#I want to feel like I don’t have to be the only responsible person in charge of everything all of the time
katelynnwrites · 2 days
I'm Losing It (All I Get's Jealousy) | Laura Freigang
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warnings: ~
word count: 1377
summary: your girlfriend, laura gets jealous at national camp
a/n: jealousy is not something i've written before because jealousy isn't an emotion i have much experience with but i got two requests (one, two) so this is my attempt to do so
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‘Hey.’ You laugh as a certain blonde pulls you into her lap, when you walk past her in the locker room.
‘I missed you.’ She complains, nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck and tightening her arms around you.
‘I’m right here schatz.’ You murmur, leaning back into her.
Laura presses a kiss onto your forehead, content for you to stay where you are.
Even when more of your teammates trail into the locker room.
‘You’re a cosy pair.’ Sara immediately teases.
‘Also I hate to interrupt but it’s our turn for media.’ Jule adds, with a mischievous grin.
You giggle and turn around to kiss your girlfriend on her cheek, ‘See you in a bit.’
Laura pouts, ‘Do you really have to go?’
‘Yes.’ You hum and kiss her again to appease her.
The blonde accepts it and relents, letting you follow Jule out of the room.
The younger player pokes fun at you as soon as the two of you are out of the striker’s earshot.
‘You’re so in love with her. Like you should have seen your heart eyes.’
You blush and shrug, knowing better than to try and counter any sort of comment about the depth of your feelings for your girlfriend.
‘Really! When's the wedding?’
Her words get a laugh out of you, ‘I don’t know Jule but I will be sure to invite you when I do know.’
That's how it is with the Wolfsburg player. She is easy to get along with and makes you smile a lot.
With the media team facilitating, the activity goes by quickly and with Jule participating along with you, is a great deal of fun.
In fact, you laugh so much that you’re still smiling when you get back to the locker room.
Lea is there, having finished her own media day activity.
Your Bayern teammate sidetracks you as you try to make your way to Laura, with a simple request of helping her touch up her make up for photos in the new home kit.
You’re happy to oblige, biting your lip in concentration as you apply a fresh coat of mascara to her eyelashes.
When you are finished and turn back to where Laura was sitting, she’s gone.
Sydney tells you that she’d left for her own media day activity when you ask.
With a sigh, you go and look for a snack to tide you over till your girlfriend is free.
It seems like Obi has the same idea because you find her already digging into a bag of corn chips.
She offers to share it with you but only if you listen to the list of pick up lines she’s been working on, with every intention of annoying her own girlfriend with them once she’s back home.
Sitting beside her, you dip your hand into the bag as you listen.
‘Are you lightning? Cause you’re McQueen.’
You snort, ‘Awful.’
Lena chuckles before reading out another, ‘Are you a charger? Because I'm dying without you.’
This one doesn’t even merit any response other than you rolling your eyes.
‘What’s it like to be the most gorgeous person in the room?’
You giggle, ‘I don't know. I'd have to ask Laura.’
The midfielder groans, ‘Stop it. You have it much too bad for her.’
Eating another corn chip, you nod acceptingly and Obi shakes her head in disbelief.
‘They say nothing lasts forever. Want to be my nothing?’
‘Eh. It’s not completely dreadful.’ You feedback.
‘Are your shoelaces tied? Because I don’t want you falling for anyone else.’
‘Cheesy but better.’
Lena grins and encouraged by your words, tells you another, ‘Let’s play a game…not hide and seek though, people like you are hard to find.’
‘No. No. No. Obi, that is terrible.’
‘Well the whole point is to annoy my girlfriend, not sweep her off her feet. I've already done that.’ She points out proudly.
You grimace and the brunette offers you more corn chips.
‘Last one okay? I swear.’
Her excitement should have clued you in to how cringey the next one would be but you don’t realise it till after she deadpans, ‘I had a good pickup line ready to go, but you're so good looking I'm literally speechless.’
You burst out laughing and Lena does too. Actual tears are gathering in the corner of your eyes from how hard you are losing it.
It is at that moment that Laura appears beside you, irritation clearly written across her face.
‘Lau.’ You greet and are taken by surprise when she leans in.
Faster than you can react, she pulls you into a heated kiss. One that she dominates, leaving you entirely breathless when she draws back.
The blonde ignores the wide eyed look on the Wolfsburg player’s face, shortly stating, ‘Oberdorf, the only person allowed to use pick up lines on my girlfriend is me.’
Then she pulls you away from Obi, not loosening the grip she has on your hand until you are in the hotel room you both are sharing.
She stares at you then, with an expression you’ve never seen on her face before. It unnerves you if you are completely honest because she has never been unreadable to you. Not like she is now.
‘What's wrong schatz?’ You softly ask.
‘I don't like Lena trying her pick up lines on you.’
‘She didn’t mean anything by them, you know that she has a girlfriend. I agreed to listen to them in exchange for her sharing her snack with me.’ You explain.
Laura huffs, ‘I still don’t like it.’
‘Lau? Everyone here knows that I'm yours. That you are the one I am in love with.’
Your girlfriend mellows a little at your words.
Ever so gently, you tuck a wayward strand of hair behind her ear and whisper, ‘I love you Laura. You know that.’
She sighs, shoulders slumping down, ‘I know you do. I love you too, which is why this is so hard.’
You frown in confusion and the Eintracht Frankfurt player fidgets with the rings on her fingers, almost as if she is embarrassed as she admits, ‘I just miss you so incredibly much. The past month has been more difficult than usual because the last time I was able to physically see you was at our last camp and that was cut short because I got injured. Now at this camp, I have barely been able to spend time with you.’
‘Oh.’ You breathe as you realise that there is a reason behind your favourite blonde’s sudden clinginess.
She hadn’t been exaggerating when she mentioned how much she missed you, earlier in the day and you mentally kick yourself for not seeing it sooner.
‘You've spent more time with Jule and Obi than me and that’s alright because I know you don’t see them all that often but I miss you. I really really miss you.’
Laura is on the verge of crying now, her bottom lip wobbling as she stands in front of you.
‘I'm sorry. I know the distance is hard but I'm here now okay?’
Slipping your arms around her waist, you draw your girlfriend close to you. The forward melts into your embrace immediately, her chin resting in your shoulder.
‘I shouldn't have gotten jealous. I'm sorry.’ She mumbles.
You hug her tighter.
‘Don’t apologise schatz.’
From the moment you and the blonde had started dating, the two of you have been aware of the challenges a long distance relationship would bring. What you hadn’t been aware of, prior to your conversation, was how much your girlfriend has been struggling with them.
After turning your head so that you can press an affectionate kiss against her neck, you say, ‘Summer break is coming soon and then it’ll be just you and me okay? We’ve got that trip to Mallorca planned and I am looking forward to spending every minute of it with you.’
‘That sounds like heaven.’ Laura whispers.
