#Oh yeah and I redesigned Al
rottika · 2 months
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Spending two whole days drawing self-indulgent middle-aged men yaoi? Couldn't be me (even though it definitely was).
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s5undead · 2 months
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A lil remake of swap au design and an edit I made earlier on this!
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I know it’s been long not posting I had school and bunch of work to get my grade up lol😭😭‼️‼️ but I have these lil bit of swap au art and hh redesign art I been doing these past weeks!!! (Oh yeah I forgot a another swap au that Emily is Charlie and Al is sera, and Al is like a father figure to her and having a thought of Charlie, daughter of the archangels Lucifer, being a fallen angel just like the angels whom fall in hell.)
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gold-rhine · 4 months
what visions would you assign to the FMA cast?
oh, and are you into crossovers (like in general)?
i like categorizing things into things, so im into crossovers in this sense, of like, how would this character function\need to be redesigned if put into this different setting. but i dont actually care about like. mash aus of idk, jack frost\elsa frozen ship or smth
Ed seems like an easy pyro pick, but smth doesnt click for me. like yeah hes very driven, child genius etc etc, but hes not xiangling or ash from pokemon, you know what i mean? his goal is not to become the best in alchemy. hes driven to uncover the truth, and alchemy is best tool to do so. pyro also have theme of guiding lights, and he's really not that lol. like his legend could be inspiring to ppl, but when they meet him, everyone is like what is this lil goblin lol. like mei actually cried when she met him in person bc of how dissapointed she was. and his end gamne is giving up alchemy alltogether and pursuing knowledge thru experiencing more of the world. so im gonna say dendro. also, he doesnt actually look down on ther ppl, but comes off as know it all asshle anyway, which is huge alhaitham vibes
Al is kazuha of fma. what else is there to say
winry is im gonna say geo. shes not the heart i think, bc thats al, but shes roots of the siblings, keeping them tethered to the past des[pite ed dramatically burning house. and she is the center of community, like in the epilogue we see how rockbell shop grows, gathers more and more ppl with winry as the leader girlboss. therews an argument to be made about her being pyro tho. but i do think shes more community oriented than just automail innovation
mustang is cryo, easy. hates himself for war crimes, pretends to be shallow womanizer to appear non-threatening, actually ruthless manipulator, only him and his squad against the world
riza is anemo. like... tatooo burned. letting go of past connections, reinventing yourself after your world is up-ended
ling is hydro. like if raiden had a race to get other archon's gnosis just after his parents died or smth thats what ayato would be.
lan fan is either geo or electro. hmm. geo probably, looking at her grandpa and ties to heritage
scar is abyss herald, but not associated with abyss order, hes basically jacob from Narzissenkreuz Ordo, and his brother is rene. like hes read his brother research into abyss, ate some dead god flesh and hes out there for revenge
olivier armstrong and her brother are both geo. heritage repping, community, deep mountain roots growing high etc
izumi is electro. she just has this huge fuck u im living by my own rules and i reject your expectations and judgement energy like beidou and kuki
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sorenblr · 10 months
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more persona 5x assets are coming out. more importantly, something i've noticed is a lot of people praising the redesigns (or censorships, let's be honest that's what they are in this case) despite them weakening the depiction of the demon they're meant to represent (see: dickless incubus). do you think this speaks to the common fan not caring about accuracy or design inspiration?
Yeah, the average fan is almost never favoring those qualities when weighed against broader aesthetic concerns. Any number of things might be working to induce a preference here: (uncharitably) the glossier rendering compared to Kaneko's early marker and digital work, the simple novelty of fresh assets, the fact that it's funny to gas up obviously egregious censoring etc. but in this case I assume it's related to the perceived lesser degree of sexualization in certain designs. This is incoherent when applied to Yaksini et al. but most aren't approaching these things as in conversation with a greater context and history of iconographic representation. Not that I expect this venal gacha spinoff to provoke a more serious discourse than it could possibly deserve.
plus the average fan of anything has fucking milk for brains and twitter reduces the dignity of any opinion to something infinitesimally close to zero. never read the replies to anything
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oh good this should keep people from jacking off to pazuzu
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eiseryn · 5 months
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Today is not only the first day of 2024, but also the the birthday to best boi Vail. I drew him some soft uwu art because he is a soft uwu boy. Well, he is to Lei LOL. I would not say he's soft and uwu to anyone he has killed.
This outfit is based off the one I designed for Lei and her friends way back! I'm planning to redesign it XD cuz it's concept art for a series of illustrations I want to draw... I have so many WIPs both in sketches and in my brain it's kind of painful... cri... Anyways this outfit is more modern and I didn't change too much for Vail's design but I did add some patterns into his parka -- the cat face and some of his signature V's! The blue plaid inner lining is actually one of my fave parts of his whole outfit! :3 Cuz the theme in that series was their theme colour + plaid... man I really like that series 🥺🥺🥺 I want to draw that concept art so bad.
I think he turned out pretty cute here! I especially like how his hair turned out~ His blue gradient hair is one of my fave parts of his design, after all!
So what did he receive on his birthday as gifts? In my headcanons, not sure what Lexi would have given him tbh... but she's a rich girl so I imagine a previous gift was the red bike he uses XD Zoey's gift to him would be some nice alcohol or maybe one of the masks from her stash. Keeper's gift to him would definitely be something SHE personally finds cool... which probably happened to be a shiny holographic card from her personal collection. Possibly of a cat because they both like cats. Rose's gift? I'm not really sure. In my headcanons, Rose usually is the one who buys Vail cake since Rose knows of Vail's sweet tooth (specifically strawberry shortcake!). For dad vibes I imagine Rose often gets Vail some clothing as well xD Maybe fuzzy socks this year? :3 Maybe accessories some years? (Ex: like those silver chains he's wearing. In my design of Rose I gave him gold chains XD #drip).
As for Lei? Oh boy buckle up. It went something like this (this may be copium delulu and not canon but that's okay):
After already seeing his friends throughout the day, Vail sat on the couch of his apartment and waited for Lei to come home. She had asked him specifically to wait toward the evening as she apparently had a special surprise for him.
He was petting their cat Meng, a cat he had technically got for her during her last birthday, when he heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Meng let out a loud meow and leapt out of his lap and ran toward the door, being the loyal and affectionate cat she was. Vail followed suit.
Lei scooped Meng into her arms and gave the cat little pets and scratches on the chin and head. Meng purred as she always did, flopping over in Lei's arms and wiggling around.
She then turned to Vail with a smile and kissed his cheek, while still holding Meng in her arms. "I'm home~ Did you miss me?"
"Yeah." Vail replied honestly. He kissed her back. "I did."
Lei hummed happily and went to the kitchen table, placing the cat on there as she began to rummage through the multiple bags she had brought home.
"I heard Rose already got you a cake but I had already placed the order so you'll get two." She was saying, as she pulled out a cake box and placed it into the fridge. There was already a strawberry shortcake sitting in the fridge, so she seemed to struggle to place it on another shelf. Ever since she had moved in with him, there was considerably more food in the fridge.
"Do you want to have dinner first or are we having cake for dinner today?" She asked as she turned back to face him.
Vail smiled at her cheekily. "Depends on what kind of cake."
It seemed to take her some time to process his words because she first furrowed her eyebrow, looking at him with confusion, before a blush crept on her face. But she leaned in anyways to whisper, her breath hot in his ear, "You can have whatever cake you desire~ You're the birthday boy, after all~"
He barely resisted the urge to throw her over his shoulder and do as he pleased with her, but luckily she stepped back to the table to go through her other bags so this thought passed.
"Before that, though, let me give you your gift." Lei said, as she pulled out what looked to be a leather collar. It was dyed a light blue, similar to the colour of his hair and had a silver buckle. There was a silver tag on it, and when he flipped it over, the words "Belongs to Lei" were inscribed in the back. "Since you've been a good boy and all." She smiled mischeviously at him.
Looking at such a cute smile, he felt like there was no choice but to take the collar, which was soft and supple, and he started to put it around his neck, right above the turtleneck underlayer he always wore.
Lei seemed to be much more hesitant and less confident now. "You don't have to actually wear it..." She said, her voice trailing off. "This one was actually a joke and your real gift is in this other bag." She tapped another bag and there was a solid knocking sound.
"Of course I do." He said with a smile, showing off the sharp canine teeth she liked so much. "It's a gift from you, after all."
She looked at him then, biting her lip a little, as she raised the green eyes he liked so much to meet his. "I do have to say, it's a good look for you~" She reached out and slid a finger under the collar, gently pulling him closer to her. "I have good taste, if I do say so myself~"
He went with her willingly, as he always did. It was near impossible for him to resist what she wanted. "Is part of my gift the same as the one from Christmas?" He asked with a little smile.
She smiled back at him. "But of course~ You can take that part of your gift whenever you'd like."
"I'm looking forward to that~" He said. "After we have dinner. You're going to need the energy."
But he couldn't help but give her a few hungry kisses. They were appetizers for the main course after all.
[insert suspicious line break]
Later, when she had fallen asleep, he gently twirled a piece of her hair in his fingers. It had gotten longer and the green underdye had shifted in position. She had asked him once if he preferred long hair or short hair, but he had told her honestly that he would like whatever length of hair she had. It wasn't so much the hair that mattered, but the person who that hair belonged to.
Months before if you had asked him if he planned to find a lover he would have scoffed and said no. It would be a bad choice for any runner who could die at any moment. And at the time, there was no one he could imagine liking him in such a way. Although there was someone who came into mind when Rose had asked him. The smug bastard probably already knew what was in store for him.
When that same person he had thought about at the time asked him if they could be more than friends... he couldn't help but give into such a dream. The dream of being loved and loving someone.
He was already relatively content with what he had: He was good at his job as a runner if you could call it that; he had people who he could talk to and understood him as they had gone through the same things as he did. They had taken away his ability to dream at night, but it didn't stop him from daydreaming. As his parents had told him -- or perhaps warned him -- long ago, he was a dreamer who always wanted to dream of more.
He still dreamed for himself. But he now also dreamed for others; wanting others to have their dreams fulfilled. It was only fair, when some of his dreams had come true.
He took the sedative he needed to fall asleep. Lei always looked so sad when she saw him take sleeping pills, so now he always waited until she was asleep before he did. After all, he needed to sleep, as there would be another day he'd have to get through when the morning broke again.
Wrapping his arm around her, he let himself daydream a little longer, thinking of sunshine and a future where his friends and loved ones were safe and happy. He was still thinking of these happy things when the sleeping pill took affect and darkness claimed him.
Yeah so the collar was a gag gift but u know I write these two as very horny so uhmm... things had to happen.
