#Katy hunter
bstroobery · 7 months
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WIP of some of the gang.
BTW: for anyone interested in this Taleblr rewrite, it’s called The Adventures of Ash Hunter (don’t look anything up yet we just now starting posting stuff about it). We’re debating about posting it solely in that tag or also posting it to the taleblr tag as well. Thoughts?
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Lucaya FanFiction
Do not post my work as your own - I do not own Girl Meets World or any characters from the show, this is strictly a fan writing about a ship she likes!
Writing Prompt posted on Pinterest, Link: https://pin.it/4KNouss
Warning ⚠️: Mention of Death
"Maya, come home," her mother, Katy, had said only an hour before her whole world shattered.
She's gone. She is really gone.
After Katy broke the news, Maya went to her room and cried until she had no more tears. Now, Maya is slumped against her bed, staring absent mindedly across her room.
She is my Canada, my closest ally, and she... she's gone.
In the mist of her turmoil, she had ignored the insist ringing from her cell phone. This caused a particular cowboy to wonder if she had made it home okay, and wish he would have fought hard to walk her home. The only reason he stopped pushing the issue was because she promised she would message him the minute she got to her apartment. However, it's been over an hour since Maya left the group at Topanga's.
"Have any of y'all heard anything out of Maya since she left?" Everyone shakes their head, "It's been over an hour. I'm am gonna head over to her place to make sure she got there okay." He grabs his cellphone and wallet off the table, "Have fun, y'all."
Who would celebrate every milestone with her?
A knock on the door draws Katy's attention away from the cold cup of coffee in her hands. Katy sits down her coffee as she makes her way to the door. "Who is it?" She calls from the living room.
"It's Lucas, ma'am." As Katy opens the door, Lucas notices the somber look she holds. "Is everything okay, Mrs. Hunter?"
Katy gives a soft smile, inviting him inside, "Maya didn't tell you?"
"No ma'am," Lucas responds, "I haven't spoken to Maya since she left Topanga's. I came over to make sure she made it home okay."
"Oh," Katy realizes, "Maya is in her room. If she feels like talking, she will tell you what happen."
Lucas, confused, says, "yes ma'am. Thank you."
Who will listen to all her stories? Hold all her secrets?
Suddenly, Maya hears a rhythm on her door. *knock, pause, knock, knock, knock, mini pause, knock, knock*
"Lucas," She croaks.
"Yea, Short-stack, it's me," He pauses, "Can I come in?"
"Please." Lucas feels his heart swell when he sees the state she is in. Due to her tear stained face, running mascara, and bloodshot eyes, he knew she had been crying. Lucas walks towards the bed, crouching down to her when he close enough.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Lucas questions. When he doesn't receive a response, he seats down on the floor beside her. "Come here," He says as he opens his arms to hug her. Immediately, Maya leans into him; holding onto him as though he was the only thing keeping her grounded on earth. Lucas wraps his arms securely around her fragile frame as she begins to cry. "Baby..." Lucas trails off, rubbing her back, "can I do anything to help?" Maya shake her head, her breathing becoming labored. "Try to take deep breaths, baby... Like this." Lucas begins to take deep breaths while whispering terms of endearment.
After a while, Maya's breathing evened out and she looks up at Lucas. "She's gone, Luke," Maya mutters.
"Who's gone, baby?"
"Oh sweetheart... what happen?"
"Heart attack." Maya leans back into Lucas. "It was unexpected."
Lucas starts to rub her back, "I'm so sorry. What can I do?"
"Talk." Maya says, definitely.
"I don't care what you talk about, can you just keep talking?"
With a small, sad smile, Lucas pulls Maya close, "Did I ever tell you about the time I gave birth to a horse?"
Maya gives a sad giggle, "no, I don't think so."
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incorrectgmw · 2 years
Topanga: Hey, Katy, I'm gonna head home. Do you want me to walk you out so that horny raccoon doesn't follow you?
Katy: No, no, I like the attention.
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cabbageheadss · 1 year
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BBC MERLIN | 4x11: The Hunter's Heart
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ADHD/Autism Duos: Round 4, Side A
Matchup 1
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Only your vote can determine which two duos will move on to the quarterfinals. Choose wisely.
Image ID in alt and under cut.
[Image ID: Image with a dark red background that has been separated into four parts. In the top left corner are BTW Creature and TBH Creature, which are MS Paint drawings of white blob-like creatures with big black eyes. In the top right corner is Hunter Noceda and Luz Noceda, a pair of teenagers from the animated series The Owl House. In the bottom left corner are Susie and Kris Dreemurr, a monster and a human from the pixel-style videogame Deltarune. In the bottom right corner are Aaron Mitchell and Katie Mitchell, characters from the animated movie The Mitchells Vs The Machines. There is a small VS symbol in the centre of the image. End ID.]
