#I set this up so the air conditioner in our bedroom will stop running when the bucket is almost full theres something wrong with me
newkiqx · 11 months
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Installed a sensor on my girl so i know when
#Funy jokey#I've become addicted to cheap zigbee switches and sensors#I set this up so the air conditioner in our bedroom will stop running when the bucket is almost full theres something wrong with me#It works too and i love it :')#Next up is a small switched pump that will pump the water out for a set amount of time#Directly to the balcony plants#Our windowsill is too high up to run the condensed water out with gravity sadly so some kind of reservoir with sensor and pump has to do#Also planning a dedicated channel for outside air directly to the compressor with some kind of blowback valve#I hate mobile acs for how they are designed but there are no good high capacity mobile acs on the market yet#This should mitigate most of the issues though#The main issue is the lack of separation of compression and expansion stages which is why you should use outside air for the former#AND i have an hourly energy price contract which means i should switch the ac on/of on a set of preset conditions#I love tinkering and this is both pretty cheap and actually rewarding us with much better sleep during heat waves & less fuss#Also electricity savings#I put a bunch of stuff on this kind of sensing/logic already and its so nice to see your expenses go down with little to no impact#I feel like such a dad even though i dont have any kids#All of this is completely local and relatively cheap to set up but you have to like tinkering a little#Hmu if you want some advice i can point you away from large cloud based nonsense & help with initial startup#The two investments are a raspberry pi and a zigbee dongle#Possibly also a p1 reader or similar if you want data directly from your utilities#And after that most investments should be 10 dollars max per sensor or switch and most of the ali ones will work#And even have fancy features like somewhat accurately displaying power usage and current#Sorry for extremely rambly long tags i just get excited sometimes
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pbandjesse · 1 month
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It was so freaking nice to sleep in my own bed last night. Even if it was a bit warm.
We would get home last night around 1030. I scared James by walking away from the car to throw something away and they thought I disappeared. Sorry to scare you!!
We got eveything inside. And I was just so happy to see Sweetp. I held him for a long time and he seemed so pleased that I was there. He didnt seem mad at all which was good. I hope Callie had told him we would be back and that's why he wasn't mad. He's a good boy.
We would get a lot of stuff but away. I made a pile of things that we bought so I could deal with it in the morning. James would sort the laundry and we would get showers. And then after setting up some fans to try and get the heat out of the bedroom we would go to sleep.
I would stay up a little longer to pluck at my face and do some extra moisturizing. And would sleep really well.
I did wake up in the middle of the night with a really horrible cramp in my stomach. I sat with sweetp for a bit. He pawed softly at my face and made me feel really loved.
But I was a little distressed. I would spend a lot of today nauseous. Just not feeling good. A lot of time running to the bathroom because I thought I was going to be sick.
I would fall back asleep and would sleep in until the sun got to hot on my face around 9. I am going to have to add another curtain to the window next to my head.
When I woke up I had some texts from James. They had gone to do laundry. But I had slept late enough that they got home a couple minutes after I read the texts. I was so happy to see them. I really hope we can get our own washer/dryer soon so they can stop having to do it at the laundry mat and let it be a chill chore again.
We would have a nice day despite how nauseous I felt. I would get cleaned up and felt kind of ugly. Which is super annoying because I felt so pretty all week. But James kept telling me how pretty I was so that helped. I tried to be positive. I liked my outfit. I liked my new flip flops. I just didn't feel amazing.
I spent a good hour sorting out souvenirs and putting away some more stuff that we didn't get to yesterday. I made little piles for our parents and Jess and Callie. Put away the things I got for us. I do wish I had gotten more of the money, specifically I wanted a coin, but that's okay.
We would run out to do errands next. The plan was brunch, return James's tux, buy sandals for James, buy an air conditioner, and get groceries. And I think we did a great job.
We started with brunch. While we were walking through the parking lot we were stopped outside of the diner by an older man who told us we were so sweet holding hands and that he doesn't see that enough and he was just so nice. And it was just so comforting to continue to have other people see how much we love each other. It feels good.
Brunch was good. They even gave me a soda to go. Something I have never asked for before but I am glad I did. The soda did help my stomach a little. But man. I was still struggling. The food was good. The company was better. We would make a grocery list and a list for what we are having for our party this weekend. Felt very productive.
The nice old man commented again about loving to see us in love and he just made my day. I hope he also had a great day.
We would walk around five below. I got some new nail files and some candy. We also got a discount candle that I'm going to leave in the car so it can be like a wax melt this summer and make the car smell nice. And I got another long black dress. They finally had extended sizes! They seemed to only ever have s/m/l but I found an XL and an XXL so I was very pleased.
We would get back in the car and continued on our errands. Next stop: tux drop off.
I felt very unwell. The rocking of the car made me feel miserable. I would wait for James in the car and it didn't take long for them to return the tux so we could continue on pretty fast.
We went to Lowe's next. Where I immediately had to run to the bathroom and be sick. Cool cool cool. I would be okay for a few hours after that but it was distressing and I told James I think it may have been a bad idea for me to leave the house today.
But we were already out so let's finish what we started. We would ask where the AC units were and for some reason they are in the garden center. Alrighty. I decided I wanted a portable one. I know that they are more expensive but I think they are better. Plus they don't block the whole window.
So we chose the cheapest portable one. James would go get a cart and I waited with the box. When they got back we also picked up some gardening stuff. James wanted to move the plants outside today and repot some of them.
We paid and headed next door to get groceries. I was not having a great time. But we did a good job and stuck to the list. I got a drink with electrolytes. And we got stuff to make a charcuterie board this weekend. And things for lunches and dinner this week.
When we went to pay the cashier was super chatty. She asked us who our childhood crushes were. James's were Tiny Fey and Hilary Duff. Mine were all of Hanson and Gerard Way. We had a very silly conversation while she scanned everything. It was just a silly and fun interaction. And me and James would continue the discussion in the car. How when I was an elementary student me and Joanna would argue over who "got to" have a crush on a celebrity based on how many pictures cut out from magazines you had on your wall. So silly.
We made one last stop to get James sandals. They wanted tevas. Something waterproof. And thankfully the famous footwear only had two color ways and so it was super easy to decide. We were in and out in under ten minutes. But then after we paid and got to the car James realized they lost their keys?? I had mine so I sat in the car and waited for them to go back in the store to find them. They were on the Teva display. Oops.
We went home after that. Got eveything inside and James brought up the AC to our bedroom. I would cut open the box and James would take it out and set up the window tube while I collected the packaging and set up the remote it came with. And it didn't take long at all to get it ready and honestly it's great. I like that it seems to actually cool down the whole room and doesn't need to be directional like the window units always seem to be. And it's not to loud. A nice hum.
Because it needs to be in front of the window I decided to move my desk to the little corner next to the closet. Which when I moved the bed the other week that was one of the spots I tried the desk. So I already knew I liked it over there so this all worked out.
I would lay down to watch videos and just try and not feel so bad. But I would not improve. If anything I was getting worse. Getting sick more often. James came and laid with me for a bit. They had gone outside to repot the plants. But when they were done they came and cuddled with me.
They would run out to get us chipotle. They got themselves tacos to bring to the baseball game tonight. And got me a bowl that I could made into two meals. And it was very good.
When they brought it to me they put it in a nice bowl and brought me chips and a drink and I felt very loved and cared about. Sweetp had been laying on me and had briefly left but was back again. He keeps petting me with his little paws which is so cute.
James would leave for the game and I was enjoying my food but then had to run to the bathroom to be sick again. I made the decision that this is stupid and I cannot safely go to work tomorrow to lead a field trip. I really wanted to go to camp and be in nature but this didn't feel like I could do it safely and comfortably. So I would text Alexi and Elizabeth so that they could figure out coverage. And went to package up my leftover food. And laid down.
I would spend some time resting but would get up to tidy up downstairs. I went outside to look at James's plants but would move some stuff around so it wasn't so cluttered. I brought out some other plastic boxes to organize everything. James has gotten a lot of dirt on the ground so I swept that with our stupid short broom.
I would also come upstairs to hang some stuff on the wall. But mostly I just want to lay in bed. I would go and move some little things in James's room. Hung up another little quilt in the guest room. Just enjoyed being alone in the house.
James just texted me that the birds won. Very happy for them. They will be home soon. I am feeling kind of nauseous again. I think I will take a cool bath and try and get cozy. I am super excited for this ac. I think I would feel a lot worse if I had to deal with being hot on top of everything else.
I have the day off tomorrow now. I am very much hoping I will just be feeling fine and can just enjoy being home. I may go out but I plan on just trying my best to stay hydrated and be well enough for work on Thursday.
I hope you are all doing good. It is so nice to be home. I love you all. Goodnight!
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despressolattes · 3 years
unrequested, but just a little scenario that’s been running through my mind
CHARACTERS: Shoto Todoroki x reader
SUMMARY: in which your ‘good pal ‘todoroki once let you hold onto his left side to warm up after he accidentally freezes you during the USJ attack, and you then consistently proceed to use him as a human temperature moderator.
"Um... hey... Todo... roki...”
You spoke between shivers, standing behind him.
You watched as his shoulders rose in surprise after he finished unfreezing the villains, asking them what their plans for All Might were. Everything had happened so fast from the villains breeching the USJ, to one of them warping the students to different locations, to Todoroki completely freezing the area. You knew he was impressive, but his power was on a whole different level.
“L/N?” his heterochromatic eyes widened when he saw you there, smiling sheepishly as your limbs felt cold. “Why didn’t you get my attention sooner?”
“Oh, y’know, you seemed busy getting information out of those villains,” you replied awkwardly. If you were able to move your arms, you would’ve been scratching your head at this point.
He huffed at your response, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he walked over, placing a hand over the ice entrapping your body. Steam began to flow into the air as he melted the ice away from you.
You fell forward a bit after he was done, and he reached out to help steady you.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
You stood up straight, moving your arms out of his grasp as you nodded vigorously. Your palms went to your bare arms, trying to warm yourself back up.
A guilty look flashed on his face, and he held out his left arm.
“Here, hold onto me,” he said, looking away from you as a slight tint formed on his face, but his poker face remained.
“I can keep you warm with my left side,” he mumbled. “Just grab on until you feel better.”
Awkwardly, you let yourself wrap your arms around his torso, and his left arm snaked around your shoulders. You felt yourself slowly warming back up, but was it from embarrassment or from his quirk?
“Let’s go find the teachers and our classmates,” he said.
To say your friends had a lot to ask about Todoroki’s protective arm around you during the USJ attack was an understatement. He had ran into battle to help All Might, practically carrying you as his arm around your shoulder moved to your waist. His grip had tightened as he ran onto the scene, sure to bring you with him without you toppling over.
Afterwards, the girls all wanted to know what was going on. Toru had told them all about how Todoroki had accidentally frozen you alongside the villains, gushing about how afterwards he was a total prince charming offering to hold you until you were warm. You and Todoroki looked at each other in surprise when she had revealed she had been there. Neither of you had any clue, which meant he could’ve also accidentally froze her.
But as for your friends questions? You didn’t have much to say. It wasn’t like it was anything other than a polite gesture and an apology for freezing you.
You hadn’t talked to Todoroki much outside of a group setting since the attack on the USJ. 
You forget which of the girls had planned it, or how you got dragged outside of your house, but there you were. You were walking in a small crowd of class 1A students into an ice-skating rink, one of them suggesting to hang out after class got out.
Looking around, you saw Todoroki standing a bit further back from the group, observing the event around them. You wondered how he wasn’t cold, clad in a black turtleneck and a pair of jeans. Then, you remembered: he could probably regulate his body temperature using his left side.
Your classmates tugged on your arm and dragged you to put on ice skates and then onto the rink. You giggled as Ochako and Mina pulled you along with them, and laughed out when you’d fall backwards and land on your butt.
Eventually, you had broken off from the girls, and you saw Todoroki skating around. Of course the boy with an ice quirk was great at ice skating.
To the best of your ability, you skated over to him. The idea of being warm sounded nice, so you found yourself seeing only one logical solution to your problem.
“Todoroki!” you said enthusiastically, going to grab onto his left arm.
He looked startled as you latched yourself to his side.
“Um... what are you doing?” he asked as you wrapped your arms around his left one, using him for warmth and balance.
“It’s cold in here, and your left side is warm,” you responded with an innocent smile.
Todoroki’s cheeks heated up from the close proximity you had to him.
“Should’ve worn a bigger jacket then,” he said.
“You let me get warmed up by you before!”
“I was also the reason you were cold before.”
“Well, why should I be cold when there’s a perfectly hot boy standing right here,” you jokingly muttered.
Your eyes widened as you realized what you had just said, and how it could sound by anyone other than the two of you. He seemed to realize it, too, a hint blush forming on his face.
“T-that’s not what I meant,” you stuttered out, looking down in embarrassment and reflexively tightened your grip on Todoroki’s arm.
He looked away from you, but also didn’t shrug you off. He moved out of the way as Bakugo came racing past, detaching him arm from you to dodge a possible clash. You swear all you saw was a light blond flash as you fell backwards onto your but, grated ice flying into your face.
“Watch it, damn extras!” Bakugo yelled over his shoulders.
Todoroki’s looked down at your with wide eyes, a slight upturn of his lips.
“Here,” he offered you a hand, and you took it. After a moment of silent, he added, “I suppose you can hold onto me since you don’t look like you know how to skate.”
Todoroki turned into Shoto, and Shoto turned into Sho at the same rate that UA high school turned into UA boarding school, your classmates became your roomates—erm, building mates?—and your paths to being heroes took an abrupt jump off of its steady progression straight into the deep end.
How did you guys even find time to go to the beach? you wondered, sitting underneath an umbrella on a hot day, hearing the sounds of people talking and waves crashing.
You got up from your spot to run up towards the boadwalk strip of shops, where Todoroki was walking. He was in a pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a blue button up—one of his nicest casual outfits in your opinion.
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” he greeted, and you fell into pace next to him.
You kept on glancing over at him every few seconds, but not saying anything.
The boy eyed you, his grey eye turning to the side of his head to look at you.
“I’m not a human air conditioner, Y/N,” he muttered as he stuck his right hand out for you.
“Hm?” you asked innocently.
“You’re hot, right? That’s why you’re standing so cold to my right side?” he questioned, but it was more of a statement. “Just grab on already.”
You smiled sweetly as wrapped your arms around him, a content smile on your face while he looked away with a tint on his cheeks.
Of course, there was no way you could just so casually hold onto the Shoto Todoroki without your classmates wondering what was going on between the two of you. 
If you were honest, it had all just been a spur of the moment decision. After the USJ incident, deciding to go to him for warmth was nothing but an impulsive decision. You had half expected him to think you were weird and shrug you off, but he had let you hold onto him at the ice skating rink. And then again at the beach.
So, when the girls had an ‘intervention’ in your bedroom to ask what was going on between you and the Half-n-Half boy, you were positive the answer was nothing, whether they believed it or not.
And now, there was a dormitory movie night. A relaxation day planned by Iida and Momo, and you sat on the couch next to Todoroki. He sat in the middle of the couch with Midoriya and Ochako sitting on the other side of him while you squeezed in between hm and the arm of the couch. You were on his right side, which was nice with the warm tea Momo had made for everyone and the fuzzy blanket you had thrown over yourself and the youngest Todoroki.
As the movie continued, you learned your head against his shoulder.
“Mm,” he grunted softly, shuffling around in his seat to get comfortable.
Eventually. his arm just wrapped around your shoulder, letting your head lay on his chest instead of his boney shoulder. Your cheeks warmed up, but he kept his gaze on the TV.
Ochako and Midoriya were looking between each other and the two of you with smirks on their faces, giddily laughing together.
As you got too cold in his arms, you moved so that your upper body was practically in his lap, attempting to get closer to his left side.
“Jesus,” he muttered. “Stop moving.”
“It’s too cold now,” you mumbled.
He sighed, placing his left hand on top of your head.
Yet another movie night, and this time, before you could sit down, a hand grabbed your wrist.
“Yeah, not this again,” Todoroki said, and he pulled you down towards him before you could sit next to him.
You landed in his lap, and your cheeks heated up.
“U-uh,” you mumbled as he pulled the blanket around the both of you and let his arms wrap about your waist.
“You move too much during movies,” he stated as if it made sense why you were in his lap. “This way, you don’t need to because you’re against both my hot and cold side.”
“Um... okay...” you said softly.
You leaned against him softly and his chest rested on your shoulder to watch the movie. 
How it was that Shoto Todoroki became your human temperature moderator, you had no idea.
