#I love y’all platonically
yautjalover · 1 year
Sucks that you support homophobia and transphobia, have to unfollow.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little.
Barry! Breakfast is ready!
Hang on a second.
- Barry?
- Adam?
- Oan you believe this is happening?
- I can't. I'll pick you up.
Looking sharp.Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those.
Sorry. I'm excited.
Here's the graduate.
We're very proud of you, son.
A perfect report card, all B's.
Very proud.
Ma! I got a thing going here.
- You got lint on your fuzz.
- Ow! That's me!
- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
- Bye!
Barry, I told you,
stop flying in the house!
- Hey, Adam.
- Hey, Barry.
- Is that fuzz gel?
- A little. Special day, graduation.
Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different.
- Hi, Barry.
- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
- Hear about Frankie?
- Yeah.
- You going to the funeral?
- No, I'm not going.
Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way.
I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations.
Boy, quite a bit of pomp...under the circumstances.
- Well, Adam, today we are men.
- We are!
- Bee-men.
- Amen!
Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of......9:15.
That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries!
Will we pick ourjob today?
I heard it's just orientation.
Heads up! Here we go.
Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times.
- Wonder what it'll be like?
- A little scary.
Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group.
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
There's no reason to be sorry for resting. You're a person just like all of us and you have a life outside of Tumblr. Don't feel pressured to finish everything quickly. Take all the time you need. We should be grateful that you took our requests into consideration and you're literally writing free content for us.
(⁠ ⁠T⁠_⁠T⁠)⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠-⁠^⁠ ⁠)
awwww! Thank you so much anon i was just anxious due to real life stuff. Honestly I enjoy writing the story’s. But being burned out from stress made me feel guilty that people would have to wait a bit. Thank you for the patience and I’m so glad you enjoy my works. It means a lot. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. Know that your kind words hold a special place in my Brian that gives me the happy chemicals.
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steddielations · 2 years
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and if I say Joseph Quinn has the same effect on men as Andrew Garfield then what
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butterflyscribbles · 2 years
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Bunch of fluffy miscellaneous turtle scribbles. Can you tell my favorite thing in the whole world is just drawing them all being super mushy towards each other?
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cupophrogs · 3 months
I know it's random as hell, but I gotta ask, does drew listen to lady gaga on his phone? I was listening and he have the chaotic vibe of her songs
Yes actually! However
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The Doobie Brothers are far better to boogie to!
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redhoodie1723 · 1 year
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as requested! here’s the duos version!
part 1 part 2 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8
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chirpsythismorning · 4 days
The way fans on the st sub are almost all in agreement Nancy ending up with neither Jon nor Steve wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, and how they can even come up with a sleuth of reasons as to why, honestly pretty valid and fair reasons, but then are absolutely gobsmacked when fans merely speculate something along those lines for El is, quite something.
#el hopper#byler#platonic elmike#stranger things#this is coming from someone who ADORED mileven in s1-2#I literally skipped all of s2 in my rewatch before s3 aired bc I just wanted to see their reunion#then s3 happened#and I was confused at#A LOT of ppl are#and anyone coming to voice that confusion is ran off Reddit like they’re committing a crime#like would it hurt y’all to have some of the same common sense you have for el like you do with Nancy#??#I am more jancy leaning but also I just feel like it’s certain stancy ain’t happening#but I’m also not totally against Nancy wanting to be on her own for a while#maybe they’d imply jancy Will find their way back to each other#maybe they’re teamed up in s5 and wait until the very end to cement that certainty for each other#but I would not hate their stories if Nancy and Jon decided to live their own lives#FOR THEMSELVES#Nancy doing what she wants and loves#Jonathan doing what he wants instead of just doing stuff that helps people around him#and I’m not going to even get into the reasons why el and mike would benefit from living for themselves outside of their relationship#the attachment to the ship is stronger than any sort of attachment to the character#and when the things keeping them together are not strong to begin with…#that attachment is doomed and hard to watch and enjoy like idgi at all#also; all the pro-ronance comments on there getting like 30+ likes??#go ronance I guess??!??#idk if it’s because they think byler actually has a serious possibility while ronance has less build up#so they can sort of play with that idea without actually having to take it seriously…#at least ronance has a positive audience on there#a win is a win I guess 😭🫡
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kirby-souljourney-au · 2 months
Happy lesbian visibility week!
