love!— and you freed my soul from prison. You taught me what reality really is... You had made me understand what love really is... I might mimic a passion that I do not feel, but I cannot mimic one that burns me like fire'.
Of course, Jesper is no Sybil and Wylan is no Dorian. Yet, the general sentiment is somewhat similar, I believe, - maybe not so grandiose as the poor girl makes it sound but deep and true nevertheless.
Also, Halo by Beyonce is a Wesper song, change my mind.
It's like I've been awakened Every rule I had you breakin' It's the risk that I'm takin' I ain't never gonna shut you out - are you kidding me?😍
Love is a terrible force - and a beautiful one, what`s more to say.
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kornyo · 1 year
Oh well now you have me CURIOUS so, here outside of tags, tell me about those PoF death experiences 👀
i’ll never say no to unleashing my oc lore gates 🫶 be warned. this will be long. like 800 words type of long . for context i will be explaining important backstory first that will be related to the pof story descriptions . and obviously spoiler warning !
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starting with my first commander, zoya. zoya already has a complicated relationship with life and death from the get go, which only gets worse during path of fire.
zoya is a secondborn, podsister to canach actually. and just like him, she was abducted to vorpp’s research lab and experimented on. vorpp was draining her of her life force to power his golems, and she actually succumbed to these experiments and died in the lab days before caithe and faolain arrived. her body was discarded into the sea, and to canach and everyone else, she was dead.
and she was dead, her body had been drifting in the ocean for weeks, if not months, before she washed up on the cursed shore in orr. when she did, she caught the attention of the eye of zhaitan, who until now had not seen any of mordremoth’s minions.
now, due to the fact she is mordremoth’s minion (despite the pale tree cutting them off), sylvari can’t be corrupted by the other dragons, but i feel like at the time of the secondborn it was not widely known/confirmed for certain yet.
so, like he does, zhaitan tried to corrupt her and convert her into one of his undead minions - after all, if this would work, he could yoink his brother’s minions for his purposes and his army would grow even further. while the „corruption“ did not succeed - her tie to
mordremoth saved her from becoming his minion - he did somewhat revive her in the process, but not fully. zoya, now technically dead and alive at the same time but not having access to zhaitans power to keep her alive, is forced to absorb life force from other creatures to stay alive. hence, her being a necromancer. she stays in orr for a while, no idea of who she is and who she was previously, until she eventually encounters trahearne during his travels in orr and he takes her back with him to the grove. together they both study orr and try to solve his dream of cleansing it.
so when zoya dies during the fight with balthazar (to the sword rammed into her chest), her afterlife is different than the one in game. she wakes up floating in the ocean, like when she was dead for the first time, alone, no memory of who she is and who she is supposed to be yet again. but she’ll swim to the cursed shore this time, and meet the judge who will guide her through the domain of the lost, regaining her memory (even before her first death) to now.
however, it is not necessarily the judge that brings her back to ‚life‘, it is she herself who uses the power from defeating zhaitan in her memories to bring herself back into the realm of the living. she still retains her ‚undead‘ status, and similar to joko, she’s essentially a lich.
and different to the in-game, she was dead for an hour approximately, and she had troubles controlling her body for the rest of that day and needs to rest before she can continue with the fight.
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my other commander, rhys, on the other hand has a complicated relationship with balthazar, which makes their encounter in path of fire difficult on a very different level.
rhys was a priest of balthazar prior to becoming known as the commander, and she was VERY devoted to him. still prayed to him frequently, despite his departure during the exodus of the gods. to me, rhys and balthazar have a relationship similar to zeus and achilles in the iliad; a god and his beloved champion, sometimes i think their relationship was as close as zeus and hercules even.
balthazar, despite being chained in the mists, heard and responded to every one of her prayers. he had very big plans for rhys; she, as a descendant of king doric and king adelbern whom were both personally blessed by balthazar and gifted with his swords sohotin and magdaer, was supposed to be his champion by his side while he would slay the dragons and absorb their powers. rhys was also supposed to be the one to free him from the mists initially, but rytlock finding and freeing him first was not a problem at all. another important detail: being a priest of balthazar made rhys immune to any fire damage whatsoever, making them a very powerful berserker.
during the course of season 3 and POF, their relationship with balthazar is strained and tested numerous times — rhys was always tempted to join his side every time he called out to them, but their hesitation was close to a betrayal in balthazars eyes, and so, they were no longer his ally anymore but his most powerful enemy that had to be destroyed. he removes his blessing, and as a result, rhys is incredibly vulnerable to fire damage.
during their battle, rhys doesn’t die by his sword like zoya, a death some could see as a merciful death. instead, he burned rhys to death, FULLY. this was a lesson to his former disciple, one that should follow them into their afterlife.
rhys’ afterlife was a burnt and barren wasteland, full of ash and the occasional leftover fire/ember. they, too, forgot who they are and what their purpose in life. even when they slowly regain their memories, they don’t consider going back to the living but staying dead. in the domain of the lost they have been „dead“ for a few days, but in the domain of the living they have been dead for a whole day.
when rhys decides to come back after all, out of vengeance and out of loyalty to aurene, they willfully step into a raging fire inside a hollow tree trunk which acted as a portal. their body was about to be cremated when they decided to come back, emerging from the fire. their whole body was burnt, but they found new strength in killing balthazar once and for all.
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dotthings · 1 year
Gotham Knights ep 1x10 "Poison Pill"
Maybe I could just sit here making flappy hand noises about Misha's portrayal of Harvey Dent. But I also do have some coherent toughts.
This ep was a wild ride. I'm enjoying the GK team relationship dynamics, and Misha's depiction of Harvey is absolutely superb.
With an extra big gift basket of thanks to writers Nicki Holcomb and Summer Plair
Harvey + alt Harvey (not Two Face yet)
“When we were kids, we used to talked to each other in our dreams. Meet in the middle, we called it” “you’re a sucker for the truth”
There's so much I like about this--it's like Alt Harvey is an imaginary friend. He comforted child Harvey. Protected child Harvey. But it took a pathological twist. Alt Harvey knows all about Harvey. And he knows how good Harvey prime is. He wants the truth. He's decent. Alt Harvey plays on that--he knew what buttons to push. Harvey's quest for justice, for truth, for fairness.
“Whenever it got too tough I’d tag in” “I do the things that you can’t do”
Alt Harvey is a facet of Harvey, it's a facet in humanity. Primal. Fight or fight. Survival. Kill or be killed. But with all the safeties and inhibitions off.
“You don’t want justice. You want to burn it all down”
Misha really broke out a bit of Batman gravel there, in the scene where alt Harvey strangles Harvey. Fits in with what I talked about in one of my early posts about GK. What Alt Harvey (Two Face) is for Harvey is a little bit what Batman is for Bruce. Two Face is Harvey's version of Batman, and with Batman dead, Harvey needs someone to fill the void Batman left. Batman represents the darker parts of Bruce's psyche, and is something to comfort that scared grieving little boy, the moment of trauma, to fix Gotham, try and prevent that trauma from happening to other families. So Bruce let the bat out. The difference is Bruce never lost himself. Bruce had nurturing parents and then he had Alfred guiding and protecting him.
Harvey loses himself entirely to it--his trauma is different than Bruce's. Bruce and Harvey are somewhat mirror images, them and their alter egos are flip sides of a similar coin. But different methods. Alt Harvey's path to justice is destructive. Batman's is different. He embraces violence, but he's not about burning it all down, he's about protecting and building. Embracing the darkness in order to hold back the darkness.
Harvey's the fire, Bruce is the night.
And so it was a gaslight routine from the Court. Not TF taking over and doing things...I kinda thought that would be the case. They're playing Harvey. Wanted to get one of the only decent leaders in Gotham out of the way. Harvey's a threat to the Court, the Court is a threat to Harvey. Harvey and alt Harvey have a common enemy.
Turner not buying the story the Court fed him about Bruce but afraid it’s true and then finding out it’s true is poignant. He sincerely was choosing to believe in Bruce, so extra ouch on finding out it might be after all. But we still don't know the whole story, what exactly happened. I was right Bruce blamed himself. But did he kill the Hayes'? Or did he fail to save them. Carrie confirms that in this continuity, it's following the core tenet of Batman. “Batman doesn’t kill, he told me that over and over” and “he felt responsible”--feeling responsible doesn't mean he murdered them.
The Row siblings, Turner and Duela, Carrie, Steph -- I really enjoyed how the personal dynamics there played out, and Duela calling Turner on his broody bs after we saw the entire team working to save him. It seems like there's still spots of distrust among them, but they keep becoming closer as a team family at the same time. Cullen wants to stay. To hold onto that family after their names are cleared...Harper says she wants to leave. (But does she really? I think she's miserable because she thinks her feelings for Steph can't possibly be requited--she may change her view of the overall group, once she and Steph find their way to each other).
The picture gets sharper and sharper doesn't it. Turner/Duela have an enjoyable dynamic as well.
So Rebecca is the femme fatale role. This is classic Hollywood noir. I wasn't all that shocked by it since I wondered if Rebecca would follow that archetype but holy crap I did not see it coming that she'd kill her own son.
Carrie telling her mom she's Robin!!!
Is Brody the next Talon, then?
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sacredjake · 8 months
My beloved Julie, in light of the treacherous Jakedown that has brought us all down to our knees, I would be forever grateful if you would kindly compare me and Jake’s charts?? I love you! (I’m scared)
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i haven't done one of these in quite some time so hopefully i'm not too rusty lol. I would absolutely love to do this for you <333
with your sun sign being scorpio and jake's being taurus i think there's a lot of room for growth between the two of you. scorpio and taurus are sister signs, and they can cause conflict, but its only because they opposites, yet very similar. sister sign combos open up great opportunities to help one another grow. scorpio is very emotional aware, intense and mysterious while taurus is less into emotions, very calm and easy going, and often trusts very quickly. while the two of you could butt heads over big picture ideas, you'd end up seeing a side you hadn't seen before. both of these are fixed signs which can bring stubbornness, but if you're willing to listen to one another this is a great combo.
i think your moon signs are pretty compatible and could work well. virgo moons do have a lot of emotions, just like any other sign, but they don't always like to show it. it may be hard for a virgo moon to be vulnerable and may even push their emotions down. on the other hand, jake has a cancer moon which is not afraid to let their emotions be known or felt. while at times cancer moon may get frustrated with virgo's struggle to be vulnerable and the amount of time it takes to open up, the biggest part would be communication and knowing that you're at least trying.
your mercury placements are pretty different but i think that could work out. sag mercury can be very enthusiastic and as a fire sign tend to speak before thinking whereas taurus mercury is very methodical and somewhat just even-toned. i would say that he would definitely do more of the listening and you might do more of the talking. i think he’d be used to it though because danny has a sag mercury so i don’t think it would throw him off.
jake has a gemini venus which can be pretty hard to nail down. gemini venus is constantly searching for new things to explore and learn, and they love talking about the things that intrigue them. they also can be kinda flighty which scorpio venus probably wouldn’t enjoy romantically as scorpio is very passionate and sure when they are into someone. gemini venus can be that way, i think it takes awhile to get there. the way to a gemini venus’s heart though is to show interest in the things they like or do things they like with them even if you don’t like it. and also sharing your passions and teaching them about them.
i think your mars signs work well together just because they are both very determined and stubborn signs. virgo mars is very hard working and constantly pushes themselves to be better and aries does this as well, aries however is more explosive and can act rashly while virgo will sit back create a plan. i think this would be a great balance between the two of you.
with all of that, i would say that you would get along as friends, but every now and then i could see you butting heads on difference of opinion. i think your venus signs would hold the most conflict, but communication would help that. i think this would be a relationship meant for growth in which you help one another be better and evolve
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smalltownfae · 1 year
Ask game 17 and 19?
