#Shawn Mendes oneshots
rowdyslove · 10 months
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔. | jack hughes
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jack has not moved a single inch of his body for an entire hour straight, and neither have you. the only difference here was that you were peacefully asleep on his chest while he tried his best to not wake you from your soft slumber.
he could have sworn it had just started with him explaining the events of his previous game that took place earlier that night. the complete details of his explanation he couldn’t quite recall exactly, but jack did remember so vividly how you would nod and hum in approval to show that you were still intently listening to the conversing. you were as comfortable as one could be as you slid into his bed. you immediately scooted yourself closer towards his side, where you threw one leg over his and wrapped a loose arm around his torso.
jack wasn’t surprised with your actions. you two have been dating now for way too long for his heart to thump and race at every little move you made, much unlike the ways it used to be when he was still pursuing you with every amount of affection he could think of.
but there was always something about the way you and him have gotten so used to things being like this—this kind of closeness, this kind of intimacy, this kind of comfort where you could wrap your arms around him at any given time.
and he would just accept it all with a smile and lean himself against you comfortably, instead of feeling stuck in place and hesitant to the idea of your bodies being this close.
he enjoyed it though. the fact that the two of you have reached this strong point in your relationship. the thought never failed to make his chest swell up with utter pride and adoration.
he hadn’t even realised that you fell asleep until you had stopped responding to him. and then it was just silence. it was a kind of steady silence in the room that felt all too familiar, mixing itself with the turning of the ceiling fan and the occasional loud snores heard from his brothers just across the hall.
and even though he could tell that you were asleep from the slow nudging of your cheek up against his shoulder and the gentle rise and fall of your chest pressed up close against his side, he still glanced down at you from time to time anyways to make sure. it was simply just another excuse to steal looks of you as well. he could hear your faint breaths, coming in and out as his chest heaved along; the more he focused on you, the more his breathing started to match up with yours, like he was dependant on your breathing to help his own. and your body felt as light as a feather over his, warm and subtle within his protective hold. he could tell you were safe, and he felt safe having you with him in this moment.
looking at the space around him in his room to the lovely curves of your figure—it was all something that jack could recognise as home to him.
what had initially started as a fond feeling slowly turned into one of exhaustion as the clock ticked with time. an hour passed slowly with him scrolling mindlessly through his phone, his other hand draped over your back to keep you close. but god, was his body ever starting to feel sore from not moving an inch for this long.
he glanced down at you once again after finally mustering up the courage to give your body a light shove, all in hopes to gently wake you up from your slumber. but he suddenly paused, his eyes rounding in soft lust at the sight of your small pouty lips that had unknowingly displayed themselves to him.
your head had readjusted itself from pressing against his chest to facing more upwards, in a way that jack could see a perfect view of your facial features for as long as he looked down at you. it caught him slightly off-guard. he was not expecting to see your lips so up-close like this, faintly agape but just enough for him to feel your warm breath fan over his skin.
and then it felt like he was relearning this kind of closeness all over again. he felt hypersensitive as his mind was once again introduced to the close proximity of your bodies, but seeing it in a more alluring way than before. your leg moving closer towards his lower abdomen, your hips stuck to his own, your chest pressed deeper into his chest, and your lips now brushing past the sharp skin of his jaw whenever you stirred.
jack could feel the shape of your body, just faintly, but it was enough to be the death of him. he wanted more than just the faint feel of you. he wanted all of your touch.
your eyes groggily began to open when you felt the sensation of lips softly grazing across your lips. it was clear to you that it was jack claiming the spot of your lips with his, so you were quick to shut your eyes again and respond to his slow movements. unlike the rough ways he acted when he was on the ice during a game, with you he was always very careful, and that was a trait of his that you always adored. his hand gingerly threaded its way through your hair and brushing back the strands by your ear, his body shifting to pin your back to the mattress causing your hands to raise and grip his arms for support.
the kiss was sweet and sensual; you could trace every part of his plump lips with your own, completely mesmerized by the way he pushed himself so perfectly against your frame. air built its way into your lungs as you steadily huffed through your nose, feeling as if jack was stealing all of your oxygen little by little both through your mouth and through the way his hands skillfully slid across your sensitive skin.
a whisper of a whine left your lips when he gently wedged his knee between your legs, your grip on his arms tightening. and your actions just riled him up in even more ways than one, a smirk slowly creeping its way onto his face. in response to your soft noises, jack decided to make a change in position, pulling away to sit himself up against the headboard of the bed. the air from your lungs was quickly pulled away again as he grabbed you by your hips and swiftly pulled you onto his lap with such little effort. bringing his hands up, they didn’t once leave your body as he trailed them up your sides until they met your soft cheeks, and he was quick to pull you back into him.
you held your breath, your hands flying up to his wrists and you weakly held onto him. any strength or willpower you had in you, left your entire body the second jack’s pillow soft lips pressed themselves upon yours in a harsh, bruising kiss. your lips worked together in rough harmony, sighs and whimpers leaving you all in one when jack caught your bottom lip between his lip before pulling away.
his hands slowly left your cheeks, the only warmth you felt being the heat that radiated off of his body. you looked at him with such admiration as he touched you with such gentleness, how soft he was with you despite the feverish kiss you two had just shared.
when his hand dropped down to fiddle with the hem of his oversized t-shirt that covered your frame, you furthered the space between your face and his. you could see much more clearly now, and although jack still held a tight lipped smirk across his face, his eyes were lightly hooded with a kind of tender shyness.
“care to tell why you woke me up?” you asked with a grin, letting your arms wrap over his shoulders and your fingers card through the long tufts of hair on the back of his neck. your cheeks definitely had a deep red blush spread across them, but you doubted that jack could see it through the dim lighting that engulfed the room.
“i just felt like kissing you,” he replied honestly, bringing his hand up to remove some strands of your hair away from your face and tucked them behind your ears, his gaze still weighing strong and heavy on you. his voice was low and raspy, tiredness starting to become evident in him.
jack’s lips would always be the death of you. like a poison that you would keep choosing over and over, you would always let him drown you in them whenever he wanted to without ever having to ask.
“you know, you were sleeping on me for a whole hour,” he exclaimed. “i could barely move, my body started getting sore.”
“it’s looks like you’re moving just fine now.” you hummed.
jack licked over his lower lip, his hands now moving up so his fingers could find the soft skin of your stomach under his shirt. “i can still move pretty well.” he uttered out in a seductive tone of voice.
a light knocking rummaged within your ribcage at his lustful words. you couldn’t help but grin, the corners of your lips turning up as his suggestive idea popped into your mind. jack already had his hands on your hips, keeping you still on his lap. you brought your torso forward, getting closer to him than before while also nudging your hips closer to rest on his lower abdomen. you could feel him so vividly underneath you and his breath hitched.
“you’re such a tease j,” you whispered, your eyes hooded and gazing right into his, lips tauntingly brushing past his igniting the burning heat between you both even more.
“i can change that.” he mumbled, licking his lower lip briefly afterwards.
jack slipped his hand further up underneath the fabric of your shirt, touching every bit of your torso. his fingertips grazed and burned your flesh with every touch, sending shivers running all down your spine. a breathy chuckle left his lips as he felt your back straighten up in a small arch, the husk in his voice pushing your sanity over the edge to nothing. he was looking into your eyes so deeply, but the intensity of his gaze could have been felt from a mile away.
“is this okay love?” he asked in a hushed voice, his palms grabbing a firm hold onto your waist.
you brought your lips to his for one kiss, then another, until jack finally leaned himself forward to take in the moment. your hands rested on the bare base of his neck, gliding between his jaw and his shoulders. your mind focused itself on the sweet desparastion that was evident through his kiss, paired along with the familiar possessiveness he always held for you.
when you pulled away from him, he could see your eyes sparkle with a slight bit of submission for him, and when he furrowed his brows in question to you one more time, you gave him a quick nod and a gentle smile.
in that moment, jack knew that every night he could spend with you like this, he would never want to waste a single minute of it. everything about this moment felt right, falling more and more in love with you by the second.
yet, the one thing he could ever wish for in life, was that if this lifetime with you was all just a dream, he would never want to wake up.
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I want to request a Shawn angst imagine, please.
Something about sylvie or someone from his team talking about the reader behind her/they back and she/they feeling angry and telling shawn but he didn't believe it and having a fight but then he heard them talking bad about the reader again and trying to apologize, you decide if the end.
Only if you're comfortable to do it, love the work! Keep going!
Thanks for the request, honey!!!!!
I'm sorry if this is not that good, but I really hope u like it~
Big Deal | Shawn Mendes
Warning: Angst, fights, cursing.
Containing: boyfriend!Shawn, girlfriend!reader, Jerk!Shawn, Artist!Reader
pairing: You and shawn mendes
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You loved Shawn so much. You have been his girlfriend for 19 months now and now as you remembered how you had met, you laughed hysterically. You met him at an art exhibition, where he came, disguised in a black hoodie, a cap, and a mask. You had run into him while staring at the paintings on the wall, and almost screamed when you saw him like that. At first, you thought he was a thief or something, and seeing you freak out, he thought you had recognized him. So he had quickly pulled you aside and made you calm down.
You remembered the way you were so confused when he said that you knew who he was and he begged you to not tell anybody. But seeing your confused face, he pulled down his mask-making your mouth shut and your eyes wide. Honestly, you weren't a big fan of him back at that time, you never liked pop so you never even knew him as such. But you had heard of him from your friends and knew very well just who he was and why he had pulled you aside. When you had figured out just what had happened and the misunderstanding, you laughed out loud. Too loud.
He had raised his eyebrows and stared at you as you held your stomach as you laughed, which you knew was a not-so-beautiful sight. "What? Are you those insane kinds?" He had asked to which you stopped laughing and shook your head, looking at him disapprovingly. He didn't have a right to call people insane or judge them like that. So you gave him a piece of your mind and left him staring at you like an antelope in headlights. When you were looking at a mind-blowing piece of painting, he stood beside you, his disguise intact. He had said something clever and cocky and then after a small pause, apologized to you. You smiled at his sweet apology and the small smile he had delivered you. You were suddenly feeling this weird feeling in your chest.
And well, that's when you started hanging out more. After two coffees, a walk to the library, and a guitar session he had finally kissed you and asked you out. You were so happy, and till now everything was going great.
Well now...
You were a bit concerned about Shawn. He had been a bit distant and had canceled your last three dates. You already knew the obstacles that were going to come along with dating a celebrity such as him. You knew he was busy with his album and he had been getting a lot of hate, and you understood that he needed space. But you just wanted him to know that you were there for him.
You were waiting for him at your home, watching another episode of B99, and drinking coffee. When you heard the door opening, your head quickly turned, and you got up, slowly walking towards the door. There he was, your Shawn, coming in hanging his keys and hanging his coat. He looked so exhausted.
You sighed and walked towards him, taking his face in your hands as a yawn came across his lips. He quickly shook it off as he felt your soft hands caressing his cheeks. "Oh hi." He said and gave you a lop-sided and a sleepy smile. "You're still awake?" He said, his brows scrunching. You chuckled softly and brought his face towards yours and gave him a peck. "I missed you," You said softly, "and I hadn't seen you in a few days."
"What?" He said, his voice laced with a bit of aggravation. "We just had breakfast yesterday, together." You sighed a bit and stepped away from me. "You know what I mean,"
"No I don't!"
"Well, a bite of toast, a kiss to my forehead, and telling me you're going to be late and getting out of the house in less than 30 seconds, when I made bacon and pancakes for you is not having breakfast together."
Shawn groaned and stormed off, making your blood boil. You breathed in sharply and walked after him, "What the hell Shawn!?" Shawn rolled his eyes and plopped down on your couch, a small smirk passing his face for a second when he heard the title track of B99 playing on the TV. "You can't just walk away like that!"
"Well, guess what? I did!"
Your teeth gritted and you gave him a murderous look. You didn't like how Shawn was behaving with you, this is not how he acted with you. And you hated it. Didn't he realize that he was hurting you? "You know what? Fuck you." You stormed off to your bedroom, and took his pillow and his quilt and threw it across the room in the hall. "HEY!" You slammed the bedroom door and groaned out loudly.
You did not plan your night to go this way.
You sat on the bed, looking at the light that came from the living room through the small space between the door and the floor.
You sighed, your chest thudding loudly. Hugging your knees close to your chest, and you let out a shuddering breath, as a tear fell from your eye. You shook your head at your ridiculousness, and wiped your tear. It was confusing to you why you were being so emotional over this fight. It seemed small, didn't it?
But it wasn't.
This wasn't how you wanted your fights to go, fights that would lead you both to drift apart, and eventually, your relationship would fall apart...
The thoughts made you feel that your heart was being pulled apart. You looked at the light that escaped the small gap. Why did your relationship suddenly feel like that? Darkness had surrounded you, and the escaped light was really close but too far away to engulf you into happiness again. That light was Shawn. And it was almost as if he had forgotten to engulf you. And it was slowly killing you.
Before you know it, sleep had consumed you, with those burning thoughts still fresh in your mind.
"Hey, honey."
You hugged your coat over your chest and spared Shawn a glance. You had woken up to a cold and empty bed, disappointing you. You didn't think Shawn would stretch it till the morning. That was until you smelled the sweet scent of maple syrup and pancakes. Realizing Shawn's plan to lure you into forgiving him, you rolled your eyes. If he thought that pancakes was going to make you ease up, then he was miserably mistaken.
He knew that you never liked fights left like this, with so much tension in the air that it pressured your heart. He knew that you preferred to talk it out and apologize to each other, and not leave it just like that. You had sighed and got up, freshened up.
