#I miss her. where’s my wife I mean my divorce
honeyglas · 5 months
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Happy chargestep 2024
78 notes · View notes
notafunkiller · 7 months
out of style
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Summary: A year after your divorce, you and Bucky come face to face at your closest friends' wedding. Emotions run high, leading to a fiery confrontation that takes a detour to Bucky's hotel room, where the old flame might just reignite.
Pairing: ex-husband!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warnings: 18+, teasing, dirty talk, pet names, daddy kink, fingering, oral séx, no condom (but f is on birth control), language, a little alcohol, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 7.2K
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: I really hope you'll enjoy it!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
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What an ass... He has no shame at all. And the worst part? You’re still somehow surprised by it. As if you haven’t known him for years.
You look away, making sure to take a sip from your wine before focusing on the conversation again. It’s Nat’s big day, and you’re so happy for her, but listening to this story for the seventh time is exhausting. Same reactions, too: “Wow, he’s so well trained.” or “The wedding bands didn’t fall even once. Enzo is fantastic.” He’s a trained dog, you don’t get why they’re so fucking impressed.
You give Nat a smile before you excuse yourself to go to the bar. Maybe you should get a cocktail, the wine tastes terrible. On the way, you notice Steve talking to Miss Sunshine in the right corner, and you just nod toward him politely, trying to look unbothered. It’s his best friend’s girlfriend after all. What did you expect? Plus, maybe it’s just a polite conversation.
“A Sex on the Beach, please,” you murmur to the bartender.
“Vodka so early?”
You turn your head with a sigh just to see a guy you recognize from Nat’s engagement party. A fresh haircut, a simple suit and wandering eyes.
“Is there a time limit for a cocktail?” you respond, rolling your eyes when you notice he is still fixated on your chest.
He immediately raises his hands in defense as he takes a seat next to you.
God, if you hate one thing about being single besides the lack of sex is this… needing to deal with those men. It was perfect when Bucky used to take care of them.
“I didn't mean it like that, sweetheart.” You scrunch your nose instantly. God no!
“Here you go!” The bartender places the glass gently in front of you, and you’ve never been more grateful to see her.
“Thank you!” You smile before taking a huge sip, hoping it will turn him off and make him get away.
“A vodka tonic for me.” His tone is commanding, and you try not to roll your eyes again as he leans in closer. “We’re matching.”
“Huh?” You choke.
“Vodka lovers.”
Alright, time to get out of here!
You quickly grab your glass and stand up, making sure to fix your dress just in case, but his eyes are already on your breasts again. For fuck’s sake! How is he Steve’s cousin?
And talking about Steve, you almost jump when you hear him saying your name.
“Hey.” You’ve never been happier to see him.
You can’t say the same thing about his friend, who’s right next to him, looking the creepy blondie up and down.
“Is everything alright?” Steve asks with obvious concern.  “Do you feel okay?”
“Hey, man! The food is great and the company even better. Look at her, such an eye candy, am I right?” He chuckles at his own disgusting comment. “I mean, you’re married. Don’t answer that, I don’t want Romanoff on my back.” And after all of this, he has the audacity to wink at Steve. But before you can throw your cocktail over his shirt and make a scene, Bucky’s already getting in front of you, blocking your view with his huge back.
“If you want to keep your teeth, get the fuck out of here and never, ever get even within three feet of my wife. Am I fucking clear?”
His tone is so cold, harsh, and arrogant at the same time, but also so possessive. It surprises both: you and Steve, because he immediately looks at you confused before dropping his eyes on your hand.
He must be looking for a ring.
God, you never hated Bucky more than when you see blondie standing up and going straight outside just like that. It makes you even angrier because it’s always a man who has to explain the obvious signs to these assholes so they leave. You say no? You are playing hard to get. You are with a man? Then it’s all off-limits.
You sip your cocktail with frustration, the taste of vodka lingering on your tongue.
Then, you take a step toward Bucky, grabbing his arm and turning him so he can face you. “Listen and listen good, I’m not your wife and I don’t need you to play the macho hero! I can handle myself, so back off!” You wanted to leave after saying this, but the way he looks at you makes you change your mind. His eyes softened, showing a trace of your old Bucky, and it only pisses you off more. He labeled you just like that... “I divorced you for a reason, I’m not your property or responsibility. Stay out of my fucking business or I’ll show you exactly how well I can take care of myself!”
You hand him your half-full glass and storm out, seeing red. Or well, blue.
You anticipated that he’d come after you, of course you did. You know him, as much as you hate to admit. You still know him well. Too well.
And when you hear his sigh behind you, you don’t jump.
“You can handle yourself, but he was all over you. Sorry for being a gentleman.” He apologizes sarcastically. “I guess old habits die hard.”
“Too bad, Barnes! I am not your little wife. I am not your girlfriend. I am not even your friend.” You turn your head to look at him as he’s standing on the other side of the balcony. “And I am not that flavor of the month of yours, you have to kill these habits.”
He raises his head. “Flavor of the month?”
“Yeah, your plus one. You know, you should take care of her instead of trying to play hero and calling me your wife.”
“Keeping an eye on me? He smirks. “Thought you divorced me for a reason.”
Fuck him! He thinks he got you... “I did! You couldn’t open your mouth to say what bothers you, remember?”
“Well, I opened my mouth to do something else, far more exciting.”
You gasp, incredulous at his audacity.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You scream, walking toward him. “Seriously!”
“What is wrong with me? You tell me! You divorced me for a reason.”
“Don’t you have someone else to bother? Fuck off already, Bucky!”
“You got angrier with me now than back there with him. Unbelievable!” He shakes his head.
You take a deep breath, trying not to have a crisis. You are not gonna let him get to you. “Look, can you just pretend this didn’t happen?”
He instantly looks at you shocked as he leans in. “This as in,” he waves between you two. “Our marriage? You think I can pretend our marriage never happened?” His voice grew louder, his words punctuated by sharp, angry inflections. “You think just because we divorced, you get to ask me that? How can you...”
You’re taken completely aback by his whole attitude, and it’s like you’re back in time at your wedding as he made you sneak out so he can make you come on his tongue after saying all sorts of things.
You don’t know why you suddenly remembered that, but you need to snap out of it.
“I meant the whole interaction, you annoying man!”
“How was I supposed to know?” He looks much more relaxed now, though, and before you can think about it, you’re poking his chest.
“Why would I tell you to forget about our marriage, Bucky?” You smile. “You are more than free to think about me as you fuck your little flavor of the month. I am not gonna stop that.”
You see his eyebrows raise instantly as his gaze drops to your finger. “My little flavor of the month? How many times did you think about me fucking her?” His hand finds your wrist. “Did you wonder if I’m fucking her from behind as I choke her? Did you imagine me coming all over her tits? Did you-”
You grab his cheeks, just the way he likes it, to stop him.
“You think I have nothing better to think about? I have my own dicks that occupy my thoughts,” you lie through your teeth, and he knows it. God, he knows it as he chuckles right away.
“What’s so funny, Barnes?” You let go, expecting him to do the same, but he’s still holding your other wrist.
“You have no dick to think about. I know you broke up with your last flavor of the month, honey.”
He knows how much you hate being mocked with the word honey, but you bite the inside of your cheeks. “It’s funny really,” you fake giggle, looking up at him. “You assume I don’t have someone already. Maybe I’m just enjoying my life after our divorce... new dick every month since I am a free woman. I don’t even need something serious. You know how much I love sex.”
His smile immediately drops, his face reddening.
“You are absolutely infuriating!” Even his tone carries a sense of irritation.
“Aww, what happened?”
It’s his turn to grab your face, making you gasp. You don’t remember the last time he touched you, and you’re shivering.
“You’re playing a very dangerous game, and you know it!”
“I don’t play games, Bucky, that is your specialty.” You smile, trying to maintain your composure. “Now let me go and get back to your little girlfriend. You can be mad about how many dicks she thinks about.”
“You can’t do the whole non-attachment shit. I know you well, don’t forget that. You’re my...” He talks so fast you’re surprised he stopped. You know what he was gonna say, of course you know. The audacity!
“I am not your wife, Bucky. You literally have a woman with you here tonight. We divorced, we live in separate places, and we fuck different people.”
“Who are you fucking, huh?” He almost spits the last words. “Tell me! Nat said you’re single.”
“You’ve been asking Nat about my personal life?” And she is spilling to him? No way.
“Fuck...” he frowns, dropping his hand from your face. “No.”
“Steve!” You realize. “God, this is pathetic! Why do you keep tabs on me, huh? Can’t you just mind your own business? Is your life goal to piss me off?”
“I’m not the one calling Jessica the flavor of the month.”
“Ha!” You laugh in his face. “Well, you have no success in getting a girlfriend. And they all look pretty familiar.” You can’t hide the venom in your voice. “The differences are they’re just taller and with less in the chest department. Quite interesting, don’t you think?”
“So you’re keeping tabs on me too!”
“You flatter yourself. It’s quite obvious, look at Jessica. Does she know you were married to me? Does she beg you to fuck her mouth? Does she...” You take a deep breath. “Does she call you daddy, James? Does she ride you until you lose control and turn her on her back so you can pound her?” You don’t care anymore. Right or wrong, you’re gonna let it all out. “Do you praise her? Tell her how wet she is for you? How your cock is made for her? Do you... do you tell her you love her while she’s coming? Do you fucking call her your good girl?”
“Jesus-” You don’t let him continue his sentence, interrupting him.
“Does she take you like I did? Does she beg for you because she feels empty, James? Does she? Did any of them?”
“Stop. It.”
“Why? You didn’t stop!”
He sighs, reaching out to grab your cheeks gently. “No one does, are you happy? I don’t even fucking try. I don’t let anyone call me daddy, I don’t choke anyone and I definitely don’t fuck anyone like I fucked you. Are you happy? Seeing me miserable and pathetic? Are you enjoying it?”
You can’t deny the satisfaction and relief you feel when you hear that. Dating post-him was a very bad experience overall, so him not upgrading, indeed, in any way, makes you feel victorious. At least, you’re both suffering.
“Yeah, I actually enjoy that.”
“What about you?” He snaps. “Do you do all of that?”
“I don’t want to be called daddy, James.”
“You know exactly what I meant! You call those losers daddy? You choke around their cocks? Do you beg for their small dicks to go deeper and finish yourself off after it?”
“Like I begged for your small dick?” You ask annoyed, knowing how dumb this lie is, but what else can you say? No one compares to him and never will.
His response shocks you as he reaches down to the zipper of his worn jeans and pulls it down.
“What the fuck are you doing? Are you crazy?”
“Wanted to, you know… give you more mocking material in case you forgot how small it is.”
You have to think twice about what to say because the first thought was: I have enough videos, thanks. But you can’t. You can’t expose yourself like that.
“James, what the fuck are you doing? Are you trying to hurt me?”
“With my small dick?”
You look away for a few seconds, not wanting him to read you. “Why are you doing this? We divorced, you’re seeing someone, I’m good by myself... just let it go.”
He smiles at that, and you realize you indirectly told him you are indeed not fucking anyone.
“Why would I let go of my wife?”
You’re slapping his chest before you realize what you’re doing. “Stop this, Bucky! Just fucking stop.”
He’s hurting you, how can he not see that?
“You said you divorced me for a reason. You said...” he pauses. “You ordered me to leave you alone. Well, what if I don’t want to?”
“What are you, a fucking stalker?”
“No!” He almost screams. “I am fucking in love with you, you infuriating woman!”
He can’t be joking about this, can he? He is not cruel. He is not vile. This isn’t a game.
“I’m in love with you. I love you. You own me... you fucking control me.”
He laughs hysterically, running his hands through his hair before pulling. “I am fucking obsessed with you: how you are, if you’re doing well, if you miss me, if you’re fucking someone else, if your date went great, if you regret being with me, if someone else makes you smile wider. I dream about you, I am so miserable I couldn’t be with anyone. With Mia it lasted a month. I wasn’t... I wasn’t okay. I am not okay.”
You look at him, waiting for more. “Go on and zip your jeans, we’re in public.” You  watch him quickly do what you demand before you continue. “And what about Jessica tonight? Or Alexa a month ago? Why are you lying to me?”
“It’s not real. Jessica... I was just trying to make you jealous, okay? I was sneaking looks all night, have you not noticed at all?”
You don’t smile, despite your huge instinct to. Instead, you cross your arms, watching him drop his gaze straight to your boobs.
“Why would I notice, James?”
“Well, how did you notice Jessica looking a little like you, that she’s with me here?”
Fair point...
“Just...” You’re suddenly gripped by this crazy urge to just fuck him right here. You even regret telling him to zip back up. You could have just lifted your dress as he lowered his briefs and took out his cock. And just like that, you could have just fucked against the wall or something. You would have let him rip off your panties too. You just need his cock so badly! “Shut the fuck up!” You snap, grabbing him by his neck so he can lean in enough for you to be able to kiss him. And oh, you kiss him!
You don’t have to fight to dominate the kiss, surprisingly, because he lets you. He lets you bite his lip and almost draw blood, he lets you unzip his pants again and push down his unfit-for-a-wedding jacket, and most importantly, he lets you be his again, as pathetic as that might sound. You feel him emotionally, not just physically.
Without wasting more time, you drop to your knees, making sure only your dress and shoes touch the floor directly. You drag down his pants and briefs at the same time from your position, and he looks at you surprised.
“I thought we’re in public and you were fucking some-” his words die as you bring your tongue to the head of his cock, tasting the precum, but not sucking even a little bit.
“Weren’t you saying something?” You tuck your hair strands behind your ears as you mock him. You love being on your knees for Bucky. He has this dominant energy, but he always makes you feel in power even when he fuck your mouth. And you enjoy it, you feed on it. One of the reasons you missed him so much. And he can take mocking. “Please go on. I am all ears.” You breathe out on his dick. “And tongue.”
“Oh god,” Bucky’s voice is a moan at this point, and you laugh. So easy...
“I’m your god now? Aww! Come on, do I have to do everything tonight?”
He looks down at you confused. His blue eyes are almost grey, and you know he’s on cloud nine already just because you’re there.
“Oh, you need translation. Well,” it’s all you say before wrapping your lips around his dick and using both of your hands to push him as deep as he can go inside your mouth. He moans at the same time you gag, and his balls slap you in the face. He instinctively looks at you to ask if you’re okay, but you are more than okay. You are fucking alive. You encourage him to fuck your throat at this point by squeezing his ass cheeks and touching his balls.
“God, look at you! That pretty black dress…” He pulls out and back in not as forcefully as he can, but enough to make you start tearing up quickly. “On your knees for your man. That mouth!”
You find yourself moaning at the feel of his fingers grasping and tugging at your hair. Jesus, how you missed this...
“You have the sweetest mouth.” Does he even realize what he’s mumbling? “I could die right here. Right now,” he says and thrusts harder, which makes you close your eyes. You can barely see anything because of the tears, and he’s already close. “My pretty baby, my fucking girl.”
You’re getting wetter and wetter the more he talks, and it’s crazy. You’re cold and your jaw is hurting, yet you love this.
“Not caring if someone can catch us, just making sure you mark me again. God, I'm gonna come, baby. Gonna... should I p-pull-”
You don’t let him finish his sentence as you grab his ass to make sure you keep him there, in your throat, as he comes while moaning your name.
When he finishes, he immediately helps you stand up, before he kisses you desperately, his tongue immediately licking your bottom lip to get access. He lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist tightly. You moan in the middle of the kiss because his semi-hard cock is right where you need it, and it’s like torture...
“Need to taste you, okay, baby?” He asks with so much need in his voice. He sounds so whipped. “Need my pussy. Can I take you to my room?”
That is perfect, a dream at this point. But you need to make him a little more desperate.
“But the wedding… They would kill us.”
“I am sure you care sooooo much about this wedding and Nat’s stories. More than about getting my tongue on that pretty clit of yours and making you come all over my face.”
You can’t hold back your laughter.
“Fair point, Mr. Barnes. I deserve my orgasms, especially after listening to you pathetically trying to seduce me by admitting how desperate you are.”
“You dropped to your knees on this balcony just to mark my cock as yours.”
You pull his hair a little. “You said it yourself, it's already mine. Now get that ugly jacket and carry me.”
Bucky snorts, kissing your cheek. “You bought me that ugly jacket.”
“I know.”
You don’t know where you left your phone and even though you should feel panicked, you don’t. All you can focus on is Bucky taking off your dress and groaning at the sight of your cups. You couldn’t wear a full bra, so you improvised. They could barely hold your breasts, but no nipples showing? Win.
“Hurry up!”
“Jesus,” he moans and reaches for your cups. Desperate man... you roll your eyes, but let him uncover your breasts and grab them into his hands eagerly. He’s not just holding them, he looks and touches them as if he’s never seen boobs in his entire life, let alone yours.
“James...” You sigh, throwing your head back in pleasure when he finally gets your nipple into his mouth. Your hand finds his hair instantly, and you watch him suck happily while playing with your other nipple.
“You’re quite hungry,” you say with a smile, stroking his hair. You missed this so much. His need to always touch or sleep on your boobs, the way he grabs them while he’s pounding you... You shiver in anticipation when he switches to the other tit.
“Fucking shit, I missed them so much.”
You snort. “My boobs?”
“Mine.” He’s not sucking anymore, he’s eating them, shocking you.
“H-hold on a second, Bucky. They’re breasts, not my clit.”
“It’s been a year, love. Let me get my fill. I died without them. Died!”
As much as you wanted to think only about the part he missed your boobs, you can’t help the jealousy that clouds your mind. You were divorced, yet the image of him sucking someone else’s tits makes you want to hit a wall. Mia all over him... You pull his hair angrily. “You surely had other tits in your mouth, Bucky, for the past year. Don’t pretend this is any different.”
He immediately stops sucking. “You... you can’t believe this. Tell me you don’t believe this.”
You look away, too proud to face him. “What am I supposed to believe, huh? It’s been one fucking year.”
“I’ve been yours this whole year. I’ve been thinking about you, fucking my fist while watching... our videos, as fucked up as it might be. I tried to date, but I failed, and trust me, it has nothing to do with the size of my dick and my age. No one is you. No one smells like you or talks like you. No one is my brat with the god complex.”
“God complex?” You raise your eyebrow, keeping your face straight. “Fuck you.”
“I will fuck it out of you as I usually do, don’t worry.”
