#I went into this thinking ‘hey what a lovely bedtime story’
jacketpotatoo · 1 year
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Hey @thehomelybadger , thank you for breaking my heart
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cringe-but-proud · 5 months
Hi! You must’ve JUST posted while I was searching a tag! WELCOME to the crowd of other amateur writers who have no idea what we’re doing!
I have a request for a short fanfic/drabble! Wonka 2023 where fem!reader is a storyteller who worked in the laundry room when Willy arrives. Reader is closer with Noodle and usually tells her bedtime stories before going to sleep, and Willy comes to admire the vast imagination in the stories while falling in love, to Noodle’s joy. I haven’t had the motivation to write in a long time, so I hope you’d be up to trying to get the story out of my head!
Hi! Thanks sm for the request. Hope I could do your idea justice lol
Willy Wonka x Storyteller!Fem!Reader (Wonka 2023)
Warnings: None, I think. Sort of just a cute fluffy one.
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Three years ago, you made the worst and most unforgivable mistake of your life: Taking a shower at Ms. Scrubbit's hotel.
To make a fairly short story shorter, you neglected to read the small print, leading to you being in a massive debt to her. So, for the next 5 years of your life, you'd be forced to work in a dirty, old laundry room.
You were absolutely miserable at first. Your days dragged by and your nights were mostly spent curled up in your bed crying. But, once you accepted your situation, you found a way to make the days go by faster: Making up stories in your head while you worked.
You'd always had quite the creative mind; so, weaving tales of magic and wonder was a fun way to spend your time.
Plus, Noodle always liked to hear your stories before she went to sleep.
But, recently you'd earned another fan of your stories.
Willy was the newest person who was unfortunate enough to end up down here. And lately he'd started sitting at the desk in Noodle's room every night, tinkering with new chocolate recipes or practicing his reading and writing skills, while you told Noodle a bedtime story.
But, according to noodle, he was actually in there just to listen to you. Supposedly, the moment you left, he'd turn to noodle and the two would discuss whatever story you'd told that night.
If that was true, you were honored.
One night, Noodle and Willy snuck out of the laundry room to do who knows what. And a couple hours later, Noodle returned without Willy. She told you all about the adventure they had which apparently included milking a giraffe, flamingos, and a run in with the police.
Her recount of the night was entertaining, and you were glad she's had fun. But, you couldn't help but feel a bit worried for Willy. "So, what's gonna happen to Willy?" You asked. "Is he getting arrested?"
Noodle shook her head. "He told me he'd talk his way out of it." She said as she got into bed. She tilted her head at you. "Do you like him?"
"What?" You flushed.
"Like, do you wanna be his girlfriend?"
"I-" You were about to say no, but that wasn't entirely true. You admired him. He had a brilliant mind, and he was unbelievably handsome. "Okay, how about I tell you a story?"
"So, you do wanna be his girlfriend."
"Story is beginning now."
Later in the night, you were in your own room, about to settle in for bed when someone knocked at your door.
You furrowed your brows in confusion, getting up to open the door for whoever it was.
"Hey." Willy greeted. "Sorry if I woke you up." His hair looked wet which was strange, but you were more concerned with why he was at your door.
"Don't worry, I wasn't asleep. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I was just wondering if... Uh, did you tell Noodle a story while I was gone?"
You nodded. "I did."
He seemed a little disheartened, which made you feel bad. "I'm sure noodle can retell you the story tomorrow." You offered, trying to lighten his mood.
"She could. But, the way you... I mean... You have a wonderful, imaginative, beautiful mind. And the way you tell your stories, it's amazing! You could read me a grocery list, and I'd be on the edge of my seat." He gushed.
You couldn't help but blush. "You think all of that?"
"Yes! How could I not?" He gave you an affectionate smile.
You returned him smile. "I mean... I could tell the story to you right now, if you want."
Willy thought about it. "It's alright. I think I can go without a story for one night." He said reassuringly.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Thanks for the offer, though."
He began to step away from your door, saying a quick goodnight before he began walking toward his room.
"Wait, Willy." He stopped and turned to you.
You walked up to him and kissed his cheek. Willy blushed. "What was that for?"
You shrugged. "To make up for the story you missed out on?" You offered.
Willy smiled and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
"What was that for?" You asked this time.
"Just cause I like you." He replied as he leaned in to kiss you again.
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
Scooby Snacks with your Whiskey | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine*
Summary: One night when you couldn't sleep, you decided to join Daryl in the guard tower and keep him company. During a game of truth or drink, Daryl unknowingly insulted your favourite childhood cartoon, which resulted in playful arguments, accidentally shattered whiskey bottles and confessions.
Genre: Fluff
Era: Prison, post season 3, pre season 4
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, sexual innuendos but nothing major.
Word count: 3.7k
A/n: This is based off of what Daryl told Beth in s4 episode 12 right before they set the cabin on fire. He was talking about a cartoon about a talking dog, and my mind instantly went to Scooby Doo, and so this fic was born. It's not really good, since I'm still trying to get into the writing momentum, but I hope you enjoy!
Also, my requests are open for any TWD requests if y'all wanna send any!
"Hey. Would you mind some company?"
At the sound of your voice, Daryl turned around. He hummed and nodded for you to come closer, to which you complied. You stood beside him in silence, quietly observing the walkers at the fences. Unbeknownst to you, Daryl was stealing glances at you, his hands fidgeting with his crossbow string.
His heart fluttered at the sight of you, a regular thing that happened whenever he was in your general area. You looked up at him with that smile that always made butterflies fly around in his stomach and your eyes always seemed to sparkle brighter than the stars in the night sky, and although Daryl liked the quiet away from everyone, you were one of his only exceptions.
Daryl loved hearing you talk. He loved listening to you talk about your life before and although he wouldn't admit it, he was always captivated by the bedtime stories you told little Judith. The way you changed your voice to match the emotion of the part you were telling, even though Judith didn't understand anyway and would react the same regardless, was enchanting to him. He would listen to you talk for hours if he could.
And above all, he loved your caring yet badass nature. The way you would take down walkers with a skilled ease, and then in the same breath turn to him and check him for any injuries with a concerned look on your face made him feel drawn to you. You actually cared about him, in a way nobody ever had. Daryl didn't believe that anything was perfect, but you were the closest thing to perfect there was.
It also didn't help that you were absolutely breathtaking to him. From the beautiful colour of your eyes to your perfectly plump lips that he's wanted to kiss on more occasions than one. Daryl couldn't define how he felt about you because he never felt this way about anyone before, but he knew his feelings for you ran deeper than what could be described as platonic. And that fact scared him.
A soft sigh from you snapped Daryl from his thoughts. He looked over at you and noticed that you seemed to be deep in thought, a small frown on your face as you kept your eyes trailed on the ground below.
"Penny for yer thoughts?" Daryl prompted, instantly gaining your attention. Your eyes trailed over to him and his heart skipped a beat at the smile you gave him.
"Just thinking," you responded nonchalantly, shaking your head in dismissal. You pushed away from the railing you were leaning over and turned your body fully to look at Daryl.
Daryl hummed softly, his eyes trailing over you before shifting back to look at the fences. "Ya wanna talk 'bout it?" He questioned.
"It's stupid."
"Ain't stupid if it's botherin' ya," he retorted, turning his body to fully face you as well.
You sighed before shaking your head. "It's just... I'm thinking about my mom. The last thing we did before all of this was fight over something stupid and now..." You trailed off, suddenly feeling awkward under the archer's stare.
"Ya think she didn't make it?" He finished for you, giving you a knowing look.
"I know she didn't make it. She was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks before all of this started, and there aren't exactly doctors around who could've helped her," you responded, awkwardly fidgeting with your fingers.
"'M sorry to hear tha'. This world jus' ain't meant for people with sicknesses like tha'," Daryl said, and mentally kicked himself for saying that. There you were, confiding in him over something serious and that's the best he could come up with? He felt like a perfect fool.
However, instead of being angry at him, you looked at him with a small smile, much to his surprise. "Yeah," you started. "I just hope that she didn't suffer. She was a good woman."
"Were ya close?" Daryl asked, his blue eyes meeting your beautiful ones. He hoped that he wasn't prying, but he wanted to know more about you, the woman who haunted his thoughts 24/7.
You nodded. "We were."
"Ya make a lot of good memories with her?"
You laughed lightly, surprising the archer. "What is this, 20 questions?"
Daryl frowned. "What?"
"20 questions," you repeated, noting that your repetition didn't spark recognition in the archer's eyes. "It's a game you play with your friends at parties, sleepovers, you name it. You all take turns asking each other any questions you want."
"Never heard of it," Daryl said, shrugging his shoulders. He felt awkward under your intense stare, your eyes widened with surprise.
You softly gasped in surprise. Then, an idea struck you. "Wait here."
"It's my shift," he stated matter-of-factly. "Ain't goin' nowhere until dawn."
With one last look at Daryl, you climbed down from the guard tower, excitedly rushing into the cellblock and into your cell. You bent down in front of your bed and retrieved what you were looking for; a bottle of whiskey you found on a run. With a renewed excitement, you gripped the bottle tightly and headed back up to the guard tower, finding Daryl waiting patiently.
Daryl glanced at the bottle in your hand and looked at you questioningly. "Where'd ya find tha'?" He asked, watching you approach with a slight smile on his face. He could practically see your excitement, the big smile on your face infectious.
"On a run a couple of weeks ago. I've been waiting for the right moment to open it, and the right moment has now presented itself," you said, sitting cross-legged on the floor and motioning for Daryl to do the same.
"How so?" He questioned, following your lead by sitting down on the ground in front of you. He kept his eyes trailed on you, watching your every move.
"Well, I was gonna suggest we play 20 questions, but I don't wanna force you into answering a question you don't want to, so we're gonna play truth or drink instead. We ask questions back and forth, and if we don't wanna answer the question that was asked, we drink. It's as simple as that."
"And I dun' got any say in if I wanna play or not?" Daryl asked, a small, teasing smile on his face. His smile turned into something more genuine when you let out a light laugh.
"Nope!" You laughed, opening the bottle and placing it in between the two of you. "You wanna start?"
Daryl hesitated, pursing his lips. "I dun' know wha' to ask."
"Anything. There are no wrong questions," you reassured him, leaning back on the palm of your hands.
"Alrigh'," he drawled, unsure of himself. "Wha' was yer favourite movie before all of this?"
"There you go," you praised him with a smile, making Daryl duck his head as heat flushed his face. "To be honest, I don't really know. I watched a lot of movies, so I don't think I can narrow it down to one. But I have a couple of favourites. The Breakfast Club and Back to the Future are two of them."
Daryl nodded, absentmindedly chewing on his thumbnail. "Now 's yer turn, righ'?" He questioned.
"Yeah," you confirmed. After a couple of beats of silence, you voiced your question. "Who was your first kiss?"
Daryl shifted awkwardly, embarrassment filling his body. "I honestly dun' remember her name. It was some girl in a dive bar Merle used to drag me to. She was drunk and I was helpin' her to her car when she turned around and kissed me."
"How old were you?" You asked, genuinely interested. Daryl rarely talked about his past, so when he did, you ingrained every piece of what he said into your mind.
"Nah, 's my turn to ask the questions. Wait yer turn," he joked, eliciting a laugh from you.
"Touché, Dixon, touché. Ask away."
Daryl chewed on his bottom lip, a habit you noticed he unknowingly did whenever he was thinking. You found it absolutely endearing, but the more you thought about it, the more you realised that you found most things about the archer endearing. The way he fiddled with his bolts whenever he was bored, the way he flicked his hair out of his face with the shake of his head, his small smile—you could go on a rant about his smile, and you have before. Michonne happened to be the victim who was forced to listen to your lovesick rambling in the car on your way back from the same run you'd gotten the whiskey from.
Begrudgingly snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you patiently waited for Daryl to continue the game. Feeling your stare on him, he asked the first thing that popped to mind, and instantly wished he didn't.
"Who was yer first sex partner?"
A nervous laugh bubbled out of you, heat creeping up your cheeks at a rapid pace. Daryl felt his own face flush, feeling stupid for asking the question.
"Sorry. Ya dun' have to answer tha'," he apologised, his eyes darting to the floor.
"No, it's okay. Like I said, no wrong questions. Besides, if I don't answer, I have to drink," you said, trying to compose yourself. You took a deep breath. Of all the things you thought you'd be doing tonight, you didn't think you'd be discussing who your first intimate partner was with the guy you had feelings for. "My highschool boyfriend, senior year."
Daryl nodded and left it at that. He leaned back on his hands, watching you carefully. He was surprised that you'd actually answered the question, given the personal privacy boundaries he pushed. He silently promised himself that whatever personal question you asked him, he would answer.
"What's the most petty fight you've ever gotten into because of Merle?" you questioned, looking at him expectantly.
Daryl stayed quiet for a few moments, thinking hard about his answer. "It was with this one guy. He was Merle's dealer. He was a small, janky white guy. We were over at his house one day, jus' loungin' around and watchin' TV, some stupid kids show playin'. It was barely noon, we were all wasted and Merle was high. Merle decided to take a piss outta the show, and when he started, he wouldn't let up. He never could when he was high."
Daryl stopped for a moment, collecting his thoughts while your gaze remained fixated on him. You seemed genuinely interested in the story, your eyes sparkling with wonder. Your lips were slightly parted and it took everything in Daryl not to act on his urge to kiss your pretty lips.
"It turns out, the cartoon was the guy's favourite show, and he got hella pissed 'bout it. 'M pretty sure Merle didn't know it was the guy's favourite show. I mean, he never saw the guy except when he needed somethin', but tha' didn't matter. The guy punched Merle in the face, and tha's when I got into the fight. 'M on this guy and 'm punchin' him as hard as I can, but then the guy pulls a gun on me, sticks it righ' against my head and threatens to shoot me."
"Oh, god," you murmured, slightly horrified.
"Yeah," Daryl nodded, seemingly unfazed at your reaction. "Tha's when Merle pulls out his gun and points it at the guy. At this point, everyone's yellin', I'm yellin'... I thought I was gonna die tha' day."
"How'd you get out of it?" You asked, bringing your knees up to rest your head on them.
"I didn't. The guy ended up punchin' me in the gut and I puked on the floor. They both started laughin' at me and everythin' was magically over," Daryl said, shaking his head at the memory. "And to think that happened over some dumbass cartoon about a talkin' dog."
You visibly stiffened, and this caught Daryl's attention. "Wha'? Wha's wrong?"
"Talking dog..." You trailed off, your eyebrows furrowing. "Did the dog happen to be a Great Dane? And his owner was this guy in a green shirt and brown pants with messy hair?"
Daryl pursed his lips, thinking for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. There were other people, too. Two women and a guy with an ascot."
"Scooby Doo," you stated plainly, giving the archer a playful glare.
"Wha'?" He asked, confusion evident on his face.
"Scooby Doo," you repeated, waving your hand nonchalantly. "That's the cartoon you were talking about. The cartoon you called dumb."
"Yeah, 's 'cus it was. Can't believe anybody actually liked tha' crap."
"Daryl Dixon, how dare you?" You laughed, your eyes widened in surprise. "Scooby Doo is a national treasure! He was part of my childhood and now you're insulting him? I don't think we can be friends anymore."
Daryl chuckled at you, rolling his eyes at your theatrics. "From wha' I saw, the dog and his owner were cowards. Runnin' away, screamin', from fake ghosts after how many years of encounterin' them and knowin' tha' ghosts aren't real but they still think they are? It's stupid as shit, and I ain't apologising for thinkin' tha'."
"You're a disgrace!" You laughed, trying to sound angry but miserably failing. "You're telling me that, real or not, if a ghost was chasing you that you wouldn't run away?"
"Tha's righ'," he nodded, before gesturing to the walkers down at the fence. "I dun' run away from tha' shit, so I sure as hell wouldn't be runnin' away from fake ass ghosts."
"I can't believe you," you said, shaking your head in mock disappointment. "This is the worst betrayal ever. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget this. We won't be able to go back to being friends because of this. This is terrible."
"Stop," he laughed quietly, his eyes twinkling with a rare occurrence of merriment. "It ain't tha' deep. I jus' dun' like it."
"Clearly you don't like it because you have bad taste," you retorted playfully.
"Well, I like ya, so do I still have bad taste?"
Silence. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. Any trace of the former reverie between the two of you disappeared and was instead replaced with an invisible current of electricity between you. Your breath caught in your throat at the sudden revelation from the man, and your heart sped up in your chest. The logical part of your brain told you that he meant it platonically, that he liked you the way he liked Rick or Glenn, but the optimistic part convinced you that he didn't, that your feelings weren't one-sided. That the archer might like you too.
"Probably," you finally responded, feeling your face ablaze with the heat that spread across it.
"Nah, my taste is immaculate," he replied, looking at you carefully, closely monitoring your reactions. Daryl knew that was a risky response, and he was nervous about your reaction, but he hoped for the best.
You gulped nervously. Daryl's response made your stomach do somersaults and your heart pound at the speed of light.
"Yeah? I still think your taste is shit," you finally managed to respond, your mouth suddenly feeling dry. Sometimes you wondered if Daryl knew what effect he had on you. If he knew how many nights dreams of him plagued your mind.
Daryl's chuckle broke the tension between you, and you felt like you could breathe again.
"Whatever ya say." Daryl took the bottle from the middle and took the first swig since the game started. Your eyes drifted to the trickle of whiskey that spilt from the bottle and trickled down his lips and chin, and you had the sudden urge to lean forward and kiss the spill away.
"You don't like Scooby Doo. That automatically means that you have shitty taste," you retorted, your breathing slightly heavier than before.
You leaned forward to take the bottle from him, but he held it out of your reach. You looked at him in confusion but he simply smirked at you, getting up from his position on the ground to stand tall over you.
"Daryl," you warned, laughing as you got up as well. "It's my whiskey. Give it back."
"Nah, I think Imma hold on to it," he said playfully, holding the bottle above his head. He laughed at you when you jumped to try and grab it from his hands.
"Daryl!" You exclaimed with a laugh, trying everything to retrieve the bottle, but to no avail. "Come on, don't be so mean!"
"Ya said I had terrible taste. Well, I like this whiskey, so tha' means it must be terrible as well, since I like it, so ya probably won't like it," he responded playfully, his eyes alight with mischief.
One final jump to grab it proved to be the wrong move. You accidentally slipped when your feet hit the ground, sending you falling onto Daryl. The archer reacted swiftly, dropping the bottle to to catch you with both hands. The bottle shattered on the ground instantly while you and Daryl toppled onto the floor, the force from your fall catching him off guard. Daryl layed flat on his back with you on top of him, his hands still on your waist from when he tried to steady you before you fell.
You looked into Daryl's ocean coloured eyes and felt your heart speed up. Daryl's eyes darted to your lips for a second before going back to your eyes, but you had caught him. In a sudden burst of confidence, you lowered your face and crashed your lips onto his, catching him off guard for the second time that night.
Daryl stiffened for a moment, surprised at the unexpected action from you, but soon relaxed and slowly kissed you back. He brought one of his hands to the back of your head and drew you closer, his lips slowly moving against yours. His other hand hesitantly trailed from your waist to the small of your back, gently moving over the exposed skin from the ride up of your shirt.
The kiss ended too prematurely for your taste, but oxygen was still a necessity. You slowly pulled back, looking into his eyes with surprise and delight. Daryl looked back at you in adoration.
"Wha' was tha' fer?" He whispered breathlessly, his chest heaving slightly.
"Just because," you replied honestly, still baffled at the fact that you had just kissed Daryl, surprised that you had mustered up the courage to do so in a matter of seconds.
"Well, if ya think tha's gonna prove to me tha' my taste is shit, then yer gonna need to try somethin' different. Tha' didn't work. If anythin', it jus' proved to me tha' my taste is amazin'."
You laughed and shook your head. "You talking about me or Scooby Doo?"
Daryl started sitting up, making you slide down his stomach to sit in his lap. "Definitely ya," he responded, wrapping his arms around you.
"So, you like like me, huh, Dixon?" You teased, linking your arms around his neck.
Daryl hummed and gave you a small smirk. "Mhm," he hummed, giving you a soft peck on the lips. "Wish I'd known tha' talkin' shit 'bout some cartoon dog would make this happen. Woulda done it a lot sooner."
"Don't you ever talk shit about that dog in my presence ever again," you warned with a playful glare, eliciting a chuckle from the archer.
"Jus' to be sure, this means somethin', righ'?" He asked, his tone turning serious. A look of doubt spread across his face. "This wasn't jus' a heat of the moment thing for ya?"
You shook your head, bringing one of your hands to cup his cheek. "Did you mean it? That you like me? And I don't mean in a platonic way."
"I did," he confirmed, leaning into your touch.
"That's good," you said with a small, shy smile. "Because I like you too. Even if you have crappy taste."
Daryl's eyes filled with relief and he let out a small laugh before leaning in to kiss you again. The kiss was brief, but it was sweet and tender. When he pulled away, he brought a hand up to push your hair out of your face.
"Never thought this would happen. I thought ya dun' like me like tha'."
You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "No more of that. I don't plan on letting you go now that I have you, Daryl Dixon. You're stuck with me."
Daryl rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah, 'm stuck." With that, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours in a feverish kiss. He flipped you over so that you were on your back, making you giggle against his lips.
You were definitely thankful for Scooby Doo and that whiskey bottle right now.
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livwritesstuff · 13 days
this one is in honor of the 2-year anniversary of st4 (literally last week but my life is a whole whirlwind atm)
It occurs to Eddie one night as he’s putting his and Steve’s daughter to bed that it’s been twenty years since everything in Hawkins, Indiana went to shit (for him, anyway).
Not down to the day, obviously, but it’s mid-March of 2006 and, honestly, mid-March is the only calendrical detail he ever really retained (too preoccupied with the whole on the run thing to be paying attention to the date, which he thinks is fair enough).