The actual gift she got him was a bike helmet that is made of out of sturdier material which matches his red bike! He broke the last helmet he had in the campaign LOL + I imagine the bike helmet she got was a cat eared one! Also hopefully from the same vendor / store Maric buys his helmets from cuz that shark boy has never revealed his face XD
BUT I MEAN I THINK THE ENDING IS KINDA GOOD XD Soft hours and some hurt with comfort thoughts you know
I love them so much 🥺🥺🥺 My OC OTP.
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hematomes · 2 years
Nah I know his redesign comes later, what I mean is more like. Right now I don’t know everything about Scara’s arc so I don’t have a full opinion on him having a redesign or if it makes sense ^^
BUT YEAH CYNO IS FUN his introduction made me cackle. He came in and immediately started kicking ass 💀 I have not pulled him yet though I am STRUGGLING
oh i see!
honestly slay, man almost solo'ed al-haitham and looked hot doing so <3 good luck getting him rahh zjdkzk
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Hazbin Hotel: Angel Dust Redesign Reveal (Review and Critique)
Welp everyone, looks like the “sexy” spider is finally here, with his look for the actual show, and it’s............something. Not good, not bad, just.....something.
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So........yeah okay, this is what we’re going for. Cool beans. 😐
Yeah I’ll say it now, my blood ain’t boiling like the last two redesigns. Charlie and Alastor were worth my anger because Viv just made Charlie worse, making her completely red when she was honestly fine the way she was before, and with Al she didn’t do shit, a character who’s problems you could see just by LOOKING at him. With Angel though.....he had issues but I wasn’t expecting her to do much, and what do you know, she didn’t. Nothing creative to make him pop out, no experiments with different colors, no variety, no new features, at this point I’m used to being heavily disappointed. I’m just looking at him and going........“oh....yeah okay.” Like I feel so drained from disappointment than I am angry LMAO, but enough of me yacking, let’s talk about it!
So I guess I’ll start with the background like I always do. It looks nice, I’m honestly glad to know that most of Angel’s room palette will be purple, it’ll be a nice break of all the damn reds in the hotel. Now, of course the background doesn’t contrast with the character, but I think it’s because they wanted to show the FLAT colors without composition so I don’t care, let’s move on to Angel himself.
So let me just say that I’m glad that there’s actual CHANGES here, and not just a white line like a certain character. HOWEVER....the changes are........not so good in my opinion. Now before I get to that, it’s obvious to note the changes made that make it easier for animators. There are less spots on Angel’s head, he doesn’t have a big row of teeth like before, and he has less stripes on his suit so I do appreciate that, but again, the changes made and the lack of unique variety get to me, so let’s talk about it. Firstly, he has no black pupil over his....other pupil and I honestly don’t like that, it looked better before and I thought it fit with the whole “two eyes” thing, it made you drawn to his eye and now it just looks the same, you could even say it’s a little off putting. They could have maybe made it a different color, along with his yellow sclera because it’s just pink and yellow, again....the colors Viv is obsessed with. I miss his grey sclera. Anyway, another change is that his right eye, bow tie, and suit flaps are all black now. Which......is boring. I mean...I’m glad his suit flaps aren’t hot pink anymore but it seems like whenever Viv needs to change a color that wasn’t necessary to the design (so all the pinks and reds) she’ll just make it black because she’s still stuck in her comfort zone and can’t use other colors or the world will end. If you seen some of my blog, you’ll know that the reason I don’t like black on viv’s characters is because it’s another color she overuses, when she’s not using reds, pinks, yellows, and whites, it’ll be black and I just think it’s a boring and a lazy color to chose when you’re trying to make the character look appealing. It can work SOMETIMES but with Viv I’m just.......ehhh, though you can disagree with me.
Moving on, I also noticed how his bow tie doesn’t look like a butterfly now, and I’m honestly glad, I never liked the way Viv drew bow ties, but I still think THAT along with the choker is unnecessary, they should have gotten rid of one of them because it just looks weird. Man, Viv really likes chokers huh?? But enough about that, let’s get to his actual suit because DEAR lord it’s the worst part. Now I’m going to be honest, the first time I saw this as a whole I just went “what the fuck is he wearing??” Because it looked like a freaking suit/nightgown LMAO. I’m obviously talking about his second pair of arms, as it seems like he’s sleeveless. Turns out he actually IS wearing a pair of gloves there, they’re just white (Viv confirmed on Twitter) so.....ONE, looks like Viv forgot to convey that in the drawing, and TWO.......yeah the choice to have him wear two different pairs of gloves in each set of arms is ridiculous. Like.....I don’t get it. Why? Is it to make him stand out? Because it doesn’t, it just makes him look distracting and wonky to look at, ESPECIALLY in animation. If I saw him moving around a lot, I’d just wouldn’t know where to look, the two gloves make him look busy, it was a stupid decision I’m sorry. Moving on, instead of his suit being white with pink stripes, it’s pink with white stripes. I’m just like.....o-okay?? I mean I’m happy his entire suit doesn’t look like his fur like before but I’m just meh about this. Again his whole suit in general is just....boring, I don’t think I’ve ever said this before, but I don’t like how Viv draws suits, they all look the same and are all DRAWN the same and half of the time they honestly don’t even LOOK like suits, so at this point I don’t care about the switching of the white to pink. Oh, and I guess those small white markings on his first set of gloves are to make him stand out as well. Ugh.....it’s the COLORS that are the issue. For HIS case, I don’t mind white and pink being his main palette but I still wanted other colors OTHER than black. Again, purple would have been nice but.....we’re clearly not getting that. Viv just needs to start using more color variety, and the fact that Angel’s colors are all the same bore me.
So yeah, that wraps it up for Angel’s redesign. I can’t call it awful, it’s certainly not as bad as Charlie with her red, but it’s still bad. Not only is it boring and more busy with the stupid set of different gloves, but it’s just uninspiring. I don’t understand why he couldn’t have a suit with lines, or a buttoned suit, and it still disappoints me that he doesn’t have his mobster hat or even a TAD features that point to him being a mobster in life. I saw a REALLY good redesign on Twitter for him, and I’ll share that in another post, but for now, this Angel Dust is..........a downgrade, that’s all I can say. 😔
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
Becoming Thunderbird 1
This scene hit me this morning.  It’s just a short one but it comes with a tissue warning; this is the aftermath of a character death although there is no description of that moment.
I’m sorry.
“Alan, are you okay?”
Ever since he had passed Alan the suit for the final fitting Alan has become withdrawn, barely there in the room with him, and the change had worried Virgil.  Of course, they were all different now but the moments of dissociation were becoming fewer and further apart as time drifted on.
“Al, you still with me?”
“Huh, oh, yeah.”  
Okay, a response was better than the chilled silence but the definite crack in the voice showed him that Alan was barely holding it together.
“Is it the fit?  We can get the shoulder armour put back if you want.”
Alan looked at himself in the mirror.  It wasn’t the fit.  The suit moulded perfectly to his form, the body scans had seen to that, and his old one was definitely too restrictive after his latest growth spurt.  But the whole thing was just wrong.  It had made sense to make the upgrades at this point, the shoulder guards now more a hindrance than a help although he noted he still had the familiar chest plate.  Overprotective older brothers.  He knew the new uniform was more practical, had known that the changes were happening, he just hadn’t been ready for….this.
“It’s...it’s not the guards.”
“So what is it.  Please Al.”
Then slowly, as though fearful it might burn or something, Alan reached up.  The fingers of his left hand gently brushed his right sleeve, his body turning slightly so he could see his side properly in the mirror.
The patch.
Gone was the familiar red rocket on its background of stars.  In its place the silver profile of the ship that should never have been his.
“I can’t do it Virg.”  The voice cracked and the sob spilled out.  “I can’t be him.”
In a moment Virgil was across the room, enveloping that smaller form, hugging him tight.  His own tears threatened to spill as he realised the problem and he made no attempt to hold them back.
Of course there had been changes.  The launch chute behind the twin lights had been recalibrated.  Alan’s uniform fitted to the spinners instead of Scott’s.  Swapping the patch was the final act; confirmation that things would never be the same again.
Thunderbird One was forever changed.
“It’s okay Alan.  No one is asking you to be him.  No one could ever be him.”
“I just want him back.”
The shakes that wracked the young body became more violent as a fresh wave of grief rolled over the astronaut.  Except he wasn’t an astronaut any more.  Not really.  Not since that fateful day when Scott came home for the final time, never to launch again.  
Virgil’s heart broke afresh, his own redesignation as the oldest cutting deeply.  
“Me too, Al.  Me too.”
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silverwhiteraven · 4 years
Borne of the Stars - Chapter 3 - An MLB Kryptonian AU
Kryptonian AU Tag List:  @eve-valution @weird-pale-blonde-person @kris-pines04 @soulmate-game @abrx2002 @amayakans @vixen-uchiha @heldtogetherbysafetypins @raisuke06 @dorkus-minimus @captainartsypants @mopester-is-here @moonlightstar64 @annabellabrookes @daminett4life @toodaloo-kangaroo
[ Posted on Ao3 ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 4 ]
[A/N: I am on a roll today! Three chapters in one day! That’s right, Chapter 4 is almost done, too! ]
[ Summary: Supergirl sees something off, and she’s hella suspicious. Now she has questions. ]
There's a long pause as the hero’s stare continues and her frown only seems to deepen.
Another beat, and then a double echo of “Supergirl?” from both Marinette and Superman. Marinette’s had the faintest pitch of panic to it, because this time, she was certain that Supergirl’s grip had loosened and they had dropped in altitude, though just barely in both cases. And he may not have noticed, but it seemed Superman had been dropping with them. 
The double call seems to snap her attention back up, but she still looks… Puzzled. 
“I’m… Fine,” she sounded unsure of that, but actually shook her head as if to clear her thoughts away and pasted her big grin back where it belonged. “No, really! Geode, you are completely unharmed from this, no worries! Though you do seem to have some… Let’s say, older injuries from the past that are concerning me, just a smidgen. 
“Kal!” The older hero had been about to speak up in curiosity, his mouth already open, but it snapped shut at the overly cheerful tone of Supergirl. “How ‘bout you head out and do that sweep of the city, yeah? I can finish up here, I just have a few things to ask of Geode, about stuff. What happened here, how she’s feeling, some normal safety warnings, ya’know, that sort of stuff, you know how it is. I can handle it, no worries!”
The amount of times she’s said ‘no worries’ has Marinette a bit more than worried, gripping just a bit harder to the hero, and the squeeze gets returned, but she can't tell why it half feels protective, and half feels like she’s just been trapped to prevent an escape. 
And somehow, the same nickname twice felt off, too. 
What in the world had Supergirl seen?
Superman’s hesitation was clear, and Marinette, uncomfortable enough to wish to get everything over with, spoke up. “I’m fine, really, and I’m okay to answer any questions she has. I have nowhere to be yet,” she adds as a final reassurance, and continuously makes sure she can still feel her phone securely in her pocket. She can.
