#THAT is why our wildlife is dying
jarvis-cockhead · 5 months
I need Americans to stop weighing in on the UKs indoor vs outdoor cat debate until they read up on our biodiversity crisis and learn exactly why our wildlife decline is so serious (spoiler: it's not the cats)
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without-ado · 1 year
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Dying mountain gorilla Ndakasi in the arms of her Congolese caregiver of 13 years, Andre Bauma l Virunga National Park, Congo(DRC)
Ndakasi, who was rescued by Virunga park rangers at the age of just 2 months old after her troop was massacred by a charcoal mafia, a criminal group involved in the illegal charcoal trade, in 2007.  After the massacre, Ndakasi was taken to a rescue center where she first met Bauma, who held her close all night long to keep her warm and comfort her.
 "It was Ndakasi's sweet nature and intelligence that helped me to understand the connection between humans and [other] great apes and why we should do everything in our power to protect them," Bauma said, "I am proud to have called Ndakasi my friend. I loved her like a child." more read
l Brent Stirton l 2022 Wildlife Photographer of the Year Winner
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ffcrazy15 · 10 months
Headcanon: Boimler is significantly better with a phaser rifle than a phaser pistol.
So. Two things about growing up in farm country mean that most people there learn how to shoot at a relatively young age. The first reason is that coyotes (and sometimes mountain lions) will absolutely try to fuck up your shit if you're a farmer. They will try to steal your pets and/or smaller livestock, and if there's a mountain lion in the area you really don't want to go walking around in a field without protection.
The second and more important reason is that hunting is big in farming communities because the state Game and Fish department relies on licensed hunters to keep the local wildlife populations healthy. Too many deer this season means not enough food, which means a lot of sick and dying deer next season. Hunters help to keep the wildlife population in check in places where humans have driven off their natural predators (since they're also unfortunately our natural predators).
The thing is, though, generally you don't use handguns for hunting (whether for protection or food); you use a rifle or a shotgun. So I think the majority of Boimler's pre-Starfleet experience with firearms would probably have been with whatever the 2300s version of a hunting rifle would be. This would explain why he seems to prefer them and knows about how to clean and take care of them, as we see in the beginning of Where Pleasant Fountains Lie.
EDITED TO ADD: A helpful person in the comments has given more relevant information/correction on the matter; I encourage y'all to check it out! Thank you @mutualweirdcalledlove!!
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vainvenus · 5 months
⌲;꒰ Hypnotic ꒱ ⌲;꒰ Pt.2 ꒱
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Pairing - Peacekeeper!Sejanus x Fem!Reader
Synopsis - You and Lucy Gray spend the day at the lake with Sejanus and Coriolanus as an apology for what happened the night before.
Includings - You don't have to read part one to read this!, Sejanus is still smitten (literally adores you), stripping to underwear, teasing/flirting, kisses, healthy!Snowbaird, everyone is so silly and happy, literally nothing but fluff, it's a little short
An - An apology as the Peeta fic I posted before this!
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"Just what is taking them so long?" Lucy Gray huffed, leaning her back against the wall as she looked around the corner again but there was still no sight of the two.
You shrugged your shoulders, a small frown on your face. "Maybe they fluked on us?"
"Fluked on who?" A soft voice hummed and the two of you turned in the opposite direction to see the two boys dressed down much more casually than the uniforms they had to wear while off but still kind of on duty.
A smile broke your worried expression as Sejanus smiled down at you. You should have known there was no need for you to worry about him not showing up, he seemed more than elated to be back in your presence.
"Well it certainly took you boys long enough, c'mon were burning daylight!" Lucy Gray rolled her eyes playfully as the four of you started to walk. Lucy Gray told the two that it wouldn't be that far of a walk which was true if you were use to twelve which by now the two weren't.
You were walking through the grass, passing by Lucy Gray's favorite spot to come alone to sing when she needed to clear her head or just needed a bit of alone time. The grass was growing rapidly and fading in color, it was pretty even if it was noticeably dying out.
You smile down at the small wildlife that's growing, there's nothing special just a few yellow dandelions. You bend over, grabbing a few.
You grabbed one that wasn't fully in bloom, still in the form of a few clear seeds. You look over to Sejanus and hold it out to him.
"I haven't seen one of these in forever." He chuckled and your brows raised in slight surprise.
He nods. "Can't remember the last time I saw one at the Capitol. It's mostly tulips and roses there."
You hum in acknowledgement, pointing towards the small flower. "Well, blow and make a wish."
Sejanus softly blows at the dandelion, the seeds flowing through the windy air and he drops the stem to the ground. You glance up at him after watching a few float around.
"What'd ya' wish for?"
He sucks his teeth and gives you a frown of concern. "Sorry, I can't tell you."
You gasp, jaw dropping in fake offense. "Why not?"
"Wish rules. If you say it out loud it doesn't come true."
You giggle at his childish explanation for why he couldn't tell you. Something about the way he talks feels familiar as if he wasn't brought up the same as Coriolanus. It's comforting.
As the four of you start to grow closer to the lake your brows furrowed as a thought came to your mind;
"Doesn't y'all sneaking around with us go against your Peacekeeper code a little?" You asked Sejanus and he chuckled, shaking his head.
Even if it did, Sejanus would have took the risk just to see you one last time even if it was just a glimpse. He would take the chances no matter what consequence he would of had to face.
"We're not doing anything illegal." He shrugged, which was true. Partially. They weren't supposed to be this far out away from the district but what the others didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
"Plus, it'll boost our morale or whatever the commander says."
"Aw, hanging out with little ol' me boosts your morale?" You asked with a teasing smile and Sejanus's smile grew as he nodded his head.
"One hundred percent. I feel so much better already."
"You're just too sweet. Are you this charming to everyone you meet?" You questioned with a raised brow.
"Not everyone I've met has been as captivating as you." He answered, noticing how you tried to cover up your smile that had grew even more. His eyes glanced around the area as the four of you had finally arrived at the lake and Sejanus stared in awe for a moment.
It looked so peaceful, far out from the troubles of district twelve. It was also breathtakingly pretty, maybe because it has been untouched from any machinery, the trees allowed just the right amount of shade under them.
"Do you two come here a lot?" Coriolanus asked while Sejanus was enjoying the scenery while you started to set your bags down next to Lucy Gray's and you both nodded your head.
"Yeah, us and the other covey members. We come here on hot days to relax or just get away from twelve for a bit." You replied, slipping out of your shoes and Lucy Gray sighed happily, staring up at the sky as a few birds flew past. "It's perfect, ain't it?"
"It is." The two boys replied, softly staring at the both of you with small grins.
"Well we're not gonna have any fun just standin' around admiring!" Lucy Gray chimed, pulling her dress down and you giggled softly as you rushed to take off the tank top you had on.
Sejanus quickly looked the other way as the two of you stripped from your clothes and Coriolanus suddenly found the sky much more interesting and the two of you couldn't help but laugh at how much they were trying to be polite.
"You can look, sweetheart. S'not like my sets anything fancy." You giggled, tossing your clothes aside before you ran along the boardwalk and jumped into the water, resurfacing after a short while.
Lucy Gray had splashed next to you as she jumped in next, pushing her hair back from out of her face as she looked at the two boys who were standing there with slightly surprised expressions.
"Well? What're you waiting for? Cmon in, the waters jut fine!"
The two of them got rid of their clothes and shoes, tossing them next to your discarded ones as they ran down the boardwalk and jumped into the water.
The four of you laughed together, the sound being the cherry on top of the day for Sejanus. He could have listened to you laugh a thousand times and he swore he would never grow sick or it.
As you swam over to Sejanus, he couldn't help but note how cute you looked. Your eyelashes seemed more full from the amount of water splashed upon them, your face was ridden from any makeup and he now had a chance to see anything you would have deemed an 'imperfection'.
He loved it all, he didn't care.
Sejanus realized that it didn't really matter what you looked like, he would always stare at you like that. Like he was meeting you for the first time and it was his first time looking at you.
"What? Is there something on me?" You asked, patting and rubbing at the bare parts of your body even checking your hair for a moment but Sejanus smiled warmly and shakes his head.
"No it's not that, it's just.."
"Just what?"
"You're so beautiful." He finished and you shook your head, a nervous chuckle leaving your lips.
"You don't have to flatter me, Sejanus." You muttered, glancing away from the male yet his gaze stayed focused on you like you would have disappeared if he looked away.
"I'm not trying to, I'm just speaking my mind and the truth. Ma' didn't raise a liar." He replied and you looked over at him, tilting your head a bit.
He nodded.
"You're different than Blondie, I knew it." You smiled as if upon the realization you were going to win a prize. "None of those fancy Captiol boys call their ma's ma."
He gave a small shrug. "Maybe because I'm not a fancy Captiol boy. I was born in the districts, district two. My family bought our way into the Captiol."
You nodded, that's why the way he spoke felt like home and why he didn't have the same edge and eerieness of most Peacekeepers.
"That makes much more sense." You hummed, swimming back towards him and leaning against his back, drawing small hearts on the back of his skin.
"I was wonderin' why you were so different from your little friend." You nodded towards Coriolanus who was counting how long Lucy Gray could hold her breath under water and you giggled.
