#Mini Mac & Cheese Dogs
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my girlfriend's birthday mukbang and birthday "cake." NEARLY ALL OF THIS FOOD WAS FREE FOR HER BIRTHDAY WITH REWARDS!!
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tinyshe · 2 months
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inf3ct3dd · 4 months
loser!ellie headcanons pt.6
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summary: ellieeee my chiquitita my baby my love
warnings: none :3
authors note: ik yall missed herrrr
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masterlist. help palestine.🇵🇸
- ellie tries to be soooo cool and wear her cool people jackets (leather jackets, canvas, those carhartt hoodie jackets etc) but they’re very not helpful against the cold and you’ll be out with her and shes just SHIVERING the whole time…
- she’s obsessed w those “general knowledge quizzes” on tiktok. that girl is a hoe for trivia she’s sitting on her bed at three in the morning saying her answers OUT LOUD while she watches them. she gets so upset when she gets literally any wrong… “man…im not a quiz master 🙁”
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- ik in the games she walks around with her little journal and shit but i feel like shes definitely jus constantly typing shit in her notes app… random thoughts and jokes and shit that she most definitely shows you at the end of the day
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- she barely ever baby talks to babies… she’ll go up to a baby and just be like “wassup dude” and have a full blown conversation with him while the babies just sitting there babbling and giggling at her
- thinks those “im nothing like yall” slideshows r so hilarious…. like you’ll be on the couch and she’s just giggling at her phone at paracetamol 😞
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- references the most niche memes ever constantly and literally googles them to explain herself. you guys went camping and she said “boy you want hot dog” and you were like ????
- so strangely particular about how her stuff is arranged 😭 her desk looks like an absolute hot mess 90% of the time but SHE UNDERSTANDS IT and if u try and organize it for her she just puts it back how it was
- always says “guys” and “yall” when she’s talking to literally one person. and CHAT. she just constantly adds it into conversation like “chat how are you today”
- loves asking if things are “fire.” she’ll cook you something and you take a bite and shes like “is that shit fire???” she has to know
- obsessed with “i barely know her” jokes. the second someone says something ending in er shes like “rider??? i barely know her!!” and she’s laughing her ass off
- that girl will go HAM on some mac and cheese. but it can only be really good baked mac or the shitty kraft mac and cheese. she puts like- hella pepper and red chili flakes in it and eats it straight out of the pot 🔥 its always at like three in the morning and you just walk in the kitchen to her with a pot in her lap watching glee or some shit
- SPEAKING. OF. glee is most definitely one of her guilty pleasure shows…like shes rewatched it a million times and glee cast was one of her top artists on apple music wrapped
- shes an apple music user. send tweet.
- got yelled at by an old lady once cuz she picked her flowers out of her front yard and gave them to you
- when i tell you that girl goes ham on those tiny clementines… she’ll eat like 10 in one day and theres just PEELS. EVERYWHERE.
- also she fw grapes heavy. especially green grapes (shes a weird little freak red grapes are so much better)
- OBSESSED WITH THOSE BLIND BAG SHITS. especially mini brands oh my god she definitely has the whole lil grocery store set and she’s so obsessed with it.
- her house slippers are definitely just a pair of crocs with the fur inside and a bunch of stupid ass jibbits. she buys the mega packs off amazon and changes them whenever shes bored
- has SO MANY drafts on tiktok and they’re all her trying filters staring at the screen like 😯
- most annoying person to sleep next to ever . snoring, sleep talking, moving around CONSTANTLY and hitting you accidentally, the only way she sleeps peacefully is if you’re holding her or she’s holding you, otherwise shes insane
- weirdly into linguistics…that girl is using humongous words for no good reason just for fun and half the time she has no idea what they mean and when she googles them and shes right about the definition she does that little fist pump and “fuck yes”
- speaking of. that girl is SPEEDRUNNING DUOLINGO . she’s fluent in (bad spaniard) spanish from it, and just learns random languages for fun. you speak a different language? she’s learning it immediately. definitely leaves notes for you in random languages she learned and you have to pull out a translator to understand wtf shes talking about… she also sleep talks in spanish sometimes and its so funny
- loves trying out different recipes…like i said my girl is a CHEF she will be at home fucking up a salmon bake she made and making you homemade pho for dinner
- had a phase when she was younger when she was really into the la bamba movie and dressed like richie valens for two years
- also cried so hard when she watched selena with you…that girl was devastated 💔 every time she hears “dreaming of you” she almost sheds a tear
“when that yolanda bitch gets out of prison….im shooting someone . its obvious who its gonna be.”
- she definitely begged joel to buy her a gun for christmas and he would take her to the range all the time so she can SHOOT. that girl is goated at lazer tag she gets down…does not play
- thought that candy cigarettes were the coolest thing ever when she was little… everywhere she went she had one hanging out of the side of her mouth and shed hold them between her fingers like they do in movies. if you two go to a candy shop shes for sure buying a pack
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luvhughes43 · 8 months
ice cream? | dad!quinn hughes
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌙
request: can you write another one like your uncle jack story? i loveddd it!! maybe jack and luke are babysitting quinn’s daughter. i feel like they’d mac and cheese for dinner and both completely struggle doing it. and when it’s bedtime the toddler has a tantrum and they so gentle with her (but also kinda freaking out and don’t know what to do) and end up giving her ice cream and letting her watch a movie with them and she falls asleep on one of them. and quinn and mom come home like really guys?! you let a three year old tell you what to do 
word count: 1.2k
“What are you doing? you don't put the tinfoil bit in the microwave?!” Jack scolded his younger brother Luke as he yanked open the microwave before it set itself on fire. 
Luke stood dumbfounded, “how else are you supposed to cook it?”
the “it” in question being a mini cup of mac and cheese. Quinn thought it would be the safest dinner option and yet…
“Okay, let me do this you go entertain the baby” Jack shoos Luke away and towards an adorable toddler who smiled gummily up at her uncles. 
Luke scoops the little girl up, who giggles all the way to the couch. Luke plops them both down and reaches for the tv remote. 
“Shit!” Jack swears as he rips the microwave open. “Luke! You put in too much water!” 
Luke clicks the volume up on the tv. “You like paw patrol! Yeah, let's watch paw patrol!” Luke cheers to his niece who continues to giggle at her uncle's antics. 
“Doggy!” the little girl shouts as she points at the screen. Luke nods enthusiastically as he tunes out Jack's grumblings from the kitchen. 
15 minutes later, dinner was served.
Luke picked at his plate, “dude…”
“if you say that this is gross i swear…” Jack cut in. 
Before a small fight could break out, both brothers' attention were brought to the little girl in the high chair. “Yummy!” she smiled, lifting up her little plastic spoon and shovelling more of the questionable mac and cheese into her mouth. 
“ha! She likes it!”
“Jack… she's 2.. She was eating canned mashed peas like a month ago,” Luke replies.
Jack scowls. “It's literally your fault that the mac and cheese-”
“Play now!” their niece once again recaptures their attention as she shows them her empty plate. 
Jack gets up from the table and takes his niece out of her high chair.
After an hour of playing, the brothers get a text. 
hughes bros👨‍👨‍👦
quinn: Put my baby to bed now it's getting late. If she gets a little fussy read her another bedtime story she usually falls asleep after two stories. 
“your daddy says it's bedtime!” Jack coos to the little girl sitting in front of him and she immediately starts pouting. 
She throws the bright red block she's holding and yells, “no!”
“Luke, you wanna put her to bed?” Jack asks as he watches the toddler throw a small tantrum. She was rolling around on the floor now, toys long forgotten. 
“No sleep! No sleep!” she repeated, looking up at her uncles with her infamous puppy dog eyes. 
Luke walks over and picks her up off the floor. “Why don't we go read a story! That's so much fun!” Luke exclaims happily and the little girl in his arms continues to frown. 
“yeah let's read a story!” Jack cheers in an attempt to get the young girl to stop pouting. “I love stories!” 
“No!” she shouts again. 
Luke ignores her shouts, and carries her into her bedroom where she continues to pout. “Uncle Jacks going to pick out a really fun book while I get you ready for bed, okay?” 
After 20 minutes of fighting with the young girl, she was finally all ready for bed. As soon as she was in her crib, she immediately settled down and was happy to hear her story. She insisted on both of her uncles reading to her, and by the time they were done the first story she had already drifted off to sleep.
Jack and Luke sat in the living room, both on their phones as they waited for their brother and his wife to return.
“Wow this has been really easy!” Luke joked.
Jack looked over, rolling his eyes. “You almost burnt down the apartment” 
“Yeah but the baby's asleep now so does it really matter?” 
Jack shakes his head, “i’m not even going to reply to that”
“‘ACK! ‘UKE!” the wails of their niece ring out through the quiet apartment.
Both boys look at each other, and then immediately rush into their niece's bedroom. “What's up?” Jack coos, voice soft as he approaches the little girl with tears streaming down her face.
The little girl continues to cry. She stands up by the edge of the crib and holds her arms out to her uncles. Luke takes the hint and lifts the girl out of her crib and into his arms. 
“No sleep” she whispers against her uncle Luke's chest and both boys stare blankly at each other.
“But you have to go to sleep,” Luke tries, but the girl shakes her head. 
“No!” she cries. 
The cries only get worse, so Jack has the brilliant idea of feeding the girl some ice cream.
“Two year olds can have ice cream right?” he asks as he pulls the large tub out of his older brother's freezer. 
Luke nods, “yeah i'm sure vanilias safe for kids”  he shrugs the shoulder that his niece is not laying against. 
“You want some ice cream?” Jack asks as he holds a baby spoon up with a tiny bit of ice cream. The girl eagerly nods and reaches one hand out for the spoon.
The boys move to the couch, the little girl sat between them with her little bowl of ice cream in her lap. A movie softly plays in the background, lulling the girl to sleep with her hand in her ice cream bowl and head pressed against her uncle jack. 
At the sound of the front door unlocking, both boys sit upright. “Shit! Don't wake her up!” Luke whisper-shouts as he stands up and starts clearing off the coffee table. There was ice cream everywhere, courtesy of the sleeping 2 year old clinging to Jack's side. 
“Take her bowl!” Jack whispers as he tries to lift the baby's hand out of the sticky bowl. 
“You gave my daughter ice cream before bed?” Quinn questions, surveying the messy kitchen and living room. 
Luke, hands full of the incriminating ice cream bowls, shrugs. “She’s teething?” he says, but it comes out more of a question.
“My baby's teething? Are her molars coming through?” your worried voice drifts through the apartment as you step inside. 
