#Not that we get a particularly good look at her in-game but hm! The differences
sysig · 6 months
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Anyway, back to testing (Patreon)
#Doodles#Portal#GLaDOS#Chell#Curiosity Core#Space Core#Cave Johnson#So many GLaDOS'!! She needs all the <3#And then also featuring some others lol ♪ Replaying 1 really made me want to fill out the cast a bit more!#I'm still the most used to drawing her Portal 2 design tho - which is a shame because her 1 design is so weird!! I like it :D#I still haven't given her a proper study but I do like how in the audio commentary they talk about how she has a feminine edge hehe#She does! They did a good job with her design ♪ And improved upon it in 2 I think :D I still haven't gotten to that audio commentary#I'm so curious as to what they'll say about her there hehe ♫ But I'm still just playing normally for now! I forgot how much longer it is :0#I tore through it the first time so now taking my leisurely time feels funny haha ♪ I am enjoying myself tho :3#Anyway!! Back to what I love about 1 <3 <3 Her tone switch literally Always has my heart ♥ Ughhh I love herrr#I also quite like Chell's design from both games :) I wonder if GLaDOS keeps making remarks on her appearance because of the changes :0#She does have fuller cheeks in 2! She's not as gaunt - and she looks like....made-up? Make up made up? Y'know? :0#Not that we get a particularly good look at her in-game but hm! The differences#As well as in her long-fall boots! The braces really were just stuck on her legs in 1 weren't they :0 No wonder the Curiosity Core was rude#I do really love the Curiosity Core tho haha ♪ Probably my favourite canon Core :D I think she'd get along well with Space Core lol#And then leaving off with that one little human-GLaDOS headcanon thing I posted about! Impatiently lol#I made these like The Day after posting that I couldn't help it I was too deep in the paint XP It was fun ♪#I really do think she'd look so much more like Cave still! Especially after replaying the bit where he says to put Caroline in ''his'' place#Is that retrofitting? Was it designed with him in mind initially? Hmmmmm#I also figure if I'm going to give her a human design I might as well go the whole way and not just slap robot parts on her face lol#It's hard to imagine her with two eyes tho! Like I might even go so far as to say she can have three eyes but not two! Only one or three#Her third ''eye'' would be the mole next to her eye lol - how would her vision work in that case :0#Would she have panoptic depth perception or like triple vision or what?? Or maybe just leave her with one functioning eye lol#Handplates!Gaster-core (Core lol); turtlenecked one-eyed evil scientist with labcoat lol#Y'know it's funny - when I first drew GLaDOS several years ago I compared her to Gaster at the time too. Huh. Sure that's nothing :)
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raspberry-dounut · 9 months
hihi!! I saw adventure time on your fandoms list and was wondering if we could get anything about lee!simon? (once the curse is gone.) he's so silly and it would mean a lot
[TW: intense nightmares, references to PTSD, a& grief. And also, this is a tickle fic, so if this made its way into the main tags somehow, then I suggest you don’t read it if you’re not into that stuff XD]
Simon jolted awake, taking deep gasps of the cool night air in a shitty effort to stifle a scream. His heart was still pounding in his ears despite how quickly his breathing had returned to normal. It had been a nightmare, as it usually was, but this one felt different. He didn't want to remember it, but somehow he just couldn't shake it.
His heart sank into his stomach momentarily- he’d sworn he’d seen Betty, if just for a second.
“You guys… are still awake?” He was still a bit disoriented from his nightmare, but he thought he recognized those voices. As his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit barn, he could make out the shapes of Fionna and Cake, still awake and engaged in conversation.
“Well… yeah?” Fionna’s eyebrows furrowed as she awkwardly offered an answer.
“We wouldn’t expect you to understand, though. You’re old.” Cake chimed in with a shit-eating grin, completely endorsed in the game she had stolen from Fionna hours earlier.
“What were you dreaming about anyways?” She added, nonchalantly. “Getting it on with someone?”
The snide remark caught the older man a little off guard, as he found himself looking away to hide a deep red blush “Uhhh… I don’t really wanna talk about it, it’s- it’s private.”
His voice was quiet, almost a whisper, and the two of them exchanged a quick glance. It was clear something was bothering him, and neither of them were too keen on being left out of the loop.
“Suit yourself.” The cat shrugged.
“Was it a good dream or a bad one?" Fionna asked tentatively, her tone soft in a way Simon had never heard her use before. She was always the brash one, but something about the look in his eyes must have compelled her to be gentler.
“It’s— I don’t…” he started. All words seemed to fail Simon as he desperately searched for an answer
“it’s complicated.” Is what he settled on, trying in vein to hold off the weeping that usually followed after such intense dreams.
Fionna's eyes widened suddenly, but her expression quickly softened.
"Hey... it's okay. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," she said, taking a step towards him. His reaction to her and Cake's joking response told her everything she needed to know about how serious the dream must have been.
“No, I—“ he knew keeping secrets from his (begrudging) teammates was useless. It would only make things worse for the trio as a unit in the long run. So he tried- he tried despite his distraught to explain it.
“When you get older… you, uh… sometimes we- I… my fiancé and I—“
“Woah!” Cake snickered and hummed a tune that resembled something you’d hear in a low budget rom com during a particularly spicy scene. “I didn’t think someone as boring and mundane as you would have fiancé!!”
Fionna merely needed to cast a gaze over her shoulder and Cake knew to drop the subject.
“Cake! That’s not funny!” Fionna snapped, though she knew she was partly to blame. She was never one to have a filter, knowing full well that most of Cake’s current habits could be easily traced back to herself. “What were they like?”
“No, it’s okay. She… was wonderful.” he said, almost dreamily. There was a clear passion and affection in his voice for whoever this mysterious woman was. “I still remember what cake toppers Betty and I wanted for our wedding!! And—“
“You’re crying!”
"I am?" With little hesitation, he let his fingers connect to under his left eye. His fingertips made contact with warm water. It was a shock at first, but given that Fiona had called him out on his sudden eruption of tears, he didn't jump at that. Still, it was a shock nonetheless. Weakly, he muttered out in a croak after his mind realized he was tearing up. "Oh... I am."
“Um, maybe we can ask big hunky Finn for some water? Or like, an extra blanket?” Fionna offered, racking her brain for a solution. Comforting someone who had clearly undergone some intense trauma wasn’t something in her toolbox- let alone said person being older in age.
Fionna attempted to wipe the tears away from Simon’s face, desperate to clear away his sadness and provide some comfort in a moment of pain. But the tears were streaming down his cheeks too rapidly, making it impossible for her to keep up with them. Despite her repeated efforts, his tears continued to fall, each one slipping past her fingertips and adding to the pool gathering in the crease of his chin.
“No, no it’s okay really… I think we’re overstaying our welcome, anyways.” He offered her a small smile- one that was cheaply sewn together with what little sanity he had left in his grief.
All she could do was look at him with concern. The years that had gone by showed in his features, bringing a deep sorrow with them. The events of his life were like a war zone within his eyes, the tears that stained them telling her the story of his pain.
“Oh! Hey!” Cake’s face lit up as the lightbulb went off in her head, evident in the face she made “you humans like to be pet too, right? You evolved from monkeys, yeah? So there you go!”
“Uhhh…” It was awkward- that was for sure. He often found himself forgetting that, as far as Cake was aware, all she’d ever known was the life of a domesticated pet. An animal companion that was doomed to tight collars and comedic holiday costumes, stuck within the confines of an apartment.
“Umm… n-no thanks, I’ll pass. I think I’m—“
A weight hit his lap, and Simon flinched halfway between a startle and being winded by the force, proving to him once again how old he truly was. Turning to glare at the source he found Cake sitting squarely in his lap. Simon looked down at the cat, completely confused and slightly annoyed. He was still a bit jittery from his nightmare- and her sudden self-invitation into his lap caught him heavily off guard.
“Humans don’t work that way- I mean, at least the humans in my time don’t...” He laughed a little, though it was exasperated one that held no humour, as he was once again reminded of the differences between the world he knew, and the one he was living in. “Our nerves are a lot different than yoURS—“
“Wahahahait!!” His attempted explanation fell on deaf ears as Cake had already taken matters into her own paws. When he instinctively jerked back, she swore he was an expert at exaggerating his reactions- being stroked was a clear sign of endearment to someone like her, and he’d ought to be glad she was showing him such appreciation.
“C’mon, I’m not hurting you!” Judging by the accusing glare he gave and the slightly different tinge of honey-coloured skin beneath his eyes. He was fine.
“Y-You’re not hurting me!” His face crumpled, eyes closed and smiling, as he tried to get a hold of himself. “You’re tickling me! Stoohahahaaop!”
“The humans from your world are so melodramatic!” Cake shook her head.
“stahahahap— hahahaa!! Yohohou ahahahahaasshohohohole!!” He squirmed, giggling in spite of his frustrated facade, his legs kicking softly beneath her hold as Cake's paws worked their magic- Being sprawled out on the wooden floor of someone’s barn, whilst fighting a losing battle with a magical cat wasn’t the best look for him, and definitely wasn’t a one he could pull off.
When the feline struck a particularly sensitive spot, he nearly screamed; it was half way between someone who’d been startled, and someone who just realized how truly sensitive they were- knees bucking upwards instinctively and just about hitting cake in the chin; had it not been for her new luck of the draw abilities. Despite his pleas, both Fionna and Cake both took note of the fact that he didn’t do much to stop his playful attacker.
Cake didn’t listen- mostly out of spite that he’d nearly kicked her, but mostly because his body language didn’t appear to show discomfort. Tutting, she then used her leg to hold down his hips. Being of feline heritage, Cake knew firsthand how awful it was to have one’s personal bubble violated, and if Simon was truly as uneasy as he’d claimed, she would have backed off; spiteful or not.
Instead, she snickered and danced her fingertips up and down the antiquarian’s sides.
"Oh nohohoaaaahahahaa!! Oh m-my gohohohoad!!” Simon hadn’t laughed openly in so long- too long. The sound coming out of his mouth was so foreign to his own ears and he couldn't recall the last time he’d laughed at all. Let alone like this; unrestrained, loud, and so completely genuine.
“Alright alright! I’m done.” She announced in triumph once she had deduced that he’d had enough.
When Cake had finally let up, Simon took the opportunity to enjoy the air- missing its presence and sucking it greedily into his lungs. Each breath he took felt sweeter than the last and after getting his fill of air, he finally sat up again.
“Are you okay?” Fionna inquired, putting a hand on his shoulder. He smiled back at her- and for once, in what felt like years, he could say that he was at peace; if just for a little while. “Do you feel… at least a bit better?”
“Yeah, yeah- I’m okay.” He offered her an answer and the girl smiled in return. He was still a bit giggly from the sudden attack but this time there was no forcing it, no faking the joy- and she was content with that answer in the moment. “I’m okay.”
It wouldn’t cure him, no. But at least it offered him some sort of temporary peace. Something that would last twenty four hours, if he was lucky- and realistically; a break, no matter how small, was something he needed.
“Get some sleep- some proper sleep!” Fionna hissed, grinning.
“Because you’re old!” Cake added.
“Yeah, whatever.” He rolled his eyes, the smile never leaving his face as he waved them off, speaking volumes on what he thought of their cheap jokes. He’d clearly eased up a little. They were right- he was feeling exhausted.
With a relaxed sigh, he settled back against the barn wall, closing his eyes and releasing a long breath as his muscles eased. His head began to tilt as he fought the urge to doze off momentarily, but soon the battle was lost and his chin rested against his chest.
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blackjackkent · 5 months
OK, really hoping to finish Act 2 tonight before traveling! So time to force Hector a little further through the terrible flesh pit below Moonrise Towers.
Proceeding on from the morgue where we left off leads to an even slimier-looking room full of things called "Winged Horrors", "Zombies", and "Death Shepards." We've encountered all of these enemies previously as minions of the Absolute and its influence; the particularly interesting thing about this right now is that the Winged Horrors helped out Marcus at Last Light and are the things that kidnapped Mol, so I'm marginally hopeful we might be close to being able to rescue her.
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There's also a lot of them, eep.
I'm really learning a lot about DND combat lately and making a lot of progress over time but the learning is coming at the cost of Hector getting the shit kicked out of him repeatedly. This was a fairly challenging fight primarily because the Shepard kept rezzing dead allies and adding more people to the fight.
Shadowheart ended up as the major MVP on this fight. Dispel Evil and Good on Hector went a long way to reducing the amount of shit getting kicked out of him given this fight was entirely undead. She also summoned three different Spiritual Weapons and none of them lasted more than a round but it was because EVERY zombie in the immediate vicinity immediately got obsessed with it (shiny?) and used their turn to hit it rather than our intrepid heroes.
And eventually I realized that everyone was super clumped up and had her jump over the whole party, pop Spirit Guardians, and melt the whole damn crowd. :P
The room itself, once we're able to look around, is full of these, which is also awful:
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Hector smashed one of them open but it didn't seem to do anything.
As I walked into a side room off this area (which was stocked with several of the brains in jars that we first saw back on the nautiloid), Hector - for no apparent reason - announced, "I feel... glorious."
What the fuck are you talking about, Hector?
I'm guessing it either has something to do with the ongoing indistinct rambling in the background from the voice of the Absolute, or this:
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Picking up the resonance stone seems to imply it's responsible:
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Oh. Hm.
Given we're about to potentially go confront the Absolute herself, having something that makes us more "mentally compliant" seems like a really bad idea.
I put it back on the table and backed away slowly.
In other interesting news, Hector can now read illithid script, which he credits to the tadpole.
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Presumably this is a reference to what happened when the githyanki rebelled, which left the Elder Brain dormant and vulnerable to whatever Ketheric and co. came up with to control it?
Also this ever-cheerful note from Balthazar:
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Man, we already hated Gortash just for what he did to Karlach, but this guy (all of them, really) seem fucking awful.
But the most interesting thing here is a separate note, I'm pretty sure, by the third Chosen.
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!!!! Holy shit.
OK, so. There's a lot happening here, but as far as I can parse it -
The three Chosen are acolytes each of one of the Dead Three. Gortash, according to this text, is a follower of Bane, the god of strife and tyranny. We already knew that Ketheric aligned himself with Myrkul, god of the dead, in pursuit of bringing his daughter back. Which leaves our unknown author here as an acolyte of Bhaal.
Not clear on how Balthazar ties into this, who Orin and her sibling are, or who the "Father" being addressed is - either it's Bhaal and the third chosen is a Bhaalspawn who survived the purge during the War of the Five, or some other individual not identified yet. However, the overall situation is starting to become clearer - and it does not look good at ALL. O.O
Finally, the last thing on the table is an eyepatch, and as soon as Hector picked it up, this quest updated:
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This game better not kill Mol, I will be ANGY. >:|
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rxttenfish · 7 months
Ship opinions: polly x vick :3
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Shipping meme.
okay, so the main issue you need to keep in mind first off is that i don't really care for the PCs very much. not anything special, just the same thing as always where, by proxy of having literally no writing or Anything about them or describing what they were like, they never felt like actual characters to me and the recent work in roadtrip and the like, trying to flesh them out, is trying to work uphill and only makes them seem criminally flat and boring to me. i could tell you far less about vicky and what she cares about and what her inner world and emotions are like than i could tell you about scott or about valerie or about basically any other characters. and this, combined with how much the fandom loves them and uses them as self inserts (not a bad thing necessarily, very much intended by design) has not greatly endeared me to them either. they're charming little designs, and IMO they should have remained that way.
which is always going to have to be the disclaimer i give with all the PC ships, you know? i don't really know how to describe the PC side of the equation, which means its very hard to describe the relationship between the characters. one of these characters is much more interesting and dynamic, designed with a synergy between their personality, appearance, history, plot, and voice, and the other looks pretty with a personality coming in two games later.
i understand a lot of people love PC ships! and they love the PCs! i understand they mean a lot to a lot of people!
its just also sad that unfortunately they do not mean very much to me and that's going to impact how i think of them in ships.
so... for polly and vicky, we have someone who believes in celebrating life and love and the moment while you have it, who is very aware of the ups and downs of life and has dealt with her own, who is smarter than what people take her for but cares less about correcting this as much as she cares about using it to pull the wool over their eyes, but who is sometimes careless and prone to getting carried away, sometimes forgetting to look back and make sure others can keep up with her or that they haven't become collateral damage. and you have vicky, who is smart and spunky and intense, surely, with a perfectionist streak.
i think, on my first impulse, that polly might have an issue, since i imagine vicky would easily pick up on how smart polly is, and while polly doesn't mind the cognitive engagement and fun that comes with knowing how to pick apart something complex, i also don't see herself as particularly wanting to paint herself as a "smart person". vicky feels like she might tend to want to push polly towards that, as perfectionism tends to also end up projected onto others, especially others who have potential but aren't using it, and again, polly doesn't really want to use it like that. she's not ambitious, she's just doing what feels good, exploring and finding new avenues for pleasure and to sate her curiosity. polly wants engagement, less so fulfilling a prerequisite list of expectations.
vicky certainly gets into a lot and she throws herself in with her full heart, and polly does something similar, but polly's less committed to the outcome. she's not trying to succeed, necessarily, and i don't think she actually cares if she fails or loses so long as she enjoyed herself doing so. polly manages to succeed and to be damn good at things mostly out of rule of funny, but also because she is actually sincerely skilled, just skilled in an entirely different way than what vicky's used to.
honestly, i think these two might get on each other's nerves a lot? vicky seems to me like too much of a tryhard, too high strung for polly, and polly just doesn't care about all of the things that vicky has used to measure herself by, seemingly making a mockery out of them even when she's not trying to, chronically unable to take anything seriously. this feels like an extremely bad combination to me, something that, while it could work in the right circumstances (because, realistically, every potential combination of personalities could as a relationship, don't take this as me giving relationship advice or saying what will or won't work), isn't something that i see happening easily or even something that could happen in these circumstances. i kinda see this as the worse version of polly x liam, where the other party is too stiff and too set in their own ways and own way of looking at things to consider polly's own perspective and feelings, and to respect her own fears of commitment in a way that isn't just judging her for feeling that way.
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ricard-blythe-ffxiv · 6 months
An Exercise in Curiosity
There were certain aspects of Ricard Blythe’s personality that had, throughout his life, been easily attributable to his parents. His easy affinity for numbers and the way he’d  taken to the financial advisor position? Attributed to his father - the man was well established within the field and had an affinity for numbers himself. His hard-headedness and often single minded nature were also attributed to his father, who once focused on something was rarely deviated to anything else. 
But Ricard’s curiosity? His attention to detail?  
That came from his mother - and Catherine Blythe was not one to let things go, particularly once her curiosity was piqued. And unfortunately for her ‘grown ass’ son, her curiosity was piqued. 
It was also unfortunate for her son that his staff used to be her staff, and so she knew exactly how to get the information she wanted to from them, in this case, the last name of the woman who Ricard had so unceremoniously disclosed he’d spent an evening with. 
