#Norwegian posting
dronningnure · 3 months
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I was thinking about how the Norwegian words for women are like, uhh how do you say (fine, pyntlige), more formal or "nice"
first, "dame", so that is a nice™️ word for woman in Norwegian, like lady. But in English the same word, just in English pronunciation is
" a woman of rank, station, or authority: such as the wife or daughter of a lord or a female member of an order of knighthood — used as a title prefixed to the given name".
And the primary word for woman, "kvinne" is from the same etymologically as queen. (an illustration of the similarity: kvinne -> quinne -> quinn -> queen)
I don't know if there is any meaning behind it.
If I were to guess (emphasis on guess), I'd guess more fancy women were the ones who exchanged cultures with others, alternatively that people viewed Norwegian women very positively. or potentially it's something related to women in Norway having a pretty high status in society (at least in the Viking ages) and that it maybe was worse elsewhere (source: none*).
*I do have a source for the women in Norway having a fairly high status, that being our history books and history teachers. I don't have a source nor any real knowledge of women's status in other places historically (except a bit about Romans, Spartans and Athenians, but yk, there're more countries in the world)
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fjordfolk · 3 days
Utilization: By his anatomical peculiarities this dog is predestinated to puffin-hunting on the steep rocks around the fjords and along the shore.
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The standard:
Neck: Clean-cut, of medium length, quite strong with a relatively well furnished collar.
Compendium comment:
The head is carried relatively low. The two last vertebrae (atlas/apsis) are shaped so that the dog can bend backwards so that the head touches the back. To do so is vital when turning in the narrow burrows. NB! This should NEVER be demonstrated the ring!
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The standard:
Ears: Triangular ears of medium size, broad at the base, carried erect and very mobile. The cartilage of the ear lobe has the faculty of being able to retract itself so that the ear folds itself and flops in a specific manner, either backwards or in right angle upwards, so as to close the auditory passage.
Compendium addition:
The ears of the Lundehund have a unique muscle that enables them to fold and close the ears when entering the burrows, thus protecting them against dirt and moisture. The turning and folding of the ears probably also is help in locating the birds.
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The standard:
Forelimbs: Moderately angulated. Forearm: Straight.
Forefeet: Oval shaped, turning slightly outwards, with at least six toes of which five must rest on the ground. Eight pads on each foot. The two inner toes, formed respectively by 3 and 2 phalanges and endowed with a ligamentary and muscular system, make the foot look solid.
Compendium addition:
Very flexible and elastic shoulder muscles. The Lundehund has joints that allow the forelimbs to extend at nearly 90 degrees from the body, but this must NEVER be demonstrated in the ring! The forefeet turn slightly outwards to give room for the extra toes.
The Norwegian Lundehund is a polydactyl. Instead of the normal 4 digits, the Lundehund normally has 6 digits, all fully formed, jointed and muscled, with tendons going up the inside of the leg, partly responsible for its wide front gait. Some specimen may have more, others less than 6 digits per foot, but less than 6 on front feet should lead to downgrading. The extra toes help the dog climbing up and down crevices in screes and cliffs.
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The standard:
Hindfeet : Oval shaped, turned slightly outwards, with at least six toes - four of which must rest on the ground. Seven pads on each foot, the one in the middle, the most important one by its size, being attached to the inner pads corresponding to the two inner toes. When the dog is standing up on a flat surface, the weight of the body must be evenly distributed on the pads.
Compendium comment:
More than 6 digits is not a fault. 5 digits are acceptable on the hind feet. The extra toes on the hind feet are normally less developed than those on the forelegs and variations from the ideal, both regarding number and placement, should not be penalized.
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The standard:
Gait/Movement: Light and elastic. An external rotary action of the forelegs and somewhat close action behind is characteristic of the breed.
Compendium comment:
In judging the movements of the Lundehund, one must consider that this dog is built to climb efficiently up and down steep cliffs and screes. The extra pads on both fore- and hind paws must then touch the surface to aid the dog in climbing. The extra toes help getting a grip, both in ascent and descent. The wide front with extra flexibility enables climbing safely up and down crevices, as the forelegs can grip at a 90 degrees angle to the body. On flat surfaces, the Lundehund will show typical rotating front movements, due to tendons and muscles from the extra digits on the inside of the legs. Hind movements are narrow.
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imaybe5tupid · 26 days
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Touden observations
(I hc them as fantasy Norwegian)
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wormzandgutz · 2 months
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Madcom doodles over the last few days
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bogkeep · 18 days
realized something earlier today. you know that trope where bilingual characters in fiction will sprinkle their native language into english sentences? and how i personally, while i can't speak for every bilingual person on the planet, don't really see that happening in reality pretty much ever, at least not with people who are passingly fluent in english? anyway i realized i DO mix languages, just the other way. i will happily throw english words and phrases into my daily speech when chatting with my peers in norwegian or czech like it's no biggie. because we all know english here, so it makes sense to swap in words if i'm falling short! but why would i say words other people don't understand in conversation...!
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the-swift-tricker · 1 month
i may be slightly biased but i truly believe there's no instrument that compares to the hardanger fiddle when it comes to evoking the most haunting little folksy feelings known to man
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black-metal-booty · 8 months
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A brief introduction
✨ On a bit of a hiatus due to personal issues. Hoping to be back soon! ✨
Hello! 👋🏻
I'm not new to tumblr or langblr (you may know me as nordic-language-love), but I've decided to make a new blog for a whole host of reasons. And it's only courteous to have an introduction post when ones makes a new blog, isn't it?
