#I tried to fit in an all might hint but it didn’t make the cut
happyjackmhafanboy · 1 month
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Two Kings
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elizabethemerald · 1 year
Don't Sneak up on People with Swords
@im-totally-not-an-alien-2 made a prompt about Danny sneaking up on Jason Todd and @sky00asara made a comment in the tags about what would happen if Danny did that to Talia. So here is my version of that! Enjoy.
Talia al Ghul watched her beloved from afar. He was out, again patrolling his city for those he considered wrong doers. Her son was by his side. She scowled at how Damian’s fighting style had changed, softened in the company of her beloved. Despite her love for the man under the cowl, he had a tremendous ability to take even the most ruthless of killers and change them to spare the undeserving. He had even tried it with her. 
She was hidden on the roof of an abandoned tower nearby. The tower had succumbed to fire and was now condemned until the city got around to destroying it properly. For now it made the perfect place for her to observe her beloved and her son work undisturbed. 
“Excuse me?” 
Talia whirled, drawing her blade as she spun. Her blade moved fast enough to almost cut the air itself yet the small shape ducked under her stroke and back-pedaled quickly to move out her range. 
“Jeez! Why is everyone in this city so jumpy!” 
The voice more than anything made her realize that the person who had somehow snuck close enough was an actual child. Their black hair and blue eyes made her wonder if this was another of her beloved’s adoptees. Except surely this boy was too young to catch Bruce’s eye? 
“Well maybe you should not sneak up on people?” Talia hissed, her voice soft yet stern. To say nothing of how a child who couldn’t be older than five had snuck up on her at all. 
“Well maybe you shouldn’t brood on the roof of my home!” The child snarked back, just like one of the Bat’s brood would, completely unafraid of the blade still in her hand. Talia raised an eyebrow at him then looked around at the burnt skeleton of the building they were standing on. 
“This building is not fit for human occupation.”
“Neither was the last place I lived.” He said dismissively. “This place hasn’t even killed me yet, so it’s practically a paradise.” 
She was tempted to take the child’s words as sarcasm, yet something in the way he spoke made her think he meant it more truthfully. 
“You’ve died before?” Talia asked. She relaxed her hold on her blade, allowing it to rest at her side. 
“Oh yeah, I die all the time.” He said, then he looked at her curiously tilting his head first one way, then another. “You’ve died too, huh?” 
She nodded, now examining him closely, looking for the signs she would recognize. She could see the hint of a scar on the boy’s palm that might have caused a death. 
“What is it with this town that so many people have died and come back?” The boy asked, apparently rhetorically as he didn’t let her answer. “First the stabby Robin, then the stabby Batgirl, then Batman, and even Red Hood. It’s like everyone I run into is contaminated.” 
Talia’s eyes widened. 
“You can sense those who have utilized the Lazarus Pits?” She would have to inform her father about this child. He could put the entire League of Assassins at risk. The child before her just shrugged. 
“I have no idea what that is. Red Hood mentioned some kind of pit as well, but I’ve never seen anything like that. I just know y’all are contaminated with ectoplasm, though not enough to make a core.” 
“What is this… ectoplasm?” Another name for the Lazarus Waters? Had there perhaps been a Pit outside of League control? In the midwest somewhere based on the boy’s accent. 
“Oh it’s this stuff.” He held his hand out and Talia couldn’t help keep her expression of shock withdrawn despite all her training as his hand filled with the glowing green light of the Pits. He held the Pit Water in his hand then tossed the glowing orb to his other hand in a half juggle as if he weren’t carrying the League's greatest secret and weapon. 
Nevermind telling her father about this child, he could never learn of him. If Ras had the power this child had under his control the world would never survive. There was only one option. She needed to train this child to wield this strength. With the stealth he displayed in sneaking up on her and his power over the Pits themselves he could make an assassin like the world had never seen. He could be the next Head of the Demon under her guidance. She knelt down to the boy’s level, slipping her sword back away as she did so. 
“Tell me, young one. Are you living in this death trap of a building all by yourself?” 
“Yeah, but don’t worry, I’ve got it taken care of. I know I’m little, but that just means people are less likely to notice me. I’m able to steal all the food I need from that big box store down the street.” 
“Oh of that I have no doubt. My name is Talia al Ghul. What’s yours?” 
“Hmm. I’m Danny.” The boy seemed hesitant to trust her, which to be perfectly honest was probably a very smart thing to do, but at least she had a name for this gift of Lazarus. 
“Danny, how would you like to come live with me? You won’t have to steal any more, or worry about food ever again, and I could train you how to fight even better than the Bats.” 
He narrowed his eyes at her, looking her over closely. 
“Would I get a sword?” 
“If a sword is what you want, then once you were trained in its use I would acquire one for you.”
Danny looked like he was about to nod, but then he froze, his head tilting to the side as if he was listening to something. His eyes widened and Talia tensed. 
“Uh-oh. Fruit Loop incoming. I gotta go.” 
Talia half turned as she heard the sound of one of her beloved’s grappling lines catching on the building’s edge. By the time she had turned back to face him, Danny had completely vanished. She hadn’t even heard him leave. She stood and scowled as her beloved landed on the rooftop next to her. 
“Talia.” He grunted at her, glaring all the while. 
“Beloved. Must you ruin every nice thing in my life?” Talia snarled back. The boy, Danny, had the gift of Lazarus at his beck and call and Batman had scared him off. 
Bruce looked momentarily stunned at her fury, but quickly hid it behind his mask. However Talia couldn’t care less about her beloved right now. She just needed to lose him so she could return to find the boy. The boy who would change the world with his power. 
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
I like how Wayne handled asking about Eddie’s relationship could we get more of that? Maybe Wayne helping Eddie spoil the reader?👀☺️
Hiiii babes!! Of course you can get more Wayne!! I hope you enjoy 💖
- Look here for everything related to Eddie and his Princess✨
*Wayne may not understand why Eddie does what he does but that doesn’t mean he won’t help him when he asks*
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“You need what?” “One of those things that when you cut up watermelon or that green melon what’s that called?” “Son you’re asking the wrong person about fruits…” “right..doesn’t matter what it’s called but I know you have one of those things that makes it into like little balls and shit I need to borrow it.” “Ohh you’re talking about a melon baller?” “Is…that really what it’s called?” “Don’t look at me I didn’t name the damn thing…but yeah it’s in the junk drawer I’ve never used it…you can keep it.” “Thanks Wayne…this is perfect.” “What do you need it for?” “She doesn’t eat enough fruit so I figured if it’s in cute little shapes and shit she’ll eat more of it.” “Cute little shapes huh?” “Don’t start…” “here maybe take those old cookie cutters too? If the balls don’t work maybe the heart and star will?” “Oh that’s a great idea. Thanks Wayne I appreciate it.” “Anytime…let me know how it goes.”
“She won’t like that one.” “What? Why not?” “It’s…scratchy.” “It may be god awful ugly with these green dots all over…but it sure as shit ain’t scratchy…” “to us yeah it’s soft but I know her…she won’t like how it feels and she needs a new blanket for the living room the one she uses now is falling apart.” “Okay what about that pink one with the white hearts? It doesn’t look scratchy?” “Let’s see…this could work…yeah she’ll like this one it’s similar to the one she already has and she typically likes to get the exact same things over and over.” “So this will work?…damn that’s soft…might have to get me one of these.” “Yeah it’ll work the only difference is the one she has now has white and purple hearts.” “And you don’t think she’ll notice?” “Oh she’ll notice but she won’t care…are you really getting one?” “Yeah this is the softest thing I’ve ever felt…she has good taste.” “She’ll love that you two have the same blanket.”
“Now just relax for a moment and tell me what happened.” “Some fucking dude at work asked for her number…even called her sweetheart.” “Okay and I can tell that’s made you upset.” “Well yeah she’s mine why do people think they can talk to her like that?” “Listen..I know you like to keep her wrapped up in this bubble of…safety but you’re not always gonna be around and…well she’s a cute girl so you’ve gotta just learn to deal with people making passes at her.” “I just know people will try to take advantage of her…I can’t fucking stand the thought of something happening to her because I wasn’t there and she doesn’t know how to defend herself.” “Then teach her.” “Teach her? Teach her what?” “How to tell someone to fuck off and defend herself…teach her how to feel confident enough to be able to stand her ground when you’re not there to do it for her.” “I don’t want to freak her out and teaching her how to hit someone will for sure…freak her out…” “don’t teach her to fight Eddie teach her how to say things with enough confidence that creeps and weirdos get the hint and leave her alone.” “I..how do I do that?” “I’ll help you okay? Just maybe bring her over sometime this week.” “She’s…just too nice sometimes…” “and that’s okay we just gotta teach her when to not be nice.” “Okay Roadhouse…”
“I got these for her.” “Oh tye dye socks…she’ll love these.” “Yeah? I wasn’t sure but I figured they were colorful and fuzzy for when she’s in the house and on sale so…I hope they fit.” “It’s socks Wayne they typically always fit but yeah…she needed new fuzzy ones she doesn’t like the flowered ones anymore they’ve gotten all dingy.” “I saw her in slippers the other day…I thought you had gotten rid of them because she kept trying to wear them outside the house?” “I tried…” “you tried?” “She looked like I just told her the tooth fairy wasn’t real when I tried to take them out of her closet…so yeah…she still has them.” “You’re such a softy…” “says the man worried about if she’s gonna like these fuzzy socks…” “i just want her to be comfortable while at home that’s all.” “Mhmm…right…” “listen you spoil her so damn much the least I can do is get her some damn socks okay?” “Okay…don’t worry she’ll love them.”
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headkiss · 2 years
Hey Anna. I have a request for steve with mutual pining where they both r almost sure the other one likes them but different things prevent them from acting on it at different times. Finally steve confesses by kissing reader?
hiii tysm for ur request i hope u like it!!!! | 0.8k of some friends to lovers fluff :D
There had always been something there with Steve.
Ever since you met him, you could feel it. An energy that wasn’t there with people who were only friends. Some sort of chemistry that went unexplored, unspoken.
Time passed and the two of you grew closer. You spent as much time together as a couple would. You labeled yourselves as friends when everyone knew it was something more. When neither of you went on dates with anyone else.
It was obvious, and still, nothing had been brought up. No confessions or kisses, only small hints that left the both of you guessing. Almost sure that the other felt the same. Almost wasn’t a surefire answer, though.
Every time you thought about telling him how you felt, you’d get scared. Nervous that you’d been reading all the signs wrong, that he didn’t feel the same after all. That he didn’t love you back.
It wasn’t like he did anything to make you doubt him. No, that was all your own minds doing.
Steve didn’t think he could take it any longer. The tiptoeing around what’s there. He doesn’t want to hesitate to hold your hand or have to hold himself back from kissing you.
Which is why he’s gearing himself up right now to tell you he loves you. He’s tried to practice time and time again what he’ll say, but it never sounds right. He’s hoping it’ll come to him in the moment. Really, really hoping.
“Hey,” he starts, though he’s already unsure what to say next. You’re sitting next to him on the couch, cuddled close with your head on his shoulder. You pull back when he speaks to look at him.
He thinks, maybe that’s what has him at a loss for words. Seeing your face so close to his, the focus of yours that’s set on him.
“Yeah, Steve?”
“You know you’re like my best friend, right?”
“You’re mine, too,” you try to cover up the fact that the word ‘friend’ isn’t necessarily what he is to you. He’s your best, well, everything.
“Thanks, baby,” he reaches for your hand and your fingers intertwine with ease. The shape of your knuckles fit perfectly with his. “So, I want to tell you something but just know, it doesn’t have to change anything if you don’t want it to, okay?”
You squeeze his hand. You think it might be happening. “Okay.”
“I really, really-” he’s cut off by the phone ringing.
The only people that call him are you, Robin, and Dustin, so he usually picks up. As much as he doesn’t want to, he’s a worrier, someone who cares with his entire being. “Shit. Let me answer that quick. Don’t move, ‘kay?”
He feels like every time he gets close to admitting his feelings to you, something like this happens.
It’s Dustin on the phone, telling Steve he desperately needs a ride because he somehow broke his bike. Steve hangs up and curses because he can’t just leave Dustin stranded. He figures he’ll have to finish the conversation with you later.
“Listen, that was Dustin and he needs me to drive him. I’m gonna go, but you can stay here. I’ll be back soon, so you don’t need to go home.”
“Are you sure?” You ask.
“Please stay. I’ll be so fast you won’t even know I was gone.”
“I hope that doesn’t mean you’ll be driving like a maniac, Harrington.”
“Me? Never!”
He leaves with a quick goodbye and a kiss to your forehead. He won’t tell you that he speeds in order to get back to you sooner, and he won’t tell you that he was nervous enough to ask Dustin what he should say on the way home.
Steve gets home, and he’s as happy as ever to see that you’re still there. He thinks it’s now or never, and so he doesn’t say a word to you when he gets back.
Instead, he sits next to you on the couch, grabs your face in his hands, and kisses you.
Your shock only lasts a moment until you’re kissing him right back. It’s easy with him, as if you’ve done this a hundred times. He knows how to move his mouth, when to lick at your bottom lip and open you up. You’re practically a puddle on the couch when he pulls away and leans his forehead on yours.
“Fuck, I love you,” he says, breathing heavy and his eyes still shut like he’s scared of what you’ll say. “I wanted to tell you a million times, I wanted to give you this big speech and flowers and be all romantic but I had to say it. I love you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same but-”
He’s cut off by the press of your lips against his, evidently shutting him up and reassuring him all at once.
“I love you, too.”
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seaadc · 10 months
I'd love domestic fluff with xiao x fem!reader with autism <3
i don’t care. | xiao x autistic!fem!reader
STOP TJATS ACTUALLY SUCH A GOOD REQUEST LMGMGMMRMDOABSHAJBDJA IM BLUSHING OF HOW DELUSIONAL I AM (i might make a part two because of how FUCKING great this request is, and also because i couldn’t fit any fluff that much because i had a long time researching about autism!!)
Fluff <3
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First of all, Xiao would never ever fall inlove. I mean— not until he met you. A girl with autism, more likely called “ASD”.
Xiao thought you were just some dumb girl with a low IQ, but, whenever he saw you go out in Liyue Harbor.. He noticed something off.
He would find you look so overwhelmed with large crowds, especially when it was Lantern Rite. Speaking of, Let’s do a lil’ flashback on Lantern rite.
It was a very cheerful evening, Xiao was glad, though he wouldn’t admit that. He was just patrolling in the mountains, watching over Liyue while he came across a girl sitting down on one of the cliffs, watching the festival from afar.
Xiao was going to approach you, but then he told himself ‘why am I approaching her?’ He asked himself in his thoughts, he sighed heavily and he walked over to you with a bit of frustration in his face. Xiao was behind you, standing while he crossed his arms and sighed deeply.
“Hey. You. What are you doing here?”
He said in a stern tone, raising his eyebrows while he looked down at you which you didn’t quite respond to. You were busy looking at the colorful lights around Liyue Harbor and you were, kind of, not really kind of— Autistic.
Xiao cleared his throat rather loudly, trying to get your attention which you shifted to. You flinch and look over at him. Xiao gazes on your eyes for a bit, before turning his head away.
“What are you doing here. Go somewhere else.”