From there, discovering the woman’s home address had taken just a little legwork which Catherine was more than happy to do. 
Ricard should have known better than to play this game with her.
Catherine looked up at the estate, giving it a critical once over before approaching - adjusting her cloak to ward off the afternoon chill, and gave the door a firm knock, seemingly unbothered by the fact that she was arriving to a stranger’s house unannounced. When the door was cracked open she offered the staff member a charming smile - ever polite, “Good afternoon. I’m Lady Catherine Blythe, I was hoping to speak with Lady Cordelia Gray, if she’s available. I’m quite curious to meet her.” 
The small statured midlander who had opened the door to the looming unfamiliar woman gazed up at Catherine with big doe eyes and curiosity. “Is Lady Gray expecting you, Lady Blythe?” She asked, tilting her head just enough to notice the movement.
Before an answer was allowed, a voice called out from within the house nearby which preluded the arrival of the pale skinned, dark haired woman of the estate. “It’s quite alright, Tilly, please allow Lady Blythe in.” Cordelia stood a few feet beyond the doorway, gloved hands clasped together at her abdomen, bundled up in an elegant warm coat. “You caught me just in time, I was just about to leave for the day. Cordelia Gray, a pleasure.” 
Steel gray eyes leveled onto the older woman, a brow quirked just so. “So, aside from your… curiosity to meet me, what can I do for you?”
“Oh, just a chat would be lovely if you’ve the time. We could walk and talk if that’s preferable. I’d hate to keep you from your business this afternoon.” 
Catherine’s appraising gaze shifted over the woman quickly, her dark blue eyes very much like her son’s, curious - though there was an extra something behind hers that Ricard’s did not have. “You see, Lady Gray, your name happened to be mentioned at a family breakfast not terribly long ago, and since my son - the terribly secretive boy that he is - rarely discusses business acquaintances I found myself inclined to find out a bit more about you.”
She tilted her head with a small, easy smile, “And who better to learn from than from the individual themselves, hm? You are, of course, his business acquaintance - yes?” If she knew more than what she relayed, it was difficult to tell from her body language and tone of voice, as the woman appeared to be nothing if not genuinely curious about the younger woman before her.
Lids lowered in a curious stare as Cordelia began tugging one by one at the tips of the fur lined leather gloves. “It’s no interruption at all, please come in out of the cold.” She gestured for Catherine to come in and would walk out of the foyer to guide her to a nice seating room to the side. A fireplace nearly in every room, a staple in many Ishgardian homes, and this one was no different. 
“Yes, I am your son’s business acquaintance.” Cordelia finally quipped, walking toward the multiple options of seating. The young woman who had opened the door prior followed behind them at a slower pace, awaiting in requests they might have as well as offering to take Lady Blythe’s coat. “Could I interest you in a drink to help warm you? Tea, wine?” 
She nodded to the housemaid, a quiet request for her usual cup of tea she often had when accepting company. “Mm, you mentioned my name coming up at a family dinner is what spiked your curiosity? Consider mine piqued as well.” 
Carefully removing and handing off both her gloves and cloak to the handmaiden, Catherine hummed thoughtfully for a moment, “Tea would be lovely, dear. Thank you.” 
With both requests given and Catherine’s coat taken, Tilly scurried off to fulfill her duties. 
A quiet note of her surroundings was made as she followed Cordelia, eventually finding her way to one of the available seats and easing down, “It was mentioned that a woman was seen leaving his estate. A rarity in the last several months - since the end of his betrothal, really.”
Her hands settled in her lap as she watched the younger woman carefully. “Rarely does he conduct business from the estate, to my knowledge, at least, and so to hear of a woman leaving the estate outside of business hours, well I was curious as to whole this woman could be and needed to make sure that my son was not getting himself or anyone else into trouble, as he does have a tendency to do.”
Cordelia had settled in a large cushioned chair, gesturing for Catherine to take her choice of seating at her leisure. The woman had a poker face of grand proportions but often did little hide her intentions or thoughts. She was rather straightforward and in this, Cordelia simply smiled at the remark regarding a woman having visited Ricard. “Ah, yes, I had heard about the dissolution of the betrothal. Very unfortunate.”
By now, Tilly had returned with a cart carrying a warmed teapot, cups, and the necessary additives one might use in the beverage. As Cordelia went about making her tea, pouring the steaming water over the bag and adding a single sugar cube, she continued. “As for trouble, I can assure you Ricard is not causing any for myself. Though, I imagine it’s not truly my wellbeing you’re concerned with, hm?” Another faint smile flashed to Catherine as she nodded to the tea. “Do enjoy.” 
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Attentive blue eyes watched the younger woman’s movements and her facial expressions, waiting for Cordelia to finish before moving to prepare her own cup. “Well, dear, you can’t fault a mother for being concerned about her son’s wellbeing and a bit curious as to who he is spending his time with. No matter how old the boy gets, he is still my child. Despite this, and despite your understandable doubt, there is some concern for your wellbeing present as well.” 
Sitting up straight, she did not appear to be the least bit uncomfortable in a stranger’s home. “The dissolution of the betrothal was quite unfortunate, and while I have been pushing Ricard to consider other arrangements he has outright refused, indicating that he - at this point in time - has no interest. But the people of this city love to talk, and word reached me then that likely means that others have heard as well.” Never mind that she was better informed than a majority of individuals, but that wasn’t something that needed to be discussed. “And so when I speak of my son getting others into trouble, I do hope that being involved with him truly isn’t leading to trouble, Lady Gray.”
She tilted her head for a moment, now in pure curiosity. “On a different note - I was quite certain I knew of most of the houses within the city, and yet the Grays were an unknown entity. How is it that you came to know my son, exactly?” 
Slow and steady, Cordelia stirred the tea in hand, delicate fingers holding the saucer as the spoon mixed the tea and sugar together. She listened, offering slight microexpressions as Catherine continued. “Surely Ricard will come around the idea of a new arrangement at his own pace. Of course, I understand the politics of it all and how it cannot always be so alluring when making those choices. We do what we must at the end of the day, however.”
The teacup was brought to her darkened lips, allowing a brief moment of silence as she enjoyed the warmth. Once it was lowered, Cordelia continued. “Mm, the Grays seemed to mostly prefer a bit of the quieter side of life. My late husband and his brother slipped beneath the radar to carry out their business, but I have taken more to being in the public eye a bit more with inheriting the name. It has worked in my favor…” Her head tilted so very slightly as she lifted a single brow at Catherine. “...so far. As for how I know your son, as you said, Ishgard speaks and those who listen find what they seek. I was in need of some help with tying up a bit of paperwork and he received good praise.”
Late husband, a widow then. “He does pride himself on his work. There are other matters he could be putting as much work into and would do him quite a bit of good, but I digress.” Catherine licked her lips quickly as she adjusted her hold on her cup between her hands. “But enough of him for the time being, as he’s not present at the moment, hm? Tell me a bit about yourself, dear - your late husband may have preferred the quieter side of life, but what of the woman who remains?”
“I would say putting effort into your work is admirable, especially if it was what your name relies on.” Cordelia replied, taking another sip of her tea before deciding to set it back down to the cart that rested between the women. “Myself? Well, I do enjoy the quiet that my name has afforded me, though branching out has also opened doors to further my own lines of business. The shadows are comforting, but stepping out of them can be refreshing from time to time.” 
Cordelia was curious and weary of the elder Blythe, though she kept those concerns practically to herself for the time being. She had no need to be rude, yet. 
Catherine offered another thoughtful hum as she took a sip from her cup, lowering it slowly as she considered the younger woman. “I imagine so. Change, as a whole, is said to be quite invigorating from time to time. When necessary, of course. What lines of business have you moved to open, if you don’t mind me asking.”
She looked up with an easy smile, non-threatening, relaxed, it was - after all - casual conversation. “And what about before your marriage to the late lord Gray. Have you always lived within the city? Pardon the twenty questions. Perpetual curiosity, a family failing I’m afraid.”
“Mm, not so much as new lines of business as I have just begun to expand where the business takes us. My family as well as my marital family have both always been in Ishgard, the Grays see to the procurement of materials where the Corvins see to the manufacturing of goods. Jewelry, cut gems, textiles of various sorts.” As she spoke, Cordelia waved a hand absently through the air before allowing it to fall back to it’s partner in her lap. Another brief smile graced her lips, her eyes narrowed just as quickly. “It is quite alright, though I find myself curious if this is regulatory for all of Ricard’s business aspects?”
The older woman didn’t miss a beat, “Me finding myself within their homes having a conversation with them and wanting to know more about them? No, not at all. And to be quite frank, Lady Gray, had you been of the demographic that typically reaches out to Ricard for assistance in various matters there would be no reason for my interest to be piqued in the first place. And yet you are not, so here I am.” 
She took a small sip of her tea before gently setting her cup down, blue eyes glancing across to the younger woman. “As brief as this conversation has been, it doesn’t need to have been extensive for one to recognize that you have thoughts regarding your future, Lady Gray. Well - my thoughts concern my son, and while I don’t generally concern myself with his business, I do have concerns for what will become of him and of my house in the years to come. And as I said when I arrived - I found myself curious about the woman that Ricard saw fit to entertain. Now, may I have been overzealous in my approach, perhaps. And if all there is to it is a business arrangement and nothing more, then I will consider my curiosity sated and leave you to your afternoon with a thank you for the tea and an apology for taking up your time.”
Cordelia’s features twisted into further curiosity, eyes blinking with the tilt of her head. Her lips pressed together, tongue just barely running over the bottom before she pursed them. How was she any different from Ricard’s usual clientele and why did that matter? However as Catherine continued on, the younger woman couldn’t help but chuckle softly as her demeanor now turned surprised mixed with amusement. “Oh…I see. Lady Blythe, I currently have no alternative intentions with you son, we’ve only just began speaking further than simple correspondence for my original work. In fact, there were months between when I initially reached out to him and to now.  Are you expecting something specific from this conversation?”
“Not at all - as I said I was simply curious and now that curiosity has been sated.” There was a hint of something behind her dark blue eyes, as though the older woman wanted to say something more, but she stopped herself, instead brushing off some imaginary something from the front of her dress and offering Cordelia a small smile. “Well, since I have invaded your home uninvited, I believe that I should extend the same courtesy to you - also so that you be allowed to see a home that is not the bachelor’s living that Ricard calls home. Should you wish to visit the Blythe estate at any time, you would be welcome to do so. While my husband is away at work most days, I am present a majority of the time and would be happy to welcome you.” 
Lowering her head, Cordelia offered a simple nod. “Lady Blythe, you have been no intrusion, I assure you, though your offer is appreciated.” She took a slow breath in before pushing to standing. The woman was more than often rather cold but she gave off somewhat of a kinder interaction despite her intrigue in the woman’s true intentions. “I could only imagine how your son might disapprove of my further appearances currently, though perhaps that could make it all the more enjoyable, hm?” A hand lifted to wave in Tilly from the doorway to fetch Catherine’s coat and return it to her. 
Catherine gave a small laugh as she stood. “Many of my actions are met with my son’s disapproval, Lady Gray. I imagine that if he knew I was here the melodramatic meltdown that might follow.” Her smile took on an impish edge. “That alone would have made it worth the trip. But, I would agree that seeing Ricard squirm a bit would make things a bit more enjoyable - the estate has been far too quiet in recent months. Perhaps you’d be interested in stopping by during the Starlight Festivities? It could be quite entertaining.”
A soft hum came in response as Cordelia found herself gazing off into the fireplace. “Ah, I cannot quite recall the last time I truly celebrated Starlight in any capacity… perhaps I will take you up on that offer. As you said, if only to see Ricard in a bit of unease.” She smirked as she looked back to Catherine, Tilly now arriving with the woman’s coat. “Until then, I wish you and yours well nonetheless. I will see you out?” She opened her arms, one gesturing to the doorway. “Oh and Catherine… give Ricard my best, hm?” 
There was another low hum as Catherine went about easing back into her coat. “Oh I don’t know that I could present the message quite as well as you could, dear, but I shall pass it along regardless. I’m sure it will be well received.” The cheeky grin she held indicated otherwise. “Until next time, Cordelia…take care, dear.” She offered a small nod before turning towards the door and making her way out preparing for the interrogation she was sure was awaiting her at home.
Collab with @promethea-silk
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tea-earl-grey · 4 months
For the shipping ask game: Daforge and Kiradax
Thanks for the ask!!
Daforge – don't ship it:
1. Why don't you ship it?
I feel like "don't ship it" sounds a bit harsh because I don't dislike the ship, it's just that nothing particularly draws me to it. I tend to get more invested in complex and messy relationships and while I love their friendship, I feel like a lot of the ship things I see for them is a bit more one note wholesomeness than I typically like in ships.
2. What would have made you like it?
I feel like if there was some more direct emphasis on their relationship in the show itself, I would get more invested. I love their fun Sherlock Holmes adventures and when they chill out in their off time but I would also be interested in seeing them disagree and have some chaotic elements thrown in their relationship. The closest we get is Descent but I wish we would linger a bit longer on Geordi's fears that Data could be corrupted so easily or Data's guilt about having nearly killed Geordi. However all of these things are faults with tng's no conflict policy and not necessarily a flaw in the ship itself.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Even though it's not particularly my jam, I can very much understand the appeal! All of their interactions are very good and there is a ton to explore in regards to Data's insecurity in his lack of humanity (and thinking that he can't feel love like others) and Geordi's insecurity in romantic situations. And that one part of tng where we find out Geordi always sees Data as if he has a halo around him and was shocked to learn others didn't see Data that way... that was very cute.
Kiradax – ship it:
What made you ship it?
I'm not super invested in Kiradax but I like it enough to say I ship it. I'm always looking for f/f ships and I think I read some fanfic awhile back that kind of convinced me.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I think the thing that really compels me is how different their characters are. Kira takes things very seriously and tends towards aggression because of her extremely traumatic past while Dax (at least Jadzia) tends towards flippancy and freeness. I think both of them in the show end up meeting somewhere in the middle as Kira learns to loosen up and Dax learns when to take things seriously and it would have been so good to see them influencing each other more directly (which we get a taste of with their holosuite adventures).
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Hm idk I don't ever see them as endgame or an exclusive relationship but idk if that's unpopular or not.
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nowis-scales · 2 years
CF Playthrough Part 41
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God, I freaking love Petra. While I do wish her conduct was slightly different with the others sometimes, I love that she’s not just here because of a drive for Edie’s goal. You can argue that maybe she is, but here she makes it explicitly clear that her goal first and foremost is ensuring that Brigid is safe… and this does mean just following in EdeIgard’s footsteps to try and play her a little. Whether she’s actually into what Edie’s saying is up to you, but she’s not shy in saying this is where she’s at right now.
It’s good to see a manipulation not framed as bad, and one that actually has some involvement in politics.
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It’s funny, since Hopes happened, I haven’t seen anywhere near as many people claim that Felix so totally hates his dad and that Rodrigue was the worst. Hm.
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Apparently I lost on this map at some point? I think like, Jeritza of all people was the last man standing? Not entirely sure why, but… you know. I honestly consistently forget that Divine Pulse is an arrow in my quiver just because I’m so used to 3DS FE, particularly the ones that didn’t have Mila’s Turnwheel either, so I’m just constantly going “oh darn, guess we’ll just restart the whole map”.
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… Interesting word choice. I would’ve thought talk about systems and structures would come first, since you say that’s your goal… maybe more of the Japanese version bleeding through. Oh look, Nintendo Treehouse can be faithful to a translation sometimes.
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I know Arundel is talking about a particular situation, but these are bold words coming from the literal Flame Emperor.
Also we did deliberately leave our allies out, so sorry Edie, that’s deceit. Never heard of omission of truth?
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So you know how I’ve been passive-aggressive about some of the stuff here? Well, now I’m going to be aggressive aggressive:
This is low. Blah blah oppressive systems whatever, she is outright lying about the deaths of potential hundreds of people and attributing it to someone who didn’t do it. Why? Well, to protect her allyship with the people who actually are responsible for the potential thousands of people. Problem is, her choosing to say this is inherently underhanded, because she didn’t have to. Don’t want to say the Slithers did it? Then don’t. Say you don’t know. There are people all over involved in this war, so it isn’t as if the javelins point directly to TWSITD. Besides, even if they did, it’s not like they have made a solid effort to punish her before anyway. She participated in the killing of Solon, and got away without even a slap on the wrist.
She chooses to point fingers at the Church because it’s the easy way. It makes her side look good, and if her side wins (she’s beginning to think it will according to her dialogue), the javelins of light will forever be attributed to the Church in history books. The added benefit to that for her, too, is that she gets to use this lie for added propaganda. The fact that she’s using it here to remind her friends and soldiers of how corrupt and evil the Church is only proves that.
“Church supporters?! But don’t you see how awful they were?!”
And the whole time, it’s her allies — people she doesn’t deal with in underhanded ways, even though she’s made it clear that she’s good at being manipulative. You could argue that TWSITD are supposed to be this big, scary technological threat, but half the time they aren’t even that smart. It’s honestly more of a matter of her having her priorities, and it’s make them look bad, and me look good. Why should I bother being honest if it doesn’t help me get what I want?
These are not the actions of a nice person, but boy, is the game going to insist to me that she’s actually very sweet — and that’s what bothers me. She gets to do this, and there’s no consequence. When it comes to EdeIgard, nothing ever seems to have any consequences. It is the single biggest problem with this route. They have all of this potential with an actually interesting, morally questionable female character, and they’re just refusing it. They like her too much to outright paint her in any sort of bad light, but whether you’re trying to do a villain with her or a morally grey heroine, refusing to address her wrongdoings is just — apologies for the overused term — bad writing.
I won’t knock anyone for liking her, but I will knock people who say she did nothing wrong. This is wrong. Just because the game doesn’t treat scenarios like this with the proper nuance doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t. CF is awful for this, and it honestly sucks a lot of the entertainment value out of the story.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Athena
So. I have to deal with the virgin goddesses… By mythos, there really shouldn't ever be children of Artemis, Hestia, or Athena (yes, Athena was a virgin goddess). PJ got past that by making it canon that Annabeth and her siblings were born from cracking open Athena's skull (yes, that's also more or less the canon explanation). They gloss over it real quick but I remember, Rick. I've always remembered and that mental image has haunted me for years...
I can't, in good conscience, ignore the history around Athena's worship (call it an academic restraint) but I REFUSE to do the skull thing. So, since I make the rules here, I'm going with magic adoption. They still get magic powers, they're just more human than demigod. Cool? Cool.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena
The human that popped out of the portal seemed to have enough sense not to attack everyone in the room for a change, but even Lucifer could tell that was more of a strategic choice than for lack of ability...
Their very existence was highly unusual… and quite worrisome. He wasn't even aware Athena could have "children" of her own, but apparently she had been taking in some particularly bright humans to raise and train like her own...