“Then why does it keep coming back?”
He chuckles. “Because you want to get fucked all the goddamn time.”
“Like you don’t!” You puff. “Come on, I breathe in your direction and you get hard, Bucky.”
“Did you see yourself? Did you have sex with yourself? You cannot judge me!” He grabs your breasts again. “There is no comparison, okay? You have no rival. Never did, never will.”
“That’s all?” You puff, amused. “My looks?”
“Do I even have to say… Your god complex exists for a fucking reason. You’re the smartest, most sarcastic, and feistiest person I’ll ever meet. One mocking comment, and you know how I get.”
“Pathetic?” You mock him on purpose just to get the reaction he is talking about. You love it when he compliments you.
“Is this why you divorced me? Cause I am a pathetic son of a bitch?”
You  take a deep breath. “I divorced you because you refused to communicate properly with me anymore, and you know it.”
“So not because of my small dick, either,” he remarks, making you roll your eyes.
“No, your small dick is one of the reasons I am here.”
Bucky dramatically touches his heart. “So you’re using me for my sex skills!”
“As if you don’t beg me to use you. Come on, put that mouth to good use before Nat comes after us.”
He doesn’t disappoint as he finally rips your underwear off, just like you fantasized about, and you use this as the perfect opportunity to fish for more.
“What happened, Jamie? So eager. Aren’t you a little good-”
The word boy comes out as a moan when you feel his index finger curled up inside you suddenly.
“What happened, honey? Too big for you?”
“You’ll get that. I just need to erase the memories of having little pencils in here. That must have been traumatic.”
“You’re such a jerk!” You snort, but he’s right. It was really bad.
Bucky shrugs, finally kneeling properly between your legs before lifting them on his shoulders. God, yes!
“Gonna give my pussy some loving.”
“D-didn’t know you have a pussy, James.”
He smiles against your inner thigh. “I certainly keep what I lick.”
“Eww, what the fuck.”
He snorts, kissing your slit. “I am joking, baby. Tried to imitate one of those dicks you thought you could replace me with.”
Petty fucking bitch! You grab him by his hair and push him closer to your pussy.
“Shut the fuck up and eat!”
His tongue feels like heaven, indeed, on your clit. You’ve lost count of how many times you remembered him eating you out so you can come this year. He's just so good at eating your pussy.
You let out a satisfied sigh when he adds a second finger. You start to feel like before… like you and Bucky are still married and with no problem. Like you're happy. He makes you so happy. Made.
So you stare at his hair and stroke it as he sucks on your clit, completely squashed between your thighs, and try to hold back your tears.
When he adds his third finger and starts tracing eight figures on your clit with his tongue before he flattens it, you know you’re about to come.
There is something about the way he always manages to make you vulnerable even if it’s not intentional, to cut you open and get in... and you don’t want it to be over. You can’t let him go again after tonight. You’d suffocate.
Your efforts to delay your orgasm and not tear up are futile because when he sucks a little harder, you come and start sobbing somehow. The orgasm is strong and even though you’d want to watch Bucky, you close your eyes, letting yourself go, and shut your mind down for a second. Everything feels so overwhelming. So amplified…
You’re grateful he doesn’t stop fucking you with his fingers, either, even though you felt him hesitating when he heard you crying. You really needed this.
As soon as you finish, you drop your legs, furiously trying to wipe your face. He knows the difference between crying because of a crazy orgasm and you being emotional. He instantly gets back on the bed next to you and pulls you into the tightest hug you’ve had in two years.
“God, I’m...” You don’t know how to continue this phrase. You should not feel sorry for crying and you’re not pathetic for it. “I m-missed you so much, Bucky. Why did you give up?”
You feel his warm breath on your forehead. “I never gave up, baby, I swear.”
“B-but you did. You didn’t even try for more than six months. When I told you...” You take a deep breath. “That I want a divorce, you didn’t even look at me. Once, Bucky! Not even once…” You show him your index finger. “You simply agreed. You gave up on us. I was waiting for you to say: no, let’s try. No, I’ll communicate. Your words...” You sob. “Your words would have been enough for me. You should know that.”
“Oh my god, baby, please, breathe!” He kisses your forehead over and over again. “I never gave up, I swear. I wanted to say no, I wanted to tell you all of that, but you asked me for divorce. It felt like you wanted out. You were tired of fighting... you were tired of me. And I didn’t want to tell you to stay just so you could either stay with me out of pity or reject me. I would have died... To look at you and beg, and to see you detached.”
You shake your head into the crook of his neck. He cannot...
“How would I be detached if I tried for six months? How would I get tired of you?”
“Exactly. You tried for six months. I thought you snapped out of it...”
“Out of what?” You whisper, scared to say it louder, but he hears you anyway.
“Out of love.”
You immediately lift your head to look at him. He’s crying, too. “Bucky...” You bring your fingers to his cheeks and start to caress them.
“I just couldn’t remember us like this. I couldn’t look into your eyes and see you staring at me like I’m a stranger.”
“Jesus Christ, when did we fail to communicate this much?”
He knows you don’t expect an actual answer, so instead of speaking, he holds you, and kisses you, and makes you giggle.
The more you move into his lap, the better you feel his erection pressing against your pussy. So close, yet so far.
He groans, placing his hands on your hips. “Careful.”
“Well, I don’t want you to be careful. I want you to fuck me raw right now.”
“Right now? He snorts, using his position to his advantage and moving. And just like that, you’re suddenly pressed with your back against the bed, and his mouth covers the valley between your breasts. That didn’t take a lot of convincing.
“Did you fuck anyone else without protection?” You ask unsure how to formulate it without it sounding a little weird. You’re not even sure you want to know the answer if it’s positive, but still.
“No. Only condoms and well... to be honest more my fist,” he chuckles, helping you get on your back again by bringing a pillow under your head. “I tested myself, of course.”
You nod, trying to hide your happiness. You selfishly wanted this: no one but you to feel him without any barrier.
“What about you?”
“No one for me, either.”
You would laugh at his proud face if you didn’t know he might use it to tease you later. You can use it too, though.
“Come on, baby, spread your legs for me. Daddy’s home.”
You laugh surprised, but you do what he says. You really missed having him between your legs.
Needy, you reach for his T-shirt, that for some reason is still on, and you tug it down, showing him you want it off.
He hesitates for a couple of seconds too long before grabbing his T-shirt by the neck.
“Come on, what did you do? Got a tattoo?”
You get your answer as soon as he’s finally naked.
“Oh, God!” You instantly lift your hand so you can grab his necklace. “What the fuck, James...”
“I told you I never gave up on us.”
“So you’re telling me you’ve been keeping it on since we divorced?”
He blushes, looking away. “Yeah.”
“Even when you were with other girls?”
Your heart is racing.
“Never took it off.”
You giggle, touching the surface of the ring over and over again.
“No wonder why nothing worked.”
“I had no intention to make it work.”
You say nothing, just looking into his eyes and letting him see how fucking much you love him, how he could never be a stranger, and you kiss him, wrapping your legs around his ass to show him what you need.
“I want you to pound me, okay? I want to feel you for days, do you hear me? I am so wet and ready. Please, just fuck me!”
You shiver a little when you feel the back of his hand brushing against your clit while he brings his cock to your entrance.
“Gonna make you mine again, alright? Gonna make you forget this year and everyone who,” He finally thrusts inside you. “Tried to get you.”
He’s thick. Really thick, and you can’t believe how you managed to survive without this stretched-out feeling for a whole fucking year.
“I hate you so much!’
He snorts. “I am pretty sure you love me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have my cock inside you after one year.”
“This is the problem!” You hiss when he pulls almost completely out. “One year, Bucky!”
“Aww!” He says a bit mockingly before thrusting all the way in again. Oh my God... you close your eyes. “Is this your bratty way of telling me you missed my small dick?”
“Bratty? You think this is bratty?” You ask him sarcastically before bringing a hand to his ass. “Harder!”
“Harder, huh?” He quickly unwraps your legs and turns you on your belly before you can react.
You gasp, shocked by how fast he is and hating the emptiness, but he ignores it, bringing a pillow under your pussy.
“Ass in the air, come on.”
You comply immediately, staring at his face from the side. He looks like he’s on a mission, with his hair already in all directions and the wedding band hanging around his neck.
The first thing you feel is his mouth on your ass cheek, licking on a spot before biting.
You hiss. “James!” It hurts, not more than a spanking, but you weren’t ready for that.
You snort, wiggling your ass. “Yeah, yeah. Now gimme my cock.”
And he does. He so does, he’s not slowly entering you, no. He pushes in almost fully with only one thrust, making you bite into your pillow.
“You missed that, didn’t you? The way I fill you up is so good. The way...” He slaps your ass. “No one can make you feel so good. No one can fuck you like the desperate whore you are for my cock.”
You moan loudly into the pillow. You love being called a whore like this. Because he is right and he is obsessed with it, anyway. “B-Bucky...”
“Tell me whose cock you love? Tell me.”
He’s thrusting so fast at this point that you can barely even hear him.
“No, no, no. That is not what you call me like this.”
He suddenly stops thrusting, and you whine, lifting your spinning head to look at him over your shoulder. No matter how much you try to tilt your hips to make him move, you fail.
“If you want to get fucked, baby, you gotta call me the right-”
“Daddy. Daddy, daddy. Happy now?”
He rolls his eyes, obviously not that happy with your tone.
You smirk.
“I see you need a lot of battiness fucked out of you.”
“Then why are you not fucking me, daddy?”
“Oh, goddamn it!” He’s not holding back now, moving like he used to. “Tell me, baby. Tell me you love me... that no one, fuck- no one is like me!”
His voice tinges with a hint of neediness... maybe even urge. His vulnerability takes you a little aback because it’s stronger than his mocking. He’s genuinely seeking for reassurance as he gazes at you with a mixture of desire, desperation and longing. He’s searching for validation in your eyes the way you were earlier, so you give it to him.
“You’re the only one for me, J-James. I love you forever. I never... I n-never stopped!” You can’t keep your head up a second longer as you drop it on your pillow, moaning.
“We’re getting married tomorrow.”
You half-snort, half-moan. “W-we can’t.”
“We can.” The sound of his balls slapping against your pussy almost covers the sound of his voice.
“We... we have to apply first.”
He spanks your ass again, and you scream, the sudden pain making you feel so good.
“So wet for me. They stood no chance. T-they don’t know how hard you want it.”
“Daddy, please... Please!” You’re a moaning mess. You just need a little harder. Just a little.
You’re not sure if you’re gonna have a voice after this. He’s pounding you so hard.
“My good, good girl.” He’s squeezing your hips, and the sound of your skin slapping is echoing. “God, gonna come for me? Jesus, wanna fill you up with my come too. Please, baby.”
You don’t know when or how he manages to do it, but he sneaks one of his hands under your body and pinches your nipple. You gasp, the wave of pleasure hitting you as he keeps fucking you. You feel your body weakening when he says your name over andl over again, but you don’t open your eyes for a while, letting him fuck you desperately while playing with your breast.
“Gonna- fuck, take my come, wife! Take me!”
He’s coming so much... surprisingly much even for him. You can feel him dripping down your thighs even when he slows down, then stops his movements before he falls on top of you as soon as he finishes.
“James...” You groan. “You’re heavy.”
He places a small kiss on your back, and you giggle.
“I love you.”
You melt, but he moves to the side before you can reach for his cheeks.
“I love you, too.” You kiss him. “So much that I let you drag me out of my best friend’s wedding reception.”
Bucky snorts, brushing his nose against your face. “Pretend all you want, I know you were bored as fuck.” You feel him slowly pulling out of you, and you whine. It’s a little uncomfortable. “Sorry, wifey.”
“I’m not your wife yet.”
“Yet, but you were and you will be again this week.” He takes your ring finger into his mouth.
“What? We need new rings.”
You try to pull out your finger. “No, we don’t. I have mine.”
“We need...”
“How about we use all that money for a vacation instead?”
“Neah, honeymoon is honeymoon.”
He finally lets your finger go. “We are not buying other wedding bands.”
“I am not debating a new engagement ring, though.”
You roll your eyes, but you know it’s the best deal you can get.
“Fine, a new engagement ring,” you agree while rolling ro his side and placing your head on his chest. “I don’t wanna move.”
“Don’t want to or can’t?”
You decide to surprise him by biting a spot right above his nipple. He groans while you simply laugh.
“You just can’t be subtle, can you?”
“If you’d wanted subtle you’d have gone for someone like Steve.”
“Eww, Bucky. I have your come dripping out of me and you bring up Steve?”
“You literally talked about Nat a sec ago.”
Then, as if a switch was flipped, your eyes widen. “Oh shit, my phone!”
“Where did you forget it?” Bucky asks casually, so used to gathering your things for you. You really missed that, too.
“Table. God... Do you think they know?”
“Know what?” He giggles, raising both of you until your backs touch the headboard. “That you dropped on your knees in the middle of the wedding to suck my cock? Or how I fucked you raw until you cried.” A sudden realization crosses his face. “You asked me to fuck you raw. Are you... still on the pills?”
You roll your eyes. “You think I’d let you fuck me like this for the first time we talked to each other properly since we divorced if there was a big chance to get pregnant?”
“I assume you are still on the pills, don’t be patronizing!” He kisses your nose, which he knows tickles you.
“You are asking a dumb question instead of getting your ass downstairs to bring me my phone.”
“How is that dumb? I wanted to know if I should get you a pill or something.”
“So you don’t want babies with me!” You try not to laugh as you say it, biting your lip to keep your face serious.
“Why do you act as if I told you I don’t want a baby with you?” He chuckles when he sees you pouting. “We’re just getting back together and no way you’d want a baby now. But if I am wrong, let’s go for it. I can give you a baby, just get off the pills.”
“You don’t give me a baby, James. We have a baby together!”
He sighs, getting off the bed to get his clothes back on. “Obviously, but I am the one coming inside you. This is what I meant. I am all in. But we need some adapting time at least.”
You should stop this whole teasing-testing thing. You both have the same opinion after all. You might have a baby, and you know he’d be involved one hundred percent, but not now. Absolutely not.
“I know. Thanks for asking.”
“You’re such a tease.” He snorts, putting on his pants. “Before I go, do you want me to run you a bath or should I bring you a towel?”
“Do you plan on staying there?”
He turns his head to you instantly. “Yeah, sure. I am gonna eat some steak and brag about fucking my wife.”
“Alright, alright. Bring me a snack and we can take a bath together. Actually,” you think about it better. “I’m gonna clean up and wait for you.”
“You want me to fuck you again, don’t you?” He asks as he fixes his jacket.
“Why? Is this all you could give me?”
“Oh, fuck you!”
“Sure.” You spread your legs at the same time you grab your own breasts, making him groan. It’s so easy to get to him. And it’s hilarious.
“Jesus, you’re planning to kill me.”
“Not you acting as if it’s the first time this happened.”
“It is the first time in over a year, baby.”
You feel yourself softening again. “True. Now, please, please, please, don’t give them any details and bring me a snack.”
“What snack?”
“Anything, make me a plate, I don’t care.” He nods before reaching for the keys. “Oh, and Bucky? Tell your flavor of the month you don’t need her anymore.”
“I told you she is not-”
“And tell Nat I’ll make it up to her!” You interrupt him before he can finish his sentence. You don’t need him to defend a random girl’s honor.
“You’re so jealous.”
“Lock the door!”
You giggle satisfied when he closes the door and let yourself scream out of happiness while staring at the bite he left on your ring finger. Mrs. Barnes never got out of style.
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luvvixu · 11 days
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mind over matter pt. 1
synopsis: witness how your marriage was bound to fall apart with you on the front seat and your husband gojo had missed the show—now, he gotta figure out the story on his own.
tags: arrange marriage au, angst, husband!gojo, mean!gojo, mention of blood, miscarriage, strong languages, some unsettling scenarios, emotional trauma, read at your own risk
a/n: y'all, im back after ghosting this page for way too lonh cuz im on my process of taking psychology. yep! this random bitch is up for being a psychologist despite her mental health place amidst the fluctuating status. and you know what's crazy? my sanity is slowly decomposing! all thanks to that one mf and one chapter in which im not going to name about (gege and jjk chapter 261)
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it all started when he started caring for you.
after being inside an arranged marriage for like five years, satoru was confident with himself that he doesn't need a wife to console his woes as he is perfectly capable all by himself.
to say the least, the start of your marriage was a definition of an absolute disaster. clearly, you and satoru were like a magnet in the same pole, it can never collide despite how many efforts you push on both magnets.
from fights, misunderstanding, up to almost divorce after you caught him kissing another girl when you decided to give him a visit during his mission.
you were hurt, yes. but you would always tell yourself that neither of you want this marriage, so being hurt when there's no even love is called invalid. yet, you can't still help it but to feel somewhat jealous because he was supposed to be your husband—but oh well.
your family begged you to stay as it was for the peace of mind and safety of your clan. you snorted sarcastically as you wondered if they ever cared for your personal peace of mind and safety also.
nevertheless, you still stay inside this loveless marriage and maintain the gojo surname. you forgive him even though he's not explaining himself nor asking for your forgiveness.
as for satoru, he's aware that he's being a dick to you. his reason is that this marriage was his least priority as it was a hindrance for him. so basically and truth may hurt, he thinks you're only a hindrance and a distraction from the higher ups.
there were times where he would bury himself with work so he doesn't have to go to his original home and breathe the same air as you.
there were also times where he spent almost two months without seeing you or even communicating with you. it was like you didn't exist in his life nor he doesn't have a wife!
although, he is not that cruel to the point that he would slam the fact in your face. no, he's just leaving his presence until you feel it yourself that he doesn't want you.
his shenanigans would continue for almost a year until that night occurred.
that night when it was your wedding anniversary and he came home very late after fighting some annoying curse. he took a swearing underneath his breath when the stinky smell of curse blood hit his nose.
scrunching up as he was about to proceed to his own room (despite being married, you two sleep in a separate room) to clean up when he saw you up by the garden. you are currently watching how your little seedlings grow into beautiful flowers swaying along the air with a calm look on your face.
your husband broke the silence by asking you what are you doing this late. in which you replied that you couldn't sleep as you slowly looked at him.
satoru watched your face, it did not even flinch with any kind of emotion—nothing, just nothing. you're basically acting like a robot to him, and he hates it.