You heard Shawn sigh and groan slightly as you went through your mail. You saw one addressed to Shawn. You looked up, looking at the creases on Shawn's forehead. "You have mail." You said, monotonously. You walked towards him, and he looked at you hopefully.
But you didn't give in, not just yet. You were too angry at him but didn't want to give him attention. You still wanted to hit him and scream at him because of last night and what he made you feel. And yeah, you also wanted to get the argument over with and just hug him. But you didn't.
Shawn didn't know if he was right or if he was wrong. What he did was fully flawed, and he didn't realize it. You had always been a bit touchy. It was your way of receiving and giving love. Through physical touch. Unfortunately, it was one of your insecurities as well. You had been brushed off as annoying so many times because of your habits, it hurt you. So you had given Shawn a warning, no let me scratch that. So many warnings.
This fight wasn't exactly related to that, but it still made the insecurities and that same unsafe or lets say, not belonging feeling around you.
Shawn hadn't forgotten that, but he wasn't sure if it was exactly his fault. I mean, you did know how busy he gets. So after a busy day, he might want a bit space, didn't he?
But he didn't want this fight to last this long, either. He was keeping a party at their house, tomorrow night. He didn't want anybody to talk about your relationship or its problems. He didn't want anything new to stir up. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
You looked up, your expression was something he couldn't decipher.
"I'm sorry." He said, loud and clear. "It was wrong of me, what I did last night. And I know I have been bailing on you for a long time, and you have been so understanding. I'm sorry,"
You nodded at him. "Just don't do it again." You said, gently. Shawn didn't really understand why your voice sounded so afraid. It wasn't that big of a deal, was it?
"Anyway," Shawn smiled at you and brought up two plates of hot pancakes. "I'm keeping a party tomorrow night, if that's alright with you?" You smiled at him. "Yeah, no problem. Who's coming?"
"You know the usual, the team. Niall, Taylor etc. We wanted to celebrate all the work we've done for the new album."
"Ooh, when are you releasing it?"
"Next month. It's not completed it, but we're very proud of what it has become until now." You looked at him with a proud expression. You were so happy for him. You loved how hard-working he was.
"Okay then," You smiled at him. "You going to the studio, now?" He nodded, "I'll be back by 8. We can binge B99 if you want. Or maybe watch Avengers, since you're so fond of Tom Hiddleston," You giggled and blushed. "And RDJ." You pointed out, and he scoffed, smiling.
He kissed your forehead as you both finished your breakfast, and took your plates putting them in the dishwasher.
After getting ready, he went out the door, giving you your goodbyes and kisses. Still as he stepped out the door, you felt disappointment arousing in the pit of your stomach.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and stared at your outfit. You smiled and adored the slight foxy eyeshadow you had done. You took a deep breath and stepped outside your bedroom door. The party music was roaring down, and you slowly stepped down the stairs. As you stepped onto the second last step, you tried to find Shawn, and spotted him having a drink with two of his friends from the team. You smiled at him as he stared at you. You walked towards him, and noticed him still staring at you. "What?" You asked. "Does this not look good?" You turned your waist, "Should I change?" But he just grinned at you, and pulled in for a kiss.
He left you breathless and smiled at you. "You look fucking stunning, honey."
You blushed under his gaze and hid your face in his chest as it rumbled because of his chuckles. "Such lovebirds." Someone muttered and you looked up to see Niall. "Niall!!" You squeaked and hugged him. "How are you?"
"Perfect, love." He said and smiled at how you had wrapped your hands around his waist. "How are you both?" He asked cheekily.
"Same." Shawn said and kissed your cheek.
"I'm glad."
You looked around and sighed at the crowd. As much as you were proud of Shawn and no matter how many launch parties you go to with him, you never get used to the crowd. It gets overwhelming and makes you anxious. That's why you never actually like coming to these parties yet you did, only for Shawn. You tried not to always stick to him, but always made sure that he was in your eye sight, to make you feel calm and safe.
If he wasn't, then you would look for Niall, Taylor, or one of the other people with whom you were really good friends.
But mostly, it was Shawn.
You were thirsty and wanted to get a drink, so you went to the bar, promising Shawn to meet him at the dance floor.
But when you came back, he wasn't there. You couldn't find him. You looked around the crowd but couldn't spot him. When you looked back at the bar, you saw him with one of his team members. You recognized her immediately. Sylvie.
She had helped Shawn a lot, and you appreciated her for that. But sometimes you felt that maybe she didn't really like you, you tried to tell Shawn but he dismissed you, saying that you're being paranoid and that you haven't just spent that much time.
You sighed as you walked over to him.
"Shawn!" He looked back and saw you. He smiled at you and waved you to come over. You walked towards him with relief on your face. You got close to him and wrapped your arm around his. "Sylvie! How are you?" You asked politely. She smiled grimly, not so excited to see you, and replied, "Great! We're just waiting for the album to be complete and released, aren't we?" She smiled at Shawn and rubbed his arm. You felt extremely uncomfortable as you saw he look at Shawn like that. Your insecurities got up. "I'm so proud of you guys!"
"Yeah, I'm sure you are." She mumbled and scoffed. "Did you say something?" You asked her but Shawn squeezed your hand. "Weren't we going to the dance floor? I'm sorry Sylvie, we'll see you later." He said and smiled at her. She nodded and he grabbed you and you both walked towards the dance floor. "That wasn't polite, Shawn."
"I know."
You both danced calmly into each other's arms. "Shawn, was it just me, or was she rolling her eyes at me?"
He mumbled something under his breath and then looked back at you. "No, sweetheart. She is just in a bad mood, her boyfriend and she got into a fight before coming here." You nodded. You looked up at him and sighed as you saw his beautiful brown eyes.
You sighed and kept your head on his chest as you both swayed from side to side to the soft rhythm of the music. "I love you." You whispered gently as comfort laced you both like a graceful ribbon. Shawn kissed your forehead, his lips lingering over the crown of your head. "I love you the most.." He breathed, as the scent of your hair reached him. His eyes fluttered shut and he pulled you even close, If that was possible.
You took deep breaths as you found yourself finally in your beloved's arms. It was rare. Very rare. And you wanted to make the most out of this moment. An unsettling feeling had rested in your chest, that any moment this is going to be ripped from you. He is going to be ripped apart from you. And you will be crushed again.
You entwined your hand into his' as the music ended and he was obliged to go and meet more guests. He gave you an apologetic smile, but you weren't going to leave him. You went along with him even if exhaustion had taken over your legs. You felt so much safer with him. His cheering voice always comforted you, it kept your anxiety at bay.
You both walked towards the bar again. You smiled at him and left his hand. You wanted to pee. So you stepped across but as soon as you closed your stall, some voices started speaking. Familiar voices.
"I mean did you see her tonight?"
"Fuckin whore, can't even dress properly."
You tried to restrain your gasp as you recognized the voice. Sylvie.
"Poor Shawn, he must've had to deal with her."
"I know right? She's so useless. Always clinging to him like a puppy."
"She's only with him for clout. Clingy bitch."
"God, Shawn deserves so much better."
"Someone like you, Sylvie?"
"Oh shut up." She giggled. "Maybe."
Your blood boiled as you heard all those words, but your heart ached. Tears started to spill out of your eyes as you tried to keep your breath calm. Shawn deserves so much better. Was it true? Were you that clingy?
You heard the door close shut and that's when you broke down. Tears started to pour down your eyes, rolling down your cheeks. You held your forearms as your chest shuddered at thought of Shawn leaving you. You tried to keep your cries in but your ears started to hurt and your throat started to dry as you gasped for breath.
Your head was aching and your dress felt too tight now. Why was this happening to you? You wanted to yell for Shawn but then you thought about you being a burden to him.
And besides, you looked like a fucking disaster. You didn't want to ruin Shawn's rep like that.
Shawn was a bit frustrated with you. You still doubted Sylvie, and it bothered him. She was such a sweet person and a great colleague. Why did you always seem to dislike her? It always annoyed him- you trying to point out some imaginary things about her. Sylvie was rolling her eyes at me; she was giving me a weird look; I think she doesn't like me; Your complaints were endless.
Niall furrowed his eyebrows at the crowd, and then looked back towards Shawn. "Shawn?" Shawn stirred his drink. "Yeah?"
"Where's Y/n?"
"Bathroom. Why?"
"Don't you think its been a long time?"
"Shawn you know what happens during these parties don't you?"
"Yes but-"
"Shawn go check on her or I will burst into the girl's washroom and sing Stitches."
"Ok, ok! Fine." Shawn breathed and looked around the crowd again. He breathed when he realized it had been a long time since you came. He got up and walked through the crowd, just to make sure that you weren't locked in the crowd. But you were nowhere to be seen. Shawn's heart rate started to increase. He was marching up to the ladies washroom.
Just as he went forward, trying not to bump into more drunk people- Shawn halted as a person came right in front of him. "Hi, Shawn~" He looked down to see Sylvie standing with a drink in her hand, a giddy expression on her face. "How are you?" She asked in a squeaky voice. She caressed his shoulder, going to his bicep. But Shawn was in a hurry to even process what she was doing.
"Oh, I love it when you say my name." She said, breathily. Shawn gave her a weird look and then looked at the washrooms, they seemed so far away. "Sylvie, I have to go-"
"No please wait-" She held onto his hand. But Shawn twisted his hand out of her grasp and ran out of there. He burst into the washroom and heard small gasps and soft sobs. Shawn's heart broke; He took quick steps toward the stall and knocked. He heard a sharp gasp-- "Y/n? Honey?"
"Hello?" You squeaked out, keeping a small hope that it wasn't Shawn. "Sweetie, please open the door. For me?" You sighed and your breath shuddered. It was undoubtedly him. This was perfect- you felt even worse. You couldn't hide and you didn't have a mirror to fix yourself.
You wanted to dig a hole and die.
But you didn't have a choice now. Shawn looked up as the door clicked and you stepped out. Shawn cupped your face and studied it- you were an absolute mess.
Shawn shushed you and wiped the tears on your cheeks and kissed the red skin right under your eyes. You shivered as his cold lips touched your cheeks, and you closed your eyes as he pulled away.
"Why were you crying?" He asked directly. And you looked at the ground- You really didn't want to tell him, and lying wasn't an option because he could tell your tell on your fourth date. "Um,
I was in the stall- when some girls came into the bathroom. They started to talk- and um," You looked around uncomfortably. "I realized it was Sylvie and her friends. They said some things about me."
Shawn raised his eyebrows, "oh? What kind of things?"
"She called me a whore, and said that I was a clingy bitch and never left your side. She said that you must be," you took a deep breath. "Miserable with me." Shawn ran his hands through his hair. He couldn't believe that Sylvie would say this.
He couldn't believe that you were making these accusations.
"Are you sure it was her?" He asked. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Of course, I recognized her voice."
"But you didn't see her, did you?"
"No! Why did you always try to convince me that Sylvie hates you?"
You were completely taken back. How could he ask you this?
"You always try to tell me how bad she is-"
"I never told you that!" You shouted.
"But weren't you trying to? Weren't you? Why do you dislike her? She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met- can't you at least try to like her? At least to support me! I mean you have been nothing but unsupportive recently!" He spat at you. Your blood boiled as you heard his words. Unsupportive? "And that you bring Sylvie into all of this? God, y/n."
"Unsupportive?" You breathed. "Did you just call me unsupportive? How could you- I've always been supportive of you! I never complained when you come home so late and never texted me- I never got angry at you when you would ignore me- I always supported you through your tantrums-"
"What the fuck do you mean??"
"I'm your fucking girlfriend Shawn! I'm not your punching bag or your booty call! That whenever you want me I'll be there for you~ But it's not the way around. I always understand that your career can't always make you available, but I can't always be like this! I can't take it anymore!"
"And the fact that you don't believe me and don't fucking trust me is just-"
"God, you're such an ordinary girl," he mumbled under his breath. You looked at him, betrayal laced in your eyes. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" You asked him quietly. "You're such an ordinary girl!"
You were taken aback by his statement. An ordinary girl?
But you stayed quiet, that was your harshest answer. You were exhausted. You were tired by his actions, his expectations, and what you have faced. You couldn't do it anymore.
"If you can't handle this ordinary girl, then maybe you shouldn't be with her." You said with unshed tears in your eyes. "Maybe you should be with someone like Sylvie."
"It will be easy. She wants to be with you anyway." You said.
"What the fuck do you mean?"
You just shook your head and got out of there.
Shawn was aggravated, how could you accuse Sylvie of saying such things? Shawn stormed off from the washroom after you did. His head wasn't straight at the time. Anger and frustration was running through his veins like poison. And what did you mean by that last thing you said?
"She wants to be with you anyway."
Alcohol was affecting his mind as the echo of your words ran through his ears. His head was getting dizzy. Shawn looked at the crowd and didn't find you. He panicked for awhile then remembered that you must've gone back home. Shawn wanted to ease off tonight, he had been working hard week after week. So many sleepless nights without you in his arms and he missed you so much.
But all of those sleepless nights had caught up on him and he just wanted to rest when he came back home. He didn't expect to get into that fight with you- and all that anger just wanted to be vented off.
So well, maybe Shawn realized that he had acted a bit inconsiderate.
And maybe cruel.
But she would forgive him wouldn't she?
Shawn somehow got engulfed in the crowd and was getting bumped constantly by the dancing cluster of people. He heard weird voices and someone very familiar trying to talk to him. "Shawn, buddy? Where is y/n? Are you okay?"
Shawn dismissed them and tried dancing off. Suddenly, he got pulled by someone and they started dancing with him. "Hey, Shawn." He heard someone say flirtatiously. He felt his cheeks being caressed. "Sylvie?"
