#I texted her a bit ago to talk about Dragon Ball
Bruh it's been such a bad day for Mexicans 😭😭😭
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narhinafan · 2 years
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What post saying
Kishi's interview with Time Line magazine and his interview with Jump magazine..
We will start with a front page to talk about the Boruto anime. Kishi was asked, "Can we see Hinata and Naruto have two children? When did you decide to end up together? He meant Naruto and Hinata?" * Kishi answered a long time ago but.. he stopped and then continued in fact but to be honest there was a time I thought about Sakura you know and here (he meant the relationship of Sakura and Naruto in the manga and Naruto's love for Sakura) Kishimoto said after all this time if Sakura had changed Her feelings and her heart for Naruto will make Sakura a terrible woman, don't you agree?
Anyway, Sakura was loyal and devoted herself to Sasuke and then said I will continue Naruto until this summer...here he means "manga gaiden".
As for the book Time Line Kishimoto, he talked about the Naruto manga and that the idea came after he watched the Dragon Ball anime..
Then Kishi was asked, did Sakura and Sasuke come after his manga report? Then Kishi said, “Yes, the idea of ​​the manga started without Sasuke present, but the story was not interesting, and I thought if I didn’t do anything, the manga would end in a week *Then Kishi laughed* Then he said, I consulted with my assistants and He suggested that there be a rival to Naruto and this person became Sasuke. Then I decided that I needed a female heroine for the manga. Then I drew Sakura. Then it became easy to predict what would happen in the story. Then I started drawing secondary characters and competitors for them, then the development of these characters.
In the end, Kishi said Naruto was the first to come, then came the character Iruka, then the third Hokage, then Kakashi, then Sasuke, then Sakura, and Sakura was the first female to draw in a manga...
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It's convenient how they are cut off the very last bit of the image so we can see what the whole text says. If I am correct that part where it shows the order i only the most relevant characters. It doesn't show Konohamaru or Ebisu nor Mizuki who all appeared before Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura. Further more depending on when the interview that image is from the time line of characters might be from before Hinata and the other genin appeared in the manga and hence the other characters he already made wouldn't be shown to avoid spoilers.
We all know the art from the first databook is somthing Kishimoto draw 1998 before the manga got serialised and in his interviews Kishimoto states Sasuke and Sakura came after he started the manga.
The way Sakura fans contradict facts only makes proving what they are saying is bs easier.
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blazehedgehog · 3 years
Are you of the opinion that giving a character voice acting essentially robs the reader/viewer of their agency on how they imagine a character sounded like? So to put it in another way, would no voice acting be better than any? A Sonic-related example would be Classic Sonic, who isn't voiced in Generations, but the main inspiration for this question is Bill Watterson's hesitancy in giving his characters voices.
I mean this is just a different version of the argument people sometimes make where, like... there were people who were against making movies based on the Harry Potter books, right. Because some kids might imagine themselves in Harry's shoes, or retroactively J.K. Rowling said she imagined different characters in different nationalities when she was writing them (famously I believe some people interpret Hermione as african-american).
The idea that movies might damper the imagination inspired by books isn't entirely incorrect. However, in my experience, it's also just different mediums and reaching different audiences, right.
I don't read a lot of fiction. I know I should, I've made more efforts to in the past, and it just never works out. Maybe it's my ADHD brain or whatever, but I'll start a book and never finish it. Even audio books are like this for me a lot of the time.
But there are two books I've finished in my life: Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park, and its sequel, The Lost World. They are pretty much the only fiction books I've ever read purely for fun, and also, more importantly, finished reading.
I would have never tried reading those books on my own terms if I did not see the Jurassic Park movie first. The movie is what sparked my interest in the books.
And the books, for what it's worth, are VERY different experiences! By their very nature, books are longer, more detailed stories than most movies. If you translated the Jurassic Park book into a movie, as an exact replica of the novel, it would be something like 6 hours long. Maybe closer to 8 or even 10 hours. To get a watchable movie, you have to cut a lot of scenes out and streamline things to a huge degree.
The Jurassic Park book opens with this long vignette that's practically a whole short film itself -- it starts with recapping the history of the "designer genetics gold rush" of its world, and focuses on a hospital at the edge of Costa Rica that continually receives patients with strange, poisonous bite marks from unidentifiable animals. The head nurse there suspects a conspiracy, because the patients are all InGen construction workers flown in from a nearby island and they refuse tell the doctors how they were injured. Clearly something else is going on. It weaves together with Costa Rican folklore about demons that visit cursed villages in the night and steal their children, only for one of the nurses to witness a creature in the newborn ward doing just that before seeing it skitter back in to the jungle. (The implication being that it was a dinosaur, of course)
If translated to film, that entire sequence would be 10-20 minutes long, if not more. Instead, it was condensed down in to the far more action-heavy "SHOOT HER!" opening scene. It gets some similar ideas across, but it is nothing like the book. It only lasts two minutes.
And not only is there a lot of stuff like that, but characterization is often dramatically different, too. John Hammond is much less sympathetic in the book, and much more of a villain. Alan Grant is more of an Indiana-Jones-type cowboy who is deeply ignorant of even the most simplistic modern technology. It goes on and on. There's one particularly great chapter where Grant is piloting a pontoon boat down a river while being stalked by a T-Rex that swims like a crocodile. They painted concept art for it for the movie, but it never even made it to storyboarding.
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There's even a level for it in the Genesis game!
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And if we're talking about The Lost World, well... 80% of that book is a completely different story from what ended up in the movie. The book has dinosaurs that camouflage like chameleons! It's terrifying!
For me, at least, it means that they don't even really compare. I find it much like how comic books feature multiverses and showcase many alternate versions of a character, where Ultimate Spider-man's Peter Parker is a different guy from the original "616" Spider-man. The book interpretations of Alan Grant, or Hermione Granger, or whoever are usually entirely different people from how they are portrayed in movies, or cartoons, or whoever. Ergo, it's hard to visualize Sam Neil as the book's version of Grant in Jurassic Park.
Even in comic books. A couple years ago I went through and read all of the original Dragon Ball. I cut my teeth watching the Saban dub of Dragon Ball back in 1995 and 1996, so I knew in my head what I thought these characters sounded like, but after reading deep enough in to the manga, that all kind of faded away and it just became it's own thing. Every now and then my mind would drift back to reading the dialog in the voices from the Saban dub (or the voices from Funimation's re-dub of Dragon Ball from 2005), but for the most part it stood on its own as its own thing. I mean, that's one of those things that lead to Dragon Ball Kai, right? Because the anime ended up just that different, and they wanted to re-edit it to be more faithful to the original books.
Not everyone has a good imagination. Reading can help facilitate and exercise a dormant imagination, I guess, but representing these things in other media formats can also aid those who struggle with the original text. Again, I'd never have read Jurassic Park if it wasn't for the movies. I'd never have read Dragon Ball if I wasn't feeling nostalgic for the anime. An important bridge was formed by adapting these properties so that other types of people could also enjoy them. It all contributes to a richer overall experience for all involved.
The only thing I'd say is that giving Classic Sonic a voice is a different kind of stylistic choice, because as Sonic Mania Adventures has shown, you can still use those characters to tell stories without necessarily having dialog. The difference there is that characters like Calvin or Hermione or Alan Grant are written with dialog in mind, and you change who they are by translating them across media types. How Classic Sonic is depicted is a bit more of a strange beast because he's been left mute. I suppose it's not that different, but it's still a little different regardless.
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I Don’t Know (ft. G Dragon and MINO) (3)
Part 3
While you and Minho talk about your past, Jiyong is forced to do a little introspection.
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This series will be updated once a week, every Friday! No specific time though lol. It’s an AU where Jiyong has a younger sister and you’re her best friend! Featuring my OC Mirae as the Best friend. Just saying, it’s not related to any of the scenarios I’ve written so far. Please do leave me some comments or asks! I love receiving them! It’s also a bit of a love triangle situation, so yeah :)) There will be eventual smut in this series.
(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Please comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list:))
Word Count: 2260
WARNINGS: Some smut, some panic.
5 years ago
You were lost. And you were starting to panic. You and Mirae went to the park, not knowing that they were having some mega event that day, and now you were lost, separated from her. You were starting to feel panicky. There were too many people around you. You felt suffocated in that crowd. The noise was all starting to become one big blur. And your head was starting to spin. You were scared. That’s when you saw him. Jiyong. He was also there. He was there with a bunch of his friends. He was a little far away from you but he would help. You knew he would. So, you called him. You yelled his name, loud and clear, but in the noise of the crowd, it became far softer. But he heard you. And he turned around and saw you. And you knew he could see you yelling for his help, but he just wrapped his arm around the girl closest to him, turned around and walked away. That was the day you developed a fear of crowds. Later, you would lie to yourself and say he didn’t know it was you, but you knew he did.
 4 years ago
Jiyong walked into the bathroom at the lounge he was at, just to wash his hands. There was a man there inside, on the phone with someone. Jiyong quietly washed his hands while the man let out an obnoxious laugh.
“I’ll win the bet for sure. It won’t even take me three months to get into her pants.”
Jiyong stiffened, shooting the man a glare. How horrible.
“In fact, I’m sure it’ll be done in two weeks. Maybe even our next date.”
Jiyong grew even angrier.
“Her name? Oh, her name is Y/N L/N.”
Jiyong froze and suddenly, the air in that bathroom was terrifyingly cold and stifling. Jiyong straightened up and walked over to that pathetic excuse of a human being there, staring at him with ice cold eyes. The man began to stammer, wondering what was wrong. Before the guy could cut the call and put his phone away, all in the blink of an eye, Jiyong grabbed him by the collar, and slammed him against the sink counter, face down. Leaning close to him, Jiyong growled,
“You have one day to break up with her before I tell her myself and make you regret this bet.”
Minho’s tears slowly began to lessen and he just held on to you, enjoying the warmth and comfort of the moment. Playing with his hair, you leaned down to kiss his forehead. Sounding less upset, Minho asked again.
“Y/N, is there something about you and Jiyong hyung I don’t know about?”
You took a deep breath and braced yourself. This was not going to be easy.
“Yeah Minho, there is. Mirae and I have been friends for around fourteen years now. I liked Jiyong for seven of them. He was always horrible to me, so I don’t know why I liked him, but I did. And three years ago, I told him. And he rejected me. Terribly. And after that, I got out of his life and I removed him from mine. I needed to heal. I saw him for the first time after that tonight, which is what would have sparked his outburst.”
In a small voice, Minho asked,
“What about me?”
You felt your heart twist, hating that poor Minho, your ball of sunshine, had been so hurt. You climbed onto his lap, hugging him as you replied,
“Minho, you are what brought me out of my slump. You are the first man I’ve liked ever since. You are the man who made me forget Jiyong. Minho, Jiyong means nothing to me. I like you. And if you hadn’t asked me out, I would have asked you out.”
“You really like me for me? You’re not just using me to get over Jiyong hyung?”
“Oh sweetheart no. I genuinely like you. I care about you so much. I would not use you to get over Jiyong. The only reason I waited for this long to go out with you is because I wanted to be sure I wasn’t using you.”
He stared at you for a second before kissing you and pulling you closer.
“Okay, I trust you.”
Both of you smiled at each other, letting the tension dissipate. Your eyes lit up as you remembered his present.
“Minho, do you want to see your present now?”
“You got me a present? I thought the brownies were it.”
You deadpanned.
“Minho, I specifically said that they’re not.”
He smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry. I was too nervous to pay attention to what you were saying.”
You grabbed his hand and pulled him towards his room, where you had left your bag.
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
Your heart melted when you saw his eyes light up from excitement as he did what you said. You slowly took out the paints from your bag and put the cloth wrapped package in his hand.
“You remember those French paints you were talking about? Well, here you go.”
Minho’s eyes widened as he stared up at you.
“Y/N, you have to be there in person to get these custom-made. How did you manage to get these here?”
You shrugged with a wide grin on your face.
“Mirae got back from France yesterday.”
“Y/N, this is crazy. This is incredible. I can’t-”
You interrupted him, your hands lightly trailing over his chest.
“Well, actually. I had one more thing in mind. But that’s only if you’re up for it.”
“What is it?”
“Let me show you.”
And you began by taking off his leather jacket, stripping until you were standing before him in your lingerie.
“Let me make you feel good tonight.”
You dropped down to your knees, hands reaching for his belt buckle, pausing to look at him for a minute.
“May I Minho?”
Minho gulped and nodded, his hand gently reaching down to hold your hair.
 Jiyong was at home, thinking about what happened at the party. He hated it. He hated you. And he hated that you were with Mino. He had no good reason to hate it, but he did. Mino was a good guy. You were a good person. If you were together, he should have been happy for you. Why then, did he feel the overwhelming urge to rip Mino’s arms off whenever he saw it wrapped around you? He tried calling you again, only for you to not answer. He was about to send you an angry text message asking why you weren’t taking any of his calls when he realised it. He didn’t have your number. He was nobody to you. He wasn’t a part of your life anymore. He knew nothing about your life. And you had cut him out of it. You had made that choice. And he hated it. His mind went back to a conversation he had with Mirae a few days after you confessed to him.
Jiyong was trying to seem casual about it, but he was looking for you. You would always come home for Friday movie nights. He was certain you’d come again. At least, he was trying to convince himself of that. He took a sip of his beer, trying to sound unconcerned when he asked,
“Y/N’s late again?”
Mirae didn’t even look up from her book when she replied.
“No, she’s not coming. Your brutal rejection hurt her feelings.”
Jiyong choked on his beer.
“She told you?”
“No, but I always knew. She won’t tell me either. She won’t want to make me take sides between you and her. For the record, I’d go with her.”
“I didn’t do anything, okay? I didn’t lead her on. She’s reading too much into what I said.”
“You don’t know yet, do you?”
“You like her. You like her more than she likes you. That’s why you’ve always been so damn mean to her.”
Jiyong stared at Mirae for a minute before bursting out into laughter, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. She’s like another you to me.”
“That’s not true. That’s what you told yourself when you started liking her and realised she didn’t like you back. You never stopped liking her, but you did manage to convince yourself that you dislike her. And that’s why you’re always so mean to her; because talking to her reminds you of the loopholes in your plan.”
He laughed, but Mirae continued.
“I know I’m right, but she deserves better than you. You’ve treated her so horribly. You’ve been nothing but mean to her. You rejected her brutally. You’ve pushed her too far. She’s done. She’s not going to come back here. She’s never going to want to see you again. She will remove you from her life.”
Jiyong growled when the realisation that Mirae was right hit him. She wasn’t right about everything, because he definitely didn’t like you, but he didn’t think you’d cut him out of your life like she said you would. His head was hurting from thinking about this too much. He wanted release. And so, he did what he always did whenever he wanted to forget. He went clubbing.
Two hours later, Jiyong was drunk out of his mind in a private booth at a club. He had run into a bunch of acquaintances at the club and they invited a few girls to join them. One of them had made it clear that she was interested in him. Since he did not want to admit that he was still thinking about you, he played along. And so, when she gently trailed her fingers over his thigh, winked at him and walked away, he mindlessly followed her. Next thing he knew, he was making out with her against a wall in the back of the club. She had her arms wrapped his neck and he had one hand around her waist and the other up her shirt. And in all his drunkenness and anger, things started to blur. In his more vulnerable drunken state, he let his true desires come forward. Which is why as she reached for his belt, he let out a moan.
 Later that night, you and Minho lay in bed, limbs tangled. Minho was half asleep, but he still held you close, snuggling closer to you. You pulled him a little closer, covering him up with a blanket because you could see he was cold. You couldn’t sleep. You smiled as you played with Minho’s hair, thanking the world that he existed. He was the only reason you were over Jiyong. Your heart ached for Minho when you thought about his ex. You couldn’t understand why she would do that to him. You held him a little tighter, not wanting him to get hurt again. You leaned over to switch off the lights, and snuggling closer to him, you fell asleep.
That night, the first person to wake up from a nightmare was Minho. The two of you were at a party, but he had lost you. He was worried about you, so he started looking for you. He checked everywhere, but he couldn’t find you. The only room he hadn’t checked was the bedroom upstairs, which was occupied. Oh. It was occupied. With a sinking feeling in his heart, he went back to the room and opened the door. His heart broke. He saw Jiyong, with his head between your thighs, and you, with your hands gripping his head, moaning his name at the top of your voice. Jiyong pulled up for air and looked back. Seeing Mino, he winked and kissed you. And that was when Minho woke up. He stared at you, curled up against his side and he wrapped his arms around you tighter, trying to go back to sleep. He was terrified he would lose you. He just hoped that his fear wouldn’t affect your relationship.
A few hours later, you woke up too, eyes wide, mind barely able to comprehend what you just dreamt. You were in Jiyong’s apartment, watching a movie with him. From the way he had his arm around your shoulder and from the way you were resting your head against his, it was safe to assume you were dating him. Clearly, the movie was not interesting enough for him because soon after, he slowly started to trace circles on your thigh. You ignored him, but his hand kept moving higher and higher. You swatted it away, but within minutes his hand was back and this time, his lips latched onto the spot above your collarbones. Although he started off with gentle kisses, he soon started sucking harshly, a smirk on his face, because he knew you’d have to use concealer to cover that up for work the next day. You tried not to give in, but when he started sucking, you couldn’t help it and you moaned. With that, his smirk got deeper and he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and kissing you, moved towards the bedroom. You woke up when the door slammed behind him, flushed. Suddenly, the room felt much too hot. You looked at Minho, his cheeks squished, fast asleep, and you felt your stomach twist in guilt. You hated that you had that dream. God, it was such a horrible nightmare.
Or was it?
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For A Greater Good 14/18
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not my gif just the text. Some Things Are Meant To Stay Hidden
Summary: Kate Williams, young healer and member of the Order, joins Durmstrang’s staff at Dumbledore’s request. Her mission? Find a   Death Eater and survive long enough to tell the story. Set in 1996.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x ofc/mc
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
[Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13]
5 months ago,
“You must stop at once.”
“Where is it, Karkarov?” The former headmaster looked around before returning to the conversation. 
“I don’t think you understand what you’re getting yourself into…”
“You dragged me into this ten years ago! Finish what you started.”
“I had the time to meditate about it, and now I implore you to do the same if you don’t want to end up dead.”
“He is looking for you, you know? And He’ll find you, eventually. You’re nothing but a coward. I bet the British Ministry of Magic would appreciate knowing where you are. It will take just one owl to inform my contact there.”
“Don’t try to pretend you haven’t sent someone to find me. You thought I would be so stupid to hide in the castle?”
“Tell me how to find Grindelwald’s room and you can slither back to your secret spot.”
“What do you expect to find there?”
“Something He might want.”
Karkarov scoffed.  
“What did he promise you? The resurrection stone, it’s not real. You won’t find it there and He doesn’t have it.” 
“They exist!” Agitated, the teacher approached Karkarov. “They exist and they are in that room.”
“You have no idea what you are doing.” Contemplating if he should give away his secret, he decided to put some fear in the teacher’s eyes. “Do you know how I left that abominable place they call Azkaban?”
“I know. You sang like a bird.”
“None of the names were useful to them… but perhaps the new ones will. If you behave, I won’t mention yours.”
The teacher grabbed Karkarov’s arm and exposed his mark.
“You don’t deserve this.”
“And you will never get it.”
Both of them drew out their wands as a warning.
“Who ‘s that?” Asked Karkarov.
The teacher turned and frowned at the image of Flavia Hodges leaving her classroom.
“You told me everyone was at the quidditch match.” Hodges turned and when she saw them, she was left frozen in place.
“Her sight is not her best ability but…”
“Take care of it.”
After helping Cassandra and Leron leave the classroom unseen, Kate wandered the corridors of the castle instead of going to prepare the activities for her class the following week.
Nor did she go to see Corentin, knowing that they had a project pending that they could not delay any longer.
She wanted to go home. She had had enough of the whole thing, and the possibility of not being able to return in a near future scared her. How much longer was the nightmare going to last?
A pair of eyes were on her, she sensed it, and tried to appear as unbothered as she could. The attempt at discovering who was watching her through legilimency failed, so she turned around to check her back. There was nothing out of the ordinary, just students coming and going.
As she turned to continue on her way, she came face to face with Kent Jorgensen, who only glanced at her before looking around.
“I’d like to talk to you. Not here. There are too many prying ears.”
Kate knew that Cassandra would tell Jorgensen that someone else knew the secret that they had managed to keep hidden, but she didn’t expect it to be so soon. She followed him to the front door, and they went outside. “A walk?”
“To the greenhouse.” The phrase came out as a command rather than the suggestion she had in mind.
“To the greenhouse, then.”
They walked silently the short way to Kate’s workplace and when she closed the door behind her, Jorgensen finally spoke.
“So you know.”
“Yes.” She put on some gloves to protect herself from the bite of the fanged geraniums and started placing the pots on the central table, side by side, unconsciously creating a barrier between the two. She grabbed a spray and casually started to take care of her plants.
“I think I owe you an apology.” Jorgensen commented, looking around. “You have made a very interesting place out of that old building. Where did you get the umbrella flowers?”
Kate stopped spraying the geraniums and looked him straight in the eye. “Why do you owe me an apology?” Jorgensen lowered his head.
“I misjudged you. I thought you were here for him. When... what are you doing?”
“Yesterday I gave them gumbumbles to eat. If I don’t clean their teeth, the treacle can wilt them.” While Jorgensen was talking Kate had opened a drawer and pulled out some forceps she put in the mouth of one of the geraniums so she could sprinkle a greyish substance inside.
“Leron is not conscious when he is under the influence of the Billywig. When I heard that Flavia had suffered these ‘accidents’ I thought... I was afraid for him.” Jorgensen frowned as he saw Kate put her hand into the geranium’s mouth.
“The tongue must also be cleaned,” she simply said. When she finished with that plant, she left her gadgets on the table. The time for evasion was over.
“I apologise to you too.” Jorgensen looked surprised. “I thought you were behind Flavia’s accidents.”
“And why would you think such a thing?”
“Well... you must admit that you didn’t look innocent when you talked about it.”
The professor put his hands behind his back, “So Rhode really didn’t bring you here to take him away?” Kate shook her head, hoping he would believe her.
“I’ve already told Steiner. Rhode doesn’t know anything, and if she finds out, it won’t be because of me.”
Kate continued her routine, taking care of each of the geraniums while Jorgensen eyed at her.
“He’s always been like that, you know? His wife’s death only made it worse.”