"i'll prepare a warm bath for you." you mumbled, standing on your feet and was about to leave when he grabbed your arm.
"i heard what happened earlier." satoru said slowly, as if he's being careful on his words which was very out of character for him.
"really? great." detaching from his hold, you left him no chance and instantly left.
"y/n." the man followed you until both of you reached the bathroom. you paid him no attention and just did the usual things you do, prepare him a bath.
"talk to me, please." his tone becomes soft, pleading. turning the water on, you refused to turn around, you refused to make physical contact with him, you refused to let him see the tears brimming in your eyes.
"go on. say what you want to say. i'm listening." you mentally curse yourself for almost stuttering. satoru looked at you, eyes finally unveiling an emotion. he aches to hold you for some reason but to think that he doesn't want to upset you even further, he stops. all he can do is watch you serve him.
"do you want to keep it?" he asked quietly, his ocean blue eyes dropping on your stomach. getting uncomfortable, you tried to hide it.
splash, splash, splash, you did not answer him.
"i said, do you want to keep it?" satoru asked once again. this time, his voice was a bit louder than before.
"i don't know. do you want to?" you asked him back the question, quietly.
your husband went quiet. having a child is not part of your plan but you have to because that's your purpose of marrying him, to bear an heir. now, satoru was asking you nicely if you want to keep it when in the first place, it should happen this way.
"how many months?"
"and you didn't tell me?"
"do you want to know?"
"of course i want to know. that's literally my child in there." he pointed to your belly with a slight frustration on his face.
you did not say anything back, just continuing your duties as his wife—wife on papers. satoru was growing upset, tired, even angry at you. where was the talkative and fierce look that you have? where's the harshness in your voice? why do you look so vulnerable now?
"you can take a bath now. i'll be downstairs to prepare you dinner."
"y/n, wait—"
before satoru could even stop you, you already left, leaving him in all silence. the husband heaves a deep sigh within him as he recollects the events prior to this day. he remembers how he acted when he discovered to ijichi that you went to the hospital and went back home with a pregnancy result in your pocket.
satoru remembers almost getting killed by the special curse when the news caught him totally off guard. you two only have intercourse when both are drunk after coming home from shoko's birthday and that's it. you also told him that you were on pills so he's relieved. but how?
what if—
no, no, no. you wouldn't. you wouldn't do that to him. you are his little loyal wife and even though both of you aren't on good terms, he trusted your loyalty…or was he? were you?
everything was so messed up that he couldn't think of anything even after taking a shower and now he's on his way downstairs to eat dinner. once he was in the kitchen, he saw you almost absentmindedly cutting the vegetables.
satoru took a seat, quietly. he was watching you as your back was facing him. his six eyes weren't dumb to notice how much weight you are slowly losing. unconsciously, satoru was clutching his fists tightly.
"i bought you your favorite milk tea. it's in the fridge, you can drink it later." your voice seemingly dropped him from his daze. satoru looked at you once more, only to find out that you're still not facing him back.
"o…okay, thanks."
minutes later, you place a plate of curry in front of him. satoru noticed that there's only one plate on the table, which was his.
"where's your meal?"
"i already ate." oh right, it was literally midnight now. you should be asleep by now, yet here you are, serving your husband. also, why does it seem like satoru was hoping to eat dinner with you? it is unusual, to be honest.
for your five years of marriage, you two would only eat together for formal matters. but with a simple domestic setting like this, there's no way a peace would occur if the two of you shared a table and a meal.
while he is eating, satoru watches you grab the said milk tea from the fridge and place it in front of him. "just leave the dishes on the sink. i'll wash them later." and with that, you left the dining room.
the food was great, it was very delicious. satoru can't deny that you're great at cooking, and you really have a specialty when it comes to curry like this. but why does this meal taste bitter? perhaps, was it because of the taste of his conscience? he doesn't know.
the six eyes ate in silence. he was planning to talk to you later about everything. but anyway, satoru has been eyeing the milk tea you bought for him. now this wasn't unusual. everytime you would go out, you would always buy him some of his favorites, mostly food.
like there's a time where you bought him his favorite mochi, crepe cakes, churros, ice creams—basically every dessert or food stalls you happened to pass by. it warms his heart, though. there's also a time where he anticipated what kind of sweet delicacy you would give him next.
anyway, satoru finished eating his meal. he was drinking the milk tea you gave to him while searching for you. he saw you sitting on the same spot when he first saw you this evening, by the patio of your garden. silently, satoru took a seat beside you with a mindful distance between you two.
"can we talk?" he started. in which you reply with a soft hum. satoru finds himself gulping, he sets aside his drink first before mimicking your posture—wrapping his arms on his folded legs.
"so um, since there's a baby now…i'd like to discuss this matter with you, properly. i was thinking about…moving you in one of the jujustu high's dorms." satoru nibbles the straw of the sugary drink, absentmindedly.
"it's for safety measures, since i'm not always at home and the risk will be doubled by now. but if you're inside the campus, a lot of sorcerers would be able to protect you." he added.
"okay." you did not even question him or even argue with him, you just simply agree without a second thought.
the man could feel himself gulping, the bitterness increasing despite the sweet liquid he was drinking. he's starting to get uncomfortable the way you are currently acting.
also, come to think of it, you agreed to temporarily live in jujustu high—does that mean you are keeping the baby? satoru couldn't help but to finally ask you.
"d…does that mean—"
"the baby has nothing to do with us. i'm not that cruel to take its life." before satoru could beat you, you already beat him.
"when will i be moving out?"
satoru gulped the growing rare anxiousness down to his throat. "probably next week. give me some time to deliver this news to the higher ups." you just mumbled an okay as your response.
"y/n, are you really sure about this?" the man couldn't really pinpoint your decision. although you made it explicit, he still couldn't comprehend you.
"i'm okay with anything. it's just you who didn't. also, if you are planning to ask me about keeping the child once again, go ask yourself instead. your decision is my decision." you replied.
satoru made a mental note that your voice sounds more tired than before. it kinda ignited something that he was not used to feeling before as literally a man-god himself who's full of pride.
"i'll be resting now. have a good night." he did not stop you, in fact, he thinks it's for the better. satoru could only follow you by his gaze as you enter your own room.
yes, your own room. the two of you did not share the same room. you two couldn't even bear to eat together, what more on sleeping together. this is not what satoru meant when he asked you to talk. but oh well, guess he should also call this a night. with that, satoru retreated to his own room and slept.
fast forward, you moved to jujutsu high and started teaching as a history teacher in a world full of related curses(suggested by satoru) since you're an alumni at this school like your husband. you like that idea too since it's a great way to distract yourself from everything.
currently, you are watching your third year students train themselves along with the second years and the first years. it was quite a good sight since all of them have a nice and strong potential as a sorcerer.
suddenly, one of your husband's students came to you with a big smile on his face. that must be yuuji, the vessel for the infamous king of curses. you always adored him, he's a good kid. but you couldn't help but to be saddened by the fact that he was literally carrying a big burden over his life.
"y/n sensei, good afternoon!" he waved at you before taking a seat nearby you. behind him, you saw his two other friends—your husband's students too.
"oi, you're being too loud." megumi scolded his friend. he was worried that yuuji's loudness was too much for your situation, your pregnancy.
"it's fine, megumi." you just chuckled. "i have some extra chocolate bars here, you three can have it." the trio thanked you happily, while you just smiled in return.
"by the way, we have a question for you, y/n sensei." yuuji said, munching on the chocolate. you asked him to shoot the question but he suddenly hesitated, looking at his two friends for support.
when he received the support he needed, he took a deep breath. "y/n sensei, we were wondering about your husband a-and…" yuuji trailed off. you already know what he meant, so you didn't wait for him any further.
"oh, i suppose you are curious because you haven't seen my husband even though i technically lived here?" the smile still lingers on your face as you watch them nod their heads.
there's something that you forgot to mention to them, they don't know that their teacher is your husband and the father of your child. you were prepared for a situation like this, though.
megumi on the other hand, could've known this beforehand since satoru took care of him during his childhood. then your marriage came through and your husband was already taking care of megumi, but it was kept a secret to everyone—including him.
stroking your six months belly, a recent hobby of yours when you want to seek some comfort. "he was a busy man. most of his job requires being out of town. but he never fails to shower me with love by making sure that we still communicate despite his busy schedule."
"lately, we've barely talked. yet, he promised me that he will finish all of his jobs and tasks before going home to me. probably that's when our child is about to be born." you sigh just to justify this facade.
the students seem to believe your story. although you're quite worried that they might tell this to gojo and your cover will be blown. you planned to talk about this to him, anyway.
"that must've been hard, y/n sensei." nobara mumbles out of sympathy. she was worried for you and your child due to the absence of your husband.
if only they knew that your experience was much harder.
"you could always come to us, y/n sensei. we will not hesitate to help you and your child." beaming brightly as the other two agreed, you really adore yuuji. the amount of softness he gave to you is something that your future child would like to possess.
"thank you, you three. now, you all better go back to training. i will be heading to shoko since i promised to visit her." watching as the three wave their good-byes to you, you couldn't help but to feel an urge to protect them at all cost. probably due to your maternal instinct but whatever, you just hoped they would stay safe.
another fast forward, you are on your way towards shoko's office to spend your free time. knocking softly on her wooden door, shoko opens the door with a smile on her face.
"how's my little mama doing?" she engulfed you with a hug, which you returned warmly.
"good. the morning sickness did not attack me today, thank goodness." you said as you took a seat on her sofa.
shoko also commented that she was happy too. as mentioned before, stroking your six month old baby bump is a must on a daily basis. you are now used with a thought and feeling of a growing child inside you.
"and how're you and dickhead gojo?" shoko changes the topic.
"we were just fine like i have said before."
your friend heave the deepest sigh you've ever known. "just fine? y/n, do you want me to say the like i have said before too?"
"sho, ever since we knew that we're having a baby, we really tried our best to be compatible with each other. but we just couldn't." it's true, on the exact tomorrow of that eventful night wherein gojo discovers your pregnancy, he tried to make it up to you by lessening the sparkling arguments, making sure you are well feeded, and even showering you with things your eyes would have landed on.
you are delighted, of course. even though he absolutely fails his duty as your husband, at least he's trying his best to be a good father for your child. you appreciate him for that and also start to open your heart and pour a little more trust to him.
however, you are not dumb to notice the faint smell of a female's perfume and lipstick stain on his neck whenever he's with you. your heart slowly closes once again and your little more trust shatters.
once you saw yourself crying silently—feeling betrayed and angry for yourself on trusting him shortly after that. guess old habits never die, you are crying about something you've already expected. self-blaming is an understatement for letting your guard absolutely down.
gojo's still a jerk even though you had his baby. i should've expected this. having a baby doesn't mean he's going to change for me.
"we both tried, sho—we both tried. but we just couldn't." your voice dropped its tone once more. you still felt bitter even if it happened way back like two months ago.
"or he just couldn't." she snorted sarcastically.
you both knew she's right, gojo just couldn't. for years of being married, you unfortunately learned how to love a man like him who doesn't even give a one shit about you. tragic. very fucking tragic. if only you could see yourself directly, you would laugh at her nonstop.
"maybe this marriage is meant to be loveless—"
"yo shoko, i need—oh…" the door suddenly bursts open as it reveals your hot issue for today and probably for the rest, your husband gojo. you could tell that he was also surprised (but he shouldn't be) to see you here in shoko's infirmary.
"learn to fucking knock, gojo." shoko hissed at the white haired male.
"oh sorry. am i interrupting something?" he asked, looking at everything but you. he refused to spare you even a small glance, which you kinda do the same.
"you're not. now what do you need?" shoko was the one who answered him.
before gojo could even open his mouth , you already excused yourself. "i'll be taking my leave now. thanks for the check up, shoko." and then you left, leaving shoko and gojo with an awkward silence.
"aren't you going to talk about your business or maybe you want me to kick you out?" shoko sarcastically made a comment.
"right…" satoru cleared up his throat. for some reason, he doesn't know why he's suddenly getting iffy.
"ho…how's the child doing?"
"you have to be fucking kidding me." shoko groaned loudly. somehow, she expected this, but she couldn't believe that she would actually encounter this.
"y/n was just right there moments ago and you didn't even bother to ask her that yourself?!" the doctor could feel herself getting really annoyed. the truth may hurt but she's getting annoyed by the two of you.
fight here, ignore there—ignore there, fight here.
"bet she told you that we're not on good terms even though we really tried to work it out. yet, you're seemingly acting clueless." satoru snorted sarcastically. he's not dumb that you're telling stories to your friend, shoko.
the doctor rolled her eyes. she was this close from smashing his old friend's face to the wall to wake him up and stop being an idiot. "every fucking time, gojo. but that should not be an excuse to not talk to her. you two are still married for god's sake, and now, there's even a child along the way. i can see how much effort y/n has put in your marriage, you must do the same."
"don't you dare to compare her efforts to mine, you know nothing." he growls.
"but i sure know how shitty you are."
something inside satoru snaps. "why are you being angry at me?! you've been like this since we got married. always defending y/n, but what about me?! i have been your friend since highschool and you just met that girl! wouldn't it be unfair to side with someone whom you just met?!"
"you're asking me that when you have six eyes and yet, you can't see how much she suffers from you?!”
“but what about me? am i not suffering too?!”
how did we get here? things are getting pretty out of hand. two friends getting fired up because of a marriage that was about to fall apart. one being inside the marriage while the other one has the eye inside the marriage.
both shoko and gojo have their own sides but it all leads back to one thing, you are involved.
“you don't know how much pressure i take just because of that fucking marriage. everyday that i woke, another constant nagging from these bastards of higher ups. i'm getting so, so tired and i just want to…”
“just want, what? end your marriage by divorcing her?”
the moment the last syllables escaped her lips, she already knew the answer.
“fucking gojo.” shoko mumbles under her breath. “if you want to fix your life, you better not act dumb.”
satoru was still caught silent. his wide eyes trailed on the floor and unable to move. shoko saw how she hit the point. sighing over herself, she motioned the door. “get out, gojo. if you're gonna rethink your life choices, do it in your home with your wife.”
and with that, without a word, satoru left her clinic feeling heavy and defeated.
along the hallway, he saw you. satoru saw you looking at him with horror in your eyes—for the first time in one month, you finally looked him in the eyes, but it's filled with fear and tears.
“y/n, i—” just like what he had done before he left shoko's clinic, you left without saying a word.
satoru felt everything become hazy, his knees were trembling, his six eyes were stinging, his lips were turning white on how hard he bites them. the man shuddered in disappointment, you must have heard everything.
his feet act on their own and chases you, holding you by the wrist. but it was torn away immediately after you forcefully snatched it back. while doing so, satoru didn't fail to notice the hot tears streaming on your pale face, in which you immediately wiped it out.
“y/n, i-it’s not what you think. i…” as much as satoru would like you to hear himself, he hasn't gotten the words. he was left stuck by his own thoughts and self-doubt that he puts himself into shame.
meanwhile, you thought you could've just walked away from the scene. but from the moment you hear shoko and satoru exchange heated words, it gets you glued to the floor and unable to move. despite her clinic being semi-soundproof, you hear everything. even if you're not there in the room physically, you seemingly know everything.
“you don't know how much pressure i take just because of that fucking marriage.”
“everyday that i woke, another constant nagging from these bastards of higher ups. i'm getting so, so tired and i just want to…”
“y/n,” satoru called your name. his tone was very far from you used to. you grow accustomed to him saying your name venomously, but now it seems like he's saying your name delicately and vulnerable…and satoru hates being vulnerable.
“i know what you're thinking. i accidentally eavesdropped but i didn't t hear everything.” you internally praise yourself for being a great actress. you thank yourself for not stuttering and not sounding so dejected.
but you lied. you're a terrible liar. you heard everything. you heard every single thing that escaped his lips during his argument inside your friend's office. and you feel like dying, his words hurt you so much more than any deadly curses.
“have you eaten already? do you want me to prepare you for a bath?” satoru couldn't understand why the heck you still care for your wife duties when your husband, him, just broke your heart not so long ago?
you're acting absolutely strange in his eyes and he hates it. he hates how you would just bury or bottle your emotions. you're creating a facade and a labyrinth where you keep it by yourself.
“y/n, it's not time for anything. let's just talk please.” you hate it how he sounds like he's begging, but satoru never begs.
“let’s go to my room. let's talk this out—”
“gojo sensei! yaga sensei was looking for y—oh…” yuuji trailed his tracks when he saw you and satoru together.
“dummy! why do you just yell like that?!” megumi bonked his friend's head for interrupting your talk.
wearing your mask again, you smiled at the duo then brushed yourself away from the scene. satoru couldn't stop you any further, you're already away from him.
either way, satoru does the same, he wore his mask just like you. smiling at his students, he let them navigate the way towards yaga and deal with all of his shits so he would have time and talk to you properly this time.
meanwhile, yuuji and megumi were dismissed after they had done their task. nudging his black haired friend, yuuji pointed out things earlier.
“hey, fushiguro. is it just me or did i just see y/n sensei…crying?” he questioned. megumi remained silent because even saw that you were crying—they’re also not dumb to notice the burst energy somewhere inside your body.
“whether she is or not, it's none of our business.” megumi replied.
“i know. but i couldn't help but to feel really worried about her. you know crying can be bad, especially when you're pregnant, that could stress her out.” yuuji surprisingly knows how pregnancy somehow works. but they both know he's right again. they're worried about you and your baby, so they both take a mental note to visit you later.
as you slam the door behind you, a silent sob escapes your lips as you slide your back behind the wooden frame. along with the sound of your cries, was also the sound of your heart breaking.
for some reason, the facade you just put up there early makes you suffocate. it burns your eyes and it makes you shudder in pain. the hyperventilating noise escapes from your lips while you clutch the handful of fabrics of your blouse.
“you don't know how much pressure i take just because of that fucking marriage.”
“everyday that i woke, another constant nagging from these bastards of higher ups. i'm getting so, so tired and i just want to…”
god, that feeling burns! his words keep on burning in your head, engraving the letters piece by piece. those words are not too cruel, it's a little far from what you had heard before. but it came out directly from your husband's mouth, the father of your baby.
maybe, you think you acted this way because of your hormones. but nonetheless, he's like blaming you for all of his misfortunes and that made you recall your past arguments with him before.
it was like a collection of puzzles coming up together, picturing a clear image; you were just a distraction, he wanted nothing to do with you, you were just a burden, he wanted to dissolve this marriage, you would never be his, he wanted to be free from you.
you put your hand on your baby bump, stroking it ever so gently. you swore to yourself that you would never let anyone harm your baby, you would never let this marriage harm your baby, you would never let satoru harm your baby, you never let yourself harm your baby. that's for sure.
because as the clock ticks, time passes. and as the time passes, more tears flow to your cheeks along with blood on your legs.