Xiao spoke, looking away while you just stared up at him, you looked down at your lap and kept your lips in a thin line while Xiao looked back down at you, an irk mark starting to appear in his head.
“Did you even hear me?”
“I’m autistic.. Apologies.” The girl muttered, which Xiao flinched slightly to. He looks away and both of you were just.. there.
In silence, the awkward atmosphere starting to fill both of you guys’s surroundings. Xiao spoke— which was unlikely of him since he wasn’t the type of person to do the first move.
He whispered, sitting down near you which you winced at, You moved a bit away from him to keep away distance, he looked at you and looked back at Liyue.
You both sat there, the wind breezing all of your thoughts away while Xiao closed his eyes as he sat, a leg swinging from the wind on the cliff while the other leg was used to put his elbow on.
It wasn’t weird, nor was it awkward. It was a peaceful, comfortable, quiet silence. You both enjoyed it. The fresh air hitting both of you while both of your hair’s gracefully gets blown away.
And after that, you both have been close.
Xiao would see you roaming around Liyue, at the time when no one was around. You had poor communication, possibly because of your autism. Though, Xiao didn’t mind. He loved you no matter what and he would defend you, even if you were in the wrong.
He doesn’t care, He never would. He loved you, and that’s final. Xiao would approach you but not talk, he would just accompany you to anywhere your going and when your going to buy something, Xiao does the talking and even pays for it.
You would thank him ever so quietly, which makes his heart race like a boar running away from Traveler.
Xiao would always wait in the balcony of Wangshu Inn, waiting for your appearance and would always, always make sure you were safe.
( bonus under cut )
“I’m autistic…” The girl whispered, looking over at a certain green haired male who has a red blush spreading across his cheeks.
Xiao always had tried to hint off that he liked you, though, You would never understand. You wouldn’t notice, But now that he admitted, just now, you understood.
“I don’t care.”
Xiao said, crossing his arms while he looked away, a blush still seen on his cheeks.
He didn’t care, He loved you and no one was going to stop that.
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inu-jiru · 11 months
How I Would’ve Written “Unhappy Campers”
Big shocker, I didn’t like the new episode, lol. However, I’m at the point where it’s no longer funny to rip these episodes apart. It’s more depressing because I can see the ideas for interesting stuff within the episodes, but the execution is so atrocious because the writing team need everything to be wacky and silly and horny 24/7. So rather than my usual rambling, I’m gonna explain how I would’ve written the episode if I were the one in charge of it.
- First, I’d change the initial scene as Blitzo going to the rehab center because they’re required to contact a family member when someone is being released. Him trying to track Barbie down and force an interaction is going against the whole point of Truth Seekers, and, again, makes him look like a selfish creep that I really can’t feel sorry for. Blitzo waiting for an invitation could show that he’s actually trying to respect boundaries more. He could be contacted at work and that could be the reason he sends Millie and Moxxie to handle IMP. (I know Loona was MIA in this episode because ofc she was but if I had to put her in, I’d have her go with Blitzo. I feel he’d want her to meet her “aunt” now that she’s sober.) Of course, they find out that Barbie isn’t there because she booked it, rather than following protocol and waiting to be picked up. This could make Loona curious as to why Barbie would not want Blitzo to get her and we could maybe get a few lines from Blitzo hinting at what happened between him and his sister. Blitzo fears that Barbie might get herself hurt or go back to the drugs, so this is his motivation for tracking her down.
- Moxxie and Millie’s plot starts the same with the mysterious drowning of the camper, but I would modify so that she’s killed by some strange, demon (Before this episode, my theory was that imps can’t give themselves disguises, and for the sake of consistency, I’m applying that theory to Barbie for this rewrite). This interests M&M because this implies that there could be another IMP taking jobs on Earth, or something else entirely. I’m scrapping all the nonsense crossdressing sing-songy shit because it’s pointless. Instead, Moxxie and Millie come to Earth in the dead of night and sneak around in the shadows while they investigate for suspicious activity. Conflict between M&M could appear when Millie grows impatient with the sneaking and waiting. She wants to rush in and start hacking away at anyone who vaguely fits the description they were given. Moxxie could start growing frustrated trying to wrangle Millie in, and maybe, in a moment of frustration, say that she’s acting like a child, or something else that might remind Millie of how much her family belittles her for being a glass cannon. Millie could storm off, and although Moxxie loves her, he welcomes having some time to himself so that he can focus. Millie, as she’s alone, stumbles across a scene where an imp is drowning another victim, and Millie feels that she can prove Moxxie wrong by rushing in and taking the imp down by herself. However, Barbie still has her agility from the circus, and is far too nimble for Millie to get a good hit in.
- We could cut back to Hell after Barbie’s attack with Blitzo deciding to cut his losses and asking for help. He begrudgingly visits Stolas in the hospital so that he can ask him to show Barbie’s location. Stolas tries to flirt and make things about their relationship, but Blitzo would brush him off once he gets the info he needs, further proving to Stolas that Blitzo does not want him (because I’m petty like that). They see Barbie and Millie in a heated battle. Blitzo, in a panic, asks for a portal so that he can help Millie, and he and Loona hurry to Earth.
- Moxxie, meanwhile, is having no progress, and the lack of Millie to keep him company is getting to him. He tries to be stubborn, as he’s certain that he wasn’t in the wrong during their fight, but perhaps seeing the synergy between campers (maybe he sees a couple by the fire having s’mores or talking to each other after their own off-screen scuffle) makes him realize that he needs to properly communicate with Millie if they’re going to work through their differences. He decides to go and find her, but ends up hearing the scuffle.
- Back with Barbie, she lashes out at Blitzo for looking for her, and it’s slowly revealed in their argument why she chose to run to Earth rather than let him help her (I don’t know what the canon reasoning is, probably something to do with the Circus, but that’s just speculation). Maybe the idea of staying in Hell was just so awful to Barbie that she decided she would rather live in self-exile on Earth rather than risk facing the past again. As for how she got to Earth, she could’ve asked a Succubus to let her through one of their portals (or simply snuck through after them). While the idea seemed good, at first, Barbie actually has no idea what she’s doing and how she’s going to start a life on Earth. She kills humans out of fear that she’ll be hunted down if word spreads about her existence. Blitzo tries to reach out to her again, but Barbie is still afraid of the past. The climax could go one of two ways: either Barbie is talked down into coming home and facing the past with her brother at her side, or, tragically, she forces IMP to kill her so that she doesn’t have to make a choice. I feel the former would be better because Blitzo and Barbie growing together in future episodes could be interesting. Actually, this could work as a final push that helps Millie to reconcile with Moxxie.
Anyway, I think that’s everything. It might not be perfect, but I feel like it does the job a lot better than whatever the fuck Adam wrote, lol. I could possibly steal some of these ideas for my own AU, but we’ll see.
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shina913 · 1 year
Scions, Ch.8d | Kims + JHS
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Scions, 8d
sci·​on | \ ˈsī-ən \ Definition:(1)a descendant(2) a shoot or twig, especially one cut for grafting or planting
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✼Scions Masterlist✼
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Pairing: Fem!Reader Sister + Kim Brothers; JHS x Fem!Reader
Rating: M (🔞)
Genre: Siblings!AU; Marriage!AU; FWB!AU; exes to ?; Mom!Reader; Brother’s Best Friend; drama; angst; smut; fluff
Warnings: vulnerable confessions; cussing; pining; unrequited love; hints of FWB arrangement but not explicitly detailed
Word count: 1K+
Summary: Four grown siblings return to their childhood hometown after their father is declared to be terminal. They are forced to live under the same roof for days, along with their overbearing mother, to say their final goodbyes. It starts off nostalgic until some unresolved family issues along with an assortment of spouses, exes, and might-have-beens make things even more interesting.
A/N: Just kidding! I said third of three updates but...I had this scene that I initially was going to work into Part 9 but it didn't quite fit so now it's 8D 🤡
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After you walk out the door and into the waiting van, where your brothers and sister-in-law are already waiting, Hobi doesn't linger. He walks toward the bar to check on a few more things to ensure that the place will be ready for reopening the next day.
As he looks up for a fraction of a second, he sees you climb into the van, followed by Namjoon who was right behind you. He looks away again just before the door shuts. Not long after, he feels an arm encircle his waist and a hand brushing his cheek. He turns his face to lean into the touch but recoils as soon as he realizes that it's Dara.
"Shit, sorry." He distances himself from her, remembering that Yoongi was in the same room, cleaning up.
"What?" she asks quietly, confused as to what she's done wrong. "Nobody's here and he doesn't care." She sees that Yoongi had his back turned to them. She tries to step closer to him again, but he steps back.
"I just didn’t realize you were still here. And…you know, we talked about this," he whispers, sidestepping her to pick up more empty glasses and beer bottles to put in the bin he's carrying around.
He calls out to Yoongi and tells him he can finish up on his own.
Yoongi pauses, looks at Dara, then back at Hobi. "Are you sure? I don't mind."
"Nah. You did plenty tonight, hyung. Go home and rest.” He smiles tightly.
"Alright. You’re the boss," Yoongi responds flatly. He tells Hobi that he will take out the last garbage bag in the back before heading home.
After mouthing his thanks to Yoongi, he turns to Dara. “That goes for you, too." He hopes she takes the hint and leaves him alone with his thoughts. It feels like the longest night of his life–and it was nowhere close to midnight.
Once Yoongi was out of earshot, Dara approaches Hobi again. "It's because she's here, isn't it?"
Hobi is exhausted, confused, and emotional from your intense conversation earlier. His thoughts are all over the place--old feelings, past issues...arguments that he had buried long ago have resurfaced. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Dara; he just wanted her to leave without being cruel to her.
"I'm sorry," he says.
She moves closer to him. "You don't have to apologize, Hoseok. I know...I always knew." Despite spending countless hours together during junior and senior years at the library, she knew he would never see her as more than a friend. But she was still content with whatever kindness and attention he offered.
Although she had repeatedly absolved him of any guilt, Hobi still felt as if he was taking advantage of her situation. Despite his mother's urging to leave their hometown and start somewhere else, he had chosen to stay. It didn’t matter where he went, he would still feel lonely and empty.
"It's nothing against you," he says, setting the plastic bin filled with bottles and glasses down to face her. "I wish, so badly, that I could give you what you want and need. It's not that I don't want to, I..." He shrugs his shoulders, at a loss for words. "...just can't."
She was aware of this, and he knew that she wouldn't love anyone more than her late husband. Hobi was special to her in a different way, but this arrangement was more for convenience, to fulfill a need that they couldn't find elsewhere. Despite his guilt, she had benefitted from this arrangement, too.
"I know," she responds with an achingly warm smile. "I know that when you look at me, you see somebody else.”
A wistful smile forces its way through his face. He couldn’t help but picture your body flush against his, instead of hers. Your scent, instead of hers. Your face.
And not for lack of trying, because he did try--very hard--to forget about you. Each and every time, he failed miserably.
News of your divorce was a shock to him and, truthfully, many other things could happen. He wanted to at least take a chance. Tonight’s kiss may have been impulsive but he felt something there and he knew that you felt it, too.
“I might have a window of opportunity,” he says, still feeling the ghost of your lips on his.
She cocked her head to the side, regarding him. “She’s always been the one, right?”
Hobi is still for a few seconds, but he eventually bobs his head in a nod.
“Then you’ve got to go for it,” she urges him. “And judging by the way she looked at you tonight, I can tell not much has changed for her either."
He chuckles. “I really hope so.”
"I think you know so," she replies before taking off her apron. "I also wanted to let you know that I found a permanent job in the next town over, so I can't hang around as much anymore."
Hobi's shoulders rise. "I wish I could give you a raise," he says regretfully.
She waves it off. "Just give it to Yoongi. Besides, I wanted to come by tonight to pay my respects to the family." She pauses, turning sheepish for a moment before adding, "And I was thinking that we could have a little farewell drink together, but I guess that's off the table now." She jokes.
He laughs in return, relieved that she's taking everything in stride.
As their laughter dies down, she turns serious, her eyes carrying a hint of nostalgia. "I'll never regret the time we spent together. Our conversations, the moments we shared, they were all so special to me, especially during that time when I was still grieving over Junho. You made me believe in love again, even if it was just for that short time. And for that, I'll always be grateful. Thank you for being there as a friend when I needed one the most.”
With a final kiss on his cheek, Dara walks out the door.
It's close to 2AM by the time Hobi finishes locking up then begins his long drive home--which took all but 10 minutes. When he turns the street corner to pull into the driveway, he sees a figure sitting on his front stoop.
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◤Previous | Part 9◥  | Main Fic Masterlist
Thank you for reading!
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blorbologist · 1 year
Cat's Cradle - Chapter 11
Ch 1 … Ch 10 
“I thought cats and baths didn’t mix?”
“They don’t,” Vex confirms a little sourly, double checking their workstation. “But she has fleas, and I’m not dealing with these - those bastards on top of everything else. So - flea bath.”
Percy looks over his hands and the kitten he holds in them again, scanning for any unwelcome visitors. 
This sixth kitten is tiny - smaller even than Screwdriver and Sprocket, the real runt of the litter. Her fur is so black it hadn’t registered how dirty she was until he’d tried giving her a gentle scratch and his nails came away with dirt. He hopes it’s dirt, at least. 
Vex takes his contemplation for doubt. “It’s easy with babies this small,” she promises. “Just a ring of soap around the head and wash in lukewarm water. You can hold her and I’ll scrub and she’ll be squeaky clean in no time.”
It’s not easy - this kitten is livid.
Percy’s glasses are sprinkled liberally with sudsy water from the flailing, and Vex has already gotten soap in her eye. Even with two people crowded over the sink she is surprisingly good at evading any cleaning, wiggling with surprising strength. More than that, she’s yowling, downright yowling, and something about the sound throws Percy’s insides into an irrational panic. 
He read something about cat meows being similar to a baby’s cries, to spur a reaction out of owners. Hadn’t quite believed it until now, with every howl sending him into a fit of shushing and reassurance. 
“Darling?” Vex asks, tsk-ing when the little head wiggles away from her sponge for the nth time. “What’s the loudest thing in the workshop?”
That feels a little rude - he'd certainly make a fuss if he was given a bath by hairless apes. “What about Spanner?” he suggests instead, wincing when the claws dig in and pull, valiantly, to extract the kitten from his grasp. He holds as firmly as he dares. 
“A spanner in the works?” Vex cuts off her trail of thought with a delighted gasp. “Oh, sweet baby - she’s got a little white, there!”
“You were so icky we couldn’t even see your pretty markings,” Vex coos. The kitten tries to bite the finger that goes to smooth away the wet fur. Still toothless, she just succeeds in gumming viciously. “What a pretty little girl.”
She pulls the sponge away to allow Percy a better look.
Yes - just there, on her forehead, the thinnest sliver of white hairs, connecting to a smattering on her muzzle. And white toes, now that he examines her more closely. Vex’s next rinse, with a cup of warm water, comes away brown and reveals a star on the kitten’s throat, too. 
Black, with a hint of white.
Percy drowns the thought by dipping to press a kiss to the wet little head. 
He catches Vex’s fingers, there, too - but can’t exactly stumble into an apology because he tastes soap and suds and is suddenly all too occupied hacking and rubbing at his mouth with the back of his hand. 
