tumbling-kyrill · 1 year
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A Little Lovin' ♥
for @ishipallthings
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vivid-and-void · 3 months
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Had some refining going on here.
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schottisreisetagebuch · 6 months
Von Kirchen, Klöstern, Kathedralen
Bulgarien zum Niederknien
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Alexander Nevski Kathedrale
Das Kloster Rila
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Das Rila Kloster
Inmitten von Braunbären, Blaubeeren, Raubvögeln und Wölfen, im wirtlichen Wald in der Gegend um Rila, heutzutage zwei Autostunden von Sofia entfernt, vor tausend Jahren abseits der Welt, lebte einst der Eremit und Mönch Ivan Rilski. Bewundert und befeindet von den Menschen umliegender Gehöfte, fristete er ein karges Leben, das hauptsächlich aus Gesprächen mit Gott bestand, später aus dem Heilen Kranker.
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Die Magie der christlichen Kirchenkunst
Bald schon sprach sich die Kunde seiner heilsbringenden Konsultationen herum. Kranke wurden gesund, Siechende fanden zum Leben zurück. Aus anfänglicher Ablehnung wurde Bewunderung, Anbetung. Auch Majestäten fanden den Weg in den Wald. Das heilsbringende Mönchlein wurde landesweit bekannt. Legenden sprechen sich schnell herum und werden zur Wahrheit – so man dran glaubt. Und das taten die Bewohner rund um Rila. Die Kunde sprach sich kreuz und quer im Karpatenlande herum. I, Laufe der Jahrhunderte geriet die Klause zum geistlichen, kulturellen Zentrum des bulgarischen Balkans.
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In anderen Welten
Weder die Osmanen, noch die Griechen, schon gar nicht die Nationalsozialisten oder Kommunisten konnten das im Wald versteckte Kloster dem Erdboden gleichmachen, obwohl sie allesamt nicht unbeträchtliches Interesse daran hatten. Das Corpus delicti übertauchte Brand und Brandschatzung. Nicht mal die Kreuzfahrer der Neuzeit, die Touristenmassen, können dem prachtvollen Kulturschatz an den Kragen. Allerdings – die Besatzung des geschichtsträchtigen Klosters, einstmals rund vierhundert Pax, schrumpfte im Laufe der Zeit dramatisch. Heute leben nur mehr sieben Aufrechte hinter den immer noch frommen Mauern. Sogar das Umfunktionieren der Mönchszellen zu preisbrecherischem Airbnb-Angebot schmälert die christlich-orthodoxe Bedeutung der Klosteranlage nicht. Wer frei von weltlicher Begehrlichkeit ist, der werfe den ersten Stein. Auf jenen Frommen freilich wartet man hier schon seit langem vergebens.
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Der prächtige Säulengang
Kirche der Sieben Heiligen
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Kirche der sieben Heiligen
Eine ganz andere Geschichte erzählt das Gotteshaus der Sieben Heiligen, nahe dem Slaveykov-Platzes, Ecke Graf-Ignatiev-/Ecke Ivan-Shishman-Straße. Die schöne Kirche ist zwei Männern geweiht, deren Wiege in Thessaloniki stand und die ihr Leben der christlichen Missionierung slawischer Völker weihten, im neunten Jahrhundert kein leichtes Unterfangen. Die beiden Brüder Konstantin und Michael machten Karriere: Sie wurden zu verehrungswürdigen „Slawenaposteln“ und Heiligen – und entwickelten ganz nebenbei die glagolitische Sprache und die kyrillische Schrift. Man hat ihnen ein würdiges Angedenken gewidmet. Das Denkmal der beiden Pioniere in Sachen Christentum und Buchstaben, Kyrill und Method, hat einen würdigen Platz. Es steht vor der imposanten Nationalbibliothek. So wachen die Beiden für alle Zeiten über Millionen von Büchern. So soll es sein.
