#Moon; a librarian?
notdysfunk · 2 years
☀️Oh! Hello Sunshine! I was just about to start a new painting...
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Ghh!! I love drawing him in some real clothes this time! Poor boy doesn't deserve to be stuck in that jester fit (as much as I love it,,)
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
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Happy Birthday, Boys!
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clearlyaginger · 9 months
You ever have a character where you're like !!! That's my son!!! But then you see him two frames later and you're like !!! That's my wife!!!
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puppyeared · 5 months
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presto the magician!! 🐇🪄
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eggonthemoon · 4 months
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I’m obsessed with her…PM please tell me who she isss
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roboyomo · 4 months
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SO the poll for the final design for patron librarian adam has ended like yesterday?? or smth and the second version won sooo guess what im doing. (this is a wip)
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I do not take criticism
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botanicalsword · 1 year
Moon signs • astro observations
It is the observation based on my experiences - If you have different opinions, please share them with me. I would love to hear them. ♡
Photo credit : @le.sinex
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Fire moon ( Aries / Leo / Sagittarius )
❥ They tend to be straightforward and unafraid to provide criticism. In confrontational situations, they prefer to address the issue directly. However, they may later feel regretful as they understand the power of words and their inability to retract them.
❥ When two fire moons encounter each other, they may engage in arguments until one emerges victorious. Those with an air or water combination may be less confrontational.
❥ They enjoy spending time with their friends and take the initiative in maintaining contact.
❥ It is rare to find someone who is always available for their friends. They are always there to listen and provide a sense of warmth and security.
Air moon ( Gemini / Libra / Aquarius )
❥ They don't mind sending multiple messages in a row, especially those with a Fire combo. If they are paired with a Water combo, they may only act on it when necessary, such as for work or on important matters.
❥ The one with an Air combo who acts flirtatiously may be doing so to expand their network.
❥ Versatile and quick-thinking, they are capable of adapting to changing circumstances.
❥ Even if they are not fond of socializing, they can still be sociable by being amicable to overcome any obstacles.
❥ They can be a good listener and provide good advices.
❥ Although they may smile frequently, it could be a sign of politeness rather than genuine emotion.
❥ People who are easy to work with are often well-liked in the workplace, or they appear that way.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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binah-beloved · 3 months
Biker Binah is a nice thing to imagine, 100%, but I’d like you to consider: Binah in a 3 piece suit
oh you're right. you're so right. Binah dressed in a dapper suit for some formal event, bored until she sees you lingering in a corner. she's had her eye on you for a while, her favorite assistant, so she comes over and puts a careful hand on your shoulder, doing her best to make casual conversation. occasionally her words will slip back to being verbose and metaphorical, but you don't mind. you love that about her
perhaps she'll even ask you to dance before the night ends, just you and her
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philippagordon · 2 months
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an article about LMM in Le Monde this morning! Because they're going to re-publish Emily of New Moon in French
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primary-visions · 4 months
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Haven’t written or drawn anything for a while cause I’ve been reading more for work recently (and for fun too) and just sketched this out.
Also I put a Sun and Moon sticker and primary color charm on my Kobo Libra 2!
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It makes me so happy and I have not lost my love for these two! I will do more as well
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The Once and Future Contestant: Revival Round 2-D
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The top 2 characters will go to the next round!
Simon Snow (Carry On)
"He's a chosen one, he's Welsh, he has a magic sword that manifests only for him "because it trusts him", he grows red dragon wings (Welsh x2!), and he swears like so: "Merlin and fucking Morgana.""
Richard Campbell Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
"Very noble, very quaint; utterly obsessed with legendary Welsh kings; constantly called "a king" by various narrators; dies tragically young in accordance with prophecy, but comes back to life..."
Flynn Carson (The Librarians)
"He’s best friends with excalibur. Like actually. They play fetch with dangerous artifacts together. "
Arthur Pendragon (The Mechanisms' High Noon Over Camelot)
"He's a cowboy. He lives on a space station that's slowly falling into the sun. He's in a poly relationship with Lancelot & Guinevere. He's got a trans son. In the end, he's the sole survivor. Hes even got a great song about his tragic fate."
Magnus Burnsides (The Adventure Zone)
"has a magic-using friend named Merle who would vouch for him. That’s almost like being chosen by Merlin I think"
Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon)
"The leader of the Sailor Senshi who protect the moon princess. Died and was reborn like Arthur and has a Holy Sword she pulled from a stone"
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
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Just realized I don't think I ever posted the illustrations for this story here!
Here are the illustrations for chapter 1!
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marbleboa · 8 months
Now that I’m thinking about Arina Tanemura’s books again I’m realizing that it’s very funny looking at the manga series that first sparked my interest in drawing(which I of course heavily referenced) and comparing it to my stuff now.
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meretrifles · 9 months
my personal-level annoyance with the project moon implosion (this is underneath the feminism/incel higher-level offenses) is that i have been getting a lot of catharsis out of a public-library of ruina AU. it is one of the easiest ways to get across the current reality of urban public libraries that i've devised. picture library of ruina with a customer service focus and you're like 80% there. for the remaining 20%, consider that the public library is (even in small-c cities) one of the last public spaces that exists, part of the dwindling social safety net, and has a mandate to do its utmost to help people find information. forget that candy-ass invite-only closed-stacks bullshit. public LOR Angela doesn't get that pacing and privacy and contextualization. p-LOR Angela has three kids asking for an anatomy textbook at the front desk (they're arguing with their dealer whether this is a mutated gallbladder or a spleen, v important for pricing), a desperate family trying to fill out nest application forms to the right (ironic how the captcha seems to only be completable by AI, how is anyone supposed to get through??), enkephalin addicts in the washroom (and now netzach is explaining to them that it's 80% hand sanitizer and their dealer ripped them off), and someone's starting a mariachi contest in the reading room. furthermore, until roland comes around, and honestly even after that, she doesn't even know why. welcome to the library.
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mindstack · 6 months
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I found alluring memories there
in the swirling smoke of my cigarettes
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