It’s kinda crazy, when he thinks about it, because he really didn’t see himself coming out of those god-awful days alive to tell the tale. Here he is though, twenty years later, alive and truly well.
Steve beats him to bed that night (probably because he’d called dibs on their youngest, Robbie, that night, leaving Eddie to wrangle Moe – the difficult one of the pair when it came to bedtimes because, frankly, her ability to argue her way into extra stories is getting a little frightening), already sitting under the covers with a magazine by the time Eddie retires to their room.
Their room.
That’s one of those things Eddie wouldn’t have believed if he’d heard about it while he was bleeding out in the Upside Down twenty years ago. 
The Steve of it all really is the most improbable – that’s Eddie’s opinion anyway.
Surviving a swarm of hungry bat demons? No problem.
Bagging (i.e. marrying the fuck out of) Steve Harrington? Totally out of the question.
Here he is though, defying all the odds.
“You know what I realized?” Eddie asks as he climbs into bed beside Steve.
“Hmm,” Steve replies, not looking away from his magazine. His glasses are slipping a little as he reads, and Eddie reaches out to nudge them back up the bridge of his nose. The gesture has Steve raising his head to look at him.
“What’d you realize?” Steve asks.
“It’s been twenty years since all that shit in Hawkins.”
Steve’s gaze slides off somewhere behind Eddie for a moment.
“Shit, you’re right,” he says, “Crazy.”
“That’s what I said,” Eddie grins. Steve isn’t matching his expression though. Rather, he’s looking at him somewhat pensively, dark brown eyes roaming over his face.
“Hey,” Eddie says, because he gets it. They can make all the jokes they want about how wild that time was, but it doesn’t ever take away the horrible things they'd seen, the horrible things they'd been asked to do.
Eddie’s glad he survived and all, but people don’t always talk about how the after of surviving isn’t necessarily a walk in the park either.
He runs a hand through Steve’s hair, grazes the tips of his fingers over the barely-raised scars on his neck left behind from whatever went down at the Creel House in the Upside Down, “I love you, Steve.”
“Love you too,” Steve replies, gripping a hand tight around Eddie's thigh, "So much."
"So fucking much. Sucks we had to go through all that shit to get here, but...I'm glad we're here."
And Steve only nods as he wraps an arm around Eddie's shoulders to pull him in close.
"Yeah," he eventually says, pressing a firm kiss against the side of Eddie's head, "I'm glad we're here too."
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Can I Show You?
pairing: Toji x Reader
warnings: vaginal sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, Toji calls reader "good girl"
synopsis: Toji wants to show you how much he loves you in the only way he knows how.
word count: 5.5k i went off lmfao
a/n: This was so hard for me to write because I felt like the sex scenes were just so empty. I've been going back and forth with this fic for a month and I'm just gonna post it bc fuck it. Also I love Toji dearly and I really wanted to write something that showed a softer side to him.
You're reading Megumi a bedtime story when you hear the front door open and close. 
“Papa!!” The little boy exclaimed excitedly. He quickly jumps out of his covers and slides off the bed backwards, his legs not quite long enough to reach the ground yet. He was only 3 after all. 
You smile warmly at your son's enthusiasm and can't help your own giddiness at your husband coming home. 
You close the book and follow Megumi's path out to the front room. 
“Hey son,” Toji picks Megumi up in his arms, “did you take care of Mama while I was gone?” Toji asks, glancing over at where your body was resting against the wall. 
“Yes!! I always take care of Mama!” Megumi replied. 
“Good, I'm glad.” At that Toji walked over to you, a small smile on his face as he bent down to give you a quick kiss on the lips. 
You looked up at him, “Welcome home. We missed you.”
His eyes softened as he looked between you and Megumi, “I missed you guys too. I'm happy to be home.” 
Normally, Toji was home in time for dinner, but since the holidays were coming up he'd been picking up extra shifts to afford gifts. 
“We were in the middle of reading a bedtime story if you'd like to join?” You ask. 
Before Toji could reply Megumi was bouncing excitedly in his arms, “Yeah!! Want Papa too!”
Toji smiles, “All right.” 
Once Megumi is settled back in bed with the both of you sitting on either side of him, you begin to read. As you do, Toji can’t help but to take it all in. A wife. A son. A job. A home. He doesn't know how he got so lucky. 
He looks over at you as you read, his loving wife, with a soul so pure he felt like he tainted it just by being near you. What did you see in him? How could you love someone like him?
He looks down at the little boy tucked under his blankets. His son, who has your eyes and kindness. How could something so perfect be half of him? He didn’t think he was good for anything but ending lives, but here sat a life that he helped create. His blessing. 
Looking between you both, Toji felt like he didn't deserve either of you. He never imagined in a million years that he would have this. A normal life. Not with the way he used to live. And he especially never thought he'd be a father. With how shitty his upbringing was he was afraid he would fuck up whatever kid he had. But with your guidance, and a lot of self-help books, you were both making it work. He would do anything for this family. It was his only one, as far as he was concerned. 
After you finished the book you both gave Megumi a kiss goodnight and retreated to your own room. 
As soon as the door closed, Toji's hands were on you, gently cupping your face. You gazed into his green eyes and in them you saw nothing but adoration and devotion. He's come such a long way since you first met him. 
“Do you know how much I love you?” He asks. 
You giggle, “Yes, you love me a lot. You say it all the time.”
At that he rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, “I love you more than that. I don't...I don't know how to convey how much I love you.” Toji didn’t know love until he met you. All he knew was abuse and hatred and resentment. How could he properly express how much love he felt for your family and what you've built? He could tell you he loves you every hour of every day for the rest of your lives and it wouldn’t be enough. You and Megumi meant everything to him. He doesn't know what he would do, who he would be, without the two of you. 
His eyes open again and your heart aches at how desperate he looks. “The both of you mean everything to me. Everything.” 
You can feel how hard he's trying to get his feelings across to you, pleading with his eyes for you to understand. 
You respond by gently placing your hand over the one he has on your cheek, and placing your other hand directly over his heart, “I know, Toji. I know. We both know and we love you too. So very much.”
You both gaze into each other's eyes for a second longer and you hope he believes you. He's never felt worthy of your love. You knew about his past, he didn't hide it from you, but he changed his ways. For you. He started working on himself and got a regular 9-5 working on HVAC systems. He puts his entire self into your little family, or at least as much as he can. You can tell he's still hesitant about being a father. Like he's afraid he'll break Megumi. But you believe in him. 
“What did I do to deserve you.” He says and starts planting kisses all along your face. 
You giggle at his affection, “I could be asking myself that about you.”
He stops kissing you for a second and looks at you, “I definitely got the better end of the deal here sweetheart let's not kid ourselves.” And he goes back to kissing your jawline and down your neck. 
“You make me happy and feel loved. I couldn't ask for anything more.” The end of your sentence comes out breathy as Toji starts nibbling at a certain spot above your collarbone.
“Can I show you? Please, can I show you how much I love you?” He murmurs against your neck.
You nod. You know Toji has a hard time expressing himself with words, but his feelings are always evident in his actions. He likes to surprise you with flowers on random days of the week, with your favorite breakfast in bed on the weekend, with a foot rub or a back massage when you’re sore. But most telling of all is how much he’s changed. He went from being closed off and dangerous to a hard-working family man. It took a lot of work, but he met you at every step of the way in trying to better himself. You know him showing his love for you in this way is as much for you as it is for him. He needs you to know how he feels and this is one of the ways he knows how to do it.
With one last kiss to your forehead, Toji picks you up effortlessly and lays you gently on the bed, hovering over you as he brushes his lips against yours, looking into your eyes. This close you could see just how green they were. A dark green, like a dense forest lit up only by the light of a full moon. 
He planted a light kiss on your lips, not breaking eye contact, “I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Toji”
He finally broke eye contact as he trailed light kisses down your jaw and to your neck and then across your collarbones and back up the other side of your neck and jaw. He was slow and thorough with his kisses, like he had all the time in the world. 
You closed your eyes to focus on the way his full lips felt on your sensitive skin. He hadn’t even really touched you yet but you were already feeling hot. Something about how slow and deliberate he was being was getting you worked up.
His lips were on yours once again, moving against them slowly. You felt his tongue lightly trace your bottom lip and you opened your mouth wider for him. His tongue in your mouth immediately found your own and circled it before licking the roof of your mouth and inside of your cheeks. 
Your hands found their way into his hair, holding him to you as he continued to move his lips against yours. You couldn’t help the light moans that were escaping you, you wanted more, and you could tell he wanted more too by the way he looked at you after disconnecting your lips to breathe. His pupils were wide and his breath was warm against your swollen lips. 
He stroked your rosy cheek with one hand before pressing one last kiss to your lips and then hooking his arm behind your back, pulling you into a sitting position. 
He grabbed your shirt by the bottom hem and pulled it over you, followed by unhooking your bra and throwing them both to the side. 
He looked at your bare torso, your nipples beginning to harden from the sudden cold, “Beautiful. You’re so beautiful.” 
You couldn’t help but blush. 
“Lay back down for me.” He whispered to you and grabbed your hand and held your back in his other one, guiding you back down. 
When you were situated he got to work on removing your leggings and panties, leaving you naked.
He laid down next to you and kissed you softly, hand cupping your face, but then slowly running down the length of your body, his featherlight touch making you shiver. He passed his hand over your sternum, then down your stomach before angling towards your hip and then rubbing down your thigh towards your knee before retracing his steps up the other side of your body. He was avoiding your erogenous zones which was starting to drive you crazy. You wanted him to touch you goddamn it. You could already feel the wetness gathering between your thighs as his languid movements made your pussy pulse. 
“Toji I ne-”
“Shh, sweetheart, I’ll get there.” He whispered, cutting you off with a thick finger to your lips.
Despite his words, though, he did finally give you some relief. He moved down so he could take one of your pebbled nipples into his mouth while his hand played with the other one. 
His tongue licked circles over your areolas, occasionally flicking your nipple. He moved to the other one to repeat the process. Each flick and roll of his tongue sent sparks of pleasure running through you. Toji was a master with his tongue and knew exactly what to do to make you feel good.
You ran your fingers through his hair as he continued to suck and lick and massage your breasts, squeezing your thighs together to get the stimulation you were desperate for. 
You let out a breathy sigh, holding his head close to your chest, enjoying the feel of his lips sucking on your nipple. He finally paused to look up at your relaxed face, “You’re beautiful.” He said as he caressed your cheek. 
You smiled and he leaned forward to kiss your lips again. As they moved against you, his hand once again traced down your body, but instead of deviating at your navel, it traced straight down to your mound. At the feeling of his hand trailing lower you opened your legs for him, eager for his touch to soothe the ache you felt. 
His middle finger traveled right over your clit, causing you to moan lightly, until it rested right at your entrance, with his ring and and index fingers right next to it on your pussy lips. 
He let out a sigh upon feeling how wet you were, his cock aching against his pants. But he wouldn’t give in to his own pleasure. Not yet. He needed to show you how he worshiped the ground you walked on. How he would do anything for you, no matter what it cost him. 
Looking at you through half-lidded eyes he gently pushed his finger into you, making you arch your back and moan. 
Finally you thought. 
His lips continued moving against yours as he started to move his finger, pumping it slowly in and out. You sighed against him, his thick finger giving you some relief but also making you want more. As if he could read your mind, he added another finger, scissoring them inside of you. 
“Ohhh” You moaned, arching your back again. The extra friction you felt from his added finger was just what you needed. 
Toji broke away from your lips and moved back down to your breasts, hooking his fingers inside of you at the same time he took a nipple into his mouth.
“Fuck” You let out a breathless sigh, burying your hands in his hair. 
He moved his fingers faster, hitting that sweet spot each time he pushed his fingers in.  A squelching sound filled the room as his fingers easily slipped in and out of you and he sighed against your nipples. Your pussy was drenching his fingers, he needed to taste you.
He gave your nipple one last suck before kissing his way down your body until his head rested between your legs. 
He saw how wet you were, the puddle forming under you as you squirmed and moaned from his ministrations. He bent his head down and breathed in your scent, letting out a low groan. What a perfect pussy, he thought. So wet and so beautiful and all his. His cock twitched at the thought of sliding into you, but he had a ways to go before he allowed himself to find any pleasure. He needed to make sure you understood how much he loved you first. 
With that he removed his fingers, sucking on them to taste you before peppering kisses on the inside of your thighs, causing you to whine and thrust your hips up. 
“Toji stop teasing me.” you said breathlessly. 
He looked at you through half-lidded, lust-filled eyes, “Anything for you.” 
And then his eyes fell back onto your dripping cunt before he dragged the tip of his tongue from the bottom of your entrance all the way to the top, licking up the wetness overflowing from you. 
“Haaaaah” you gave out a breathy sigh, relishing in the delicate touch of his tongue. 
He licked the length of your entrance a few more times before he moved up slightly to lick your clit.The light circles he was making had you stuttering. 
You once again put your hands in his hair, trying to hold him in place so you could grind your clit on his tongue. 
He let you, holding his tongue out flat and against you, giving you the stimulation you desired. 
“Oh Toji” you moaned as you moved your hips on his tongue. 
But before you could get carried away he closed his mouth, wrapping his arms around your thighs and holding you still so you couldn’t move anymore. You were about to complain until his lips latched around your clit and he started sucking, causing you to gasp. 
He alternated sucking and licking, making you moan loudly, “Oh Toji it feels so good.” 
He detached from your clit, “I know sweetheart, yer moans sound so good.” His voice was thick with desire.
He moved back down to your entrance, licking up the mixture of his saliva and your juices that were staining the bed. But this time, he kept rubbing your clit with his thumb while he prodded you with his tongue. The feel of his soft tongue against your folds had you moving your hips, desperate for more. He obliged, sticking his tongue in you and licking your walls. 
You moaned loudly, “Oh babyy, oh Toji, fuck.” You were gasping at how good it felt. His tongue started thrusting in and out of you as he continued rubbing circles on your clit. His lips were pushed up against yours, trying to get his tongue as deep into you as he could. You tasted salty and sweet. It was a taste he could never get tired of.
You could feel that familiar sensation building up in you and you arched your back, gasping and moaning, pulling his hair. He moaned in response, feeling your walls begin to tighten around his tongue and doing his best to maintain his rhythm with how much you were squirming. He tucked your thighs further against him to stabilize you.
The lewd noises of his moans and the wet sound of his tongue lapping into and against you pushed you further to the edge. 
“Toji, oh, oh Toji I’m gonna cum I’m gonna-”
You got cut off by your own release. Waves of pleasure wracked your body, causing you to buck your hips up in time with each one. 
Toji continued working you through your orgasm, never once disconnecting his lips or thumb, and moaning as his tongue was coated in your orgasm. 
When it was finally over you were laying there, limp and breathing hard with a layer of sweat on you. 
He finally looked up from your cunt, his chin and lips shimmering with your essence and then he licked his tongue around his mouth, all while keeping eye contact with you. You couldn’t help but blush. 
“Did you like that? Yer pussy tastes so good I could eat it every day for every meal and never get tired of it.”
You giggled, “I mean you already try almost every day so I don’t doubt if you didn’t have work that you would try for multiple times a day.”
Seeing your smile made a small one paint his own face. He kissed his way back up your body and as he came to be parallel to you, you slid your hand down to feel the thick bulge in his pants. 
He groaned at your touch, closing his eyes and putting his forehead on yours. 
After a second he gently grabbed your wrist and brought it to his mouth, lightly kissing from your wrist to the crook of your elbow, leaning over you to kiss up further to your shoulder and then your neck, sucking gently on the spot above your clavicle that caused you to tilt your head and moan. 
Your hand traveled up to hold his head as he sucked and nipped at your neck, your other hand traveling up his shirt to feel his muscled torso. His boner was pushed up against your thigh and you wanted to touch him. To give him some relief. So you trailed your hand back down his stomach, going for the waistband of his jeans before he once again grabbed your wrist and brought it to his lips, mimicking what he had just done to your other side. 
“Toji, I wanna touch you.” You pouted.
He pulled his face back to look at you, “I know sweetheart, but I want this to be about you right now. I want to focus everything I have on you. You come first. Always.” The deeper meaning behind his words was not lost on you, and your eyes softened, bringing your hand up to caress his cheek as your eyes landed on the scar on his lips. 
You trailed your fingers over his lips to trace it. You knew Toji endured a lot of trauma as a child. The fact that, despite it all, he could be so loving and tender, was amazing. 
You looked back into his vulnerable green eyes, “I love you. So much.”
His brows furrowed every so slightly, “I love you too, y/n. More than I could ever explain or even show you... But I’m trying.” And he looks at you with those pleading eyes again. 
You hold his cheek and lean in to kiss him, your lips moving to the harmony of your love. It’s slow and familiar. These lips have danced together a thousand times but still manage to leave you both breathless and lightheaded. Trying to convey with motion what you can’t with words. 
You break briefly, both panting against each other, and you’re once again squeezing your thighs together for stimulation. You wanted to feel him in you, to feel his body on yours as he moved with you. 
You look at him, “Toji.” And he can see what you want in your eyes. What you need. So he pulls back from you, allowing you to unbutton and unzip his pants as he takes off his shirt. He then helps you pull his pants off along with his boxers. His thick length springs out and your mouth waters. How badly you wanted to taste him, his tip coated in precum. But before you can bend your head down towards him, he’s pushing you back so he can hover over you, caging you in with his hardened, muscled arms. Your hair spread out on the pillow under you.
You can feel his dick resting on your mound, and then he starts moving back and forth, the friction making you moan. 
“I love you.” he says again, and you run your hands along his arms and torso before wrapping them around his neck, pulling him close to you as you simultaneously wrap your legs around his hips, “I know Toji. Now show me.”
His eyes widen slightly, and then he’s slowly pushing his tip into your entrance, causing you both to moan into each other. 
He takes it slow so you can get used to him, pushing just a little bit in at a time, each extra inch going in causing you both to moan, until he’s finally bottomed out, both of you breathing hard. 
He plants kisses all over your face, keeping himself still so you can adjust to him. He stretches you out in the best way. You feel so full, like you couldn’t possibly take any more.
He plants one more kiss on your lips before he slowly pulls out and thrust back in. You can’t help the loud groan that escapes you. This is what you’ve been wanting. His dick is so perfectly suited to hit you in all the right places and the way he moves his hips is divine. 
He does it again. And again and again until he’s built up a rhythm. In and out in and out. Slow but deep. A familiar squelching sound filling the air every time he pushes back into you. 
“Oh god Toji, oh fuck.” You moan as he continues his tender assault. 
“Yes sweetheart I know,” he breathes, “I know I know it’s so good.”
And he bends his head down to suck on your nipples again while one of his arms slips under your hips to angle you up slightly, allowing him to go deeper and hit that perfect spot that has you panting. His slow, long strokes allow you to feel every vein on his cock as they rub against your gummy walls. Each thrust sends shockwaves of pleasure through you.
You look down to watch his hips connect with yours, and when he pulls out you can see your slick glistening on his shaft. The hard muscles of his body tensing each time he pushes back in. 
He lets go of your nipple as he sees you watching, “Do I make you feel good?” he asks, moving to suck on your neck.
“Yes” you moan in response. 
“Good” he gives a shaky breath, kissing up your neck to connect back with your lips, “I love you” he says against them, thrusting in again and grunting. 
You can barely gasp out an ‘i love you too’ as you feel your high approaching. The way he’s making love to you, he’s telling you he loves you with his lips and his hips in unison. He’s going so slow but every stroke hits you in just the right spot and you can feel your body tensing. The slow build up coiling to an almost painful tension. 
“Oh, oh, mmmm Toji i’m, oh i’m gonna cum again Toji.” You cry. 
He keeps thrusting languidly into you, “Cum for me baby girl. Let me feel you.” He says, watching your face. He wants to see exactly how you look when you cum for him. 
At his words your body is wracked with its second orgrasm of the night. His thrusts slow down to an almost full stop as your pussy clamps down on him and he groans, doing his best to keep his own orgasm at bay.
You rock your hips up into him as your orgasm passes through you, nails biting into his back. You can’t help how loudly you moan, the tension finally releasing from your core and spilling all over him. You hold him tightly to you as you ride the waves of pleasure and milk his cock, crying out his name over and over the whole time. 
He has to bury his face in your neck so he can focus on not cumming but the way you’re moaning his name and spasming on his cock is testing his ability. 
When you’ve finally settled down, he pulls back from the crook of your neck to look at your fucked out face, “I love you.” he says as he plants a kiss on your cheek. But before you can respond he’s moving inside of you again, causing you to groan because you’re still feeling the lingering pleasure from your last orgasm. 
“I love you.” he says as his pace picks up again. Except he goes a bit harder this time and he bends your knees to your chest, putting you in a mating press. You let out a lewd moan at the new angle. He’s going in so deep you can feel his tip kissing your cervix with each thrust. 
“You’re so beautiful y/n. I love you so much. So fucking much.” he whispers in his ear as he fucks you harder. You can hear his balls slapping against your ass, adding another sound to the symphony you were both creating. 
“Oh fuck Toji” you whine. 
“I know, baby. You take me so well. So goddamn well.” He grunts in your ear. You can barely focus your eyes, your mouth perpetually open as your breath is pushed out of you with each deep thrust. He’s bottoming out each time, using his body weight to keep your knees to your chest while his arms are on either side of you to hold himself up. Your cunt feels so full. There isn’t a single spot inside of you that his dick isn’t touching. That combined with his balls slapping against your ass have you panting again, the pleasure once again building in your core.
“Fuck Toji. Fuck, f-fuck.” you pant out as your finger nails dig into his back, trying to deal with the intense sensations and the rapid tightening as you climb towards another orgasm. 