[part 2 is out now — ©luvvixu2024]
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gurugirl · 7 months
The Warning | bfd!harry
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best friend's dad!harry x reader | forbidden relationship
Summary: You and Harry are trying to heal after coming clean to everyone and Mrs. Styles comes to you with a warning.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warning: 18+ only, smut, angst, mentions of cheating and divorce, age gap, an uncomfortable confrontation
Best Friend's Dad!Harry Masterlist
You missed the occasional texts from Fae. Goofy memes or links to TikTok videos she knew you’d like. Recipes for you two to try. Screenshots from conversations with guys on Tinder.
There was nothing but silence from her for weeks at that point. And being blocked by her on every social media site you two were both on was glaring. It hurt. But what could you do? You’d categorically fucked up. There was no coming back from what you’d done to her family.
Most of your mutual friends were on Fae’s side and had also blocked you. Which you deserved and expected to be honest.
Harry slowly moved his things in. It took a couple of weeks. Every time he went home he tried to go at a time he thought his wife, well, he was calling her his ex now, wasn’t going to be there.
But, that afternoon, when he came home after you’d just had the worst shift you’d ever had in your life he was clearly upset. On edge.
And even though you’d had a terrible day you wanted to make sure he was okay, “Hey, are you all right?” You hugged one of his arms to your body after he sat a box full of his things down.
He smiled at you and brushed his fingers up the back of your neck, “She was there. It was awful. She’s just so full of rage toward me. And I get it, but it took a lot out of me. Better now, though,” he dropped his face to yours to kiss your mouth.
His kisses and his touches always made you feel better too. It was like everything outside of your little apartment was crashing down around you both, but as long as you stayed inside together you’d be okay.
He told you how his day at work was and then you both sat down on the couch and cuddled together, “How was your day at work, baby? I haven’t asked how your day was yet.”
You placed your chin on the top part of his arm as you looked up at him, “Horrible. Caressa is really mean. I think she’s trying to make me quit.”
Harry’s brows pulled together as he wrapped his arms around you, “Really? What has she been doing?”
“Well, last night she put me at the back. I had too many tables and no one to help because the bussers and floaters don’t go into the back when the restaurant is busy. They usually have two people waiting at the back to cover things but I was by myself so it was really stressful and the people I served were getting impatient with me so my tips were awful. And today I only had 2 tables my entire shift so I barely made any tips at all. I asked her if she could give me at least one more when a group came in but she just stared at me and laughed like I was crazy for asking,” You frowned. “Oh, and she updated the schedule without telling me. She’s got me off for five days in a row where I was supposed to be working all those days.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this last night?” He rubbed his hand up and down your back.
“I just didn’t feel like rehashing it last night. Didn’t want to think about work at all.”
Harry pulled you into his body until you were sitting in his lap with your legs on one side. You rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes. Everything was better when you were with Harry.
“Quit your job. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. And if she’s trying to sabotage you then it’s not going to be worth it to fight for it when you’re not making tips anyway.”
You sighed. It already looked like that’s where it was heading. Caressa had been cold to you since she learned it was in fact Harry that she’d seen that day. Of course, she sided with her friend and started treating you like the tramp you were.
You and Harry made dinner together and then cleaned up the kitchen after eating, “Have you heard anything from Fae?” You asked.
Harry shook his head, “Not yet.”
You frowned, “I hope she comes around.”
“I think she will. Eventually.”
You hoped he was right.
When you’d both finally climbed into bed together you snuggled into Harry like you always did. And even with the stress of everything going on outside you two always found a way to unwind together and being intimate (which usually included sex) seemed to help you both calm down and sleep well through the night.
Harry’s hand dragged up and down your back, as you nosed at his shoulder with your thigh hitched over his hip, “I love you, baby. Can I make you feel better?”
You smiled in the dark, “I think we both need to feel better.”
Harry’s chuckle vibrated from his chest as he dropped his hand to your bottom and pushed at the fabric of your panties until they were down around your thighs.
He kissed you gently and ran his hand over your breasts and then downward to your labia.
You pushed at Harry’s underwear and slid your hand under the band and smoothed your palm over his cock.
With mouths connected you both gently got one another worked up. Harry’s fingers soon became messy with your slick arousal, and Harry’s cock hardened with the stimulation from your hand rubbing over his shaft.
“You want to be fucked, little girl,” Harry teased as he spoke against your lips.
“Yes, I do, Mr. Styles. Please.”
Harry groaned. He enjoyed it when you called him Mr. Styles or Sir. Lately, it had just been Harry as things seemed so serious with everything going on.
“Mmm… love that,” he smiled into the kiss as he pushed you down to your back and quickly rid himself of his underwear as you kicked yours the rest of the way down your legs.
He ran his tip through your pussy lips and inhaled deeply as he pushed into you. You felt yourself stretch around him and moaned in relief.
“It’s so good with you, sir. I need you,” you cooed.
Harry’s languid strokes long and deep always had you weak. You felt his fingers wrap around the back of your neck as he brought his mouth against yours with a whimper.
It might have been the quietest sex you’d ever had together. Harry kept his unhurried pace, deep and searing while he kissed you. Your body was on fire. You’d come soon.
But then his next words against your lips changed the mood and had your head spinning and your heart pounding, “Wanna be my wife? Have my babies, Y/n? Want to show everyone you’re mine?”
His harsh rut into you had you inhaling a sharp breath as your eyes popped open and you arched your back into him., “Yes, Harry…”
“Yeah? Wanna be my Mrs. Styles? Have your pussy fucked and filled every day?”
“God… fuck yes, Harry…” you groaned loudly and somehow you felt yourself grow wetter at his words.
“M’gonna give you a big ring and keep you properly fucked, baby. Okay? Show everyone this is real.”
His words were thick and deep and with his lips against yours, you could almost taste them. It made your mouth water. That you’d be his wife and get his cock every night. Prove everyone wrong. Give him a few babies. It was just a fantasy at that point but it sounded exactly like what you wanted.
“Oh my god…” you gasped. Harry was fucking into you harder and your bed began to rock and your quiet sex turned wet and loud. He still had his hand at the back of your neck, almost cradling your head as he gently squeezed and kissed you, his cock spreading you apart as he thrust deeply hips pasted to yours. “This is real. You and me,” you moaned.
You felt Harry begin to quiver over your body as he gasped, “Want all of you, baby. Want every inch of you to be mine.”
You nodded as the tip of your orgasm started to wind its way through your system, “Every inch of me is yours. From the first time you fucked me, Harry.”
He lifted himself slightly and pulled himself out to his tip before driving back into you, repeatedly fucking himself into you in punishing strokes.
You grunted at each plunge and clung to his love handles as you unraveled loudly.
“There you go,” he groaned, “Sweetest girl. Gonna give this to you every day, baby,” he began to thrust erratically, his hips swaying and grinding into you.
Your ears rang as your orgasm wiped you out. You heard Harry loudly moan in time with his thrusts just as began to come inside of you. You felt the sharp punches of his cock against your cervix as he unloaded himself within your pulsing walls. Just like you loved. The final moment of your orgasm with his long dick reaching into your cervix making you ache and swell as he throbbed and pumped into you.
You’d happily be his wife and give him babies and rub it in everyone’s face with how wrong they all were about you and Harry. This man was the love of your life.
.           .           .
“I can’t believe you’re hooking up with Fae’s dad,” Paloma whispered to you as you sat at the little table in your favorite café. A café you and Fae often met up at.
“Well, we’re not just hooking up. But yeah. I feel really bad about everything but...” you trailed off as you shrugged and took a bite of your pastry.
She nodded at you excitedly. Paloma was a mutual friend of yours and Fae’s. She was always closer to you, though. But when she found out about your affair (thanks to Fae) she called you to get the tea directly from the source.
“I always thought her dad was so hot. It’s crazy that this is real. That he left his wife for you? You know that’s not typical, right? Usually, affairs don’t wind up with the man leaving his wife for his side piece.”
 You cringed. You hated that was the perception. But you let it slide. You figured she wouldn’t exactly understand everything but it felt good to talk to someone about it who wasn’t your mother.
“I know. That’s why when we started everything it was just going to be like… not serious you know. We’d end things before it got to be too much. Before anyone found out or got hurt. But we both fell in love. I don’t know how we could have stopped it.”
“Fae despises you and her dad. When she called me I was confused because she never reaches out to me but then I realized she wanted to make sure as many people knew as possible,” Paloma laughed, “I mean… I was shocked but I’m still your friend. I can’t judge you for what you’ve done.”
“So you don’t think I’m a bad person?”
She chuckled, “Well, I don’t agree with what you did but I could never think you’re a bad person. You can’t help who you fall in love with.”
You drank your hot tea and tried to enjoy yourself with your friend but the longer you and Paloma chatted, the more you missed Fae. No one could replace Fae. She was your other half in so many ways.
“Can I ask you a really personal question? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want.”
You shrugged, “Okay. Sure.” You had an idea of what she was going to ask based on the fact that you’d gotten onto the topic of birth control.
“Is he good? Now that I’m thinking about him like that I can imagine he is.”
You breathed out laughed through your nose and smiled as you looked down into your tea, “He’s good. Yes.” You weren’t sure how deep into it you wanted to get but you’d entertain her for a bit.
“And I bet he’s got a big… dick.” She whispered the word dick quietly.
That’s where you drew the line. You sipped your warm tea and turned your gaze to the corner of the room where someone was just taking their seat.
“I shouldn’t have said that,” she spoke, drawing your attention back to her.
“It’s okay. I’m not sure I want to talk about that anymore, though. Tell me what you’ve been up to.”
It turned out that Paloma didn’t have much to say about herself. She gave you the tiniest bit of information, where she was working, that she’d dated someone a couple of months back and that it didn’t work out, and how she was planning a vacation to Cancun. But that’s it.
It felt strange to divulge such personal things to someone who gave you so little in return. And you should have known that’s what was going to happen. She wanted the dirty details about you and Harry. She wasn’t there to be a friend. Not really. She wasn’t rude but you saw that her motivation was to sate her curiosity.
Maybe you were better off just confiding in your mother. Though, she never asked you things about how sex was with Harry. She always only wanted you to be happy and doing your best.
And it would have been fun to discuss in detail how good you were getting it with Harry. And if Fae weren’t his daughter you’d do that with her. Tell her all about how insane his body is, how strong he is, how big his cock is, and how he eats you out almost every day. You’d totally brag about him with her if things were different. But instead, you were stuck with Paloma who you didn’t want to give too many details to. And besides, you and Harry were still healing. To talk about how he was in bed didn’t seem right. Especially when you didn’t know who she was going to tell.
You stopped at the grocery store on your way home to get some things you needed and you picked up one of those cheap grocery store flower bouquets. Harry had stopped having them sent when shit hit the fan and he moved in. You didn’t know if it was because they were so expensive or just because he hadn’t thought about it what with everything going on, but you figured a small bouquet might feel nice to have in the apartment.
But when you pulled into your building’s parking lot you saw, what looked like Mrs. Styles’ car parked at the front. Of course, perhaps it was someone else’s, you were a bit paranoid lately. You always had your eyes roaming around just in case you accidentally ran into her or Fae.
With one arm occupied by your grocery bag and your other hand holding the small bouquet, you slowly walked up the steps toward your door and thought, maybe it wasn’t Mrs. Styles. Perhaps it was actually just someone with a car like hers. Plus how silly for her to confront you. What good would that do anyone?
“Y/n. I’ve been waiting for you.”
You heard her voice before you saw her and then felt her pull your bag from your arm, “Let me help you. Looks like you’ve got your hands full.”
You felt your vision blur and shade in with red as your heart pummeled in your chest, “Oh. Thank you, Mrs. Styles.” It was difficult to hide the shock you felt. You were sure she saw it.
You put your key into your door to unlock it and did some quick math in your mind for when Harry would be coming home. You didn’t want to be with Mrs. Styles alone. In your apartment.
“Cute. Kind of small,” she commented as she walked into your home behind you. She’d never visited before. “I’ll set this in the kitchen here, then?” She pointed to what was very obviously your kitchen.
“Yes. Sure. Thank you.”
She sat the bag on the countertop and you laid the bouquet on your little round kitchen table. You didn’t know what she wanted. What her intentions were. You weren’t sure you wanted to know.
She leaned her hip to the counter and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at you, taking in your outfit. You felt like you should have dressed nicer. Maybe you would have put more thought into your outfit if you knew you’d be seeing Mrs. Styles. You were wearing jeans with holes in the knees and a hoodie.
You kept thinking of things to say to fill in the very uncomfortable silence. One was that Harry would be home soon, but that felt wrong to say to the woman who was still married to him. Another was to ask her how she’d been doing. Also, not a good question to ask.
“Uh, would you like some water?” You walked toward the cupboard to pull out a couple of glasses. Even if she didn’t want one you needed it.
“No, thank you.”
You nodded to yourself as you poured a glass with water and took a gulp to soothe your dry throat.
“Would you like to sit?” You carried your glass to the kitchen table and gestured at it as you looked back toward her.
Her eyes pierced through you coolly, “No, thank you.”
You leaned your bottom into the table and looked down at your linoleum floor. You hated this. You had no idea how to do this with her. Whatever this was.
“Did you,” you looked up at her eyes, “Want to talk? Or…?”
“I don’t know that you and I have much to discuss that won’t end with hurt feelings. I just came here to see you again and say my peace. It was hard for me to remember what you looked like in my mind. I always imagine you as a high school girl even though I know you’re an adult and I’ve seen you as an adult. Kind of like how I see Fae still. My little girl,” she smiled. “And so with you, you were still a high school girl in my mind’s eye. Quiet. Polite. Fae’s closest and dearest friend. A warm and bright girl that I loved like my own daughter,” her words were razor blades.
“But I couldn’t imagine what you looked like anymore now that you’ve done something so unlike the girl I used to know. I needed to see you for what you are now. The person who’s sleeping with my husband. Who threw away a relationship with my daughter, who is the most beautiful and loving young woman anyone could ever know. And now I see it. I never saw it before but it was always there wasn’t it?”
You shook your head, “I never wanted to hurt–“
“No one ever does, Y/n. No one with any amount of good in their heart ever wants to hurt anyone much less themselves. But you’ve done it haven’t you? You’ve hurt Fae. You’ve hurt me. You’ve hurt Harry. And worst of all is that you’ve hurt yourself.”
She wasn’t wrong about anything she said. You had caused a lot of pain. You hurt people that meant a lot to you. Mrs. Styles, at one time, had meant a lot to you. But now it felt like she was a stranger in your apartment. Someone you didn’t want there.
“I get it, now, though. Looking at you. I was so confused at first. I thought why would Harry even look at you in that way? So I just came here to see if I could make sense of that and you as you are now. And… yeah I see it. You’re lovely. Definitely his type. And you’re sweet too. God that makes it so hard to hate you. I really wanted to hate you too but instead, I just hate Harry now. Because this is really his fault in the end. I mean, don’t get me wrong,” she laughed incredulously, “I don’t like you one bit anymore. But I can’t hate you.”
You couldn’t keep eye contact with her. It felt like you were being incinerated.
“Harry’s had a lot of women after him in the past. Even after we were married women would flirt and try to get close to me just so they could get closer to him. It was funny because I noticed all of that. I was aware of what they were doing. Even had to cut a good friend out after she drunkenly admitted she wanted to sleep with him. He’s such an attractive man. Believe me, I know. I always knew other women found him sexy. But with you? Never had a clue. Wouldn’t have ever imagined it.”
You felt numb. You had no idea how to respond or even if you should.
“Anyway,” she pushed herself away from the counter and clapped her hands together with a faux smile, “That’s all I wanted to say. I hope you’re prepared for him to break your heart. Because this won’t last, Y/n. I don’t want him anymore but I’m just giving you a warning. If he can throw away a 24-year marriage for a 24-year-old girl whom he has nothing in common with, then just expect him to do something that catches you off guard.”
She walked past you to your front door and you listened as she opened and closed it behind her. You couldn’t move from your spot. You tried to breathe to calm yourself and not overthink the words she said.
You knew that she was angry and some of what she said was an attempt to get under your skin. To make you feel bad. Which you already did feel bad, of course. But now it felt suffocating. Felt like there were cracks starting to gape and widen between you and Harry but you needed to not allow that, as hard as it was. Hard not to take heed of her advice and note how other women wanted him and how he strayed from his wife whom he was married to for 24 years.
When Harry finally came home you didn’t know how long you’d been standing there at your kitchen table. You hadn’t moved a muscle. Your groceries hadn’t been put away. The flowers were still lying on your table. You were caught in your mind and battling not to allow your doubts about Harry to overcome you. Because you knew he loved you, you reminded yourself.
“Baby,” He wrapped his arms around your front as he stood behind you and kissed your temple, “Got groceries and flowers?”
You nodded shallowly.
He kissed you again and then you felt his face next to yours, could see from your peripheral that he was looking at you. He pulled his arms away and stepped to face you, pulling your hands into his, “Honey, what’s wrong?”
You slowly brought your gaze to his and immediately you felt better. His eyes. His concern. His warmth. And you could see the way he loved you. He loved you. You stepped toward him and put your arms around his middle and smushed your ear into his chest as you finally let your tears pour.
Harry drew his arms tight around you, “Baby, what happened? Tell me what’s wrong?”
You choked out a sob and squeezed him even more.
Harry sat down in a chair, and kept you with him, pulling you into his lap as he cupped your face and tried to look at you, “Sweetheart, you’re worrying me. Did something happen?”
You nodded and pushed your face back into his chest. You wished you could stop your tears and just tell him but you could barely sputter a word out.
He rubbed your back and gently rocked you as you cried in his arms and wetted his nice button-shirt with your tears.
When you felt better and felt like you could speak, your first words came out sounding so tiny and pathetic, “I’m sorry.”
“Shh, shh, shhh…” he softly hushed you, “Don’t be sorry, baby. Can you tell me what happened?”