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Kyrill und Method
Basilika Sveta Sophia
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Basilika Sveta Sophia
Vor dem roten Backsteinbau einer der ältesten Kirchen Osteuropas, steht ein erstaunliches Monument. So ehrwürdig alt das Gotteshaus auch ist, es datiert bis in frühchristliche Zeit zurück, so jung ist das Standbild von Zar Samuil, seines Zeichens einer der letzten Könige des 1. bulgarischen Reiches – wurde es doch erst im Jahre 2014, hier, auf geweihter Erde errichtet. Der unerschrockene Krieger Samuil bestritt unzählige Gefechte gegen das damals übermächtige Byzanz, die Metropole Ostroms. Vierzig lange Jahre währte die kriegerische Auseinandersetzung um Macht und Einfluss. Der tapfere Zar gewann und verlor. Die entscheidende Schlacht fand im Südwesten Bulgariens, an der Grenze zu Griechenland statt. Fünfzehntausend seiner Krieger wurden gefangen genommen und ihres Augenlichtes beraubt. Als Geblendete kehrten sie zu ihrem geschlagenen König zurück. Beim Anblick der Blinden soll Samuil einen Schlaganfall erlitten haben, an dessen Folge er starb. 
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Die Augen des Zar Samuil
Der Künstler, der seine Statue schuf, hat dem bronzenen Zar ein Augenpaar verpasst, das in der Dunkelheit leuchtet. Manche Sofioter empfinden dies als Kitsch, andere als Kunst. Gewiss ist eines: Hätte Samuil zu Lebzeiten einen solch scharfsichtigen Durchblick gehabt wie sein erkaltetes Ebenbild, seinen Soldaten wäre einiges erspart geblieben.
Der lächelnde Christus
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Der lächelnde Christus
Am Hügel der Schönen, Reichen und Korrupten, im Stadtteil Boyana am Fuße des Vitosha Gebirges steht ein äußerlich unscheinbares Gotteshaus, das es, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, in sich hat. Die vielfach erweiterte Kirchebeherbergt die wohl schönsten Fresken, die ich jemals zu Gesicht bekam. Inmitten eines exotischen Gartens steht die Trouvaille. Das Außergewöhnliche ist, dass die hier dargestellten Herrscher und Heiligen keineswegs idealisiert, sondern naturgetreu dargestellt sind. Selbst Jesus Christus trägt die Züge eines anmutigen Teenagers. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich Gottes Sohn je so ansichtig werde. Seine Gestalt ist schlank, in der Linken hält er eine Schriftrolle, die Rechte greift sich ans Herz, der etwas weltfremde Blick ist fragend, zweifelnd – beinahe lächelnd. Allein des Ausdruckes auf dem Antlitz des Allergnädigsten wegen hat sich der Ausflug gelohnt.
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Boyana Kirche
Im Angesicht dessen vergesse ich jegliche frömmelnde Überlieferung, jedes gutgemeinte, allzu konservative Dogma. Hier ist ein Mensch abgebildet, wohl ahnend, welches Los ihm beschieden ist. Natürlich herrscht in dem winzigen Innenraum strengstes Foto-Verbot, das raunt mir mein (hier unerlässlicher) Guide ins Ohr. Ich nicke. Er fragt, ob er sonst noch etwas für mich tun könne. Ich nicke abermals, positioniere ihn mit beiden Händen so, dass sein massiger Körper die neugierigen Blicke des Kustos verdeckt, sodass ich blindwütig alles abfotografiere, dass mir gerade vor die Linse kommt. Einmaliges darf sich nicht der Begehr meiner Leserschaft entziehen, schon gar nicht der Anblick seiner Heiligkeit, Gott aller Christen, Juden und Protestanten, der Herr allen Lebens. Dann packe ich meine Siebensachen zusammen, verabschiede mich freundlich vom Museumswärter, puffe meinem Führer freundschaftlich in die Hüfte und verlasse schlechten Gewissens den heiligen Ort. Draußen im Garten überprüfe ich das Ergebnis meiner Raubkunst. Was ich sehe, treibt mir die Tränen der Rührung in die Augen. Ein etwa 17-Jähriger blickt mich an: fragend, zweifelnd – beinahe lächelnd.