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tokyicons · 3 months
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random icons
like/reblog if you use or save
follow @tokyicons for more
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nightskyfoxyy · 10 months
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Turns out Pabu does have a tax system! Whoopsie!
(click for the full images, tumblrs being silly)
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alect0 · 2 months
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archives en vrac d'avatars fleuris (de 2020 à 2023).
crédits : alecto
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heraldofcrow · 6 months
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Old Hunter Henriett
For @katyspersonal
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bat-in-the-machine · 7 months
Gravesfield Blues is rapidly turning into a chat & text fic.
GoodWitch: I ❤ the 💀🏝, but y'all's weather is the WORST😢😢😢.
OWLLADY: Told you, kiddo, we don't have weather, we have plagues.
Ruler: Awww was hoping ud come over anyway
MonstaMasha: Wait, so the rain really boils?
HelloWillow: Oh yeah. Boiling rain, painbows, shale hail, gorenados...
BansheeBadGirl: dont scare off the humans before I get a chance to
ThereWolf: bold of u to assume were all human
GoodWitch: BOSCHA?!?! 😦😦😦😦
BansheeBadGirl: LUZ?!?!?!?!?!?!
HelloWillow: babe no ur not supposed to say ur own name
ScoobyDont: tf is a painbow
Ruler: is like a rainbow but it turns u inside out
MonstaMasha: Metal. Why isn't it called like a deathbow?
OWLLADY: Nobody said it kills you.
MonstaMasha: 🤘METAL🤘
OWLLADY: Anywhere from a few minutes to a day of the most excruciating pain you will ever experience, but yeah, sure, "metal."
HealthyGryphonIsHappyGryphon: there was a healer one time that proposed using them to make surgery easier
BansheeBadGirl: yall healers are scary af
GoodWitch: its okay boscha ill protect u frm the scary doctor witches 😝😝😝😝😝
GoodWitch: oh awesome😄😄😄😄its raining over here now😄😄😄😄
BansheeBadGirl: wait r u srs
Veesilisk: ur talkin to thin air banshee, luz is outside splashing puddles as we type
MonstaMasha: [pic] Look at her go!
BansheeBadGirl: i used to bully that girl wtf
Veesilisk: how could u
BansheeBadGirl: i was grudgby captn, she was werid human girl, how was i spost to know she wld kick evryones ass &save the world &shit
ScoobyDont: grudgby
HelloWillow: its like rugby but w/magic and the rusty smidge
ScoobyDont: the what
BansheeBadGirl: ask luz
HelloWillow: no dont
BansheeBadGirl: do it coward
HelloWillow: do not ask luz
MonstaMasha: Too late, Willow. He's already out there asking her. Wow, she's... she's really getting animated. That... wooo, hot button topic?
HelloWillow: luz challenged boscha to a game one time and boscha caught the rusty smidge and won
BansheeBadGirl: fkn hilarious
HelloWillow: i kinda agree with luz tho whats the point of the rest of the game
BansheeBadGirl: its a really funny story
BansheeBadGirl: see
BansheeBadGirl: the rest of the game
BansheeBadGirl: is for loserz
GoodWitch: boscha
GoodWitch: saturday
GoodWitch: gland prix
GoodWitch: you & 🦀maya🦀 v me & 🐍bean🐍
BansheeBadGirl: gland prix was like a month ago
BansheeBadGirl: & u lost
GoodWitch: 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
BansheeBadGirl: i dont know wat those r
GoodWitch: 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
GoodWitch: 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
BansheeBadGirl: FINE UR ON
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leeongraven · 2 years
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my kin list!!
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fleursfairies · 8 months
girl meets world is kinda crazy cuz like why were they lowkey mad at shawn for not being absolutely in love with katie yet 😭
and the college ppl were mad at josh for not being completely in love with maya 😭😭
like why would they be😭😭😭😭
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amymarchapologist03 · 9 months
im so sorry, but that’s actually MY little guy! no it’s totally ok, i get it. but you see, no one understands them like i do.
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scintillulae · 5 months
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Crackship gifs : Katie Douglas and Hunter Doohan
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akysi · 9 months
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Another character design commission for VioletStrike214 on Twitter, thank you so much! :D This is just the initial design sheet for now, but I’ll be making the full one later on, so stay tuned for that.
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