Toji hovers over you, hips rutting against yours and watches your tits bounce with each firm thrust. You were a sight to behold. Such a beautiful woman and all his. All his to love and adore. 
“Cum for me again, y/n. Let me feel you again.” He breathes, moving to suck on your neck. After a few more deep thrusts you’re quickly cumming on him once more. Body tensing but unable to properly release the tension because of the position, causing you to just feel the full brunt of your orgasm. You start screaming his name when his lips find yours, swallowing your pleasure while your body convulses under him and he does his best to fuck you through it, moaning deeply into your mouth. Your pussy spasms around his dick, tightening and causing him to groan. The pleasure is blinding, you don’t feel anything except your orgasm as you body shakes and your pussy gushes and pulses around him. It takes a minute for you to finally come back to your senses and you realize Toji had released your legs and stopped moving inside you. 
“Did you cum?” You slur, breathless and fucked out. 
He looks at you, panting and pupils blown, “No. You told me to show you how much I love you. You think my love amounts to only a few orgasms?” And at that he lifts you up so you’re straddling his lap, dick never leaving you. 
You put your arms around his neck to stabilize yourself as he starts moving once again. 
“Tojiiii.” you whine, starting to feel overstimulated. 
“I know you have one more in you sweetheart.” He says as he takes one of your arms from around his neck and kisses and licks at your wrist. You groan because it does feel good but fuck you’re so spent already. 
“Don’t worry,” He puts your arm back over his shoulder, “Let me do everything.” And he grabs your hips in his big hands and lifts you off of him before bringing you back down. The angle with which he brings you back down causes your clit to rub against him and you moan at the spark of pleasure it ignites. Maybe you did have another one in you. 
“That’s my girl. Let me make you feel good, let me show you what you mean to me.” 
You moan at his words and lean against him, arms loosely wrapped around his neck as he fucks you onto him over and over, rubbing your clit against him each time. 
The new position isn’t as deep as the last one but the stimulation to your clit is making up for it. Your breathing is erratic and you let out quiet curses as the pleasure builds inside you.
Toji moans in your neck, feeling your tits dancing against his chest with each thrust and the fat of your ass jiggling under his hands. He won't be able to hold out this time and picks up the pace, pulling you down onto him harder and faster.
Both of you start moaning louder as you get closer to your final release. 
You’re like a ragdoll hanging against him, all you can do is moan as you begin to feel that tightness again. 
“Toji...Toji...” you moan weakly. His pace picks up even more as does his breathing, and your clit is getting even more friction now. Your body starts tensing and Toji’s moaning against your shoulder.
“Come on, y/n. One more. Mmm, y/n let me give you one more.” He grunts out. Trying to hold back. 
He moves you a few more times, sucking on that spot above your clavicle that you like and it leads to your undoing. You cling to him as you cry out, pussy spasming around his dick as you climax. The tightness along with your screams of pleasure and your body wrapped around him cause Toji to reach his high as well. 
He’s thrusting into you once, twice, three more times, cumming into you as deep as he can, whispering “I love you I love you I love you” through his whole orgasm, crushing your body against his as he holds you tight.
You both stay like that for a little bit, just holding each other and breathing hard. 
Toji catches his breath first, kissing your shoulder, “You okay?”
You couldn’t help but giggle, this man just fucked you senseless in the most tender way. You were more than okay. “Yeah.”
He pulled back, “What’s funny?” He asks with a small smile on his face. 
You look into his green eyes, “Nothing. I just love you.”
His eyes soften, “I love you too, y/n. So much.” And he kisses the inside of your arm that’s still resting on his shoulder. 
Toji starts leaning back to lay down on the bed, holding you close to his chest as he does. You lay there on him, listening to the sound of his heartbeat while he strokes your back. 
“Thank you.” Toji says quietly. 
“Huh?” You sit up slightly to look at him. You weren’t sure if you heard him correctly. 
He clears his throat, “thank you” he says a little more firmly. 
You sit up more now so you can look into his face, “Why are you thanking me?”
His hand continues to lightly stroke your back, “I wouldn’t have any of this if it wasn’t for you. This job, this home, Megumi...Everything that makes me happy is because of you.” He looks directly into your eyes as he says it, and you see how much he truly believes it. You wish Toji thought better of himself. You wish he could understand how much he meant to your family. That he could understand and see just how much Megumi and you loved him. You were thinking about how to get through to him when an idea crossed your mind.
You ran your hands up his chest and to his cheek, moving forward to kiss his scar, causing his soft cock to finally fall out of you. 
“I know you love me, Toji. And I know you love Megumi and our family and everything we’ve built together. It wasn’t all me though. You’ve grown into a man I’m proud to call my husband and become a father that Megumi adores. We love you, Toji. I love you...” You trail off briefly before meeting his eyes again, “Can I show you how much I do?” You ask, leaning forward to pepper kisses along his jaw. 
His eyes widened at your implication and he laughed, pulling you back to look at you, “How did I get so lucky?” And his lips were on yours again, dancing to the next song. 
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betterthanburrow · 7 months
Amethyst - Joe Burrow
Crystal Representation: Calming
Genre: A Hint of Angst and Fluff
"hey, hey, just breathe. i've got you now, it's okay."
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It was a quiet night in the Burrow House after the very long day that you and your daughter Juliette had at Robin and Jimmy’s house... The two of you were very exhausted after the long drive home so it was an easy task of doing Juliette’s bedtime routine as quickly as you could before putting her to bed.
Juliette tried to stay up so that she could see her dad when he got home after the long flight from where the Cincinatti Bengals had an away football game… but it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep while curled up on your lap with her favorite blanket as you were reading her bedtime story.
It was going to be a while before Joe was going to be back home as the away game was a Monday Night Football game… Usually Juliette wouldn’t be up so late past her bedtime but you knew it would’ve broke her heart if she wasn’t able to watch her dad play football.
You carried her to her toddler bed and put her under the covers, as you placed a kiss on her forehead as whispered goodnight you swear you saw a soft smile form on her face… You turned off the lamp that you had on while you were reading to her and turned on her favorite nightlight, before slowly closing the bedroom door and walking back downstairs to the living room to wait for Joe.
Many years ago, you could say that you felt more energized at midnight than during the day… but ever since adapting to the new routine of being a mom and the wife of a football player that loves to go to bed before 10pm, you were trying hard to not fall asleep while waiting for your husband.
As you tried to force yourself to stay away by scrolling through social media and impulsively start to clean the living room (which was already clean for the Burrow house standards)… You could feel yourself getting more and more tired as the time went by. As you laid down in a comfortable position on the couch and started to close your eyes, allowing yourself to finally fall asleep.
Only just a few minutes after you had fallen asleep on the couch, the front door opened and Joe walked into the Burrow House which was quiet as a mouse… After locking the front door behind him, it didn’t take Joe long to spot you asleep on the couch and when he looked at the time, he assumed that his daughter Juliette was already sound asleep in her bed.
Joe reached for the blanket to cover your body and placed a kiss on your forehead before heading upstairs with his bags to unpack… He knew about the long day that you and Juliette had over at his parents’ house, so it’s not surprising to him that both his girls were too tired to stay awake until he got home.
After unpacking his bags and taking a long shower, he grabs his dirty clothes to bring to laundry room and continues his routine as he goes back downstairs to the kitchen to fix himself a plate of leftovers for dinner that he knew you brought him from his parents’ house.
It was the rockus in the kitchen that woke you up from your nap on the couch, immediate your mind went to thinking that there was a stranger in the house… Before you sat up from your spot and saw Joe in the kitchen, picking up the pieces of the broken plate that shattered on the floor. 
“What the hell happened?!” you asked, standing up and walking into the kitchen.
“I drop a plate… it’s not a big deal.” Joe says, standing up to throw the pieces of the broken plate in the trash.
“It is a big deal when there’s a sleeping child upstairs.” you say, jumping up to sit on top of the counter watching Joe as he resumes making his dinner plate.
“We both know Juliette can sleep through any noise, no matter how loud.” Joe says, smirking to himself.
He puts the dinner plate in the microwave and starts the timer before walking over to where you were sitting on the counter to stand in between your legs.
“I missed you so much.” Joe says, wrapping his arms around your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck to bring him close to you.
“I missed you too… It was a long day.” you stated.
“I can agree with you on that.” Joe replied. “I don’t want to think about football for the next 24 hours.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at the comment, “I don’t think you could even go 10 minutes without thinking of football… let alone 24 hours.” you say.
Before Joe could think of a snarky response back to you, the timer of the microwave goes off. It takes a few seconds of Joe to move away from you to grab his dinner plate.
His mom has cooked one of your favorite meals, lasagna for the Monday Night Football game… He set his plate right beside you and continued on the conversation as he ate his very late dinner.
Joe asked you about your day and listened while he ate. He had a long day and just wanted to listen to you talk about what you did today with you daughter and his parents… He enjoyed listening to you talk about the funny things Juliette said during the football game and the conversations with his dad over his new hobby.
The two of you were so engaged in the conversation that neither of you heard your daughter quietly opening her door and running down the stairs.
“Daddy?! Mommy?!” your daughter cried out.
The two of you turn your heads to see your daughter at the bottom of the staircase, with her favorite tiger stuffed animal in her arms and tears streaming down your face.
Joe places his fork onto his plate and walks towards Juliette as she immediately runs into his arms. He lifts her up and cuddles herself as close to him as possible as she cries into his arms… He walks back over to where you are now standing in the kitchen, cautiously watching Joe and his daughter as he consoles her.
"Hey, hey, just breathe.” Joe whispers to Juliette. “I've got you now, it's okay." He rubs her back and lightly bounces her up and down in his arms to calm her.
It takes a few minutes for Juliette to stop crying, he carried her around the kitchen into the living room to sit on the couch as you followed behind them… Once Joe was seated, Juliette leaned back and rubbed her eyes which were red and puffy from crying.
It broke your heart to see her like this as it was very rare for her to break down and cry. Joe and you were very concerned over what could have her in tears.
“What’s wrong Juliette?” you whispered, reaching to brush her over-grown bangs away from her face.
Juliette didn’t answer right away as she had the hiccups from crying so heavily in just a couple of minutes… It was hard for her to process all of these overwhelming emotions while still being so tired.
“Did you have a bad dream?” Joe asked. Juliette nodded her head as she leaned forward to lay on Joe’s chest. You continued to brush her hair out of her face as she took some more deep breathes and listened to her father’s heartbeat to calm herself down.
“Do you want to talk about the bad dream?” you asked.
“I had a dream… Daddy didn’t come home.” Juliette whispered, then look up at Joe. “You didn’t kiss me goodnight… I was scared that my dream came true.”
This time Joe’s heart broke into pieces hearing his daughter talk about the bad dream that she had that involved him… You prayed that Joe didn’t blame himself for the reason your daughter had a nightmare.
“I’m so sorry darling that I wasn’t home when you went to bed.” Joe apologized to your daughter, the kissing the top of her head. “It was a long flight, but I promise to always come back home to you and your mother.”
“I missed you Daddy.” Juliette said to Joe, as she cuddles closer to him.
“I missed you too.” Joe replied, kissing the top of her head again. “Mommy was telling me about the fun day that you had with Grammy and Pawpaw.”
You saw your daughter smile as the memory of the day she had with Robin and Jimmy at their house came back to her… Juliette lifted her head to rest her chin on Joe’s chest as she started to show a smile. Her eyes were still a little red from crying, but you could tell she was starting to feel tired again.
“It was fun.” your daughter replied.
“I told Daddy about the art-work that Grammy helped you with for him.” you said. “Do you want me to go get it so you can show it to Daddy?”
Juliette turned her attention to you and nodded her head. You stand up from your spot on the couch and walked over to the kitchen to grab the newest art-work that you had hung up on the refrigerator with magnets.
As you walked back over to Joe and Juliette, your daughter was sat up on Joe’s lap and making granny hands towards you to signal that she wanted to show the artwork to Joe… You handed her the paper as you sat back down next to your husband, and a smile appeared on your face seeing how happy your daughter was now.
“Look Daddy… A Tiger!” Juliette exclaimed, proudly showing off her art-work that Robin helped her with.
“Wow Juliette! What a beautiful Tiger!” Joe exclaimed.
Your smile grew bigger as you watched and listened to Juliette explain to Joe all the details on the Tiger painting… but you could tell that Juliette was getting even more tired as she started to talk slower and yawn.
“Are you ready to go back to bed.” you asked, rubbing her back as she rubbed her eyes with her fists. Juliette was about to nod her head, but then quickly shook her head no which confused you and Joe.
“I don’t want to sleep by myself.” Juliette said, pouting her lips and her eyes getting a little teary at the thought of having another bad dream in her room by herself.
“Do you want to sleep with in the bed with Mommy and Daddy tonight?” Joe asked and immediately Juliette nodded her head.
It was very rare that Juliette slept in the same bed as you and Joe as she is a very independent kid who likes her own space in her bedroom… even though you didn’t know all the details of her bad dream, you realize that the nightmare must’ve been pretty scary for Juliette as she is seeking for so much comfort from you and Joe.
“You go bring her to the bed… I’ll quickly clean up down here then join the two of you in the room.” you said to Joe and he nods his head in agreement.
Juliette laid onto Joe’s chest and snuggled as close as she could to him then handed the art-work to you as Joe stood up from the spot on the couch, you watched the two of you head upstairs to get ready for bed… You stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, putting the art-work back onto the refrigerator with the magnets, and quickly cleaning up Joe’s dinner plate and the container of leftovers before turning off all the lights and making sure the front door was locked with the alarms set before heading upstairs.
You quickly walked into the room to see Joe laying on his side of the bed with Juliette laying right beside him, cuddled by his side as she is already falling back asleep… Joe was on his phone but looked up at you and smiled when he saw you walk into the bedroom.
“Mommy?!” Juliette whispers lifting her head off Joe’s head and looking in your direction.
You walk over to the bed and lean over to give Juliette a kiss on the forehead, “I’m right here, I’ll be in bed right beside you in a few minutes.”
After giving her on more kiss on the forehead and watching Joe’s hand gently move her head back down to lay on his chest… You walk over to the bathroom to your nightly routine of brushing your teeth, removing your make-up and doing your skin-care as quickly as you could so that you can lay in bed with the two people that you love most in the world.
As you crawled into bed right next to Juliette, she turns her body after to Joe to face in your direction as she rests her chin on your chest and looks up at you.
“I love you Mommy,” Juliette says before leaning over and kissing your cheek which causes you to giggle.
“I love you too.” you reply back, kissing her cheek.
“What about me?” Joe asked, lightly giggling Juliette’s ribs which caused her to giggle. “Do you love me?”
“I do Daddy!” Juliette says, now reaching over to give Joe a kiss on the cheek. “I love you!”
“I love you too!” Joe replies, kissing her cheek and cuddling her close to him as possible.
After saying your goodnights to each other, the three of you cuddles up as close as possibly to each other. Within just a few minutes of silence, Juliette had fallen back asleep, with her head laying on Joe’s chest and holding onto her favorite Tiger stuffed animal… Joe and you were silent and just watched Juliette as she slept with a soft smile on both of your faces.
“I love you.” Joe whispered. At first you thought he was whispering the sentence to Juliette but when you looked up at Joe, he was looking at you. “You’re an amazing mother to Juliette, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything of this… the football stuff, the parenting stuff, and just the survival of life without you.”
You leaned over Juliette, saying a quick prayer in your mind that your movement doesn’t wake her up, to give Joe a kiss… After moving back to lay down on your side on the side, a wave of exhaustion hits you once again.
“Goodnight Joe.” you whispered, as you snuggled next to your daughter and your husband.
“Goodnight Y/N.” Joe whispers back to you, as he allows himself to get comfortable in the bed to fall asleep since he had a very long day as well.
It was quiet in the Burrow House after the long day that you, your husband, and your daughter had. Just like earlier in the night, you were fighting hard to not fall asleep but for a different reason this time… You wanted to take in and appreciate the moment of having your daughter and your husband laying in bed cuddled up next to each other because you don’t know if this moment would ever happen again.
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Author’s Note:
i didn’t realize how much i would love writing about Dad! Joe Burrow until i wrote this oneshot. (you can definitely expect me to write more about Dad! Joe Burrow in the future!)
if you want to request a prompt; please check out the Important Announcement post on how to request the Crystal Prompts!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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lw6-woso · 11 months
nighty night (LW6 x reader)
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(gif is not mine)
it was an important day for the Williamson family but more important to both yours and Leah's two young kids.
you and Leah had been married almost 4 years now and you both had two young children Nova who had just turned 2 and Miles who was 4.
tonight it was just you and the kids as Leah is out of town but that won't stop the kids from seeing their mommy this is because tonight Leah was going to be reading a bedtime story on CBeebies, and the kids had no idea that it was happening and they love CBeebies it was part of there night routine before bedtime.
you had got the kids bathed and into their pyjamas, they were settled and watching in the night garden whilst you cleaned the kitchen and got yourself some food, as you finished washing the dishes, your phone started to ring. you grabbed your phone and answered.
"Hello," you answered.
"hi babe," Leah said.
"hey how are you," you said.
"I'm good how are you and the babies," she said.
"yeah im good all finished up for the night the kids are watching TV waiting to be surprised by there mummy" you said.
"i know can you record there reactions please" she said.
"that was my plan i think im more excited than they will be" you said walking to sit on the couch.
"i'll let you go and get the kids to bed call me once its finished" she said.
"yeh okay ill call you in a minute" you said your goodbyes for the time being just in time for bedtime stories.
you pulled my phome out and leant it against a lamp so you were able to see the kids.
they were sat in there own little seats in front of the TV and leah came on and Miles gasped and Nova squealed.
"mama its mummy" Miles shouted.
"mamamamama" Nova said over and over again.
after a moment of excitement both kids sat there listening to everyone word that leah was saying in complete aww, with Nova still saying over again mama, looking back at you over and over again.
once it finished you had stopped the video and Nova started too cry and came over you picked her up and cuddled her as she cried for her mummy.
"hey do you want to face time her" you asked Nova and she nodded and miles came over sad that it was over.
you grabbed your phone and face timed Leah she answered and the smile on her face faded when she noticed Nova crying.
"whats the matter baby" she said.
"miss you mummy" she said her tears stopping.
"oh baby im sorry did you like your story" she asked and they both nodded.
"that was the best surprise mummy i am going to watch it every night" Miles said dramatically.
"i wouldnt expect anything else baby im glad you like it ill be home soon and ill read you it okay" she said and they both nodded Nova rubbing her eyes and leaning her head on your shoulder.
"you tired baby" you said and she nodded.
"you go to bed babies ill be home when you wake up" Leah said an they nodded.
"goodnight babies" Leah said, both the kids said there goodnight and hung up.
you put your phone on the side of the couch and took Nova into your arms and held Miles hand taking them to bed. miles went running into his room being able to get ready for bed himself.
you walked into Novas bedroom and but her in her cott and put covers over her and gave her a kiss.
"goodnight baby" you said and she got comfy and closed her eyes.
you walked out and shut her door and went to Miles room were he was in his bed under his covers cuddling his blacket and his monkey he had the day he was born.
you tucked him in and gave him a kiss and walked out after saying goodnight. That night you sent the video to Leah of the kids and you both posted the video of the kid's reaction it is my favourite video of the kids
the following days and weeks and even months every night after CBebbies ended the kids watched Leah reading them the same bedtime story just as Miles said to Leah.
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apomaro-mellow · 29 days
Hot for Teacher(s) 10
Part 9
Shawn tried not to think too hard about his dad and his teacher dating. He knew his family was a little different than the others. Most people had two parents. But he’d never ask for his sire to show up. Never in a million years. He still remembered how bad it got. 
It made him a little wary of Mr. Munson. He didn’t think he’d ever hit his father. But sometimes pain wasn’t physical. Even when Billy hadn’t put his hands on Steve, the yelling had been horrible too. But Steve had been in love. And there had been a time when Billy cared for him. He’d told Shawn so.
Shawn couldn’t believe it. People in love didn’t do that kind of thing. People in love did things like go out on dates, gave each other gifts and scented each other nicely.
Like how Shawn could smell Mr. Munson on his dad. He probably wouldn’t have been able to tell who it was if not by his powers of deduction. They’d been sitting on his bed, his dad reading him a bedtime story. He didn’t bring up the scent, or how it made him feel nice. He just hoped Mr. Munson would stay around a while.
“Are you and Mr. Munson in love?”
Steve fumbled with the basketball in his hands and Shawn used the opportunity to steal it from him and go for a shot. He missed, but getting a steal from his dad was still nice.
“He and I are…dating, as you know”, Steve said, grabbing the ball as it bounced his way. “I think it’s a little too soon to be using words like ‘love’.”
“He’s over here a lot”, Shawn said.
Steve didn’t know how much he should read into that. Was Shawn saying he didn’t like Eddie being around so much? Did he feel like someone else was taking time away from Steve? It was hard to tell with his son sometimes what he was thinking.
“How come you always make me go out when he’s over?”
“I don’t always-”
“I know you’re going on a date every time I have a sleepover. And I’ve been having a lot of sleepovers lately.” Shawn’s expression was a little too mature for a child his age.
“First, don’t interrupt, it’s rude. Second, I thought you liked having sleepovers.”
“I do. I just don’t know why you don’t want me around Mr. Munson. I see him all day at school.”
Steve kept his body language nonchalant while dribbling the ball. “Well that’s just it. I figured you’d be sick of him. He’s at school AND at home?” He shot and the ball went right in. 
“If I score more than you, can we get ice cream?”
“Shawn, it’s January.”
“I want chocolate with gummy bears.”
Steve was still thinking of it a few days later when he had sent Shawn on yet another sleepover while he, Eddie, and Robin got drunk and gave powerpoint presentations on a subject of their choice. Robin was about ten slides deep into one about why TV shows sucked on writing lesbians on purpose but somehow made the most compelling character chemistry on accident.