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Die bemalte Kirche
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paintedpawcat · 2 years
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side characters from my pirate oc story.. dusty is first mate as well as mari’s adoptive brother, and kyrill is a deckhand
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donnergrummel · 2 years
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Ich bin jetzt seit 29 Jahren in der #feuerwehr, habe einige #unwetter mitgemacht. Oftsmals überörtlich, wie zb #düsseldorf nach Ela, im #münsterland. Der #orkan #kyrill hat ganze Wälder in meiner Heimatstadt #iserlohn vernichtet. Aber so eine Lage, direkt vor der Haustür (ab Bild 2) zu sehen, das ist was ganz anderes. #hochwasser2021 #hagen #nahmer #sauerland (hier: Hohenlimburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgBHlIlIHtq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kxmpfflieger · 8 months
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Collection of my favorite group of rascals from pathologic 2
Also +bonus my oc that I made as copium because the game is kicking my ass :P
(is it obvious that Grief is my favourite? lol)
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whywhisperinginvain · 5 months
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I decided to post my sansona too! Meet Peepaw sans and his stinky grandson, Kyril! (@gen-doesart skeleton OC). Please check our AO3 story to know more about their life in the safe heaven known as Omega Timeline.
Peepaw!sans and Goner!Blue belongs to me, @whywhisperinginvain
Kyril belongs to @gen-doesart
Here's the AO3 story, Unarchived!
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inky-duchess · 8 months
The Lost Prince | The Perska Vadiya | WorldBuilding
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Through the thousand years of Imperial rule, the Perska Vadiya stood guard. Formed from the most elite in the Imperial army, the Perska Vadiya was the honour every soldier aspired to reach. It was a brotherhood of five hundred, a close-knit and secret society serving the royal family as guardsmen, soldiers, generals and confidants, safeguarding the royal person and their secrets. For a thousand years, the Perska Vadiya defended and enforced the Vasily family rule over Vastia - until the Revolution.
Two hundred Perska Vadiya died with Prince Andrik during the failed peace talks. Betrayal came from within their own ranks, one of their former brothers, General Dehn, switching his allegiance from the royalist cause and making his own bid for power with the rebel leaders. Dehn was instrumental into bringing down the capital and the royal family. Under the attack, the remaining hundred Perska Vadiya broke and ran in the face of the approaching rebel army leaving the remaining members of the royal family and Palace undefended. Many royalists set the blame on the new policy of recruiting from soldiers of the lower classes. But most agree that the fault lay in the choice of sending all the experienced Perska Vadiya away to other royal strongholds on the assumption that no rebel army could breach the capital - they had not accounted for treachery.
Currently the remnants, some fifty Perska Vadiya, serves the Crown Prince Mikhail in exile.
Current Active Members
Captain Olterburg
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The Commander of the Perska Vadiya, an old soldier serving the royal family for forty-six years. He gained command of the Perska Vadiya after the Revolution and has led it, past retirement age ever since. Gruff and proper, he's a welcome member of the Imperial set.
Lieutenant Zybrik
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Zybrik is the second in command, the last Perska Vadiya to be trained by the traitor Dehn. At 25, he's the youngest lieutenant to serve in the Perska Vadiya. Despite his mentor and common background, Zybrik is a staunch supporter and fierce defender of his Prince.
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Emil is third in command. He had been just inducted into the Perska Vadiya mere months before the Revolution broke out. Emil is the most empathetic Perska Vadiya, often chosen for more private and personal tasks.
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Vladimir is one of the older Perska Vadiya. After the Revolution, he was offered honourable discharge on account of an injury to his eye but he refused. He is often mistaken to be cold and aloof but according to his brothers in the Perska Vadiya - he's hilarious. Nobody has seen this in practise.