"Hi silly, come on dance with me!" She said and took Shawn's hands and placed it them on her waist. "What are you doing?" Shawn asked, drunkenly. "Dancing with you, sweetie." She whispered in his ear. Shawn felt disgusted but he couldn't tell her that. He didn't want to dance with her, he wanted to dance with you. "Wait, Sylvie- I need to find y/n."
But she kept a hold on his hands. "Why? I'm here, aren't I? Anyway she left you alone." She said bitterly. "What do you mean? We just had a fight- and she said some bizarre things."
"She thought that you wanted to be with me! That's so absurd. You don't like me do you?"
Sylvie stayed silent which made Shawn panic. "Sylvi-"
She pulled him closer and whispered against his lips. "What if I do?"
Suddenly Shawn's new song started playing. It was supposed to be a surprise for you.
i wonder if you're real
Do i speak the truth or do i filter how i feel?
I wonder, wouldn't it be nice
To live inside a world that isn't black and white?
Shawn felt Sylvie's cold lips against the corner of his mouth and his whole body filled with disgust and shame. It felt wrong. It felt so wrong.
He wrote this song for you, he wanted to dance on this song with you. But you weren't here and it was all his fault. He hated himself because these words were written for you, were supposed be adored by you right now. Yet they were getting betrayed.
His heart shattered as he realized what was happening. His mind sobered up and he pushed Sylvie away with utter horror. He ran away to find you. Hoping you were home.
You weren't though.
You were walking down the quiet streets, getting drenched in rain. Tears were pouring down your face. You were so thankful that because of the rain nobody could distinguish whether the drops of water on your face were either raindrops or salty tears.
In the middle of this rain, that once you would've called so beautiful, your heart had been crushed and now fear had built. Was this the end? Were you and Shawn over?
You didn't want to think of that. But how could you not? He had totally disregarded you, over and over again. And you realized that a half-assed apology wouldn't work this time. You loved him so much.
Oh, you loved him dearly, but you had dignity and self-respect. And you were not going to let Shawn's cruel actions and your love for him to get between your self-dignity.
You sat down on one of the benches. Your sobbing wasn't stopping and you had given up now. You looked up and glanced around- The streetlights were lit, rain was dancing on the ground, and everything else was quiet.
You would've loved this. It would've been so romantic- but right now you felt empty.
Suddenly, you heard panting. Your eyes widened and you tried not to be frantic. What was it? A wild dog? "Thank god, I couldn't find you anywhere."
Your throat tightened. Shawn.
"That was the motive, Shawn." You said coldly. You didn't want to look at him. So you didn't realize that even he was crying.
"Please look at me, baby."
"What do you want?"
"You, back. Please." You stayed silent. "Love, I- When you left I got drunker and Sylvie danced with me. She-She tried to kiss me-"
Your eyes filled with tears once again. "I- You were right, baby. When she tried to kiss me, my song started to play. A new song, that I wrote for you- I didn't realize that I was hurting you and then I realized that I couldn't lose you. Those words, that-that music was composed for you, and all I wanted was you there, to be with me, in my arms to dance to that song. You're all I ever wanted, a-and I'm so sorry that I have been a total jerk to you, and I understand that you have been so patient with me and I have been taking you for granted."
"Glad you realized that."
"I'm so sorry, honey. Please give me another chance."
You stayed quiet. What he said melted your heart but you were stronger than that. You took in a deep breath albeit shaky. Restraining yourself from crying you got up, your knees weak. "Shawn, I-"
"I cannot forgive you." And because of the silence, both of your hearts shattering were audibly clear. "Just yet."
"I need time, Shawn. What you did- You didn't trust me! Your own girlfriend. I cannot forgive you just yet, and neither can I make myself trust you again. Not just like that. If you expected me to come back into your arms instantly then you were mistaken, Shawn." You said softly.
"I need time to think. And its better for now if you don't contact me for a few days." You slowly turned around. "It's best if you go back. Please take care of yourself." You said and walked away with a heavy heart.
Shawn watched as you walked away. He knew the damage he had done. He loved you so much, and he wasn't strong enough to pay the price. To stay away from you.
But he had to.
Thanks to-
who wanted to be tagged in every one of my fics!
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randomsillyfangirl · 10 months
Look up at the stars - Shawn Mendes x reader
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Plot: Shawns writing for you based on your favorite memory with him. Warnings: non, just wholesome Shawn <3
------------------------------------------------------------You and Shawn had been really close friends before you two started dating. You knew each other's likes and dislikes. You two seemed perfect together- and you were.
Shawn needed to write more songs for his Wonder album and couldn't stop thinking of you. Every moment you two shared together. He was thinking of you too much that ot became useless since he couldn't focus on a memory.
You knew Shawn would be stressed. So you came to check up on him. You sat next to him and gently held his hand. " is there anything I can do to help?" you offered, clearing the hair off of his forehead.
" what's your favorite memory of us together? " he asked, taking you up on your offer. You thought for a moment, " there's lots.. But probably when you took me to see the stars. It was gorgeous." you confessed.
You saw Shawn get a spark in his eye as he scribbled something on a piece of paper. He quickly showered your face in kisses. " you're amazing babe! " he basically yelled as you laughed.
You eventually left and he started to write the song. He was motivated knowing that it was your favorite memory together and he wanted to write you something perfect.
When wonder was realised and he started to do his tour, he wanted to announce the backstory of his favorite song ' look up at the stars '
While getting ready to perform this song, he started to give his little speech. " this song is about one of my favorite memories, with y/n. I will always take her to see the stars. " and as he spoke, the backing track started playing.
The fandom absolutely loved you. So when they heard this, there was nothing but love. And the song was a lyrical master piece.
As soon as Shawn was free, you couldn't wait to give him your opinion on the song- and album. He liked hearing praise from his work- but especially from you.
" what's your favorite song? " he asked you.
" my song. Look up at the stars." you said smiling and you showed him your new phone wallpaper. A picture of you and him, from that night, with the starry key in the background.
Perfection 💞
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"Tell me how do you like it?"
"You like it rough? intense?"
"Yes." She breathed down his neck.
Lost in Ecstasy
I'm back!! I'm so sorry anon for taking so so long to write this. It's probably been over a year. I was going through a lot and wasn't in the headspace to write at all. But I'll try being consistent now. I took the liberty to modify the ask a little bit. Hope you like it.
Warnings : smut, age-gap, early 30s!reader × late 20s!Shawn
Soft, dim lighting casts a sensual glow throughout the room, illuminating the figures of Shawn and Y/N. Their bodies are intertwined, their breaths heavy with desire.
Y/N, her voice low and filled with anticipation, whispers into Shawn's ear, sending shivers down his spine.
"Tell me, Shawn. How do you like it?"
Shawn's eyes meet Y/N's, his desire evident as he responds, his voice husky.
"I like it rough. Intense. I want to lose myself in the moment with you."
Y/N's lips trace a path along Shawn's neck, her touch igniting a fire within him.
"Mmm, yes." She bites gently at his earlobe, sending a surge of electricity through his body. Their bodies press closer together, their connection intensifying with each passing moment.
The room fills with the sounds of their mutual exploration, a symphony of pleasure and desire. Their movements become more urgent, a dance of ecstasy and fulfillment.
In the midst of their shared passion, they lose themselves in the moment, reveling in the raw intensity of their connection. Skin against skin, their bodies merge, fueled by a hunger that can only be sated by each other.
Breaths mingling, they push the boundaries, exploring the depths of their desires. Each touch, each whisper, brings them closer to the edge of bliss.
The room becomes a sanctuary for their unyielding passion, a place where inhibitions dissolve, and their deepest fantasies find expression.
Time seems to stand still as their bodies move in perfect harmony, seeking pleasure and surrender. In this intimate space, they find solace, fulfillment, and a profound connection that transcends the physical realm.
As their climax approaches, their cries of ecstasy fill the air, a testament to the intensity and satisfaction they find in each other's arms.
Finally spent, they collapse into a tangled embrace, their bodies still humming with the lingering echoes of their passion.
Breathing heavily, Y/N and Shawn lay in each other's arms, their bodies basking in the afterglow of their passionate encounter. Their eyes meet, a shared understanding passing between them.
In the silence of the room, they find solace in their connection, knowing that their desires are fulfilled and their souls entwined.
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heels sucks (S.M. imagine) 
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Helloooo, it has been a hot minute, so here is a little something. English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes in advance
Bonne lecture 🌈🌈🌟🥧
Word Count : 1k
Summary : You shouldn't have wear those heels, just some wedding fluff (not yours)
Why? Why was your first thought. Why did you chose to wear such shoes for such a ceremony. To be fair he warned you, he warned you you’ll get sick of those shoes quick enough, but stubborn as you were you thought you could handle it. The more the minutes passed by the more you realized you will finish this night barefoot. 
The lights were shining bright all around you, and the smell of the hundreds of flowers was lingering in the air and left such a sweet odor around, masking the smell of the sweaty bodies dancing around. The ceremony has been so pretty, the sun was shining during the day leaving everyone with rosy cheeks. You loved rosy cheeks on him, it’s like he was constantly flustered. You looked in his direction, his knee was touching yours under the table, and when he wasn’t picking up his fork or raising his glass filled with red wine to his rosy lips he would rest his arm on your shoulders and squeeze gently. His body heat, the wine, champagne and the love in the air left you with a soft smile on your face. You couldn’t believe how everything turned out so beautiful. 
You forgot the pain that you were feeling in your feet and just got lost in your boyfriend’s beauty. His hair was just brush in the right way, his eyes were sparkling in the cool night. Tonight, Shawn opted for a more relaxed suit than what he usually wears for formal occasion and god how it suited him. He was wearing a suit entirely made of a light washed jean fabric that just match his skin tone so well, the white shirt almost open until the middle of his chest was just calling for you and you had to refrain to just let your hands roam his body. He could feel the love in your eyes watching him all night and he never felt more at ease than in the moment where yours eyes met, the stars were shining above you and with a soft song playing in the background, the kind of scene you only find in movies. He took your hand getting up and took you to the dance floor. Even if you didn’t wanted to think about your feet in those killing devices you winced and Shawn obviously saw through your act. He let you sit again on your chair not wanting to hurt you more, you were disappointed wanting to dance with him during this magical night that felt like it was made for the two of you, whereas it was not. You thought he was going to sit next to you again and whisper sweet nothings into your ear but you watched him walk away, in the direction of the parking lot. Before you could question yourself even more an aunt that you saw maybe four times in your life took Shawn’s seat and started a conversation. And no it was not about your achievements in your career, or the graduation text she never replied to, no it was about your « hunk of a boyfriend » and how good he looked, maybe too hot for you by the way, according to her. You were refraining from rolling your eyes and just walk out, well you couldn’t walk out but minor detail. After ten minutes of your 50 something year old aunt gushing about your boyfriend, the said boyfriend finally came back. You felt his hand on your shoulder and turn back to him with a grateful smile for saving from your aunt. And then you saw them, he brought your flats to the wedding ! He knew at one point you will be fed up with the heels and having a backup is always great. You took the flats in your hands and changed them quickly. You looked into his eyes and he could see the relief and the love you felt for him. He swore he felt a whole bunch of loopings in his stomach. You muttered a small « Thanks » before leading him to the dance floor, this time free from the pain. 
You wrapped your hands around his waist and burying your face in his chest just above his heart, while he had his arms wrapped around your shoulders with his chin resting on top of your head. The two of you were swaying to the sound of an imaginary song while the dj behind was playing party songs. You were just focused on him and his whole being. The way his arms were wrapped around you, how his touch seemed so soft coming from such a muscled man, how his thighs were brushing against yours at every step, the way his hands were playing with the small hair on the back of your neck like you were the only two in the room. You thought you could never obtain this amount of peace in your life ever again then in that instant. You felt like nothing could happen to the two of you as long as you had each other. You will remember this wedding, not only because you were happy for the happy couple getting marrieds but because you will remember that moment as the time you fell in love all other again with him and it was the moment you knew you stay with this man as long as you possibly could. All those thought were overwhelming, your love for him was overwhelming and a single tear started to make its way down the curve of your cheek. He heard a small sniffle and pulled your head up gently with two of his fingers. 
« What’s happening babe? » he murmured looking into your eyes looking for an answer. 
« I love you so much, that’s what’s happening » you chuckled. 
« Aw babe » he said with a smile as he was stroking your cheek chasing the tear away before leaning in and putting his soft lips on yours. You could taste the red wine on his lips and feel his body radiating with happiness. 
« I love you » he said after detaching his lips from yours, remembering he was surrounded by parts of your family and some strangers.  
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yournameoneverypage · 2 years
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Word Count: 820 Warnings: A little angst? A/N: I hadn't expected to get this done so quickly, - I started it earlier tonight, - and I apologize that it's one of my more recent requests and not something I've had for awhile, but when I reread the prompt (which surprisingly I hadn't remembered reading when it first came in), it just sparked and caught. I know it's short, but I hope you still like it. I feel rusty, like it may not be all that good, since I haven't written anything for awhile, so please be kind if you choose to comment.
Shawn woke up Saturday morning with butterflies already tumbling in his stomach. It was going to be a big day, and it would be an even bigger night. The kind of night that would make or break the future he had envisioned.
He barely managed to choke down even a small breakfast, but he knew he’d need the sustenance. He didn’t want to pass out on the front stoop.
He showered and shaved. He styled his curls into neat waves, trying to disguise their true length. He had considered getting a haircut, but you liked his hair a bit longer.