"They're such an odd pair." You commented while moving to wrap your arms around Sejanus's neck and he hummed, nodding before looking back over at you.
"And what about us?"
You tilted your head, smiling softly. "What about us, hun?"
"Do you think we're an odd pair?"
You met his soft dark eyes and a wide smile spread across your lips as you leaned over his shoulder so that you could place a kiss on his cheek.
"I think we're odd but lucky for you, I like odd."
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For those who wanted to be tagged: @iamforeverandalwaystired @inf4ntdeath @burnthoneydrops @fia1711 @iluvsejanusplinth
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hedgiwithapen · 9 months
Request Jaime Reyes in Pokemon Arceus setting for dammit hedgi day
Jaime carefully adjusted the satchel that the supply corps had issued him a little lower on his back, so that it wouldn’t press against Khaji Da. It was certainly strange. It looked like standard canvas, the kind of thing tourists wore to hold their valuables, only bulkier. It wouldn’t fit under clothes, that was for sure. It was also easy enough to take off and drop before the Scarab’s armor ate it.
“I do not eat your clothing,” Khaji Da said, when he pointed that out.
“Yeah, well, it goes somewhere doesn’t it? Anyways. I’m just glad this thing fits…way more than it should.” He was already spending most of the money he got for catching pokemon for the professor on clothes. It helped that he could store a couple of spare pairs of pants and kimono-like tops in the waist-pouch, on top of all of the pokeballs, potion bottles, and snacks.
“Like the pokeballs, it appears to be a hyperspace pocket,” Khaji Da explained. “Alert. There is a large Luxio approaching from your left.”
“Oh, gatito enojado.” Jaime grumbled, getting ready to dodge. The pulse of lighting crashed down where he’d been, turning parts of the sandy soil into a much more glassy soil than Jaime was comfortable with.  Even Less Comforting was Khaji’s ‘helpful’ note on just how powerful the strike had been. Back home, it could have powered the neighborhood for a night.
“Suggested course of action: deploy wings.”
“Yeah, but we still gotta find out what this thing’s weak to, for the Professor’s notes.”
“According to my data, Luxio and associated creatures are weak to: plasma blasts.”
“And what else?” Jaime asked, ducking behind a rock formation. “Specifically things that other people here can use?”
“The one we saw earlier did not handle the rockslide caused by the: Geodude  trying to kill us very well.”
“Great. Rock type stuff. Good. See, that’s the kind of thing I can report back without us getting kicked out of the village. Between your observations and my, uh… not dying, we’ll have this pokedex thing done in no time.”
“Indeed. Deploying pokeball now?” Khaji Da waited for Jaime to throw the ball at the confused Luxio.  The orb, unfathomably made of a fruit husk and a bit of polished stone, let out a spark as it locked. Jaime retrieved it.  Jaime had impressed the professor who’d found them, and his assistant Akari, with his aim. He had not let on that Khaji Da had shown him a display calculating the exact trajectory of the pokeball. While the Professor seemed more along the lines of Jenny’s dad than her aunt, he wasn’t inclined to take any risks, especially not with the grumpy captain and commander of the village who already mistrusted him for having the misfortune to fall out of the sky.
“So, are we keeping this one?” he asked.
“Negative, Jaime. It attempted your murder.”
“Angry kitty,” Jaime sighed again. “Most of them do, Khaji. We’re going to need some pokemon on our team at some point, or Zizu is going to get suspicious.”
“We can have pokemon that do not attempt to do you harm,” Khaji relented.
“Starly and Bidoof are not going to cut it, hermano.”
“That is why you have me. I suggest turning east. Notes from other sources [*evesdropping on Akari]  suggest some kind of horse lives on the plains. Perhaps they will be…friendlier.”
The horse, actually a 20 foot tall fire-breathing unicorn, had Not Been Friendlier. Jaime had waved off the Galaxy Team Nurse’s offer to look at the burn on his shoulder, retreating to the ‘room’ that Captain Cyllene had issued him.  As much as he wanted to go home--he missed his family and knew they had to be worried-- he had to admit, he wasn’t going to find a studio apartment as nice as this one for the price of ‘go look at wildlife and tell us about it after’ in Palmera.
As long as no one found out about Khaji Da, this wasn’t the worst way to spend a summer. 
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reborrowing · 7 months
this silly vampire idea kept rolling around my head so that's how I chose to spend my free time tonight. it's not really edited or polished, to the point where idk that I'd even call it finished, but here it is anyway. will I develop it more or will this get it out of my system? who knows.
I was very fuzzy, very suddenly.
No, not me. Or, I was, but...that was normal, I think, it was... My thoughts. My thoughts were fuzzy. Indistinct. I couldn't think straight, I wasn't—where was I?
I'd been flying. I didn't want to spend any more time on the ground in this wretched city than They required of me, I remembered that well enough.
I was they, wasn't I? A swarm of me, of bats, or...
What city?
It was dark, even darker than I liked, and a frigid mist hung overhead. I went to push to my feet but not of my limbs would cooperate. My chest burned.
Why did it hurt? Had I been attacked? Were there hunters in this mystery city? Was I dying?
My heart raced, whatever the cause. But before I could solve any of my worries, the light disappeared and something went to smother me.
I really would do anything to put off writing that report.
Not that I was doing this to procrastinate, of course, I was being a good person. I'd been out for a late-night walk (not procrastinating—I needed that candy as a focus incentive) and found a bat crawling across the cold pavement about a block from my apartment. Even without getting too close, I could tell it was pretty badly injured. Its left wing was crumpled and out of sync with the rest of its movements.
What kind of asshole would I be if I left it there like that?
A dozen warnings about rabies echoed in my head, but none quite loud enough to give me more than a moment's pause. I used my hoodie to catch it. It didn't seem to struggle much and once I got it wrapped up, it gave up completely. I wanted to think that it knew I was trying to help it. Mostly I hoped it hadn’t died in my hands before I even had a chance to call the wildlife center.
I dumped a scattering of clutter out of a closet shoebox, swearing to myself that I’d deal with the mess later, and gently placed the bundled-up bat inside. I tentatively pulled back one edge of my sweatshirt to steal a look at the little guy. It was breathing, at least, if not conscious.
The wildlife center told me I’d (more or less) done the right thing so far, and told me to drive it down there as soon as I had the chance. I turned off the car radio for quiet as suggested, but couldn’t help whispering reassurances to the little guy as I drove. I guess it wouldn’t understand me, even if it were awake to hear me, but the silence in the car unnerved me otherwise, especially as I left the bright lights of the city for the preserve on the outskirts.
Inside, a friendly-looking man took the box off my hands. He didn’t tell me to stick around, but he didn’t tell me to leave either, so I stayed. I had other things I didn't want to do, after all, and it would be nice to know what was going to happen to the bat.
I wasn’t expecting to get my box back, but the man stepped back into the lobby with it tucked beneath an arm. His smile looked forced now, as he thrust the shoebox back to me.
“Ma’am, we’re very busy here. I don’t know what you were thinking, but please, don’t waste our time,” he said.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I opened the box and fell silent. The bat was gone. It had been replaced with a small, pale doll. 
“Is this some kind of joke?” I asked.
“Like I said, we’re very busy. If there’s nothing I can actually do for you…?”
I put up a hand and apologized for…I didn’t entirely know what I’d done here, but there was clearly no injured bat for him to help me with. I closed the box and awkwardly shuffled back out to my car to try and figure out what had just happened.
When I next woke, my head was clearer.
I was sure that I’d been captured by some manner of capture because God almighty, that light was blinding. No reasonable vampire would ruin a room with such a miserable lamp, save those few with a soft spot for their thralls’ visual needs. 
I was still blinking back tears to try and adjust to the artificial blaze when someone scoffed and the light disappeared altogether. An unknown force threw me to the ground. I tried to collect myself several times before I realized the room itself was shaking, at which point I simply settled into the fleece around me as comfortably as I could and waited for the chance to face my attacker.
There was an especially rough quake that shoved me up against the wall, and then the earth was still at last. I flinched as a sliver of light appeared overhead only to be mercifully bathed in moonlight. 
I didn’t recognize where I was, not even what sort of building this might be. The ceiling was distant and carpeted. There were windows all around, as if we were in a poorly shaped dome. Even the box I’d been transported in was strange. The wood was unnaturally smooth and I saw no hinges for the top side that had been pulled away.
As I was considering the low wall before me, a cloud passed over the moon and cast me in shadow. At least, I assumed that was the source until she gasped. I twisted to face the noise and gasped back. A massive woman, larger than some buildings, gawked down at me and at once, the pieces fell together. I had been not only captured, but cursed. I doubted I would be more than a half foot tall, were I to measure.
Her scent engulfed me as she leaned even closer, intoxicatingly sweet. The steady rhythm of her heart was near enough it almost enthralled me. I wanted her. And I would have her. But first, my dignity.
I opened my mouth to demand she turn me back and release me, or, if she couldn’t, return me to the one who could. I intended to order her to serve me as I deserved. The words died in my throat. 