Jack and Luke both speak at the same time. 
“Right… okay i’ll take my baby back now!” Quinn speaks. When he reaches down to lift his daughter up though, he sees her ice cream coated hands. Quinn doesn't have to say anything.
“Right well! This was really nice so…"Jack trails off when Quinn finally has his daughter in his arms. She was asleep, so what did it really matter if she had some ice cream? 
“Yeah! I’ll see you next time!” Luke says, retreating into the guest bedroom. 
“Yeah, what he said! It's been great!” Jack mimics Luke.
“You're cleaning this up tomorrow,” Quinn's voice is fully in dad mode as he looks around the messy room. 
Jack nods enthusiastically before bidding the small family his goodnights. 
“Thank you for babysitting!” you whisper yell, which Jack responds with a quick thumbs up. 
A second later the guest bedroom door is clicked shut and Quinn and you are left standing in your quiet living room. 
“They're never babysitting again” Quinn sighs, looking down at his daughter who was covered in ice cream. 
“No, they're not” you sigh, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to your daughter's forehead. “Letting a 2 year old tell them what to do… you got those boys wrapped around your finger!” you whisper to your little girl.
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bubblesnbabbles · 8 months
snack time fun !
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Snacking can be a fun way to stay healthy. Here are some recommendations!
baby carrots & baby sausages
fries & nuggets in fun shapes
mac-n-cheese in fun shapes
scooby snacks
lettuce and star-shaped carrots
pink pineapple
soft drinks in sippy cup
Animal-shaped crackers
Fruit kebabs
Cheese and cracker shapes (using cookie cutters)
Teddy bear-shaped graham crackers
Mini PB&J sandwiches
Goldfish crackers
Apple slices with peanut butter
Popcorn with fun flavors (like caramel or cheese)
Mini pretzels
Veggie sticks with ranch dressing
String cheese
Rice crispy treats
Yogurt tubes
Mini muffins
Jello cups
Chocolate milk
Homemade fruit roll-ups
Trail mix with M&M's or chocolate chips
Squeezable applesauce pouches
Pita chips with hummus
Snack mix with cereal and dried fruits
Fruit-flavored gummy snacks
Mini hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls
Soft pretzel bites
Ants on a log (celery with peanut butter and raisins)
Frozen grapes
Baby carrots with dip
Cucumber slices with cream cheese
Cheese puffs
Mini pancake bites
Chocolate-covered strawberries
Frozen banana pops
Animal-shaped fruit snacks
Cherry tomatoes
Fruit cups in gelatin
Pop rocks
Cupcakes with colorful frosting
Apple juice or fruit punch
Nutella and banana sandwich bites
Raisins or dried cranberries
Babybel cheese
Pudding cups
Mini waffles with syrup
Cheese and grape skewers
Chocolate-covered pretzels
Cookie dough bites
Oreo cookies with milk for dunking
remember to have fun while eating! You can put your food in cute baby food containers.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 10 months
Chapter 8.5: 007- Peña, Agent Peña
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Summary: After Javi's surprise on the Peña ranch, you had already had the best night of your life. Little did you know, your night was just beginning.
Word Count: 4.9K (This is as short as it's ever gonna get, this is just who I am)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v sex (wrap it up), creampie, praise (oh boy, does Javi tell you what a good job you're doing), semi-public nudity?? (not really, but you'll see!!), mentions of eating/food, mentions of alcohol, mentions of loss of a parent, you and Javi being absolute goofballs and being lovesick idiots
A/N: SO. I finished Chapter 8 and went to go walk my dog, and the song "Would That I" by Hozier came on, and it 100% is the inspiration behind this mini chapter. I literally came up with the idea for this chapter and wrote it in less than 24 hours because Javi and Osita live in my head rent free at all times being the cutest two idiots to ever exist. Enjoy this fun lil bit, it's honestly probably my favorite thing that I've written for this series so far!!!
Series Masterlist Next Chapter Previous Chapter
“I’m not sure if cold, post sex and first I love you’s is the way that your dad intended us to eat these enchiladas, but holy shit are they delicious.” You and Javi laughed, finishing the last bites of the enchiladas verdes Chucho had packed for the both of you. It probably would have made more sense to eat dinner almost an hour ago when Javi had first taken you out to watch the sunset in the back of his truck, but, no offense to Chucho’s enchiladas, having the most romantic sex of your life followed by Javi telling you that he loved you for the first time seemed to take higher priority to you. 
“These ones are actually pretty good, I will give him that. Thank God he’s finally starting to get better at cooking, a few months ago his food was practically inedible.” Javi shook his head, wiping his face with the back of his hand as gathered both of your cleared paper plates and forks, tossing them into the empty paper bag Chucho had sent them with. 
“Actually? I didn’t know he had come such a long way in his cooking career in such a short time.” You snickered, pulling some of the blankets laying at the edge of the truck bed over you as you scooted yourself closer to Javi, laying your head against his chest as you snuggled next to him. Pulling you closer, Javi wrapped his arm around you, fingers tracing gentle circles along the back of his sweatshirt you were now wearing. 
“Actually. He never cooked until my mom died. One day he called me while I was still in Colombia and told me he had found one of my mom’s recipe books and was gonna teach himself how to cook. When I came home, he insisted on making me dinner every night so he could show off whatever he was learning. I ate a lot of sandwiches after he fell asleep the first few months I was home.” 
“Well despite the terrible food you had to eat, that’s actually really sweet. Glad I came around when I did so I only have to reap the benefits of his good cooking and not suffer along with you.” You giggled as he squeezed you before giving you a playful shake wrapped in his arms. “Can you cook at all, or is this a warning that you’re gonna subject me to your awful cooking too?” 
“I can cook enough. Not a good cook by any means, but definitely not my Pops a few months ago. Can do more than Kraft Mac and Cheese, I’ll tell you that much.” He smirked, poking fun at the first meal you had made. You sat up, giving him the biggest stink face you could muster without bursting into laughter.
“Okay, first of all, rude. Second of all, don’t act like you wouldn’t have eaten an entire second pot if I hadn’t made one for you, Mr. Literally Will Literally Eat Anything Under The Sun In World Record Time.” 
“If I seem to remember correctly, you weren’t doing a lot of complaining after I ate, Osita.” He winked at you as you nudged your elbow into his side before he grabbed you, rolling you over and playfully wrestling you into the pile of pillows and blankets beneath you. “C’mere, Hermosa.” He wrapped his arms around you as you giggled and squirmed beneath him, trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp. You kicked your feet as he kissed at your neck, his mustache ticking you with each peck of his lips. Using all your might, you were able to roll over on top of him, straddling his lap as he lay on his back, breaking free of his grasp.
“Can’t get me that easy, Peña. Wrestling was the only way I got anything from my brothers for the first ten years of my life.” You smirked as you leaned down to kiss him as his fingertips gripped into your hips, pulling you further on to his lap. 
“Could think of worse ways to lose a wrestling match.” Javi’s face smug as he gestured to how you were sitting on top of him, letting out a quiet groan as you started to grind into his lap, feeling him already half hard beneath you. “Careful, Hermosa. Not gonna be so nice if you’re gonna try to play dirty.” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to make the next move. 
Still bent over him, you kissed up his neck and jaw before nipping at his ear. “Last time I checked, you liked it when I played dirty.” Your whispers left jaw slack, pressing up into you, his dick already straining against the fabric of his sweatpants. 
“Fuck me.” He murmured under his breath as you began to grind harder into his crotch. “You wanna play dirty, baby? I can play fuckin’ dirty.” You could see the lust filled in the dark pool of his eyes, biting down on your lip, already feeling the slick pooling between your legs with each sway of your hips. “You already wet for me, baby?” 
This man read you like a book- like he had every fucking page memorized. “Mmmhhhmm.” You nodded, feeling how soaked the fabric of your sweatpants already was as you felt your clit rub deliciously against Javi’s dick, hard and heavy underneath you. 
“I know you are, dirty girl. Want me to touch you baby? Want me to make you come before I fuck that perfect pussy again?” You nodded again, frantically shaking your head yes at his filthy words as you worked yourself against his length. He laughed to himself, shaking his head as he watched how blissed out you already were rubbing against him. “Too bad.” 
You paused, shooting him a confused look. “What do you mean, too bad?” 
“You know exactly what I mean. You wanna play dirty, I will too. You wanna come? You get yourself off like this.” He gave you a subtle nod of his head, gesturing to how you were sitting on top of his lap. 
“Are you serious? Javi, c’mon, please.” You rolled your eyes at him as you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to play off how desperate you already were for him. 
“Rules are rules baby. Fight dirty, play dirty. C’mon pretty girl, I know how needy you are, how wet that pretty pussy is for me.” He mewled as he toyed with the waistband of your sweatpants, fingers brushing against your skin. He dug his fingers into your hips, slowly pushing them back and forth against his lap, encouraging you to pick back up your pace brushing up against his dick with every motion. “There you go, hermosa. That’s my girl. Just like that, baby.” He praised as you found yourself rubbing harder and harder against him, slick coating your thighs. With his length, it wasn’t hard to feel how big he was, making it easy to find a sweet spot that brushed up against your sensitive bundle of nerves as you rocked your hips back  and forth over him. 
“Javiiiii, fuck.” You whined, feeling the heat build at the base of your spine as your clit rubbed harder and harder on his covered cock. 
“That’s it, Osita. Doing so good for me, baby. God, you look so fucking pretty riding me like that, C’mon, I know you’re close sweetheart.” His praise had you climbing towards your high, each time you ground your hips into him had you closer and closer to coming undone. His name fell from your lips, moaning as he was gripping your hips again pushing you deeper into him. 
“Javi, I’m so close. Fuck, fuck fuckkkkkk.” You whimpered as you felt the euphoria rush through you, gushing, feeling your pussy throb from the intensity of your orgasm. You slumped into him, face falling on to his chest as you caught your breath. 
“Such a good girl, Osita. My good fucking girl. Did so good for me baby.” He whispered in your ear as hand his hands along your body, trembling at his touch. “Still want me to fuck you, dirty girl?” 
“Yes, holy shit, yes.” You moaned. “Please, I need you so bad Javi.” He helped you pull your sweatpants down, kicking them off your feet as you straddled back over Javi, sitting on top of his thighs. Slipping your fingers under his waistband, you pushed the pants down, revealing his dick, already red, precum leaking from its tip, leaving a stain on his sweatpants. You lifted yourself up, slowly sinking down on his length, each inch splitting you open with the sweetest stretch. Even without his fingers to warm you up, you were so wet that you took him easily, feeling yourself bottom out on his cock as Javi let out an audible groan. His hands reached around, giving you a light smack on your ass before his fingers kneaded into your flesh. You began to raise yourself up and down along his length, swirling your hips as your hands tugged at the hem of his sweatshirt that you were wearing, ready to take it off. His hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you before you could get any further. 
