#La madre
"...Ricorderai d'avermi atteso tanto,
e avrai negli occhi un rapido sospiro."
- G. Ungaretti
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cinemedios · 1 year
'La Madre' con Jennifer Lopez | Tráiler oficial
Mira el tráiler oficial de 'La Madre' con Jennifer Lopez y Gael García Bernal. Estreno en mayo.
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lpelo2000 · 1 year
Citazione - Storie di streghe e altre donne magiche
La Madre non vuole la morte di chi non crede in lei, anzi, è proprio verso questi figli irriconoscenti che si dimostra più benigna e paziente. Francesca V. F. – Storie di streghe e altre donne magiche
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bubbarnes · 24 days
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from cartier' instagram - may 08, 2024.
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quetzaly-ameyali · 1 year
El problema de ser artista es que tu mismo te hechas presión y es que siento si no subo algo en cierta ventana de tiempo ya no vale la pena dibujar lo que tenia en mente
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kayit-z · 23 days
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1. Invierno/verano (winter/summer) de la Deathduo Week
El deathduo fue a la playa pero hacia tanto calor que uno se hizo cuervo rostizado y el otro cenizas
Deathduo went to the beach but it was so hot than one turned into roasted crow and the other into ashes
2. Bailar/cantar 》
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florart98 · 1 month
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Se estima que fueron más de 800 mil personas las que salimos a defender lo que es nuestro.
"La conquista más grande fué que la universidad se llenara de hijos de obreros" Juan Domingo Perón.
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renata-dp · 7 months
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A mistake was made
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seikoratron · 19 days
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Happy mother's day!! ❤️🎉
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nonsenseexistence · 4 days
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Thinkin' A L O T about em'
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a-queer-seminarian · 29 days
Madre Juana, the sixteenth century Spanish nun who resonates with trans and intersex experiences today
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Today, May 3, is the feast day of Madre Juana de la Cruz, one of my favorite holy transcestors. I'm flattered that my art piece above was included in this year's sharing of QSpirit's article on Juana; I highly recommend that article for aaaall the details about Juana!
I've also written an article that hones in on Juana's genderfluid visions of God, and other ways the life and preaching of this sixteenth century Spanish nun resonates with trans and intersex experiences today. Learn about Juana's adam's apple and sex-shifting clothing choices, God's pregnancy cravings and seamstress skills, and other fun stuff!
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futurebird · 20 days
Happy Mother's Day!!
Happy mother’s day to my Camponotus pennsylvanicus queen! She is nearly four years old this summer and the proud mother of nearly 700 beautiful daughters. Here she is today and years ago where her colony had only 30 ants. She has done an amazing job raising a huge colony!
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She's so huge and beautiful!
Here is a video from two years ago where this queen enjoys a grooming session from one of the workers. She's like a puppy dog!
When the colony was smaller their queen would carefully monitor each new ant as she emerged as you can see in this video. A single worker making it, or not, can determine if a small colony survives.
Now there are so many (~670 ants) that she can't possibly keep up! Their nest fills two football-sized logs on my bookshelf. Many of the brood are raised in the second nest: those ants never even get to meet the queen.
These ants can have colonies of up to 10,000 or 20,000!
The way young ants hid under their mother when the colony was small is just ... to me it's the essence of what mother's day is all about.
There is something about watching an ant eclose that's so dramatic, they are seeing and feeling as an adult ant for the first time-- they have a whole new body and the world is full of new sensations. It must be terrifying!
Most insects go through this stage alone... but ants always have someone to help to receive them into their new world: their colony.
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heinous-bitch · 4 months
no quiero ver noticieros, no quiero saber nada de la ley, no quiero entrar a twitter, no quiero nada. hoy soy mafalda
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bubbarnes · 2 months
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“... because there's so many moments and there's so many messages and so much complexity to all the whole story and the characters and it's great”.
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onelmentarytalk · 5 months
Lilith: Madre de Demonios - ¿Estuvo en el Paraíso antes que Eva? ¿Qué dice la Biblia?
Collier, John; Lilith; Atkinson Art Gallery Collection Lilith , ¿ fue la primera mujer de Adán? – Aquí veremos que dicen los textos bíblicos Desde las sombras de la mitología y el folklore, surge la figura enigmática de Lilith, a menudo descrita como “madre de demonios y la primera mujer” antes de Eva según diversas tradiciones judías y ocultistas. Su historia, imbuida de misterio y…
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tenoch-hq · 9 months
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# choose your fighter (pt. 2)
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