He stood in the middle of his walk-in closet, trying to determine what to wear to make the greatest impression, finally deciding on one of his best suits, in blue. He’d read that blue signified serenity or calm, trust, intelligence, and responsibility. He also looked good in blue. Beneath his suit he wore a white button-down. White was often linked to sincerity, simplicity, clarity, and peace.
He knew what he wanted. In all sincerity, he had never been more clear.
Shawn was on his way, probably driving a little too fast, he realized. Trust, responsibility, he thought to himself. You also need to get there in one piece. He eased up on the gas as he drew closer and closer to his destination. He also began a breathing technique to try to lower his heart rate and another to bolster his confidence.
Too soon he was standing at the door, metaphorically holding his heart in his hand. He knocked briefly in the rhythm of the literal heart in his chest.
“Shawn,” your father greeted when the door opened. “Where’s my princess?”
“I’m here alone, Sir.” He took a deep breath. “I have a question to ask you. Man to man.”
Shawn waited to be invited inside. When he wasn’t, when your father only raised one eyebrow, he nervously rubbed his palms against the fabric of his thighs.
He drew another deep breath. Fine. He'll do it right here then. “I love your daughter. She is the most important person in my life. I will put her above all else. Always. And tonight, I’d like to propose. I’m here to ask for your blessing.”
Your father folded his arms across his chest, grunted, and said, gruffly, "You won’t get it. The answer is no."
Shawn’s heart plummeted and his head began to swim. He thought your father had always liked him, so this was surprising, to say the least. 
He respected your father, but that was an unacceptable response. He stood straighter. He had been folded in on himself, if only slightly, so as not to seem overly imposing. He was taller and wider than the older man.
He inhaled, his chest expanding, and cleared his throat. “Sir, please. Your blessing is important to y/n, therefore it's important to me. So, respectfully, I’ll ask again. May I have your daughter’s hand in marriage?”
Your father stood taller, squaring his chest. “And again, my answer is no.”
It was no secret that he was antipathetic to Shawn’s lifestyle, and very much disliked that Shawn was sometimes away for long stretches of time, leaving his daughter on her own, but you were a grown woman who chose this life with Shawn, who made her own decisions. And Shawn had never, nor would he ever hurt or mistreat you. He was loving and loyal to a fault and thoroughly, wildly in love with you.
“I can’t live without her,” Shawn stated, matter of factly. “I won’t. I’m going to marry her, with or without your approval. This is simply a formality. She’ll say ‘yes’ because she loves me and she knows our life together will be filled with affection, and adventure, and happiness, and undying devotion.
“I love her. She loves me. And she loves you. I’d like to see you walk your daughter down the aisle, and place her hand in mine at the altar. I think you know, deep in your heart, that if you make her choose between us, she’ll choose me. I don't want her to ever have to make that choice. I want you in her life, and in the lives of our future children.
“So, I hope you will strongly reconsider.”
Shawn exhaled, gave a sharp nod in goodbye, turned, and walked away from his future father-in-law. He opened his car door and slid in behind the wheel. He sat there for a few minutes, simply breathing until he was calm enough to drive safely.
He finally turned the key in the ignition, but before he could put the car into gear, there was a sharp knock on his window.
He rolled it down and earnestly met your father’s eyes.
Your father sighed. “Alright, Son. Alright.” He placed his hand on Shawn’s shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. “You have my blessing. Don’t make me regret it.”
@mendesblurb @benito-mi-vida @monikamendes @mendesficsxbombay @hiding-behind-a-flower @silverswallow @chocochipcookie305 @misti-ka @fallinallinshawn @pamelagramm
(Has anyone else requested to be on my taglist that I may have missed?)
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whore-4-drewstarkey · 2 years
Fourth of July- Shawn Mendes x fem!reader
Summary: Y/N and Shawn go to Y/N annual Fourth of July party where Shawn gets judged.
Warnings: angst, lots of fluff, cursing, suggestive content. That’s about it lol
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“Babe, it will be just fine” Y/N spoke to Shawn, as Shawn’s hand gripped her left thigh as he drove.
“Okay, baby, but like you literally just warned me that your great aunts are judgmental. And you know very well that I hate being judged, especially by people who are related to you. And oh my god your dad is who I’m the most scared to meet. He could fucking shoot me in an instant” Shawn continued to ramble on to his girlfriend of four months.
“My love, he would never shoot you for starters, and secondly, all I said was ‘hey, by the way my great aunts will probably say something about your tattoos’ I also told you only two of my great aunts are mean. Aunt Lucy is the nice one. Oh and please stay clear of my cousins so that they don’t drool all over you” Y/N said as she glanced over to her boyfriend who she’d already fallen head over heels for.
Moments later, Shawn had made a left turn and then a right, straight into the driveway of where they’d be staying for the weekend. Every year for the weekend of the Fourth Y/N family would get together at the inherited family’s mansion, where they’d celebrate.
“Holy fuck. Babe you didn’t tell me we would be staying in a mansion. It’s beautiful” Shawn spoke as he got excited by the old mansion.
“Baby, it’s not that big” she giggled as Shawn parked his white Tesla in the roundabout, pavement driveway.
“Hah, that’s what I said” he smirked just before opening his door to quickly run around and open the passengers side door, to help Y/N out.
“Shawn Peter Raul” Y/N raised her voice just before smacking her boyfriends chest, as a result to his dirty joke. “We’re at my family’s house, so you must watch what you say please” she continued, followed by a few chuckles as they continued to pull out their bags for the weekend.
As Y/N grabbed her bag, Shawn gently took it away from her to carry it. Y/N in response gave Shawn a gentle kiss to one of his rosy cheeks before continuing to lead the way through the backyard fence and through the back door. “Holy shit this is like a maze” Shawn exasperated as they continued to walk around the large house, trying to find Y/N grandparents. “Grandma! Grandpa! How are you guys? I know I’ve been gone in Toronto for awhile, but anyways meet my boyfriend Shawn” Y/N spoke to her grandparents as she clutched her boyfriend’s bicep.
“Well hello there, Shawn” Y/N grandma spoke to the tall, lean Canadian man. “Hello ma’am, he spoke sweetly to his girlfriend’s grandmother as well as shaking her grandfather’s hand.
“You guys can go up to your room. The third one to the left” Y/N grandfather spoke in his deep voice as Shawn and Y/N walked to the foyer, beginning to walk up the large spiral staircase. As soon as they walked into the room that they would be staying in over the weekend Y/N shut the door and locked it before turning around to smirk at her tall, and confused boyfriend.
“Baby why’d you lock the door?” He asked her as he sat on the end of the large king-sized bed, before laying down with a huff escaping his lips as he closed his eyes. “Because my love, I don’t want anyone to walk in on us, duh” she giggled out as Shawn opened one eye, glaring at her.
“Hey now, I’m telling you right now I will not fuck you while we are here. Okay? I can’t afford to have your whole family hear us” Shawn spoke as he grimaced just thinking about your family finding out or even hearing the two of you.
“My love, that wasn’t the plan. I meant we can make out…. Right? Plus I think we can help each other get changed” She asked innocently as she walked over to her boyfriend and straddled his lap, placing both of her hands on his broad chest, causing him to open both of his eyes wide. “Babe, why do you have to be so fucking hot?” He asked in a lower tone. “I didn’t know I was, my love” she spoke as her hands tan up to caress his broad neck before placing her delicate, plump lips onto the singers’.
“Mmmmhm, baby” he started to speak before kissing his girlfriend again. “I really like this idea” he continued again as he broke up their little make out session to speak again, before continuing again. “But you’re gonna give me a boner” he spoke shyly as his cheeks started to turn red. “Uh well.” Y/N smirked as she went back to kissing Shawn. She slowly ran her hands from his face, down to his chest, unbuttoning his white button up. She slowly pushed the shirt off of his muscular shoulders, giving a chaste kiss to his collarbone, causing him to shudder, releasing a sigh. Her small hands started to fumble with his belt as she unbuttoned his light wash jeans, ending the kiss to pull them off of his thick thighs.
“Babe, you between my thighs is a huge turn on if I’m being honest with you” Shawn groaned out to Y/N. Y/N started to make her way up from Shawn’s toned stomach all the way up to his collarbone, almost leaving a mark. “Baby, stop before you leave a mark because then your dad will actually kill me” Shawn chuckled to his girlfriend. “Oh, uh, about that. There’s still a few faint ones from like five days ago” Y/N cringed as she spoke, causing Shawn to freak out.
“Oh my gosh. It’s really the end for me. Your dad is going to murder me. Oh my gosh….” Shawn spoke as he sat up, eyes wide open as he began to worry. “Baby, it will be okay. I promise. They’re hardly noticeable. Now your boner on the other hand is very noticeable” she spoke with a stifled giggle, getting off of her beloved boyfriend’s lap, walking over to her bag. She dug through her bag, finding her tiny bikini she had planned on wearing. Shawn of course had insisted that she wear that specific one because, “it looks so good on you” were his exact words. She started to strip, feeling her tall, lanky boyfriends eyes on her as she got dressed in her bikini, pulling on a halter dress after as a coverup.
“Baby, I’m not sure you should wear those swim trunks” Y/N giggled as she turned around to see Shawn in his short, red and white vertical striped swim trunks. “Why not?! I like them. They’re quite comfy for me, actually” he exasperated, offended. “Because my cousins will start to drool all over you” Y/N huffed out in jealousy. “Oh baby, you know I only want you” Shawn cooed as he hugged his girlfriend, wrapping his large arms around her waist. “At least put a button up on before you swim?” She asked sweetly. “Anything for you, my love” he cooed back, pulling a crème colored button up long sleeve shirt on, undoing a few buttons towards the top. “Now come on, let’s go downstairs. Everyone is here” Y/N stated as she dragged her giant boyfriend out the bedroom door, and down the stairs, eventually ending up outside by the large in-ground pool.
“Oh my gosh! Hi sweetie! How are you?! And who is this?” Y/N great aunt Stacy asked in her sweetest tone, Y/N obviously knew what was next. “I’m good” Y/N chuckled before she spoke again. “This is actually my boyfriend, Shawn” “Is that a tattoo?” She asked, trying to be nice, but failing miserably, as she pointed to his collarbone.
“Uh, yes ma’am it is” Shawn spoke politely, clearly nervous as to what she might say next. He gently put an arm around Y/N waist, for security.
It’s kind of gross, you having a woman’s name on your body” she said disgusted in him.
“It’s actually my little sister’s name” he frowned as he spoke nicely to Y/N great aunt.
“Why does it even matter if he has a tattoo aunt Stacy?” Y/N chimed in, with a very angry glare.
“Come on, my love, let’s go swim” Y/N giggled out, as she thought about how lucky she was to have him as her boyfriend for the rest of her life. They walked over to one of the poolside lounge chairs, sitting their stuff down. Shawn sat down, patting his thigh, indicating Y/N to take a seat on it.
“Hun, I’m so sorry she was mean to you” Y/N cooed out to the brown, curly-headed boy, who she adored so much. “Baby, it’s okay” Shawn chuckled as he leaned his forehead against his girlfriend’s, as their noses touched. “No, you can’t kiss m-“ Y/N was cut off by her boyfriend’s soft lips. “Me” she spoke again as she smacked her boyfriend’s chest, letting out a small giggle.
“No fucking way, is that Y/N with the Shawn Mendes? There’s no way” Y/N cousin, Claire spoke to her sister Lia. “Uh, I think so?” Lia questioned as her sister Claire ran over to her cousin.
“Hey Y/N, there’s no way this is the Shawn Mendes” Claire chirped as Shawn looked her in the eyes, giving her his signature smile. “Hey hunny” Shawn spoke softly to his girlfriend’s cousin.
“Oh my gosh. Y/N how?! Also hiiiiii” Claire spoke excitedly. “I’m good Claire, how about you? Staying out of trouble at school?” Y/N chirped to her baby cousin. “You know it. Also, I hate to be one of those people, especially since you’re at a family event, but do you mind if I get a photo with you?” Claire shyly asked her cousin’s tall boyfriend.
“Of course you can hun” Shawn smiled widely, excited to meet yet another fan of his. Claire handed her phone to Y/N, as Y/N got up off of Shawn’s lap, as her cousin and boyfriend posed together. Shawn had an arm wrapped around her, smiling. Soon after they were done, Y/N went back to sitting on Shawn’s lap, pressing a gentle kiss to his delicate lips.
“Please take your shirt off” Y/N giggled nervously to Shawn who just looked down at her, laughing and obeying her plead. Y/N began to help her giraffe man of a boyfriend with the buttons on his white button-up. Y/N began to brush Shawn’s shirt off of his shoulders, leaving a chaste kiss to a faint love mark she had left there days ago, on his collarbone.
“Baby” Shawn whispered out into her ear before continuing, “stopppp doing that my love” he chuckled into her ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck, gripping the small curls at the nape of his neck, tugging lightly, earning a ever so quiet grunt from him. “But it’s fun to mess with you” Y/N pouted, jutting her bottom lip out. “If I started to mess with you, you’d punish me by having no sex for like a week” Shawn pouted to his girlfriend who still sat in his lap. “That’s because I can’t get embarrassed at a family event for MY family. Duh” she giggled softly, rubbing her hand up and down his large left, bicep. “That’s so not fair though” Shawn pouted up at his girlfriend.
Y/N leaned into Shawn’s ear, and whispered, “let’s go take a swim.” She stood up off of her boyfriend’s lap, pulling her halter dress up over her head, but struggled terribly. “Babe, will you help me?” She questioned to her boyfriend who still sat on the lawn chair. “I don’t know. It’s kinda adorable seeing you struggle. It reminds me of the time we first had sex and you struggled to pull your shirt off” he started to chuckle immensely at the not so long ago memory.