“Steiner told me you don’t want to send him to a hospital.”
“She doesn’t want to. I’ve been flirting with the idea since the day he hit Micael.” He paused, and Kate looked up as she sensed a deep sadness. “He’s my friend though, nobody knows him better than us.”
“I understand what you mean.”
“Losing the people you love is a heavy pain. As if a rock bigger than you were crushing your chest. It’s our responsibility to learn to get rid of the weight that keeps us from moving forward and go on our way with a little bit of dirt in our pockets, to remind us of what we have experienced.”
As Kate put the pots back and cleaned the soil off the table while taking glances at him. Jorgensen was left pensive for a moment and continued to speak, perhaps to himself, in a monologue he wished would help him clear his head.
“Leron took refuge in a familiar place, a dark place where he could neither see nor feel. A decision that is taking its toll on him.”
Kate sat down on one of the benches, the table still keeping the distance between them. Better that way, she thought, despite the situation with Jorgensen had taken quite a turn, she didn’t trust anyone in that school.
“Is there anything else you want to ask me?” He questioned.
“I know he’s meeting someone in the woods.” Jorgensen’s eyebrow shot to his hairline, “With whom?”
“With his supplier, of course. The Billywigs are not native to this area. That man is very elusive. Every day I fly over the forest to find him, but by the time I get down he’s gone. I have never managed to catch Leron with billywigs in his hand because he used to hide them here before entering the castle”.
Kate pondered this new information for a long time. She couldn’t imagine how she would feel if any of her friends were going through a similar situation, and she couldn’t find anything to tell Jorgensen that would help him in the least.
“It must be very difficult,” she finally said. The professor nodded and rolled up his sleeves, revealing some red scratches.
“Cassandra told me you saw one of his light episodes. But if he’s got over three billywigs in him... things get a little twisted.”
“Do you think he will get over it?”
“I’m hoping he will.”
“As we have already discussed, obtaining hybrids comprises two phases; we have already made enough crosses and we have a pure line of umbrella flowers. The next step will be to cross them again, this time with fanged geraniums”.
Kate tapped her fingers against her thigh, waiting impatiently for the class to finish. She placed a pot on the greenhouse table, with a seemingly calm geranium.
She gave several instructions on how to treat it, pointing to the teeth and thorns as points to watch for, and let them experiment on their own.
She put her hand to her chest, following the dragon-shaped silhouette of her necklace through the clothes. In a short time it would all be over.
The thought grieved her too. Over the months she had developed a special affection for these children and not only because she feared they would run around in the same hallways with a loose Death Eater, but because she genuinely liked them.
And Corentin. Oh, what would she have done without him these months? He was being of great help in her mission; both investigating and being the only thing that prevented her from collapsing completely.
“After transferring the pollen, don’t forget to cover the geranium pots.” She said almost shouting, so she could be heard among the voices of the children.
When they heard the castle bell, Kate practically pushed them out of the greenhouse, closed the door and shot out to the castle, throwing a  “See you on Friday!” Over her shoulder.
It was the day. The day Corentin and Kate agreed to start the trip to Grindelwald‘s room. Kate was a walking ball of nerves; not only for the excitement of investigating secret parts of a magnificent castle, but she would also be alone and probably in the dark.
“Here you go.” Corentin whispered, handing her the complete map.
The week prior, Kate and Corentin had done their best to find a way through Nerida’s painting. They racked their brains thinking about it until the only solution left was to find another way.
It didn’t take long for them to follow the path that led to the room and discover, to their great surprise and a touch of concern, that the starting point was a well-known place.
The library.
Now all that was needed was to find the how.
Behind the wall guarded by the librarian’s desk, Kate and Corentin were hiding in the dark.
Corentin looked at the stairs that led to the first floor of the tower where section C of the library was located. “It’s impossible for you to go up. The path ends here.”
Kate inspected the opposite wall, noticing nothing out of the ordinary. “Do you think it will have a Muggle mechanism like the painting?”
Corentin hummed, but did not answer the question.
With steady hands, Kate began to probe the stone in search of something; she did not know what, but something.
She gasped when a strange sensation ran through her body. In one corner, the wall had stopped being material to the touch and her fingertips disappeared.
She quickly reached out and looked at Corentin. “I have seen this spell before. There is... there is a door in a tower that cannot be opened. I went through it to go to a teachers’ meeting.”
She tested the wall again, this time inserting her arm up to her elbow, and took it out again, confirming her theory.
“I felt air on the other side.”
“Good luck, then.”
Kate wielded her wand a little harder than usual and with a long sigh after nodding to Corentin, ventured deep into the building.
It was not completely dark. A light could be seen in the distance. She made her way with the light emanating from her wand to the first torch. The path had narrowed in her wake without her noticing, and the space she had to manoeuvre had become limited.
The map had not yet blurred, but she didn’t risk losing it completely, so she approached it delicately towards the fire.
There was at an intersection with two possible directions and she took the one on the right as indicated on the map. The one on the left led to some stairs that went up to the first floor.
The passage became even narrower, forcing her to turn sideways and walk facing the wall. As she moved forward, she heard voices near her. They were not obvious; the sound was lost in the stone, but she could tell that she was just behind the advanced duelling classroom.
A sound of an explosion startled her, and there, pressed against two walls, she held her breath, thinking, irrationally, that the entire structure would collapse, leaving her buried and forgotten forever.
Her rational part of her brain understood that it was just a spell that had bounced off the wall, confirming that Libor Marek was on the other side.
Without wasting any more time, she kept going, as she could, the long way until it widened.
She took a deep breath and stopped.
The map was almost gone, but the last lines indicated that she had to go down the stairs right in front of her. Kate began to descend with little enthusiasm and soon reached the last step. It was on the same level as the castle kitchens.
Her footsteps echoed around her, and she wondered if anyone could hear her.
Suddenly, something else reverberated on the walls of the passage. A metallic, dry and very short sound almost imperceptible were it not for the fact that she was walking very slowly.
She stood still and waited.
She waved her light back and forth, but there was no one with her. As she moved one foot to begin her expedition again, she heard it once more, this time recognising the sound as something she should have avoided.
Behind her, part of the wall began to fall out of place; a seemingly endless stone wall closed off her path, and when she thought she could only go forward, she realised that she had been hopelessly trapped; another wall closed off the passage.
She folded the now-empty map as best she could and kept it up her sleeve so she could approach the wall freely. She cursed when she heard the noise again.
The walls began to move towards her. Kate frantically searched for something to help her escape the fate that awaited her in a few minutes. With her wand between her teeth, she groped the wall that was pushing her back and with wide eyes watched as the second one was getting closer and closer to her back.
She tried to stop them with a repelling spell, but the space was getting smaller and smaller with every second. In desperation she continued to touch the stone that was oppressing her and for a second her hand sank.
As fast as she could, she went through the rock the same way she entered the tunnel system in the library, and appeared on the other side. Several torches lit up part of the way.
Behind her, the two walls met, raising a cloud of dust that made her cough. Now there was no turning back.
She lost track of time as she walked. The corridor was long as it crossed the castle from side to side. Luckily for her, she didn’t need to have her wand lit. With several torches at her disposal, she turned right, where a flight of steps would bring her closer to her goal. When she reached the top, she was left in the dark again.
The feeling was strange. She was not on the main floor, but neither was she in the depths from which she had come.
With a last glance at the paper, she turned left, venturing out on the last stretch of the journey.
The tunnels drawn on the map were disappearing, but Kate had already reached her destination. She stopped at the crossroads and lit up the area with her wand.
To her left was the long awaited gate and to her right, stairs to the first floor that reached a dead end. With the map erased and no torches nearby, she sensed that that was the space where Nerida’s painting was.
With a deep breath to calm herself down, she took the metal mop and pulled, discovering that the door was open. Thinking that the last stretch to her goal had been suspiciously easy, she ventured into the room.
She immediately covered her nose and mouth with her sleeve; decades of dampness and pestilence had accumulated in the room, and the fact that the only point of ventilation was the door she entered would not help the situation.
She felt around the nearest walls and found a candlestick. Waving her wand very delicately so as not to overdo the size of the flames, she pronounced, “Incendio”.
She was startled when all the candles in the room lit up in an electric blue, revealing several disturbing elements.
She took two steps back, closing the door with her back in the process.
Recovering her temper, she approached the first thing that caught her attention: a large glass cylinder that almost reached the ceiling, filled with a green liquid that was most likely stagnant water.
A skeleton of a creature which could perfectly well have been a snake or some type of sea serpent, rested on the bottom surrounded by smaller bones. She wrinkled her nose and looked away to the rest of the room.
Just to the right of the tube was a desk filled with sketches and writings. It was not the only place where there were scrolls, though; the walls were practically wallpapered with drawings and notes. The Deathly Hallows symbol was obsessively drawn all over the place.
At the door, Kate recognised the map of Nerida recreated with several pieces of paper.
She focused on the desk where there were more documents. She frowned at the particularly dark drawings of creatures that were not exactly human, but Kate could not recognise what they were.
On one sheet of paper the word ‘Inferi’ was written.
Above the desk and completely covered by scrolls was a world map, with some pins in certain places. A small piece of paper was written on it: ‘Peverell?’
She surrounded the chair that stood in her way and came to a shelf full of jars; some empty and others with ingredients for potions.
She touched something with her foot and almost jumped up to the ceiling.
A crystal ball rested on a complex system of tubes and wires that she could not identify. With the hit, the ball vibrated for a few moments and Kate held her breath.
Relieved when the ball was finally in place, she bent down to read the label attached to it: ‘Erik Aaberg.’
“No...” She sighed. She had found the place where he had captured the obscurus.
On the ground there were more drawings, this time of several children with detailed descriptions.
In the silence, she heard her own saliva coming down her throat as she imagined how Grindelwald chose his victim.
Beyond the system that once contained an obscurus, she glimpsed the feet of a black lectern she had never seen before.
She conjured up lumos again so she could see better and stood up to read the scroll that rested there.
It looked new, and the layer of dust was not as evident as in the other objects. She unrolled it and began to read.
Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Walden Macnair
Lucius Malfoy
Narcisa Malfoy
Isidora Gonore
Thorfinn Rowle
Antonin Dolohov
Cyprus Raynott
Malina Hadwise
Corban Yaxley
Gaspar Avery
The list stopped there, but the trembling of her jaw did not. She recognised several names: Corban Yaxley had become friends with her grandfather many years ago, after he had dealt with a plague of acromantulas in the mansion where she lived as a child; Lucius Malfoy, a man from the Ministry who would not leave Mr Weasley alone, his son was studying with Charlie’s brother; Cyprus Raynott! Her father’s workmate, and the person who had come to Durmstrang to find Igor Karkarov.
She recognised Dolohov’s name from the newspapers; he was imprisoned in Azkaban for being... a Death Eater.
Would... would it be possible that... all of them...
But she couldn’t warn anyone. Not Mr. Weasley, not her father, not anyone from the Ministry. As safe as the Durmstrang post was, such a letter would be easily intercepted, and even more so if someone was waiting for it. Because that list was unequivocally what the school’s Death Eater wanted to find at all costs.
She could try to communicate via her patronus, but she had refused to learn that spell from Dumbledore, not only because she had only managed to cast her patronus once in her life but because she considered it a dangerous way to send messages.
She read the list again, but none of the teachers appeared on the paper.
An unknown sound left her frozen in place. It wasn’t footsteps or voices, but like a crackling sound around her. No, it was as if someone was writing beside her; it was a sound of a quill on paper.
She instinctively took the scroll to her ear, and the noise became more evident.
She waited for a few seconds and out of nowhere, just below Gaspar Avery, a new name appeared that made her blood run cold.
Severus Snape.
Her breath was laboured, and a heavy sensation pressed against her chest. She looked around frantically, wondering what her next step might be. She did not want to leave the room behind, but she could not stay there long either.
She rolled up the scroll again and tucked it up her sleeve in a hurry. With one last look at Grindelwald’s belongings, she headed for one of the candlesticks to extinguish the flames. As she blew, all the lights went out.
She closed the door behind her and cast some protective incantations to make it at least more difficult to enter. She checked the doorknob twice and slipped through the shadows into the dead-end corridor.
The wall was cold to the touch, there was only stone, but there had to be a way out that did not go through the hapless maze that she had come from. She murmured ‘lumos’ and bent down to look for the mechanism that had opened the painting, but this time she was on the other side of the wall, so she had little hope.
She felt a buzz as she ran her hand along the bottom of the wall which intensified as she reached the third from the right.
Practically lying on the floor, she looked for a way to operate some mechanism that would open the door. By applying a little pressure, she could feel the ‘click’.
She thought she saw the wall light up suddenly, with a blue glow that disappeared in the second, but when she got up the wand had come near her face so she didn’t give it much importance.
What had made that sound?
When she touched the wall again, she thought it had been a fatal mistake: she felt a pull in her stomach and a force that pushed her forward. Her hands went through the wall first and touched something solid again, the painting, which as she continued to be consumed by the castle, opened up as she pushed it.
In less than a couple of seconds Nerida Vulchanova had spat her out of the bowels of her fortress and from the ground, relieved that she had not hit her head, she saw the waves that had been created on the stone as she passed solidify again. The painting closed and Nerida watched her from the heights.
“Thanks... I guess.” She said to the painting.
She crawled a little until she was leaning against the wall and massaged her arm. The hidden object burned against her skin. She had to go to her room immediately and hide it; or take it with her at all times; or say ‘thank you very much’ to Rhode and leave in the first carriage to London.
To her left was an armchair which promised to be much nicer than the floor, and she mustered the courage to get up to it.
Just when she had caught her breath, someone came through the door. The shelves prevented her from seeing who had entered, but she did see the figure standing at a display case.
Effectively putting her own feelings aside, Kate sensed contradictory feelings in the stranger; a deep sadness, helplessness, confidence, arrogance.
She stood up, alerting the intruder. The teacher’s long earrings swayed as she bowed her head.
“Miss Williams, what brings you here?” Yankelevich commented casually. Kate approached the teacher, not to engage in conversation, but to find out what she was looking at so gloomily.
“I like to come here. It’s a quiet place.” She glanced at the display case and read the plaque of the largest trophy there was. Lena Yankelevich.
“My sister. Magnificent seeker.”
Libor Marek came through the door creating a great din, and both witches turned around. Kate took advantage of that to go to the door and say goodbye quickly, without stopping to wonder why there were so many people in that room and with the name of her former potions teacher hammering into her brain.
[Part 15]
A/N: you have no idea how hard it was to write this chapter lmao.
Tag List: @am-i-space​ @eldritchscreech​ @cazreadsstuff​ @meteora-fc​ @the-navistar-carol​
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Let's watch the thunder together
Sam Arias x Male Reader
Request- Story starts where R was hanging out in Kara's loft and R ask who's coming for game night and kara told him who's coming and when she mentioned sam. R said "Oh fuck no man And I'm taking this" he took the wine bottle and use the interdimensional extrapolator to go to universe 7. Kara said "what just happened".
Then Goku said their goodbyes and R said "I'm am so sorry about him, I didn't think he would be more of a dumbass than he already is. Fast forward he and sam got along sort of.
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Sam moved back to National City not long ago. She is close friends with Lena and Kara and she is happy to be home. Kara invited everyone for a game night in her loft, she is excited, everyone is coming. Sam has been working hard at L-CORP, tonight she is ready to have fun with her friends.
You arrived early because you bought the food and drinks. Kara is happy that you got everything. You help her set up the drinks and food. Kara showed you the board games that everyone will play.
”Lena is coming over with her new friend Sam,” Kara said.
”I once knew someone named Sam but it didn't end well” You said.
”What happened?” Kara asked.
”Long story short, I was the punchline of a cruel joke,” You said.
Kara felt bad for you and she rubbed your arm. Kara was going to say something to cheer you up but Alex and Lena arrived with Sam. You and Sam stared at each other but you are not happy.
”Oh fuck no man and I'm taking this," You said.
Everyone is confused and wanted to ask questions, but you took the wine from Alex and used an interdimensional extrapolator to go to universe 7.
”What just happened?” Kara asked.
Sam sighed.
”We used to know each other. In high school, I went with Y/N to prom has a prank, and my friends used to bully him. I fell in love with him, when he found out that I had to go out with him on a bet well... He didn't want to hear what I had to say. Since then I haven't seen him since” Sam said sadly.
”Give him time, he will come around,” Alex said.
Sam nods and she still feels bad.
You are on universe seven. You went to see Vegeta like always he is training in the capsule corp. You start to train with Vegeta and he is always hard on you.
”What are you doing here?” You asked.
Alex came to see you.
”Vegeta, hi,” Alex said.
”Alex. You two are ruining my training section leave or join me” Vegeta said.
You and Alex looked at each other.
”So that is Sam,” Alex said.
”Remember when I told you I was bullied in high school and I dated this girl that had a bet with her stupid friends well that Sam,” You said.
”Yeah, she told us what happened and she stills feels sad about it. I think you should talk to her” Alex said.
You and Alex start to train with Vegeta, it's two against one. He won't go easy on Alex because she doesn't have powers, he wants Alex to get strong. Alex tries to dodge Vegeta’s attacks but he is faster.
”I don't want to speak with her,” You said.
You start to kick Vegeta.
”You should talk to her,” Vegeta said.
”See, even Vegeta agrees and he isn't much of a talker,” Alex said.
”I will think about it,” You said.
Vegeta punched you in the stomach and you fall.
”See, thinking about problems you didn't block my punch,” Vegeta said.
You are on the ground gasping for air.
You couldn't finish your sentence.
”Oh, and Kara will have game night this weekend so you better come,” Alex said.
Much later~
You, Alex, and Vegeta are taking a break. Bulma gave you and them more water to drink.
”Y/N, where is the four dragon ball star?” Bulma asked.
You start to think and you scratched your head.
”Somewhere on earth-38,” You said.
She started to yell at you because you're being careless with the dragon balls. You and Vegeta get scared when she starts to scream.
”You better go back and get it!! You know how hard it's to find it! If you don't get it, I will make your life a living hell!!” Bulma screamed.
”I’m sorry!!! I will go get it! Alex let's go!!” You said terrified.
You and Alex ran away from Bulma.
Before the night ended, you took Alex back to her home. And you almost forgot the 4 dragon ball star, but you had to go back to Kara’s loft. Sam is talking with Lena and Kara.
”So, you two know each other?” Lena asked.
”Unfortunately” You mumbled.
You see the dragon ball on the table you grabbed it. Before you left, you went to the kitchen and started to steal Kara’s food. It's not the first time you steal food from Kara’s Kitchen.
You left and went straight to Bulma’s house and gave her the dragon ball. You went home, you lie in your bed and think about Sam.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You are jogging in the park. You caught the soccer ball and the girl walked towards you.
”I’m sorry I almost hit you with my soccer ball,” She said.
She reminds you of Sam a little bit. You see Sam walking towards you and she smiled at you.
”Hey Y/N,” Sam said.
You give back the soccer ball.
”Hi Sam,” You said.
”This is my daughter, Ruby. Y/N can we talk?” Sam said.
Ruby went to play with her friends.
”Yeah sure,” You said.
You and Sam sit on the bench.
”Y/N, I'm sorry what happened in high school. I should have done something but I didn't, I know you hate me and I don't blame you” Sam said.
”Sam, saying sorry it's not enough. But... There's no point holding a grudge against you. I forgive you and I want us to move on and start over” You said.
You and Sam smile at each other and she hugged you.
”Maybe we can go out tonight?” Sam said.
”Yeah, we can do that,” You said.
You and Sam just finished eating at a restaurant. You and Sam are having a good time and talked about everything. She is making you smile more and she can't stop smiling at you.
Trunks and Goten are eating at a restaurant, the table is being filled with empty plates. They have a huge appetite and keep eating a lot.
”Trunks, you have the money?” Goten asked.
”Money? I don't have money” Trunks said.
”We need to pay. I don't have money” Goten said.
They start to think. They sneaked out of the restaurant but the manager saw them. Now the manager is chasing Trunks and Goten. The boys just kept running without looking they crashed into you.
”You kids better pay now!” The manager yelled.
”Trunks and Goten what are you doing here!?” You said.
”We are at a restaurant and we don't have money,” Goten said.
You stand up and you offered to pay and the manager accepted the cash.
”We found the interdimensional extrapolator, we touched the button and it took us here. Is she your girlfriend?” Trunks said.
”No, I'm his friend Sam,” Sam said.
”You are pretty. You should be his girlfriend-”
”Goten shut up,” You said.
”Y/N and Sam sitting on a tree-”
Trunks and Goten kept teasing you and Sam, she just giggled. You are telling them to shut up but they won't.
You took Sam home. Trunks and Goten are jumping on your bed
”Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?” Goten asked.
”No, I didn't ask her,” You said.
They keep jumping on the bed.
”You should ask her,” Trunks said.
”Try not to break anything and don't eat my food,” You said.
You left the bedroom to take a shower. Trunks and Goten grabbed your phone and found Sam’s phone number and called her. Trunks try to mimic your voice and think Sam will fall for it.
”Sam, it's me Y/N I want you to be my girlfriend,” Trunks said.
Sam is smiling hard and tries not to laugh.
”Wow, Y/N I had no idea you want to be my boyfriend,” Sam said.
”You are pretty so you are my girlfriend. Bye! I have to give my stuff to Trunks and he is really cool” Trunks said.
He hangs up the phone. Much later, the boys fell asleep on your bed. Sam sent you a text and told you what Trunks did. You couldn't help to laugh.
You were going to spend time with Sam alone, but Trunks and Goten tagged along. Sam thinks it's cute how you get along with the boys.
”Pizza!!!” The boys yelled with joy.
You arrived at your apartment with pizza. They just grabbed it and started to eat like pigs.
”They sure eat a lot,” Sam said.
”They train a lot so huge appetites. They will leave you broke all the time” You said.
Goku arrived and he gave you a bear hug. Goten is happy to see his father, then you introduced Goku to Sam.
”Oh is this your girlfriend?
”Goku shut up!” You spat.
Sam didn't know what to say.
”Oh she is your girlfriend! Y/N she is really pretty-”
You punched Goku in the stomach. You felt he was embarrassing you.
”Take the boys with you, they are eating my food,” You said.
”Dad!!” Goten yelled with joy and jumped on his dad.
”I should take them home, Bulma and Chi-Chi are worried and angry at them,” Goku said.
Trunks and Goten are scared now and they hold on to Goku tight.