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Yes! Quite a few actually. I am going to order it from biggest surprise to not as big of a surprise. I will link my reviews for each book in the titles (if I wrote one).
1 - I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jenette McCurdy
I still don't know what possessed me to pick up a non fiction book and a memoir at that! It was probably the hype and the fact that I watched some iCarly episodes and I've heard that the book included information about eating disorders, parental abuse and toxicity of the child actors' industry. It's not an easy book to read, but it was extremelly good and very engaging. If there is one book that deserves all the hype is this one. It also included stuff about mormonism which I was not expecting. This book made me want to try more memoirs next year.
I used to think memoirs were all about people pretending to be better than they are, but this one was so honest and the author didn't hid her flaws, which I am very impressed by.
2 - Book Lovers by Emily Henry
Just like memoirs, it is a rarity for me to pick up a romance. Especially a contemporary romance. I am not going to say this converted me into a romance reader. In fact, the fact romance readers say this feels more like literary fiction than a romance makes me think that romance is definitely not for me. Still, this book was really fun and ocasionally emotional. If I ever feel in the mood to read a contemporary romance I will go to this author or Alexis Hall because he also wrote a book in the genre that I didn't hate. I gave this book 5 stars because given the genre it is very impressive that I liked it. What make me like it is precisely what I hear people complaining about: not focusing solely on the relationship and having family and work problems to deal with.
3 - The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
Not only is this contemporary book, but it's also about an high schooler and told in poetry. If you know me you know I don't read these kind of books, but this one was so good! I listened to the audiobook narrated by the author and I loved it so much that I also listened to Clap When You Land and With the Fire on High. They are all similar but really good. The author puts such emotion on her work that it made me tear up. The Poet X is still my favourite but it's probably in part because it was my introduction to her work. She has a new book coming out next year and this time it will be adult instead of YA so I am very curious about it.
4 - Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
This was so much fun! It made me so nostalgic about the time I was obsessed with the anime Shaman King. Apparently, the only way to make like urban fantasy is if there are ghosts and possession involved. The themes of feeling like an outsider in their parents' country were also great and the main character is a closeted lesbian in a long distance relationship which was very refreshing to see. The book felt very modern, but in a somewhat subtle way when it comes to conveying the messages. I tried other 2 works by the author, but they were really short and just ok. This one made me curious about her other longer works even though I heard it's quite different.
5 - The Chronicles of Prydain by Loyd Alexander
I haven't read an entire series in such a short time since Realm of the Elderlings. It's true that these books are really short and that there are only 5 (and the short story collection I haven't read yet), but it's still impressive that I did it in only a few months. I knew I would probably enjoy these books, but I wasn't ready for how cozy the writing style and atmosphere made me feel. I especially liked The Castle of Llyr and Taran Wanderer (which he wrote after the last book in the series even though it is the 4th!!!). It makes me want to try the Alanna books by Tamora Pierce because sometimes I need a cozy short middle grade/YA fantasy book. This series made me feel nostalgic even though I had never read it before. It had some similarities with Lord of the Rings and a lot of usual fantasy tropes but it still managed to be very endearing. This is another tale about magic leaving the world, which I seem to be a fan of given my favourites.
19. Did you use your library?
No. My library has had very few updates since the 90s. I do plan to use it soon to reread Chocolate by Joanne Harris and read the sequel to that because I can't find them anywhere anymore in portuguese, but I did buy the 4th book anyway. I will need to find the 3rd one somewhere and probably I will end up reading it in english, but c'est la vie. I mostly use my library for old books since it has very few new releases and the ones it has it's for extremelly popular authors I am not interested in.
Thank you so much for the ask ❤
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the-duality-scribe · 2 years
Character Bio-Lust
It goes without saying but there will be many that draw an immediate association of Duality’s characters to that of two animes:  The Seven Deadly Sins and Fullmetal Alchemist. I want to cover each of Dualities characters and contrast them against previous iterations of the sins in other storylines. I won’t spend much time on the anime characters though because you will likely be more familiar with them than I am. You can find my general overview of the Duality characters here:
Duality Dissonance:
Lust is the last of the character bios and he is a bit of an odd duck in the story. We never see directly behind his perspective and he mostly keeps to himself. He doesn’t talk so a lot of the time he is just in the background somewhere doing Lust things. Pride somewhat baby sits him though because he can be somewhat impulsive in his actions. He doesn’t have anything physically significant other than a tattoo on his weapon wielding arm and speaking of weapons, he is the only character with a firearm. It is initially a large caliber handgun but it changes over the course of the story, growing more intense with the evolutions.
He often gestures or references things with either the muzzle of his gun or the projectile that is fired from it. This is made apparent when we are first introduced to Lust. Pride often tells him to “Stop helping” because his methods can be somewhat extreme and more than what is needed for the situation.
Some of the other characters get a bit unnerved by his intensity at times. He has a quiet, rebellious nature that Pride is often contending with. All in all, he makes the journey much easier than it could be so the party is appreciative for the role that he plays. It’s a bit harder to sympathize with this one due to how little he interacts with the others but I’m sure that people will find him interesting. His motivations are unique compared to the other characters. All of the other characters are wanting more of something but he is the only one that is wanting less of a thing…in fact, he wants to have 0 of a thing. It makes for an interesting dynamic and he has some interesting triggers that readers will get to discover along the way! :)
The Seven Deadly Sins-Gowther:
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Gowther (Lust) was an interesting character for me. I’m a bit stumped on what Gowther’s relationship to the sin of Lust is but the fandom page believes it has to do with knowledge. That’s kind of the trouble with the sins, in that most of the sins can be interchangeable. We covered how Merlin’s (Gluttony) sin was about wanting to consume all knowledge but the sin of greed could also be about gaining more than needed, as well as envy. In this anime, Gowther is very mater-of-factual and he does crave knowledge but I think it’s, more specifically, about desiring emotions and a greater knowledge of them. But again, desiring is also intertwined in greed, envy and gluttony so I’m not for certain on this one. Here’s a wiki with more information on Gowther:
Fullmetal Alchemist-Lust:
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This version of Lust  dresses somewhat provocatively but her attitude isn’t of a sexual nature. She is considered to be more sadistic than the other sins and I think the lust sin might be related to inflicting harm on others. Like some of the other sins, she views humans with disdain, looking down on them. I know there are differences between the two anime versions but I’ll leave that to you to delve into if you want to discern the differences. You can find out more on this Lust here:
Duality’s Lust/Actor Similarity:
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I have Tom Hiddleston’s Loki in mind for this character but that’s really from a lack of knowing of anyone more fitting. I really haven’t come across a role that aligns with his motivations. I’m sure there are some out there somewhere but I haven’t found him yet. Tom’s Loki is the only one I’ve considered close because of his manipulative nature. In addition to Lust’s rebellious nature, he also has a manipulative side that aligns with is motivation of wanting zero of a thing. That makes him a bit hard to characterize regarding his traveling companions. The largest notable difference between Lust and Loki is that desire to hear one’s self speak! Lol While Loki loves to talk, Lust does not speak. He still makes for an interesting addition to the journey and I look forward to everyone meeting him. Perhaps you can suggest a different actor’s character that you can see being in this role? As with the other character bios, it’s not really about a specific actor but how they portray their character in their various roles. Feel free to suggest who you think might be a good fight based on their past performances.
Lust is the only character here that isn’t able to interact with you due to his speaking thing—but perhaps you can interact by suggesting other actors from one of their specific performances?  As with the other character bios, it’s not really about a specific actor but how they portray their character in their various roles. Feel free to suggest who you think might be a good fit based on their past performances. Also, be sure to read the 3rd scene of the chapter 1 so you can get a better sense of how he behaves. That will give you a better idea of who might be a good fit for the character! Here’s the link for the Chapter 1 sample:
0 notes
reihimura · 3 years
rei & touya’s relationship is so criminally underrated by canon and fanon imo. people have have pointed out how they look similar, especially when experiencing severe distress or melancholy (which they do look very similar, making their situation(s) all the more sadder), but i also feel a lot of people fail to mention how they are almost… mirror each other, in a sense.
the reason endvr abandoned training touya was because he “inherited rei’s weak constitution”, because he was too much like his mother - not only with the intolerance to heat, but perhaps in personality as well. they have similar reactions when under stress, usually lashing out verbally or sometimes physically. they’re both usually soft-spoken individuals, but also aren’t afraid to speak their minds when need be. they aren’t afraid of getting hurt if it means they deflect or reflect attention from themselves and others (i.e. rei stepping into one of shouto’s training sessions because it was getting too violent, and results in rei getting endvr’s attenttion in a slap. in contrast, touya trained everyday despite the massive amounts of pain it causes to get endvr’s attention.)
they were both the “firsts” in the todoroki family. rei was the first one to take on the todoroki surname as endvr’s wife, and touya was the firstborn todoroki child.
their actions also feel like parallels to each other. they’ve both harmed, or attempted to harm, shouto - but this harm was more-so meant for endvr; these attacks were an extension of the ideals endvr forced onto his family - that only one could be good enough for him.
they both separated from the family in nearly the same amount of time, due to mental breakdowns. they both spent a decade, if not more, away from the family, and then somewhat returned at, once again, nearly the same time. in canon time, it’s only been a year or so since rei and shouto reunited, and perhaps months after touya finally made his grand reveal. it’s kind of funny that this has happened twice - rei leaves, touya leaves. rei returns, touya returns.
and maybe it’s because these two are so similar and so seemingly (and perhaps unknowingly) connected that they don’t know how to help each other, much less themselves. the scene where rei tries to reach out to younger touya really showcases this imo: she almost got through to him, when she asked what he wanted to be. not what endvr wanted him to be; what he, touya, wants.