Here’s your reminder that multi-spec lesbians are valid. If you don’t believe so, then fuck off <3
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Headcanon: Ione (Meta Knight) is a multi-spec lesbian, or Lunian.
(Feel free to use this as a PFP!)
~Mod Bugthing, not a lesbian but definitely multi-spec and very supportive of multi-spec lesbians
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lunarrosette · 6 months
Anthony you know what would be sooooo silly if next time the kiddads get separated lark and nick are stuck together or or if we get some implications during this little flashback
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estrellami-1 · 10 months
Weiter prompt: fluffy platonic Stobin pls & thank you
Literally a month later and I still have so many more of these (mainly from you lmao thanks babe)… we’ll see how many I can churn out!
Also I should probably be sleeping right now. I’m not. Also I should work on “If I Should Stay” sooner rather than later because I’m running kinda low on prewritten parts but ADHD has decided the deadline is not close enough yet.
Anyways… I hope you enjoy! ❤️
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“Tammy Thompson,” Robin had whispered, high on Russian drugs and shaking. Terrified and brave.
Steve doesn’t understand how she just said the words. He’s choking on them now, on any words at all.
He’d dragged her into his bathroom as soon as she’d gotten to his house. It seemed fitting, and Robin hadn’t seemed to mind. But now his ass is going numb, and his leg is cramping, and his heart is going crazy, and he can’t look at Robin.
“Okay,” she finally murmurs. “C’mon, come sit next to me. Clearly you can’t look at me for whatever you have to say.” She manhandles him over against the wall and sits next to him, shoulder-to-shoulder. She grabs his hand and squeezes it, and he squeezes back.
He finally finds words. “Y’know Bowie?”
It takes her a second, but she’s smart—a genius, really—so it isn’t long before she’s pulling him into a hug. “Thanks for telling me,” she whispers, then sits back and looks at him with a huge grin. “So?”
He frowns. “What?”
“Who is it?”
Steve groans, puts his head in his hands. “You’re gonna tease me.”
“Only a little,” Robin agrees, laughing.
He leans forward, rests his forehead against her shoulder. Loses tension in his own shoulders when she cards a hand through his hair. His next word is quiet. “Eddie.”
Her hand stutters, but doesn’t stop. “As in Munson? As in the kids’ Dungeon Master? As in the Freak of Hawkins High?”
“At least he can sing,” Steve grumbles, smiling when Robin squawks indignantly.
“Low blow, dingus,” she says, but her hand is still in Steve’s hair, so he knows it’s okay. “Tell me about him. Why?”
“I dunno, Robs. He’s just… so unashamed to be himself, y’know? I didn’t learn how to start doing that until I met Dustin. He’s so passionate about the things he likes and he’s really good with the kids.” He sighs. “And I know we’re probably completely incompatible and he’d never want me anyways, so it’s all a moot point.”
“I dunno,” Robin says thoughtfully. He leans back to look at her. “I mean, there’s that whole opposites attract thing for a reason, right? Like yin and yang. And I could see him being your yang. Passionate and excitable where you’re more even-keeled. He’s definitely the dad of the group, and I think I’ve actually heard Dustin call you mom before.”
Steve snickers. “He did. He was so embarrassed.”
“Beet-red, I know. He’s off in fantasy land half the time, and you need someone to transport you like that. And he needs someone practical to tell him when it’s time to land.” She shrugs a shoulder. “It’s not the craziest thing I’ve ever heard, at least.”
He leans his head against the wall and regards her. “I love you,” he says softly, and strangely enough this is when the tears come. He looks away, tries to wipe them quickly, but more come the second they’re gone and he knows it isn’t going to work, not when they’re already trailing down his cheeks.
She leans into him, gathering him close, putting his head back on her shoulder and wrapping both arms around him, squeezing. “I love you,” she whispers back. Doesn’t tell him to stop, that there’s no reason to cry, and he appreciates it.
“Thank you,” he finally murmurs, sniffling and leaning away, reaching for toilet paper so he can blow his nose.
“C’mon,” she says after he’s done, smiling wide and grabbing his hands, pulling him up. “Movie time. I have it on good authority that The Princess Bride is an excellent movie to watch after heartfelt confessions.”
Steve snorts. “Whose authority?”
“Mine.” She grins at him.
“Then I’m sure you’re right,” he agrees, chuckling. “Snacks? Chips? Popcorn? Ice cream?”