”Bye, Y/N’s girlfriend!!” They all yelled and left.
You sighed and Sam can't stop smiling.
”I'm am so sorry about him, I didn't think he would be more of a dumbass than he already is” You said.
”They are nice and funny. I don't mind seeing them around” Sam said.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You and Sam have been spending a lot of time together. Your feelings for Sam.has gotten stronger and Sam wonders if you want to be her boyfriend.
You invited Sam, Ruby, and super friends to a party on universe 7. Bulma is throwing a party on the Capsule Corp ferry. You introduced everyone to each other, they are getting along. Everyone loves the food and the party is going great.
You are spending alone with the guys, you thought of an idea along with Yamcha, Master Roshi, and Oolong. Two women walked into the room, the music starts to play.
”Guys, what is going on?” Goku asked.
”Oh, you will find out in a little bit” Oolong has a huge grin.
”Y/N, are they here?” Master Roshi asked.
”The show will start now” You smirked.
The two strippers start to take off their clothes.
”Why are they taking off their clothes?” Goku asked in confusion.
You and the others are watching the two strippers dance. Goku closed his eyes then Chi Chi walked and she started to yell. Everyone blamed the idea on you, she glared and she yelled at you again.
”Chi-Chi it's harmless. Goku barely looked at them” You said.
You give her thumbs up and she gave you the finger. She smacked your head
”Hey that hurts” You whine.
You start to rub your head.
”That's what you get, Y/N,” Chi-Chi said.
She dragged Goku out of the room, while you and the other guys watch the strippers dance.
Still, on the ferry, you went to spend time with Sam alone. You and Sam stand by the balcony and watch the beautiful sunset, you take a selfie with Sam. Your hand is on top of her hand and she kissed your cheek, you blushed.
”Having fun?” You asked.
”Yes, I'm having fun. Goku is like a huge kid in a men’s body but he sure can eat a lot. Where does the food go?” Sam said.
You and Sam laughed.
”Are you dating anyone?” You asked.
”No. I have been single for a while now, what about you?” Sam said.
”I have been on dates but I haven't been in a relationship,” You said.
You and Sam stare at each other, she bites her bottom lip.
You and Sam went to check on Ruby and the others.
”How did you and my mom meet?” Ruby said.
”We met in high school, she was the popular girl and I wasn't popular. A teacher made us work together on a project, we had to take care of a game baby” You said.
”We couldn't agree on the name so we named the baby, baby,” Sam said.
Ruby laughed.
You and Sam joined the others to eat. Goku again is eating a lot and he put his arm around your shoulder.
”Can you turn Super Saiyan 4?” Goku asked.
”Why do you ask?” You said.
”Whis said you can do it. I want to see” Goku said.
”What is Super Saiyan 4?” Kara asked.
”Super Saiyan 4 is, the form gives the fighter the super strength and speed of a Great Ape, but with a calm, clever mind. But for others, it can make them very cold and aggressive. Y/N would have different hair color, also would have a tail and his body is covered in red fur. His eyes possess a shadow to trim around their eyes and over the eyelids that vary in color, such as crimson. The hair is lengthened while becoming wilder, reaching down to the middle of their back, while two long pointed bangs of hair appear on both sides of the neck. It also makes the individual considerably larger in height and muscularity ” Whis said.
”Sam and Ruby are here,” You said.
”I want to see you transform,” Sam said.
”Me too! Y/N you should do it” Kara said.
”Okay, I will do it,” You said.
You moved away from everyone, you get in your stance. Everyone watches you change into Super Saiyan 4, everyone is impressed and they like your new form.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You are at work sitting at your desk, you get mail. You opened the package, you take out an old picture of you and Sam back in high school.
”I can't believe I thought that was cool,” You said to yourself.
You are talking about your fashion style. Sam sent you a text...
Sam- I found this and the old mixtape you made for me. Also, I made you a mix cd. I know its old school 😜
You take out the cd and you read the playlist. You can't stop smiling.
You come out of work and Sam is waiting for you.
”Hey, you,” You said.
”Y/N, I thought we can go on a date right now,” Sam said.
”Wow, you beat me to the punch. I was going to ask you over the phone” You said.
You and Sam smile at each other.
”I’m sorry... If I ruined the moment” Sam said.
You shake your head.
”No, you didn't ruin anything. Yes, I will go out on a date with you” You said
You and Sam can't stop smiling at each other.
”Do remember that go-kart place we used to go. We had a race and I almost won but you cheated” Sam said.
”I remember winning and it wasn't my fault that you lost,” You said.
”Well, I want a rematch,” Sam said.
”Oh, I will give you the rematch and you will lose again,” You said.
You and Sam started to race and did three laps, she won. You wanted a rematch but she didn't want the rematch. You and Sam have dinner at the snack bar.
”Best first date I had in a while,” You said.
”Me too. And no you won't get the rematch” Sam said.
You and Sam laughed. You kissed Sam and she kissed you back.
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thewebcomicsreview · 3 years
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Tonight on Legend of the Hare: Oh hey, a mysterious new girl who’s the subject of maybe half the LotH fanart I’ve ever gotten and a commission of whom is printed out on a woodblock that’s in my living room! I’ll wait until her introduction proper to talk about her more as a character, except to note that she’s got a bit of a wrestling motif like Jill does (as if she’s some form of Jill foil…) and that I really like that black and gold version of her outfit Sabu made for a $5 patron pinunp a few months ago.
Otherwise, this is mostly just a transition page. We learn that our mysterious robed figure is both a princess and also someone who’s held in very low esteem, and that there’s a big ball happening. I don’t think I ever say this in the comic, but the reason there’s a big party is to celebrate the capture of the Dragon Champion, Amaya, who is the only fighter in the resistance above the age of 8. I really should have pointed that out in-text, even if it’s not hard to intuit, because then I could explain that Jill is the rabbits’ only hope and they have nothing else, which didn’t even get mentioned as a lore post. Ah well.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 4 years
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Little One
(Story Post)
“Are you excited?” “You can’t even begin to know how excited I am.” Fay was driving Rheni into APID to be present for Camilo’s ultrasound. The procedure wasn’t entirely necessary but the couple bugged Sydryn frequently enough about checking the baby’s position and letting Rheni see it before the imminent birth, and the dragon finally caved. Fay had already gotten in trouble for bringing Rheni to APID with them for Dari’s birth without the proper permissions, so this time they’d done everything by the book and so they couldn’t be late without suffering severe consequences. Fay hadn’t himself had a real chance to leave home since his twins’ birth so it was a relief to him as well, getting out and stretching his legs. Dusty stepped in to help Dari with the kids in his stead. He too liked the change for the day as without his boss around, he’d basically been everyone’s assistant in Fay’s department and he didn’t much like running around doing errands for people he didn’t really know. Plus, it was a chance for Grey to have a play date with Fay’s kids. “Can you believe it, Fay?” Rheni said. “Me? A dad?”
“Not to be smug, but I can,” Fay stated as he parked his car. APID's underground parking made it safe for Rheni to step out of the car without being seen. “The kids love you. In fact, just the other night when you had your phone date with Cami, Katia got upset that I was the one reading the bedtime story instead of you. I’ve practically been replaced.” “You haven’t, I swear… When you’re at work, all they cared about was making things to show you when you get home, whether a drawing or a dance or new signs they learned… Oh, I suck at ASL. I don’t think they get that not everyone knows it.” “They don’t get out much to meet people,” Fay explained. “That’ll change soon though, if I have anything to do with it. My children are not going to become recluses like Dari… Dari's not going to become a recluse like Dari.” Rheni frowned and watched Fay as he got out. “…Fay, don't you think you're putting a lot of expectations on Dari that he just might not be able to meet?” Fay's visage tensed and he turned to the slime man. “Why?” “Well, I mean, before the twins, I’ve basically been home alone all day with Dari and, you know, we talk and he just feels like all the changes you want him to go through aren’t realistic or even necessary,” Rheni explained. “And he feels like he’s made a lot of good progress already and why can’t that be enough?” “He has made good progress,” Fay said. “He’s a much more open and much more functional person than when I met him. And as he is might’ve been fine before. If we didn’t have kids, maybe he could’ve just stayed home all the time, be mostly self-sufficient, garden, and all that… But now we do have the kids. And a lot of them. And there are laws. And kids need to be in school. And on top of that, our children are merspawn, and merspawn have their own needs that need to be met, and I’ve been ignoring a lot of rules from my community to cater to Dari’s needs, but there will come a time where their needs are more important and he needs to bend as well.” “Oh, well, I mean… Yeah, I guess it’s more complicated,” Rheni said. “But why can’t he homeschool them?�� “Homeschool… I can’t…” Fay’s frustration knotted his forehead. “If I even thought homeschool was a good idea, they would still need a good teacher. I managed to get Dari to finish his high school equivalency, but beyond that, I really don’t think he’s capable of running homeschooling for our children. He would need to prove that he can do it. And even if he could do it, I still don’t want them to be homeschooled. I don’t think it would be healthy to keep them away from other children. They need to learn to socialize with other people, not just their own family and family friends. I want them to be able to pursue anything they want to have or be in our society and they won’t be able to do that if the only people they ever talk to are us and the only lessons they ever learn is that they should only ever want to be home.” “Hmm, yeah… I mean, I get your point, but maybe you need to talk to Dari about it again, because he's not feeling great about it,” Rheni said. “I know…” Fay pointed to the exit. “Can we go inside though? This parking lot is not warm and I am a fish.” “Yeah! I was waiting for your lead, to be honest,” Rheni said. They headed inside and checked in through security. In the elevator, Fay sighed and leaned against the wall. “I've cut him off.” “Hm?” “No more children.” “Oh. Yeah, I know.” “On top of not wanting to have more children, and not feeling capable of having more in our life, I also believe that when’s he’s not busy being pregnant, Dari has more time to improve himself. And he can say he’s good enough as he is, but I also know he wants to improve because there’s things he wants to do that are just out of reach right now…” The elevator doors opened into the lobby for the medical ward. Camilo was already there talking to Köbi, but he looked over as they came out. He looked tired with a big crew neck pulled down tight around his overburdened middle, but he smiled when he saw his boyfriend run up to him. “Cam, hey! How are you?” Rheni asked, grabbing his boyfriend by the waist and kissing his cheek. “I had a rough night honestly, but I'm okay,” Camilo said. “How are you?” “Super excited. I want to see our kid,” Rheni said grinning. “It's all I've been thinking about since Syd confirmed we could.” Camilo nodded. “Yeah, you better thank them for making the time.” “I will!” At that, Sydryn came out and waved them in. “Good, you're both here. Let's go. Fay, are you joining us?” “Oh, no, just dropping off the slime. I want to check in on my replacement.” “Oh, thanks, Fay!” Rheni said waving. “I'll text you when it's over.” “Alright. Have fun, you two,” Fay said before going to call the elevator again. The couple followed Syd into the radiology room where the sonogram was set up. Since Camilo's classes had taken up a lot of his time, he hadn't visited Rheni in a while so the slime man couldn't keep his eyes off him. He found himself admiring even just the way Camilo carried himself over to the exam table. “Cam, please take this as a compliment, but you have such a cute pregnant waddle,” Rheni stated. Camilo immediately blushed. “Is it really that noticeable? I thought I was trying not to…” “You're 39 weeks pregnant,” Sydryn stated. “To attempt to change how you walk would likely only cause more strain on your body.” “39?!” Rheni exclaimed. “Are you seriously that far along?” “Yep… We're in the end game. This kid is classified full term and I am ready for this to be over,” Camilo said. “Okay, but like, I knew we were end game, but this is like…Portals are open, ‘I am Iron Man', end game. Like, it's that far in,” Rheni said, starting to feel sweaty, even though he couldn't sweat. “You could have the kid any day now, right?” “Technically, yes,” Sydryn said. “Though you have a March due date.” “Well, as long as it's not in the middle of an exam, I will welcome this kid any day,” Camilo said, climbing up on the table. He flipped up his shirt, exposing his belly. Marcita had worked her magic and he didn't have a single noticeable stretch mark because of her lotion concoction but his navel was a speckled button and his linea negra had darkened a bit. “You've gotten so big since I last saw you,” Rheni said going over to stand beside him. “Yep… Thankfully, I shouldn't get any bigger…” Camilo remarked. Sydryn repositioned the ultrasound's screen towards the couple and then prepped the wand with gel before placing it on Camilo's abdomen. “Ooh, this is it,” Rheni said excitedly, holding Camilo's arm. “Calm down, you're a little too worked up,” Camilo said, feeling Rheni's grip tighten. “Sorry, sorry… Oh! Is that the baby?” Syd's hand paused with the wand pushed in deep into As Camilo’s side. The screen beside them showed the profile of the baby, tucked into little ball. “Is she in the right position?” Camilo asked. “Yes, I could already tell from the shape of you, but the image can confirm it,” Sydryn explained. “I assumed since this will be the last ultrasound before you're due, you'd like pictures?” “Of course!” Rheni said, his eyes glued to the screen. “I can't believe that's really inside you, Cam.” “Right? Believe it.” Sydryn used the mouse connected to the monitor to highlight where they were going to take the picture. “Camilo, hold your breath for me.” Camilo did as told and the doctor took some pictures quickly. “That’s enough, thank you,” Sydryn said, letting the boy breathe. “Everything still looks good. The foetus is at the right stage of development for your pregnancy. I don't see signs for any congenital abnormalities or birth defects. Your fluids are the right level.” “Oh, that’s all good,” Rheni said. “But is that it?” “There's not much more to look at,” Sydryn stated, taking away the wand. “Camilo's healthy. The baby’s healthy. Prepare for the birth.” “Well, thank you for making time for us,” Camilo said, grabbing a tissue from beside the table to wipe his belly. “I'm sure you're really busy.” “I am. That's why we had to keep this short,” Sydryn stated. “Aoife told me you weren't feeling well a week or two ago, so I'm glad you're back on your feet,” Camilo said. “You are feeling better, right?” “Yes, for now. You have no need to worry for your own health,” Sydryn stated. “Now, as much as I'd love to keep talking, I do have other patients to see.” Camilo put his arm out for Rheni to grab and pull him up onto his feet. Rheni helped him willingly. “And the pictures?” “Köbi will print as many as you'd like at the front desk,” Sydryn said. “Or, actually… I'll make sure he knows how. I'm a little too used to Aoife's competence, I suppose…” “I think Köbi's doing a good job,” Camilo said. “You're too critical of him.” “Without Aoife and even Reid around, this medical ward is an absolute nightmare,” Sydryn stated, leading them out. “I don't have enough time or energy for it…” “What about the doctor who covered when you were sick?” “She's from another branch of APID abroad. She was only visiting. We're looking to hire more physicians but, well, it requires very high qualifications that few can meet.” “That's a flex,” Rheni chuckled. “We get it, you're irreplaceable.” “I am, but I wouldn't be replaced. We just need someone qualified enough that I can train. I was hoping I might groom Köbi for it, but he's turned out to be quite the upward battle…” When they got to reception again, Köbi was following a video on his computer on how to do corn rows. He smiled to them as they approached. “How was the ultrasound?” “It was really cool!” Rheni said. “Köbi, this is a sterile ward,” Sydryn reminded. “Put your hair up and wash your hands.” “Ah, es tuet mr leid… You’ll have to let me braid your hair later though.” Köbi paused his video and went to wash his hands at the sink in the back of the cage. “Anything I can help with?” “We'd like to get some pictures printed from the ultrasound,” Camilo said. “Oh, cool!” Köbi came back to the front. “Sounds good.” “Do you remember how to do that?” Sydryn asked. “Sure, um…” Sydryn sighed and let themselves into the cage to help. In the meantime, Camilo and Rheni took a seat in the waiting area. “Hey, we never followed up on your family stuff,” Camilo said. “Safe to say, you're waiting until after this kid is out?” “Yeah, but actually, you just reminded me! Um…” Rheni pulled out his phone. “I did some snooping. And now I'm on the same Overwatch team as Timothy Zhao.” “Timothy?” “My brother.” “Oh! What? How did you find him?” Camilo asked. “I said, I did some snooping,” Rheni said. “It didn't take too much though. These kids put pretty much everything on social media. Found Michael's Facebook, found his brother’s name, found Tim's Instagram, found his public invite to his Discord channel, joined his Overwatch team.” “So you're stalking a fifteen year old.” “He just turned sixteen, and no, I'm befriending him. He's my brother.” “Did you tell him?” “Not yet. I mean, it's not like he'd believe me.” “Yeah, so you're stalking him.” “Come on, I'm just trying to tell you about my brother.” “Okay, okay. Tell me.” “He's a good kid… I was worried I was gonna get one of those screechy yelly kids who are like a nightmare to play with, but he's really calm and smart.” Camilo sighed. “So… If Michael went missing six years ago, then Timothy would've been ten when he went missing. That would be so difficult to deal with at that age…” “Yeah… I think I need him to see me first…” Rheni said. “I feel like a smart kid like that's more likely to believe it's me than adults who are set in their ways, you know?” “I get it… But they all need to know you're alive. They all need that…” Camilo held his stomach. “Losing a child can't possibly be easy to come to terms with.” Sydryn came up to them with two long envelopes. “We printed several copies. Enjoy.” “Thanks, Syd,” Rheni said getting up and taking the envelopes. “It means a lot, really.” “Don't mention it,” Sydryn said. “So, I imagine you're going back home with Fay from here?” Camilo asked his boyfriend. Rheni nodded. “I figure we might be here a bit… Fay's not the best when it comes to the staying at home part of paternity leave.” “Well, um, I'm taking the afternoon to study a bit but I think I might be free to visit afterwards,” Camilo said. “Are you sure you want to travel that much in your condition?” Rheni asked. “I don't think it's much of a distance, but honestly, I welcome anything that'll start my labour,” Camilo said. “I'm very much done with this whole pregnancy thing…” “It's overrated, huh?” Rheni joked, rubbing Camilo's belly gently. “Completely. Yesterday's news. Passé.” Rheni chuckled and kissed Camilo's cheek. “I can't wait for our baby to be here.” “It's unbelievable to think that even as soon as tomorrow, we could be parents,” Camilo said. “But right now, I'm still a student and I gotta go study.” Rheni nodded. “Okay. I'll let you go for now.” He gave Camilo another kiss. “Call me later please.” “I will.”
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babybottlepop96 · 3 years
Home Again Chapter 1
Jean x Marco
Summary: Jeana and Marco have been friends since the tender ages of 5 and 7. They grow together and fall in love.... then Jean disappears.
Warnings: This story will contains mentions of past rape and abuse. The violence parts will probably be descriptive, but the rape will not be. There will be eventual smut further along into the story. 
~20 Years Ago~
"Jean, honey, this is mommy's new boss, Mr. Bott. He is the man who is going to help us, so I need you to be on your best behavior, okay?" The small five year old with ash blonde hair, dark brown undercut and honey golden eyes nodded his head as he stared at the tall dark haired man with dark chocolate eyes.
"Nice to meet you Master Jean." The man smiled down at the boy with a warm smile. "This is my son, Marco, he just turned seven a few months ago. Heard you enjoy dinosaurs and superheroes?" Jean nodded as he stared at the boy just two years older than himself with wide eyes, mapping out all the freckles along his tanned skin, milk chocolate eyes staring back into his own with a smile that could make the grumpiest of men relax. "Marco has a boatload of dinosaur and superhero toys, Marco, why don't you show Jean your room?" Marco smiled, grabbing Jean's hand and dragging him up the giant spiral staircase to the second floor.
Once inside the room, Jean's jaw dropped, the size of Marco's bedroom was bigger than his whole house combined. The ceiling was high with detailed trim along the edges, painted in a dark brown and a pale maroon shade of red. The bed was bigger than what any seven year old should have, a giant flat screen tv was mounted onto the wall across from the bed and games, movies and toys filled the rest of the room. "Do you want to play a video game? I have Spyro the dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Mario Kart?" The freckles kid asked, naming off games while setting up one of the many gaming consoles he owned.
"I… ummm.." Jean stood there nervously, rocking on his feet while twiddling his tiny thumbs. "I've never played a video game before." He looked up to see Marco smiling at him.
"That's okay! I'll teach you! We can start with Mario Kart, it's a multiplayer game, so I'll be able to teach you!" He smiled proudly as if he just won first place at the spelling bee.
"Oh, okay! Thank you!" Jean grabbed the controller Marco handed out to him with shaky hands. The two sat down on the squishy blue and purple bean bag chairs and started a game, Marco showing him how to pick his character, how to move and control the kart and how to throw the special abilities gained when hitting the boxes with the question marks.
"So, Jean, what's your favorite color?"
"Purple." Jean spoke as he tried to concentrate on what he was doing on the screen, still having a bit of trouble with the turns.
"Cool! Mines red!" Marco spoke as he gestures to the room around them. 
"Favorite food?" Jean asked, stealing a glance at the older kid next to him, he couldn't help but smile, Marco's smile was infectious.
"Spaghetti! Well, all kinds of pasta! Penne, ravioli, ricotta-"
"I thought ricotta was a cheese?" Jean questioned, he wasn't actually sure himself, he just knew that cheese was a luxury in his home, never having enough money most of the time for really fancy things like cheeses.
"Oh, yeah! It is!" Marco giggled, "I just really like ricotta cheese." Jean giggled too, this kid was alright. "You're my new best friend, Jean."
~8 Years Later~
"Will you just shut up, Yeager?" A thirteen year old Jean Kirstein, as calmly as he could, spoke with his fist balled up at his sides as he walked out of the middle school building.
"Come on, Kirstein, didn't your poor piss excuse for a mother teach you it isn't nice to tell people to shut up?" Eren, the school bully, asshole and dick, in Jean's opinion, insulted. That's when Jean's resolve faded into nothing and landed a swift punch to the tanned, unblemished skin, a crunch was heard throughout the whole parking lot. Eren fell to the ground but quickly regained his strength and landed a kick to Jean's guy. The wind was knocked from Jean's lungs, but his anger was dominant. He lunged for the bastard who insulted his mother, the only parent he ever knew who worked her ass off to make sure he survived, to give the douche-nozzle a good pounding, but warm, strong arms held him back before hos fist could collide with it's intended target.
"Jean." A warm voice whispered in his ear, Marco. He relaxed in the freckles arms but he was still livid. "Let's go." Then, he was dragged off to the black Chevy Impala.
"Is that your boyfriend Horse Face? Man, I knew you were fruity but seriously? You could do better!" Jean almost got out Marco's grip, but the taller, older teen had his grip firm and all but threw the teen into the back seat.