He glances between the two, then gives an approving nod to Supergirl, though still a tad hesitant. “We’ll have a meeting and debrief tonight, then.”
“Great idea!” the hero pipes up in response, still all too cheerful. “Besides, you must be feeling a little tired, aren't you? Should get going so you can rest up, you're a busy guy after all!” 
Superman raises a brow at her, but nods. “Yeah, odd, I didn't notice until you pointed it out. Good work today, Supergirl, thank you. I’ll see you later then.” 
He turns to go, and Marinette has a slightly sudden reminder of a thought, and she reaches out an arm as if to stop the hero from leaving. “Wait!” She quickly grabs right back onto Supergirl as she can bodily feel how much of a bad idea it was to reflexively let go with one hand. 
“Uh, please,” she adds in a mumble, embarrassed as he turns back to them. 
“Yes?” He asks with patience, and she greatly appreciated that he didn’t snap at her for stopping him. 
“You probably get this a lot, but my friend would probably disown me if she finds out I met you and didn't ask. You see, my friend, she's a huge superhero fan, and also an aspiring reporter, and, well, you know how fans and reporters are, you being a public hero and all. Do you think you'd be willing to do an interview with her, even just a quick hello?” She was nervous to ask, but she was determined to persevere, for Alya’s sake. 
It takes barely a breath of a moment before Superman breaks into a smile and nods. 
“Absolutely, anything to help out such a dedicated reporter and her friend. Supergirl can give you a number to one of the reporters at the Daily Planet, she knows which one. He can get up in contact. Until then,” he finishes with a salute, and finally turns and flies off, picking up pace and disappearing faster than Marinette can fully voice her thank you. 
There's no time for awkward silence as Supergirl is suddenly taking them back down, and Marinette yelps at the unexpected drop.
She looks back down towards the ground as they fall, and she points, with her chin this time, at the now dust covered bench with her messenger bag and sketchpad still sitting there unsupervised. “Over there, I left my bag on the bench. I hope everything is still safe.”
They drop to the sidewalk and Marinette takes a moment to get her feet under her before stepping away from the hero. Supergirl seems reluctant to let her go, and Marinette gets the feeling once more that she's been trapped despite having no reason to run. 
Dusting off the open sketchbook, she makes sure the sketch isn't ruined by the dust before picking up her bag and gently beats the dirt and pebbles from the fabric. As she slings it back over her shoulder, she looks up in time to once more catch the blue-green eyes of the blond teenager she had saved earlier. 
He seemed to be waiting for someone now, standing across the street on the corner. A mountain of broken concrete was between them now instead of just one chunk and a door. They blink at each other in a moment of surprise at seeing one another, before he nods in acknowledgment, and she can tell it's his way of saying thank you without actually coming to her to say so. She nods back, and he goes back to his waiting, his book once more in his hands. She notices, though, that his earbuds remained with one in and one out.
Supergirl mutters what sounded like “Luthors” before she clears her throat, and Marinette turns back to her curiously. The other girl was tense, and her eyes were boring back towards the mystery teen. 
“Do you know him?” Supergirl sounded as tense as she looked, and cautious, her arms crossed over her chest.
“Oh, no, of course not,” Marinete waved her hand as though to brush Supergirl’s worries away, before finally picking her sketchbook back up. 
“I just helped him when the planet thing was coming down,” she added, “we almost got crushed by it.” She downplayed her saving of him, for one, not wanting to seem like she was boasting, and two, she felt that trying to act like a hero was not a good idea in the moment. She didn't know Supergirl’s temperament at all, unlike the more predictable and known one of Superman, so Marinette concluded that her usual quiet would be the best play until she knew what had given the superhero’s hackles a rise.
“Uh-huh,” Supergirl sounded skeptical, but she relaxed minutely. She turned back to Marinette, and the tension in her shoulders dissipated as she uncrossed one arm and pointed to the open sketchbook in Marinette’s hands. “What is that?”
“Huh?” She looks down, and her scarlet blush returns. “Oh,” She stutters out, looking at the open page of Superman costume redesigns. The beginnings of a Supergirl-styled skirt sat in one of the corners. 
She hesitates a moment, still not used to sharing her drawings, but finally holds the sketchbook out tentatively to the superhero for her to see better. Supergirl takes it with her own amount of hesitance, but as she scans the page, her other arm uncurls and she holds the book fully and more carefully. 
Marinette fidgets a bit nervously, but relaxes as Supergirl’s expression seems to be appreciative and showing consideration for the designs. She even seemed to be eyeing a particular design with a gold and red cape with golden clasps, red boots and cloves, blue bodysuit, and a red and gold sash-like belt around the waist. The designer had a slight feeling she liked it, but not as a suggestion for her cousin. 
The phone in Marinette’s pocket buzzes before sounding out a wordless Jagged Stone tune, and she jumps back from where she had been standing close to and looking over the shoulder of the superhero. 
She quickly pulls it out and answers. “Hello? Papa? Oh yes, I’m still at the park, of course! You heard the news? Am I hurt?” She stuttered a bit on the last two questions, looking nervously at Supergirl who raised a brow back at her. She didn't want to worry her parents, but she knew the situation would still concern them nonetheless. She sighs and turns back to her phone.
“No Papa, let Maman know I’m alright, just a bit dusty; I was pretty close when it happened. Yes, I’ll meet you on the other side of the park, promise, see you soon. Oh! And, please don't freak out,” she adds to her worried father on the other end of the line. “The local superhero wanted to make sure I was okay, so she’s with me at the moment, don't be surprised if she's still with me when I get there!” 
Marinette smiles to herself as she notices the unproccessing look of having been blown away on Supergirl’s face. She guessed it had to do with not being called Superman’s sidekick like Marinette had heard before, or even Superman’s cousin or Superman’s partner. It was probably that she had simply called her the local superhero, as though she was the only one. Marinette could admit, from everything she knows from Alya and from today, Supergirl deserved a little shameless time in the spotlight all on her own, even if just from one person.
Realizing her father had gone silent from a moment of his own shock, Marinette quickly ended the call with a rushed “Okay-Bye!” and put the phone away. She beamed at Supergirl happily as she gestured into the park, past the bronze planet nestled into the grass. “Shall we?”
She didn’t wait for a reply before turning on her heel and almost skipping as she jogged off for the other side of the public space. Honestly, she was just happy the whole almost-dying ordeal was over.
She glanced back, confirming that Supergirl was flying after her silently, still just a tad dazed but with a fresh new grin of pride on her. 
By the time they got to the other end of the park, Supergirl seemed to be bursting at the seams with glee, but she kept it contained respectfully as Marinette went up to her already waiting parents and hugged them. 
Worries and reassurances passed between them for a couple moments before the hero was once more clearing her throat, her positive energy from a moment ago toned down into something more serious. 
“Not to be a spoilsport or anything, really,” the superhero seemed to shuffle on her feet awkwardly, though she wasn't even touching the ground. “But I have a question. Geode- I mean, uh-”
“Marinette,” she supplied, and the hero nodded.
“This may seem like an odd question, but it’s not, I assure you. Marinette, have you ever been caught up in a meteor shower?”
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axewchao · 4 years
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Thank you! Makani and Dusty are glad to know ya like em! ^w^
Well, when it comes to making a Koopa OC... I’m not sure what advice to give. Everyone develops characters differently, but maybe talking about how the Corey sibs’ (mostly Makani’s) designs developed will help ya. :3 This’ll get long, so I’ll stick it under a readmore :3
I tend to base my characters on someone I know in real life or someone fictional. In this case, Makani was based on Ludwig. And if you look through her tag, you’ll see that she bore a closer resemblance to Lud, though I’ve since redesigned her. Both she and Dusty have been tweaked a bit since they were last seen (Makani’s spike ring colors, Dusty’s hair and hoodie, etc.) Can’t stick with the first draft forever, after all!
When it came to Makani’s colors, they were all over the place at first. Her human design had a purple shirt, green pants, yellow shoes... yeah. It was bad. The purple shirt eventually turned pink, which turned her Koopa self’s head pink. Inspiration can come from anywhere, since the idea to give her something pink was from a hat I bought at a convention. =w=
I was on one hell of a Ludwig fangirl trip when I made Makani, and so for the longest time, her shtick was “Ludwig but opposite.” She looked almost exactly like him, but behaved differently and had messier hair (Still does, because floof XD). Since she was Ludwig’s opposite, I gave her more red to contrast against Lud’s blue, getting rid of her old colors entirely. And of course, red went really well with the pink she already had. Since then, her signature colors have been red and pink.  Also I’m not gonna stop you from giving your character poofy hair; just make sure that theirs isn’t the exact same shape as Makani’s (As in copy-paste exact same, if you feel me =w=)
Since Makani and Dusty are related, it was much easier to make Dusty than Makani. He actually started out as a fanchild between Makani and Roy, but has since been rewritten to be Makani’s younger brother. As it stands now, Makani and Dusty have never met Roy. (Or any of the Koopalings, for that matter.) The sibs share the colors red and pink, but Makani has more red on her while Dusty has more pink. This is easiest to notice in their hair and line colors.
What else, what else... oh! You asked about their braces. This is the easiest to explain. I saw fan art of Iggy with braces and decided to give Makani some. ...No really, that’s literally what led to it XD
Not too familiar with Weird Al aside from a few songs, so I’m not sure how to help there... Still, I hope this answers most of your questions. Have fun with your Koopa OC! ^w^
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polygamyff · 5 years
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Staring at the bags upon bags upon bags of baby clothing, maybe I went overboard. My clothes and things came yesterday to the home, I have to sort that out because my little chubster doesn’t want to know. I said are you coming to help and she said no, she rude. It’s been three days and she is not over it, it’s not a bad thing “Hey, bitch. Get off the bag” that dumbass dog getting on my nerves “Khaleesi, come here” walking over to her “no!” I said with a stern tone, I felt bad because she gave me those puppy dog eyes of sadness “I’m sorry, just stop it” so the small living room is filled with baby clothes and then the large living room and also my office is filled with my things. I realise I have too much, I need to do something. This moving house bullshit is hard, I am liking this more relax, more me time business. That does mean I am ignoring work but I am learning to balance, it may bite me on my ass because technically I should be planning. All I know is Nalah is in Dubai and that is going to plan and Malik is working with the contractor to get me a bigger garage. They went to build an underground one but then dealing with the noise, will it be done on time. So many decisions, Malik is a bum. He hasn’t got no food shopping, I need a woman to help me get things like plates and pots and pans and I don’t know “Maurice, the designer for your daughter bedroom is here” turning my head “hello I’m Al” shaking his hand “I’m Maurice, nice to meet you I have heard good things about you. Thank you Malik” smiling st my brother “that’s a good thing, when I heard I said I remember I helped you with the Santa Monica redesign that is happening now” Nodding my head “yes, I wasn’t there shameful you spoke with Ally but this is my new home, I have a few things I need you to sketch out actually. My daughter room is one but my office too. Everything else is pretty much done, I just need to get some things changed. The carpet is all ripped up off the ground so let’s go” leading him to my daughter’ room.