My charm, my magic didn’t even make it that far. I needed to see my victims’ eyes if I wanted to bewitch them and I couldn’t bear to meet hers. I faltered after less than a half a second. but her whiskey stare combined with the sheer size of the behemoth looming over me was too much, too intense. My knees buckled; I was as helpless in her gaze as she ought to be in mine. 
“What are you?” she whispered.
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How to be an omen (Part 1)
Do you ever feel like you want to be representative of the mysterious forces that are signaling the inevitable impending doom?
Well look no further! Here are five basic steps to making yourself into an ethereal being with the capacity to stir deep unrest into the hearts of the wicked.
Step 1: Be anything but the norm.
I cannot emphasize this enough. In order to fully live up to your potential, and truly create fear in the hearts of men, you have to be different. People hate anything that is different (though I can’t fathom why). So in order to successfully be an omen, you really have to make yourself scary.
Wearing black and dying your hair a bright color is sometimes a good place to start. But don’t worry if this is not your aesthetic! Anyone can be an omen. As long as a conservative white man is afraid of you, you are successfully doing your job.
Step 2: Make a list of mysterious sayings
The best human omens are ones that can cause discomfort by having the perfect response to normal conversations. Think long and hard about what makes you an omen. This should help you prepare for your conversations with the afflicted. Your existence itself is sign enough that the end is nigh, but how you represent that is entirely up to you!
Step 3: Frequently look off into the distance
In order to fully accept yourself as an ethereal being, you have to ensure that you do not come off as too engaged. A great way to start is to practice immersing yourself in your innermost thoughts. What truly lies beyond the surface, deep down in the pits of your soul? What kind of horrors within you will make the gods shiver and quake at the sound of your name?
Step 4: Commune with nature
Nature is an important part of being an omen. Crows and cats are known for their innate abilities as creatures of darkness. Immersing yourself in nature is a great way to embrace your new status. If you live in the city, you may still have access to wildlife. Start by feeding the crows. Then become friends with the crows. When you feel comfortable, unleash the storm of crows upon your enemies. Finally, become a crow and complete your transformation into a chaotic force of the universe.
Step 5: Have fun and be yourself!
The most important part of being an omen is to remember that at your core, you are already an omen. No matter what happens, you are a force to be reckoned with. Your existence is already scary enough to cause fear in the hearts of the wicked, and powerful enough to fight the gods. Don’t let the petty evildoers bring you down, because you are our chance at making the world a better place.
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brendanthebomber · 1 year
Major League Baseball should be the first sport to incorporate silverback gorillas
Major League Baseball should be the first sport to incorporate silverback gorillas
“But why? What team would it be the mascot for? The Dodgers, the Yankees, and the Angels are the only teams without mascots, and they have nothing to do with gorillas.” (technically, the Angels have the Rally Monkey but monkeys are obviously not apes)
No. That’s not what I’m talking about.
I believe Manfred should give an adult male lowland silverback gorilla a spot on an MLB team’s active roster.
I’m sure you’re thinking, “Why? How?”
Have no fear. Let’s start with the “why.”
A recent surge is baseball viewership is the perfect time to capitalize on the market.
While still our national pastime, baseball is not the most popular sport in America. With the “Three True Outcomes” approach becoming dominant in recent years, fans have found the sport to be even more dull than usual. Strikeouts, home runs, and walk rates are all on the rise while the amount of balls-in-play is dropping. Small ball is dying in favor of the big-power approach. Introducing gorillas, even for just a season, would revamp fan excitement and give baseball the kick it needs to get back into the spotlight.
Gorillas are endangered.
A large portion of the revenue that would be created by this new addition would be donated to gorilla/wildlife preservation organizations, and team owners would also be required to donate a payroll-adjusted fee to each of these non-profit organizations yearly.
No longer critically endangered, gorilla populations have been slowly but steadily increasing. Increased funding to nonprofit wildlife foundations could give gorilla populations an enormous boost in numbers, allowing them to thrive in their natural habitat.
Now that we all agree we should do this, the next question is “how?”
I'm so glad you asked! There's see two clear options for how we could incorporate a gorilla into the game:
Option 1: The gorilla is taught to play the sport (includes conditions/restrictions)
The gorilla could neither pitch nor field. At some point in human evolution, we developed the ability to aim and throw objects with a decent level of accuracy & at a high velocity. This is due to our tall waist, shoulder placement, and the way our elbow and humerus rotate together. This allows us to hold and subsequently release large amounts of energy at once in the form of throwing. Gorillas lack these attributes and cannot throw a baseball anywhere near the professional level.
To avoid technical fielding skills, our gorilla would have to function as a Designated Hitter. This would likely involve conditioning a silverback gorilla to learn how to hit a ball from birth (baby gorillas begin to move objects at three months and explore at eight months). I believe Steve Cohen would easily be able to fund this project.
If teaching the gorilla to swing a baseball bat proves to be unsuccessful, it could be given the spot of Designated Runner instead, where its only job would be to run the basepath.
Despite their size, gorillas have been known to reach speeds of 20-25 mph. That's faster than Corbin Carroll, who, according to BaseballSavant, clocks in at 21 mph (league average 18.4 mph). As long as the gorilla can be taught to stay within the basepaths, stealing bases should be a breeze, providing immense value in BSR and SB.
Here are the top five MLB players by sprint speed:
|Player|Sprint Speed | |Corbin Carroll|30.7 ft/s| |Bubba Thompson|30.4 ft/s| |Jose Siri|30.4 ft/s| |Bobby Witt Jr.|30.4 ft/s| |Trea Turner|30.3 ft/s|
Our furry 350 lb superstar tops out between 30.8 to 36.67 ft/s, well above the elite MLB speedsters.
As seen with the famous zoo Gorilla “Koko”, gorillas are able to understand a limited form of sign language, which can be used to communicate in basic ways with humans. On the basepaths, third-base coaches and managers in the dugout can communicate with runners through signs (not ASL, but signs nonetheless). Teaching the gorilla how to differentiate sign language and baserunning signs should not be difficult, as Koko was able to communicate effectively through basic signs.
To make up for a lack of finesse and technical ability, the MLB should lean into the gorilla’s raw power and allow it the option to use PEDs. This would be coupled with a strict workout regimen to improve muscle mass and reach the gorilla’s full potential.
Adult gorillas are estimated to possess the strength of 20 adult male humans WITHOUT PEDs, so with enough time and patience, we could see a gorilla putting up a historic 80 home run season.
It's worth noting that depending on the workout regiment and the parts of the body that are focused on, we could see either an increase OR decrease in sprint speed.
Option 2: The gorilla is used as an environmental hazard/win condition during games.
For this option, I propose that once per game, each team has the ability to “Kong” the other team by placing two silverback gorillas on the field while the opposing team is fielding to cause chaos.
The gorillas can be placed in any spot, and fielders must play normally as if nothing has changed.
However, at any point that a team is getting Kong’d, any single member of the fielding team can request a 1v2 bare-knuckle boxing match against both gorillas. They would be risking their lives, but if they win, their team automatically wins the game and is instantly guaranteed a spot a postseason playoff spot.
This should not be a competitive concern because any human being would definitely not survive a fight with two furious gorillas.
If the safety of mutual parties becomes too much of a concern, this rule would be removed, as the safety of the gorilla is of the utmost importance.
Only good things can come from expanding into gorilla baseball. This experiment could lead to other animals in other sports, with charitable funding saving wildlife populations.
And remember, if this experiment doesn’t work out, we always have the apes running the Rockies’ FO to keep us entertained.
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dungeonaspects · 30 days
Short Story: Cannibalism
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The deer population had plummeted in the last six years. So much so that conservation groups had begun a large-scale tagging operation, affixing GPS trackers to the dwindling numbers of white-tailed deer that remained in the forests. Being one of the many capable trackers I’d been sent deep into the forests to check on a location that a lot of deer with GPS trackers seemed to be congregating and either getting stuck or dying.
The working theory was a tainted water source, a legacy of migration routes etched into generational memory, or perhaps a newly opened fissure leaking noxious gas. Ultimately it didn’t matter, it was impacting the food chain and wildlife officials were getting nervous
I’m a hunter subcontracted into these projects, while the big bosses can wax whimsical about their stats and environmental benefits it doesn’t change the fact: I needed a job. So instead of taking tourists on the same hike over and over, or babysitting some kids calling themselves men while they missed every shot at local wildlife. I embraced the solitude of the wild, armed with a GPS, ample supplies, and the liberty to roam the untamed expanses on behalf of those corporate suits.
Don’t get me wrong, I love forests. You don’t spend as much time as I do within them without loving them like a sailor does the sea. You also learn to respect nature for what it is, a hell of a lot sturdier than those idiots in suits give it credit for.
So even if the numbers can drop and species can die out, nature can stand up for itself. Once our towns and cities crumble, nature will simply need to reclaim it. So why worry the little stuff? It’ll survive a long time after we’re gone.
I used to so fervently believe this, like we couldn’t do anything to truly hurt nature. I was wrong.
Three weeks into my journey, deposited by helicopter at a serene lake, I traced ancient paths not trodden for a century, likely the same routes indigenous peoples followed before being forced away.