Unbeknownst to him, a surprising amount of human scholars, diplomats, and generals have her to thank for their trade… and that alone should speak to the level of intrigue at play here. 
Was this an accident or Athena's attempt to plant an Olympian spy in the Devildom too…? Either way, he didn't trust them from the get go…
Look, Lucifer isn’t stupid. Athena is a goddess of Wisdom and War and war happens on more than just the battlefield… 
Since they've shown up records have been going missing, official documents keep getting misplaced, and he swears that there's some kind of bug in the student council room...!
It's infuriating watching the MC suck up to Diavolo when he's almost certain that they're running their own agenda behind the scenes! And he can't prove any of it!! They cover their tracks too well!
Lucifer has one of those corkboards covered in newspapers and string in a secret wing of the Castle - 100% dedicated to just tracking the MC's activities…. The longer they're there, the more obsessed he becomes...
He swears between Simeon, Solomon, and MC he feels like a shepherd wondering why the sheep are growling… The Devildom has never been in more danger than it is right now... Send help.
To be honest, he kind of thought that they were just going to be Satan 2.0 but that's not really true.
They're more than just a book sponge! Though they do read, like a lot. Let’s just say from one schemer to another… Game recognizes Game.
They come up with plans and ideas soooo fast, it’s insane! Honestly, there are times where he has a new money-making plot and he just brings it to the MC first to run it over. 
Nine times out of ten, not only do they sniff out any problems but they have a solution for him in a matter of minutes! His scheme game has been on point since they’ve shown up!!
They’re also even better tutoring than Satan is, so he’s even managed to get a couple A’s for the first time in his life! Lucifer actually told him he was proud (which he secretly recorded and now uses as a ringtone much to his brother’s regret...)
So yeah, he likes them... buuut that doesn’t keep him from thinking they act a little weird sometimes... 
Mammon: *points to a unused tower close to the RAD building* Over there is the Tower of Sorrow. We use it for storage.
MC: Ah. Interesting… *starts writing in a notebook, muttering* It may need a few minor tweaks but the location is defensible...
Mammon: *stops* Ya say somethin’?
MC: *looks back up* Nope! Say, you’ve been to the Castle a lot haven’t you? Do you know any good ways in?
Mammon: Uhm… Why do ya want to know that…? *starts looking around for Lucifer*
MC: In case of emergencies. I like being prepared. 🙂
Mammon: Look, I don’t know what Lucifer might’a told ya…
MC: I’ll pay you a thousand Grimm for it.
Mammon: Well shit, ya want those maps with or without color?
... Yeeeah, that’s pretty weird… But it’s probably fine. I mean, as long as they keep giving him money, who’s he to complain? 🤷‍♀️
Also thought that they’d be a lot more like Satan but was pleasantly surprised that they were into more than books.
What else did they like exactly? Military strategy!!
It’s been a looong time since he’s been able to talk to someone who’s actually interested in all the battles he’s fought, both in the Celestial Realm and the Devildom, and their curiosity is kind of flattering...! Not a lot of people take his strategic prowess all that seriously anymore...
Plus, they are the BEST partner to have any turn-based strategy game. Hands down. He once got stuck on a level of D-COM for weeks until the MC walked in and mopped the floor with the AI!! They have a serious head for probability and tactics.
The House once made the mistake of letting these two be on the same team during a Hell Game and they absolutely demolished the competition. Mammon didn’t even get a single shot off before half his team was lost to a rigged paint grenade… It took a whole day to clean up… 
However, Levi’s also noticed some odd things about the human… He likes that they’re interested in his past but maybe they’re a little… too interested?
Levi: -and that’s how we defeated the Four Horsemen before they escaped from Purgatory. 
MC: Wow, Levi that’s seriously impressive!! *furiously scribbling on a notebook*
Levi: Well t-thanks… 😅 But, uhm... are you writing that down…?
MC: Hm? Oh no, just doodling. *they lift up the notebook to show a bunch of cute little sketches on the page… and not the magic-based invisible ink all over them…*
Levi: Oh you draw too? Can you do fanart???
MC: Eh, sometimes. But say Levi, can you tell me about your naval ranks again? I’m still really curious… *gets the pen ready again with a smile*
Oh, it's been a long game of cat-and-mouse between these two… and unfortunately, it’s been pretty addicting too.
He honestly had every intention of tricking the human into making a huge mess do he could bother Lucifer, but at every turn they proved just a hair too clever for him...
He once gave them a cursed book to “lend” to Lucifer, but they saw through it the moment they touched it and lifted the spell before handing it over.
He rigged a podium to spray glitter during one of Lucifer's speeches but the MC disconnected the trigger mic before he even got on stage. It was pretty dang frustrating...
At one point he got so desperate that, just as a test, he tried to trap them in the House's Music Room. Fortunately for them, it only took a few minutes to work out an escape. They even passed by him in the hallway with a wink!
It's confounding! It's infuriating!! 
...and it's so damn sexy... He should be furious but he’s just in awe!!
Add on that they know their art, literature, and multiple different crafts thanks to the tutelage of their adopted mother and that’s it. He’s finished. This boy is in love.
Truthfully though, a part of him is 90% sure that they’re also gathering state secrets… Like, they’re watching Barbs and Diavolo far too close for comfort - but he just can't bring himself to care. 🤷‍♀️
The MC could walk into his room one day and say, "Hey, do you want to help overthrow the monarchy with me?" and he dreads it because deep down he knows that he wouldn’t say no…
Take some notes, kids. Some bad influences get you to drink or do drugs. Others pull you into a centuries long conspiracy to destabilize and topple rival realms from within… But he has fallen for their brain hard. Devil help them all…
They’re pretty clever, he’ll give them that, but uh… Are they a little off to anybody else?
Asmo is a charmer by birthright so he has a bit of nose for when someone’s just a liiittttle too nice… Not much of a nose mind you, because he can be thrown off by compliments himself, but enough to think that the MC might be a little too… “kind” for their own good...
First off, who wants to spend that much time with Levi?? They don’t even seem that interested in anime! They just keeping asking him for old war stories…
Then all the sucking up they do to Diavolo and Barbatos? Look, he gets it. Diavolo is a delicious piece of man-hunk and his butler could give him a lesson or two in sweet-talk (and he has), but they seem to be just a little too… nosy.
Of course, Asmo’s suspicions disappear pretty quickly after they start to spoil him with spa nights and beauty secrets they picked up from “casual research” into the subject.
And you know, get a little Demonus in Asmo and start massaging his back? Oh, sweetie he’ll sing like a bird!! … with gossip. Singing with gossip.
Asmo: So I’ve heard that Lucifer has been spending more time at RAD than usual… His whole club is talking about it, they think he’s meeting with some witch!
MC: Hm, is that so? *works on a knot near his shoulder blades* What do you think?
Asmo: Ooh~! Right there, MC! *purrs and lays his head on his arms* Well come on, this is Lucifer we’re talking about! I’m sure he’s just working.
Asmo: Hmm... though come to think of it, I think I heard him asking Barbatos for the spare keys to the Tower of Sorrow…
MC: Oh really? Huh. *works out the knot and gets up* I just remembered that I left some papers with Satan... I’ll be right back.
Asmo: You’re going already??
MC: *waves him off quickly* I’ll be right back, Asmo. *hurries out the door to do totally on-the-up-and-up things… surely*
Honestly he doesn't like this one… But not for the reasons you'd expect.
He agrees with everyone else that they seem a little shady, but Solomon and Simeon are too so it's not like that's anything new... 🤷‍♀️
No, no. He dislikes them because they're the person who FINALLY figured out how to keep him from eating all the food in the kitchen!!
Turns out that the trick was to put a teleportation charm on the fridge door that would send all the food away if it’s opened after a certain time of night… 
And where does it go? The Purgatory Hall fridge. And where does the Purgatory Hall food go…? The HoL fridge…
It doesn’t sound so bad until you remember that it means half of their fridge is now Solomon’s leftovers…. 🤢
After they put the same kind of spell on the pantry, it was all over… He couldn't get midnight snacks from the House anymore… Everything was contaminated by Solomon…
The MC is a nice enough person, he doesn’t have a lot of complaints about them, but he wants them to leave. Now. This is inexcusable… He’s so hungry… and he doesn’t want to die by “goulash” or whatever Solomon calls his latest culinary catastrophe… He’s still too young for death… 😓
In a way, he absolutely could not have asked for a better person to help him get out of that attic.
… In another way, he got one of the worst possible people to try and kill... Like. They saw through his scheme sooo fast…
How was he supposed to know that the human had training in body language and sniffing out lies???
Getting the door open was a piece of cake for them. They knew enough magic to undo the seals and just rummaged around Lucifer's stuff long enough to find the key to the door. He could not have found a more competent individual for a break out, really.
It’s just… well he didn’t expect to go from locked in a room like a prisoner to tied up in enchanted rope, still like a prisoner but now mobile. 😑 
They even used his own hug ruse against him! They caught his wrists when they got close and tied him up before he could shake them off...
Admittedly, it wasn't exactly the best look for them either - what with walking Belphegor downstairs to the others like a one-man-prison-caravan but they're as silver-tongued as they are sly so they talked their way out of it beautifully… 
And like hell was he going to trust them after that!! And not even Beel liked them so something had to be up...
Well, you want a detective? Look no farther than Belphie (no seriously, it’s in the canon). He can put things together pretty fast when he puts his mind to it and watching the MC for a while gave him enough proof to work off of...
He always knew that, humans were bad news and the MC just proved it to him all over again. They are bad news, bad bad news and they’re going to-!
Overthrow… Diavolo…? Is that what he is getting from them…? Huh…
Wait a second, MC. You might just have him interested… 😏
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baekhansol · 3 years
N.D.A | f.l
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ℕ𝕠𝕟 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 (ℕ.𝔻.𝔸.) noun
a contract by which one or more parties agree not to disclose confidential information that they have shared with each other as a necessary part of doing business together.
Happy Birthday, Felix Lee!
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff!
𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 : mature
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : best friend Felix x gn + nonverbal reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 3.7k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : reader is nonverbal, JYP is an asshole, wanting to lie about having been eating well, food/eating, mentions of wearing masks, I think that's it ?
𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 : Felix has always been your best friend, and takes care of you when you can't
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : this was beta read by the lovely Dee Dee over at @sugasbabiie . Her notes and edits were wonderful as always 💜
this is also a friendly reminder that my blog contains nsfw elements, so do not follow me if you are a minor.
At one simple glance into your eyes, once allowing yourself a moment of vulnerability with your best friend, Felix knew what a terrible day you must have had. He immediately pulls you into a warm hug, pausing in case he meets resistance before squeezing you and holding you tightly.
"Have you eaten well?" He softly asks you, playing with your hair as he sways you back and forth.
You wanted to lie and say yes. You really did. But you couldn't get yourself to respond that way, so instead, you shake your head no.
"I'll make something then," he says simply, pulling back to look you in the eyes.
Felix finds tears welling up in your eyes, so he cups your cheek with one hand. "Have you taken your meds?" He checks.
When you nod, his expression gives away a brief flash of relief before turning back to genuine concern.
"Good. Why don't you go put your pajamas on and start getting ready for bed then, hmm?" He suggests, smiling sweetly.
You hesitate, considering saying no. You rack your brain, but the fog from your mental state makes the task difficult. You were fairly certain you'd never been braless around Felix before, but at the same time, you really didn't want to wear one.
"It's okay, y/n," he softly assures you.
Looking into his eyes, you remind yourself he has sisters. So you nod as a soft whimper accidentally escapes you.
You retreat to the bathroom, scrubbing your face harshly as you wash it. You try to get rid of the self-hatred and body insecurities that consumed your entire body, but particularly your face. Of course, it didn't help.
A whine of irritation escapes you before you apply the rest of your skincare. Afterwards, you slowly shuffle to your bedroom. You stare at what pajamas you have clean (which isn't much) and end up in a long sleeved shirt to hide your arms and pajama shorts. You made sure the pair wasn't too free flowing, as you didn't want to flash Felix by some weird accident since you didn't wear underwear to bed.
You slowly shuffle out to the kitchen, finding Felix at the stove throwing something together. Padding closer, you notice him making ramen. You ask him what he is doing with a soft “Hm?”
He gestures for you to come closer before speaking, “You had some ramen, so I’m making it with eggs. And now I’m adding in vegetables, see?”
When you nod, he smiles. “Do you want to grab a bowl for yourself? I already ate,” Felix assures you.
You nod and timidly get yourself a bowl and chopsticks, your hands unsteady. You manage to set down the bowl without dropping it, and Felix notices your lack of stability.
He moves from the stove, getting a plastic cup with a lid and straw, pouring you a cup of water before getting himself a glass. Felix sets it at the table before returning to the stove, getting your ramen together in your bowl. “Will you sit down, Y/N?” he asks gently.
You nod and sit, sipping your water and swinging your legs. Felix soon places the bowl in front of you, and you begin to eat slowly. He sits next to you after getting a napkin, watching you to ensure you don't eat too quickly.
Following “Dr. Lee’s” orders, you finish the entire bowl of ramen. Once done, he inquires, “Go brush your teeth, okay? Do you need to take your night meds?”
You pout but nod, getting up and taking the cup of water with you. You take your medicine before slowly brushing your teeth, trying not to let the sensation overwhelm you. When you finally finish, you pad back out to find Felix, who was currently cleaning the dishes.
You huff at him, upset that he was doing them for you. He wasn’t just doing the ones he cooked with, but even the ones you had left in the sink.
He says nothing but smiles when you hug him from behind and bury your face into his shirt. When he finishes and dries his hands, you drag him to the bathroom and get out a spare toothbrush, silently offering him to stay overnight.
“Go lay in bed; I’ll come and join you soon,” he says. When you nod, he takes the toothbrush and gets himself ready for bed.
You lay in bed playing games on your phone, curling up under your sheets. Felix soon comes back, grabbing a book off your bookshelf. He sets his phone on your bedside table, placing his there as well. Felix sits on your bed, leaning against the wall and spreading his legs.
“Come here,” he suggests, patting the spot between his legs.
You hesitate before sitting up, moving to sit in his lap, resting against his chest. He opens the book in front of you, making you giggle when you realize what it is.
“Didn’t your mom buy you this?” he asks, kissing your cheek before resting his chin on your shoulder. You nod as he opens the book. “I still can’t believe she knew it was a Star Wars storybook and didn’t think it was a children’s book,” he laughs.
A little giggle escapes you, and Felix beams. He begins to read, his gentle voice helping to lull you to sleep. When he finishes the book, he helps you lay down and tuck you in. He puts the book back and turns off the light, smiling at the soft whine escaping you.
You wiggle a little, subconsciously craving his hold. "Lixie?" You manage to murmur, not even realizing it was your first words since he came over. But he knew.
"I’m here," he assures you, climbing into bed with you and spooning you. Felix wraps his arm loosely around your waist, handing you one of your stuffies to cuddle. "This okay?" He checks with you.
You nod, relaxing into him and falling back asleep.
"I love you," Felix says lowly, and you can't quite tell if you were dreaming or not. You two had said that you love each other plenty of times before, but this time seemed different.
You wake up in the morning alone and immediately begin to panic.
"Felix?" You cry out, stumbling out of bed.
You're quick to find him in the kitchen and nearly cry out of relief.
"I didn't leave; I'm just making breakfast," he assures you, setting down the spatula and hugging you close.
When you pull away, he looks at you intently, a smile creeping onto his face. "Good morning, sweetheart," Felix says, causing you to blush.
"Morning," you manage, glancing down.
"Go take your medicine. And don't worry about being nonverbal or not, okay?" Felix says.
You tried not to go nonverbal around others, but you had mentioned your frustration to Felix before. People, especially your parents, always ended up forcing you into talking. It made you uncomfortable and took up extra energy, exhausting you quicker. Felix was rather understanding at the time, but you were always afraid to be around him while nonverbal due to the struggle of communicating. But at the moment, it was going surprisingly well. You figure it's his patience and caring nature.
You go and do as he says, briefly wondering why he was telling you what to do and why you found it so easy to listen. You shrug and come back out, sitting at the table as Felix places a plate of eggs and toast in front of you.
"Eat up, please," he says, joining you with a plate of his own.
You begin to eat, letting out a happy hum as you do.
Felix’s smile grows before he clears his throat. "I have to go into the studio today, but I'm not comfortable leaving you alone, even if I take all of your sharp objects," he admits, his expression turning serious.
You look intently at your plate, finding the yellow of the eggs to be a lovely color suddenly.
"Will you come to the studio with me? You can stay somewhere quiet and read for homework, if you'd like," Felix offers, watching closely for your reaction.
You'd never gone to the studio before. There had been times where Felix had said it would be okay, but you never had the chance. You wanted to, but you were worried about saesangs, getting Felix in trouble, starting a scandal… you had, and have, a lot of anxiety around it.
You hesitate before nodding slightly, causing Felix to grin in absolute delight.
"Okay! Great! And the second thing is… can I borrow clothes? I know you sometimes wear boxers to bed, and I just need a clean shirt and sweats…" Felix asks, and this time it was his turn to blush.
You laugh a little and nod, hoping your clothes would fit him.
"Great! Then after we get ready, I'll drive us there," he decides, smiling to make sure it was okay with you.
You nod in agreement, giving him a sense of relief.
You go use the bathroom, relieved that he didn't get up and leave without saying goodbye, or that the whole thing was a dream or strange hallucination. You take your medicine before going back to the kitchen, sitting at the table where Felix had already begun to eat.
You hum softly as you eat, letting him know to the best of your ability that you appreciate his actions.
Once you finish your plate, you bring them to the kitchen sink and wash them. You go to pick up the pan, but you can tell it’s too hot to wash. You leave it aside to cool down, drying your dishes as Felix washes his own.
After drying your hands as well, you head to your room with Felix to get ready for the day.
Felix helps you make your bed, but you manage to do most of it yourself so it was made the way you like it. You sit down and hug one of your pillows, watching as Felix goes through your clothes and picks something out to wear. He ends up picking out your clothes as well, getting you a soft shirt, your favorite pants, and a hoodie that he could have sworn belonged to him at one time.
He opens your underwear drawer before you can stop him, a noise of distraught escaping you. Felix ignores it just as he ignores your sex toys and lubricant, finding a pair of boxers for himself and a soft, simple pair of cotton panties for you along with a wireless bra.
Felix shuts the drawer and sets what he chose for you on the bed, the soft blush adorning his cheeks visible.
"I'll change in the bathroom, ok?" He states, gathering his borrowed clothes and shutting the door behind him.
In shock, you stare at the door for a moment before managing to get yourself dressed and tossing your dirty clothes in the hamper. You get up and head to the bathroom, greeted with an open door. Felix had already changed and was borrowing your hairbrush.
"Sorry," he apologizes, somewhat sheepishly.
You shake your head and dismiss it with a wave of your hand, silently letting him know you didn't mind.
"Turn around," he says.