You sniffed and looked up at him, “She… your wife. She came here.”
Harry’s face dropped, “What happened? What did she say?”
“She just wanted to see me and tell me what she thought about everything. I couldn’t even speak I was so nervous. She wasn’t here long.”
He nodded and used his thumbs to wipe your tears, “I will have a talk with her. She should not have come here. She has no business to do such a thing.”
You leaned into his touch as he wiped your tears.
“What did she say to make you so upset? Talk to me.”
“Just that you’ll hurt me eventually and you and I have nothing in common. She wasn’t mean, though. Everything she said was true about me. How I hurt everyone. And she said that other women want you too and…” you swallowed. You could hardly put your thoughts together coherently.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Y/n. And you know it’s not true that we have nothing in common. You and I get along perfectly. She’s just upset. You know that right?”
You nodded.
“And I don’t care how many women find me attractive, or even how many men find you attractive. None of that matters. You know that.”
“I know. She was just upset. It just scared me that I had to confront her alone. And I hate how she looks at me now. I’m the woman who took her husband.”
When your tears had finally dried, Harry helped you put the groceries away and put the flowers in a pretty vase to display.
“I need to have flowers delivered again. These are pretty but I like the ones Florero delivers.”
You wrapped your arms around Harry’s middle and looked up at him, “You’re so sweet but you don’t have to. I know those were expensive. I just thought any flowers would look nice so I picked them up on a whim.”
“You deserve flowers from Florero, baby,” he kissed your forehead. “I just forgot about it since everything that happened and moving here with you. But you still deserve nice things.”
You really didn’t feel like you needed nice things. Harry had never done all that much in the way of spending money on you. It was flowers, some jewelry, food, a toy. Things like that. But you were happy to just have him. You were happy that he was yours. And as awful as it was to feel the way you did, you were glad he chose you because you were always going to choose him.
Harry smushed you against his chest, “You know how much I love you, Y/n. I would choose you over and over again. No matter how hard it gets. Never let anyone’s words convince you otherwise.”
And there wasn’t a single part of you that didn’t believe him.
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Tags: @zayndrivesmeinvain @i83andrew @shamelessfangirl-3 @onceagainace @stoneyggirl2 @fairytale07 @princessaxoo @littlenatilda @stylesfever @whoreonmondays @harryspirate @lovrave @missstyles4 @cherryluvhobi @ladscarlett @hisparentsgallerryy @michellekstyles @yousunshineyoutempter @tenaciousperfectionunknown @golden-hoax @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @justlemmeadoreyou @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lllukulele @lanadelharry @novasblogofstufff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @0oolookitsme @babybunharry @anothermannharry @love-letters-to-uranus @itjustkindahappenedreally @kelly-fushiguro345 @ssaama @onlyangellucifer @harryistheonlyoneforme @butdaddyilovehim-hs @reveriehs @lc-fics @mema10 @carmenxharry @tswiftsangel @hannahdressedasabanana @babegoalsreads
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itsjustaninchident · 7 months
Lando Norris x Model!Wife!Reader
summary: Getting married means having children.... Or not? 5 months into marriage and a lot of hate and pressure has been thrown on the couple. A part 2 of To the Moon and To Saturn.
warning/s: sexual innuendos, misogynistic comments, hate comments (tell me if I missed something)
author's note: This is the most tedious and longest work I've probably done here 😭 I definitely enjoyed doing this, I enjoy reading comments from you guys and also requests are always open, I'm just not fast in making it but I'll definitely do your requests🤍
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 1,321,987 others
yourusername oh sorry can't find it on the mirror where I gaf
view 63,483 comments...
user3 scrolling through the pictures slay after slay and then lando norris
user4 i still can't believe they're married
user5 Can't wrap my head around how a man who drives for a living is dating the hottest girl alive
landonorris can't believe it either
user6 at least he's self aware
user7 you're both hot tbf
user8 why are hot people only for hot people
user9 this is just too cute
user10 their kids are gonna be good looking istg
user11 I mean the parents are both good looking so
user12 can't wait omg they're gonna look so cute😭
yourusername respectfully, no.
user13 oh.
user14 is this how I confirm they both don't want children😭
user15 yn shutting off comments suggesting kids for both of them😭 she's just like me fr
user16 yn is so real for that😭 she def saw that tiktok girl with the list
user18 haters are found in the ditch i fear
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 1,239,876 others
landonorris P2 in Singapore!❤️
view 32,987 comments...
user1 congrats lando!!!
user2 definitely deserve!
user3 why is yn not present in the sg gp?
landonorris she's busy with work :)
user4 shouldn't yn be present to her husband's races, she like missed 4 races already?
user5 girl she can't possibly be with him all the damn time😭 she's got work too
user6 leave yn alone, she literally go all out whenever she can support lando in his races
landonorris she supports me even though she's across the world, it's not her responsibility to go to every race and she has her own work to tend to.
user7 GAGGED!
user8 when he never lets anyone talk shit about you>>>>
user9 they definitely deserve each other
user10 can people stop demanding for yn and just congratulate lando😭 leave the girl alone she's not doing anything to y'all
yourusername CONGRATS BABY! any requests? ;)
landonorris i think i've made it clear on chat🤔
yourusername assertive, i like it🫡
user13 they're literally unstoppable 😭
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liked by lilymhe, landonorris, and 976,890 others
yourusername let me fix my shoes first
view 21,765 comments...
lilymhe can u please divorce the L word and elope with me?
yourusername contacting the lawyers📞
landonorris HEY!!
alexalbon maybe we're the ones meant for each other, mate
user1 L WORD?!😭
user2 this is actually alex's karma for calling his girlfriend the squid game girl😭
user3 personally would be my last straw
user4 why is yn always outside, can't even become a decent wife and do her chores
user5 women should just stay in the house and cook.
yourusername you should try a challenge
user5 and what is that?
yourusername it's called shutting tf up
user7 you idiots, that's literally her job she needs to constantly attend events and model products she's not outside for NOTHING, unlike you.
user8 maybe that's why they don't have kids together lol he definitely would divorce her later on
yourusername checked your profile, looks like you're not even close to getting your first girlfriend
user10 these disgusting comments about yn... she's so strong to be able to handle all of these hate just because she's married to a well-known athlete.
user11 the absolute sickening moments ever for women, we can't have anything. The world does not want us to be happy.
user12 true, makes me think how she even deserves all the hate comments when she's been the nicest, most supportive, and loving partner to lando
user13 the answer is easy, she's a woman who married a man. All these men who never grew out of their highschool phase suddenly think they've got the right to talk shit about her just because she married their favorite athlete🙄
user15 calm down girl, my boyfriend's on this app🥵
yourusername oh honey, if your boyfriend admires other girls he's not your boyfriend anymore
user16 she's an it girl and a girl's girl🫡
user17 she really said don't let any man disrespect u
via interview...
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via twitter...
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via article...
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via twitter...
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liked by landonorris, carmmenmundt, and 2,309,674 others
yourusername baby #1 full of food
view 23,029 comments...
landonorris can't believe this is how I find out I'm gonna be a dad
yourusername thanks for feeding me ig now u're gonna have to take full responsibility
landonorris i fully accept becoming a father of food
user0 idk what's up with these two😭
user-1 they're literally the perfect match both of them goofy af
yourfriend is this for real?!
yourusername no bae ;)
yourfriend AMEN
user1 not yn trolling the whole damn nation only for it to be a food baby😭
user2 this is what the media gets for pressuring them into becoming parents when clearly they want a different path lol
user3 true, they've made it clear numerous times already that they want to enjoy their married life more and not involve kids in the process
user4 they're so real for that
user5 I remember in an interview of yn with the same question and she said something like "I just feel like in this day and age, having children isn't a priority for most people of this generation and I'm glad that most of us are realizing how big of a deal it is to have children and deciding to not bring them in this world when we are very self aware of our capabilities. It's time we should stop pressuring couples, more so women in giving birth because it's not the only thing we're here for."
user6 SHE'S SO SLAY?!
user8 slay after slay
user9 everyday i have to be reminded that im actually not married to yn and we dont have 4 kids tgt
user11 a slap on the face for those nosy people up in their business
hope y'all actually enjoyed this as much as I did writing it😭 comments are highly appreciated 🫶 lovelots♡
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Secret, Secret
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Riccardio!Reader
Rating: PG
Warnings: Pregnancy talks, breastfeeding talks, nothing to bad honest;y, fluff, uncle Daniel, dad Lance, etc.
Words: 2.1K
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Hello. I’m not sure if you take requests for Lance Stroll if you don’t please pick another driver of your choice but please could I request Lance Stroll x Wife fem reader where they were the paddock ‘it’ couple but after the summer break Lance started going to races on his own and everyone thinks they have split up, when the Canada gp arrives they appear in the paddock together married and with twins and everyone finds out ect and the drives meet their baby’s (uncle Danny🥹) 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you so much I hope that all makes sense😅
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"Where's Y/n?" Fernando asks, noticing your absence the moment Lance steps into the paddock.
Lance looks over and smiles, wanting to explain why but keeping it to himself.
"Didn't feel like coming." Lance shrugs, but Fernando doesn't buy it yet and chooses not to say anything else.
The media went crazy that weekend. The rumors circled; vultures were trying to pick at the leftovers of what couldn've gone wrong. Lance ignored them, but when asked why you weren't at the races anymore, he couldn't say. People started to say you got a divorce, but Lance's fans refused to accept it. The two of you, together, became the paddocks "it" couple very quickly.
"Did you two get a divorce and not tell me? Because that's just mean." Daniel whines one day, making Lance laugh at Daniel's whine.
"Daniel, Y/n needed a break, and I agreed with her. So, stop thinking we divorced." Lance snaps slightly, annoyed with the constant questions about it.
"Hey, I'm sorry, she just hasn't been answering my texts, and I'm worried," Daniel admits making Lance sigh and pat his shoulder. "She'll be back for the Canadian GP." Lance walks off, leaving Daniel smiling, missing his sister.
Daniel pulls out his phone and texts you, asking if you've been okay. He hasn't seen you in almost a year, dealing with everything that has happened at Mclaren and you moving to a new house. You both have been so busy, and he wished he knew more about his sister than the media.
Daniel: Please tell me you and Lance are still together? If he did something, I'd ask Max to crash him!
Y/N: Daniel!! DO not HURT my husband!!! I'm fine. We're doing great. Please wait until the Canadian GP. I promise you'll be thrilled with why I've been gone!"
Daniel: Hurry up, Canadian GP. I love you. Text me if you need me.
Y/N: I will. I love you too, Danny!
You sigh, hating that you were lying to your brother. The both of you are so close, and the fact that you haven't seen him in a year has been brutal. When you found out you were pregnant was the most incredible day of your life. Telling Lance was the second best. He had cried while he hugged you and promised to always protect you and your baby. The 3rd best day was finding out you were having twins. Finding that out, you and Lance had a serious conversation that night. Tell the world you were pregnant, or hide it from everyone.
It was the second choice. After research, you found that twin pregnancies were at risk, and you wanted to be safe and keep it quiet to have an easy and relaxed pregnancy. It wasn't, but it was a relatively healthy pregnancy, and 3 months ago, you gave birth to a boy and a girl. It was the 2nd time Lance had cried, and it was holding his babies.
Phone beeping, you pick it up and see it's Lance wanting to video chat with you.
"Hello, my gorgeous wife. Are you okay?" He asks the moment you hit accept.
"Daniel keeps asking me if we're divorced. But I've told him to hold off until the Canadian GP. Hopefully, he doesn't show up to the house." You joke, but you seriously considered that your brother could visit your home.
"Nah, he won't show up unless he really thinks something is wrong." Lance looks around before his end shakes as he moves somewhere else.
"Hey? How are our babies?" He asks, being careful to not say it too loud.
"Perfect. They're napping right now. Want to see?" You ask even though you know what his answer would be.
Moving across the house, you head up to the twins' nursey, slowly open the door, and show them to Lance.
"My sweet babies. Are they doing okay? You know you could always call Mom or Chole, hell, even Scotty, to come and help you." Lance spouts off, making you giggle at his worry.
"Lance, honey. I'm okay, really. We're doing fine. Besides, you'll be home soon." You try to squash his worry, but he just groans, rubbing his head.
"I hate being away from you 3 so soon after. Let me know if you need help. I'm serious." Lance urges as you just smile and nod, walking out of the nursery and letting the twins get some more sleep.
"Lance, I love you. I'll see you soon." You whisper, watching his dazzling smile as he repeats the words and hangs up.
"I'm so glad it's the Canadian GP already." Lance cheers, making your little girl Eleanor gurgle as her father kisses her cheeks.
"Lance, be careful. You're going to scare Casper." Sighing, you pick up your boy.
Casper was a sweet boy who was shy and kept to himself. Eleanor was your outgoing and curious daughter who loved anything and everyone. It always made you laugh watching how they interacted with one another.
"Sorry." Lance laughs, watching as Casper cuddles into you.
"You ready?" You ask Lance as he bounces slightly to keep Eleanor calm for as long as possible.
"Of course, and we're going to be protected, and everyone is going to respect your wishes when you give them out. But Danny can finally give me peace." You laugh, packing up the car with your stroller and diaper bag.
Lance helps put the babies in the car seats and watches you double-check everything.
"Hey, we've got everything." Grabbing your hand, you sigh as you nod in agreement.
"I know." Lance smiles and pulls you over, kissing you gently. "Let's go." You smile before kissing him again as you climb into the passenger side.
Pulling up to the paddock parking, you take a deep breath calming yourself. Grabbing your hand, Lance pulls it up and kisses your wedding ring in a way that comforts you. To always remind you that both of you are in this together.
You don't get the chance to get out before Fernando pops up next to your window, a little scream at him suddenly popping up.
"Damn, Fernando, give her a chance to get out of the car." Lance groans, but the Spaniard laughs as you open the car door.
"Oh, I have missed you!" Fernando laughs, hugging you tightly, hugging him back just as tight.
"Why haven't you been around for almost a year. It hurt us." The man whines as Lance opens the side door, and the Aston Martin driver sees the reason.
"Twins?" He asks in awe, then looks back at you. "Does Daniel know?" You shake your head, giving him your answer.
"Hermana. Why didn't you tell us? You could've supported you." Fernando sighs and hugs you again as you try not to cry already.
"We thought it'd be best, Fernando. The press, fans, everything. We decided not to tell anyone when we found out she was pregnant with twins. Her parents and mine know, but Scotty and Chole found out 2 weeks ago. And today, we tell everyone and you guys." Lance explains, pulling out Casper, who whines and buries himself into his fathers' hold.
"Want to hold Eleanor? She is more welcoming to strangers than Casper." Fernando smiles and holds his arms out as Eleanor is placed gently.
"She's gorgeous." He whispers and automatically starts swaying side to side as she wakes from her little sleep.
Opening her eyes, she stares at Fernando, who smiles, pulling her closer.
"I'll destroy anyone who thinks they can hurt you." He says sweetly, making you laugh and grab Eleanor, who gurgles and shakes her hands before settling down in your hold.
"I'll see you inside, yes? If anyone gives you trouble, let me know." Fernando kisses your temple before patting Lance on the back, whispering something in his ear that has Lance laugh and turn red.
"What did he say?" You ask, grabbing the stroller and placing the diaper bag in the bottom.
"Don't worry about it." Lance shakes his head, but you don't.
"Lance." Your husband sighs and moves closer to you so no one else hears.
"He said I must have magic balls to get you knocked up with twins the first time." You laugh, making Casper jump and whine, having Lance comfort him immediately.
"Shhh, Mommy, that was mean." Lance teases, but you roll your eyes, heading to the entrance.
Scanning in, people notice you two and start taking pictures. Thankfully no one comes up close and in your space. They keep their distance as they take picture after picture.
"Shut the fuck up!" Lance laughs as he gets stopped by Mick and Esteban, who stand there shocked, seeing their best friend and his wife holding two babies.
"Hey, language." You tease, but Esteban waves you off as he approaches Lance.
"Who is this little guy?" Esteban asks, being very careful to not startle the baby.
"This is Casper." Lance turns Casper slightly, who just sleeps peacefully in his father's arms.
"God, Lance, he looks just like you." Esteban laughs as Mick watches Eleanor look around.
"Twins, each just like you." Mick smiles, sticking a finger out. Eleanor grabs it and puts it in he mouth.
"Eleanor, no." Mick laughs as he watches you pull his finger out of her daughter's mouth, telling you his hands are clean.
"I know, but still, she's young." Mick nods in understanding the 4 of you talking as they coo over the babies.
"Lance, we should get going. I'm going to have to feed them soon." Lance nods as Mick and Esteban say bye but tell you they're coming to spend time with the babies after the race.
Getting to the Hospitality suite Lance, gets you settled, everyone being respectful, waving, and not bothering you too much.
"See, we're okay." Lance kisses the side of your head as you bottle-feed the babies.
Breastfeeding was rough initially, and you decided to bottle feed as it would give each twin the nutrients they need rather than running low and worrying about it.
"I know-" You get cut off when Lance's media manager pops up.
"I tried to stop him, but, yeah, sorry." They disappear and are soon replaced with your brother, who stops seeing the four of you.
"Danny." You sigh, but he just holds his hand up and walks closer, taking in the sight of the twins.
"You were pregnant with twins, gave birth, and you didn't tell me?" He asks, sitting down next to you and touching Eleanor's cheek.
"Danny, we wanted the pregnancy to be as easy as possible, I wanted to tell you, but we thought this way was best." You explain, but Daniel laughs, tears in his eyes as he hugs you.
"Oh god, they're gorgeous." He cries as you lean into his hug, crying with him.
"Can I hold them?" He asks Lance smiling as he slowly puts Casper in his Uncle's arms. With breaths held, you waited for Casper to start crying. Instead, he snuggles into Daniel's chest.
"He loves you." You whisper, watching his hands cradle Casper closer as the little boy moves closer, trying to bury a hole for himself.
"Well, duh, I'm his Uncle." He sticks his tongue out at you, but Lance shakes his head no.
"Daniel, he hates being held by anyone but us. This...this is big for him." Lance smiles, wanting to cry at the fact that someone else can hold his son now.
"Hah! Suck on that, Scotty. I really am the favorite Uncle." Snorting at your brother's childish behavior, you watch the two interact.