The room is now empty which is good, I got the builders to take the things out. This guy is just staring at the room, maybe it’s how he works “beautiful sized room” is the first thing he said “do you know her name? Have you thought of one?” Shaking my head “no, but I want this bedroom to be luxury, I want her to have everything. Don’t care about the cost, something where when she grows to be five she can still have the layout. I know when she is a teenager it will change but we can use it for a while. I want her to feel like the princess she is, you know what I mean? In my eyes she is the princess, the heiress to my throne but to me she already got it because she got my heart. I want to make sure when she can start walking and talking, seeing things around her that she is a queen. You know what I mean?” Looking st the guy, he smiled at me “I do” smiling back at him thinking why he smiling at me like that “I still hate you” Robyn said behind me, my eyes widened turning around “I knew you couldn’t stay away from me, I mean come on” let me shut my mouth “hi Terry and Thomas” holy shit her parents are here “how did you know I was here?” I asked “Malik, I came here first. I didn’t think you would be here. I assumed you would be working as you would” I have to keep things formal now “no, I am trying to get this house done. This is the designer Al, he’s going to do baby’ room” Robyn smiled “we heard your little speech, it’s cute” Robyn shook Al hand “hi” shaking her dad’ hand, I don’t think Robyn expected me here.
“I’ll just leave you to it” I said to Al shutting the door “Robyn came home to us and told us, we didn’t believe her. We was like how could he? He wouldn’t do such a thing but here we are. I am in shock” Terry said, is she talking about the home. She must talking about the home “I ain’t no deadbeat, I wanted to make sure in life that my daughter and also Robyn are secured. They have a home, it has both of our names on it but it will go to her. I ain’t playing, I’m not here to upset anyone or destroy any relationships, I’m here because I love your daughter. I want herself and the people around her to be secured, not to feel like if I die and I know Robyn hates me saying this but she is fine without me. I have a lot going on for next year but it’s for her future, things are being developed and it’s for my daughter and the apartment complex will be built under Robyn but nobody is to know that, I have it covered. I’m thinking ahead and I don’t want you to think I’m just some rich guy that got your daughter pregnant” Robyn hit my arm “you didn’t tell me that?” Looking over at her “well you know now, it’s dealt with. Things will fall into place, it’s just getting there and yes this is our home” Terry looks so emotional “just makes me so happy to see you looking after my daughter, ain’t that right Thomas” he looked around the hallways nodding his head “I can’t complain, it’s a beautiful place and you’re treating my daughter how I want” I felt a sigh of relief.
Walking down the steps with Robyn and her family “this home is beautiful, I really can’t wait to stay over sometime” Terry said “you can, we have spare rooms, two that are spare. You’re welcome when ever” Looking to the side of me at Robyn, her stomach all poking out, she cute. This is really my girl, the love of my life is really having my baby. Something I dreamt about for so long and its coming true, how beautifully elegant she is just being pregnant “these stairs are so beautiful but are a long way up and down” Robyn caught me staring, looking ahead of me “uh yeah, there is a elevator. It’s on the other side, if you was paying attention then you would have known that. You too busy with the dog” which was true, she ignored my ass when I was speaking. We got to the bottom of the steps “What!? An elevator in this house? That is crazy and baby” Robyn stood in front of me “you know I don’t like when you speak about you not being around, I cannot be without you Maurice. You mean so much to me, you don’t understand how much I cannot be without you” seeing the stress on her face, the hurt and concern. It really got to my head “Robyn, I am here. Who else is going to call you chubster, hey. Come her” wrapping my arm “Mi Amor, you know I am going to be around for many years to come but I need to do this Bonita. I have to do this, there is too much to happen if I don’t. You know what will happen? If I just left it, I didn’t change anything. If I died and did nothing, my brother and sister could scream and shout about my daughter but they won’t acknowledge you or my daughter. And when I mean they, that means the Davenport family, they will make out you’re lying. They wouldn’t want to know and I wouldn’t want you to fight it, it’s not a nice thing. So this way, it’s yours. You’re living good, I am happy. I finally got you to give it too so please don’t give me that sad face” moving back from Robyn “I don’t like the lifestyle” catching Terry and Thomas just watching us “he is right, anyone with the money he has. He has too, he’s a very clever man. He is doing what he should, he’s stepping up more than I thought” Thomas complimented me “but let’s just be positive and show your family our home now, where is Leon? He was excited about seeing it?” he is missing “oh he’s busy, they are having a famous party at the club tonight and he needs to be there, he will see it soon” I thought his loud mouth was missing, he ain’t being all dramatic.
Terry paused and turned to me, she pointed at the bags not saying anything “who is that for?” she asked, she knows the answer to this “erm the baby, I just got carried away” let me just say that “wow, babies do grow. This a lot, wow” I chuckled “yes I know, but she deserves the world, but this part of the home is very messy now because I am doing building work around here and all that. But erm, I wanted to say. Robyn tells me that, like I don’t know about this. As a company we donate to charity but I don’t know who but, you help. People in need, the youth. Robyn was saying, I have a lot of clothes. Ninety percent of the time I am wearing suits, this has come from Texas and I ain’t wear any of it, they got tags on still and I rather give these away I mean if that is something that you could do. I think I have about thousands of pounds worth of clothing, I could throw them away but they brand new” I hope I ain’t said anything wrong “awww Maurice, really? That is sweet, why don’t you come yourself. You saw those kids at my apartment, you can aspire them. They just need help, and you see many people from different backgrounds. It’s nice to give back” Robyn said “I do want to do that, I would love to do that. If I could change someone’s life I would, even do a youth program and I would pay but I need to know how” Terry smiled at me “that would be beautiful but you can do that only if you are going to be there, Thomas is there. Aren’t you? He finds it hard at times” Thomas nodded his head “you see these kids, some are teenagers and some are going into adulthood. I find it hard because you want to help them but you can’t” licking my lips “I know so many people, I would love to work together and do something like that or pay for someone to get into college, but I was going to ask that because I do need to empty this out” I am glad I got to say it with her parents around, I want them to know I am not a heartless man.
Malik walking to the back yard with Khaleesi “I was going to ask about her, awww give her here” here she go with that damn dog “this is my brother, if he hasn’t already told y’all” I pointed at him “he did, you can tell. You both have those small eyes” Terry said “he’s the ugly brother” I pointed out laughing “he playing but Maurice can I borrow your car?” frowning at him “I have one car outside, what do I drive then?” I questioned “I don’t know, but then what do I drive?” he retorted “what doing with the car?” going out there to do what “just seeing friends, it’s not a big deal” I don’t like Malik using my cars, he needs to get his own “you better be back by six, I need to go to Santa Monica ok?” Malik smirked at me “I ain’t playing, you have to come back got it?” he’s not a child but I worry about him, he’s still like a child “I will, bye family. Nice seeing you all” he walked off “could have the baby shower here” Terry said “I thought the same thing but with the work going on, that will be going on for a while, it may even be going on outside when the baby is here. It’s my fault” I laughed “I have a lot of cars and Robyn is probably not happy about this but they making a underground garage for me, so it’s a lot of digging” I won’t look at Robyn, I know she is angry at me.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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(The image was made by me)
It’s a real good image. I want to let you know from the beginning of this review that CD and I have both been raving about what a good troll Charyl is from the second she set (prosthetic) foot in our inbox. She’s so so creepy and we both love her so much.
FIRST: Alternia, and she’s closer to being in the Hiveswap setting then the Hivebent one.
I think given our current info re: Hiveswap all that tells us is that she is living before Feferi was hatched.
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Charyl (derived from one of the Deathstalker scorpion’s venom known to cause paralysis) Thytue (from a genus of scorpion called ‘Tityus’)
Age: 7.85 sweeps
Strife Specibus: Needlekind (the sewing kind)
I like it, especially since you can also swap it with the hypodermic kind. If I may suggest another option, maybe stringkind? She could use anything from silly string (comedic), to thread (thematic), to fishing line (deadly).
Fetch Modus: I can never think of a good one, lol.
I have two for you! The first is a simple SINGING MODUS based off Singer sewing machines.
The second is a CLAW CRANE MODUS like the ones you see in arcades and are invariably rigged to some extent. I like this for a few reasons:
1) it harkens back to her toy theme which is present throughout her bio, and
2) you could have the “claw” of this modus be her limp doll hand, which would just look so creepy.
Blood color: Cerulean,
Symbol and meaning: Scorrius, sign of the cunning (Hope + Derse)
We’ll get to that later in your bio!
Trolltag: tetraplegicTrinket (it’s referring to her dolls, which are trolls that are essentially permanently paralyzed, and she dolls them up)
It’s a good name! If you want to alter it slightly you can go for quadriplegicTinkerer so her abbreviation can be QT.
Quirk: Sh3 tr13s to 1ncoporat3 h3r s1gn 1n h3r sp33ch! (i want to find something that suits her better, if you have any suggestions!)
|-|-|-|- H(::)w about that she begins and ends her sentences with f(::)ur stitches and replaces “o” with (::)? -|-|-|-|
|-|-|-|- B(::)th as a d(::)llmaker and as s(::)me(::)ne with bifurcated visi(::)n eightf(::)ld? -|-|-|-|
|-|-|-|- Als(::) it mimics the cutesy way s(::)me l(::)lita girls talk by making their (::)’s r(::)under -|-|-|-|
Special Abilities (if any): Vision eightfold, with it being split to both her eyeballs, to appear like buttons, going along with her doll-like theme. It doesn’t really do much for her.
I mean tbh that holds up. We don’t know how much of Vriska’s own abilities were from her vision eightfold, her psychic mutation, or her eventual role as a Thief of Light. The girl had a lot of stuff going on.
Lusus: ScorpionMom, a giant scorpion that paralyzes Charyl’s dolls for her with her giant stinger. She also eats the trolls that die after being turned into dolls. Charyl also laces her needles with her lusus’s poison, to kidnap trolls she finds fit for being turned into dolls. Their relationship is pretty good, all things considered, though ScorpionMom keeps to herself, most of the time. This adds on to Charyl’s feeling of isolation.
I think this is oddly permissive for a ceruleanblood lusus; while Vriska’s Spidermom was obviously an extreme case, it seems that bigger lusii generally need to get fed, and will not necessarily take kindly to their ward dangling almost-available food in front of them while they finish playing with it. I think it makes more sense that Charyl uses her lusus’s poison to paralyze (and eventually kill) her victims where Scorpionmom’s full sting would out-and-out kill a troll. It can still play into her isolation because she’ll need to work to keep away from her mom while her doll is still alive, and it still gives her an easy method of getting rid of the bodies.
