#Secretly a Vampire
"Send me any prompt"
i see a prompt request and i trip and choke and die in my haste to ask for vampire stephen. prepare for paragraphs of inane vampire rambling over discord.
I expected nothing less from you :D Have this 5+1 sequel of 'The Vamp and the Were'. Beta by KJ <3 Everyone listen to 'Secretly A Vampire'. It's very vampire Stephen coded.
Summary: 5 times the team didn’t know Stephen was a vampire and 1 time he didn’t realize they knew
Tags: Vampire!Stephen Strange, Werewolf!Tony Stark, IronStrange, established Relationship, 5+1, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, all the good stuff, revealed secret, whump Stephen, protective Tony
Ko-fi | Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Word count: 4.8k
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Secretly a vampire
Stephen stepped through his portal and into the Avenger’s tower. More specifically into a conference room.
“Thank you for joining us today, doctor,” Rogers greeted him.
Stephen answered with a nod and sat down on one of the many free chairs. At least he wasn’t the last one to this meeting. It was the first one he attended. So far he had always refused to go; not because the Avengers were publicly known for hunting vampires – and Stephen was a Vamp.
It was problematic on several levels.
Stephen himself hunted vampires as well but only those who posed a danger to society. Those Vamps who had lost their minds and succumbed to their blood lust.
Unfortunately, there were a lot of those. And they were – rightfully – feared by the public eye.
But there were other vampires as well, living a normal life. At least as normal as life could be if sunlight killed you and your species was hunted down.
Stephen was the best example of those kinds of Vamps.
Well, Stephen was a mediocre example because he was a Master of the Mystic Arts and thus did not represent the norm.
But in his work he distinguished between dangerous and harmless vampires. Just as the Avengers should do it.
Albeit they were a long way from it.
Stark entered the conference room, carrying a mug that held probably an unhealthy ratio of coffee to liquid. He dropped into the chair right next to Stephen.
Tony was the only other person in the room who knew Stephen's secret. He had found out by accident; a mission gone bad. Although it had probably been inevitable, considering how they had circled around each other.
Tony threw a wink at him and Stephen scoffed affectionately. Tony knew Stephen wasn’t a fan of pda – at least outside of what he considered family – and thankfully the werewolf kept his hands to himself.
Clint was the last one to arrive; also with a coffee in his hands. He slid into a seat in the back and Rogers started the meeting.
Stephen listened only with one ear. If he was honest, he was just here to show some Sorcerer-Avengers alliance. And because he got tired of the Avengers asking him to join.
Bored, his eyes wandered to the big panorama window. They were on the east side of the tower and since it was late afternoon there was no direct sunlight coming in. Tony had installed UV filtering windows in the whole tower anyway, so that Stephen could move freely within it at any time of day or night, without worrying about getting burned.
“… they reported traces of vampires in Middlesex, New Jersey.” The map of a neighborhood near the sea could be seen on the large screen on the wall. "So far it's been narrowed down to this area. We'll look into it. Get ready to strike soon."
Stephen's jaw tightened when Rogers circled a specific block in South Amboy. He had meant to stay in the background and not attract attention. But if they keep following that specific lead, innocent people might get hurt.
Given two choices, Stephen always chose the one that protected others; instead of himself. That was why he spoke up.
“Actually, the Vamps in that area aren’t dangerous. Quite the opposite: they proved to be useful in providing valuable information on illegal cargo several times.”
All heads turned to him, surprised – even Tony, although for a different reason.
“Vampires are always dangerous,” Natasha chimed in. Her eyes were as sharp as her facial features. Stephen was pretty sure there was some fae somewhere in her blood line. It would explain so much about her.
The sorcerer gritted his teeth. They didn’t know this was a sensitive topic to him. A very personal one. He refused to back down.
“Not all vampires are mindless beasts. I’ve talked to several individuals who are actually very pleasant to be around. And they don’t kill humans for blood.”