"No, don't start Marco! He taunted me about how I have to live my life, insulted my mother, then insulted you! He deserved to get his lights punched out!" Jean yelled, unshed tears forming in the corners of his Carmel eyes, threatening to spill any second. Marco just simply drew the younger into his arms and the driver drove towards Bott Manor. "He… he doesn't have to be so mean! I never did anything to him!" 
When they finally pulled into the Manor, Marco led Jean to his room, the same room they first became friends in eight years ago. The stuffed animals and small toys are now replaced with books, CDs and even more games and movies. Marco sat them down on the bed and neither spoke for a few minutes. "He was right, ya know." Marco finally spoke and Jean looked at him like he had four heads. "You could do better than me, if we were together."
"Marco Bott, you stop right there! No one could ever replace you! You are literally the best person alive! If I had the balls to kiss you I would!" Jean and Marco's eyes widened and Jean turned into a blushing, flustered mess. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I.. I don't know why I said tha-", but Jean couldn't finish, Marco's lips pressed firmly against his in a gentle yet passionate kiss that spoke thousands of words and so many feelings. 
"I love you Jean." Marco whispered as they pulled apart, foreheads still touching as both tried to regain their breath and slow their hearts. Jean cupped Marco's face in his hands and kissed him again.
"I love you too, Marco."
~2 Years Later~
Jean Kirstein, fifteen year old freshman at Trost High, walked through the park on his way home after work. He hates his job, hates working behind the counter at the local Taco Bell, hates that Eren works there too in the kitchen as a prep cook, hates dealing with annoying ass customers with snarky attitudes complaining that their crunch wrap supreme doesn't have enough sour cream. Well sorry, Karen, I don't make the fucking food nor do I determine how much sour cream goes on it. Today was a particularly bad day, Eren called off claiming he was sick when Jean really knew he was out with his "boyfriend" leaving him to prepare food and take orders. Then someone took a dump on the men's bathroom floor, didn't even try to aim for the fucking toilet! Just took a shot right there in the middle of the goddamn floor which he had to clean up himself while his manager bitched about him not doing his job at the counter. All Jean wanted to do was go home, talk to his boyfriend for a little before he eventually went to bed and got up early the next day for school.
It was a simple request that he wished for while the clock ticked by slowly. Jean was so into his own head, he never heard the footsteps coming up behind him until it was too late. A wet cloth covered his nose and mouth, his eyes widened for a second before the world faded to black.
"We have to find him!" Marco shouted at his father who was looking at him with a solemn expression. Marco paced back and forth in front of his father's desk, hands taking through his u kept hair. He has barely slept a wink since Jean vanished three days ago, his mind wondering about all the worst scenarios it could think of.
"We are trying, son, but we have no evidence of anything taking place. No struggle, no personal belongings, nothing to suggest anything has even happened."
"But Jean couldn't have just vanished into thin air! He wouldn't run away either! He loved his mom too much to just up and leave her and me…" Marco trailed off, thinking about his and Jean's time together over the last two years. Picnic and arcade dates, eating pizza and hot wings while they binge watched their favorite tv series at that moment, the soft and gentle kisses they shared between one another before they parted ways, always promising to text each other once they got home, letting the other one know they got there safe. That's the single most reason why Marco knew something was wrong. Neither of them forgot to send the 'im home safe and sound' text. Not once, in the ten years that they've known each other, did they miss sending that text. Even as children and Marco's father gave Mrs. Kirstein a cell phone as a gift to keep in contact, did they miss THAT text.
"Son, we are doing everything we can to find Jean. But we also need to think rationally, Jean might not ever be found." Marco froze at those words, Jean may be lost forever? He may never see those honey eyes, beautiful smile, perfect sketches and vibrant paintings painted by those slender pale hands and fingers? May never run his hands through those soft locks of ash and brown ever again? That's when Marco broke, he screamed and fell to the floor in a fetal position on the floor. His father looked at him with hurt in his own dark chocolate eyes, for him, his son and Jean's mother who was currently out looking for her only child as they speak. Don Bott rose from his leather chair and walked around the desk, kneeling in front of his son. He put his hand on his back and whispered a pained, "I'm sorry, Marco."
~10 Years Later (Present Day)~
Here he was, once again, at an underground auction. Mr. Bott hated these things, but he had no other choice, ever since Mrs. Kirstein passed away three years ago from a drunk driving accident, he hasn't been able to find someone who cleaned as well as she had. Every person he hired had an attitude or just didn't speak at all, always forgetting to dust the book shelves or take out the trash. So he relented and took up on Mr. Ackerman's suggestion to go to an auction. Getting there early to get a good seat, Mr. Bott, along with Mr. Ackerman, Mr. Braun and Mr. Hoover, the Dons of their respected parts of New York City, all sat down to converse while the auction for the…. Pleasure portion of the auction slowly came to a close. Mr. Bott cringed as the scum of New York bid money on these poor people just for the gratification of getting their dick in a hole.
"And now for our last and best prize of the night!" The auctioneer spoke as the Dons sighed in relief, none of them liked the idea of people being sold for pleasure as they themselves, tried for years to get it under control but never succeeding. "This one has been in the business for ten years, used and a bit rough looking, but this little beauty will be the best fuck you ever had. Clean and pliant, not a bad body either if I do say so myself. Number 54!" The announcer spoke as someone roughly shoved a young man out into the center of the room. The numbers flying from the crowd started pouring in left and right and it got the Dons wondering whom this "prize" was. "Three-thousand!" "Ten-thousand!" "Twenty Five-thousand!"
"Two hundred-thousand!" The crowd went quiet after hearing the deep booming voice coming from the front row.
"Two hundred-thousand! Going once! Going twice! Sold! To Do Bott!" The young man was then hauled out of the room to be prepped for leaving the facility.
"Dad! I'm home! Reiner, Bert, Mikasa, Eren and Armin are here too!" Marco called from the doorway as he and the others walked into the Manor. "Dad?!"
"In the living room son!" He heard his father call and the group walked towards the sound.
"What's up? We heard your voicemail and hauled ass here. What happened?" Marco asked as soon as he saw his father, eyes brimmed with tears and a small smile. The others in the room, specifically Dr. Yeager, looked at them, small sad but slightly happy smiles on their faces. "What's going on here?" The group looked at each other, confused and concern plastered on their faces. Once Mr. Bott moved to the side and gestured to the couch, it was then that the group realized what was happening. On the couch asleep, lay a thin pale man, dark circles under his eyes, bruises and scars and even some fresh wounds, now neatly stitched up thanks to Dr. Yeager, littering his almost naked form. Marco stared at the man laying on the pale green couch and tears flooded down his cheeks. "Jean?"
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A Night to Remember (Part 1)
A/N #1: It is finally here! The Celestial Ball fic!!! 23 pages total, hence why I divided it into two parts and will also insert text dividers so that if you can’t read it in one shot, you can easily find where you were. Here are the other fics in the series: You’ve Got a Friend in Me | Distraction | Something There | One Step Closer | Fashion Emergency | Get Your Head in the Game | Der Walzer von Alice | Of Quidditch and Ballgowns | From Paris, with Love 
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There was only one day left before the Celestial Ball. The last exam before the Winter Break had been less than a week ago, so everyone was busy preparing for the ball. Alice and her friends were helping Penny complete the decorations in the Great Hall. Many students could be seen running around Hogwarts as they tried to finalize their ball outfits or tried desperately to find dates.
“Why is everyone so desperate to find a date?” asked Alice as she handed Penny a star.
“Because it’s way more fun to go to a ball with a date,” explained Penny, as she hung the star.
“Really? But it looks so stressful to try to get one. If it weren’t for the fact that prefects are the first ones to dance, I would just have gone with all you guys. Do you have a date for the ball, Penny?”
“I was so busy with the decorations committee that I just asked Andre,” she replied, hanging another star.
“Thanks a lot, Haywood. Now I feel really special,” shouted Andre, near the ceiling on his broom, hanging decorations.
“Come on! You said yes because you don’t have the guts to ask the Hufflepuff seeker to the ball,” replied Penny, acting fakely offended.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” said Andre before flying to another section of the Great Hall.
“What are you talking about?” asked Alice, handing her friend a big moon.
“Andre has a thing for Artemon Spooner, Hufflepuff’s Seeker. Another player told me that, when they practice together, they spend most of their time flirting with each other,” replied Penny.
“Why would a Keeper practice with a Seeker?” asked Alice, looking at Andre before bringing her attention back to Penny.
“Excellent question! Probably why nearly all Quidditch players know about the crush they have on each other,” said Penny, rubbing her chin.
“But why don’t they just admit it to each other?” asked Alice.
Penny stared at her as Alice looked back with her wide eyes. “Well, sometimes, it’s not that simple. Fear of rejection plays a huge part in whether you are willing to reveal your feelings to someone or not.”
“But… They flirt with each other. So… Isn’t it obvious they have a thing for one another?” asked Alice, scratching her head.
“Oh, some people can be oblivious to that. Believe me, I’ve seen it,” said Penny, looking back at her friend with a small smile.
“Really? When?” asked Alice, but before Penny could say anything, Charlie ran up to them.
“Alice, it’s time for our last dance practice,” said Charlie, pointing at his watch. 
With that, Alice and Charlie walked out of the Great Hall together. Penny looked at them leave, a small smile gracing her features. “Merlin, she’s oblivious,” she whispered as she shook her head.
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In the evening, when Alice finally returned to her dorm, the first thing she saw was Rowan looking mortified. She turned to see what was causing her friend such distress.
“Tulip!” she exclaimed, looking at the red-haired Ravenclaw.
“What?” asked Tulip as she poured something in a small cauldron on her bed.
“What are you doing?” asked Alice.
“A face mask mixture! I heard some girls talking about face masks to have smooth skins, so I figured it’d be fun to try one before the ball.”
“Hum… Since when have you been so… girly?” asked Alice, raising her eyebrows.
“She omitted to tell you her main ingredient,” pointed out Badeea, who was busy sketching on her bed.
“It’s dungbombs…” whispered Rowan, still staring at Tulip.
“Of course it is… Tulip, do you want to repeat the dungbomb incident of last year?” asked Alice.
“Well… It was technically this year, since we are still in 1988,” pointed out Tulip, adding another ingredient to her cauldron.
“Tulip…” grumbled Alice. “I covered your arse last time. I don’t think Flitwick would believe me if I told him you had an ‘accident’ again.”
“Ugh, fine, fine! I guess we won’t have soft skins then,” she said as she opened a window, dropping the content of her cauldron outside.
“Wait! Don’t!” shouted her three roommates, all running towards the window.
They heard a splash followed by a scream. They slowly looked out the window. All the way down on the ground was Filch, covered in Tulip’s mixture. They all quickly took a step back before he had a chance to look up.
“Tulip, slowly close the window,” whispered Alice. “Rowan, scourgify Tulip’s cauldron and hide it.”
“She can put it in my trunk,” said Tulip as she closed the window.
“Hide it from Tulip,” specified Alice. “We don’t want her to make our dorm stink or explode before the ball.”
“I just love how you trust me,” said Tulip.
“What can I do?” asked Badeea.
“Hum… Oh! You can sketch our alibi! Just draw Rowan reading and Tulip playing with her dungbombs.”
“What about you?”
“Well, I arrived moments before the incident, so having a full sketch of me doing something wouldn’t be very credible. So just a vague shape on my bed.”
“Alice, don’t you think it’s a bit much? It’s not like we are trying to get away with murder,” said Rowan.
“It’s Filch. He’s going to look for a culprit. He probably knows it came from the Ravenclaw tower. Which Ravenclaw do you think he’ll suspect?” 
“What can I say? He’s so fun to mess with,” said Tulip, shrugging.
Alice sat on her bed, massaging her temples. “I swear, Tulip… I have enough stress as it is with the ball fast approaching, I really don’t need the extra stress of Filch conducting an investigation.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll be nice until this is all over. I think I’ll be able to stay out of trouble for one day,” conceded Tulip.
“What about Winter Break?” asked Badeea.
“Oh, I’ll get to annoy my parents back home, so it’s all good.”
Rowan stared at Tulip before turning back to Alice. “Why are you stressed? Your dress is ready; you have every element for your outfit, you have someone to dance with… Oh!”
“Yeah… I will be dancing in front of everyone. Everyone will be staring. One false move, and I can already hear Merula laugh.”
“Why do you care so much about what Merula thinks?” asked Badeea
“I don’t really care about what she thinks, but she’s been a thorn in my side since our first day at Hogwarts. If I screw up, she won’t just think I suck; she’ll keep bringing it up, which is so annoying. There are days where I wish I could just cast Silencio on her,” explained Alice.
“Alice?” said Tulip.
“If Merula is an arse during the ball, can I use a dungbomb on her?”
“You have my blessing.”
“You sound like the Godfather,” remarked Badeea.
Alice looked at her before realizing what she was referring to. “Should I make her kiss my ring?” she said before laughing.
“Your godfather makes people kiss his ring?” asked Rowan.
“And he asks people to use dungbombs?” asked Tulip.
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The next morning, the Great Hall was abuzz with conversations about the ball. At the Ravenclaw table, Andre was busy suggesting various hairstyles to Alice. 
“What about Audrey Hepburn’s hairstyle at the beginning of Breakfast at Tiffany’s?”
“Too much,” replied Alice between two bites of toast as Barnaby sat next to Andre.
“What’s going on?” asked the Slytherin.
“Andre is suggesting hairstyles for tomorrow.”
“I don’t think you have enough hair to make that hairstyle,” said Barnaby as he looked at a picture and then at Andre.
“It’s not for me! It’s for Alice,” replied Andre, letting out a sigh. 
“I like Alice’s hair right now,” said Barnaby, looking at Alice with a smile.
“But it’s too plain! We need something amazing!”
Alice narrowed her eyes. “Thanks, Andre. But honestly, I don’t want a hairstyle that is too over the top. The dress is already dazzling, not to mention the hair accessory I have…”
“Andre. I won’t be a contestant in a beauty pageant. I don’t need to outshine everyone. I just want to look good for myself. I want to be able to recognize myself in the mirror,” pleaded Alice.
“Alright, alright. Anyway, with the outfit I’ve put together for you, you’ll outshine everyone.”
“I have a question,” said Barnaby.
“Yes?” said Alice, turning her attention to her Slytherin friend.
“Where can I get a buccaneer?”
“A buccaneer?” repeated Alice, taken aback.
“In the Caribbean, about two, three centuries ago,” answered Andre. “Why?”
“Well, I heard Merula and Ismelda talking about it last night in the common room. Merula said her date better have one,” said Barnaby pensively.
“Kinky,” mumbled Andre, stifling a laugh.
“Did Merula say anything else about the… buccaneer?”
“Well, she did say she hopes the flowers won’t clash with her dress.”
At the mention of flowers, both Alice’s and Andre’s eyes lit up.
“Ah!” exclaimed Andre.
“A boutonnière!” said Alice.
“Showing off your French, Beaumont?” snickered Andre.
“Shut up,” mumbled Alice. 
“Wait, isn’t it what I said?” asked Barnaby, rubbing his chin.
“Not exactly… Anyway, a boutonnière is a single flower you wear on the lapel of your suit. So I guess you could go see Professor Sprout for one,” explained Alice.
“But it’s really not necessary. I wasn’t planning on wearing one, and Charlie’s suit doesn’t have any lapel…”
“Oh! Speaking of Charlie’s outfit…” started Alice, her curiosity piqued.
“Tonight,” replied Andre.
“Awww, come on! All he told me was ‘Dragons!’ I’m starting to imagine a suit covered in little dragons.”
“That sounds so cool!” exclaimed Barnaby, resulting in Andre staring at him.
“You know I would never do that,” said Andre as he kept glancing at Barnaby.
“Could you cover mine in bowtruckles? No, wait, puffskeins! Oh, oh, no, even better…” said Barnaby, visibly excited at the idea of a dress robe covered in magical creatures.
“No! Your dress robes shouldn’t look like a 5-year-old’s pyjamas!”
“Aww, come on, Andre, at least give him a little embroidery,” said Alice, drinking her tea.
“Ugh, fine… Can I go to Paris this summer?”
“Only if you shut up about you-know-what,” replied Alice, not looking up from her cup.
“Could you make me some PJs with all the creatures after?” asked Barnaby as he got up.
“We’ll see. Alice, think about your hair and your makeup while I’m busy with the man-child,” said Andre before following Barnaby.
“Be nice!” shouted Alice at him, smiling before taking another sip.
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Back in her dorm after breakfast, she stood in front of the mirror, playing with her hair and the tiara her grandmother had given her. She tried various hairstyles, holding her hair up, then half-up-half-down, her tiara at the top of her head, then at the back. She sighed and dropped on her bed, her face in her pillow.
“UGH!!!” she let out, the pillow muffling the sound of her exasperation.
“Are you ok, Alice?” asked Badee in a soft voice.
Alice looked up from her pillow. “Uh? Oh! How long have you been here?” 
“I just came in,” answered Badeea, sitting at the edge of Alice’s bed. “What’s going on?”
“I’m trying to figure out a hairstyle for tomorrow that goes with this,” said Alice, pointing at the tiara on her nightstand.
“Oh! It’s lovely!” exclaimed Badeea, delicately picking it up and observing its details. “The craftsmanship is amazing. Did Andre make this?”
“Hum… No… It was a… family friend,” replied Alice, unconvinced by her lie.
“I see,” said Badeea, a small smile appearing on her face as she glanced at Alice. “So, what kind of hairstyle are you going for?”
“Something simple. I don’t want to look like a wedding cake topper.”
“What about… a braid, going around the back of your head?” suggested Badeea.
“Like a milkmaid braid? Sorry, but I forgot my dirndl at home,” replied Alice, raising her eyebrows.
“No, no. Not a milkmaid braid. I was thinking more of taking parts of the hair at the side of your face and braiding them towards the back of your head until both met. Your tiara could go just underneath.”
Alice stared at her for a few seconds before jumping out of her bed and hugging her. “That’s brilliant!”
Startled by the hug, Badeea was rendered speechless. It was extremely rare for Alice to initiate physical contacts. She slowly tapped Alice’s back before the latter took a step back. 
“You think you could make a quick sketch for Andre? It doesn’t have to be super detailed, just for him to understand the idea,” said Alice. 
Badeea simply nodded as she watched her friend, who said a quick thank you, run out of the dorm. 
As she ran down a corridor, smiling brightly, Alice bumped into Andre, who was coming back from the Slytherin common room. 
“You look like you are in a hurry. Your cheeks are all flushed! Actually kinda looks good on you,” noticed Andre, staring at his friend.
“There you are,” said Alice, ignoring his remark. “Badeea came up with a brilliant hairstyle for tomorrow! Taking the hair at the side of my face and braiding them towards the back, like a braid crown, but only at the back, and we could place my tiara right underneath it! She’s going to make a sketch so you can see,” she said as she started to drag Andre in the direction she came from.
Andre stopped her in her tracks. “Woah, slow down there, Alice. Breath in, breath out. Now, I’m glad you figured out your hairstyle, but what about makeup?”
“Make… Up… Awww, great. I forgot about that… Well, I can already tell you that I don’t want to look like Cyndi Lauper. Her music is rad, but her overall look is a bit too over the top for me,” said Alice as she crossed her arms, leaning against a wall.
“Oi! I could make some suggestions,” said Tonks, who’s head popped up from behind Andre.
“No! After the Camden incident, I want your makeup ‘skills’ to stay as far away from me as possible,” exclaimed Alice, terrified at the prospect of Tonks applying her makeup.
“Do I wanna know?” asked Andre, looking between the two girls.
“Nah, just that little Miss Sloane Ranger here doesn’t like edgy makeup,” replied Tonks, doing her best not to laugh at Alice’s face.
“Edgy? I looked like a panda! So did you, for that matter,” said Alice with a huff.
“Sloane Ranger?” said Andre, raising an eyebrow as he stared at Tonks.
“Yeah… Think Lady Diana, Princess of Wales,” summarized Alice. 
“Oh… Oh!” exclaimed Andre, his eyes lightening up.
“What?” asked Alice, furrowing her brows as she looked at her friend.
But before she could say anything else, Andre had grabbed her wrist and had started running towards the Ravenclaw common room, leaving Tonks behind. Once inside, he dragged her to his dorm.
“Oi! Egwu! What’s going on? Why did you drag me all the way here? Am I even allowed to be here?” asked Alice, looking around the boys’ dorm.
“Yeah, you are,” said Andre as he started to rummage through his trunk. “Guys are not allowed in the girls’ dorm, but girls are allowed in our dorm.”
“Could you two keep it down?” said a voice behind them.
Alice turned around to see Talbott staring at them from behind his book. “Oh, sorry, Talbott. Didn’t see you there.”
“No wonder. You stormed into here,” grunted Talbott.
“I thought you would be hanging in the owlery like you always do,” said Andre, barely paying attention to his roommate.
“The owlery is too busy, people sending thank you notes to their families for the stuff they sent for the ball,” explained Talbott, his attention back to his book. 
“Oh, are you going to the ball, Talbott?” asked Alice.
“Nah, I avoid crowds,” replied Talbott.
“Oh, that’s too bad,” said Alice, a light pout appearing on her lips.
“Let him be…” said Andre, suddenly raising a magazine above his head triumphantly. “There! Found it!”
“Your makeup inspiration! Princess Diana at Canne last year!” said Andre, shoving the picture in her face.
Alice took a step back to have a better look at the picture. “Oh! How lovely! It looks really natural and timeless. I love it! But maybe not the blue eyeliner I’m kinda seeing…”
“Don’t worry; blue wouldn’t go with your green eyes. I was actually thinking of forgoing the eyeliner, and simply go for blush and mascara, and perhaps a natural shade of lipstick.” 
“There’s just one problem… I don’t have any makeup with me.”
“Mmm… I might know where we can get some… To the Hufflepuff common room!!!”
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“Penny!” exclaimed Andre, standing beside Penny, quietly reading while her face was covered with a clay mask.
“AH!” screamed Penny, making her mask crack. “Ugh! Look what you’ve done! I’ll have to start all over again.”
“As if you needed a clay mask… We need your help, Penny. We finally figured out a makeup style for Alice, but we don’t have any makeup!”
“How the hell did we get in here…” mumbled Alice, looking around.
“What do you need?” asked Penny.
“Blush and mascara.”