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@yaskna @mariishat @misssugarless @drarrylov3r
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kodzukyan · 3 years
the long way home (to you)
notes: happy belated birthday, rissa! cheers to our tokrev momster, the baby of group therapy, and the light of my life!! words can’t describe how much joy you bring to my life, and i’m thankful every day for you. thank you for putting up with all the dumb shit i say on the daily HAHA. i love you so much. 🥺💖 @seishue (also thank you to annette and ilayda for putting up with me as i overthink every thing HAHA 🥺) 
summary: the concept of home redefined through the years. - kokonui
wc: 1.6k
Home is an abstract concept, but it’s something Koko has always been able to define.
At eight, it was sitting in Seishu’s room and the sound of pencils scribbling on summer homework as the air conditioner hummed through the silence. At eight, it was the sound of his laughter as Seishu pouts about summer homework. At eight, it was Akane with her golden hair and sky-blue eyes as she brings in barley tea and snack cakes. At eight, it was the warmth that blooms in his chest as his heart thunders excitedly and recklessly at the sight of Akane’s pretty smiles and playful teasing.
At eight, it was the sound of fire crackling and tearing through the home he knew.
(All he sees is the painted reds and oranges of fire, burning, burning, burning through home as he knows it.
He runs into the fire anyway because he promised. He will save her, save love as he knows it. As if he’s running on autopilot, he just bulldozes through the building of burning wood and flaming memories because he purely has one end goal. He runs, runs, runs, and finally sees her, sees the promise he vowed to protect.
He doesn’t think because all he cares about is Akane, his promise, and he grabs her and runs. He sighs in relief as they make it. As he breathes in the fresh air, he sees light blue eyes staring right back at him, too light to be paired with the soft smile that flutters his heart, and he feels like he can’t breathe. He stares vacantly at Seishu, and as pain reflects back from his blue eyes, Koko hates himself for feeling upset that he saved his best friend instead of his sister.
His eyes drift from downcast eyes to the blazing building, and his heart stops. He’s breathing, but his body is frozen and his mind is dazed. The forbidding feeling in his chest swells into a looming shadow, and he feels crushed as it devours him whole.)
At eight, home burns. All he’s left with is Seishu’s hand clutching his as they stand in a white room. The love of his life laid still, and the steady beep of the heart monitor drowns out their cries.
At fifteen, home was found through crimes and bonds built through money and blood. At fifteen, it was wistful thinking and forcing the image of Akane onto his best friend, hoping, praying that she will still smile at him all the same. But she doesn’t because all he recognizes is Seishu and his steady eyes as he looks forward. In contrast, Koko feels increasingly aware that he was the only one running in circles with no destination.
Seishu has constantly seen him, always looked at him as him. And despite conventional belief, while he still detects traces of Akane, he sees Seishu too. He cherishes him too, in a different way than how he loved Akane, in a way that reminds him that love is steady.
He loves Seishu in a way that he will always, always choose him. Like the consistent beat of his heart, love flows softly, tenderly, subtly. Unlike the blazing flutters of his heart he felt with Akane, it's more like the stars that twinkle night after night. With Seishu, he doesn’t have to be the Koko who exclusively knows how to break things and make money. With Seishu, he can completely just be Koko. A gentle lull, rest stop, a stronghold against the world where he doesn’t have to run, where he can finally sleep.
Seishu deserves better, though. He deserves someone who isn’t chasing after the image of a dead girl while being half in love with him. He deserves someone who isn’t running in circles, both mentally and emotionally. He deserves someone who loves him fully instead of his half-baked feelings that grow and surface with every moment, but he refuses to acknowledge.
(Because if he does, what will he have left? Who is he without money and his feelings for the one who commenced it all?
He’s a little more lost than found, so he just keeps on running, running, running in hopes to discover some answers, to finally reach somewhere he can just be.
(He doesn't know how to stop.)
Somehow, he thinks Seishu knows all along anyway with the way he still squeezes his hand and looks at him like he’s still worth it. He still enables him to lean in and tuck himself in between the crook of his neck and breathe in the scent of home.)
But home, Koko thinks, becomes a little more undefined when they part ways. Because he can no longer protect Seishu, who keeps on going and facing forwards while he’s still stuck on a repeated loop. Because he knows he’s gripping Seishu back from growing and becoming someone who can take on the world.
(Because he loves him.)
So, he lets go of home and wonders since when did it become so cold without Seishu’s hand holding his.
At eighteen, he is completely lost. The sight of Akane’s smiling is long gone and the warmth of Seishu’s hand in his has gone cold. The looming shadow that has been following him is always ready to overtake him, but he fights on anyway because he has to see it through.
(See what through? He doesn’t know exactly.)
Ironically, it has incessantly been the bleakest moments when Seishu appears beside him. He’s still running loops on repeat, but he thinks an alternative path opens up when Seishu extends his hand out. He wants to take it, wants to altogether stop running because he’s so tired.
“Koko.” Seishu prompts as he holds his hand out, “I’ll give you half of my burdens, so give me half of yours too.”
He grasps Seishu’s hand, and Seishu pulls him up. Koko leans into the crook of Seishu’s neck like he did before, and as if all the years of exhaustion finally caught up to him, he cries. He cries for the loss of Akane, cries for the loss of what could have been, cries for the loss of home.
Seishu just stands still and supports him tightly in his arms as he breaks.
“I’m with you.”
He used to think he was the one who supported Seishu, but he thinks he’s been proven time and time again that it’s the opposite way around.
“We don’t talk about this,” Koko sniffles as he leans into Seishu’s hold.
“Okay,” Seishu promises and places a tender kiss on his temple.
Koko has never believed in God. God wasn’t there when he needed him; God still isn’t here when he needs him. But as their bodies press together, limbs tangled and eyes locked, he wonders if this is what heaven feels like.
("Koko," Seishu starts. A conversation that has been lingering in the back of his mind; a conversation that has to be said. He pauses, wandering eyes hesitant to confront black ones before he inhales sharply. "I’m not Akane."
Koko's teasing smile fades, intense eyes meeting crystalline blue ones that are slightly lighter than the girl he loved once. He used to imagine the boy in front of him as his sister, the one he swore he would protect, but he can’t even fathom the thought now. He can see her traces, but he thinks he never desires it to be her anymore. He just wants his best friend, his comfort, his home, him. "I know."
His callous hands reach for Seishu’s burn scar, caressing it gently before he trails down and brushes Seishu’s soft cheek. He cradles it for a moment before he presses his forehead against Seishu’s, softly, fondly. He’s earnest as his eyes staring straight into blue ones, a vulnerability in his gaze. A realization, a truth, something he’s long figured out but didn’t want to admit because he didn’t want to let go of all that he knew.
But he notes the man in front of him now, feels the warmth of his cheek and the softness in his glance, and Koko finally smiles and feels like it’s okay to stop.
“I only see you, Seishu. You, and only you.”)
At eighteen, he comes home after wandering the world, thinking maybe he can ultimately stop his journey to obtain something because he had someone all along.
At twenty-one, home looks a lot like the one from his childhood. A modest one-bedroom apartment with an equally small living room and kitchen, but there’s still the sound of pencils scribbling as Seishu writes down the grocery list and the air conditioner still hums through the summer daze.
Life feels so calm that everything before this moment feels like a fever dream. He wakes up next to Seishu, drinks coffee — black for him, two sugars and heavy on the milk for Seishu — together before they part ways for work or whatever they have for the day. They take turns picking dinner or leave it to the roulette when they can’t decide, and sometimes they go out with their friends for drinks at night.
Within these four walls of the apartment, there are memories immortalized as pictures, and furniture far too expensive for a little place like this. Heels line up in the doorway, name-brand jackets fill the closet, a set of matching silverware picked out together.
A home meant for two, and love blankets every crevice in this small home and his heart.
Home, Koko thinks, perchance is a person all along as he stares at Seishu, who only smiles and holds out his hand as he catches his eyes. Koko reflectively smiles back and laces their fingers together.
“You ready?” Seishu asks, a grocery list in hand and his heart in the other.
“With you? Always,” he responds back with a grin, knowing he equally holds Seishu’s heart too.
Home, Koko thinks, is definitely Seishu all along. 
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sicjimin · 3 years
:: Stomach flu Baton Touch :: pt.2
A.N : this is the continuation of this fic , where Jimin got Beomgyu's sickness :] this is a lil bit short but i hope you like it ~
TW : emeto
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"Okay, 5 minutes break!", the camera director shouts, followed by make-up noona running to them, busy fixing their foundation or else. Yoongi was on his phone, while his stylist dabbing more lip balm to his lips when he feels someone taking his left hand and squeezing it lightly. He diverts his gaze from the phone, locking it before putting it in his pocket, " Jimin-ah?", he cocked his brow after he found out whose fingers are they, "Why?"
Jimin stays still, his fingers still lingering on Yoongi's hand until his stylist retreats back. He mustered a polite thank you smile before she walks out. "Hyung.."
Yoongi hums, "I feel sick", and with those remarks, Yoongi's eyes widen.
" What? sick?"
Jimin nods, huffing nauseated breathe through his lips, examining his own body. He already feels off the moment he wake up, thinking that it might be the air conditioner that on the whole night made him feel a little bit shivering, but it turns out wrong as the chill hasn't left his body up until now. Instead, it spreading to another terrible feeling—he feels dizzy, and his stomach. It feels too bloated to his liking, like someone filling him with a lot of water and then spinning him back and forth. He feels sick. He feels faint.
"I feel nauseous. I need to lie down", he concludes.
Yoongi bites his lips, and so is Jimin. One is contemplating how to help the younger, while the other holding back something else that might comes out of his mouth.
"Let's get out from-", Yoongi hasn't finished his words before the camera director yells at them to get back for the next shoot. He could hear Jimin groans. He squeezed the latter shoulders, " Can you hold on for few minutes? After this we are done"
Jimin nods, huffing again as he set himself next to Yoongi and Namjoon.
Few shutters later, the camera director shouts a "Great job! That's all for today, Thank you!", and with that Jimin runs out from the studio, succumbing to overwhelming nausea, completely ignoring Yoongi's call or the other confused gaze.
He heaved through his way to the bathroom as running only jostles his stomach more. He burst the door open and rushing to the empty stalls. He didn't care about locking it properly as he immediately hunched over the toilet. His vision was hazy and dizzy. He can smell the bile in his throat rising up. He gags, spurting a mouthful of thick liquid from his lips. He winces with the loud sound of it plopping to the toilet. He leans forward, vomiting some more into the bowl. The sounds and the sight only make his stomach churn over and over again. He couldn't seem to stop himself from emptying his stomach, giving up his lunch, breakfast, and dinner yesterday to drain on the toilet.
" That's it, let it out", Jimin almost jump on his skin if he wasn't feeling dizzy and nauseous, when he feels a hand rubbing his back up and down. It was comforting though, and he could feel his body calming down.
His vision clearing a little bit and his nausea has decreased slightly but not gone entirely away. He wipes off his mouth and turns to look up at the person who comforted him. His face was flushed from being sick, the tip of his nose red and he looks very pale.
"Yoongi hyung ..", he croaked out before his stomach decided to twist, sending him turn toward the bowl and puke again. Yoongi's heart clenches as he watches Jimin's expression, his brows furrowing in pain. He rubs his back soothingly.
"Hey, shh, you're doing good. Just keep breathing", Yoongi murmurs softly to him.
After a couple of minutes had passed by, the other stopped heaving.
"You alright now?"
Jimin nodded, leaning his body against the wall as he feels exhausted. Yoongi flushes the toilet, bat the toilet paper to wipes the younger wet lips. Jimin opened his eyes, "Hyung .. "
"What's wrong?"
Jimin's head laid softly onto Yoongi's shoulder as he wrapped both arms around Jimin's waist, "I feel horrible"
"I know. Do you want to go home?", Yoongi offers. He frowns when he feel pricking warmth on his skin, "I think you're growing a fever"
"Mmm, I know", Jimin says and closes his eyes. He feels like throwing up once more. His stomach really make a war with him today.
"You are, Jiminie. Let's go home, okay? You're in no shape to continue our schedule"
A tired whine escapes from Jimin's lips, but he doesn't say anything in response when Yoongi gently pushes Jimin away from him and stands, supporting the younger's weight as he walked with him to exit the bathroom.
"How are you even get sick?"
"I don't know", Jimin mumbled, " I think i caught whatever Beomgyu had few days ago"
The pair walk out slowly, Jimin was still swaying on his feet, once in a while complain of wanting to throw up as his stomach churned with every step he takes. Yoongi kept on giving him support by placing one arm around Jimin's waist until they reach the car. Yoongi opened the driver's side first while Jimin sat on the passenger seat.
Yoongi thought the ride home will go smoothly as it seems like Jimin was completely out of it and immediately sleep the moment his back touching the passenger seat. But Yoongi's thought was wrong.
"Hyung", Jimin croaked out, still groggy from his few minutes slumber that not making him feel better but the complete opposite. Yoongi diverts his gaze from the road, moving his left hand to reach Jimin's thigh, giving it a small rub, " Oh, you're awake?"
Jimin nods, "Feel worse hyung"
"You can sleep again, we still have few minutes until we arrived"
Jimin huffs, shifting in his seat. He could feel nausea creeping up on his body again, sending an uncomfortable twist in his stomach. He wants to rub it, but the seatbelt is on the way.
They spent the rest of the ride in silence, only a faint sound of a radio playing with Yoongi's occasional humming and tapping on the steering wheel filling in. Jimin on the other side is busy, watching the green tree and some building that passed by quickly on his eyes, giving him something to focus on other than his upset stomach. But it didn't last long until he inhales a shaky breath. He gives up. The car starts to feel hot despite the air conditioner that is on. It's suffocating and makes him dizzy.
"Hyung", Jimin calls out, gulping down the faint taste of warm liquid on the back of his throat, " Can we pull over?"
"Huh?", Yoongi takes a glance and curses under his breath when he sees Jimin's pale lips quiver. " Shit, okay .. hold on", he mutters, almost panicking when some of the cars didn't give him the way. Jimin fidgets on his seat, and not wasting his time to immediately open the door the moment Yoongi managed to pull over. He didn't bother to take off his seatbelt too as his stomach already lurch up to his throat, sending mouthfuls of white vomit spurts from his lip to the asphalt below. He grimaces at the sensation, before another round followed by, this time sending a bigger stream, making him coughs and shuddered after. The pressure from the seatbelt against his twisting stomach only makes everything worse, as his stomach is eager to empty everything in it.
Jimin coughs when he feels he's empty, closing the door as he sniffles, and leaned himself back. His exhaustion levels are reaching the roof now.
"Done?", Yoongi asks, wiping his wet lips and hands him a bottle of water that he gladly accepts. He grimaces when it tastes bitter against his tongue. They sat in silence as Jimin catching his breath.
"I want to go home hyung .. 'm tired and just-", Jimin breaks the silence between them. His voice cracking at the end as tears managed to slip out. Yoongi smiles sadly, running his thumb to the younger cheeks to wipes the tears, " Okay, we're gonna arrived soon" , he says softly before he leaned back and starts entering the lane again.
Once they enters the house, Yoongi quietly carried Jimin to their room. Jimin's head rested on Yoongi's chest and their arms were wrapped around Yoongi too tightly. Yoongi smiled fondly at the sight and gently tucked Jimin in bed. He covered him with a warm duvet as carefully as possible. Once that's done he walked out of the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind him. He makes sure that Jimin's sleeping peacefully and turned his lights off and headed towards the kitchen to prepare some soup.
"Oh, you're up?", Yoongi asks as he walks into their room. The faint sound of humidifier greeting him.
"Yeah...", Jimin's voice came weakly as he tried sitting up.
"Good. Now, eat", he handed Jimin the bowl which the boy immediately whines and groans, curling himself back under the blanket.
" Jimin-ah"
"Yah! you need to take your medicine, and you can't do that if your stomach is empty!", Yoongi scolds as he tugs the blanket down.
"Hyung," Jimin's whine is evident this time, "I will throw it back up. I don't want to"
"Even Beomgyu isn't this hard to manage", Yoongi mutters under his breath.
" I hear that hyung"
"I know"
Jimin pouts. "Jimin-ah, just a few bites, okay?", Yoongi sighs in defeat.
Jimin lets out a defeated sigh too but nods nonetheless. Yoongi puts on a spoon and brings it near the younger's mouth, "Eat."
Jimin does, albeit reluctantly but he eats all the soup and heaving afterward. He lets out a long relieved breath before he buries his head on Yoongi's shoulder.
"Good", Yoongi ruffled his hair affectionately, "Now drink the rest of this water".