You hum in agreement and check your watch before adding, ‘Till then we have enough time to take a nap before our tactics meeting? I don’t know about you but all the media stuff has tired me out…’
Your girlfriend doesn’t need to be asked twice.
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German Translation:
schatz - sweetheart
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Dirty Work 54
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: I am back to work tmrw.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You choose a simple dress. You like the shade of peach even as Loki eyes you archly. It might not be the choice that offends him but the state of yourself. Your nose is still healing, bandaged but not as heavily, and you have much left to recover. His own injuries remain tinged on his pale skin.
You shimmy the dress on and turn your back to him as he drones cynically. His fingers creep up along your bottom to meet the zipper and he tugs it up slowly. He’s reluctant. 
“What is it? You don’t like the dress?” You face him.
“I’d rather prefer you naked,” he purrs with a wink, “but I am not overly fond of the colour, no.” 
“Oh, but... you bought it?” 
“Yes, my sister did have it included in the purchase but... it is rather bright.” 
“I like it,” you run your hands over your stomach and hips, “it fits nicely but if you want me to change...” 
“No, darling, do what you wish,” he crosses his arms, “I must learn to let you do so.” 
You narrow your eyes. His malleability does not come without resentment. You shrug. You don’t have all day to be sussing out his preference. 
“What is it you and my mother have planned?” He asks. 
“I’m not certain,” you say as you search for your phone. The one he gave you. 
“No? Hm, darling, what about a necklace?” He goes to the jewellery box and plucks out a golden chain with a peridot emblem.  
“I guess,” you dig around in your work bag, most of your luggage still unpacked. 
“You guess? It is a pretty necklace. What about amethyst?” 
“Loki,” you fish out your phone but not the one you meant to. Your old flip.  
You put it down on the nightstand stiffly and return to your search. It feels so long ago that you were that person. That sad girl living with your father and flitting through a meandering existence. You won’t say you’ve moved up very much, still at the whim of a man, but you feel distant from that person. 
Perhaps Walpurgisnacht was more a rebirth than you could know. 
“Pet...” Loki comes closer as you retrieve your work phone. It’s dead.  
“I need to charge it,” you show him the device. 
“You should toss the old one. Doubt it even works.” 
“I know, I will. I have to back it up,” you say evasively. There’s not much on it but it’s the only connection you still have to your previous life. You’re not ready to slice through that last strand. 
“Mm, right then, well, another to do for the list,” he steps nearer and tickles your waist, “suppose you delay your little outing with my mother and I take you to lunch--” 
“She’s a guest, and your mother,” you rebuke. “Loki, I’m only doing what I need to do. Isn’t that what you want?” 
He sighs, “yes, but... it is still my house. I would like more than my leave. I should say when you need go pick out flowers or tablecloths or whatnot.” 
“Proposals typically lead to all that,” you say, “at least from what I know.” 
“What you know?” He muses. 
“Yeah, I’ve seen a few Kate Hudson movies,” you quip and give a goofy smile but quickly repress it. “Sorry, that wasn’t... funny.” 
His cheeks dimple and his nostrils flair, his lips slightly curved, “is that... humour? From you?” 
“Well, I... yeah, why not?” 
“Hm, it isn’t a slight but you are not one for laughter.” 
“Or maybe you’ve never made me laugh,” you blurt out and quickly snap your mouth shut. 
His brows drop and his smile too. You stare at him. Oops. You are getting to comfortable. Even if you are to be his wife, you aren’t his equal. You don’t know that you could ever be. 
He chuckles, “darling, how very sharp.” He reaches to frame your chin and turns you to him completely, “I should try harder then, to hear your sweet laughs.” 
You smile, a flutter in your chest, “that’s sweet.” 
“I am sweet,” he says, offended. “What do you mean?” 
You just stare at him. Is he kidding? 
“Don’t,” he warns with a frown. “Very well, go, have fun. Should I need anything, I will be certain to let mother know since you will be without tether...” he keeps his hand on you, squeezing, “you will be safe with her, I know.” 
“Loki,” you murmur, “he’s not coming back. He wouldn’t.” 
He stares at you solemnly, “no, he shouldn’t.” 
It seems as if he doubts his own words. For a moment, you do too. He knows his brother much better. Yet, how can Thor return when all have turned their backs on him? 
“There is no hurry, mother can wait...” 
“Loki, she’s only visiting,” you remind him, “the sooner it’s done, the sooner they go, right?” 
“Mm, you are clever,” he looks past you with apprehension, “suppose so. And I should speak with father about some things...” he leans in and kisses your forehead, withdrawing absently as he taps his fingertips together, “weddings and such...” 
You give him a look but he’s too distracted to notice. This whole affair is his idea and yet he is uncertain. You watch him placidly. 
“We don’t have to... marry--” 
“No, no,” he returns his attention to you, “of course we must. We will—how could you—oh, I know it is all very new to you, pet, but trust in me. It isn’t my first rodeo. Regrettably.” 
You feel a pang at the allusion to his previous marriage. You remember Sif with her sleek figure and her perfect smile and her sparkling eyes. You are second in all ways to her. 
“I should go,” you insist with a sniff. 
“Mm, yes, you should,” he grabs your shoulders and lays another kiss, this time on your lips. “I have told mother very strictly not to dawdle so you shouldn’t either.” 
“We’ll be fine,” you assure him. 
“When did you get so confident,” he teases as he retracts from you. 
You offer a sheepish smile. Not confident, but hopeful. A change nonetheless. 
Frigga insists on lunch before you do anything. You’re struck with deja vu as she returns to that same place you went to with her sons. That day feels like eons ago but it’s been just over a month. 
The change feels all the more sudden after a lifetime of stagnancy. With your dad, every day blurred together, the constancy was as dull as it was oppressive. Yet, you mourn it all the same. The spontaneity and turbulence of your new existence proves just as paralysing at times. 
You may have gone from maid to fiancee, but it doesn’t dissolve your expected deference. You are marrying into the Odinsons, they have no need to ingratiate themselves to you. Even as the reminder of her elder son troubles you, you will not mention your worries aloud to the matriarch. 
Frigga orders a sparkling water with fruit, you ask for the same. The waitress is not subtle as she eyes your bandaged nose. Just another reason for you to feel out of place. It's tender but feels much better.
You peer up at the sky as you sit in the open patio and the scent of the curated flowers around the space wafts in the air. Your dress rustles and tickles your leg, causing you to flinch. Another flash of before. That day you ate with Thor at your side, his hand under the table... 
You shudder and blow away the memory. You reach for your water and sip as you look over the entrees. Your appetite is erratic. One second you’re ravenous, the next, nauseous. The tuna sounds good but sickening at once. You’ll get a salad. 
“We will have to plan an engagement party first. Perhaps a local venue for that,” she looks at her phone and turns it on its screen as you hear it buzzing. 
“Or the house? I thought... the gazebo...” 