As soon as they’re done - kittens fed, spare kitten fed, Trinket fed, and finally, finally humans fed - Percy sequesters himself into Vax’s room. Stares at the ceiling for several long minutes. Stares at his open phone for a few shorter ones. It’s with sparse hesitation he dials the number and calls. 
She picks up on the third ring. “Percy?”
“Evening, Cassandra.” He swallows heavily. “How is school?”
He can easily imagine her narrowed eyes. “What answer will get you to the point? You don’t call for casual talk - I know you would rather keep it to text whenever possible. Or emails, even.” Her tone eases considerably when she asks, “What’s wrong, brother?”
Gods, where to start? 
So many places he can’t. He leafs through any number of openers. Comes up empty. 
Cass’ sigh jitters through the phone. “Reminded?”
“Yes,” he says. “Hospital - vet, I mean. There had been a lot of blood, and the white, and-”
“Percy? Are you-”
“Fine, now,” he assures her. “Better - might have had a bit of a panic attack.”
“Does this have anything to do with the kittens? Five, right?” When he hums an affirmative - too tired to bring up the whole ordeal of Curio - she swears. “Fuck. Five is not great.”
“Six, now.”
“Oh,” says Cassandra. “Okay, that certainly explains it. Is it okay?”
"Yes - yes, it was the mother, that - she should be alright, but..."
Cass, uncharacteristically, swears again.
Percival is not a superstitious man. It’s human nature to find patterns - faces in floorboards, lucky habits to swear by. Enough coincidence and the mind will believe in anything. And five kittens, with a sixth appearing, belated, the smallest, dark but for streaks of white - 
Well. Pattern recognition.
She's shuffling over the line, like she’s sitting up, or down, or otherwise settling to consider this more carefully. 
“I’m wondering,” says Percy, when she’s quiet too long and his mind starts to wander. It helps, thinking out loud. “If… perhaps, I made a mistake, in taking them on.”
“You’d spend every moment regretting it if you hadn’t,” Cass points out. “Too bloody responsible.”
“But now I’m invested, Cass -”
“And you’re scared positively shitless that it’ll bite you in the ass. Brother, you can’t keep walling off your feelings forever.” She hesitates. “Maybe… maybe this is a good way to deal with them.”
Movement draws Percy’s attention to the vivarium across the room. Simon, jaws stretched in a yawn. It’s uncanny, how wide they open. That had taken some getting used to - he’s seen Vax feed it once, and Vex earlier this week, but alltogether he's decided reptiles are not quite his thing. If cuter than he expected.
The snake - corn snake, he thinks - is basking quite contently, draped over a shelf carved to look like a dagger. He’d never quite gotten the story out of Vax. Keyleth, though, had been happy to share: Vax’ildan had found the creature in a box outside a petstore, cold, with a badly infected eye, and stuffed it into his jacketsleeves while they figured out what to do with it. Simon had apparently slithered right up, past the shoulder, to settle around Vax’s waist. Something about the experience had apparently clicked, for him, and he’d decided to keep the scaly new friend.
Simon’s tongue flicks out. 
He adjusts his grip on the phone. “I’m here, sorry.”
“Could have sworn your head was in the clouds, again.” Cass sounds a little like mother when she gets gentle: “Kittens are ready for adoption at, what - two months, two months and a half? And once they start to wean they’ll be far less work. The worst of it is behind you, and if you need to step back… it’s not the end of the world, Percy.”
The tension is massaged from his chest as he sighs. “Thank you, Cass-”
“Send me a photo, will you? I need something cute after that dour line of thinking.”
He obliges easily enough. Between Keyleth’s frequent demands for updates on the litter and his own need to photograph and record everything, in case it should become necessary, there’s already a fair handful of the new kitten - Spanner.
He hears the notification ping through their call. There’s a moment of silence, then, deadpan:
“I can’t see the resemblance.”
Percy grins. “Dark-haired little run that howls and howls and howls-”
“And which one is the pimply nerd?” she asks sweetly, and Percy laughs.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
I had a nonnie in my inbox who asked me to expand my thoughts on the sperm donor arc and when I tried to post I got an error, so here is the answer without exact context, ugh:
I'm glad you brought this up because it's giving me a chance to express my thoughts more...calmly, as opposed to the *screaming into the void* moment I had yesterday. I, personally, am not a fan of what the show has done to Buck's character since season four. To me, it feels like the intention was to go one way with his story (the therapy arc, maybe revisit things with the parents in s5 to officially move on to the next phase), but then...problems? unforeseen circumstances? changed it up. I mean...think about it. We get this "huge" Buck backstory, he realizes he needs to start learning about his past/accepting it, and then...two episodes later...here comes his former hookup who causes nothing but drama and she's not just a blip on the radar again. They're bringing her back to be part of the cast in s5. If you want my opinion (and this is not a slight on any actors because it is what it is), once it was realized that Jennifer was pregnant and she would have to be written out, and then the question turned to what to do with Chimney... Buck in healing mode didn't mesh with how the audience would expect him to react to Madney "leaving", so...why not let him self-destruct even more! The show abandoned the therapy arc. That's the part people are ignoring. That's the part that makes their arguments about "healing not being linear" irrelevant. There was no hint at healing beyond those two conversations (the end of 4x05 and beginning of 4x06). Shit happened and the show changed course. Very quickly. Skipping ahead to the sperm donor storyline...Well. I would argue that it narratively doesn't make *total* sense when we left off 5x18 with Buck finally doing something for himself by breaking up with TayKay. Maybe if it was TayKay who cut ties, we could more easily accept him still not being willing to listen to that voice inside that knows he's doing the wrong thing(s). Also, now that we know "radical acceptance" isn't supposed to be explained the way Buck explained it (they should have just stuck with "saying yes to possibilities")...I'm annoyed that his behavior is the antithesis of radical acceptance and looking at the show like "you just threw fancy words out there hoping people would call you genius, huh?" (Sad to say it worked.) It makes the fandom look dumb af, too, "He's saying yes without thinking! He's bound to backslide!" He's...he's not performing radical acceptance until he STOPS falling into old habits, actually. It's now a conversation that could have been avoided if they didn't use THAT exact term. 🤦‍♀️ (It's like someone decided they should use a word other than 'open-minded' or even 'automatic' and chose radical without considering it's a real phrase with a completely different connotation.) I'm not a fan of the sperm donor arc, I've made no secret of that. The timing of it (to me) seems like a way to appease the people who want to think of him as a father (because Chris isn't biologically his and therefore it doesn't count 🙃) since it's probably gonna be awhile until he has a bio kid of his own, if ever. But. I was trying to stay optimistic. "Well, surely, this is not gonna work out and he's gonna have a moment where he realizes his purpose is to build/be a family with Eddie and Chris." And by "not work out" I mean he gets rejected or the attempts aren't successful. *That* would have been my preferred scenario - he makes a rash decision, but backs out before it's too late because he's finally like "Wtf am I doing? This isn't gonna make me happy." *That* would have fit with him putting himself first. *That* would have been a way to expand on the growth we saw a glimpse of in 5x18. Now...there might be a baby? (Still allowing a 1% chance that it ends up being Connor's baby after all...) And as long as there's a baby, people aren't going to let it go. "Is Buck gonna have to save his bio kid when they get sick???" "Will Connor and Kameron die to bring up a new trauma for Buck???" "Are we gonna get Big Man, Tiny Baby because he gets to be a friend to the family???" And the thing is...I can't blame people for going there with it. As long as there is a (hypothetical) child in the story, the show could bring them up at any time. To some in the fandom, Buck should be capable of walking away peacefully from this situation he's found himself in, but the fandom is not in the writers' room. If the show doesn't have any "better" ideas, if the show needs easy drama...Buck's attitude could change on a dime. The saving grace is that this storyline is happening now when (I highly doubt) we'll get to a season where the child is old enough to want to get to know their dad. Because you know that would happen.
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piscespixiewastaken · 2 years
Despair and Desperation
Masterlist, Previous > Next
content warnings: eye trauma, nightmares, implied child abuse, sexual innuendos, violence, mentions of blood, panic attacks, kidnapping
Artemis’s cry cut through Foaly’s consciousness. The tremor in the Mud Boy’s voice only accentuated by the mic on his throat. Spiro’s leering face could be seen through the iris cam as he grabbed a sharp implement from a nearby table and rushed at the boy. There was a scream for help before Spiro raised the blade above Artemis’s head. Foaly could do nothing but watch in horror as the blade struck and the scream for help became a scream of pain.
Foaly jumped awake, chest heaving as his mind processed where he was. A dream, he realized. It was only a dream. But no matter how much he assured himself, it didn’t make the dream less terrifying.
His wife, Caballine stirred next to him.
“Foaly, what’s wrong?”
He couldn’t answer, just trying to get his breathing back under control, to clear his head from the horrid scream. Because no matter how much he assured himself, that scream had been real. He had seen Spiro stab Artemis in a fit of rage. The screams and the way all feed, visual and auditory, suddenly cut off had been haunting Foaly’s nightmares ever since.
Caballine sat up and rubbed her husband’s shoulders. “You did everything you could, dear. It’s not your fault.”
Foaly took a shuddering breath. “I could have. I could have snuck him help. Something. He’s dead because we couldn’t help him.” Even if the Mud Boy had been annoying and arrogant and a general pain in the ass, he’d been improving. He didn’t deserve to be abandoned. He didn’t deserve to die.
Caballine said nothing as she hugged Foaly close. It was a long time before either of them got back to sleep.
Spiro stared out at the skyline of Chicago. He had needed this. A break from the office, from the workplace drama that was inevitable in such a large corporation. So instead of spending his weekend in the penthouse, he’d taken the day with Blunt and gone out on Lake Michigan in a yacht. Well, not just with Blunt. A few local mafia members, including one Carla Frazzetti and her boss, also sat on the boat, enjoying the first sunny days of summer on the deck.
He raised a glass of water in greeting as one of the mafia bosses approached his chair. The rotund man laughed as he plopped a deck chair beside Spiro.
“This is the life, ain’t it?” the man stated. Marco Giuliano was not a man to hold back from life’s pleasures, immoral or otherwise. Something Spiro could respect despite his inability to partake in the more drink-oriented ones. Hence his glass of water instead of the martini that Marco held in his beefy hands.
“It is indeed. Now if only we could get away to Cuba or a proper coastline,” Spiro commented, smiling.
Marco laughed again. “If only, if only. Say, where is that little brat I keep hearing you have tucked away in your penthouse. I thought you might have brought him out. I could use some fun.”
Spiro tried not to let a sour look cross his face. He would need to keep a tighter check on the lips of his security and tech staff.
“I’m not sure what you’re referring to there. We did have a new technician start up last month, young, fresh out of school. Maybe he’s the one you’re thinking of?”
Marco looked puzzled. “Could have sworn I heard different. But eh, work gossip is still gossip. This mean things are going well for you?”
Spiro’s smile returned with ease. “Absolutely. I can’t wait to stick it to Phonetix once they see what we release next.”
Marco grinned. “Well, just don’t be causing too much trouble. My buddy’s got connections there.”
Spiro took the hint. “Nothing that’ll put them under. Just something to show they have some upgrading to do if they want to stay in business.”
Marco nodded. “Excellent. Keep up the work for us, Jonny boy.”
He strolled away, glass still in hand as he grabbed the waist of an escort standing by the deck railing. At least Spiro thought it was her waist. He didn’t dwell on the thought. Carla however had some very choice words to say as she walked up beside him.
“Pig,” she muttered. Spiro raised an eyebrow in her direction.
“Didn’t think you were the judgmental type.”
She shrugged. “I had been looking at that one.”
Spiro glanced back at Marco and the young woman on his arm. “Ah, well, there’s plenty that’s been paid for.”
“And he’ll take them all at once if he could. Hence, he’s a pig.”
Spiro shrugged this time. “Fair enough. Need something?”
Carla did not sit down next to him. “I heard what you told Marco.” Her voice lowered so that only Spiro could hear her. “You kept him alive?”
Spiro nearly scoffed. “You expect me to kill a child in cold blood? When he’s much more profitable to me alive?”
“Profitable?” Carla’s voice betrayed a morbid curiosity.
“Of course! With a brain like his, I’ll be making bank on every patent possible. And if he ends up running out of use, his family has plenty of enemies who’d love a swing at him. Sell him off, profit regardless. I’ve already set up a way to destroy any evidence of his kidnapping as well. Nothing could point to him being under my possession.”
“He seemed rather stubborn and strong-willed by your description. It sounds like that’s changed,” Carla noted, her curiosity still piqued.
Spiro’s smile turned nasty, and for a brief moment, Carla felt a sense of pity for the Fowl boy. “Oh, it’s changed all right. He’s become an obedient little bitch, if you catch my meaning.”
Carla did catch his meaning. And her brief moment of pity for the young teen solidified. “I see,” she replied quietly.
Across the harbor in the tall, gleaming tower Spiro owned, a 14-year-old boy sat in the medical suite with the nurse. Two hulking guards stood outside, one of them with gritted teeth and clenched fists.
Chips watched as Pex’s knuckles turned white and thin bits of blood slowly dripped to the floor from his fists. He was angry. No, beyond angry, though Chips didn’t think he knew the right word for it. Whatever it was, it was bad and it was big. He heard the kid whimper from behind the door and then suddenly cry out. Pex immediately rushed to open the door. Chips peeked inside.
Artemis was shaking on the bed, clutching his head where his empty eye socket sat. Bloodstained wrappings lay around him from when the nurse changed the bandages on his eye and throat. Miss Scorzi made shushing noises to soothe the boy as he hunched forward. Chips heard a growl beside him as Pex stepped forward.
“What’d you do to him?” he demanded. Artemis flinched, looking up at the two men.
Miss Scorzi frowned at the significantly larger man now standing in her doorway. “Do not disturb my patient, Pex. He’s under enough stress already, and more sudden noises will only make this harder for both of us.
Pex wasn’t dissuaded. “Why’d he make that noise?”
Miss Scorzi stared the man down before sighing. “The bandage stuck to the wound a bit more than I expected, and it pulled at the skin. He’s fine, for now.”
Chips watched Pex look at Artemis and then back at the nurse. He growled again, this time in a different tone.
“I just… It was… It’s the same noise he made after Boss…” Pex stuttered. Chips felt like his body wanted to move down and inside of himself. It took him several minutes to realize that this feeling was sadness.
Miss Scorzi had a look on her face that seemed to match what Chips was feeling. She also looked back at the teenager on her medical bed. “I know. I wish the boss would do things differently. If Doctor Julio hadn’t been visiting that day….”
Artemis tensed, his breathing speeding up as his face went pale. Well, more pale than it was. Miss Scorzi rushed over to him, placing her hands on his shoulders.
“Hey, hey. Look at me,” she said, gentle and firm. Chips also moved forward and placed a hand on the boy’s head.
Artemis slowly began to breathe more normally again. Chips was relieved. He didn’t know how to handle panic, especially with Pex here. He knew Pex would panic first anyways.
“You’re safe right now, kid.” Chips found his voice was so quiet, he almost couldn’t hear it. He realized he was angry too. “He can’t get you here.”
Artemis nodded. Miss Scorzi gave Chips a grateful look before gently rubbing the boy’s arm. “Let’s finish getting you patched up, okay? Then these two will take you back to your room. Spiro will be out for most of the day, and I’ll see if one of the other staff members can stall him before he comes to see you. Okay?”