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Casimir had joined the Perska Vadiya after the Revolution, one of the raw recruits brought in to bulk up the empty ranks. Casimir had been chosen mainly on account of his father and two brothers who had perished in the service of Prince Andrik.
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The youngest of the remaining Perska Vadiya, two years older than Crown Prince Mikhail, which is why he tends to have trouble keeping His Imperial Highness in check. Generally considered to be the most amiable of the Perska Vadiya, he's nearly always calls on to attend the abrasive Grand Duke Sergei.
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Kyril also joined the Perska Vadiya post-Revolution. Kyril had been a common-born farm labourer before the Revolution but after brave action during the flight from Vastia, he was offered a place among the Perska Vadiya - mistakenly some say on account of his surname being mistaken for an aristocratic one. He was permitted to stay on due to his feverent monarchist loyalty and skill.
TLP Taglist
@reignnyx @writinglyra @pressedpapyrus @serpentarii @thevintagelover @seas-dubh @dameschnee123 @donutwithinadonut @giuliawritesanddoeskpop @sunaora @mayawritesbooks @veneritia @trapped-inadystopianovel @hysteriwah @mothertaemresa @rise-again-2001 @underwoodinc @seamaiden @writer-somewhat @lord-fallen @writingoflarka @ashen-crest @pen-and-inks @strawstories @nerdygoblin @ortolon @chigyowastaken @residentofthedisc @elysianluv @lividdreamz @ladywithoringes @imawriternotamathematician @writeblrfantasy @ginghampearlsnsweettea @spicysequoia @ethereal-puppet @carmensapientia @snapdragoncrown @thats-my-type-writer @intellectualintelligent @ezra-ezra-ezra  @rosemarys-for-remembrance @looking-for-the-stories   @asingledropofwinter @queengiuliettafirstlady @gwensparlour @miladydreams @iespeciallyme @princess-summershine
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guy60660 · 7 months
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Kyril Striukov
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the-sisters-library · 5 months
A longer excerpt, from the End and the Death Vol 2, involving a Thousand Son and a famous former Remembrancer:
SPOILERS BELOW - although no major plot reveals
This was such an unexpected encounter in this book. 3 humans including Kyril Sindermann have been hanging out in Malcador’s secret library, Call of Cthulhu RPG style, trying to find the books that will help them fight daemons.
In pops Ahzek F-ing Ahriman, rocking his full Tzeentched-up armor plate, says hello ladies and gents, I’m here to read some books, have you seen any good ones? He starts to mess with them but then realizes one of the humans is Kyril Sindermann. And what do you know? Ahriman is a Big Fan of Mr. Sindermann’s work!
So they have a nice discussion, Kyril convinces Ahzek not to look so scary for the others. He tries and fails. Then the humans hang out and watch Ahzek read, and he eventually treats them to a couple readings from his Super Badass Tarot Deck.
I can’t include it all, especially the Tarot part because that contains a major plot reveal. But oh my goodness, Ahzek and Kyril’s Book Club was such a fun little part of this novel.
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loiladadiani · 11 months
Portraits of Romanovs (and Relations) by Nicholas Panagiotti Zarokilli
Nicholas Pannagiottis Zarokilli was born in Turkey in 1879. He was a painter particularly fond of creating pictures of beautiful women. From 1912 to 1920, Zarokilli produced paintings for publications like MoToR, Modern Priscilla, Women’s Home Companion, The Green Book, McCall’s, and The Saturday Evening Post.
He also designed World War I posters. The United States needed money for the war, so the artist created posters to try and encourage people to give for the cause.
Zarokilli was known well for his dry-point paintings. Drypoint is a printmaking technique of the intaglio family, in which an image is incised into a plate or "matrix" with a hard-pointed "needle" of sharp metal or diamond point. In principle, the method is practically identical to engraving.