“Mm, yes, I recall, what was the name of that contractor you hired? I wouldn’t mind a similar build back at our house. Oh, and perhaps if you did want to do the wedding at home as well, a wedding arch might be a thought. I’m certain a carpenter might be up to that task,” she continues, ignoring how her phone rattles her glass. “So, we’ll skip over venues then. But invitations, perhaps? Oo, do you have a dress in mind? A brunch or something in the evening?” 
You can hardly keep up with her questions. At least she offers distraction from the shadow looming over your shoulder. Both of them. If it isn’t one son, it’s the other. 
The waitress returns and you order. Frigga eyes you as she puts in for a monte cristo with the soup du jour. You try to smile. You’re tired. 
“Are you okay, dear? You’ve not been eating very much.” 
“Oh, haven’t I?” You squirm evasively. “I’m... fine, I guess I just have a lot on my mind.” 
“Oh, darling, forgive me if I am overloading you,” she fans herself with her hand, “I apologise. I’ve a bad habit of getting head over feet about these things. I have so many ideas all at once but if I sit still, I feel I might burst.” 
Her words call you back to Loki pacing and circling at the hotel, then at home, he manic muttering. 
“It’s alright. I don’t think of any of it. I don’t know where to begin,” you assure her. 
“Ah, well, yes, but I’ve had a wedding and my son’s had a wedding already,” she chuckles, “so I do have a bit more experience. You shouldn’t worry terribly if you have questions. I am simply here to guide you.” 
“I know--” 
Her phone shakes again and she sighs.  
“Pardon,” she tilts the phone up and you see the incoming call; Loki. She quickly turns off the ringer. “My, he is a pest. It cannot be that important--” 
“I don’t have my phone,” you say, “maybe he needs something.” 
“My son can wait. He is so selfish. Especially about you. Surely, he trusts his own mother,” she scoffs, “anyhow, I think a luncheon might be pleasant enough. Perhaps with a theme. Summer is here and the flowers will be lovely this time of season.” 
“Excuse me, miss,” the waitress comes up to the table, a cordless phone in her hand, “there’s a gentleman on the phone asking for you.” 
You frown at Frigga then glance up, realising the woman is speaking to you. You blink and take the phone from her. You put it to your ear, staring at Frigga. 
“Pet,” Loki bursts eagerly, “oh, I knew you’d be there. Yes, I only wanted to check in, hear your voice, but I couldn’t get through to mother.” 
“Oh, uh, yeah, sorry, we were just ordering--” 
‘Give me the phone’ Frigga mouths and gestures. 
“I...” you begin and her green eyes flare. You hand over the phone. 
“Loki, this is not your time. You can wait. We are busy. You have a lovely day and we will be home in a few hours,” she says tritely, “certainly, you might find something to keep yourself busy.” 
She doesn’t wait for his response as she hits the end button and hands the phone back to the server, thanking her with a smile. The brunette flits away and you tap your fingers on the table top. Frigga plays with a wave and pushes it behind her ear, “darling, don’t even worry about my son. You just focus on yourself.” 
“Thank you, I just...” 
“You just don’t worry,” she repeats, “if my son has issue with us doing exactly as we told him we would, then he may take it up with me. Uh, he always was a needy little boy.” 
You almost laugh. You might agree with part of her sentiment but you could never imagine Loki as a little boy. In your mind, he just seems as if he’s always been grown. Not like you.  
You’ve always felt clueless and inadequate. As if you never moved past childhood, that you got caught behind some wall and watched the adults from afar. Yet, now that you’re on the other side, you still feel a barrier. Like them, but not the same. 
Not like the Odinsons especially. A family. You don’t have any of that. The more you think of the wedding, the more you see empty seats. No bridesmaids, not father-daughter dance, no one on your side. 
“Dear, have I upset you?” Frigga cuts the silence and you catch yourself staring at the table. 
You shake your head and sit up, “no, sorry, just thinking...” you scramble for a lie. You hate that you do that so often now, “what about a tea party?” 
“A tea party? Marvelous, I love it,” she trills, “oh, yes, we will have to find some fine porcelain for the event.” 
“Loki has lots--” 
“Yes, but this is special, dear. You’ll need a special set so you can always remember the party. Oh, and teas. There is a tea shop nearby. They sell loose leaf. We can have a whole array. Ooh, and biscuits, pastries...” she begins to list off. You let her, thankful to forget everything else for the minutest of details. Tea is easy. 
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nicromancytarot · 1 day
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I do not charge for these readings, and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I get for the readings, but I pull like 15-20 cards each reading and that is just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what you need to focus on right now, pick a picture and find out what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
Pile 4 ———> Pile 5 ———> Pile 6
Maintaining relationships and friendships is the most important thing for you guys right now. It’s been proven hard for people to hold up friendships and relationships of those who they are about, as lots of people are becoming less tolerant towards bullshit. Perhaps you’re not being the best version of yourself towards your friends right now. I’d recommend taking a look inside yourself and figuring out what is making you act out in possibly not the best ways, and how can you help yourself, and make up with others in the process?
You guys need to focus on your money and how you are treating it, I don’t know if you’re being too lenient, or too stubborn with your spending, some of you will fit into their of these. Make sure you spend responsibly. For those of who who have the money and are scared to spend it because you fear you will lose it, you won’t - you can spend an amount without worrying about not making it back, because you will gain that back. For those of you who are the opposite and spending too much, or too impulsively, take a breather and allow yourself to take a break from spending for this next month, only spend money on necessities.
You guys have a decision that you need to make right now, something in which you are very confused or stuck towards. I’m assuming this decision to be quite life changing for you guys, so get thinking and try to figure out the best choice for you. Not to scare you my pile 3’s, however if you don’t make this decision and choose the direction or path you desire to go down, the universe will do it for you, and they will lead you to that tower moment to get rid of everything and start again.
This is a very specific message, so if it doesn’t resonate, choose another pile. For the ones of you who this does resonate with, you guys seem to currently be struggling on whether or not you want to give your heart to someone. You may have been hurt in the past and now worried about opening yourself up to a person in such a way. Don’t stress so much about this, you will find and make the decision that is right for you.
Focus on your healing journey so those around you who have hurt you and caused you great sadness will be able to feel that of what they made you experience. Your reading is themed heavily around karma that can only be achieved once you heal yourself and accept that these people hurt you. Take your time, not too much, but allow yourself to figure out who these people were and what they did to you. You are so incredibly powerful, the universe wants you to heal so they can have your back and get at those who have hurt you. For a very select few or you, this could theme around legal trouble, gather your evidence and keep it all orderly for when you need to speak about it.
You guys need a breather, take some time to just relax, rest, stop doing so much. You guys are very busy, some of you are really into the whole nightlife scene, and are constantly out partying until early hours of the morning. Take a moment from it and relax, you need to rest instead of working or doing so much constantly. Allow yourself to relax for the love of god. SLEEP.
