cassiuspr · 7 months
Just heard something pretty interesting!
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bountyhaunter · 2 months
[pm] Hey Daiyu, never mind on the archery lessons... I need to leave town. I found out [.......] some pretty fucked up shit [....] and I just need to [.......] be somewhere else. Sorry. You were cool, for whatever the hell that's worth.
[...] Also Rhett is probably dead. But even if he's not, I wouldn't want him to come back. If he does show his face here again, you should stay away. [........] Sorry for being cryptic. It's a lot.
Anyway, ciao. Maybe I'll send you a postcard from California.
[pm] Yo Ophelia. [..........] Oh, shit. That's fucked. Makes sense, totally get that. Sometimes you just gotta get out. You seemed pretty cool too. Ah. My [...] Sorry. Dad's can suck, I get that. I can't wait for mine to die I'm not gonna avoid him lol bu All good. Don't worry about details and stuff. Cool. If I ever get there I'll give a shout. Sometimes I miss the west coast, man. Ciao.
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broughtbackright · 2 months
Just popping in to let you know that I still have not been able to return to the shed.
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hailsaved · 4 months
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my girlie
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onthenightwatch · 6 months
Welp I'm gonna head out, when Edgar wakes up keep him away from the yellow suits in the back? -Hana
You've got it, girlie.
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ohsimon · 1 year
when — 3 july. where — medbay. who — @kinderdays
He does not come empty-handed. The trespassers that had dared to manage their way past the gates hadn’t either, carrying two backpacks of solid supplies and walking in on sturdy boots. They had come with weapons too, as any wise person were to do these days, and that is in part why he’s here. That and the medical supplies he’s stripped off the trespassers, who now lie somewhere smoldering if Castañeda was doing his job right.
Truth be told, he could take care of this headwound himself. He would prefer to — Simon isn’t awfully fond of the medics getting up in his space. But he’s curious, and not just that: he’s hungry. There’s a manhunt, a prize that he’s aching for, deserving of, even. How humbling it had been, to watch Alexei list nineteen people and never have his lips form his name. There are murmurs among the ranks about the young Cage woman, who Simon has never really thought of twice.
Bleeding heart, maybe. Too many of those around here — but then Mike had made himself into a formidable enemy. A foolish thing, if you ask him. Regardless, he strides in, holding cloth against the headwound that has not yet ceased bleading and an old tote ( a freebie from a record store, he thinks ) filled with an assortment of medical supplies in his free hand. Upon seeing Ophelia he approaches, extending the bag. “Big score today.” One corner of his lips lifts. “I trust you can take care of it?” His now-free hand gestures up. “And take care of this? They were a vicious bunch.”
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Blood sticks to his own fingers, both his and theirs. He looks down at her, presses harder on the wound. “I think it might need some stitches.” It does. There’s a sharp inhale, a crease of his brow. “We were scheduled to patrol with Mike, but shit luck, am I right?”
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daiyus · 1 year
when — june 30th where — the mall who — @kinderdays​
She’s panting, something flashing in her eyes as she makes her way down a flight of stairs. Insane, isn’t it, that malls are this big? That there could possibly be this many things to buy and sell that this much space was reserved for just that. Daiyu curses the people of a past world that had lived here ( which yes, includes Nik, her parents and every other old fucker around ) for needing something this big and maze-like to satiate their appetites. It was perfect for runners, after all.
There’s a handful of people she’s seen and then lost, the chaos and panic not helping the situation. It’s not the main thing on her mind, though, her faith in their ability to take care of themselves ever-present. But when her eyes lock on Ophelia on the opposite end of the hallway where the stairwell ends, Daiyu breathes out an exhale of relief. “Opie!”
Stupid fucking mistake, of course, to yell when there’s runners about. A crash, a bang, footsteps approaching — not her, but her blonde friend. Daiyu moves forward, pushing open folding doors and drawing her gun, relief having left her features. The bullet whizzes past Ophelia, lodges itself into the runner’s head and it drops, seven feet removed from the healer. “Shit,” she exhales, rushing over, clicking the safety of her gun on in the process. Fingers reach out for the other, eyes drawn to the body. “Shit, hey. Any idea if there’s more behind you?” She tries to peer herself, pulling Ophelia away from the direction the infected had come from. 
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shakesqueers13 · 7 months
Say what you want about the 2023 Shakespeare in The Park production of Hamlet, but the choices made in that play WORKED. Having Hamlet wear a black hoodie and cargo pants and him dramatically putting his hood up when he was pissed off was inspired. Having Horatio video tape Claudius on an iPhone camera from the side of the stage during the play within the play was hilarious. Having the play within the play be a hip hop dance number that represented the murder!?! Fantastic. Having Ophelia be a singer before she went mad and having a beautiful voice that everyone loved to listen to and then seeing her singing get worse and worse as she got nearer to death?!?! Hamlet pulling out his iphone after killing Polonius to show his mom a picture of his dad compared to a picture of Claudius and angrily swiping back and forth between the two as he said “What judgement would step from this… to this?” The crowd fucking lost it every time. Horatio singing to Hamlet as he died made me fully sob every time. The way they did the ghost on stage was so chilling and I can’t even accurately describe it, you just had to be there. Hamlet being deeply exasperated the entire time was just perfect. Hamlet and Horatio had a secret handshake. Laertes inexplicably carried an acoustic guitar case for much of the play which was very funny but also hit you with the heartbreaking implication that he had used to play while Ophelia sang and he stopped carrying it after she died. It was peak teenage-angst-hamlet and it was so dear to me. PLEASE if anyone has a recording, send it to me.
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knyazsunandmoon · 2 months
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Ophelia, 1872 - oil on canvas
— Jean-Baptiste Bertrand (France, 1823–1887)
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the-evil-clergyman · 6 months
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Ophelia by Jean-Baptiste Bertrand (1872)
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lilymarch · 2 months
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the woman dies.
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cassiuspr · 7 months
Damnnn, what did they put in that Archivist, it's giving me some inspiration (*^‿^*)
I think pure rage. Now fuck off I have to carry his fucking leg and the rest of his body separately and I don't have 6 arms like Nicholas.
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cattons · 5 months
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she’s kind of like ophelia in saint laurent sunglasses
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broughtbackright · 2 months
I. Fair.
It took them five minutes to decide that they wanted to see if it worked.
I’m reeling what the HELL.
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mynqzo · 5 months
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saving grace
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onthenightwatch · 6 months
That's appreciated Hanako. You would not believe the amount of bullshit we deal with in the kitchen. It's insane the quality some of these parents expect from fucking Freddy's of all places.
I get being a bit pissed if we mess up the message on a birthday cake, but "too many pepperoni slices"? A soda being "too fizzy"? Ugh.
- Beth
Jeez, I'm glad I took that job at the newspaper office.
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