“It’s true,” Tony added and Stephen's eyes shot over to him. Of course Tony backed his partner up.
His support seemed to help Stephen's case, because Rogers gave in. “Alright. But we will keep an eye on it.”
Stephen just nodded.
In a subtle gesture Tony put his hand on Stephen's leg, calming him. It wasn’t really necessary, but it was the thought that counted.
Self-preservation hindered Stephen from revealing more in front of the team. He decided to warn his contacts in New Jersey anyway.
The rest of the meeting he leaned back, listening in silence.
Tony didn’t move his hand away the whole time.
The wooden stake to his chest was a surprise. It had come out of nowhere. An improvised weapon, pulled from the rubble of the construction site where they were fighting.
White-hot searing shards of pain erupted from the wound.
Stephen hissed in agony. He managed to whirl a spell at the attacker, but the damage was done. He staggered sideways.
“Doctor Strange!” Peter rushed to his aid.
It had been movie night and he, Tony and Peter had been comfortable on the couch when Jarvis had informed them about the attack. Some other Avengers – who had also got the call – had joined the fight.
Stephen was bent over kneeling, trying to regain control over the pain, when the boy crowded his personal space.
“Are you okay?” Peter, who had no problem facing scary monsters, was overwhelmed by the situation. He had no idea what he could do to help Strange - and the fact that the vampire didn't respond only increased his panic.
“Are you going to die?” Peter’s worried face was hidden under his mask but his voice was breaking. A wooden stake to the heart was one of the big myths about killing a vampire.
Fortunately, a wrong one.
“No,” Stephen pressed between his teeth. And then a not very convincing, “It’s going to be alright.”
Sam landed beside them. His wings retreated into the pack on his back as soon as his feet touched the ground. “Shit, doc. Paramedics are on their way.”
Stephen wouldn’t wait for them.
“I need you to pull it out.” The sorcerer gestured to the stake. He didn’t want to burden Peter with the task. And he couldn't do it on his own; he needed all his strength to hold back his teeth from kicking out. It was a shock reaction of his body to defend itself.
“Are you sure?” Sam asked. “That looks nasty.”
It probably did. More so because the Avengers thought he was a regular human being. He was probably wondering how Stephen was still standing on his feet.
“I’m a doctor. And I have magic. I will heal in no time.” Stephen’s voice was pressed. Just because he was a vampire didn’t mean he wasn’t suffering. He was indeed in a lot of pain.
Finally, Sam stopped protesting. Instead, he put his hand around the stake; and pulled.
Stephen's lips tightened, wrinkles forming where none existed before. His breath seized – even though a vampire didn’t have to breathe at all. But it helped with the pain. At least that was what he told himself.
Stephen managed to cast a spell that mended his robes, concealing the wound from sight. His vampire powers would take care of that one. He just needed some rest and a blood bag from his refrigerator.
As soon as Sam got the wooden stake out completely, he threw it away in disgust. It was drenched in blood and other liquids the Avenger didn’t want to think about too closely.
There was an angry growl approaching them fast.
Oh yeah, now Sam had to calm down a concerned and very feral lover, who had probably smelled the sorcerer’s blood on the other side of the battlefield, as well as heard his cry of pain.
Stephen avoided going outside during the day. Understandably, since it would literally kill him – if he didn’t take precautions. Usually, there was no reason for him to hit the streets in broad daylight anyway.
But this was a magic-related emergency right in the middle of bustling central New York, and Wong wasn’t currently available. Which was why Stephen was here, wearing several protection spells so the sun wouldn't burn him to a crisp immediately. The cloak rested on his shoulders, expanding his collar to a full hood to provide extra protection.
The glowing box that hovered six feet in the air in Central Park better be worth this.
Tony didn’t leave his side. Ever since the incident in Australia, this was a sensitive topic between them and the werewolf acted overly protective. Stephen didn’t argue with him. He had learned his lesson. He did accept Tony’s sunglasses though.
“For your eyes,” the Were muttered.