“Keep it on. Fuck, I love seeing you in my clothes.” He bit down on his lip as you nodded, rubbing your hands up and down his chest as you threw your head back, drunk on the way his dick felt hitting against that sweet spot inside you. The hair around his base rubbed against your clit, making you whine as you picked up your pace. “Jesus Hermosa, fuck me. Taking me so well. My sweet girl.” His voice was thick and raspy between his heavy breaths, his eyes glued on your every move as you rode him. 
Suddenly, you felt him shift. Sitting up with his back pushed up against the truck, he wrapped his arms around you pulling you in so you were chest to chest, foreheads pressed against each other. You could feel him thrust up into you, his cock punching that magical spot that made the heat at the base of your spine creep up your back. “Javi, fuck baby, you feel so good. Fuckkk.” You tugged at his thick curls, burying your face in the crook of his neck, the scent of his sweet and spicy cologne clinging to his sweatshirt. 
“I know, hermosa, I know. Fuck, you’re so wet and tight, baby. Gonna give me one more? Soak my dick before I fuck you full of me again?” You wrapped your legs around his waist, digging your fingers into his back as you felt yourself snap, screaming his name as pleasure ran through every inch of you. You could feel how tight you were clenching around his cock as you came, his thrusts pounding deeper and faster into you. It didn’t take long for him to meet his own end, only needing a few more pumps before you felt his seed spill into you, leaking down your thighs and into his lap as you slumped into each other. 
“Fuck, Osita.” He whispered between his labored breathing, lifting his head off your shoulder, smiling at your blissed out face. “Jesus, I fucking love you.” 
“I love you too, Jav. Super romantic with your dick still in me and your cum dripping down my legs.” You giggled, still sitting in his lap. 
“It’s fucking hot, is what it is. Fuck me, you’re so sexy. What the fuck did I ever do to deserve such a beautiful woman who fucking loves me like you?” 
“God, you’re so sweet. Get your dick out of me before I start crying again, you menace.” You both laughed as you shifted off of him, grimacing at the mess you had left behind in Javi’s lap. “Do you have any towels, or leftover napkins? Sorry, I made a fucking mess. So much for those showers before we left.” 
Javi paused for a moment before a sly grin crept across his face. “Ostia, can you swim?
You raised an eyebrow at him, very confused by his question, considering you were surrounded by a gigantic, grassy field. “What? Yes, of course I can swim? Why are you asking me that? How is knowing if I can swim helpful right now?”  
His smile turned giddy, smirking at you as he shimmied his sweatpants back over his legs. “C’mon, get in the truck.” He slid himself off the back of the truck bed, standing up and outstretching his hand toward you. You quickly pulled your sweatpants back on too, following behind him as he helped you out of the truck and picked you up to put you in the passenger seat. 
“Javi, what the hell are we doing? Are you gonna go throw me in a trough or something? Listen, I love those cows, but I am not gonna be happy if you toss me into a bucket full of dirty cow spit water.” You crossed your arms at him, waiting for a response. 
“You’ll see.” He winked at you before shutting your door, hopping over to the driver’s side and starting up the car. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” You grumbled, still crossing his arms at him. He reached over the center console, giving you a quick kiss before pulling away and shifting the truck into drive. 
“I’m a very lucky man, indeed.” You finally shifted out of your playfully grumpy demeanor, melting as Javi stared at you, his sweet, puppy dog eyes making your heart explode every time they landed on you. You turned up the radio as Javi pulled away, heading the opposite direction that you came from, his headlights shining on a thick patch of trees at the end of one of the pastures. Driving a little deeper into the wooded area, Javi put the car in park, leaving you even more confused than when you left. He smiled at you as he shut off the ignition, hopping out the door before coming around to your side, helping you out of the car. 
“God, I thought driving me out to the middle of the field was bad, but taking me out into the woods in the pitch black? You really never are beating these serial killer allegations, I’m afraid.” 
“You’re the worst, do you know that?” Javi shook his head as he grabbed your hand, pulling you along with him as he began to walk through the trees. 
“I’m just saying! Listen, if you really wanted- Hey! Hey! Put me down!” You squealed as Javi picked you up, flinging you over his shoulder as you pounded your fists against his back, kicking and giggling with each step he took. God, was he strong. He carried you like it was nothing, laughing to himself as he watched you try to wriggle your way out of his fireman hold. Letting out a huff of defeat, you slumped further into him, staring at the ground as he took each step. 
“At least I have a good view of your ass from here.” You snickered as he continued walking. 
“You really like my butt, don’t you?” He laughed, rustling you in his grasp, still flung over his shoulder. 
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are built like a God, Javier Peña. You’re very much proving your point right now carrying my fat ass through the woods.” 
He stopped, setting you down so you were facing towards him, placing his strong hand under your chin before tilting it up towards him. You gazed up at him, a surprisingly serious look spread across his face. “Hey. I love your ass. I love your body. Every curve, every single bit of you. Okay?”  
“Okay.” You softly replied, pulling you in tighter as he kissed the top of your head. “So are you gonna tell me where the hell we’re going, or are you just gonna keep carrying me through the woods?” 
“Turn around.” He nodded his head, gesturing behind you. As you spun around, you saw the moonlight sparkle off ripples of the pond in front of you. Rocks and tall grass surrounded the edges, water from a small stream flowing from behind the reeds into the pond. An old, worn wooden dock sat at the end, hovering over the first few feet out into the water. You turned back around to look at Javi, now smirking at your pleasant surprise with his most recent mystery. “I was out here every day as a kid in the summer. Nothing much, but it was deep enough to swim in. Haven’t been back here since high school, probably.”
“Is this where you’d take all the ladies to woo them with your swimming skills?” You joked, giving Javi a nudge as he stared around the pond. 
“No.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Just me and my friends, sometimes my cousins when they came over, if I was lucky.” 
“Well, I feel very honored to be the first lucky woman to get to see this secret pond.” You replied, slipping your sweatpants off your waist, leaving your bottom half exposed. Javi’s jaw dropped for the second time today watching you strip yourself of your clothes. “What?” You looked at him as your sweatshirt came next, dropping in a pile next to your pants, leaving you fully naked in front of him. “Aren’t we getting in?” You tilted your head at the pond, smirking at Javi who was now speechless. 
“You sure?” He said, gulping as he looked you up and down, your soft skin glowing in the moonlight. 
“Would I be standing here naked if I wasn’t?” You shrugged your shoulders as you raised an eyebrow at him. “You gonna swim in your sweats or am I gonna keep standing here like a naked idiot waiting for you?” Before you could say anything else, Javi’s clothes were on the ground next to yours, leaving you both bare, hidden amongst the secluded trees. This time, you grabbed his hand, running as you pulled him to the end of the dock, abruptly pausing as you got to the edge. “Are there like, weird things in here? It’s deep enough to jump in, right?” 
“Hermosa, just get in, you’re fine.” 
“Okay, but like-” 
“Osita, get in or I’m gonna push you in.”  
“You wouldn’t dare.” 
“You know I fucking will.” 
“Ugh okay, okay! Just promise me-” 
“Javi, wait-” 
“I’m being serious, don’t you do it! Javier Jesús Peña, I swear to God-” 
Before you could finish, Javi had his arms wrapped around your waist, swinging you back and forth, throwing you over the edge of the dock, limbs flailing as you splashed into the water. You peeked your head up, running your hands over your face as you watched Javi laughing hysterically. You flung your hand against the water, trying your best to splash him as he still stood at the edge thoroughly amused with himself. 
“I hate you, I hope you know that.” You grumbled, splashing him again. “Hey, wait, where are you going?” You shouted as you watched Javi turn around, making his way off the dock. It wasn’t long before you regretted asking the question, as Javi quickly turned around, getting a running start as he launched himself off the edge, drenching you as he drove into the water, making waves that splashed against you upon his entrance. You swam there for a moment, waiting for his head to pop up somewhere next to you, when suddenly, you felt something wrap around your ankle, making you absolutely screech at the top of your lungs. You swam as fast as you could back to the edge of the dock, clinging to the edge as you heard more hysterical laughter behind you, turning around to see Javi cackling to himself as you panted breathlessly, waiting for your heart rate to return to a semi-normal pace. 
“Holy shit, I didn’t think I was gonna scare you that bad, Osita.” He came down from his laughter, looking over at you hanging from the wooden planks still trying to catch your breath. “I’m sorry, baby. Are you okay?” He swam closer to you, now seeming like he felt a little remorse for what he had done. 
You took a few more deep breaths before letting go of the dock, looking back at him. Now only an arms’ length away from you, you swam full force towards Javi, wrapping your body around his, trying to wrestle him in the water. “You are an absolute jerk, you know that?” You grunted between your giggles as Javi grabbed you back, spinning you as you thrashed in the water, splashing it in his face before he grabbed your face to kiss him. Your legs locked around Javi’s hips, arms wrapping around his neck as his slipped behind your back, pulling you closer, feeling weightless in the water. He drew away for a moment, taking one of his hands to caress your face, rubbing his thumb along your jaw. 
“I forgive you, I guess.” You smiled as you sat there for a moment, taking in every detail of his face. His messy wet hair, his chocolate brown eyes, the way his mustache shifted above his lips as he smiled, everything about him that made you love him even more than you thought you already could. The way he looked back at you made you feel like there wasn’t anyone else in the world who could ever love you more. 
“God, you’re so beautiful. I love you, Osita.” 
“I love you too, Javi.” 
He brought you in closer, placing another gentle kiss on your lips. He pulled away again, this time with a look of panic washing over his face.
“What? Are you okay?” 
 “Was that your foot?” 
“My feet are wrapped around your waist?” You looked at him curiously. 
Trying his best to keep calm, Javi swam you both closer and closer to the shore, still carrying you with him as you stepped back on to land. This time, it was your turn to laugh at him, suddenly realizing why he had gotten out so quickly. “Not big and brave now, huh?” 
“At least I didn’t scream like you.” 
“Oh shut up.” You giggled as he set you back down, now sopping wet and shivering next to your pile of clothes. “Any way to explain to your dad why the hell we’re both coming back soaking wet?” You grimaced as you started to pull your sweatshirt over your wet body.
