#Misc Villains
slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Peter Hayes
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
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Drabble: Peter Hayes x Reader- Amity Love/Hate Shenanigans.
Drabble: Peter Hayes x Reader- Fear Sim Revelations.
Drabble Set: MindControlled!MultiVillains x Reader.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Inspired by the song According To You by Orianthi.
Oneshot: MindWiped!Peter Hayes x FormerGirlfriend!Reader- The One And Only 🔞.
Smexcerpt: Peter Hayes x Reader- Orgasm Denial 🔞.
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poobirdy · 1 month
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xin mo did not become the demonic op sword of all three realms for this!!! for @kawouwu who asked for binggeyuan sillies! thank you for your donation to svsss' gotcha 4 gaza!
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bytedykes · 5 months
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[ID: SVSSS fanart of Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge. It's the scene from volume 1 where Liu Qingge is having a qi deviation. He's on the floor, face and clothes splattered with blood. Shen Qingqiu has a hand on his shoulder, and smiles as he says, "You're too hot- I mean too young to die. We should be friends now." Liu Qingge scowls at him, angry and confused, thinking "wtf" repeatedly and with question marks floating around his head. /end ID]
this is basically what happened i think
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aphel1on · 2 months
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xue yang text post meme pt 4
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archiveikemen · 2 months
Ikemen Villains 1st Anniversay Challenge Kuji Can Badge Art
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I do not own any of the images used in this post. All images and rights belong to CYBIRD. Strictly not for commercial use unless permitted by the official sites.
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grumpepper · 2 months
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just life lately
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musubiki · 9 months
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worst hostage ever. (prev)
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kana-daydreams · 12 days
𝐦𝐫𝐬. 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧
summary: a day in which you get mistaken for the general's wife.
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𝐏𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Omg!! What a cute couple?!
I’ll tap that.
Is that their kid?
Your left eye twitches and your face contorts into an embarrassed scowl as your ears are subjected to listen to the irking, hushed comments of strangers being hurled—left, right and centre— in your direction.
Were those people visually impaired?
Why in the world did they think you and this...this abomination were a coup—
“Ooo, ice cream! Can we, can we?!” A bubbly voice chirps from beside you and you glance down at the young child, a boy no older than seven, whose hands grip both yours and Warumono's in a tight grasp as the three of you amble along a sidewalk, like a cute happy family — a reality very, very far from the truth.
The only reason you were a part of this 'family' was due to the boy. And only the boy. A poor soul you'd happened to chance upon during your usual patrol, cuddled in the arms of the abomination, lost, and refusing to part ways with him. And his stubbornness, in turn, leading you to tag along, concerned about leaving his welfare in the hands of evil.
Your gaze follows the boy's across at the ice cream truck stationed to your right.
“Don’t you think you've had enough sugar for the day, sweetie?” You plaster on a soft smile, referring to all the treats both you and Warumono indulged him in on your way to the police station, as a way to cheer him up for getting separated from his parents.
“Yeah, but I want ice cream." His chubby cheeks puff from a pout.
You give him a look of uncertainty. “I don’t know…we really should be getting you back to your parents. They must be very worried about you.”
The boy looks at you, a sheepish look shadowing his features, before casting a longing look in the direction of the truck and at the faces of other children lighting up in excitement when they each receive an ice cream cone. And his own face takes on a crestfallen look. “I know…”
His disappointed tone and sad pout ache your heart. It reminds you of your Mugi and Sora back at home any time they didn't get their way. Instantly withdrawing your word, helpless against their puppy-dog eyes.
And therefore with your weak resolve against pouting, adorable baby faces, you begin to have second thoughts about your suggestion. But before you can make an offer, another voice annoyingly beats you to it.
“If we get you ice cream, will you quietly let us take you to the police station?”
The boy perks up at Warumono’s question, brown eyes seeming to sparkle in his direction. “Mhm!” And with his newfound glee, the boy tugs both you and Warumono by the hand in the direction of the ice cream truck’s concession.
Momentarily, you find yourself giving a waffle cone that towers three scoops of ice cream tall to the boy. “Be careful, now.” You say as he retrieves the cone from your hands. Advice immediately gone down the drain when the cone miraculously slips from his grasp, after he manages to take a single lick, and plops to the ground.
The boy's face scrunches. His brows pull into a sad frown and his lips quiver before he releases a surge of sobs, snot and tears.
His crying draws the attention of the others around you along with Warumono's, still in line waiting to retrieve his own order. He watches as you crouch down to the boy’s level, wiping a handkerchief at his tears and snotty nose, frantically attempting to calm him down. 
“Poor thing.” Warumono directs his attention at the middle-aged man behind the open window of the ice-cream truck. And watches as he then disappears further into the truck, reappearing after a few minutes with two cones of ice cream similar to the one he'd ordered earlier for the little boy, together with his own.
“Here, take this. On the house.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Of course, son. Y'er a loyal customer." He smiles a toothy smile. "I don’t mind givin’ freebies to ya, and y'er pretty wife and kid you've gotcha over there." 
A beat of quiet settles between Warumono and the older man.
Wife? He arches a brow and spares a glance to his left in your direction.
He wasn't sure how to perceive the man's words. As a compliment or an insult?
Warumono returns his attention to the man, retrieving the ice creams from his hands.
"She's not my—"
Interrupted from clearing up the man's misunderstanding of the relationship between you and him along with the child, Warumono makes his way over to you and the boy you'd escorted over to a nearby bench, still sniffling and hiccuping from his misfortune.