yet, she loses him when she brings endvr back into the equation - and you can’t fault her for this. her world so quickly and abruptly changed to focus on her husbands rather than her own, when he made her family agree to marry him. the forced marriage and abuse rei suffered from her husband caused her to focus on what she can do for endvr, to focus on him rather than herself. she has to have his children, care for said children, and pay special attention towards the “golden child”. endvr tells rei she needs to “take care of touya”, but not for touya’s sake, for endvr’s sake. because that’s the kind of household endvr has built for years and years. and that’s what causes rei and touya’s interaction to fall apart; because these characters don’t know how to separate themselves from their abuser. it’s a survival tactic; to focus on the needs of the abuser rather than the needs of the victims (including yourself). and neither rei, nor touya, nor any other member of the todofam are at fault for that aside from endvr.
but now, in canon, things are different. rei and touya have been physically separated from endvr for over a decade now, and in terms of mentally/emotionally separating themselves from their abuser, they’ve still got a ways to go. touya’s main goal revolves around killing his father, even if that means touya will die too. rei’s main goal is to bring touya back, and she even encourages endvr to help. while the whole situation regarding what the todofam actually wants to do with touya is still vague, we can see that endvr still has a strong influence over rei and touya.
maybe rei believes endvr can save touya because she couldn’t all those years ago. maybe touya believes he can’t go back to his family and should perish along with endvr instead because, in touya’s mind, he is his father’s ugly, failed creation. something-that-could’ve-been-turned-monster. he’s a reflection of the abuse endvr put both touya and his family through. he even sees himself as his father to an extent, as he’s called his own flames “endvr’s fire”.
they both feel like they can’t do anything for each other because of endvr, when in actuality, i think that rei and touya have always needed each other, and now they need each other more than ever. they had gotten close, back then, with rei asking touya what he wanted to do.
these two characters have so much in common, and their arcs play off of each other’s so well. they can teach each other that they’re not their abuser, and that they’re not what their abuser thinks of them. they are their own person, and it’s time for them to figure out what they truly want going forward.
touya is not his father’s failed creation, he is not weak due to having an intolerance to fire - he’s just touya.
rei is not the hospitalized wife of the #1 hero, she is not a failure of a mother - she’s just rei.
i think the two of them can help each other, and the rest of the family, find healing. they’re so similar, and they should understand each other so well.
basically there’s so much to rei & touya’s relationship that can be explored and analyzed, yet canon (and fanon) seemingly fail to realize this due to the focus on endvr and how He feels rather than… literally anyone else lmao.
there’s still so much about rei & touya’s relationship that we don’t know. but touya does still call rei “mom”, and refers to his father only by name. after all these years, after their brief falling-out before rei was hospitalized, touya still calls her “mother”. that means something.
there’s so much there for rei & touya’s relationship. and it’s a shame that canon and fanon don’t do much with it, or they take what’s been giving to us thus-far at face-value. their relationship has all the seeds planted to make it one that’s complex, caring, healing, and understanding. i just wish canon would actually let it grow instead of focusing on endvr for the millionth time /:
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
The Four Times it Rained with Anthony Beauvillier and The One Time it Didn't
Requested? Absolutely not
Warnings? It's really long with like no dialogue LMAO
Summary: The rain has always brought good things to you and Tito but what happens when it's actually sunny out?
Word Count: 4k
It's really mf long but I promise it's worth it and I'm super proud of it so enjoy! :)
When you awoke to the sound of rain pounding steadily on your rooftop your heart filled with glee like a little kid in a candy store. Nothing made you happier than when it rained outside. You loved having the opportunity to sit inside and work all day with the patter of rain smacking the rooftop.
However, today was even better. You had no work and nowhere to be, your all-time favorite kind of rainy day. You always took these days to finish up your favorite books, watch the movies you’ve been holding off on for ages, revel in the ending of your favorite tv shows that have been put off, order in food, and just enjoy the sound of the rain.
It was a cliche, of course, most of your favorite things typically were. It didn’t make you love them any less, in fact, it made you love them a little more. Thinking about how you and however many other people were absolutely content with the fact that it was pouring outside.
And to make things better? Tito had the day off too.
You were a bit surprised when you woke up to the rain and not your best friend either calling, knocking on the door, or just barging straight in like he owned the place. He practically did, always coming over and spending more time at your apartment than he did his own. He certainly wasn’t unwelcome, you loved every moment you got to spend with the left-wing Islander.
Just as you sit up in bed, running a hand through your hair you hear a knock on the door. Knowing it’s no doubt, Tito, at the source, you shoot him a text telling him to come in using his spare key. You listen to the quiet sounds of the rain against the window as your best friend lets himself inside your apartment.
You fall back in bed, pulling the blankets up to your chin, and snuggle deep into the warmth. You hear a quiet knock on your bedroom door before Tito lets himself in. Your head turns, a tiny smile at the sight of your best friend and he reflects it. He makes his way over to you, climbing in bed and slipping an arm around your waist. He pulls you into his chest, pressing his face into your hair and you both sigh in content at the feeling.
You try to ignore the way his hands feel like fire against your skin and how your heart’s steady tempo has slowly increased at the mere thought of him. Gentle warmth floods your body when Tito presses a kiss to the back of your neck, the action causing your heart to act as an elevator, rising and falling without rhyme or reason.
You both fall asleep for a while, the rain lulling you into a tired state and soaking up the rest you both had been sorely lacking after your busy weeks. You awoke for the second time that day to Tito’s hands lazily tracing patterns on your arms.
“Hi,” you murmur, turning in his embrace.
“Hey,” he greets back his tiny smile growing wider. “Wanna watch a movie or something?”
“Getting bored laying here?” you ask.
“Never,” he says, throwing a wink at you that has your stomach doing backflips.
Tito has to turn away from you as his cheeks burn red at your sleep-ridden state. His heart mimics the rain outside a steady patter fast against the rooftop just like his heart against his ribcage. He stands, holding a hand out to you which you take and you let him pull you up and out of bed, leading you towards the living room.
You both fall onto the couch, Tito pulls your legs over his and slips an arm back around your waist. He hated being away from your touch for too long. Your head falls comfortable onto his chest and you’re certain your eyes may flutter shut once more.
Tito peruses the movies before him and ultimately decides on a random marvel one that he’s never seen before but you most definitely have. He watches as your eyes light up at the sight of your favorite superhero on screen, and you launch into the explanation of the plot for him.
He can barely focus, only thinking about how easy it would be to release the three simple words that would change everything. Or press a kiss to your soft-looking lips in an attempt to hush you so he can actually watch and listen to the movie. Unfortunately fear captures his heart a little tighter than the love he has for you.
You turn back to look at your best friend, expecting at least a hum in response, and when you notice his eyes have been on you the entire explanation your cheeks flush. You wondered what he was thinking about, and hoped it was the same thing you were.
“You okay?” you ask, pulling him back to reality.
“Yeah,” he reassures. “All good.”
You nod, a tiny smile on your lips as you look back at the TV. Tito tries to focus for you but he can only think about how much he loves you.
It was a bad habit for you to leave all of your shopping to one day a week. You always ended up running out of something you desperately needed but were too lazy to go out and buy.
However, today seemed to be turning out equal parts bad and equal parts good. The good thing was that you were able to convince Tito to come with you shopping and carry some (he would argue most) of your groceries home. The somewhat bad? It looked like it might rain.
You tried to make your way through the store as quickly as possible, the impending storm looming in the back of your head as you shop. However, your best friend is of no help to you.
"Tito" you call for the billionth time. "Put it back."
The older boy pouts, reaching into your cart to pull out the fruit snacks he just threw in. You smile widely at him, and before you can move the cart once more, Tito climbs onto the front of it.
“Onward!” he yells pointing in the opposite direction and you giggle while pushing the cart slowly along as to not hit anyone or anything.
The rest of the shopping goes just as smoothly, your heart filling up with air similar to a balloon that doesn’t know when it’s going to pop. Sometimes looking at your best friend was too much and you became scared you’d let the feelings spill out all over the floor.
Tito would do anything to see you smile or laugh. It was nothing short of embarrassing himself or nearly killing himself in the middle of a grocery store aisle where he could easily be recognized in the small area of Long Island. As long as your head was thrown back in laughter, a wide smile stretched across your lips, and the promise of a sometimes yelled “Tito!” or “beau!” expelled from you was there, it was worth it.
After checking out, you two split up the bags and start to make the trek back to your apartment. You were beyond glad you had brought Tito along with you, making the trip much easier on you and providing plenty of entertainment along the way. As you walk, the clouds start to rumble and you cast a nervous glance over to the tall brunette. Tito grins back at you, just enjoying your presence, not a care for the impending weather.
A crack of thunder rolls in causing you to jump and pick up your speed. You were about two blocks from your house but the world had other plans for you. Just as you were rounding a block away, it starts to pour.
“Fuck!” you yell pausing in the street.
You look over and Tito is grinning like a maniac, the smile on his lips shooting straight to your heart. You can’t help but reflect it, he looks beautiful rain-soaked and his blue eyes lit up at the wonder of it all.
Tito had always been grateful for the rain. It had always brought good things to him and the world. Right now it easily brought him his favorite thing he’s ever witnessed. Your hair is soaked, plastering messily against your face as you whip around to look at him. A smile bigger than he had ever seen sits perfectly on your lips and that sound that he loves more than anything in the world is there, the laugh that makes his heart rise to the top of the empire state building and teeter over the side with nerves.
God, he loved you.
Without a second thought, he intertwines your hands, grabbing your bags out of your other hand and hauling them into his own. He starts tugging you along, trying to push down the fact that your hands feel like they’re made specifically for him and that he never wants to let go.
You make it back to your apartment, your heart pounding for a different reason for once. When you get inside, Tito drops the groceries by the door and you both turn to each other still giggling quietly. Tito’s hand is still interlocked with yours, his calluses rubbing against your palm and sending shockwaves through your veins.
He pulls you in, his other hand coming to wrap around your waist. Your soaked bodies inch closer until they’re flush and you’re staring into his mesmerizing blue eyes. Your free hand wraps around the back of his neck, your fingers trailing the buzz-cut hair on the back of his neck.
Tito was pretty sure you might be the death of him. Looking down at your soaked state, peering up at him and the movement of your hands, he’s surprised his heart hadn’t stopped yet. He wants to lean down, finally meet his lips to yours, and fall headfirst into a relationship with you without considering any of the consequences.
You were hoping that one of you was finally going to build the nerve to change everything. Your heart is tipping on the edge of wishing and hoping. Just as your noses brush, a loud crack of thunder sounds, and you both jump, the possibility scaring you along with the noise.
Today was not turning out to be a good day. Besides the prospect of rain later, you had barely gotten any work done, your finals were coming up soon, and you hadn’t seen Tito in weeks.
So the last one is slightly exaggerated. You had seen Tito, mostly through facetime calls and the occasional quick stop by but he was mostly on the road and you were sorely missing your best friend. You’d kill to have him here, even if it was for longer than an hour, you’d do anything to have him next to you.