It wouldn’t be much. Chips really hoped Boss came back in a good mood. He thought back to what Pex had mentioned a few months before. And he realized something. Chips realized he didn’t like Boss holding the kid here either. He had thought after a year, things would calm down. But they hadn’t. They’d gotten bad, real bad. Maybe someone needed to do something about that. He just didn’t know who.
Taglist: @artemis-fowl-angst
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You probably get this question a lot, but what aspects of Kou’s character make you love him so much?
(Tbh I didn’t pay much attention to him when I first got into DiaLovers but after reading your fics I really like his character a lot more lol.)
i have literally never gotten this question before so thank you. and thank you for reading my fics! i absolutely LOVE writing kou so much and i'm glad people like it. sometimes i worry i'm angsting him out too much and then i just remember his dark fate. he deserves all the love he can get ;;
i'm putting this under a cut because it's really long and has some tw
// mentions of suicide, CSA and drug abuse
His character design
starting off really basic but kou is really fucking pretty. i love his character design, his eyes are pretty, his hair is kinda dumb but cute, and he's so fruity?? the way he dresses and stands??? you can't tell me he's straight. he looks so good in all the art, he can pull of anything.
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i recently got a BUNCH of kou merch on buyee for a really good price and i put it along my walls like this and damn
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His voice
ryouhei kimura does such a good job with kou i think. he captures the way he can go from chirpy and happy to EXTREMELY angry in a split second. i gotta be honest i used to find kou's voice really annoying and it was like, the one thing that let me down. but then i listened to his more blood drama CD and damn. daaaaaamn. he's got such a range. honestly i love hearing kou angry lol. he's got such a sexy angry voice i can't take him seriously. and the way he says really simple things super over the top.
i also fucking love devil's spire with every part of me. i listen to it several times a day, every single day.
His humour
he's got a weird sense of humour, it's almost a bit morbid. like he talks about really serious things really jokingly. he calls yui silly nicknames and jokes with his brothers. some of the shit he says really makes me laugh even if it's not meant to. his drama CDs are great too, he's really overly dramatic and it's so funny.
His history with drug abuse
i don't think anyone wants to hear me talk about this any more because i've also written about it here and here but just know that the fact he did drugs in CANON makes me over the moon. i have such a fascination with drugs and writing characters as either recreational drug users or drug addicts is my favourite.
kou just fits it perfectly?? so far i've written him abusing heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine and MDMA, and i've hinted at him being an alcoholic in another fic. i can do so much with him. but it really draws me to his character. i wanna do drugs with kou so bad.
His further angst potential
like i said, kou's dark fate is a personal favourite. i think we see him at his lowest and most vulnerable. nothing broke me more than when ruki (you dick) breaks him apart from yui. and there's that flashback to him talking to karlheinz. and he's standing on the balcony, he says to himself "i can't see my blue sky anymore" then jumps off the fucking balcony. my guy tried to unalive because he was hurting so much.
not to mention his history of suicide attempts. i might be mistaken about this but i'm pretty sure kou is the only character who actively tried to commit suicide, and multiple times at that. his history with child assault too. we all know i'm a total slut for heavy, heavy angst. making kou severely unstable and on the verge of snapping all the time is really good if you want to write some dark shit.
he has such an unbelievable amount of trauma and it really shows. the fact he had to be given a magic eye in order to be able to simply trust someone because his trust was just that badly broken. i'll die on the hill that kou had borderline personality disorder too, i've written more about bpd here.
and that's not to mention seeing him having nightmares and stuff in more blood, and the struggles he has in lost eden.
one last thing which i don't think i've seen anyone say before, while i'm on the kou angst wagon - i know it's probably not this deep but. the implication that kou can't undo buttons himself because he was never the one undressing himself as a kid... ah...
The blue sky metaphor
kind of ties into the above point but the blue sky metaphor means a lot to me. essentially kou always thought it was something physical - like, the sky itself. but then karlheinz points out that it's something to live for. the blue sky thing is something to trust with everything, someone to live for. something always there - the fact he used drugs as a kid to find that first is pretty sad too. and then yeah, trying to leave this world when he can't see his blue sky, in which case it's yui.
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uh, linking back to the previous point though, that's angst potential. he's very heavily co-dependent in a relationship.
I'm lowkey a kou-kinnie
i have a kou tattoo with the "you're my blue sky" quote and the lilies covering my arm for a reason. there's a lot of personal stuff i relate to - from seeking comfort in drugs to desperately searching for a reason to live, something to cling onto. there's a lot of thought cascades he shows which (correlate to BPD) i relate to, and kou does some pretty shitty things to yui when he doesn't know any better. i've said some nasty things similar to what kou has said although i unfortunately relate to laito on this front a lot more.
His relationship with Yui and Subaru
if we push aside the co-dependence part so i can say something positive and not sad for once, he forms relationships pretty well once he's gotten through the not-trusting stage. especially with the help of the eye. i keep going on about his dark fate but I Just Love His Dark Fate Okay. when he cries to yui telling her that she's his blue sky when they're reunited. when he tries so hard to learn to communicate and protect her and he even becomes quite good at apologising lol.
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i don't have to explain why i love subakou. everyone knows i love them. but i really love them. look at the DEVELOPMENT from the first picture here to the second. i think about this so often.
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i guess on that topic, i'm a huge softie for the mukami's brotherhood too. i'll always think back to the beginning of azusa's more blood when kou warns yui that azusa is the problem child. like, no, YOU'RE the problem child, kou. that's u.
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there's probably more to say but goddamn i love him so much.
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heartlandians · 1 year
Filling Empty Spaces (Amy/Mitch), part 205
Mitch and Amy find an unexpected connection due to absent lovers. Set around season 11->.
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this story, so hopefully there won’t be too many grammar errors.
* * * *
“”But you just” what?” Amy tried to get Mitch to talk again after he had suddenly faded out, and she was left wondering where this conversation was headed.
The man’s eyes were directed somewhere in the distance, and she could almost see the wheels turning inside his head, but now that he heard her voice, Mitch's gaze moved back to her.
“Oh, I...” Mitch stammered, trying to find the words again. “Sorry, I spaced. I’m not sure where I was going with that.”
He figured maybe it was best to think things through first alone before introducing them to Amy as this had not been what he had thought it to be. They had had such a nice time, and he didn’t want to ruin that.
Amy nodded stiffly, trying to figure out what kind of head-space Mitch was now in. It seemed like one minute he was eager to explain something to her, then suddenly, he closed up. She didn’t like that feeling as it made her feel left out and insecure.
“You okay?” she checked.
“Yeah”, Mitch said, smiling a little bit. He seemed genuinely happy that she was checking up on him. 
It eased Amy’s mind a little bit. Maybe there weren’t any bad secrets he was keeping her from, the kind that would eventually jump out when she least expected it. It wasn’t like that with Mitch.
“I guess I just wanted you to know the horse was a good fit, that’s all. The rest... well, it’s just my own stuff I have to deal with”, he continued. “Nothing serious. The inmates just... well, I have to learn to be more okay with that. It’s new to me, that’s all.”
“Okay”, Amy nodded, hearing him out. She could understand why Mitch had his reservations, but it sounded like he was working on it. “Well, I still haven’t decided about the horse, so... if you feel uncomfortable about something around that--”
“It’s probably nothing”, Mitch repeated, now feeling a little silly about it. 
“Even if it was”, Amy didn’t want to diminish Mitch’s intuition, because she knew that sometimes that was the only thing anyone could trust, “it’s a good thing I’m not in a hurry. Lyndy isn’t in that desperate need of a new, bigger horse just yet. There’s always going to be other horses.”
“Well, yeah”, Mitch admitted. “I mean, you did see her on Maverick? She’s so tiny”, he added with a hum.
“I know... But she’s growing so fast”, Amy sighed with a hint of bitter-sweetness in her voice. “How do I stop the time...” 
Mitch smirked as he thought of something. 
“Well, there is that saying...” he recalled, playfully swaying a little in front of Amy as he gently, but loosely pinned her against the truck.
Amy felt the bit of her stomach drop in a good way as she looked into Mitch’s eyes. She liked when he did this. She liked being this close.
The hours of build-up to this sizzled between them.
“What saying...?” Amy asked with a bated breath.
“Something like”, Mitch was trying to think, “if you want to make time stand still - kiss.”
Amy laughed a little, seeing where this was going. “Oh, is that what they say? I don’t think I’ve heard that one...”
“Well, should we give it a try?” Mitch suggested.
“I mean, it wouldn’t hurt”, Amy almost whispered before they closed the gap between them.
* * * *
Meanwhile, Georgie and Wyatt rode along the trail, pass one of Mitch’s pastures and noticed a horse grazing in the middle of it.
“That’s not a horse I’ve seen before”, Georgie commented looking at Whisky and trying to locate Maverick. 
Wyatt, who was already feeling unsafe, wasn’t assured by Georgie’s words.
“Are you sure he actually lives here...?” he checked again.
“I am”, Georgie tried to convince him one more time. “But he just might have other horses that I didn’t know about. -- I mean, now that I think about it, it might make sense since he’s in the cattle business with Tim. He might need another horse sometim--”
Her sentence was cut short when she saw Amy’s truck in the middle of the yard. That was something she had not expected, especially given that Amy had said she would go to town to run some errands with Lyndy.
“What’s Amy doing here...?” Georgie wondered out loud.
“If there’s horses, it isn’t that far fetched to assume Amy’s there too”, Wyatt said, knowing that much about Georgie’s aunt. 
He followed the girl’s lead to go closer even if he felt a little bit uncomfortable going into someone’s place unannounced like this.
As they moved closer and the view became clearer, Georgie instinctively pulled the reins when she saw Mitch and Amy pressed against each other next to the truck. 
It looked like they were kissing.
For Georgie, the time stood still too.
“Woah, hey!” Wyatt screeched behind her. “You should’ve given me a warning you were gonna stop; Trouble almost bumped into you. I really am trying my best not to get killed during this trail ride--”
“We gotta go”, Georgie suddenly announced with a trembling voice and turned Phoenix around. “Come on.”
“What?” Wyatt asked, feeling confused, as he looked after her. “You said we could cut through here...” he reminded and gestured toward the yard.
“I know, but-- I changed my mind”, Georgie said. “Just... come on!”
Wyatt sighed and did what he was told.
* * * *
Back by the truck, Mitch swiftly brushed Amy’s chin after they pulled back from the kiss and as their eyes opened, their gazes met.
“So...? How was that?” he asked.
Amy smirked. 
“I mean, whoever said that might have been right”, she admitted. “But I don’t think we can keep doing that forever to stop the time. As much as I would love it.”
“Yeah, maybe not. But we gave it a try”, Mitch said, moving his hand to open the truck door for her. “Well, I think you just have to accept that Lyndy’s going to grow up and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“I guess so”, Amy nodded, glancing toward the backseat where the girl was sleeping in her chair. “Well, I guess I better get going. Cass is coming to look one of the horses in a few hours.”
Mitch nodded. “Drive safe.”
“Will do”, Amy said and before she could step into her truck, she kissed Mitch one more time. 
Taking steps back after Amy turned on the engine, Mitch walked toward the house and gave the woman one last wave as she drove away. 
He felt a warm glow around his chest, even though it was always sad to see her driving away too. At the same time Mitch couldn’t push away the thoughts that were trying to make their way in about Ty.
Why did the guy had to pop up into his mind and ruin this moment for him? Ty and Amy were divorced, he was in jail and was barely involved with Lyndy either. He wasn’t exactly a factor in any way right now. 
But as soon as Mitch had found himself thinking that, he knew that Ty would be a factor - at some point. He would get out and it would possibly change things for them, no matter what the situation with Amy and himself was at that moment.
It wasn’t as if he was afraid Ty would come back and swoop Amy off her feet again somehow, but more-like what would Ty’s role as Lyndy’s dad look like in the future.
Would he be involved a lot? Would he linger around to look after Amy and Lyndy just because he felt obligated somehow as Lyndy’s dad and Amy’s ex? 
Would Ty try to push him out before he had even had a chance to attach himself to Amy and Lyndy? Now that he was possibly in the beginning of that process, would he already have to think about losing that opportunity? Was this worth it if there was an expiration date?
Did Ty have a right to do that as someone who had a longer history with both Amy and Lyndy? Could he even argue with that?
What were the rules here? 
He already had one failed relationship behind him where the father of the children had been very much involved with their ex and their children’s lives.
He wasn’t looking into getting a rerun of that.
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ventismommy · 3 years
baal/Venti/Zhongli smut
warnings: overstim, edging, degradation, inappropriate use of visions, dom!baal
Venti was the first to stir awake, his vision hazy. The bonds of Electro around his wrists tingled against his pale skin, making him let out a small sound of discomfort that echoed in the silent room.
Zhongli awoke not long after, a deep groan escaping him as he realized he was in the same position as Venti- wrists bound, clothes torn and skin bruised, kneeling before…a throne?
Each of them realized their surroundings as they looked up.
Before them was an elaborate amethyst and yumemiru wood throne, backed by intricate screens covering the walls, all displaying the Electro sigil. And on the throne rested the Empress of Eternity, the Raiden Shogun herself.
The expression on her face was nigh unreadable, but her posture was as unbothered as ever, legs crossed nonchalantly and her head resting in her hand as she leaned on one arm of the throne. Her guards were nowhere to be seen, but even without them, her presence was intimidating.
“So…the impotent gods themselves. It’s been a while. Barbatos, Morax.”
Zhongli’s low voice was the first to speak back. “I must say, Baal, this seems quite like a threat. Hardly polite behavior when addressing another archon-“
“Hush. You have no Gnosis, either of you. I see no archons before me. Only two fallen gods who failed to keep their reign intact.”
She stood gracefully, heels clicking against the wooden floor as she approached them. As she walked past, she gripped Venti’s hair and pulled harshly, forcing him to look back at her. The sudden movement forced a yelp from the bard.
“You have been silent, Barbatos…perhaps you suspect already why you have been brought here?”
“I-I-“ Venti’s usual snarky response refused to come, and even his stuttering was cut off by another high-pitched sound as she yanked his hair again. With a few steps she was in front of him, and she crouched to meet his eyes. Her half-gloved hand reached out to grab his chin, turning his face side to side before forcing him to face her again. He met her eyes for just a moment, but already she could see fear being replaced by…excitement? What a pathetic little masochist, she thought as she stood up abruptly, releasing his jaw.
“I will tell you why you have been brought here. So I may offer you a choice.”
“Your precious Traveler has been defeated. And yet again, you have failed to end my reign. It is only a matter of time before Inazuma reigns eternal not just over these islands, but over Mondstadt and Liyue as well. Of course, I will not offer you a place as my equal, but…even gods get lonely over the expanse of eternity. So I offer you this. Fight against me and lose, sentencing your kingdoms to destruction. Or…take your place kneeling by my throne, enjoy a life of comfort, and…your kingdoms shall be safe under my rule.”
Both were silent in response- and Baal was not having that. She glared at them.
“Perhaps I did not make myself clear. You either die fighting for regions who will be decimated the moment I strike you down, or you protect your homes and become, well…”
Zhongli froze instantly, but Venti was still so hazy that it took him a moment to process. When he did, he went silent with shock, staring at Baal in that same mix of fear and excitement. She narrowed her eyes. Obviously Morax would be harder to break…
“You are not convinced? Hmm. Well…perhaps I may have to put in some extra work.”