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fairykazu · 2 days
hello! can i have a bouquet with carnations, daisies, and petunias with aventurine? thank you! (yes, they are connected as one fic :))
𓍢ִ໋love blooms with aventurine prompts: walking in the park - carnation, collecting flowers on their way home - daisies and realizing their feelings - petunias notes: modern au, pining & soft aventurine! i did hit a writing block while writing yours so i didn't fulfill your request as you like but i hope you like this event masterlist  𝜗𝜚 hsr masterlist
the sun dipped below the horizon casting an ethereal glow across the sky as if aeon themself had painted the sky with a masterpiece of soft pinks, oranges, and purples. it was a perfect evening for a stroll through the park, well, afterall, it was tradition for you and aventurine. you knew him ever since you were little, growing up side by side, the lives of aventurine and name were forever inexorably intertwined.  
aventurine plucked a peony from a bush from a neighor’s bush on the way to the park. “y’know, i read these represent luck, i mean, i have all the luck i need but you need this for sure.” 
“just because you won six games of monopoly, doesn’t mean-”
as he held the flower to you, you realized something. aventurine laughed, imagining a lightbulb above your head. you pushed him playfully; he stumbled a little from the sidewalk. you gasped, “did you really picked a flower from the oak family’s bush? don’t you know sunday-” 
he quickly interjected, “what he doesn’t know doesn't hurt him. c’mon, you know that pink isn’t his color, it’s better off being on you.” he picked off the excessive leaves on the flower before putting it above your ear. 
“aven, we should run.” he noticed your eyes flickering to the corner of the gated manor. was it worth being here and risky? yes. is he scared? kind of, hoping you don’t call his buff and kept his right hand behind. 
he blew air in your face as you rolled your eyes, “why?” 
“sunday has cameras.”
you shook your head to your right, the direction where the park is. he nodded,  
“... lets go.” 
the two ran from the gated house, he only stopped on the way to the clockmaker’s park, a national park in penacony, to celebrate whatever with whatever. it doesn’t really matter. what matters is that the peony is losing petals and what if you’re losing the luck he gave with it.
“wait, stop.” 
“what? i thought you were scared of sunday’s hounds after us.. err, you.” you replied, but you stopped away. aventurine’s hand brushed against your face, he adjusted the flower, making sure it looked full. 
“didn’t want you losing the petals…”  he murmured as he abruptly turned away from you, grabbing your hand. if you squinted, you could see a hint of pink reaching to the tips of his ears. he’s cute… in a totally platonic way!  
“uh-huh, so what? don’t need a flower when i have you, right?” 
he coughed loudly, his pace getting faster and it was hard to catch up. but you managed, taking longer strides to keep up. his mind raced between a response between “you don’t mean that.”, which exposes his feelings about you or he could play along, pretending everything is fine and he doesn’t think about being yours. aeons, he could only hope he doesn’t look flustered. 
did he even reply? 
“aventurine? we’re at our spot, you okay?” you asked, he could see the concern in your eyes.
“of course, i am. why?” 
“just wondering! do you think the flowers we planted are still there or did the organiziton or whatever pluck them out?” 
“personally, i think they gave up but they probably did. stupid bloodhounds.” 
aventurine clicked his tongue as the both of you tucked your heads under a hedge. it took a while to get to the place, hidden under the bushes of the park. he replied, “personally, i think they gave up but they probably did. stupid bloodhounds.” 
you gently pushed him away, “don’t say that outloud, i think they have spies.” 
he laughed, “c’mon, the only one i’m afraid of is gallagher but other than him, i’m basically fearless.” 
“yeah right.” 
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shadowqueenjude · 1 day
For @azrisweek Day 2: Familiars
Eris leaned forward on the couch, hand propped beneath his chin as he stared at Azriel in shock. “Don’t tell me you don’t have familiars in Night.”
“No, we don’t,” Azriel grumbled. “What the fuck is a familiar?”
Eris slapped his forehead with his palm. “An animal that attends to you, obeys you, and is in-tune with your emotions. Like my dogs, or Lucien’s phoenix, or Mama’s bunny.”
Azriel scowled. “I don’t like animals very much.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Everyone likes animals.” Eris got up from the couch, threw open his closet, and chucked some clothes at Azriel. “Quick, change into this,” Eris said without looking back. Azriel watched Eris as he stripped his clothes right there, his fine back muscles and ass on display. Azriel had no desire to go out; no, his only desire was to fuck Eris until they were both panting like.
Eris snorted as he began putting on his pants. “Yes, I know I’m glorious Azriel, but quit staring at me and put on your clothes!” Sighhhhhh. Azriel reluctantly turned around and began shucking off his own clothes. Just as Azriel bent over to reach for his clothes, a force came down on his butt with a massive THWACK!
“That’s for ogling me instead of getting dressed,” Eris said casually, practically floating to the door. Azriel glared at him. “Are you fucking serious?” Eris only winked before he waved his cloak and disappeared. Eris and his theatrics.
Azriel sighed as one of Eris’s bloodhounds licked his arm. “Did you have to bring all twelve of your dogs?” Azriel demanded, watching the little runt snoring on Eris’s shoulder.
“Obviously,” Eris replied. “They’re like friends; this one on my shoulder, Maya, she’s my familiar.” As if in response to Eris’s words, Maya barked politely at Azriel.
“I don’t like dogs, and so many? Ew,” Azriel complained. To his irritation, however, his shadows seemed to have a mind of their own. Each shadow has chosen a dog as its steed, his naughtiest shadow curled up beside Maya.
“Seems like your shadows disagree,” Eris retorted. Azriel scowled. His shadows were usually on his side, but they were still a separate entity; they were sentient and had minds of their own; sort of like familiars, actually.
Eris and Azriel scrolled through the animals on display, seeking the ideal animal for Azriel. “How the fuck do I know which one is my familiar?” Azriel asked.
Eris shrugged. “When you know, you know. You get this strange feeling. Like you’ve somehow met this animal before.
Azriel nodded. He hadn’t felt anything like that yet. He cringed away from a lionfish who stared at him with googly eyes. No, he did not like animals. Perhaps he should just stick with his shadows.
Just then, Azriel’s rebellious shadow leaped off of Maya and began running away.
“Hey! Wait!” Azriel began chasing the shadow across the store.
“Azriel! What are you doing?” Eris shouted, running behind them. Azriel expertly weaved between customers, using a beefy man’s shoulders to catapult him into the air and over an aisle as he chased the shadow. Sweat began to bead over his face. At last, finally, he leapt upon his shadow and caught it.
“Naughty boy,” Azriel scolded the shadow. “Don’t run away like that again.” He was just about to leave the aisle when he heard a little sound.
“Meow!” Azriel turned and saw the saddest little orange cat ever. His fur was all matted and there were red lesions all over his body. Tentatively, Azriel reached a finger through the bars. The kitty put two paws on his index finger and began licking it. So Azriel pulled out the cat, cradling him in his arms as he asked the front desk person about him.