He takes the glass from the nightstand and the medicine, hands it to Jimin to sip from before handing it back to the younger.
Yoongi smiles fondly and wraps one arm around the younger, the other resting over Jimin's tummy, massaging. "Better?".
Jimin nods. "Now what?"
"Now we sleep", Yoongi tells as he stood up, scooting himself beside the younger that happily curled himself smaller. He pulled the blanket around himself, tugging it over both his head and Yoongi's. "Come", Yoongi holds his hand as he pulls him gently. "We'll cuddle"
Jimin's lips curl up in a smile, "You're the best hyung"
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ficklefics · 3 years
Burden To Keep - Zemo x Reader ~ Chapter Three: Safehouse
To stay or to leave - a decision has to be made. And danger is moving in on all sides.
Taglist: @mochminnie @noavengers @alevelez01​ @boubouinscarlet​
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The silence didn’t last long.
“So what now?” Sam sounded angry, but you could tell it was more along the lines of agitation and frustration. It made sense. You were a wrench in their already complicated plans. “She should stay with us,” Bucky spoke up, his eyes moving between you and Sam. “If she’s the only one left, Critical will come after her.”
“Critical?” Your brow furrowed. “The man in charge of the people who took you,” Bucky explained. “Look, I don’t… What you’re doing is important. I can handle myself; I just need a way out of here.” You didn’t want to be a burden on anyone. They didn’t go looking for someone to protect – they went looking for a serum. You weren’t supposed to be there. “No offence, (Y/N), but you can’t handle them on your own.” “Are you forgetting I’ve had the serum? That they trained me?” “And how much real-life experience have you had?” You both already knew the answer.
Through all this, Zemo had been silent. He was a difficult man to read, but you could feel his amusement at the discussion; the more you argued, the less attention on him. But now he spoke up. “Am I allowed an opinion?” The other men rolled their eyes but didn’t stop him from speaking. “The way I see it, another super soldier running around just causes more problems. With (Y/N) here, we can keep an eye on her, and make sure no one else gets their hands on her or her blood.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, Zemo’s right.” Sam sighed. “You’re our responsibility now.”
It was a strange feeling: people protecting you, keeping you safe. The instinct to run still pulsed under your skin. You weren’t sure if it would ever go away. But you knew they were right. So you nodded. “Okay. I’ll stay.”
The relief in the room was practically audible – as was Zemo’s satisfaction. You were sure whatever interest he had was beyond keeping you safe, and you knew that he hadn’t told you everything about himself. At that moment you vowed to keep away from him. Regardless of his intention, he was dangerous.
Sam’s phone buzzed and he crossed to the door to answer it. Zemo brushed past you to head down the corridor, slightly too close to be considered polite. A shiver ran down your spine. You shook it off and sat back down. Bucky sat beside you, his metal fist clenching and unclenching. “You have the serum too, right?” He nodded. “I didn’t get to choose either.” Despite the statement, regret radiated from him. What he regretted you weren’t sure. He seemed as though he was about to speak when Sam turned back around.
“Walker is in town.” With just those four words, Bucky groaned. “Who’s Walker?” “The “new and improved” Captain America.” Sam mocked. That earned a glare from Bucky. Clearly, neither of them were happy about whoever this person was. “We need to go, see what he knows.” “What about me?” “You stay here with Zemo. It’s better if Walker doesn’t know about you.” Bucky nodded in agreement. “We won’t be long. Just don’t get into trouble.”
With Sam and Bucky gone and Zemo disappeared into one of the bedrooms, you were left to your own devices. The second door you tried led to a spotless bathroom, all bright light and mosaic tiles, a bathtub big enough for four and countless plush towels. The thought of a warm bath almost made you moan.
Glancing over your shoulder and seeing no sign of the criminal, you stepped inside and locked the doors. Soon the tap was gushing warm water and the room was starting to fill up with steam. Turning from the bath, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.
Do I really look like that?
You couldn’t remember the last time you truly got to see your reflection. Time had not been kind to you. There were dark shadows under your eyes, frown lines on your forehead. Light scars littering your exposed skin.
No more. You couldn’t look at yourself. There was a cupboard under the sink filled with shampoo, conditioner, body wash. You even found bubble bath.
You sank down into the warm water, the bubbles surrounding you like clouds. A shaky gasp escaped your lips as you felt true comfort. The water seemed to hold you, protect you, balm everything you had been through. It was better than you could ever have imagined. Time drifted by as you dozed off.
A knock at the door made you jolt. Panic started to flood your veins before you remembered where you were, that Zemo was still there. “Yes?” “Would you like something to eat?” His voice echoed through the door. “Um… Sure.” You hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and now the sun was setting. At the thought of food, your stomach rumbled. Zemo stepped away from the door and you heard the clattering of pans.
That felt like your cue to get out of the cooling water. Wrapping one of the many towels around yourself, you began to dry your skin, making sure to keep turned away from the mirror. You glanced down at your discarded clothes; you couldn’t bring yourself to put them back on. They were like a symbol of your years there. Of what you’d escaped. If you wore them, if you even touched them, you’d never be free. Instead, you slipped on your underwear and grabbed a robe from a hook beside the door. Making sure it was wrapped around you and securely tied shut, you unlocked the door and stepped back out into the living area.
Zemo was standing in the kitchen over a pot of something that smelled divine. Clutching the collar of the robe just slightly tighter you stepped up to the island. “What are you making?” He didn’t seem surprised at your presence, giving you a brief glance over the shoulder before turning back to the food. “Sólet.” His accent grew stronger on the word – like honey to your ears. “It’s a traditional dish. My mother… my mother used to make it when I was a child.” He grabbed a ladle from the counter and filled two bowls with stew. Turning, his eyes flicked down to where your hands held the robe and back up to look at your face.   “I- I don’t have any clothes.” You explained. He stepped around the counter to stand by your side. His hand rose just above your own to finger the fluffy fabric, examining it almost unconsciously. “Well, we shall have to rectify that, won’t we?” The words were low. They sent a shockwave through your body – paralysing you, stealing the air from your lungs. You couldn’t speak. “For now, there are clothes you can borrow.” He stepped away and suddenly you could breathe again. “But first, eat.”
The two of you sat almost side by side – one stool acting as a buffer for your trembling heart – and ate in silence. It wasn’t quite comfortable, but there wasn’t that same tension that existed between Zemo and the others. This was something else. Something warmer. More acidic. More dangerous.
When you were done, he led you to one of the bedrooms, nodding for you to go in and closing the door behind you. In the chest of drawers, there were plenty of options – they almost overwhelmed you.
Keep it simple.
Black jeans. A dark jumper. Both were slightly too big, but that was fine. You could hide in them.
Zemo was waiting for you on the sofa. He already had his coat on but waited for you to put on your boots again before standing up. “Should we really be going out? What about Sam and Bucky?” “We’ll be back before them, Liebling, I promise.” He half chuckled before leading you out into the city.
There was still daylight, but the sun was low in the sky, turning everything orange as though the buildings were alight with flames. He guided you around the unfamiliar streets in silence – you both seemed to agree that speed was of the essence, and there was no time for chatting.
By the time you had bought enough clothes for a few days (or rather Zemo bought them) it was dark outside. Zemo’s stride meant you had to hurry to keep after him – so you weren’t paying attention to the people around you. Of course, you had no reason to worry; you’d been in Riga less than a day, there was no way someone could have already found you.
Or so you thought.
You were in step with Zemo when a voice called out behind you.
“(Y/N) (Y/LN).”
The two of you froze in unison. A glance to each other out of the corners of your eyes.
You turned to find a pistol pointed at your forehead.
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
royai week day 5 - illicit affairs
summary:  the previous night – their social engagement and the subsequent events that followed a clandestine meeting at his apartment between them – shouldn’t have happened
rated: t | words: 2629 | tags: royai, inspired by music: illicit affairs (taylor swift), angst, fluff, angst with a happy ending, romance, sneaking around, relationship discussion
an: happy royai day!!!!!!!!!!! thank u for following along with my fics this week celebrating our two fave war criminals :') and thank you for participating in royai week, whether it was a creator, a reader, a supporter, or all three. its always a fantastic event to be a part of and i can't wait to catch up on all the amazing things created this week <3333 best week of the year!!! hope you all have a lovely weekend!
read on ao3 | read on ffnet
“What are you thinking about?”
The question broke through his quiet moment of repose while Roy dozed. It wasn’t loud or a disturbance. His companion sounded merely curious as they observed him, but they were also being careful, speaking softly so not to startle him.
Roy batted his eyelids open slowly, feeling the grip of sleep lingering on him, and was greeted by the sight of his darkened bedroom. The sun was rising outside. Beyond his curtains he could see light beginning to filter through, signalling dawn was approaching.
He had uneventfully awoken before the twilight hour arrived and had found contentment as he held the woman in his bed tightly within his arms. Roy was left with the feeling of never wanting to let her go, so had opted against trying to fall back sleep. He chose to lay awake, to simply enjoy having the ability to hold Riza so closely. However as time passed, unwelcome thoughts started to swirl around inside his mind. Roy had contemplated them as Riza slept quietly beside him, unaware of his inner turmoil.
The fact they were even in this position was the subject of his thoughts. His heart allowed it and rejoiced. His mind, however, did not. Did he deserve to hold someone close after all he had done in life? Did he deserve to hold her?
The previous night – their social engagement and the subsequent events that followed a clandestine meeting at his apartment between them – shouldn’t have happened. They both knew that. It was their reality, but they needed… Something. Each other. It was a coping mechanism. A breaking of the rules they had meticulously placed between them in order to follow duty and set them on the path to righting their past wrongs.
But this wasn’t the first time said rules had been broken. Roy didn’t think it would be the last either.
Their co-dependency would be their downfall, Roy was sure of it. It had the potential to ruin completely them and yet, they still toyed with fire. It was an unwelcome thought, but it was their reality. He wouldn’t deny that fact and knew Riza wouldn’t either.
As a means of fending the thoughts off, Roy had elected to focus on the sound of her breathing and the way his hand rose and fell on her back, moving with the inflation of her lungs. He’d splayed his fingers over her bare skin and caressed her scars as she slept next to him, fighting off the whispers in his mind that he needed to stop and put distance between them. To end their illicit affair there and then.
Those tiny actions and her presence must have eventually been enough to soothe and relax him, because he’d ended up slipping gently back into unconsciousness.
Movement pried his attention away from his dark ceiling. A beautiful face popped into view and commandeered his attention completely. Riza was looking at him curiously, just like her tone had suggested. Her head was cocked to the side, creating a curtain of golden blonde hair over one shoulder as she tried to figure out the puzzle that was his mind and thoughts while watching him.
“Sorry,” she apologised quickly. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay,” he reassured with a smile. “I wasn’t asleep. Just dozing, really,” he yawned quietly.
Riza nodded. Her head righted and she lifted a hand to shift his fringe off to one side of his forehead, splitting it down the middle. He sighed quietly as her fingertips ghosted over his forehead.
“How did you know I had been thinking?”
Riza lowered her hand and then her head. She lay down against his shoulder and Roy wrapped an arm around her, holding her body flush against his. He inhaled, taking in the smell of her shampoo and conditioner. It washed over him like a comfort, and he angled his head to the side, so he was facing her. His lips were tickled by strands of blonde hair, causing him to smile at the sensation, despite his previous inner turmoil. He pressed his face into her hair and kissed the top of her head.
“There was a crease between your eyebrows.”
Automatically, the muscles of his face softened, and Roy realised there had indeed been tension sitting there. He shifted in place, relaxing his shoulders as well as his jaw.
“Am I that easy to read?”
“Oh yes,” Riza replied without missing a beat.
As he chuckled at her response, she shifted against him, and her head moved to rest atop his heart. It created a warmth there, spreading across his chest and pleasantly down into his stomach, to his very core. It was calming.
Emotions surged to the surface, forbidden and dangerous, but in the privacy and security of his own bed, Roy let himself feel them. For if he didn’t, it would all build up to a breaking point. It was a form of release to allow himself to feel the things he had to bury in the light of day.
“Well, you do know me better than anyone else does,” he remarked after clearing his throat.
His fingers trail up her bare arm slowly and with a feather-light touch. Goosebumps rose on her skin and the hairs on her forearm lifted to stand to attention. He could feel it under his fingers, and it made him smile.
“Although,” he mused out loud, “I don’t know how I feel about being unable to hide any secrets from you.”
“You’re keeping secrets from me?” She taunted him playfully and it changed his soft smile to a wide grin.
“Oh yes,” he answered, mimicking the way she’d said the same thing just moments ago.
Riza huffed to herself, and the air expelled tickled the skin of his chest. “I’m offended, Roy.”
“Having some secrets is healthy,” he countered.
Riza hummed against him. “What kind of secrets? Life changing ones, or day to day ones? How many have you got hiding in that head of yours, sir,” she added, poking him in the ribs gently.
“Like I said, a healthy amount,” he laughed quietly, flinching away from her light jab. “Like how I sometimes feed Hayate scraps off my plate when you’re not looking.”
“I knew that already,” she assured him confidently, but Riza still sighed heavily with disapproval.
“Damn… Well then, it looks like I don’t really have any secrets from you.”
“Good,” she nodded against him, her tone firm and approving.
They lapsed into silence and Roy continued his ministrations of running his fingers up and down her muscular arm. He enjoyed the feeling of hard muscle under her skin as he mapped out each one with every course over her forearm and bicep. He started to wonder if she was falling back asleep when Riza finally spoke again.
“I should go soon.”
It was a simple fact they both knew and were aware of, but it still felt like a bell tolling, signalling the end. It was the end of their peace, their time together, and their sanctuary. When the apartment door closes they will be back to superior and subordinate. Couple the power imbalance already in place between them and his thoughts from earlier, Roy can already feel a knot forming in his stomach. Because it doesn’t matter if they were together before her assignment under him. No one would care about that if it ever came to light. It would harm them and potentially completely destroy their plans for the future.
“Okay.” Roy swallowed to try and wet his suddenly dry throat.
He needs to stop this and put distance between them.
The pleasant feeling that had washed over him while they’d bantered back and forth was gone. Suddenly it felt like he’d been dunked in ice cold water.
Riza sighed quietly in response but still didn’t move.
That’s what makes it worse, he thought to himself. They both know they shouldn’t, it breaks so many rules and regulations, but they still do it. And they don’t want it to ever stop.
The fingers she had brought to rest upon his stomach slowly clench into a light fist. It was as if she was trying to cling onto him, and Roy tightened his arms around her.
They clung to one another in his darkened bedroom.
“I don’t want to leave.” Her voice was so quiet, as if voicing those thoughts aloud would rain down a higher power’s wrath upon her. It was a secret, one they both shared and hid from the rest of the world. He doesn’t want her to go either and feels the same way when they’re at her apartment.
“It’s wrong to stay, though.” Roy hated to say it, but it was the truth. They don’t shy away from their past actions. “It’s wrong to initiate it in the first place.”
“I know it is.” Her admission was as truthful as his, and her voice was subdued as she spoke. Her counter was not malicious, it was spoken like a simple fact, and his point was not made to scold her. He’d initiated it this time. Last time it was Riza who needed him. This time, last night, he’d needed Riza. Sometimes it was just for the release or on a whim. A true guilty pleasure, in every sense of the word. They are guilty of so much and this adds onto their pile. And they are equal in their desires of wanting to spend a night together.
Roy wrapped his arms tighter around her frame. “And yet… I can’t bring myself to stay away.”
Riza didn’t reply.
“In the privacy of my own bedroom, and in my own bed with you, I feel like I’m home,” he admits quietly. Breathes it like a prayer. “Riza… You are my home.”
Her head then body rose from the mattress and Riza propped herself up on one elbow so she could look at him. Her expression was neutral as she regarded him.
As wrong as their coupling always was, Roy took a deep breath and still revealed his true inner thoughts.
“Although nights like this shouldn’t happen,” he added, “they do. And I cannot deny the fact that I have never feel more at peace than I do like this. I won’t deny it to myself. I won’t deny it to you either.”
Riza blinked back at him, remaining silent. Her expression shifted slightly, and Roy had an inkling she was trying to keep some emotions at bay but didn’t comment on it. He simply observed and took note.
“This,” he gestured languidly between them, “is my sanctuary.” He lifted a hand to brush her hair over her shoulder. “I could never see myself with anyone else other than you.”
Riza still didn’t speak, but Roy could see a shiny film forming over her eyes in the growing light from outside.