At first, he’d been sitting close to Eddie, legs in his lap, playing with his hair but Steve had learned that Eddie never sat still for long. Every few slides, he’d jump up with an interjection and Steve knew if he didn’t want to flop off the couch, he’d better not get too tangled.
Robin was very open to discussion. Heated discussion but still. Steve finally cleared his throat when they started getting closer, hands moving wildly as they argued about the sexuality of Sandy the Squirrel.
“Hey, it’s Powerpoint Night, not debate night”, Steve said.
Robin gasped. “Steve! Can we have debate night. We finally have a third party to mediate.”
“What do you guys need a mediator for?”, Eddie asked.
“She has very strong opinions on salted caramel”, Steve said. “Your turn Eddie.”
Eddie got up, his presentation popping up as he cleared his throat. “Pluto’s Planet Status: Logic vs Sentimentality….”
Robin stayed the night, taking up the guest bed while Eddie went up to Steve’s room. He’d been inside before, but it always felt momentous. A space that not many had seen before and Steve was allowing him. They collapsed next to each other, limbs tangling through the night.
The next day, they got up, making a breakfast of sausage, eggs, and other greasy things to stave off any hangover symptoms. And before Eddie left, Steve asked a favor of him.
“Do you…mind scenting some of the pillows? Not for me, but for Shawn? I want to gauge his reaction to the idea of you becoming more…permanent.”
Eddie’s eyes got wide. “Do you want me to be more permanent?”
Steve bit his lip and nodded, moving in close to scent Eddie at his neck. “You’ve always smelled like safety to me. And now…you’re starting to smell like home.”
Eddie wrapped his arms around him, confirming that he felt the same. He wanted more of Steve’s scent around his own home. Eddie completed the favor, scenting the soft throw pillows on the couch. 
When Shawn got home, he had Steve spent most of the day inside, doing various things but when the sun set, they had a movie night. Steve tried not to look too giddy when Shawn grabbed one of the pillows and held it to his chest, nose pressed to it. His body language may have been neutral, but the happiness must’ve shown in his scent because Shawn started to cuddle up to him. His omega hindbrain was filled with thoughts he hadn’t allowed for a long time.
Good alpha. Safe. Perfect alpha. Perfect for pup. Need to scent pup. Need him scented by both. 
That was all Steve needed to move things up to the next step. He enacted it when picking Shawn up from school one day. He was mindful not to take up too much of Eddie’s time during dismissal, but Eddie always assured Steve that he’d rather talk to him than the other parents.
“What if you’ve got something important to tell them?”
“That’s what emails are for. And really, how many times can I say ‘your kid cried because someone looked at them’ or ‘ they’re chattier than a telemarketer’?”
Steve figured some things about being a teacher didn’t change all that much between the age groups. He built up his nerves to ask the question. He had already asked Shawn if it was okay and his pup was more than happy about it.
“You know, Shawn’s birthday is coming up soon. We usually go out and do whatever he wants. And we were wondering if you wanted to tag along?”
Eddie looked between them both, mouth agape and looking like he wanted to jump for joy, hug them both, and blast off like a rocket all at once. It really made Steve want to kiss him in front of all these people, parents, teachers and all.
“Hell yeah-I mean, y-yeah”, Eddie stuttered when he remembered where he was.
Shawn looked elated too and things couldn’t be more right.
And of course, that was when things started going wrong.
Part 11
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
@hippieg1rl420 @spectrum-spectre
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lovinbarzal · 10 months
trevor zegras x hughes! sister
masterlist | everytime this silly little country song plays, i can't help but think of trevor!!! idk why but i do lol | part two
They said I was nothing but a troublemaker never up to no good / You were the perfect all American girl wouldn't touch me even if you could
October 2017
Trevor Zegras. Team USA's playboy. Y/N Hughes. Team USA's Golden Girl aka Jack's sister.
The Hughes twins only ever had one rule for each other, FRIENDS ARE OFF LIMITS!. Y/n never had trouble with that rule.
Until Trevor Zegras came into play. Trevor was Jack's best friend and line mate.
The two met in their junior year. Y/n was studying in the living room with The Maze Runner playing in the background. It was quiet in the house. Quinn was at UMICH, her parents were having a date night, and Luke was upstairs probably playing video games. She was enjoying the peace until a group of 5 boys came running into the house. She knew all of them. Matt Boldy, Cole Caufield, Alex Turcotte, her brother, and- Wait...She thought. Who was this other guy?
"Jack!" Y/n exclaimed as the boys jumped all onto the couches crushing her exam books.
"Yes?" Jack innocently turned to his sister who glared at him.
"Mom said no friends." Y/n scolded crossing her arms.
"Hey guys!" Luke said coming down the stairs but was quick to stop as he saw Y/n's glare.
"Luke Warren Hughes, it is past your bedtime. Get your ass back to your room." The boy slowly turned to walk up the stairs before Jack stepped in.
"Luke, it's fine. Come on." Jack waved the boy down before Y/n punched his shoulder.
"No, Jack. I am not getting in trouble because of you." Y/n shook her head.
"Come on, dude. Take a chill pill." The unknown boy said.
"Do I know you? Didn't think so. Do you live here? Also didn't think so. Luke, go to your room." Y/n said pointing to his room.
"Be nice to my friends." Jack said as Luke went up the stairs.
"Whatever, Jack. I'm going upstairs." Y/n gathered her things before turning to the known boy, "I'm sorry for my comments earlier but never disrespect me in my own house."
"Goodnight Alex, Matt, and Cole. Fuck you, Jack." And with that the girl was already gone and up the stairs. Trevor watched as she walked up the stairs.
"What's up with her? She's usually nice." Matt asked as Jack went to change the tv.
"She's probably got a stick up her ass." Jack answered.
"I like it." Trevor said with a goofy smile on his face.
"Good luck with that, Trev. Jack never lets her date any of his teammates plus it looks like she already doesn't like you." Alex said pulling his phone out.
"I love a challenge." Trevor shrugged looking to Jack who rolled his eyes, "Come on, Jack. Let me be the exception."
"What? No. Plus she hates you and doesn't even know your name." Jack explained as he continued to flip through movies.
"How do you know she hates me?" Trevor exclaimed sitting up from his seat.
"She only apologizes after saying something to tell somaeone off if she dislikes you." Cole clarified with a shrug.
"Come on, man. Give me your blessing, Hughesy." Trevor got on his knees in front of the blond.
"Fine, Zegrase. If she falls for you than you have my blessing to date her." Jack shook his head before clicking play on Fast and Furious.
"Yes!" Trevor said pumping his fist in the air.
"Can't believe he just gave a TEAMMATE permission to date his sister." Cole said to Alex.
"That's cause she's not gonna fall for him. They're too different." Jack said as Trevor was doing a happy dance.
God, did Jack hope he was right.
But you was sneaking out your window everynight riding shotgun in my car / We go to the river and find us a spot and we probably went a little too far
Two Weeks Later
"Come on, Y/N/N. One chance! Please!" Trevor begged as Y/n shut her locker.
"No, Trevor." In the last two weeks, she learned his name and was constantly dodging his attempts to get with her. She knew his reputation.
"Please. I'm begging!" He said following her as she walked to her next class.
"Ugh! Fine! One date! That's it. One chance. Don't screw it up." She said before walking into her class. His smile widened as he walked to his class that he shared with Alex.
"What's got you so smiley?" Before Trevor could answer honestly, he received a text.
From: Y/N/N 💓
don't tell anyone. if we're doing this, we're doing it secretly.
"Oh, nothing." He said before replying.
To: Y/N/N💓
whatever you want, doll😉
From: Y/N/N💓
never use that emoji again.
He smiled as he put his phone in his pocket.
From: Trevor Zegras🫤
i'm outside
Y/n took a small breath before climbing out of her window.
She walked down the street to where she told Trevor to park. She wished she brought a jacket as it was cold. She saw Trevor sitting in his car looking at his phone.
He smiled when he saw her walk up to his car.
"Hey." She said getting into the car.
"Hi." He said with a giddy grin.
"Where are we going?" She asked putting her seat belt on.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He said pulling out from his parking spot.
"Can I play some music?" She asked reaching for the aux cord. Trevor nodded. She played her shared playlist that she had with her brothers thinking Trevor would like some of the songs but of course the first one to play was Taylor Swift's Speak Now.
"Oh my god." Trevor exclaimed as Y/n's eye widened with worry thinking he didn't like the song, "I love Taylor Swift."
Trevor reached to turn the song up and sang along. Y/n watched with a smile. Maybe going on this date with him wouldn't be too bad.
The two continued to sing along to the songs before reaching their destination.
"The Lake?" She questioned looking at the lake in front of her.
"I thought we could have a picnic." He said reaching into his backseat for the basket and blanket.
"And here's this." He added handing her one of his USA hoodies. "You looked cold."
She took the jacket with a smile before putting it on.
"Thanks." The two got out of the car.
Y/n slipped her hand into Trevors making his smile widen as a blush overtook her cheeks.
The two found a spot and ate the snacks that Trevor had packed. The two found themselves getting lost in conversation.
"Thanks for this." Trevor said looking at the girl.
"For what? You're the one who planned everything." She said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"For saying yes." He said making the girl blush.
"I'm sorry for being so mean to you." She said scooting closer to him.
"It's ok. I was also a bit annoying." He said as the two leaned in.
"It's a bit annoying that you haven't kissed me yet." She said before slamming her lips on his. A simple kissed turned into a make-out which led to more.
By the time Y/n snuck back into her room, it was time for her to get back up for volleyball practice but she didn't even care how tired she was. She was more focused on what was to come with the boy.
Cause I was gonna be your forever / You were gonna be my wife // But I was what you wanted you were what I needed / And we could meet in between / We were gonna be the greatest love story this town had ever seen
Thanksgiving Day 2017
"We need to tell Jack." Trevor said to the girl as she walked back into her room. He was laying on her bed.
"Are you sure?" She said plopping next to him.
"Positive." He said pulling her close to him.
The two sat in silence until she broke it, "You're gonna be my forever"
"And you're gonna be my wife." He replied.
"So you're for real about telling Jack." Trevor nodded and Y/n sat up.
"Let's tell him tomorrow, then. Quinn comes home tonight so then if Jack tries to kill you, Quinn will be there to stop him." She said making her laugh.
"He actually said I had his blessing." Trevor said with a smile.
"Did he really?" She asked with her brows furrowed.
"Yeah. That night I met you. I knew you would be mine." Trevor said pulling her back down next to him.
"We are gonna be the greatest love story this town has ever seen" He said kissing her temple.
So you went off to college and I got a job I was working that 9 to 5
The Draft Day ended up coming faster than the two had thought. The two had been avoiding the question of what would happen when Trevor gets drafted to Anaheim.
Y/n had been accepted to UMich and Trevor was gonna play for Boston before going to the Ducks.
Y/n sat next to Jack while Trevor sat a couple rows back. Y/n was a wear a simple black dress with heels and her hair was pinned back in a half up half down look.
She turned in her sear and sent Trevor a smile as the ceremony started.
As expected, Jack went first overall to the New Jersey Devils. He hugged his twin as soon as his name was called.
Then came the moment that the couple was dreading, Trevor Zegras went 9th overall for the Ducks. As Trevor came down the stairs, Y/n met him and took his jacket as well as gave him a hug.
"We'll talk later." He whispered in her ear and she nodded as he made his way to the stage.
Screaming for the days when you were coming back, no couldn't come to soon
The two called it quits the next day. Trevor was playing for Anaheim and Y/n was studying to become a nurse in Michigan.
The two both knew it had to happen so it was mutual but that didn't mean it didn't hurt the two any less.
They partied that night as if everything was gonna be okay.
They knew fate would bring them back together because both of them knew they were gonna be the greatest love story the world has ever seen.
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starry-eyes-love · 7 months
Chapter 6- You're Forever Mine
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Summary | Things finally boil to a steaming head between you and Joel. After much discussion Joel decides to spend the night sleeping next to you to help calm you. He reads you a steamy bedtime story and then holds you after you wake up from a horrible nightmare (please read warnings about nightmare below before reading). You get a major dark glimpse into the reader's past and how she met Joel (he's the savior in her story). 
Important Note:  This chapter has a lot of very graphic scenes that are mentioned that happen to the f!reader during a dreamstate nightmare flashback. If you don’t want to read about these types of details, then skip the flashback scene at the Boston QZ five years prior in the story.  You can still understand the story without reading the flashback scene. See warnings below. 
Words: 12.0 K (I’m not sorry)
“Baby, if you can’t see why, then I’ve really screwed up. If ya can't see why I want you darlin’, then I don’t deserve you in my life. I’m not Dave honey, I never have been, nor ever will be.  If you can’t see that then please honey, just let me go and see my daughter. I don’t want to be in a world where you think I’m a monster. Please.”
Warnings | 18+, Minors DNI for whole story
Flashback: Dark content during flashback with David (aka Dave): language, vio!ence, abu$e mentions several types, name calling, degrading references, death, b!ood and gore (please see note above, you have been warned this is very dark content). 
Rest of story: Smut, language, Joel begging (it deserves it’s own warning), heavy knife references, references to abuse, tension (a lot scattered about), Joel referencing death and death of his daughter, angst, f fingering, m handjob, a lot of smutty parts (you have been warned), use of the word ‘love’, Joel and the reader being an ass (hey it’s relationship dynamics), Joel reading smut out loud to F!Reader (yeah, we’re doing it), fluffy parts sprinkled in, breast feeding kink via smutty book read from Joel, size kink, daddy kink, age gap (not disclosed), body reference (without being too specific), g spot reference, name calling (baby, honey, little girl, etc.)…and I think that is it.  Finally the heat is turning up with these two. Enjoy :) 
Joel was wound up tight, stressed, and not in a good way. This thing between the two of you was starting to boil to a head and he didn't like it. He hated this back and forth that was going on. He hated that he didn't know from one day to the next if he was going to scream at you for fucking up his life, even in the best possible way. Or if he was going to give in and fuck you, just to get out all of his pent up frustration.  God, he needed to relieve himself. It had been way too long, and this constant edging between the two of you was giving him the worst case of blue balls that he could ever imagine. He wanted to bury himself so badly inside of you, throw caution out of the window and give in to his body's needs to have you. That was what it was now, a deep rooted need to release all of his anxiety, anger, and pent up frustration of trying to be the good guy for you.
Joel wasn't a good man, he knew it. Sure, at one time he could be gentle, tender, and loving. He suspected that those emotions were still buried deep inside of him. But ever since the world went to shit, Joel had to survive. He had to kill people in order to survive, and he'll do it again if he must. But you, you were different. You were kind, soft, gentle, but also a fierce woman. There was no one on this Earth that Joel feared more than you, especially when you were pissed off at him. 
Joel saw first hand how you handled frustration. You'd bottle it up inside and then explode later. He'd seen how you’d kill people with your knife, how you'd keep stabbing them long after they were dead to release that anger that you had. An anger that he was just starting to understand. People wronged you in life, took your innocence far before they should have. This fact made Joel want to scream and see red whenever he thought about it. People had prayed upon you, took advantage of you at your weakest, and he wasn't ever going to let that happen again.
Joel also hated seeing you feel weak. It didn't bother him that you couldn't do everything, hell Joel couldn't grow plants, and yet here you were making it work slowly in the house. You had your strengths; the ability to find things hidden, anticipate things, and even take a mothering role with Ellie.  But one of your best abilities, Joel thought, was your ability to get underneath his goddamn skin and drive him crazy. This fact alone pissed him off, but also excited him because he loved your fire, attitude, and passion in life. The worst part, you knew you had this effect on him.
Joel was lost in thought, thinking about you when you were showing Ellie how to string together a bow and how to sharpen a knife. God, it turned him on to hear you direct her on how to stab and kill people.  He knew that you could survive in this world, even if he wasn’t around.  Most men wouldn’t like this type of independence or fierceness, but for Joel, this was the biggest turn on. The only thing that he wished for was for your nightmares to quit haunting you.
"And you turn it like this to secure it" you said to Ellie, showing Ellie how to finish attaching the string for a bow.
"That's so fucking cool y/n. Joel, you did a great job showing her this," Ellie said looking at the bow amazed.
"Not my doing Ellie, that's something she knew all on her own." Joel said, taking a slow sip of the whiskey that he was holding, a small find he got from the cellar outside.
"Seriously? You knew something Joel didn't?" Ellie asked, looking at you shocked. 
"Who do you think taught him how to thread it?" you said with a smirk.
Ellie glanced over at Joel, who started to blush and rub the back of his neck in embarrassment.  "Don't make fun of me darlin’" he said, shaking his head and laughing at how shocked Ellie looked that you had actually taught him how to do something. 
"But Joel, I thought you like knew everything," Ellie said, pushing his buttons on purpose.
"I don't know everything, never have kid. And you,” he said shaking a finger at you, “Stop that damn smiling and laughing over there." You were quietly sitting on the floor next to Ellie, softly laughing to yourself at Ellie's statement, watching her push Joel’s buttons. The amusement of this entire situation was just as much for your enjoyment as it was hers.
"Didn't say anything" you said, trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably.
"Look here smartass, I may not know how to make what you're doing" he said waving his hand, jestering towards the bow. "But you better believe I know how to shoot that darn thing." And with that you stopped laughing and got up. Shooting a bow was always a touchy subject, one that Joel knew you had.
You walked to the kitchen and started washing your hands, not that you needed to, but it was something to do to get your hands to calm down at the memory. Joel could sense your unease as Ellie continued teasing him.  Joel was only half listening to her, the person he was paying attention to was you.  He saw the way your breathing spiked and became labored, he also saw how your hands were shaking when you went past him. At the sink he saw you vigorously rub your hands underneath the water, acting like you were trying to wash off the signs of blood, which he knew was yours that you were seeing and remembering. Damn it, he thought, she’s having another fucking flashback.
As Ellie continued talking, Joel stood up and approached you slowly in the kitchen. When he approached you and saw that you were still rubbing your hands fast together, scrubbing hard and not acknowledging him, he slowly wrapped his arms around you. He placed his hands on top of yours under the water and said "leave it baby. He's not here. Come on.”  Joel then shut off the water, took your hands that were still trembling, and turned you into his chest. As he slowly caged you in his arms he began to slowly rub his hand up and down your back, humming that little tune to you that he did all of those years before. 
What you didn't realize was that you were shaking so bad in Joel’s arms that Ellie had noticed.  Ellie approached the pair of you and said "Joel is she ok? She's shaking really bad and she looks like she's-"
"She's fine Ellie, don't worry” you heard Joel say. When you glanced up at him you felt a single tear leave your eye, and a horrible tremor went through your body at the memory of the last time you attempted to shoot a bow. “You're ok, shh I got you" Joel said, while tucking you gently back into his chest, and wrapping you up in his arms. “Just listen to my voice baby, just me” and then he began slowly humming that song to you again.  
As he continued to comfort you, you felt him gently sway you back and forth, rubbing your back, and planting kisses to the top of your head. Your mind was so far in the past that you didn’t hear Joel tell Ellie to give you guys a few minutes alone. The only thing that you could hear was the ringing in your ears at a memory that you wanted to forget.  ‘Stupid bitch. *Smack* I'll teach you a fucking lesson. *Smack, Smack.*’  Even after all these years, you still could feel the sting on your skin from the abuse Dave did. As soon as you involuntarily flinched at the memory of a hard hand to your face, you felt Joel tighten his grip around you while saying "it's gone. He's gone. You're safe with me baby, shhh. It's ok," and then he went back to humming that song that you loved until the memory of Dave left you once again.
You didn't know how long you stood there embraced in Joel’s arms before you heard him say "do ya want me to sleep next to you tonight baby?" When you didn’t answer he pulled away and then gently tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Might make the bad nightmares stay away if I sleep next to you honey," he continued in a soothing voice. You had to admit, not sleeping next to Joel has made the nightmares come back with a vengeance. You haven't hardly slept in weeks, which meant you were more susceptible to bad dreams and horrible flashbacks.
"I don't want to be a burden on you," you said.
"Ain't a burden love, never have been."
"Joel I-" you began to say before Joel interrupted you.
"Come on, let's get you tucked into bed darlin,' you look exhausted." Joel then took your hand and led you into your bedroom, holding your hand the entire way. Once inside of your bedroom he quickly got you situated sitting on the bed. “Hang on a sec,” he said and then disappeared back down the hall.  After a few moments Joel reappeared with a worn out old flannel. He handed it to you and said "here, put this on. It’s mine and I know you like the way I smell."
Slightly embarrassed and turning a shade of red you took his flannel and said “thanks.” You did like how Joel smelled, but you didn’t think he knew it. “We both are getting comfortable tonight love” he said as he chucked a set of comfy pajamas for himself on the bed. 
"Wow, aren't we both domestic" you said, shaking your head at seeing Joel change into an old T-shirt and fuzzy pajama pants. 
“Yeah, well, I need it. And by the looks of ya, so do you darlin.’” Joel smirked as he unbuckled his pants and slowly took them off while looking at you. You knew you needed to turn away, but when you noticed Joel removing his boxers, you couldn't help but stare. God he was big. You could see that even in his softened state that his cock hung heavy between his legs. You didn't realize that you were staring with a slightly open mouth until you heard his Southern drawl.
“Baby, nothin’ good comes outta you looking at me like that. Come on, eyes up here darlin.’” Joel said teasing you.
You immediately felt embarrassed at what you were doing, starring at a grown man’s crotch.  Yes he was your boyfriend, but you didn’t have that type of relationship with him at the moment.  “Oh God Joel, I’m so sorry” you said, burying your head in your hands and turning 20 shades of red.