You peer up at the ice creams in his hands and arch a brow in question, considering you didn’t order any.
"It's for you and the kid." Warumono supplies. “The old man gave it to me for free.”
“Really?” You take an ice cream from him, giving it to the child, his crying instantly subsiding, before taking the other for yourself.
"Wait, did you threaten him?" Your eyes narrow in suspicion.
Warumono looks both unsurprised and unbothered by your bold assumption. 
"No." He wipes away a dot of ice cream on the child's nose who giggles in response. "It's because I've got a pretty wife and kid." 
“Well, that’s nice of him." You smile. "I love free...wait, w-wife?” Heat courses up your neck, and flares on your face when your brain registers his words. “What do you mean wife?!”
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© 2024 kana-daydreams
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mzminola · 1 year
I think if we’re gonna say that the superhero genre is filling the modern folk/fairytale niche, we can reject the question of “is this in character for established canon” but we need to replace it with “does this fit this character’s archetype in established canon”.
Like... Clever Jack who solves things by tricking people. The Fool who survives and saves the day by taking everything literally. The Maiden or Youth who is kind seemingly to their own detriment and that kindness is repaid later.
For any given hero, be it the specific character or the mantle, what archetype are they filling? What kind of hero are they supposed to be? What are their key traits? How do they solve problems?
There’s too much contradictory comics canon to actually nail down detailed continuity. But we can look at a given story and criticize it for shoving the characters into the wrong archetype.
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chippedcupwrites · 8 months
“ I guess they're the closest thing to royalty my world has "
"Lucifer's Waltz" │ a Volturi fanvid 🦇🩸
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Just finished Mistakenly Saving the Villain, and I like the diversity of queer realization in this text:
You have Song Qingshi, the transmigrated main character, who—between having a progressive, fatal illness and an all-consuming love of medical knowledge—forewent any romantic attraction for any gender in the pursuit of learning all that he could with his waning energy and short lifespan. Then suddenly he is given a healthy body with all the time and (eventually) resources in the world, and he is finally able to slow down and think about his feelings. But he has no reference point except for other (straight) people’s courting rituals, he only knows of other queer male romances through secondhand stories (and only that they exist, no specifics), and the men who do like him don’t ever plainly tell him as he’s coming to his own realizations. So he’s essentially on his own to figure out his feelings, but he nonetheless still finds his way there.
You have An Long, a secondary character and best friend to the original (and now transmigrated) Song Qingshi, who has only ever seduced women but is now suddenly confronted with the fact that he loves his best friend who is also a man. Sure, An Long isn’t new to romance, per se, and he’s definitely not innocent to sex, but being with a man has to be different from being with a woman, right? While he, too, has no frame of reference for a queer relationship, his main struggle is not necessarily in being queer, but in whether to preserve his already hard-won friendship with the (supposedly) aroace Song Qingshi—the reason for his queer awakening—or to take the plunge and confess, putting said friendship on the line at the risk of losing everything.
You have Yue Wuhuan, the love interest. Putting aside all of his life trauma for the moment, Yue Wuhuan is a person who knew he was queer from childhood. He never has any doubts, no imaginings that he’d eventually end up with a woman, and even in his fantasy world, he sees himself pursuing the vague idea of a husband that eventually takes the shape of Song Qingshi. It is everyone else around him (pre-fucked up traumatic years) who imagined he’d eventually take a wife, but he, himself, was sure and steady in his queerness from the moment he could conceive of non-platonic relationships.
Then you have false protagonist Bai Zihao who came from a conservative community and into his queer “realization” through a traumatic circumstance. Because this realization was through coercion, he doesn’t consider it an actual realization and instead internalizes it as a thing he is capable of for survival. When he is no longer “gay for survival,” he struggles to accept that yes, he really does like men and no this isn’t a manifestation of trauma. He must grapple with the conservative nature of his upbringing and the trauma of his awakening in order to eventually have a functioning relationship with another man.
So despite the fact that all four characters are queer men, they each come into that realization through vastly different routes and experiences, and none of them are considered more valid than the other by the narrative. It’s pretty neat.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Chris McLean
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
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Drabble: Chris McLean x Reader- He Confesses in his Sleep.
Drabble Set: Total Drama Villains x Reader- Forgetting a Towel when you go to take a Shower.
Smexcerpt: Chris McLean x Reader- Pirate Roleplay & Blowjob 🔞.
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ponysongbracket · 8 months
A while ago I saw a video in my YouTube recommendations "5 mlp villain songs that hit Different". My immediate thought was "5? I thought there were only like, two. How are there not only five, but 5 that hit Different."
After running the Equestria Girls song tournament, I get it.
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bytedykes · 2 months
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[ID: Scum Villain fanart of Zhuzhi-lang in his original form. He's on the ground, tail bunched up behind him, lifting his torso slightly to look forward. The drawing has been done with digital brushes that mimic ink. /end ID]
i cant think of a caption uhh i love zhuzhi-lang. put that in my epitaph
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naofaun · 4 months
npd feels like being a puppet on a stage, acting out scene after scene and if the audience doesn't like it, tomatoes are thrown that explode all over you and juice digs into the cracks between your joints, and your body and mind are not your own, the belong to the crowd, if you can't please the crowd, you are nothing.
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archiveikemen · 2 months
Ikemen Villains 1st Anniversay Challenge Kuji Can Badge Chibis
I do not own any of the images used in this post. All images and rights belong to CYBIRD. Strictly not for commercial use unless permitted by the official sites.
[more below the cut]
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