"I call babysitting duties." "Deal!" Lance and you shout, making Daniel look up, shocked at your sudden acceptance.
"Wow, guess mommy and daddy need some private time," Daniel whispers to Casper, but you don't disagree with the statement.
"Hey? What's their names?" Daniel asks, making you both smile.
"You're holding, Casper Daniel Stroll. And this is Eleanor Claire-Ann Stroll." Lance announces, watching fresh tears fall down Daniel's eyes.
"No wonder he likes me. We have the same name." He chokes out, holding the boy closer, who just whined before closing his eyes.
"I'm keeping him." Daniel nods as you just sigh, but Lance takes it seriously.
"Like hell, you will." Daniel sticks his tongue out and shields Casper from Lance's hands.
"Off, you knocked my sister up. Give me this." Lance rolls his eyes and then smirks.
"Dude, you're holding my sperm. Really want to keep it?" Lance asks, having Daniel look down at his nephew.
"Take him back." You laugh as Daniel shivers at the thought.
Looking around, you smile at your husband and brother fighting over your little boy; looking down at Eleanor, you kiss her little forehead.
"You're both so loved." Smiling at your little family.
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percheduphere · 7 months
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I don't think Mobius is happy in his timeline. Don, as we find him, is different from Mobius.
He's less confident.
He's more desperate.
He's less responsible.
He's more lonely.
Owen's delivery of "Are you really my friend?" Didn't sound skeptical to me. It sounded more like longing.
I originally thought his wife died, but upon second review, the delivery of "long gone" was rather flippant. If it was a divorce, however, it seems like it wasn't an amicable parting. It rather leans toward a marriage that struggled to work.
I still stand by the notion Mobius isn't making enough money. Yet, the kids stayed with him. That, to me, suggests the wife cheated and left to be with her lover. To prevent disruption in his kids' lives (changing schools, leaving behind friends, etc.), I think Mobius argued for primary custody.
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Again, he needs the money. He brings up his wife, but it's not her he misses.
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He misses the sense of adventure, the fun, the companionship. Someone to share a drink with, someone to share a meal or something sweet with.
Even in his timeline, he doesn't actually get to ride a jetski. The most he can get is fantasizing about it.
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While Loki sacfricing himself to ensure his friends are safe, to ensure Mobius's kids are safe, to ensure MOBIUS is safe, feels like a forgone conclusion, I don't think this feels like a proper ending for Mobius.
I think Loki will survive, and I hope he and Mobius will find a way to make it work since Loki explained to him he can take Mobius back to any point in time. Meaning, he could have Loki in his life without abandoning his kids.
But where will Loki go? Even if OB and Casey want to stay full-time at the TVA (I honestly don't see either of them wanting their timeline lives), it doesn't feel right for Loki.
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This house looks like it can fit one more person.
I don't care that I know I'm about to get hurt, but the narrative set-up is all there, and it's driving me crazy. There's an indisputable basis for a romantic relationship, there's Loki's powers enabling a timeline life and a TVA life to work, and there's a fucking HOUSE that can fit one more person that we know would be welcome there.
Adding to all of this is that Mobius shows up in Deadpool 3.
This is driving me absolutely bananas. The happy ending is there. It's mechanically feasible. But it's Disney, so what the hell ending is it going to be???
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imtryingbuck · 8 months
Divorce Came With A Price
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~ gif not mine credit goes to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: it’s been 6 months since he last saw you.
Word count: 1295
Warnings: Angst, I’m sorry. Death, cancer, suicide – please don’t read if the warnings upset you.
A/N: my mum cried when she read this.
Part 1
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It’s been 6 months since Bucky last saw you, he’s hated it. He misses you. He misses your beautiful face, the way your smile makes his heart tingle. Misses the way your eyes shines brightly when you’re talking about your hobbies and interests. Misses the feel of your soft skin under his calloused hands. He just misses the love of his life, his other half - his sweet perfect wife. 
He remembers how your smile dropped as he tells you he wanted a divorce. Remembers the heartbreakingly look in your eyes as he told he’d been having an affair. That one look has haunted his dreams, his every waking moment. He can still feel the acid in his throat as he wills himself to nod as you ask that one question. Nothing more nothing less. You just wanted that one question to be answered and he couldn’t even look at you let alone answer verbally. He didn’t even know you left the house until the divorce hearing; he watched you walk away with Matt and Foggy wishing he could say something but nothing comes out. He watched as your feet falter when you see Carly. He knows exactly what you’re thinking.
But It’s over now.
It’s over now and he can get you back.
It’s over now and he’s hoping and praying that you’ll understand and forgive him.
It’s over now and he’s going to move heaven and earth to have his love back in his arms.
He finds out you’ve been staying with Matt since he broke both of your hearts. How does he do this? How does he knock on the door hoping that neither one of you punches him in the face (not that he doesn’t deserve it) he just hopes you’ll listen to him.
Bucky walks into the florist to get the biggest bouquet of your favourite flowers he can get. 
The skies start to turn dark even with the sun shining brightly, if he didn’t know any better he’d think it was forewarning for what’s to come.
Knocking on the wooden door it’s Matt that greats him. “What? What are you doing here” if Bucky wasn’t a super soldier he’d be scared with the tone in Matts voice.
“I-um I need to see Y-Y/N. Please”
“She’s not here. She’s not here anymore” Bucky can’t understand why Matt sounds broken.
“Well um where does she live now?” He’s trying not to stumble off his words.
“No James you don’t understand” Matt looks up towards the ceiling then continues but doesn’t get the chance.
“What do you mean I don’t understand? Matt look I know you hate me for what I did to Y/N but I had a reason, I just need to see her to explain it to her. Please Matt just tell me where she lives”. He begging and pleading and it’s clear as day in the way his voice wavers.
Matt speaks in a fast manner “Get inside before Ms Jenson comes out and complains” 
The apartments a mess, there’s takeaway boxes laying around, the sinks full of pots and there’s trash overflowing in the bin. The apartment looks nothing like it did 8 months prior when Y/N and himself went round for a double date with Matt and some woman he can’t remember the name of. Matt sits down and lazily waves his arm round for Bucky to sit to.
“Matt wher-“ he doesn’t get to finish his sentence.
“James she’s gone, she’s dead.” The air is cut off. The room is spinning. His world has ended. He doesn’t know what to do or say so he stares blankly at Matt waiting for the punchline of a joke that isn’t even remotely funny. Matt understands he needs to say more so he does. “That day you told her you wanted a divorce to be with your side piece she’d been at the hospital for her results. It was cancer. Terminal. She’d been told she had about 6 months to a year left. Her insurance didn’t cover her medical expenses so she stopped treatment, I told her I would pay but you know what she’s like-was like. 3 weeks ago she made me go out on a date with Karen she said she’d be fine and made me promise I’d have a good time. I got home around 11 and went to bed. The next morning, I couldn’t hear her walking around, so I went into her room, she um she’d taken pills, enough to end her life. It was too late to do anything, they said she’d been gone for 18 hours. Id only been gone for an hour” tears stream down both of the men’s faces. Matt struggles to continues “she begged me not to say anything to you, she didn’t want to get in the way of your relationship. She thought if you knew you’d change your mind and not divorce her just because she was dying. Y/N begged me James so I couldn’t I couldn’t do that to her-“ Bucky cuts him off. 
“I didn’t have an affair. I swear. Hydra was after me again and I had to divorce Y/N so she wouldn’t get hurt. I told her I had an affair so she would divorce me, I knew cheating was a deal breaker so I lied. I fucking lied and she’s dead. I lied and she’s not even going to know the truth.” He tries so hard to continue but can’t his airway is closing up. He passes out.
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10 years have been and gone, the pain of losing the only person he has ever loved didn’t stop not that he wants it to. Bucky wants to remember the pain. 
In the 10 years that have passed he’s visits your grave every Friday, wedding anniversary, the date you two got together, the date he proposed, your birthday and on Christmas. After the fifth year Steve told him he needed to move on, and well long story short they had a fight and Bucky cried saying he couldn’t move on. In the end everyone around him understood that he would never move on from the love of his life. He sits there no matter the weather and talks to you for hours. He told you Matt and Karen were having a baby girl, then told you they named her after you. Told you all about his cat Alpine. After every visit without fail or another thought he tells you he loves you and can’t wait to see you again.
It’s been 10 years 5 months 12 days since you passed away and Bucky’s on his way to see you.
He’s on a mission that’s gone horribly wrong he’s been shot too many times. He’s so tired and Steve’s trying to get him to stay awake but it’s no use.
“Stevie p-please stop. I w-wan-t to be w-ith my Y-Y/N I need to be with h-er” Even though Bucky gasps for breaths his voice is strong enough to let Steve and the team know that this is what he wants. Steve gives him a slow nod with tears sliding down his cheeks, he clasps hands with his best friend and keeps locked tight long after Bucky takes his last breath.
He leaves the world with a smile on his face.
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You stand there waiting for him and as soon as you lock eyes with him you’re running. Jumping into his arms and before he can say anything you kiss him. Hard. After you separate you tell him you know the truth. You heard him every time he would visit your grave. You tell each other how much you love one another. You take his hand and lead him into your new life.
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Tags: @learisa @bruher @pattiemac1 @kentokaze @almosttoopizza @yvessaintmuerte
~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
786 notes · View notes
ceilidho · 10 months
i've always been a price girl, and watching you fall down this rabbit hole too has been delicious <3
like what do you MEAN of course he's gonna insist you stay in the house, besides he's used to setting up for the night in half-crumpled buildings an apartment is barely something to moan about. it is under-furnished, but it's not like he has anyone over other than the guys from work or your boys anyways. and where else would he have his wife stay other than his house? because he never really stops calling you that, his wife, not to your parents, or the team, or the women who ignore the ring on his left hand (because he never takes that off either) only to listen to him go on and on about his perfect family and his silly wife who thinks they're "divorced".
and when he comes home after weeks away and you convince yourself he only came right over to see the boys, and really who would you be to deny a man with work like his time with his children. It doesn't really occur to you to think twice about it until you're on your back listening to him muttering "just needed the reminder, honey" "missed you so much while i was gone" over you
i sat on this ask for soooo long because sometimes the ask itself is so perfect that i don't even have anything to add to it, and ill b honest, i feel guilty spam posting again and again if im not giving my reply like 110% but gooooddd this is so good.
of course he gave her the house. of course he still calls you his wife, and he says it all dreamy-like whenever someone brings you up. he's so endlessly proud of you for all of your accomplishments and still just as attracted to you as he was the first day he met you. even with stretch marks and your body changing after two kids. even growing old together. even getting divorced and moving out of the family home. especially with those things, in fact.
bet someone brings it up to Price one day in a roundabout, inconspicuous way as if to say "hey, maybe stop referring to your ex as your wife when she literally kicked you out of the house" and Price just smiles that small, proud little smile and replies with, "she's a strong woman. doesn't let anyone keep her from doing what she wants." friends just stare at him like sir. sir. she kicked you out of the house.
doesn't matter :\\ he's in love :\\ that's his strong-willed wife.
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 3.3
John having to get high out of his mind because he knows he's invited Paul to come play with him is so so sad. These are the same guys who used to sit facing each other on a bed playing guitars for hours, and now this is them?
Is John calling Paul “Jack Lemon” a reference to “some like it hot”? Because if so, I have questions. Anyway, when your estranged best friend shows up to hang out with you and a bunch of people, talking about being in love again and getting jizzed on is extremely normal and acceptable behavior.
This jam session is so fucking painful though. Paul's doing his best to just push through and get them to actually play something and John's just too far gone.
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My theory: there's two reasons he did this. 1. He's avoidant and the last thing he's going to do is let on how bad he needs John in his life and how scared he is that if John gets back with Yoko that that'll be difficult. And 2. He couldn't live with himself if he didn't. If he'd kept it from John that Yoko wanted him back and later John cried to him about how much he missed Yoko or something? Paul can't have that.
John singing a snatch of Yesterday before a take of “Whatever gets you through the Night”??? Did either of them ever write a song where they weren't thinking about the other? Did they ever have a minute of peace without the other rattling the bars of the cage in his brain?
“Hold me Darling, come on, listen to me. I won't do you no harm.” Duh it's about Paul. Oh my gosh.
And with Bless You I'm always so torn. There are so many obvious references to Paul which the doc points out beautifully, but situationally it could also be about Yoko. Maybe it's about both of them in the same way that don't let me down is about both of them.
Anyway the cosmic visuals are gorgeous.
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Why'd you have to phrase it like that though? Twice?
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Hall of Fame moment. It's a high point for him career-wise and he chose to pull Paul into his spotlight. Not only to sing Paul's song, not only to name-drop him, but to publicly call him an official romantic title. Not “boyfriend” or “ex-wife” which both could've been much more mocking if that's what he was trying to do. But “fiance”. It's official and respected, but it's still got the lustful, unsettled, connotation that something like “husband” lacks.
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Johann Weener, everyone. What a loser.
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Everyone who still refers to Lennon Remembers like it's the fucking Bible listen to this. It doesn't go on for the next five years, let alone fifty.
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John refusing to walk to blocks to sign the papers when George and Paul flew over the ocean. And only on the basis of astrology. He really didn't want the divorce. My heart aches for him. But he made his bed as they say.
I'm putting on my tinfoil hat again here, but I do just have to point out that one of John's first songs, “Hello, Little Girl,” has a line that goes, “you never seem to see me standing there”. And the earliest draft of WISHST, which was started soon after, answers that line. “I saw you standing there.” (Yes, it said you originally, not her). So maybe. Just maybe. That song wasn't just a Paul song, but a song that John knew Paul had put a message in for him. Okay, I apologize for the insanity. On another note, I do wonder if he ever found out what Paul thought of that.
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Interviewer: ≈ at this point, do you like writing by yourself, or do you want to write with Paul again?≈ John: ≈well it's a bit of both. It's the same for Paul. We were talking about it a week ago. Okay, cool. So they definitely talked openly and honestly about potentially writing together again.
John, about their partnership, “There was always the feeling that someone was there if you needed it.” Paired with the gayest picture ever taken and then Paul singing “if I can do anything at all, let me help.” Thanks. I hate it.
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John was so excited for New Orleans! What happened? I mean I have my theory based on May's book and the sudden shift in behavior. But it's pretty dark.
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You know how crazy Paul is about John in interviews now? How he can't seem to keep John's name out of his mouth? John was worse in the seventies. He's promoting his Rock’n’Roll album, talking unprompted and romantically about how he met Paul, when the interviewer reminds him what relationship he's supposed to be romanticizing right now. So John remembers too and dedicates the album to Yoko who he's just got back together with.
Biconic quote.
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Interviewer asks, after John's brought him up, if John's pleased with how well Paul's doing. John expresses his relief that Ringo has "found himself a niche" and then
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I really do think that last bit sums up a big chunk of how John feels about Paul, and why he feels alright playing dirty against Paul or slagging Paul off. Why it would have been the furthest thing from his mind that Paul actually struggled or was insecure. Why Paul had to remind him, “I'm only a person like you, love.”
What an insane thing to think, let alone say. What if Julian had heard that? I'm pretty sure Julian and Paul weren't in contact, really at all, until the eighties, right? So John's doing better than he is at this point (I mean he's his dad, he should be). John is insecure about every possible thing and compares himself to Paul in every possible way.
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Baby. He needed some serious help. The thing that sucks about being ahead of your time is that you also have to live in a world that's behind your needs.
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And then. “There's always a friendly tv channel to turn to that's going to make you feel less alone.” I wonder if Paul “Call Me Back Again, John I know you're not that tired from the baby just let me in the fucking door” McCartney heard this? It's possible with how obsessive they were, but it's also impossible with how busy he kept himself.
Okay, here's the first story we've been missing about Paul experiencing negative emotions. And, of course, as always in this doc, it's paired perfectly with “Don't Let it Bring you Down” which is the musical mission statement of Paul's clenched-jawed smile philosophy.
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"I tend to get a bit absolute in my statements." Yes, John. Yes you do. Another quote that Big Lennon fans should keep in mind.
John on the three weeks he took to decide if he wanted to continue the band after the first Hamburg trip: The others were mad because we could've been making money. Yeah, John, Paul suddenly had to work in a factory after he'd thrown away an educated, white-collar career (the first in his family) to be in your band. I'd be pissed too if you just didn't even bother to call. Anyway I just hate how casual John is about it. Someone who never had to worry about money is just never going to get that.
John doesn't even remember a ballpark number of how much they were making. Paul remembers exactly bragging to his professors that he was making fifteen a week in Hamburg. Sorry to go on and on about this right before Paris, but to me it's an important difference between them.
Anyway, the fact that Paris was more than just a vacation for them. The fact that – according to Stuart and John at least – they might not have come back. It's dizzying. They really thought about just running off together. I wonder what made them decide to come back and continue the band.
No offense if you do, but I don't personally believe in this stuff. What would the motivation have been for the tarot reader to tell him that? Either way, fuck him.
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Gosh the live version of “Call Me Back Again”. You feel it, physically, how bad he wants this phonecall. And the desperation from such a successful man is fantastic. Literally, John, how did it feel to be the only man in the world that could get Paul McCartney to beg? “Pretty baby” “what can I do?” “Boohoohoo babe.” “I tried the operator, but I just can't get through.”
Reporter at the Wings over America tour: No John Lennon, no George Harrison, and no Ringo Starr, just Paul McCartney. And for everyone here tonight, that seemed to be plenty! Obviously he's loving this praise after all the negative press. Anyone would, and Paul needs it more than most people actually. But I bet part of him is like “stop. Don't say it like that, they already hate me enough as it is.”
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How many times has John admitted that he finds Paul attractive? “It was no surprise, you know, when the kids – girls saw him, they go ‘ooh! Ooh!’ right away, you know?”
“I know it's true. It's all because of you.” Playing over this? Are you kidding me? Anyway I've never seen the picture version of this, so I thought I'd screenshot it.
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But actually, in a way, the original written lyrics to Now and Then are less depressing than what he sang on the demo. “I know it's true, I'm still in love with you, and if I make it through, it's all because of you,” is obviously sad because they're both married to other people. But at least in that version, John's saying his own personal resilience to life's struggles comes from his relationship with Paul, which is nice. Whereas when John, who is sliding into a self-hating deep depression I'm comparing himself to Paul's phenomenal success, sings “it's all because of you” in a general sense, it almost feels like a callback to the ‘I'm shit and I couldn't do anything but be a Beatle (and ride Paul's boat)’ quote. Which is heartbreaking. I wish he could've recognized his own genius.