Baal rose to her feet and approached Venti, gripping his hair again- though, gentler this time than before. Her hand moved down to caress his cheek, and a barely audible whine escaped his throat. She knelt in front of him, meeting his eyes steadily.
“You’ll be a good pet, yes?”
Venti hesitated for only a moment before nodding fervently, leaning into her hand. Her hand was just so soft…he was doing this to save Mondstadt, right?
She half-sneered at him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him forward by it, towards her throne. He stumbled, unable to crawl properly with his hands bound, but he certainly tried his best to make it to the throne. When Baal finally settled into her seat, she smiled at him and freed his hands from the electro bonds. “Good boy,” she cooed with a condescending leer. “Up onto my lap now.”
Venti scrambled to obey, crawling up into her plush lap, but she clicked her tongue at him. “Other way, pet. Face Morax, will you?” He nodded again and turned, hesitantly meeting Zhongli’s eyes. The expression in them was a mixture of shock and disgust at how easily Venti had broken, but somehow the disgust just spurred him on.
Baal’s arms wrapped around Venti’s waist to begin undoing the buttons of his shirt. She left it on once she was done, hanging open on the anemo archon’s small frame, and let him shift his hips up so she could tug off his shorts and tights. He scrambled to do so, and when he was finally bare besides his shirt, he had to hold back an impatient whine, trying to sneakily grind his cock against the arm around his waist. Baal just chuckled at him, moving her arm away just to hear his desperate whine as he thrusted his hips into air. “Aren’t you a needy little thing, hmm?”
The words were pouring out before Venti could stop himself. “Yes, y-yes I am, pl-lease-“
Baal hushed him, grabbing his chin with one hand to make sure his face stayed turned towards Zhongli. She spat on her other hand before wrapping it around his cock. The first noise that came from Venti was a sigh of pleasure and relief, but his whole body immediately stiffened up and he keened when he felt a tiny current of electro roll through his skin. “O-oh!” He choked out in surprise, bucking his hips
up towards her hand for more of that sensation. She obliged him, the currents getting stronger as his moans rose in pitch. Venti could barely keep his eyes open to look at Zhongli, but when he did, he was surprised to see a flash of excitement in Zhongli’s eyes, one that the geo archon quickly hid behind disgust.
“Look at him, Morax. Isn’t he a pathetic little darling? Doesn’t he fit into his role of pet so well?”
She paused for a moment to cover Venti’s neck and shoulders in bites and kisses.
“I wonder how long it will take you to break too.”
Venti’s small frame shuddered and jolted with each current she sent through him, and eventually one of his hands reached back to grip Baal’s thigh for support, his nails digging in slightly. “Ha-ah, oh, o-oh that feels g-good-“ he whimpered, the condescending chuckle that Baal responded with only making him squirm even more.
Then a particularly strong current came from her hand, and there he was, stiffening up with a shudder and coming.
Baal stopped for a moment in surprise, but quickly regained her momentum. “Awww, was that too much? Too much for your pathetic little cock?” Venti squirmed and shook his head no quite insistently, giving a few embarrassed whines. “N-n-o, I can t-take mo-ore, ‘m not pa-pathetic-“
“Oh, yes you are, and I love it.”
She gave him no warning before she started up again, the currents even stronger this time. Venti yelped and thrusted up into her hand, hips struggling her loose grip, but she gave a rather tame slap to his thigh, and he settled down quickly enough. “‘m sorry, ‘m s-so-orry-“ he hiccuped, starting to tear up with sensitivity. She shushed him, though her tone was slightly gentler. “That’s alright, pet, would you like me to slow down?” Venti immediately shook his head no, trembling in her lap. More tears started rolling down his cheeks at the thought of her stopping now.
“Nononono pleas-se, don’t stop!” He cried, his nails digging in further into the flesh of Baal’s thigh. “Want m-more, more, ple-please?”
Baal hummed in agreement, but rather than speed up her pace, she shifted the way he sat on her lap, nudging his legs apart until each one rested on an arm of the throne. Venti’s moans carried a hint of confusion now, but then Baal took the hand that wasn’t around his cock and ran her fingers over his tip, collecting the precum there.
And then, those two fingers slid down to circle his hole, and Venti nearly threw his head back in pleasure when the first finger slipped inside of him.
Baal had completely taken his breath away now, starting to curl her fingers in that oh-so-perfect way once she’d added a second finger. Despite making it clear that she was in control, she was gentle with him, so gentle Venti could fool himself that she cared.
She did, of course, but he didn’t need to know that just yet.
She was careful to observe his actions, desperate and lewd as they might be. He wasn’t attempting to rock back against her fingers yet, so she assumed the stretch must still burn a bit. Baal decided slowing her pace a bit may help, but then the tiny god’s hand reached down to wrap tightly around her wrist, as if to say, “no, keep going!” She wouldn’t deny him that when he’d been so good for her so far, so she didn’t slow too much.
It was another moment before Venti started moving against her hand and she decided that meant he was alright. He was full-on crying in pleasure now; poor thing was completely overwhelmed, and Baal tried to keep that in mind when she curled her fingers gently into that perfect spot inside of him. He jerked up in her lap with a high-pitched whimper at that, babbling incoherent nonsense that occasionally included her name. She shushed him soothingly, placing tender kisses against his pale throat, but didn’t slow, wanting to push him to that edge again. Venti started to double over as if trying to hide his coming climax, but she caught him, moving her hand away from his cock momentarily to press him back against her chest. Too fucked-out to struggle against that, he slumped against her as she returned her hand to his cock, her fingers still working inside of him.
“So, pet…how do you feel about my proposal now? Have I managed to convince you?”
“Yesyesyesy-yes, wanna be y-yours, please, j-just- just- just let me cu-cum, please-“
Baal chuckled, directing a wolfish smile towards Zhongli for a moment. “Go on then, darling, you can cum.”
Venti tensed up with a string of “thankyou-“s falling from his lips. His thighs shook as he came again.
Venti’s exhausted body went limp, and Baal kissed his forehead, shifting him to the side of her lap so he could curl up against her chest. “Good boy,” she cooed at him, stroking his hair as she carefully pulled her fingers out of him.
Then, as Venti was starting to drift off in her lap, she turned to Zhongli. “Your turn, Rex Lapis,” she said, somehow managing to make the title sound so utterly disrespectful. She tapped the ground with her foot.
“Here, boy.”
Zhongli scoffed at her at first, not moving an inch. But then she snapped her fingers and a band of electro wrapped around his neck like a collar. She made a come-hither motion and the collar tugged him forward. “I said, here, boy.”
Zhongli reluctantly obeyed, unable to deny that being treated like a lapdog made his core tighten. He crawled over to her foot, looking up at her. Her hand reached down as if she were a gracious goddess, bestowing a gift, and she brushed his hair out of his face before tugging on it.
“You see, Morax, Barbatos was a good boy, and he was rewarded for it. Only good boys get rewards, only good boys get their mistress’s hand. And you have not quite met my standards. So.”
She outstretched her leg towards him, never freeing him from the electro bonds the way she had with Venti. “Go on, brat. Get off on my leg like the dog you are.”
Zhongli gave a whine of protest, wanting more than her leg, but her quick glare silenced him as she turned back to Venti, whose face she covered in kisses.
He scooted forward and settled himself in front of her leg, face burning in humiliation, and started to grind slowly against it. The first moan that came from him was almost shocked, as if he couldn’t believe something like this would feel so, so good. Even his next few moans were choked as he started rutting against her leg a little faster, turning his face to hide it in the inside of her leg. His eyes rolled back in his head when she tugged him out by the hair, forcing him to look at her. Baal tsked disapprovingly at him.
“Oh no no, that will never do. You will look at your mistress so she can watch that stubborn, bratty face melt. Now. Continue. A little faster, if you think you can handle it; perhaps if you’re a good boy I’ll let you sit on my lap and ride my thigh instead.”
That was incentive enough for Zhongli, who picked up his pace with a whimper, holding eye contact with Baal the entire time. He almost wanted to cry in shame when he, still looking her in the eyes, started to pant like a dog, overwhelmed from how good it felt. But she just cooed at him and ruffled his hair. “Awww, there we go, see? Isn’t it nice to give up control, Morax? Doesn’t it feel good?”
He nodded with a whine that was significantly lower in pitch than Venti’s, but no less adorable.
“Words, pet.”
“Y-yes mistress, ‘t feels s-s-so good, f-feels- a-ah, hah!”
She smiled graciously at his answer, and then gestured for him to come sit up on her lap, next to Venti, who was slowly stirring awake again. Immediately, Zhongli obeyed, starting to grind on her soft thigh and letting out a moan.
“Think you can be a good boy for me?” She asked him, her tone almost bored.
“Ye-es, I c-can, I promi-ise-“
Baal shifted Venti in her lap slightly so Zhongli would have room. Venti gave a confused whine, but she soothed him with a kiss to his forehead.
“Now, here are the rules. You go on and strip for me, Morax-“ before she even finished that sentence, Zhongli was up and pulling off his clothes, tossing them to the side and settling back on her lap.
“-good pet- now, you sit here on my lap, and I’ll let you use my hand. But don’t you even think about cumming until I tell you to. Understood?”
Zhongli nodded quickly, a grateful moan catching in his throat as Baal started to stroke his cock. It took less than a few moments to have his head falling forward, his breath short and heavy. He squirmed as if trying to get away from her hand and get more of her at the same time, and she sneered. “What? You think you deserve what I gave Barbatos?”
Zhongli shook his head. “N-no, I d-don’t, but-but- p-please- I want-“
His sentence was cut off by a breathless cry as she sent those same electric currents she’d used on Venti through him as well. Now he understood why Venti had gone half insane over this- oh, it felt so good, slightly painful but good. His hands shot out to grip her shoulders tightly. When he realized what he was doing, he looked up at her with a panicked expression, but she nodded. “That’s alright, you can hold on.” He whimpered out his thanks as his hips started to jerk in her grip, trembling as the currents grew stronger. Oh, he was so close, and-
Fuck. He’d forgotten her rule.
He looked up at her again, this time more pleading. When she didn’t seem to notice, he pawed at her shoulder. “P-Please, mistress, please, c-c-ah- can I c-cum- I need- I n-need to, ah-“
Baal met his eyes with a bored expression. “Do you think you deserve it? Do you think you’ve been good enough for me?”
“Yes, Ye-es, I’ve been g-good, please!”
“Hmm. Why don’t we ask Barbatos.”
Baal turned to Venti with a soft smile, petting his head. “Do you think we should let him cum, darling?”
Venti met his eyes for a moment long enough to leave Zhongli panicking. Then he nodded weakly, and Zhongli sobbed in relief.
“Go on then, Rex Lapis.”
Zhongli completely collapsed as he came. While the electro currents worked him through that climax, he folded into himself, sobbing in pleasure. Baal petted his hair like she had Venti’s, comforting him as he came down.
“Good boy, Morax~”
Baal opened her arms for him and Zhongli shifted to mimic the way Venti was sitting, curling up against Baal as he caught his breath. He had to admit, this was…nice. Being a pet hadn’t sounded good at first, but if this was what he got out of it…
“I must say, I’m quite excited to have two new pets…”
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 314 “Grand finale”
Last chapter and WARNING again.
If you only want to hear praises for “Golden Kamuy”, the ban button for either the tag ‘Golden Kamuy Ramblings and Theories’ or myself (I’ll suggest the latter) is the right choice to make my posts disappear from your dashboard.
With a fair warning given, let’s move on.
I guess I should focus on the color cover which shows Sugimoto and Asirpa together. No Shiraishi this time. The cover is in soothing shades of blue (which fits since it’s the last chapter and everything is calm and contrast with the cover of Weekly Young Jump in which there’s just the face of Sugimoto smiling on a red background) on a white background, with Asirpa linked to Sugimoto’s arm. I wonder if Asirpa extending her fist is meant to be an invitation for the reader to bump it. It’s a nice color cover.
So, after chap 313 ended in a cliffhanger with a seriously wounded Sugimoto who was also pinned on the locomotive ended in the bay, we’ve reached the final chapter…
…which is temporally placed 6 MONTHS LATER, in Tokyo and that opens with Asirpa, apparently alone, buying dried persimmons.
The next page a woman informs us a terrifying looking man is standing in front of Umeko’s store and asks her if she should go call Umeko’s husband… so yeah, Umeko ultimately married that widower.
And who can be the terrifying looking man if not Sugimoto? And of course it’s him, complete with a new scar on his cheek and smell of blood and death, only this time Umeko isn’t fooled because she has already gotten her eye surgery and she can see it’s him.
How did Sugimoto survive the cliffhanger of the previous chapter? Evidently it wasn’t important enough to show it because it won’t be explained through all the final chapter. We had our hints Shiraishi might have fished him (and the cap Sugimoto lost when he ended up in the water) up. Of course he had plenty of fatal wounds (a stab in his intestine, a sword through his lugs which needed to be pulled out to unpin him from the locomotive which would have done further damage (not considering the one Sugimoto did to himself when he threw Asirpa), a consistent loss of blood and plenty of water that should have ended in his lugs when he apparently lost consciousness as he fell into the water. But it’s Sugimoto, the immortal, he survived to a bullet in his head! Yeah, but that time he was saved by Ienaga, a master class surgeon with experience.
But whatever, I’ll assume this time they’ll met with Meiji era Tenma Kenzo (Tenma is the genius surgeon with a heart of gold from the manga “Monster”) who packed up Sugimoto for free and didn’t report him to the army/police whatever nor tried to eat him up for immortality.
And it’s possible, really but… it’s deflating. When a chapter ends with a cliffhanger and you worry for a week you want the solution to it to be worth your worry, not to handwave them by completely ignoring how the situation managed to be resolved as if the final chapter has just been cut and we jumped straight to the epilogue.
Someone has suggested me that opening this chapter in this way was meant to lull the readers into the idea Sugimoto died and then surprise the reader with how he survived which… is not a bad idea per se… only the ‘suspense’ lasts for a single page… so it’s not really something you have the time to worry and then feel sad about.
When I saw Asirpa I merely thought Sugimoto was around and her somber expression was because she feared he would remain in Tokyo and they would part ways, I actually expected Sugimoto to be in the next page and join her, I didn’t really have the time to realize that she was wandering alone in those two panels and worry about where’s Sugimoto and when the following page basically let me figure Sugimoto wasn’t with her because he was with Umeko, well, this killed any chance I had to worry about Sugimoto’s survival.
Sure, although this chapter is longer than usual (22 vs the usual 18 plus the color page and a special page with Noda’s last words), it’s still not 60 pages like the first chapter was. So there clearly was no time to put in how Sugimoto survives, nor to keep the suspense of his survival for long so Noda had to do with what he had.
Will this chapter be expanded in the volume version, either by playing longer on how Sugimoto died or by explaining how he was saved?
At this point I’ve no idea.
Vol 30 & 31 (Noda made clear he wants to end the story at Vol 31) need to contain 24 chapters. They could split them evenly so it’s 12 each which is more than usual as usual they contain 10… and through the chapters I noticed plenty of things that would have been better to expand.
So chances he can expand everything are running short and, very likely, he’ll have to choose between plenty of things and, at this point, I don’t feel like guessing what he might judge important to expand and what not. I’ll just wait for the volumes.