Stephen wasn’t sure if it was meant to protect them, or if they currently betrayed his true nature by turning into a bright shade of red. So he hid them behind the tinted glasses.
It was late in the morning, not yet noon, and the day not too warm. He could work with that; as long as his time outside was kept short. Despite all precautions, he felt a headache approaching.
“Thank you for coming by,” Natasha greeted them, approaching from the side. She and Clint had been the first ones to the scene. But as soon as they had seen that flying box, they had called the sorcerer.
Stephen turned his head to her, shielding his face from the sun with his hand. Even with the sunglasses it felt too bright. And maybe he imagined it, but his skin felt itchy.
Natasha took in the unfamiliar style of the Cloak of Levitation, and the accessory that obviously belonged to Tony. As well as his defensive posture. “Are you alright, doctor?”
Stephen wasn’t surprised she noticed something. She was very observant.
Before Stephen could open his mouth, Tony chimed in, chuckling. “You see, our wizard here has a bit of a hangover. It got late yesterday and we may have opened one bottle of wine too many.” He looked at Stephen with mischief dancing in his eyes, “Next time you should stick to grape juice.”
The vampire didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to; it was written on his face that he was not impressed by those words – even with half of it hidden.
When Stephen didn’t object – and really, why should he? This was the perfect excuse – Tony grinned broadly and bumped his shoulder with Natasha. “We should avoid loud noises and bright light,” he stage-whispered, prompting her to follow him towards the weird magic object – and away from Stephen.
Bruce opened the door to the supply room – and stopped right in his tracks. “Oh… eh, I’m… I’m sorry, guys…”
He had clearly caught Tony and Stephen in flagranti. Stephen had pushed Tony against the shelf in the back, and was currently working on the soft skin of his neck, right between his ear and his shoulder. His back was to the door and he stills as soon as he heard it open. But he didn’t turn around nor did he make any kind of move.
Tony had his head tilted sideways to give him more room. His hands were on Stephen's shoulders, grasping the fabric of his shirt, while his legs were wrapped around the sorcerer’s hips.
He clearly enjoyed what they were doing very much. His pupils were blown wide and his eyes dark, when he locked them with Bruce.
Tony was slow to react. “Oh… hi, Brucie…” He smiled lazily.
There was a low growl in the room; surprisingly it didn’t come from the werewolf.
“You should leave,” Tony still hazily smiled. “Room’s occupied”
“Yes..sorry…” Bruce shuffled away, his head red by embarrassment.
The haze on his brain lifted enough to ask Jarvis, “What was that about, J?”
“I apologize, Sir. This room has no form of locking mechanism.”
That was something Tony should change. He made a mental note to add a lock to every single door in the compound.
The thought was forgotten in an instant when Stephen started to lick over where he had just bitten Tony. It was to close the wound; and to get Tony’s attention back.
The engineer shifted his focus back on the vampire. He rocked his hips against Stephen’s and elicited another growl from him, this time more needy.
Stephen was tired. Not ‘I need to go to sleep because he was a regular living being’-tired. No, vampires were physically and mentally not able to sleep; even if they wanted to. They were undead. And while the dead slept permanently, the undead never did.
This could be exhausting in its own way.
When he joined the Mystic Arts, Stephen learned to meditate, which was an effective way to shut off his mind; at least for a while.
Stephen had been gone from this dimension for a few days and now he craved a drink, a quiet and dark room, and the scent of Tony. Preferably a combination of all three things together.
He opened a portal straight into Tony’s bedroom.
Of course he didn’t find Tony there. The Were was barely in his own bed when Stephen was present. Without him, he probably barely walked in here at all. Plus, the sun had already risen.
Stephen went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Tony always had fresh blood for him available - packed into innocent looking, unlabeled boxes. It made sense; this was Tony’s private penthouse, but he often had guests over; Avengers coming upstairs. Stephen wouldn't want them to ask unwelcome questions.