“We found him like that,” the three legged faerie said with a shrug. “Worse, actually. He’s only been here a day, but keep him if you want. No charge; you’d be saving us money, actually.”
Finally, Azriel approached Eris, who had opted to walk to the front of the store and simply wait for Azriel. “Let’s go.” Eris raised a brow. “You got your familiar?”
As if in response, the orange kitten meowed again. Eris’s eyes slid down to his. “Oh, you’re so small.” His eyes then turned to Azriel, understanding shining there. “Excellent choice. Time to go home now!”
Eris and Azriel took the best care of that cat, and within a few weeks, his natural fluffy orange coat began to return, his eyes became brighter, and his spirit returned.
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lieutenant-teach · 2 days
How the debates about the Force helped to uncover the Sith Lord (Prompt: Fun)
A shore leave was supposed to be a time when people rest, Anakin was sure of it. Rest – means having fun. Having fun – means doing whatever you want. What Anakin wanted was stay with Padme alone for a couple of days. Unfortunately, she was away for some Senate stuff, so he was stuck with Obi-Wan’s meaning of ‘fun’. At that moment it was sitting on the cushion in a circle of several elderly Jedi and listening intently to a heated debate about the nature of the Force.
 – The Force can influence the way living beings act, otherwise why do we have prophecies of Chosen Ones? The Force chooses them, so it has an ability of acting, - insisted a frail Nikto Master, passionately waving his stick and barely holding on his feet even in a sitting position.
 – The choice matters! The prophecies are just possibilities, not certainties, - was an angry response from a tiny Jawa Jedi opposite him, her cheeping voice, surprisingly strong for such a small body, piercing the room and making Anakin wince. He signed and propped his cheek on his palm and the elbow on the knee, letting his gaze wander around the circle-shaped room. Colourful tapestries of complex weaving, depicting scenes of Jedi life, were hanging on the walls, the floor was covered with fluffy patterned rugs. The warmth of the sun, pouring through the fabric shutters on tall windows, painted the room and persons present in gold and brown hues and was a pleasant feeling on his back. Doziness was settling cozily over his lids, hazing his thoughts in a warm embrace…
A mental nudge almost pushed him off the cushion – not because it was powerful, just unexpected. Anakin jolted, held his balance and sent a glare to Obi-Wan next to him.
 – Anakin, it’s good for your knowledge, - his former Master whispered, barely moving his lips and visibly very into the debate and whatever ancient Master Sinube was mumbling from his place. Anakin didn’t know which theory the Cosian Jedi supported – nor that he cared. – You’re a Knight, but there’s still so much to learn. A Jedi studies all their life.
 – Ah, so it was studying when you were interested whether the brain worm would go into Master Unduli’s nose or ear, - Anakin couldn’t help from snickering. That got an indignant look from Obi-Wan, a huff and a turned away head. Anakin smiled and changed the hand and cheek.
 – The Force gives life to everything…
 – The Force is created by life itself, everybody knows it!
 – Anakin, please, - Obi-Wan bent to his ear, - would you mind at least close your shields, so your thoughts about Senator Amidala wouldn’t emanate around the room?
Anakin felt blush creeping up his cheeks:
 – There’s nothing wrong with it! I’m not a… prude.
 – Of course, nothing wrong with it, - Obi-Wan agreed placidly, - she’s a beautiful woman, but not everyone wants to sense your daydreams about her… - he faltered, selecting the right words, - lady parts.
 – Come on, don’t pretend you’re listening to that, - Anakin nodded at an exchange among almost all the Jedi present, talking excitedly at the same time and somehow managing to perfectly understand one another – not without the Force, probably. – I bet you’re dreaming about Commander Cody’s… manly parts, - he broke into a wicked smile, seeing faint blush rising on Obi-Wan’s face. At least some fun at these stupid debates.
 – Even if I wanted to do so, it would be unprofessional from my part...
 – Is it the only thing that stops you? – Anakin wasn’t sure what they were talking about anymore – Obi-Wan’s ‘dreams’ or reality. After all, an obvious mutual crush of General Kenobi and Commander Cody was a famous open secret of the 212th, though few would be stupid or insolent enough to tease them. Anakin counted himself as both and also having a privilege of being Obi-Wan’s former Padawan and the closest friend.
Angry hissing that sounded much like ‘Shut up, please!’ of an Anacondan Knight next to Anakin stopped the conversation, much to his dismay. Obi-Wan was clearly glad to convert his attention back to the debate, blush reaching the tips of his ears. ‘Bet Cody would’ve found it adorable’, - Anakin chuckled mentally.
Then he signed again, left with nothing to do. Shifted his eyes to the ceiling. To the rugs on the floor. ‘Mmm… an interesting pattern… Hey, I can see a speeder here!’.
 – One more symptom of a Darksider in the room – lower temperature! – squealed the Jawa Jedi, breaking Anakin from his intent studying the rug. – Add to the signs that they spoil the Force!
‘Funny… It’s always chilly in Palpatine’s office…’ – the thought breezed Anakin’s mind, and he froze for a second, then shook his head. Apparently, his brain had started melting after listening to that pointless debate.
 – Grab for power – that is the true sign! – the Nikto Master pointed his stick on the Jawa Jedi. – And never stopping! The Dark Side infects the recipient’s mind, making them want more – and it always leads to suffering in the process!
‘He’s got almost all the power of the Senate, and the Senators are absolutely fine with it. And he always declines negotiating with the Seppies. So the war cannot stop,’ – Anakin really didn’t like where his brain was going. The Supreme Chancellor was a good friend of his, a kind mentor, he always supported Anakin in all his ideas… Even stupid ones… Not like Obi-Wan and the other Jedi did…
 – All the sources and witnesses claim the Sith bring out the worst in everyone around them, - the Jawa Jedi stood up and put her hands on her hips. – It’s their own doing, not the Force’s!
Anakin sensed something weird next to him, emanating from Obi-Wan. He looked at him and immediately met widened horrified eyes, their owner obviously sharing the same train of thoughts with Anakin himself. ‘Come on, it’s Palpatine, he cannot be a Sith Lord. And he’s not Force-sensitive – otherwise the Jedi would’ve known’. Anakin almost reasoned with himself.
 – The Force changes around the Sith, - the Nikto Master wasn’t going to capitulate so easily, stomping his stick on the soft rug. – It becomes Dark, clouding everything, poisoning susceptible minds…
 – Right, because the Sith do it! – the Jawa Jedi squealed on the top of her lungs and shook off the hand of a Human Knight nearby who was trying to calm her down. – Or why do you think the most powerful ones could even pretend not to be Force-sensitive at all?
Shudder tremored through Anakin – his own and Obi-Wan’s. The young Knight was balancing on the edge of his cushion, watching and listening to the debates with attention he’d never know existed in him. The puzzle was coming together in his head.