Anyway, back to the story.
So, who follows me by a long time knows that among my long standing predictions/expectations for the end there was Sugimoto going back to his hometown and meeting Umeko again so yes, I’m satisfied this is happening. The fact that Umeko ALREADY got her eyes fixed and even remarried could have been an interesting point to ponder because it proves Sugimoto didn’t need to go through all that because what he did was of no use to her.
Sugimoto’s motive to take part to that bloody gold hunt was to repay Toraji by taking care of his wife by providing her the means to cure her eyes… and to have a second chance with Umeko.
Only, once the gold hunt is over it turns out Umeko has another husband and doesn’t need his gold because she already got eye surgery.
In short the gold hunt was a bad idea, he could have either come back home sooner and try to get her and support her or just go on with his life as someone else was there taking care of Umeko.
The wounds, the pain he suffered, the kills, were unnecessary, Umeko didn’t need his gold, she needed someone to be there for her and this one wasn’t him.
This would be interesting to ponder over but… nope. We’ll dig on this in a moment so for now let’s leave it as that.
So Sugimoto just hands Umeko the gold because that was what Toraji told him to do, tells Toratarou, Toraji’s son who finally, FINALLY got a name, that his father was a real hero and then leaves. He doesn’t ask Umeko how she is, he doesn’t reconnect with her and she doesn’t reconnect with him either, she doesn’t ask how he has been nor she does try to stop him because why should she? He just came to drop something and then left.
It overall feels very perfunctory on both sides.
Somehow Umeko stopped mattering for Sugi and he stopped mattering for her. They might still call each other ‘Saichi-chan’ and ‘Ume-chan’ but they’re little more than strangers and don’t try to go back to being friends. They just let go of each other without really inquiring.
Sure is, when Umeko got to see all that gold… well, she should have gone to him, if only to thank him in a bit more heartfelt manner. I mean, it’s not everyday someone gives you a bag filled with gold dust and Sugimoto clearly didn’t look like he would manage to appear in Forbes' annual list of the world's billionaires so getting all that gold should have cost him and giving up on it should have cost on him as well. I mean his coat even look worse for wear than usual and he’s been wearing those same clothes for years by now so it’s clear he’s not an eccentric billionaire effortlessly giving out bags of gold to his old friend’s wife.
I think he’ll deserve a more heartfelt thank you and an ‘are you sure?’ and ‘do you have a place to stay tonight? You might tell me about Toraji a little as well…’ but… no.
Umeko’s role in the story ends with her watching the gold. If she considered chasing after him to thank him… well, that’s something up to everyone’s speculation, the story won’t tell.
So… the long awaited meeting between Umeko and Sugimoto doesn’t really feel that meaningful in the end, he just hands her the gold and leaves with no regrets. As for Umeko, I guess we’re meant to assume she has moved on long ago… and I’m glad she did, really… but this way she seems not just someone who moved on but someone who’s way too cold with a guy who was your childhood friend, went to war and came home with a bag of gold for you. Whatever, maybe it’s just lack of space and lack of readers’ interest in Umeko. The anime even cut her out completely so maybe Noda felt it would benefit the story to further erase her. I don’t know.
Sugimoto, all happy, joins back with Asirpa… and Shiraishi, as he’s there too.
Shiraishi points out how sneaky it was from Sugimoto to fill his pockets with gold, taking his share in advance without telling anyone… but this isn’t presented like something bad, no, Shiraishi praises him because thanks to that Sugimoto could concentrate on Asirpa and the land deed back in Hakodate.
“Golden Kamuy” isn’t a manga about teaching you to keep a moral behavior and Sugimoto still helped Asirpa with the land deed even though he got what he wanted… but I guess I’m still hung up on how chap 302 tried to present Sugimoto as noble because he was helping Asirpa even if that meant giving up on the gold (something on which chap 311 played as well) to then reveal he filled his pockets with it already to then say ‘ah but that wasn’t bad because it helped him to focus’.
I mean, I get the gold was meant to be a surprise so Noda couldn’t have him reveal he took it secretly but Hijikata could have just praised him for being willing TO RISK HIS LIFE for Asirpa, not his share of gold. That’s noble and praiseworthy enough, why focusing on the gold instead?
Whatever, maybe it’s just me.
We move to Asirpa who insists the answer she arrived at is that the ‘golden kamuy’ isn’t needed to protect the Ainu and since she has been chosen as the ruler of all the Ainu she got to decide that.
Ops, no she wasn’t and I never liked how no one, not even Kirawus or Ariko, pointed out Asirpa had no right to decide for all the Ainu what to do with the gold that belonged to them all and not just to her.
I mean, Kirawus joined the gold hunt because his village was suffering as they had not enough food (due to locusts eating their food) so he needed money and he had to work first as a seasonal worker and then for Hijikata instead than pursuing an Ainu lifestyle and other people from his village and from other villages might be in the same situation. One would expect he would point out how gold, distributed equally in all the villages, could help them overcome such problems… or buy medicines or things like that because sadly this world requires you to have money but… nope.
The most we get is that Sugimoto tells her he’s fine with her thinking so but, to him, the ‘golden kamuy’ isn’t necessarily bad but changes purpose according to who is using it so he believes the ‘golden kamuy’ will be good for Umeko and ‘Toraji’s son’. Then points out how it was actually part of the ‘golden kamuy’ what was used to buy the land deed. And yeah, he’s right.
Among other things, Asirpa could have used it to buy more land or benefits or things that were of use to the Ainu or even bribe officials in the government so as to smooth things over and get more benefits for the Ainu. But no, she has decided the Ainu don’t need the ‘golden kamuy’ and so they don’t get it nor they get a say about her decision because at her young age and with her newfound knowledge of minority problems she has been ignoring up until then, she’s the right person to decide FOR ALL THE AINU.
Sure, Asirpa is an Ainu so it’s better if she’s the one who decides for them than, let’s say, Hijikata or Tsurumi or Sugimoto but still, she’s a child who has barely started tackling adult problems and this chapter will prove her view of the gold expressed in chap 311 was completely wrong. She claimed if Sugimoto and Shiraishi were to get a huge sum of gold the killing would continue and they would be unhappy. Sugimoto gets his share of gold and is happy and, spoiler, Shiraishi will get all the rest and, supposedly, will be happy as well. Because they’re the right people to use it apparently and wouldn’t be hit by the curse but the Ainu? Nope, according to Asirpa they aren’t the right people to manage all that gold.
The discussion though is cut short because a flashback start, showing us that one month earlier Asirpa and Co were already in Tokyo to met Enomoto Takeaki. They used Hijikata’s sword, which apparently Shiraishi fished up as well as Sugimoto and Sugimoto’s cap as a way to persuade him to meet them.
If you’re wondering why Asirpa doesn’t have her headband on, it’s explained in chap 87 how Ainu are supposed to remove it when visiting people (yeah, she really didn’t do it often in the story but maybe it depends by how important is the people hosting them?).
Anyway Enomoto is super supportive of their cause and volunteers to help them and recommend them to people who’ll help them so, great.
We move to Sugimoto eating a dried persimmon, apparently for the first time, even though we just learnt they were in Tokyo by a month. But who knows, maybe season of dried persimmons just started and those were the first ones available.
Asirpa, despite having matured so much, seeing him eat them still think they’ll change him radically and asks him if he feels different now.
Sugimoto says nope but he believes it’s fine if he doesn’t change because he gave his all to fulfill his duty so he’s pretty satisfied with himself as he is. Evidently he believes doing his duty by giving Umeko the gold she didn’t need any more, cured his PTSD and his guilt for killing people and doesn’t worry anymore about having VIP seats for hell.
I mean, the whole point of the discussion Sugimoto had with Asirpa in chap 100 was about how Sugimoto had maladaptive coping methods to deal with his guilt for having killed people on the battleground, how he rebuilt himself to survive and how he couldn’t go back to being his old self.
And the whole speech he had with Asirpa in chap 206 reinforced the idea killing people pushes you in a psychological hell.
And then we had in chap 310 Ogata who, once his maladaptive coping methods break, couldn’t face his own feelings of guilt and killed himself so as to remark how terrible all this can get.
It was pretty heavy issues that the golden hunt wasn’t meant to solve as Sugimoto murdered plenty of people during it and this should have made him even worse and it was making him even worse as he was getting much more prone than he started at killing people to the point he wanted Ogata to come back solely to kill him and attempted to murder Boutarou when the latter surrendered and could have revealed info about Asirpa’s survival, which was what Sugimoto himself predicted would happen in chap 123, he would risk stopping being able to make distinctions between good guys and bad guys and just kill and relish on it without justice on his side and to make matter worse, once he got the gold for which he shed so much blood and was hurt so badly and risked dying so many times, it turned out Umeko didn’t need it.
It was all for nothing.
But no, Sugimoto is satisfied with how he fulfilled his duty so it’s all solved.
I’m… glad for him but this feels more like a magical hand wave of his problems than as a resolution.
Asirpa looks at him with an expression that’s a bit troubled so Shiraishi goes straight to the core of the problem and asks Sugimoto if he’s going to remain in Tokyo.
Asirpa immediately worries because we know she has a HUGE crush on Sugimoto and doesn’t want to part from him and even considered not solving the code so he would remain with her and she would be his human shield so he would be dependent on her.
Sugimoto goes and mention how the fried shrimp he hate at the imperial hotel was tasty and this sadden Asirpa as she doesn’t know that thing is WELL ABOVE Sugimoto’s financial possibilities. Sugimoto informs her of the matter and says all the food he ate with her was equally tasty… he doesn’t say how it was also cheap since Asirpa provided it for free. but since he directly compares it not with the dried persimmons which he could afford but with the expensive fried shrimp of the imperial hotel this feels implied, which cheapens the fact he says he finally has found a place in which he can be happy.
I mean, I’m pretty sure this is meant to be funny or cute or something but it makes it sound it as if he found a place in which he could be happy just because he has found a place in which he can eat good food for free. He could have said it better if he had said the company made the food taste great, but whatever, maybe we’re meant to assume he’s being shy or something.
Asirpa is touched and blushes and shed tears because this means her love interest will remain with her and Sugimoto confirms this by telling her ‘let’s go back home, Asirpa’ clearly implying they’re going to cohabit in Hokkaido.
Asirpa is overjoyed but then they realize they lost sight of Shiraishi.
Asirpa, who always had a poor opinion of him, thinks he’s pooping in the streets of Tokyo but, in truth, Shiraishi has left without telling them because he doesn’t like tearful goodbyes and, clearly, doesn’t feel part of their own little family… which, as I had remarked many times, has never fully included him.
We move to a summary of what happened to the minor characters.
Kantarou managed to fulfill his dream to become a ranch owner even without the gold.
Nagakura went back to his life and to dream of Hijikata, whose body was never found like in real life history.
Tanigaki went back to Ani and had 15 children with Inkarmat and that’s how Tanigaki’s arc ended.
I mean, it was supposed to be a big deal for him to go back to Ani, since he couldn’t do it for most of the time, he just couldn’t confront with his father and brother and admit he was wrong when he left and tell them the truth about his sister’s death but no, he got a wife and just did it and whatever problem he previously had before about being too ashamed to go back home was hand waved. Maybe if he had married sooner he would have managed to avoid the whole thing.
Kadokura, Kirawus and Mansur went to America 10 years later and starred in a western that became a cult classic. Kadokura never got a backstory or his full name revealed in the story but whatever. Kirawus had no problems leaving the Ainu into Asirpa’s care while Mansur, who was basically a non-character as all we knew about him was he had great aim when using a cannon and was Sofia’s man, decided his days as a revolutionary/partisan were over.
I… don’t know how to feel about all this. I’m glad they’re all alive but… somehow it feels random?
We also learn that Vasily Pavlichenko became a famous Russian artist who refused to part with a painting of a dead lynx near train tracks until he died.
So yeah, another character who was really underdeveloped survived and met a great ending as, although he deserted to kill Ogata and couldn’t do it, he ultimately wasn’t killed and managed to fulfill his dream of becoming an artist. The lynx near the train tracks seem to imply he found Ogata’s body, confirming, in case someone assumed Ogata could survive after blasting his brain off, that Ogata was really dead. That or Vasily finished him off for good.
Again, this leaves me pretty cold. As Vasily wasn’t developed he moved from a character I saw potential in and was really curious about to a character I had 0 investment on because it was more a mob character than anything else and the whole painting of a dead lynx didn’t really impress me much.
@sandflow suggested he might just be a stand in for the readers. A part of them obsessed on wanting Ogata dead, a part of them obsessed drawing fanart of him, a part of them just obsessed on him. Considering how he’s not developed it can be. I’ll leave up to others to speculate if this was a good or a poor representation of the fans.
Either way for me this poor guy ended up on being a non-character so I’ve hard time caring for him and his ending, whatever he was meant to represent.
Meanwhile in Hakodate bay Tsukishima is desperately searching for Tsurumi’s body because he went into this believing Tsurumi would make good use of the land deed and the gold and doesn’t know what to do of his life without him.
People talk about Tsukishima’s redemption but, truth is, Tsukishima hasn’t changed in the slightest. He doesn’t regret murdering his father over nothing nor he regret what he did under Tsurumi, just that it didn’t work and that if Tsurumi is dead he won’t be able to continue working (=murdering) for Tsurumi’s goal. The only thing that’s different in Tsukishima is that now he also has a codependent relationship with Koito along with the codependent relationship he had with Tsurumi.
As for Koito… he didn’t redeem himself either. Even when he realized Tsurumi was using them he continued following him, claiming he would have issues with him solely if Tsurumi’s plan were to fail. He let the soldiers be slaughtered in Goryokaku and on the train, and worried solely about saving Tsukishima at the price of risking to sacrifice Tsurumi and his plan (Tsurumi had the land deed).
Neither Koito nor Tsukishima truly confronted with Tsurumi or denied him and his methods.
Ultimately all they got was salvation and absolution, as they survived and, afterward, thrived, not redemption. I was super invested in their arcs but this resolution… doesn’t quite feel as earned.
Anyway Koito remarks that it is their duty as soldiers to defend their nation even without the Ainu land deed and the gold even if Tsurumi isn’t there and… ah, yeah, Tsurumi in chap 270 painted their rebellion as a noble act for the protection of Japan, I forgot.
We moved from chap 31 which had him wanting to create a military government in which his soldier won’t waste their lives as a pencil-pushing officers sitting meaningless at their desk but stand tall as his elite guard and offer salvation to their relatives and to the people of Hokkaido in form of jobs in his weapon factory (and opium fields) to chap 270 in which he claimed his goal is for JAPAN to flourish by protecting it from Russia’s southward advancement… by taking personal possession of Hokkaido, developing it and then conquering the whole Manchuria (inner and outer) so that Vladivostok too would become Japanese.
Tsurumi’s oh so noble goal to conquer other nations for Japan’s benefit was stopped before he could start on the conquering part  so Tsukishima and Koito has to CONTINUE DEFENDING THE NATION.
Hopefully this won’t mean they believe Japan has to go in full imperialistic mode and… and who am I kidding WW2 is not that far from this point in history.