“I love you. Always have, and always will.” His hand moved to cup her cheek gently. His thumb slowly stroked over her cheekbone once, then twice. “But I admit, I do fear for us and our future if we get too complacent and indulge ourselves too much. Whatever does happen, however it plays out, my feelings for you will never change. You can count on that.”
Her eyelids fluttered closed. Roy stroked her cheekbone again before lifting himself into a seated position. He waited for her to compose herself, enjoying the feeling of the soft skin of her face under his fingertips and the sensation of their heads bowed together so intimately.
“I’m sorry we have to resort to something that’s the equivalent of an affair,” he murmured quietly, running his thumb over her cheekbone one final time, “when you deserve something so much more.”
Her face screwed up slightly and Riza shook her head in the negative, protesting his statement. When her eyes opened, they were still shining but no tears fell. He offered her a tiny smile, secretly pleased she agreed with him, because it meant she was still happy, being like this, with him.
“I will love you forever, my queen,” he whispered. It was spoken so softly but held every ounce of passion it would have had if he’d declared it in front of a crowd of thousands. His speech was reverent, in awe of everything that she is, and of how much he loved this woman. They’re intertwined so intricately in everything that they do and while co-dependency may be their downfall, it is also a strength. Roy draws from it, from her, every day. Having Lieutenant Hawkeye by his side on his journey to the top is a blessing and having Riza stand by him through it all is something he doesn’t deserve. And yet, she’s there. Always steadfast and unyielding against any problems which are thrown their way.
A true queen.
Riza lifted her arms suddenly and latched onto him, finally overcome. Roy’s body was jerked forwards against her while one of her hands buried itself into his hair. She pressed her face into the crook of his neck and Roy wrapped his arms tightly around her back. He couldn’t move far because of the grip she had on him, but Roy did angle his head slightly so he could press a kiss against her neck.
“I love you, Roy,” Riza whispered. “So much that it scares me, but it’s not unwelcome. It never will be.” She pulled away and he could see a tear tracking down her cheek. Then, a breathy laugh escaped her. “I know you enjoy a bit of sneaking around sometimes,” she snorted quietly, which was quickly accompanied with a smirk.
Roy grinned back because she was right. He did enjoy teasing her about the thrill of it. And somewhere, deep down, Roy knew she enjoyed it just as much as him. The quick escape in the wee hours of the morning, the furtive looks, the briefest of touches that would make breaths hitch when they were overdue for a “meeting”, and the white lies about what plans they had for the weekend; Nothing at all, Breda, she’d shrug, making him roll his eyes fondly because that was always her answer. Just a date, he’d smirk, making them all nod in understanding at his code, and start Havoc off on a thinly veiled interrogation of what Roy’s date looked like for the week. Mostly for appearances, but everyone knew he was also actually interested.
Little did they all know, they were having an illicit affair right underneath their noses.
When reality came crashing back down, it made his stomach tie in knots, but Roy would always argue it was worth it. Despite everything, the threat, the worry inside their minds, he knew he’d do it again in a heartbeat with no questions asked.
They were already breaking all the rules with his plans of ascending to power. What was one more?
“And while the danger of it is always present…” Riza continued, pausing for a second as she considered what to say next. “It brings me comfort, because you are a comfort to me, Roy.”
Their foreheads kissed together, and both closed their eyes, simply existing and basking in the company of the other. For a moment, they were filled with such content. Airing out their thoughts had done them the world of good. Communication was always key, and it was not something they had ever lacked. They were open and honest with one another always.
Despite their inner turmoil regarding their coupling, the fact was undeniable to them that moments like this were their safe haven. Their shelter in a storm. Pure, unadulterated peace, for a few hours at least.
Being with Riza like this left Roy feeling completely whole.
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levinneheart · 3 years
We're all golden
➳ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ(s): Miya Atsumu x F!Reader
➳ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ(s): slight angst, fluffy fluff, reassurance, comfort, 2nd person, 3rd year Miya Atsumu who is the vice captain of Inarizaki, writer!reader ┊ scenario
➳ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ(s): 20 ‘It’s because I love you’ from prompt 1
➳ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1,060
➳ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ(s): cursing ┊ unedited & not proofread
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a/n: a piece dedicated to a very talented and passionate person whose love and kindness shines through all @goldentsum i hope you like it!~~ <3 <3
He came home into their shared apartment, tired and fatigued after his intense volleyball practice at Inarizaki. He knocks before unlocking the door and immediately relaxes at the familiar scent of their home as he opens the entrance to their house.
Only to be greeted by a dark and quiet living room, he blinks in confusion. The place was usually lively and a silhouette of your body wrapped in a warm comforter like a burrito would be sitting snugly on the couch, waiting for him to come home.
Your anticipating face would perked up at the sight of him and you’d greet him with that refreshing smile of yours. The show you were currently watching on tv would already be paused when you heard the doorknob turning. “Welcome home, hun~.” You’d say while offering him a cup of coffee and a kiss.
Atsumu flicks the lights on and observed the area, he noted that nothing had changed since he left for practice. It was as if you didn’t came downstairs... He thought, sighing in displeasure as he recalled that you had a bit of habit of not taking care of yourself when you’re loaded with work and/or stressed about it.
He dropped his belongings near the door and run a hand up through his hair before climbing up the stairs as silently as he could. Atsumu creeped to the hallway, heading towards your office. He slowly opened the door and leaned on the doorframe while crossing his arms over his chest.
Atsumu watched as you literally overworked yourself on your home office while stressing about something, although he can only assume that this was cause by your worst enemies: silent readers and like spammers. He cleared his throat loudly, getting your attention and said, “You always do this.”
He emphasized as he gestured at your surroundings. Everything was off except for the air conditioner and your computer, litters of wrappers were on one side of your desk and your shattered notes were over the other. You smiled sheepishly at him with a guilty look taking over your features.
“I can’t help it.” You started, “I feel like crap. But like I love my readers for reading my shit but goddamn. What’s your thoughts? Do you like it? Is there something in the story you hated?” You sighed. “You know what? Never mind—”
“No. Go on.” Atsumu interrupted, walking towards you and turning your chair so you’d face him and held your hand. “Rant all you like. Complain even, if needed.” He says while smiling softly, urging you to continue.
You nodded. “I’m not asking much. A keyspam would do or something ‘cause I’d rather have writer's block and lose my motivation than not get any feedback at all from them. It’s so sad, babe. I wanna write but I’m on my wits end.”
“Okay, here’s what you’re gonna do. Now, get the fuck off the desk or—”
“No. I have numerous undone work and assignments— ATSUMU!”
He stood up and picked you up over his shoulder. “What?” He chuckled in amusement. “You didn’t let me finish and I knew you were gonna say no.” You struggled, kicking and hitting on his back as he carried you to your shared bedroom.
In the end, you gave up as he settled you down on the bed. You look up at him in anticipation before wrapping your arms around his neck, he smirks before kissing your face gingerly before backing away from you. “Sorry. Not today, babydoll. You need to eat, first.”
You pout, giving him your best puppy-dog eyes but in response he just raised his brow at you, looking at you challengingly with that stupid smirk of his. “Not fair.” You groaned, “If I agree, can I at least have cuddles?”
“Of course, you can. I’ve already planned to give you that.” He chuckled. “But lemme order our takeouts and take a shower then I’ll cuddle you as we eat and maybe pick a movie to watch. How’s that sound, huh?”
You beamed at him, your sour mood from earlier is now forgotten as Atsumu phoned a fast food and gave his order and yours before going inside the bathroom to take a quick shower.
            ⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅⊱◈⊰⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
When he came out, he was already dressed and the food was already set on the bed. As promised, you guys cuddled while eating and watching a movie of your choice. Just chilling like always.
Atsumu turned to you when the movie rolled its credits. “I know you think I might not understand the bullshit you’re experiencing right now because I have screaming fans that stalk every media I have. But I do, I do get it.” He looks at you in the eyes, making sure your paying attention since you get distracted sometimes.
“Sure, they compliment me on my looks and on what I do best. But can they tell me why we lose to Karasuno last year? Fucking no. Can they offer advice on what skills I should improve on? No. Do you get what I’m saying, love?” You nodded in response, afraid you might burst into tears if you spoke.
“I know I can be—” He trails off. “— I know I’m a jerk and an asshole to deal with a lot of times. But I couldn’t be mean to you even if I wanted to–you’re like, the best thing I could ask for in someone–but even better. It just fucking breaks my heart that you don’t get any appreciation.”
You’re so overwhelmed that you couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “Fuck, shut up!!! You’re making me SOFT. Stop being so sweet. I’m fucking love you so much, Atsumu!” You face him and gave him a tight hugged. “Why are you suddenly telling me this?”
“It’s because I love you. I love you with all of my heart. It literally beats for you and only you. God damnit, I have so much fucking love for you. I actually never thought i could feel like this, but you’ve proved me wrong.” He paused. “I know I don’t say this to you often but I’m grateful for everything you do, and i love everything about you.”
“I know for a fact that I’m a star but we’re all golden in our own ways.”
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justcallmefox89 · 4 years
Truth or Dare Part 5
Tension builds in the House of Lamentation, and one relationship grows as another falls apart.  Arianthi finds out the brothers have been keeping a secret from her.
NSFW - penetrative sex, unprotected sex
TW -  Possible TWs for those who have suffered from physical abuse.
Written from the perspective of my female character Arianthi. 
I’m adding a different mood playlist to each installment of this series, just songs that I listened to while writing and feel embody each part of the story.
Hey Violet - Like Lovers Do
Post Malone - I Fall Apart 
Tom Odell - Another Love
LP - Too Much
Hozier - Better Love 
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Mammon and I stare at each other for what seems like forever, but in reality can only be a few seconds.  Seeing him cry triggers all my usual instincts.  
Protect him, hold him, make it better.  
I try to move away from Diavolo but he sleepily tightens his hold on me, and I watch as Mammon slowly closes my bedroom door.  I stay still and listen as his footsteps steadily fade, a slow crack forming on the one piece of my heart that Mammon hasn’t already shattered.  
Diavolo nuzzles the back of my neck.  “Something wrong?”
“No.  No it’s nothing.”  I relax back into his arms.  
I don’t owe Mammon anything, especially not after tonight.  Just enjoy having Diavolo in your bed.
“Well, if you’re still awake I obviously didn’t do my job well enough earlier.”  Diavolo skims a large hand down my stomach and between my thighs while he lazily rocks his hips against my ass.  “Let’s see if I can improve on that.”  
He roughly pushes two fingers inside me; I’m wet with arousal and his earlier release and he uses that to his advantage, pushing in and out, making me even wetter for him.  He slides his other arm under my shoulders to palm my breasts and hold me tight to his chest.  He removes his fingers and brings his hand behind my knee to slightly raise my leg, then slowly slides his cock deep in my pussy.
Despite our earlier session it is still a tight fit, and when he lowers my leg it becomes tighter still.  I’m deliciously sore, pain edging along with pleasure as we melt together.  His hand comes to rest on my lower stomach, pressing our hips tightly together as we sleepily rock against each other.  His thrusts are slow and shallow, but still manage to hit all my sweet spots.  
Diavolo flutters soft kisses up my neck to my ear.  “You feel so good....how do you feel so good?”  
I loll my head back against his shoulder to allow him access to the other side of my neck.  I feel his soft lips again, then the sharpness of his fangs as his nips at my neck, marking me as his.  I moan and raise a hand behind me to tangle my hand in his hair, attempting to pull him even closer.  The only sounds in my room are our mingled sighs of lust and bare skin meeting bare skin.  I feel my orgasm coming on, unfurling like silk low in my abdomen.  One last thrust from Diavolo sends me over the edge and my pussy clenches around him; he follows immediately, shooting spurt after spurt of cum deep inside me.  It mixes with his earlier release and runs down my thighs, my body unable to contain all of it. 
He pulls out and rolls me on my side to face him, putting one hand between my thighs to collect his cum on two fingers.  He swipes them slowly over my lips, coating them.  
“Kiss me.”  The low growl is an order I immediately obey, and he licks along my lips before his tongue meets mine, and we share the taste of our mutual release.  
He breaks the kiss after a few moments, then wraps his arms around around me, cradling my head against his chest.  He rests his cheek on top of my head and presses a kiss into my hair.  “Good night princess.”  
I wake up several hours later, still in Diavolo’s arms.  I can hear the persistent buzzing of my D.D.D. on my nightstand.  I free one arm and snag it, thumbing open the home screen.  56 new messages and 11 missed call.  I scroll through them; they’re all from the brothers, minus Mammon. 
You missed breakfast are you ok?  Will you be joining us for lunch?  Please answer the door, we’re worried.  Please come down for dinner.  
I throw the D.D.D. away from me as hard as I can and it lands on the carpet with a thud.  
“Nobody you wanted to talk to?”  Even though his voice is thick with sleep I can hear amusement in Diavolo’s question.  
I stretch out lazily next to him and shake my head.  “Just the boys.  I missed breakfast and lunch.  They’re worried I’m going to turn my room into a bunker.”
“Don’t you think you should let them know you’re ok?”  Diavolo’s eyebrows draw together in worry.
I reach out and smooth away the wrinkles in his forehead with my thumbs before pressing a light kiss there.  “If you keep frowning that way your face will get stuck like that.”
He chuckles as he reaches out and catches my hand, pressing a kiss to my palm.  “You’re adorable, but I’m not letting you get away with not answering.”
I sigh.  “I’ll eat dinner with them tonight.  Right now I just want to keep being with you.”  I laugh.  “And take a shower.”
Diavolo grins at me.  “I don’t suppose you could be persuaded to allow me to join you?”
I gasp in mock surprise.  “I would never deny my prince anything!”
He bites his lip.  “Your prince, hm?  I do like the sound of that.”  
He growls and rolls over on top of me, pressing kisses all over my face, my neck, my chest.  I attempt to retaliate and we wind up tangled in the blankets, giggling and breathless.
“Ok, but seriously.  Shower time.”  I smile at him and sit up.  I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and wince a little.
Diavolo is instantly by my side, frowning with concern.  “Are you ok?  Did I hurt you?”
I brush away his concerns with a smile.  “Just a little sore from last night.  You are significantly.......larger than anyone else I’ve been with.”
He gives me a cocky smirk, then sweeps me up in his arms, bridal style.  “Well since this is all my fault allow me to pamper you a little.” 
He carries me into my bathroom, and sets me down on the sink.  I wait for him to start the shower, to get the water temperature just right.  He picks me up again and gently sets me under the warm stream of water before stepping in behind me.  “Let me wash your hair.”
I wet my hair then obediently turn my back to him, sighing as his strong fingers work through my hair, gently pressing against my skull.  He helps me rinse, then repeats the same process for my conditioner.  
“Ok, your turn mister.”  I pour some shampoo into my hand, while he wets his hair.  We run into a problem when I go to lather his hair.  “Ok, you’re going to have to bend down because I can’t reach you!”
He rolls his eyes at me with a smile and bends down so I can shampoo his hair.  I take my time, gently scratching his scalp with my fingernails, enjoying the soft feel of his hair.  We take turns soaping each other’s bodies, sneaking soft kisses and touches in between.  
“Stay right here.”  Diavolo gives me one last kiss before shutting off the water and stepping out of the shower.  He quickly towels off, then wraps the towel around his waist.  “Now come here.”  
He holds out a towel and I step into his embrace.  He softly towels me dry, wrapping me up tight when he’s done.  He grabs an extra towel and my hair brush before picking me up again and carrying me back to my bed.  He sits on the mattress, settling me firmly in his lap before softly drying my hair and gently brushing it free of tangles.  We don’t speak, the silence comfortable and easy.  
Diavolo hugs me from behind when he’s finished.  “As much as I hate to say it, I do need to return to the castle.”
I slide off his lap.  “Let’s get dressed then and I’ll walk you out.”  
I pull on a pair of jeans and a white hoodie while Diavolo gets dressed in his clothes from the night before.
I start to walk to my door but he catches my elbow and pulls me to a stop.  “Are you still sore?” 
I shrug.  “A little bit.”
Diavolo turns his back to me and bends down a little.  “Climb on.  No walking for you while I’m still here.”  
I laugh as I put my arms over his shoulders and he reaches behind to grab my thighs, lifting me up and holding me effortlessly. 
I kiss the top of his head, still laughing.  “You’re crazy.”
“Crazy about you,” he instantly replies laughing along with me.  He walks out into the hallway, still laughing while I kiss the top of his head over and over and tickle his neck and his ears.  We round the corner and bump into Asmo and Beel.
“Oh.  Hey guys.”  I give an awkward wave, looking down over Diavolo’s shoulder.
“Uh hi.”  They reply in unison, matching expressions of surprise on their faces.