“We’re not.” His face smug as he followed suit opting to only put on his sweatpants, leaving him shirtless as you both headed back through the trees. 
“So…. What? You’re just gonna ask your dad to close his eyes and ignore us when we come back inside?” You raised an eyebrow in confusion looking up at Javi as he reached down to grab your hand as you walked. 
“No. To be honest, Pops is probably already passed out in front of the TV, but of course, you can’t walk through the front door without going past him. We’ll just sneak in through my bedroom window and he’ll be none the wiser.” 
You stopped for a second before laughing at him, continuing to walk as you shook your head. “Sneak in? What are we, 16? I know you said you’ve never brought any girls down here before, but I have a very hard time believing this is the first time you’ve snuck a girl into your room, Javier Peña.” 
“Only a few times.” He looked down at the ground sheepishly as you squeezed his hand. 
“I’m just giving you a hard time, Jav. Wouldn’t be my first time sneaking in either.” You admitted, your cheeks turning slightly red at your admission. 
“Really?” He perked up. “You don’t strike me as the type, but do tell.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You just seem like such a rule follower, maybe it’s the teacher in you.” He shrugged as you rolled your eyes. “What’d ya do?” 
“Fair, I guess. I was 17. One of my friends was having a party at her parents house while they were on vacation, and being the rule follower that I am, I asked my parents and they said no. I was so mad because it felt like they always let my brothers go out and have fun and I never got to. So, once everyone was asleep, I snuck out, rode my bike all the way to my friends house, got drunk out of my mind, which is part of the reason why I can never drink vodka again, and by some miracle, was able to ride my bike back home. When I came in through the side door of the garage, my brother David was in there, already waiting for me. He told me that he could hear me singing at the top of my lungs halfway down the block. He took pity on me and helped my drunk ass up to bed and never told my parents. He’s always been my favorite brother. Then, I pretended to have the stomach flu for the next 3 days to cover up for my hangover.” You both laughed as you finished your walk up to the truck, Javi opening the passenger door for you as you stepped in. 
“No vodka, duly noted. You trying to tell me your singing gets even more obnoxious when you’re drunk?” He smiled as you buckled yourself in. 
“You love my singing, don’t lie. But um… maybe… Just a little. You’ll just have to deal with my sober serenading for now, sorry.” You smirked at him as you shrugged your shoulders, Javi laughing to himself as he shut the door behind you. 
As promised, you spent the rest of the ride to the ranch windows down, blaring “Go Your Own Way” from Fleetwood Mac, noting that even though Javi had put on the album not long ago, you were a bit distracted to actually listen to any of the songs. If it was anyone else, Javi would have rather been caught dead than singing along to anything, regardless of song, album or artist. But lucky for him, you weren’t just anyone. You were his everything. Javi was sad when you’re singing came to an end, lowering the music as you pulled up to the house, trying to remain as quiet as possible to not wake up his dad. 
“Too bad you don’t have the James Bond soundtrack in your car, I feel like we’re on some sort of secret mission right now.” You whispered, trying to close the truck door behind you as quietly as possible. 
“C’mon, you dork.” He replied, taking you by the hand and leading you around the edge of his house. You both tiptoed along the wood siding of the house, Javi leading you before stopping under one of the windows, slightly cracked open, pushing out of its frame. “Alright, if I lift you up, can you push it the rest of the way open and climb in?” 
“Sure thing, Agent Peña. What number do you want to be, since you clearly can’t be 007, that one’s already taken. I don’t think they’ll let you be the next James Bond with that ‘stache.” You mumbled, stepping in front of Javi as he got ready to lift you up. 
“Will you just get in the window, please?” He scoffed, squeezing his hands on your hips, getting ready to hoist you. 
“Fine, fine, just say you wanna be lame and move on. I’m ready.” As Javi shot you up, your fingers wrapped around the edge of the windowsill, humming to yourself as you shimmied yourself in. 
“Bada boommmm, bada booommmmm, bahnanah.”  
“Are you seriously singing the James Bond theme song right now?” Javi looked up at the window as you pushed open the rest of the pane, now looking down at him. 
“Yeah, at least one of us should have a little fun with this. You need my help getting in?” 
He hadn’t even answered your question before he was already halfway through the window, pulling himself through and landing on the floor.  
“Showoff.” You grumbled to yourself as he closed the window behind him. Wet and uncomfortable in your clothes, you stripped them off of you, drying yourself off from the towel you had left on Javi’s bed from your shower earlier. Javi did the same, shedding his sweatpants and throwing them next to yours before you both crawled under the covers, curling into each other. You pulled the comforter up over you, nestling against the warmth of Javi’s body. Laying your head on Javi’s chest, Javi ran his fingers through the ends of your hair, still damp from your swim. It wasn’t until you hit the bed that you realized just how exhausted you were, barely keeping your eyes open, your eyelids heavy with sleep.
“Javi?” You asked, looking up at him, your voice low and soft, letting out a quiet yawn. 
“Yes, Osita?” He peered down at you, fingers still twisting through your locks. 
“You really love me?” 
He chuckled warmly, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head. “I really do. Con todo mí corazón. (With all my heart.) Get some sleep, Hermosa, I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” 
He paused, waiting for you to respond. 
The only thing he heard after that were your sweet snores humming against his chest, you already sound asleep in his arms. He gave you one more kiss on the head before pulling you closer, shutting his eyes as he whispered one last goodnight.  “Buenas noches, Osita. Soy un hombre afortunado. Tienes todo mí corazón para siempre. Te amo.” (Good night, Osita. I’m a lucky man. You have all of my heart, forever. I love you.)
@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed
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ily-fictional-women · 10 months
Take Out, Maybe?
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Summary: Not everyone can cook, and not everyone is meant to. 
Pairing: Kate Bishop x fem!reader
Warnings: Minor mentions of blood 
Word count: 1293
a/n: This is loosely inspired by that one Tom Holland interview where he mentions Zendaya tried to cook for him when he got back from a shoot. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
More often than not Kate will stay over at Y/n’s apartment, but with her apartment finally being fully remodeled after it caught fire it gave Y/n an opportunity to stay over there more. With Kate staying over at her place most of the time Y/n had gotten used to making dinner for the both of them. So when Kate came home from a mission Y/n started looking through what to cook with as she usually would. 
Y/n hollers looking through the fridge, “Kate what do you want for dinner?!” Kate quickly jogs downstairs meeting Y/n at the fridge taking something out of the freezer. She shrugs, “I’m fine with anything.” Y/n huffs still staring inside the fridge, “There’s not much to cook with when’s the last time you went grocery shopping?” 
Kate shrugs again giving a sheepish grin, “I don’t know. Why don’t we just order something tonight?” Sighing Y/n closes the fridge door leaning against it and looks at Kate. “I don’t really feel like take out though.” Kate looks at the makeshift ice pack she had pressed against her side holding it up to Y/n with a grin. 
“We could heat up these pizza rolls then.” A small grin tickles up on Y/n’s lips, “What do you even cook here there’s practically nothing in the fridge.” Kate scratches the back of her head stammering, “I don’t really know how to cook, to be honest.” 
Y/n’s grin fades as she looks more confused. “You do know how to cook though, you’ve made dinner before I come home from missions a few times.” Kate laughs awkwardly, “Uh, yeah. About that. Those times I cooked were just the food I ordered. I’d just put it in the pots and pans then put the containers and bags in the dumpster.” 
Giggling Y/n similes wide, “Kate, my love. You are twenty-two. How do you not know how to cook for yourself? Have you just been living off frozen foods?” Kate groans in embarrassment. Walking over to one of the shelves in the kitchen though Kate grabs a box of mac and cheese. 
“I can make this! I’m great at making this.” Kate shakes the box in Y/n’s face in a playful victory but Y/n just takes it from her placing it on the nearby countertop. “Congrats Ms. Bishop you can boil water.” Kate rolls her eyes at Y/n’s sarcasm, “Ms. Bishop is my Mom’s thing.”
Y/n shakes her head, “Whatever. Put a jacket on though.” Grabbing her own jacket Y/n stands near the door while Kate just looks confused crossing her arms. “And why exactly am I gonna put my jacket on?” Going up to Kate Y/n takes her by one of her arms pulling her closer to the door. 
“We’re gonna go grocery shopping so we can make dinner together.” Kate just groans again making Y/n toss a jacket at her. “Stop being a brat and let's go Kate. There’s a mini grocery store in walking distance from here.” Reluctantly Kate puts on her jacket following Y/n out the door after putting Lucky on a leash to come with them. 
Making it to the grocery store Kate watches and Y/n carefully selects different vegetables putting them in a plastic bag. Grabbing a separate bag she then watches Y/n put different fruits in the bag. 
“What recipe did you choose exactly that requires blueberries?” Y/n shakes her head giving Kate a ‘are you stupid look’. “Kate. You barely have anything in your fridge. We’re grocery shopping in general. And you’re paying by the way.” 
Kate’s eyes go wide in shock, “Alright fine. But I’m gonna go get a frozen pizza then for later.” Hearing the word pizza Lucky immediately barks in agreement making Y/n stare daggers at the dog and her pizza-loving girlfriend. Kate awkwardly fake coughs then shrugs, “Or I could just not do that, that’s cool too.”  
Looking through the meat section for the main course for that night's dinner Lucky steals a steak on the lower shelf nearly pulling Kate away with him. Managing to stay in the same spot Y/n takes the steak from Lucky adding it to the other meats with the groceries.  
“Y’know you spoil him too much Y/n?” Kate smiles as they make their way to the cash register. Y/n simply rolls her eyes at the woman, “Like you, we never spoiled.” 
Finally making it back to the apartment Y/n lays out all the vegetables and meat that will be used in the dinner for the night while Kate finishes stocking up the fridge. As Kate finishes up stocking the fridge Y/n sets down a thick paper towel with some carrots and a sharp, and obviously unused kitchen knife right next to it. 
“Okay, Kate, your first lesson in learning how to cook is one of the simpler ones. Learning how to chop vegetables.” Y/n holds onto Kate’s hands in the right positions from behind showing her how to chop properly. Kate smiles to herself, “This would probably be more romantic if you were taller than me.” 
Y/n scoffs immediately letting go of Kate's hands. “You have like one inch on me Bishop.” Kate rolls her eyes laughing as Y/n starts searing the meat. Everything goes smoothly for the moment. Kate cuts the vegetables as Y/n takes care of everything on the stove. 
