spiritualseeker777 · 9 months
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namitha · 9 months
Always keep in mind that you are a complete and valuable individual, deserving of genuine and wholehearted love, unwavering attention, and sincere effort in all aspects of life. Settling for anything less than you deserve is a disservice to your self-worth and well- being. Embrace the empowerment that comes from recognizing your inherent value and prioritize your emotional and mental health by establishing healthy boundaries. Surround yourself with people who appreciate and respect you fully, and let go of those who offer only half-hearted affections or minimal efforts. Remember, you are too whole to accept anything less than the genuine and fulfilling experiences that life has to offer.
//Tuesday 25th July//
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moonlitvixen09 · 3 months
Begin to realize that the world you live in is determined largely by what goes on in your mind. Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman philosopher and sage, said, "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." Emerson, America's foremost philosopher, said, "A man is what he thinks all day long." The thoughts you habitually entertain in your mind have the tendency to actualize themselves in physical conditions. Make certain you do not indulge in negative thoughts, defeatist thoughts, or unkind, depressing thoughts. Recall frequently to your mind that you can experience nothing outside your own mentality.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy
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feminiel · 18 hours
Empowering beliefs are what we need to change ourselves for the better. It is what we need to make the shift to someone we are not to someone we truly are. Empowering beliefs are based on love, light, compassion, kindness, the power of the soul that reveals the beauty of your divine self, and understanding of your value.
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the-healing-mindset · 2 years
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Sometimes, making a radical change such as leaving where you grew up or have spent a lot of time is just the thing needed to heal. Tomorrow morning I hit the road to interview for a new job in a new city over 400 miles away from where I currently live, which is also my hometown. And I'm doing it with no cash on hand. That's scary (and maybe a little bit crazy) but it's a change that I need.
I do have a temporary backup plan in place in my hometown in case things don't go like I want them to this time around, but as mentioned, it's just temporary so that I'm able to set myself up for another opportunity later on down the road.
Either way, I am still committed to making this change for myself because I know that I won't be able to grow here.
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udemycoursefree · 6 months
Unlock Your Full Potential with Free Udemy Courses
In the digital age, continuous learning and personal growth are just a few clicks away. Udemy, a renowned online learning platform, offers a plethora of free Udemy courses that cater to diverse interests and ambitions. Let's explore a selection of these courses that can help you unlock your full potential and take your skills to new heights.
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artisticdivasworld · 10 months
Unmasking Gaslighting
Recognizing, Protecting Yourself, and Overcoming Its Effects “Gaslighting is a subtle form of emotional abuse in which a person or group makes someone question their sanity, memory, or perceptions.” – Robin Stern In the realm of psychological abuse, there exists a particularly insidious tactic known as gaslighting. This blog post will explore the concept of gaslighting, its meaning, its…
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teachussomethin · 9 months
My List of More
Hi! My name is TyraShange + I want to know some of your favorite things. A while ago, I created a list of (some of) my favorite things. I took some time to update it with a few more things that I think would make me smile in this season in life. “Tyra’s List of More”More writing.More writing on pink frilly paper.More passion tea.More rain before clear skies.More faux fur throws.More cozy,…
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charlieblakely · 10 months
I'd like to know what sort of emotions this video brings up for people? (Try to be kind - it's on a budget!)
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powerfulmind611 · 11 months
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spiritualseeker777 · 9 months
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Life is... Nietzsche
As someone who has always been fascinated by philosophy, I have come across many different schools of thought over the years. And one of the most controversial and thought-provoking philosophers I have ever encountered is Friedrich Nietzsche.
Nietzsche is known for his assertion that life is not suffering, which is a stance that runs contrary to the popular notion that life is filled with pain and struggle. This idea may seem absurd or even dangerous to some, but I believe it is worth exploring.
At its core, Nietzsche's argument is based on the idea that human beings are capable of creating meaning and value in their lives. He believed that we have the power to transform our own lives through our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. While there is no denying that life can be challenging and difficult at times, Nietzsche believed that we have the power to transcend suffering and find joy and fulfillment in the world.
Nietzsche's philosophy is built around the concept of the "will to power", which is the idea that human beings are driven by a desire to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. He believed that we are not simply victims of our circumstances, but active agents in our own lives who have the power to shape our own destinies.
This idea is controversial because it runs counter to many of the fundamental assumptions we hold about the nature of the universe. Many of us believe that life is inherently difficult and that we are powerless to change our circumstances. Nietzsche's philosophy challenges this assumption and encourages us to take control of our lives and shape our own destinies.
Of course, this is not to say that Nietzsche believed that life is always easy or that we can avoid pain and struggle altogether. In fact, he believed that facing difficulty and overcoming obstacles is an essential part of the human experience. But he believed that we have the power to find joy and meaning in even the most challenging situations.
To quote Nietzsche himself: "He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." This statement encapsulates Nietzsche's belief that meaning and purpose are essential to the human experience. By finding a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives, we can overcome even the most difficult challenges and find joy and fulfillment in the world.
In conclusion, Nietzsche's philosophy challenges us to reconsider some of the most fundamental assumptions we hold about the nature of the universe. While it may be controversial to assert that life is not suffering, I believe that there is value in exploring this idea. By embracing our own power to shape our lives and find meaning in the world, we can transcend suffering and find joy and fulfillment in even the most challenging circumstances.
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yolswan · 1 year
Spring Is the Perfect Time For New Beginnings & Projects
Spring Is the Perfect Time For New Beginnings & Projects
Have you been thinking of starting something new but are unsure about your next steps? Or perhaps you have been procrastinating about an old project that you’re not ready to let go? You’re not alone! It seems that the energies around us are a bit contradictory—or, rather, pulling us in different directions. I’ve been working on the projects I mentioned earlier that I want you to be part of…
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divine-nonchalance · 2 years
I am very excited and curious about my desires successfully unfolding, evolving and manifesting in the most effortless, elegant and joyful ways that are beyond what I can currently imagine, all the while feeling outrageously blissfull about it all.
- Sejeluho . Affirmations for All
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tamthetenacious · 1 year
I am worthy and deserving of unconditional love. I am worthy of a safe, secure and loving relationship. I am a magnet for pure love. I am loved. Love is what I bring to all relationships and interactions. I am LOVE
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Go on. Make that decision that scares you. Surprise yourself. You're here to live, not to abide by anyone else's rules or expectations that they have for you. Separate and do your thing.
Source: SourceMessages
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