I was one of the few that could go this deep into wild territory without being dead within a week. Grizzly’s, wolves, moose, even cougars paled in comparison to the simple act of getting lost. I didn’t get lost. I held to old-school orienteering and kept meticulous track of where I was and where I’d been, I could use the stars if I had to.
A GPS helps, and I wouldn’t be caught dead without one, but knowing my route and my way back was worth more than a piece of plastic that could break or run out of power or lose signal. So I kept moving.
I was only an hour or so from the location of the tagged deer. The views had been stunning, my side gig as a nature photographer making sure I’ll have more than a few images and videos to sell to Instagrammers or TikTokkers that wouldn’t survive a two hour hike, much less this kind of trek.
I’d been moving lower into a valley for the last two days, picking through trees and trails that kept me moving in the right direction. Hunting had been… scarce the last few days. Normally I’d be able to spot something to skin and butcher every few days, working opportunistically where I could. But I hadn’t seen anything for so long I was actually using my food supplies rather than wasting too much time foraging.
Then again, if there was a poisoned water source nearby it’d hardly be a surprise that animals were steering clear. It was good I had filled up my canteens at the last stream I’d found, may be worth avoiding drinking any water in this valley. Especially looking around.
The normally dense trees had thinned, the underbrush becoming little more than strangling weeds and the occasional sickly looking bush. I won’t be so prideful as to say I wasn’t a bit nervous, what had been a spattering of bark on the ground had turned into a rotting bed, insects writhing over and in the detritus that reeked beneath my feet.
Whatever was in this valley was making it seriously sick.
I double and triple checked my location, referencing the GPS a few times for reassurance. I wasn’t looking forward to whatever runoff or dump some corporation had likely airdropped randomly into the wilderness to poison the land so intensely.
I put on a facemask and gloves, it wasn’t the first time some big wig cut a corner to avoid proper disposal costs. I was coming to a cliff face, the valley coming to a singular point in the base of a mountain.
I hopped over a handful of streams clogged with… I’ll describe it as fibrous sludge, lumps of solid matter that was sodden and sickly, like a hairball the size of your fist left in a puddle for weeks. The smell was overpowering.
I didn’t see any leaves on the trees anymore, branches crumbling in writhing piles that practically turned to dust under my boots, the sodden ground somehow cracked and packed as clods of mud weighed me down.
The sky was… colourless. It felt like it should be clear and blue, there weren’t any clouds above, and the sun hadn’t rounded the mountain or the horizon. It wasn’t even grey, just, empty.
Trudging on, the rotting trees had fallen in stagnant water, the cloying ‘hairballs’ were everywhere, covering the sides of trees from the direction I was heading. It was as if a wave of putrid filth had crashed outwards, covering everything in the muck that coated my boots.
A thin trickle of water was flowing over some of the furrowed parts of ground, once pristine streams just vehicles of miasma as it spread through the valley. I can’t describe what I mean when I say that there was no colour in that place. I could look at that sickly mud and understand it was brown or sallow green, but those words meant… nothing. A void where colour should have been.
Ahead I could hear water slapping from high above into a meagre plunge pool, the source of the water at least. It was… hard to see there. It was bright, it was daytime but I couldn’t see.
I stood there, on the edge of this putrid pool of water, in knee high stagnant mud, looking at a… It looked like a massive sickly tree, a trickling waterfall from high above falling upon it. Once white branches were stained with rotting algae and moss that clung to it like a mass of dripping leeches. The highest of the branches so very far above my head ending in jagged points that oozed an ichor that plopped into the water like excrement.
I… I don’t know how long I stood there. I had no way to tell the time, no way to look away from the tree. Until a white-tailed deer stepped into the clearing. It was like stepping from darkest midnight into midday sun.
Its presence made me stumble back, tripping into the disgusting filth around me. The deer seemed wholly unbothered by the mud and rot that clung to its hooves and matted its fur. It simply kept walking toward the tree.
I felt a primal panic build in me, I don’t know why but the deer shouldn’t go near the tree. If it did… I can’t explain how wrong it felt, how desecrated, how violated that clearing was. Yet I couldn’t even cry out as the deer began to sink and wade through the loathsome mud to where the tree sat.
The deer was up to its neck in the water when it stopped, the colour and brilliance submerged beyond recognition. It gazed upward, fixated on the tree, its breaths laboured and heavy.
There was only a moment’s pause, a single fraction of a lifetime before the tree began to rear from the mud. Slowly it rose, the sound of cracking limbs and shuddering movements shaking detritus from the jagged boughs above, each piece resolving into a rotting corpse of an animal that had been impaled upon it.
A wave of putrefaction burst outward, the mud rushing by so that it pushed me away, my head dipping into that foetid abyss. When the wave subsided, and I clutched to a crumbling tree stump to drag myself from the sucking sod, I wiped my eyes clean and gasped for air as I tore my facemask off.
From the squalor it stood, wretched hide clinging to a skeletal frame that oozed from weeping pustules, its neck was sinuous and muscles seemed to cling to it, the tendons working to bend the sweeping head that peered down at the trembling deer before it.
Catlike, lidless eyes stared out, narrowing the slitted pupil to focus on this single spec of colour in all this empty void. A long jaw tore open, receding far back from where its face should have ended and down its throat, the lower mandible barely held in place by straining sinew. A deer’s skull distended its jaw, hot breath roiling out in wisps of decay.
From the maw a slithering tongue extended, it was long and rounded, ending in a singular point, like a worm probing through the dirt. Softly it caressed the deer before it, slipping around it almost tenderly as the small creature went limp.
The being before me didn’t pause as it scooped up the body and bit through flesh and bone, blood joining the filth around it. The sound of that creature chewing apart that deer fills my mind, in every silent moment I hear it, slowly… chewing.
I was frozen. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t act. I was stuck there for an eternity as it consumed.
Then I was knocked down, another deer strode past me, hooves laden with mud as it moved towards the skeletal creature, the unknowable deer that now watched as so many others of its kind approached. I don’t know how many creatures offered themselves to it, how many I saw devoured in a ceaseless parade of sacrifice and slaughter.
I was exhausted, splattering of blood and gore flowed by, until there was no more blood to spill. It was only then, at the end of its visceral feast did it look at me. Slitted eyes focussing on some part within me that felt as empty as the void around me.
Then it sank down, its skeletal grin disappearing into the mud, the fresh bodies adorning its antlers already weeping their corruption into the water.
I… I don’t really know what happened after that.
I was found a few hundred miles from where I’d started. I was feverish and rambling. It’s a miracle anyone found me, but by chance there was a forest fire where I was wandering and I was picked up by the Forest Service.
I don’t go into the forests anymore. I mostly stay indoors if I’m honest. I got myself an office job.
I used to think that no matter what we did to nature, it would recover. It could fix whatever terrible things we’d done to it. I was wrong.
Nature is not biding its time; it is an all-consuming force, ready to engulf us. And as humanity cannibalises itself, nature watches, draped in the filth of our own making.
This was an odd one for me, not the direction I was expecting to go, but then that’s what happens with the most fun projects. I took the prompt my friend suggested and thought it would be fun to subvert it in some way.
There’s of course ties to environmentalism, corporate corruption (physical and ethical), and how even those that can so confidently say they understand nature may not know the extent of the damage we do. Even those we deem “knowledgeable” can be as likely to fall into logical pitfalls that work in their favour, or make their life easier.
The fact that this character is alive in the end and decides to simply fade back into civilization, seeing it as an inevitability rather than something to resist or work against. I felt it mirrored a lot of attitudes, how we all like someone else to do the hard work, or remain ignorant.
Not to say I’m at all perfect, I have made mistakes and can always improve my actions and forethought when thinking about the environment.
Sorry for getting off topic.
Hope you liked it if you made it this far, take it as a creepy story or a cautionary tale, I would love to hear your thoughts, or what you can do with this prompt 😊
Have a lovely day everyone!
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female-malice · 9 months
For two decades, researchers worked to solve a mystery in West Coast streams. Why, when it rained, were large numbers of spawning coho salmon dying? As part of an effort to find out, scientists placed fish in water that contained particles of new and old tires. The salmon died, and the researchers then began testing the hundreds of chemicals that had leached into the water.
A 2020 paper revealed the cause of mortality: a chemical called 6PPD that is added to tires to prevent their cracking and degradation. When 6PPD, which occurs in tire dust, is exposed to ground-level ozone, it’s transformed into multiple other chemicals, including 6PPD-quinone, or 6PPD-q. The compound is acutely toxic to four of 11 tested fish species, including coho salmon.
Mystery solved, but not the problem, for the chemical continues to be used by all major tire manufacturers and is found on roads and in waterways around the world. Though no one has studied the impact of 6PPD-q on human health, it’s also been detected in the urine of children, adults, and pregnant women in South China. The pathways and significance of that contamination are, so far, unknown.
Still, there are now calls for regulatory action. Last month, the legal nonprofit Earthjustice, on behalf of the fishing industry, filed a notice of intent to sue tire manufacturers for violating the Endangered Species Act by using 6PPD. And a coalition of Indian tribes recently called on the EPA to ban use of the chemical. “We have witnessed firsthand the devastation to the salmon species we have always relied upon to nourish our people,” the Puyallup Tribal Council said in a statement. “We have watched as the species have declined to the point of almost certain extinction if nothing is done to protect them.”