Or that is up until the point Y/n hears a quiet “Dammit” from Kate’s direction. “What’s up, Kate?” Y/n asks not shifting her gaze away from the stove. “I accidentally cut myself a little."  She hears Kate a lot more clearly this time turning around she turns Kate slightly to see the damage. 
Looking at her hand, saying I cut myself a little would be an understatement. The cut started at the top knuckle of her thumb going down to the bottom of her hand. “Kate! Oh my god, you’re gonna need stitches.” 
Grabbing a stray dish towel Y/n presses it against the cut putting Kate’s other hand on top of it to keep the pressure as she left to grab cash from her wallet for a taxi. “Baby it’s not that bad.” Kate tries to laugh through the pain of the cut. 
Y/n looks at her worried but also confused, “Kate, do you know how to do stitches on yourself?” Kate stutters bleeding through the rag, “Uh, no. But-” Y/n throws her hands up in the air pulling Kate to the door. “Well I don’t know how to do stitches in general so let's go.” 
As Lucky starts to follow Y/n in a panic tells him to stay rather aggressively. Kate gives the dog a quick pout before whispering to the dog, “I’m sorry Lucky! Your Mommy’s crazy.” 
Making it out of the apartment building Y/n hails down a taxi making sure Kate gets in safely first before her. “Can you take us to the nearest emergency room please sir?” The man gives a quick nod noticing the bloody rag on Kate's hand. 
It took about ten minutes to get to an emergency room, but once the women at the check-in desk say Kate was bleeding through the dishtowel she immediately got the two of you to see someone. After the doctor finished cleaning the cut she started stitching it up. 
Kate manages to look over at Y/n with a huge grin, “Hey, Baby?” Y/n looks at her with a tired smile, “What’s up?” 
“You still not in the mood for something else? Take out, maybe?” 
“Yeah, takeout actually sounds good right now.”
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jjtheresidentbaby · 4 months
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» spn agere week: day 2, little and their caregiver go on a long car drive - jan 30th
» for @spnagereweek event || on my ao3 | 1.7k+ wrd count
» little!sam & caregiver!dean
» warnings: pre canon, hurt/comfort, swearing
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“It’s so cool Dean, c’mon admit it!” Sam swivels in his seat of the mini van Dean’s driving. They rented it for a bit while the Impala is in the shop, much to Dean’s dismay, and John’s out on a hunt a few states over so the trucks gone too.
“Okay you’re right, it’s kind of cool. Not as cool as Baby though.” Dean caves and smiles when Sam beams with a mutter about him being right like always. He sounds so happy, it’s a little strange for Dean if he’s honest, ever since Sam hit age sixteen he’s been a ball of angst and anger, but not today.
He’s acting like he would when he was younger- still in his fleece pajama pants because no matter what Dean said he wouldn’t change, giggling at Dean’s cheesy jokes, sitting cross legged in his seat, flipping through the cds that the car rental place left like they’re the most interesting thing in the world, pointing out different colored houses or animals they see as they drive- it’s like he’s eleven again. Dean has no idea why or what’s even going on but he likes seeing Sammy happy so he won’t bring it up.
“Hey they have Metallica!” The cd gets pulled out of the plastic sleeve in seconds and Sam leans to slide it into the radio.
“You don’t wanna listen to something else?” The look he gets in response is somewhere along the line of ‘why in the world would you ask that’ and ‘how dare you offend me like that’ which makes Dean snort. Usually Sam’s complaining left and right about only being able to listen to the tapes Dean and John have stockpiled in the Impala and truck.
“Can’t believe you just said that, who are you and what have you done with my big brother?” Sam teases and blushes with a laugh when Dean pushing his hand at the top of Sam’s head.
“Haha, okay smart guy what do you want for lunch?” Please don’t say salad, please don’t say salad. One more salad this week and Dean may lose his mind.
“Slushies!” Dean blinks once, twice, pulls up to a red light and turns to see if his brother is being serious. He is.
“Sammy that’s not lunch.” A frankly pitiful pout forms on Sam’s lips in seconds, big eyes blinking at Dean like he just told him his dog died.
“We can get them but we need real food too.” That thankfully seems to fix the issue as Dean knows from years of raising Sam that the expression he just had would eventually turn to tears if he’s not careful.
“Can we get mac and cheese?” God he really is like a little kid again. Something sour appears in the back of Dean’s throat, partly worried his brother might’ve gotten cursed or something, but more so concerned that something might’ve triggered this. They’ve been nonstop hunting for a while now and Sam’s even had to skip school which Dean knows he hates. Maybe the drastic change in routine has been messing with him more than he says? Maybe the horror of what they see is finally setting in and this is Sam’s way of getting away from it?
“Course bud.” He smiles and lets his hand rest in Sam’s hair when he pushes into Dean’s touch. He was reaching to ruffle his brother’s hair like when they were younger but Sam’s almost laid across the center of the van to stay touching Dean.
“Thanks De’.” And fuck- that nickname strikes something deep in Dean’s chest.
It’s been years since Sam’s used it, he was still shorter than Dean back then, still got excited when John would come home, still asked Dean a million lore questions he was too young to be asking, still wanted to sleep in Dean’s bed with excuses of it being cold but in reality the monsters outside scared him and he needed his big brother to protect him. He was so innocent back then, short years ago that feels like a lifetime.
“The drive through is too long so I’m just going to go in and grab the food.” Dean says as he pulls into the parking lot of the Wendy’s restaurant- it’s the only fast food place Dean knows has mac and cheese and isn’t a two hour drive outside of where they’re going.
“Wait you’re leaving?” A hand quickly wraps around Dean’s forearm before he can turn to climb out of the van. His brow furrows when he sees how upset Sam looks, bordering on looking- scared? What the hells he scared of? He was smiling five seconds ago, humming along to the radio louder than normal and bouncing in his seat a bit like he used to.
“Just to get some food, I’ll be back fifteen minutes tops.” None of it soothes Sam.
“You wanna come with me?” He gets a nod, though it’s hesitant.
Almost the second they step into the restaurant Sam’s hand reaches to grip Dean’s tight like a vice. He’s glued to his brothers side and would be hidden behind Dean’s frame if not for the added height Sam has, height he’s trying to hide in this moment as he shrinks down and curls up against Dean. It’s breaking Dean’s heart a little- there’s maybe five people in the restaurant and yet Sam seems terrified.
“You okay Sammy?” The few people in the place are eyeing them more obviously than appreciated- Dean isn’t sure if it’s the pajamas with the Iron Maiden shirt and converse Sam’s in, the way he’s tucked into Dean’s side, or just the fact that they look out of place in this small town in the middle of nowhere Maine.
“Mm.” Well that’s not good. Sam always got quiet when he was upset as a kid, only giving a hum or nod to questions asked, not caring if John had been pleading with him for an hour to talk or if Dean promised a trip to the movies to see whatever Sam wanted or even if Bobby gave him free range over his entire library. The kids a master at the silent game.
“What can I get for you two?” The voice of the woman behind the register startles Dean which in turn startles Sam twice as bad, he clings his free hand to the loose material of Dean’s t-shirt and stuffs his face into Dean’s shoulder.
All Dean can do is relay their order back to the woman- pointedly ignoring her concerned looks at Sam- and wrap an arm around Sam’s shoulders so he has an easier time tucking himself as small as he can into Dean’s chest. The food takes no time at all to be done and Dean gets Sam ushered out of there as quick as humanly possible without someone thinking he’s kidnapping him. The sigh of relief both boys let out once in the van again makes Dean feel uneasy- they shouldn’t be sighing like this over ordering fast food.
“You wanna go get those slushies now Sammy?” He reaches to place his hand in Sam’s hair again, rubbing his thumb at his brother’s forehead and watching with a slightly furrowed brow as Sam’s eyes flutter shut before back open again. It’s only one pm, they left at seven this morning which isn’t all that early on Winchester time, but maybe Sam’s been acting weird because he’s tired?
“Or maybe stop at a motel and sleep?” The plan was to drive for at least another eight or so hours before stopping to sleep, but the last thing Dean wants is for whatever’s going on with Sam to get worse. He could be feeling sick, it is freezing out and it’s not like they’re exactly up to date with their flu shots.
“Thought we had to meet dad?” Sam asks with a clumsy rub of his eyes that makes Dean give a faint smile. He’s the same little kid he’s always been.
“We’d have to drive back here for Baby anyways, we’re just saving a trip.” Assuming the Impala will be done by tomorrow morning when they go to leave again, Dean can hope, and hope that John doesn’t ask too many details on why Dean and Sam won’t be meeting him as early as they said they would. The hunt he’s on seems pretty nasty so Dean doubts he’ll be paying much to mind to what day the boys get there.
It takes all of twenty minutes for Dean to find and book a room at the nearest motel- years of hunting for them in the pitch black makes them pretty easy to spot in the daytime. Sam stays in the car as Dean gets the key and pays for the room- though Dean can feel how hard Sam’s staring at him through the window, he swears the nervous energy radiates far enough that it makes Dean’s spine shiver.
“You okay bud?” Dean says with half a laugh when Sam collapses onto his bed and instantly curls his arms around Dean’s middle with his head on Dean’s chest. There’s an empty queen bed two feet away- it was the same price as getting a single so he figured Sam would appreciate the bed to himself. Apparently he was wrong.
“You’re not goin’ anywhere right?” His face falls hearing Sam’s voice come out so small, nearly whispering as he tightens his hold around Dean.
“Course not. I’m always right here Sammy.” That’s all it takes for Sam to let his eyes slip shut.
Dean can’t even think about going to sleep- too overwhelmed with worry- so he does what he did when Sam was little and starts to rub his hand up and down Sam’s back, counting the breaths he takes with each stroke of his fingers against Sam’s spine. He really hopes Sam’s acting a little more normal when he wakes up but just incase Dean makes a plan for if he’s not, going over the basic steps he used to do to make sure Sam stayed happy when he was a little kid, reminding himself of the habits Sam hasn’t shown in years but may revert back to. If Sam needs him to take care of him like he used to then Dean is going to make sure he does it right.
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snowdice · 28 days
Envisage a Better Place to Sleep, Virgil! (Part 2) [Part of the Envisage Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Roman & Virgil
Characters: Roman, Virgil
Summary: A collection of mini fics detailing all of the times Roman has found Virgil… sleeping in odd places after moving in together.
Chapter Summary: Virgil goes from best to worst roommate in a matter of seconds.
Notes: Superhero AU, Fluff, Inappropriate Sleeping Places
This takes place after Best Laid Plans and is part of the Labeled Universe.