“I can do the blush, but sharing mascara is very unhygienic.”
“We could use Scourgify on the brush?” suggested Alice.
“Every time I dip the brush in, I contaminate the product, so even if you clean the brush, it’s pointless.”
“Don’t you have a spare?” asked Andre.
“Well, I do, but…”
“Please! It’s for Alice’s big night. She’ll be dancing in front of a huge crowd with, you know, Charlie,” said Andre, winking.
“Huh? Oh!” exclaimed Penny, suddenly realizing what Andre was hinting at. Tonight might be the night the Dragon Boy and the Curse-Breaker would confess to one another. “Alright, you can have it. I’ll just go and fetch it.”
“Thanks for reminding me of the huge crowd…” grumbled Alice.
“Oh, you’ll be fine. You’ll be in the arms of Charlie Weasley, dancing to the sound of a waltz, in your own little world,” daydreamed Andre.
“All that’s missing is an evil step-mother, and we’d have a fairytale,” said Alice, rolling her eyes. 
“Oh, Alice, where is your sense of romance?” asked Andre, letting out a sigh as he looked at his hopeless friend.
“Andre, I don’t have time for romance. I have to protect you guys from ‘R,’ whoever that is, and I have to find the portrait vault. Romance would just be a distraction. Anyway, who would be interested in a danger magnet like me?”
Andre stared at his friend, letting out another sigh. Everyone could see how much Charlie was smitten with her, except her. “Fine, fine. Why don’t you go and eat lunch? It’s going to be makeover time after lunch!”
“Why am I afraid?” said Alice as she left the Hufflepuff common room, just as Penny arrived with the makeup.
“There! Alice will look like a fairytale princess for the big confession.”
Andre didn’t say anything as Penny handed him the blush and mascara. He just kept staring at the now-closed door of Hufflepuff’s common room.
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A/N #2: That’s it for Part 1! Part 2 is HERE! I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you thought in the comments! (Kinda fit this challenge’s “Ball” prompt...) Oh, and what are your thoughts on the text divider?
46 notes · View notes
aliciameade · 4 years
Have Your Cake
Title: Have Your Cake Author: aliciameade Rating: E for Extra Fun Pairing: Beca/Chloe...and Aubrey?! AKA the juggernaut that is: Triple Treble Summary: “I want you.” Beca grins and pulls her close, words spilling out without thinking. “I want you...and her.”
Fully inspired by/based on S1E4 of The L Word Generation Q and Alice, Nat, and Gigi.
Shout out to the peeps who waited 3 years for me to write this threesome in Finding Harmony only for me to never write it. (This isn’t part of FH, to be clear.)
Also on AO3
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“Are we busy Saturday night?”
Beca watches from the other side of the dinner table as Chloe thinks about it and then consults her phone’s calendar.
“Nope,” Chloe says with a smile before setting down her phone in favor of her fork and the Thai-inspired stir fry they’d made together that evening. “What’s going on?”
“I got invited to this thing.” She knows she’s being too vague. She should have been more specific to prevent further questioning.
“Ooh, what kind of thing?” Chloe asks with a curious waggle of her eyebrows before she takes a sip from her wine glass.
“A party. A birthday party,” she amends.
Chloe perks up. (Not that she was un-perky before.) “Ooh, fun! Do you want to ask Aubrey if she wants to trade weekends?”
Beca glances at their daughter, oblivious to the conversation thanks to the joy of rice noodles. Sophie had commented more than once during their cooking adventure that the noodles looked like her own blonde waves and Beca knows they’re still not clear of the possibility that one of them will be washing fish sauce out of her hair tonight.
“Uh, yeah, about that,” she chuckles and nervously rubs at the back of her neck. “It’s, uh...it’s actually Aubrey’s birthday party? So we’d need to find a sitter.”
She sees the perkiness fade from Chloe’s face. “You’re going to Aubrey’s birthday party?”
“You know we’re trying our best to make this work,” Beca says quickly and quietly, hoping to mend the tear before it frays out of control. “It’s just a party. Amy rented out a whole club for the entire night. There’s going to be a ton of people there. It could be fun. You know we have to try—” she glances at Sophie who smiles up at her just then with an enormous ball of noodles wrapped around her fork and chooses her words carefully. “It’s for the best if we can all have a nice time together.”
“Mommy’s having a birthday party?” 
Beca winces; she could have chosen a better venue to bridge this topic with Chloe, such as any venue where the daughter she had with her ex-wife wasn’t in attendance. Her relationship with Aubrey had been sudden and a whirlwind, or more like a hurricane. She stormed into Beca’s life and somehow they married, had a child, and divorced within five short years.
And now she has Chloe with whom, Beca realized way, way late but apparently not too late, she was always meant to be. She was dumb to not realize it earlier. Then again if she had, she wouldn’t have married Aubrey, but then she wouldn’t have Sophie, and she can’t imagine life without her.
(The fact that Chloe and Aubrey had been best friends when they were all in college together had made for a lot of contentious conversations over the years.
Beca has always wondered if there was more to the contention than two best friends falling for the same person.)
“She is!” she answers. “But this one’s for her grown-up friends. You’re going to celebrate with her on her official birthday.”
“Okay,” Sophie says happily before refocusing on her noodles.
Beca’s own focus shifts back to Chloe. The tension that had appeared in her features when Beca had explained the event has faded.
“I was just surprised I wasn’t invited,” she says, seemingly explaining herself. “What time on Saturday? I’ll see if Abigail can stay with Soph.”
Beca relaxes and offers a gentle smile. “She said you should come, too. I should have clarified. I don’t think she intentionally didn’t invite you personally; it came up when we were texting the other day. And she told me 9:00.”
“So, 10:00?”
Beca can see the humor in Chloe’s eyes and finds relief. “Yeah, make it 10:00.” Chloe knows how Beca hates being first to any event whether a baby shower or a red carpet and something about that, as small as it is, makes her feel warm and fuzzy.
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Inevitably, there are photographers waiting at all entrances to Aubrey’s party venue when Beca and Chloe arrive; Beca even asks the driver to circle the block hoping to find a clear entrance to no avail.
Pushing through shouting photographers and blinding flashes, they walk hand-in-hand into the very upscale West Hollywood club Amy’s commandeered for the festivities. They both take it with a grain of salt; after all, there’s no such thing as bad press and Beca’s been in the studio working on an album with a number one pop star and the sequel to Chloe’s sleeper hit indie film is opening in a few months.
“Remember when we used to start our nights at midnight?” Beca asks over the music as they check out the lay of the land in the club. “It’s barely 10:00 and I’d like being in bed right now just as much as this. Maybe more.”
She means to be whining about how they’re getting older; after all, they’re at Aubrey’s 35th birthday party. However, in classic Chloe fashion that makes Beca roll her eyes just as much as it makes her smile, Chloe leans close to whisper hotly in her ear, “I promise, you’d like being in bed right now a lot more than this.”
“Keep it in your pants. We at least need to make an appearance before dragging me into a dark corner.”
“Like I’d really have to drag you,” Chloe says before pressing a kiss to Beca’s cheek, followed by her neck. “And I’m wearing a dress, not pants.”
Beca smirks to herself and slips her arm around Chloe’s waist. They’re still making up for a decade of lost time together and Beca is as wildly attracted to her now as she was when she was 18.
Dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb. 
Well, not that dumb. She was wildly attracted to Aubrey when she was 18, too. Aubrey was just the one that was brave enough to make a move. Beca can still remember the vitriol laced with sadness seeping from Chloe when she walked in on them kissing in Aubrey’s hotel room in New York while traveling for a competition.
When she spots a few members of the cast of her current favorite TV show, Beca muses to herself how absurd it is that the three of them found the success they did. The indie movie about dragons (with questionable special effects) Chloe had booked to help ends meet in grad school had blown up far past the core audience of the readers of the book it was adapted from. She now has three more films lined up—more adaptations of books in the series (with better special effects). It had almost been a joke when she auditioned and now she was one of the biggest movie stars in the world.
Aubrey started with Lighthouse Television as an intern on their legal team. Seven years later, she had a corner office on the top floor. Four more years and a massive corruption scandal that she blew the whistle on, and she was running the entire network.
Of the three, Beca’s the only one who planned to end up with the career she has today. But the fact that any of them have the careers they have at all is, she knows, more than a little unlikely. She remembers a journalist once asked Chloe what was in the water back at quaint Barden University.
When they finally find Aubrey, she’s talking to several people Beca doesn’t recognize but she can tell they all recognize her and/or Chloe by the looks on their faces as they approach.
“You guys came!” Aubrey says, interrupting her own conversation to leave the group and rush over to hug them, first Chloe, then Beca. She’s wearing a sparkly black dress, fitted at the bust with a free-flowing skirt that stops a few inches above her knees. Her hair is down, save for the bit that’s clipped back above her left ear, and for a moment, Beca remembers the things that made her fall for the woman all those years ago.
Beca feels her linger a second or two too long and eases out of their embrace. “Happy Birthday!” she says. “This party is amazing!”
“Oh, you know how Amy is,” Aubrey says with a wave of her hand. “The word ‘understated’ doesn’t exist in her vocabulary. Where are your drinks?” she continues, barely stopping to breathe. She’s already tipsy; Beca can see it in the color of her cheeks and the way her shoulders aren’t holding their perfect posture. “Let me get you a drink.” Her hand is up and snapping before either of them can politely offer to fetch one themselves. “These two are my best friends,” she says to the waitress who appears from seemingly nowhere. “Get them anything they want.”
She and Chloe exchange a look at Aubrey labeling them as her best friends. They’ve been little more than strained acquaintances since Beca and Chloe got married, keeping up the bare minimum of civility required when co-parenting a child of divorce.
“What can I get you?” they’re asked.
“Bourbon,” Beca answers. “On the rocks.”
Chloe eyes her and Beca knows what she’s thinking: that she hasn’t anything stronger than wine in a long time. They’ve both been so busy with work and family that nights out have been few and far between. “Vodka soda with a splash of cranberry,” Chloe orders for herself and Beca gives her the same look.
Maybe they’re both in dire need of a fun night.
Chloe shrugs in response and threads her fingers with Beca’s.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m actually in the middle of a business conversation,” Aubrey says with a glance over her shoulder at the group she abandoned. “Go enjoy the party. I’ll find you guys later, okay?”
“Working at your own birthday party?” Chloe asks. Beca thinks there’s more than a hint of judgment laced with the comment but Aubrey just nods in response before returning to her presumed colleagues.
“Come on,” Beca says to distract Chloe from whatever weirdness is happening. “Dance with me.” She gives her hand a tug to lead them toward the dance floor.
“But our drinks,” Chloe says with a glance over her shoulder even though her feet are following Beca.
“She’ll find us.” Beca reels Chloe in close when they hit the polished black dance floor; she’s determined to have a good time tonight. “Dance with me,” she repeats and watches Chloe’s distraction disappear. 
Chloe’s arms slip around Beca’s waist to hold her just as closely. “It’s been a while.”
“Exactly,” Beca says as she leans in to touch her lips to Chloe’s as they fall into an easy rhythm together.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
The waitress definitely found them.
Beca’s hanging on to Chloe to keep herself upright as they laugh. She doesn’t even know what they’re laughing about but it’s so hilarious she can barely catch her breath and Chloe’s laughter in her ear sounds prettier than any song Beca’s ever heard. Chloe runs a hand through her fiery curls and it stirs up her perfume. It draws Beca in like a magnet and her lips are on her neck while Chloe continues to laugh.
Not that Beca minds. A happy Chloe is the most attractive Chloe there is and Chloe’s hands are moving over Beca with possessive purpose. Parties like this, full of “industry people,” are the only places they’re safe to act like themselves. They can’t go to a regular bar on a normal night without causing an uproar, let alone feel each other up on the dance floor without angering their publicists with tabloid photos and trending on Twitter or becoming a meme.
She never got that freedom with Chloe; Beca was already walking red carpets when they finally found each other. Their entire relationship, they’ve had to do their best to be “appropriate” (whatever that means) in public. 
Tonight, though, Beca’s teeth nip at Chloe’s neck playfully when she feels Chloe’s fingertips slipping under the waistband of her black pants to tease her.
“What are you doing?” Beca asks before lifting her head to kiss Chloe instead of letting her respond.
“What does it feel like?” Chloe mumbles against her lips before cutting off any follow-up questions by giving Beca’s tongue something better to do.
She loses track of time after that. She can feel the edge of the bar digging into her back as Chloe presses against her like she can’t get close enough. They haven’t stopped kissing except for the brief moments needed to breathe or down their very, very strong drinks that keep appearing on the bar behind Beca without anyone asking for another. Chloe’s managed to undo at least three buttons on Beca’s white blouse and Beca is grateful that she isn’t wearing a front-clasping bra because if she was, she knows Chloe would undo it and people would really get a show.
Even so, Chloe knows exactly what she’s doing and how to touch Beca to have her teetering on the sharp edge of climax without having to unbutton her pants and Beca’s having to fight off the orgasm Chloe’s managed to drive her to. Not because she doesn’t want to come, but because she doesn’t want to come in a room full of people. At least, not tonight.
Her eyes flutter open when Chloe shifts her attention back to Beca’s neck and in the strobing, flashing lights of the club, Beca notices Aubrey a few yards away. She’s not sure why she noticed her of all the people in the club in the two seconds her eyes were open. Maybe it was because Aubrey’s eyes were already on her. Or them? Watching.
Maybe it’s the bourbon, but something about that manages to turn Beca on further. The hint of jealousy she can read. The memories of the times she and Aubrey were all over each other in a club under the shield of anonymity. The way she was always able to crack Aubrey’s resistance to risky behavior and have a lot of fun together over the course of their hot, heavy, and tumultuous relationship.
And it’s not like the divorce magically made Beca’s attraction to her disappear overnight. Sure, it has waned over the years. It’s hard to notice anyone else when Chloe’s in the room.
She still notices Aubrey, though, and makes a point of guiding Chloe away from her neck to give hers the same treatment. Aubrey doesn’t look away; in fact, a hint of a smile touches her lips when Beca holds her gaze while her tongue glides along Chloe’s skin.
Beca’s too slow to react when Chloe pulls away, intent on kissing her again, when she notices Beca’s eyes aren’t closed. Or even trained on Chloe.
“Who are you looking at?” Chloe asks, slurring a little as she turns to follow Beca’s gaze.
“No one,” Beca says. She knows she maybe should panic when Chloe spots Aubrey, at least a little, but the bourbon and lust are sitting so warm in her belly and brain that she just kind of smiles as she says it.
When Chloe turns back to her, she looks a little sympathetic. “She’s really beautiful.”
“You’re beautifuller,” Beca says as she tries to lean in for another kiss.
“Wait, wait,” Chloe giggles, though her question is serious. “Is there a tiny part of you that still wants her? You can tell me, you know. I trust you.” Her hands are still moving, caressing Beca’s face and neck and the bare skin of her chest where her shirt is open.
“I want you.” Beca grins and pulls her close, words spilling out without thinking. “I want you...and her.”
It’s the bourbon. It’s definitely the bourbon. And the arousal throbbing between her legs. A flash of regret zips through her when she realizes what she said. It wasn’t something she’d ever thought about until 30 seconds ago.
“Right?” Chloe says after a surprised silence. Her smile looks devilish before it’s kissing Beca again. Then she’s turning to wave at Aubrey. “Hey! Come here! We need you!”
Beca doesn’t know if Aubrey can hear Chloe but she crosses the room anyway, tottering a little on her heels with a drink in her hand.
Beca can’t help it. She can’t help but stare at her ex-wife and remember how every inch of her skin tastes and feels and the way her voice sounds when she— 
“Hi,” Aubrey says with an easy smile.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Beca’s not sure who brought whom to the club manager’s office but Chloe’s closing and locking the door behind them when Beca feels Aubrey’s hand on her lower back.
She also doesn’t remember a discussion happening. She remembers replying to Aubrey’s, “Hi,” with a “Hey,” of her own and now she’s standing by while Chloe and Aubrey seem to size one another up with a level of heat and intensity that shouldn’t exist between two former best friends.
Chloe glances at Beca who just nods, because whatever this is, whatever is happening, she wants it to continue.
And then her current wife is leaning in to kiss her ex-wife.
It shouldn’t be hot; she ought to be angry or jealous but instead, she bites her lip to stop the moan that wants to escape just from watching Aubrey tilt Chloe’s head to slip her tongue into her mouth. If Beca’s underwear weren’t already ruined from Chloe’s advances earlier, witnessing that would have done it.
And Beca thinks Chloe would have every right to be angry or jealous when the kiss ends and Aubrey turns toward Beca, but instead, Chloe’s hand is on the back of Beca’s neck, guiding her right into Aubrey’s kiss with a look of excitement.
She’d almost forgotten what it felt like to kiss Aubrey. She was a precision kisser, calculated even in their wildest moments, always working to make Beca’s toes curl and this is no different. Her tongue teases over Beca’s with skill and familiarity that makes it easy for Beca to shake off the last vestiges of hesitation about what’s about to happen.
What is already happening.
She’s barely getting used to it when the hand at her neck guides her away from Aubrey and pulls her into Chloe.
Unlike Aubrey’s precision, Chloe’s kisses are wild and barely contained, always walking the line of passionate sloppiness without crossing it (well, sometimes she crosses it when they really get going). She feels a third hand on her back, and then just two again, as a third tongue slips its way somehow into their kiss.
It’s not like Beca’s never done this before. She and Chloe have what Beca feels is a very active, adventurous, healthy sex life. They’ve taken a woman on a date, intentions and possibilities known and agreed to by all, and brought her back to a luxury hotel room (because they would never bring a stranger into their home) for sex. Not because they were bored with each other, but to the contrary: they wanted to see how wild and daring they were comfortable getting.
She thinks, foggily as she bows out of the triple-kiss to re-introduce herself to the way Aubrey’s neck feels under her tongue to let Chloe and her get used to each other, that having a ménage à trois with her former and current wives is pretty damn wild and daring.
There are hands on her, out of synch in their missions but familiar in their confidence. There’s one on her ass and she knows it’s Aubrey’s. There’s another in her shirt, somehow fully unbuttoned now, holding her breast and she knows it’s Chloe’s. 
Her own hands are roaming and long to touch Aubrey in places she hasn’t in so many years. It’s automatic to reach for and find the zipper at the back of her dress and, to her surprise, there’s already a hand there.
The fact that it’s Chloe, and that Chloe is on the same page, makes her dip her other hand right between Chloe’s legs, under her dress, to press against her.
She hears Chloe’s soft moan and feels Aubrey react to it (or to the fact that they’re both unzipping her dress), the hand on her ass gripping harder. Beca has to look because there’s no way this is happening (right?) and she eases back from sucking on Aubrey’s neck long enough to see that she’s found her wife’s chest and is quite actively toying with Chloe’s nipple, which is so hard Beca can see the details through her dress even in the dark of the room. It makes her mouth water.
She needs four hands and two mouths. That’s the only way this night isn’t going to be a constant battle of satisfaction versus frustration.
At the very least, they need to not be standing in the middle of the room. She’s about to push them toward the large sectional couch along the far wall when Aubrey starts to pull both of them in that very direction.
Aubrey lands first and she pulls Chloe down with her to resume a kiss that Beca knows, from first-hand experience, is surely melting both of them. Beca follows, everyone shifting further backward, and molds herself to Chloe’s back, chin hooked over her shoulder to watch them.
She lets her hands move over Chloe, over her chest to feel for herself how hard her nipples are, down to her waist and hips and thighs to notice that Chloe’s landed with her knee between Aubrey’s, straddling her thigh as she kneels.
It’s quite a show, Beca thinks, watching them kiss. They kiss like they’ve been waiting to kiss for years.
Beca would know. She’s been that person.
And she has a front-row seat to it as she clings to Chloe’s back, chin on her shoulder as her arms frame Chloe’s hips as her hands rest on Aubrey’s thighs. She can feel Chloe’s restlessness, shifting and twisting every few seconds that is a clear tell that she is starting to get desperate for touch. Chloe getting turned on by Aubrey turns Beca on even more. She can’t help but bite at Chloe’s shoulder, bare next to the strap of her dress.
Aubrey’s eyes flutter and their eyes meet before they’re closed again, Aubrey whimpering as Chloe’s entire body shifts forward to press closer. It makes Beca reach for Chloe to flatten her palm and run it under the hem of the top of her two-piece dress. She feels Aubrey’s hand skate over her own to run up Chloe’s body until it’s shifting to reach for Beca. Her hand finds Beca’s face and cradles it as Beca’s mouth shifts to Chloe’s neck.
She can feel Aubrey’s fingertips as they trace her hairline, the edge of her ear, the line of her jaw, the softness of Beca’s bottom lip until her finger is slipping into Beca’s mouth.
It makes Beca moan and she takes Aubrey into her mouth, lips traveling to her knuckle before she pulls back, sucking as she goes. Her hands move up over Chloe’s ribs until Beca’s hands are over her breasts. She squeezes and Chloe’s reaction is to kiss Aubrey more deeply, the two of them moaning.
But Aubrey retreats, pulling back from Chloe’s kiss enough to get her attention and turn it toward Beca with a tilt of her chin. Chloe turns to look just as Aubrey’s finger slips from Beca’s lips. Beca feels the tip of it under her chin, guiding her up to kiss Chloe—not that she needed guidance—who kisses her hungrily.
Aubrey’s hands are on Chloe and Beca knows it. Their hands are crossing paths as they both reach for her, grazing at her chest and bumping at her hips.
“Please,” Chloe whispers against Beca’s lips as they kiss. She doesn’t say what she wants, but she doesn’t need to. Beca pulls and pushes at her hips until she gets the hint and turns, falling back against Aubrey whose arms immediately encircle her. Beca takes a step back for a second, just to watch as Aubrey’s hands push Chloe’s top higher and higher until her bra is exposed, as Chloe tilts her head back so she can find Aubrey’s mouth, how Aubrey’s legs part so Chloe can sit between them.
Chloe’s hands reach out toward Beca and Beca makes her wait, just for a moment or two, until Chloe whines and drops her hands, one to Aubrey’s thigh and the other two her own. It quickly moves up Chloe’s thigh and Beca’s about to reach for it and stop her from getting too far when Aubrey does it for her.
She looks up to find Aubrey watching her, still kissing Chloe as she pulls Chloe’s hand away from herself with audible protest. It makes Beca reach for Chloe, hands skating up her thighs to hook her fingers into the waistband of her thong and pull it down her legs and past the heels Chloe is still wearing.