“Shut up and never speak of that again. That was only because I was a little drunk, but so were you so…” she began to pout again until Shawn came over to help her pull her halter dress over her head, only to overhear Y/N other great aunt talking to Y/N mother.
“M/N who and what is that boy well man doing to Y/N?” Y/N great aunt Cindy spoke in disgust at the tall Canadian man.
“Oh you mean Shawn? That’s Y/N new boyfriend!” Y/N mother spoke as she smiled, looking at her daughter who was smiling away, as she got lost in her boyfriend’s hazel eyes. “And it looks like he’s helping her take her dress off? I’m not sure” Y/N’s mom chuckled again, looking at her aunt.
“Really? He has so many tattoos. Does F/N really approve of him? Because I know how much your husband despises tattoos. And he has his ears pierced? Like don’t you two think he’s a little too much of a- oh my goodness. That is so inappropriate…” great aunt Cindy gasped as Shawn had turned just enough for Y/N’s great aunt Cindy to see the faint love marks Y/N had left all along Shawn’s collarbone days before.
“Do you not see those marks on his chest area? There are children here!” Great aunt Cindy exasperated to Y/N’s mother, who was a little shocked as her daughter had always been so innocent until she let her take that one trip for her 21st.
“Aunt Cindy, it’s okay. She’s an adult now. You have to remember that. And as for the question about F/N, he actually, surprisingly likes Shawn. Shawn treats Y/N very well. He’s very kind and down-to-Earth. F/N doesn’t really particularly like his tattoos but him being so good to Y/N makes up for it” M/N spoke smiling to her aunt.
“Baby, I can hear everything your great aunt is saying” Shawn, the pop sensation frowned as Y/N had sat back onto his lap. “Hey, my love, don’t listen to her. She’s always been like this. Even to me” Y/N smiled as she grabbed Shawn’s slightly scruffed cheeks.
“I love and adore you hunny” Shawn smiled as he moved his nose so that it was briskly touching Y/N’s, giving her an Eskimo kiss.
“Come on, let’s get in the hot tub and you can have a corona?” Y/N asked her beloved boyfriend, as he gulped. Walking over to where Y/N’s great aunt Cindy and her mother were sitting in the hot tub, Shawn climbed in, giving Y/N his hand, helping her in, as she took a seat in Shawn’s lap, earning a glare from her great aunt Cindy. Y/N leaned over, opening the cooler next to the in-ground hot tub, pulling out a corona for Shawn.
“Baby, do you want lime in it?” She asked as she turned in his lap to look at him. “Hmm nah. It should be fine. Remember, I’m a real man, who can handle any flavor of liquor. Unlike some people. Cough cough Y/N” he smirked at her, referring to the first time they had met. In response Y/N smacked his chest, causing Shawn to laugh even more as his cheeks began to turn pink, remembering that his girlfriend’s mother and great aunt were right across from them. “May I please have my corona” he whispered into her ear, kissing her cheek lightly. “Fine. Only because I love you” she said, handing him his bottle of corona.
“So, Shawn, I have a few questions for you” great aunt Cindy spoke to the tall Canadian, who looked back at her like a deer in headlights. “Yes, ma’am. What would those questions be?” Shawn smiled nervously at the older lady.
“So how did you two meet?” She asked with a dead straight face, making both Shawn and Y/N gulp. Y/N hadn’t told her family how the two really met. It’s not that easy to say you bumped into a pop star at a bar in Toronto, where you went to celebrate your 21st, spilling beer all over him, to him buying you a round of shots to help you celebrate, which then lead to you losing your virginity to a very skilled Canadian.
Shawn, then turned to look into Y/N’s eyes for a little bit of permission, as she gave him a reassuring smile. “So when she flew out to Toronto, last September, to celebrate her 21st, she went to this bar I liked to go to. But come on we all know how clumsy she can be. She ran into me and spilt beer all over my white button up. Which babe, by the way was my favorite Yves Saint Laurent shirt” he chuckled as he dove his head down briefly to capture just below her jawline. “She then started to cry and tried to dry it up. But then I tried to make her feel better by buying her a round of my personal favorite, tequila. So short answer, I met her at a dope ass bar in Toronto” he smiled, as he gripped both of her hips under the water, pushing her down onto his lap even further than she already was. Y/N let out a small giggle, rubbing her wet hand through his set of brown curls, giving them a little tug. Shawn in response just bit his bottom lip to keep in a groan, before leaning down to whisper into his girlfriend’s ear, “stop that, or else, I won’t play nice.” Y/N then glared up at her boyfriend through her long lashes as if to challenge him.
“baby, do you wanna go get like a gin and coke?” Y/N asked her tall, lanky boyfriend, so she could have a moment alone with him.
“oh uh yeah, sure. uh do you all have whiskey?” he asked shyly, worried her great aunt would make a snarky comment on his alcohol consumption.
“yeah we have whiskey. did you want a small glass of that or did you maybe want me to get you a few shots of tequila or even vodka?” she asked him softly.
“would it be bad if i did both?” he whispered to his girlfriend.
“just a tad bit. i’ll go get you some shots. how about that?” she smiled softly at her boyfriend.
“that sounds lovely. where to?” he asked the woman he was head-over-heels for. He put his hand out for Y/N to take as she climbed off of his lap and out of the in-ground hot tub.
“Just inside, in the kitchen” she smirked down at him as he stood up, walking behind her, eyes planted on her ass as she swayed her hips. ‘Wow she’s really going all in’ he thought to himself.
he quickly caught up to her as his hand snaked down her bare back, landing on her ass, giving it a small squeeze, earning an evil glare from her as they entered the large house, and into the empty kitchen.
“baby, stop doing that” the tall boy spoke in a low tone, as he trapped his beloved girlfriend between his large frame and the countertops. his eyes were now a dark, chocolate brown color, filled with lust.
“why should i? it’s really fun seeing you all flustered” she spoke innocently, which only turned the tall boy on even more.
“babe, i’m so fucking hard right now it’s not even funny” he grunted into her ear, only earning a giggle from her.
“hah that’s exactly what you said to me the night we met” she chuckled lightly.
“if I remember correctly, you spoke first saying how you wanted my dick” he smirked back down to Y/N. Y/N looked down, blushing, as she became even more flustered due to shawn’s member poking her hipbone.
“babe, for starters i didn’t just want it, i got it. also you better think of something gross to get rid of your stupid boner” Y/N chuckled lightly as she turned around, reaching on her tippy toes for the top shelf to grab the alcohol.
“you don’t think it’s stupid when it’s inside of you” he cringed as the words left his mouth, earning a gasp from his girlfriend.
“Shawn Peter Raul!” she yelled at him, turning around to smack his chest as both of their cheeks turned pink.
“What?! it’s true! you know it is!” he defended, raising both hands into the air. Just after he did that, the couple heard a creak in the old wooden floors, meaning someone was coming their way.
“hunny, what are you doing? your father is looking for you” Y/N mother asked as if she hadn’t heard any of the couple’s previous conversations.
“oh ma, i’m just making shawn and i a few drinks” Y/N smiled to her mom as Shawn hid behind her small frame, hiding his prominent erection.
“okay, well your dad wants to see you and shawn and get caught up with his little girl” Y/N mother smiled warmly as Y/N finished making her and her musician of a boyfriend’s drinks.
“okay, we will be right out!” Y/N smiled to her mother as her mom walked out.
“phew, that was a close one” shawn smirked as he dove his face into the crook of Y/N neck, peppering soft kisses, before biting down, causing Y/N to pull away.
“what the fuck shawn?” she growled at him.
“that’s for trying to turn me on earlier” shawn taunted back to Y/N.
“trying? more like succeeding. i love you” Y/N pouted you at her tall boyfriend, as he looked down into her sparkling eyes. “i love you too. i just had to mark what’s mine. i’m sorry i’m so possessive” shawn pouted, looking down at the ground. Y/N cupped his cheek making him look into her eyes.
“well, i think it’s sexy. i like it on you. shows me how much you really love me” Y/N smirked up at her lover.
“wait, did you just say you think my possessiveness is sexy? glad to know i’m doing something right” he smirked down to Y/N, leaning down to plant a loving kiss to her lips.
“come on my dad and mom are waiting” Y/N spoke as the two finished their drinks. “go find my dad, i’ll be right behind you. i just have to go to the bathroom to cover up this love bite on my neck” she teased shawn as he smirked down to her.
Y/N walked to the bathroom, fixing her hair, to cover the bite that was located in the crook of her neck. once she fixed her hair to cover it, she stepped out of the bathroom to find her mother in the kitchen waiting for her.
“hey darling, please don’t be mad at me, but i might have overheard your guys’ conversation earlier. i can’t tell you not to do anything because you are an adult now, but at least tell me you’re safe about everything” her mother spoke with sincerity and worry.
“i had a feeling you heard some of it. i’m really hoping you didn’t hear some parts of it but knowing you, you probably did. i guess it’s better you find out now than in an interview or something. but to answer your question, yes, we are always safe. i promise you. i’d love it if you didn’t tell dad, but you tell him everything” Y/N smiled to her mother.
“i did kinda hear everything. i’m sorry hunny” she cringed but laughed after.
“gross. now my mom knows my sex life” Y/N muttered to herself as her and her mother walked out of the house and the pool lounge chairs.
there, however we’re only three pool lounge chairs. Shawn’s long body lay reclined in one, as Y/N father lounged in the one beside shawn. Y/N mother sat in the third and last one which was on the end next to Y/N father.
“baby, come here. don’t just stand there hun” shawn cooed to his girlfriend as she hesitantly walked over to shawn’s lounger. she slowly climbed onto the lounger, curling up next to shawn’s tanned skin. shawn’s arm instinctively wrapped around his girlfriend’s waist, pulling her close to him.
“it’s so nice to finally meet you sir” shawn spoke to Y/N dad. they had already shaken hands before Y/N and her mother joined them.
“as to you” Y/N father spoke politely. However, shawn was certain her father could see the faint love bites all across his upper chest and neck that his girlfriend had left just days prior.
“all i’m gonna say is, please treat her well. she’s my baby girl. you know, the youngest of the two girls” F/N spoke with love.
“of course sir. i really love her. truly. i love waking up to her next to me every time she’s at my condo” shawn smiled at the thought. he remembers the first time he woke up, with her in his arms. it was the next morning after they had met the night before. clothes strung out all over the place. her eyes had fluttered open, making his heart skip a beat.
“oh Y/N is that where you stay when you fly out to toronto?” her father asked her with a chuckle, her smacking her boyfriend’s chest, after muttering a small “wow, thanks.”
“yeah, he always told me to just give him a text when my flight would arrive and he’d always pick me up. he’s the best daddy. trust me when i say i’m the luckiest girl in the world” Y/N smiled shyly, as she dug her nose into her boyfriend’s neck, giggling.
“i’m glad you’ve finally found someone. thank you, shawn, for taking care of my little girl” Y/N father spoke with sincerity to his youngest daughter’s tall, lanky popstar of a boyfriend.
“babe, you taking a shower?” Y/N asked her goofy boyfriend. they had just finished dinner and had set off fireworks with her family. they would be spending the night at her family’s inherited mansion and leave in the afternoon the next day and take the long drive back up to toronto from new york.
“yeah. wait, you wanna join?” he smirked down to his girlfriend whom he adored with all his heart. she giggled out, responding, “yes, but, not funny business.”
“aight chief” he whispered into her ear, leaving a small peck behind it.
as they undressed and began to walk into the shower, there was a knock on their bedroom door, causing shawn to groan in frustration; as he wanted a moment alone with his girl.
Y/N walked out, naked, to the door, but not without feeling shawn’s eyes glued to her backside.
“who is it?” she asked out, cringing.
“it’s aunt cindy. some of us are having some champagne and visiting. did you and what’s his name want to join?” she asked out, in a grouchy tone.
“uhhh, let me ask shawn. he might be a bit tired, but i’ll ask. he’s about to take a shower but once he’s done, i’ll come down and let you know” Y/N hollered through the door.
“yeah alright” great aunt cindy hollered back in her cranky voice.
Y/N walked back to the bathroom, as shawn started the shower, checking the temperature to make sure it was perfect for the two of them. they both got into the walk-in shower, as Y/N stared up at shawn through her hooded eyelids.
“hey, hunny, what are you thinking right now?” shawn asked his girlfriend while his hands caressed just above her waist as his back was hit with the water.
“i just hope my dad doesn’t think anything less of me after seeing the love bites all over your chest. like i’m supposed to be his innocent little girl. and i definitely hope he doesn’t hate you for being sexually active with me” she spoke shyly up to her boyfriend.
“how would he know that?” shawn smirked as memories of the other night ran through his head.
“oh yeah, my mom heard your big ass mouth while we were getting drinks earlier today” Y/N sassed back to shawn, causing shawn’s smirk to fade.
“please tell me she didn’t hear everything” he cringed at thought of his girl’s mother hearing intimate details.
“oh she heard everything alright. she even asked if we were safe” Y/N sassed back up to her boyfriend before continuing, “she tells my dad everything”
“hunny, it’ll be okay. stop thinking about it. okay?” he questioned her as his calloused thumbs rubbed circles around her bare sides.
Y/N ran one of her small hands up shawn’s chest, landing on his stubbly left cheek. she gazed into his dark eyes, falling in love all over again like she does every time she gazes into them. “you know i wouldn’t change anything about the night we first met. as a matter of fact it was probably one of if not the best night of my life” Y/N cooed to her popstar of a boyfriend.