Apperance: She is a tall troll, around 5’9, and rather thin. Charyl has vision eightfold, though split, and makes her eyes look like buttons. She styles her hair into two long twintails, and a bow wrapped around her horn that has her symbol on it. Charyl dresses in gothic trollita garb, which is mostly made by herself, consisting of a black, frilly dress with a cerulean bow, and mary janes, and knee-high socks.
Charyl is a quadruple amputee, from an accident where one of her dolls, a fellow cerulean blood, was under-dosed, and managed to mind control Charyl into breaking and contorting her own limbs, as a way of revenge. The cerulean blood escaped, and Charyl managed to recover from the life-threatening experience. She managed to take some rather large doll parts, and fashion them into workable replacement limbs with the help of an acquaintance experienced in robotics.
Hm. So I like the premise of this a lot. With that said, do we have evidence that psychic cerlueanbloods can influence their peers? After all, part of what makes them so dangerous is that they have psychic abilities on par with a lowblood sans their requisite vulnerabilities. If I may suggest a different scenario with a similar outcome, perhaps an indigoblood with a particularly STRONG immune system failed to succumb to the poison in the expected timeframe and overcame her with their remaining strength. This could spur her distaste for kidnapping highbloods and still leave her disabled.
Personality: She’s pretty bubbly and energetic, and quite motherly. Sometimes she wishes she were a jadeblood so she could take care of a wriggler. She also treats her dolls (both living and nonliving), like her children, loving to dress them up and take care of their needs. However she is also very controlling, and is quite uncomfortable whenever she isn’t able to offer her opinion, or do things how she wants.
She’s pretty spoiled from her highblood upbringing, but is equally friendly to both highbloods and lowbloods, due to her not caring about the hemospectrum that much (though she turns more lowbloods into her dolls than highbloods, due to them being easier to abduct). Charyl is a lonely troll, and uses her dolls as a way to not feel as alone as she does, due to her lack of friends outside of the ones she meets online.
Yeah kidnapping lowbloods sure is easier when everything about the hemospectrum makes them easier to kill huh?
Due to the experience with the cerulean blood (which is one of the reasons why she prefers lowbloods for her dolls), she hardly leaves her hive, aside from going outside to find new victims. She is also socially awkward, and prefers the company of her dolls, mostly due to not fearing the social apprehension she feels when interacting with highbloods.
Interests: Charyl absolutely loves fashion, especially gothic trollita clothes. She likes sewing, and making her own dresses and accessories, for herself, and also her dolls.
If it wasn’t obvious, she also is obsessed with dolls, though her favorite type are the trolls she kidnaps, and permanently paralyze with her lusus’s poison. Most are unable to speak, and eventually die to the poison. Charyl dotes on them, dressing them up and taking care of their needs. She has a rather large collection of both living and nonliving dolls.
Charyl also likes playing doctor, though treats “patients” through the process of bloodletting, with the same needles she uses for her sewing.
Title: (got any suggestions?)
I do, because I don’t think she’s actually a Hope player. I mean if we wanted to stay on that track she’d be more likely to be a Rage player because her whole schtick is narrowing her own and others’ options, and I could make arguments for her being a Life or a Doom player, buuuuut.
You’ve made her bio one that’s very Of Things. She likes having material things, whether they’re bodies or dolls or clothes. And her hobby of kidnapping real, actual trolls to turn them into dolls is technically a form of recycling and of creativity.
Basically, she’s a fucked-up kind of Space player. More specifically, she’s a Thief of Space, which is GREAT because she’s like if Kanaya and Vriska had a creepy and fashionable lovechild, ESPECIALLY given that you said she sometimes wishes she was a jadeblood!
Her inverse would be a Page of Time, which I think kind of works given that she’s effectively fucking with others’ time both by freezing their progress and by dramatically shortening their lives!
Land: Doesn’t have one yet! Still on the fence on if she’ll actually play sburb or not
That’s fine! For the sake of argument let’s say her land is Land of Chloroform and Frogs (LOCAF). All these frogs just floating in chloroform. Maybe some of them are splayed out like an anatomical diagram. Maybe some of them have been taxidermied. Many of them will be dissected like a high school bio unit. It’ll certainly make it easy to see which frog have the anatomical traits you want in the future Bilious Slick. The Land probably isn’t even safe to traverse without a gas mask given how damn fast the stuff works. It’s macabre and fits really well with how Space players’ frogs tend to be frozen in time in some manner.
Dream Planet: Derse
I definitely agree that she’s a Dersite given how much she seems to be in her head. With that, she’s a Scorga, sign of the Deviser, which sufficiently vague that I guess it works?
…Oh MAN I just looked that one up and the fuckin’ arrow tail looks like a scorpion poised to strike! It’s perfect for her!
Thanks again!
Thank YOU for this creepy creepy lady! My redesign will be very very minimal but HOO BOY did I have fun making her sprite!
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This is gonna come with my requisite list of credits especially because I do not have a tablet and had no goddamn idea where to start with spriting her dress. That base is from deviantart user Thefantrolls and was then heavily edited to match your picture. The horns are straight-up Vriska’s, the bow is from naphal, and the hair was made by compositing like 4 different fan-troll templates.
For the redesign, I used a prosthetic base by hmnj to make it a little more obvious that her legs are prosthetic while maintaining the doll aesthetic. For the hair I wanted to do the scorpion callback but didn’t want to do anything as obvious as the stinger braid (especially since it might lose the lolita aesthetic), so I took a note from Gothorita’s design and tried to give her scorpion claw buns?
Anyway thank you again for this scary scary woman I can’t wait to see her in action.
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holydragon2808 · 7 years
Thoughts on The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars (Part One)
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything original on my blog about The Legend of Korra (or just anything original period). I’ve reblogged several Avatar related posts and art (as well as things from other fandoms), but I haven’t posted hardly anything myself since the Book 4 finale! I’ll just take a moment to wave hello to anyone still following this blog and my fellow Avatar buddies (Waves enthusiastically!). S’up Peeps! OH and if you’ve yet to read the Comic, don’t read any further than this because SPOILERS! I’m pretty sure most in the fandom have read them but just in case.
 I’m a bit late to the party I know, but I wanted to get my thoughts together before I posted anything. I have to say that I was really happy with this comic book overall. They’re off to a fantastic and engaging start with this story. With the ATLA comics I felt like those were just side stories or expansions. Interesting side stories/expansions granted, but really not just vital to anything (just IMO). ATLA concluded pretty soundly overall in its own right. With Turf Wars taking place immediately after the last scene with Korra and Asami walking into the spirit portal (and TLoK having far more loose plot ends to tie up than ATLA in general), this actually didn’t feel like just a comic book. It felt like it could have been a real animated episode. They seriously could have added “Book Five” to the title and gotten away with it.
Korra and Asami’s little getaway was exactly like I was hoping for with the two of them having a good time after everything they’ve both been through. From their friendly competitions and playful ribbing at each other, to their first shared kiss (Korrasami shippers squeal lol) to the two of them confiding in each other on exactly when and how they both realized they loved the other, and so on. That Spirit Mountain or whatever he was acted kind of bitchy though. It’s okay though Korra. In your own words about the Dragon Bird spirit “ I think it can sense where I am. Not EVERY spirit hates me” lol.
 Anyway, thanks to the grumpy mountain, Korra and Asami are forced to cut their vacation short and return to Republic City because they lost their supplies in all the chaos. Before that though, Korra wants to take a trip to the South Pole via the Southern Spirit Portal to visit her parents and tell them about their official romantic relationship and their “sounds fun” lol vacation. Asami has a few reservations about all of that but Korra is just too excited to really pay attention at the moment. So Korra and Asami “come out” to Tonraq and Senna. They’re surprised at the unexpected news (from their perspective) at first, but then were all “Yay! That’s cool! I’m so happy for you both! We couldn’t be more proud!” etc., which is pretty much how the fandom expected them to take it so no real surprise there.
 I do like that after the argument that took place between Korra and her parents, once Asami pointed out a different perspective on the matter (and provided a better understanding for Korra on what exactly Tonraq and Senna were really trying to get at), Korra was immediately able to step back, admit she was wrong to not take Asami’s feelings into consideration (and admit that Tonraq was right about her overly excitable nature leading to rash outbursts at times) and apologize, a FAR CRY from her Book 1 and Book 2 (pre Avatar Wan) days when she had difficulty accepting criticism/other perspectives until she was neck deep in trouble.
 I’m hoping we see more of both the positives and negatives of Korra’s overly excitable, openly passionate nature paired with Asami’s more reserved, patient and logical one in the future (as well as Tonraq and Senna making more appearances and Korra getting the chance to reconcile with them) and how they will work through it overall. Notably, Korra doesn’t just rush off to tell anyone else either without making sure she and Asami both are on the same page about it. They sort of well….”out” themselves to their friends near the end but more on that later lol.
Anyway, the minute our favorite couple steps out of the new spirit portal in the middle of Republic City, the world wastes no time reminding both of them (as well as the audience) of their responsibilities as well as the devastation Kuvira’s attack on Republic City had on the populace. Then this greedy guy named Wonyong Kuem is trying to seize his property back from the spirits. He may be technically right LEGALLY but at this point, he’s hardly the only one who’s life has been uprooted by the unexpected new spirit portal and he’s hardly the only one who’s lost property because of it so he just comes across as a greedy sleazebag (which was basically intentional so yeah lol).
Not to mention that while I do agree that the Spirit World in general should be more welcoming of humans (Heck, before Kuvira’s attack the citizens of Republic City, with Future Industries leadership, completely redesigned the city’s infrastructure just to accommodate the spirits better and welcome them. None of them have done the same for their own world nor did they bother to help with the Kuvira crisis either), a tourist attraction with people like Kuem is not the best way to go about it…Good on Avatar Korra for showing this guy who’s boss, though as she and the Airbenders suspect, he’ll probably be back.  His type always comes back….
It also was somewhat satisfying that the spirits are getting some well-deserved karma thrown back at them. They hate the spirit portal and try to urge Korra to close it but she’s quick to point out that had they helped out with Kuvira to begin with, the spirit portal may not exist right now. They realize that they can’t make her close the portal so in Korra’s own words, they’re just going to have to “deal with it”. Korra seems to believe from the bottom of her heart that Spirits and Humans can one day live together in harmony and she’s willing to stand her ground. I’m hoping the Spirits in general will one day stop looking down on humans on principle and put more effort into making both worlds a place where they can all belong or at the very least be civil. Turf wars (in the plural) indeed….