“Well.  We’ll be going then.”  Diavolo gives them a nod and brushes past, continuing our journey to the front door.  The second we’re out of sight we both start laughing so hard he almost drops me.  He sets me down gently when we reach the door. 
 “Are you sure you’re going to be ok here?” he asks, reaching out to hold my hand.
“I’ll be fine.  There’s six other people to act as a buffer, and then after dinner I can go back to hiding in my room.”  I smile at him, reaching up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss.  It’s soft and lingering, neither one of us wanting to part.  I eventually give his chest a small push.  “Go on you, Barbatos is probably worried.”
Diavolo drops one last kiss on my cheek.  “I’ll talk to you soon.”
Later on that evening the seven brothers and I gather around the dinner table in complete silence.  Belphie takes Mammon’s usual place beside me and Mammon sits at the end of the table, staring at his plate, scowling when our eyes happen to meet.  The air is heavy with tension that even Asmo, chatterbox that he is, can’t break.
He eventually settles on me.  “So Arianthi, what was Diavolo doing here?  You guys looked like you were having fun.”
Lucifer shoots a look at me.  “Diavolo was here?  Why didn’t you come get me Arianthi?”
I busy myself pushing fried bat wing around on my plate, refusing to look at him.
“He wasn’t here to see you.”  Mammon’s voice is icy and I’m afraid to look over at him.
Asmo realizes his mistake a moment too late and immediately begins copying me, studiously examining his plate.  Lucifer is now frowning at me, displeased and confused. 
Keep your eyes down and you will live through this.  They can smell fear.   
“Tell him human.  Tell him why Diavolo was really here.”  Mammon’s voice again, mocking now.  I stubbornly refuse to raise my head.  “He wasn’t here to see ya Lucifer, because he never left last night.  Stayed with the human all night, ain’t that right?”
Lucifer sucks in a sharp breath.  “Is this true?  Were you sick again?  Is that why he stayed?  You could have fetched me, there was no need to trouble Lord Diavolo.”  His voice is concerned, and I’m ready to crumble under the pressure and admit everything when Mammon lets out a low, cruel chuckle.
“She wasn’t sick.  She was too busy fucking your precious Lord Diavolo’s brains out to be sick.”  
I snap my head up and Mammon’s eyes meet mine, sparking blue fire, equal parts rage and pain.  
Something inside me snaps and I slam my fork down on the table.  
“Oh?  We’re making it that kind of family dinner?  Well that’s just fucking fine with me.  Hey Mammon, those witches you have pacts with?  How come you were still fucking them up until a few weeks ago?”
His face visibly pales.  “How did you know about that?”
“I didn’t for sure until you confirmed it just now you hypocritical ass!  But there were nights when you didn’t come home, marks that you didn’t have before......”  
I notice none of the other brothers look surprised by this little revelation.  I didn’t think it was possible, but the tiny pieces of my heart shatter a little more.  
“You all knew didn’t you?  You all knew and nobody told me.”
They all have the good grace to look ashamed before Mammon starts in.  “It wasn’t their business to tell.  Wasn’t any of your business either!”
My mouth falls open in shock.  “None of my business?  None of my GODDAMN BUSINESS?  You’ve spent the past five months glued to my side, flirting with me, sleeping in my room almost every night.  We’ve kissed Mammon!  I care about you!  I thought you cared about me.  I deserved to know what was really happening.”
He slouches lower in his seat, glaring at me.  “I didn’t owe you anything.  You were probably fucking Diavolo behind my back the whole time too.”
There’s a collective gasp around the table and my vision goes red.  “Does your asshole ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth Mammon?  You know better than that.  You KNOW me.  You know I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Mammon gives an incoherent growl and flings his dinner plate against the wall.  “I thought I did.  But ya really are just like every other human.  Worthless.”  
He pushes back from the table and in a few seconds we all hear the front door slam.
I rub my hands over my face, surprised when I pull them back and they’re wet.  I’m crying and I didn’t even realize it.  The remaining six brothers are staring at me with a mixture of pain and concern.  My hands are shaking and my chest is tight.  
When I finally speak my voice is low.  “Was it funny?  Seeing me fall in love with him while he was sleeping with them?  Did you guys laugh about it when I wasn’t around?”
“Arianthi.....” Beel looks like he’s ready to cry along with me.
“It wasn’t like that, I swear it wasn’t,” Levi pleads with me.
“He really does care about you,” Asmo says.  “We do too.  We just couldn’t........there’s a lot you don’t know.”  He trails off and bites his lip, eyes begging me to understand.
I huff out a low laugh.  “No, I get it.  You don’t owe me any loyalty.  I’m just some worthless human.”
“Arianthi,” Lucifer begins. 
I stand up and walk away from the table quickly, before breaking into a sprint, refusing to hear what he has to say.  I throw open the door to my room, quickly shoving clothes into a bag.  
I can’t stay here.  I won’t stay here.  Not with them.  
Once the bag is full I zip it up and open my door.  The brothers are all standing outside my room.  I roughly shoulder past them and start for the front door.
“Arianthi?  What are you doing?”  Satan sounds alarmed.
“Where are you going?” Belphie asks, struggling to keep up with me. 
“Anywhere but here.”  I don’t slow my pace.
“Why are you taking a bag?”  Levi is practically in tears.
“Because I’m not coming back.”
“What do you mean?”  Asmo and Beel are in tears.
“Exactly what I said.”  I open the front door and Lucifer’s hand closes in on mine, pulling me to a stop.
“Arianthi, you can’t go.”  His voice is no-nonsense but soft, trying not to anger me further.  “It’s dangerous for a human to wander around the Devildom after dark.”
Too late for concern motherfucker.  I shake off his hand.  “Don’t you dare touch me.  Don’t you ever fucking try to touch me again.  Any of you.”
“At least tell us where you’re going to stay,” Beel pleads.
“With Solomon.”  I turn and slam the door behind me without looking back.  
Despite saying I was going to stay with Solomon, my feet unconsciously make a path towards the Demon Lord’s castle.  I stand outside, debating what to do when the door swings open, Barbatos standing in front of me. 
Diavolo pops up behind him.  “Arianthi?  Did you walk here by yourself?  It’s dangerous out..........”  He trails off as he gets a closer look at me.  “What’s wrong?  Did something happen?”
“Diavolo,” my voice cracks as I try to fight back tears.  “I need you.”  
Wordlessly, he steps forward and wraps his arms around me, pressing my head against his chest.  He hands off my bag to Barbatos as I break down and sob into his jacket. 
I spend the next two months staying with Diavolo and avoiding the brothers.  Anytime we run into each other at R.A.D I turn and walk away, Diavolo often accompanying me as a buffer.  When Lucifer comes to the castle to discuss student council business, Diavolo lets me know ahead of time so I can shut myself in our room.  
Evenings are spent going on dates or exploring the Devildom, then coming home to make love.  Diavolo becomes my anchor and my protector, slowly patching together my broken pieces.  We have an easy, playful relationship and our time together makes me genuinely happy. 
I have yet to get the rest of my things from my room in the House of Lamentation, and Diavolo insists he can replace anything I’ve left behind.  I refuse.  I know he’s trying to be kind, but I want my things.  One night while he’s in his study, deep in paperwork, I grab a bag and set out.  It’s late enough that all the brothers will either be out or in their rooms, giving me a perfect chance to grab what I want out of my room.  
In and out.  There and back.  
It takes me barely any time to get to the House of Lamentation, and I sigh in relief when I see most of the lights are dark.  I cautiously crack open the front door and listen carefully.  Once I’m sure there’s no one close by I ease inside and slowly make my way to my room.  I see a light on in the kitchen and debate trying to sneak past. 
More than likely it’s Beel.  If I’m quiet he’ll never notice me.  
I take a few seconds to hype myself up and then start to creep past the kitchen doorway. 
I’m almost clear when I hear something rustle behind me.  “Oi!  Who the hell-!”  
I spin around and see Mammon staring at me.  
“Oh.....it’s you,” he sullenly says, looking me up and down. 
Something tightens in my chest as I look at him.  He’s wearing a pair of low slung pajama pants and holding a bottle of water, hair ruffled from sleep.  
“I’m just here to get some of my stuff.  Then I’m gone.”  I hold up my empty bag in explanation. 
Mammon snorts.  “Go on then.  Wouldn’t want ya to keep Diavolo waiting.”
I roll my eyes and turn away, not willing to engage in another verbal sparring match with him.  
I hear him heave a sigh behind me.  “Wait.  Dammit Arianthi, wait!”  
I stop walking but don’t turn around.  
“We need to talk.  Can ya stay a minute?”  
I stand still, debating if I’m strong enough to deal with him right now.  
“Please stay.  For me?”  His last request is barely a whisper but it breaks down the rest of my defenses.
I follow him into the kitchen and lean against one of the counters.  Mammon stands in front of me, eyes firmly locked onto the floor.  We stay in a silent stalemate for a minute before Mammon opens his mouth.
“I wanna apologize for the stuff I said the last time we were together.  And for what I said at your birthday.  I didn’t mean any of it.  I was just so angry and hurt......and ya didn’t deserve any of that.  I shouldn’t have said it.  I can’t take it back so all I can do is apologize.  You’re the last person I ever woulda wanted to hurt.”
I stare back at him in silence.  My heart is ready to forgive him, telling me to throw my arms around him and promise to never leave him again.  
My heart is a dumb bitch.  
When he realizes I’m not going to say anymore than that Mammon bites his lip, hesitating.  “Can I ask ya something?”  
I nod. 
“When I saw ya that night, with Diavolo, was that...”  His voice shakes. “Was that the first time?”  
“Yeah.  Yeah it was.”  I pause.  “Can I ask you something now?”  
He nods slowly.  
“Did you ever care about me?  Or was everything we did just....... I don’t even know.”  I throw my hands up in frustration.
Mammon’s head snaps up, blue eyes wide and full of tears.  “Of course I did!  You’re.......you’re special.  I loved spending time with ya, and when ya kissed me I thought my damn heart was gonna stop.”  He blushes furiously. 
I bite into my lower lip, hard.  “If that’s true-”
“It is!”  Mammon interrupts me.
“If that’s true Mammon, then why were you still having sex with other people?  If you cared about me so much then why not try to be WITH me?  You know that’s what I wanted.”  I choke, trying to fight back my tears.  
Mammon looks down at the floor.  “Ya wouldn’t understand,” he mumbles.
“What?  What wouldn’t I understand?  Tell me what I wouldn’t understand!”  My voice gets higher and I’m shaking with anger.  I don’t want to be mad at him, but I can’t help it.  
“Ya really wanna know?”  His voice is starting to match mine in volume.  
“Because I had to forget about ya!  I knew I was never gonna have ya!  You were gonna haveta leave at the end of the program, and that’s not if ya didn’t figure out how much of a scumbag I was first.  So I kept fucking those witches so I could keep my mind off of ya!”  
He’s crying now.  “Ya know why I finally stopped?”
I shake my head; I’m crying too, hurt and angry that he thought I would do that to him.
“Because I couldn’t keep pretending they were you!  I couldn’t keep rutting inta someone thinking about ya and then being disappointed when I opened my eyes!  I decided I was gonna take a chance, try to be with ya....really be with ya.  But then I saw Diavolo lookin’ at ya that night, and I knew he wanted the same thing I did.  And I knew if it came down to a scumbag like me or the literal prince of the Devildom you’d choose him.  Ya woulda been stupid not to.”  
He sighs and wipes at his tears.  “And then the story with Solomon came out and ya did that stupid dare where ya kissed Levi and I just........I just lost it.  And I just wanted to make ya hurt as bad as I was.”  
His eyes meet mine, begging me to understand.
I understand exactly what he’s saying and my heart breaks for him all over again.  “I never would have done that to you Mammon.  If you had said you wanted to be with me......I wanted to be with you so, so much.”
Something like hope flickers in his eyes before it’s snuffed out by something darker.  “Wanting me didn’t stop ya from fucking Diavolo that night though, did it?”
I’m frozen to the spot, feeling like I’ve been plunged into an icy bath, then anger flares up.  
“Fuck you Mammon,” I hiss.  “You hurt me.  Maybe that doesn’t excuse what I did with Diavolo but you treated me like garbage.  You broke my heart.  He was there for me.  So fuck you and your bullshit, because I’m over it.  I fucking hate you.”  
I spin away from him and move towards the doorway.
Something yanks me back hard by the arm, and slams me against the counter.  The muscles in my back and my arm are screaming, and when I look up Mammon is in his demon form, wings spread, staring down at me.  He keeps his grip tight on my arm and lowers his head until we’re eye to eye.
“Ya fucking hate me huh?”  He growls, low and dangerous.  
I stare back at him, refusing to answer.  
He gives a deep chuckle.  “Always so damn stubborn aren’t ya?  Well, you’re gonna have to get over hating me because I fucking love you.”
I barely have time to register what he’s saying before he brings his mouth crashing down on mine. 
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whatismarvel · 4 years
euphoria • tony stark
summary; you’re each other’s euphoria.
warnings; bad writing?? lmfao idk what this is. v rushed fluff. enjoy :) very predictable
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“Tony.” You call his name from the passenger seat, your train of sight is glued to the passing trees and a few little cottages. The sound of the pouring rain hitting the roof of the car puts you in a tranquil state, which you can tell puts Tony at ease.
You hate to admit it but you haven’t been the easiest person to ride with, six hours in the car alone with you, and Tony knows that very well now.
The tension of the recent squabble you both had slowly dissipated, the hard grip Tony held on the steering wheel loosens as he hears his name roll off the tip of your tongue. It’s a soft, mellow murmur and he knows you’re just frustrated and tired from the long drive.
“I’m sorry for being bitchy.” You admitted, turning your head in his direction. He nods it off, giving you a small smile. His hands find your blanket-covered thigh and reassuringly squeezes it. It’s become a platonic habit for him that sets fire to your loins.
Your relationship with Tony is strictly platonic, he’s your best friend. Period. But these past few months you’ve begun to see him in a different light. A light you wish would just dull or blow a fuse because you know the feelings you’ve harbored for him are without a doubt, unrequited.
His hands stay rested on your thigh as he finally pulls up to the motel you’d be staying in. Tony doesn’t have to say anything, you already know what he’s thinking. The look on his face shows pure uncertainty.
The motel sign flickers for a brief moment, being the only source of light in the foreign place and already sending chills up your spine by the jungle growing behind the infrastructure. It reminds you of a scene straight out of a horror film that makes you shudder.
He notices you tense and sends you a comforting smile. His index finger traces small circles on your thigh as he tries his best to reassure you that you’re safe. You can’t help yourself anymore when thunder rumbles, making you jump. Without thinking twice you intertwined your fingers with his, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
Tony lets out a soft chuckle and his thumb begins to delicately run up and down your index finger, prompting a pink hue to grace your cheeks. Tony doesn’t notice it as he parks the car, choosing the closest spot to the entrance.
“If anything goes south, we are getting the hell out of here. Quickly.” He mutters, eliciting a giggle from you. The sound brings a smile to his face and you see the crinkles by his eyes. He’s the cutest person you’ve ever seen.
Tony grabs the two duffel bags from the backseat and is ready to exit the car until you stop him. “Tony.” You chide, noticing the distance between the car and the entrance of the motel. You were gonna get soaked in the rain. “Do you have an umbrella?” You ask, motioning to the rain dripping down the windows.
He scoffs. “Do I have an umbrella?” He says mockingly as he almost topples onto the backseat looking for said item. “Well?” You ask, crossing your arms and leaning back into your seat. The lightning striking was not helping your situation.
Tony clears his throat, “Well.” You groan, already knowing where this was going. “I did my hair this morning too! And now it’s gonna get ruined!” You whined, pouting.
Tony rolls his eyes, plopping back into his seat. “Stop being a baby, Y/N.”
You glare at him, “Fine.” Huffing, you tied your hair into a bun and removed the blanket from your jean-clad thighs. You wrapped the blanket around your head like you do with your towel and look up to see Tony watching you wide-eyed. “That is unnecessary, Y/N”.
“Bite me, Stark.”
You open the door, running towards the motel and leaving Tony to carry both of your bags. There’s a smile across your face as you reach the door of the entrance and you realize your shirt is soaked, just like you predicted.
Tony sprints towards you, almost tripping over the straps of the bag and places it on the ground. He takes a second to catch his breath, eyeing your goofy grin. You couldn’t help it, he looked adorable with wet hair.
You both enter the motel, earning a few looks from the guests and receptionist. You hang back, unwrapping the blanket from your hair as Tony gets the keys to your room. The air conditioner in the lobby begins to make you shiver in your wet clothes and you pray for Tony to hurry.