You knew it was somewhat selfish, but you needed him here. Needed his encouraging words, his soft touches, his sweet smiles, just his presence. You knew his schedule though, understood his job and what came with it and you knew he’d never trade it for the world, you never wanted him to.
Tito was homesick. Not particularly for his apartment, or even the island itself, he was desperate to see you. He missed your laugh, and holding your hand, cuddling together late at night, waking up early to your sleeping state, forehead kisses, and his favorite: your laugh. He was desperate for it, the physical version of it.
However, when he heard the Isles were headed home for a quick weekend stint he knew he wasn’t close to heading back to his apartment. He headed straight towards you, his other half even if it was unbeknownst to you. He had decided a while ago that even if you never reciprocate his feelings, you were still his twin flame, his platonic soulmate forever and always.
He headed to your apartment with excitement, checking your location on his phone to see that you were there. In the cab on the way, it starts to rain and Tito can’t help but smile. He had always loved the rain but he was almost certain it had slowly started to become a beacon of good things especially surrounding you.
A wave of calm flows through him when he reaches your front door, he feels like a little kid receiving the Christmas present that they had been asking for all year. He hadn’t even seen you yet and the thought occurs to him that he always wants to come home to you after long weeks away.
You sit in your apartment, flipping aimlessly through your textbook in an attempt to get some work done. The rain plinks softly against your apartment window and the noise soothes you as you try to focus. However, just as you start to, a knock on your door sounds. You’re wary at first but make your way over to it swinging it open without a second thought.
“Anthony-” you breath out, your best friend’s first name foreign on your tongue.
Tito barges in, wrapping his arms around your waist and you instantly slip yours around his neck. You relish in the feeling of him being here and back in your arms. You almost let out a whine when he pulls away from you but his hands trail from your waist to your hands and interlock them.
“Come on,” he says with a mischievous smile on his lips.
“Where-” you start but Tito shakes his head, pulling you out of the apartment and dragging you along.
You’re so caught up in the fact that Tito is here, and his hand has slipped back into yours that all you can do is take in his appearance. Whenever he’s gone for a long time he always seems different but more and more like home to you. When he comes back it’s like your last puzzle piece is put in place and you’re whole again.
You both make your way down the floors of your apartment building until you’re outside. Tito lets go of your hand, stepping out onto the sidewalk and letting the rain fall over him. You watch as a loving smile falls onto your lips, the rain cascades over him, his hair falling flat against his forehead, and an unknowing smile pressed on his face.
“Come here,” he tells you and at first you shake your head no.
Beau was definitely not taking that answer today. He makes his way over to you, slipping an arm around your waist and lifting you into his arms and out into the rain. You shriek as the cold raindrops fall over you and you tuck your face into Tito’s neck.
He sets you down but doesn’t let go, his hand still circling your waist. He nudges your arms until they slide around his neck again, your fingers interlocking at the nape. He grins wildly down at you and your heart fills and fills at the sight. He slowly sways the two of you back and forth, dancing to music only known between you two.
“I missed you,” he says after a few quiet beats.
“I missed you too beau.”
Your swaying moves to a dull rocking back and forth, the two of you focused more on each other than anything else in the world. Neither of you realized it, but when the other was around the whole world seemed to fall away in an instant. There was no use trying to get between the two of you.
Beau leans down, your foreheads bumping lightly and your breath shortens at the proximity of the two of you. He leans forward, his nose brushing yours and for once you’re begging for his lips to meet yours, not caring about what might change between the two of you after.
“Hey! Get out of the street!”
You and Tito pull apart heads whipping in the direction of a car driving right at you. You both laugh at the ridiculousness of it all before heading back inside, the rain only picking up harder.
“One more exam. Just one more final exam.”
You chanted the words over and over again in your head hoping they would somehow motivate you into finishing your work and studying for the last exam you had for the school year. You even went as far as going to the library, deciding to hole yourself up there the entire day to try and get something done.
Tito would text you occasionally, mostly offering words of encouragement as you worked and every time your phone buzzed an unconscious smile reached your lips. Tito had always been your cheerleader and vice versa. You were always there for each other and pushing each other forward whenever you needed it.
Your corner of the library was cozy, you sat, your legs tucked up in the loveseat next to the window. The rain fell slowly down the side of the building and you watched two raindrops drip down, an unknown race there.
Your eyes fall back to the textbook in front of you, flipping through the pages trying to absorb more information than you already have all day. As you work, suddenly a hand appears in front of you, a cup of coffee being placed down on the table in front of you. Your eyes trail up and you find a grinning Tito standing before you.
“Thought you might need an energy boost,” he says sitting down in front of you.
Your heart practically bursts at the sight. Tito had known you hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep recently and was worried about you. However, he also knew you were easily the most stubborn person in his life. If he couldn’t beat you, he might as well support your caffeine addiction in hopes that by the end of finals you’ll finally get some rest.
“Have I mentioned recently you’re my favorite person in the world?”
Tito grins dropping his head down shyly and you take the opportunity to grab the coffee and take a sip of it. You hum at the taste, a soft smile appearing on your lips when you realize that Tito has memorized your coffee order, something no one else has had the energy to do.
“I also wanted to make sure you get home okay,” he says nodding to the ever-growing rainstorm outside.
Your whole body warms at the words, a blush dusting your cheeks. Tito was nothing if not a gentleman and every time a display like this showed, your heart fell further and further into his hands. You place the cup down in front of you, leaning forward to place a hand on Tito’s knee.
“Thank you, darling,” you say and you swear you see a blush on Tito’s cheeks.
Your eyes search his as the only noise in the library is the sound of the rain against the building and the soft sounds of the workers meandering around. You swear gravity pulls you towards each other, Tito’s hand coming up to cup your cheek. His thumb brushes softly against your skin, the contact making your heart freeze and speed up all at once.
“Excuse me loves, the library is closing.”
You and Tito smile and nod at the sweet woman, breaking apart slowly before gathering your things and heading out together.
And One
The sun shines high in the sky, easily one of the nicest days on long island in months. Spring was melting away into summer and the warm air had you dying to get out and visit the ocean even if it was just for a little bit.
While Tito knew of your love for the rain, the breakthrough of sun was welcomed by the two of you. It was unspoken that when the sun had risen, and the temperature broke seventy, you wanted to spend a little time at the beach together.
You disliked the beach normally, not liking the sand that gets everywhere, the obnoxious teens yelling loudly, kids running around without parents, it just bothered you. But you loved the feeling of warm wind running through your hair as you drive, windows down, and the smell of the ocean air.
Tito shows up on your doorstep, and without a word, you two are out the door and heading towards your car. You climb in, hands immediately rolling down your windows and sunroof while Tito picks the music. You had an unspoken communication to go to the beach today and you were beyond excited.
Tito always looked gorgeous to you. In the sun? His blue eyes shine a bit brighter, his smile seeming to reflect the warmth that the sun brought you inside and out. He was breathtaking.
You were a work of art to Tito. Your hair blew back from your face, whipping around the small space. A light smile had been present since he showed up on your doorstep. Your (y/e/c) lit up from the sun and him. From head to toe, he would never grow tired of looking at you.
When you got to the beach, you parked in a spot overlooking the water. The two of you get out of the car, and Tito gestures to the hood. He stands before you, hands placed gently on your hips, and lifts you onto your car with ease, his hockey training coming in handy.
He hops up next to you, settling down on the hood and overlooking the beautiful ocean. His leg touches yours, starting at your feet and following through to your hips. The contact drives you crazy, making it feel like it’s ten degrees hotter as your nerves spike. It’s surprisingly quiet, the ocean rushing in and out before you, a light wind pushing your hair back effortlessly.
Your hands sit in your lap, nervously fiddling together. Tito glances at you constantly, his eyes trailing to your hands and he builds the courage to slip his fingers into yours. At the contact, you squeeze his hand lightly and that gives Tito all he needs.
“Hey,” he says, making you turn to look at him.
His other hand comes up to cup your cheek and you lean into the touch instinctively. His head ducks to meet yours, your noses brushing and your breath catches in your throat. You watch Tito’s eyes flicker back and forth before pushing forward. His lips meet yours and you sigh at the feeling of his lips on yours. Your free hand comes to grip the side of his shirt and pull him as close as possible.
Your breathless the entire kiss, the thought that the older hockey player liking you back finally smacking you full force. His touch lights you up from head to toe and you never want him to break away.
Tito grew more and more confident within the kiss, and his heart continued to balloon in his chest bigger and bigger at your closeness, you were finally right where you were supposed to be.
You pull apart when there’s no breath left in your lungs but stay close. Tito chases your lips pressing another light kiss to them. You giggle at him and he smiles sheepishly, biting his lip slightly and gazing at you with those eyes that had you since you first met. Tito was still on cloud nine at the thought of you loving him back.
“I really really like you,” he whispers and you giggle. He could have said absolutely nothing, he could have kissed you again, or simply kept holding your hand but the words said out loud made your heart do backflips like it was an olympian training for the gold medal.
“I like you too.”
“And I really wanna kiss you again.”
You smile lovingly at him before pressing your lips to his, something that would never fail to make your heart stop.
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entity-of-the-opera · 3 years
The Feminization and Fetishization of John Laurens in the Hamilton Musical and its Fandom
In this I will be talking about a few things:
The whole “turtle boi” thing
His role in the musical
The feminization of him in the fandom
The fetishization of him (and his relationship with Hamilton)
The shredded bits of personality he has in the musical
His historical personality being taken from him and instead added to Hamilton’s character
I will not be putting any art of him in here to respect the artists’ privacy, but if you’ve been in the Hamilton fandom or at least heard of the issues I’m talking about, you’ll probably know what drawings I mean. Also, no hate to anyone or any artists who I may indirectly mention, or to anyone in the Hamilton Musical fandom. I understand that not everyone in the fandom is like this, but I will just be using the broad term “the fandom” for simplicity. 
[cw: mentions of alcohol and alcoholism]
“UwU Turtle Boi John Laurens”
This image of him likely stemmed from the one drawing he did of a softshell turtle. But how the fandom took that and blew it up into him being obsessed with turtles and other sea creatures is beyond my knowledge. A lot of art depicts him with turtle stuffed animals or riding turtles or just general turtle-lover stuff. Not only are these wrong, but they’re also pretty weird. They often tie into the strange feminization of him, which I will discuss later.
His Role in the Musical
Laurens in the musical acts like Hamilton’s sidekick. He follows him around most of the scenes where they are together. He is almost always at Hamilton’s side, and when he is not or he is at the side of another character, he ends back up at Hamilton’s side fairly quickly. This seems like it makes sense, right? Hamilton is the main character, of course, everyone else is going to be behind him or beside him in some way. But it feels very forced, like Lin-Manuel Miranda purposefully made it so Hamilton was above everyone, no matter the cost. Laurens’ character suffered from this, and any kind of standing or power he held just from his personality alone was gone. What he is to Hamilton is like what Patroclus was to Achilles; a sidekick, overshadowed by the other’s glory and popularity. 