He took a box and a glass – he refused to stick a straw into it. It would look too much like a juice box and Stephen just knew Tony would make a joke about that.
Instead he poured the red liquid into a wine glass. It was easier for him to hold it with the stem placed between his digits to prevent it from falling.
“Jarvis, where’s Tony?”
“In his laboratory, Doctor Strange.”
The Vamp opened another portal with the intention to at least steal a kiss from his partner, before he retired for the day. He changed his robes into something comfortable while walking through.
“… can you make one that ticks like a bomb, but instead of exploding there will be a small banner popping out that says ‘boom’. And then it will explode… oh, hey doc.”
Stephen realized too late that Tony wasn’t alone. Clint was standing next to his desk, both men leaning over schematics for what seemed to be trick arrows.
Walking up to his partner, Stephen took a sip from his drink.
Clint’s eyes followed the movement of his glass. “Is that red wine?”
Stephen paused, looking down at the red liquid. He was lucky Clint was human and couldn't smell blood over that distance.
He licked over his lips and noticed Tony was watching their interaction rather amused.
“Is that a problem?” he answered with a counter question.
Clint just shrugged. He certainly didn’t judge him, even though it was barely 10 a.m. in the morning.
Stephen was in Kamar-Taj when he got the call from Tony.
“Poison Ivy is attacking Washington DC. We could use some backup.”
Stephen frowned and glanced at his phone. It was early in the morning, which meant it was pretty late on the East Coast.
“Really?” he asked. “It’s the middle of the night.”
“I would also rather work in the lab right now. You coming?”
"Shields are at fifty-seven percent," Jarvis interjects. There was an explosion somewhere in the distance on their side.
"No pressure," Tony reassured either Stephen or himself, the Vamp wasn’t sure.
“Yes, just send me a-”, his phone chimed when he got a message, “…photo.”
“See you on the other side.”
Tony hung up and Stephen opened the photo. It showed a street lamp that was overgrown with vines – just like the sidewalk in the background. Everything was a bit blurry but good enough for Stephen’s magic to work. He opened a portal and with one step he was standing on the other side of the world.
There was chaos in the streets. In the dead of night, they were filled with a sense of urgent as people ran frantically in all directions. The sound of sirens wailed in the distance, adding to the cacophony of fear and confusion.
Stephen detected the general scent of panic in the air; it smelled sour and sharp with a hint of uncertainness.
Suddenly the asphalt cracked open and spiky vines shot high into the air. They chased Peter, who was swinging between the tall buildings.
Stephen summoned sharp and glowing discs and cut the stem. The heavy upper part fell – as the cloak of levitation pulled Stephen into safety – and hit the ground with a loud thud. The lower half of the tendrils, however, continued to move; like cut tentacles, but more angry now. Stephen cut them again, this time right above the ground.
The Iron Man suit stopped next to him midair, opening the face plate. “Thanks for joining. We’re currently dealing with Rose and Thorn, but her plant pets have a mind of their own and they cover a lot of ground here; destroying streets and buildings.”
“They’re Solanaceae.” At Tony's quizzical look, Stephen added, “Nightshades. They probably get stronger during the night.”
“A cousin of yours?”
“Funny,” the Vamp dead-panned. “I’ll do what I can, but our best bet is probably a giant flamethrower.” Fire killed almost everything efficiently, plants as well as vampires.
“Since when do you have a doctorate in botany? I’ll see if I can get propane from somewhere. Might take a while though.”
“Great. In the meantime, I'll take care of the weeds.”
They parted ways. Tony flew off while Stephen moved right next to where more plants breached through the street. He cut them as low as he could reach with his magic even though he knew it would be more effective to get rid of the roots.
At the same time that was more difficult, especially since he didn’t know how deep they went, or in what way they were connected to each other.
The more he attacked them, the more ferocious they got. The plants seemed almost sentient, sensing where he was, even though he remained mostly in the air and didn’t so much as touch the ground with his feet.