A few minutes pass and Tony finally approaches you, a distressed look on his face. “What’s wrong?” You ask, standing up from the chair you were sat on and wrapping the blanket tighter around you.
“Apparently there’s been a mix up with our rooms. They’re booked entirely due to the storm and there’s one room left but- only one bed. I said we’ll take it as it beats sleeping in the car.” He shrugs, dangling the key in front of you.
You groan, taking the key from his hands and heading towards the room. You’re pretty sure you’d rather sleep in a Porsche than a dingy motel bedroom, but you don’t fuss.
On the bright side, you’d be able to wake up next to Tony. Just the thought of the close proximity you’d share with him has your heart racing and you practically sprint towards your room, Tony following suit.
Tony isn’t fazed by sharing a bed with you. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s slept next to you due to countless missions but, this time feels different to him.
He’s been bolder with his touches towards you, hoping you’d realize that something has changed, he isn’t exactly sure what it is but he catches himself staring at you in the corner of his eye a little too much lately and it’s enough for him to come to a realization that he’s got a crush on you.
Just a silly crush which should not surprise him as much as it does. You’re practically always together and when people don’t suspect you’re a couple, that’s when it’s strange.
You glance at Tony as you shove the key into the lock, turning it. Opening the door, you’re met with one bed, a nightstand and venturing deeper, there’s a bathroom with a sink. It’s a standard motel room with lousy flower wallpaper. You begin to head to the bathroom. Your clothes cling to you uncomfortably and you’re shivering slightly.
Tony rests both duffel bags on the bed, and pulls out his phone, you assume he’s contacting the others to let them know you’re both safe. You unzip your bag, gathering your clothes before you enter the bathroom until you realize- you didn’t pack sleepwear.
There are a few dresses way too tight to pass as a nightgown and jeans and shirts aren’t exactly what you’re looking for right now. You shake your head, bringing your palms to cover your face, you don’t think twice with what you’re about to do.
You seek comfort, and comfort is what you’re determined to get. Tony’s back is facing towards you and you quietly unzip his bag, shuffling around his clothes until you find an old shirt you assume he’s going to sleep with.
It’s a grey, short-sleeved shirt with numbers written boldly on it. The numbers appear to be a year, and you can see the graphic starting to fade. You settle with that, zipping up his bag and placing it in its last position.
You scurry towards the bathroom, clothes balled up in your hands, and close the door.
You give yourself a once over in the tiny bathroom mirror. The shirt falls loosely around you and ends at your knees. It’s soft and obviously, smells like him. You drink in his scent and slowly, worry consumes you when you grow conscious of the fact that Tony might be mad, and ask you back for his shirt.
You shake your head. Burying the thought, you exited the bathroom. Barely closing the door, the words, “Is that my shirt?” leave Tony’s mouth as he takes in your appearance. His eyebrows perk up and a lopsided grin forms on his face.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you give Tony a twirl as a laugh falls from your lips. He saunters to you. A gently placed hand on your left hip bone has you rooted to the spot. His thumb rubs circular motions on your waist and his left-hand brushes the strands of hair that block your peripheral view. His touch soothes you and an involuntary shudder leaves you.
Tony smirks, “Looks good on you.”
“I-I didn’t have anything to sleep in.” You whisper, eyes darting between his eyes and the way his teeth sink into his bottom lip. There’s something about this man that just drives you crazy. You’re not sure what it is but you’ve come to terms that he’ll always leave you intoxicated, wanting more. Just a glance from him makes you feel like you’re on cloud nine and there’s no one but the two of you. It’s euphoric.
You’re so lost in thought that you miss the way Tony leans in even closer to you. His lips hover over yours and the string of words that leave his lips has your eyes widening.
“Can I kiss you, Y/N?” It’s a soft whisper, too gentle that it almost makes you collapse into his arms. But you ground yourself. The word of consent echoes throughout the small confined space you both share and his lips attach themselves to yours.
There’s sparks.
It’s a soft, tantalizing kiss and makes you feel nothing but giddiness inside. Tony smiles through the kiss as he feels you clasp onto his left arm to steady yourself.
You’re not sure when you both detach yourselves but you’re left panting. And Tony has the same goofy grin plastered on his face as you had earlier, and you just know he feels the same way.
With just one look you already know he's bursting with warmth, with good vibes and a feeling of comfort. Of love.
He feels loved.
You feel the same way about him. You know the look, the pure adoration, the way his face looks calmer, brighter. You know it all too well because you’ve had to stop yourself from making that look one too many times. It doesn’t take long for you to come to a realization.
You’re each other’s euphoria.
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isabellitah · 4 years
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Title : safe place
Pairing : none but this focuses on Eightie's relationship with Klaus
Warning : a bit of angst at first and some cuss words
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you landed on your ass in a random alley at night on 1960 at Dallas alone
you heard a faint click from afar but ignored it
shaking your head from its daze, you stood up and left the alley- set on looking for your family
Klaus desperately tried to push back all his anxious thougts that immediately plagued him
Why was he here?
Where even was he?
Where were his siblings?
Oh God-
Wait are any of you even alive?
Was he the only one who made it?
What made him, of all people, deserving of life over his brothers and sisters?
What was he going to do now?
A sob broke out of Klaus. He- no one can help him. No- no one he knows is alive... He’s alone. Shit- he’s all alone.
About three days later, Klaus was starving. He hasn’t eaten anything but the leftover’s from the dumpsters and whatever people were willing to give him. He was so close to giving up- I mean- he can barely be sober; how is he meant to stop the apocalypse without any of you?
He stumbled out of the alley he came from- it’s been his home for the past few days- as he followed the familiar and enticing smell of diner food. Growing up going to Griddy’s with his siblings, Klaus knew the smell of a home-cooked style meal when he smelled one. And his stomach did too as it twisted into knots of starvation. Not bothering to think anything through, he flung open the door to the diner and dropped himself into a booth near the door. Aside from the bell on top of the door ringing, what caught nearly the entire diner’s attention were his clothes. Compared to the other inhabitants of the diner – the men’s nicely pressed trousers paired with comfortable overcoats and the women’s long skirts and petticoats – Klaus’s tattered and sleeveless army shirt, laced leather pants, shaggy hair, and dirt covered face instantly earned him the full attention of the diner.
Normally Klaus thrived off of receiving attention. But God he’s tired. He doesn’t have the energy to be happy or embarrassed- he honestly just wanted good food and his family. He was so tired that he didn’t even feel it when his eyes shut closed. The firmness of the booth chair and the cool air from the air conditioner were a nice change to a cold and unforgiving ground.
You’ve been here in the 60s for about two weeks now. You haven’t seen any of your siblings yet but you know they’re alive somewhere- it was a gut feeling and it was what pushed you to where you are now. Luckily you had a mini sling bag with you when you all time travelled so you had some money. And that some money which would’ve been moderate for your time, was a big amount in the 60s. You were comfortable enough to have rented a luxurious apartment and not need to work for a few years but you loved helping people. And so- you found a job here at Gladys’ Diner as ‘Tee’, and you rented a comfortable two-bedroom apartment not far from here; just in case you run into any of your siblings and they need a home. It was hard at first- making up lies on why you lived alone and how you got the money you have but- you made it. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear a thing until you were called by your fellow co-worker, “Uhh, Tee?” resisting the urge to flinch, you turned to face her.
You turned to your normally happy co-worker and were immediately worried for she had a concerned look on her usually smiley face, “is somethig the matter?” In response, she discreetly pointed her pen towards the booth by the entrance. Following the pen’s direction you were immediately met with the sight of a man with dark hair and grimy skin leaning against the back of the bench with his legs stretched out across the booth under the table and eyes fallen shut. He looked oddly familiar but eh. It might be your wishful thinking once again. After all- you did imagine hearing Luther’s voice calling for Allison not that long ago- but upon looking out your window, it was just an old man so you didn’t bother. You did give that old man five dollars the next day though.
“You wanna switch for today?” you asked as she nodded in a way that instantly made you assume that she was thinking something along the lines of, ‘Better you than me.’ And so you took the notepad and pen from her and left her to cater to the counter.
Upon seeing you make your way towards the unknown man, most customers looked away while some - mostly men - continued looking just in case you needed help. Their wives did after all adore you as you had the optimism and smile of someone youthful thus bringing up this urge in them to protect you. You arrived beside the booth and put a hand on the man’s shoulder. He tensed at the contact before looking at you and once the dazed look disappeared, he stared at you in a horrified manner, “O- Oh God- Eightie- y-you’re d-” you were shocked yet elated to see your brother but you knew you had to calm him, “I’m not dead, Klausy,” you sat beside him and wrapped your arms around him as he buried his face in between your neck, “I’m right here with you, okay? I’m not leaving you any time soon.”
Seeing this, the customers looking at you looked away.
You slowly detached yourself from him- much to his displeasure, “now, Klausy, what do you wanna eat? Hmm?”
“Service water, please. And if you have any crackers, I’ll take those too, please.” you rose an eyebrow but knew arguing with him would lead to nowhere in the state he was in. Klaus started to shiver from one, the air conditioning, two his slightly wet clothes, and three, from the harsh wind that came from outside when a couple entered the diner. “coming right up, Klausy,” you felt your heart break at the state your brother was in. After returning to the kitchen to fill up a cup with water, you grabbed a pot of hot chocolate and poured some into a mug, along with a plate of buttered toast before returning to the table. Looking at your co-worker, you gave her ten dollars and upong seeing her bewildered look, you told her that this was one of your siblings who went missing a few weeks ago. Lookig at you with empathy, she gave you your five dollars back and said she’ll half with you. You tried to convince her otherwise but she was stubborn and told you to go and spend time with your brother, and that she was willing to take your shift for the remaining day. It was a calm day, after all, so it wouldn’t be much trouble. Taking off your apron, you thanked her and brought your tray to Klaus’ table.
Placing the tray down, you sat down across your brother who had his head in his hands, you said, “I put in an order for you as well. I hope you still like your eggs scrambled and with tomatoes and onions,”
“Nononono- I- Eightie I ca-” he struggled to say what he had in mind as he looked at you in panic, “Eightie- I can’t pay for this. I can’t pay for anything- I don’t have any money.”
“It’s okay, Klausy, I got you.” Y/N said with a reassuring smile.
“No Eightie. I don’t want to be anymore of a burden. I-I’m fine with some crackers,” he tried to argue, “I’m skinny, I don’t need a lot of food.” even though he knew arguing with you when it came to his health was futile.
“You’re my last customer before my shift is over, Klausy. It’s okay. Don’t worry about. You’re never a burden, okay? After this, we’re going to m- our place. You’ll shower and change clothes, I bought clothes in everyone’s sizes just in case, and we can talk- or rest. Whichever comes first.”
“... Okay,” a gentle smile fell over Klaus’s face. You talked as he ate and when he was done eating and drinking, you found your old Klausy back. Your conversation jumped from so many different topics that didn’t even relate to the other. It was chaotic- but it was fun. It was a safe place for Klaus. Being with you, that is. You’re his safe place. He remembers that now.s
You ended up travelling anywhere and everywhere you can with Klaus- and yes, he still ended up making his cult. It was a very... interesting thing to experience. Throughout their entire journey, they had each other as the other’s safe space. Where they could let out all their fears and worries and anxieties with no fear of being judged. The safe space where they knew they were genuinely loved for being themselves- flaws and all.
And one night, Klaus let out one of his biggest insecurities.
You were both seated in the fireplace of the mansion of one of his cult members just relaxing when he all of a sudden asked, “what’s my purpose in life?” thrown off, all that left your mouth was a “huh?”
Klaus’ chuckle had a tinged of sadness to it as he repeated his question. You thought hard on it before answering him, “you never really know, Klausy. Each decision we make leads to a different path- a different purpose each time and we can never actually guess where we’ll end up in. All we can do is try our best and hope for the best.”
It was silent as Klaus processed what you said. While he was thinking, you rested your head on Klaus’s shoulder to give him comfort.
“What if I’m in the wrong path now? What if- what if this is it for me? Like, I have a cult for me- what if that’s my only purpose in life?”
“You’re not. You know why? You found me- by accident, yes but you found me. Had you chose a different diner to enter, you wouldn’t have ever found me- we both would’ve been miserable. Also- just because you got to your goal, that doesn’t mean you’re at the destination you’re meant to be in. No matter what path you choose- I’ll always- always be here for you, okay, Klausy? I’m not leaving you anytime soon.”
With tears in his eyes, Klaus straightened his back and wrapped his arms around you, prompting you to sit on his lap. You wrapped your arms around him in return as he buried his neck into where you neck and shoulder met.
“Thank you, Eightie... for everything. For being there for me even when I couldn’t be sober to save my self. For being there when I was struggling to become and stay sober. And for being here now. Thank you for never giving up on me even when everyone else, including I, did.”
“You’re family, Klaus. And you forever will be. You’ll always be a part of my life. And just like what you told me not even a year ago, if you ever need me, I’ll be here for you. That’s what family is for.”
Klaus smiled as you continued brushing a hand through his hair.
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sunlightdances · 4 years
One Good Reason: (2/5) - Dean x Reader
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader Chapter Warnings: Anxious thoughts and feelings, but otherwise no major warnings. Series Summary: Dean never brings women back to the bunker. It figures the one time he breaks his own rule, the state issues a lockdown. Navigating the next month is an exercise in trust, patience, and falling in love. Author’s Note: More setup in this short chapter, but I promise there’s some action (*wiggles eyebrows*) coming soon! Stick with it, friends. Also: my new page divider is by the amazing @writeyourmindaway!
Series Masterlist / Complete Masterlist
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You hang up with your boss, a little stunned by how quick he was to tell you to stay where you are. You haven’t really thought this through at all - you have to get your laptop, and figure out how you’re going to basically live with three strangers and manage not to get a potentially deadly virus. Easy.
Dean comes back after a while, freshly showered, and you do your best not to stare at the way his shirt sticks to his damp chest, or how sharp his jaw looks now that he’s shaved.
You’re still berating yourself for being so stupid. You hardly ever go home with people, especially strangers. But after a work conference where you were routinely talked over by your male counterparts, you needed a drink, and headed to the nearest bar, where you met Dean.
You were captivated by him right away. He was obviously attractive, but you think it’s his personality that really did you in - charming and funny, a little self-deprecating - and before you could tell yourself it was a bad idea, you were kissing him against the brick wall outside on the way to his car.
Why you didn’t just go back to your hotel, you have no clue.
And now this.
“Sounds like I’m going to take you up on your offer,” you say, “if it still stands.”
He’s surprised for a second, but covers it well. “Are you sure?”
“Well, I don’t really have any other options. I could fly home right now, but looking online, the lines at the airport and ticket prices to change my flight mean I’d be spending way more than I can afford.” You fiddle with your phone. “If this isn’t too weird, I think staying here would be the best option.” You suddenly feel a swell of anxiety at the entire situation.
Dean must pick up on your mood swing, because he reaches over, taking your hand, surprising you. “Hey, like I said earlier. Probably better you’re not alone, huh?” He gives your hand a squeeze before letting go, getting to his feet with renewed resolve. “Want a tour?”
The hallways are never-ending. You have to admit - the cool tile floors and walls and deep wood paneling everywhere is intricate, and you sort of can’t believe this place is real.
“We inherited this place from our grandfather,” Dean tells you, walking slow next to you. “He was-- eccentric.”
You snort. “No kidding.”
“Still - we weren’t going to turn it down.”
You look at Dean questioningly.
“Sam and I-- we were-- army brats.” He seems to stumble over the words, but you’ve known people who grew up like he and his brother, and they never liked to talk about it either. “We moved around a lot. When our Dad died, we just-- felt kind of lost. This place was our first chance to put down some roots.”
He shows you the large bathrooms and a few bedrooms, telling you that you should pick whatever one you like.
“We have to go for a grocery run, so we can stop by the hotel and get the rest of your stuff then.”
You notice he skips past a few doors on his way back to the kitchen, but you don’t ask, not wanting to be rude.
“Sure, that would be good.” You pause, “Uh, any chance you have gloves and a mask? Might want it at the store.”
He frowns. “Shit, you’re right.” He snaps his fingers when he remembers something, “I work on cars, I definitely have gloves and might have a mask or two.”
You both pause for a minute as the reality of the situation sets over you.
“Uh, Dean? Should we--” You stop, anxiety swelling again, “We’ve never met before yesterday, and I traveled here. Are you sure I should stay here? What if I’m sick? What if I give it to you, and you give it to your brother, and your friend--”
“Hey,” Dean’s voice is calm, soothing, as he bends his knees slightly so he can look you in the eye. “If you’re sick, then I’ve got it already. The best thing we can do is just hang out here and wait. Hopefully we’re both good, but we’ll figure it out either way, okay?”