The painstaking parsing of 6PPD and 6PPD-q was just the beginning of a global campaign to understand the toxic cocktail of organic chemicals, tiny particles, and heavy metals hiding in tires and, to a lesser extent, brakes. While the acute toxicity of 6PPD-q and its source have strong scientific consensus, tire rubber contains more than 400 chemicals and compounds, many of them carcinogenic, and research is only beginning to show how widespread the problems from tire dust may be.
While the rubber rings beneath your car may seem benign — one advertising campaign used to feature babies cradled in tires — they are, experts say, a significant source of air, soil, and water pollution that may affect humans as well as fish, wildlife, and other organisms. That’s a problem because some 2 billion tires globally are sold each year — enough to reach the moon if stacked on their sides — with the market expected to reach 3.4 billion a year by 2030.
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(Researchers weigh a salmon that died after four hours in a tank filled with road runoff.)
Tires are made from about 20 percent natural rubber and 24 percent synthetic rubber, which requires five gallons of petroleum per tire. Hundreds of other ingredients, including steel, fillers, and heavy metals — including copper, cadmium, lead, and zinc — make up the rest, many of them added to enhance performance, improve durability, and reduce the possibility of fires.
Both natural and synthetic rubber break down in the environment, but synthetic fragments last a lot longer. Seventy-eight percent of ocean microplastics are synthetic tire rubber, according to a report by the Pew Charitable Trust. These fragments are ingested by marine animals — particles have been found in gills and stomachs — and can cause a range of effects, from neurotoxicity to growth retardation and behavioral abnormalities.
“We found extremely high levels of microplastics in our stormwater,” said Rebecca Sutton, an environmental scientist with the San Francisco Estuary Institute who studied runoff. “Our estimated annual discharge of microplastics into San Francisco Bay from stormwater was 7 trillion particles, and half of that was suspected tire particles.”
Tire wear particles, or TWP as they are sometimes known, are emitted continually as vehicles travel. They range in size from visible pieces of rubber or plastic to microparticles, and they comprise one of the products’ most significant environmental impacts, according to the British firm Emissions Analytics, which has spent three years studying tire emissions. The company found that a car’s four tires collectively emit 1 trillion ultrafine particles — of less than 100 nanometers — per kilometer driven. These particles, a growing number of experts say, pose a unique health risk: They are so small they can pass through lung tissue into the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier or be breathed in and travel directly to the brain, causing a range of problems.
According to a recent report issued by researchers at Imperial College London, “There is emerging evidence that tyre wear particles and other particulate matter may contribute to a range of negative health impacts including heart, lung, developmental, reproductive, and cancer outcomes.”
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The report says that tires generate 6 million tons of particles a year, globally, of which 200,000 tons end up in oceans. According to Emissions Analytics, cars in the U.S. emit, on average, 5 pounds of tire particles a year, while cars in Europe, where fewer miles are driven, shed 2.5 pounds per year. Moreover, tire emissions from electric vehicles are 20 percent higher than those from fossil-fuel vehicles. EVs weigh more and have greater torque, which wears out tires faster.
Unlike tailpipe exhaust, which has long been studied and regulated, emissions from tires and brakes — which emit significant amounts of metallic particles in addition to organic chemicals — are far harder to measure and control and have therefore escaped regulation. It’s only in the last several years, with the development of new technologies capable of measuring tire emissions and the alarming discovery of 6PPD-q, that the subject is receiving much needed scrutiny.
Recent studies show that the mass of PM 2.5 and PM 10 emissions — which are, along with ozone and ultrafine particles, the world’s primary air pollutants — from tires and brakes far exceeds the mass of emissions from tailpipes, at least in places that have significantly reduced those emissions.
The problem isn’t just rubber in its synthetic and natural form. Government and academic researchers are investigating the transformations produced by tires’ many other ingredients, which could — like 6PPD — form substances more toxic than their parent chemicals as they break down with exposure to sunlight and rain.
“You’ve got a chemical cocktail in these tires that no one really understands and is kept highly confidential by the tire manufacturers,” said Nick Molden, the CEO of Emissions Analytics. “We struggle to think of another consumer product that is so prevalent in the world, and used by virtually everyone, where there is so little known of what is in them.”
“We have known that tires contribute significantly to environmental pollution, but only recently have we begun to uncover the extent of that,” said Cassandra Johannessen, a researcher at Montreal’s Concordia University who is quantifying levels of tire chemicals in urban watersheds and studying how they transform in the environment. The discovery of 6PPD-q has surprised a lot of researchers, she said, because they have learned that “it’s one of the most toxic substances known, and it seems to be everywhere in the world.”
Regulators are playing catch up. In Europe, a standard to be implemented in 2025, known as Euro 7, will regulate not only tailpipe emissions but also emissions from tires and brakes. The California Environmental Protection Agency has passed a rule requiring tire makers to declare an alternative to 6PPD-q by 2024.
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(A worker takes apart a tire at a recycling shop in Mit al-Harun, Egypt.)
Tire companies are conducting their own studies of 6PPD, which they have long considered critical for tire safety, and seeking alternatives. In response to new regulations and the emerging research on tire emissions, 10 of the world’s large tire manufacturers have formed the Tire Industry Project to “develop a holistic approach to better understand and promote action on the mitigation” of tire pollution, according to a statement by the project. The group has committed to search for ways to redesign tires to reduce or eliminate emissions.
One critical area of research is how long tire waste, and its breakdown products, persist in the environment. “A five-micron piece of rubber shears off the tire and settles on the soil and sits there a while,” said Molden. “What, over time, is the release of those chemicals, how quickly do they make their way into the water, and are they diluted? At the system level, how big of a problem is this? It is the single biggest knowledge gap.”
Another area of research centers on the impacts of aromatic hydrocarbons — including benzene and naphthalene — off-gassed by synthetic rubber or emitted when discarded tires are burned in incinerators for energy recovery. Even at low concentrations, these compounds are toxic to humans. They also react with sunlight to form ozone, or ground-level smog, which causes respiratory harm. “We have shown that the amount of off-gassing volatile organic compounds is 100 times greater than that coming out of a modern tailpipe,” said Molden. “This is from the tire just sitting there.”
When tires reach their end of life, they’re either sent to landfills, incinerated, burned in an energy-intensive process called pyrolysis, or shredded and repurposed for use in artificial turf or in playgrounds or for other surfaces. But as concern about tire pollutants grows, so do concerns about these recycled products and the hydrocarbons they may off-gas. There is ongoing debate over whether crumb rubber, made from tire scraps, poses a health threat when used to fill gaps in artificial turf. Based on several peer-reviewed studies, the European Union is instituting stricter limits on the use of this material. Other studies, however, have shown no health impact.
Besides California’s requirement to study alternatives to 6PPD, there are a number of efforts worldwide to redesign tires to counter the problems they pose. More than a decade ago, tire makers hoped that dandelions, which produce a form of rubber, and soy oil could provide a steady and sustainable supply of rubber. But tires made from those alternatives didn’t live up to expectations: they still required additives. The Continental Tire Company, based in Hanover, Germany, markets a bicycle tire made of dandelion roots. Tested by Emission Analytics, it emitted 25 percent fewer carcinogenic aromatics than conventionally made bike tires, but the plant-powered tire still contained ingredients of concern.
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(Rubber made from dandelions.)
Other companies are searching for ways to address the problem of tire emissions. The Tyre Collective, a clean-tech startup based in the U.K., has developed an electrostatic plate that affixes to each of a car’s tires: The plates remove up to 60 percent of particles emitted by both tires and brakes, storing them in a cartridge attached to the device. The particles can be reused in numerous other applications, including in new tires.
In San Francisco, scientists studying the pollutants in storm runoff found a potential solution: Rain gardens, installed in yards to capture stormwater, were also trapping 96 percent of street litter and 100 percent of black rubbery fragments. In Vancouver, B.C. researchers found that rain gardens could prevent more than 90 percent of 6PPD-q from running off roads and entering salmon-bearing streams.
Tire waste particles, says Molden, of Emissions Analytics, are finally getting the attention they deserve, thanks in part to California’s rule requiring a search for alternatives to 6PPD. The legislation “is groundbreaking,” he says, “because it puts the chemical composition [of tires] on the regulatory agenda.” For the first time, he adds, “Tire manufacturers are being exposed to the same regulatory scrutiny that car manufacturers have been for 50 years.”
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A prototype dandelion made by Tekka, the very parasite that they’d haphazardly added in, and had choked out civilization and life while they weren’t looking.
Takes the form of the white dandelion fluff, but dyed a deep golden yellow. Very infectious, popping up new ‘flowers’ (although there’s no petals, only seeds) anywhere they land. This plant is insanely stubborn and will take root anywhere,
Feeds like a normal plant, taking in nitrogen. However, instead of converting it to oxygen, they convert the nitrogen to LFC. This is believed to be why the atmosphere in Munova is so high in LFC, and why it’s such a common rift location.
The parasite works via airborne pollen, secreted by the stem rather than the golden seeds. When breathed in, the parasite works its way through the creature’s body to implant into the brain.