It made Stephen hesitate, wondering what exactly he was facing. It wasn’t magic; not really. Maybe – and that was a big maybe – he could find a way to communicate with them and make them leave.
The asphalt cracked in several places right below Stephen. The Cloak of Levitation pulled him back, but the plants seemed to focus solely on the sorcerer. They hit him before he could throw up a defense spell.
Three big branches pierced his torso and Stephen let out a cry, low and anguished that carried through the streets.
The cloak billowed, trying to pull him free. The movement only made it worse.
Another vine yanked the cloak off him. Someone called out for Stephen, but the noise was muffled in his ears.
The vines hurled him around and then threw him through the air. His loyal cloak zipped after him but wasn’t fast enough to catch him before he hit the pavement and tumbled over several times.
Ironically, the plants softened his fall – albeit only insignificantly.
Stephen gasped for air; and immediately choked on liquid. His lung must have been pierced and blood was pooling in it. He stopped breathing to avoid choking.
He propped himself up on his elbows – his hands were shaking badly – before he rolled onto his side. Deep in his stomach, a dark purple orb of anguish seemed to throb with his pulse. His vision was hazy and tinted red. The feeling of bleeding out was all-consuming.
The plants around him were burned away by a modified blast as Tony landed at his side. The werewolf crouched down to examine his partner. The suit retreated from his hands and his head. He wanted nothing more than to cradle the man in his arms, but the presence of the enemy was too close.
“Shit, Stephen, talk to me.”
“’m fine,” was what Stephen wanted to say. All that got out was a gurgling noise. Blood ran down his chin. The vampire turned his head and spat it out, even though it sent vile warnings throughout his innards.
He heard the voice of Jarvis, running a diagnostic scan of him: “…as well as his lung and abdomen. He is experiencing heavy blood loss. Immediate intervention is advised.”
That sounded about right.
“You need blood,” Tony observed what Stephen had already concluded as well. He was losing the vital liquid too fast. His throat felt dry, even though he was still choking. And he didn’t have the strength to check but he knew his fingers were sharp claws and his teeth on display. It was his body urging him to hunt.
For now he was still in control of his mind, yet he had to act fast. Or he would turn into a wild beast that would prioritize to ensure his survival.
Tony helped Stephen sit up. He groaned in displeasure as the pain intensified. Then he grunted with horror as Tony took off one arm part of his armor.
“What…you doin’?” he muttered, barely intelligible.
“I told you: you need blood. Don’t argue about it. Not now.” Not while they were in the midst of an emergency. Not again.
Stephen looked at him, shaking his head. He had already drunk from Tony twice this week. It had only been small amounts, but the body of the werewolf needed time to replenish its blood. With all his injuries, Stephen would need more than Tony had to give. Stephen might feel better, but Tony would die of blood loss.
The vampire didn’t have breath left to articulate that; except he was sure that the engineer must have come to the same conclusion.
Tony was also very aware of Stephen's stubbornness regarding Tony’s health.
“..home…” Stephen managed to get out.
There were plenty of blood bags in the fridge. His hand moved to his belt, where his Slingring was normally stored – and he touched right into a deep wound.
The Vamp hissed in pain and Tony saw the blood running down shaking fingers. Stephen knew he barely had the strength to move, much less to open a portal.
His senses grew stronger as he became more aware of possible food sources around them. Surprisingly, he also got calmer. Or maybe his body just got ready to attack at the earliest convenience.
Suddenly he was glad he was too weak to move a lot.
Tony was kneeling behind him, to support his back and stop him from toppling over; his mind running a million thoughts and calculating all options.
If not from him, Stephen could drink blood from someone else. Tony surely could find someone in this city, even though the area was evacuated. He would knock them out personally if necessary.
Stephen would never drink without consent. And animal blood wasn’t sufficient for this situation; it had to be human blood. Or at least humanoid.
A hospital!
They had blood bags in stock. Even though marching in and demanding them would raise questions. Tony would have to be careful not to reveal Stephen's nature.