👩🏻 You can call me Victoria
🎂 I'm in my 30s
🇯🇵 Originally I'm from the UK, but I currently live in Japan (Tohoku) where I teach English
🇳🇴 Learning Norwegian and Japanese. Japanese is currently my main focus for obvious reasons, but Norwegian will always be my fave <3
🗣 Other languages I'm interested in: Finnish, Icelandic, Spanish, Irish, Korean, Ukrainian, Tswana, Cornish and French
💬 Big linguistics fan too (etymology my beloved)
📚 I'm an aspiring bookworm. My favourite genres are fantasy and sci-fi (with a lil YA sprinkled in there). Find my 2024 TBR here.
📝 I also write! Getting something published someday would be nice, but I'm more focused on just having fun. I write primarily fantasy.
🩰 I practice yoga (intermediate level) and ballet (total beginner)
🧠 I'm neurodivergent. I have no official diagnosis yet but I have been referred for an assessment. I'm 99% sure I have ADHD (probably combined, possibly just inattentive) and autism's been suggested as well.
✉️ I'm shit at replying to messages. If I never get back to you please don't take it personally!
More about this blog
This blog is gonna be a bit of a mix of all my hobbies and interests because I can't be bothered to run like 5 different sideblogs anymore. However, my main interests that I'll be posting about are languages and reading.
I have a fitblr for my diet and fitness shenanigans! You can follow me on @flyingfitandsugarfree
I go through phases of posting original content, but I mostly post about my own journey and whatever random thoughts pop into my head
I try to post language learning logs once a week, where I kinda summarise what I've been working on and what progress I've made
Because I live in Japan, I sometimes like to post about my life there and how it differs from life in the UK
I don't really do aesthetic posts. Most of what I post is wordy and boring lmao
If you feel like being my friend, give me a follow! I'd love to get to know you :)
My 2024 Goals
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acesandocs · 20 days
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Gratulerer med dagen! 🇧🇻🥳
I already wanted to draw Åse in Norwegian national costume and thought today would be a good time to post it. Today in Norway is the 17th of may witch is the Norwegian day of independence.
Art and design thoughts below
When Åse still lived in Norway, on days like these his family would probably go into Kapp and watch the festivities. When Åse was younger she would take part in the children’s parade. As he got older though, he’d skip out on the celebrations. Only sticking around long enough to swipe a piece of cake, then hiking up his skirt and going home for the day. He also was never a fan of the shoes, though thats more because they were rarely worn and thus tended chafe. this drawing is intended to take place while he's a teenager but might look a bit older than intended.😅
He probably doesent celebrate much after he moved and ran away from home but will buy himself a pastry from the local bakery and listen to some music.
Also i'm not a clothing historian so take what im writing here with a grain of salt.
While the national costume of norway is the Bunad what Åse is wearing here would be closer to a Festdrakt (party outfit). Bunads are usually tied to a specififc place in Norway. Bunads in the way we know them today didn't really start appearing until the early 1900s. The festdrakt in comparison are outfits that dont usually have ties to specific places and can be personalized more or otherwise stray from the rules set in place by the regional bunads. The term festdrak was orignally coined in 1997 by Torunn Valland. I couldn't find any specific bunad for the area Åse lives in that was in use during the time she grew up there. So I decided to make my own design.
I took basis in already existing designs like the øst-telemark bunad. While Åse prefers more androgynous clothing he didn't start experimenting with his gender identity and expression before after he came to America. Considering how she and her mom were specifically good at tailoring they had the ability to design their outfits how they wanted them and I think Åse would relish the opportunity to make her own personalized outfit for a change instead of someone else's. I wanted this to be reflected in the embroidering as thats Åses favorite thing to do. I simplified it a bit for my own sanity when I draw it but in real life it would be covered with embroidered flowers and plants.
(source 1, 2) Sorry that most of my sources are in norwegian, but if youre an english speaker and want to learn more here's an articale that I think is pretty good.
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kittycutiehaha · 2 months
Yeah I ve removed my nails bcs idk
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... when... night falls... she cloaks the world... in... impenetrable darkness! The chill... rises... from the soil... and... incominates... the air...
... when... night falls... she cloaks the world... in... impenetrable darkness! The chill... rises... from the soil... and... incominates... the air... suddenly... life has... new................. meaning......
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dronningnure · 3 months
Meg: Hei Postnord, jeg har postnummer xxxx, vil gjerne få pakken min i postboks på butikken her som er 5 minutter unna meg :)
Postnord: HÆI øøø så vi klarte ikke levere i pakkeboks på denne butikken 26 minutter unna, men øø NO WORRIES vi leverte den til butikken her 23 minutter unna ;]
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honestly the biggest thing I noticed while in London was How Damn Many Nestlé products there were.
Like yes we have Nestle here, but in one of the shops I went to in London half the candy was from Nestlé. In a regular food shop you'd find like one product from them, and at Normal (who import a lot) you might find that a forth of the candy is Nestlé
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Alessandra Mele
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 5 September 2002  
Ethnicity: White - Norwegian, Italian
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, reality star
Note: Represented Norway in Eurovision 2023. Her song  “Queen of Kings” describes her experiences as a bisexual woman.
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fruitybashir · 2 months
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todays ch15 spoilers without context presented to you by: this guy almost forgot it's saturday 🫠
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wormzandgutz · 10 months
can we see ur fursona o-o
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Norwegian forest cat, because fitting
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