 – When there is a war, then it’s surely to be a Sith Lord somewhere, - the Nikto Master scoffed. – The Dark Side feeds off pointless war and suffering. But you cannot convince me that the Dark Side doesn’t corrupt a being.
 – I’ll tell you what – you seem to be a Darksider yourself, blaming the Force for your failures! Because only a Sith would say such poodoo about how the Force works! – the Jawa Jedi jumped on the Nikto Master’s chest, the Nikto Master grabbed his lightsaber, shouting his protests in response. The closest sitters scooted back as the full-fledged duel started, Master Sinube happily clapping in support.
Not paying attention to the chaos, both Obi-Wan and Anakin jumped on their feet:
 – The Chancellor is a Sith Lord!
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ladyazurith · 2 days
Vil Schoenheit Headcanons
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These are some of my headcanon’s for Vil and how I write him/ characterize him.
The woman who gave birth to Vil walked out on both him and his father right after he was born. She and his father were never married, and he was born out of an on-set fling. The woman that is actually VIl's mother, was a makeup artist, who Eric met when Vil was just a baby, and they married, and the woman (I named her Caroline) treated Vil as if he were her son. This is why when he’s asked about who he could have gotten his magic from, he says he doesn’t care. That woman wasn’t really his mother. 
One of the reasons he loves the Fairest Queen and her story so much is because he remembers his mother reading stories about her to him as a small child.  Unfortunately, the woman fell ill when Vil was about 5 years old, and her health declined rapidly and she passed away. This was a very traumatic event for him, that he’s suppressed. 
Most of Vil’s interests lie in his line of work, cosmetics, fashion, acting, etc. But one that he doesn’t talk about much is gardening. Especially cultivating rare and exotic flora that can be used in various potions. 
Vil’s ideas of love and romance are very skewed and jaded because of the fact he grew up in the film industry. With the death of his mother, he lost the one positive example he had in his parents. And was surrounded by people who tended to treat love as leverage for PR and personal gain. This is also why he’s so harsh concerning Cater when he’s been shown to be rather unbothered by other people who are clearly out to use his fame to their advantage. (Azul, Jade, Ace, etc). It’s the romantic angle that ruffles his feathers so much, because of how he’s seen it play out time and again all around him.
He has a terrible sweet tooth, he just has enough willpower to fight it off most days
As shown in Chapter 6, he’s got a very clear personal vs professional side. He’s able to compartmentalize them as separate and distinct. When he talks about Rook’s actions not bothering him at the end of chapter 5 and the start of chapter 6, that’s his professional side talking. On his personal side however I do believe he was hurt, not that Rook voted for RSA, but the fact that he hid his obsession with Neige from him all this time. That I think would feel like a bigger betrayal. (And specifically not that he was a fan of Neige’s but the hiding it bit) 
Vil knows the nonsense that Rook gets up to, stalking Leona and the other beastmen, etc. He turns a blind eye to it because he doesn’t want to lose who he sees as the only real friend he’s ever had. Despite how he might act passively and brush off Rook’s behavior (like in Rook’s portion of the Tsum event when they go to his room) his companionship means more to him than he’s willing to voice. And Yes despite what I said above, I do believe they are great friends. Friends can hurt you sometimes, even if they don’t mean it. People aren’t perfect. 
This is also why I think Jack’s friendship means a lot to Vil, more so than it does to Jack. Jack was the first person who stood up for him and how he was treated. But to Jack, he was just another kid who lived in the neighborhood and hung out and played with him sometimes. 
Leading into, I think part of the reason that Vil has such strong negative feelings toward Neige, isn’t just because Neige was the hero to his villain, but because Neige, despite acting like they’re close friends, never did anything to stop the way he was treated. Yes I know Neige was just a kid, no I don’t really expect him to have truly done something to stop it nor hold him responsible for Vil’s treatment, BUT Vil was also a kid, and I can’t blame him for feeling that way. Kinda like that kid who says they’re your friend, then goes and hangs out with the other kids that bully you. Never registering what the problem is.
We know Vil is a deeply insecure person, especially when it comes to his typecasting as a villain, and I think this extends to his outlook on love and romance, as I stated above he hasn’t had the best examples in his life, but typically the villains don’t get a happily ever after love story, and I think he’d projected that onto himself. Something else he wants but feels he can’t have so he doesn’t try. 
I also think he doesn’t know how to make friends or communicate with people in a casual/social manner. This helps account for how few friends he has. And the one he does is Rook, who basically adopted him and didn’t go away. This is also why I think he can come off as abrasive even when he’s trying to help. Like how he dealt with Epel. 
I also defend his treatment of Epel. I grew up in a very small and isolated town like Epel. I grew up with a lot of backward views because that’s all I was exposed to as a child. In a place where being even slightly different can make you a social pariah, if you step out of line it can be a nightmare. And it takes a lot of stern force to help someone overcome that. Not letting them make excuses. I’m grateful for the people in my life who helped me see differently, my version of Vil essentially, and I was so happy that they showed that Epel appreciates what Vil had done for him. 
I have more but that’s enough for now. 
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heuhuewaves · 1 day
is it casual now?
this fic is for the @harringrovesummerbingo 2024 event!
prompt: B1 "sitting in the dark"
summary: billy is forced to stick next to steve during a storm.
content warnings: internalized homophobia, angst, mentions of smut, casual by chappel roan inspiration
word count: 1.3k
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Not enough light. Not enough space. Too much to say.
That’s all Billy could think of. He didn’t really plan to be stuck in Scoops Ahoy. Especially not with the boy who he considered to have broken his heart. Steve was the last person he wanted to be stuck with. But it’s not like he could just get up and leave. The summer rain was no joke and didn’t look like it was stopping any time soon. So getting into the camaro and driving as far away as possible from this was out of the question. 
Somehow the brunette had convinced Billy to stay with him at the shop. Of course he had feelings for Steve, regardless of the fucked up shit he had done. 
So yes, Billy had agreed to huddle behind the ice cream counter with nothing but a flashlight pointed at the ceiling. At least it gave them some form of light.
“This thing should last us about an hour. We can go from there once it dies.” Steve announced as he took a seat next to Billy.  The blonde distanced himself, scooting over a few inches. Steve sighed out of irritation. It was almost a play by play of the night Steve called things off. Billy knew that they couldn’t be together. Especially not in the middle of nowhere, Indiana.
People just wouldn’t understand.
“Really?” Was all Steve said in response to Billy’s choice of personal space.
“Yes, really.”  Billy said as he continued to do anything but look at the other boy in the face. He couldn’t understand how Steve could be so nonchalant about what happened between them. They shared intimacy together. Billy met Steve’s parents the one time they were actually home, as a friend of course. It still counted to Billy as much as it would’ve been if Steve actually told his parents the truth.
“Yes mom and dad this is Billy. Sometimes I let him Fuck me on your guys’ couch. No big deal.”