Meanwhile, even more trouble is brewing on the horizon with the Triple Threat Triads, The Creeping Crystals, the Agni Kais, and every other Republic City gang is on the rise with the Triple Threats gaining ground as we’re introduced to the main antagonist for this trilogy: Tokuga. Let me just say that this guy can seriously throw down (Hooked swords make a reappearance in addition to chi blocking) and is an awesome (but somewhat frightening) reminder that a person does not have to be a bender in this world to be a ruthless and cutthroat badass. I’m glad that the antagonist in question isn’t another bender. Nothing against them (we’ve had some good ones from both series) but it’s just great to finally break the mold here in a way that works. The Triple Threats finally getting a serious chance to shine and show just how badass they can be is a welcome plus as well. Two-Toed Ping is worried about his life being in serious jeopardy just for name-dropping Tokuga during Mako and Lin’s interrogation.
Speaking of the police force, I’m happy that Bolin joined along with his brother. It gives the police force some serious raw power at their disposal with Bolin being a Lavabender and it gives him a chance to truly shine without all the drama of his previous job with Kuvira (and shows he’s earned back his good will with his friends and family). Nice to see the bending brothers back together again. Loved both of the brothers’ interactions with Two-Toed Ping as they were taking him back to the station. Ping is genuinely proud of both of them for making something of themselves. Bolin being Bolin thanks him in stride while Mako just tells him to shut it lol. Good to know some things never change.
Back at the refugee camp we get yet more evidence of the sheer devastation Kuvira’s weapon (and Team Avatar’s attempts to stop it) having irreparable damage on the city and leaving hundreds of people homeless. About the only humorous thing taken from all of this is that President Raiko’s approval rating is -3. That’s too funny! I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m SO voting for either Poki or Zhu Li (or both they should team up!) for the next president lol. Just think of what they could do for the city! Gotta love Raiko’s new campaign slogan “Vote Raiko! He’ll wallop tyranny with a knockout blow! (I’m like Korra….wut? lol). But credit where it’s due. At least even he admits to his campaign manager that the slogan is ridiculous lol. He’s still pretty incompetent though. When you’re required an explanation on how  rebuilding homes for the populace would restore your own good will to the common folk after they’ve been rendered homeless…yeah…he’s more concerned with keeping his job rather than actually doing it….I’m seriously hoping for Poki. Zhu Li for a more practical candidate but Poki’s good too. Meelo can be the advisor. Republic City would either have absolutely NOTHING to worry about with this trio in charge, or EVERYTHING to worry about with this trio in charge. There would be NO middle ground whatsoever lol.
It’s also nice to see that despite their newfound hardships, the refugees aren’t blaming Korra for everything this time like during the beginning of book 3. They’re grateful to be alive and know it’s all thanks to Korra and her friends and they’re happy to see her again. She offers to help the displaced refugees in any way that she can and quickly begins to find herself overwhelmed. Just when it seems like she’ll be forced to leave (and they begin to riot or something), she doesn’t want to leave as Tenzin suggests. I’m going to post what she tells the refugees because there’s no way I can say it better and it deserves recognition in its own right:
Everyone! Please Listen! I feel for all of you. You’ve all been through so much and I’m sure you’re all tired, frustrated, and angry that you’re homes and neighborhoods have been destroyed. This is a time for great change for all of us in Republic City! But a wise man once told me that change could be good or bad depending on your point of view. So maybe we could all look at this as a chance for a new beginning.
I promise to work my hardest to make sure everyone has a place to live soon. My hope is that the rebuilt Republic City will be full of new possibilities for all of us. Together, we can forge a bright future, living in balance with our planet, evolving into our best selves, and becoming who we truly want to be!
Cue the audience cheering for her and the future.
This girl….no. This young woman…I just can’t right now. As I said before, she truly believes in this vision of unity and balance between humans and spirits with all her heart and soul and she is willing to work and fight for it. We saw shades of this Avatar Korra in the book 2 finale when she gave the speech about the Southern Water Tribe being independent and forging a new path for the future. But to see her now after the hell she was subjected to in the book 3 finale and 3/4s of book four…Avatar Korra has come a long way indeed both with her own struggles and being able to truly inspire people. And we get to see that here with her words spoken with an eloquence we haven’t heard in over two seasons. Just beautiful and Tenzin’s expression as if he’s holding back tears just seals the deal. Couldn’t be more proud of her.
Anyway, after the refugee camp visit, Korra and Asami are back on Air Temple Island standing in a very familiar gazebo admiring the sunset. Kya’s “officially” out as a lesbian in the actual universe (rather than just Word of God) but of course we already knew that. It’s also nice to note that a few characters in the canon suspected Korra and Asami had feeling for each other either before the vacation or shortly after. Good to know that they’ll have an older confidante. Kya also gives us more insight on how homosexuality is viewed by the Avatarverse at large with the official canon more or less matching up with a lot of fandom speculations before the reveal. The Air nomads didn’t/don’t give a shit (which well, duh element of freedom and all), the Fire Nation didn’t care all that much either until Sozin came along and outlawed same sex pairings. Guess we can add that to his jerkbender list….The Water Tribes don’t disown people for it but are private about family matters in general. Interestingly enough, it’s the Earth Kingdom that’s the most openly against it though maybe things are a bit different now than in Avatar Kyoshi’s time who was revealed to be bisexual and couldn’t really change things on that front. I think Kya said it best regarding Korrasami, it’s ultimately their story and they’ll know when the time will come to spread the news.
Speaking of spreading the news, Mako and Bolin come by to visit them. The core Team Avatar is back together! Korra and Bolin hug a bit while Mako and Asami hug (the Borra shipper in me squealed a bit lol. Those two always had an easy friendship. More Borra friendship moments please lol). However, this time Korra asks Asami if she’s ready to tell the boys (to not have another situation like what went down with Korra’s parents and not taking Asami’s feelings into consideration), showing that Korra does indeed learn from her mistakes. Just when they’re getting ready to tell them Jinora interrupts via astral projection because the Triple Threat Triads are threatening the new spirit portal (Dammit Jinora! Dammit Triple Threats I wanted to see the boys’ reaction (particularly Mako’s) was my initial reaction).
But I instantly forgave it with seeing Team Avatar’s first confrontation with Tokuga (as well as seeing how Korra and Asami out themselves to their friends anyway but again, more on that later lol). Ghazan’s signature Lava Shuriken makes an appearance! Well done Bolin! It was awesome to see this move return, but even more awesome and heartwarming was that this truly being the moment where Mako accepts Bolin as an equal partner rather than just his kid brother he feels he has to watch out for.
Things really get crazy when the spirits show up and start attacking people because apparently Korra and her friends weren’t doing a well enough job protecting the portal. Korra tries her best to reason with the stubborn (serpent, snake?) spirit but before she can gain any ground with that, Asami is overwhelmed by a group of benders and Korra immediately rushes to her rescue. Though, by choosing to aid Asami, the wrathful snake spirit goes after Tokuga and gives the audience a rather frightening call back to the Avatar Wan episodes.  Spirits can enter a human body and reshape their anatomy to where they take on physical attributes of the spirit in question. We saw that twice in the Avatar Wan episodes (with Yao and that unlucky hunter). This spirit really screws over Tokuga but it’s not like he didn’t have it coming. Though needless to say, Korra (understandably) choosing to aid Asami and not being able to stop that spirit from turning Tokuga into a mutated freak is probably going to come back to bite her in the ass. The Triple Threats end up retreating afterwards and Korra checks on Asami and they share yet another kiss but this time in front of their friends. They all reacted pretty much how I expected. Bolin being happy about getting his “gossip” fill (and calling for double dates already lol), Opal and Jinora being supportive and Mako being a bit awkwardly out of sorts with it but not against it. Don’t worry Mako. You’ll find your special someone someday. (I’m hoping we get more comics after Turf Wars. Would like to see him paired with the Fire Lord’s daughter as originally intended as well as seeing the Fire Nation and the fractured Earth Kingdom).
Anyway, apparently the Triple Threats and Keum (again his type always come back) were working together. The latter was trying to reclaim his land by getting the Triple Threats to intimidate the Airbenders to leave. Tokuga is rightfully pissed about what happened to him and takes over Keum Enterprises as retribution. Mutated or no, this guy is not one to be tried. Looking forward to seeing where all the plot threads will meet.
Overall, I’d say Mike and the rest of the team here are off to a great start with this comic. Korrasami is prevalent, but without pulling focus from the main threat/plot (THANK YOU). They clearly learned from the Book 1 and 2 days. Everything seems to be tying together and paced rather evenly and everyone is in character. Korra is depicted as the inspirational Avatar she was born to be if still a bit impulsive at times, Asami is the calming, rational presence in their relationship and out, Bolin is still the loveable goofball (but badass Lavabender), and Mako is still the socially awkward but competent cop (even with a bunk arm right now) and so on. The artwork is incredible to me. Irene Koh outdid herself IMO. The vibrant colors, the characters, (the spirit world pages were some of my favorites), it really does feel like a legitimate continuation on exactly where the show left off. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m looking forward to part two.
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ralphlayton · 5 years
B2B Marketing Spotlight: Omar Al-Sinjari, Sr Digital Marketing Manager, RelayHealth McKesson #B2BSMX
Next week's B2B Sales and Marketing Exchange conference in Boston is coming up fast! To give you another sneak peek at the talented brand marketers sharing their insights and best practices, I've interviewed Omar Al-Sinjari, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing at RelayHealth - McKesson. Omar is responsible for all things digital and a full stack operator including ABM, web, analytics, attribution, lead generation and marketing operations. RelayHealth is a business unit of McKesson which is a $214 billion Fortune 10 company. Large enterprise level organizations bring with them a different set of marketing challenges and opportunities and with all of the evolution in B2B marketing and sales that has emerged, Omar is a great person to give us perspective. At B2BSMX Omar will be on a panel (How To Do ABM At The Enterprise Level And Scale) Tuesday August 13th at 2pm. If you're thinking of attending B2BSMX, there's a 25% off discount code at the end of the interview. Lee Odden: You've had a long history of working in the healthcare industry. Please share a bit about your background and current role as Senior Manager, Digital Marketing at RelayHealth - McKesson. Omar Al-Sinjari: Throughout my whole career I have either Marketed to or worked in the healthcare industry. I have been involved in Digital Marketing for the last 11 years, first at a very small company, sending out emails and redesigning/managing a website. As my career progressed, I slowly became the SME regarding digital at each one of my jobs, which evolved into my passion for all things digital marketing. Currently at RelayHealth – McKesson, I am responsible for all things digital. I currently own the digital strategy and execution including: Marketing Operations, Analytics, Attribution, ABM, Intent, SEO and Web Presence. Lee Odden: You've accomplished a lot in your time with McKesson. What is the secret to success working in marketing at such a large organization?