Joel chuckled and said “Baby, I love you looking. But I don't think it's the proper answer right now to our problems of lack of sleep between the both of us. So come on, let's get you changed and tucked into bed honey.”  When you didn’t move Joel walked up to you and gently grabbed your hands and said “Come on, arms up for me.”  When you slowly raised your arms above your head, Joel lifted your shirt up as you kept your eyes closed.
“Angel, open your eyes and look at me” he gently whispered.  When you did, you found that he met you with dark intense eyes, like a wolf who just found his prey. As you looked at him you noticed that he lightly licked his lips while he eye fucked you. You noticed that he slowly looked down your chest, tracing the curve of your breasts with his eyes.  When you unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor, Joel just about fainted.  
“Fuuck” Joel growled, looking at you standing before him with nothing covering your chest. If he was a better man he'd turn around and give you privacy, but he wasn't. It had been too long since he had a beautiful woman standing before him half naked. When you slowly bent down and pulled off your pants and panties, Joel almost came right there on the spot. 
As you stood in front of Joel completely naked, you found yourself slowly tracing your hands along your curves. You cupped your breasts and said “do you want to touch them?” as you slowly twisted your nipple while letting out a soft moan. 
“Baby, you- you can’t do this. Fuck woman, I’m-I’m not gonna be able to-” Joel said, slowly reaching out to touch you, but stopping midway before he did. He wanted to put his hands overtop yours, to feel the softness of your plump breasts underneath his callused hands. But Joel knew he couldn't, while shaking his head he said in a low voice “look at me scolding ya about starring, and I’m doing no different. Finish getting dressed, and let's go to bed baby.”  
With a satisfied smirk you turned your back to place on his flannel, and then buttoned it up. You decided to forgo putting your bra back on. You grabbed a pair of clean black lace panties, a rare find but something that you were glad you found in storage. As you turned around you saw Joel staring at you wide eyed. “Baby, I- that’s not” he said, glancing between your chest and ass. He was trying to figure out how he was supposed to sleep next to you tonight, knowing you were practically naked next to him.
“Look here cowboy,” you said in a sarcastic tone. “I ain’t sleeping fully clothed so you can just fuck right off now if ya think I should.” When you approached your side of the bed, you froze.  Chewing on your lip for a moment you finally asked, “is it safe for us to be dressed like this and all relaxed Joel?” You stared down at yourself, picking at the edges of your clothes, thinking that how you were dressed was both silly and stupid. 
When Joel glanced over at you, he noticed your meek expression, lack of confidence, and the fact that you were chewing on your lip in a worried state.  Sleeping fully relaxed in this world wasn’t something anyone could afford to do anymore, but he knew it was something that you both desperately needed tonight.  "I put up new defenses around here. I also installed two deadbolt locks to the door. I think for one night we can let our guard down a bit. I don't know about you baby, but I need one night where I'm not on the fucking edge. I'm so wound up honey that I-”. That's when Joel saw it, fear mixed with longing behind your eyes, and that was a dangerous combination. With clearing his throat he added, “ya darlin’, it’s safe for tonight.”
Joel wasn't kidding about needing to be comfortable.  He had reading glasses, a book, and a lamp that was turned on, giving the room a soft glow.  When he sat down, he sat with his back against the wall. His rifle and his knife were set next to the bed, just in case. After he was situated, he looked over at you and said "come on baby, come to bed" while patting your side of the bed.
Shaking your head and giggling slightly you said, "I never would have thought in a million years that Mr. Joel Miller would actually say 'come on baby, come to bed.’ Kind of a special occasion, if ya ask me."
Joel glared at you and then quipped, "ok smartass, just lay down and don’t give me any more of your sass."
Smiling to yourself at his little quip, you laid down next to him, facing him. After you got situated, Joel tucked the blankets over you, bent down, and kissed the top of your head saying "now go to sleep baby." He then put his reading glasses on as he sat there and silently started reading to himself. 
As you laid there you listened to Joel slowly breathe. You focused on trying to match your breaths with his, and in time you felt yourself finally starting to relax. The longer Joel read, the more you saw his muscles unclench, and his brows unfurrow. You laid there curled up in his flannel, holding the sleeve up by your nose, while slowly inhaling his scent. Joel was right, you did love the way he smelled.  He smelled of pine, cinnamon, wood, and Joel.  An intoxicating scent that left your head spinning, but also something that you could describe as home. You were somewhat in a daze, thinking about stuff that has recently happened when all of a sudden you heard Joel say, "Ya need to stop thinking so hard." 
"What?" You said, slightly shaking your head in an attempt to focus.
"You're thinking too hard darlin’," he said, still reading his book.
"How am I thinking too hard?"
"Baby, you're breathing hard, shifting your legs, and sighing to yourself."
"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that I was doing any of that" you replied in a meek voice.
"S'alright darlin'. What were ya thinking about anyways?" When you didn’t respond, Joel stopped and looked over at you. 
"Just wondering where you found those glasses" was all that you said.
Joel cocked his head saying "that’s bullshit darlin'. That's not what's got ya all twisted up. But to answer your question, I found these in the cellar outside. They're regular reading glasses, and just so happens they’re the type of ones I need.” Joel then returned to reading his book.  
You laid there quietly, chewing on your lip and thinking about some things that were bugging you a lot recently.  Somehow Joel must have seen you out of his peripheral vision as he said with a sigh, “So what are you really thinking 'bout?"
“Just wondering what you’re reading?” you said, pressing your thighs together, not wanting to voice your actual true concerns. Laying this close to Joel wasn’t helping your sex drive.  You haven’t been able to get yourself off recently due to how stressed out you were. But tonight your mind kept wandering to what Joel looked like when he changed in front of you, and you wondered how he'd feel again inside of you. You couldn't believe how delicious his cock looked, all hanging heavy between his legs.  You could practically feel the rush of arousal out of you when you saw him earlier. You didn’t think that telling Joel, nor asking for his help, would be appropriate tonight. You remembered how he dealt with your starring earlier.  He told you that you two shouldn't do anything, and for you to stop.
Joel looked over at you as you kept shifting under the covers. He knew that you really didn't want to know what he was reading. But Joel wasn’t in the mood to argue with you tonight. Replying with a bit more sarcasm than he intended Joel said, “a book darlin.’ I’m reading a damn book.”
“No shit sherlock, I know you’re reading a book Joel” you said with a sarcastic eye roll.  After a moment of shifting around uncomfortably again you added, “can you, um, maybe read it to me out loud?”
Joel froze and looked over at you. “Darlin’, this ain’t one of those types of books.”
“I know what type of book it is Joel, Jesus. I know the author. She likes little Westerns that have two people- um. You know they- uh. They-
“Fuck.” Joel said, finally looking down at you with one eyebrow raised.
“W-what?” you said, looking back up at him with innocent eyes.
“She has them fuck darlin’, is that what you’re trying so hard not to say? You're fumbling with your words and acting worse than a toddler trying to talk.” he said, while closing the book and looking at you. 
“Jesus Joel, an asshole much?” you snapped, completely turning red at his reference. Tonight was just not your night, so you turned away from Joel and laid there facing the other direction. You mumbled under your breath “you know, you can just fuck off. You don’t even understand what it feels like to not have someone want to fuck you, or to not be able to get yourself off.” 
If Joel had to describe your mood tonight it would be moody, emotional, and down right irritating.  Of course he understood what it was like to want to be with someone.  Jesus, you were wearing his flannel with black panties on with no bra.  He hadn’t had sex with anyone, specifically you, in months. He's attempted to get himself off, but again hasn't been able to. He also understood what it felt like to be frustrated, and God damnit, he wanted to smack some sense into your ass at that statement you just said. God help me, this woman is trying my fucking patience tonight, he thought.
For the next several minutes you heard Joel silently turning the pages of his book.  Usually the silence wouldn't bother you, but tonight your nerves were on fire. All you wanted was for your so-called boyfriend to kiss you, make out with you, do something to take away these weird feelings that you had. You were hopeful that laying in bed next to him was going to lead to maybe some other things.  Hell, that’s why you agreed to lay next to him in the first place. But apparently Joel wasn’t interested.  Truth be told, he never really was interested in you anymore.  So with another big sigh, you realized that you were just going to be sexually frustrated for a while. Yeah, great, fucking perfect.
Joel was attempting to unwind by reading the book he held.  God, he was wired.  He was so turned on and sexually frustrated by watching you earlier that he wanted nothing more than to bury his aching cock deep within your warm walls. He could practically smell your arousal tonight, the honey sweet aroma that he knew and grew to love. He thought reading a simple Western would help him calm his nerves.  What he didn’t realize was that the author wrote a lot of graphic sex scenes in the book. And those graphic sex scenes weren't helping his frustration nor the hard on he had for you.
After a moment of contemplating, and hearing you sigh once again, he decided to say fuck it, and read out loud to you.  What’s the worst that could happen, he thought, if anything maybe tonight I’ll finally get fucking laid.  So with a big inhale, and deep exhale, Joel started reading to you out loud.  
“After a night of blissful romance, by morning’s first light he was gone again. She could tell by the way the growing baby in her belly was kicking, that it missed their Papa as much as she missed her strong man. She tried convincing herself that he’d be back before winter, but she knew deep in her heart that was not the case.  Winter turned into spring, and with it, came the birth of her son, Joshua.  Giving birth was hard, especially when her man wasn’t by her side. But the neighbor lady, a woman who had 5 children, helped her with the process. Then one day when Joshua was 3 months old, a familiar Southern drawl came from across the room “fuck darlin’, ain’t you beautiful.”
As Joel read out loud, you turned back around to face him.  You glanced up and saw how his natural curls slowly swayed at the turn of each page. How he’d use his tongue to gently lick his finger right before he’d turn the page. You also saw how Joel would periodically lick his lower lip, as a way to moisten it as he slowly read out loud to you.
“He watched her from across the room as she fed his son. After not being around a woman for many months, he found the soft suckling noises, and the light bounce of her breast, as his son fed to be something exotic.  He slowly felt himself become hard at watching her nurse him.  There was something so incredibly sexy about a woman feeding his child, and he was desperate for proper release.  He found a chair in the corner of the room and slowly took a seat.  He quietly palmed his cock in his jeans at the sight of you.” 
 “When he watched you switch sides, he nearly exploded in his pants.  You left your other breast hanging out of your bra.  It swung heavy, gentle side to side motions as you rocked your son. He studied it, the curve and slope of your engorged tits. He saw a little bit of milk drip out from where his son had just finished feeding from you. God, he wanted to walk over there and pick up your heavy breasts and massage them.  He knew they hurt you, being twice the size from what they normally were, he could see how much they made you ache.  He also wanted to taste you, to lick the little drop of milk off from them, and then finish milking you dry with his mouth.  He wanted to taste the warm, wet rush of milk in his mouth as he suckled from you, nipped you, and got you to moan for him.  He knew your breasts were always so sensitive, but right now he knew he could get you to cum just by nursing from you himself. Feeling himself strain hard against his pants, he slowly unzipped himself and took out his aching member.” 
Joel stopped and took a deep breath to steady himself before reading on.  God his cock was fully erect right now, leaking precum and throbbing against the sheet.  He wanted you to put your mouth on it, to touch it, something to help relieve the desperate need and ache that he felt.  In an attempt to get this situation under control, before he made a fool of himself, he said in a breathy pant, “maybe uh, maybe we shouldn’t finish this darlin’, It ah, shit, it kinda gets really vulgar in a second.”
“Finish reading the fucking chapter Joel, please,” you said with a rush to your voice. When he glanced at you he could tell that you were just as worked up. You were sweating, your eyes were closed and your legs were closed tight.  You slowly rocked back and forth, trying to find a little bit of relief for the tension that was building fast in your core. God you two needed to blow off some steam together and soon. 
“Look here little girl” Joel said with a bite to his voice. “Don’t go and snap at me cause you’re fucking frustrated. I won’t keep readin’ if ya can’t be nice.” Joel then noticed you shuffle underneath the sheets, putting your hand in-between your legs, and pressing your legs together again while whispering “sorry, it’s just hard.”
As Joel sat there he watched how hard you were pressing your thighs together, gently rocking yourself into your hand. Fuck, you looked hot and bothered, and he was hard as hell.  He wanted to see how far you’d go to relieving yourself, so he continued reading out loud. 
“Up and down he stroked his cock, working himself up. He noticed a good amount of precum drip from his slit at the sight of the woman nursing. When she looked over at him he growled low saying, ‘when you’re done with him, you’re gonna come on over here and bounce on this dick properly darlin’.”
“After she was done nursing, and had put the babe down to bed, she slowly sauntered over to the man in the room. She had no intention of riding him, but she couldn’t help with how worked up she’d been, and how long it had been since she had a man between her legs.  She found herself straddling him and very slowly lowering herself down on his cock. When she was fully sheathed she started moving back and forth, up and down, and then back and forth. She worked him hard, giving him everything that she could with her hips, fucking him like she’d never see him again. The more she worked him, the more she felt that familiar coil tighten deep within her belly as her tits swayed and bounced in his face.”
“‘I feel it darlin’, keep fucking going’ he said as he started helping her rock faster into him and attaching his mouth to her nipple. When he bit down she yelped, saying ‘fuck yes, harder.’ He smiled as he continued to lick, nip, and suck her gorgeous swollen tits. He started meeting her thrust for thrust, jack hammering up into her, chasing his own high. ‘Why did I stop fucking this’ he said, moaning into her as he felt her walls flutter around him.
“‘Mama, I know you're close. Come on, give it to me’ he growled, grinding her hard on him. One, two, three hard thrusts in and she felt her coil snap hard in her stomach. She felt a gush of fluid rush his cock and then he tipped over the edge growling in her ear. He continued thrusting as he worked them both through their highs, grunting each other’s names in the process. As soon as they were done, he picked her up and took her to bed where he showed her what being home truly meant. They both tipped over the edge multiple times into eternal bliss, needing each other for forever more.”
When Joel finished reading the chapter he closed the book and heard himself panting hard. He looked over at you and saw that you had your eyes closed and was slowly rocking back and forth with your hand in-between your legs again panting hard. Fuck you looked hot.  As soon as you noticed Joel had stopped reading your eyes snapped open and you glared at him with blown out pupils.  
“Maybe uh-maybe we should uh-”
“Goodnight Joel” you whispered while you rolled over and laid there in silence. Joel just looked at you puzzled, about to ask if you wanted to maybe do something when you said “please turn out the light, I’m kinda tired and wanna go to bed.”
“Yeah sure” he said, turning out the light and slipping down into the bed.  Joel laid there staring at the ceiling, thinking when he said “do you wanna-”
“No, goodnight Joel.”
“Yeah, ok. Goodnight darlin.’” Joel laid there confused, not understanding what had happened. He didn’t know if you were embarrassed at him seeing you worked up or if he somehow hurt your feelings.  After laying in silence for a bit he was going to ask if you were ok.  But before he did, he heard you say “before you asked what I was thinking, I was just thinking what we're gonna do once we find Tommy. Like where do I go? Do I live with you or am I supposed to be on my own or what?”
Joel didn’t answer right away, as he didn't know the answer. This was something that the two of you hadn’t discussed. He wanted you to stay with him, but he didn’t want to force you to stay either.  Apparently his lack of communication right now upset you.  “Just forget I asked,” you said. “I'll just figure it out myself."  And with that you fell into a deep sleep.  But as you started to dream, your mind decided to recall a memory that you truly wanted to never remember again…
Dreamstate- Flashback to Boston, QZ- 5 years prior 
(graphic content)...if you want to skip this section go to “flashback end” in bold below to pick up the regular story again. Please read warnings before proceeding reading flashback, this is very dark content.
“You’re so fucking stupid, how can you not be able to do this. Like every dumb idiot can shoot a bow, well everyone except for you.” Dave snarled at you when you couldn’t even pull back the bow.
“Well I don’t know Dave, maybe teach me how to do it instead of ridiculing me. Like what the fuck is wrong with you, why are you acting like this? You’re supposed to be my boyfriend” you said, snapping at him.
“Boyfriend? Nope, I’m not your boyfriend” he said with venom, as he downed the last of the amber liquid in the glass bottle.  “Boyfriends are people you care about, and you honestly don’t give a fuck about me. So why should I care about you in return? You’re just a stupid liability that I have to deal with, and one that I can’t seem to get rid of.”
You watched Dave drink, knowing what was in store for you tonight. When Dave drank, he usually became violent with you. It was a standard routine that the two of you had, and one you were honestly sick of. You wanted out, that was for certain. You wanted to get as far away from this piece of shit guy as you could.
In order to cope and deal with the fact that you hated your life, and that you wanted out and away from Dave, you took another job. You were smuggling goods secretly on the black market of the QZ and Joel Miller was the man that you were working with. Tess, Joel’s partner, had approached you after she had seen bruises on your arms during your normal QZ job. Dave usually never gave you any bruises that people could visually see. But something recently happened, and he no longer cared.  So you walked around with bruises, where the world could see who you belonged to. When Tess saw this, it angered the hell out of her. So much so that she introduced you to Joel, in an attempt to help you earn enough money to get out and away from Dave.
“If you wanna get out of there, you come talk to me or Joel, and we’ll get you out, understand?” Tess said while working a shift with you. All you did was nod your head, but you didn't take her up on her offer until Dave broke your collarbone. That's the night you went to see Tess at home. She helped clean you up and then let you stay over. 
When Joel got home he said “what’s she doing here?” while pointing at you.
“She's spending the night Joel, she got roughed up a bit and needed care.”
Joel approached you and lightly grabbed your chin, examining the bruise that was forming on the side of your lip. “Better get some ice on that darlin’ before it swells.” That night Joel slept on the couch and insisted that Tess and you took the bed.
You started doing odd jobs on the side for Tess and Joel. Joel never questioned you of why you wanted the side jobs. Just like he never questioned you of why you had bruises on your arms or hickies on your neck.  The time you showed up with a swollen black eye though he said, “darlin’ it ain’t right what he’s doing, no guy is worth that.”
As Dave's anger increased, so did the extra jobs.  Tess and Joel threw every side job they had at you in an attempt to help you get enough money to leave. Finally after months of pulling double shifts, you had enough money to leave. This made you happy as you no longer had to feel afraid of Dave anymore, but you were so wrong. 
“You know what Dave, fine” you yelled snapping back at him. “I can’t keep doing this with you. I’ll just pack up my shit and-”
“Don’t flatter yourself Y/N, you know you ain’t leaving, where would you even go?” he said, baiting you.
“Anyplace other than with you Dave, so just fuck o-” 
“Where you just about to tell me to fuck off?” Dave said, sneering at you.  “Bad move honey. I may not be a genius, but I ain’t stupid. I found your extra stash of money, real sweet hiding it in a sock” Dave said while holding up the sock.  
Dave reached in and grabbed the wad of money that you had earned. When he started the money on fire with a lighter you yelled “what the fuck are you doing Dave? My god, don’t burn that.” You lunged at the sock to try to put out the fire.
Dave kept pushing you back until all the money was burnt to ash. You fell to your knees defeated and angry that he'd take this last bit from you. You heard him laugh behind you saying, “think again sweetheart, you ain’t goin’ nowhere. Now get the fuck up.” 
When you stood up you felt anger and bile rise up from the pit of your stomach. That was almost a year's worth of pay down the drain. You had pulled extra shifts, did side jobs, sometimes almost died, trying to save up enough money to leave. You put up with Dave’s shit, allowing him to mark you with his mouth when you hated the very sight of him, just so you could get up and do another job for cash. Now the asshole burned it up like ash, just so he could watch you seethe in anger. He didn’t care if he had extra money, money meant nothing to Dave. Power is what Dave craved. If money that you earned was going to take his power away from him, he'd burn it up just to make sure you'd lose all control.
When you turned around you didn’t care about playing nice anymore. When you first got to know Dave, you thought that he was someone who cared. You quickly found out that was a lie. “You’re an asshole” you yelled, smacking him hard across the face.  As soon as you smacked him you watched his eyes glaze over, and then the other side of him came out. 
“Ok, fine bitch. You wanna play like that, then let’s fucking play like that.” Your vision blurred as Dave hit you across the face. You then felt him hit you again, and again, and again, and again. When his one hand got tired, he then switched to the other but this time with a closed fist. You tried to fight back, but the more you struggled, the more he pinned you down on the ground. With both of his knees on either side of your arms, you couldn’t move. You eventually tried to relax, knowing that the more you fought the worse it was going to be. But this didn't stop him.
“You know,” Dave said, “I think I’m just gonna just take what I need this time from you. You seem to always run your fucking mouth off, saying you want to be my girlfriend, so why not take what's mine, right?” You then felt the rip of your jeans beneath you. You tried to fight him off, realizing what he was after, and what he was going to do. Dave and you had never had sex, and that was something that he always hated. 
“Dave you can’t, please, don’t. I’ll stay. Just don’t do that, don’t take that from me” you yelled as tears streamed down your face as you tried to fight him off. You fought for your life, because honestly it felt like this was it. But the more you fought the angrier he got until you felt the snap of your ankle, and then the searing pain that went with it. He broke your ankle so you couldn’t run away. You then felt him take his knife and cut you deep on your thigh, right up by your mound as he said “gonna make sure this is deep enough, so you have a scar here forever to remember who the fuck you belong to.”
You tried to fight him, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t get him off of you. And then finally you felt it, the searing pain in your groin as Dave forced himself all the way into you. He took the last bit of innocence that you had, you were now truly broken. 
You laid there crying, sobbing, wishing that death would take you. You must have been making too much noise because you felt Dave's hand on your mouth with a knife at your throat, yelling “shut the fuck up.”  You thought ‘please, just cut me and let me die here’ as you heard Dave moan above you. He continued to take what he thought belonged to him.