An example of this is the Laurens-Lee duel scene. Historically, Laurens was the “trigger happy” one. When the first shot was fired between himself and Lee, he wanted to go again. Hamilton was not very happy that the duel was happening. When both sides (Hamilton and Laurens, Lee and his second Evan Edwards) arrived, he and Edwards tried to get Laurens and Lee to just apologize and be on their way. Laurens refused. When Laurens wanted to shoot again, Hamilton prevented him from doing so. In the show, however, the roles seem reversed.
The Feminization of Him in the Fandom
In almost every Hamilton musical fanfic or story I have read (and I have read quite a bit from my time in this fandom) Laurens is so feminine-- especially in lams fics. He acts feminine, he dresses feminine, he is described in the fics as feminine, he carries around his cute uwu turtle stuffie wearing his cute feminine uwu turtle pyjamas. It’s sickening. John Laurens was a brave soldier and a talented artist and this is how the fandom sees him? As some freckled gay baby twink?
Not only is this disrespectful to John Laurens, it is also disrespectful to Anthony Ramos, who played him in the OBC. 
The Fetishization of Him and His Relationship with Hamilton
This, the feminization of him and the “UwU Turtle Boi” character are all very similar. You could argue that this and the “UwU Turtle Boi” character are the same, or that this and the feminization of him are the same. You wouldn’t be wrong; they are all very similar and overlap a lot. Because I covered the “UwU Turtle Boi” character already and have no more to say here about it, I will talk about how the fandom treats his relationship with Hamilton.
There are two very opposite sides of the “was lams real” spectrum: “it was not real, shipping founding fathers is gross,” and, “they were gay!!! Laurens was gay for Hammy!!! Read the letters!!!!” Both sides’ beliefs are valid; you are allowed to think what you want about this topic. It is a somewhat controversial topic that has no clear answer, and therefore is always being discussed. However, just because your belief is valid, doesn’t mean that the way you chose to phrase it is necessarily okay. I get that most of the people who say the second opinion tend to be young girls who may not know better, but the way that something is phrased is very important.
Read these two different phrasings of the same opinion, and think to yourself, “Which one sounds more fetishize-y?” 
“I believe that Hamilton and Laurens were in a relationship based on evidence from the letters they sent each other.”
“Hammy and Laurens were gay! Read the letters! He says ‘I love you!’ They were super gay!”
Too many fangirls have called Laurens things like “gay boi” or “smol gay cinnamon roll.” I’ve also seen a very concerning amount of people call him their husband or hubby or dead boyfriend. I don’t think I need to explain how disgusting that is.
His Terrible Personality and Character
His entire character can be boiled down to “tyranny bad, alcohol good.” He’s loud and rowdy and a very boisterous person, shouting and running around and causing a ruckus. It is unlikely that the real Laurens was like this. Seeing as he came from a family of wealth and standing, he would have likely been taught to behave properly and be polite. He was rash at times, especially during battle, but other than that he seemed very professional. His rowdiness makes sense in some scenes when he’s in the war, but other than that part of the show, it doesn’t fit him.
Alcohol is a very big part of his personality for some reason. In his first (real) scene in Aaron Burr, sir, he’s talking about alcohol and drinking and even bragging about how much he drinks. At the very beginning of Satisfied, he’s offering drinks to other people and is very clearly drunk. As far as we know, the real Laurens was not a heavy drinker.
His lack of character can be explained, though. While writing the personalities of the characters, whoever was doing it took Laurens’ historical personality and gave it to Hamilton instead, leaving Laurens with almost nothing.
His Historical Personality Being Added to Hamilton’s Character
I’ve already talked about the Laurens-Lee duel, but I have yet to bring up what happened after it. In the show, Hamilton is brought into Washington’s office and Washington gets into an argument with him, which ends in Washington sending Hamilton home. Besides the fact that the timeline of these events is incredibly off, this is not at all what happened. After the duel, Hamilton wrote up a report on what happened to be given to Washington either the day of or after the duel. When Washington found out what happened, he was furious. Not at Hamilton, but at Laurens. Lin-Manuel Miranda took this from Laurens and changed the story so that it was Hamilton who got chewed out because Hamilton is the main character, not Laurens.
Lin-Manuel Miranda just tore up Laurens’ personality, leaving him as a rowdy alcoholic who eye-fucks Hamilton for the entirety of Act I. The fandom then took this empty shell of a character, combined it with random historical facts about him, and created a turtle-loving twink. Disgusting. Everything about this is so gross.
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firehouseonechicago · 3 years
Five Times He Almost Kissed You, The One Time He Did || Matthew Casey
Author’s Note: This is going to be a new series I am starting. There will be similar one-shots coming out for selected members of One Chicago, so keep an eye out. First up is Chicago Fire! Gif by @dawsonscasey​
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The last call hadn’t gone according to plan. Sometimes these things happen, but when you end up missing someone on the fourth floor of an apartment building fire, it becomes hard not to dwell on that fact.
Matt missed somone, he could have sworn that the entire floor was clear. He checked every room, every hiding place a person was likely hiding. He found nothing.
A soft knock came from behind him, alerting him that there was someone there. When Matt turned, he released a long relieved sigh as his eyes landed on your form. You stood in the doorway to his quarters, leaning against the doorframe with your arms folded casually over your chest. “Hey, thought I would check up on you, see how you were doing” You spoke softly, smiling at him sweetly the way you always did when you spoke to him. You had only recently transferred to the 51 a few months ago, but god, Matt was grateful that there was someone like you at the firehouse. You always put others before yourself, no matter how you were feeling in that current moment. You were the kind of person who would go above and beyond for your tem, and Matt admired that so much.
He released another long sigh, turning around in his chair to face you fully. “I’m okay...” He replied, not entirely convincing himself as he forced himself to speak “really, I’m fine”. The expression on your delicate features told him that you weren’t one-hundred percent convince by his answer either, your eyes narrowing slightly as you stepped into his quarters. As you sat down on his cot with a small huff, a small thought crossed Matt’s mind. He looked at the clock above you on the wall, shift had ended over half an hour ago. Everyone, including Boden, would have left by now. You were the only two souls left in the firehouse. You had stayed behind to make sure that he was okay.
For a brief second, an image of his lips on yours flashed through his mind before he shook himself back into reality. What the hell was he thinking? He did have great admiration for you, that was certain. But he couldn’t make a move on you, not now. He had just broken up with Gabby, and he wasn’t ready for another relationship yet. But the way you place your hand on his shoulder, and offerred to buy him a beer to try and drown his sorrows with a sympathetic yet joking smile, Matt was finding it increasingly hard to ignore the growing butterflies in his stomach.
The 51 was celebrating Boden’s birthday at Molly’s, and Matt was sitting beside you at one of the tables. You were leaned against the wall, sitting side on to face him. The two of you had been talking non-stop all night, making jokes here and there, and just having general light-hearted conversations.
“Wait, you broke your arm-”
“By falling down the stairs, yes. I was a very clumsy child”
“And yet you became a firefighter, how ironic”
When your mouth fell agape in shock, Matt descended into a fit of laughter, flinshing lightly as you playfully punched his shoulder. “Wow, that was so uncalled for” You pouted, folding your arms over your chest with a huff. Matt leaned forward and placed his hand on your forearm “I’m only joking, you know that right?” Matt stated lowly, genuinely wondering if he had upset you or not. But when your lips formed a taunting and mischievous smirk, Matt knew he had fallen for your facade.
You began to giggle, your cheeks flushing a bright red as Matt pulled away from you, his lips parting in disbelief. He watched as you descended into laughter, your eyes sparkling in the gold fairy lights strewn throughout the bar. In that moment, Matt almost kissed you. Almost. You just looked so beautiful, so carefree, a completely different attitued to the one you wore at the firehouse. You were just so...so perfect. Shaking himself from him daze, it was now his turn to pout as he folded hims arms over his chest, mimicking your earlier posture. “Wow, you actually made me feel bad for saying that”.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to I was joking-”
“You used my own tactic against me!”
You laughed again, shying away from Matt’s playful gaze until your name was called loudly from across the bar. Matt followed your gaze to meet the teasing smirk of Mouch. He waved you over, gesturing towards Otis behind the bar. Matt turned back to face you when he heard you sigh. “That’s my que” You joked, carefully manouvering out of your seat with a small smile. “i’ll see you later, okay” You spoke kindly, placing your hand on his shoulder. Matt’s stomach fluttered with butterflies at your touch, but he nodded nonetheless. :Sure, you still need a ride home right?”
“You’re not planning on leaving me here are you Matthew Casey?”
“Of course not, I was just making sure” Matt replied, dodging your hand as you tried to ruffle his hair. With a successful huff, Matt turned to watch you as you made your way over to the bar, smiling a kind greeting at Mouch and Otis as the three of you began to talk.
Matt knew he was falling for you, and he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop himself from doing so.
“Thank you so much for today Matt, I really appreciate it” You spoke gratefully, serving a beautifully cooked helping of spaghetti bolognese. Matt waved his hand dismissively, taking one of the bowls from your hand with a kind smile “I really don’t mind Y/n, I’m happy to help out” He replied, following you over towards the dining room table.
Matt had overheard you talking to Herrmann and Mouch about how to go about replacing a broken window, which had been shattered when two young boys accidentaly kicked a ball through your bedroom window. ‘It was a rather rude wake-up call’ He heard you say, and he offered to fix it for you then and there. He could tell that you were surpised by his offer, but he was relieved that you had said yes. And now, he sat across from you eating dinner. It was a nice feeling.
“Seriously, I can’t thank you enough. You didn’t have to do this” “I know, but like I said, I honestly don’t mind”. Your small smile made his stomach backflip, the two of you eating in a comfortable silence. After eating, the two of you talked and talked, laughing and joking about anything and everything. “Otis was telling me that they need an extra hand at Molly’s, but given my clumsy history I told him I’d think about it” You explained, shrugging your shoulders awkwardly. Marr gave you a confused expression “I think you should take it, I mean its a good job, plus you’re already amongst friends” He reasoned, watching as your eyes lit up with a brightness that made him feel lighter.
With a small clear of your throat, you stood up, moving to clear the bowls from the table. However, Matt beat you too it. “Here, I’ll take them” He spoke kindly, smiling down at you cheekily as he carefully took the bowls from your hands. “Are you sure? I’m fine doing-” “No, you cooked! It’s only fair that I clean-” Matt stopped abruptly upon realising how close the two of you actually were. His face was just inches away from your own, so close that he could have kissed you had he leaned forward to close the gap. Matt almost did, had it not been for the ringtone of his phone which completely ruined the mood.