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But yeah either way it's enough to make your heart heavy. If anyone needs a good cry, just go to the last five minutes of this. That should've been the now and then music video, but Paul's too scared of feelings. Which. You know. Considering how much it affects me, I can't even imagine how much it affects him. So he gets a pass.
“Why must we be alone? It's real love. It's real.”
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Christmas Gift | Robert 'Bob' Floyd
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Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x Teacher!Wife!Reader
Summary: Bob gets the most special christmas gift ever.
Word count: 1215
Warnings: fluff. BOB. Bob should be a warning. BUT I'M SAYING BOB IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. baby on board
Tag list: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all @abaker74 @smells-like-perfect-senses
(if you want to be in the 'All TGM' tag list, send me an ask!)
A/N: Is this an attempt to stop y'all from suing me? yes. Hope you like it!
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“How is the wife doing, Bob?” Hangman asks while walking to the parking lot. 
“I don’t know. She woke up sick this morning. Perhaps the sushi we had last night was spoiled,” Bob answers, checking his phone to see if there was any message from you, but you haven’t talked to him all day. 
“Oh, damn. If you need us to raincheck the Secret Santa party, call me.” He says while patting Bob’s back.
“I’ll ask her when I get home and I’ll text you” 
“Sure. Say hi to Bobette for me” 
Bob nods, walking to the car and dialing his wife’s number. 
"Hey, Mrs. Floyd. How are you feeling?” He asks, opening the car door and sitting inside. “If you’re still sick I can take you to the doctor” 
'Honey, I'm fine. I think it was the sushi,” you reply quickly, trying to stop his worry. “I was just about to jump in the shower and get ready for the party” 
“And you were gonna shower without me? Miss, do I need to remind you that we need to save the planet and use water wisely?” He can almost hear your smile from the other end of the line. 
“You have fifteen minutes to come home,” you challenge him, and Bob smirks. 
“Make it ten” 
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One shower and a few hours later, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd are walking hand in hand towards Hangman and Coyote’s house. A few weeks ago, both of them brought up the idea of celebrating Christmas with the squad. Of course, that included you as an honorary member of the squad through marriage. There were rumors of an upcoming mission that will happen during the holidays, so Coyote thought that they could celebrate some Secret Santa and exchange gifts two weeks before Christmas instead of doing it on Christmas Eve. 
Today is the day. 
You have been a bit worried about your gift for the past few weeks, not knowing what you should give them. But then, a few days ago, the answer came to you unexpectedly. 
Coyote opens the door, smiling at the sight. “Look at you, my favorite married couple.” He hugs you tight. “If you two ever get a divorce I’ll stop believing in love” 
“Javy, why are you talking about divorces?” Phoenix asks from behind him. She pushes the pilot away and pulls you close to hug you tightly. “Look at you, you’re beautiful! Are you using a new highlighter or something?"
You look at her with a puzzled expression. “Uh… no? Why?” 
“You’re literally glowing.” she adds. 
“I just got out of the shower, Nat. I’m not even wearing much makeup” 
 “Unbelievable” she grabs your hand and leads you inside. 
You hug and say hi to all the aviators, not having seen them in a while. It’s been crazy with the final exams, the Christmas play at school, and tons of different things. You all sit down, Nat offering you some hot chocolate that you gladly accept. 
“So, are we giving the presents now?” Fanboy says, almost jumping in his seat from the excitement. 
“What are you, five?” laughs Rooster while stealing some Christmas cookies from the tray that Jake left on the coffee table. 
“Look, I’ve been waiting two weeks for this. I need my gift now.” Fanboy states, and all of you chuckle a bit at his antics. Fanboy truly loves Christmas. 
“Okay, go get the gifts, we’ll be here” Payback says, leaning back on the sofa. 
“But there’s a lot?” the wizzo retorts. 
“You wanted the gifts, go get them” 
“OH LORD I’LL GO WITH YOU” exclaims Phoenix getting up from her seat and going with him to Jake’s room where all the gifts have been carefully placed. 
When they come back, you feel a bit nervous. It’s a very significant gift. Maybe you shouldn’t have bought that. 
You watch as Rooster opens his gift first. Inside the box, there’s the most ugly Hawaiian shirt you’ve ever seen. 
“Wait, are those actual roosters?” you point to the birds in the shirt, and Rooster laughs out loud when he sees that yes, those are actual roosters.
“Oh my god, I know who gave me this” he looks directly at Nat. “Was it you?” 
“Look, I hate your shirts. But I know you love them, so I had to give you a very special one” she says, getting up to hug Bradley. 
Nat is now opening her gift. It’s a helmet for her motorcycle, with the same stickers as her aviator helmet. Bob bought a helmet the other day. Yes! You were right! Bob had Phoenix. 
“Oh. my. God. This is the best gift EVER” she tries it on, and immediately goes to hug Bob. “I don’t even have to ask. You know my helmet better than me” 
“I was worried for a second that it wouldn’t fit you” he smiles and pats the helmet. "It looks good on you." 
“Thank you so much, Bob. It's perfect," she says as she grabs a white box with red dots from the table. “I think this one’s yours, buddy.” 
 Bob grabs the box and sits next to you, opening it slowly. He has the most beautiful smile on his face. But it drops instantly when he sees what’s inside the box. 
“Bob? It’s an iPad, bud. That’s awesome!” Coyote announces, not understanding the wizzo’s reaction. 
“It’s mine. I bought it last year,” he explains, looking at you. “Y/n?” 
“Just open it,” you simply reply. 
When Bob unlocks the iPad, a video begins to play immediately. It’s an ultrasound. 
"Oh, my god,” Nat says, covering her mouth in surprise. 
Bob is still looking at the screen, looking at the 11-week-old baby that will soon keep the both of you awake during the night. “You’re pregnant?” 
You nod, tears filling your eyes. Bob drops the iPad in the box and hugs you so tight that it almost hurts. “Babe, too tight” 
He pulls away, tears welling up in his eyes. “I’m sorry, darling. It’s just… Oh my god. You’re gonna be a mom. I’m gonna be a dad! We’re gonna be parents,” he is rambling at this point, and it’s just so cute. 
“And we’re gonna be uncles!” exclaims Hangman. “Oh my god, I have experience. I can change diapers. And babysit. You better name him Jake.” 
“I don’t even know if they’re a girl or a boy,” you laugh. 
Bob kneels down in front of you, carefully moving his hands toward your belly. “We showered together; how come I didn’t notice?” 
“You can suck your belly in, even if you’re pregnant.” 
His hands caress your belly, and he lowers his head to leave a soft kiss. “Hi, Bob” 
“Did you just call them Bob?” 
"Yeah, it's their call sign, Baby On Board," he says, and you can't stop yourself from kissing him. 
“Hey! That’s what I call you! I should be the godfather.” Jake protests, ending in a heated debate between Rooster, Payback, Fanboy, Coyote, and himself, fighting for the godfather position. 
“This is the most wonderful Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten, darling. Thank you so much,” he whispers, kissing you softly, his hands never leaving your belly. 
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bitchinbarzal · 10 months
sign the papers | mat & mama
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The house was awfully quiet when the kids were with Mat. The odd time when you kept Wyatt it was nice to have some company but she couldn’t talk or really understand anything yet.
You had called up Miles’ wife not long after the separation to ask her opinion on the split and a possible divorce. She was obviously concerned immediately but you explained what had happened and calmed her.
“sometimes marriages just run their course. we made five beautiful kids, we built a home, I just think me and mat want different things now”
The kids were confused, why there was now a daddy’s house and a mommy’s house. why they didn’t have movie night with their parents any longer.
Ivy tried listening to her parents when she was at home, listening while her dad cried on the phone to her grandma and her mom would stress out on the phone to her friends.
You had spoken to a lawyer, drafted up divorce papers, discussed financial settlements, custody of the kids.
When you saw Mat you had tried to mention it to him, softly. You knew how he felt about the whole thing.
You had managed to mention it when he dropped the kids back off, asking if he could come in and see Wyatt. You, of course, said yes.
You watched him come into the house, as if he’s never left it. He sat on the rocking chair in Wyatt’s nursery, rocking her to sleep and mumbling a soft story to her.
You watched them on the baby monitor, a soft smile as you listened to him talking to your baby.
“Hi sweet girl, hi meatball. I missed you, I’ve missed you so much”
You allowed them their time together while putting Ivy, Ryder and Bailey to sleep. When you’d both finished the night routine you met in the hallway, closing the opposing doors from one another.
“She asleep?” He asks about Ivy and you nod “out like a light”
He follows you down the stairs into the playroom where you begin cleaning up. Mat joins in, picking up stray toys the kids had thrown around.
“For being so little they make a massive mess” he jokes, breaking the silence.
You laugh “Yeah, they take after their dad I’m sure”
When the room is cleaned and tiny, you walk Mat to the door.
“Thanks for letting me put her to bed, it means a lot when I don’t have her-“
“I’m filing for divorce” you interrupted him.
You interrupted him telling you how much he appreciated his time with his daughter to tell him you were filing for divorce.
“Oh” is all he said
You nodded, biting your bottom lip “I just wanted to tell you before the papers came through in the mail”
He hums “So we’re not going to talk about this?”
“There’s nothing to talk about Mat”
He laughs, viciously “You kicked me out of our house and we haven’t spoken since I feel like there was definitely a conversation in there somewhere!”
“Mathew, you need to leave”
“Stop doing that!” He exclaims “Doing what?”
“Calling me Mathew and making me leave when there is the slightest inconvenience for you! I want to save our marriage, I want to save our family and you don’t seem to care”
You took a deep breath and replied “I stopped being able to care a long time ago, Mat. Please just go and sign the papers when they come in”
He didn’t want to fight any longer, he couldn’t fight with you anymore. Not when you were being selfish and never listening to his point of view. At the bottom line of it all, he loved you regardless.
So instead, he leaned down and kissed your forehead, while his hand supported the back of your head.
“I will always love you, y/n. from the moment I met you until the day I die, I will always love you with my entire heart and soul and if there’s ever one thing I know I got right in this world, it’s you. No matter what the paper says, you’ll always be my girl”
A tear rolls down your cheek and your hand grasps onto his wrist before you begin to sob “Mat-“
“Shh, it’s ok baby. It’s ok, I’ll sign the papers if that’s what you want, I’m not going to fight you anymore. I just needed you to know that regardless of us fighting, shouting and balling at one another, you are my world”
You shook your head at him, sniffling “Why are you being so nice to me?”
He shrugs “I only have a little while longer as a husband I might as well try being a good one”
You watched him pull out of the driveway and down the street, tears falling off your face while you sobbed quietly.
The following days, Mat had a roadie so you had the kids full time. You had officially accepted your role back as doctor for the devils next season so you were getting back into watching hockey.
The kids had requested Mathew’s game against the Kraken be on the tv so they could watch and while it was late you couldn’t say no.
So you sat with them, Ryder on your lap while your fingers carded through his hair while you watched the islanders play.
After the game, the press had announced a big press conference with the islanders. You didn’t think much of it, they’d won so it was probably just the dramatics.
You were tidying the couch pillows when you heard the tv
“Mat, Lou informed us you had an important announcement to make this evening?” A reporter asks.
Mat nods “Yes, thank you. I wanted to make this announcement here, in Seattle where I was playing when I was drafted by the Islanders organisation in 2015. My time on Long Island has been nothing short of amazing and I will always reflect on the relationships I have developed with the community, my team and the organisation. Today, I announce my retirement from the national hockey league as a player as this season draws to a close. My family are of the utmost importance to me right now and I feel this is in our best interest”
You drop the pillow in your hand and gawk at the tv “what the fuck”
“Mommy said a bad word!” Ryder shouts, reminding you that the kids were with you.
“You’d be saying bad words too if you knew what was going on” you replied, picking up your phone to text Mat.
Instead you found a text already on your phone from him
this is for you, for us. the nhl is your dream, not just mine.
You smile at the message and look back at the tv where mat is being hounded by the media on his bombshell announcement.
When Mat finally got finished with media and all that came with his announcement he managed to pick up his phone and wade through the messages from friends, coaches and family to find your name. Only to find you’d left him on read.
When he arrived home, your nanny had dropped the kids off at his airbnb so he didn’t get the chance to speak to you. The nanny, Rita had given him a pile of papers too. He suspected it was bills, school letters you’d asked her to pass along and they were discarded onto the countertop.
The weekend with the kids passed too quickly and before he knew it you were picking them up for your week. Between the kids, the media and the organisation Mat hadn’t gotten a chance to sit down until the middle of the week, sitting at his breakfast bar looking at the divorce papers sat unsigned on the counter.
Next to it was the papers Rita had dropped off, he picked them up and began flicking through. Bills, tuition payments and then a brown envelope addressed to you.
He frowned and opened it, pulling out a white paper, the exact same as the one on his counter yet this had your name on it. These were your divorce papers.
His eyes scanned the paper for your signature, it was nowhere to be found. Part of him felt hopeful, you wouldn’t have sent him this if it didn’t mean anything.
But it had been days since Rita gave him these and you hadn’t said anything, so did it mean what he thought it meant?
Before Mat made himself crazy thinking of the possibilities with this, he got in his car and made his way to your house. Not before a stop on the way.
It was late and he knew the kids would be asleep, so he knocked lightly on the door just praying you were awake.
He waited nervously until he saw the porch light flicker on and you appear at the door in your pyjamas
“Mat? What are you- it’s eleven o’clock”
“I know, but I had to come here because I got your papers” he rushes, watching as a sleepy smile is painted on your face
“I was wondering when you’d open them”
“I, I opened it and I hope it means what I think it means” he replies.
You nod softly “It means, come home Mat, it means let’s talk about this, it means you don’t have to retire just to fix us”
He shakes his head “I retired because, you were right. This is the Mat show, I want it to be the Barzal’s. I want to be able to see you at work, in everything you do and be so proud of you because you’re amazing. I accepted an offer with management so I’m not completely out of a job”
You nod with a laugh “Good, can’t have you being bored”
He then sighs heavily and adds “The day I first asked you out I said could really see this being something real and I just couldn't let you slip away. I’m not letting you slip away from me, now or ever”
At his confession you reach out to place a hand on his chest “I love you, Mathew”
He groans lowly and you laugh “Mat, baby, my angel. I love You”
“That’s better” he smiles. You notice his hand is behind his back and you raise your eyebrow skeptically.
“What you got there?”
He brings his hand out and when you see it you laugh through teary eyes “It’s ivy! There’s no flower shops open this late”
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Jey (Part 2)
"Shut the hell up with that Jey. You know damn well I'm in this 100%. I would never love another man the way I love you. We've been through too much to get to where we're at. Look, the owner of the club said if he or one of his workers finds it, they'll call. I gave them my number and yours. So please calm down." It's a long while before he begins talking again. He laughs sarcastically as he rubs his beard.
"Oh yeah he called me and I went to pick it up this morning." You felt relief in your chest.
"....Well that's good, where is it so I can put it on?"
"You're not getting it back." Your mouth fell.
"What do you mean I'm not getting it back? You gave it to me Jey."
"Exactly. I gave it to you and you took it off, so clearly you don't want to wear it. You wanna be Miss Single."
"Joshua you are being fucking childish."
"Okay y/l/n." He says calling you by your last name that you dropped to add his, Fatu, to yours. You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you turn away from him.
"You're such an asshole." You mumble lowering your voice. Not wanting him to hear the tremble in your voice now.
"Yeah whatever y/l/n, when you're ready to be a wife, then you can get it back."
Shaking your head, you turn your body completely away from him and stare out the window. You lightly dab at the corner of your eye as a tear slipped. His grip on the steering wheel doesn't loosen as he continues on down the road. Both of your minds clouded and emotions through the roof.
That afternoon
The day was slowly ending as all the family sat around several tables placed in Mama Fatu's backyard. The family had gathered to have a big BBQ. When you and Jey had arrived earlier, he kept up that same distant behavior. It was honestly getting on your nerves now. You wish he'd forgive you, but that man was stubborn. If he felt your loyalty was in question, he'd let you know how he felt. But he should know better. You loved him to death and would never sabotage your relationship with him for some random guy.
Right now though, the ladies all moved into the living room while the fellas stayed outside playing cards. The kids were downstairs in the basement hanging out and having fun amongst themselves. You sat across from Trinity as you sipped from your wine glass slowly. You weren't really engaging in the conversation, too focused on your husband. You could see him through the window having a good time as per usual. That beautiful smile on his face made you mad. Why couldn't he be like that with you?
"Y/n? Y/n you heard me?" You snap out of it to see Trinity staring at you as the others engaged in separate small talk.
"I said come with me to the kitchen to fix more drinks. " You knew that was code for something else. But you don't hesitate and walk with her into the kitchen just as laughter erupts amongst the men outside. You sigh as you begin fixing more drinks absentmindedly.
"Girl what's going on? You look upset. Talk to me." She says  popping some skittles into her mouth. You begin to explain to her what was going on. She said nothing, only her eyes stretching then going back to normal, shaking her head or pouting.
"And now he's been giving me the silent treatment. Girl I don't know what to do. I didn't think it'd upset him this much."
"I remember when that happened to me chile. He was talking bout pulling out divorce papers. Told him that mess was not funny. I know how you feel."
"How did y'all reconcile? Cause I don't think I could go another day with him being this pissed." You look out the window to see him concentrating on the card game in front of him. He looked so damn good. And even though the sun was beginning to set, his skin still glistened. Not to mention the shirt had came off, exposing his beautiful tattoos. He'd recently got a tattoo with your initials just below his rib cage. Just looking at him was getting you excited and it didn't help that he was manspreading. Long story short, your man was blessed.
"Honestly? I just had to suck up to him. He's honestly a big teddy bear, with the right words and moves, he was good. If not, make him realize what he's missing with all that unnecessary anger." She smirks. You look at him momentarily to see him flex his muscles and you could've  dropped down right then and there.
"You think that'll work?"
"Girl yes, men love that kind of attention." She shrugs with a laugh. Then a idea popped into your head, it was crazy yes, but you were sure it'd get him riled up. You take the drinks you fixed and placed them on the coffee table in the living room before excusing yourself. You walk down the hall into the guest bathroom. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you bit your lip unsure.