You give him a confused look but turn around regardless, watching his reflection in the mirror. Felix runs the brush through your hair, careful about your ears. He sets the brush down and runs his fingers through your hair, braiding it. Felix then ties it off with a hair tie, beaming in pride at his creation.
You give him an appreciative smile before he asks, "are you ready?"
You shake your head, pulling out your makeup.
"You know you don't have to," he begins.
You shake your head more stubbornly, crossing your arms with a huff before you point to your concealer. Felix chuckles, and much to your surprise, he begins to do your makeup. You turn to lean against the sink, watching as he concentrates on doing your makeup. His soft breath fans over your cheeks, and you were secretly glad you gave him a toothbrush.
Felix doesn't take long, giving you only base makeup. He does your eye makeup very simply, looking through your lip products before choosing the one he wants for you. Felix applies the glossy tint, his concentration on your lips causing you to blush.
"There," he softly murmurs, stepping back for you to look in the mirror as he pockets the lip tint.
You beam at him, turning and hugging him. He gently rubs your back before leading you to the door.
"Ugh, socks!" He remembers, turning back and heading to your bedroom.
You laugh and go to the kitchen, somehow managing to start cleaning the dishes. Felix comes back and looks confused, only to realize what you were doing. He helps by drying the dishes, watching as you tie up the trash.
"Eggs," you say pointedly.
"Good idea," he hums, going and putting on his shoes.
You notice he grabbed your backpack and keys, so you put your own shoes on.
As you throw out the trash, Felix goes and starts your car. You soon join him, using the hand sanitizer you carry for situations like this.
Felix turns on soft music, driving to the company after ensuring you were both wearing your seatbelts.
Once he parks, he grabs masks from his bag for you both. Felix puts his on before going to the passenger side door and helping you with yours. He slings your backpack over his shoulder, locking your car before leading you inside. You don’t notice Felix’s fingers twitching, but you did wish you were holding hands. Even in your sensitive state, you knew holding hands here and to the JYP building was not a good idea, as the possibility of saesangs taking a photo and starting drama was too high for either of your likings.
Once inside, security tries to stop you. “It’s okay, they’re with me,” he assures the guard, taking your hand as he shows them his ID.
The security guard stares you down before nodding and taking both of your temperatures. The guard stands to the side, letting Felix take you to the elevator and towards their practice room. He doesn’t let go of your hand, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
Once off the elevator, another security member is about to stop you before they notice Felix holding your hand. “Excuse us,” he says, leading you around them. Their puzzled expression doesn’t go unnoticed by you, but you were glad they didn’t try to stop you.
He stops outside a room, pointing to it. “This is Channie hyung’s room, okay? If you need to go there for somewhere quieter, he won’t mind,” Felix explains, quickly pulling out his phone to check something. “Then we are practicing in this room today,” he says, leading you to a different door and opening it.
It was loud, as some of the others were stretching, talking, and dancing. Hyunjin smiles and waves as soon as he notices you, while most of the others shout their greetings. Changbin runs over and is about to hug you, but Felix stands in front of you, since Changbin was prone to hugging without asking.
“Do you want a hug?” Felix asks you, wanting you to be comfortable.
You hesitate before nodding, stepping around Felix and hugging Changbin. Changbin picks you up and spins you around, giggles escaping you.
“How are you? I can’t believe you came!” Changbin cheers as he sets you down, a grin on his face.
You step back into Felix, who gently holds your shoulders as you lose your balance. You look up at him, worry clouding your features.
“Y/N is… having some trouble talking right now. So, simple yes or no questions work best for them,” Felix explains, squeezing your shoulders reassuringly before letting you go.
“Oh, okay,” Changbin says, nodding despite not clearly understanding. “Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t know,” he adds, smiling.
You shrug a little, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“They don’t normally leave home when it happens. They generally are stressed and overwhelmed, so it helps them cope and is easier just to let them… communicate in other ways,” Felix further explains, moving to stand next to you and resting his hand on your back.
When you tense up, he withdraws his hand, but you stop him by grabbing his arm and shaking your head. Felix gently rubs soothing circles on your back as you accommodate yourself with the new space.
Chan comes over at the same time, smiling brightly. “It happens normally to neurodivergent people, right? Especially autistic ones?” Chan asks, looking at you for confirmation. You nod, and he continues. “Is it okay if I put my hand on your shoulder?” he asks. When you nod a second time, Chan places his hand on your shoulder and squeezes lightly. “I’m happy you came! If you need a break, you can go to my studio room, okay? Did Felix show you where it is?”
You nod, glancing at Felix.
“Okay, good! Today might not be the best day though,” he admits, looking to Felix.
“What do you mean by that?” Felix asks, rubbing your back.
Chan removes his hand from your shoulder and says in a hushed voice, “JYP is supposed to come to practice today.”
“I’m sure everything will be fine,” Felix responds with a tight lipped smile.
Once Felix makes sure you are comfortable sitting down, he produces earplugs from his pocket (you have no idea where or how he got them), and sets them in the palm of your hand. “In case it gets too loud,” he murmurs, smiling.
He straightens up as the choreographer enters the room, who they greet and thank. They soon start practicing, and you find yourself carefully stuffing the earplugs in your ears. You watch them in awe, looking at each of them practicing the new moves. Your eyes always come back to Felix, and you soon find yourself grinning like a fool. The song was amazing, and you wrote a note down in your phone to tell Chan, Changbin, and Jisung later on.
Right as they start a break, JYP himself comes into the room. You look up from your phone, the blood draining from your face as you try to meet Felix’s eyes. They immediately turn around and greet him, bowing and thanking him for his time.
“Show me what you have so far,” JYP says, heading towards you, standing in front of the mirror. That’s when he notices you. His eyes narrow and he walks over to you, and you immediately bow in greeting.
You feel the anxiety bubbling in your chest, threatening to overwhelm you as your breathing becomes irregular.
“You’re not an intern. Who are you?” he inquires, resting his hands on his hips.
You gape up at him, but thankfully Felix is quick to come to your aid.
“Sorry, JYP! This is my partner, Y/N. They can’t talk right now, since their doctor has their voice on rest-” Felix begins, only to be interrupted. Your eyes widen in shock as he introduces you as his partner, quickly trying to hide your surprise as he lies for you.
“So they’re sick? They shouldn’t be here then!” JYP demands, his face reddening in anger.
“No! They just aren’t supposed to talk because they had vocal chord surgery, that’s all!” he explains, doing his best to pull the lie.
Felix’s words seem to console and calm JYP, who huffs.
“Someone’s going to have to give them a non-disclosure agreement then,” he huffs, looking at the staff as if to tell them they needed to. “I will have a conversation with you later, Yongbok,” JYP sneers.
You knew Felix was in for it, but he gives you a charming smile before starting to practice.
You notice JYP’s glare every now and then, so when they take a break you make a beeline for the door, heading to Chan’s studio room and sending Felix a text with an explanation. You’re so caught up in remaining calm and composed that you almost bump into who turns out to be Mina from Twice.
Your eyes widen and you apologize, bowing and managing to say a soft, “I’m sorry.”
Once in Chan’s studio room, you move his chair and curl up under his desk. You put the hood of your hoodie over your head, doing some deep breathing. You take out the earplugs and put them in your pocket before turning on some soft, soothing music.
You close your eyes and don’t realize you had fallen asleep until Felix comes in the room, calling your name. Before he panics, he notices you under the desk. He bends down and offers you his hand, saying, “C’mon, you must be uncomfortable.”
You take it and he helps you stand up, your back popping as you do so.
“Are you hungry? It’s been a while since breakfast, and we all stopped and had lunch,” he explains, gently letting go of your hand.
You shove the hood off of your head, grabbing his forearms. “Did you mean what you said?” you ask, your eyes wide as your cheeks flush.
“What I said?” he asks, perplexed.
You stare at him for a moment before blurting, “You called me your partner…”
“Oh,” Felix says, his voice small. “About that…” he begins, subtly checking his pulse before rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable…”
“Do you want me to be your partner?” you bluntly rephrase.
Felix’s cheeks turn pinker and pinker as he nods ever so slightly. “I’ve thought about asking you before, but never did. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way, and you’re my best friend…” he murmurs.
“Well…” you shyly begin. “You’re patient, caring, and help me when I go nonverbal. You’re understanding of my space and sometimes I swear you know me better than myself. You’re… Well, pretty much everything I want in a boyfriend…”
“Really?” Felix asks, surprised at your admission.
“Yeah…” you murmur with a nod, glancing downwards as you loosen your grip on his arms. You look back up and bite your lip before shyly asking, “Will you kiss me?”
Felix blinks, but smiles before pulling down both of your masks and giving you a soft kiss on your lips. You whine softly, so he cups your cheek and kisses you again.
After he pulls away, he smiles and giggles, “So about that non disclosure agreement…”
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annabethy · 3 years
81 “people just don’t like me” and/or 87 “oh my god, i love you” (i’m thinking sometime with a love confession but it’s up to u! love u bestie)
In which Annabeth’s in love with her best friend, and Percy’s a pretty good date,, percabeth
Annabeth has never been one to become distracted by people around her, but Percy Jackson seems to be an exception.
There’s something sinful about the way he looks at her when they’re working at separate tables in the chem lab. He’s meant to be paying attention to the reaction before him, but instead, his eyes are on her. He’s not particularly hiding it, and she thinks that’s what makes it so much more intriguing.
Percy Jackson holds no shame for her, and it makes her want him that much more.
Annabeth isn’t one to talk; her eyes are glued to him too, far more than is acceptable when she’s also so focused on her grades. But she’s not complaining. She likes his gaze, the sea-green irises that hold pure, unadulterated want, promise, passion—
Annabeth hardly hears Piper’s scolding when she nearly drops hydrochloric acid. Instead, her ears zero in on the low laugh she swears Percy gives out as she shakes his head at her, adoring, and gets back to the task at hand. She already knows to expect his appearance later that day, once they’re both done with class and ready to continue on with their game of advances, to see who will fold first.
It’s exactly what happens, and she has to smother a smile when she catches him waiting for her after the lab, leaning against the outside wall with his leather jacket thrown over an arm, prepared for her to shuck it on like she always does on Tuesdays while they walk to find somewhere to eat lunch.
Percy holds open the jacket while Annabeth steps into the sleeves, and then he moves to pull her hair from below the collar.
“You sure look comfortable,” Percy comments lightly, his stride matching hers as they walk. His fingers pinch her elbow gently. “Enjoy stealing my jacket, don’t you?”
“It’s not stealing if you give it to me,” she reminds. “And I seem to recall you offering it to me when I forgot my own.”
Percy snorts. “Two months ago.”
“Two days, two months. What is time, anyway?”
Percy sighs, but she can hear the amusement in his voice. He’d let it slip one night that he likes seeing her in his jacket, and she’s made it a point to do it every chance she can, if only to see that subtle grin on his face that he always tries to hide.
“You’re a thief, you know?”
Annabeth smiles sweetly as she links her arm through his, pressing her cheek to his shoulder. “Is it theft if you willingly gave it to me?”
“You’ve stolen more than my jacket.”
“Wasn’t stealing.”
“My heart, for example.”
Annabeth coos and drags them to a slow stop. He ends up cornering her against the brick of an English building, and she lets herself be pressed to the wall, delighting in the way he towers over her and looks at her like she’s the only person in the world.
When Percy just looks at her accusingly, she snickers and says, “You willingly gave me that, too.”
“It wasn’t so much willing as it was unpreventable. I didn’t really get a say in the matter. And besides, it’s not officially yours.”
Annabeth’s hands rub at his arms when they press to either side of her, trapping her in the moment. She doesn’t object; she wants him in the same way he wants her.
“Why don’t you make it official, then?” she teases.
“I’ve tried,” he says, moving his face away when Annabeth tugs lightly at the ring on his lower lip. “But you like to mess with me, and then give me oogly eyes across the room.”
“Oh, but it’s so much fun. Tell me I’m wrong.”
“You know what’s more fun?”
“Going on a date with me.”
“I don’t hear a question there.”
Percy rolls his eyes fondly, but he’s smiling. “Will you go on a date with me?”
Annabeth already knows her answer, but she can’t help but make this moment last longer. She wants to stay here forever.
“A date with me? Aren’t there a million other girls that want you?”
“People just don’t like me,” he says, grinning. “Not in the way that you do.”
It goes unsaid what he really means. She knows plenty of people like him, but that’s the difference. Where others like him, Annabeth loves him. She loves the gold ring on his lip, the sparkle in his eyes, the gentle caresses he gives her when it’s late and she falls asleep in his arms while they’re watching a movie. She loves what other people like, and that’s exactly why they are where they are, together.
“Where would we go on a date?” she asks, looking him in the eyes. He matches her gaze, and she could look at him all day.
“Anywhere you want.”
“I want you to choose,” she says, a finger poking lightly into his chest. She feels a shiver run down her back when he bends down to kiss her hand.
“In that case…” Percy leans in closer to whisper in his ear, and there’s no way he doesn’t know the effect he has on her. “I want to take you to a museum.”
“You hate museums,” she muses.
“But you like museums, and I like you.”
Annabeth thinks that’s a date-worthy response.
“But I would take you out to dinner first. There’s this place I want you to try—it reminds me of you—and then since the museum closes at ten, we could go to the beach. That’s where we met.”
She kind of wants to cry at his words. Percy’s always been like this, considerate, and she wishes more people knew this side of him, but at the same time, she wants to keep it all to herself.
“But really, I don’t care what we do,” Percy says. “As long as I have you, I’m happy.”
And Annabeth melts.
“Oh my god, I love you,” she breathes.
Percy smiles, his laugh bright as the sun. “Yeah?”
Annabeth can’t wait. “Kiss me.”
And he does just that.
It’s short and sweet, but it’s so reminiscent of the two of them, how they’ve always been the other’s soft spot, and it’s exactly as should be.
Annabeth never did imagine herself getting distracted in class, but she never imagined herself ending up with someone like this, either. She supposes not everything has to be expected; she’s glad that the unexpected exists, because without it, she would never be here.
“So is that a yes?” Percy asks, pressing his lips lightly to the corner of her mouth.
Annabeth rolls her eyes and kisses him once more. “It’s a yes.”
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mnictasbcl · 2 years
Jericho Game Night
Relationships: Connor/Markus, Hank Anderson & Connor
Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor, Markus, North, Josh, Simon
Tags: Fluff, Crack, Video games, Found family, Some flirting, Can be platonic love though, The romance is pretty lowkey, Friendship, Swearing, Banter, Simon is done
Summary: Markus, North, Josh, and Simon hang out with Connor at Hank’s house, and play video games together.
It goes about as well as you can except from the chaotic Jericrew.
 Read it on AO3! Or, read below!
Sumo whined, flopping onto his side, sticking a paw over his ear. He’d had to listen to his owners squabbling over who knows what for the past five minutes, and now they had come to a standstill.
“No, Connor.”
“No. Not after last time.”
“Last time was a—a onetime thing!”
“Great. Then it won’t happen again. They can’t come here.”
“No, that’s not what I meant—I promise, we’ll be good.”
“That’s what you said last time. Then I come home to my kitchen up in flames.”
“We were only trying to bake muffins—”
“You’re androids!”
“The muffins were for you.”
“Yeah, right. Answer’s no.”
The predicament? Something quite simple and innocent, really. Connor wanted his friends from Jericho over. Hank didn’t.
“But why?”
“Because last time you set my house on fire!”
Hanging out peacefully wasn’t really typical of the Jericho five. When they hung out between important meetings and events for android rights, chaos followed them. Particularly when Connor and North got their heads together.
“We promise we won’t. Besides, no lasting damage was done—aside from the burn on the ceiling.”
“And my hair. It went even greyer.” Hank pointed out.
“Can’t say it made a great difference, Lieutenant.”
“You—aren’t you meant to be persuading me to let you do something?”
Connor groaned. “Pretty please, Hank? Can my friends come over so we can vibe at your place?”
Hank snorted. “Vibe. Yeah, right. You’ll just sit here, peacefully? Why the fuck do you all want to hang out here?”
“Because they like you! And…”
“Markus wants to play on your vintage games console again.”
“Vintage? For fuck’s sake, it’s a ps4! That’s not vintage!”
“It’s pretty old, Hank. But—please? We won’t try to cook anything.”
“Is that a yes?”
“…fine. But no baking either.”
     When the doorbell rang about half an hour later, Connor opened the door and had to quickly shove Simon and Josh out of Hank’s view. They had unfortunately arrived wearing aprons.
“Connor!” Markus greeted.
North simply smirked, which answered whose idea the aprons had been.
“Are you trying to get Hank to throw you out again?” Connor asked, exasperated.
Josh and Simon had the right to look confused.
“What do you mean, Connor?” Simon asked.
“Yeah,” Josh chimed in, “what’s wrong with the aprons? North said we were coming to your home to do some baking?”
“Don’t get your pants in a twist. Half of it was Markus’ idea.”
“Hey! Connor, I had nothing to do with this.”
What a sight it was, the most important members of the android revolution, standing on a doorstep bickering over aprons.
“Just take them off, please.”
“But where do we put them?” Simon asked, apron bundled up in his hands.
“Just chuck it in the bush. Now come on, Hank said we can use his vintage games console.”
“Awesome!” Markus smiled, following Connor inside.
Simon looked less interested as they made their way into the living room. “We’re not that game with the jelly bean people in it again, are we?”
“What—” Connor paused, before realisation dawned on him, “Oh, Gang Beasts? It’s the only multiplayer game Hank owns, so…”
“Oh. I’ll—referee, then.”
North snorted, sitting on the arm of the couch. “’course you will. Markus beats your ass at the game.”
“He—” Simon sighed. “He does.”
“I do.” Markus agreed. “Or Connor does.”
Josh cleared his throat. “Excuse me?”
“Please, Josh.” North shook her head. “We’re not on their level. Those two RK’s are stupidly competitive.”
It was true. Connor stood up when the game got intense, and Markus said ‘ow’ when his character got hurt. They were truly competitive, sweaty gamers. (In the metaphorical sense since androids can’t sweat. They were very metaphorically sweaty.)
“Alright.” Josh conceded, picking up his controller. “What about we try and team up to beat them, then?”
North chuckled. “What, we each take one of them?”
“No… us together?”
North laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “We are not putting Markus and Connor in a team together.”
It was agreed eventually they’d play a free-for-all as per usual. As the match was about to start, Simon, sitting on the floor with Sumo, interrupted.
“We need to go over the rules.”
“It’s Gang Beasts, Simon.” Connor pointed out. “There are no rules.”
Simon shook his head. “Not after last time. We need to set some basic rules. One: no physical violence.”
“What about emotional violence?” Markus pondered aloud.
“That’s a good question.” Connor agreed. “I almost cried last time.”
“You had it coming.” Josh pointed out. “You all did. You were cheating.” Maybe he was a man of peace on the battlefield, but video games? No.
“Josh, you can’t cheat at Gang Beasts.” North sighed.