Grumbling under his breath, Matt placed the bowls back onto the table and removed his phone from his pocket. His eyes widened, his gaze flickering up to meet yours. “Boden needs us back at the firehouse” He explained, placing his phone back in his pocket as he followed you towards your door. “Did Boden say why he needed us?” “No, he just said it was urgent” He replied, quickly jogging over to the driver side of his car. When he looked up, he saw you standing beside his passenger door. “Mind if I tag along?” You asked, smiling teasingly whilst gesturing to the passenger seat with your head. Without a second thought, Matt nodded “Jump in, and hold on”.
Matt certainly wasn’t expecting you to ask him to be your date to your brother’s wedding, but he was more than happy to go.
The last few shifts had been rough, rougher than most, so escaping to the picturesque scene of a wedding was exactly what he needed to clear his mind. And besides, it was an open bar. Fixing his tux as he stepped out of his car, Matt was adjusting his tie when he heard rushed footsteps coming from inside your house as he knocked on the door to announce his arrival. “I’ll be there in a second Matt! I can’t find my damn purse!” He heard you cry, chuckling to himself quietly as he shook his head in amusement. “Okay, I’ll just wait by the car!” He replied, turning around and heading back down the stairs. He didn’t even make it down to the sidewalk before he heard the door to your house close.
As Matt turned, his breath was immediately knocked out of him. You stood at the top of the staircase wearing a beautiful light blue dress, with your hair tied into a delicate bun with a few loose strands here and there. Matt was so incredibly stunned, that he hadn’t realised that you were actually speaking to him. He shook his head quickly “Uh, sorry what did you say?” He asked somewhat sheepishly, flushing a light pink in embarrassment. You laughed, smiling happily as you walked down the stairs to join him. “I said, how do I look?” You asked again, waiting nervously for his reply.
Looking you up and down, Matt wanted nothing more than to kiss you. You just looked so beautiful, so...
Matt took a deep breath, calming his racing heart as he spoke “You look absolutely breathtaking”. Your smile made his heart skip a beat, your cheeks turning a bright red. “Then shall we go?” You asked timidly “after the week we’ve had, I can’t wait for the reception”. Matt laughed loudly as he held out his arm toward you “I think we shall, m’lady” He taunted, raising a teasing eyebrow in your direction as your looped your arm through his.
Herrmann had brought his family to the firehouse for a visit, and as usual, they were running around like wild animals, their loud shouts and screams giving everyone a headache.
Herrmann was just about at the end of his tether, as he sat opposite you and Matt in the common room with his head in his hands. “I don’t know what I’m going to do...” Herrmann whined, “no matter what I tell them, they just won’t be quiet”. You pressed your lips into a thin line, sighing lightly through your nose. Matt watched from the corner of his eye as you quickly stood up, calling out to each child by name. As if by magic, Lee, Luke, Max, Annabelle and little Kenny all immediately fell silent. They all turned to face you with confused but smiling expressions, whilst Matt and Herrmann watched you in a dumbfounded stupour.
You knelt down in front of the five children with a bright smile on your face. “Hey, listen your dad kind of has a teeny tiny headache from the last call we went on, and he just needs a few moments of peace and quiet, okay? If you guys can be quiet for just a few minutes, I’ll take you all out for ice cream after the shift ends. How does that sound?” You reasoned, earning a few silent nods and murmers of agreement in response.
“Okay, I think a few of the other guys were playing hacky sack on front of the firehouse, why don’t you guys go see if you can join them?” You suggested, laughing lightly as the five children all raced out of the common room with excited giggles and the occasional squeal. Feeling several pairs of eyes on you, you turned back to face Matt and Herrmann, finding that their gaze was already on you with wide eyes and dropped jaws. As you moved back over to your seat beside Matt, Herrmann scoffed in disbelief. “How the hell did you do that!?” He exclaimed, throwing his arms up in exasperation whilst he waited for your answer. As your shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly, Matt watched you in complete awe. He had no idea that you were this amazing with kids. He didn’t know why he was so surprised, he supposed that the situation never presented itself.
But after seeing the way you handled Herrmann’s kids, how you were so kind and caring, how your voice was soft and delicate...he felt his heart begin to beat wildly in his chest. It felt strange to think about you that way, having kids of your own someday, a part of him hoped that one day, he would have kids too. When your eyes briefly met his with that teasing smirk of yours on your lips, Matt suddenly had the overwhelming urge to kiss you. But he didn’t, not in front of Herrmann, he wasn’t even sure if you felt the same way about him the way he did you. So he pushed down that feeling, and instead smiled happily in your direction as you continued to converse with Herrmann.
The one time he did...
You were the only one still inside the apartment complex as it went up in flames.
Your last call over the radio stated that you were headed up to the fifth floor to retrieve a resident’s daughter who was trapped inside their apartment. That was five minutes ago.
You had been silent ever since, and Matt was getting worried. What if something had happened to you? What if you were trapped too? Matt turned to Boden, who looked just as worried as he was. “Chief, let me go back in. She might need-”
Before Matt could finish uttering his sentence, the top three floors of the apartment complex exploded, including the fifth floor. Bright orange flames engulfed the outside of the building, thick black smoke rising into the Chicago night sky. “Y/n!” Matt shouted, starting to rush toward the buring building entrance. However, he was stopped by Severide and Mouch, who forcefully held him back as he struggled against their hold. He could faintly hear Boden calling you over the radio due to the roaring of the flames, he could hear the mother of the mother of the girl inside screaming for her daughter. Gabby and Shay stood on standby, their eyes gleaming with unshed tears as they waited...and waited...and waited.
Boden lost his temper, “Damnit L/n, respond!” He shouted furiously, though he waited anxiously for your reply. Several agonising minutes passed by, there was still no word from you. Matt was starting to lose hope. No, you couldn’t be...you just couldn’t. You were always careful, always vigilant. There was no way you could be gone. There was till so much he needed to say to you, Matt’s heart almost stopped at the mere thought of never being able to tell you that he loved you.
The door to the complex flew open, thick smoke billowing out through the doorway. Everyone held their breath, the usually busy street was now completely silent. Aft first, Matt thought it was the sheer force of the fire that had almost knocked the door off its hinges, the weight of immense dread and grief consuming him as he struggled to stay on his feet. The cold harsh reality of the situation began to set in. You were gone.
Then Severide was rushing towards the door, shouting for Gabby and Shay to follow. And as if by some miracle, you stumbled through the doorway with the little girl in your arms, your mask covering the girl’s face. Matt released a choked sob as he watched Severide take the girl from your arms, handing her over to Gabby and Shay before he enveloped you in a bone crushing hug. Matt began to jog forward, pure elation and happines filling him as he heard your voice. “Why the hell didn’t you answer your radio!?” Kelly shouted angrily, though his happy tears and slight laugh of disbelief conveyed different emotions altogether. You coughed slightly, looking up at Severide shyly “A bit of debris caught my shoulder, breaking the damn thing in two. I couldn’t have responded even if I wanted too”.
Removing his helmet as he moved past Severide, Matt tossed it aside and gently cupped both sides of your face before dipping down and pulling you into a gentle yet passionate kiss. You were completely taken aback at first, surprised that this moment was even happening. But eventually you reciprocated the kiss, not caring about the cheerful shouts coming from the rest of your colleagues who watched on in pure joy. The two of you pulled away breathlessly, as Matt’s teary gaze examined every inch of your smoke-covered face. “Promise me, that you will never do that again” He whispered quietly, his voice breaking slightly as his eyes fixated on every minor burn, every speck of ash that flecked your skin. You nodded curtly, sniffling slightly as your tear-filled eyes met Matt’s. “I promise”. 
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
Not Part of the Deal
{ Childe x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Living with Childe is starting to feel a little too comfortable. Series Masterlist
{ Warnings } Swearing, Physical Intimacy, Alcohol, Intoxication, Undefined Relationship.
{ Notes } This took a long time, I'm having a hard time writing. I can't decide what I want to write but I didn't want to leave this unwritten for too long. Hopefully, I'll be able to wrap this series up nicely soon. Masterlist
{ Word Count } 1,846
The bed was empty when you woke up to the sound of laughter, which was reasonable considering it was Childe’s laughter coming from the kitchen. You sat up, noting that this was the second time your sleep was disturbed by the Harbinger being loud in the kitchen. Groggily, you rolled out of his bed to figure out the source of his amusement.
When you entered the kitchen, bright blue eyes shining with laughter met your gaze. They were so beautiful, framed by long lashes and accompanied by a goofy smile that could probably light up all of Teyvat for weeks. Were those dimples?
“I thought you didn’t want me ‘cooking enough to feed a small army’, why so much food?” Childe asked through his laughter, seeming much more amused by this than he reasonably should be. Not that this stopped you from laughing along with him.
“Well, I didn’t know what you might like to make, so I decided to err on the side of caution,” you replied somewhat bashfully. It was the truth, minus the fact that most of it was fueled by panic.
“I guess that means I should make a lot of dishes for dinner!”
This turned into quite the ordeal, with several different things being prepared simultaneously, Childe needed to split his focus and time things correctly. You couldn’t even help with much of the preparation, too focused on clearing counter space of his used cookware and cleaning dishes so you wouldn’t be left with a mountain of them afterward, it was especially useful that you cleaned dishes he would later need to reuse for a different component of the meal he had planned.
“Childe, this all looks really good but I think this is enough food to feed all of Liyue.”
“I don’t mind sharing.”
Scoffing at his reply, you could only shake your head. You assumed Childe would pass the leftovers off to his subordinates in Liyue so you didn’t mind too much, so long as the food didn’t go to waste and you didn’t have to do the distribution. Not many of the Fatui in Liyue were very fond of you, considering your history of fights with them. Maybe that’s why the guard didn’t like you.
Redirecting your attention to the food laid out on the table, you were impressed by the array of dishes. There was a cold, primarily vegetable soup that had caught your interest when Childe began preparing it. There was also some sort of potato salad with plenty of mayo, something similar to dumplings with meat filling, and fruit cooked in a syrup. Several other dishes filled the table and you felt bad not sampling at least a little bit of everything, so you kept your portions small.
Throughout dinner, you listened to the Harbinger tell you about the times he made these dishes with his family or sometimes a little bit about the history of a dish. While you didn’t say much, it was pleasant to have his chatter fill the air. He continued to talk about his family back in Snezhnaya and the long days spent fishing even after the both of you had finished eating and were clearing the table.
“I need to start exercising again, I don’t want to get out of shape,” Childe lamented once you had finished with the cleaning. You had both settled on the couch, sitting on opposite ends facing each other.
“Have you forgotten about your broken ribs already?” you ask, a bit of incredulity dripping into your tone.
“No, but it won’t hurt that bad. I can handle it.”
You really couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not with that statement, his tone was serious but he couldn’t be that careless. Surely he understood the strain would impede recovery, perhaps even make things worse.