When embarking on a digital transformation or any marketing change, you have to have thick skin and be willing to collaborate. @omaralsinjari
Omar Al-Sinjari: Collaboration, thick skin, openness to change and patience. When embarking on a digital transformation or any marketing change, you have to have thick skin and be willing to collaborate. In my role at Corporate McKesson, I created a cross business unit group called Marketing Operations Leadership Council (MOLC) which brought together Marketing Ops leaders and practitioners across McKesson. This was an opportunity to collaborate, share best practices and make decisions across a huge Corporation. Change doesn’t happen overnight and educating the business on why you are trying to change is imperative along with taken a data driven approach and assessing what the business needs are. Lee Odden: Today's B2B marketing is a cornucopia of tactics from ABM to content marketing to influencer marketing, what advice can you share about how can B2B marketers find focus and make the right decisions on their tactical mix? Omar Al-Sinjari: Partner with sales and customer success (account management) to better understand the customer. From an ABM perspective you need to find out who to target and why. Ask the following questions:
Which accounts are best for expansion?
Which accounts have been difficult to target?
Who do you target?
What is their title?
Who are the people involved in the buying process?
Lee Odden: At B2BSMX you will be participating on a panel about ABM at the enterprise level. What are some of the top challenges with ABM at a large company? Omar Al-Sinjari: In my role with RelayHealth, which is a business unit within McKesson, my ABM efforts are mainly focused at my business unit (BU) level. But I have shared some of my best ABM success with the other BUs and created a strategy and a playbook that can be used across the organization.
The great thing about ABM is, it's account based, so you need to target multiple people within an organization, not just one single person or one single lead. @omaralsinjari
Some of the biggest challenges with ABM are determining who the target market is: Who within the organization you want to target. Also understanding why. One of the hardest things with ABM is determining who you can target and why you want to target those folks because different people are involved in different stages of the buying cycle. The great thing about ABM is, it's account based, so you need to target multiple people within an organization, not just one single person or one single lead. Understanding that distinction allows you to be successful. Lee Odden: ABM has gained quite a bit of momentum in the B2B marketing world over the last few years. Do you believe it's helped with bring sales and marketing together? Omar Al-Sinjari: I think everyone has been account-based at some point in terms of knowing who you are going to target and why. So ABM and ABM platforms have put some technology behind those efforts and help facilitate the conversation between sales marketing.
ABM allows you to educate sales teams and the customer success teams because it's not just a marketing and sales conversation. @omaralsinjari
I think the concept of ABM enables marketers to talk to sales folks about who we need to target and why, instead of just saying, “Who are your top accounts?”. The term ABM allows you to educate sales teams and the customer success teams because it's not just a marketing and sales conversation. In my opinion, it needs to be a sales, account management, customer success and marketing conversation. Then start trickling that throughout the rest of the organization as well. An ABM platform enables those conversations and allows you to provide data and understanding, like what are the interactions and how many interactions are you having. ABM platforms then enable you to build a marketing attribution model based on those interactions. Lee Odden: You're talking about bringing data together, ABM and ABM technology enabling conversations that happen between sales, account management, customer success and marketing and so forth. That's a much bigger and coordinated effort than you often find in campaign based marketing and traditional demand gen type programs, isn't it? Omar Al-Sinjari: Oh yeah, for sure. It's not just batch and blast. I think previously a lot of marketers would try to figure out who their target accounts were, then go buy a list and just start sending them a bunch of emails.
What ABM and using an ABM platform allows you to do is to stay top of mind in their short term memory. @omaralsinjari
Marketing has evolved and I don't think people want to be marketed to that way anymore. I'm not even sure if people want to be shown display ads or targeted that way. What ABM and using an ABM platform allows you to do is to stay top of mind in their short term memory. A buyer might have seen a solution two years ago, a solution they weren't quite ready to buy right away. Then a few years down the line, they remember that ad or that brand or that message and how it will allow you to solve one of your B2B problems. Lee Odden: With your experience with ABM, I'm wondering what best practices you can share for other enterprise level B2B marketers? Omar Al-Sinjari: Partnering and evangelizing ABM with sales and customer success as well as taking a data-driven approach to how you market from an ABM perspective. If you do have some sort of insight tool on your website that tells you a company’s IP address, that could be a source of data saying that a company is interested or they're poking around our website. Or, if you're seeing multiple people from one company come into your website, that's giving you an indicator that people are interested. Then you add those folks to your ABM targets. Partnering with the rest of the organization and educating the organization and getting people on board is especially important.
ABM is not just about net new customers, it's also how you churn your base and expand accounts, especially as your company has new acquisitions, new solutions or new products. @omaralsinjari
How you expand within those accounts is important and ABM is a great tool to stay top of mind. When someone buys your solution, you could end up interacting with 10 or 15 different people, whether they are from procurement, security and risk, to the actual person that's going to be implementing. Understanding that there's not just one person and that you need to target an account as a whole is essential.
Best practice ABM is about finding all of the people that are involved in the process, plus that one person evangelizing your solution that you're trying to sell. @omaralsinjari
There are some situations where there are multiple stakeholders and the person that's signing the agreement might not even be involved in the buying process until the end. So, best practice ABM is about finding all of the people that are involved in the process, plus that one person evangelizing your solution that you're trying to sell. That evangelist will be one of your key targets, but understanding the customer as a whole picture is important. Lee Odden: Do you have an ABM success story that you could share either one of your own or, or even something you've observed out in the industry? Omar Al-Sinjari: We've experienced a significant, 40% growth within one of our segments year over year. That's by targeting folks in one specific vertical and focusing on some key customers. You can look at a company like Terminus and see how much growth they've had implementing ABM. ABM is B2B marketing now. It's understanding and showing success and using data to drive decision making. Ultimately, what it all comes down to is, how are you attributing interactions to the bottom line? Lee Odden: What are some of the top B2B marketing trends that you think are worth paying attention to in the coming year? Omar Al-Sinjari: ABM, marketing attribution, and CDP or customer data platforms. I don't know how many companies are listed on the Martech list now, but I think at some point there's going to be some sort of consolidation there. If I had a crystal ball, I'd love to see what will be coming up from a technology standpoint and how people consume information from a B2B perspective. For example, understanding different stages according to where the buyer is in their journey and being able to use some sort of AI technology to identify and show trends across the buying cycle. Also, understanding the buying cycle and then using some sort of predictive analytics or AI to get deeper into data from an overall customer lifecycle perspective. Lee Odden: What sources of information do you rely on most to stay on top of B2B marketing? Omar Al-Sinjari: I use a few different sources including Chief Martech by Scott Brinker and the Marketo blog. There are several newsletters that I subscribe to and I use Google Alerts to track specific topics. I also stay up to date by attending conferences and learning from other people. I really enjoy reading case studies and about new technologies out there. I also use social media, including Linkedin and Twitter to stay abreast of what's going on. It's changing all the time and everyone has opinions, right? Lee Odden: What are you most excited about upcoming B2B SMX conference in Boston? Omar Al-Sinjari: I'm excited for the Flip My Funnel track. I'm also excited for the REVTalks and Demand Gen Summit. I'm pretty much excited for all of it.
At B2BSMX I’m looking forward to learning from others because in this industry, you're constantly learning and you need to be able to adapt and change. @omaralsinjari
Really, I’m looking forward to learning from others because in this industry, you're constantly learning and you need to be able to adapt and change. And I think the overall message for ABM is change. It's changing the way you go to market, how you interact with different people in your organization and changing the narrative as it relates to marketing. Specifically, changing marketing from being a cost center to a profit center. Lee Odden: Thank you Omar! Be sure to follow Omar Al-Sinjari on Twitter: omaralsinjari For information about the B2BSMX conference including agenda, speakers, workshops, mentor opportunities and more: B2B Sales and Marketing Exchange: Boston August 12-13, 2019 Encore Boston Harbor GET 25% OFF using Discount Code: 25TRB Registration: https://b2bsalesmarketing.exchange/registration
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B2B Marketing Spotlight: Omar Al-Sinjari, Sr Digital Marketing Manager, RelayHealth McKesson #B2BSMX published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
I’ve already made my own post about how utterly frustrated I am with how Vivzie wrote and designed Alastor and then had another chance to redesign, and then fumbled the bag again.
I’m glad that there’s some people who are unapologetically open about how often she mishandles her BIPOC and queer characters (thought I was alone out here for a second) because the (minority) of most fans who disagree, usually do so in fine print partly because it’s like walking on eggshells doing so.
Like seriously, most of the fandom on twitter has got to be some of the biggest dick riders I’ve seen, you’d think they’re getting paid instead of Vivz.
I love the concepts and characters and do draw fanart for it but as far as [mainly financial] support goes. no. These characters and concepts slap when I pretend they aren’t written and designed by Vivz
When it comes to Alastor, EXACTLY! That’s why my post was so long and ranty when I was talking about his “redesign” because like you said, she had the chance to change his OBVIOUS problems but didn’t do shit. It really irked me, especially how she had the opportunity to finally use some more color variety since he was too red but again, she didn’t do anything, and thanks to her, he’ll probably melt in the backgrounds unless these artists working on the team know how to use colors but I doubt it. Oh, and now CHARLIE’S all red thanks to her, when she was literally fine before in my opinion. She looks too similar to Al, and now she’ll barley stand out. 😑
And yeah, I’m glad people are realizing she isn’t the best at writing LGBTQ+ characters. Charlie and Vaggie were literally afterthoughts and only existed in the story because Viv’s friends thought they were cute, Vaggie is a lesbian and yet Viv decided to keep her joke of a name, her two openly gay characters Angel and Stolas just spout sex jokes all the time like stereotypes, Blitz is used for gay banter as well, Sallie May just feels like an afterthought for brownie points, all I can say is trust me, there’s BETTER LGBTQ+ rep out there people. 😬
When it comes to the Twitter people, holy HELL yeah. It’s not just Twitter, it’s YouTube as well (cough Saberspark.) I don’t have a problem with people genuinely liking the shows, but Christ are some fans SO blind with their head up their asses. It’s sad too, I’ve come across channels who actually criticize media, but suddenly when it comes to Hazbin and Helluva boss, they’re biased and say it’s the best and phenomenally written without giving a lick of genuine criticism whatsoever. I can’t say what anyone else hasn’t already said about this, some of these people need to wake up because Viv at BEST is a mediocre writer who needs to improve. Her storytelling skills are zero, she’ll SAY something about a character without properly conveying it, she relies on edgy dialogue and curse words instead of actual jokes, I could write a library on the issues as a writer she has, (which is why this blog mainly exists lol) and the fandom just constantly sucking up to her isn’t helping at ALL. How is she supposed to improve if everyone keeps saying she’s perfect? Literally the main thing a critic should know is no matter HOW good a story is.......it can always.....ALWAYS be BETTER. There’s always room to improve no matter WHAT. That’s why I was so happy to find a few videos who DO actually critique her shows (I made the playlist post for Hazbin and I’ll do it for helluva soon) without blindly asskissing it.