“Connor was holding me down and Markus pushed me into the train tracks!”
“Two: no emotional violence. Insults will only be tolerated if they’re light hearted.” Simon quickly cut in. “Now, three: respect the controllers. Ps4 controllers are vintage, so—”
“Hey!” Hank shouted from the other room. “They are not vintage!”
“So,” Simon continued, “we can’t break them. If you must take your anger out on something, I have a stress ball in my pocket.” He pulled it out and placed it on the table. “Now, rule four: have fun!”
“That’s not a rule!” Markus shouted.
“Yeah, maybe I don’t want to have fun!” Josh added.
Simon sighed. “Just, go on. Play the game.” He had had enough. He was perfectly content with shutting up and petting Sumo.
And so, the first game began. Despite agreeing to not have teams, Markus and Connor had both chosen to make their characters red.
“I can’t tell which one is me, Connor. Why did you do this?” Markus groaned, jamming the left thumb stick to try and identify who he was on the screen.
“Red is the superior colour. Besides, I chose it first. You should have changed.”
“No, it’s fine—I can kick your ass anyway.” In Connor’s moment of distraction, Markus had slammed into him, knocking his character out.
“NO! Markus, you son of a—”
“Rule two, no emotional violence!” Simon interrupted him with a stern look.
In the meantime, North and Josh were fighting on the other side of the map. The map itself was two trucks speeding along the road, and so the four of them had been split up onto each truck.
“North, stop trying to push me off the truck, I’ll die.”
“That’s the point of the game, Josh.”
“It’s incredibly unsafe road practices, is what it is.”
“Or maybe this is!” With a triumphant shout, North body slammed Josh’s character off the side of the truck.
“NO! North, that was cheating.”
“It wasn’t.” Simon pointed out. “It was—”
They didn’t get to hear what it was, as Simon was interrupted by an outburst from Markus.
“Connor, no. Don’t do it. You wouldn’t.”
All eyes looked to the screen, seeing on the other truck a magnificent scene unfolding. Connor’s character was stood on top of the truck, and Markus was dangling off the side, not far from losing his grip and falling to his demise.
“Just let me get back up. Or even, help me up. Let this be a fair fight.”
“It was a fair fight.” Connor replied. “I bested you and pushed you off the truck. It’s just a shame you managed to grab onto the side, dragging this out for the both of us.”
Markus looked at him, desperately holding onto the ‘grab’ button on his controller. “Please, no. Don’t do this.”
“It’s what I must do, Markus.”
“But must you, my love?”
“I—” Connor faltered, grip on his controller loosening. Damnit, Markus knew the right words that threw him off for a second.
And it was to Markus’ advantage. In one swift movement, he managed to jump back onto the truck, and knocked Connor’s character out.
“Markus, you piece of shit!”
“Emotional violence!” Simon protested weakly.
But none of this stopped Markus as he grinned, grabbing Connor’s unconscious character by the leg before dragging him over to the edge of the truck. He held him so that he dangled over the edge.
“Any last words, dear?”
Connor smirked. “Yes. Always keep your eyes on the battlefield, love.”
Alas, Connor’s character had regained consciousness. He tugged downwards, effectively pulling Markus off the edge of the truck with him. They both crashed to the ground and were dragged off down the road.
“Oh. Hold on a second.” Connor blinked. “Uh, I don’t think any of us won.”
“No shit.” North groaned. “It was a tie.”
“I’m just happy to be here.” Simon shrugged.
Markus shook his head, looking at Connor and sighing. “A very dirty trick. Looks like we’re all gonna need a rematch.”
“Uh, what about you two try a 1v1?” Josh suggested. “Me and North and going to get snacks.”
“Me too!” Simon quickly got up to join them.
“A battle to the death it is, then.” Connor looked across to Markus, narrowing his eyes.
“It’s on.”
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lumosinlove · 3 years
Between Fifth And You
chapter two
It’s Saturday night for Manhattan’s elite, and we know what that means. The Noble House of Black beckons, and one particularly family seems to be a little behind on preparations—at least, their youngest son is.
Spotted—Logan Tremblay, looking hot in nothing but basketball shorts. Better soak up that fading blue August heat while you can, Lo. Or are you more interested in something a little more…fiery? But in the LES? Why so far from home, Dorothy? Eye color isn’t the only thing green about the Tremblay family. And they have a bad habit of sorting everything out with a little help from Ben Franklin.
“Shoot, shoot!”
Logan pivoted on his heel and was able to toss the ball around his opponent’s shoulder. He only caught a glimpse of red hair as Finn caught it with ease and jumped it up to the rim.
Finn O’Hara. One of these days Logan was going to step on his own shoes watching Finn O’Hara. His pale chest looked like sugar dusting, his exertion-red cheeks the goddamn cherry.
“Point moo-oi!” Finn shouted, slapping Will Morgan and Percy Marshall on their bare backs. “That’s how you say it, right, Tremblay?”
Logan feigned a shudder. “Non.”
“Shorty’s got game,” Will laughed, sweat dripping down his dark brown skin, darkening the leather bracelets he wore.
Percy shook his head, swallowing over a caught-breath, his silver Star of David swinging at his throat. “Shorty must be cheating with his Upper Side shoes.”
Logan just narrowed his eyes and laughed, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “You’re just tall. Doesn’t mean you’re good.”
“Yeah, yeah, Mazel tov, you fucker.”
“I’m finally winning,” Finn grinned. “And now I gotta get back to the shop. I said be back in five…pretty sure it’s been fifty-five.”
Logan swallowed. “I’ll—I’ll walk you.”
Percy slapped him on the back as they left, and Finn held the cage door of the basketball court open for him.
“So, you’re back at school?” Finn asked as he pulled his shirt on. Logan nodded, following suit, picking at the neck where it stuck to his sweaty skin.
“Yeah,” Logan nodded. “I’m supposed to be getting fitted for a suit right now.”
Finn snorted. “What does that have to do with school?”
“Oh,” the corner of Logan’s mouth raised as he realized. “Nothing, I…well, you know. The social scene. It sort of all feels like one thing, up there.”
Finn pouted at him. “Poor baby. Too many parties.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Logan laughed.
“Hey, feel like lunch?”
“I thought you had to be back.”
Finn shrugged. “I’m hungry.”
Logan bit his lip, wondering how many different ways his older sisters could actually kill him. Honestly, he thought he’d just die on the spot of he passed up the change to be squeezed into one of the small restaurants that Finn frequented. Screw the grand tables of his life. Logan wanted cracked leather booths small enough to let their ankles brush. Not that he’d ever say that out loud.
Finn didn’t disappoint. They walked down the shade of Mott street, then turned at a bakeshop on the corner. Finn pointed at it.
“You’ve been here, haven’t you?”
Logan raised a shoulder. “I don’t get down here much.”
Finn snorted. “Listen to you. Down here. You’re down here enough to pop into my bookstore all the time.”
Logan studied the cakes in the windows, biting his lip when he realized Finn’s eyes were still on him in the reflection. “I…yeah.”
Finn flicked the bill of Logan’s hat which shaded the back of his neck. “How’s that latest book you bought?”
Logan turned away from the window to get them walking again, not sure where they were going but trusting Finn to lead. “I’m starting school, man, I don’t have all the time in the world.”
Finn just laughed. “Come on, let’s catch the 6.”
Logan found himself squeezed into a tiny French restaurant in the West Village that served them even tinier croissants.
“I know the chef,” Finn said popping one he had spread jam and butter on into his mouth. “Dumo. Don’t pay a cent. I fucking love these things.”
Logan would have bought Finn a thousand of the tiny pastries without a blink just to see him lick a bit of jam from his thumb again.
“Dumo doesn’t sound very French…” Logan began cutting up his waffle.
Finn laughed. “Pascal Dumais does.”
“Oh. Yeah, that’s more like it.”
Logan glanced at a woman and her baby, who had started crying. He tried to think of something to say. For someone who’s job seemed to be making small talk at various parties and charming people with his accent—or so his mother sometimes said—he sure was horrible at it.
“So, what’s the suit for?” Finn asked, taking a sip of his black coffee.
“A fashion show,” Logan sighed, hiding his surprise—and maybe delight—at Finn’s unknowing shrug. “It’s…sort of a lot. Lots of people and cameras. And I always have to wear something green.”
Finn hummed in understanding. “It’s the eyes, yeah?”
Logan nodded. “A lot of fast English, too.”
Finn tilted his head. “I didn’t know that was hard for you. You’re perfect.”
Logan tried not to flush and covered it with a shrug. “I lived in France until I was fifteen before we finally moved to my dad. It’s still nice to be able to read lips sometimes. With the flashes and they make it super dark…I don’t know.”
“No, that makes sense,” Finn said, brown eyes soft. He smiled. “Hey, well, if you don’t want to go to the fitting, come man the shop with me. I’d love the company.”
Logan looked at him and ached, but saw his older sister Noelle’s pleading, excited expression in his mind. He might not love the scene, but he loved his sisters. “I wish I could. Really.”
They finished up their food and Logan had to admit that he lingered over his coffee until Finn said he absolutely had to leave.
“Hey, Tremblay,” Finn called from down the sidewalk, and Logan turned in the full knowledge that seeing the smile Finn sent him would only make him want to stay more.
The dutiful son wants the bookshop boy…I don’t know, Lo. How will their royal highnesses feel about that?
“Come buy more books you don’t read soon, okay?”
Logan couldn’t help but smile back. “D’accord.”
Finn walked backwards a few steps, yelling, “And bring me something green!” before turning and jogging down the subway stairs.
Logan laughed as he called his driver to him, escaping the heat for air conditioned leather.
Pearls or diamonds, Upper Siders? Armani or Ralph? What, like you have other questions tonight?
Well, I have one for you. A tip from a friendly scroller gave me a peak at tonight’s guest list. Do you think we’re in for more than just a showdown on the runway? Cat fights over cat walks is what I always say.
[Image description: Two name cards reading, from left to right, Leo Knut and Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Sebastian Montague]
Remus found Julian already dressed and tapping at a game on his phone when he descended the winding staircase of their penthouse.
“You waiting for mom and dad?” Remus said, dropping a kiss to the top of his head.
“And you,” Julian said.
“Right, right,” Remus smoothed his black tuxedo, trying to ignore the subtle glint of blue-silver embroidered into the black velvet. His mother was a planner—which Remus liked usually—but this design had not aged well. This suit had a twin that it no longer belonged with. Remus clenched his jaw as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He’d hoped wearing it would feel like defiance.
But it only felt like he was lonely. He gave his head a hard shake. He had Leo. He couldn’t let New York throw him.
“Gossip Girl’s going crazy. Of course,” Julian said.
“Jules, you shouldn’t read that stuff,” Remus sighed. “It’s just gossip—”
“Just posted about Sirius,” Julian murmured.
Remus huffed, pushing his hair out of its too neat style in the mirror. “So?”
Julian shrugged, but pointedly looked away when Remus took out his own phone.
The photo looked like one from the paparazzi, but the sight of Sirius on the red carpet made Remus’ throat close up.
I spy a statement piece. Or maybe it’s just a statement. Sirius Black arrives on the red carpet—or should I say black carpet—with none other than New York’s favorite icon, in worship and fashion alike. The Saint of these streets is looking particularly dashing tonight, hand in hand with the heir of this city. Ouch, Re. Looks like you’ve been dethroned.
Remus stared down at the screen, neck hot. Sirius’ suit sleeves had the barely there leather half moon cut-outs that Remus remembered tracing onto his skin.
Sirius had smiled into their kiss. Think anyone will notice?
Remus had just laughed. Everyone will notice.
But there was Saint, a crown of moonstones in his golden hair.
Remus looked down at his own suit. Of course Saint had thought of a way they’d match, that was all it was, but it still felt like a snub.
“I sort of miss him,” Julian said quietly.
Remus’ heart pulled. He swallowed and clicked his phone off. He looked at Julian, who looked almost sheepish.
“Do you?” Julian asked even more quietly.
“Don’t you like Leo?” Remus asked.
“Of course,” Julian nodded quickly. “But…”
“Remus,” Hope smiled, coming down the stairs arm-in-arm with their father. “Jules. Ready, boys?”
Remus didn’t think saying no was an option. He cleared his throat, pushed his hair back.
“Almost,” he said, backtracking towards the stairs. “Just a second. Gotta call Leo, make sure he hasn’t left yet.”
“We can watch a livestream of the red carpet and the show,” Natalie said. “Sit.”
Finn groaned, squished beside Natalie on her tiny sofa. “That feels like I’m stalking him.”
“We’re allowed to stalk the boys we like.”
“You’re dating my brother, Nat. Does this mean you stalked him?”
“It really does,” Alex said, coming in from the kitchen with their margaritas and dropping a kiss to Natalie’s temple.
“Hm,” Natalie smiled up at him, accepting a kiss to her lips. “Scruffy.”
Finn sighed and pulled a knee up to his chest, watching the loading video Natalie had pulled up.
“Your wifi sucks,” he mumbled.
“It’ll load,” Natalie scooted over for Alex and passed Finn his drink.
“Salsa, too,” Finn said, waving it over.
Finally, the video popped up to a view of the red carpet.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Alex said.
“Be nice,” Natalie laughed. “It’s fashion!”
“Look,” Alex sighed. “I know they’re wealthy and it’s suppose to be all, I don’t know sandy beaches and wristwatches, but not a single one of these people look remotely happy. Like take a look at this guy—“
Finn looked over the sandy-haired man posing in front of the cameras—well, not posing, really. Kasey Winter, the commentators were saying.
“Nice hair,” Natalie crunched on a chip. “And listen to that, his mother’s one of the biggest producers at Weird Sisters Records.”
“Fine, but he looks like he’s ready to kill someone. I mean, anyone else think its kind of fucked up that the New York families go to a New York university where New York businesses draw from New York’s elite?”
“Yes,” Finn and Natalie said in unison.
And then there was Logan.
Finn let out an embarrassing sound and set his drink down, leaning forward.
Logan walked out in front of the cameras with three girls—his sisters, Finn remembered. Not to mention he followed all of them on Instagram. They had a lot of shoes, sure, but they seemed all right.
“I saw this thing on Gossip Girl about one of the sisters,” Natalie said. “She—”
“Nat, why the hell do you read that?”
Natalie shot him a look. “Like you don’t.”
Finn ignored them, too focused on the dark, nearly black, velvety green cape—or was it cloak?—that covered Logan’s shoulders down to above his elbows, falling to an elegant point at the small of his back over his black suit. The sisters had a similar get-up in one way or another—a green train, a shawl, a corset. Logan’s clasp was a silver fleur-de-lis.
“Green,” Finn breathed.
“What?” Alex asked.
Finn bit the inside of his cheek at Logan’s expression. It was meant to be blank, Finn thought, at-ease and untouchable, but it came off almost enticing. His dark eyelashes swept against his cheeks. Finn watched his throat bob around a swallow, his adored eyes shifting from flash to flash.
“Nothing,” Finn answered his brother.
“How’d you meet this kid anyway, Fish?” his brother asked.
“I was closing up shop about a month ago,” Finn said. “And he stopped at one of our windows. Looked like he’d run the entire island, he was breathing so hard. Not to mention it was pouring like nothing else. Thought he was gonna pass out, so I unlocked the door and let him in to get dry. I don’t know, he was kind of shy at first. Listened to me talk for about an hour before he started giving anything back.” Finn shrugged, watching Logan walk off screen. “I invite him to play basketball with me, Morg, and Percy now. We get lunch after sometimes.”
Natalie sighed. “He looked like one unhappy camper.”
“I think his family puts a lot of pressure on him. He’s the baby. Only son. All that bullshit.”
“I kind of want that cape,” Natalie said.
Alex sighed. “That’s the idea.”
Natalie slapped his chest, then kissed his cheek, and Finn watched Logan walk off-screen.
“What say you, Capulet?”
Sirius looked down at Saint at his shoulder. “They’re out of crab puffs.”
“Boo,” Saint said. “You still closing the show?”
“Shouldn’t you be in hair and makeup?”
Saint stepped in front of him, the gold band of moonstones nestled in his curls glinting in the dark stage lights. “Looking for someone?”
Sirius just reached out and ran a gentle thumbnail beneath where Saint’s golden eyeliner had smudged against his brown skin, striking it back to a point. “Nope. See you after the show.”
Saint clucked his tongue. “I’m unimpressed.”
“What else is new?” Sirius said.
Saint went to smile, when his eyes flickered behind Sirius and he raised his eyebrows. “That.”
Sirius turned around, and quickly schooled his expression. The cameras were going wild, and in front of all the flashing lights was Remus, hand-in-hand with Leo Knut.
“They make a sunshine pair,” Saint said from beside him. “How’re you feeling?”
Sirius touched two fingers to one of the black-leather moons on his jacket sleeve. They were meant to go with Remus’ stars. He remembered planning for them. He’d thought…part of him had thought if he’d worn them tonight—
“Cloudy sky,” he replied to Saint.
“I was gonna say dappled sunlight in…” Saint glanced around. “A dark forest.”
Remus and Leo were wearing dress shirts, collars rumpled and unbuttoned at their throats, each in a smooth shade of cream. Their hands, decked out in golden rings, were laced together, and they both wore pale gray slacks, slim cut, and laceless nikes.
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun…hmm, but don’t I spy some burning jealous?
“What are we going for here,” Saint raised an eyebrow. “Left in a hurry and didn’t get the dress code?”
“We’re going against me,” Sirius replied, slipping his hands into his pockets and trying to stand straight. “That’s all.”
“Sunlight in a dark forest, indeed.”
Sirius watched them looking out over the flashes, and tried not to look surprised when golden eyes met his own. Remus’ expression didn’t change either. Instead, he simply blinked, then looked away. Leo, tall and lean, leaned into his ear, and Remus smiled. The cameras popped like champagne.
I love right here, Sirius remembered his own voice, the feeling of the soft skin by Remus’ eye beneath his thumb. I love right here when you smile.
“I need to get backstage,” Sirius said shortly, and turned on his heel.
“I’ll be watching.”
“Don’t I know,” Sirius called as he weaved his way through the crowd, heading backstage. The woman with a radio in her ear looked annoyed and nervous when he slipped past her, and radioed that he had arrived to whoever it was that needed to know.
“Sirius!” Alice called, hands full of makeup brushes and up in the air. “Jesus Christ, do you think I have all fucking night?”
Sirius shrugged out of his red carpet jacket—which someone took—and slid into her chair. “Sorry, Al.”
She twirled a protective cape around his shoulders, snapping it at the base of his neck. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty. But then again, I think everyone’s pretty.”
Sirius closed his eyes, letting her begin. “People are.”
Alice had just finished contour when Sirius all but felt his mother’s presence. A shift in the air. A cooler wind. People standing up straighter and shivering.  
“Sirius,” his mother’s face appeared in the mirror. Her red lipstick was the brightest thing about her, and even that was almost mauve. Her dress was tight around her breasts, but cascaded in thick waves of velvet behind her, and she wore tall leather boots. It almost looked like armor. “You’re very late, darling.”