“well, that was very random. but thank you hunny. you’re my queen. and i love you with my whole heart. never forget that. now let’s actually shower and cuddle, yeah?” shawn cooed back.
“anything for you. i love you with my whole heart too” Y/N whispered into shawn’s ear, planting a passionate kiss to his lips.
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marie-swriting · 2 years
FR Masterlist
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Stranger Things Masterlist
Marvel Masterlist
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Teen Wolf
❤️Je Voulais Que Ça Représente Quelque Chose - Kira Yukimura
❤️Ma Petite Fille - Stiles Stilinski
❤️Confiance En Toi - Stiles Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries
❤️Plus Jamais - Stefan Salvatore
❤️L'épaule Sur Laquelle Tu Pleures - Katherine Pierce
❤️Perdre Ce Qu'on A - Katherine Pierce
❤️Tomber - Katherine Pierce
💚Oui, Je Comprends - Dean Winchester
💙Partie De La Famille - Dean Winchester
❤️Tu Me Manques Encore - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️Être La Seule Pour Toi - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️Choix - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️Je Tiens Réellement À Vous - Anthony Bridgerton
Esprits Criminels
❤️Nouvelle Étape Franchie - Emily Prentiss
❤️Après Tant D'années - Emily Prentiss
❤️Pâtisserie Thérapie - Emily Prentiss
❤️Tout Ira Bien - Emily Prentiss [1/2]
❤️Tout Ira Bien | Rentrons À La Maison - Emily Prentiss [2/2]
❤️Magnifique - Derek Morgan (⚠️Merci de bien lire les trigger warnings!)
Le Labyrinthe
💜On Va Sortir D'ici - Thomas
Les Stagiaires
❤️Dernière fois - Stuart Twombly
❤️Plus Qu'une Amitié - Shawn Mendes
❤️Les Souvenirs De Notre Relation - Shawn Mendes
❤️Proche De Moi - Dove Cameron
❤️Et Ça A Duré - Dylan O'Brien
Drabble Masterlist
Album One Shot Masterlist
EN Masterlist
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wineauntharry · 1 year
I’m looking at my old account where I used to write and it’s gas. I will repost most of it and start writing soon!! i love and miss it Imma add some tags just so y’all know where to find stuff that’s coming soon.
REQUESTS ARE OPENNNN (never written smut but i can try!)
who i write for:
all of 5sos
harry duh
joe burrow
jack harlow
shawn mendes
all of the cast of wednesday
and any one you request just might take longer to get to
any ladies :) (wlw)
tysm i love each and everyone of u even if ur not here yet :)
- xx naomi
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Father's Day 2022 ~ Hades daughter!reader x Hades
Sick Days ~ Harry Hook x Reader
Birthday Series: Part 1, Part 2
Christmas Series: Part 1, Part 2
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Through The Years ~ Draco Malfoy x Reader
Comfort Series: Part 1 (TW: Blood, bullying) , Part 2
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Warmth In The Coldness ~ Shawn Mendes x Reader
Panic Attacks ~ Shawn Mendes x Reader
A Messy Situation ~ Shawn Mendes x Reader
Merry Christmas ~ Shawn Mendes x Reader (Christmas special)
He's Stressed ~ Shawn Mendes x Reader
Long Day Cuddles ~ Shawn Mendes x Reader
Snowy Days ~ Shawn Mendes x Reader
Top Of The World ~ Shawn Mendes x Reader
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tbyfandoms · 2 years
more shawn plzzzz
hi anon!
I totally plan on making more shawn fics, in the very near future especially. I’ve been wanting to write a cute little summer “x reader” based off some pics shawn has shared, but am struggling with an exact plot. I’ll definitely be writing more for shawn though once I figure it out <3
p.s. if any of my followers or anyone passing through my blog ever wants to send in requests or ideas for future fics (for shawn or anyone else mentioned in my masterlist), please never hesitate to drop some in my ask box! it’s always open 😌
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mouschiwrites · 4 months
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💜- Headcanons
💙- Oneshots
🩵- Blurbs/drabbles
Ninjas (+ Pixal) Reacting to Your Outfit in Prime Empire - 💜
Elemental Masters' Rocky Relationship With a Little Sister - 💜
Making Breakfast for the Ninjas - 💜
The Ninjas When You Get Brainwashed - 💜
The Ninjas When You Get Mad - 💜
Unintentionally Becoming the Ninjas' Little Sibling - 💜
Being the Ninjas' Little Witch Sister - 💜
How the Ninjas Act When You Get Captured - 💜
Ninjas With an Older Brother Figure - 💜
Cuddling With the Ninjas (+ Pixal) - 💜
Ninjas When You (Their Little Sibling) Are Taken - 💜
Ninjas When You Have Cold Urticaria (Cold Allergy) - 💜
Ninjas Finding You in Their Clothes - 💜
Ninjas Having a Nightmare Where You Die - 💜
Ninjas When You're Being Protective -💜
Ninjas (+ Pixal) With an Artist s/o - 💜
Ninjas With a Touch-Starved Partner - 💜
Ninjas With an s/o Who Gets Flirted With a Lot - 💜
Ninjas With a Sensitive Little Sibling - 💜
Kai, Cole, and Jay With an s/o That Can Turn Invisible - 💜
Ninjas With a Portugese s/o - 💜
Their Favorite Place to Kiss You - 💜
Ninjas When Your Parent is Ex-Military - 💜
(Movie) Comforting (Transforming) Oni Lloyd - 💙
Cuddling With Oni Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Good Oni Reader - 💙
Lloyd With a Serpentine Hybrid Princess Reader - 💙
Lloyd and the Dragon Princess at a Ball - 💙
Lloyd Comforting You During a Thunderstorm - 💙
Lloyd Finding Out You're a Dragon-Oni Hybrid - 💙
Arguing With Your Brother Lloyd - 💙
Your Wedding Day With Lloyd - 💙
Being Lloyd’s Best Friend (?) ;) - 💜/🩵
Soulmate AU With Oni Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Tall Girlfriend - 💜
Being Lloyd's Younger Twin After the Tomorrow's Tea Incident - 💙
Being Lloyd's Younger Twin After the Tomorrow's Tea Incident Part II - 💙
Giving the Green Ninja Advice to Ask His Crush (You) Out - 💙
Cheering Up Lloyd After a Bad Day - 💙
Lloyd Proposes to You - 💙
"Come here. Let me hold you." and "Your hands are warm." With Lloyd - 💙
"Come here. Let me hold you." and "You're safe with me." With Lloyd - 💙
"You're Beautiful." and "You have no idea how cute you are." With Lloyd - 💙
"I'm yours. I'll always be yours." and "You're beautiful." With Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Winged s/o - 💜/🩵
Lunch? - 💙
Mercy (Shawn Mendes songfic) - 💙
Daddy Issues (The Neighborhood songfic) - 💙
Cole Adopts a Mystery Baby (You) - 💙
Cole Adopts a Mystery Baby (You) Part II - 💙
Cole Loving the Colors of Your Voice - 💙
Dating Cole Brookstone - 💜
"Please don't go." and "You're safe with me." With Cole - 💙
Hold On (Chord Overstreet songfic) - 💙
Comforting Part-Serpentine Jay - 💙
Jay Comes Home to Find You Sick - 💙
Kissing Jay Under the Mistletoe - 💙
Jay Finds Your Scars - 💙
Dating Jay Walker - 💜
Best Friend (Rex Orange County songfic) - 💙
Falling for the Mysterious Red Ninja - 💙
Comforting Kai After Seabound - 💙
Lloyd Sets You Up With Kai - 💙
Kai Sees You Get Hurt - 💙
Kai With an s/o Who's Health-Anxious - 💙
(Movie) Zane With a More Human-Like Nindroid - 💙
Zane Patches You Up - 💙
Zane Finding Out You Have a Birthmark - 💙
"Please don't go." and "Whatever happens, I'll be here." With Zane - 💙
"I don't know how much longer I can do this." and "Please don't go." With Zane - 💙
"I don't know what I'd do without you." and "Your hair looks so soft." With Zane - 💙
Nya With an Oni Spy - 💙
Nya's Upper Body Strength - 🩵
Dating Pixal - 💜
Reading With Pixal - 💙
Waiting For Your Morro - 💙
Waiting For Your Morro Part II - 💙
Being Garmadon's Pupil Before and After He Was Evil - 💜
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(divider by saradika)
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homeofthelonelywriter · 3 months
Celebs - Masterlist
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Tom Hiddleston:
Take the Stage: While once again sneaking out of the Palace, you meet an actor...let’s just say there is something between you two. (Royal! Reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
Romeo to my Juliet: You are a student and a teacher at a college in Lodon, which is the same place a very handsome acting professor is employed. - discontinued
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
New Beginning:
(Part 1) | Part 2 | Part 3
HC - Tom Hiddleston x clumsy!Reader
HC - Tom helps Reader deal with anxiety and stress
HC - Tom loves Reader’s boobs
Forgotten Fears - The Reader had some bad experiences with her ex-boyfriend when he was drunk and is still traumatised by that. What happens when Tom forgets about that fear of hers?
Kinky Surprise - pure smut
Application - When you loose a bet, you are forced to send an application for Loki’s love interest. Who would have thought that they actually want to meet you?
Jealousy - Tom is insecure because of your age gap. What will happen when he sees you with one of your co-workers who is about your age?
Hidden - As an artist, you find a way to tell Tom that you’re pregnant
Bun in the oven - Pregnany reveal and a proposal. What could go wrong?
Drunken Start - After a night out with his buddies, Tom calls you, neither rembering you, nor how he got your number
Trick or Treat - Halloween Special
Best boyfriend in the world - You have trouble sleeping, so Tom decides to help you out
Dance with me - Reader and Tom slow-dance in Paris
Diary - Tom finds your diary while you’re moving and reads it
Christmas Surprise - Christmas Drabble
Let it snow! - Christmas Drabble
Drabble #75
Drabble #3
Imagine while on vacation with your BFF you catch Tom Hiddleston during a photoshoot. Your BFF makes sure he remembers you.
Imagine tagging Tom Hiddleston in a meme and actually getting a reaction.Imagine working on the set of Avengers and instantly crushing on Tom Hiddleston. You are devastated when you find out your BFF Taylor is now dating him.
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Benedict Cumberbatch:
Drabble #69
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Sebastian Stan:
Drabble #46
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Shawn Mendes:
Better that way: When Shawn’s girlfriend finds out that she is pregnant, she decides that she can’t burden the superstar with a child. She makes decisions which may seem stupid, but she knows that it’s Better that way.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Surprise: Walking a Victorias Secret show was an honour already, but being able to see your boyfriend while doing so? Pure bliss. Especially when he has a little surprise for you.
Part 1 | Part 2
Fan Mail: Writing to Shawn every so often paid off when he asked you to come to one of his shows.
Part 1 | Part 2
When you’re ready - Inspired by his song
Guard my heart - You are a part of the security at one of Shawn’s shows and he notices you
Nervous - Inspired by his song
One more chance - Filming an explanation video why Shawn and you broke up, leads to some interesting realisations
In my Blood - Inspired by his song (Triggers)
Late Late Show - You are present during your boyfriend’s appearance on the Late Late Show with James Cordan. Let’s just say it was disgusting.
Sad song - Shawn finds out you can sing during a very sad occasion
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Tom Holland:
Migraine - rl!friend has a Migraine and Tom wants and tries to comfort her
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Back to the Master-Masterlist
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viennakarma · 1 month
hi, i'm rae
So, here are a few (fun?)facts about my writing, since you guys have dropped a couple of asks about it before.
- you guys always comment on my pace. i can write full, detailed stories, but since i write here mostly oneshots (or twoshots lol) i have a bunch of stuff i want to happen on the story, that's why most are pretty fast paced (like everything i wanted and mdfae that go through many years). but when i write multichapters, i usually go slower with the pace and deeper with the writing.
- in my first languague i'm currently writing a multichapter fanfic with lewis hamilton and an oc brazilian supermodel in a fake dating situation. this fanfic is part of a small universe that (in the future) include intertwined stories with two other drivers.
- I speak portuguese, english and spanish. I studied french for a year then dropped because i thought the sonority of the language was too hard for me (i'll try again someday tho). i'm currently studying italian (that's lewis mf hamilton's fault).
- i've been writing fanfics since around 2014, and i've been in a few fandoms like 1d, shawn mendes, mcu, reylo, nashuri, footballers and many others i won't be bringing up.
- my mom and dad are ayrton senna's super fans, they cried a lot when may 1st 1994 happened. so, naturally i grew up a senna fangirl too. (both my mom and my dad can can rant for hours about ayrton senna) (as a teen, my mom had a wall of posters of him and other famous men she liked back in the day)
- i've never felt comfortable writing in english until i started this blog to formula 1 (i've had three other oneshots i've written before this but i don't like them today). i really believe i've found my jam here.
- when i'm writing my fics, the drivers are fictional people in my brain.
- there are a few drivers on the grid that i don't like, but you won't ever catch me shit-talking them (publicly) because i don't engage in this hater energy.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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No Miles Teller could ever compete (Shawn Mendes imagine) 
Because the top gun men did something to me, here is a little something with Shawn related to the movie. Spoiler for Top Gun maverick I guess, but no « crucial » scene to the understanding of the movie. Anyways : 
Words : 933
Summary : You went to see top gun and Shawn know how to make you forget a certain pilot.