You try to take a few deep breaths. “You’re right. Okay.”
“Come on, a few more places to see, and then we’ll go get your stuff.”
After a few more minutes, the two of you end up back in the kitchen where you started.
Sam is there, and sends you a reassuring smile. He’s scribbling on a piece of paper, and passes it over across the table. “Grocery list,” he says, “add whatever you want.” You start to protest, but he stops you. “You’re stuck here with us; it’s the least we can do.”
Embarrassingly, you feel tears well in your eyes. This is-- well, the situation and circumstances suck. But the way it’s playing out? These guys are being more welcoming to you than most of your friends would be.
You write a few things, not wanting to overstep, and slide it back to Sam.
“We’ll drop you back at the hotel and then we can pick you up after we get groceries. Sound good?” Dean asks, and you nod.
A half hour later, you’re waving at them as they drive into town towards the Kroger, and you head up to your hotel room. The cleaning crew is working overtime, apparently, and you’re grateful that you have a place to get your bearings for a few minutes.
In your room, you pack up whatever you had out of your suitcase and head into the bathroom to take a shower and get your toiletries. At the last minute, you swipe a few extra tiny shampoos and conditioners - you have no idea if Sam and Dean have anything for guests, and who knows if Amazon would even be able to find their place.
Dean texts you after another half hour saying that they’re coming to get you and wanting to know if you need help with your bags. You text him your room number and head over to open the door, leaving it propped open by your backpack.
A few minutes later, a soft knock on the open door alerts you to Dean, standing in the doorway, a soft smile on his face.
“Hey. Need a hand?”
You nod, suddenly unsure of what to say. You feel different now that you’re here, in a hotel room with him. All you can picture is what it would have been like if you had stayed here with him last night.
He clears his throat to get your attention, your gaze having slipped to the bed.
“Having second thoughts?”
Is it just you, or is his voice a little huskier as he looks at you? You remember his eyes being one of the big reasons you were attracted to him the night before. A deep olive green, you find yourself unable to look away now, wondering if he’s feeling even a fraction of what you’re feeling right now.
You jerk yourself out of your thoughts. “Uh-- no. No, let’s go. I’m all packed.” You’ve had your purse since the night before, so you stuff it in your backpack and haul it over your shoulder. Dean takes your larger suitcase, and then you’re following him out, down the stairs, and out to the parking lot where Sam is waiting.
You feel the heat of Dean’s hand at the small of your back, and you wonder if he even realizes he’s doing it.
Back home, the bunker, they affectionately call it, Dean reminds you where the bedrooms are and tells you to pick whichever one you like. You still feel a little awkward about doing it at all, but you choose a pretty bare bedroom and start unpacking the clothes you’ve got with you.
Sam finds you a while later. “Hey,” he says after knocking gently on the door to get your attention. “I just wanted to make sure you were getting settled okay.”
You smile, though you’re sure it’s a little awkward. “As well as I can be,” you shrug. “Thank you, again, for letting me stay. I would have gone crazy at the hotel.”
Sam opens his mouth to say something else, but he’s interrupted by Dean appearing in the doorway. The two seem to have a silent conversation before Sam gives you one more smile and then heads off down the hall.
“Have everything you need?” Dean asks.
You nod, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. Why was this so unbearably awkward? You’ve literally seen each other naked. Feeling heat rise to your cheeks, that’s suddenly all you can think about.
“I think I’m going to do some work - try to get things sorted. If that’s okay.”
Dean shifts his weight. “Of course-- I… don’t feel like you need to tiptoe around this place. Or me,” he adds, meeting your eyes.
“Thanks, Dean.”
Something shifts in the air between you, and you start to think that maybe this won’t be so terrible after all.
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uraharasandals · 4 years
How about a fluffy (or perhaps smutty) scenario where the reader comforts Akutagawa in regards to the shit Dazai put him through? I want my edge Lord to realize that he doesn't need Dazai's praise because he is amazing and beautiful on his own. Make our boy feel loved 💜
Uhhh, so this kinda got out of hand at the end, but I hope you like it! I have a terrible grasp of Akutagawa's personality AND how his fluff would manifest with a partner but somehow I appear to write fluff with him the best? Anyways enjoy! 
   Lazy July afternoons were the epitome of bliss. It was a brief window of time in which the world wandered by without a care, in which, as the sun sets and tendrils of sunlight trickled through the window, the summer heat gets into everyone's head and frankly, no one has the energy to do anything except take a nap. 
   And that was precisely what you ended up doing. Cocooned in a nest of blankets and nestled in a warm bed with the air conditioning on full blast, there was no other place you would like to be right now. Add to the fact that Akutagawa's body temperature was a default freezing, it was a nice past-time for a summer afternoon; it was as if you had no care in the world. 
    Shifting across the blankets to find a cooler spot, you were about to fall back into dreamland when you heard a wince from Akutagawa. Normally you would have ignored it and went back to sleep, but the moment there was a tight grip on your arm draped across his abdomen you knew something was wrong; Akutagawa may be hostile to touches from time to time, but he had never stopped you in the middle of something. 
   "Are you okay?" Alertness started coming to your brain, though it was still slow; there was still a hint of sleepiness coating your tone as you sat up, taking care not to brush against him, lest you trigger something else. You weren't sure what had happened, but you guessed it may have something to do with the scars blooming all over his body. He had willingly exposed himself to you once, when you dressed a flesh wound on his chest, and noticed the network of criss-cross scars, as well as what looked like small punctures on his skin (quick research made you realise that those were bullet marks, and you were shocked at that). Experience taught you that scars tend to leave ghost trails of pain even long after the wounds have closed, and judging from the extent of injuries Akutagawa suffered from, your accidental brushes might have forced a dizzying wave of pain back into his system. 
  "Fine." Despite his words, you could see the flash of pain that went across his face, and you sighed. "I'll go get some painkillers; wait here." As you prepared to - unwillingly - get out of bed, Akutagawa caught at your hand, managing to hold onto your little finger, giving a small tug; this was a clear sign he wanted you to stay, so you did, though kicking the blankets away to watch over him properly. 
   A quick glance at Akutagawa's face made you realise that it was no longer contorted in pain anymore, and he was just lying there, as if contemplating something. You raised your eyebrows at this, but said nothing, letting the silence be broken by occasional splutters of the air conditioner and the spilling of sunset into your bedroom; the sunlight fell short on his face, but illuminated his cheekbones and eyelashes, startling you with the seeming display of youth. 
  Had Akutagawa really been this young? His mannerisms and speech frequently persuaded you otherwise, but after you reasoned that there was no way you would've chosen someone notably more mature than you, you realised that he was. His time in the mafia had hardened him; his mentions of his superior, a man named 'Dazai', reflected to you a certain degree of hardship and torture he was subject to in the organization, which would likely have forced him to grow up as well.
  For that moment, you found yourself bearing hate for a man you haven't even met, much less having a grasp of his personality. 
  "What's wrong?" You were the first to break the silence, as always; the words escaped from your mouth quietly, as if you didn't want to break the sudden tranquility in the mood. The singular moment that took your eyes to meet his was enough to catch you off guard, and another insistent tug made you fall back onto the bedsheets with a small groan. Before you knew it, his eyes were inches away, the tip of his nose - cold - brushing against yours, in a distance close enough to kiss. Heat crept up your cheeks, but you forced yourself to maintain eye contact with the man in front of you. Then, he opened his mouth and a single statement tumbled out, "You're too fragile." 
  "Says you?" Eyebrows raised, you ran the pad of your thumb lightly down the hidden scar on the column of his neck. Immediately, he gave a small wince. "Since when did strong and tough mafiaso get triggered by scars, I wonder." You shouldn't tease him like this, cruel words with a sarcastic edge, especially not about his scars, but you couldn't help it; the more you thought about who inflicted those on him, and how he still suffers from them, the more you feel anger rising within you -- and somehow you had decided to take it out on him. 
   The effect told hold -- too well, you thought bitterly -- and his eyes narrowed at you, the fire kindled within them again. Just as you were bracing yourself for the onslaught of Rashomon, he suddenly deflated, and guilt crossed his face. "You were right." 
    "I - I am?"
    "Yes. If only I was as strong as Dazai-san - " 
     His words were immediately cut off. Akutagawa's lips were still freezing beneath yours, which sent a shiver down your spine, but it was worth the surprised - or what passed for surprised - look on his face as you pulled away. "What was that for, _________?" 
     "You're already strong enough, Ryunosuke." You probably shouldn't, after a narrow escape from the tiger's fangs, but you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, where another criss-cross patch of scars sat. Luckily, he only stiffened under your hold. "Remember? Otherwise I would've died." Untangling an arm, you pulled down a corner of your shirt to reveal the thin strip of white skin tissue running across your shoulder, shivering slightly from the sudden exposure.
      His face was hidden from view, but you could feel his icy fingers fluttering above the wound hesitantly. "The bullet...." One of Port Mafia's enemies had decided to take down Akutagawa - their so-called 'trump card' -- sometime ago by kidnapping you, his dearest person, holding you hostage, and intending to kill him as soon as he showed up. Little did they underestimate their power, and he had wiped them out in a matter of seconds, though one last brave attempt by the sole survivor had left you a souvenir dangerously near your neck; a true shot that missed thanks to Akutagawa. "Does it...still hurt?" 
      "A little." You admitted, and was about to pull away from him when you felt a pair of -- still freezing -- lips press onto the wound. An embarrassing gasp escaped from you as your hands tightened around his neck, which turned into a moan as he diligently worked his way up the column of your neck, ending with a sharp nip right behind your ear. "R-Ryunosuke!" 
      "And aren't you just like me, __________." You thought he was mad, but a look at his face revealed the beginnings of a smirk tugging at his mouth. "At least I wasn't the one attempting to be strong," You huffed, sitting up. "I, unlike a certain someone, know my boundaries." 
      "Do you?" 
      Akutagawa, magically, lost the staring contest. 
      "Anyways, I was serious about what I was saying earlier, Ryunosuke." You leaned back against the headboard, shifting a little to let him have some sitting room next to you. The fading sunset traced out a line of sunlight right across his shoulder, which ran across the scar on your still exposed shoulder. "You don't have to compare yourself against anyone else because you're already strong enough." Reaching over, you clasped his hand, feeling your warmth bleed into his. When he attempted to open his mouth -- no doubt the beginnings of an argument -- you immediately cut in. "Especially not against Dazai-san. I don't care how good he might be, he'll never be you, Ryunosuke." 
       "Me." There was a hint of bitterness underneath. "What about me?" 
       "You're amazing." You shifted closer to him, and began to pick your next words carefully. "You were able to survive his training. I don't think anyone else would've been able to do that so well. You also have proof to show for it, see?" Bringing his hand up, you started tracing his scars. "The fruits of your success." Turned over; the star-shaped paleness inside his wrist. "The proof of your hardship." One jagged line running up his arm and disappearing into his shirt. "The - " 
       "Was that the prelude to your testing my resolve?" Somehow, you found yourself pinned underneath him, his knees holding your legs firmly in place; his ankle dug sharply into yours, but the suddenness somehow made your brain register only the proximity of his face from yours, allowing for a tiny 'oh' escaping from your mouth. 
        "I didn't - " A small voice at the back of your mind was reminded vaguely that this scenario had played out only seconds ago, but they soon faded into nothing as his tongue worked roughly against yours, forcing its way into your mouth and effectively cutting off the stem of words you were about to say. "If that was a test of strength, I would say I passed it successfully, no?" Mind still spiralling into a whirlpool of confusion, you barely registered his words and the fact that his fingers tilted your head so that your eyes bore into his, which had turned dark. 
       "Or do you need more proof of my so-called power*?" 
         Brief note: Because the word for 'power' and 'strength' in Japanese can be used interchangeably, Aku could also have said 'strength', which may have another meaning ;) 
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rosegoldannie · 4 years
13. Is that my shirt? for Feysand pleaseee ✨
I rushed through the store, a whirlwind in the isles, tossing cans of soup and boxes of graham crackers - with cinnamon, of course - into the basket. It was piled high with spaghettiohs, marshmallows, and celery. I could only shake my head when my phone buzzed yet again.
Can you get sunflower seeds and nutella too? I love you 
Sighing, I added those items to the basket, and strode up to the checkout line. I shivered in my running shorts and tee, hating the frigid stream of air coming from the eternally broken air conditioner.
I’d just stepped into the lecture hall, when my phone buzzed with a message from Rhys, saying that he wasn’t feeling too well, and was going back to our apartment. By the time I had finished up my Art History final, I had received several more messages from him, the final one saying that he had thrown up in the kitchen, and had a high fever. My gut had plummeted, and I had rushed off to the store to pick up some food for him.
I blinked, and stepped up to the cashier, handing her my small basket of groceries. “How are you?” I asked, grinning up at my favorite cashier, an older lady named Linda.
“Oh, wonderful, dear.” She gushed. “Ed surprised me with a road-trip to see the grandkids last weekend. Can you believe it, Sammy’s nearly as tall as me!”
“No, really? He’s what, thirteen now?”
“Fourteen next month! He’s starting high school soon. But enough about that, how are you, dear?”
“I’m alright,” I sighed, “Rhys has a nasty cold, so I’ll be taking care of him for a few days.”
“Oh, that’s sweet of you, dearie. Tell him I said hi, would you?”
I smiled warmly, taking the bag she offered to me. “Of course.”
The warm rush of air as the doors wooshed open was a welcome relief, until sweat began to bead on my forehead. I swore when I burned my elbow on my seatbelt, which was burning hot in the early summer sun.
I took the backroads home, avoiding the late afternoon city traffic, and pulled into the garage below our building, before quickly scurrying up the stairs and unlocking our door.
Immediately, I was struck by a wall of hot air, the heater on full blast. “Rhys?” I called warily, locking the door behind me, then padding to the kitchen.
“Here,” A shaky voice answered. “I’m dying, Feyre.”
I smirked, dropping the bag onto the counter, and began preparing the soup, and the - disgusting - nutella covered celery sticks with sunflower seeds that I knew he loved, even as I gagged at the sight. “Oh, really?”I grinned. 
A muffled reply came from our bedroom. “Mmhmm, I’m dyin-” He cut off, launching into a series of hacking coughs.
My grin faded, and I slipped from the kitchen, padding to our bedroom, where Rhys was sprawled across our bed, gripping an orange piece of fabric. His coughing subsided, and he curled up into the fetal position. “Oh, Rhys...” I murmured, rushing over to him, and pushing his inky hair back from his face. “Sweetheart, you’re burning up,” 
his forehead was drenched in sweat, his hair damp, his normally tanned skin pale and flushed. “I know I’m hot.” He rasped, clutching my hand. “And you love it.” 
Ignoring his comment, I scanned him, eyes lingering on his sweat-drenched button down and slacks. My heart gave a sharp twinge. “Are you cold?”
“Yeah, but I’m sweating like hell.”
Slowly, I reached for his tie, undoing it gently, and letting it fall to the floor. my fingers drifted down to his silk button down, and I began to deftly undo the buttons, then slid the shirt down his arms. I had just unbuckled his belt, when Rhys began giggling like a small child. “If you wanted me naked, all you had to do was ask.” He said.
Slapping him lightly on the arm, I helped him out of his shoes and pants, leaving him in just a sleeveless undershirt and boxers, then led him to the bathroom, where I filled the tub with warm water. I then helped him out of the rest of his clothes, and balanced him as he stepped into the tub.
Once he was settled, I slipped out to take his clothes to the laundry hamper. I paused, my eyes snagging on that piece of orange fabric, still on the bed. My eyes welled with tears, and I quickly rushed back to our bathroom, where Rhys was still in the exact position in which I had left him. “Is this my shirt?” I whispered, not trusting my voice.
Those violet eyes slowly opened, as he rolled his head to face me. “Yeah, sorry for getting it all sweaty.” He rasped, looking slightly sheepish. “I missed you, and it smelled like you. I mean, I knew you’d be back in an hour, but I missed you.”
Silently, I swiped a tear from my cheek, kneeling down to press a kiss to his lips.
Rhys jerked back, though, and shook his head. “N-no. I don’t want to get you sick.”
I shook my head, but reached for the shampoo, pouring a generous amount onto his hair, and gently massaging it in. He let out a low purr, sliding farther down into the steaming water. “You’re no better than a lazy house cat.” I teased, running my hands through his sudsy hair.