“Sorry,” Sirius said. “Saint and I got caught up in the crowd, I guess.”
She hummed. “You two looked fetching out there. He’s much more pleasing than that other boy ever was. His family is important, too.”
It was true, that his mother had never liked Remus much. Though, Sirius couldn’t compare him and Saint. They were two different oceans.
“Get dressed,” his mother breathed, and was already snapping her fingers at one of the other models before Sirius could say another word.
“All right?” Alice asked him quietly.
Sirius looked at himself in the mirror. Her contour made his face look almost gaunt, as was the general makeup for all of the models, and he knew he’d be given dark eye makeup next, his hair fluffed into perfect curls.
“Fine,” Sirius said, and closed his eyes to let her work.
Sirius was shrugging into his given outfit—a billowing longcoat, 20th century in fashion, and a longer tunic made almost entirely of the thinnest black silk. It would shimmer when he walked, he knew, and his tall, lace-up boots, the flat sole so thin and delicate that he almost felt barefoot, would disappear beneath the shimmer. His mother was cold, stubborn, and cruel sometimes, an unfeeling, yawning sort of dark, but she was talented.
“Lord Vader,” came a voice from behind him, and Sirius laughed even before he turned to face Thomas Walker.
“Sounds about right,” Sirius said, and they clasped hands, pulling them into a one-armed hug. “You look fantastic, though.”
Thomas spun slowly on his heel, letting the long, loose fitting white linen of his button-down—which went out in two, tuxedo-like tails at his back—flare out above his slim, black trousers. He wore a thin scarf of distressed wool.
“Like a fallen gentleman, no?” Thomas grinned. “I might try and steal these pants. And maybe the shirt for Noelle.”
“Oh, yeah,” Sirius smiled, spying Noelle’s green eyes behind his shoulder. “She’ll love that.”
Noelle wrapped her arms, which were draped in a transparent green cloth, around Thomas’ waist. “Thanks for thinking of me, T baby.”
Thomas laughed in surprise. “Who let you back stage?”
“I’m a Tremblay, they’ll let us in anywhere.”
Thomas turned his head to capture Noelle in a soft kiss.
“See you after, hm?” Noelle said. “I’m gonna go say hi to my friend, she’s walking tonight, too.”
“Yeah, we’ll ride to Honeyduke’s together.”
Noelle raised an eyebrow at him. “You coming, Black?”
“Saint all but owns the place,” Sirius said. “Of course I am.”
Sirius walked. He didn’t look down, or hear the cameras. It wasn’t his favorite thing in the world, to be up here, not able to see past the lights—but something tonight was different. It felt as it had the night of his and Remus’ first kiss.
In that show, he had had one, thin line of black lipstick traced over the center of his bottom lip. It had marked Remus’ throat and cheeks like soot by the end of it all.
Remus had been waiting for him back stage.
“Come here,” Remus had whispered, and laced their fingers together.
“Where?” Sirius had answered, surprised by their palms pressing together.
But it hadn’t been a place. Remus had pressed them back in between clothing racks, and crashed their mouths together.
Here, Remus had whispered, and kissed him again.
Sirius felt the absence of the stage lights like a wash of cold air, and he stretched out his back, letting his stony face drop a little. He glanced around, but there was no one to be found. His cheeks were warm just thinking about it.
“Good,” his mother said as he passed her by to take off the makeup, and that was all.
Saint looked across Honeyduke’s and felt like it was his. Logan was laughing with Thomas and Noelle, and he had Kasey Winter beside him, securing tickets to one of their favorite bands to see together.
“Done,” Kasey said, and flashed one of his rare smiles.
“I knew you were my favorite,” Saint took a sip of his drink, and Kasey scoffed.
“Me or my mom?”
“Maybe a little of both. Oh, and we’re going to sushi beforehand.”
Kasey’s smile was larger now. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. You gonna leave with that drummer again? What’s her name?”
Saint smiled. “Oh, Sally. And I make it a habit to always leave with the drummer.”
Kasey just shook his head. “Yeah, yeah. I’m getting a drink and leaving you to your one-liners.”
Saint watched him go, feeling settled, and set about scanning the room for Sirius. He was sure he’d know if he was there—people tended to swarm to Sirius, even if he didn’t ask for it. It was part of the reason they were so close. People flocked to Saint, too. So, they asked for each other’s company. A more intimate, calm part of life. Sirius was quiet. Saint wasn’t, but he let Saint , for a moment, be that way, too. Saint was loud. Sirius wasn’t, but Saint had his ways to fire him up.
“Another drink, sir?”
Saint looked over his shoulder, only to turn all the way around, interest peaked. The bartender had sandy hair, and a strong jaw, his cheeks textured by acne scars in some places. He had brown eyes—save for a sliver of green in one.
“Only if you have one with me,” Saint said, and glanced down at his name-tag. “Luke.”
Luke arched an eyebrow, pressing the heels of his palms onto the bar between them, revealing rolled up sleeves and some type of vine tattoo, wrapping all around both of his forearms.
“I’m working, sir.”
“Is that a later?” he nodded at the tattoo. “Nice.”
“I don’t think so,” Luke said.
“Oh, no?”
Luke scowled—how did he look so handsome doing that?
“Do you make it a habit to go home with all the waiters, too?”
Saint didn’t let his expression flicker, just smiled nice and slow.
“Hillrock,” Saint said. “Neat.”
The barkeep turned away.
Ouch. Looks like not everyone worships at your alter, Saint.
The elevator doors opened, revealing the party to Sirius one outfit after the next. He had changed for the afterparty—the first of three. He wore a tight, thin black t-shirt and dark jeans. He hadn’t bothered to wash off the dark, smudged eyeliner from the show. His combat boots went up to just below his knee, and had the same nearly naked feeling sole. It made him feel soundless, like a shadow.
Maybe that’s why it was easy to find Remus and stand beside him without him stirring.
“You’re a little underdressed,” Sirius said without looking at him.
“Says the boy wearing a t-shirt,” Remus replied evenly.
Sirius scowled. “I meant at the show.”
“People like to be surprised,” Remus replied evenly.
“Who’s Leo?”
“My boyfriend.”
Sirius turned towards him. “You didn’t tell me you were coming home.”
Remus matched him. They were nearly chest to chest. “You didn’t say a word to me in class.”
“You didn’t—“
“I had the last word,” Remus snapped. “I figured maybe you’d finally have something to say back.”
Sirius stared at him, heart pounding in his ears. For a moment, he let himself look. At the golden eyes, hair more blond than ever from the summer’s sun. Sirius couldn’t stand that mouth set in a frown.
“Guess not,” Remus said softly, lips dropping open in the way they used to before they kissed.
Sirius all but felt him vanish into the writhing crowd.
Finn looked up when a flash of color on the morning-silent street outside caught his eye. He set the books he was holding down, took the pen out from between his teeth.
“What the hell?” Finn laughed as he pulled open the door to his bookshop to find Logan standing there. “It’s five in the fucking morning, what are you doing here? Couldn’t sleep?”
“Never did,” Logan said, and that’s when Finn saw that Logan was still in his suit from the livestream.
“Ah, I see,” Finn said, eyes flicking up and down his broad form. He swallowed dryly. “The nature of afterparties, I suppose. Well, you—you look good. For someone who’s been up all night, I mean.”
Logan just smiled, one of his small, secretive ones. Finn watched as he stepped forward so they were almost toe to toe in the doorway.
“Wh…” Finn’s voice dropped off with a breathless laugh. He couldn’t help but look at Logan’s mouth. His full lips that could speak a language Finn couldn’t even begin to describe.
Logan just reached up to the base of his own throat and unclipped the fleur-de-lis clasp there. In one smooth swoop, he drew his short cloak from his shoulders and around Finn’s, right over his worn gray t-shirt, clicking it in place. The fabric brought a gentle scent, and he figured it must be Logan’s cologne.
“Something green,” Logan said softly. A warm, early morning breeze ruffled his hair, pushing the curls forward. Finn couldn’t move. “What are you doing here?”
“Inventory,” Finn whispered, then cleared his throat. “Inventory.”
“Okay,” Logan said. “I’ll help.”
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The Dugout
Tumblr media
While at a baseball game with your friend, you make an unexpected acquaintance.
Warnings: Creampie, no protection, degradation, spanking/ hitting of certain body parts
“Well, what do you say sweetheart? Go out on a date with me?”
You flinched as the boy in front of you took you by your wrist, tightly pulling you closer to him. You could smell the distinct aroma of pizza on his breath, and it made you regret leaving your seat at the game.
You had known better than to leave Jeonghan’s side when you went to a game with him at an rival school. The boys at this school were known for being a bit less friendly when it came to talking to girls, and you had known that. But Jeonghan had pissed you off when he told you that you “weren’t allowed to leave his side”. What gave him the right after all? You weren’t his property; you were your own person.
So, you had stormed away from him, ignoring his calls after you as you went.
You didn’t need him to escort you to the restroom. What kind of bull crap was that? “Excuse me, I don’t particularly enjoy being ignored.”
“Yeah, how dare you ignore Jeon!”
“Apologize to him you bitch!”
You were jolted roughly in three different directions, your eyes screwing shut.
Maybe next time you set your pride aside. Being safer was much better than getting yourself in stupid, easily avoidable situations like this one.
“Sorry, I just-”
You were jolted again, and you felt another one of the groupies fingers digging into your arm and you wished suddenly you were a bit stronger. If you were you could at least fight back.
Lose? Yes, since it would be five against one. But fight back, nonetheless.
You reasoned you didn’t have very many options. You could keep quiet and make a serious attempt to just go along with them and what they were asking of you. Maybe if you did then they would cool down.
Just as you thought that however you felt one of the goons push you down to your knees. You felt your knees press into the hard-concrete ground and you hissed out in surprise.
Maybe nothing would get them to cool down.
You really didn’t have any options now. You had to get out of this situation. You had to stay safe. You felt your nose scrunch in concentration.
“Look,” you mumbled. “You better let go of me… Or.. Or you’re really going to regret it.”
The guy, Jeon, or whatever laughed cruelly.
“Really and why is that?” He asked you, leaning down towards you. He clearly wasn’t impressed. Or scared or intimidated by anything that you had to say at all. You cleared your throat.
“Because,” you replied surely. “I have a boyfriend and he is not going to be happy if he finds out that you did this.”
Falling back on the existence of some sort of man was honestly the most disgusting and degrading thing that you could possibly do. You didn’t need a man to protect you, you really didn’t. But still you knew that reasoning with guys like this would be… Difficult, and the best way to overcome those difficulties would be to scare them with the one thing that could scare them.
Bigger scarier guys.
“You think I’m scared of your boyfriend?” He asked with a laugh. “Is he here? Cause I don’t see him anywhere.”
You were forced back up to your feet, unluckily by Jeon burying his fingers in your hair and pulling you up by the roots. Was it dramatic to say that didn’t hurt as much as your pride at having to lie about this whole boyfriend thing?
You absolutely didn’t have a boyfriend, and it was entirely because you didn’t want one. You hadn’t yet met a single person who treated you the way that you wanted to be treated. People were either too clingy, too protective, or not protective enough.
Yeah you wanted to be cared for just as badly as the next person but people who cared about you to the extent of say… Jeonghan trying to walk you to the bathroom… It was just ridiculous.
“Just make sure to be careful.”
My god, you were always careful. You always took care of yourself. Sometimes people truly could be suffocating.
“Well,” Jeon emphasized, ripping you from your admittedly off-track train of thoughts. “Where is he? Where’s your boyfriend who is going to save you hm?”
You looked around you quickly, your thoughts running through your mind at a million miles an hour. There weren’t a lot of people around. Some guys, some girls. You ignored the girls- they were pretending like you weren’t being attacked- and focused in on the guys. There were a few band kids- no offense to band kids but you knew they weren’t interested in being of any use to you- and then there were two other guys. One on his phone- he glanced at you, and then just as quickly glanced away.
One option. You had one option.
There was a boy standing not far from you, he had large black headphones over his ears, and his hair was tucked beneath a yellow Pledis Academy baseball cap. He was disconnected from the world, clearly occupied by whatever beats were coming from his headphones.
He had on a sweater, navy blue with yellow path work letters sewn on spelling out the word “becoming”. He had on tight white pants, but you could barely see them with how big the sweater was. It made him look even smaller, like a child. Even the palms of his hand were hidden under the sleeves.
He didn’t really look like the kind of guy these people would be scared of but… Lack of options.
Before you could really think it through you pointed at him, hoping to God he was better than these guys.
“Him, he’s my boyfriend!”
The boy, Jeon, coughed, his hands dropping from your body.
“Jihoon is your boyfriend?” He blurted. Your nose wrinkled slightly. So that was his name.
“That’s right,” you agreed, feeling a little more confident. You thought it was odd, the way the people around you all backed away. Was this Jihoon someone that they were scared of? “Should I go get him? Tell him what you guys were-”
Before you could even finish the guys were back on you again. Jeon’s hands were combing through your hair, his expression nervous.
“There’s no need for that,” he assured softly. “After all, you’re fine right?”
“Boss her knees.”
“God are you guys stupid, how could you hurt her like that?”
The boys were brushing the dust off of your clothes, making you look presentable. A girl could get used to that kind of treatment. But a question remained and… Apparently, you weren’t the only one who thought so.
The boy in question, Jihoon, turned his head, his eyebrows raising when he saw the way that Jeon and his dorkwads were treating you. He placed his hands on his headphones and lowered them to hang around his neck. The minute that the other boys realized that he could hear they freaked out.
“Jihoon, I swear it’s not what it looks like,” Jeon assured desperately. “I mean really. We never meant to mess with her. We didn’t realize that she was your girl.”
“Huh?” Jihoon asked. His gaze turned to you, and his eyes were not angry persay. Just…. Confused. Almost… Bored. Maybe that was good for you.
“Sweetheart,” you exclaimed. His eyebrows quirked at that. “I just came to find you before the game. Sorry, I got sidetracked.”
A slow, understanding smile crossed Jihoon’s face. One that honestly surprised you. You thought for sure he would leave you for dead, but instead… He took a step forward. Jeon and his goons all took a step back, as if him getting closer was an actual threat on their lives.
“You know I don’t like to be kept waiting,” Jihoon mumbled. He put a hand in his back pocket and with the other one, quirked a finger. A clear indication that he wanted you to come over.
Maybe if you were smart you wouldn’t have. But… You weren’t smart, so you- without much of a second thought- walked over to him. You wanted this to seem, well, as authentic as it possibly could so you smiled at him as you drew near.
“I missed you,” you offered, your teeth gritting as you said the words. He snorted.
“I missed you too,” he murmured. “My beautiful, beautiful girlfriend.”
He held his hand out and you stopped in your tracks, watching as he trailed his eyes up and down your body. Normally, you wouldn’t appreciate the attention, but there was something about him… You didn’t mind.
“You know, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you that I’ve practically forgotten your name.”
You laughed into the back of your hand.
“Oh, you remember,” you assured. You murmured out your name and he made a huge show, of remembering.
“Of course, of course. How could I forget?” He teased. He reached out to you again, this time clearly intent on touching you. His hand high enough to the soothe your head where Jeon had pulled it but he hesitated. He didn’t touch you without knowing that you wouldn’t mind.
You liked that. You ducked your head forward and put your hands over his wrists. You pushed his hand down until it laid flat on your head. You looked at him with a pathetic pout spread across your lips.
“That boy pulled my hair,” you pouted.
You heard Jeon suck in a horrified gasp at those words.
“Does your head hurt?” Jihoon asked you. You nodded once, and it was enough for him. He brushed his hand down your head, caressing you ever so carefully. There was a weird moment in which he just looked at you. You weren’t sure what he was searching for but you could tell that there was something in you he was trying to find.
He looked away from you and nudged you over to his side.
You wondered if he found what he was looking for.
“Jihoon, we’re so unbelievably sorry,” Jeon insisted, drawing your attention back over to him. You covered your mouth as you watched him drop to his knees before the guy. Jihoon snickered next to you, and it made you look over at him. You were surprised when you found that he wasn’t looking at Jeon, but at you with a distinct smirk on his lips. You raised an eyebrow at him and he turned his attention back towards Jeon.
“Get out of my sight while I’m still feeling generous,” he replied pointedly. Without another word, Jeon scrambled to his feet and rushed away. You watched as him and the other guys stumbled off, leaving nothing but dust in their wake. You tried not to laugh too hard as they ran off and once, they were gone all you could do was deflate in relief.
“Well, thank you for that,” you mumbled. You pulled away from him and thoughtfully brushed yourself off. Suddenly, you had an uneasy feeling about being here alone with this Jihoon character. Those girls who you didn’t think could care about what you were doing, were uneasily glancing your way.
You thought about the fear in Jeon’s eyes and you wondered what this boy could’ve possibly be doing that made everyone so scared of him.
But you didn’t wonder too much.
You pushed your hands into your back pocket.
“Alright, nice to meet you, thank you. I should just be going then-” You began to wander away from Jihoon, but before you could make it very fair, Jihoon had scoffed.
“What you think you can just claim to be my girlfriend and just walk away?” Jihoon asked you. He dipped his head a little bit to look at you better, his eyebrows high on his forehead. He murmured your name, it like a whisper on his lips. “I sure would like to get to know you better.”
You felt color raise to your cheeks, but you didn’t bother hiding it.
“I mean, I really out to…” You trailed off nervously. “Get back to my friend… He’ll miss me if I don’t.”
Jihoon stepped towards you once again and held out his hand.
“The game doesn’t start for another while,” he mumbled. “You’re not from around, here right?”
He paused but you knew he wasn’t done speaking. You nervously cleared your throat and shook your head. Unable to explain the sudden fluttering of butterflies in the pit of your stomach. When had you lost your confidence? When had you become so shy of what Jihoon was going to do around you?
After all, you had trusted him to save you from those boys so why were you so nervous now?
“I really wouldn’t mind staying around,” you assured softly, brushing your hair back out of your face, despite the fact that you had been really wanting to hide your face in those strands of hair. “But my friend really would worry. He-”
“Ah,” Jihoon interrupted unsurely. He placed his hands back over his headphones. “I get it. You either have a boyfriend, or you just don’t want to do anything.”
Your mouth dropped and he shrugged.
“I should’ve known. After all you’re too pretty to be single.”
You were surprised that Jihoon was actually going to leave you at that revelation. You watched in pure shock as he began to pull his headphones back over his ears, turning away from you.
You felt your heart skip a beat, something about the way that the two of you had acted together not long ago. Something about the way that Jihoon treated you despite you being a total stranger. He was taking you seriously. No one ever took you seriously.
“Wait-” You called. He paused, shifting his headphone’s slightly so that he could hear you, but not turning his body to face you again. “What if I said I didn’t have a boyfriend?”
Jihoon glanced at you, an eyebrow raising.