“No, you can’t. You’d just mess up your recovery trying. Not to mention we have a deal,” you try to reason, wondering briefly if that kind of thing even worked on him. You knew Childe wasn’t one to break his promises but he also cared greatly about his strength.
“I will exercise restfully,” he said decisively, though his playful undertone made it apparent he was joking.
“You’re impossible.”
“And yet you adore me.”
Scoffing at his response, you meet his gaze. He wore a cheeky grin, eagerly awaiting your response in hopes of being able to further tease you. You know if you hesitate for too long he will also tease you about that, so your options were limited.
“You sound awfully confident in that,” you reply coolly. It was not an ideal response, but it was the best you could think of in the moment.
“Because it’s true, you didn’t even deny it,” the Harbinger gloats, seeming very satisfied with himself.
“Maybe,” you reply vaguely, rolling the thought around in your head. What were your feelings for him, exactly? It was clear you weren’t just friends, but it seemed like a lot to say you were in love with him and it didn’t seem to be enough to say you just liked him. You felt confused about him.
For the rest of the night, you thought about the same question, but even by the time you were falling asleep, you couldn’t bring yourself to give a solid answer. It left you feeling restless for the next few days, though things remained the same with Childe. To pass the time you took the dog Harbinger on regular walks through Liyue. Sometimes the two of you would stop at the various vendor’s stalls in the markets and others you would walk closer to the harbor.
Even with your uncertainty about him, Childe was as easy to get along with as ever. He joked and made you laugh, cooked most of your shared meals thankfully not making quite as much food, and explored Liyue with you. Sometimes you visited the restaurants and Zhongli would join the two of you, making a habit of keeping the two of you for hours with his stories before dumping the bill on the Snezhnayan.
Though fewer than normal, you still took up commissions around Liyue, leaving Childe unattended for some time. You couldn’t be certain, but you were pretty sure he still behaved in the time you were gone. It seemed he most often did some work for the Fatui in the time you were gone, you often came back to him reading over a report or writing something he would later handoff to the guard outside his door.
All in all, living with him was becoming fairly comfortable.
“Oh fuck we’ve been eating all this Snezhnayan food and stuff and I forgot to show you our most famous commodity,” Childe exclaimed one night as he was cleaning up in the kitchen after dinner. You looked over from drying a plate to see him pull two small glasses and a bottle of clear liquid from the cupboards. You knew enough to recognize it.
“Yeah, have you had it before? This is a bottle of the fancy stuff,” he hummed, already pouring some into the glasses, one with a noticeably smaller amount.
“I haven’t, I don’t drink much,” you admitted, taking the glass from him when he offered it to you.
“Oh, perfect,” he said with a grin that made you think it would not be perfect for you. That didn’t stop you from drinking the small amount in your glass after watching him knock back his.
The taste was awful, but the burn down your throat and how warm it made you feel was rather pleasant. Childe had been watching you, eager to gauge your reaction. He would be disappointed by the fact you didn’t cringe at the taste but also pleased you didn’t seem to dislike it.
“It’s not bad,” you said after a moment, which Childe responded to by pouring a more generous amount into your glass. They were small glasses, so it still didn’t amount to very much.
“I think you’re fully prepared for a visit to Snezhnaya now,” he laughed, also pouring more of the Fire-Water into his glass. Being awfully classy not drinking straight from the bottle.
“Is that your way of telling me you want me to visit you when you’re back in Snezhnaya?” you cooed teasingly, emptying your glass before setting it on the counter. It was already starting to feel a little hazy. That did not stop your companion from continuing to drink.
“Maybe. Maybe I would like to take you back with me,” he returned with a cheeky grin, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you into his side, not letting you go once you were there. Not that you particularly minded being held snugly against his side. “What do you say? You might even like the cold.”
Heart fluttering at his words, you wondered if he meant them. Of course, he had said it in response to your teasing, but maybe he did want you around. Did you want to stay with him, by his side when he returns to Snezhnaya? Perhaps even going with him when the Fatui send him to different nations?
“I don’t know, I think you’d need to convince me it’s worth going with you,” you mused, giving him a playful smirk.
“Is being with me not enough for you?” he pouts, setting his glass down before using his grip on your waist to turn you around so your back bumps against the counter. His hands rested against the surface on either side of you caging you in as he gazed down at you with an expression that made your heart stutter.
The Harbinger observed your expression for a few beats before leaning down to press his lips to yours. He was much rougher than he’d been in the past, more eager, but you mimicked his pace and intensity nonetheless. Perhaps it was the alcohol you could still taste on his tongue that caused the change.
When you wrapped your arms around his neck, he lifted you up and seated you on the counter. He pulled away from the kiss to brush his lips against your cheek before moving to your neck. The kisses he left there started out delicate but when his teeth grazed against your skin you couldn’t help but close your eyes and sigh pleasantly.
When his hands hooked under your thighs to lift you up, your eyes flew open and a surprised squeak left you. On instinct your legs wrapped around him to prevent you from falling.
“Childe?” you asked when he began walking with you in his hold. It became apparent that the Harbinger was carrying you in the direction of his bedroom, causing your heart to speed up. It seemed like things were moving too fast.
“Alcohol makes me sleepy sometimes.” Oh.
You were promptly dropped on the bed, still feeling a little shocked. He leaned down to press another kiss to your lips, smiling at your expression. That night was the second time you found yourself falling asleep in Childe’s arms.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
matryoshka doll
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— Momo is a modern day princess, so it makes sense as to why every single person she’s asked if they wanted to have sex reject her because they felt unworthy. But she’s a girl with carnal needs and if that means having anonymous sex is the only way to have them met, so be it.
pairing: yaoyorozu momo x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, stuck in a wall, anal fisting (giving), fingering, marking, degradation, daddy kink!reader, princess!momo, praise, pwp, cursing, service top!reader, phat ass!momo
word count: 3,333
a/n: i stayed up until 4 am reading bkdk angst fanfic and im so, so tired...... momo has a phat ass that is full of stretch marks and cellulite and I drool at the thought of it. no I dont take any feedback on that.
kinktober day 9 main kink: anonymous sex | kinktober masterlist
Momo has a secret.
A deep, dark, twisted secret.
It wasn’t so much that it was horrible, humiliating, or even a nuisance for all of humanity, but it definitely was a secret she was keen on keeping until she was six feet under.
Why was that?
Oh, well, you see, it involved one of the most taboo topics in the world: sex.
Yaoyorozu Momo lived a sheltered, elite life. At the tender age of four, she had managed to create an object by replicating a Matryoshka doll's exact molecular structure. She didn’t need to assume that most individuals couldn't compose the doll's molecular structure regardless of their intellect or education. Yet, with a determined gaze, her person and mind no much older than four years old, she succeeded in producing a single, lone, beautiful Matryoshka doll.
But, because of her natural-born intelligence and near-prodigious level thinking, the wealth that her parents held led her to a life where something such as a peck on the cheek was considered scandalous. 
Kissing on the lips was considered a "marriage only" rule, and sex wasn’t even a word she knew.
Middle school for Yaoyorozu Momo consisted of her and her private tutors within her home. Her education was created just for her, and she had evening outings with her similar circles to ensure she had an appropriate social life. All in all, Momo didn’t know what sex was until she was sixteen, sitting in the common area of the dorm room with all her female friends who casually brought up the idea of what they could potentially be into, of who they would. Momo would quote: fuck, marry, or kill of three randomly generated boys within the class.
Of course, Momo’s eyes fluttered at the word fuck, having already known it as a curse word, and only as such as Bakugou always seemed to be yelling it. She had wrongfully spluttered when Mina had wiggled her eyebrows at Uraraka on why, oh why she had only chosen to ‘fuck Midoriya’ and not marry him. To Momo, who also at the time, was aware of her current blossoming feelings towards the smart but somewhat flutter tongued classmate of theirs, had been rather confused at the results Uraraka gave too.
“Kill… uh, Iida-kun,” Urakaka fidgeted, blushing harder under the intense stares of Mina and Hagakure (who had a mean glare despite not being able to see her). “Fuck Deku-kun, marry Todoroki-kun!”
Momo had assumed she would wish to marry her at the time crush, not choose the option to curse him out!
“Uraraka-san, you wish to cuss out Midoriya-san?” Momo had asked, saving the naturally rosy girl from their pink-skinned and invisible friend. “Why is that?”
“Hold on?” Jirou interrupted immediately, Momo’s undoubtedly closest friend rose from her slouched position next to her, her hand placed on her shoulder. “What was that?!”
“Well, isn’t the, ahem, please excuse my vulgar words, ‘fuck,’ option meaning to curse someone out? As Bakugou-san does to many people when he uses that word?” Momo had asked so innocently, so purely that the girls all almost felt horrible for popping the innocent bubble the modern-day princess was in -- keyword: almost.
For the first time in her life, Yaoyorozu Momo was not the most knowledgable in a subject; her cheeks stained red with embarrassing heat when Tsuyu took charge of explaining the alternate definition to what ‘fuck’ meant. 
“You mean babies don’t come in storks?!” she had cried uncontrollably that night. She was utterly overwhelmed by this new level of information that would send her in a spiral of the need to acquire further details for the sake of education and, well, yes, the science of fucking.
From the moment she was sixteen until she was twenty, Momo’s knowledge of sex went from being the lowest in the class, to as it naturally should have been, the most knowledgable person on it. She knew of things, the different branches of sex, where to experience certain types of kinks, and theoretically, where the human body's best parts to touch when having sex. So, the moment she had turned of consenting legal age to have sex, Momo would be lying if she said she wasn’t ready to have sex. 
But there was something in her way, something that not even years of studying could help her with, or could change the circumstances of which she found herself in. It seemed that though her friends enjoyed her sudden new-found genius towards the art and science behind sex, no one thought of her as a… sexual being.
“I c-can’t have sex with you!” Jirou had flushed red, her eyes scattering to every edge of the room, refusing to look at the wealthy heiress who had asked her best friend over during their last week of high school to do the deed. “You’re the modern-day royalty: Yaoyorozu Momo! I’m not… qualified enough!”
Momo frowned, “Oh?”
“Sex?” Todoroki had echoed, his eyes alarming wide despite his composed, neutral expression. Momo nodded her head, ignoring the small wisp of fire that emitted from his hair. “Oh, well, I don’t think I can do that for you, Yaoyorozu. It’s nothing against you, but I don’t think I’d like to have meaningless sex with you for the first time.”
Momo winced, “Oh, okay.”
“That sounded a lot meaner then intended, I apologize.”
And that’s how it seemed to go.
Aoyama hadn’t been interested in having sex at all with Momo. Mina said she was severely unworthy. Tsuyu simply rejected her because their relationship wasn’t one that had possibilities of sexual encounters. Iida said it would be irresponsible of him to take something of value of hers. Uraraka cried about how inferior scum like her had no right.