It takes the last ounce of self-control Beca has to not immediately reach between Chloe’s legs. Instead, she moves up, dropping kisses over Chloe’s bare stomach and the swells of her breasts where Aubrey’s hands are, to Chloe’s throat and chin until her mouth is on Beca’s instead of Aubrey’s.
Chloe’s entire body rolls with their reconnection, or maybe it’s because Aubrey’s hands are at her back unhooking her bra. She feels Chloe’s repeated plea against her lips more than she hears it, but Aubrey definitely hears it. Chloe’s suddenly being pushed toward Beca, guided until they’re both upright and on their knees. Beca blindly pulls Chloe’s loosened bra away and the top of her dress being removed interrupts their kiss for a second only to resume with even more fervor.
Beca can feel Aubrey moving and with a brief glance, sees her on her knees as well, behind Chloe so close as she kisses Chloe’s neck just inches from Beca. She can feel Aubrey’s hands moving between them; they’re on Chloe, on her stomach and on her breasts, but Beca’s so close that they’re touching her, too, and her impatience gets the best of her.
She stops drawing out the foreplay and skates her hand up Chloe’s thigh under her skirt until it’s between her legs.
Chloe’s mouth slips away from Beca’s with a startlingly loud moan and Beca can feel just why that is. Chloe’s so wet that it actually takes Beca a second to feel more than just slick wetness beneath her fingers.
“Fuck,” Beca exhales. She savors it, her own breath catching when she feels how swollen Chloe is. When she opens her eyes she’s expecting to see Chloe’s face but instead, it’s Aubrey’s. Her eyes are dark and fixated on Beca’s. Beca’s compelled to lean forward and kiss her and she knows Aubrey wants the same. They try, but with Chloe between them, they can’t quite reach one another. Instead, they stare until Aubrey’s eyes fall closed and there’s another, this time surprised, moan spilling from Chloe’s lips.
Chloe’s head lolls back to rest against Aubrey’s shoulder and she looks down her nose at Beca, nothing but wild lust in her eyes before her hips rock forward. It pushes Beca’s hand further between her legs and it’s Beca’s turn to moan. Her fingers bump into something she hasn’t felt between Chloe’s legs before: Aubrey’s hand. 
Specifically, she can feel where Aubrey’s fingers disappear into Chloe as Aubrey reaches her from behind.
It’s an out-of-body experience, really. To be sharing her wife with the woman with whom she used to share so much. With whom she still shares so much.
She and Aubrey had never done something like this, not with a third person. They’d been young and wild but in a different way than she and Chloe are.
“Oh, my God,” Chloe says through another moan as Beca feels Aubrey’s fingers start to slip in and out. Her hips follow and the motion spurs Beca’s own fingers into proper action.
Her fingertips press against Chloe and move in the way she knows can drive Chloe over the edge in a few short minutes. It isn’t that she wants it to end quickly, but she’s overwhelmed by the need to make Chloe feel good, to help Aubrey blow Chloe’s mind.
Hands grab at and touch Beca all over; she can’t keep track of whose hands they are and she doesn’t care to try. She’s too busy fucking Chloe with Aubrey, 
She loses herself in it, the cadence the three of them fall into, fingers and hips moving in a coordinated, if frantic, rhythm. Hands clutch at her hips and she knows Chloe’s close and fighting it. Beca opens her eyes to watch it happen and she meets Aubrey’s gaze first as Aubrey’s lips and tongue move across Chloe’s shoulder to her neck to her ear.
Beca sees the words Aubrey whispers in Chloe’s ear more than she hears them; it’s difficult to hear over Chloe’s voice and their empathetic answering moans.
Chloe comes with a wanton cry, one hand gripping Beca’s wrist between her legs, the other clutching the back of Aubrey’s neck.
It’s a beautiful sight and for a moment, Beca thinks she could come, too, right there, from watching Chloe’s experience and sharing in it with Aubrey.
Aubrey, who’s staring at Beca with a look she hasn’t born witness to in years. A look that Beca’s never forgotten and neither has her body if the way the ache between her legs spikes in intensity because she knows what it means.
Chloe’s still coming down from her high, half-collapsed against Aubrey when Chloe mumbles a breathless, “That was so hot,” followed by a whimper. A few seconds later, Beca notices Aubrey has her own fingers in her mouth and Beca knows they’re the same fingers she’s just withdrawn from Chloe.
Chloe, in her uber-relaxed state, slumps to the side and Beca and Aubrey help to slow her collapse. They’ve barely finished getting her situated when Aubrey’s surging forward to kiss Beca.
It makes Beca’s head spin. Aubrey tastes like Chloe and she moans into the kiss as Aubrey’s hands start to undress her.  Her shirt, already unbuttoned, is pulled down her arms, followed by her bra.
She doesn’t remember when her pants had been unbuttoned but they’re already loose around her hips when Aubrey’s pushing them down. They don’t make it far, still on her knees as she is, but Aubrey’s solution to that is to grab Beca’s hips and turn her to trade places.
“Up,” Aubrey says against Beca’s lips and she doesn’t understand until her ass hits the back of the couch. It’s deep enough that Beca is able to slide onto it to sit and as soon as she’s seated, Aubrey’s working her pants past her knees.
At the same time, Beca feels her heels be slipped off though Aubrey’s hands are definitely on her pants and she glances down to see Chloe, though still dreamy-eyed, has come back to herself and is helping Aubrey undress Beca.
Two different hands pull at her underwear and Beca knows she’s about to find out just how hot it was for Chloe to have the two of them fucking her. She feels dizzy and digs her nails into the edge of the couch and leans back against the wall, almost fearful of passing out because her heart is beating so quickly.
She already knows what Aubrey is going to do; the look she’d given Beca was her warning and she watches as Aubrey guides her thighs apart and gets onto her own hands and knees to be able to put her tongue on Beca.
It feels like it’s in slow-motion as Aubrey’s pointed, purposeful tongue draws a line between her legs, moaning as she does so.
It makes Beca’s jaw drop and her hand fly to the back of Aubrey’s head, fingers twisting into soft blond hair she hasn’t held this way in so many years. She’s sure she makes some kind of sound, probably a sound she’d be ashamed of in any other scenario. It hasn’t even finished escaping her lips when Chloe’s mouth is on hers.
She moans again, senses quickly overwhelmed by the dormant memories of how Aubrey used to make love to her roaring back to real life and Chloe’s wild, passionate kisses that seem to be as reassuring as they are purely sexual.
There are hands at her breasts and they aren’t moving in sync. One caresses while the other squeezes. One pinches while the other pulls.
She has to tear her mouth from Chloe’s to try to catch her breath but it offers little reprieve; Chloe’s lips drop to Beca’s chest instead to suck hard. She glances down and regrets it instantly because Aubrey’s hand is tangled in Chloe’s hair, pushing her mouth to Beca’s breast just as Chloe’s hand covers Beca’s to push Aubrey closer.
It sends her over the edge without warning, gasping for breath as she shudders. She can hear Aubrey moaning; she’d always gotten off on making Beca come, and she wonders if she’s touching herself and coming. Or if Chloe’s touching her. Or if she’s coming just from the intensity of the moment like Beca nearly did.
It’s the last coherent thought she has before she can’t think any longer.
She’s still trying to recover when she feels Aubrey disappear from between her legs. She whines at the loss and starts to protest when she sees the reason for her absence: Chloe’s pulled Aubrey away by her hair and is pulling her—not gently—back up to her knees until she’s claiming her mouth.
All Beca can do is watch; she’s too spent to do anything but watch as Chloe kisses Aubrey deeply. As Chloe’s hand disappears between Aubrey’s legs. As Aubrey’s head tips back with a groan.
They quickly lose themselves in each other but they don’t forget about Beca. Aubrey’s hand, the one not holding on to Chloe, roams Beca’s body. Chloe’s hand is on her thigh, just holding on as though she’s keeping Chloe from floating away.
Maybe she is, Beca thinks as, mind still hazy, she notices her hand is between her own legs.
She notices it almost distractedly, like an afterthought, that she’s touching herself while her wife and her ex fuck right next to her.
There’s no room to care about modesty or feel ashamed. She’s still so turned on that she has to press hard to get any friction against herself. Soaked in the same way Chloe was—and probably still is.
Aubrey and Chloe’s voices sound so good together, she does manage to note, and she focuses on them. It’s too difficult to keep her eyes open to watch so she listens. She listens to Aubrey’s increasingly desperate moans, to Chloe’s sighs and words of encouragement, to the unmistakable sounds of wetness—her own and Aubrey’s. She feels Aubrey’s fingers tugging on her nipple and Chloe’s nails on her inner thigh. Feels her own fingers on her clit.
She hears how close Aubrey is and, unexpectedly, how close Chloe is as well.
Chloe had been the sole giver when Beca had closed her eyes and she has to open them to see what’s happening, to see the way Aubrey’s hand moves between Chloe’s legs and how their hips buck as they ride each other’s fingers.
It yanks Beca right to the edge just as they climax and her own rushes through her in tandem with theirs.
All she can register beside her ecstasy is how good they all sound together. Just like they used to.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Beca is still drunk.
It’s the first thing she notices when she wakes up. She’s also thirsty and feels like she needs a shower.
It’s also far too early to be awake—it’s still dark—and she turns over to move in closer to Chloe, warm and soft next to her.
She’s just drifting off again when there’s movement behind her and an arm slipping around her waist followed by lips on the back of her shoulder.
Her mind is foggy and it takes a few seconds to register that it isn’t Chloe because Chloe is in front of her, not behind. Then she catches a whiff of familiar perfume.
The memories of last night surface and though Beca thinks she should probably be horrified or embarrassed, she’s instead filled with a kind of warmth and she moves her foot backward to slip between Aubrey’s.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
The next time she wakes up, the bedroom is alight with the orange glow of dawn. She’s no longer drunk and she’s awake and is alone with her thoughts and memories until she feels Chloe stir.
She’s awake, too, and wiggles until she’s turned over to face Beca. “Morning,” Chloe says with a sleepy smile. For a moment, Beca wonders if Chloe remembers what transpired the night before until Chloe asks, “How are you?”
“I’m good,” she replies. And she is, Beca thinks. She’s okay with what happened. It was a wild, drunken encounter between three consenting adults, all of whom trust and care for the others. “Are you?”
Chloe beams at her, even through her hangover, and nods.
“Oh, my God, my head is pounding.”
The voice startles Beca as it breaks their whispered conversation. She cranes her neck to look over her shoulder at Aubrey sitting up next to her, one hand holding the sheet to her chest, the other clutching her forehead.
“I can make coffee,” Chloe says helpfully and starts to move but Beca touches her hip to tell her to stay.
“It’s okay, I’ll do it.” She’s been awake long enough that the threat of physical movement causing instant nausea has lessened.
She detangles herself from the sheets to crawl off the foot of the bed; there’s a familiar graze of fingertips across her shoulder and it stirs bittersweet nostalgia within her. It’s only when she’s on her feet and turning back while she tugs a T-shirt over her head to face what’s in her bed that the gravity genuinely sets in. She’s out of bed, out of the bubble, and she feels it pop.
She slept with her ex-wife last night.
So did her wife.
Nausea rushes her and she thinks she might gag but her reaction to the stress is interrupted by the pounding of a tiny fist on the door.
“Shit,” Aubrey hisses, suddenly coming back to life as she scrambles out of bed.
“Just a minute, sweetie!” Chloe sing-songs and Beca can hear the panic in her voice.
Beca feels stuck and her brain is struggling to process; she doesn’t know what will happen if Sophie walks in to find her Mom, Mama, and Mommy having a sleepover together.
“Can I lock the door?!” Aubrey whisper-shouts as she frantically searches for items of her clothing to get dressed. 
“Yes, you can lock the door!” Beca manages to say, brain beginning to work and feet starting to move to find shorts to put on. 
“It wasn’t already locked?” Chloe asks from the bed she’s making while she’s still in it.
Aubrey’s running around so quickly, Beca’s not sure she won’t set the floor on fire. “Aubrey, she can’t see you; slow down.”
“I’m supposed to pick her up for our trip to the aquarium in—” she looks at a phone she finds on the floor—“five minutes!”
“In your dress from the party?” Chloe asks as she crawls out from under the covers and to the end of the bed.
“Walk of shame, I guess,” Aubrey says she tries to shove her arms into the sleeves of her dress that’s on backward.
“Oh, my God, here,” Beca says as she finds and hands Aubrey another of her tees.
Aubrey looks at it and frowns. “Budweiser? Really?”
“Turn it inside out.”
“You know, there’s no shame in—” Beca starts but Aubrey cuts her off.
“I’m going to go around the back and ring the doorbell, okay?” she says, already heading for the sliding glass door. “Crush some aspirin and put it in my coffee? I’m dying.”
“Yeah, sure,” Chloe says from her spot on the bed. She’s eating a piece of cake and Beca does a double-take. She has no idea where she got cake from.
“Savior,” Aubrey says before she disappears, still holding her heels instead of wearing them.
“Mom!” Sophie shouts again.
“Just a sec, sweetheart!” Beca calls in response as she starts toward the door, only to stop and look at Chloe, naked in bed eating mystery cake with a smile. “Are we...fine?”
Chloe shrugs and sucks the frosting off the tines of her fork. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
Beca makes a mental note to circle back on this situation once they’re both clear-headed and pulls open the bedroom door just as the doorbell rings. “Good morning, my big girl!” she says as she reaches down to lift her daughter and hug her good morning. “Did you hear the doorbell? Mommy’s here! Let’s go say ‘hi’!”
Aubrey looks impossibly flustered when Beca opens the front door and, she realizes, the morning panic was unnecessary. It’s not as though Sophie is old enough to understand what a Walk of Shame looks like or what it even meant for Aubrey to spend the night with Beca and Chloe.
“Morning,” she says with a smirk as she hands her wiggling-with-excitement daughter to Aubrey who immediately showers her face with kisses.
Aubrey doesn’t quite make eye contact, instead choosing to stay focused on making Sophie giggle.
“I’m making coffee.” The words drift past them as Chloe makes her way to the kitchen. “You’re welcome to join us for a cup,” she adds.
Aubrey does meet Beca’s eyes then as if questioning the invitation, or maybe asking for permission.
“Come on in,” Beca says after a beat, stepping aside to let Aubrey [back] into their home.
She doesn’t understand what transpired between them. Maybe she isn’t supposed to. She doesn’t regret it, at least not yet. It was fun. It was hot. And Chloe actually inviting Aubrey [back] into their home this morning and not being upset is a relief. Their long-held and only-somewhat thinly veiled contempt for one another has been exhausting for Beca to navigate and, at least for the moment, seems to have evaporated.
Beca can’t say she minds as she closes the door to join them in the kitchen.
It would be kind of nice to have Aubrey around more without the tension.
And if there was tension...Beca thinks as she watches Chloe tease Aubrey by tickling at her lower back...they have a pretty good way to relieve it.
The End
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taggedmemes · 4 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ THIS WAY UP / 1.02 –– 1.04 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
“Two for the price of one this morning, was it?”
“You shouldn’t buy cigarettes on the street.”
“No wonder you’re single.”
“I have no soul, you know that.”
“There’s such different consequences having sex when you’ve got a penis compared to a vagina.”
“I could have kept that one in my mouth, actually, instead of letting it come out.”
“Can you officially be friends, please?”
“If he doesn’t hate me, and there’s a strong chance that he might, I’ll come back again.”
“It’s where you hold your sadness.”
“They were having sex so loudly, it was like two alley cats punching each other in the face.”
“Natural beauty, what a bitch.”
“She feels the same way as me about work at the moment, that it’s destroying her soul.”
“Nobody understands the economy, that’s why people blame everything on immigrants.”
“I’m going to waste away, like a leaf at the end of autumn.”
“I do realize I’m a bit of a dickhead.”
“I hate the way men don’t talk about their feelings, or pain.”
“I think that vulnerability is seen as a weakness.”
“We’re like two sexy Yodas passing on wisdom.”
“I can’t talk, but what’s up?”
“I’m a giant stupid idiot.”
“I actually feel physically embarrassed at myself, like I’m actually cringing in my soul at the moment.”
“Are you on drugs?”
“Maybe rule number one is that we have to take a shot every time we say sorry.”
“Your timekeeping is a joke.”
“Are you sure there won’t be any dragons you have to slay en route?”
“Have you ever known a better song?”
“Nice to see you’re keeping all the secrets I tell you.”
“It’s okay, though it is a bit of a sad story.”
“Her hat collection fell on top of him.”
“He was smothered to death by hats.”
“You don’t need to hang around here with us.”
“I do have to leave because I’ve got places to go and stuff.”
“Your boobs are as intense as your ass.”
“We’re watching that murdered nun documentary.”
“You sound like a Cockney criminal.”
“Just pretend it never happened.”
“She hates houses that have private bathrooms and underfloor heating.”
“I moved my toothbrush in three weeks ago.”
“I’d feel bad asking you to do that.”
“He’s nice, a little bit weird like you.”
“Don’t walk around my house getting bacteria all over the place.”
“It’s not good for you to be hanging around the house all day.”
“You don’t need to threaten me.”
“I’m not threatening you.”
“Fine, I’ll leave this house full of lies and deceit.”
“I texted her last week to see if she was dead, so.”
“Male energy is very exotic to you.”
“You’re very starstruck by male energy.”
“You’ve got a fire in you and you can use that to heat yourself up, or you can use that to burn yourself and everyone else around you down.”
“Did you punch him in the balls?”
“I want to say that I punched him in the balls, but no, I went into the toilet and cried.”
“I’ve actually never done shots before.”
“I know he’s enemy number one.”
“My brain’s a bit shit.”
“God, how do I end up in these fucking situations.”
“Pretend to have your mind blown.”
“Thanks very much for paying for everything but I think you’ll agree that you got your money’s worth and it’s time for me to go and never call me again, okay?”
“Who the fuck is that on my couch?”
“Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?”
“He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“He’s the only person in the world who cares about me.”
“If you want to kick him out on the street then just do it.”
“I am gonna kill you in the morning.”
“You are a fucking idiot.”
“I am so fucking angry with you right now.”
“I don’t think he’d have sex with you if he saw you with your retainer in.”
“You haven’t talked to her in months.”
“She’s old, you have to forgive her.”
“She’s only old when she wants to be.”
“She won’t die, she’s too stubborn.”
“We’re too different, we’ll never get along.”
“I’m stuck in the middle of this bullshit and it’s not fair.”
“We will fight them on the beaches.”
“Don’t point it out or people will notice.”
“You look like your father in the 70s.”
“So, I look like a dead man?”
“Don’t be gentle with me like I’m an old one.”
“We’ll put you in a wheelchair and roll you down the hill.”
“Do you know you’re like Willy Wonka?”
“I wasn’t interrupting, that’s how conversations work.”
“How come you’re allowed to interrupt but I’m not?”
“He says people recycle them but no one ever does.”
“You never told me there was a man on the go.”
“You’ve no sense of humor.”
“I would have laughed so hard if it backfired and you feel right on your face.”
“Today’s not about me, I don’t want to make a fuss.”
“Just treat me like a normal person.”
“This is demeaning on so many levels.”
“I have a proper job at Buzzfeed.”
“I just want to say how wonderful it is to have you here with us today.”
“Time myst be a pressure at this stage.”
“None of us are getting any younger.”
“I actually don’t want kids.”
“You always think you don’t want kids, and then you change your mind.”
“I’m going to throw caution to the wind and eat with my hands.”
“You never know real love until you have children.”
“Even if he murdered someone I’d still love him unconditionally.”
“If he murdered someone I’d get a spade to dig a grave and cover it up.”
“Why am I a murderer?”
“I don’t think you need to be a mother to know unconditional love.”
“It’s nice to see your face.”
“She thought France was the capital of France.”
“I want you to help me choose because I always get this wrong.”
“They always get annoyed when I put their picture on Instagram without editing.”
“Could somebody blow the candles out before the house burns down.”
“Are you pissed off with me?”
“Why are you so angry all the time?”
“I wanted you to come and get me.”
“I wanted you to come down to that place and take me out of there.”
“I wanted you to take me home and make me better.”
“Those people in there knew what they were doing.”
“What help would I have been?”
“I just wanted you to try.”
“I left her for three months because I didn’t want her.”
“I just want you to find someone who’ll make you see that you’re brilliant.”
“A man isn’t gonna fix me.”
“You could just ring me sometimes.”
“You have to work out how to use facetime.”
“Most of my friends, half of them are dead.”
“Did you kill them?”
“I only killed one friend because she was so fucking annoying.”
“That’s a bit of an anticlimax.”
“You have to be careful with men.”
“They don’t always get jokes.”
“Annoyingly, she didn’t get us return tickets.”
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First Loves, Gentle Kisses, and Families (Sriracha, Part 28.)
Description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could let you far away from all the trouble.
Part Summary: Eleven bringing more people to your life was something that was terrifying, yet fun and full of adventure at the same time. And there were more exciting news about to come from the Hawkins Lab.
A/N: The Snow Ball is approaching, romance is in the air, everyone is feeling good, this is going to be fluffy.
Word count: 2.3 K
Tagging: @nemodoren​, @creedslove​, @missdictatorme​
Master list: H E R E
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It was just a matter of time before you found your way to at least respect the children Eleven was friends with. There was this Sinclair boy, Lucas, who always had some dumb jokes that made you at least chuckle. There was Dustin, who sometimes had the front teeth and sometimes he hadn’t got any because of some weird illness he had. There was also Maxine, who was quiet, but she liked to cook with you and Eleven. You already knew Will and his Dungeons and Dragons and you’ve seen Mike around already, so there was no surprise there.
Just before December was about to start, you first noticed that Mike and Eleven maybe are a thing. You noticed those careful touches that you shouldn’t see, you could notice how aware Mike is around you and how El blushed every time he looked at her.
Once, you asked Hopper about that when you were about to lay in the bed.
“Hey, I feel like you’re keeping some secrets away from me.” - You furrowed and put on your pajama pants, putting your hair in a comfortable hairstyle, so it wouldn’t bother you during the night. Hopper's eyes closed as he tried to guess what you're talking about. His eyes popped out then, figuring out that you had found out about the lab stuff, and his arm hugged the blanket a bit tighter. - “You do?” - Hopper mumbled, his voice cracking a bit.