“Fuck, why have you denied this to me for so long, huh?” he said. You knew it wasn’t a question that he wanted answered, it was just something he was saying. “Gonna do this every fucking day now with you, Jesus. Fuck, will you at least stop fucking crying and pretend to at least enjoy this” he said, as you felt another smack across your face. You turned your face away from him so only your bad eye was upright, the one he beat hard with a fist. You didn’t want to look at him with the side of your face that you could still see out of. 
You laid there and tried to will the tears to stop, but they never did. You felt him tighten his hand around your throat as he squeezed the life out of it. “Fucking look at me, I know little lady you can still see out of one eye, not that fucking stupid. You look at who owns you, you hear me” he yelled, as he yanked your face towards him. When you looked up at Dave, you saw the monster that he truly was.  Somehow in the last few years a man who was kind and gentle to you turned into someone who was this. You thought that maybe this was him all along. You tried to convince yourself of that as a way of coping. 
As he continued you suddenly felt your head get dizzy from the lack of oxygen. You knew that you were done. That this was the day you were going to die. There was no more compassion in Dave’s face anymore, only a monster that was going to kill. You’ve seen this look in his eyes when he's killed other people before, so you knew you were next. 
As you laid there accepting your fate you heard a deep voice yell “what the fuck are you doing, get the fuck off from her.”  You saw Dave get yanked off from you by someone, but you didn't know who. 
“Mind your own fucking business, old man” you heard Dave yell back in return. You then heard a struggle followed by three soft bangs of a gun. It was a gun that had a silencer on it, you knew this because it was sold on the blackmarket of the QZ, and Dave usually carried a gun with a silencer on it. 
As you laid still you heard the person who shot the gun approach. At first you thought it was Dave, that he was coming back over to finish what he started. But when you heard the Texan drawl of “darlin’ are you ok?” the flood gates opened up and you fell apart. You knew that voice anywhere, the voice of Joel Miller.
Joel kneeled down by you as he gently sat you up. “Are you ok?” he said, looking you over to see what was all wrong. When he noticed the blood that was coming from in-between your legs, he shrugged off his flannel shirt, wrapped it around you and said, “ok, come on. Let’s get you outta here, and get ya cleaned up.” He then picked you up and carried you back to his house. 
Once you were cleaned up Joel got you situated and laid you down on his bed. Tess wasn't home, she was out working according to Joel. In an effort to try to get you to sleep, Joel laid you on your side and tucked you tight into his chest. One leg went in-between your legs, and he slowly stroked soothing circles on your back saying “it’s okay honey, I got ya and nothing bad is ever gonna happen, just breathe.” He started humming that little tune that you’d come to know and  love so well…Flashback end
Back to Regular Story
“y/n. Y/n. Y/N” you heard Joel yell, but it sounded muffled to your ears.  The only thing that you could hear was the pounding of your heartbeat and the labored breathing that you were doing. “I can’t do this, he hates me, he wants to hurt me, I’m all alone" was all that you said out loud, still stuck someplace inside of your nightmare.  You were drowning in anxiety, breaking out in a cold sweat, and not realizing that you were still in fact dreaming.
“Baby, wake up” Joel yelled, shaking you as he tried to get you out of the nightmare.  You haven’t had this kind of a nightmare for a long time, and this fact burned hot in Joel’s chest.  He didn’t want you remembering the past, remembering the night that he killed Dave. He knew that’s the nightmare you were having because you always said words like “please don't take that Dave, don't cut me. I'll be good, I promise” and finally you'd yell “please just kill me, I wanna go home,” like you were doing right now. If that son of a bitch was still alive, I’d kill that motherfucker yet again, Joe thought to himself.
Joel was rubbing your arms and trying to wake you up as you started to thrash in the sheets. “Baby come on, come on honey it’s me, you gotta wake up” he said, feeling his heart ache at you trying to run away in your dream with your eyes still closed.  All of a sudden you sat up in bed and let out a blood curdling scream, clothes drenched slick with sweat, and body shaking all over.  As soon as your eyes flew open you saw Joel was sitting upright, right in front of you. He grabbed you and held you saying “baby I’m here, I'm here. You’re safe. No one’s hurting you. It all was just a bad dream honey, all of it. It was just a bad dream.”
“Joel” you said, shaking, touching his face, not believing that it was really him and that he was there.  “Dave, he, he-” 
“Shhh baby, c’mere, I gotcha honey, I gotcha” Joel said while wrapping his arms around you and tightly holding you against his chest. “He’s gone baby, he’s gone. Shhh.” Joel felt the tremors and aftershocks go through your entire body, up your spine, as you came down from your nightmare.  Joel slowly rocked you back and forth, and side to side, humming to you and reassuring you that you were alright. 
"Baby, can you look at me." Joel said with the gentlest voice, after humming to you and rocking you for a while. When you opened your eyes you saw him look at you with the softest eyes. Your lip quivered hard as your tears kept falling. Why are men cruel, why do they always hurt me, and why can't anyone love me? you thought to yourself. What you didn't realize was that you voiced your thoughts out loud, and Joel heard them. You tried to calm yourself down, but your throat burned. After taking a few breaths to steady yourself you felt the world start to spin on its axis. Your heart raced and you felt the sob that you were trying to hold back escape your mouth.
 "Oh baby, c’mere." Joel said as he grabbed your head and tucked you into the crook of his neck. He started humming to you that song again that you knew so well, the one he hummed that first night to you.
"It-it’s so beau-beautiful. Wh-what song is that?" you asked as you slowly finished crying yourself out. 
"I used to hum it to Sarah when she was little. It's a song I wrote before she was born." Joel said as he wrapped his arms tighter around you, holding you firmer to his chest to protect you.
"It truly is beautiful, Joel." 
"Yeah she is beautiful. She's right here in my arms, and she's all mine." Joel said while he rubbed your back.
"Joel I-"
Joel pulled back and cupped your face in his large callused hands while slowly swiping your tears away. "Y/n, let me get this out first baby, okay? I care so much about you baby, truly I do. It destroys me to see you like this. That fucker, Dave, he’s gone. Ya hear me? You gotta stop letting him in like this. No more baby, ok? Now c’mere.”
Joel then laid you down on the bed and tucked you into him, the same way he did that first night. “I'm not him mama, I never have been.” Joel continued to brush your tears away while whispering in your ear "stop cryin' baby. You forever have a home with me, for as long as you want it, Ellie too.”
“But for how long” you say muffled into his chest. Joel pulled you away and looked at you to continue, not understanding what you meant.
“How long do I have a home Joel?  Am I gonna be the roommate that gets to watch you bring women back to your house and fuck them in your bed? Is your bed ever going to be our bed, or am I just the person you're forced to be with? Am I just a fucking doormat that you hurt over and over again Joel, someone you fucking forget because you're too afraid of feeling something. ‘She's too young, he's too old, you can't be together, it's wrong.’ It'll be worse than David. You're gonna hur-hurt me w-worse than he did. Why can't you just love me?" There it was, in the broken silence of the room, that you told Joel your biggest fear.
Joel couldn't believe it, that you didn't understand his feelings for you. You weren't a doormat, and he sure as hell wasn't that good for nothing David. "Baby, you ain't ever gonna be a doormat, ok. I honestly don't give a fuck what people think if we're together. They can all just fuck off if they don't like it, including my brother Tommy. You and Ellie, you're my whole life, and nothing is ever gonna change that" Joel said, holding you tight to his chest. 
After holding you tight for a few minutes he then pulled back and said “I'm committed to being yours, ya hear me? Fuck mama, you feel that" he said while slowly grinding his hard bulge into your pelvis. You both let out a low moan at the sensation. The two of you were both so worked up from this back and forth edging that has been happening that any little friction sent you both over the edge into wanting to fuck the other person bad. 
While looking at you, Joel adjusted the angle of his pelvis and ground down a little more into you. You could feel his entire outline of his cock right now, and God he felt good, and was rock hard. "You do this to me mama, just you. No one else. So quit your fussin' about it. Ya hear me? It's only you that I want in my fucking bed and no one else" he said with another delicious grind of his hips. 
“It's you that I want.” *hip grind* “It's you that makes me happy.” *hip grind* “It's you that I wanna spend my life with.” *hip grind* “And it's you that I wanna fuck.” And with that admittance Joel crashed his lips into yours and kissed you with a deep hunger that he felt for you. As he skimmed your bottom lip, you opened your mouth to grant him easy access. 
You both were so worked up that you couldn't stand it anymore. “Baby please” you panted. “Please, Joel, please.”
Hearing you say his name all wanton and needy like that unlocked something deep within his body. He had a primal urge now to have you. Joel quickly grabbed your shirt and ripped it open, which sent the buttons flying everywhere. He didn't care though, he desperately needed you. 
Joel quickly started to devour your chest. Grabbing, sucking, and biting your nipples in a heated frenzy. He grabbed one of your legs and hitched it higher up on his hip to open you up. In a heated mess, Joel grabbed your thigh by the permanent scar that David had left. He dug his fingers into it while whispering in your ear “I'm gonna fucking mark you as mine properly, baby.” And that's when he felt it, you froze and started breathing erratically.
Joel slowly pulled back, realizing what he just did. He looked at you and saw a mixture of want and fear across your face. He just realized that you weren't fully out of your nightmare in your head. “Baby, I- I didn't mean it the way that came out.”
“I know” was all you said, taking a slow shaky breath. 
“Fuck” Joel groaned as he sat up, dragging a hand down his face at his fuck up that he just did. “You know, I'd love a fucking smoke right about now” he said out loud, more to himself than you.
“Why what?” Joel asked.
“Why do you wanna have a cigarette now? Don't people usually smoke after sex, not when this shit happens” you say, jestering in-between the two of you.
“I don't know, maybe cause I'm embarrassed and now nervous.”
“Are we now playing 20 fucking questions, y/n. Jesus.” Joel said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“No Joel we're not” you snap. “I'm just trying to understand and salvage this fucking night. So why did you stop?”
“I think that's pretty obvious by the look you're still giving me.”
“What look?”
“Jesus, we are playing 20 questions. Y/n, just-”
“So help me God Joel, if you fucking tell me to leave it or drop it I swear to God, that the knife that is on your side of the bed will be stuck in your damn heart. So unless you wanna truly die tonight, I suggest you fucking start talking.” you said, snapping hard at Joel.
Joel looked down at you with a smirk on his face. There was that attitude that he knew and loved from you. Your anger and frustration was like an amazing fire, one that if Joel wasn't careful, would burn him to death. But the longer he sat there tonight, looking at you, the more he truly didn't care. He'd welcome the chance to get burned by your flames tonight. At least it’d make him feel alive, and that's something that he hasn't truly felt for a long time. 
“I'd like to see you try it” Joel said, bending down to whisper close to you. “I don't think you have the fucking guts to do it.”  As the stare down between Joel and you continued, you noticed that Joel widened his smirk. “Just as I thought,” he said, “you don't have the guts. You're all talk, and no fucking do y/n. And I'm not surprised. I honestly thought that you'd have the guts to do what you needed to do to survive. Apparently I was wrong.”
Joel knew he was playing a deadly game with you. But he didn't care, he wanted to snap you out of this problem you kept having thinking that you weren't good enough for him. So if he had to bite hard and yank hard on the Lion's tail to get a reaction, then that's what he was going to do.  After a brief moment of hesitation, Joel saw something snap inside of you. In a blink of an eye he watched your calm exterior morph into something like an intense rage. You flung yourself on him and grabbed his knife. The two of you wrestled for a moment until Joel was finally on his back, his hands up in surrender as you held the knife to his throat. 
Joel laid there with blown out pupils watching you. This form of anger turned him on, and made his dick twitch in his pants. Apparently you did have the balls to take him on. As Joel laid there he watched your outer exterior falter, and watched you start to second guess yourself. “Do it,” Joel said. “Y/n if you're gonna do it, don't think about it, just do it” he growled.
“I-I” you said, shaking your head.
“Come on baby, just do it” he said, looking at you with concern in his eyes as yours welled up with tears. “Baby, if you think that all men are like Dave, then fucking slice my throat. Let me go see my daughter, let me have my baby girl back. Just do it.” To emphasize his point Joel grabbed your wrist and pushed the knife into his neck more, but not where it was cutting him yet.
“Why?” you sobbed holding tight to the knife, but not letting go. “Why beg me, why not just do it yourself if you don't want to be here? Why do you need me?”
When Joel looked into your soft eyes it was then that he knew you couldn’t see it. That you couldn’t see that he loved you.  He didn’t want to open his heart and say those three little words yet, but he felt it. He loved you. But he, himself, was also drowning in emotion at this fact, just like you were.
“Baby, if you can’t see why, then I’ve really fucked up. If ya can't see why I want you darlin’, then I don’t deserve you in my life. I’m not Dave honey, I never have been, nor ever will be.  If you can’t see that then please honey, just let me go and see my daughter. I don’t want to be in a world where you think I’m a fucking monster. Please.”
Joel could see the war that was going on in your head, the struggle of wanting to say that every guy was like Dave and then not.  You knew that Joel was nothing like Dave, but still you couldn't be sure. Joel was moody, quiet, and sometimes cold. But even in the coldest of moments Joel still found compassion for you. He looked out for you and even protected you by killing Dave, when Dave attempted to take everything from you. Truth is, you were scared to death. You were scared to death to give yourself completely to someone else for fear that he'd do exactly what Dave did. That he'd lie and then destroy you.
As you sat there straddling Joel, holding the knife to his throat, you felt a horrible burn collect in the back of your throat. Eventually you couldn't hold it in any longer and a horrible sob escaped your mouth. Your mind was fighting hard to break free from the abuse that had happened from Dave.  
Joel could see you struggle with these emotions, as you wore them plain as day on your skin, unable to hide them. When Joel felt your grip on the knife falter he gently grabbed you and flipped you on your back. “I don’t want to be in a world where you hate me darlin’” Joel said, while putting the knife down and grabbing your hip to hitch it higher to open you up.  He slowly moved his one hand down to trace the outline of your slit through your panties, his other hand held your hands above your head.
“You're denched, baby” Joel whispered as he rested his forehead against yours while slowly circling your clit on the outside of your panties.  “I don’t want to live in a fucking world where someone else gets to touch this mama.”  Joel slowly moved from your clit down to the center of your weeping hole and then back up to your clit. 
“Fuck baby, I need you” Joel said, panting at how turned on he felt.  “Something tells me that you need me too” and with that Joel yanked your panties to the side as he crashed his lips onto yours. He quickly made fast work on your clit, alternating between feather light tickles to heavy circles.
“We're going to stop working each other up darlin’” Joel said, making fast work of your clit. “I can’t do it anymore baby. I fucking need you.” And with that admittance Joel deepened his kiss.  You two sat like that. Joel overtop of you holding your wrists above your head, while he slowly licked into your mouth with his tongue. Meanwhile his other hand kept circling your clit, trying to give you release.
“Joel, please I need to-”
“I know baby, I know.  Let it happen, honey. Trust me, I got you. Let go.” And with that Joel felt your clit swell then spasm hard as your back arched off the bed. You sobbed and bucked your hips up hard against his hand, chasing your high, moaning Joel's name.  When overstimulation started Joel released your hands and started to just rock back and forth into you. Grinding his hard bulge into your drenched heat. Joel had removed his hand from your clit, and placed it on your head, to caress your head. He also continued to deepen his kiss in your mouth. The two of you sat there for several minutes, exploring each other's mouth while Joel slowly rocked his hips into you.
Joel kept rocking into you, showing you how much he cared, how much he loved you.  He couldn't say the words yet to you, soon, I'll tell her soon, he thought. The longer he made out with you, the more you both started to pant. You moved your hand down and slid Joel's pants off his hips as you started rubbing his swollen member. “Aw darlin', fuck” Joel said when you wrapped your hand around his head and gently squeezed. “Please baby, don't tease. I can't, I can't, fuck mama, don't tease me,” Joel panted and begged you to continue.
“Baby, shhh” you said as you stilled your movements. You immediately heard Joel groan in frustration, with his eyes closed, and his forehead touching yours. “Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna take real good care of you.”  With looking down at Joel you noticed that he was throbbing hard against your hand.  “Jesus Joel, does that hurt baby?” you asked running your thumb gently over the swollen reddened tip.  As you did you heard Joel let out a hiss at the sensation. “I’m gonna take care of this baby, I’ll make it feel better” you cooed, slowly stroking him again.
“God please” Joel begged, breathless, panting hard when he looked into your eyes.
“What? What do you need Joel, tell me honey and I’ll do it.”
After a few more slow twists of your hand at the reddened tip of his cock you heard Joel let out a strangled groan followed by a breathy “Don't. Fa-fucking. St-Stop.”
“I won't, baby, if you promise to use your fingers. Joel fingers- ah- f-fuck me with your fingers. I want them deep baby. I promise though, I won’t stop touching you” you said panting.
Joel quickly shifted and yanked your panties all the way down.  He also quickly removed his shirt, and finished taking off his pants the rest of the way. He wanted to feel skin on skin contact with you. When he looked at you he saw that you had blown wide pupils. “Come here and let me fuck you with my hand, Joel” you said in a sultery voice.
“Fuck woman, if ya talk like that you’re gonna kill me” Joel said, panting and quickly getting situated back between your legs.  
Joel and you quickly found a rhythm. You stroked him while he fingered you. Joel also explored you with his mouth, kissing you passionately.  The longer it went, the more the two of you were panting heavily and rutting hard against each other.
“God Joel, baby I need-”
“What do you need darlin’, come on tell me- fuck” he said moaning as you stroked him faster.
“I need to come Joel, I need it so bad” you whined.
“You’re gonna cum for me darlin’, gonna give me another one?”
“Joel fuck, baby” you said as Joel pulled your leg up to widen you out for him.  He reached deep within you at the spongy part inside and your eyes rolled back in your head with a long moan.  
“Yeah mama, daddy knows where that fucking G-spot is.  Come on baby, soak daddy’s fingers with that beautiful pussy.  Pretend it’s my cock darlin’.  Come on, soak ‘em” Joel said growling in your ear as he picked up the pace fucking you hard and fast in your drenched tight hole.  He added a second finger and your eyes rolled back in your head, hand stumbling trying to stroke his cock fast through it.
“Joel I can’t” you said as you attempted to relax with pleasure, plus try to get him off.
“Let me do it mama, just hold your hand on my cock and I’ll do the rest.  I’ll fuck your hand as I fuck this pussy full with my fingers.  Pretend I’m inside of you baby, now come on, let daddy fuck ya good.”
Joel picked up the pace, rutting hard into your hand chasing his own high.  “Fuck baby, god you feel so damn good, mama. I haven’t- fuck- I haven’t fucked myself since I came in that pretty little pussy last time” Joel admitted out loud.
“Oh baby, fuck. Right there. Joel, honey, you need to come. Damn it. Come on Joel, you need to come with me, I'm almost there.  God, Joel. Blow your load on me, let me see it.”
“Filthy fucking woman” Joel growled, snapping his hand and hips hard into you.  “Filthy fucking mouth, I’m gonna fuck that beautiful mouth real soon. Make you take my cock all the way back like you’re meant to.  Fuck y/n, I’m close, you’re gonna need to come soon darlin’, I can’t wait much longer.”  You felt Joel’s thrusts become sloppy in your hands, so you added a bit of pressure and started moving your wrist faster to get him there sooner.
“Fuck- babe. Shit, I’m gonna, fuck I’m gonna-” Joel said while putting his forehead against yours as he came with a loud groan.
“Come Joel, come for me baby” you said while you felt him swell and then release his cum all over your hand and stomach. You followed him over the edge with your own release, coating his fingers as he kept pumping them in and out of you.  
When Joel finally found release he felt his vision go white as his balls drained of all his pent up anger, frustration, and energy that he had from not being able to come since the last time you two had sex. As he came he heard himself swearing while gently rocking back and forth into your hand as white rope after white rope of his seed came out of him.  When his cock was finally spent, and he started to soften, he opened his eyes.
“Hey you” you said as you both came back down to Earth.  “You ok, did I do that ok? Was I too-”
“Baby, stop. That was- fuck woman. That was amazing.” Joel said as he continued to slowly pant, trying to get his breathing under control.
“Good,” you said while kissing his forehead, “I’m glad you liked it.”
“How about you?” Joel said while picking his head up and slowly removing his fingers from your soaked cunt. “Did that-”
“Fuck Joel, that felt amazing” you said while laughing and blushing. 
“Good baby, so glad to hear.” he said, giving you a slow kiss to your mouth. When he was done he rolled onto his back and slowly calmed his breathing.
“We’re a mess Joel” you said laughing at how soaked you and him were with both sweat and both of your releases.  
“Give me a minute for the blood to go back to my brain honey, and then I’ll get up and get us a towel to clean up with.”
“Has it really been that long for you? That you haven’t come since we had sex in the woods a few months back?” you asked while you gently nudged him.
“I said that out loud? Fuck” Joel said with a groan.  “Yeah baby, it is, or was,” he said while sitting up and slowly standing up. Joel exited the room and went to the bathroom to clean up.  After he was done cleaning himself up he came in with a wet washcloth and a dry towel and slowly cleaned you up.  When he was finished he placed them in the dirty clothes pile, making a mental note to make sure he washed them in the sink with soap and water later.
He laid down next to you in bed, still panting as he slowly came down from his high. He only had his pajama pants on, and not his t-shirt.  You had already grabbed his t-shirt and had put it on.  “C’mere” he said while pulling you close to him and tucking you on your side, against his chest.
As you laid there and listened to him breathing, you heard that it was starting to slow and even out.  “Did you mean what you said?” you gently whispered into the night.
“About what?” Joel said, with sleep lacing his voice.
“That I’m not a doormat, that you want me to stay with you, and that you only want me in your bed?”  After Joel didn't respond you said “just forget that I-”
With a sigh Joel said, “Baby.” When you didn’t acknowledge him, he gripped you tighter saying “y/n.” Finally when you looked up at his face you saw that he was looking down at you seriously.  “I meant every fucking word that I said.  You're not a doormat and you belong in this bed with me, and only me. Now go to sleep.” Joel then tucked you into him once again.