“All of the above,” she agrees with a nod. “I’ll get the movie started, you do the snacks?”
He snags her hand before she can walk away. He’s not ready to be alone, but he’s not sure he can say it. He pulls gently, not hard enough to sway her, but enough she knows his intention. She looks in his eyes, studies him, and nods. “Together,” she murmurs, tangling their fingers. Steve thinks he could cry again.
He walks into the kitchen instead, Robin by his side. They grab their snacks then make their way into the living room, where Robin proceeds to recite the entire movie. Steve attempts to throw popcorn in her mouth every time it opens wide enough.
The next day they have work. Robin doesn’t say anything, but gives him a look when she takes her break. He doesn’t understand it until the door opens less than a minute later and Edie walks in.
Steve realizes she must have seen him coming.
He’s never loved her more.
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
And what if I said Snape and Lily’s falling out is angstier than the prank???
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aceinsearchofspace · 6 months
I’m going to receive a lot of hate for this, but the best interpretation of Gojo’s and Geto’s relationship is that they are best friends, not lovers.
Now, I know that people have their favorite ships, and I’m not downing anyone for that. I just think that it is so important for us as a society to normalize men having close, loving platonic bonds with other men.
It seems like anytime men are close friends in fiction they are interpreted as being gay immediately by fandoms, causing many men in real life to think they can’t have close friendships without people thinking they’re gay. More platonic relationships need to be accepted without any assumption that there is also a sexual relationship present. Our society is so individualized and sexualized that we can’t even recognize a healthy platonic relationship anymore.
I know people are going to read this post and say, “but we need more representation.” I’m just focusing on a different issue right now. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru are canonically best friends and nothing else. Doesn’t it make their story so much more powerful knowing that everything tragic took place due to their platonic love? A love built on loyalty and respect? Just my thoughts
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Hassel: Hello, Dear Brassie
Brassius: Hello, Ol’ Has’
Player character: Oh they fucking.
Arven: What? T-They’re just saying hi to eachother.
Hassel: How are you today?
Brassius: I’m doing well, how about you?
Player: Oh they fucking, look at them sparks!
Arven: They’re just- they’re just talking to eachother-
Hassel: Dear Brassie there is no one I trust more then you.
Brassius: I’m glad to hear it, Ol’ Has. You are a very important person to me.
Arven: Oh they fucking.
Player: OH THEY FU-
Credit: ProZD-Shipping Characters
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skwtches · 2 years
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once again, it is indeed Chaggie Day on twitter
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel charlie#hazbin hotel vaggie#hazbin hotel fanart#fanart#chaggie#charlie x vaggie#shipping#these two r very cute i love em#rly wish we had more of them being a couple in the pilot bc it’s rly obvious just how last minute the decision to make em girlfriends-#instead of just Besties(tm) was#‘but *i* never refer to my friends by calling them hun-‘ one of my friends calls each person in our friend group ‘darling.’#friends giving each other platonic petnames isn’t out of the ordinary. just depends on the ppl#y’all don’t have to keep defending the way they’re written in the pilot y’know. it’s already been confirmed that they weren’t supposed to -#be a couple until DURING the storyboardung process when ppl on the crew began shipping them#also don’t make me bring up the character sheets that vivzie made during production where vaggie was only referred to as charlie’s-#best friend#BUT ALL THAT ASIDE#from the looks of it they’re most likely gonna be more openly romantic in the show and i’m looking forward to that#in addition i’m hoping for more substance in their dynamic#the pilot gives em an interesting base for a relationship but i rly wanna see more of what they have in common + how they express affection-#for one another#also hoping that neither (mostly vaggie) loses characterization in favor of only being characterized by their relationship#like- i don’t see them becoming as bad as m&m where millie is barely a character in comparison to moxxie#and to be fair charlie IS the protagonist so it’s no surprise if she has more characterization than everyone else in the main cast#all in all i just hope vaggie gets enough time to shine as her own character outside of her relationship & physical capabilities#tl;dr: lemme get inside vaggie’s head goddamnit
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
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Hehehe thank you -w-
I drew a little something, I think the energy my getting back, but I made something small just in case 💗💗
If anyone wants to do something with it feel free, There’s A LOT of open space for it anyways- (I might do something with it with family but Idk 🤷‍♀️)
I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas!!! 🎄💗‼️💥🎉
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number1abbasupporter · 7 months
i love moonflower sm it makes my heart ache
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