When Roman returned to the apartment from his superhero exploits, he was exhausted. He’d had to run all over the city because a villain had released a flock of robotic murder birds, and Roman had had to catch all of them before they achieved their purpose. It had been like a city-wide game of Duck Hunt, except Roman had been using his fists instead of a gun and the half a dozen police officers wearing tactical gear took the role of the dog, scaring the birds out into the open, and then picking up the pieces after Roman took them down.
It was now 3am and Roman had class at 8:30am. Yet, he knew if he collapsed into bed right now, he’d be in for a mega migraine in the morning. He’d burned far too many calories and, even though he didn’t even feel hungry at this point, he could feel the effects on his body already. If he slept for 4 hours, he’d pay for it.
So, he forced himself to walk to the kitchen and flip on the lights. He was about to grab one of those horrible, but necessary, energy bars his moms always made sure he had, but then saw a note on the counter.
Calorie enriched mac and cheese in fridge. Blue Tupperware.
“Fucking, bless you, Virgil,” Roman mumbled to himself, turning to the fridge. It was nice to be roommates with someone who knew about his superhero work. The Tupperware container was right there as promised, and Virgil had even put it in one of the microwave safe bowls, so Roman popped off the lid and put it in the microwave. When stirring it halfway through, he noticed there was even bacon in it. Virgil got the best roommate reward tonight.
When the food was warm, he grabbed it and took it to the living room. He fell heavily onto the couch. The couch grunted in surprise.
Roman was on his feet in a second, the fork in his hand going flying, though he managed to keep a grip on the bowl of food. He was even more freaked out when he noticed he had not, in fact, sat on someone. No one was on the couch.
“Uh…” he said, stumped.
But then there was the sound of movement and suddenly dark eyes were peering up at him from the floor.
“You’re under the couch?!” Roman shrieked. There was some space under the couch, enough that he’d thought of getting one of those rolling storage compartment for under it, but there wasn’t that much space. “I didn’t even think you could fit under there!”
Virgil grunted. “Barely.”
“Why do you do these things to me?” Roman bemoaned as his heartrate started to slowly calm. He found he wasn’t tired anymore.
“Why don’t you eat at the kitchen table?” Virgil returned, wiggling back into his place under the couch.
“You are the worst roommate ever!” Roman declared.
“Just eat your mac and cheese, Prince Dumbass,” came from the monster under the couch.
Roman just sighed and picked his fork up from the floor. He considered going to get another, but then shrugged. He was a bit more cautious when sitting on the couch this time and did not get a sound of protest.
He ended up falling asleep on the top of the couch minutes after finishing his bowl of macaroni while his roommate slept below.
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 26
click here for the master list
Hi, my lovelies! I just want to reiterate that I am so thankful you are all still here reading my story! I love you all sooo much! You mean the world to me 😭 Sorry if there's has been some boring parts 🥺 I promise these context chapters will make sense later 😭 Happy reading and enjoy! 💕
A/n: It's almost been a week and a half since you and Leia have seen Bradley. One of your besties tries to help you come up with a solution 😉
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: cursing, some anger, teasing but as usual LOVEE 🫶🏼
Please don't take my work, I will find you.
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A week and a half have passed since you came home from Legoland. Bradley has been working the past 9 days straight so you hadn’t seen him. You and Leia were building some of the Lego sets that you and Bradley had got for her at the park. You heard the door open. You looked at the clock and it was 3 PM. That meant Bri was home.
 Bri called out, “I’m home! Billy and Austin are with me!” 
Leia’s eyes lit up. “AUSTIN!!” She ran to him and jumped into his arms. You got up and went to go and greet everyone. Bri gave you a hug, and Billy hugged you and kissed your head. Austin tried to hug you the best he could he was holding Leia, so he kissed your cheek. 
Austin brought Leia back to the table and set her down, “How was Legoland, Darlin? It’s been a minute.” She started to show him all her sets and the two little mini figures that you and Bradley made for her. “Wow, that’s so cool, sweetheart. Did you have fun?” He patted her head. 
Leia nodded, “I had so much fun! Bradley’s friends rode all the rides with me!”
“Bradley?” Austin said slowly and looked at you concerned.
You sighed and bit your lip. Austin brought his attention back to Leia.
“Yea! But, Bagman and Bob got really sick so they couldn’t ride anymore. So in the end I had to ride with Warlock, Cyclone, Hondo, and the Dog guy!” She leaned over the table with excitement.
Austin furrowed his brows, “Bagman and Bob were sick. So you rode with Warlock, Cyclone, Hondo, and a dog?” He said slowly questioning Leia but looking at you.
“Oh, I mean Coyote! That was his name!” She nodded.
“Oh, Coyote.” He smiled at Leia.
She looked at him with so much excitement, “It’s their callsigns! Like Papa Mav! His real name is Pete!” 
“Huh. That’s a lot of people to remember, sweetheart.” He laughed and messed up Leia’s hair. He looked over at her lego sets again, “Can I help you build your favorite set?” She looked at you with wide curious eyes. 
You smiled at Leia, “He can help you, my love. I have to get dinner started anyway.” You gave your pieces to Austin and proceeded to the kitchen. 
Austin rubbed his index knuckle on Leia’s cheek, “Hang on, sweetheart. I’m just gonna catch up with mom, okay? Don’t start without me.” He pointed his finger at her before he came to you. 
You were looking in the pantry for something to make for everyone, “Hey sweetheart. That was a lot of gibberish to me. But I think I understood what she was getting at.” He laughed, “But, how did it go with, Bradley? After the banquet and Legoland?” 
“Callsigns Austin, They can get confusing, but you’ll get the hang of it. Like Nat is Phoenix.” You laughed and patted his chest.
He laughed, “Yea, you’re right.”
You grabbed for the Mac and cheese boxes, “But, it went very well. Leia and I slept over at his house after the banquet and then the next day we went to Legoland.” You turned and gave him the boxes. 
He smiled and took them, “Talk later about it then? I need to hear all the details.” He winked at you and placed the boxes on the counter and returned his gaze to you. 
“Yes, later.” You smiled at him. 
“I love seeing you like this, y/n. Happy. It looks really good on you.” He patted your arm and went back to build with Leia. Billy joined them and Leia gave him a big kiss on his cheek. “Uncle look what I got!” She started to show him everything she got in Legoland.
Billy was amazed by all of Leia’s toys, “Oh my gosh, bun! These are so cool!”
You started to rip open the Mac and Cheese boxes. Bri came and helped you make dinner. She started to prep some chicken. She bumped your hip with hers. You turned and she gave you a hug. 
“Sooooo? Anything yet? Has he come over today to see you girls yet? How has it been with your baby daddy? Him and Leia bonding well?” 
You continued to make the Mac and cheese, “They’ve bonded very well, but she still hasn’t been able to see him for the past week and a half.” 
Bri slammed the chicken down and looked at you annoyed, “Why?” She looked unamused. “I do not need him to not only hurt you, but now her. I will kick his fucking ass. I’ve already warned him.” 
You put your hand up and shushed her. You leaned into her ear, “Don’t cause a scene in front of Leia, please. He’s working. You know he’s trying. You said it yourself.” You walked to the refrigerator to get the milk. 
She came up next to you, “Yea, but he does not work 24 hours a day, y/n. The first couple of days? Okay cool. A week. Still okay, but questionable. Almost 2 weeks? That's fucking weird.” 
You scoffed, “Bri, stop. I understand where you’re coming from. I really do. But I know he will come when he has time. He is still adjusting.” 
She gave you another hug, “I just don’t want to see you and Leia hurt.” 
You pulled back and put your hands on her shoulders, “I know, thank you so much. For everything, Bri. Seriously.” 
She nodded at you, “I’d do anything for you and Leia.” You smiled at her. You both continue to cooking. Then she leaned into you again. “Well, how are you and Darth Vader doing?” She nodded in his direction. You looked over at him and he was smiling at you. You turned back to Bri and she winked at you. 
You rolled your eyes, “I love Austin. He is a great catch, but I don’t want him in that way. He’s a really good friend.” You looked at him again and he was playing with Leia and her legos. 
“He’s here nearly every other day if not every day, but I totally get it. You’re in love with the captain. But, I think Leia really likes him, y/n. She gets so happy and excited when he’s here.” She whispered in your ear and then pulled away to put the chicken in the oven. 
You looked at Leia and Austin from the corner of your eye while you finished with the food. She did look pretty happy with Austin. They were like best friends. She was always so happy to see him. You were sure eventually after she got used to Bradley she would be the same with him.
Austin came back over to you and rested his hands on the counter, “Hey babe, you need any help?” He leaned on the counter and let out a sigh.
You looked at him and shook your head, “No I think I’ve got it. Thank you… babe.” You laughed and started to pick up the pot of Mac and cheese and he grabbed it from you. 
“I will take it to the table, Just bring a rag to put under so it doesn’t burn the surface.” He turned around and walked away before you could answer.
You went and grabbed a rag from the drawer and laid it onto the table. He set the pot down and patted you on the back, “Wow, we make a pretty good team.” You laughed at him sarcastically.
Leia propped herself onto the table, “I think you guys make the best team, momma! You guys are like Ben Solo and Rey!” She wiggled her eyebrows at you two. 
Austin raised his eyebrows, “Ben Solo and Rey? The girl that formed a dyad in the force so she’s like one with Ben Solo?” He looked at you confused.
You nodded your head and pointed at him, “Yep, that Ben Solo and Rey.” You look around awkwardly. 
“Well, okay.” He looked at Leia and shook his head at her. She looked back at him with a sly look. 
Austin leaned into you, “Does anyone realize that we are just friends yet? That I know everything about Bradley?” He narrowed his eyes and scrunched his nose. 
“Nope, I don’t think so.” You stuck out your bottom lip and raised your brows to him.
He laughed, “$10 they never find out and just keep egging it on.” 
“You’re on, Austin.” You narrowed your eyes at him. 
You and Austin sat down with Leia and Billy to help with the Lego structure they were building. 
Bri finally took the chicken out and set it on the table with the Mac and cheese. “Well, dinner is ready children.” As she looked at all of you sitting at the table trying to figure out how to build one of Leia’s Lego kits. 
Billy waved her off, “All right thanks, babe.” He still continued to look for a piece that Austin was trying to describe to him as you and him looked at the instructions.
Bri stood there glaring at all of you. It’s as if you all felt her staring because you all looked up at the same time. She stood there just staring, no words, just blinking 100 times per minute. 
Leia slowly put down her pieces, “You’re right Auntie Bri. Playtime is over.” She started to clean up the legos and you all followed her.