He painted portraits for people such as the Queen of Spain, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Grand Duchess Anastasia, the King of Portugal, and Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Guggenheim. Landscapes were also his love, painting the cities of Venice, Madrid, and Seville.
The following is his rendering of several members of the Romanov family (and other relations.) I have seen some of these here and there before (several of you have them in your Tumblrs and always admired them; I think he captures the likenesses admirably. I found the ones here together and identified on the British Museum website (they were done between 1920 and 1922.)
These are the names of the easily recognizable "personages" in the paintings in the order they appear below:
Prince Felix Yusupof (wearing a suit)
Prince Felix Yusupof (head)
Princess Irina Alexandrovna
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich (sitting)
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich (bust)
Prince Andrei Alexandrovich
Prince Feodor Alexandrovich
Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna
Grand Duke Kyril Vladimirovich
Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna the Younger
Queen Marie of Romania (born Princess Marie Alexandra Victoria of Edinburgh) - Granddaughter of Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain (born Princess Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena of Battenberg (youngest granddaughter of Queen Victoria, Hessian Princess through the morganatic Battenberg line)
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N.P. Zarokilli Archives | The Saturday Evening Post
Nicholas Panagiotti Zarokilli | British Museum
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tumbling-kyrill · 2 years
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Rainy Day with SteveTony
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vivid-and-void · 2 years
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mikia87 · 6 months
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I'm now playing Yukar from the Abyss. It’ll probably be my last game of 2023.
It's fun so far. I started with Huaisu.😉
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I just finished Huaisu's story. 🪶 It was good, but I'm a bit disappointed. BUT I cried A LOT in his 2nd ending!!! I didn't expect that. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And I really like the music. I don't know if it's Huaisu’s theme (it sounds Chinese), but it's so good!❤️
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Moshirechik's story was really good and the scenes with Kurumi were kinda hot.😏
I love this character💛 and his story was definitely better than Huaisu's.
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I finished Kyril's story. Wow!😍 I wasn't sure at first if I would like him, because I didn’t trust him. But in the end, I did love him!❤️ (He kinda reminds me of Nicola Francesca.) I don't know if I prefer Kyril or Moshirechik anymore…
His story was really interesting, but having already done Huaisu's story, I was sad for him at the end.😔
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Pewrep’s story is done!🐻 It was good. Finally I was able to see that woman who is mentioned in all the routes. His 1st ending was touching and made me cry🥺😭, but his 2nd ending…😬😥
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how do I turn on the Google AI I wanna make it tell me that Rey and Ben get married and have lots of babies at the end of IX
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Dragon quest 4/ dragon quest monster 3: the dark prince au where the heroes find out about a powerful artifact that could turn back time on an object or person and discovered Psaro was after it. They manage to find the cave it was enshrined in only to see that Psaro was already there.
They were about to fight when it was revealed that it was a trap set by another monster trying to kill Psaro and wanted the title of "Master of Monsterkind" for themselves.
The monster used the artifact on Psaro, causing a beam of light to shoot forth from it, forcing the prince to deflect the magic with a barrier. This unfortunately didn't hold, and the artifacts power broke, though, hitting the wall of the cave causing both the walls and the floor beneath their feet to collapse, sending everyone into the dark abyss.
Kiryl woke slowly, pushing himself up from the cave floor. Once he remembered what had happened, he began to search for his group.
He never expected to find a de-aged Psaro looking up at him, asking where his mother was.
Psaro was confused, and his clothes were now too big for him, but he didn't seem hostile and well... whatever this place was, it was packed with powerful monsters. Kiryl decided to take Psaro with him. This turned out to be a good choice as Psaro had a team of monsters that he could summon at will that helped them fight off the wild ones.
Eventually they made out out of the cave only for the priests face to go pale when he was faced with the open night sky.
Terrestrias stars were not rainbow colored. Nor did they have huge waterfalls coming from seemingly nowhere.
They were in Nadiria.
Aka Kiryls adventures raising a tiny demon lord
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