After a moment you said in the darkness “I love you Joel” and with that, you fell asleep.  When Joel knew that you were sleeping he also said out loud “I love you too sweetheart, always have and always will.”  Joel knew that he had to tell you soon that he loved you. But this admission in the dark, when you were softly sleeping in his arms, was good enough for now. As sleep finally took Joel he thought to himself I love you and you’re forever mine. 
That was the first night the both of you had a decent night's sleep since this whole thing started. You both were wrapped up tight in each other's arms, not letting go, locking the world out for just one night. If you could describe the feeling you both felt, that feeling would be home. You felt like you were at home, safe in each other's arms. And that was something worth fighting for. 
-End chapter-
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callsign-dexter · 10 months
A Father's Fury
Summary: Maverick has a talking to Bradley and Jake for scaring his little girl.
Parinigs: Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, semi-yelling,
First Installment: Maverick's Little Co-Pilot
Second Installment: A Father's Fury
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It's not like Jake and Bradley came right out and said 'Oh hey Y/N your dad and pseudo brother almost died and left you alone.' No, it was more like they were left in charge of her and they didn't think she was listening, so they talked about the mission. What they didn't plan on was that she understood and took listening very well. For only being 3 she was really smart. Since they scared her their punishment was to teach a bunch of obnoxious cocky new Top Gun cadets, think of a room filled with a bunch of young Jakes and Mavericks, nobody liked to teach them because they never listened and they thought they were hot stuff because they did make it to Top Gun.
Jake and Bradley had gotten tasked with watching Y/N for the night. Maverick had decided to meet up with some of the class of '86 Top Gun students. They had decided to go out to The Hard Deck. Jake and Bradley had just arrived at the Mitchell Household. They had just walked into the house when Maverick started talking to them. Maverick was holding Y/N who was currently playing with his aviators and putting them on, further making her look like a Mini Maverick.
"Her bedtime is at 10 PM. Supper is at 7 PM, it is in the fridge all you have to do is heat it up. There is enough for all three of you. Absolutely and I'm absolutely no sugar after 9 PM, you will never be able to get her down if she has sugar." Maverick told them and they listened intently "She should be fine playing by herself but loves it when you play with her. She shouldn't need a bath but, Bradley knows how to give her one if needed." He said and started handing her over to Bradley. He turned to Jake when he started speaking.
"We got it Pops." Jake said sounding confident but boy was he in for a surprise. Bradley was aware of the stories and having had babysat her but now that she was moving around he was in for a surprise as well.
"I'll be back at 11 PM so after she goes to bed." Maverick said taking his aviators from his little girl's face while smiling at her. "If something goes wrong or if you need me, call me." He finished.
"Seriously, we got it Mav." Bradley said and turned to Y/N when she touched his mustache. Maverick nodded and turned to his little girl.
"Sweetheart," Maverick said and she turned to him "You be good for Bradley and Jake." He continued and she nodded her head.
"Otay, Daddy. I be good for Roo and Jakey." She said and Maverick smiled along with Bradley and Jake rolled his eyes at the nickname but smiled since it was her saying it. Maverick walked over to her and kissed her head then he walked over and grabbed his keys and walked out the door.
Now it was just Y/N, Bradley, and Jake. It was silent for a few minutes when Y/N wanted down. Bradley let her down and she took off. They looked at each other.
"So what do we do now?" Jake asked
"We watch her, make sure she doesn't get hurt, get her fed, and put her to bed." Bradley said and Jake nodded and looked at his watch.
"It's 6:30 PM now. Do we need to go ahead and get supper going?" He asked and Bradley nodded his head.
"Probably should." Bradley said "Go ahead and get it started and I'll get MJ." He said and Jake nodded.
Bradley started to walk to her room and when he walked in he found her playing with her toys. He smiled. He was there when she was born and there for most of her life. He was the first to give her the name MJ when he saw her, she was Maverick reincarnated. "MJ, ready to get washed up for supper?" He asked her and she looked up at him.
"No wash up." She said and he sighed here goes the stubbornness and went back to playing.
"MJ." He said sternly she looked at him and he had a look that he wasn't playing around. She also respected him and did as she was told. Y/N got up and walked over to him raised her hands and he picked her up. He walked into the bathroom and had her wash her hands and when she was done it was 7:00 PM. He walked into the kitchen to find Jake already had plates out and was putting food on them. Jake looked up to find them coming into the kitchen.
"Looks like Pops has left some Spaghetti." Jake said and Y/N clapped.
"Yay! Pasketti!" She cried out in a high-pitched voice that had Bradley moving his ear away from her. He walked over and put her in her booster seat and strapped her in as Jake brought the plates over. Most of the supper was just Y/N talking nonstop and then refusing to eat her food. She eventually did eat and then it was time for her to play.
It was getting close to 9 PM and Bradley and Jake were trying to convince Y/N to get into her pajamas. She was running around and they were chasing her. "Y/N/N please get into your pajamas." Jake pleaded as she settled and looked at him.
"No." She said and took off, Jake sighed and looked at Bradley and he just shrugged.
"Help." Jake said while looking at Bradley who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen since he had already tried and failed.
"You got this." Bradley said and Jake rolled his eyes. Bradley wanted Jake to handle it since he thought it was so easy. After 2 more failed attempts and then Bradley stepping in she finally put on her pajamas. It was 9:30 PM when they sat down on the couch and she was playing in front of them while a kid-friendly movie was on.
Bradley and Jake were exhausted but more so Jake. "You know something?" Jake asked.
"What is that?" Bradley replied not looking at him but Y/N.
"This was more stressful than The Uranium Mission and having to listen to Maverick and you get shot down." Jake said and Bradley nodded.
"You got that right. It made Maverick and I almost dying look like a piece of cake in The Uranium Mission." Bradley said and then he saw Y/N go still and slowly turn to look at him. Bradley and Jake's eyes widened. They didn't think she was listening.
"Daddy die?" She asked with a doe eyed look in her eyes and tears forming.
"Y/N/N-" Jake began but she was already up and running to her room.
"I'll go take care of her." Bradley said after the shock worn off. He got up and took off after her leaving Jake behind.
Bradley got to her room where she was lying on her bed sobbing. He walked in and sat on her bed rubbing her back "MJ, honey." He said and she looked up at him and sat up.
"It true?" She asked and Bradley nodded not wanting to lie to her and she started to cry more and climbed onto his lap and sobbed into his shirt while he hugged her.
"But Jake saved us and we're here with you." Bradley said and she looked up at him.
"Jakey saved Daddy and Roo?" She asked and he smiled at her nickname for him.
"That's right." He said and he looked at his watch it was 10 PM. "Want to go to sleep?" He asked her and she nodded. So he started her routine and she was out like a light. He tucked her in and turned off the light as he walked out of her room cracking the door.
Bradley walked out to the living room where Jake was watching a football game. He turned when he heard Bradley "How did it go?" He asked.
"She cried but I told her that you saved us, then I put her to sleep." Bradley said as he sat down and Jake nodded.
"Are we going to tell Maverick?" Jake asked him and Bradley shook his head.
"No." Bradley said not wanting to deal with a father's fury but didn't know that would be his downfall.
They sat and watched the game until Maverick arrived home. "How was it?" He asked as he finished putting his stuff away and walked into the living room.
"It was good. She can be a little rebel at times though." Jake said and Maverick laughed and nodded. He bid them a goodnight and left. Maverick walked into his little girl's room and smiled. He walked over and kissed her on the forehead.
"I love you, Sweetheart." He whispered and he walked out of the room and got ready for bed.
That is how they found themselves in Maverick’s office, before classes started, getting a stern talking to by their Captain. Maverick was sitting down with the two men in front of him sitting down.
"Did you tell my daughter that I was in an accident and that I almost died?" He asked looking up with fury in his eyes. Jake and Bradley went white.
"We didn't know she was listening." Bradley began.
"We thought she was watching the movie and playing with her toys. We also didn't know she would understand." Jake said getting nervous.
"You know she's smart for her age, right? She's also very observant." Maverick said with the same amount of fury.
"We're sorry Mav. We know she's smart and observant she's a mini you." Bradley said and he nodded.
"Yes, we are truly sorry." Jake said
"For scaring my daughter half to death and giving her separation anxiety, which is taking time to get her over. I'm making you teach the newest group of Top Gun cadets, who are difficult to teach and cocky, for 2 weeks." Maverick said and they both knew what group they were talking about, nobody wanted to teach them because they never listened to anything. Bradley and Jake's faces filled with horror.
"Maverick-" They both began but he wasn't having any of it.
"End of discussion. You both are dismissed." He said and they both left with a soured mood and frowns on their face. They had walked into the rec room where the rest of the group was.
"What's up with both of you?" Natasha asked
"Maverick assigned us to the group of cadets nobody wants to teach because we scared MJ." Bradley said and everyone grimaced they heard of that group and were just glad they hadn't gotten them.
Class started and Bradley and Jake were already regretting it. It took 10 minutes to get them to settle down and listen. Each time they looked up Maverick was back there smirking as they glared at him. He just shrugged his shoulders in a way of saying 'you brought this upon yourselves'. Each day he sat in the back watching them when they weren't up in the air.
Cyclone walked in one day "What is going on?" He asked Maverick quietly and Maverick looked at him and then back to the two men.
"They scared my kid enough to give her separation anxiety, their punishment is to teach this cocky group of cadets for a week." Maverick said and he watched Cyclone nodded from his peripheral vision.
"Nice. Carry on." Cyclone said in a proud manner and walked out and that made Maverick smile knowing he did something that Cyclone approved of.
On the last day of their teaching, he brought Y/N so that each time they looked up and saw her they would be reminded of what they had done. Each time they did they felt guilty. They dismissed the cadets to go and get ready to go up in the jets when they stopped to talk to Maverick and Y/N.
"We're truly sorry, Mav." They both said and the same time.
"It's not me whom you should be apologizing to although I do appreciate it and expect it." Maverick said they turned to the little girl in his arms.
"MJ we are sorry for scaring you and thinking that your daddy would leave you." Bradley said
"We are really sorry Y/N/N. It won't happen again." Jake said.
"It otay, Jakey and Roo." She said and held her arms out to Jake and he took her and hugged her and then she did the same to Bradley. She then went back to her daddy.
"You two are done after this day of teaching this group of cadets. You will go back to teaching your regular classes." Maverick said and they seemed like they visibly relaxed.
"Thank you so much Mav. We promise it won't happen again." Bradley said and Jake nodded in agreement.
"Good. Now go." Maverick said and they scurried off. Maverick took Y/N back to his office where he stayed for most of the day, while she played, ate, drank her juice, and took naps.
No aviator, WSO, nor person, military or not, was safe from a father's fury especially when it came to Maverick and his daughter.
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its-in-the-woods · 24 days
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 6
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out.  Little angst, lots of fluff, handholding,kissing, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
I think I may have an ending now. Posts will continue to be 2-3k long. Every other day more than likely. The whole fic will be around 30k words.
Thank you all again and again for taking the time to read the stories I put out.
Your phone hasn’t stopped buzzing, your head is a little fuzzy but not nearly as bad as you’d experienced. Opening your eyes you flip the phone over to see it’s nearly twelve-thirty in the afternoon. Blinking a few times you make yourself sit up in bed flipping your phone on to see a deluge of text messages. Groaning you turn your phone off and stretch. Before any messages were answered you need coffee and maybe a shower. 
Showered and suitably caffeinated you finally flip open the text messages. 
9 am: So what happened?
9:1 5:Hello?
9:30: Look do I need to call the police?
10:30: It’s been hours….
10:32: You never texted me when you got home
11:01: Okay it’s after eleven. You never sleep in. 
12:45: I am coming over in thirty minutes if I don’t hear from you. 
You reply:
I am fine, I just got home super late. I hope you’re not coming over
You scared me! 
Why didn’t you text me back?
How late were you out
Wait did you go back to his place?????
You groan squeezing your eyes close and drinking a healthy swig of coffee.
We went for sushi, then went down to the beach. 
That’s all you're giving me! What kinda 1950s dating scene is this?
You chuckle replying:
We stayed at the beach until 3 am. 
Trevor: Wait did you have sex on the beach
It’s an important question. Don’t want to find out on the gossip train.
why can’t I have nice things TREVOR. No there was no sex in PUBLIC, we kissed and held hands. Can I not do that????
Trevor: Are you secretly asexual? There is nothing wrong with that. I think it’s romantic. 
I am going to become asexual if it means you stop asking me these questions. 
You could almost hear him laughing at you. 
You like it! 
You snorted and switched messages.
10 am: Hey beautiful, wanted to check in. See how you’re doing this morning. 
11 am: I was wondering about maybe going out to bar a city over next Friday? 
11:10 am: Promise I am not trying to kidnap you.
12:20 pm:  Thought you never slept in?
Hey handsome, sorry I actually slept in. Kept me out past my bedtime.
I would love to go out with you next Friday, fingers crossed they don’t keep us late
You set your phone down, pondering if you still trusted the milk in the fridge to make pancakes. Getting up you get a refill of coffee, phone buzzing. 
If they do we can always go out saturday? Can’t be keeping you up so late. Got make sure you can keep up with this old man. 
Oh I am sure I can keep up with you 😉
Careful little lady, I might have to come by and test that theory.
Your face goes bright red and that heat coils low in your belly. 
You: Promises, promises, 
If I didn’t have a zoom meeting in ten minutes 😠
Maybe next Friday. 
You’re not sure why you’ve become a tease, but you’re enjoying winding him up. 
Monday will be more like it.
😜 Your trailer or mine.
Yours just so Trevor will stop texting me.
You let out a laugh, seemed like Trevor was also enjoying winding him up. You spend the rest of the day chatting with both of them. Sunday is a bit quieter, more zoom calls for Walt and Trevor had gone to Decon’s. 
*** Monday goes by in a blur, Walton keeps his hands to himself when others are around. But it doesn’t stop him from following you behind the food tent to steal kisses. You are now sporting a permanent flush and some of your co-workers are raising eyebrows. You are ever grateful that Trevor has kept his mouth shut. Liz is as pissy as ever but seems to be letting it lay. Katie has slowly warmed up to you again, why you weren’t sure. 
The rest of the week is pretty similar. Early mornings bleed into later evenings, the endless weeks have worn on you. Then Walton slides into your chair with his latest story and you feel like a weight is lifted off of you. The man once more touches you gently and gives you lingering cheek kisses as he goes over to set or costumes.   
Friday night rolls around and it’s going to be a long one. You fiddle with a few of your brushes when the door opens quickly. 
“We are being released. There was a fire on stage, and it looks like we are out at least until Monday,” Liz rolls in looking flustered, her normal perfect facade gone. She looks haggard and frazzled. 
“There was a fire on set?” You ask sitting up and feeling much more awake. Panic shoots down the back of your neck.
“Yep, green sparky left a light on too close to set.” Liz sat in the chair grabbing cleaner. You had stayed in the trailer to start tucking things away as Walton was off-screen for the first three setups. You are out the door before she has time to say more. You stop at costumes knocking at the door. 
Rebeccas opens it and looks down at you, she looks flustered but still has a smile on. “Hey, I am guessing you heard about the fire?”
“Yes, I did,” You say trying not to sound panicked, even though your mind is racing. The thought of him being hurt makes you nauseous. “Umm -is.”
Rebecca looks into the trailer, “Walt. You almost done in there?” There is a bunch of commotion going on in the trailer, with people moving back and forth, and different actors in various stages of undress.
You looked at her puzzled at how she knew you were looking for him. 
Rebecca turns back to you, “He never shuts up about you, so figured that’s why you are here,” She replies, and you immediately feel flustered, clearly rumors are moving again. 
“Oh- umm- Yeah. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”
Walton pops his head above Rebecca his fingers nimbly button up his shirt. “Be right out.”
You blush and look away, “Sorry, I should probably go.”
Rebeca waved her hand at you, “Your secret is safe with me,” she winked. You wonder not for the first time if you were the only one who was never included in the rumor mill. 
Walton pops down the stairs, and has on grey button-up sleeves rolled up, navy wash jeans. He tilts his head when he looks at you. You let out a sigh seeing him unscathed. 
“You okay?” He asks, his hand touching your shoulder. You nod your head, turning to walk back towards the makeup trailer. You really don’t want to make a scene right now, there were way too many eyes on you both right now. 
“I know I said we should go to the bar tonight,” Walton says, his fingers brushing against yours. You try not to grab his hands, just to know he is still there. “But maybe we should get take out at my place?”
You get to the trailer, unable to stop looking around. He looks right at you, the way he could focus on you was both flattering and unnerving. Especially as you are trying to keep things under wraps. 
“Have to stop and grab a few things first.” You say trying to keep your voice from carrying. “Have you pick me up again?”
He smiles, “I would pick you up any day.”
You are bright red, as you open the door and follow the man into the trailer. 
A large paper bag of Chinese food was acquired, along with a couple of bottles of wine. You both devest at the door, slipping off your shoes, and placing the wine on the counter. You watch him move around the kitchen. Practice ease, you watch his muscles move under his shirt. You were tired as anything but being in his kitchen, waiting to eat greasy Chinese food couldn’t have been more perfect. 
You grab plates from him, laying out the smorgasbord board of different food. The two of you scooped a little of everything, before sitting down at the table and pouring some wine. 
“I feel like I should apologize for having you over instead of going out somewhere,” Walton says taking a sip of wine. “I don’t want you to think I am taking advantage of you being here.”
You chuckle, “Don’t know what you mean Mr. Goggins. I thought you invited me to your place to play some chess and listen to swing jazz.”
Walton nearly loses his food at the comment, his hand covering his mouth. “Swing jazz? How old do you think I am?”
“Oh you got to be at least in your seventies,” You tease back taking a bite out of your spring roll. 
Walton coughs, “I didn’t realize you where into grandfathers.”
You choke a little, “Well to be fair,” You wave your hand, “I am usually good with trying anything once.” 
Walton sips on his wine eyebrows raised, ���Anything?”
You nod your head, a smile spreading across your face. “Can’t say I don’t like it unless I try it.”
He puts his glass down, watching you carefully as you finish your cup. “I could make some coffee while we clean up.”
You grab his plate stacking it with your own as he grabs the glasses. You two make it over to the kitchen, there is tension in the air as you clean things up. He grabs a French press out of the cupboards aswell as some coffee and cups.
You slide over to the counter and sit on top of it. Feet kicking back and forth as you watch the man ready things.  Flicking the kettle on to heat the water. He comes over and moves himself in between your legs.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” He whispers, placing hands on either side of your hips. Face inches from you.
You wrap your hands lazily over his shoulders, opening your legs to let him in closer. 
“No, you haven't today.” You lean in to kiss him, kissing him will never get old.
“You are stunning.” He whispers against your ear. Sending shivers down your spine. The kettle clicks and he's moving away from you. You watch him pour grinds and then water into the press. 
“Why did you wait so long to ask?” You inquire, moving your feet back and forth. Letting yourself briefly wonder if maybe the question was too forward.  
He turned to look at you, bottom lip caught in his teeth. “Umm-”  
Leaving the coffee he came over to you. Cheeks slightly pink, he tucked his hair behind his ear. 
“I - ahh. I didn't think you'd want to go out with me.” 
Your mouth falls open, “Are you serious?”
He shrugs, fingers fiddling with the outer seam of your jeans. You take his hand in yours using the moment to drag him back between your legs. Once he is there, you tip Walton’s head up to look right at you.
“You're so dumb,” You grin leaning in to kiss him. He chuckles and leans into the kiss, strong arms wrapping around you. “I am also dumb, 'cause I thought the same thing about you.”
Walton pulls back looking at you, eyebrows scrunched. “Didn't you just call me dumb? Seems like we both may have missed the sign somewhere along the way.”
You grin one hand finding its way to rub along his jawline. “Took us long enough.”
He smiled, “Trevor is never going to let us live this down.”
You let out a groan, “He is beyond impossible. I am gonna have a small textbook of text messages.”
Walton’s eyes glint, and he pulls his phone out. “Why don't we give him an update.”
You can't help but laugh, “Oh absolutely!” 
Walton flips his phone on turning on the camera he flips it to the two of you. You lean in and kiss him deeply as he clicks the button. The phone is placed on the counter as you wrap your legs around his waist. You pull out a deep moan that rumbles out of his chest when you bite at his bottom lip. It doesn't stop you from pushing your tongue in. Rocking your hips a little, the room feels hot. 
Walton pulls away, breathless, “If you keep doing that, I am liable to forget about our coffee.”
You let out a sigh, “I suppose a little coffee couldn't won't hurt.” You unwrap yourself from him. 
He moves down the counter as you slide off it. He mixes your coffee just the way you like it, handing you the cup as he fixes his own. You wait, watching him work, he turns and gestures toward the living room. You make your way over to the couch.  
Folding yourself up on the end of the sofa, tucking one leg underneath the other. You sip on the coffee, it is delicious and beats any store bought. Walton comes over and sits beside you, taking a long sip of his drink. Looking out the windows you can see part of downtown and the north shore. The lights still dazzling, as the evening wore on. 
“I know, before, I said I wasn’t sure you would want to go out with me,” He said looking out at the window as he spoke. “I tried, unsuccessfully to give you space. But the further I got away the more I missed being near you. Then when we went out for sushi, it all just kinda clicked. This isn’t conventional.” He gestures between the two of you. You hold your cup listening intently. 
“I am, ahh, older than you. And my life is not exactly straightforward. I don’t take relationships lightly, not that this is that. Or.” You can’t suppress the smile as he tries to explain himself. “I am terrible at this. I don’t want to move too fast, but also. I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
You put your cup down, and gesture for him to come closer. He places his cup down beside yours and moves over. Patting your lap, he slips down and lays his head on your lap. You run your hands through his hair, his eyes close and he hums softly against your legs. 