“You’ve been saying that for almost two years, darling.”
I hummed, beginning to rinse out the soap. Once that was done, I soaped up a cloth, and began gently scrubbing him, and rinsing the suds off as I went. Once I finished with that, I helped him up out of the tub, and wrapped him in the warmest, fluffiest bathrobe I could find.
Then, I changed out the sweat soaked bedsheets for clean ones, and helped him get comfortable, burying him up to his neck in warm blankets to stop his shivering.
An hour later, I brought in a tray of steaming hot soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, nutella and sunflower seeds covered celery, and tea, only to find him sound asleep, now holding onto another one of my shirts, a peaceful smile on his tired face.
Unable to help it, I set the tray on our bedside table, and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, damning to consequences. Then, I slipped in next to him, and stroked his hair until sleep claimed me, too.
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sin-of-jess · 4 years
Fatgum{Taishiro Toyomitsu}
Type:  Smut
~Okay so fair warning, this turned into a creampie thing. I have NO idea how it happened, it wasn't in my head when I first started this but oh boy did it. Please enjoy!~
"It'll be done in five minutes, Tai!" Rushing around the kitchen, I glance into the oven to check on the food. Not yet ready, so I speed into the living room to check on my bandaged up boyfriend. The pro-hero Fatgum looks embarrassed as I refill his cup of tea.
"[Y/n], this isn't necessary, I'm fine!" This wasn't the first time a job has left him beaten and bruised, but this was the first bigger incident since they first met. It's his first night home since dealing with the Hissaikai, and the worst of it was how sore he felt.
I stop, giving him a crestfallen look. "I've never seen you this thin, I'll feel better once I know you've eaten." Fatgum nods his head, watching as I retreat back into the kitchen. A second later I poke my head back in, "Eat that until the food is done!" I point at the onigiri on the table.
Back in the kitchen, I check the oven, happy to see golden brown. Setting them on the counter to cool, I set up the plates and bowls. Putting the freshly baked takoyaki on the serving tray. Grabbing the bowls, I give the chankonabe a final stir before filling both bowls.
I started the habit of making large quantities of the filling soup and freezing them to reheat on days like this. It was great for getting calories back into the fat absorbing hero.
Once I have everything set on a tray, I take the food out to him. His nose twitches as I sit everything down. "Is that-"
"Your favorite?" I playfully interrupt, "It is, but eat the soup too!"
He grabs his chopsticks and gives a cheeky grin, "No complaints here!"
I wait until he's eating to start myself. Taking small bites of my own soup, I let my eyes scan over Taishiro. I haven't seen much of his thin side, the thinnest being chubby. He was attractive in this form, but I knew him well enough to know that if he's this thin, it's because he had such a rough time on the job.
"How are Kirishima and Amajima?" I ask as I sit down and straighten out my sundress. I've met them both a few times when stopping by the agency. His clear adoration for the two boys was endearing.
"Well," He takes a moment to finish the food in his mouth, "They were both beat up pretty bad, but they'll make a full recovery." His face is somber now, so I decide to talk about my day to distract him.
Which ended up working! The two spent the entirety of dinner talking about the gossip in your office. He loved hearing the drama, always on the edge of his seat as I go over the past few days. That's one thing I loved about him, he always made me feel important.
"Did he ever say sorry to the poor girl?" He asks, the food nearly gone.
I shake my head. "Of course not! To be blunt she talks much more clearly than he does, and Japanese isn't her first language." Taishiro stands, going to grab the stacked bowls. "What are you doing?!"
Taishiro looks at me surprised, "Picking up...?" He says questioningly.
I grab the plates from his hands, adding them to the pile of empty dishes. "You will not! You're going to get in the bath."
He pouts, "I'm not that injured."
I give him a stern look, "Well I was going to help you wash up, but if you're fine then maybe I won't."
His eyes widen, tripping over his words. "H-help? Ya know, I c-could go for a nice b-bath." I roll my eyes and point towards the bedroom, to which he happily limped off to. Rushing to put the dishes in the sink, I make my way to the bathroom as Taishiro rummages through the dresser.
I start the water, standing at the bathroom door and watch the man I love. Finally getting his attention, I curl my finger in the come hither motion. Doing so, I give him a chaste kiss as I urge him into the bathroom. "I have clothes for you in here, just get in and relax will ya?"
I have to hold back my emotions as I help him undress. His body is littered with dark bruises, and though his fractures are nearly healed, recovery quirks can only do so much. I notice he winces as I remove he bandages off his chest and arm.
"They say I shouldn't need to wear the sling in a few days." He's looking at me with a gentle look, knowing how upsetting his condition is for me.
"Well let's get your body relaxed and mending then love."
Helping him in the bath, his eyes closed and a sigh escapes his lips as he sinks into the hot water.  Using a cup, I get his hair wet before lathering up his hair, rinsing, then adding conditioner.
"Come on babe, I don't even use that stuff." He half opens one of his eyes to address me.
"Well too bad, I want you in top condition in no time, so I'm giving you a full spa treatment!" I get a washrag and pour some of his body wash onto it, starting at his neck and going in small circles across his shoulders and chest.
When my hand dips below the water, Taishiro stops me, "H-hey, you don't have to do all that." His voice is higher than usual, making me squint my eyes suspiciously at him.
"You need to get cleaned up darling." It didn't take me long to realize what his problem was. As I reach around his belly button I bump into something. A large something.
I look to Taishiro, who's looking at me sheepishly. "Sorry, you've got me relaxed."
I roll my eyes and slide the washrag around his crotch briefly. "Still a pervert I see" I tease, enjoying the sight of his skin darkening from more than just the hot water.
I ring the washrag out and place it on the edge of the tub; grabbing the cup to rinse his hair. His eyes are closed and I feel happy to see him so relaxed. Once done I run my fingers through his wet hair. "Ready to get out?"
He looks nervous, "I wanna sit here a few more moments..."
Reaching under the water to grasp his still hard cock, I give a few pumps as I kiss his wet temple. "Come to the bed, I don't wanna make a mess of the bath" I whisper.
His face is a blushing mess as he clumsily stands up. I guide him out of the tub, giving him a towel as we make our way into the bedroom. Once he's sitting on the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist, I take the chance to use the second towel in my hand to dry off his hair and upper body.
For a moment it looks as if Fatgum has forgotten about his moment of horniness as his eyes turn half-lidded and his body softens to the sweet touch of his love. The way he watches me use to make me nervous, I was always nervous about embarrassing myself in front of a pro hero in such a way; but I pay no mind to the yellow eyes that dreamily watch as I pamper the injured man.
His cock hadn't forgotten, the dense towel slightly tented as his cock waits for attention. I drop to my knees, unraveling the towel and letting his heavy cock spring free. I keep eye contact as I go straight to putting his cock down my throat, eyes watering the closer I reached his pelvis. Feeling the urge to cough I let up just before I could reach my goal, getting his cock fully down the first try.
Taishiro groans as he weaves his fingers through my hair, "[Y/n]..." he breathes.
Encouraged by his obvious pleasure I put him back into my throat, feeling my panties get soaked at the sound he makes once my nose touches his pelvis. I pull back and set a pace, taking two-thirds of his cock as I bob my head. I look up again to find my boyfriend virtually drunk on lust. His pupils dilate, cheeks flush, and all-around dazed look as he watches me.
Wanting to up the pleasure I put one warm hand on his balls as I use my tongue to push and swirl the underside of his dick as I pass it. He lets out a breathy moan as he guides my head. Taishiro has always been passionate and at the moment, his sex life was no different.
"B-baby," he stutters out. "I don't wanna, I uh- want you on top okay?"
Pulling away with a pop, I grin deviously at him. He always makes sure not to cum before we get to actual sex; the one time he did though I was left a mess after he made it up to me with his mouth and fingers. The guy loves to eat.
"Do you think you're too sore for it? I can't look a doctor in the eye and say your injury worsened cause of sex."
His lighthearted laugh makes the joke worth it, "I'm feeling good." He eases himself back, looking away when he hit a sore spot and cringed. Bunching the blanket to prop his head up, Taishiro looks at me impishly as he pats his thighs.
His thick cock bobs in the air enticingly, so I drop my ruined panties and carefully climb onto his lap. Rubbing the tip of his cock against my wet lips, he grabs my hips and squeezes. "Fuck baby you're so wet, you want it?"
I give him the answer by sinking onto his cock, moaning softly at the full feeling. "Oh fuck," I breathe out. His hips buck, so I start bouncing on his cock, a little moan escaping my lips every time he bottomed out. His cock felt huge, and I grabbed onto my covered chest and pull my breasts free from the top of my dress.
"Come here babe," he says as he pulls me forward, our foreheads touching. with this new angle, I'm able to hit just the right spot as I ride him.
I grab at the blanket on either side of his head, our kisses getting sloppy as I feel my middle tightening. I work my hips faster, adjusting so I can nip and kiss his neck as I work myself into a frenzy.
"Come on baby, cum for me." He says in my ear as he grabs my hips, guiding me on his cock.
His encouragement spurs me on and my body turns rigid as I moan out his name. As my body stills Taishiro takes to thrusting into me, pounding me through my orgasm as he comes. His body tenses and he lets out a garbled moan as he unloads into me. It takes a long time before his body relaxes into the bed, his cock spent. I can feel his breathing is as labored as mine, the strong orgasm leaving me lightheaded.
I shudder when Taishiro pulls me up, his cock and quite a bit of his cum falling out of my reddened pussy. I can tell he's enjoying it, the aftermath of a creampie his favorite. Feeling his hand worm its way in between us, I let out an airy moan as his fingers softly rub at my clit and hole.
"You've made a big mess [Y/n]." I can feel his soft cock on the back of my thigh twitch as he circles his fingertips around my cum soaked hole.
I sit up just enough to look at his face. "How are you feeling? Does your arm hurt?" As erotic as it all feels, I can't forget that this is the same man who was just in a dangerous fight a few days ago.
He peppers kisses along my face as he shushes me. "Just enjoy the pleasure babe."
I give in and drop my head again, making sure to keep my weight off him as best as I can. I let out little moans and wimpers as he goes back to playing with me. One hand is running up and down my thigh as the other hand is focused on my pussy. He puts a finger in me, swirling it around so more cum falls from me.
His cock is now fully hard, my ass rubbing along it every time he flicked my clit. I could feel myself being worked up, Taishiro knew how to rub and play with me so I'd be close. He knew it wouldn't be enough to get me off, he loved being cheeky that way. There was one sure way to quit his teasing.
"Come on Taishiro, I want you to fill me up." I moan into his ear. It works as he pulls his finger out of me and grabs his cock. This time there's no gentleness, his goal now to fuck me into another creampie. I bounce on his cock, his hips thrusting up to meet me. This time it's much harder, my moans louder as I feel another orgasm coming.
Taishiro never slows when my orgasm comes. Instead, he grips my hips harder as he whispers dirty things to me. Even though my orgasm has passed, the high is still there as I grab his hair with one hand, his shoulder with the other for balance. "Tai, oh fuck." A mantra on my tongue as his thick cock relentlessly fucks me.
After my third orgasm, the telltale signs of his orgasm come up. His thrusts turn sloppy, and his light dirty talk turns kinkier.
"You want my cum baby?" He asks, his breathing fast.
"Oh fuck, yes!" I wail, his hand again at my clit as he keeps his fast pace.
"You wanna feel my cum [Y/n]?" Unable to think of a proper answer, I resort to just moaning out yes over and over.
"Fuck!" He swears out, pushing himself nearly painfully into me. It felt like an eternity before his grip lessened and his body relaxed into the bed.
My body can't take the position anymore. It's either fall on him or rollover, the latter being better on him. We both lay there, panting like dogs as multiple types of liquid covered the both of us.
"We need to clean up."
~As I said, did not expect it to go like this! I have an Aizawa one in the works, but feel free to make requests!~
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candyajlf728 · 3 years
20 Gifts You Can Give Your Boss if They Love Store Front Awnings
How Much Does It Cost To Install A Metal Awning? Fundamentals Explained
"A high quality system is no upkeep," Thompson says. If the material gets filthy, you may need to clean it off, he adds, but no various other upkeep needs to be required. Retractable units call for much less upkeep than repaired awnings, which unclean simpler since they're constantly exposed to the components. Believe you can conserve a little cash by turning your dealt with awning right into a retracting one? You may run out luck.
You might be able to restore several of the fabric for the brand-new awning, however you'll most likely demand to get rid of and change the whole component, Thompson adds.
In our awning setup and price overview, you will locate a comprehensive break down of all prices to mount an awning and also to work with a service provider for the task. For a great deal of individuals, an http://www.yellowpages.com/los-angeles-ca/mip/esa-awnings-3233594 awning to sanctuary a window or door is a vital component of the house. Not only Standard Awnings this article do they shield the products inside the opening from the effects of solid sunlight yet they also safeguard open doors as well as windows from torrential rainfall.
Tumblr media
I anticipate every person has actually seen an awning over the front of a small greengrocer's store or butcher's shop. These are designed to stop the sun from heating up the meat on display screen and ripening the fruit and also vegetables inside the windows. Greengrocers likewise often have their merchandises on display screen outside the store front and in this situation, the awning will secure not only from the sun however likewise from the rain.
7 Simple Techniques For How Much Does A Wooden Awning Cost?
We will certainly talk about the numerous various methods of utilizing them in the house, what types there are, just how to mount them and also just how much they will cost to get as well as fit. To start with, allow's get it right in our minds just what we mean by an awning. Numerous individuals often come to be perplexed over the difference in between an awning and also a cover.
Most likely the most essential differences between both are the different manner ins which people use them. Home window as well as door awnings have the following uses: Avoid solid sunlight from going into a house Assistance to keep indoor temperature levels low or at a sensible temperature Protect rugs as well as furniture from the sunlight's whitening result on the fabric Avoid damage to antique wood furnishings as well as art work Enable the windows and also doors to be exposed without stressing over Standard Awnings check this rainfall going into the house Can be used on patios as well as decks to keep individuals comfortable when entertaining outside If the color and patterns on the awnings are carefully taken into consideration, they can add design to the residence by matching and also contrasting the existing architectural layout and color.
Covers offer the following uses: They are typically free standing or can be relocated quickly to the needed area They supply color and also sanctuary over a separate seating or barbeque area Can be dismantled and also kept away if high winds are forecast So we can see that the major differences are that: Awnings provide color around windows and also doors and also safeguard those inside in addition to their possessions from the effects of sunshine as well as heat.
There are a few basic questions you https://www.mapquest.com/us/california/business-los-angeles/esa-awnings-n-signs-354345470 can ask on your own to discover whether an awning or a canopy is the very best point for your scenarios. Do you prefer mingling as well as delighting your guests outside or inside? Have you a patio area or a deck already affixed to your residence? Do you desire to create a seating area outdoors? Have you restricted storage area for exterior furniture!.?. !? Would certainly you such as an entirely mobile means of providing shade? Do you have excessive sunshine or heat come right into your home through your windows? Does the sunshine raise your cooling expenses? Ask yourself these inquiries and also you will soon see whether you need an awning or a cover, or why not have both? A canopy is a simple point to buy.
Some Of Shading Your Deck Or Patio
They will certainly have several types where you can choose. Selecting an awning is extra challenging as well as this is what we will be reviewing today. The response to this is to determine what we want the awning to do. Where do we require the color? Normally, we need some shelter over open areas that would certainly or else lead to unwanted direct exposure to the aspects.
If the deck hasn't already been developed with a roof covering, allow's put an awning over it so we can sit and also look around without squinting or being subjected to the rain. We like to have our breakfast or a lengthy awesome drink on the terrace without needing to stress over applying sunscreen.
We like to bbq on the patio even in the rain. So we can put one on your house right here. We have costly furniture, carpets, and also art work that we don't intend to be harmed by the sun. Install awnings over the home windows. We such as to have great deals of fresh air in your house yet do not desire the rainfall ahead with the open door.
We don't want our air conditioner to burn the midnight oil attempting to cool the unwanted heat. Prevent the interior air from coming to be as well hot by setting up awnings on the home windows. You such as to rest with the curtains open but do not desire the morning sunlight to stream into your bed room. Place an awning on the bedroom home windows.
2021 Cost Of An Commercial Awning Fundamentals Explained
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Protect against burns by shading the door with an awning. Domestic awnings are offered in many different styles, and also shapes, and can be found in practically any dimension, pattern, and also shade. When you pick you must take your time to ensure you select the right one for your residence that finest matches your existing exterior.
ESA Awnings, 22500 Town Cir #2016, Moreno Valley, CA 92553
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