After dinner, Bri and Billy went to the store to get supplies for everyone to make s’mores. It was just you, Leia and Austin. The three of you went into your room and were on your bed. You sat back against your headboard. Leia laid down in between you and Austin and played with her toys. Of course, it was her R2-D2, BB-8, and her two lego figures of her. Austin laid down and supported his head up on his hand.  
Leia patted your leg, “Momma, can I listen to my favorite song on your iPod?” 
You nodded and she ran to your bag to get it along with the earbuds and came to lay back in between you two. 
Austin patted Leia’s hair and looked at you, “So, do you want to talk about it? How it all went with, Bradley? It’s been a minute. Let’s catch up, babe.”
You sighed and smiled, “ For starters, it went very well, better than I could have imagined. He was so good with her. It’s like he just knew what to do. He wanted to do everything. I literally didn't have to do anything.” You looked at Leia she was playing with her toys again and softly singing her favorite song. 
Austin smiled widely at you, “Well! That’s really good. Was it nice to have a little break?” He laughed.
You threw your head back and let out a relaxing sigh, “YES! God most definitely. He already seemed like he knew what he was doing.” You thought back about how he took such great care of Leia. “Crazy.”
Austin made himself more comfortable. He propped himself up on his forearm. He looked down at his hands and fiddled with his index fingers, “So how were you with him? Was everything okay? I remember the last time you two had a little bit of a moment. Did that continue?” He looked up at you curiously with his eyebrows raised.
You slacked your neck to look down at him while your head rested on the headboard. “It was good. It did continue. You have nothing to worry about, Aus. It’s like he’s his old self, the one before he left for his deployment came back.” You bit your lip and shook your head, “As if nothing happened, you know. It was really nice. He was super loving. Like super loving. It was like he never left.”
Austin was looking at you compassionately and chuckled, “You’re totally in love with him. You wanna marry him right now.” He poked your hip and laughed. “You can see it, when you think of him you have this blissful gaze that takes over.” He was mocking your face and putting his hands together and bringing them to his cheek, “Mrs. Bradley Bradshaw.” 
You threw a pillow at him, “Shut up, Austin.”
Leia looked up at Austin with furrowed brows. He put a thumbs up to her stating it was okay. He pinched her cheek lightly and she continued to play with her toys. 
He returned his attention to you. You looked at him annoyed, “I am not trying to marry Bradley Bradshaw right now.” 
He gave you a cheeky look and shook his head, “I don’t know, y/n. Your body language really screams FUCK ME BRADLEY. I NEED ANOTHER LEIA.” He laughed hard, “JUST MARRY ME PLEASE!”
You lunged over your daughter and covered his mouth. He laughed hysterically into your palm. He was tearing up. Your daughter took an earbud out and looked at the two of you and shook her head. She retreated to the floor to play with her toys in peace. 
“My body does not say that!” His eyes went wide and he nodded. He was still laughing at you. You removed yourself from him.
“C’mon, y/n. You told him you love him. I’m sure these past couple of weeks you’ve thought about marrying the guy.” He tried catching his breath. He sighed and examined your face, “God, sorry that was hilarious.” He looked at you seriously, “Soooo, do you? Be honest with me.”
You became tense he wasn’t wrong, “I do…” you closed your eyes and opened one slowly to see his reaction.
He was smiling at you deviously, “I told you. You do want to marry him.” He pushed your leg. “I know you all too well, y/n.” He poked his tongue into his cheek as he grinned at you.
You covered your face. He patted your leg, “So now tell me about this sleepover.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you.
You narrowed your eyes at him and sucked your teeth, “Nothing happened if you were wondering. After the banquet, we picked up Leia and slept. That is all.”
Austin rolled his eyes, “As if I am actually going to believe that, y/n.” He huffed, “Come on, we are adults now.”
You opened your mouth wide, “I am not lying!” You pushed him slightly, “Plus even if we were to, it’s none of your business!” You laughed.
He hummed, “Mhmm, sure, Jan. Whatever you say, sweetheart.” He laughed at you, “Isn’t this what girls do with their besties? Girl talk?” He cocked his head at you.
“Is this what that is? Girl talk?” You widened your eyes at him.
“Well yea, we are besties. I’m one of the girls now, babe.” He winked at you. “I want to know all the juicy gossip.”
You slapped his shoulder, “Well what about you and Phoenix? Huh? Let’s have some girl talk, sweetie. What about her?”
He looked at you shocked, “You mean, Trace? Oh, no nothing happened.” He waved you off and laughed, “I’ve known her forever. That would be weird. I am just her wingman on the ground.”
You shook your head, “I don’t buy it. You’re a horrible liar.”
Austin sat up and looked at you deep in thought, “Seriously, she and I are just friends. I trust her with everything like you do Bri.” He smiled at you. “Buuttttttt.”
“What?” You asked annoyingly and smiled.
“I need to hear more about how badly you wanna marry Bradley. I might have to have Trace push, Bradley.” He teased you.
You rolled your eyes, “This conversation is OVER. Austin.”
He laughed loudly, “Aww come on! Don’t be a downer!” 
You got up off of your bed and walked to the bathroom, “This conversation is done. My love life is being attacked!”
“But that’s girl talk! Come on!” Austin turned to face you.
You covered your ears and went into the bathroom. 
Austin knocked on the door, “Fine I am joking!” 
You cracked the door and peeked through the crack at him. He held up your phone. “I think you should text him. Tell him you miss him.”
You opened the door and grabbed your phone. You rested against the door frame. “Think so? It wouldn’t be too much?”
He looked at you in disbelief, “Too much? What do you mean?”
You fiddled with your phone as you bit your lips and looked off into space.
“Do you not text him while he’s away, y/n?”
You shook your head and looked at Austin sad.
“Oh my gosh! You have to text him! Let him know you miss him and that you want to see him! Guys fucking love that shit, sweetheart!” He let out a breathy chuckle.
You just looked at Austin. He shook his head and pushed your phone closer to you. “Do it, y/n. You’ll thank me later. Trust me. I’m a guy.” 
You looked at your phone and pulled up your and Bradley’s messages. You looked up at Austin and furrowed your brows. “Are you sure?” 
He nodded, “Do it.”
So you texted.
Hi Bradley. I know you’ve been busy with work. I just wanted to let you know I miss and love you. I really want to see you.
You gave your phone to Austin and showed him. He took the phone from you. He looked at you annoyed and shook his head. “No, sweetheart let me help you.” He began to text.
Hey Brad. It’s been a little bit, just wondering when you would come by and see Leia and me? I hope you are doing okay. I am just worried for you. We really miss you. When I say we, I really mean I miss you so much. Could you please come over? I miss your hugs and kisses. I love you. 
Without even showing you he sends it and shoves your phone into his back pocket. “You’re welcome, babe.” He grabs your hand and high fives himself and exits your room.
You stood there with your hand still up. You looked at Leia as she looked at you confused, “Austin, what did you do!?”
 You could hear him laughing in the distance. “The s’mores are here!”
Your daughter took off running. “It's time for s’mores! They’re back!” She was so excited. 
You took a deep breath and walked out to join everyone to make s’mores. 
I am having a little deja vu with Bradley not being around. Where ya at daddy Brad? I miss you! baby come back 😭 and what is up with Austin and Phoenix 🫣 I totally feel like he's lying. I'll see you in the next part, babes! 🫶🏼
Tags are in the comments! I hope this is somewhat helping with the tagging issues 😭
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madison-grey-bbw · 2 years
So on Thursday I'm going out of town to do a fill up on my favorite snack, Garrett's Popcorn. I buy like $200 worth and it usually lasts me around 3 weeks. Its pretty high in fat and I eat it nonstop if I have some. Maybe that's why I'm getting so big 🙈. So I'm taking donations to help me get as much as I can while I'm there, anything is appreciated.
Thursday is going to be an All Day Stuffing, starting with fast food breakfast in the car, getting the popcorn, probably eating some White Castle (they don't have those where I live so we get it when we go out of town😛) and then going to an Amusement Park to see the Halloween stuff, drink, go on a ride (if I fit🙈) and eating as much as I can. I'd really like to see you guys come thru for me so I can get extra food at the park. Elephant ear, funnel cake, Mac and cheese dinner, ice cream, mini corn dogs, cheese fries, pretzel, multiple drinks 🥵 kinda want to be a drunken, high, stuffed mess, stumbling around the spooky stuff. Any donations will be rewarded with exclusive content 😛😍😘🥵
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Look at my figjre btw 🙈 👀👀 😛 am I getting rounder?
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anlian-aishang · 2 years
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SNK Characters // Inebriated Meals // Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Jean, Sasha, Connie 
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The Mcdonald’s smorgasbord. Big Mac. 20 Mcnuggets. Hash browns. 2 for 1 apple pies.
The largest chocolate shake on earth.
Can eat an impossible amount of food and still feel hungry afterwards.
An entire row of Oreos. If not, the box.
Instant ramen: dry, crushed up, in the bag, poured into her mouth like a drink.
Sodium intake: off the charts
Banana cream pie, right out of the tin.
Lay’s potato chips. Plain only. Neither ruffled nor kettle-cooked. Just straight salty goodness.
Pop Tarts, all the flavors he never got to try as a kid. 
Nutella and a spoon. Straight out of the jar.
Fries dipped in ice cream, only when no one is looking.
Downs a tube of mini M&Ms like its a shot.
Fancy boy poutine.
A large cheese pizza all to himself. Will hiss at anyone that comes near.
Fried chicken sandwiches. Insists on getting one from every restaurant and having a taste test so that he can determine “for the good of humanity” which is truly the superior chain.
Jack in the Box. Munchie Meals. Can’t stop laughing at the tiny tacos.
Food on food on food. Cheese fries. Chili cheese fries. Chicago-style hot dog.
Some freak invention like chicken nuggets on pizza or donuts and ice cream.
Onion rings. Cheese curds. Mozzarella sticks. When in doubt, deep fry.
Puts Pocky in his mouth, walks around hoping someone will bite the other end.
Eats grapes off the vine with a wink-wink and an eyebrow raise.
French fries. Duh.
Sauce on her face, fingers, and the floor.
At first, she is feral keeping all the food to herself. But once the good vibes really kick in, she goes around the room insisting everyone try some.
Chicken wings. Lofty overconfidence makes him order a flavor that is way too hot for him to handle.
Whipped cream straight from the can to his mouth.
A potato in any form. Fries and chips are alright, but if you present this man a loaded baked potato, he will propose to you right then and there.