Koito goes on claiming they will be tried as rebels by the government so they have the important duty to defend all those poor men who stuck with Tsurumi… not for the elite guard job, no that was retconned, they did it for the noble protection of Japan. Tsukishima wonders if they have a chance at winning, to which Koito remarks in order to do so, it’s essential he has someone exceptional as Tsukishima acting like his right-hand man.
Should they be punished? Hell, yeah, they were rebels, they acted independently from Central, wasted lives, bombed a prisons murdering inmates and guards, killed officers who weren’t agreeing with Tsurumi (Hanazawa, Wada) or blackmailed them (Yodogawa), or manipulated them into helping him (Koito senior), took personal possession of military weapons, cannoned Goryokaku and the land near Hakodate, used military fund to secretly buy weapons from Mister Thomas and planned to take possession of Hokkaido and start a war of invasion to take possession of Manchuria, just to give you a short overview of their best actions.
Their actions weren’t even moved by an attempt to criticize Central’s way to use soldiers as cannon fodder since that’s exactly what they had used the men attacking Goryokaku for or how they carried a war of aggression in the Russo Japanese war since they also want to carry a war of aggression. Their complain to Central is not on what he does, it’s that it’s not good enough at what it does so he couldn’t get reparation from Russia.
Japan should have just stripped them of their ranks and, in Koito’s case, of their titles and sent some of them to jail so that order would be reestablished. This would have served as an example to the Kwantung Army who would have maybe thought twice before going against Central, carrying out the assassination of the Manchurian Wardlord Zhang Zuolin, the Mukden incident and the subsequent invasion of Manchuria.
But since we know that those facts have to happen and that the insubordination of the Kwantung Army was rewarded rather than punished, it comes as no surprise that this won’t happen.
Actually Koito, like the classic elite rich boy he is, won’t even lose his rank and will rise to become the final commander of the 7th division. Not like Tsurumi who had his promotion stunted because, allegedly, his horse kicked a kid that got too close to it, killing him.
Tsukishima, Tsurumi’s right hand and Wada’s murderer (among other things) will continue serving Koito as his devoted (and codependent) right-hand man.
There’s no mention of the soldiers’ fate but, I bet, they faced no repercussion either even though when Japan rewarded the Kwantung Army it was because the latter took possession of Manchukuo. It’s not like the 7th accomplished anything beyond wasting men and resources. They didn’t even manage to retrieve the land deed.
We’ve no info about survivors among Sofia’s men besides Mansur. Evidently the 7th slaughtered them all. Because they’re good, patriotic boys and it was all Sofia’s men’s fault.
Back to Asirpa we go and to how she decided SHE will keep their culture from vanishing by passing it down to the new Ainu and, in order to do so she’ll go back to Karafuto and meet other minority ethnic groups beyond Karafuto. Because she won’t have her hands full with just saving Ainu culture and because travelling back then didn’t take months.
But okay, I appreciate her efforts and her dedication to her goal, I just wish she wasn’t just ‘I’ll do it’ but tried to work with other Ainu on this. Instead we’re told she’s the one who spent her whole life continuing to negotiate with the government. Ariko didn’t come back to help her in this as he’s not even mentioned in the epilogue and we know Kirawus went in America.
Overall, in a way, the Ainu as a whole are one of the big absents from a story about their gold and their cultural salvation. Everything is entrusted to Asirpa, there’s no mention of other Ainu helping her or deciding on their lives along her. Kirawus, as far as we know, is the only Ainu who had a small role in the fight at Goryokaku. To ensure the Ainu could use that land deed we saw plenty of Wajin and Russians die, but Ainu hardly had a role in all that.
Sure, this is a story about Wajin for Wajin and it wouldn’t have looked good if the 7th has slaughtered not Russians but Ainu but still it’s kind of sad.
Anyway supposedly part of the land covered in the land deed (not even all!) was converted in national or quasi-national parks so this allowed the Kamuy to survive so it’s all well what ends well… so it’s kind of sad to think that same land was converted in national or quasi-national parks even in our world without the land deed. I mean, I get Noda might have tried to return the story to the real trails of history but when you know the truth, it means having the land deed basically changed nothing for the Ainu. With it or without it, they got EXACTLY THE SAME RESULT. And this is sad.
The story moves to three years later.
Asirpa has grown up and is still with Sugimoto as she wanted. There’s no mention of Sugimoto having gotten a wife for himself or Asirpa liking someone else that’s not Sugimoto. They has captured squirrels and they’re going to bring them to Huci, so they supposedly live together with her and Sakamoto and O-gin’s kid who never got a name (same as Osoma’s mother).
Huci’s prediction she would never see Asirpa again didn’t come to pass but who cares, no one probably remembers it, even Asirpa has stopped worrying about it post Abashiri.
Osoma informs them that a letter came for them and it turns out it’s from Shiraishi. The letter is completely blank  but inside the envelope there’s a gold coin depicting king Shiraishi Yoshitake I. We’re told Shiraishi basically stole all the gold and used it to fulfill what was Boutarou’s dream. From the Burmese writing on the coin we can assume Shiraishi is now the king of an island in Burma.
And hey, I’m delighted for Shiraishi, he’s one of my absolutely fave but… but that was the Ainu gold. Okay, Asirpa, a kid, said they didn’t need it but again, Asirpa wasn’t the exclusive owner and she was a kid at the time. What if growing up she were to realize that wasn’t such a bright idea?
But the story doesn’t criticize at all the fact Shiraishi didn’t consider this and just accepted Asirpa gave up on the ownership of the gold, no, we’re meant to assume Asirpa did the right choice giving up on all the gold so that Shiraishi could use it for himself, same as Sugimoto used the one he took for Umeko. Because the ‘golden kamuy’ is bad only depending on who is using it and what is his purpose.
So for the Ainu to want to use it is bad.
When they wanted to buy weapons the ship sunk. When they buy the land deed, the people they bought it from lost the war so they apparently couldn’t claim their prize nor tried to do so later and one of them did. When Wilk’s group also considered using it to form their own nation they slaughtered each other. Because for them to use it to try to free their land was bad and, as far as Asirpa is involved, it would never be good to them so better not to use it.
But for Shiraishi to use it to buy his own kingdom or for Sugimoto to use it to repay his debt to Toraji and make Umeko rich… well, that’s all right.
I really, really love Shiraishi, I’m very happy he got his kingdom and his place and his family and I’m glad Sugimoto could repay his debt and I’m happy Asirpa lived doing what she believed in (sort of, she also believed killing was wrong but then changed her mind but then never managed to kill someone because the only one person she tried to kill killed himself off) and I get this is a story about Wajin for Wajin (at the end of the book Noda says this is Sugimoto’s story, cutting Asirpa from the equation) but still…
So that’s the end and the other great absent from this story is Central, which had been looming into the distance as some sort of ‘big bad’ but never quite joined the actions and of which we only got some glimpses (Okuda, the fact both Kikuta and Ogata worked for it and that it should supposedly have come in Hokkaido after Kikuta’s death or that it should have supposedly punished the 7th but, probably didn’t and anyway Koito and Tsukishima faced no repercussions).
Not that I really cared about having Central in the story but… it still felt a waste to just have it loom in the distance but NEVER do anything. But whatever.
In the end this chapter, more than a final chapter, feels like an epilogue, giving us information about what happened after the end of the story.
It tried to end the story on a happy/hopeful mood while bringing it back into real history, with the surviving characters all getting what they wanted, hand waving whatever plagued them through the story and things going back to how they were in real history but that’s mostly all that there is to it.
There are no deep points to ponder or strong emotional bits, it relies on how we’ll be emotional on our own because it’s time to say goodbye to the characters, which is always sad and emotional per se.
That is unless you consider the part in which Asirpa learn Sugimoto now believed the place in which he can be happy, his home is with Asirpa. But since this strongly and suspiciously smells like a SugiRipa ending (although it’s vague enough you can tell yourself it’s not) and I think everyone knows I feared and LOATHED the idea the story could end up with a SugiRipa ending, the whole bit just didn’t work for me… but maybe it’s just me and I’ve probably annoyed you enough with my grievance about “Golden Kamuy”.
Thank you to everyone who remained with me till now and enjoyed my ramblings and theories, put up with my complains and contributed in making my experience in the fandom good.
Thank you also to all the people I didn’t indirectly interact with but that still contributed to the fandom and to my enjoyment of the story by making translations, scanlations, subs, sharing material and so on.
It was a long travel with plenty of great parts and I’m sad I couldn’t enjoy it all at its fullest till the end but I hope you had and that your experience was greater than mine.
Said all this, I’ll still be around for a while, probably make a post about my GK experience as a whole and then still be around to see how the volumes and the anime series will turn out but likely won’t be as active as I were in the past. I’ve some unfinished meta also but I don’t know if I’ll ever go about finishing them so I’m not promising anything.
So yeah, if you’re bugged by me, I remember banning this blog is the right solution as it’ll keep on existing for still a while longer.
Anyway, still thank you to you all for the great experience.
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snoopdoodle · 3 years
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hot damn- most I've written on this account yet at 2.1k words- Jesus christ thats a lot-
Dad, but not // pt. 3
platonic!benchtrio x male!reader, platonic!philza (&mumza) x male!reader, platonic!wilbur x male!reader
pronouns: he/him
summary: randad about to leave, what with phil and mumza do? Stop him, of course.
You laughed softly as Tommy yelled into the camera. “What is up, boys!?” He yelled, his voice a bit hoarse from crying. “You've been crying, man?” Tubbo asked, sniffing a bit. “Oh, shut up! You’ve been cryin’ too!” Tommy yelled at the 2. Ranboo had not let go of your hand for a while, and you could tell he was trying not to cry. “Ok, Ok, this is fine-” He spoke, chuckling a bit as he had to take his glasses off to wipe his eyes. “Ok, so, we’ll just go do something fun together, all of us, then you go home,” Ranboo spoke, his tone saddening at the end. The mood sort of depressed after he said this.
He didn’t want you to go, none of you did. Tommy scoffed into the camera, trying to hide his tears. “Alright, you sad-sacks. Let’s get moving. Randad leaves at 6 and it’s 11 o’clock right now! Meaning we still have… 1, 2, 3-” [Name], or ‘Randad’ as he was called by the fanbase, interrupted him. “Eight hours, Tommy. Although, it’s probably less than that since we’ll have to drive. But, let’s not dwell on it. Let’s just have some fun,” You spoke, Tubbo nodded in confirmation as Ranboo squeezed your hand. “Jeez, that was inspirational,” Tommy muttered with sarcasm dripping through his voice. 
You cackled, finding what he said funny. Your [___] accent was shining through in that laugh. Ranboo patted your back, well tried to, as he was also giggling like a maniac. You smiled at the gesture, chuckling to yourself. “I’m here!” a voice yelled, and you all turned to find Wilbur, in all of his 6’6 glory, running toward you all. You smiled and nodded to the man as he slowed his pace. The morning sun shone down, giving his eyes a shine and making them pop. You pat Ranboo on the shoulder, signaling for him to let you go. He sighed sadly but complied. You just pat his back as a small thanks.
You all got on the ride, it was a type of roller-coaster, so Ranboo could barely fit in the seats. You think that the little kids who saw you all and didn’t know who you all thought you were giants. You smiled at the thought. Sure, you were a father, but come on- it was fun to scare kids who didn’t know you! You looked at your hand when you felt someone holding it, it was Ranboo. You grinned at him as the ride went up. Tubbo looked at your hands and stared at them, before deciding to link his pinky with one of your fingers.
Before the ride went down, Tubbo had to make his thoughts known to you both and the camera. “Ya’know, if people didn’t see you both up there and just saw all of us holding hands, they might think we’re a polygon couple, like Big Q, Karl, and SapnNAAPP-'' He was almost able to finish, but the ride started up and left his ideas in the dust. It also cut your laughing fit. The ride shot off down the coaster, and you could hear Tommy’s screams from behind you. You smiled, knowing this day would be great, even though it was your last. The rollercoaster came to a stop as the metal belts came undone. Ranboo’s hair was frizzy and uneven, along with your [color] hair.
You started laughing as you remembered Tubbo’s previous statement. Ranboo and Tubbo began laughing as well. “T-Tub-bo-oh-oh- that was so wrong- hehHAH-” Your son spoke between laughter, and you nodded along to his words. Wilbur looked to you confused as Tommy looked confused and terrified. Your laughter died down, but you knew you would have the giggles for the rest of the day. “Heh heh heh-” You chuckled as you walked through the hall from the ride. Tommy looked at you and gave a lopsided smile. “So, what was the joke-” He wasn’t able to finish as you burst into a peal of wheezing laughter. Your laughter filled the room, and soon enough the others were laughing as well.
You then went past a gift shop, where Tommy promptly stopped and then turned to Wilbur. “Please, Will. I want a gift,” He spoke, one hand pointing the camera in his face and one pointing to the shop’s doors. Wil shook his head with a small laugh, acting as if he would say yes, but what came out caused you to laugh again. “No, Tommy,” You cackled again as Tommy held a pleading look to his face. “Oh, Oh but that’s bullshit, Will! I want a gift!” He slightly yelled at Wilbur. You sighed and slipped away from the group. Hopefully, they wouldn’t notice. Looking on the colorful shelf of the gift shop, you stopped seeing the toys. You saw three stuffed animals and you knew, that’s what you’d get them.
“Dad?” Ranboo asked, stopping the small argument between Wilbur and Tommy. They looked up and craned their heads around for you as Tubbo giggled. He saw you slip into the gift shop but didn’t say anything. You stepped out, the jingle of the bell alerting the four. You smiled as your saw the relief and confusion contort onto their faces. “Look, today is my last day, and I wanted to get a little something for all of you to remember me bye,” You spoke, a small gin coming onto your face. You pulled out a small bee plushie and handed it to Tubbo, who happily took the gift with a grin spreading across his face. You then pulled out a small raccoon toy, which you gave to Tommy. He huffed in annoyance at the gift, but a small smile graced his face at the toy. And last, you gifted Ranboo a small cat plushie. You had always compared him to a cat, so he got the inside joke and gave a little smile under his duel-colored mask.
Wilbur gasped at you in mock shock and frowned. “What about me, Randad?!” He yelled out, causing a tiny scene. It made you chuckle as you pulled out a slinky. “A slinky for you, Wilbur,” You spoke, acting as if he was royalty. He gave a large smile and held his hands out, waiting for the gift to grace his skin. The boy laughed at your antics and started to walk along. You all continued your day, watching as the sun went over your heads. It was around 3:40, and you had to start getting ready to leave. “C’mon boys, let’s go. It’s 3:37,” You spoke, making their smiles and happy faces turn sour. Wilbur gave a small pout, but complied with your request. Tubbo and Tommy huffed out and frowned as Ranboo just made a sad noise.
You all got into your car, heading off to the Airport. Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo sat in the back of your car as you and Ranboo sat in the front seats. The car was silent with a hint of sadness all around you. A wave of tears passed over you as you turned the corner. You weren’t an ugly crier, but you sure weren’t a pretty one. Your tears came crashing down onto your face as you stopped the car. You tried to be strong, you really did, but this hurt. You were leaving your son! In Britain! It hurt so bad. Ranboo gave a sniff and pat your shoulder. You smiled as you tried to get out of the car. The airport was less crowded then it should be, but you were still going to have to walk through a crowd.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You looked to Wilbur who gave an ok before he went to get your stuff. It was Kristin. You smiled, wiping your tears a bit and answered your call. “Hey, Kris,” You spoke, adding in the little nickname you had thought of. Your voice was shaky and she could tell you had been crying. So could Phil, who was also in the car. “Hey, [Name], how are you? We’re almost to the airport to say bye!” Kristin spoke, her American accent shining as she yelled into the phone. You smiled at the joy in her tone. “I-I not holding up as well as I wanted to, but hey, I’m happy you're coming here. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and I were just out having a fun day together.. And now that fun day has ended, heh,” You spoke, your voice still shaky as more tears overwhelmed you.