“Yeah?” he asked you, a glint suddenly sparkling in his eye.
“Well, it’d be unfair if I didn’t repay you somehow. So, what do you say? You want me to buy you food or something before the game?”
Jihoon stared at you, his posture back to what it had been when addressing those guys before. He was once again making himself seem so much bigger than he was in reality, putting on that tough exterior that you assumed had to be the reason those other guys were so scared ohim.
“You don’t go to Pledis University, do you?” Jihoon observed. You raised an eyebrow at him which he took as answer enough. “So how did you learn my name?”
“I pointed at you and Jeon supplied the rest,” you replied with a shrug. “Why- Should I know your name?”
Jihoon stared at you thoughtfully for a long moment, seeming to access what you were saying. Then after a while he smiled.
“No, you shouldn’t,” he decided. “And I think I have an idea better than just getting hot dogs.”
He held out his hand for you to take, raising a curious eyebrow towards you.
“Tell me, how crazy are you exactly?”
Your lips turned up into a mischievous smile, placing your hand in his without hesitation.
“Lead the way Mr. Jihoon.”
“Oh, I like it when you call me that,” Jihoon stated with a wink.
You looked around the old dugout, your eyebrows raising.
“You know, it’s surprisingly tidy in here,” you commented. “When you said Old Dugout, I was expecting something more like high school. Cobwebs and used condoms.”
“Well, University is different you know? Cleaner- and no one uses condoms,” Jihoon replied teasingly.
You chuckled at his joke and let your head fall to the side with a smile.
“You would think people would be smarter with a higher education,” you mumbled. You let your back fall against the wall, and you shrugged off-handedly. The action made Jihoon’s eyes fluttered down to your breasts. “But I guess some people just can’t be taught.”
Before you could say another word Jihoon was closing the distance between you two. He pressed his hand squarely on your shoulder, pressing you against the brick wall his other hand coming up to your cheek as he pulled you in for a rough kiss.
The action didn’t surprise you, but it did send a thrill of excitement running through your body. You felt yourself hook your leg around Jihoon’s and you pulled him closer to you with fistfuls of your hands in his shirt.
As he kissed you, his mouth rough and possessive over your lips, you felt yourself grinding down on his leg, desperate for more contact then the little bit he was already giving you.
It wasn’t often that you found yourself craving another person’s touch like this but there was something about Jihoon that made you feel like you were empty, and you were hot, and you were horny. And Jihoon was the only cure for your sudden ailment.
He seemed to sense this because he chuckled against your lips. He hooked his thumb into your mouth between your lips and forcefully pushed you back against the wall. You huffed at the loss, but he just looked on at you in amusement.
“Who would’ve known from a glance that you were so...” He trailed off, seeming to try and find the right word to describe you.
“Horny?” You suggested. The corner of his lip quirked up.
“I was going to say impatient,” Jihoon mumbled back. “But horny also covers it quite well.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but Jihoon didn’t mind the action. Instead he popped his thumb from between your lips and gave you a teasing look.
You didn’t have to be told twice.
As Jihoon took a seat on the bench you pulled your shirt over your head and toed yourself right out of your shorts. You went to remove the rest of your clothes, but a click of disapproval from Jihoon made you pause and look over at him instead.
The look you received at such unwavering attention, sent even more heat through your body. He patted his spread legs and you wandered over to him, carefully positioning yourself in his lap, your hands on his shoulders.
“You are very obedient,” he murmured. You snorted.
“Not always,” you retorted. “I’m just in a good mood today.”
Jihoon hummed at your response, but you could tell he wasn’t really listening to you. He raised his hands to your sides and began to run his fingers along your soft skin. He started from just above your hips. Four of his fingers tracing up your ribs, to the elastic of your bra. His fingers stopped there and followed instead along the cloth of your fabric until he slipped his hands up under your bra.
He cupped your breasts in his hands, pushing your bra up your chest as he did so, giving you a small squeeze. A surprised moan left your lips- an action that made Jihoon’s eyes shot up to yours.
“Do that again,” he said, looking and sounding completely in awe. You rolled your eyes.
“Well, you have to give me-” Before you could finish Jihoon had smacked one of your breasts sharply.
You hissed out a moan, your fingers digging into Jihoon’s shoulders.
“Hey,” you murmured. “What makes you think that I’m into that?”
Jihoon shrugged, his fingers tracing around the breast that he had just smacked, smoothing it over with the pads of his fingers as if to soothe it.
“I just know,” he replied. “I mean am I wrong?”
You let out a disgruntled noise, not really wanting to admit to some guy you had just met that “you enjoyed how rough he was being with you. His other fingers squeezed the tit of your other breasts and he twisted it between his fingers making you whine.
“You’re not wrong,” You admitted. Jihoon hummed at you, but his eyes remained on his hands as they cupped your breasts again. He gave you another squeeze. “Satisfied?”
“Very,” he stated back. “Just wanted to hear you admit it.”
You squinted your eyes at him, and finally he raised his eyes back to yours. His lips had fallen into a thin line of concentration as he had messed with your breasts, but as he looked at you they slowly reformed a smile. His hands crept up your body, brushing past your collar bones and up to your neck, where he tightly wrapped his fingers around your throat.
His thumbs forced your chin up ever so slightly, and he gave you a small squeeze. You sucked in a shocked breath at the action, hating the way that your panties grew damper just at the touch.
“I like it when you tell me stuff like that,” he murmured. “Do you want me to take control? Use you?”
You didn’t waste a second this time.
“Fuck,” you murmured. “Yes, please.”
He leaned forward, his lips brushing yours.
“You want me to hurt you?” He asked.
You sucked in another sharp breath at the question. A question that you never thought anyone would ever ask you. You were so used to people treating you like glass- assuming that the slightest touch would break you.
So, having Jihoon treat you as if that weren’t so in the slightest was both surprising, and a huge turn on.
“Please hurt me,” you murmured back.
One of Jihoon’s hands loosened its grip around your neck and he dropped it down to your pussy. He slipped his fingers under your panties, and pressed a finger into your warm wet heat.
You let out a surprised gasp, prompting Jihoon to tighten his grip on your throat. You choked around his fingers and rolled your hips down on his hand. You thought he might be annoyed at that but instead his fingers loosened around you, and he pulled your face down closer to his.
“So, I’m guessing you already know that I’m planning on fucking you?” He asked you. You rolled your hips down on his hand again.
“And I’m guessing you already know that I’m highly encouraging such actions?”
You cheekily reached up, plucking Jihoon’s hat right from his head. He looked surprised by the action, but you didn’t mind. You put the hat on your head and smiled.
“You’re wearing too much,” you mumbled. He raised his eyebrows.
“I’m already mostly naked,” he murmured despite it not being even remotely true. He grabbed you loosely by your hips and pulled you closer to him. You nearly yelped at the action, worried that he would drop you, but luckily enough he had a good grip on you. “But I’ll admit, you look way better in that hat then I ever have.”
You smiled again, your tongue peeking out from between your teeth, but before you could say anything back to him, he was focused on your body once again. He reached behind your back and unhooked your bra. You let it fall off your arms and onto the floor before grabbing Jihoon’s shirt.
“Take your clothes off,” you insisted with a grumble. Jihoon didn’t complain as you pulled off his shirt and began to make quick work of his pants. Instead he watched in amusement as you climbed off of him to help work him free of the clothing.
Once his pants and boxers had finally fallen to the ground, Jihoon’s fingers loosely knotted themselves in your hair. He tightened his grip and pulled you roughly flush against his body. You gasped but didn’t complain as his cock poked against your leg.
“You’re a little whore,” he said observantly. It felt like it was a little random, but you didn’t mention that. Instead you smiled loosely and let your hand wrap around his cock.
“Maybe I am,” you admitted slyly. “And how do you treat little whores?”
“Just the way that they like to be treated.”
He pushed you down to your knees, gripping your hair tightly. He didn’t give yo ua single warning as he pushed his cock into your mouth. Didn’t even stop halfway so that you could get used to his girth. You splayed your hands over his waist, gagging around the cock hard.
But despite how hard you gagged he did nothing to pull you off of him- not that you signaled for him to do such a thing anyways. No the longer he held you on his cock, the more he triggered you to cough more saliva over his dick the more that you felt heat rushing to your center.
You were embarrassed to admit that already, just being used by this man was a turn on. Jihoon seemed to notice this and he laughed as he pulled you off his cock.
“Did that turn you on?” He teased you lightly. You tried to lean forward and put his cock back into your mouth- as a way to escape his question, but he caught you quickly, shaking his head slowly back and forth as he clicked his tongue.
“When I ask you a question, I expect an answer,” he growled. “When a stranger makes you choke on his cock on a baseball field, do you get turned on?”
You weren’t sure how it was possible that the question had gotten worse after being asked a second time, but you knew for a fact that it was worse.
“Okay, yes, I’m absolutely fucking drenched for you...” You trailed off, batting your eyelids innocently at Jihoon. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Jihoon hummed lightly.
“No... But I think it is what I wanted to feel.”
His fingers wandered down to your pussy, at first just teasing you by dancing around your clit, and your whole. He dipped his fingers between your folds and massaged you there for a moment, still somehow missing the spots you needed him to be at the most.
You grunted.
“You’re such a tease,” you mumbled. “Why don’t you just get to fucking me?”
“Be patient,” Jihoon shushed. “It’s my first time being between your legs- maybe my last. I have to treasure this moment.”
His eyes focused in on your wet pussy, his thumb pulling a side one of the folds further down, probably so that he could see your hole better.
“And your pussy... It truly is gorgeous. You’re already so wet and creamy for me and I have hardly even touched you... How long has it been since you last had sex with someone?” He asked. Then he paused, his head tilting to the side. “No- Actually let’s not talk about that. Let’s just focus on-”
He leaned forward, and finally his warm tongue met your pussy. You whined as he licked a long strip, and he too moaned.
“You taste almost as gorgeous as you sound,” he mumbled softly. You wanted to give him a sarcastic response but before you managed it he had wrapped his arms tightly around your legs bringing you so close to him, that his nose bumped your clit- and he was eating you out.
You had pretty much never been eaten out before.
Especially not by someone who was so good with their tongue. You felt your fingers bury themselves in Jihoon’s long strand, tugging on them hard as he pushed his tongue into your pussy, his moans vibrating against you in a way that was nearly overbearing.
You kept thinking that soon enough his little “pregame” would pass and he would want you back on his cock again, but to your surprise no such thing came.
Instead, one of his fingers lowered to your pussy, probing at your entrance.
At first it seemed like he didn’t think it would fit. Pushing the tip in and then pulling it out a moment later to get some wetness. But he soon seemed to decide that his hesitations were all unworth it. He pushed his finger deep into you alongside his tongue. The digit made you feel incredible. An action you couldn’t believe made you moan the way that it did.
You had never been so completely desperate for another person before in your life. Your thighs trembled as he worked his finger in and out of you, and you resisted the urge to pull on Jihoon’s hair hard enoguh to make him stop.
Cause holy hell, you did not want him to stop. “I need more,” you mumbled between your pants. Jihoon chuckled and the vibrations made you bite out a loud moan.
“You want more?” Jihoon asked teasingly. He slid a second finger into your dripping pussy, and smiled mischeaviously up at you from between your legs. You whined, your hips wiggling at the feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of you. God, he knew that wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted... No you didn’t just want his cock. You needed his cock.
You needed to have Jihoon’s body close to you, you needed to have his cock deep inside of you. You wanted to feel him pound you and treat you like a real whore.
You tugged at Jihoon’s hair, a frustrated expression surely on your face.
“Oh even more then that?” He asked you. He slid a third finger into your pussy and you literaally had to arch your back you felt so close to cumming. Your toes curled and you leaned forward, your fingers tightening in a way you knew that you shouldn’t. You pulled his head up to you and met his eyes.
“Jihoon I need you to fuck me, and I need you to fuck me now.”
Jihoon’s eyes turned dark, and his fingers pulled out of your pussy. You knew immediately that you had made a mistake when you felt him tighten his grip on your hip. You closed your mouth as Jihoon raised his fingers to your lips.
“Open back up you whore, and clean these off for me,” he instructed. You were quick to open your mouth for him, waiting patiently as he slid his fingers into your mouth. You began to lick his fingers clean, moaning as you tasted yourself on his fingers.
“Now, do you think it’s very good behavior to pull my hair and tell me what to do?” He asked, his voice dark. A shiver ran down your spine.
“No,” you breathed.
He nodded slowly.
“So, you were just bad on purpose?”
Your face flamed red, and you opened your mouth, stammering to come up with an answer.
“Not a very good slut are you?” Jihoon asked. He pushed you back on the bench, his hand slapping your thigh sharply so that you would open your legs further. Then his fingers wrapped around your waist, his fingers digging into your side. “You’re desperate, and impatient.”
He leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear.
“I love that about you.”
You screamed as Jihoon thrust his cock into you in one hard thrust. It sent a sharp feeling of pain through your body, but the pain was quickly clouded by the immense pleasure of having Jihoon inside of you.
Jihoon’s eyes rose to you, his smile was downright devious.
“Does that satisfy your needs?” He asked you. You opened your mouth to respond, but before you could get an answer out Jihoon slid himself out of you and thrusted hard back into you. You found yourself only capable of panting and squirming as Jihoon fucked you so hard that the entire bench was squeaking under the pressure.
You threw your arms over Jihoon’s body, tugging yourself closer to him. The feeling of his skin against yours was nearly intoxicating. It made you wish that you could hold him even closer. You wanted so badly to be this close to Jihoon forever.
He thrust hard into you again, making you yelp aloud in surprise. You felt your fingernails digging into Jihoon’s back, which made him grunt out in pleasure.
“F-fuck, please, I need m-more,” you moaned out. Jihoon chuckled.
“God, you little whore, are you really that turned on being fucked in a dugout by a stranger,” Jihoon grunted out. You whined at the names and wrapped your legs around Jihoon’s waist.
“Flip me, I want to ride you,” you murmured. Jihoon didn’t have to be asked twice.
Once you two were situated you wrapped your legs more tightly around Jihoon’s chest, whining at the way his cock sunk deeper inside of you at that angle. You placed your hands on his shoulders and began to slowly lift yourself up on his cock, and then lower yourself back down on it.
Jihoon’s fingers dug deep into your hips, his grip on you so tight that it made you wonder if you were really the one that was in control of your pace at the moment.
You began to quicken your speed, lifting yourself faster and faster, listening to the sound of your thighs slap against his. Jihoon slapped your ass as you fucked yourself, his lips attaching to your neck as he whispered obscenities to you between leaving kisses on your neck.
“Pl-Please don’t leave any marks,” you hissed as he nipped at you near your collarbone. “Jeonghan will kill-”
Before you could finish the sentence Jihoon had flipped you two back over, throwing you back down on the bench so hard you thought for sure you were going to bruise. He pushed his ockc back in your body and began to furiously fuck you again, his pace so fast that you were shocked that you were still feeling so much overwhelming pleasure.
“Talk about a man again while I’m fucking you,” Jihoon warned. As he spoke he lowered his hand down to your cunt, his fingers finding your clit. He pressed down on it and began to frantically rub at it- somehow matching the pace of his own thrusts.
You cried out in pleasure and once again wrapped your arms around him.
“Pl-please Jihoon, c-cum,” you blurted out, not even caring about how angry Jihoon had gotten simply at the mention of Jeonghan’s name. You could feel pleasure coiling in your gut, you were too close to cumming to care about anything but your own explosive pleasure. You needed to cum, and you needed to cum now.
“Inside, cum inside me, I’m on the pill it’s okay just please-”
And before you had even finished talking Jihoon began to cum spurts into you. In seconds you were cumming undone, each thrust of his making you feel like you were starting your orgasm all over again, you felt so good. Your fingers dug into Jihoon’s arms as he fucked you almost relentlessly until he finally bottomed out inside of you, his chest heaving.
“That is a good little slut,” he praised.
He sat there for a few moments, just taking the time to catch his breath. He was sweating pretty hard- not that you were surprised by that revelation at all. Finally, Jihoon pulled out of you, humming softly as he watched his own cum dribbling out from your used cunt.
“I shouldn’t have come inside of you,” he mumbled softly.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t have,” you agreed. “But I wanted it so bad, and it felt-” You leaned forward, your lips brushing against Jihoons. “So good.”
Jihoon groaned, and pulled away from you.
“I don’t have time to fuck you again before the game,” Jihoon mumbled as he began to redress. You pouted.
“What so you’re just gonna use me like some kind of cum dumpster and leave?”
Jihoon snickered.
You rolled up and grabbed your bra, instinctively turning away from Jihoon as you began to get dressed. You looked back over your shoulder at him and smiled.
“Damn, you really are a dream aren’t you?” You asked, your tongue between your teeth. Jihoon snickered and slid his shirt over his head.
“So, are you still going to the game?” He asked you. You shrugged.
“My friend will kill me if I don’t go,” you replied. He hummed, and replaced his hat over his head.
“Well I have to get back to the field, just... Promise me one thing,” he asked. You turned to him as you pulled your own shirt over your head.
“Root for me, won’t you?”
And then without another word he turned and left you alone.
“Where’ve you been?” Jeonghan asked you. “I was starting to get worried.”
You scoffed and held up the lollipop that Jihoon had given you as a parting gift. You could hear his words still echoing through your mind. “Root for me won’t you?” Root for him. A strange way to word it.
“Got sidetracked,” you replied briefly, waving the lollipop through the air and tipping your baseball cap pointedly. He hummed, giving you a slight narrowing of the eyebrows before gesturing down towards the field.
“Well you are lucky. The team is just now coming out.”
You didn’t bother looking down, you didn’t care to see the boys after all. There was a certain sort of euphoria running through your body. A certain excitement at what you had just gotten away with. At the idea of Lee Jihoon.
Oh, how you already missed him. His hands on you, that stupid mischievous smirk. You had never felt yourself so infatuated with someone so quickly and yet… Jihoon, you missed Jihoon.
You heard the crowd cheering as the baseball team came running on and you leaned back, looking at the candy in your hand. It was so sweet, you quite enjoyed the taste.
You looked up finally, and you noticed one of the boys on the field scanning the audience. Everyone else had begun to do their stretches and prepare for the game but one boy, shorter than the rest was looking up. You two made eye contact, and he smiled, and ruffled his hair with his hand putting a little and making a big show of the way that the sun was beaming down on him. You tried not to laugh at the look spread over his face.
Jihoon was on the other team’s baseball team.
You jumped and glanced over at Jeonghan, your eyebrows raised high.
“What? What’s strange?” You blurted. He didn’t laugh, just stared in confusion at the field.
“It almost looks like Lee Jihoon is looking at you,” he mumbled. “But that’d be crazy.”
“Lee Jihoon?” You questioned, keeping a straight face. “Who?”