“I can’t tell you what's going to happen,” You say softly, “I am also not good at this, but I am willing to try. However fast or slow you want to go. As for the age thing, I don’t care, it’s never bothered me.” 
Walton’s breath slows and his hand slips under your thigh holding you close. You sit there a while longer, letting him just relax against you. Again you are struck by how simple it is, to just sit here with a warm cup of coffee and the city lights. You could get used to weekends like this. But as always he is moving sitting up and smoothing out his hair, grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip. 
“Would you like to come to bed with me?” He asks, you turn away from the lights. His eyes fixed on you, not hungry but curious. 
“I would like that a lot,” You say licking your lips and heart pounding in your chest. 
Walton stands up offering you a hand, which you take, pulling yourself to your feet. The coffee is left on the table as you follow him. Fingers laced together like they are two puzzle pieces. You pass by the guest room and there is a door at the end of the hallway. He opens it and you walk into the large room. There are floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the sea, a large king-sized bed on a wooden platform. The room is sparse, with two side tables with lamps. A large walk-in closet to your left along with a bathroom beside it. You wonder for a moment how often he has brought others back here. The thought lingers in the back of your mind as you wander over to sit on the edge of the bed. Walton has disappeared into the bathroom.
“I think I have another toothbrush in here,” He calls out, poking his head around the corner. 
You smile and move towards him, “I thought you wanted to take things slow?”
He’s blushing again and handing you the unopened toothbrush, “I–I umm. Just figure I’d offer.” 
You move into the bathroom grabbing some toothpaste off the counter and leaning against it, “I appreciate it, besides don’t want to have coffee breath. Would you happen to have makeup wipes?”
Walton thinks for a moment before he scoots you out of the way, as you brush your teeth. He pops up with a bottle of cleanser and a fresh hand towel. “I knew I had it here somewhere.”
You grin and thank him, he brushes his teeth before disappearing again. You take the moment to clean off your face and neck. Looking into the mirror you got a permanent smile on your face. Letting out a happy sigh you finish up, telling yourself not to put the cart in front of the horses. You walk out and Walton is standing there shirtless, blinds drawn. He slips into a grey cotton t-shirt, that you currently hate, and black sweatpants. Sensing you staring he turns around to see you. 
Chapter seven
*tiny cliffhanger. I always need at least one 😜*
*As always if you'd like to be tagged let me know! *
*reblogs, likes, and comments appreciated! *
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thenewausten · 4 months
hiii hru !? Imagine quackity helping the reader who has insomnia to sleep or something like this
Hello, I'm fine! Thanks for the request!
Quackity Imagine: Bedtime Stories
You and Quackity lived together for a few months already, he knew you had insomnia so he'd always be in bed to sleep with you, but today he asked if you'd go to bed without him because he had to solve a problem that appeared on the server. You nod and went to bed, thinking you'd sleep, but you didn't."Fuck." You said after a while of trying and failing.
After a few minutes you decide to get up and go after your boyfriend, finding him in his office. He was in call with some admins of QSMP server, giving them some instructions but as soon as he sees you, he says: "Yes, wai-, wait a minute, please." He mutes the microphone, looking at you. "Hey, amor, what happened?"
"Couldn't sleep, sorry to bother." You'd whisper as you approach him. "Are you finishing there?"
"You're not bothering, princess." He grabs one of your hands, kissing it and looking at you. "Just more five minutes and I'm done."
"Okay, I'll wait in bed." He nods, kissing your hand one more time.
Five minutes later, Alex lay down next to you, pulling you to him as he whispers: "What happened, baby?" He kisses your head as you hug him. "Couldn't silence all my thoughts, 'Lex."
"Oh, mi amor..."
"Could you tell me something?! A story or what happened with the server, I don't know, just want to listen to your voice." You asked, Alex nods and one of his hands goes to your hair. "Of course, amor. I'll tell you about the day I skipped class with some friends and my mom found out."
"Did she hit you?"
"I won't give you any spoilers."
He'd tell you the story as he caresses your hair and after a few minutes you'd whisper: "I love you, 'Lex." Falling asleep before hearing him say: "I love you, princesa.*"
"Princesa" means "Princess" in spanish and portuguese!
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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hockybish · 7 months
Bedtime Blues
l West Winds au l dad!trevor l masterlist l blurb l
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"Do you trust me?"
"No Trevor, not when you don't-"
"Stop, Tallulah, just stop" Trevor cut her off
There was pause in the conversation. The couple looking anywhere but at each other, both not wanting to break the silence.
"I um, I think I should go home tonight"
Bean replayed the argument in her mind. It was stupid really a simple breakdown in communication that lead to her questioning him and him angrily leaving for the night.
If only he had talked to about the thing and maybe -
"Mommy! Daddy! I'm ready!" Zephyr's voice rang through their home.
He had been doing his nightly routine, which included a bath tonight. And now he was done and ready for his parents to read him a story and give him hugs and kisses.
"Hey baby" She kissed the top of his head, sitting in the bed next to him, pretending nothing was different from any other night. "What book are we reading tonight?"
"This one. I want Daddy to do the funny voices." The child proudly held out the book he chose.
"Is it alright if Mommy does them tonight?" Bean knew she was no where near the story reader that Trevor was, but she hoped and prayed that for one night, it would be okay.
"No, you don't do it right, only Daddy."
"I know baby, but Daddy had to leave, so Mommy has to do it."
"Daddy gone?" Bean nodded at her confused child. She could see the gears turning and a meltdown coming.
"But he didn't tell me goodbye." Zephyr's face turned from confusion to sadness when his lip started quivering and tears started flowing from his eyes.
"I'm sorry"
"No!" Zephyr started to get upset, throwing his favorite book and pushing his mother away before tossing himself on the floor crying. "I want my Daddy!"
Trevor knew leaving probably wasn't the best idea and most definitely wasn't going to solve whatever issue they were having. He just needed a moment, so spending the night in his own home was the best solution.
He was almost home when his phone went off, Bean's name popping up on the screen. He almost declined it by letting ring, but a gut feeling told him to answer it.
"What?" His voice came off a little more harsh than he intended.
"You never said goodnight." There was a lot of commotion in the background he could hardly understand what she was saying.
"What?" Trevor asked again, this time his voice changing becoming a little softer.
"You never said goodnight, you weren't here to read the story and do the funny voices." Bean's voice cracked over the phone. "He won't stop crying for you."
That's what the noise was. Zephyr crying.
"Please come back"
Bean didn't have to ask him twice. Once it was safe, Trevor turned the car around and sped off back towards his family.
Zephyr launched himself into Trevor's arms the moment he saw him. He wasn't too happy with his mother right now and just wants his daddy.
"What's wrong Zeph?"
"I don't love Mommy right now. Hate Mommy. Want you." Zeph rubbed his blanket over his tired eyes.
"Hey now, that's not very nice. Mommy loves you very much. She's trying okay buddy?"
Trevor could tell he didn't mean it, it was the sleep deprivation talking. In the morning after a good night sleep he could change his mind.
"Do you want to come home with Daddy?" He could feel Zeph's heading nodding against his chest. It was decided they'll have a little sleepover.
Zephyr fell asleep at some point in time on the drive to Trevor's. Exhaustion finally taking over and lull of the car convincing him to close his eyes.
Trevor laid him in his bed and snapped a photo, sending it to Bean, letting her know that they got to their destination and someone was already asleep.
tilly bean: im sorry about the fight Z: well talk about it tomorrow
tilly bean: i love you z Z: i love you more bean
They were going to be alright. She's his endgame after all.
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im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 6 months
Daddy’s Favorite Story | Bucky Barnes (3rd Day of 🎄)
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(Credits to the owner of this pic!)
Hey everyone! I hope you’re enjoying my stories! We’re on day 3 of fluffy Christmas fics! 🩵
Christmas Masterlist <- check out my other holiday fics! ✨
“Daddy, can you please read me one more story?” I heard Grace’s voice on the other side of her bedroom door. I held a laundry basket in my hands, almost finished with the household chores for the day. I was about to walk in to ask our 5 year old if she needed anything from mommy before I stopped myself once I realized her dad was in the room.
I smiled to myself at the thought of her and Bucky bonding before she went to sleep. Placing the basket on the floor, my right reached out for the doorknob to take a peek at the loves of my life. Bucky was sat down on her bed, she was lying down with a small pile of her stuffed animals around her. She held onto a goat stuffed animal she got from her uncle Steve for her birthday earlier this year.
“You said that two books ago!” Bucky laughed as she sat up in her bed, getting ready to fight to get her way. “But – But this one is the last one! I promise!” She clasped her little fingers together and looked up at her father, giving him the best puppy dog eyes she could muster. Her blue eyes meeting his own as he tried to resist giving in.
“No, sweetheart, don’t do this to me!” She pouted her lips as he covered his face with his hand. The amount of love he has for his daughter will obviously make it difficult for him to say no to her. “Pleeaassee?” He peeked at her through his fingers and chuckled to himself. “Arghh… fine. You win.” She giggled and got settled into her bed, bringing her blanket closer to her and she watched her father in awe.
“Okay, one more story and you promise me that you’ll go to sleep after this, okay?” He raised an eyebrow as she nodded enthusiastically. I crossed my arms over my chest as I leaned against the doorframe, watching this all play out in front of me. He looked through her small bookshelf and picked one up, inspecting it. He turned to look at her and smiled, tapping onto the cover of the book. “This one is a classic, sweetheart. It’s one of daddy’s favorites.” He opened the book in his hands, cleared his throat and began reading.
“‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house.
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there.”
Bucky made sure to lean in and show her the pictures. Her little eyes scanned the pages as she held onto her goat stuffie closer to her. I softly smiled to myself, thinking about how lucky I am to have found someone like Bucky to share the rest of my life with. To live a quiet domestic life with.
“The children were nestled, all snug in their beds.”
He leaned in and tickled her stomach as her laughter filled the room. Her cheeks tinted pink as he continued reading her a story for bedtime.
“While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
And momma in her ‘kerchief and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.
When out in the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.”
He stood up abruptly and spread his arms out as Grace watched him with anticipation. He walked over to her window and brushed her curtains to sway them back and forth to give as much visual effects as possible.
“Away to the window flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,
Gave a lustre of midday to objects below,
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a miniature sleigh with eight tiny reindeer.”
He quickly looked around her room for a reindeer stuffie, but all he could see was her goat. He grabbed it and made it look as if it was flying. “Daddy, that’s not a reindeer!” Grace laughed. “Whaaattt? No, it totally is!”
“No he’s not!” He bowed his head for a moment and looked up, smiled at her. “Well, let’s just pretend baby, okay?” She giggled and nodded her head.
“With a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
“Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!”
I couldn’t help but think of how he’s such an amazing father. He’s going all out as best as he can just to make her night. To think we were both so scared to become parents is crazy to me. I don’t know what we were so scared of. Since Grace came into our lives, it’s been nothing but bliss. I can’t imagine our lives without her and I can’t imagine not doing this with Bucky.
“To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!’
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the housetop the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.”
Bucky grabbed her goat and pranced it on her bed, making it look like it was walking closer and closer to her. She smiled as Bucky continued to read the next part of the story.
“As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a pedler just opening his pack.”
He cleared his throat as his voice pitched a little higher than usual as he spoke.
“His eyes—how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly
That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.”
He walked towards her closet and quickly rummaged through it until he found what he was looking for. He came out with her white scarf wrapped around his mouth to imitate a white beard. Walking back towards his daughter, he reached for her pillow. “Excuse me sweetheart.” She giggled and sat up as she watched him stuff the pillow in his shirt and placed his hands on his belly, letting out a deep laugh. “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Grace burst out laughing as she watched her daddy pretend to be Santa Claus. I brought my hand to my mouth to try to stifle a laugh as I watched him in amusement.
“He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.”
He leaned in and pinched her nose, smiling as she let out a giggle. Her eyes gleaming with admiration towards her father.
“And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight —
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
She cheered at the end of the story as Bucky placed the book down on her bedside table. He laughed and took the pillow out from his shirt and placed it comfortably behind her head. “Did you enjoy the story?” She nodded and yelled out a big “yes!” He slid off her scarf and placed it next to the book.
He leaned in and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m glad you liked it sweetheart.” He brushed a hair away from her face and smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too daddy. Thank you for reading me a story.”
He chuckled and nodded. “You’re welcome. Now, it’s time to head to bed! It’s late.” He tucked her into bed, placed one last kiss on her forehead and bid her goodnight. He made his way to the door and saw me standing there. “That was a lovely story.” I stated as his face turned a light shade of pink. “Yeah well..” He closed Grace’s door behind him and looked up at me. “How much did you hear?”
“Oh, not much… only all of it.” I smiled at him as he turned to look away in embarrassment. “Oh God.. so, did you see..?” I nodded as he covered his face with his hands. “I especially liked the part where you pretend to be Santa. That was a nice touch.”
“Hey, I was just trying to give her visuals. What I did was amazing.” He embraced me from behind and placed his hands on my stomach, rubbing small circles. “Of course it was amazing! I’m not saying it wasn’t.” He placed a soft kiss on my cheek as I placed my hands on top of his. We stood there, enjoying the silence between us for we don’t get much of that nowadays. I closed my eyes for a moment and softly smiled. We both sighed in content.
“She’ll be here in a few months.” I quietly spoke as he hummed, his hand not leaving the small bump in my belly. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Maybe you could do what you did for Grace tonight again when she gets here.” I chuckled. “It could become a Christmas family tradition.” He chuckled as I pulled back so I could turn to look at him. “I’ll think about it.” He leaned down and placed a kiss upon my lips before pulling away and bending down to grab the laundry basket.
“Head on up to the couch, doll. I’ll finish cleaning up. You just relax and get a movie ready for us to watch, okay?” I nodded my head as we both made our way to the living room.
I turned to look at him, my hand instinctively going towards my belly. “Yeah?” He just smiled at me, the kind of smile that could make anyone weak in the knees.
“I love you.” I couldn’t help the blush that rushed to my cheeks. How is it that he’s still able to do that to me? I will never know. I smiled back at him.
“I love you more.”
He scrunched his nose and chuckled. “I think that’s up for debate.” He bit his lip, trying to hide his smile as he turned away to go finish cleaning up the house. Soon our household will go from 3 to 4 and who else knows how bigger it’ll get after that. I’m not worried though, because I’ve got the best partner to do this with. Nothing could be better than this.
I can’t wait for our family to grow.
I hope y’all liked it! Please let me know your thoughts! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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samgirl98 · 8 months
Mending a Family 27/?
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It's Danny's Birthday!
Wow, I was surprised at the support I got on the last chapter with the PTA rivalry. We won't see Avril for a few chapters, but I already have a few ideas.
Danny’s birthday fell on a Friday. Jason asked his little boy if he wanted to have a party with his classmates. He said no.
“I’d rather spend it with you, daddy, and then have a sleepover with Lian.”
So, on Danny’s birthday, Jason took Danny to work on the Mustang instead of going to school. Hank instantly fell for Danny. It helped that the little boy knew about cars, their parts, and the tools used to fix them.
“You’ve taught that boy well,” Hank said while giving Danny some hard candy.
“Thanks,” Jason said. It’s not like he could mention his son came with that knowledge from before.
Jason spent the day with his son while Jazz fixed the house with balloons, bought the cake, and arranged the presents. He didn’t want to leave everything to her, but Jazz had insisted that Danny deserved to spend his birthday with his father.
Jason’s smile didn’t leave the whole day.
Jason bought Danny a burger, fries, a shake, and a sundae for lunch. Jason couldn’t help but laugh with Danny as he wiped the chocolate sauce off his little boy’s face. They fixed the car for a while longer, then walked around the village. At Danny’s insistence, they stopped at a bookstore. He didn’t know why Danny wanted to go to that particular bookstore so badly. Jason felt a weird but nice energy around the place.
It had just opened and seemed to have every genre of books under its small roof. Jason had fun browsing and was already thinking of when he could come back.
Danny went straight to the science books and found a bunch of engineering and, surprise, surprise, space—particularly alien technology and culture. Jason also got a few books that piqued his interest. He got a few trashy romance books, two sci-fi ones, and one with the entire collection of Emily Brontë. Surprisingly, it had been published a few years after her death and was in pristine condition.
“Did you gentlemen find everything you needed?”
Jason’s skin started to get goosebumps, and his breath came out in smokey wisps.
The cashier was pale with vivid green eyes, black hair, a goatee, and pointy ears. He had glasses, a scarf, and a purple coat over a gray shirt. Jason could see fangs when he smiled.
“Hey, Ghost Writer,” Danny greeted.
“Danny, do you know this…gentleman?”
“Yeah, he’s a ghost. He used to help me with my English homework. He keeps records of everything ever written in his library in the Infinite Realms. What are you doing here?”
“Well, little one, after we heard what happened with the Fentons, a few of us were worried. I volunteered to find you.”
“Really, why? You hate leaving your library.”
“I was worried. Despite how we met, you were one of the few ghosts that would visit me. I missed my friend. Although, I’m surprised to see you so small. And who is this with you?”
“This is my daddy, Jason. He loves to read! He reads me bedtime stories at night.”
“Ah, a fellow bibliophile. Always nice to meet someone who appreciates the written word.”
Jason shook the ghost’s hand; it was cold.
“You’re like Danny, aren’t you? Another halfa.”
Jason nodded.
“Well, it’s good to see someone who cares for Danny. Come by anytime you want.”
“You’re going to stay?”
“Yes, this dimension is…interesting. I think I’ll hang around for a while. Maybe find some new inspiration for my writing.”
Jason didn’t know what to think about the other ghost. Hell, he hadn’t met any other ghosts and was a little weirded out that he seemed so…normal. He even gave them a discount.
“Ghost discount,” he said with a wink, “come back whenever you want! And do recommend my shop to anyone who likes books. I have everything from romance to arcane magic.”
Jason filed that away. He should send Raven along. She could give a read on the place.
They went back home. Danny hummed as he read his new books. After seeing Ghost Writer, he seemed in better spirits (pun intended.)
Jazz had done a great job with the decorations. It turned out Raven, Roy, and Lian had also come early to help set up. Jason hugged Raven greeted Roy with a high five, and Lian with a secret handshake.
Danny ran up to Lian and immediately got her attention. He showed off his books, glad to have his cousin, aunt, and uncle around for his birthday. Soon, the two kids were running off with each other.
They freaked out Roy a bit when Danny was flying in circles with Lian in his arms. The kids laughed at Roy’s distress before Raven got the two children. She used the shadows to make figures to entertain the kids. Even little Ellie enjoyed the show.
Then came presents and cake.
The cake had been ordered to be shaped like a rocket. Danny loved it.
The presents came after the cake.
Lian had convinced Grandpa Ollie to get an autograph from Martian Manhunter. Danny squealed in delight at the photograph with the signature. He hugged Lian tightly and stared at it. Jason promised they would get it framed as soon as possible so it wouldn’t get ruined.
Auntie Raven had gotten Danny a lamp that projected stars and planets and changed colors. Danny hugged his aunt, and Raven couldn’t help but feel warmth at the happiness coming off the little boy.
Next, Danny opened Jazz’s present. She gave him a gold locket with a crescent moon and the North Star. In the locket was a picture of Jason and Jazz holding Ellie. Danny put it around his neck and hid it under his shirt. He didn’t want to lose it.
Uncle Roy had gotten Danny a black and silver star globe. It showed every constellation, and the best part, it glowed in the dark. He’d be able to see the stars in his room.
Even though she hadn’t shown up, Talia had also sent a gift. Jason had been a bit nervous, worried it would be another weapon. He sighed in relief when he saw it was a green blanket with gold embroidery. It was lined in fur and obviously very expensive. Even though Danny didn’t really like Talia (she had made his daddy anxious), he couldn’t help but rub his face on the soft material. He would keep it.
Lastly came his daddy’s present. He opened it with gusto. He gasped when he saw a build-your-own model of the Watch Tower Satellite. It had 1,500 pieces and would be three feet tall when completed. It had cost Jason a pretty penny to get it, but getting his son’s toothy grin and hug was worth it.
Afterward, Roy and Lian showed Danny how to use a bow and arrow. Lian even showed off a little at how better she was at it. Danny pouted, but eventually, he started getting the hang of it. He even asked Jason if he could have archery lessons.
“Sure, chum, I’ll see what I can do.”
“What do you mean, ‘you’ll see what you can do?’ I’m right here to teach the little tyke.”
Jason pretended to think about it and sighed dramatically, “Alright, I guess.”
“Why you, little,” Roy chased Jason around. Jason couldn’t help but laugh at his older brother’s antics. He paused for a moment, and Roy tackled him.
Older brother. Somewhere along the way, Roy had become a brother to him and Raven an older sister.
Could I have had this with Dick if I hadn’t come back wrong?
He dismissed the thought. Right now, it was about being happy and spending time with his family.
That night, they started a campfire and roasted some marshmallows. Danny pointed out the constellations and talked about the myths behind them as his little family listened with rapt attention. Jazz and Jason had set up two tents.
While Lian and Danny would sleep in one, Roy and Jason would sleep in another. Raven and Jazz would sleep in the house so Ellie wouldn’t be alone. The two kids didn’t get much sleep. They played with flashlights and told ‘scary’ stories while their fathers listened to the giggling next to them.
“We have great kids,” Roy said.
“Yeah,” Jason answered.
“And I have a great brother and sisters,” Jason said. Roy looked at him and smiled.
Jason closed his eyes as the contentment surrounding him lulled him to sleep.
Special thanks to Jozette_Rosewood_125 for giving me the idea to include Ghost Writer. He won't show up for a bit, but I'll write him again.
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