She gave a sad ‘awe’ and you could hear the pout in her voice, “Well, I know how that feels. Wait for up at your port spot, and we’ll all meet up, alright?” You nodded into the phone, and a sniff could be heard on Kristin and Phil’s side. “You got it,” She smiled at Phil and looked at him. “H-Hang on- I need to mute for a second,” She spoke, you sighed and gave your phone to Ranboo who was sitting down, not helping at all. He was still trying to take in the fact that his dad would be leaving him. Kristin turned to Phil after muting. “We have a spare room, right? It has a bed. He’s been over here. He’s a good guy, and you hear how sad he is to leave-” Kristin’s rant was cut off by a chuckle from Phil.
“Sure, hunny, he can stay,” Phil smiled and Kristin gave a joyous nod to her husband as she unmuted the phone. “Hello?” She asked, but she was met with some mumbling. “Ranboo?” It was Phil this time. “Phil? O-oh, hey. Yeah, dad’s doing some stuff right now, you need him?” Ranboo asked, trying to cover his tears. “No, don’t worry, Just wanted to say that we were almost here. Tell your dad, alright mate?” Phil informed. Ranboo gave a small alright and hung up. He stood up and stretched out, walking over to you to tell you that Phil and ‘Mumza’ were almost here.  You gave your son a small smile and all of you walked to your gate. It was a hassle, walking through the crowds, but when you got to your gate, Tommy pulled out his camera and started vlogging. 
“Randad’s about to leave. Unpog,” He spoke into the camera, tears filling his eyes, along with everyone else’s. You chuckled at the comment, before looking around. It had been about 10 minutes and Phil and Kristin still weren’t- “[Name]!” Scratch that, they were here. You got up and walked to Kristin, leaning down to give her a hug. “Hey, Kris, hey Phil,” You spoke sniffling a bit. Tommy turned the camera to Phil and Kristin and gave the camera a teary look. “Look, It’s Dad and Mumza,” Kristin looked at you as you turned to Tommy. She looked to Phil, who nodded in response. “c-Can I have your all’s attention?” She tried, and it worked. She got everyone’s attention. She cleared her throat and looked at you. “[Name], I know how sad you’ve been to leave. And personally, I don’t think anyone wants you to leave. So.. I brought up that you could stay with me and Phil,” Before she could finish, your hands were at your mouth and your body had gone downwards. Tubbo was teary-eyed and smiling, along with Wilbur. Tommy was filming the whole thing and smiling at you all. Ranboo’s hands cupped his mouth.
You were still on the floor, squatting down, when she continued. “Yeah, we have a guest room, you can visit the boys anytime you want… for the most part. So, what do you say?” She finished with the question. Without gestation you got up and nodded, leaning into a hug. The boys cheered and smiled with tears rolling down their cheeks. You looked over to Phil and he gave you a positive nod. You smiled and left the hug with Kristin to hug Ranboo. He returned it. In the end, everyone was crying, you had gotten to live with 2 very good friends. And the viewers were very happy, as you weren’t leaving.
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Omg can I please get a hannibal x a shy girl reader ? Like he’s really possessive of her and she doesn’t know how to handle it but she likes him so they date??
Sorry this took so long, anon. I’ve been bouncing ideas around and this one in particular, I believe, fits your request. Y/n feels out of place among Hannibal’s fancy friends and it becomes even more obvious when he abandons her at a party. 
Trigger warnings: social anxiety, sexual harassment, overstimulation
You and Hannibal had an agreement about large gatherings. He could only bring you to a party if you had a week's notice and at least three uninterrupted hours of gaming time prior to the event.
For this event, you needed a solid six.
One of the major Maryland universities was awarding a lucrative research grant to a student of clinical psychology, and every influential name in the industry was expected to be there. As a recent college grad with a bachelor's in business you didn't know what to do with, you couldn't imagine a less welcoming environment if you tried. You couldn't fit into their world and more importantly, you didn't want to. But the thought of being noticeably different in any situation was twice as terrifying. So you spent the whole week repeating your mantra; blend in, be quiet and make it through the night.
But Hannibal had different plans for you.
Halfway through the week, just when you'd pushed the party out of your mind, Hannibal presented you with a gift.
"What's the occasion?" You asked. You hoped that if you pretended not to know, it would just magically go away.
"I brought you something to wear on Friday." Hannibal answered, hanging the garment bag up on the bureau. "You know I'll take any excuse to dress you up."
He unzipped the bag and placed a black silk dress into your arms. "Try it on so I have time to get it altered if it needs it."
The material was cool to the touch and outlined your figure so perfectly, you felt even a little naked. Hannibal, of course, loved this. You were his own personal Venus de Milo. His goddess and his muse. 
“Yes, that will do nicely.” He observed, looking at you hungrily. 
“Seems a little short for a such a sophisticated event, doesn’t it?” You raised an eyebrow. The answer was yes and he knew it. He was very deliberate in everything he did. “I don’t want to come off the wrong way.” 
“And what way would that be, darling?” He asked, not taking his eyes off your figure. 
“I mean--” You searched for the right words. “It’s a gathering of the Mid-Atlantic’s most esteemed academics, I feel like, in a dress like this, I might be seen as, well, a...” 
“A prostitute?” Hannibal finished, choosing a much nicer word than you would have.
You looked down. “Yeah. It just doesn’t seem all that appropriate.” 
Hannibal approached you and lifted your chin slightly to look into his eyes. “Many Christian denominations believe that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, yet she was Christ’s right-hand woman. She was first to see him crucified and first to witness his resurrection.” 
“Dr. Lecter,” You smirked. “I never would have taken you for a religious man.” 
“Goodness, no.” He shook his head. “But any reputable academic is expected to be familiar with biblical literature and its many contradictions and impossibilities.” 
“What does that have to do with me?”
“You are my divine feminine, Miss [L/N].” Hannibal said in a low whisper. “And I want everyone to see it. If they see a common whore, it would only be a reflection of their own jealousy.” 
Hannibal's rationalization almost made you forget about your fear of being noticed. Almost. It all came rushing back when you arrived at the event. Not one person your age was in attendance. The women wore long, flowing evening gowns that reached the floor. The length of your skirt alone guaranteed that all eyes were on you. In a simple black silk dress, you looked the very model of high society. Silk was a sign of luxury, and Hannibal wanted everyone to know that you were a woman of means. His woman, to be precise. That was why he brought you to these functions in the first place. To put you in a dress short enough for any wandering eyes so see the smattering of love bites running up your inner thighs. He wanted everyone in his field to know that you were completely and entirely his.
You realized too late that this was all his little exercise in showing you off.
Everyone seemed to know him. He only knew a handful of people by name, and you didn't know anyone.
"And who is this delightful young woman?" A woman with a light southern twang in her voice asked, looking at you as if you were a caged animal on display.
"I wasn't aware you had a daughter, Dr. Lecter." The young man beside her laughed. "Or is she your side piece?"
Your eyes scanned the room for the nearest exit. It would be unbecoming to make a scene, so you plotted a way to slip out quietly.
“Darling, meet Dr. Charlotte Ramset and her TA, David.” Hannibal introduced, notably ignoring the young man. “Dr. Ramset, this is my intended, [F/N] [L/N].”
"I didn't realize she was also a ventriloquist!" The lady, presumably Dr. Ramset, joked. You'd heard that one a million times. She looked at you. "Tell me about yourself, sweetie. What are you studying?"
The lady was old enough to be your grandmother and reeked of too much perfume.
"I graduated last year." You said, quietly. "With a BA in business."
"See, there's a good woman." David added. "Only speaks when spoken to. They don't make ’em like you anymore, baby."
Hannibal tightened his grip on your hand. "On the contrary, David. See, Miss [L/N] is quite a bit like myself. She only dignifies those she deems worthy with a response. There's nothing wrong with being selective."
The lady laughed at David's expense and smiled at you. "Good for you."
You smiled back just a little, not ready to bring your guard down yet. "I've had to deal with more than enough. It's best not to engage."
"Oh, I know, I know." The lady said, shaking her head. "That's how it is for us educated gals. Always having to put up with pigs. See, I went to college in the sixties, so I can tell you some real stories."
This was a new experience. Talking to Hannibal's friends and having them listen to you was something you never considered possible. Now, you were one of the educated gals. You were just about to strike up a conversation with this woman, when the man next to her decided someone desperately needed to play devil’s advocate.
“I find that sexist, actually.” He cut in. “Not all men are pigs.” 
The silence following his comment was deafening and you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Whatever progress Hannibal and Dr. Ramset made breaking down your defenses was completely reversed and you were ready to retreat.
Dr. Ramset took a long sip of wine and adjusted her shawl. “David, none of us said anything about men, you drew that conclusion yourself.”
“I mean, look at you.” David gestured to your dress. You knew exactly where this was going and you wished you could just disappear. “You’re basically asking for it.” 
Dr. Ramset glared at him. “David, that’s enough.” 
“I’m just stating facts.” David crossed his arms. “If you dress like a slut, what do you expect?”
Dr. Ramset and Hannibal seemed to have an entire conversation through prolonged eye contact before one of them broke the silence. 
"Charlotte, I hate to have to excuse myself so soon, but the president of the university is expecting me." Hannibal said, dropping your hand. Your heart hit the floor when you realized that he would be throwing you to the wolves.
"Of course, Dr. Lecter." She nodded. "Duty calls."
"I trust you'll keep an eye on my beloved [F/N] in my absence?" His voice hardened. The severity in his tone frightened you.
Dr. Ramset didn't seem disturbed or even surprised in the slightest by his gently threatening demand. "Of course."
"Thank you. And [F/N]?" He said, pressing his lips to the back of your hand. "I won't be going far. Please, try to have fun."
You tried not to look affronted, but you were going to have a long talk with Hannibal when you got home. 
"I'm just saying what everyone is thinking." David continued, his inability to take a hint positively astounding. "Why don't you respect yourself enough to cover up, [F/N]? You have a boyfriend!"
Your eyes scrolled across the room looking for any sign of Hannibal, but he was gone. Dr. Ramset finished her wine and stared at her TA with the resigned disgust of a death row jailer.
"Any other thoughts?" She said, snatching a fresh glass of wine. You looked at her with a clear expression of discomfort.
"Come on, do you see any other woman in the room dressed so provocatively?" David's voice broke mid-sentence. "No. Because they're educated enough to know that real men don't care about their bodies."
The hotel clerk approached the group. "Mr. Hosmer, there's a call for you."
David narrowed his eyes. "Uh, what?"
"Someone is on the phone asking for you." The clerk repeated. "Says it's an emergency."
David shrugged. "Fine."
Just when you thought you would be rid of him, at least for a moment, he planted his hands on your hips in attempt to "get by" you. His touch was like that of an insect crawling across your skin; unexpected, filthy and leaving you squeamish.
"I'm so sorry about that." Dr. Ramset's words echoed in your ears, but you didn't really hear them. You were too focused on grounding yourself to process what she was saying. 
“Dr. Ramset?” You said, quietly. “Which one is the president of the university?” 
She glanced at a tall woman in a dark blue suit, surrounded by equally important looking businesspeople. You followed her eyes. “That’s Dr. Mary Hosmer.”
Your ounce of righteous fury was squelched in two seconds when the reality of having to talk to someone, especially someone of stature, set in. You looked sheepishly back at Dr. Ramset. 
“Could you please ask her where Hannibal went?” You whispered. “I’d really like him to take me home now.” 
Her face turned sympathetic. “Of course, [F/N]. Stay right there.” 
You nodded. “Thank you.” 
Dr. Ramset crossed the floor and politely greeted the president. You took a few slow, calculated steps closer, just to get in earshot.
“Pardon me, but, have you seen Dr. Hannibal Lecter?” Dr. Ramset said, casually. 
“I wasn’t aware Hannibal had even arrived yet.” The president answered. “I haven’t seen him.” 
Your eyes widened. You fought the urge to freeze, but you had to move back before Dr. Ramset knew you’d been eavesdropping. You heard everything you needed and rushed back to where she’d left you.
“Dr. Hosmer said he stepped out.” She told you upon her return. “He should be back soon.” 
You tried not to show that you knew she was lying. “...oh.” 
“Would you like me to stay with you until he comes back?” 
You knew you were completely on your own. You didn’t know what was going on, but you had an inkling that it had to do with the president and David sharing a last name. All you knew for certain was that you couldn’t trust anybody. 
“Don’t bother.” You shook your head. You took off for the door, but Dr. Ramset grabbed your wrist. 
“I’m sorry, [F/N].” Her voice dropped to a low whisper. She didn’t look mad, but afraid. “But Dr. Lecter told me to stay with you. Please. Don’t make this harder for me.”
You recalled how seriously threatening Hannibal’s request was. She wasn’t answering to the president of the university. She was answering to Hannibal. You didn’t know whether to be scared or relieved. 
“Right.” You conceded, stepping back in. “I’m sorry.” 
The actual award ceremony was much longer than it needed to be, and it dragged on even longer knowing there was no reason for you to be there. Other than that, you awkwardly followed Dr. Ramset around the party like a lost puppy the whole time. You were back to your original plan: blend in, be quiet and make it through the night. 
Just when you thought the party would never end, someone tapped you on the arm. You turned around, hoping with every fiber of your being that it was Hannibal, but it wasn’t. A tall woman in a dark blue suit stared back at you. 
“I’m sorry to bother you, miss.” She said, apologetically. “But have you seen my son? I saw him talking to you and Dr. Charlotte earlier, perhaps he told you where he was going?” 
You’d pushed that man completely out of your mind. You shook your head. “He left to take a phone call and I haven’t seen him since.” 
A hand found your shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Dr. Hosmer, but I believe I saw the boy on his phone out in the lobby.” 
“Dr. Lecter!” The president’s eyes widened. “How nice of you to finally join us.” 
“...Yes, I believe he left right after making unwarranted comments towards my intended here.” Hannibal ran his hand down your arm lovingly. 
“Well, boys will be boys.” The president chuckled. “Maybe you should teach your girlfriend not to wear such revealing clothes.” 
Hannibal smiled and pulled you in protectively. “Whatever the case, I hope you find him very soon.” 
Her phone chimed in her back pocket. “Oh, that’s him right now.” 
“Wonderful.” Hannibal said. “[F/N] and I will be taking our leave.” 
He hurried you towards the door, his hand tight around yours. A blood-curdling scream came from behind you. You looked back for just a moment and found the president hollering in pain and falling to her knees. 
“Let’s go, darling.” Hannibal tugged at your arm. “They don’t deserve your presence.” 
“Hannibal, I swear.” You said, once you were in the safety of the car. “If you killed every man who looked at me like a piece of meat, sooner or later, there won’t be any men left.” 
Hannibal smirked and reached for his seatbelt. “Wonderful.” 
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