nando161mando · 6 months
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candela888 · 6 months
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Religion in Europe, 1054 AD, right after the East/West schism in the Church vs. 2023 AD, aka nowadays.
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anamericangirl · 1 year
One of the biggest failings of the church that makes me so sad is the relationship we have built with the lgbt community. I cannot tell you how many times i have heard someone from that community say they grew up Christian and part of the church and the reason they left is because they realized they were gay or bi or trans and so they couldn’t stay part of the church or remain Christian because God doesn’t want them and they aren’t welcome and don’t have a place in heaven.
And for so many people to feel that way means that we, as Christians, have failed to be the example of Christ and His love that we are called to be. People who come to those realizations should not feel ostracized and shunned from the church or that God won’t accept them. They should feel like they are exactly where they need to be.
We need to actively to do better in this area. No one should feel unwelcome by the church and if we are giving out the message to people who identify as lgbt that God doesn’t love or want them than we need to pause and reevaluate our behavior here.
Every time I hear someone say they left Christianity because they’re gay my heart breaks for them. This is not ok and we’re not following God if we don’t fix this serious problem and show the people in that community how much God loves them and welcome them into the church.
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caostalgia · 29 days
"Abandona todo apego a los frutos de la acción y actúa únicamente por el deber, sin caer en la pereza. Los hombres de acción desinteresada alcanzan la liberación."
El Bhagavad Gita; siglos VI y III a.C
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welele · 10 months
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1unpunishable1 · 8 months
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Me + Nurse Bendy= trauma bonding forever lol
made by @andy-deer
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mondonguita · 1 year
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Saint Olga of Kyiv 
After the murder of her husband Igor of kyiv she avenged her husband's death and ruled Kievan Rus as regent for her son, Sviatoslav I of kyiv. She was the first sovereign of the Slavs to convert to Christianity.
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mexicoantiguo · 2 years
¨Religiosidad" Hacia Talpa de Allende, Jalisco ca. 1950.
Fotografía: Juan Rulfo
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commonsensecommentary · 7 months
“A keen sense of what is demonstrably right and what is unambiguously wrong is an immutable requirement for effective leadership, so it is no surprise that the moral midgets in charge today are continuously slipping and sliding from one catastrophe to another—and dragging us along for the ride.”
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novacollistar · 2 months
i keep seeing indians who i assume live in india commenting under other indians’ posts on youtube that the “western influence have corrupted them” just because they grew up in a country like the uk or the usa. to anyone who deems any nris to be less than other indians just because they wear jeans or do something you claim as “going against our culture” may i ask why if you’re so against the “western influence” you choose to use youtube, a western app made in the usa, to preach about how the indian youth have been “corrupted”?
indians are not one single entity that share the same values and beliefs. even if you saw an indian wearing western clothing, showing skin, swearing or whatever else you consider “bad” and “western” it doesn’t give you the right to tell them they are not indian or say that they are less “moral” than traditional indians.
being indian is not a personality trait. it is simply a label for someone whose ethnicity is indian, and if you do not like what you see, simply block the person from your feed and move on.
as someone who actively participates in my indian culture and western culture (i am an nri) i am proud to say that i am indian and british. to whom should i apologize to for being too “western?” who dictates who is indian or not, moral or not?
and although this is a little off topic, recently i have discovered the phrase “johns and abduls”, which i saw under a youtube video speaking about malayalam cinema, where the commenter was saying that “we shouldn’t promote too many johns and abduls,” which is to say we shouldn’t be promoting too many christians or muslims as if they believe the entire country is going to be taken over by christianity or islam if they “allow” too many of them to within indian media. i myself am not that religious, but i couldn’t help but feel disgusted at the thought of someone genuinely believing that religious inclusion is a bad thing. the malayalam film industry is thriving on the basis that we have many creators of many different backgrounds making movies regardless of our religion, creed or caste. case in point, the beautiful and thrill-inducing movie manjummel boys, which is directed by a man who had been raised hindu, and kaathal the core, the nuanced, layered story of a gay man from a director who had been raised christian. both of these are beloved movies that have been highly praised, and are made by two people who, despite religious differences, shared the common goal of telling a story (if you haven’t watched these two movies i highly recommend you do so).
i feel as though people think of indians who have an abrahamic faith as akin to how some people see immigrants: lesser than others. even today on youtube i saw an edit of a person indirectly saying that hinduism is superior to islam while searching for some youtube clips of the mahabharata tv show. other hindus in the comments were saying that it wasn’t right to claim any religion as the superior one (which is the logical and morally correct answer) but there were others still who agreed with the video. why is this?
it doesn’t matter if you believe we only converted to christianity two thousand years ago in exchange for rice (for the record i do not agree with the practice at all and condemn anyone who uses christianity to manipulate others into converting) because now, at least to my knowledge, we have a choice. and some of us choose to be christians who are indian just like other indians choose to be hindu, muslim, or like me, are still figuring out where we lie.
as i have said before: indian is not a personality trait. it is simply a label and as long as you are not spreading hate, be who you want to be.
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nubis84 · 1 month
Qué irónico que cada vez se crea menos en la religión, y más en las teorías de la conspiración.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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bocadosdefilosofia · 2 months
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«El supuesto cristianismo primitivo, el cristianismo de Cristo —y esto es más absurdo aún que hablar del hegelianismo de Hegel, porque Hegel no era hegeliano sino Hegel— era, se ha dicho mil veces, apocalíptico. Jesús de Nazaret creía en el próximo fin del mundo, y por eso decía: “Dejad que los muertos entierren a sus muertos” y “Mi reino no es de este mundo”. Y creía acaso en la resurrección de la carne, a la manera judaica, no en la inmortalidad del alma, a la manera platónica, y en su segunda venida al mundo. Las pruebas de esto pueden verse en cualquier libro de exégesis honrada. Si es que la exégesis y la honradez se compadecen.»
Miguel de Unamuno: La agonía del cristianismo. Espasa-Calpe, S. A., pág. 35. Madrid, 1984.
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tonalipsis · 8 months
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heart-of-faith · 1 year
"Por qué la gente debe arrodillarse para orar? Si realmente quisiera rezar, te diré lo que haría: iría a un gran campo, sola, o al bosque profundo, y miraría hacia el cielo, hacia arriba, hacia ese hermoso cielo azul sin fin, y solo sentiría la oración"
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ruth-t · 1 month
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No soy religiosa, la única religión que tengo eres tú.
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