In Billy’s mind, it didn’t feel that hard to have to admit. The other half of his mind was telling him the opposite. If he would’ve said something like that Neil, he would’ve gotten a black eye. He somewhat understood. If only that were enough to mend the heartbreak he had felt for the past few months. 
Steve sighed again before speaking once more. “This petty bullshit is dumb Billy. We graduated a month ago and you’re still acting like a little fucking kid. You can’t keep dealing with all your problems by shutting people out.” Steve would say that was one of the main reasons why he cut Billy off. Anytime he got mad and Harrington attempted to talk to him about it, it was impossible to hold a single conversation without Billy lashing out.
Ok, what the fuck do you know? Was all Billy could think of in response. Of course he didn’t say it out loud. Steve didn’t deserve a response in his mind anyway. 
A few moments passed with silence. The striking sound of thunder from the outside made Steve jump up from his slumped position. He hated loud noises. He could barely stand the sound of the engine of Billy’s camaro. 
Hargrove at the tensing of the brunette’s  body.
“What’s so fuckin’ funny?” Steve asked with frustration.
Billy continued to laugh as he swept some of his mullet out of his face.“There’s no one else in the store so… that only leaves one person left.” 
“Figures you’d only wanna talk to me when it’s to put me down.” Harrington rolled his eyes.
“You did the same shit to me dude. Don’t get mad about it now.” 
Both of the boys were now staring each other in the eyes. Anger filling both pairs. Neither of them planned on backing down from each other. 
The clash of the titans was imminent at this point.
“God you’re so sensitive hargrove.” 
“I'm sensitive? Yeah, ok.”
“Yeah you are.” Steve started up again, riled up. “You’re a crybaby who can’t take rejection, or reality for that matter! We had something casual once. That’s it. It meant nothing.” 
“Me making you cum on yourself isn’t casual Steve.” Billy said in a much calmer tone than the other boy. It even took him by surprise. He was the last person to be rational and keep his cool during situations like this.
Maybe the heartache was making him numb to all of this.
Steve ultimately knew that the blonde had a point. But there was no way they would survive together. Living a double life wasn’t for Steve. Hooking up with a guy behind his girlfriend’s back and then hooking up with said girlfriend right after was mentally draining.
He just wished Billy would understand that.
Steve ran his hands through his hair, forming the words and putting them together. “I can’t do this double life shit dude. My parents.” Harrington paused. When Steve said parents, he mostly meant his dad. He was pretty sure his mom couldn’t care less. His dad would never live with a queer as a son. 
His words, not Steve’s.
“My parents would kill me. I would lose everything.”
All Billy could hear was excuses. 
“We’re fucking 18 years old. You don’t have shit to lose.” Billy snapped back. Steve looked down to the floor they were sitting on. “You knew what you were getting into when you decided to kiss me for the first time. That was your choice Steve, not mine. Stop blaming the fact that you can’t accept who you are on me.” 
Then it went quiet. Billy crossed his arms and Steve began to scratch the back of his head. Both of them had seemingly spoken their minds. As if knowing this, the mall lights began to power back on. 
The buzz of the luminents began to surround the room. 
Billy could finally get up and set himself free.
But for whatever reason, he didn’t. He stayed put. 
Then there was the eye contact again. Both of the boys were diving into each other’s eyes. Just like how they used to at the beginning of the school year.
Billy ultimately knew he had to get away.
“I need to get going-” As he attempted to get up, Steve grabbed his arm. The grip was hard, but it had a different energy to it. He wanted the blonde to say.
“I don’t know what I’m so afraid of.” Was all Steve said before he pulled Billy back to the ground and into a kiss. 
It was unexpected and contradictory. Billy didn’t know how the brunette could tell him one thing and then do the exact opposite.
The kiss was passionate. Steve brushed the curls of Billy’s mullet as they continued to share saliva. 
Then it hit Hargrove. 
He shouldn’t be doing this. This is exactly how he got hurt the first time. Steve was brushing through his hair the same way he always did. Kissing him the same way he did after they made love. If he let him do this again, it was only imminent before his heart would be broken once more.
Billy broke the kiss and got up swiftly as he wiped his lips.
“We can’t. You know we can’t. I can’t get fucked over again.” Steve only looked at him with upturned brows and apologetic eyes. 
Billy let out a sigh and made his way from behind the counter to the exit of the store.
Steve sat in the same spot, running his hands through his hair again. 
Now that Hargrove was walking out of his life for good, there's nothing more he wanted than for him to be in his arms.
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Why is death feederism ok? It is objectively self harm, as one is doing something that will result in them hurting themselves and eventually dying (as fetishized). I just can’t understand it… I am someone in this space that likes being stuffed and full, and doesn’t mind a little biy of wg… but I just don’t understand why gaining until death is encouraged so much when it’s so extreme and life ruining.
Like if there was a feeder and feedee couple that were into it… what would happen if the feeder had issues and couldn’t help the feedee that is reliant on their feeder? What happens if they break up and the feedee is dependent enough where they need family or something to help?? I mean it’s just… they could literally die if they were so dependent and forced to live on their own.. encouraging people to ruin their lives because it makes their private part excited is encouraging self harm.
This is my opinion and I seriously want to know what you have to say… I brought this up to someone else and their response was to block me and say “I think death feeding women think more critically about the fetish🤔” without response. And just so you know this isn’t fatphobic, i never once said I find fat people gross or anything, I just find the idea of fetishizing self harm gross. It’s fetishizing being disabled and or dead.
TW for death feedism, kink talk, self harm/suicide
so general disclaimer - I am not a death feedist and so I don’t know that I’m a good representative to speak on this topic but I’ll share some brief thoughts.
I think it’s okay to look at extreme fetishes and feel uncomfortable with them, so I’m not going to try and tell you that you can’t feel the way you do. I was very critical of people who practiced this fetish in ways I personally didn’t like and this community helped me realize it’s not my business to do that. There is no moral superiority in kink.
The thing is though - in order to be sex positive and an ally to our fellow feedists (yes, even the ones we disagree with or don’t like how they practice the fetish) we have to respect their bodily autonomy and allow them to make whatever decisions they think is best for them. It’s not our job nor our place to tell folks what they can and can’t do.
I would maybe agree that it’s a slippery slope and in a very extreme case, you could argue that this line of thinking would allow us to excuse a suicide fetish, for example (unsure if that’s a real thing). But there ARE disability fetishes and a fetish isn’t inherently bad as long as there are informed consenting parties and you are practicing RACK.
I don’t know if that line of thinking is even worth arguing because it could only serve to slip the other way up the slope back to overt purity culture. I want to validate your thoughts and questions because its important to critically analyze things and i want to believe you are coming from a place of good faith (and I have it in me to try and discuss this).