What if it doesn't work?  Is this really appropriate?
Fuck it.
You pull your dress up over your ass and slide your panties down and finally off. You spread your thighs and take a few pics. Almost slipping on your underwear, you pull your dress down and lean against the sink scrolling through the pics. Satisfied with about three, you walk out and stroll back downstairs. You were a bit nervous, but you couldn't wait to see his reaction. You sit back down on the couch and just listen to the conversations the ladies were having. You darken your phone screen not wanting anyone to catch a glimpse of what you're about to do. You hide your smirk behind your wine glass as you find his name in your phone, Zaddy Fatu with the heart eye emojis. You find the perfect picture and hit send.
You were a bit nervous as it's been a while since you and Jey did something like this, but fuck it. You were in the mood for games and games you would play. Through hooded eyes, you out to him on the patio. You watch as he reached for his phone in his pocket. You almost burst into laughter seeing his eyes stretch and the deck of cards in his hands almost dropping to the floor. You could see Jimmy beside him glaring and yelling something, they must be card partners. He looks up at you shaking his head momentarily and mumbling the words don't.
But he should know by now, you don't always listen. You send a second pic. He begins to shift in his chair uncomfortably. His legs begin to bounce as he rubbed his hands up and down his legs in an attempt to ease the growing boner in his joggers. He was glad they were black or else they probably would've exposed him. Rubbing a hand down his face in frustration, he licks his lips as he glares at you through the window. You just wave your hand before popping a grape into your mouth. You were enjoying this. You finally send the last pic, which was ten times worse than the first two, in the most torturous way. He mouthed the word fuck, as he finally got up, not being able to handle anymore teasing. He doesn't walk into the house though, you watch as he walks across the yard and disappears.
Seconds later, your phone dings signaling a text from him.
Come here.
~Zaddy Fatu
Read at 9:45PM
You were going to make him wait just a while longer. No way were you giving in that easily. You went back to eating some fruit when your phone vibrated a second time. You almost choked on your pineapple slice seeing a pic of him with his dick in his hand.
I said come here.
~Zaddy Fatu
Fuck it, your man needs you and sure as hell wasn't about to pass this up. Excusing yourself, you walk out of the front door and down the driveway. He was lucky it was darker now and that he parked alongside the street. You make your way to the car, where he was obviously waiting in the backseat.
Hopping in, he wastes no time attaching your lips to his. So much fire was behind that kiss, your skin feeling like it was heating up. You moan into his mouth feeling his erection press between your middle. Not breaking the kiss, he pulls your dress up, reaching under your and sliding two fingers into your already wetness.
"Shit Jey." You moan breaking the kiss, mouth forming an o as your close your eyes in bliss.
"Damn baby you're soaking and I've barely touched you."  He smirked curling his fingers inside of you moving them in a rapid pace. The sounds of your wetness filling the car. You tangle your fingers in his wet hair as you connect your lips with his again as he continued working on you. Your tongues wrestle against each others as you fight for dominance but in the end, he won. It was getting sloppy, saliva sliding down the side of your mouth, but you could care less.
"Jey baby please, I'm about to-" Not being able to finish a sentence, your walls tighten around his fingers and you squirt all over the front of his joggers.
"Fuck baby."
"I'm sorry." You giggle as you lift yourself momentarily to slide his joggers down. "I'd love to continue with the foreplay Jey, but we don't have that much time and they're gonna wonder where we're at. Just fuck me already." You tell him. You let the backseat back as far as it'll go. You switch positions as he puts you on your stomach getting behind you. You throw your braids over your looking at him biting your lip.
"Say less mama." He says aligning himself at your  entrance. He grips your hip with one hand and the other, pushing himself into slowly causing you both to let out a groan. "Shit girl." He grunts. Finding a rhythm, he sticks with it thrusting into you hard and fast.
"Oh my god Jey! I love it baby!" You moan out as he thrusts upwards into you mercilessly. You hang on to the seat for dear life as the sounds of your love making fill the car once again.
"Fuck! Yeah yeah yeah-" You deepened the arch in your back as his thrusts seemed to get harder.
"Shit, you gon learn not to disrespect me. Say sorry." He grunts reaching over and grabbing the back of your neck. You were completely at his mercy. But you didn't care, you'd submit to him any day.
"Ah ooo baby I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" You scream out feeling every inch of him as your walls tighten around him.
"Say it like you mean it." He demands smacking your ass hard.
"I'm sorry daddy! I'm so sorry ahhh!" It's been a while and lord knows you've missed the feel of your husband inside you. You tried reaching back to get him to ease up, but that only fueled the beast inside him. He was gonna fuck the shit outta you.
"Nuh uh, you gon take this dick baby." He said as you cry out again and again.
Reaching around, he grabs you by the neck drawing you to his chest but not ceasing his movements. You rest your head against his shoulders, eyes rolled back. You were in a daze.
"Baby, I got something for you." He moans into your shoulder. Through hooded eyes, you catch a glimpse of something shiny in his free hand.
Your ring.
"Mmmmm Jey give me my ring."  You moan feeling your climax building. He let your neck go as you fall forwards. You take your ring from his hand.
"Put that shit on Mrs. Fatu." He demanded reaching between your legs and rubbing your clit. You felt like you were seeing stars.
"Baby I-ooo, I'm gonna cum. Shitshitshit!"
"Come on this dick baby fuck." Your orgasm hits you like a thousand waves. You spill all over him and on his thighs. "Damn I'm cummin. Fuck!" He groaned reaching his own high, coating your soft walls.
You collapse onto your stomach trying to catch your breath. He falls beside you looking down at your fucked out state.
"Keep that shit on y/n. I gave it to you because I see myself spending the rest of my life with you. That ring symbolizes my love for you and only you."
"I know baby and I'm sorry. I love you." You say stretching up to kiss his lips.
"I love you too. Now hurry up cause my mama walking down the driveway prolly wondering what the hell we doing." He laughs.
"Oh shit!"
A.N. Hope you all enjoyed! ♥️
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The common thread I've seen in a lot of posts about Ted's decision to return to Kansas is the question of whether he's happier there or in Richmond. Here's the thing, though: in my view, Ted's character arc is not about (or not only about) finding a place where he is happy, but rather learning to coexist with discomfort so that he can be present for the people and in the place that matters most to him.
When Ted is sixteen years old, his father commits suicide. His mother doesn't know how to process her grief or help Ted process his, so she pushes all her messy, painful emotions down under a blanket of cheerful optimism and Ted follows suit. He grows into adulthood unable to acknowledge his sadness or anger, which leads to the dissolution of his marriage. (Ted's reaction to Dottie during her visit illustrates how wearing this attitude would be from the other side.) Michelle asks for space, very likely intending for him to move into another house in the same city where he could do an equal share of co-parenting, and instead he moves halfway across the world to coach a sport he knows nothing about.
Ted builds a community in Richmond, because of course he does: he is very, very good at connecting with people. Part of that is because he's determined not to let anyone get by him who might be hurting, as he says, but he's also clearly a naturally sociable person — there is virtually no way he didn't have these kinds of connections in Kansas. While his life in Richmond seems more "real" to us, the audience, because that's the part of his life we see, for Ted, his "real life" has always been in Kansas. He misses Henry, obviously, but he's also intensely homesick: for most of the show, he fails to integrate to a degree that seems almost wilful; he only tells stories about his life in Kansas and the people he knew there; he goes to a terrible American restaurant in Amsterdam and the first thing he thinks of when he sees Van Gogh's Sunflowers is home.
All of which is to say that while Ted creates some deep and hopefully lasting connections in Richmond, it's not where he fundamentally wants to be. He wants to be present for his son; he wants to live in the state where he grew up and which he clearly loves — and that means facing his grief and anger at his father's suicide, and the fact that Henry will one day grow up and leave him, and the reality of his divorce and his ex-wife's new relationship (although I really, really wish they'd chosen literally any other man to be the new boyfriend if they didn't want to address the implications of Michelle dating their former marriage counsellor).
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Do you have ideas for how the Angel and The Prototype ship would occur and progress? (Like, who would get feelings for who first, who would they get advice from, how the toys would react, if it would be an even bigger romcom than Dogday and Catnap…)
Angel x Prototype in the Everyone Is Saved AU first starts after Angel finds a nice house for all the toys to live in. After everyone is moved out and settled in, Catnap convinces Prototype to leave the abandoned factory. Prototype reluctantly agrees, making sure to grab every single document he can find with him. I know Prototype is known by the authorities because Angel had to tell them about him, but not by the general public. When he leaves Playtime, it's a very quick and effective escape and into a small hut outside the farm.
This new place is way smaller than Playtime, physically wise, but it feels so much better in every way possible. Prototype is weirded out by everything at this point, even the sound of the toys playing with each other and talking like normal kids and young adults would do instead of trying to hunt each other for food like before. Elliot's mind is full, all the memories from the toys he absorbed together with his own, and now his brain finally has time to work out through the +10 years of trauma. He dissociates a lot, his hallucinations get weirder, all the good stuff about dealing with trauma, and the only ones who are there for him are Catnap and Angel.
Oh, Angel...
So we all can agree that Angel is also suffering from PTSD, right? And on top of that, they're taking care of +80 kids! Yeah some of them are young adults, but from Angel's POV those are still THEIR kids, and they have no idea how they work. Except Prototype does, and thus their relationship evolves from merely two adults desperate to give a better life to monster toys to two adults having no fucking idea what they're supposed to do for them. Prototype feels like he will never be able to repay for his sins, Angel feels like they'll never be able to provide everything the kids need. So one day Angel stays up late in Prototype's hut just talking about the toys, with Proto/Elliot also talking about them, and the two just go "this feels so overbearing, right?", and the other agrees.
When Prototype's relationship with Catnap finally gets better when they have some important conversations about the decade-long post Hour of Joy, there's a notable shift in his behavior, because now that he feels like he has his kid back it's like things can indeed be better. Cue to Angel getting better at dealing with the other toys, and as months go by their bond becomes stronger and more than just "hey the kids gave me a lot of work today and I need to drink/smoke, i'll stay at your hut so I won't be a bad example to them".
The really good stuff hits only after Poppy finds out that Prototype = Elliot Ludwig = her actual dad, because it's Angel grabbing Proto around and going "TALK. WITH. YOUR. KIDS", and it's the first time in decades since someone ever did that to him, because who in their right mind would bicker with a monster like HIM? And then Angel does exactly that. Smacks him with a newspaper and demands him to get his shit together instead of spiraling further into depression.
Somewhere during the months where Prototype is being promoted to parent #2 by each toy, one by one, is when Angel realizes that their friendship is getting a bit Funky(tm), but they just. Ignore it. Two years post-Playtime Co. go by and Angel is just there like "what I feel for parent #2 is entirely platonic and I do not think of him as anything else than a friend at all hahaha it would be weird right. Because he still talks to me about how he misses his wife (they divorced each other +70 years ago) and how he feels like he failed literally everyone important to him. I mean he didn't fail me what I see is just a guy struggling to be better and honestly I'm worse than him and- oh wait What" until like, they go to a family trip and Prototype decides to stay behind to watch over the farm, and Angel misses him way more than they think they would just miss a dear friend, and it's not just because he helps them with the kids.
Anyways Angel is panicking in all levels except physical when one day Prototype is talking with Catnap and Poppy (they're having a three-toy "tea party" because Pop wanted them to have a small family gathering) and she looks at him in the eye(s) and says "dad, are you sure you don't feel anything else for Angel?", and Proto is just "why are you asking me that???". Cue to Catnap staring at him like
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And then Prototype realizes it's not very normal kind of platonic two months later when Angel, as per usual, is called by a scammer. And, as per house protocol, all the toys immediately go to the living room as Angel says "hold up, can you talk to my husband for a moment?" and gives Prototype the phone and tells him to do his thing and annoy the scammer. And Prototype feels weirdly a tiny bit too happy about pretending to be someone else's husband.
At this point the other toys are eyeing the two of them and going "no way..." as the two IDIOTS show them that yeah, yeah, they're witnessing the second romcom of the house, after Catnap and Dogday's telenovela-level worthy levels of drama. Some of them, like Kickin and Dogday himself, think it's no big deal, just two people being friendly, that's all, and then some time later Prototype accidentally sleeps over Angel's room during a thunderstorm (Angel is afraid he'll get struck by lightning so he stays in the main house for safety), and Angel, a genius Made In Brazil, decides to sleep in their room anyways because why not, Proto is just giving free teddybear vibes.
Proto wakes up and just accepts his fate (he's happy with that). Angel is half-asleep and very content with the setup.
... Anyways. Next day goes by, surprise surprise, the family's cuddle pile for movie night now has Prototype added to it, and it's not because Angel sleeps better when he's around. Nope.
Poppy and Catnap are considering start doing some bets to see how long it'll take their parents to realize It's Not Normal Platonic Anymore(TM) at this point, and are unimpressed when Prototype goes to them, sighs, and agrees that Poppy indeed was right. Meanwhile Angel has NO IDEA what to do because it's Prototype/Elliot, no way they have a chance, they'll just end up ruining their little weird family structure, and Dogday and Mommy Long Legs calm them down.
Bobby Bearhug and Craftycorn are working with the other toys to see if they can make Angel realize they need to do something, because Prototype is NOT going to do ANYTHING because his therapy is going strong but his communication issues are stronger. Hoppy and Picky know all about it and try to make Prototype do something about it, while Kickin and Bubba are Dissapointed But Not Surprised at the Situationship going on. "Guess Dogday and Catnap aren't the only ones with communication issues...", they agree, not realizing they also have communication issues. Mommy Long Legs is losing her fucking mind because HOW can one household have SO MANY IDIOTS RUNNING AROUND AND WHY ARE HER ADOPTIVE PARENTS LIKE THAT. AAAAAA. It's good drama tho.
Poppy tasks herself with keeping tabs on what's happening between her two parents. Catnap is watching in the background like "stop being so dramatic over this, Pop, they're working adults, they sure can talk". He may or may have not be gathering information to share with the old ladies at the church he goes to, because those girls LOVE Angel and are all curious as to how their relationship with the kids' "second parent" going. Catnap never tells them much asides from "my mother is, once again, terrible at communication, but has been doing well", but even he starts getting a bit impatient at one point.
Prototype and Angel's big telenovela-level worthy of romance drama lasts a few months, mostly because they both need lots of time with themselves in order to figure out what to do, and also mostly because at some point Angel is pretty content with just being Prototype's non queerplatonic/romantic partner. They're just going with the flow, initial anxiety being left behind and all of that.
Also Angel is a really big freaking dumbass, because Prototype's way of affection is through pampering, and he has been pampering Angel for MONTHS at this point and our human just didn't notice it's not platonic pampering. Prototype gets them more than one flower bouquet and Angel is just "oh this will be very nice for the house, Bobby and Long Legs love red roses!", and he keeps giving them the bouquets because it makes Angel happy, thus making him happy.
No, Elliot doesn't realize Angel is also stupid. He just tries to flirt like it's the 1930s while Angel is flirting like "haha what if we were married. Just kidding! Unless...?"
I think Angel doesn't exactly confess to Prototype in a traditional way. One night they're both chilling at either the hut or Angel's room after a long day and Angel gathers the courage to ask him what they even are. "You're the children's Parent, and I am Elliot Ludwig". Angel reworks their question to be "I don't think we're just platonic friends anymore".
"Do you want to be more?", Prototype asks, hopeful. Angel pauses, then agrees. "Then we can be more". After some talk they settle on either queerplatonic or romantic - I don't know which one would work best, but I think they aren't just platonic or just romantic. Angel and Prototype understand and respect each other a lot, and their relationship, for me, can't be defined with a simple "it's romance" definition. They're just them, and that's what matters.
... Also Angel can wear a ring now! Prototype as well. They tell the kids about their new Situationship and Poppy very happily says "I won our bet!" to Catnap. Everyone else is glad for their parents but also their real-life telenovela is no more..,....
Anyways, I think this post is getting too long, I may share hcs about how their relationship works later, if anyone is interested!
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stillebesat · 1 year
You know how Tim made up an Uncle and hired an actor to play Him to prevent Bruce from adopting Tim?
Like...what if he just went to a Rest Home/Assisted Living/Home Care place instead and found a Grandparent aged adult to be his Grandma/pa? Especially if said person has Alizhmers and so doesn't realize that Tim isn't their actual family member. He just wanders around until someone calls out to him like they know who he is. Where they think he's their son or grandson and after a few test runs of them constantly thinking he's related to them, he just runs with it.
It's not like the courts will care. If he can fake an Uncle he can definitely fake a relationship to Grandma Edna, (married 6 and a half times so she tells the staff with pride) and Tim's like "Oh yes she's the first wife of Grandpa Drake but we don't talk about their explosive marriage." (Grandma Edna ran with the mob after all. Did those nasty heists) and Grandpa Drake divorced her lickety split once he found out (hence why no one remembers she was a Drake -because she never was-) because she wasn't on the up and up and Grandpa Drake married Grandma Drake soon after for the status and Grandma Drake was the mother of Jack Drake, his father. But Edna's still family you know and Tim can visit without reprecussions now since he's the last Drake. Which is great. Tim is happy. Grandma Edna is happy to see (name changes every time she sees him) and it's all going great!
.... Until Jason catches on.
Until Jason visits the facility where Grandma Edna is while Tim is there.
Until Grandma Edna is like "Oh Mitchy! Look your father is here. Preston dear. You need to bond with your son! Here's some money *pulls out a wad of cash and a switch blade from behind her oxygen tank* He's been missing you something fierce. Go to a ball game okay? Oh! And Stab the umpire for me. He still owes me for the 86th. You tell him that. He'll know what I mean. And buy a chilli dog! Alex is far too skinny! You need to feed him more Victor." And Tim just....has to go along with it.
Because he can't be exposed. He's had Grandma Edna for a year and a half year now and doesn't want to lose her too.
Now if only he can convince Jason that Tim pretending to be Edna's grandson is much better than Bruce having to adopt him out of obligation. He's not Bruce's son after all. Not family. That's for Jason. "See Jason it's fine. I'm not replacing you like this. I have my own family. It's well...it's fake. But she doesn't realize and that's fine. You don't even have to take me anywhere! She won't remember once you leave, just leave. I'll be fine. It's all fi--why in the world are you buying me a chilli dog!?"
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