Ojiro apologized, having been in a relationship at the moment and wouldn’t. Kaminari said him sexually touching Momo would give the world every right to skin him where he lay. Kirishima had blushed brighter than his hair and stammered; he couldn’t without a proper relationship between the two of them. Kouda had run off crying. Sato had mumbled about how he enjoyed setting tea and pastries together but couldn’t imagine putting his tea in and on her pastry, or some weird allusion like that.
Shoji had bowed his head in apologies, saying she would regret sleeping with him. Sero had run away, crashing into a glass door explaining he wasn’t good enough. Tokoyami stated they weren’t a fated pair and rejected her kindly -- she thinks. Hagakure was in a relationship and politely declined her. Bakugou scoffed and told her to look elsewhere. Midoriya had stammered and suggested that he wasn’t the best option. Mineta just was never an option for her.
She had asked eighteen people who had all told her they would help her with anything, and the only thing that kept being thrown back into her face regarding something that she didn’t see to be anything that special was that she was royalty in their eyes. It was fine at first; honestly, it was! Momo had nodded her head, merely retreating to her home and creating an arrangement of sex toys most suited for her. And for a while, it had been enough.
But like the Matryoshka dolls, she was so fond of making, so good at making, she had several layers underneath that shouldn’t be ignored. And her sexual pleasures and gains had been a neglected part of her for too long. 
From having the longest, thickest dildo she could make for herself, up her cunt, to the vibrator and fuck machines she should create (because she was not allowed anywhere near a sex shop), she had been blissful. Each orgasm ripping through her pleasantly, causing her sweaty chest to arch off her bed, her legs slamming closed as it burst from inside of her, causing her to bit harshly on her fist just in case. But just as even playing with your favorite game day after day, feeling alone, lonely, and unwanted, Momo found that even her toys weren’t enough.
She needed more.
No one would fuck her because of her status, because of her last name and the wealth that she brought, so she decided that if she was to do this, to gain the human touch she ever so desired and lusted over, she was going to have to erase her identity.
She had found a little place in the back alleys of Tokyo. They were hiring anyone who dared to visit and the only requirement to join was that you were willing to be fucked. Momo had shown up for the interview, face obscured by a hoodie she wore and was hired the moment she walked in with her spandex shorts hugging her tiny waist and fat ass. She had always seen places like this within her porn research but had never actually assumed fuck ho(l)es existed. 
She certainly didn’t expect to be put in a wall where only her ass and cunt hanging out and the cold, wet tip of a sharpie marker to write against her clear virgin skin: FREE HOLE TO FUCK. VIRGIN LITTLE WHORE. She could feel that written on her skin, but she was unaware of the words that surrounded her placement on the wall: “put a tally and a review for every pump of cum you shove in me!”
There was no need for a picture by her whole because the people who frequented this place had no desires of that, and so, Momo found peace even as the starting alarm blared in her ear that customers were finally being let it.
To sum up the experience her first night at this joint, the first time experiencing a hot, living, throbbing cock in both her cunt and ass, Momo would have to blush. Her eyes shifting from yours onto the floor as she smiled. A chuckle on her face as she thought back to the end of that four hour fuck feast and remembered that there were nearly eighty-three tally marks on her bruised and blistered ass, of how her cum and all that cum continued to seep from her clenching holes for two days afterward… she loved it.
You needed to blow off some steam.
Having just been entirely, horribly dumped by your ex and having precisely zero side pieces on the side to fuck, you went out of your way to secure a quick, easy fuck to get your mind off of things. There was no reason for you to simply not join Tinder and ask the first swipe to come over and fuck, but you didn’t want to see a face. You didn’t even want to know their face. As a matter of fact, you weren’t even so much as interested in your own orgasm at the moment than just making someone else cum. So when a pretty woman handed your glowering face a flyer as you were storming around the streets of Tokyo hoping for a sign from god, you almost cried at what the flyer informed you of.
A local... hole in the wall filled with glory holes and exposed asses, cunts, and cocks alike. 
Was it destiny?
You sure believed so as you found yourself tailing to the obscure address, praying for the establishment to be open and, for the most part, empty because you had no plans on performing shit in front of watching eyes. Handing a thousand yen over to the admissions lady as your fee to the use of their prized cunts, cocks, and asses, you shoved the black ticket into your pocket and brisked in.
As you entered the back room, the tension in you back and pressure on your chest seemed to melt away immediately at the scent of sex, dried cum, and sweat. It was an altogether horrid stench, to be quite honest, but right now, it sent fire to your core, your lips licking at the walls and corners willed with awaiting to be attended to people. Twisted pleasure coursed through your veins as you walked around, your eyes taking note of the graffitied words around the individual holes, taking note of the black sharpie words on bruised and battered skin, and some cunts still dripping with someone else’s cum.
‘Loose cunt’ one person had.
‘Hasn’t been broken in yet,’ said another.
‘Loves it when you ‘accidentally’ fuck their ass,’ scrawled on another.
 You couldn’t help but smile at the twisted humor, moving until finally, you saw one that exposed ass first to the world, eight tallies marked on her skin, and oh, the words painted on her smooth, perfect skin and the surrounding walls pulled you in.
‘Tightest fucking pussy.’ ‘100/10 recommended, been back multiple times for more.’ ‘Slip your fist up her ass, she LOVES it.’ ‘Favorite fucking whore here.’ ‘Would fuck again.’ ‘Slut likes it rough and mean.’ ‘Please fuck me!!!!’
You watched as the shiny slick of her cum slowly seep from her spread cheeks, not quite dripping, but definitely wet with her arousal. Something was calling you to her, your feet stumbling nearly tipsy with this outworld lust and drunkenness as you stopped behind her slapped pink ass. And without much need of thought to wonder where to stop, your hands found themselves grabbing her thick, supple ass and you moaned at the warmth emitting from her skin, of how her skin was so soft, so moveable, so bouncy. It was larger than your hands, your fingernails running against the cellulite, and stretch marks on her ass that made you want to kiss and run your tongue against even more. You couldn’t hear her, you couldn’t possibly know if she had liked the way your fingers dug into her ass, but her ass bounced, teetering with your grip as you could imagine a soft, juicy moan. 
“I wonder if you can hear me?” you asked, most likely to no one, fingers spreading her ass, spanking the used whorish skin of hers so that small, tight, clenching pink asshole was on full display for you. “If you sit there for all these hours and listen to men fuck you with their ugly moaning and pathetic growling.”
Her ass rolled in your hands, and you smiled, taking that as a sign that yes, she heard everything, even you. Raising your hand to the bottle of lube, you saturated your fingers with the cold, transparent liquid, turning your fingers down over her still exposed, flush hole. You watched as the lube dripped down, splattering messily around her tight, rimmed muscle, watching her clench and unclench the muscle in alarming beauty.
“I must apologize, princess,” you sighed, looking at the names scrawled on the walls that this cunt and ass seemed to be most responsive to, and number one on that list was princess. “Your daddy isn’t feeling particularly rough today, so I hope you’ll behave with my softer movements.”
You're not quite sure where the reference to yourself as daddy had come from, but the way the ass muscles clenched between the lone hand that held her cheek made it worth it. 
Your lube coated finger edged the pert opening of her ass, feeling the way the already used muscle expanded for your finger if a little stubbornly.
“Relax, princess, daddy sees you like being fisted, so I’m going to make sure you feel good. 
You pressed your finger in until the knuckle disappeared beneath the muscle, your grin growing into a hazy, lustful gaze when you felt her ass bounce. This moan vibrated all the way to her anal cavity as you wasted no time in adding a second finger. Her ass was tight, the ribbed walls of the cavity bumping and gliding against your moving fingers, and you grinned when she loudly moaned. You didn’t need to be an expert to see that she had never been fucked softly or thoroughly before. She must have been used to the terrible, animalistic rage that the men here possessed when fucking these people behind the walls. If you didn’t know any better, you would assume that she lost her virginity here. 
Your fingers curled, stroking and persuading her body to ripple and twitch with your commanding movements, and another finger added in, and another finger added in. Soon enough, you had four fingers in, all save your thumb. The stretch of her ass around your nearly formed ass was incredible; she took you so well, not a sound of agonizing pain was heard through the wall, although you swore you heard sounds of elation. The damn slut did enjoy it.
Your thumb pressed to her cunt, rubbing the slick folds of her pussy, softly fucking the outermost part of her inner walls, much against her approval if the way he ass bounced heavily in need had anything to say about it. 
“Ah, does the princess, not like this?” you asked, your hand that was currently not four fingers into her ass stretching out her cheeks even further as finally you retracted your hand out, made a fist, and sunk back in. Now there was a scream. But the way that it shot curling ravenous fires into your core, you knew it wasn’t one of horror or pain. No. It was one of absolute, slutty pleasure. You moaned at the sound, your arm beginning to thrust into her ass slowly, intentionally, and with burning passion and desire to hear her wail again. She sounded so pretty, sounded so slutty.
Your now free hand moved to her cunt, your mind trying to stimulate her more, trying to ignore the way her ass was hot and deliciously tight around your forearm as your pinched and rolled at her clit. Your thumb stayed on her clit, but your fingers stretched to enter her clenching cunt that seemed to be in synch with her ass. YOu moaned in content at the feeling of her inner walls suctioning against your intruding finger, and you laughed upon feeling your moving arm within her ass against her cunt. And that beautiful, pitchy whine resonated deeply again, and your mind melted.
Your fingers and fist doubled in speed, the growing sharp moans through the walls fueling you to move faster, to be rougher, to make her see stars. No wonder why no one fucked her with love here, you thought as leaned down, teeth tearing against her ass cheek that read: mark me, please. Who could stay composed when this fucking slut was this goddamn loud.
“Such a good fucking princess, so slutty, so nice for your daddy,” you grunted,  against her skin, your hips snapping at air as the heat and wetness in your pants made you uncomfortable -- the need for more biting through your clothes. “You like my fist up your ass? You like everyone’s fist up your ass, don’t do? Doesn’t fucking surprise me with those stupid loud moans you make.”
Your words were hissed, your fingernails scraping against her pulsating, throbbing inner walls, and then it happened.
Her ass and her cunt clenched against your fingers and fist. And your jaw dropped as a rippling effect ran across your arm that was buried in her ass.
Was that a?
Holy fucking shit?!
“Princess, did your ass just orgasm?!”
A confirming, pathetic moan sent your mind to the moon.
Suddenly feeling as if this was too much for you, and with no way to relive yourself in this type of fuck room, you removed your hand quickly from her ass, your dominant hand grabbing the hanging sharpie on the wall and added two more tally marks on the number of times she’s cum.
You race out of there, the fire in between your legs too much to handle. Well, at least not before adding one more, important piece of information on her ass and on the wall: ‘if you fuck my ass like daddy did, maybe my ass will orgasm for you too.”
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