“Obviously. I feel like there is something weird every time I get back to Hawkins, like, you know, there’s something different. Almost… Almost as if you and El are keeping some secrets and other things away from me. Did you know anything about that?” - A clear amusement could be heard in your voice, which made his testicles crawl back inside of his belly. Was he about to be bitched down as a fourth-grader who came home late? Were you about to turn into a furious, yelling, plate-throwing demon he was used to? - “Do I know about what, exactly?” - The man asked as he watched your body laying down next to him, cuddling to him in the ice-cold late November night.
“You didn’t see that? El and Mike? You hadn’t noticed?” - You giggled, turning your head at him, smiling. Hopper could feel the damn relief falling off of his back. It was just El and Mike… Well. It was his daughter and that little Wheeler bastard you were talking about. That was when his eyebrow got a spasm.
“Oh, come on, don’t be a jackass. First love is the most beautiful one, James.” - Your laughter could be heard when you watched Hopper having a facial expression of rock. His hand was thrown over your waist, yet his body was ridiculously tensed. - “Hopper, stop this, don’t act like a fucking idiot. She is our princess, yes, but this would come over the time either way. And I like this Mike Wheeler. I know him since the day he was born, he’s a good kid.”
With that, Hopper shoved his face into the pillow, grunting annoyedly at you supporting Eleven’s damn choice. This battle was lost even before it started - he knew that he could go against you and your opinion, theoretically speaking, but you would pull out such arguments that it would make him sit on his damn ass. - “I’m with these two together way more than you. I know how Mike acts around her and I know he’s damn sweet to her. Let it be Hopper.” - You whispered to his ear before you slowly brushed your fingers under his t-shirt. Yes. This argument and battle were lost long before it even started.
The life went on, how much more could you possibly say? You went to work, studied in your free time, took care of Eleven, her friends and Hopper - the life in its entirety has never been better when you thought about it. Eleven was properly happy for the first time in forever and you couldn’t be happier about that.
It was a week after December started - and a week remaining to Snow Ball. Early Christmas, Hopper called it jokingly, but he was right. When he came home that day, you hadn’t expected him to be there that soon. You were pleasantly surprised because you and the kids were just in the half of a karaoke marathon and you were just staying Ghostbusters with a small help from Will the Wise himself. Hopper watched you with an amused smile - there was something magical about watching you work with children; whether it was studying with El or making dumb things with the whole gang, you always made it fun for both sides.
Last time he came in and you were just doing stuff, you played D&D. And oh my, you were just lost - visibly lost at what the hell was happening. Mike and Lucas helped you with building a character and you even got pretty far into the story, with the help of the boys, of course, but you still didn’t have any idea about what the goddamn hell is going on. You only knew that some kind of Minotaur had sliced you in half and just like that, you were dead and out of the whole story.
So this time, seeing you slaying Ray Parker’s song, that was a pleasure. And it was damn sweet when you repeated Who you gonna call? and the gang yelled back Ghostbusters! with lots of laughs as the melody slowly faded away.
“Would you mind if I steal Mr. Parker here for a minute or..?” - Hopper asked once the song ended.
“Only if Lucas and Dustin won’t cheat during Never Surrender. Mike, you’ll watch them and if they do cheat, points down.” - You said, a bit sad that you won’t see Dustin and Lucas chaotically yelling the romantic song. They were bickering about something, but you just walked to Hopper, smiling at them. - “Yada yada yada, can’t hear you. Do your best and don’t cheat or you’re out. I’m not playing games with karaoke.”
Hopper took you to the bedroom, sitting you down on the bed even if you said it’s completely pointless. Only when you finally sat down and heard Corey Hart and Dustin in sync yelling the first verse, Hopper gave you a completely normal envelope. You smiled at him before taking it out of his hands. And boy, when you finally opened it, you were taken away, watching that piece of stamped paper in your fingers.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” - The man kneeling in front of you whispered, smoothing both your thighs. You started shaking with excitement. Your eyes were scanning the paper to see if it isn't fake. But it seemed to be real.
“Is… Is this… Are you for… Is it even real? Are you telling me..?” - You whispered, watching the adoption certificate of Jane Hopper, presumably Eleven, in your palms.
“You’re now officially a proud mom.” - Hopper smiled with tears in his damn eyes. It was so pleasurable to see you as happy as you were in that moment. You were crying like a baby, let’s face it, but you tried to contain yourself just because there was only a piece of cloth between you and a room full of teenagers.
This was something huge, something you thought you would never achieve. That piece of paper was saying that Eleven is yours and no-one could deny that. And the document was even official, which was just breathtaking. You cried along with Jim in the backroom for the next ten minutes before you walked into Lucas and Max performing Material Girl from Madonna. And Lucas was just slaying the whole text while Max performed the backup vocals.
Not an hour from that, while Hopper decided to read something, the moment you didn’t like came by - Steve Nanny McFee Harrington came to pick up the boys and Max to drive them home. But you weren’t quite done with the contest, so you walked into the cold evening and looked at him. That was a thing you haven’t done before. You haven’t spoken to Steve in almost a year, which was crazy to think of since he was a big part of your life before.
“Hey, wanna come in? It’s freezing out there!” - You called in the direction of the car, smiling at the boy. He watched you like a dear in the headlights, trying to make out if you’re making fun of him or not. But when your smile widened even more than before, he stopped the engine and walked to the cabin, hearing first notes of Runaway, Max's song of choice.
“Hi there.” - You whispered with a smile, looking at the boy. Steve seemed to be mature. You didn’t know why or how was that possible, but the boy in front of your eyes looked… Really like an adult.
“Yeah, h-hey.” - Steve got out of his lips before you closed the door after him. The kids waved at him before continuing with their little karaoke. You, without hesitation, prepared Steve some warm chocolate so he wouldn’t freeze. The cabin was warm enough, but that boy just seemed to be cold. - “Haven’t talked to you in a while… How… Are things?” - He asked awkwardly as he looked around the cabin.
There was Eleven’s drawing hanging on the fridge, a lot of her pictures, there were even pictures of her and her friends there - you especially loved the one where Dustin was pretending that he had rabies when you made them Hopper’s triple-decker extravaganza one evening. There were pictures of you and Hopper side by side, pictures when you were alone with El - like hugging her on the couch or cooking with her. It was obvious that you had a family life and that you’re happy with it. It felt strange to see his former best friend’s sister, and his past crush, to have such a life at such an age and to be happy with it.
“They’re going just great. A year ago, I wouldn’t ever think that I can have a life like this, yet, here we are. It’s kind of a miracle.” - You smiled, giving him the mug, making yourself one as well. - “How are you? You and Nance are still hitting it off?”  - You smiled wickedly, but as soon as you could see his miserable face, you knew that you hit some soft spot in steve.
“No. I was, in fact, a terrible boyfriend and she started dating Jonathan Byers a month ago, they seem happy, tho. A terrible boyfriend, would you believe that? Just as you always told me.” - Steve turned the awkwardness into a joke, but you punched his shoulder with a giggle.
“I have never told you that you’d be a terrible boyfriend, Harrington. I just told that you and me? That wouldn’t work. And I told you a million times, again and again.” - You told him, looking him in the face with a smile on your lips, feeling a bit better around him each passing minute.
“Turned out I’m the best single mom Hawkins High basketball team had ever seen.” - Steve said proudly, which made you laugh again.
“Listen, dude, I love you and I always did. But not in the way you desperately wanted me to. You’re like a little brother to me - whatever happens, call me, we can hang out, talk things out, yeah?” - You offered him a sisterly hug and Steve accepted, smiling into your shoulder. - “Don’t you forget I’ve seen you running naked around our pool when you were small.” - You whispered, making him hug you even tighter.
He got over the crush some time ago, but the shock of you dating Hopper was just so huge, that he never brought himself to say hi to you when he met you in Hawkins. He couldn’t wave at you or look you straight in the face. It was just so hard - you were turning his offers down him for years at that point, but you fell in love with a total shit like James Hopper? That wasn’t fair.
But now, it felt just good and natural to hug you as a friend only. It didn’t feel pressured or weird. Steve started to see the value of a true friendship after he started hanging out with Dustin Henderson and his douche friends. And he could see why you and Hopper were making things work so well - when he looked at your mutual relationship without his jealousy, he could see why your bitching-down nature could hold a man like James grounded in reality and why his nature could make your head make fly in the skies.
“But we’ll sing karaoke now and we’ll show these teens how to slay a song hm?” - You asked, more like told him straight forward, and dragged him in front of the couch. Steve tried to resist with laughter, but in the next minute, you were yelling the text of Total Eclipse of the Heart into the hairbrushes like the whole mattered on this performance. Hopper was standing there, in the doorframe of the bedroom, watching as you made Steve laughter on many occasions when you just fucked the words up because you wanted to.
And for the first time, Jim wasn’t a bit jealous when it came to Steve - because no matter if the boy was a prick, they get to know each other during the second incident in Hawkins. And no matter how hard he tried to get under your skirt previously, that kid had a heart of gold. He just needed friends because, in reality, Steve was lonely. And it felt right when Hopper saw you two jamming to the song.
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zdbztumble · 4 years
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For how much of it appears on this blog, Pokemon is more “comfort food” entertainment than a great passion of mine, and the same was true when I was a child. Back in my late grade school days, the two shows that dominated my thought, my viewing schedule, my play and my early writing were Dragon Ball Z and Gundam Wing. Like a lot of kids, I can thank Toonami for that. But while I’ve checked in on Dragon Ball, off and on, since those days, I haven’t seriously revisited Gundam Wing since it left Toonami years ago. Sharing OPs with a friend on Discord led to the Wing openings coming up, however, and with the series being free to view on Crunchyroll, I thought I’d give it a rewatch.
There’s no subtle way to put this - Gundam Wing does not hold up to my childhood memories. It’s a mess of a show that frequently falls short of its own ambition. But it remains an enjoyable - even admirable - mess.
The single biggest reason that Gundam Wing is such a mess - the single biggest reason for nearly all of its flaws - is that it’s too short. At 49 episodes (two of which are given over to a clip show recap halfway through), the show isn’t long enough to contain all the story it wants to tell. By way of demonstration, and for those who don’t know/remember the series, I tried to summarize the basic plot of the series in just a few paragraphs here.
Look at that. Look at all that text in a basic outline. That was me paring away all but the most essential details needed to understand what happens in the series. Now imagine trying to fit all of that into 47 episodes while also including character interaction and development, action sequences, aesthetic elements, and a good chunk of essential information being revealed via backstory and vague insinuations only fleshed out in the OVA and manga series.
Things start out promisingly enough, with the action beginning on Operation Meteor and the initial conflict emerging gradually. But it doesn’t take long for the brevity of the series to work against the intrigues happening within it. To say that the show falls into “tell, don’t show” would suggest that it gets across more information than it actually does. Narration opens most episodes with some degree of recap, and occasionally within episodes, but this device is established from the first episode and is usually effectively used in the context of ongoing action. The problem spots are where the show neglects to tell or show almost anything.
Because the series is so short, and because all screentime is spent with either the series leads or the major supporting characters, there’s never an opportunity to showcase the state of world and colonial affairs, and little opportunity taken to describe them outside of the opening narration. Consequently, any feeling of oppression, subjugation, or desperation for the colonies - and thus, a sense of what the Gundams are fighting for - isn’t present at the beginning of the series, and doesn’t ever really emerge. There is some sense of danger towards the end of the series, but it results from the various conflicts that happen within the show, not the state of affairs from the initial premise. Earth’s condition is similarly underdeveloped; if anything is showcased on Earth, it’s beauty. Characters will occasionally talk about the desperate straits of the Gundam pilots, and the pilots themselves will take developments like the targeting of the colonies or their betrayal to heart. The VAs and the animation are strong enough to sell such developments, but the lack of world-building to support them does hurt the series.
But it’s the developments around the Sanc Kingdom and Relena’s relevance to the story suffer the most from the show’s failure to show or tell. After Zechs liberates the kingdom, Relena’s installation as its ruler is set up but never depicted. Relena’s outreach to other nations, and her building up support for total pacifism, is also never shown, and barely discussed. She and Zechs are never even seen to have a conversation until near the very end of the series. There’s plenty of discussion of how inspiring and charismatic Relena is, and why she should be heeded and protected, but with none of the work behind that charisma shown and little of it discussed in detail, there’s little emotional resonance to be had here. Relena’s efforts as queen of the world are slightly more fleshed out, but when Zech’s declaration of war against Earth happens in the same episode - happens, if memory serves, less than a second after Relena makes significant inroads - the notion of Relena as an effective spokeswoman for pacifism is severely undercut by the series’ own haste.
Beyond the plot, all of this naturally damages Relena’s character. Relena begins the series as a somewhat bratty, somewhat depressed girl often neglected by her family due to her stepfather’s job, who finds Heero’s sudden presence in her life a vicarious if dangerous thrill. The murder of her stepfather and the revelation of her true identity further shake her out of teenage ennui and move her to take part in the great events of her time. Like the show itself, it’s a promising beginning, but because Relena’s greatest achievements are glossed over - and because, being a pacifist and a diplomat, she can’t be involved at the point of action - Relena ends up spending a lot of time on the sidelines, looking grim or worried. Worse, when the final conflict between Treize and White Fang emerges, Relena is completely ineffectual at trying for peace with Zechs, and any opportunity for her to use the soft power of her (brief) reign as ceremonial monarch to further the cause of peace isn’t taken, leaving her largely irrelevant to the finale. Relena is less a full-fledged character in Gundam Wing than a solid concept for a character that couldn’t grow to fruition in the time allotted.
The same could be said of the series protagonist, Heero Yuy. In his case, there is at least a bit more told; his scientist mentor describes him as a kind-hearted young man whose devotion to his mission has rendered him a dangerous assassin, Relena instinctively latches onto what kindness and idealism she can sense in him, various characters are inspired by his skills and his devotion to his mission. But there’s little to no evidence of the kind-hearted young man underneath the child soldier, at least not in the initial episodes. We only see the cold-blooded Gundam pilot, and that pilot has the worst starting luck out of any of them, from his Gundam being brought down to his attempts to destroy it failing. His willingness - even eagerness - to die for his cause comes up so often in the beginning of the series that it ends up losing its punch. But being the series lead, and getting more screentime by dint of being a Gundam pilot, Heero does ultimately get fleshed out more than Relena. His remorse over inadvertently killing the Alliance pacifists and his blunt but pragmatic advice to the other Gundam pilots do let his softer side emerge later on. His struggle to find a reason to keep going in the fight in the middle of the series - something multiple characters go through - is rather muddled (not helped by some obtuse and stilted dialogue, another major fault in the series), but he comes out of that mess resolved to protect Relena and defeat White Fang - so much so that he not only unites with the other pilots, but designates Quatre Raberba Winner as their leader instead of himself because he recognizes what’s best for the team. The series ultimately benefits from his being the main character because of developments like this, but the journey is more awkward and choppy than it needed to be, and his romance with Relena and rivalry with Zechs are never fully convincing even if their basic mutual interest in one another is.
Stilted dialogue more than absent material is what most works against series antagonists Zechs and Treize, though Zechs’s lack of scenes with his sister and an abrupt jump from Sanc Kingdom spokesman to genocidal avenger are an issue. The philosophical notions that pepper Zechs’s and Treize’s monologues and conversations - the nature of war, the value of soldiers’ sacrifice, mankind’s natural proclivities, the possibility of peace and what it would take to achieve it - are all fascinating, and I’m still amazed that a show that spent so much time on these subjects was put in an afterschool block bound to attract younger kids back in the day. But for every speech that’s thought-provoking and emotionally resonant, there are three that are a chore to sit through and a puzzle to comprehend. Granted, the Crunchyroll subtitles for this series aren’t the best, so that may partly explain and excuse this problem. But especially in the middle of the series, where allegiances shift and motivations collapse, having the principle antagonists be so difficult to understand isn’t ideal.
Then there are the plot holes - mostly characters who somehow survived apparent deaths with little to no explanation - and characters who just don’t work. One of them is unfortunately a Gundam pilot - Chang Wu Fei, an arrogant misogynist wrapped up in his own ideals of combat who resists any teamwork or even temporary alliances with his fellow Gundams until the very end of the series, and is an unreliable partner even then. None of this would make him a bad character - one hardly needs to be likable or relatable to be an effective and compelling presence in a story - but Wu Fei has virtually no chemistry with the other Gundams, or any character, when actually does interact with them, except for ex-Alliance soldier Sally Po. His standoffishness and stoicism are traits shared by Heero and Trowa Barton, making his seem redundant, and his professed ideals of combat are muddled by bad dialogue. His great rivalry with Treize is also on shaky ground; they only interact twice in the entire series. But Wu Fei is at least comprehensible; Dorothy Catalonia, a Romefeller spy who takes an almost sexual delight in war, is not only obnoxious and intrusive when she appears in the second half of the series, but her motivations seem to swing wildly, her allegiances impossible to follow, and I sorely wish she had died by the end of the series.
With all of those faults laid bare - I did say the show was enjoyable and admirable in spite of everything, and indeed it is. Wu Fei may be redundant and Heero only a partial success as a character, but the other three Gundam pilots are well-realized, so much so that I’m baffled to see various critiques of this show imply that they’re static and one-note. Duo Maxwell is essentially the same person at the end of the series as he was at the beginning, but he’s a wonderful source of levity in the series, and he does have his trials and his low points that contrast well with his typical personality; his moments of anger and despair are some of the best in the series for selling the stakes of the conflict in the absence of proper world-building. Trowa, while much less emotive, goes through a significant journey, with his sibling-esque relationship with circus performer Catherine far more emotionally satisfying than either the Peacecrafts’ bond or Heero and Relena’s romance.
And then there’s Quatre, my new favorite character from this series. I didn’t take a great deal of notice of him as a kid, but rediscovering his story has been my favorite thing about this rewatch. A bright, gentle, and friendly personality, disdainful of violence but prepared to fight for a worthy cause, driven to despair and madness by the loss of his father and the ZERO system, only to emerge as the repentant leader of the Gundams, instrumental in bringing them together as a unit and binding them to Relena’s ideals; of all the pilots, he sees the most growth and change, and all the essentials to his story actually make it on screen. He also has the allegiance of the Maganac Corps, a group that doesn’t have a great deal of importance to the series...but they do have a cool name and cooler mobile suits.
And if Relena is somewhat lacking as a female lead, Gundam Wing does have Sally Po, military doctor turned guerrilla fighter and stalwart Gundam ally, and Lucrezia Noin. For a character that could easily have just been Zech’s love interest, Noin sees a degree of growth throughout the series to rival Quatre’s, moving from OZ instructor to Sanc Kingdom defense captain to the instigator of the Gundams as a unit, working to defeat the man she loves. The show also avoids sexualizing any of its female cast, so - a point for that, I guess.
The designs of the Gundams are all unique (as are their abilities), and some are downright beautiful. The other mobile suits are varied as well and easy to identify, making combat easy to follow. The quality of the combat - and the animation in general - is hit and miss, but it’s never atrocious, and when it’s solid, the end result is some great shots and action. The series also boasts a fantastic soundtrack, with lovely instrumental themes and two great opening songs (though why “Rhythm Emotion” was brought in with only ten episodes left to go on the series still baffles me.) 
All this contributes to Gundam Wing being enjoyable, but what makes it admirable is actually the stilted dialogue and overstuffed story that bring it down. To attempt a series that ruminates on the nature of war and the various philosophical positions around its necessity or lack thereof, of the chances for real peace, for the evolution of humanity if were to move into the stars, and the interpersonal conflicts between various characters, would be a tall order for any series, and not the easiest thing to make into visually compelling animation. That Gundam Wing made the attempt at all shows ambition and aspiration on the part of its writers and staff. As I’ve said at length here, it was frustrated by its short running time and the weaknesses of story elements and characters, but an ambitious mixed bag - even a failure - that aims high is a much more admirable (and interesting to watch) affair than a success that aims low.
And, in its failures to get certain elements across, Gundam Wing shows enough of what it was trying to do that I, at least, can forgive some (not all) rough patches. Characters like Heero and conflicts like the Gundams’ basic fight for the colonies still work despite their flaws. And the final run of episodes, where White Fang and Treize clash and the Gundams work around the battle to save the day, are incredibly strong. It’s a finale that surpasses much of the content preceding it, and if it would’ve been improved by that content being better, it still works because the intent of that earlier content can still be perceived.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed rediscovering Gundam Wing, and I’d like to check out the dub again when I’m in a position to renew my Hulu subscription. For now, though - there’s a certain waltz to attend to...
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allisondraste · 4 years
Temperance (33/42)
Pairing: Nathaniel Howe/ Female, Non-HoF Cousland
Story Summary: Nathaniel and Elissa were childhood friends, but time and distance tore them apart. In the aftermath of the Fifth Blight, and Ferelden’s Civil War, both Elissa and Nathaniel must attempt reconstruct their tattered lives. As a series of events lead them to be reunited, both are reminded of so many years ago when things were much simpler.
Chapter Summary:    Nathaniel wishes it took longer to return to Vigil’s Keep. 
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
Fereldan Countryside, 9:31 Dragon
Nathaniel sat across the campfire from Liss, pretending not to notice when she glanced up from her book to eye him sharply.  As she read, she turned each page with an exaggerated amount of force and pointedness, a display of irritation that was much less subtle than she likely believed.  She might as well have torn out the pages, wadded them into little balls and tossed them at his head. In fact, if she had lobbed the whole book at him, he wouldn’t have been surprised.  He probably wouldn’t have even tried to dodge.
They had not spoken since that morning, when Nathaniel had taken it upon himself to drive a wedge into yet another of his relationships, just as he’d done with Lucia the night before.  He knew it wasn’t his place to tell Liss what she should and shouldn’t do, and he was frustrated with his complete inability to let it go. If she wanted to become a Grey Warden, then she should. However, the thought terrified him, and he’d let his fear get the better of him.  Now, despite sitting just feet from her, he’d never felt further away.
The four of them had decided to break the day long trip to Amaranthine into two, less exhausting halves, and thus set up camp on the road from Denerim.  The camp was painfully quiet, tension hanging like smoke in the air, suffocating and oppressive. With Liss preoccupied by her pointed, passive-aggressive reading in Nathaniel’s direction, and Lucia gazing absently into the fire,  Alistair’s discomfort was obvious. He sat on the ground, craning his head around and darting his eyes in every direction, plucking at hardy weeds that shot up through the frozen soil, and fidgeting endlessly. At one point he emptied out the entirety of the contents of his pack, and put each item back in one by one.  When he asked to do the same for Lucia’s and she refused, he pouted and scooted over more closely to Liss.