Once rooted, Golden Absolution makes the creature protective of it and willing to spread its seeds, often via taking it to new locations and blowing the seeds from it’s stem. This is it’s main form of reproduction as there is no natural winds in the majority of the cavern system.
Creatures infected with Golden Absolution are dangerous when the Absolution is threatened in any way, even if one just accidentally steps on the roots. Considering it’s roots are everywhere, multiple feet into the ground, this is extremely easy to do.
Creatures will die for the Golden Absolution, many species extremely fast producing or extremely hardy in order the make up for this weakness. The majority of remaining creatures are herbivores, feeding on the purple tinted leaves of trees, or scavengers who feast on the animals killed by the Golden Absolution.
It’s not perfect, however. The parasite automatically is drawn towards the brain, but if the brain isn’t in the head then it gets confused and often falls dormant. This is how a few species managed to escape control. Their brains were not in their heads, or simply not stereotypical brains.
Roots better in low LFC areas, often creeping out of portals into our world. Fortunately, due to the atmospheric differences, such as a lack of head and ‘greenhouse’ effect, the plant is harmless. If it doesn’t wither and die, it merely acts as a sign of Munova being through the portal.
While you shouldn’t eat it or try to root it, the Golden Absolution can be general ignored by travelers and scientists. Just be careful not to piss off the native wildlife and everything will be fine.
That being said, it is very easy to piss off the wildlife. Unless a seasoned and trained adventurer, stay in one place until help arrives.
Uninflected wildlife isn’t safe either, evolving both immunity to Golden Absolution as well as the ability to hide, ensuring it’s safety. They are extremely skittish.
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richardsphere · 2 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Walk In the Woods Job
Army guy is with his doctor (shoulder/arm injury is healing). Doctor is trying to convince Armydude to go to a support group for people who have been through similar.
Come to Therapy, We Have Cookies! Army guy left, other doctor has bills and a message from a Kurt Lander (frumples note). We're really going out of our way to make the Boss Doctor seem likeable with how much he cares about other peoples mental health.
Camera follows second doctor on way out, lingers on picture of elliot on the wall. Throw a hand-egg, bomb. PAUL!!! --- Panama, 4 years ago (so during the timeskip) Elliot and Dr. Paul are having a drink. Austin Kurt Lander (why does this guy get three names? Im gonna stick to Kurt) is footing the bill for the clinic. I think the "He" that Austin wants Elliot to make peace with is his father? But im shit at context clues and also sick of getting faked out there. --- Dr Guy recognises Elliot at the funeral. "highly decorated veteran", Translation: Warcriminal.
Ok lets not double-book our acronyms please? I get there are only so many 3-letter combinations (17.576) so there is bound to be overlap but lets not open our communications up to potential future confusion. I'll refer to the Bomb type as "Thermite bomb" (TB) and the other oen as "Warcrimes Incorporated". (WI) if this becomes a running gag for the episode. getting to the stuff that even US Propagandists think is "bad stuff", corruption scandals, friendly fire in Kabul, and bodyguarding for Saudi Princes.
Something definitly happened on that bridge (and Elliot was definitly there to see it happen) --- Parker Breanna and Sophie are trying to get into Silverguard HQ, Elliot and Harry are looking at Doctor's stuff.
They bombed Elliots Picture. (which opens a secret room, he was preparing to killl Kurt) --- Target is on the move, to a place called "Orpheus Grove" (ominous name)
And Breanna just hit Sophie with the truck. Which... well it's certainly a good distraction.
Well we knew he was a warcriminal, now we know he's an asshole. --- He killed some miners, (not a shock) Orpheus grove is apparently a secret conspiracy located on a confederate generals old plantation. Its a fratclub for racists and wealthy clansmen basically.
there are no satelites images at the plantation, no cell reception and presumeably no wifi. (we're going in blind, But Kurt will be blind as well) little heart-to-heart between Elliot and Harry. (he's stealing the shuriken) --- Meanwhile in Millwater (or whatever the place is called) Breanna sees a sign about endangered frogs. (protected species, shut down the plantation by making it a wildlife preserve.) Local historian is about to give us a history lesson on the frogs and their habitats (presumably including the plantation)
Coms are live for people in the grove but cant reach Breanna until the cloak is down.
Ok when i said it was a "fratclub for racists and Klansmen" i meant it as a joke. Turns out its an actual fratclub for racists and Klansmen. Oh they're peeing in the river. But thats where the frogs live! (the piss is Fricking up the PH of the water, its why they're dying).
Little contest: Who can steal the phone! Guy is spinning his two things lie again.
Guy-with-a-harp-round-his-neck is "in charge". I find the goat-horn to be a bit cult-y. Parker has the Phone. (or at least the Walky Talky) Ok so the "un-pickable safe" is just a ban on phones. Three keys. Phone is in the vault and Parker just spotted a sniper. (Kurt is "doing an audition", he's staging an assasination so he can rescue Frick from the assasin and be welcomed into the Cult) --- Back from commercial: Doctor was the sniper HE ISNT DEAD. Thought that lying about what happened on the bridge would be a lesser evil to justify his office. "im Harry, im with him. Glad you're not dead, what do we do now" 9/10.
Huh, the frogs might have legitimate national security value. ("the secret to curing bacterial infections") A potential cure for a biowarfare threat. The woman wasnt even entirely exagerating.
Also Breanna has put the flyers on the internet. Make a niche topic, post on a few specific forums. They're taking soil and water samples. They'll find beer-urine is messing with the PH and they'll shut the grove down. I just unpaused and the local historian just said the PH levels are rising form unknown reasons? Am I actually right?
Imagine a powerfull mystic cult of senators and private armies getting shut down by a local historian and her pet frog.
Breanna wants to have a froggy hat. (its a good hat.) --- Parker snips the wire on a keychain while the drunken wearer is pissing against a tree. Sophie distracts Kurt by getting him to brag about his 2 things line some more. Harry falls from a tree, Parker elbow-drops a guy getting a massage. Harry vanishes with the ghilly, Parker steals the final key dressed as a dancer. Sophie has been spotted. --- Sophie is going for "venezualan government agent" here for the mine collapse, begins priming Kurt for Elliot. Meanwhile Harry pretends to be Elliot as a distraction. Parker suffers a minor complication in needing to turn 3 keys simultaniously. Harry steals some of Elliots lines so Elliot can call this guy out by proxy. A bad Rocky monologue stalls for enough time for Paul and Elliot to show up. --- Paul is here to confess to the lies on a wire. Harry here to unionise the guards and tell them of their legal rights. Ok good use of the bridge.
The frogs. I was right about the Piss and the frogs. I wrote that so i had an excuse to make a joke about Frick's name. And i was right.
call-back to the MIC joke (thank frick that wasnt a running gag) Final toast between Elliot and Paul
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
★ fill in the questions as if you are being interviewed for an article and you were your muse.
TAGGED BY:  Stole it
TAGGING: Steal it
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A:  Camhlaidh Moireasdan
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R:  Ruaidhri Allanach
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E:  Eilidh Deòireach
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I: Iomhar Mèinnearach
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Ao: Aodh Murdoc
A: Sharing one’s true name so casually is folly.
R: Exactly. And allow yourself to be put at the mercy of the holder? No thank you.
E: Yeah yeah, all in all a bad idea.
Ao: I shudder to think of the ramifications.
I: Haha, yes, an awful idea, truly.
A: ‘Relic’.
R: ‘Red king’.
E: ‘Radiant one’.
Ao: Fire.
I: Archer. Yet it is our king who prefers the bow!
A: I suppose our parents’ wishes and wants can be found in our names, er, usually.
E: Maybe, but for this bunch...
I: Minus the little flame’s, however. Quite straightforward with that one.
Ao: Hmph.
R: Perhaps your parents were imbuing their hopes in you for their precious child to live to a ripe, old age?
A: Perhaps...
A: *clears throat* I know what you all are about to--
E: ‘Your Majesty, when will you begin popping out babies and marrying all of the eligible Seelie gentry! The Council demands it posthaste, the royal jewels are not getting any younger!’
A: *sighs*
A: Even as a prince, there is some magic or connection through the royal blood that granted me certain abilities. Colloquially it is called ‘one beloved by the land’ or anything along those lines. Even without my memories, when I was in the mortal plane, plants and even wildlife were drawn to me of their own accord, and I could manipulate plants as I wish.
E: And now as king he can use his powers to spy on us!
A: W-well not ‘spy’ exactly, I have hardly used them for any seedy or underhanded manner. I am able to see through any part of Seelie that I wish and I am connected to the land in ways that are difficult to explain.
I: The land whispers sweet nothings into his ear apparently.
R: Oh, how salacious! 
Ao: This is ridiculous.
A: I agree.
Ao: ...How much can you see through the land? Into our homes? Can you hear things as well?
A: *groans*
A: Red and gold.
I: Eyes of two colors like that have often meant either the bearer would bring great fortune, or great disaster.
Ao: Yes, there has been much unease throughout the gentry considering recent...events in Seelie and its royal family.