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It was a lazy Saturday and Shawn knew you didn’t like to waste your days in sleeping in bed all day at least not on saturdays. Staying in bed and doing nothing were for sundays. It was Shawn who came up with the idea. He wanted to see the new Top Gun movie and it was so sunny and bright that he was almost sure that no one would be in the theaters with such a sunny day. Sure, he was interested in seeing the movie but he also knew that you didn’t like this kind of movie usually and even him could admit that those movies have rarely a good plot. It was why he chose this movie. He knew you would quickly get bored and therefore turn your attention towards him and he knew it could possibly result in a hot make out session in the theater like two teenagers sneaking behind their parents’s back. 
You had whined and tried to negotiate to go see another movie but he didn’t budge. So you went with him. It was only two hours and you knew that at the end of the movie he would take you on a proper coffee date. 
What you didn’t plan, however, was to enjoy the movie as much as you did. There were several holes in the plot and you could care less about the whole « saving the planet mission », what you did enjoy were the men, the fine men of the movie. You hadn’t seen the trailer and you had the chance to see the infamous football on the beach seen on a big screen. You weren’t into mustaches but Miles Teller definitely knew how to rock one. During the whole movie you were salivating on the muscular bodies of the whole crew. 
Shawn also didn’t see it coming. He thought after thirty minutes you would be all over him but it turned out to be the contrary. The movie wasn’t that good and even if he admit that the man had a agreeable appearance he didn’t care for it more than that. Every time he would try to make a move on you, or making you tore your eyes away from the screen you would gently slap his hand or thigh. 
Even a few days later you were still enticed by Miles Teller performance and Shawn was starting to get a little bit jealous. It didn’t help when paramount leaked some scenes that was not in the movie. The performance by the famous actor of ‘great balls of fire’ had left you speechless. Shawn couldn’t stand seeing you thirsting over another man so he decided to bring the infamous scene to you to make you remember that only one man could have that kind of attention from you. 
One morning, you were in the kitchen making coffee for the both of you while gently humming the melody of whatever song you had on your mind. You saw Shawn come down and before you could even say hello he sat on the little bench in front of the piano. He rarely did that but you knew that inspire could struck whenever so you let it slide, even though you didn’t understood right away why he had aviators on the tip of his nose. He started jamming the first few notes and you immediately understood. He was recreating the scene that you had replayed so much. He belted out the song as if he had written it. While he played you could only thought about how hot he looked. He was giving his all on this performance. The glasses were sliding down and you could see a glimpse of sweat on his forehead while the veins on his forearms and neck were popping. He had even dressed like the character, an open flower shirt with a white tank top underneath. And oh boy he knew what effect those tank top did to you. They were clinging to his body and you could see oh so clearly the outline of his muscles. At the end of the song you were biting your lip trying not to jump on him before he finished his performance. 
Shawn saw the change in your demeanor, he knew his plan had worked he could see all the love in your eyes but also all the lust. He sported a cocky grin, he knew he made you forget the movie. 
« So which version is the best? » he asked knowing that from now on it was just him being a tease. 
You approached him slightly and put your hands on his shoulders. « You know you are the best and you always are and always will be. » you said softly as you started kissing his neck. « however there is another scene in the movie I would like you to recreate » you kept kissing him down his neck and your hands started sliding under his tank top. Your ear was next to his mouth and you could hear the small gasp as you kept moving your hands up and down his torso. « And which scene is it? » He asked in a small breath. 
« Oh you know the one where they don’t have a shirt on » you trailed off. 
He got up from his seat and picked you up before putting you on the couch. « You are in for a treat, my love » he smiled so fondly at you. « you know that you are the hottest man alive, no Miles Teller could ever compete. » he didn’t answer instead he kissed you like he hadn’t seen you for months.  
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staticl0ve · 1 year
Home - DBH Connor/AFAB!reader
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Pairings: Connor/AFAB Reader (no pronouns used) Rating: Mature/Explicit/NSFW 18+ Link (AO3): Home (oneshot) Words: 4.9k Warnings: Established relationships (married), no gendered pronouns, oral sex (both receiving), mutual masturbation, PnV sex, very mild cock warming Summary: It’s Valentines! The day of being smothered in affection, cards, flowers. A day to be wined and dined. However, you’re on the other side of the globe. That doesn’t stop him from finding ways to enjoy your company. Although, you’ve got a little surprise for him. Notes: After writing a sad, sad fic, I present to you, a happy fluff one haha. Inspired by Dream (Shawn amended).
Since the winter storms had eased, parks have begun to draw more and more visitors as the days warmed up. Snow melted into watery pools. Birds lined the power lines and barren trees were beginning to show signs of fresh leaves.  
With his eyes shut, Connor was basking in the glow of the sun. From sound alone, he could piece together all that was occurring around him. Someone was selling hotdogs, their jovial advertising occasionally reminding him of the low, low price of their goods. From what he gathered, the preserved meat wrapped in carbohydrates attracted quite a crowd.
Children squealed and giggled as they rushed past his seat on a park bench, followed by the distressed scolding of exhausted parents. Joggers added to the commotion, their padding feet startling his canine companion. A blue leash was wrapped around his hand, the firm material tugging slightly at his synthetic skin. Sitting up, he reached below his knee to scratch the ears of an excited Saint Bernard.
“Sumo,” he chuckled. “It’s okay boy.”
The dog whined in response and let out a playful bark.
Connor relaxed back onto the bench, turning his attention away from Sumo. Across the park’s lake was a familiar duo on their second lap around the water. Hank’s grayed hair billowed around his face he walked. A hilariously large smile pinned his cheeks in a permanent state of glee, making him appear like a smitten fool. Beside him, a woman named Rose matched his pace, wrapping a patterned shawl tightly around her frame. It was clear she was laughing at something Hank had said, his cheeks tinged bright red and growing redder when her hand met his arm.
They met sometime after the android revolution and found they shared a passion for android rights. One interest of hers was owning a small farm. While Hank did not have a green thumb, he enjoyed the tranquility of the sun rising over leafy crops. He also had the great fortune of trying the produce in her cooking. After having taken a long break from dating, the older gentleman was likely excited because today was their first Valentines.
Connor’s jaw clicked, LED flashing gold for a second. Ah. That was why he was asked to dogsit for the afternoon.
A sigh emptied from his chest. Irritatingly, as the android began scanning the park, he realized there were an awful lot of couples enjoying the lovely weather on a particularly romantic weekend. He nervously toyed with a ring on his left hand as he wondered how you were fairing on your work trip. One month was probably a record time for the longest either of you had gone without the other.
Seeking a distraction, Connor started scrolling through his notifications. Grids in blue lines flickered across his view of the park. His distress was apparent enough to warrant a soothing hand lick from Sumo, the dog moving to rest his fuzzy face on Connor’s lap.
“Thanks, boy.”
He let out another sigh. His inbox remained unchanged since the last message he received.
Love you.
Two simple words taunted him, reminding him of the physical distance between you. It didn’t help matters that your call last night ended abruptly.
“So,” you began with apprehension dripping in your voice. “There’s a chance I might be away a little longer than expected. The team really thinks one more meeting will get this deal closed. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, I swear if they try this again…I’m…”
You were losing steam, clearly too tired to think of anything clever, finishing your sentence by hanging your head back. Connor took longer than normal to respond, the android cycling through a series of phrases that would downplay his disappointment. Deciding that he couldn’t trust himself, he settled on vague.
“I see.”
He may have forgotten he was on a video call, the downward shift in his features spelling out his mood.
“Connor,” you breathed out, sinking back into your hotel bed. Sunlight filtered through thin curtains. A breeze picked up from an open window, casting intricate shadows over your cheeks, lips and nose. Your eyelids were half open, either from the brightness or from an exhaustion he couldn’t quite place. He worried briefly if you slept well, if your accommodations were enough. As you nestled between blankets, he could make out the flimsy strap of your shirt slipping past your shoulder. A twang struck his chest. Your lips parting brought his attention back to your face. “This sucks for me, too.”
“I know,” he replied, sounding deflated. “I miss you.”
You rolled from your back to your side, finding a new angle for your phone. The tone of your voice changed, dipping into more sultry notes. “What do you miss?”
Oh, he wasn’t made yesterday. He grinned as his fingers plucked away shirt buttons.
“Your taste,” he answered, wetting his lips. His boldness took you by surprise, a small moan crackling through the call.
Across the globe from where you were situated, it was night in Detroit where he was sitting at the end of your shared bed. The room was left untouched, a time capsule of when you were last there: your brush carelessly tossed onto the bed along with clothes and accessories that didn’t make the cut. Without you around, it was easy for him to slip back into his old habits and avoid sleep. Stasis wasn’t a daily requirement for machines and it certainly did not take all night to reset caches and organize his expanding matrixes.
“How much time do you have?” he asked. His shirt had joined your pile of abandoned clothes and he was making quick work on his pants.
Your gaze was drawn to some distant corner, likely checking on a virtual calendar. “An hour or two…I think.” 
His regulator pump stuttered when you glanced back at him, the heat of your full attention causing him mild discomfort in his remaining boxer briefs.
You bit your lip playfully. “What did you have in mind?”
“Will you lie back for me?” Obediently, you did as he asked, propping up your phone on a pillow to maximize the angle. He groaned softly once he realized you were bare from the waist down. Your thighs fell open slowly, the light catching onto your wet folds. “rA9, do you have any idea what you do to me?”
He heard your giggle as he worked to rid himself of his last article of clothing. “Will you show me how much you’ve missed me?” he requested.
You made a show of it, dragging your hands slowly from your clothed chest, rolling each nipple until they hardened. A bright glint caught his eye, his gaze following a ring on your hand. He had one that matched it, a white gold band that was cool on his heating skin. It bumped along his length as his hands leisurely stroked up and down. He adjusted his audio output to maximize the obscene squelch of damp skin, smirking when he caught your reaction to it.
“You look so good like this,” he whispered. “Laid out for me to see.”
“C-Con…” Your whimper made his grip tighten.
Funny enough, this was the first time he’d ever done this, a thrill running through his systems. He was beginning to see the appeal as he watched you push a finger past your folds.
“I miss…” you muffled a moan as your other hand began rubbing circles over your clit. It took significant effort to speak, the sentence pinching off with a gasp. “I miss f-feeling you in my throat.”
Connor made a choked noise as he painted a pretty picture of his tongue curled deep in you. How you’d squirm if he accompanied the feeling with his length slipping down your throat. He imagined a game of who could make the other fall apart sooner. It would be a little unfair, the android was more than capable of delivering filth with his tongue preoccupied by highjacking speakers or simply using his audio unit to speak.
“You look stunning. Would you like to see what I see?”
He made good on his promise one day by commandeering the television to broadcast a memory he had of you on your knees, made you watch as he licked into you. This was a stark contrast to the man who nearly stumbled over—as he was standing still, mind you—from asking you out.
“Do you like dogs?”
“Yeah, they’re pretty cute.”
“Would you like to walk one? I mean, walk me—walk with me and a dog?”
Embarrassment was putting it lightly, he was mortified for not relying more heavily on the suggestions offered by his social modules. Your enthusiastic smile doused his panic.
“I’d love to.”
It took many dates, but he worked through his nerves and gave you a peek of the deviant hunter that still lurked beneath his sweet, tender exterior. All it took was stumbling through the darkness of your apartment, his hands following your waist and one messy collision of lips to unlock the man you knew today.
“Y-yes, love?”
“Wish you were h-here,” you said between moans.
He was about to respond when an alert from Detroit Police Department took up half his sight. “Sorry. I—” he trailed off, focused on writing up a reply. The sight of you knuckle deep in yourself had set him completely off track tonight. “I forgot I was on call.”
“Wait, I thought you weren’t doing night shifts anymore? Something about fair labor and giving androids reasonable shifts?”
“Correct, however, overtime is still optional and I have been waiting for some forensics results.”
Talking about homicide was the nail in the coffin of your phone sex session. Your throat cleared and you sat back up in your bed with a worried look. “Is it the case you’ve been stuck on?”
“It is…” Connor sounded distracted, his eyes panning over text you couldn’t see.
“Should we…”
He apologized again. “Rain check?”
“Mhmm. Don’t work all night.” You kept your tone light, but he could detect the disappointment from your gaze drifting lower.
“I’ll try not to. Have a good day, my love.”
“Night, Connor.”
Come morning, he sent you a message, optimistic that he’d be hearing from you again. Hours passed and his notifications remained unchanged. Before he knew it, it was time to take Sumo out for a walk. An afternoon at the park had boosted his mood and while Rose was kind enough to extend an invitation to spend his evening with them, Connor knew better than to intrude on their date night.
“Are you sure, dear?” she insisted. The older couple shared a quick glance. “We’d be happy to have you.”
Her head tilted at him, shoulders slouching with her hands clasped together. The extra attention made Connor’s cheeks flush. Somehow, despite lacking a childhood, Rose managed to transcend synthetic experiences, making him feel as small as a child standing between two doting parents. It didn’t help that Hank’s palm rocked his shoulders with a few rough shakes.
“We wouldn’t mind the company, son.”
Connor shook his head, making extra effort to hide the golden hue of his indicator. “Thank you for the offer, but I have plans.”
A lie, but the two did not push.
After a full day of slobbery kisses from Sumo, a shower was the first thing on Connor’s mind. As soon as he stepped out, hair still dripping, he found himself gravitating to his side of the bed. There, he laid staring into space, still restless from last night. You had been difficult to reach and he assumed it was related to your recent uptick in workload.
His head was turned, cheek pressed into a pillow as he stared over at your side. Raising his arm, he moved to stroke his fingers along the cool material. When he brought it closer, he couldn’t resist taking a deep inhale. Your scent flooded his sensors, triggering an array of fond memories, like the one before you left. His software began constructing the scene. It was like he was there again, with his face nuzzled between the curve of your neck and jaw, his ticklish breath eliciting a small laugh from you.