Regarding the statement of “death feedists think more critically about the fetish” could be true, as realizing you’re a death feedist DOES require reflection and understanding of yourself and of fatphobia in general. I haven’t had at length discussions with folks about this but the death feedists on my dash that post about fat lib seem to know their shit.
At the end of the day, why death feedists enjoy that aspect of the fetish is not for me to debate with or without them present. It’s not for me to tell them what they can and can’t do with their bodies. That aspect of the fetish isn’t for me, but that doesn’t mean I have the right to tell others what they should get off to. I also think death feedists are a smaller portion of the community and it’s easy to block the tags they use if you don’t want to see their content. I know a few death feedists and I like them (at least their online persona) and they are probably more equipped to discuss this if they want to. So please feel free to add some comments if you’d like, death feedist friends.
My advice is practice radical acceptance. It feels uncomfortable but I think ultimately it makes you a better person when dealing with things you think are weird or gross or bad.
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fallenfawnn · 10 months
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being the oldest sibling is just this sometimes
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camgoloud · 6 months
i simply feel that if you burn shit in your roommate’s skillet you should then feel the obligation to be the one who scrapes it out and cleans up
#sometimes i think about the fact that i’m literally the only person who’s cleaned the kitchen in this place for the entire year and a half#i’ve lived here and i get. a little pissed off#i’ve tried being polite and bringing up the problem without explicitly pointing fingers by leaving cleaning products (which i bought)#out on the counters and sending a text in the group chat like ‘hey! 😊 i got these wipes for us! i think that all of us could#use these a little more often so that the kitchen doesn’t get so gross!’ but it seems that everyone either has no sense of shame or just#genuinely doesn’t mind living in filth for the periods between the marathon cleaning sessions i do every few weekends when i have the time#one of the guys who lives downstairs will just walk right by me cleaning up on his way to the fridge and pretend he can’t see me#which is still better than the other one (the one who just burned shit in my skillet) who once saw me cleaning and asked if he could help#and when i got all pleased and asked if he could maybe take the trash out for me while i was cleaning counters (a small and simple task!#when he’d literally asked me if there was anything he could do!) he visibly deflated. said ‘well i’m not really around here much [so it’s#not my trash in there etc.]’ and wandered off. without doing anything#like. HELLO???? you could have just been like the other guy and pretended you didn’t see me doing all the work if this was how you were#going to be about it#but i guess he wanted to feel good about himself having offered/expected me to just say ‘oh no thanks i love being your housekeeper 😊’#tbh i really need to be more assertive and be like ‘hey guys i’m sick of this’ and maybe. bring up the Sexism of it all. because.#you know. the whole situation feels pretty gendered#was complaining about all this to an irl friend the other day and she said i should start a chore chart but i don’t want to be responsible#for maintaining the chore chart either! take on the mental load of managing the housework and also turning into Resident Bitch for asking#men to do things for me. you know. there is simply no way out here#there is another woman who lives here as well but unfortunately i don’t think she’ll be much help in forcing the issue because. she doesn’t#clean shit either!#actually in the days since she moved in the shower drain in our bathroom has become horrendously clogged which. well. i mean not to point#fingers but one of us has got about two inches of hair and the other has got a foot and a half. so#i also simply feel that if you clog a drain you should be the one to unclog it but i’ll probably do that as well#sorry for the massive tag rant by the way i really shouldn’t make myself out to be some kind of martyr because i’m not particularly neat#myself but…. ooooh god if the bar isn’t all the way down in hell#anyway i just did a whole bunch of dishes but i left that one skillet to soak passive-aggressively overnight#i don’t think the aggression will come across though because i think he genuinely won’t even pay attention to the fact that it’s still#dirty and i’ll end up being the one to clean it tomorrow#caseyposting
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There always seems to be one kid who just screams like a tornado siren, all day long, at any given opportunity. Like, kid, I love you, you are precious and deserve all the happiness in the world; but please for the love of god shut up. There are people trying to learn here and you’re not helping them or yourself.
#I don’t like being harsh with people in general but if one child is raising the tension in the room to a fever pitch every single day#making it incredibly hard for the kids who are trying really really hard to focus when they already have focus issues#and because I know this specific kid gets absolutely spoiled rotten at home and is allowed to do whatever they want#you know… sometimes it helps to show the kid how they sound to others by demonstrating the obnoxious nature of The Scream#because when the parents do Jack Shit about teaching their kid discipline and courtesy; you have to be a parent in their stead#But do NOT continue to scream. You are an adult with adequate emotional control. Screaming should be be done EXTREMELY sparingly#and only utilized for demonstration purposes or to stop a brawl; not for bullying or intimidation#Don’t do a JoJo Siwa and TRY to make kids cry even though you may get stressed enough that you want to escalate on purpose#Again: you are an adult with adequate emotional control; don’t escalate unless the overreaching plan is to deescalate#if eliciting a startle response will stop harmful behavior and “snap them out of it” for long enough for you to get through#or if they just need to let all their emotions out at once so they can lose enough of that high energy to think critically#then sure#but you have to guide them back down very carefully and calmly; it’s a precise science#Don’t be mean about it; be genuine in your feelings and don’t go overboard. Genuine ≠ mean unless you’re evil#Or if you don’t feel emotions very strongly (like I do) then react like a “normal” person. Lie about being angry or sad if it is appropriat#Again: Your goal should not be to get the kid to do what you want; the goal should be to get them to feel good enough#so they are ABLE to do it in the first place#And the goal should also be to show them how their actions affect others if they are not aware of it#“Teach a man to fish” and all that. Don’t always check them; get them to check themselves#If a kid hits another kid when they’re angry at something completely unrelated; then 1.) redirect destructive behavior#and 2.) walk them back over to the kid they hurt and say:#“Look at [name]; look how sad you made them. [name] didn’t do anything to you#It’s okay to be angry but we CANNOT hit people when we are angry because it hurts and makes them cry.” Works great#Always remember there is a power imbalance inherent in EVERY child-adult relationship and NEVER abuse it#And if you’re not patient or emotionally stable enough to work with or have children; then don’t. Please don’t.#Children are not cute little dolls to play dress-up with; nor are they perfect angels; nor are they your personal stress ball#Having children is NOT A GAME. They are PEOPLE who will grow to be your age one day and everything you do affects them#Sorry I’m just tired of all these parents who shove iPads in their kids faces so they don’t bother them. You’re giving them an addiction
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just-rogi · 2 years
Some Fatphobia activists see someone having a conversation about restrictive ED’s and somehow make about themselves. ED survivors have a hard enough time coming out and talking about it publicly- Without having people shout that they are fatphobic for talking about it (as If plus sized people can’t also have restrictive Ed’s ???)
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misfittq · 6 months
i sometimes wonder if people think before they write a comment on an edit 🧍
context down below
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egopathic · 1 year
nothing more irritating to me than slightly older friends who have lived pretty normal lives talking to me like i’m 7 and/or giving me life advice on things i’ve been dealing with forever and certainly never asked about.
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