“He is famous at Pledis Academy. Short in stature, but scarier than anyone else there. They say that those who double cross him have died. That his father is a mob boss, and that messing with him or anyone in his life is a fate worse than sin,” Jeonghan recounted. The way he said it sent a shiver down your spine and you looked back down at the field. Jihoon was still staring at you, a knowing expression on his face.
“Is that really true?” You asked him, your voice a hushed whisper, afraid to even glance away from Jihoon.
“That’s what they say,” Jeonghan responded. “Being under Jihoon’s radar has to be a death sentence.”
You supposed that when you had seen Jihoon, something in you had known that he was dangerous. You could remember the way he held onto you, how he spoke to you, the way he looked at you. And yet, even knowing that he was potentially dangerous you didn’t care.
Being with Jihoon had been fun, and you could tell that while he may want to hurt you in some ways, it was only the ways that you wanted to be hurt by him.
You wiggled in your seat, and raised your hand to Jihoon in greeting from across the field. Lucky for you, Jeonghan didn’t notice. Jihoon smiled and raised his hand back and then turned to one of his teammates. Jeonghan shook his head in disbelief.
“You’re going to be careful right? It really seems like Jihoon is looking at you.”
You shrugged.
“I’ll be careful, but I doubt there is anything to worry about.”
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imagineaworld · 3 years
evening shift - iii | b.b
pairing : bucky barnes x reader
summary : another evening shift leads to bucky coming to y/n’s rescue
word count : 1.1k
warnings : swearing, attempted assault (may be triggering given recent real world events to pls be cautious), teensy bit of violence
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Bucky woke up early on Monday, ripped from his sleep by a nightmare that often plagued his mind. He sat up like lightning, panting to catch his breath. He looked at the time: 5:47 am. 
At least he managed to get some sleep, he supposed. Now all he needed to do was pass the time until 4 pm, when he would head to the bar where Y/N works to hand in his resume.
Making the most of the relatively empty streets, he decided to go for a run, at least until the sun rose. 
Monday afternoons were always quiet. Not many people go out for drinks on Monday afternoons, so Y/N wasn't particularly busy when Bucky eventually strolled in around 4 and took a seat at the bar.
"Hey, you," Y/N smiled, seeming genuinely happy to see him. "How's that resume?"
Bucky handed her the sheet of paper that had his resume printed on it. "Ready."
Y/N's eyes scanned the paper. "Looking good," she said. "Want me to pass it on?"
Bucky nodded, bouncing his leg on the barstool. 
He watched Y/N disappear through the staff-only door with his resume and anxiously awaited her return. 
He thought about what would happen if he actually got this job. Y/N would be his coworker, perhaps they could even become friends. Or were they already friends? Maybe Y/N thought they were. Or she was just being nice and Bucky was reading into things too much.
She returned shortly after, looking rather put out. She noticed Bucky's concerned look. "Everything's fine with the resume," she reassured. "I've been asked to stay a bit later, which is a bit...shit."
"I'll stick around, if you want," Bucky replied. "Keep you company."
"I'd like that, although there are only so many drinks I can give you on the house," she joked.
Bucky took twenty dollars out of his pocket, sliding it across the bar towards her. "For the coffee and for your help."
Y/N shook her head. "Coffee was on the house and you don't have to pay me for being your friend, Bucky."
So they were friends. He hadn't really had a friend since Steve. Especially not a girl friend. And she had said his name... God, his name sounded so good when it came from her lips. 
He tried not to think about Steve, or the way Y/N said his name. "Then I will have a cup of your finest coffee and you can keep the change."
She laughed but took the money. She took the amount for the coffee and put the rest of it in the tips jar. Bucky scowled.
"I'll get you that coffee."
The hours passed by and the sun had set. The bar was busier now, with more people having some drinks after work. Bucky had been sat talking with Y/N all afternoon and into the evening.
He learned her favourite colour and that she had an older brother. She survived the Blip but her brother didn't, so technically she was the older sibling now. But growing up, she had been the younger sibling.
Bucky had successfully avoided answering too many questions about himself. He made sure he didn't lie though, he hated the idea of lying to her.
At 7 pm, she had gone through the staff-only door and re-emerged with a jacket and a bag slung over her shoulder. 
"I'm off," she announced to Bucky, heading around from behind the bar. 
"Why not stay for a drink?" He suggested.
He would never have done it if he hadn't seen that man at the other end of the bar watching Y/N the whole time he's been there. Something about him wasn't right, Bucky thought. And with the number of drinks Y/N had made for him, he was very drunk too.
"I'd love to," Y/N said, causing butterflies in Bucky's stomach. "But I have to get home to feed my cat, he's probably wasting away by now."
"Oh," was all Bucky said.
"But if I could get your number, we could arrange drinks another time?" She proposed.
She wanted his number. She wanted to get drinks with him. More butterflies. Bucky fumbled in his pocket to pull out his phone and handed it to Y/N to put her number in.
"There," she said, handing Bucky his phone back. "Just send me a text and I'll have your number."
He sent a quick "Hi :)" text and they said goodbye. But he couldn't shake that uneasy feeling in his stomach, no matter how many butterflies replaced them.
Y/N was cold. She hadn't anticipated having to walk home in the dark and cold. Arms wrapped tightly around her body, she walked a different way home than she usually would, sticking to the main, well-lit streets.
"Hey, baby, where you going?" A voice called out from behind her.
Dread flooded her body but she kept walking, picking up her pace a little. She could hear the footsteps behind her getting closer and closer. A hand reached out to grab her wrist, pulling her to a halt.
"Where you off too, hm?" It was the man from the bar, she'd been serving him drinks all night. The smell of booze was radiating off him.
Y/N tried to pull herself free but the man had an iron grip on her poor wrist. She began to panic, her breathing quickening as she debated what to do. 
She could run, but he would follow her. Then he would know where she lived. If she didn't run home, where else could she run? What if she ran into someone else with wicked intentions?
"Hey!" Another voice called out. Bucky. He stepped closer, into the light of the streetlamp. "Hey man, back off."
The man let go of Y/N's wrist and she backed away. "Why? Is she your girl?" He challenged Bucky. Bucky didn't answer. "Cos if she's not, then she's fair game."
The man's words enraged Bucky. He lashed out, landing a punch square on the man's jaw and knocking him to the ground. 
Bucky stepped over the man's figure. "You okay, Y/N?" He asked, gently taking her wrist to inspect for injuries.
YN snatched her wrist back. "Were you following me?"
"I was following him," Bucky clarified, motioning to the unconscious man on the floor. "I saw him eyeing you up at the bar. That's why I asked you to stay. And then I watched him follow you as you left."
And here Y/N thought Bucky just wanted to have some drinks with her. "Oh," she said. "Thank you."
"Are you okay?" He asked again, ignoring her thanks. 
She shook her head. He could tell she wasn't okay, her eyes looked bewildered and her shoulders went up and down rapidly as she breathed. 
Bucky extended his arms. "May I?" 
Y/N nodded, stepping closer to Bucky as he wrapped his arms around her shaking figure.
"You're okay now," he whispered to her softly. He could smell her perfume, the same floral scent as before. "Let me walk you home, hm?"
"Okay," she said, pulling away and wiping her eyes with her sleeve.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
I saw the amazing fic about about Diavolo meeting his mc’s strict religious parents. Could you maybe do that with Lucifer too?
Yes! I actually had a lot of fun with this. I went ahead with Christianity on this since it was the easiest
Warning: religious... Assholes?
...And I was there (LUCIFER X GN!READER)
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Religion. He scoffs at the concept; at the belief in someone greater than yourself. As the avatar of pride, he believes there’s nothing and no one greater than one’s self. Besides, he knows it’s just a sick way for his father to gain recognition he never got from his children, or at least not enough. Why worship an entity who pulled you into existence literally for his own amusement? For his own sick pleasure? God doesn’t care; he never did. And as a former angel, as the former favorite, he should know that. He does know that. So he doesn’t quite understand that aspect of humanity and he thinks it’s ridiculous that you’re getting worried about what your family might think of him. 
“Lucifer, you’re literally a demon. Your name screams red flag to any religious family, and you’re also like… super tall with dark hair and red eyes. They’re going to be scared.” He scoffed, “You weren’t scared.” You rolled your eyes, “yes, but I’m also a dumbass. You can’t compare years of deep rooted religion to someone like me, who has an open mind and was quite literally thrown into hell for an exchange program.” Really, he hated even having this discussion with you. He told you before that one thing he would never do is change himself to appease someone, especially someone he doesn’t even know, but for some reason you still found the need to try and ask him right before you showed up at your parents’ house with him. 
“Sorry, darling but I wo---!” The front door opened, revealing your mom who first looked at him and then back at you, smiling happily and taking you into her arms, “(Y/N)! We missed you!” You smiled softly, hugging her back, and silently praying that Lucifer won’t do something idiotic, although you could almost bet on it, “I missed you too. Mom, this is my boyfriend,” Lucifer smiled, his red eyes holding a mischievous glint behind them as he took your mom’s hand in his and kissed the back of her hand. You rolled your eyes; show off. “Nice to meet you madame, my name is Lu--!” “Luke. His name is Luke.” you intervened, smiling sweetly and taking his other hand, dragging him inside, “is dad here?” 
Lucifer narrowed his eyes behind you, but he didn’t say anything. Not yet. “He should be back any minute. He went to get takeout so we could all enjoy some food while we got to know each other.” Your mom smiled up at Lucifer, slowly taking in how tall he actually is, “oh my! Aren’t you a giant!” “actually ma’am I’m a de---!” “Decent sized fellow who had good luck in the gene pool!” You laughed softly, yanking him down to sit beside you on the sofa while he glared at you out of the corner of his eyes. “Apparently so!” Your mom laughs softly, “would you like something to drink, Luke? A glass of water? Wine?” Lucifer smiled softly, “water is fine, thank you,” and watches your mother leave before turning to you, “You’re lying to them. I told you before that I won’t create a fake persona to appease anyone and you ignored that. You can be glad we’re not home right now beca--!” “Honey, where are you?” a man called out and he scoffed silently at realizing it’s your dad, who walked in with a few bags of take out. 
“Daddy!” You jumped up, going to hug the man in front of you and Lucifer swallowed thickly; you call him daddy too. He stood up, smiling softly and holding out his hand to the man in front of him, “A pleasure to meet you, sir, my name is Lu---!” “Luke! He’s my boyfriend and he wanted to meet you guys!” He growled lowly, barely audible, as you interrupted him a second time. Your father raised an eyebrow, looking Lucifer up and down. He was well dressed, your father had to admit, and he seemed to have manners… He reluctantly put his hand in Lucifer’s, giving it a firm shake which the demon returned. “Firm grip, son. I like that.” Son? Lucifer didn’t particularly like that. “Sit down. I got chinese so we could all get to know each other.” 
After everyone gathered at the table and started on their portions, you felt the tension in the air grow, knowing that there’s questions weighing on your parents’ minds. “So.. Luke. There a reason you’re dressed like Dracula or are you into cosplay or something?” Lucifer paused for a second, almost going to sass back at your father but a hand on his thigh reminded him to be nice. He shook his head firmly, “no. I suppose it’s just my style. I have been told by several tailors throughout the cent---.... The years that black and shades of red suit me well. It brings out my eyes and it holds a sense of seriousness to me, which is important in the business world.” Your mother’s face lit up, “so you’re a businessman?” Lucifer slowly nodded, “yes. I hold the manager position if you will.” “At what company?” You silently cursed your dad; how could he find a way out of this. “Modlived. We create weapons. It’s a private company, not meant for the general market and thus I can’t speak much of it.” Did he just… flip the devildom name and make a fake company? Smart. Your mother seemed to smile even more, giving you the ‘wow’ mom look at which you rolled your eyes. 
“Hm.. interesting. Well, Luke, you seem like quite the catch.” Lucifer mentally cringed but opted for a soft smile instead, “thank you, sir.” “But there’s one thing.” Lucifer already knew. He knew the minute he walked into the house and everything seemed full of bright colors and bible verses; crosses on the wall and statues of angels that would never look like humans depicted them, “yes?” “Are you religious? We want our little angel with a nice christian man after all” This time he actually scoffed; if only they knew what an ‘angel’ you were. “No. I am not religious.” You watched your mother place her hand on your dad’s shoulder who obviously doesn’t seem amused. “No? Any particular reason?” “I just know that the man upstairs could care less about any of the people on this planet and his little ‘angels’ are nothing more than frauds who can’t seem to think for themselves and instead, find the need to follow every little one of daddy’s little orders.”
You dropped your fork; wrong answer. You turned to look at Lucifer with wide eyes; and he was doing so good too! “Lu--” “No, darling, it’s quite alright.” Your father glared at Lucifer, standing up, “No. It’s not alright. I might have been able to accept your lack of faith, but I will not tolerate you pissing on my religion, boy.” Oh.. You could feel the anger underneath Lucifer’s skin and you were thankful he was so easy to control it. Lucifer stood up, glaring back, “I am not a ‘boy’, as you so kindly put it, and my name isn’t Luke; It’s Lucifer. I should know what I’m talking about, considering I knew the man personally.” your mother let out a gasp at his name, still hoping it’s some kind of joke, “Luke, I don’t know what kind of game you think you’re playing bu---” Lucifer let out a sigh, “humans. For a species who believes something that was written down thousands of years ago by a few illiterate idiots, you fail to believe in things that are right in front of you.” He looks straight behind your dad, making the window explode and your mom shriek.
“What the-- Are you really the devil?!” Lucifer silently groaned but opted to roll his eyes instead, “No. My name is Lucifer and for some reason you humans can never get that right. The devil is a whole different person.” Your mom clung to your dad and you tugged on Lucifer’s shirt, “g-get out.” Your dad tried to sound stern but you knew he was just as scared looking into Lucifer’s red eyes right now. “Gladly. Thank you for the food and I’ll be taking what’s mine.” Before anyone could say anything, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, walking out to the sounds of your parents screaming for you to come back. 
The next thing you knew, you were back in the Devildom and on your own two feet, “Luke? Really? You couldn’t have made Lucien or Lucas or anything like that out of my name?” He pouts softly but you were trying to be angry at him, “Lucifer! You were supposed to go along with it and have a nice meal with my parents an--.” “Lie. You wanted me to live a lie. I told you before I refuse to change myself for anyone; I am proud of who I am.” You rolled your eyes and turned your head but he caught your chin in his hand and brought your face back to look at him, “My name is Lucifer and just like your ignorant parents, you best make sure to remember that, Darling.” 
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piracytheorist · 2 years
okay okay, maybe I'll add another if I see no one ask you it, but for the character opinion bingo, I want to see Ethan Winters and Mia Winters; hm hm *wink wink*, wanna go for that Mithan duo
I'll admit I have no f idea how bingo works, should I add on the previous card? I'll do that but using different colours, it'll be yellow for Ethan and blue for Mia, so:
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I am aroace, not interested in relationships, but Ethan Winters is a guy to marry. Certainly take good care of him and cherish how much he'd love you, but despite his apparent "lack of interesting traits", he's the kind of person you'd actually want to settle down with. Caring, loving, sweet, not hindered by any toxic masculinity in him, and would make you laugh with his stupid jokes. And also very brave when it comes down to it.
For all of that, he is blorbo. As I mentioned with Manny, Ethan is a delight to play as because despite the shit happening around him he's still so stuck to reality and I love how I'm exploring the fuckery with him because he's always going WHAT THE FUCK just like I am. Plus his one-liners are perfectly horrible to give me a laugh during stressful gameplay.
He was done so f dirty by the fans, I can't even... - meaning the RE fans of course, particularly the re8 fans, not the Ethan fans. The villains existed in the story to die, accept you're a simp and get over your hate for Ethan, Jesus. I'm all for loving whatever fictional thing you want to love but when people start coming with torches and pitchforks for a character just because he isn't hot or morally ambiguous or doesn't have a complicated backstory and character WHEN THAT'S NOT EVEN NEEDED IN THE STORY... we're starting to have problems.
My blog my rules, so I picked "Why does he look like that" but (affectionate). Because look at him:
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We weren't even MEANT to see this face but they nailed the "plain white bread" taste even on the hidden face! This is the face of a Just a Guy who wanted to go buy groceries but saw the tired overworked grocery workers were closing down for the night, and he's now hating that he has to get up earlier next morning so he can shop before work. I wanna pat his shoulder and tell him it's okay, then hand him over a flag with a hammer and sickle and tell him we should go protest in the square.
If all that couldn't portray why I've lost my mind for Ethan "Just a Guy" Winters I don't know what else to tell you XD
And yes of course he hasn't done anything wrong in his life <3 He even taught himself to not swear because he had a baby (remember how much he swears in re7, compared to re8) even if a few fucks slip through here and there <3 If the villains didn't wanna be killed they should have just stayed out of his way of getting Rose back. They wanted a good parent figure but god forbid a father try to get his own kid back.
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I feel like with this fandom, I have to repeat over and over that I'm not a big fan of Mia, but I don't hate her either. Of course I'm being sarcastic with the "everyone is wrong but me" but considering what the gaming community mostly consists of, I'm not surprised at all that the female character who was neither a) sexualized, b) OP, c) mysterious, or d) firmly on the "good" end of the spectrum received all the fucking hate from the community - and even the latter could still make her a target for that. I don't understand why fandom communities have to pick one character to hate on, period. But the hatred for Mia is completely uncalled for, especially considering how criminally little time she got in re8. Sure I can understand that she wanted to leave her past life as a bioterrorist behind, but she was a fucking bioterrorist and I'd like to know more of how she regretted her past work and especially how she worked it out with Ethan enough to reach the point of deciding to have a baby. That's just missed screentime, not a reason to hate on a character, unless you're always prepared to see the worst in a character with limited screentime. But again, she's a female character who doesn't have any of the traits that most gamers *cough*incels*cough* consider they make a female character worthy of existing in a story.
So yeah, just like Ethan, she got done really dirty by the re8 fandom. I'm pretty sure most people who complain that "RE8 should have given us the choice to join Heisenberg just like RE7 gave us the choice between saving Mia and Zoe!" have forgotten that initially saving Zoe brings the bad ending, because they've missed the entire point of re7 is to save our wife, Mia, because Ethan is a wife-loving dumbass who will risk life and limb (... literally) to save her, and whether or not we agree with that IS NOT THE POINT. We are meant to get into Ethan's headspace, not force Ethan into ours. That's the entire point of first-person games with a linear story.
Idk if I was supposed to just be positive here, lmao. Most of my feelings for Mia are like a reaction to the absurd amount of hate I see for her, I'd probably not care much for her aside from "I'd like to see her development between re7 and re8" if people were just normal about her. I mean, even almost perfect characters get haters, so there would be some for Mia anyway and I'd understand that, but this fandom genuinely worries me to the point I had to add a disclaimer on a fic I wrote so that people wouldn't hate on her in the comments because I'm just tired of all the negativity. And that's not fucking normal, especially for a character whom I only care about because of her relationship to my blorbo.
Fandoms be weird, y'all.
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