A: You mean the assassination of its two reigning monarchs, the near death of its newest king, the sudden absence of its crown princess to the mortal world, and said newly crowned king deciding to buck millennia of tradition by opening Seelie’s borders and reaching out to other nations, yes? There is little use in dancing around the subject when it is clear what you mean.
Ao: Er....
E: What an incredibly awkward air all of a sudden!
R: Ha, our king can have quite the sharp tongue when he wishes it.
All: No.
I: None among us have wholly ‘natural’ mortal hair colors anyways.
E: Riri has flowers in his hair, I don’t think he could even dye it if he wanted to anyways! At least...not without dyeing the flowers too.
A: Besides, I doubt any of us could stand the mortal chemicals for an extended period of time.
I: Here we go. My parents became one with the earth some time ago.
Ao: My mother still lives.
E: I have my mother and father.
R: I have my father as well, for better or worst.
A: ...My mother passed when I was young, and my father as well recently. I have one younger sibling, Tara.
I: An unusual thing, to have a sibling.
E: Maybe we all have siblings and we simply don’t know it!
Ao: Please do not suggest such a thing. As if we could deal with two Ruaidhris running about.
R: Ah, Seelie would be all the more blessed by it.
I: I--
Ao: Claim me as a pet and I run you through with you sword.
I, laughing: Such sharp words! Would you like me to put the sword in your hand then, little flame?
Ao: Ugh, at least react properly when someone threatens you!
A: Anyways...
R: Duty.
A: Duty.
I: Duty.
E: Duty.
Ao: Goodness, do you all hate the prospect of working on the Council that much?
I: Less the Council and more what the rest of our lineage entails.
R: Decorating, shopping, finding new mortals to toy with–
A: *clears throat*
R: The last of which I have not engaged in quite some time as per the orders of our new king.
A: Mhm... As for me, reading books, stargazing, and wandering around are things I enjoy. Though free time has not been in abundance as of late.
I: I--
All: We know.
A: Yes. During my years with the Bastion of the Veil, saving some people entailed hurting others.
I: Yes.
Ao: No.
R: Emotionally? Physically? What kind of ‘hurt are we referencing?’
E: I know you had your fun with mortals before the king forbade it but yeesh.
R: *shrugs*
A: Yes.
I: Yes.
R, E, and Ao: No.
E: Riri’s obviously a snake! I mean, you have the eyes and the tongue!
A: Eilidh is a fox, deceptively playful but cunning when she wants to be.
R: The king is…a stag I would say. One who fittingly leads the herd.
Ao: Iomhar is an ox.
I: Perhaps you meant that as an insult but oxen are rather sturdy and dependable!
R: And our sweet little Aodh here is as stubborn and unpleasant as a mule.
Ao: Hmph!
E: Riri is incredibly self-absorbed, a little bit stupid, very useless, barely able to take care of himself–
R: This is feeling very targeted now!
E: I’m not done yet.
R: You have said enough!
E: The king is a pessimist. Iomhar is brash. And Aodh is clingy!
Ao: *winces*
R: Why was I the only one to receive an entire  list!
I: Role models are few and far between among the gentry.
R: Tell me about it.
E: Same.
A: I looked up to my mother.
Ao: I also look up to my mother, we have a good relationship-- why is everyone staring?
E: Two mamma’s boys...
A: The mortal labels?
R: I have no preference, whatever you may call it in those terms.
E: Yeah yeah!
A: Mhm.
I: Heh, yes I am a lover of all--
A: If we do not stop him now, he will go on all day.
I: Some were more attentive students than others, like our king here.
A: Or  perhaps I simply spent my time with my tutors studies rather than goofing off doing who knows what like you two.
I: Or, more like ‘who’, ha!
R: Precisely. Those days of our youth were halcyon ones indeed. The parties were certainly some of the best parts.
E: A stunning example of the education system among the gentry.
Ao: Honestly....
Ao: I do.
R: Probably the most straightforward answer you will receive from this bunch and it is from Aodh of all people.
Ao: What was that?
R: Nothing.
A: ‘Want’ is the key term here, many of us feel beholden to our families and tradition to marry and have children.
I: Hm...
Ao: So silent all of a sudden, Iomhar? How unlike you.
I: Yes, I intend to marry and have children one day.
Ao: Wha-- truly? You?
I: Is there a problem?
Ao: Um, no...
A: Failing.
R: Being trapped.
E: Imprisonment.
I: Obligations.
Ao: Not being enough.
A: Whatever clothing the tailors have made and is set out for me that day. Of course I have some say in the material, color, and things of the like. Compared to some other fae I suppose my taste is somewhat conservative.
Ao: I as well do not tend towards the flashy like some of our other peers do.
R:  Hahaha, whatever fits my stunning visage the best and makes me catch the attention of the whole room!
E: I like whatever accentuates my breasts and legs the most.
R: I adore your candor.
I: I also enjoy wearing things that accentuate my chest!
R: And what a stupidly distractingly large chest it is--
E: What a question!
All: High
R: With the king a step above even that of course.
E: “Status” isn’t generally something among the fae, but the gentry are the exception, our family histories span back an incredibly long amount of time.
Ao: Truthfully, it is all we hear from our parents sometimes, how storied our histories are.
A: …
E: Heavy is the head and all.
I: It can be equally as difficult for gentry to make friends with each other. Or at least make genuine friends.
E: I’m friends with Riri!
Ao: And she swoops in to rub it in...
E: Tasty! If it’s the right one.
A: Pie is fine.
R: I have no issues with it.
I: I prefer savory things, but pie as a dessert can be enjoyable.
Ao: Mm.
E: Pomegranate juice.
Ao: Honeyed wine.
R: Wine.
I: Mead. Wine is good as well.
A: Water infused with fruits.
R: Who knows.
E: Hm, I don’t have one.
A: Either the roof of the palace or the meadows and forests surrounding it.
R: Sometimes I truly believe you were meant to be one of the wild and wandering fae of Seelie rather than anchored to its throne.
A: How characteristically astute of you.
I: I am a wanderer! Or at the least, I have found my way into many a beds that were rather delightful.
Ao: Mmmmhmmmm.
E: There are so many people in the world to be interested in!
A: Such a fae answer.
A: I will not be announcing–!
R: What is the point in shame, Your Highness? It is no secret that we have genitalia! I am the proud owner of a glorious seven inches when erect!
A:  Ugh…
I: And I am also eight inches long when erect! And my girth is about six inches!
R: Oh, I should measure my girth as well!
Ao: What on earth... Anyways, mine is six inches, and I have not done anything silly like measuring its ‘girth’.
E: I don’t have one, but I am a fan!
A: Lake.
E: Ocean.
R: Can I say neither?
Ao: I would also say neither.
I: I have no preference.
A: Someone who I could spend time with and we do not even have to speak. Someone who I can be myself around, whatever that entails.
I: The king is a romantic, who knew!
Ao: Iomhar’s preference is any person that crosses his path and tosses a smile his way.
I: I do not believe in limiting myself, heh. The world is full of beauty of many varieties, why would I deprive myself of any of it?
A: Here we go.
R: Despite the best efforts of many, mine included--
A: What was that?
R: Nothing, Your Majesty! Anyways, despite the best efforts of many gentry, our sweet king has yet to lay with any and is wholly unaware of his likes and preferences.
A: I do not like you answering this question for me.
R: As for me! I enjoy  some roleplay, restraints, domination, being dominated, I am always amenable to being pampered, throw in a little bit of sadism into the mix--
E: We’ll be here all day if we let you list every singly thing you like. I personally enjoy restraining a partner and having some sense of control over them.
I: I enjoy a size difference between me and a smaller partner, talking one into an overstimulated mess, tying a partner or being tied up, I have been called a ‘masochist’ on many an occasion--
Ao: And if we let you go on unchecked, you will be listing things for the entire week! I suppose I will say that my tastes are varied and leave it at that.
E: I’ve heard that you like watching when a partner is being taken by another~
Ao: Wh-where did you hear that!
I: Heh.
Ao: That is it! Give me your sword!
I: Oh gladly!
Ao: You know what I am talking about!
A: ...
A: *shrugs*
I: No preference! I enjoy, er, what were the terms? Topping and being dominant more often than not, but I also enjoy when things are switched around.
R: I feel equal about all things. Variety is the spice of life.
E: I prefer being dominant.
I: The little flame prefers being submissive regardless of whether he is entering or being entered by another.
Ao: Answering for me yet again! 
A: Camping.
R and E: Indoors.
I and Ao: Also indoors.
E: Ironic that our king would rather rough it in the wilderness.
A: I feel in need of a nap. Again.
R: I enjoyed myself!
E: As did I!
Ao: Ugh...
I: Aside from the two sourpusses, we all had a nice time!
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lepurcinus · 2 years
I think for me, the hardest part of writing xenofiction is striking the perfect balance between sapience and animality.
Because really nature is so variable and so strange in its "rules", but many times we are not aware of it. Sometimes we see animals and their worlds as one thing and ignore all their capabilities, all that can be and will be.
The type of story you want to make can also enter a little bit, realism doesn't matter too much if your story doesn't pretend to be one (or in any case go for a more fantastic side than real). On the one hand you have stories of not entirely sapient animals (White Fang, Wild Animals I Have Know, Bambi etc), on the other hand stories that are already entirely fantastic and/or anthropomorphized (Warriors, Redwall, The Jungle Book etc) and those that try to mix both concepts (Watership Down, Gahoole in its beginnings, among others).