On the other hand, if he waited too long, Stephen's nature would reveal on its own; when he went feral to get what his body needed.
Suddenly his trail of thoughts was interrupted by another voice.
“What’s your status?”
Rogers was jogging over to them. Maybe he had smelled the lots of blood Stephen was losing. Or he got called on the scene because Tony had ignored his comm for the past however many minutes – right after he had screamed for Stephen.
The sorcerer was trying to make his bleeding, lanky body smaller and shielded away from the Avenger. Showing his vampire features to Captain America – a very famous vampire hunter – would start a whole other kind of mess.
Tony helped him by subtly moving his armored body between them. “The wizard is out,” he explained dismissively. “I have to get him home immediately.”
This wasn’t really his plan; they were too far from New York and Stephen too weak. It was a good enough excuse though. And it gave Tony an idea: if Stephen wore the armor it would – hopefully – protect him; and those around him. It would leave Tony vulnerable in the still ongoing fight, but he would manage.
He glanced to the side where Rogers was still standing, analyzing Stephen's condition. Tony opened his mouth to throw a quip at him, but Steve beat him to it.
“What if he takes my blood?”
“What?” Tony stared at him. He was sure he misheard. Even Stephen stilled in his arms.
Rogers tilted his head. “If your werewolf blood is fine, mine should be as well.” At Tony's distrustful look, he adds, “You forget I’ve got super hearing. And the tells were rather obvious. Now,” he took the last steps towards them slowly, as if he was approaching a wild animal. “I believe we don’t have much time. I give him my permission to take the blood I can spare.”
Tony’s posture became defensive. It was subconscious, his mind still screaming: protect mate!
“Why?” he asked.
“We are a team, Tony”, Rogers said as if that were a very obvious reason. It probably was – under normal circumstances. Then Rogers spoke to Stephen directly. “And you are still Doctor Stephen Strange, even if you’re a vampire.”
Tony was still hesitant, and that said a lot about his experience with people he had trusted and who had then stabbed him in the back. Some even literally.
But then he felt Stephen weakly nudging him and he turned his attention back to the sorcerer. Stephen needed blood now; they would do the talking later. He weakly beckoned Steve to come closer.
The ground shook again, however, nothing broke through it - for now.
Rogers put his finger to his ear and spoke over the comm to the team. “We need some brief cover. South side.”
Stephen didn’t see who else moved in their direction; his focus was on the Avenger in front of him. Tony stayed with him and Stephen trusted him – as well as Rogers – to stop him should he take too much.
Rogers crouched down as well and looked at them, unsure. “So, how do we do this?”
“Your wrist.” Tony nodded towards it.
Rogers pulled the tight sleeve of his suit up and held it out to the vampire. If he had any second thoughts, he masked them well.
Stephen’s trembling hands wrapped around the warm skin. He felt life pulsing in the veins, a lot of it. Water pooled in his mouth; or perhaps it was blood. He wasn’t sure.
Instead of feasting on his meal immediately, he looked up at Rogers, his red eyes asking for permission. Steve granted it – again; this time with a simple nod.
Stephen bared his teeth and pierced the skin with them. On impact, a sound escaped Rogers, rather surprised than in pain – in fact it didn’t hurt more than a needle prick. And then the pain was completely gone. Everything was fine. Maybe he even was a bit too calm about the situation; the vampire drinking from him and the fight around them.
He had heard about a vampire’s thrall – but he still felt in control. A bit light-headed, sure. But not alarmingly so.
Roger’s eyes met Tony’s, who watched him with alert eyes.
After a while, Stephen let go of him and leaned back. He looked instantly better. He was still bleeding but he no longer made that gurgling sound with every breath. His wounds also seemed to be slowly closing. Or at least the bleeding had stopped.
He moved to stand up, but Tony held him back, gently.
“Take it easy.”
And Rogers added, “We got you, doctor.”
“What did he taste like?” Tony asked way too casual and out of context.