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// masterlist //
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goodnessandgrief · 8 months
When I’m feeling depressed, it can be nearly impossible to take care of myself, and that includes eating. Here’s a list of some foods that require little to no effort (aka: can be eaten right out of the package or just need to be microwaved), mainly for my personal reference, but also so others can find easier alternatives when they’re struggling.
Water bottles or canned water - stay hydrated!!
vegetables - green beans, peas, corn, black/kidney/pinto beans, chickpeas (all canned or microwaveable frozen bags) - I’ve also tried Harvest Snaps, which are baked snap peas & they’re v good
Fruit - grapes, raisins (or any other dried fruit like apricots/dates), mandarin oranges, apples, applesauce cups, bananas, pears, peaches, etc. (most fruits require no prep anyway, but especially if they’re canned - you can also buy frozen bags)
Canned soup or chicken, beef, or veggie broth
Pasta (ramen, spaghetti, mac and cheese, chow mein) or instant rice are my go-tos. You can buy these in individual cups or bulk packs.
Any microwaveable food - frozen/tv dinners, burritos, toaster strudels (they make an egg bacon & cheese version too!), mini pizzas, breakfast sandwiches… there’s a lot you could do here :)
Dairy - Yogurt, cheese sticks, (or just straight up eat cheese slices, there are no rules here), cottage cheese, almond/oat/soy milk, powdered milk (if you want something shelf-stable)
Grains & carbs - cereal, crackers, chips, popcorn, toast or bagels (I’ve eaten plain bread before tbh and it kinda slaps), Oatmeal (these packets are dinosaur themed & have little sugar eggs!! - https://www.quakeroats.com/products/hot-cereals/instant-oatmeal/dinosaur-eggs)
Nuts - peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, cashews, walnuts, trail mix, etc.
Meat - deli turkey, trail bologna, spam, jerky, frozen chicken strips or nuggets, Morningstar vegetarian corn dogs, canned tuna
Fast food or take-out is also a good option if you don’t feel like making anything yourself.
A little tip - most foods you would take on a camping or hiking trip are great! for some, all you need to do is add water & heat it up. they are usually on the expensive side, though!! here’s some I’ve found that are decent:
Things to keep on hand for particularly bad days:
⁠Boost/ensure/Soylent - liquid meals for when the idea of chewing or mixing anything is too much.
⁠disposable cutlery/bowls/utensils so you don’t have more dishes to worry about.
Liquid IV, Gatorade, or some other form of electrolytes. It’s too easy to get dehydrated!
If you do have a little energy to cook or make something, here’s some ideas:
If you have a blender: frozen spinach + frozen banana + shelf stable almond milk + peanut butter makes a great smoothie.
frozen fruit + frozen spinach/kale for smoothies
Adding whey protein makes it more filling.
⁠dried pasta + jarred pasta sauce (Rao’s is low sugar and awesome, but pricey) + frozen meatballs
Boil tortellini on hand. Its as easy as boiling water. You can eat it plain, add a spoonful of pesto, sprinkle with a little olive oil or butter and some garlic salt, or pour it back in the pan after draining and add a little pasta sauce
⁠frozen fried rice + frozen stir fry veggies
⁠favorite frozen protein and veggies for sheet pan meals
⁠canned refried beans with a tortilla and some cheese to microwave, can add extra toppings too
⁠oatmeal + pb + dried fruit of choice
⁠rice cakes + pb + jam (or substitute bread if you have it)
Rotisserie chicken in a salad, soup, sandwich or wrap
Frozen salmon with some veggies
air fryer foods - chicken nuggets, tenders, fries, etc. You can also toss different vegetables (baby carrots, Brussels sprouts, etc.) in a little olive oil and throw them in there
chicken broth & frozen dumplings - you can dress it up a little with some miso, soy sauce or other seasonings. You could also add some frozen vegetables.
snack type food - a combination of canned Garbanzo beans and black olives. The olives are salty enough that you can get low sodium beans and it will still taste good.
A lot of these ideas I stole from the good people of Reddit (particularly r/depressionmeals)!Here’s the post I referenced if you’d like to look further into it:
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i have so many kittens rn its silly so i made a gallery of some (some!) of my cats' ages XD
Frito is a bottlefed kitten I just picked up today, alongside their three siblings, Cheeto, Dorito, and Lay. They're 3 weeks old
Maya is a stray kitten my mom found outside three days ago, and she's a bit older than a month old, around 5-6 weeks old
Checkers is my long-term foster kitten, whom I've had since she was 2 months old, and she's now 8 months old about. I also fostered her sister, California, for a month. Checkers had a bad reaction to fluids (or the needle was contaminated) that caused her skin to split open, and she's got a few months left of healing to go!
Mac n Cheese is my wobbly syndrome cat, whom I've had since she was 6 weeks old and I swore was still under a year but she's actually a month over at 1 year, 1 month! :O time flies!!! my baby's so fat now!
Gizmo, not pictured, is another cat I have, who's about 2 years and a half now. Very smart and knows sit, high five, and spin! :) My mom also found him as a stray, same age as Maya, and he gave all my cats (and me) ringworm lmao
Princington and Battle Axel were two cats I also had who are now deceased and they were the same age, only about a week apart, and would both be 3 and a half years by now (Prince died at 1 year, Axel at ~2)
Tweetie aka Sweetie aka Angel is a cat I've had since childhood, so I can't remember her exact age. She was born on my grandma's farm, and we took her and Tommy aka Mustard (now deceased) when they were weaned off their mom, so about the 5-6 week mark
Sheldon is another cat I have, big fatto, and my mom fostered him since he was a bottle baby and kept him because he had anger issues and she feared no one would take him and he'd get euth'ed. He's about 9-11 years, I'm not sure of when he came into the picture even though I remember him as a kitten
Shadow is our old boy, somewhere in the 14-16 year old range. His ears are all fucked cause he got something like a hematoma in them and blood burst. He's a good boy but hell at the vet, so since the ears aren't lethal/painful, we didn't do much past give him meds for infection and clean his ears. He has a sister named Macaroni who is very chill and does not look as old as Shadow does lol
Also had a cat named Princess and another named Misty before them, but only faded memories :)
I had hamsters (Digger, Gumball) and guinea pigs (Marvin, Sweetflower) previously as well, had a rabbit (Cookie Dough aka NumNum) briefly, and currently have one some-months old hamster named Buster who loves biting people, and two gerbils, Gemini aged 1 year and Mama Virgo a few months older. Gemini had a sister named Libra that previously mentioned California ate. My mom also has ducks, chickens, and guineas
and not to mention our dogs! Shaggy is like a 4 months old sheep-a-doodle, then Adrian the mini pom is like 10 years old, Rocky the Shih Tzu is 12-14 years old, and Sonny the mutt is pushing 19 years old! We previously had a pom named Destiny who died at like 15 and PP aka Penelope the German Shephard mix who died young at 10 years old because of arthritis/other conditions
its going to be so strange going from so many animals to 2-3 cats, 3 critters when i move for college lol
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Webkinz Recipes By The Cuddly and Snuggly Teddy Bears!
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OOPS ALL CARBS (I swear this wasn't on purpose im sorry). Comfort Foods for the Teddy Bears. Man, I wish these had plushie versions. Also, I haven't made one of these in a while; they are so fun tho. Anyway. Here we go!
"Jest The Best Bagel" Funny Face Mini Veggie Pizza (THE REST OF THE OWL. [sorry] Replace the bread flat things with bagels for authenticity. Also, you can make whatever faces you want; animal ones are really cute)
"Peanut Butter & Honey Sandwich" Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches (This recipe has butter in it as well, which I assume you can choose not to use for dairy purposes. Or not needing a refrigerator purposes)
"Choco Chip Waffles" Double Chocolate Waffles (The sheer amount of chocolate may kill you. Chocolate batter, chips and sauce. Worth it)
"Lasagna" World's Best Lasagna (Bold claim, Website. I always forget how to spell lasagna. I guarantee I could not do it without spell check, but to be fair, I haven't eaten it much. There is about fifteen million lasagna recipes out there, so options abundant)
"Cinnamon Bun" Cinnamon Raisin Rolls (I almost forgot about the raisins! I was putting just a regular cinnamon roll recipe, until I looked at the in-game recipe again. Remembered now)
"Birthday Party Sandwich" Mac and Cheese Dogs (Um. This one has you make your own Mac and cheese, but feel free to take the boxed kind and put it with some boiled hot dogs between two white bread slices. Then turned into grilled cheese with chili. I don't know if this is making me hungry or sick. Maybe just do the recipe version...)
"Teddy Bear Porridge" Peanut Butter Kiwi Oatmeal (Peanut butter and oatmeal is pretty good tho. Also please shape the kiwi slices and maybe grab a few blueberries/banana slices if you got any. Also, I didn't know the difference between oatmeal and porridge; turns out oatmeal is a type of porridge. My ignorance, cured)
"Honey BBQ Chips" BBQ Sweetpotato Chips Recipe (HUNGRY. HUNGRY. I WANT THESE. I think I have a craving rn so I have zero other commentary. sweetpotato)
I recently got the Cuddly Teddy Bear for Black Friday to renew my account and I LOVE HIM. I'd get the Snuggly one next year if it wasn't a member only pet. RIP. (If you lose your membership, do these pets just get snapped how does this work)
Part 1: Dreamy Sheep
Part 2: Pink Poodle
Part 3: Cocoa Dinosaur and Marshmallow Bunny
Part 4: Midnight Monster
Part 5: Love Puppy
Does anyone actually read this far?
I kinda wish that we could still visit each others houses in Webkinz. I'm gonna make the Backrooms in my house. I'm really gonna. All those kinscash old furniture items fit. And the hotel theme. I'm ignoring the estore stuff because I'm cheap. I even named my Cuddly Teddy Lucky 'O Milk. His room is party themed. Thus, the inclusion of the Jester Bagel and Party Sandwich. Little secret there. Okay, now I should check to make sure all the above links go to the right places. Thanks.
Have a song.
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catboycooks · 2 months
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Mac and cheese casserole with hot dog (based off this recipe)
This was something Alek asked me for. Their dad used to make a macaroni and mini weenie hotdog casserole for them when they were feeling bad. He used a specific brand of boxed macaroni, but Alek wanted the to make something from scratch. Which is fine with me, I prefer to do that when I can.
I highly recommend using the recipe linked above if you’re in the mood for baked macaroni. I just mixed the cocktail weenies into the macaroni mixture before assembling the casserole.
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