And lastly, yeah, again it’s sad. I’m interested in Hazbin, I think the show has SO SO much potential to be something truly amazing, I love how it’s about redemption for people who are already gone, and I love the character concepts. There’s obviously a way this could all WORK, it’s just...Viv that’s ruining it so far. I’ve seen so many fan comics, songs, fanart, fanfics, SO many good ideas by fans that are 10x better than Viv’s. I know I’m sounding petty but I just want her to improve, and if she can’t, I hope there will be OTHER writers on the team for this show once it comes out, writers who are PROFESSIONAL, who know how to handle certain topics, writers who know what they’re doing instead of dicking around because vivzie ain’t it. I hate how everyone acts like she’s this goddess who doesn’t need criticism whatsoever because her animation and colors look so pretty and was able to make this indie show. People say she’s either perfect or use the excuse that she’s indie (which yeah apparently excuses that no it doesn’t) and fans need to wake up and start realizing that she’s not perfect and needs some work.
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samuelpboswell · 5 years
B2B Marketing Spotlight: Omar Al-Sinjari, Sr Digital Marketing Manager, RelayHealth McKesson #B2BSMX
Next week's B2B Sales and Marketing Exchange conference in Boston is coming up fast! To give you another sneak peek at the talented brand marketers sharing their insights and best practices, I've interviewed Omar Al-Sinjari, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing at RelayHealth - McKesson. Omar is responsible for all things digital and a full stack operator including ABM, web, analytics, attribution, lead generation and marketing operations. RelayHealth is a business unit of McKesson which is a $214 billion Fortune 10 company. Large enterprise level organizations bring with them a different set of marketing challenges and opportunities and with all of the evolution in B2B marketing and sales that has emerged, Omar is a great person to give us perspective. At B2BSMX Omar will be on a panel (How To Do ABM At The Enterprise Level And Scale) Tuesday August 13th at 2pm. If you're thinking of attending B2BSMX, there's a 25% off discount code at the end of the interview. Lee Odden: You've had a long history of working in the healthcare industry. Please share a bit about your background and current role as Senior Manager, Digital Marketing at RelayHealth - McKesson. Omar Al-Sinjari: Throughout my whole career I have either Marketed to or worked in the healthcare industry. I have been involved in Digital Marketing for the last 11 years, first at a very small company, sending out emails and redesigning/managing a website. As my career progressed, I slowly became the SME regarding digital at each one of my jobs, which evolved into my passion for all things digital marketing. Currently at RelayHealth – McKesson, I am responsible for all things digital. I currently own the digital strategy and execution including: Marketing Operations, Analytics, Attribution, ABM, Intent, SEO and Web Presence. Lee Odden: You've accomplished a lot in your time with McKesson. What is the secret to success working in marketing at such a large organization?
When embarking on a digital transformation or any marketing change, you have to have thick skin and be willing to collaborate. @omaralsinjari
Omar Al-Sinjari: Collaboration, thick skin, openness to change and patience. When embarking on a digital transformation or any marketing change, you have to have thick skin and be willing to collaborate. In my role at Corporate McKesson, I created a cross business unit group called Marketing Operations Leadership Council (MOLC) which brought together Marketing Ops leaders and practitioners across McKesson. This was an opportunity to collaborate, share best practices and make decisions across a huge Corporation. Change doesn’t happen overnight and educating the business on why you are trying to change is imperative along with taken a data driven approach and assessing what the business needs are. Lee Odden: Today's B2B marketing is a cornucopia of tactics from ABM to content marketing to influencer marketing, what advice can you share about how can B2B marketers find focus and make the right decisions on their tactical mix? Omar Al-Sinjari: Partner with sales and customer success (account management) to better understand the customer. From an ABM perspective you need to find out who to target and why. Ask the following questions:
Which accounts are best for expansion?
Which accounts have been difficult to target?
Who do you target?
What is their title?
Who are the people involved in the buying process?
Lee Odden: At B2BSMX you will be participating on a panel about ABM at the enterprise level. What are some of the top challenges with ABM at a large company? Omar Al-Sinjari: In my role with RelayHealth, which is a business unit within McKesson, my ABM efforts are mainly focused at my business unit (BU) level. But I have shared some of my best ABM success with the other BUs and created a strategy and a playbook that can be used across the organization.
The great thing about ABM is, it's account based, so you need to target multiple people within an organization, not just one single person or one single lead. @omaralsinjari
Some of the biggest challenges with ABM are determining who the target market is: Who within the organization you want to target. Also understanding why. One of the hardest things with ABM is determining who you can target and why you want to target those folks because different people are involved in different stages of the buying cycle. The great thing about ABM is, it's account based, so you need to target multiple people within an organization, not just one single person or one single lead. Understanding that distinction allows you to be successful. Lee Odden: ABM has gained quite a bit of momentum in the B2B marketing world over the last few years. Do you believe it's helped with bring sales and marketing together? Omar Al-Sinjari: I think everyone has been account-based at some point in terms of knowing who you are going to target and why. So ABM and ABM platforms have put some technology behind those efforts and help facilitate the conversation between sales marketing.
ABM allows you to educate sales teams and the customer success teams because it's not just a marketing and sales conversation. @omaralsinjari
I think the concept of ABM enables marketers to talk to sales folks about who we need to target and why, instead of just saying, “Who are your top accounts?”. The term ABM allows you to educate sales teams and the customer success teams because it's not just a marketing and sales conversation. In my opinion, it needs to be a sales, account management, customer success and marketing conversation. Then start trickling that throughout the rest of the organization as well. An ABM platform enables those conversations and allows you to provide data and understanding, like what are the interactions and how many interactions are you having. ABM platforms then enable you to build a marketing attribution model based on those interactions. Lee Odden: You're talking about bringing data together, ABM and ABM technology enabling conversations that happen between sales, account management, customer success and marketing and so forth. That's a much bigger and coordinated effort than you often find in campaign based marketing and traditional demand gen type programs, isn't it? Omar Al-Sinjari: Oh yeah, for sure. It's not just batch and blast. I think previously a lot of marketers would try to figure out who their target accounts were, then go buy a list and just start sending them a bunch of emails.
What ABM and using an ABM platform allows you to do is to stay top of mind in their short term memory. @omaralsinjari
Marketing has evolved and I don't think people want to be marketed to that way anymore. I'm not even sure if people want to be shown display ads or targeted that way. What ABM and using an ABM platform allows you to do is to stay top of mind in their short term memory. A buyer might have seen a solution two years ago, a solution they weren't quite ready to buy right away. Then a few years down the line, they remember that ad or that brand or that message and how it will allow you to solve one of your B2B problems. Lee Odden: With your experience with ABM, I'm wondering what best practices you can share for other enterprise level B2B marketers? Omar Al-Sinjari: Partnering and evangelizing ABM with sales and customer success as well as taking a data-driven approach to how you market from an ABM perspective. If you do have some sort of insight tool on your website that tells you a company’s IP address, that could be a source of data saying that a company is interested or they're poking around our website. Or, if you're seeing multiple people from one company come into your website, that's giving you an indicator that people are interested. Then you add those folks to your ABM targets. Partnering with the rest of the organization and educating the organization and getting people on board is especially important.
ABM is not just about net new customers, it's also how you churn your base and expand accounts, especially as your company has new acquisitions, new solutions or new products. @omaralsinjari
How you expand within those accounts is important and ABM is a great tool to stay top of mind. When someone buys your solution, you could end up interacting with 10 or 15 different people, whether they are from procurement, security and risk, to the actual person that's going to be implementing. Understanding that there's not just one person and that you need to target an account as a whole is essential.
Best practice ABM is about finding all of the people that are involved in the process, plus that one person evangelizing your solution that you're trying to sell. @omaralsinjari
There are some situations where there are multiple stakeholders and the person that's signing the agreement might not even be involved in the buying process until the end. So, best practice ABM is about finding all of the people that are involved in the process, plus that one person evangelizing your solution that you're trying to sell. That evangelist will be one of your key targets, but understanding the customer as a whole picture is important. Lee Odden: Do you have an ABM success story that you could share either one of your own or, or even something you've observed out in the industry? Omar Al-Sinjari: We've experienced a significant, 40% growth within one of our segments year over year. That's by targeting folks in one specific vertical and focusing on some key customers. You can look at a company like Terminus and see how much growth they've had implementing ABM. ABM is B2B marketing now. It's understanding and showing success and using data to drive decision making. Ultimately, what it all comes down to is, how are you attributing interactions to the bottom line? Lee Odden: What are some of the top B2B marketing trends that you think are worth paying attention to in the coming year? Omar Al-Sinjari: ABM, marketing attribution, and CDP or customer data platforms. I don't know how many companies are listed on the Martech list now, but I think at some point there's going to be some sort of consolidation there. If I had a crystal ball, I'd love to see what will be coming up from a technology standpoint and how people consume information from a B2B perspective. For example, understanding different stages according to where the buyer is in their journey and being able to use some sort of AI technology to identify and show trends across the buying cycle. Also, understanding the buying cycle and then using some sort of predictive analytics or AI to get deeper into data from an overall customer lifecycle perspective. Lee Odden: What sources of information do you rely on most to stay on top of B2B marketing? Omar Al-Sinjari: I use a few different sources including Chief Martech by Scott Brinker and the Marketo blog. There are several newsletters that I subscribe to and I use Google Alerts to track specific topics. I also stay up to date by attending conferences and learning from other people. I really enjoy reading case studies and about new technologies out there. I also use social media, including Linkedin and Twitter to stay abreast of what's going on. It's changing all the time and everyone has opinions, right? Lee Odden: What are you most excited about upcoming B2B SMX conference in Boston? Omar Al-Sinjari: I'm excited for the Flip My Funnel track. I'm also excited for the REVTalks and Demand Gen Summit. I'm pretty much excited for all of it.
At B2BSMX I’m looking forward to learning from others because in this industry, you're constantly learning and you need to be able to adapt and change. @omaralsinjari
Really, I’m looking forward to learning from others because in this industry, you're constantly learning and you need to be able to adapt and change. And I think the overall message for ABM is change. It's changing the way you go to market, how you interact with different people in your organization and changing the narrative as it relates to marketing. Specifically, changing marketing from being a cost center to a profit center. Lee Odden: Thank you Omar! Be sure to follow Omar Al-Sinjari on Twitter: omaralsinjari For information about the B2BSMX conference including agenda, speakers, workshops, mentor opportunities and more: B2B Sales and Marketing Exchange: Boston August 12-13, 2019 Encore Boston Harbor GET 25% OFF using Discount Code: 25TRB Registration: https://b2bsalesmarketing.exchange/registration
The post B2B Marketing Spotlight: Omar Al-Sinjari, Sr Digital Marketing Manager, RelayHealth McKesson #B2BSMX appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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