Stephen didn't have to ask who he meant. There weren't many people he had drunk directly from recently. "Artificial. Like a snack with a weird combination of flavors.” Looking at the Were he found him way too smug about his answer. “Are you jealous?”
Tony shrugged, ducking his head. It was a tell; he couldn't fool Stephen. “It was just weird seeing you drinking from someone else. It’s an intimate thing. At least it always feels this way for me.”
Because every time Stephen drank from the Were it almost exclusively led to sex.
Stephen pulled him into his arms. “Only because we make it intimate.” He kissed his temples. “What you and I have is special, Tony.”
Tony left it at that, but the scent of a very happy Were invaded Stephen's nose.
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klavioli · 10 months
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"You will eat only when I tell you too. Do you understand?"
5K notes · View notes
rosesocietyy · 19 days
lmao danny is so angry about that ruse he's so unbelievably angry at being blindsided by that glorified role play he almost can't believe his anger. hiding underneath the bitterness of his words is barely distinguishable tremor at that very clear reminder at just how much power he holds communing with two predators that kill to live
"I mean hey whatever it is they're trying to hide I'm probably not gonna crack it which is, you know, who cares" said the man who's never cared more in his life and lashing out at real rashid? really??
188 notes · View notes
harmonysanreads · 6 days
Life is just a series of one exam after another
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89 notes · View notes
I desperately need to know the circumstances that lead to that weird period in like 70s-80s where they just made a horror movie about any and everything
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lerrryyyyy · 7 months
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『 For @tddkhalloweek Day 3: Blood + Hunt 』
Izuku's bloodied mouth curls into a sinful smirk. He presses back against Shouto, brushing their lips together.
"You're not the only one with fangs, Shou~to~kun."
Do not edit or repost my art.
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glonkies · 2 months
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bubbys my favourite silly little guy!
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The thing about the VA books is that the forbidden romance is literally the least interesting part of them and high-key seems to exist in large part to highlight the political plotlines by discussing to what extent you should give up on what you want because of traditions which demand one specific life from you and give you no other real options
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darkfire359 · 2 years
There aren’t enough subby monsters in fiction. For some reason, a lot of people think that if a monster is huge and terrifying, bloodthirsty and evil, feral and vicious, filled with supernatural strength and power, et cetera et cetera, then the monster should be the dom in their monster/human relationship. But this doesn’t have to be the case!
I want to see:
- masochistic vampires who like getting holy water dripped on them in the same way a human might like waxplay
- dom humans who only offer their blood when their vampiric partner is on their knees and told to suck, or cradled in the human’s lap and gently offered a wrist
- werewolves that happily wear a leash and collar, or who enjoy the burn of being restrained in silver handcuffs
- eldritch horrors from the briny depths who want nothing more to be gently romanced and told that they’re pretty
… and so much more.
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desertfangs · 27 days
Are we going to talk about the fact that when Thorne meets Marius, Marius is hanging out in a Vampire Bar called The Werewolf? Like it's not just a random tavern, Marius is actively chilling at a bar that's part of the vampire connection and it seems it's a place he goes often. I am completely fascinated by this.
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olsonholloway · 15 days
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Has this been done yet
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library-fae · 1 month
what if you were a vampire cowboy and i was a werewolf cowboy and were both gay and trans and in love
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itsyourstarboy · 6 months
Lovely and Vincent are basically just Johnny and Mavis from Hotel Transylvania
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stinkrascal · 2 years
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i tell you, i tell you, the dragonborn comes 🐉
i remade my skyrim ocs in ts4... again :’)
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realbeefman · 7 months
i just think the idea of. house, who always takes, who can be so deeply selfish, literally giving his blood, giving himself to feed vampire!wilson and wilson, who is so repressed, who bends over backwards to accommodate everyone around him finally taking, indulging, savoring the flavor of love on his tongue. “blooddrinking is a doing verb” or whatever the quote is
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imo phil would have a blast being a vampire and dan would have to rethink his entire life philosophy via watching twilight
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