Peering over her arm to look at the text in her hands, he asked, “New book?”
Liss’ posture relaxed almost instantly as she turned to look at Alistair with a soft smile. “Actually, it’s an old one.”  She marked her spot and closed the book turning it so that he could see the front.
Squinting, Alistair read the words. “Songs of the Pirate Queen?” He took the book from her hands and began to thumb through the pages.
“Mhmm,” she answered cheerfully, “It was one of my mother’s favorites.  She had at least three copies at any given time. I think she missed the sea more than she let on.”
“What,” he asked enthusiastically, still skimming the pages, “Was your mother a pirate or something?”
Liss laughed.  “Actually, yes! Well, before she married my father, that is.  My grandparents weren’t too happy with the arrangement, but Papa loved her.”
Nathaniel’s chest tightened at the memory of Lady Eleanor, and the nearly inaudible waver in Liss’ voice as she spoke about her.
She continued, “You know The Soldier and the Seawolf?  It’s actually about my parents.”
“Huh, I didn’t know th— oh.” Alistair’s eyes widened and his entire face flushed as he slammed Liss’ book shut.  He stiffened and looked out into the fire.
Liss giggled and brought her hand to her mouth, a gesture she often used when she was attempting to hide her amusement.  “I’m so sorry. I should have warned you that it explores some… mature themes. It’s very tasteful, I swear.”
“No, no it’s fine,” Alistair spluttered, fumbling around with his words, “Er, I mean, I’m fine. It’s just.”  He waved his hands vaguely and cleared his throat before sighing and handing her the book back, placing it gingerly onto her lap as if it might bite him.  
For the first time during the exchange, Lucia looked up, smile spreading across her lips as she studied Alistair affectionately, face brightening in a way Nathaniel had never seen. She looked at Liss and spoke.  “Alistair’s favorite book is The Ugly Nugling, if that tells you anything.”
“It’s a classic,” Alistair stated proudly, “And it has the most lovely message.”
“Which is?” Lucia raised her eyebrows.
“Even if you have beady eyes and creepy little hand…feet… things, you still have value.”
“And did that help you in your formative years as a nug,” Nathaniel asked suddenly, surprising himself.  
Alistair laughed.  “Yes, come to think of it.  It did help me through a rather rough spot when the other nugs wouldn’t let me join their nug games.”
Nathaniel snorted, and glanced reflexively in Liss’ direction.  She was still laughing, bright smile painted across her face. Then their eyes met, her smile fading as she looked away.  His chest tightened until she looked at him again, eyes full of amusement and sparkling in the firelight. No doubt she was fighting a desperate battle to keep the smile from returning to her face, a battle she seemed to be losing if the smirk twitching at her lips was any evidence. Though he knew she was still angry with him, that he would still need to find some way to make amends, the brief, shared moment was a relief that he had not done as much damage as he previously thought.
Conversation came more easily after that, a thin veil of humor and lightheartedness to hide the angry bronto in the room until the sun settled beneath the horizon and stars twinkled brightly.  Liss was the first to doze off, open book face down on the ground beside her. Even with two heavy blankets wrapped around her, she still looked cold and uncomfortable. For someone so distinctly Fereldan, she’d never appreciated cold weather, and he knew she must be miserable.  Several feet beside her, Alistair had fallen asleep,too, his head on Lucia’s lap as she looked down at him fondly, raking gentle fingers through his hair. Nathaniel envied their contentment even though he knew there was immense pain buried deep beneath the surface. He envied the ease with which they settled back into one another.  If he’d only kept his temper at bay, his opinions to himself then maybe he and Liss could have been… something already. Maybe he would have been allowed to at least explain why he hadn’t written to her. He let his gaze wander back over to Liss, watching as her body rose and fell with each breath. They’d been so close just a day ago. How had it all gone so wrong?
“She’s been through a lot, hasn’t she?” Lucia’s quiet voice startled him, and he turned to look at her.  She was watching Liss as he had been, brows knitted.
Nathaniel sighed heavily, taking a moment before answering to quell the unwelcome tears burning behind his eyes. “She has.”
Lucia fell silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and spoke again. “I am sorry if I have caused strife between you two.”
“You—“ Nathaniel cleared his throat, “You haven’t.”  He needed to say more, to apologize to her for how he’d treated her, but he froze and the words escaped him.
Luckily, she continued.  “Alistair wasn’t too happy with my decision to recruit her either.  He said that she was not in a good place to make that kind of choice.”
“He’s right.  I think it’s a mistake,” he said, bluntly and Lucia flinched, “But it’s hers to make, and I apologize for acting as if you are responsible.”
“Aren’t I?”
“Liss is stubborn and difficult to refuse,” Nathaniel assured her, “Even if you were responsible, it wouldn’t discount the need for an apology.  I was out of line.”
“It’s okay, Nate,” Lucia said, dropping her standard formality to use his shortened name.  She looked back down at Alistair, as she traced the line of his jaw with her fingertips. “I understand why you might want to protect her from what we are.”
“Thank you,” he muttered, looking away from her.  He didn’t know what else to say or do. Again, she had proven herself wise beyond her years, and he was ashamed.
The rest of the night passed without event. It also passed without a wink of sleep for Nathaniel— not that he’d even tried— and the remainder of the trip to Amaranthine had flown by quickly, too quickly.  It would not have bothered him had their journey been halted by bandits or a pack of hungry wolves. Anything to delay Liss’ inevitable joining and what that meant one way or another. He hardly spoke, only because everything he wanted to say would be the wrong thing.  So he bit his tongue until he thought it might bleed as he always had.
When they arrived at Vigil’s Keep, the relative peace and quiet startled Nathaniel.  It was a shift from the hustle and bustle of Denerim, and he’d almost forgotten how few people there truly were in such a large space, even after just a few days.  As they entered the large, vacant area that was the main hall, he noticed Liss glancing at him from the corner of his eye, no doubt curious at his reaction to his childhood home, the place she’s seen him off to at the end of each summer.  If he were honest, it still made him nervous, as if his angry father would be waiting around every corner to welcome him home with a barrage of insults. Of course, his father was dead, and that wouldn’t happen. Never again.
“Well slap my ass and call me a nug’s uncle,” boomed Oghren as he approached, rather swiftly for the stocky dwarf, “If it isn’t my favorite little pike twirler.”  He reached up and punched Alistair playfully in the abdomen.
Alistair flinched, but laughed and gave Oghren a shove. “I suppose there is no talking you out of that nickname, huh?”
“Not a chance,” Oghren said proudly, puffing out his chest. “Guess you heard I’m a Warden now.”
“I did.  Glad to have you among our ranks, Ser Dwarf.”
“Well, shit,” Oghren muttered.  Nathaniel swore he saw a glimmer of tears in Oghren’s eyes as he and Alistair shared the Warden salute.
It wasn’t long before the others arrived to the main hall, with the exception of Justice, who’d been exceptionally quiet and reclusive since The Mother’s defeat.  Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that Kristoff’s body had begun to decay beyond use. In any event, Anders and Sigrun appeared as their typically enthusiastic selves, Velanna trailing behind with her arms crossed over her chest and a standard scowl painted on her face.  Guilt bubbled in Nathaniel’s chest at the thought of parading Liss around in front of her. Velanna had been more than understanding, but this would most likely be an insult to injury.
Without wasting any time, Anders approached Liss.  “Hello, my lady. I’m Anders. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Liss blinked and her face reddened, clearly flustered.  “My name is Elissa, and the pleasure is mine.”
“A charming name for a charming gi—“ Anders yelped as Velanna elbowed him in the rib cage. “What did I do this time?”
Instead of answering Anders, Velanna looked at Liss. “Andaran atish’an, Elissa.  I am Velanna.”
“And I’m Sigrun!”
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Liss said politely, “You can call me Liss, by the way.  I prefer it. I’m just so accustomed to giving my full name.”
“You’re the Cousland girl, aren’t you?” Oghren had stopped teasing Alistair and chimed in.
“I am.”
“I’m sorry about your family,” he said in an unexpected display of social appropriateness. “It’s a damn shame.”
“Thank you,” Liss mumbled, clearly unsure what to say. She could not have planned for so many people outside of the nobility, and especially outside of Highever to care about what happened to her family.  
“Elissa,” Lucia shouted.  She’d been away from the group speaking with Seneschal Garevel.  
Liss turned abruptly. “Yes, Warden-Commander?”
“Can you come with me for a moment? We have some matters to discuss before this evening.”
As if it were an instinct, she looked to Nathaniel who nodded at her, and then she answered Lucia.  “Sure.”
Liss, Lucia, and Garevel exited the hall, and Alistair remained standing awkwardly, kicking at the floor with his boot, as if he were avoiding eye contact with a pack of wolves. Oghren introduced him to everyone as an old friend and comrade, and he seemed to ease up when they did not devour him whole.  Tense and growing increasingly anxious as minutes passed by, Nathaniel separated from the others and paced around the hall before settling on a spot to stand, right next to his mother’s portrait. It seemed they had decided not to take it down after all.  
“You’re especially talkative today,” chirped a familiar voice from behind him.  He turned to see Anders leaning against a bookshelf and grinning.  
“What can I say,” Nathaniel answered with as much sarcasm as he could muster, “I just have so many things to say.”
“Ouch.  Touchy, are we?” Anders moved closer and put a hand on his shoulder.  “Wouldn’t have anything to do with the new recruit who you kept gazing at longingly, would it?”
“I was not gazing at her longingly,” he snapped.
“Yeah, and I’m a Templar,” Anders replied, eyeing him pointedly, “Oh, wait. You mean we aren’t trying to see who can tell the most outrageous lie?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m stunned, truly.” The mage rolled his eyes, and waved his hand flippantly.
“Are we talking about Nate’s lover?” Sigrun had appeared as if out of nowhere and Anders jumped.
“ Lover? ” Anders’ face lit up with mischief.
“She’s not—“ Nathaniel attempted helplessly.
“She is why you went to Denerim, is she not?”  Velanna had approached as well, an utter betrayal.
“Knock it off,” Oghren scolded as he joined the fray, pushing past Anders and Sigrun.  Nathaniel had never been more relieved to see the dwarf. “Let the boy think about his pretty Cousland girl in peace won’t ya?”
Oghren elbowed him and cackled, clearly not his calvary after all.  Nathaniel supposed that it if he was to have friends, he had to endure a bit of fun at his expense every once in a while.  This was simply the worst time, the worst place, and he was not remotely in the mood to entertain it. Just as he opened his mouth to tell them all to get off his arse, someone cleared their throat from behind the group and everyone turned to look at Alistair who stood several feet away, waving and smiling sheepishly.
“Hey, uh, Nathaniel,” he said, motioning toward the hall with his thumb, “I think Luc— er, the commander wants to talk to you.”
Nathaniel frowned, unsure what Lucia would need to talk to him about, but he welcomed the excuse to escape the friendly mob. He nodded and followed Alistair down the hallway at the back of the room, the same that Lucia and the others had left through just moments before.
“Do you know why the commander needs to speak with me?”
Alistair laughed and stopped walking. “She doesn’t.”
Nathaniel blinked a few times. “Oh.”
“They were just a few pitchforks short of a mob,” the other man explained, chuckling and leaning against the wall, “Consider this your daring rescue.”
Nathaniel smirked.  “It’s odd. I always thought knights in shining armor had magnificent white steeds.”
“Oh...that. You see,  I have this thing where I fall off horses.” Alistair shrugged.  “Sorry to disappoint.”
They shared a laugh, and then Nathaniel clapped him on the shoulder. “In all seriousness.  Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”  Alistair looked down the hallway in one direction and then back down the other.  “Full disclosure: I have no idea where I’m going. Is there another way out of this hallway or did I just trap us here? Because that would definitely be something that I would do.”
Shaking his head, Nathaniel began walking down the hall, away from the main room where his friends no doubt waited for him to emerge, motioning for Alistair to follow after him.  Luckily, Vigil’s Keep was rather circular in design. They passed the door that led to the seneschal’s office, where Lucia and Liss most likely were, turned a corner, and went up several flights of stairs until they reached a door that led outside to the battlements.  He opened the door and stepped outside, Alistair close behind. It was cooler than it had been when they’d arrived, and the sky was overcast with clouds that threatened to break open at any moment.  
“Perfect weather for a Joining,” Alistair remarked.
“You don’t say,” Nathaniel answered tersely.
They shared a moment of heavy silence, as they continued walking.  Then, Nathaniel spoke. “I apologize for being rude to you before. I have not been at my best these past few days.”
“Yeah, well.” Alistair looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.  He straightened up and flashed an embarrassed grin.“Neither have I.”
So much had transpired in such a short span of time, it took Nathaniel a moment to realize he was referring to the kiss.  He opened his mouth as if to speak, but he didn’t really know what to say. It was not something he really felt entitled to an opinion about, although he certainly had one.  
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry,” Alistair said somberly, walking toward the parapet before them and leaning over. “I didn’t mean to, um, get in the way of anything.”
“You didn’t,” Nathaniel sighed and moved the stand beside him. “This is all on me.”
“I am worried about her too,” Alistair said, “We all get a little reckless when we’re afraid.”
“She’s afraid? That’s not why she told me she decided to join.”
“It’s not what she’s told anyone.  She’ll say it’s because she’s always wanted to be a Grey Warden or that she’s looking for a new purpose, or some other romantic, Liss-like explanation for her decision.”  Alistair stared vacantly out over the keep. “And those are all probably true, but the real reason she’s doing it is because she’s terrified.”
“Of what?”  Nathaniel was ashamed that he’d known Liss his entire life and couldn’t answer the question for himself.
“Being alone.”
“Pardon my skepticism, but how do you know?”
Alistair turned and looked at him, bitter smile spreading across his lips.  “We have a lot in common, Liss and I.”
“I see.”
“I think that’s why things happened the way they did...not that it’s an excuse or anything.”  
Nathaniel nodded absently, more than a little frustrated that he hadn’t seen it himself.  Of course Liss was scared of being alone, Liss who had never been without her family, who lost almost everyone she loved in one night and who blamed herself for it, who spent a year on her own, scraping and struggling to get to the capitol.  She had finally achieved some sense of stability in Denerim with the council, and with Alistair’s friendship, and then those, too, began to fade. Why had he not seen that? Had he realized, their conversation the day before would have gone so much differently. Much less trying to talk her out of it, much more assuring her that she wouldn’t be alone, no matter her choice.  He wished with every ounce of himself he hadn’t jumped to conclusions.
Then, maybe there was still time.  Pushing off from the parapet, he turned abruptly to head back inside the castle.  Alistair eyed him with confusion. “Wait. Where are you going?
“I have to talk to Liss,” Nathaniel stated sharply, “Now.”
Note: The book Liss is reading is actually the title of a really wonderful hawkebela fanfic that I couldn’t recommend more highly! ;D
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Meeting Galar Champion meets An Ace Trainer part 1
The sky was clean and blue, then clouds were rolling across the big blue herazon, as a huge flock of Wingull and Pelipper were flying over the large ocean as a mighty ship was sealing to the Galar.
On the younger early 20’s Eric Wild, light reddish hair, and dark brown eyes was picking up his back up his bag and making sure he and his team were all here and ready to go. His leather black jacket, was lying next to the back has he put his black steel toe boots.
Toto, his Togetic was flying over him watching has her trainer was getting everything packed and ready, Eric picked his leather jacket was about to put it on when his Rotom phone started go off, on the bed next to his bag.
“Rotom, could you answer the phone, please?” asked Eric
The Rotom phone shook, and the shot into the air, and answering the phone, and Eric said. “Hello?”
Rotom buzzed and answered the phone, and there on the small screen was Raihan, smiling at through. “Hey there, mate!” said a very cheerful.
Toto eyes light up as soon as she heard Raihan’s and rueshed over to the Rotom, and beganing chirping happy, greeting Raihan.
“Awww, hello there, Toto~. How you doing, love? Gotten stronger, yeah.”
Toto nods and did a small backflip in the air, and just coos, and as walks over to the phone.
“Hello, Raihan.” said Eric, smile. “How you doing?”
“I’m doing great. Just checking in to see if your boat is coming today.
Eric nods. “ Yeah, should be decking in Hulbury in about an hour, so just making sure things are going good to go.”
“Haha. Great, man, you have no idea much I this means to me, Eric. I’m glad you’re coming to visit.” said Raihan. “You’re gonna love it here in Galar.”
“I know, and, I’m glad I’m traveling. I love Alola, but I never realized how small the islands are when start to traveling. “Eric said, looking out the window, seeing the the city of Hulbary getting closer as the ship was sealing on. “Went to Kanto a few month ago, and then went back to my home town in Unova a for a few week and damn, dude. So crazy how small my Nuvema town is.”
“The world is a lot bigger, isn’t it?” said
Eric nods, and Toto lets out in agreement, Raihan grins. “I’ll meet ya Hulbury, just need get a Flying Taxi.”
Eric and Toto look at him, and Raihand chuckles. “You’ll see. See ya a bit.”
Eric and Toto and Raihan hang up. Eric zipped his bag, and placed it it over his shoulder, and looks at Toto.
“Ready?” he asked.
Toto nods with proud determine her face, Eric smiles and the two walk out the room.
The hallway was getting packed as other people and Pokémon were getting ready to leave now.
Eric and Toto walk up the stairs and were met by the fresh salt sea air.
Toto looked around excitedly, she began zooming around, Eric called to her.
“Toto, stay close.”
She looks at him, flies over to lands on shoulder nuzzling his neck.
Eric smiles and pats her, looks over at the Hulbury city getting close.
“Well, a new place to explore, Toto. And Raihan will be there waiting for us.” said Eric, looks at her. “We’re gonna be in a new place so I don’t want you going off with me, okay?”
Toto looks at him and pouts. “Sweetheart, we’re in a completely different part of the world. So you need stay close to me, you can stay in Poke’Ball. You’re choose.”
Toto looks at him, gives him frowns, but nods in agreement.
After an hour, the ship decks, and all the trainers and Pokémon began to get off, ship. Toto looks around with excitement, flow over a small garden near the decks, and looked all the lovely flowers. She looks over at all of them and smelling them, all. Eric smiles at as he watched, and began thinking of letting Peaches, Mochi, Auqa and Ivy out there Poke’balls, Eric pulls out two normal poke’balls, quick ball, and lure ball throws into the air, three other Pokémon came out.
A Serperior, a Ninetales, a Vaporeon , and an Aoloan Vulpix and an all came, and all 4 of the Pokémon began stretching and slowly began take in their saroundings, Mochi the a Alolan Vulpix looks around, and walks over the flowers where Toto was and who picked a lovely white lily and held it out one him.
Mochi looks at the flower, Toto puts it his white cruelly hair, and smile happily, cheering on how pretty Mochi looks.
Mochi blinks smiles back at Toto, Eric as pulls out his Rotom phone and began texting Raihan.
“Hey, we just got off the ship and chilling by a park near deck area.”
Eric sat down on by a near by bench, as he waiting for Raihan to text Ivy the Serperior, was looking around the park, as few people that were walking by stopped and were looking at her, sat near by Eric, whole she and Peaches the Ninetales, were watching two younger Aqua the Vaporeon now play with them.
A few people were stop and were admiring Ivy, and cooing how adorable Mochi was, Eric smiles as few a man and woman came walking over, and complained both Serperior and Alolan Vulpix, and few asked a few questions on where he got them and their attacks what moves they use.
Eric told them what he knew about Ivy.
“Her most powerful moves are Leaf blade, leaf storm and Leaf tornado. And she knows shadow ball.” said Eric.
“Wow. I didn’t know grass types Pokémon could learn ghost moves.” The man said, looks at Ivy.
The Ivy was snuggling up with the lady who was cuddling Ivy’s head like a new born baby, gently soaking her head gently.
“Yeah, I found a TM I was gonna teach my Gasly, but somehow Ivy learned it, too.” said Eric.
“She is so Elegant. What a stunning Pokémon.” The lady said.
Ivy lift her head from the lady’s arm and stood up proudly. Eric grins at her. “Hehe. Oh, so we got an ego now.”
Ivy give him the side eye, and takes one her vains, and creeps behind his behind back, takes the hoody of shirt, and pulls it over his head.
“H-Hey!!!” Eric said, as everyone went back. He pulled his hoody back looks at her, who looks away with smug look her face. “... Goddamn, you really do have an ego, huh?”
Ivy lets low huff, and the couple laughed as, the lady looks over Mochi who hiding behind Peaches, peeking out from behind. “Oh! Is that an Alolan Vulpix?!”
“Yeah, but please try not too get to close. Mochi’s very weary about that he doesn’t know.” said Eric.
“He’s beautiful. So fluffy.” The lady, looks at Eric. “Thank you taking the time to answer our silly questions.”
“Heh. Not at all. It’s always great teaching others ‘bout different Pokémon. I have a lot of questions about Galar’s.”
“Well, Enjoy your time here, lad. Take care.” said the man.
The two shook hands, and the lady gave a polite wave, and they walked off, as they so, Auqa walks over to Mochi, came walking from behind Peaches, and the two gave him a sweet smiles. Toto was sitting at flowers, as someone called over to them.
Eric and Ivy looks behind them and saw Raihan, with huge smile on his face, waving at him. “There you are, been looking all for ya, mate.”
Toto, Mochi and Auqa look over, and all three of them made a beeline to the dragon trainer, who kneels down his opens up his arms wide, as three of them jump into his, making him on his butt, laughing and smiling as all three of Pokémon were snuggling and greeting him.
“Hahah. I missed you lot as well.” Raihan as Auqa and Mochi were licking his face, and Toto was nuzzling his face.
Eric, Ninetales and Ivy came walk over, as Raihan pats all three of the Pokémon who got his of him except Toto who was his shoulder. “Heh. Sorry ‘bout that, man.” Eric said.
“Nah, don’t be. I missed all of you.” said Raihan, looks at Toto. “I cannot believe that Toto his Togekic now.” He pats his Toto’s head, and looks at Eric, who walks over the two hugged each.
The two men were hugging and began talking. “So glad to you, Eric.”
“Same, Rai. You looking good.”
“Well, yeah. I always do. Heh. C’mon, let’s get some food, and then I’ll take to my place.”
Eric nods, takes all his Pokémon puts them back in their Poke’balls, and began to make their way into town.
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