“Morning,” he said softly.
“What time is it?” you replied with a jolt at the end of the question. The first thing on your mind was not missing your flight.
“We have time.” A plastic hand slipped between your thighs, quickly finding its target. He wondered what you dreamed about as his fingers slipped through your folds with ease.
“You’re going to…ah…make me late.”
Back in reality, Connor was beginning to feel foolish for bothering with undergarments. An obvious bulge strained against soft cotton and he wasted little time in slipping the elastic band lower to free himself. His fingers stroked the swollen head of his cock, wetting his hand with his own slick as he relived the memory of plunging his fingers into your wet heat.
He moaned into your pillow while wrapping his hand around his length, pumping his hips into his fist like a beast in a rut. The holographic creation of you arched into his chest, joining his moans with gasps of your own.
Connor continued watching the replay—his favorite part—when he replaced his fingers with his cock. Your face was pressed into the pillow, body twisted to present your hips to him.
“I thought you were worried about the time?” he teased as the flat of his palm followed your curves.
You responded with a glare, lining yourself up to him. Before he had a chance to react, you sunk him down to the hilt.
“A-ah…!” he gasped.
“Then you better hurry,” you answered with a wink.
When his hand wasn’t enough, he pulled additional sensory data from his memory, groaning loudly into the room as he felt the tightness of your muscles. He just about lost it when you moaned his name, pleading for him to go faster. His teeth bit into his lower lip as his legs tensed, toes curling into sheets. What little control he had of his limbs left him as he chased his end with frantic thrusts. He had lost sight of his constructed fantasy, eyes clamping shut as electricity shot up and down his spine.
“F-fuck…fuck…” he whimpered, thankfully remembering to not spill all over the sheets.
As his software anomalies began to recover and static no longer dominated his vision, he slumped back onto his side of the bed with his eyes fixed onto the ceiling. He was still the perfect storm of unsatisfied with his limbs simultaneously buzzing for action and his heart not much fuller. Perhaps a bit of stasis would do him some good.
His lashes fluttered and the moonlit ceiling faded into darkness.
It used to be a running joke that androids dreamed of electric sheep. After the revolution, when Connor attempted stasis, what he saw made his thirium grow cold. An empty virtual garden greeted him, lit up by one spotlight like a theatrical stage in an abandoned warehouse. But there was no Amanda and no snow waiting to freeze his metal limbs. When he willed for it to all disappear, he was rewarded with an empty gray box as his new surroundings. It was then that he realized he could change the garden.
Some days he made it his workspace so he could walk through crime scenes and solve cases while his processes recalibrated in the background. Tonight, his imaginations were fixated on you. For the most part his dreams were innocent, filled with reliving his favorite memories or ones he wanted to experience. Such as him lying in bed with your arm draped over his waist and your lips pressed against his neck.
You might say something like: “Surprise, I’m back.”
Strangely, the pressure and heat on his arm felt more tangible than it should have been. His head shifted, peering down at your virtual form as you repeated yourself.
“I’m back. Wake up, love.”
He missed this, your voice spoken without the support of cell towers or the subtle breath between words that no microphone could capture. Bits and pieces of reality filtered through his dreamworld. Warm fingers trended down his arm and he was receptive to your touch, his skin flickering between flesh and plastic tones. He felt your hand entangle with his until your wedding bands lined up, clicking together as if magnetized.
“Did you have a nice dream? I’ve never had this much trouble waking you,” you chuckled.
“Well,” he responded with the corner of his mouth curling. “This is a major improvement.”
“Is that so?”
The hand holding yours slipped out to grip your wrist and tugged. Immediately, you froze, managing to stop his momentum by placing a palm down onto the mattress. 
“Wait, wait. I’m still wearing the clothes I traveled in!” you cried out.
“That is a solvable problem, my love.”
He sat up, brown eyes gleaming and face pulled in a smile that seemed too pure and sweet, too brimming with joy to match the frenzied, desperate movement of his hands working to shed your clothes. A palm dragged across the expanse of your rib cage, synthetic fingers digging lines into skin. You tried to be an active participant by squirming out of the cotton T-shirt. As he pulled it over your head, it stuck momentarily and you had to share a laugh at human clumsiness interfering with machine efficiency. He breathed out a sigh once you were freed.
You gently stroked his cheek. “So…what were you dreaming about?”
“You,” Connor said with his chin resting above your abdomen. He moved to work on your jeans, laying one kiss below your belly button, his nose nuzzling close before laying more scattered kisses lower.
“Was I doing anything in your dream?” 
Your fingers met soft strands of brown hair, enjoying how they separated and slipped out of your grasp. You watched him ghost his fingers across the edge of the denim waistband, suddenly more patient than he was earlier. His tongue tapped your skin, distracting you from his fingers unbuttoning and unzipping. The light on his head spun as he processed data beyond your comprehension. Whatever Connor discovered left him moaning into your skin.
Large palms dug between fabric and the backs of your thighs, pushing it down. As you stepped out of the pile of clothes, he pulled you by the waist, dragging your hips down with him. You were higher up on the bed than you expected, parting your thighs around his shoulders. He watched you intensely between his lashes, using his hands to coax your hips closer to his face.
“You were lying here…with me.” His voice was rough and mixed with audio interference.
“That’s it?” you teased. “Just us, cuddling?”
Connor wasn’t listening anymore, or more, he was too focused on something else entirely, his sight set on the apex of your thighs. His grip slipped down to keep you still as he peppered light kisses up your inner thigh. You felt his lips travel higher, his teeth faintly tracing your skin. The faintest pressure was applied to your entrance, his tongue barely licking your folds. Connor was a man on a self imposed mission, pushing his tongue forward to swirl the nerves above. He shouldn’t have chuckled at your desperate whine, the former deviant hunter enjoying the grip he had on his catch of the day.
Could you blame him? Seconds of delay was a lifetime to a machine, now imagine a month of time to make him unhinged.
“Can I at least turn around?” you asked. “I promise it’ll be—” Connor’s lips wrapped around your clit, tongue curling in waves. “—good!”
Pulling at his hair did not persuade the android, his brow arching defiantly from between your thighs. Instead, he followed the force of your warning tug, pushing his face closer and dipping his tongue to lick at your clenching muscles. Your pleas fell on deaf ears and you shuddered in his grip. He could almost feel you tipping over the edge before he released you, lying back to flash you a broad, guilt-free grin.
“Alright, now you can move.”
You mumbled vague, teasing threats as you shuffled over to face away from him, your eyes set on his neglected cock. Leaning over to support your weight on your elbows, you brought your hands around his length and his hips excitedly followed. You were slow, using both thumbs to tease his tip, smearing his slick over the angry red flesh.
“S-sweetheart,” he choked out.
“Don’t sweetheart me,” you teased. “Not when you were being evil a second ago.”
Hearing you talk about it only encouraged him, his tongue giving your clit a quick flick.
“Can you blame me?”
“Mmm…Yes!” Determined to not be distracted by Connor, your mouth hovered over him, tongue peeking out in anticipation.
What came out of his audio unit was barely human as you unexpectedly swallowed as much of him as you could. It stung a little, your throat stretching to accommodate his size, but it was worth it to feel him squirm. You used everything you had at your disposal, your fingers, stroking and squeezing when your mouth pulled off him, your tongue curling around the hot and heavy shape of him, and your moan, which served to tighten your throat in the sweetest torture.
A torrent of software anomalies cut through the darkness behind his closed eyes but it did not deter him from maneuvering his fingers to stroke your tensing walls, nor did it ruin his focus as his tongue flicked your clit at inhuman speeds. The RK800 indulged—basked in your presence. If there was anything Connor enjoyed the most, it was seeing you come apart, to feel you writhe in his grasp, to flooding your senses like you did to his.
Your shoulders tensed, skin feeling impossibly hot and tight as his fingers continued to summon a spark that climbed up your spine. It built up, until there was nowhere left for it to go except explode in fizzes that consumed your nerves. His name was a muffled cry in your throat, one that triggered his own end.
You heard him curse as he lapped once more into your pulsing core, followed by a string of words that you couldn’t hear over the ringing in your ears. You did hear his chuckle, felt him rest his damp cheek on your thigh.
“Are you still with me?”
By some small mercy, you hadn’t choked on him as he was still in your mouth. Releasing him with a wet pop, you replied, “No. I’m pretty sure you just killed me.”
He laughed while you managed to untangle from him to turn and face him, returning to straddle his thighs. He joined you in an upright position and you met his gaze, followed the subtle twitch of his irises as he focused on your blissed out smile. Perhaps it was the culmination of distance, time, or the stresses of work and finally…coming home, a weight was simultaneously lifted as a new one settled in your chest. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to finally enjoy his welcoming embrace.
“I couldn’t wait to get back to you,” you whispered in the dark.
He stroked your sweat slick skin, tracing the gentle curve of your back.
“Did you know, I was afraid to go into stasis when you were away?”
“What?” You sat up straighter in the bed, knees falling further apart. Connor shifted strategically, brushing your core with his tip. “What do you mean?”
“I had a theory it would only make me miss you more.”
“When I woke, you were here so…” He leaned in, finally getting the kiss he’d been yearning for. You could feel the upward tug of his lips, the sugary, tooth rotting affection he so desperately wanted to convey. “Now I’m going to be sorely disappointed if this isn’t always the end result.”
“Ooo, maybe this is still a—”
Connor interrupted your playful remark, capturing your lips with the gentle push of his hand around the back of your neck. You still hovered over him and he whimpered into the kiss when you circled your hips. He broke away first, slowly, as if to say he wasn’t going anywhere, the heat of his exhaust still warm and close on your skin.
A blue light shimmered from his fingertips down to his elbows, revealing the intricate panels of his synthetic muscles. His palms buzzed faintly around your cheeks. Warm honeyed eyes, tinted with an electric blue hue held yours captive.
“I love you,” he said, voice low and quiet.
You captured one of his hands with yours, repeating his words with as much devotion as you could. “I love you too, Connor.”
Together, in sync, you sank onto him as he rose up to push into you. Wrapping his arms tightly around your back, his fingers kneaded your skin as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. Your arms fit over his shoulders, cradling his face. He prepared you more than enough, sliding in with ease until you sat comfortably on his lap.
“I’ll never get enough of this,” he half slurred on your collarbones as he licked and sucked the flesh. “Of you.”
You dipped your head, meeting his dazed eyes. “You have me. You’ll always have me.”
Your words stoked a new fire in him as he began to bounce you over his lap. When his mouth began searching for yours, he laid sloppy kisses up your jaw until he claimed your lips. He licked into your mouth like he couldn’t get enough of being a part of you, driving the point further home with deep, slow thrusts. When he pulled you off his lap, he kept you stretched open, only to slide back at an angle that had you clawing his neck and shoulders. Pressed this close, his pelvis rubbed against your clit and you were certain you wouldn’t last. 
The thought went out the window when he freed his hand to slip between your bodies. It would be a cramped and uncomfortable position for a man, but his joints could tolerate odd angles. His fingers alternated between slow sweeping strokes and quick circles. He could tell when you were close, extended your pleasure for both of your sakes with his well timed fingers.
A sensation of being build up and up, like an elevator that seemed to go on indefinitely tugged at the edges of your mind. It was worse than waiting for a beat that promised to drop.
If his soft grunts and moans were anything to go by, the RK800 was thoroughly enjoying himself. His nose was on your neck and he could feel your heart pounding through thin skin.
“Almost there. You’re doing so…” he moaned, feeling your muscles begin to spasm. “S-so, well.”
He pulled you flush into his lap, burying himself as deep as he could go, striking the last frazzled nerve you had left. It wasn’t nearly as intense as your first one but it contained a closeness that the other one did not. Connor slowed the movement of his thrusts and you felt him fill and stiffen before a wash of warmth trickled into you. You both rode out each others highs for a few more moments, stroking each others backs lovingly and him, lovesick as he was, had a grin spreading from ear to ear.
When you both settled down a bit, he made movements to gently lift you. Your legs clamped tight, dissuading him.
“W-wait. Can we…stay together? Like this?” you asked.
Even though your suggestion made him twitch from within you, he nodded, knowing you both desired a different kind of intimacy. He wiped a stray bead of sweat off your brow. “Of course.”
Your thighs ached in protest as your body decided your knees didn’t make good weight bearing cushions.
“Maybe we can try lying down?”
He leaned backwards, guiding you down with him, careful to not disturb how you were both still connected. You relaxed and laid your head on his chest.
“What happened to your extra meeting?” he asked, tone light and curious.
“Uhh…I kinda told them I had a family emergency.”
“Sweetheart,” he replied, slightly worried, not about the family emergency, it was obvious enough that you had lied to get back to him sooner.
“They’ll be fine without me. They signed when I landed in Detroit so…”
Connor made a poor attempt at a chiding scoff but couldn’t mask his smile. You pivoted your hips to distract him, and it did, briefly.
“I do not condone your actions…”
“But…?” you probed.
“I am glad to have you home.”
You hummed something back to him. It mostly sounded like gibberish even to his sharp ears. When he glanced down at you, he found your eyes shut, breathing even. Eventually, your body would protest for sleeping in such a strange position. He’d slip you off of him to your side of the bed, clean you off with a warm towel and tuck you both back into bed.
As for now…
His arm draped over your back and the other pulled the covers up. Connor laid a gentle peck on your forehead, caught the slight lift in your lips and couldn’t help but lay one more kiss down. He let out a deep sigh, content to shut his eyes and join you in a short slumber. 
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
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