For my part, although I have in mind a couple of more fantastic and "cheesy" ideas, my xenofiction is mostly based on the real side of things, I strongly believe that animals themselves create thousands of amazing stories, stories that happen in front of our noses but that we are missing.
So, what I'm referring to with this. It's that we are usually left with only one idea of what animals do. We have those who believe that animals are like in fairy tales where they are all friends where there is peace and love, and then there are those who see nature as a gore horror movie where there is someone dying every second and everything is infinitely horrible and morbid.
And, it is not like that. Animals may not be complete friends all the time, but neither are they machines programmed to just follow an order and be devoid of feelings. It goes far beyond all of this that we as humans have learned. That's why it's so wonderful.
For example, many people know that Capybaras are incredibly calm animals that seem to get along with a lot of wildlife, and they do. But also, among them there is also aggression, male Capybaras fight even to the death just to dominate a territory. They are also hunted by other animals such as pumas, jaguars and crocodiles.
And even with all that, you can see a Capybara enjoying life with his species, passing through the territory of crocodiles without any of them being interested in killing him and even climbing on the back of one to cross streams.
So, you really don't always need to give animals human values or morals in order for them to "get along" or "have peace". They are much more than harems, infanticide and reproduction. They are beings that in their own way feel and think, can fight and at the same time, have peace.
That is all.
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cpacs-blog · 2 years
“Her favorite color was yellow.”
When Levi sat down next to her at the campfire, her entire body stiffened in fear. She was a girl made of twitchy nerve endings around him. His hands could snap her neck like a twig… and he’d tried.
“I don’t understand.”
“Yes you do.”
They were the first words he had spoken to her when they were of a comparable size; it scared the shit out of her. The entire trip Levi was propped up in a corner like an awful, butchered, wordless ghost. He slept fitfully. She caught him staring all the time, but he never spoke until now.
“I’m not going to kill you,” he promised. “I could, though.”
“You couldn’t. Not even then and especially not now.”
He laughed, hollow, but ignored this. “Eld’s favorite color was blue,” was his non sequitur. “He was a such a basic bitch. We teased him all the time for it. Auruo liked green, I think. Gunther’s favorite was purple. He was the most sensitive of us, actually. People think it would’ve been Petra, but no… Gunther never killed a spider. He was always the type to get a jar.”
Levi closed his one remaining eye and rested his head against the tree; the corner of his lip pulled up imperceptibly. “Eld’s fiancée cut his hair; she was the only one allowed to touch it. He hated, *hated* long hair, but only got it cut when he went home to her. It was their thing. Auruo and Gelgar… different guy, you didn’t kill him… dyed Eld’s hair plum purple one night as a joke. We tried to wash it out, but it was lilac for a season before he got leave.
“And Auruo… jeez, that stupid kid! He pretended to be miserable all the time, but we knew better. I caught him whistling up the trees to the sparrows once, when he thought nobody could hear. Just this totally grouchy, guarded kid singing with the wildlife. He only let himself be a good person when he thought nobody was watching. That means something, right?”
She didn’t know; she was unqualified to identify the good in people because she’d never seen it before. In her years trapped as a frozen afterthought, the only news that reached her crystal was violence as everyone she knew became a mass murder. Maybe these four were the noble exception… they must be if they cracked Levi’s iron casing. Well, good riddance then. She did them a favor. This world is not meant for good people. It belongs to the ugly.
“She burned water,” Levi continued, and there was no context needed here: the girl with the copper hair, falling with grace. “She cooked breakfasts full of eggshells. She made flatbread while burning through half of our yeast rations. We only let her in the kitchen on her birthday… she always wanted to prove us wrong. Petra. You didn’t even know their names, did you?”
It didn’t seem like an opportune time to say that she *did* know their names, but only because the others called them out in fear before they died. “We were at war.”
“No. *You* were… you tried to genocide your own community. They just wanted their families to see an actual sunrise.” This was the only time Levi’s voice raised, but it was still a tame thing.
“Why are you telling me this? It’s not going to bring them back.”
“It won’t. I just think about it all the time. Not even the big things (though there’s plenty of that too), but mostly details. Who they were. What they were like. I’ve thought more about how Gunther liked his sandwiches now than I ever did when they were alive.”
Levi struggled to stand and she didn’t offer to help. And of course Levi Ackerman didn’t tower over her… he was short and hunched over from being blown up and losing everyone he loved. Yet there was a dignity that made her, once tall as the forest, feel like a kid at the heel of the Walls again. “They died because I commanded it,” he said flatly. “I killed them just as much as you did. But you did. I did. We share their murders. And so now we both share their lives.”
“What the hell?!” She wished he’d fucking get it over with and throw the first punch. “Stop whining and get to the fucking point! You going to avenge them? Stop fucking around and get to it, then! Get mad! Get angry! Punish me already!”
Levi smiled; nothing lit in his eyes anymore. “I just did.”
For a while, Annie didn’t understand. Levi went to his corner of the camp and collapsed in an exhausted, broken heap by Hanji. If it was an attempt to indimidate her, she thought it was a piss-poor job. The rantings of a soldier pushed past his edge… someone who’d finally seen enough. Pathetic, but inconsequential.
She didn’t think much about it at all until a week later when she saw a patch of yellow dandelions at the foot of a tall tree. Fine, it was dandelions, it was whatever. But starting then and for the rest of her life, she’d see dandelions and hear birdsongs everywhere. She was acutely aware of them, could never ignore them, could not stop her compulsions, could not hide. Even when the spores flew away on the breeze and the birds slept, they echoed. And it was so cruel that their ghosts were so beautiful, so that even music and golden wildflowers haunted her with them… then… her… now.
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Caring Americans feel sorry for some Buckeye state residents who are now doomed to live in their new toxic environment, no thanks to the utterly worthless Pete Buttigieg. Evidence suggests a safe habitat isn’t anywhere in the near future. According to independent industrial hygienist Stephen Petty, Palestine residents have good reason for concern: “In order to determine the toxicity or how to protect people, you gotta know what you’re protecting them with… but there’s a lot we don’t know yet.”
Wait a minute. If reactions from local living organisms are any clue, living in this small Ohio town is going to be — at the very least — risky. Don’t expect to get an honest answer from Buttigieg or the Environmental Protection Agency. Joe Biden’s team has a much greater vested interest in the welfare of his golden egg layer in Ukraine than in small-town America. What can locals expect? So far, things aren’t looking so good.
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According to a recent New York Post article, one long-term East Palestine resident, Jami Cozza, reports that many of his 47 extended family members are suffering health issues from the chemical fire, and also from the emotional anguish of what their future holds. Many residents describe having a sore throat, mysterious skin rashes, nausea, fatigue, and malaise. Surrounding creeks bear signs of significant water contamination somewhat resembling oil/gas spills. The consensus among the natives is, “They’re poisoning us slowly,” as Cozza lamented.
Many animals are highly sensitive to environmental toxins, even more so than humans. This is why caged canaries were brought into mines. Dead fish floating in a river implies serious water contamination. Fish breathe in water. Dying wildlife from a chemical spill suggests significant poison exposure. When humans are likewise getting sick in the same area, the words “safe and effective” or “no risk” don’t enter my mind.
Trusting your government-sponsored EPA to declare the toxic site safe for habitation is about as intelligent as taking an mRNA shot from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, who isn’t man enough to discuss the wretched effects of their “vaccines” with anyone having concerns. I don’t buy it! Call me paranoid if you like. I’d call you wise to follow suit.
You know you’re being lied to when all the climate change activists are completely silent about this compelling train derailment story. For all their hype, the environmental wackos say nothing about the potential or actual risks associated with many new technologies that now likely have a negative influence on our health. Let’s consider a few examples.
The artificially high population density of “farm-raised” animals is one concern. They are significantly more prone to contaminant ingestion, such as was demonstrated with farm-raised salmon and tilapia. Native (or wild) caught anything is generally much healthier than its farm-bred and often genetically-modified counterpart.
All genetically-modified plants and animals are potentially associated with some kind of adverse risk factors when consumed. You can never be sure what you’re getting. “Organic” foods are becoming popular as people increasingly distrust our government. Whenever the genetic code is artificially altered, the forced genetic mutation is always of dubious benefit. Sometimes the intent is to yield a better product, such as increased egg production, more lean cattle, or faster growing pigs.
The desired outcome, however, often also leads to other genetic problems. We see blaring examples of such unnatural selection even among dog species that have been selectively bred for certain desired traits. Inherent new problems always develop, despite good intentions. You should have no trouble imagining what happens when harmful intent is on the mind of the geneticists. (Think, Wuhan lab!)
They turn their heads away from the microwave syndrome (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) illnesses affecting people who reside near 5G towers. We now have strong evidence that non-ionizing radiation does cause serious health risks. If you’re experiencing the typical symptoms of frequent headaches, fatigue, depression, skin problems, blood-related problems, neurotoxicity, and other problems — look for a nearby 5G antenna. You may be the victim of electromagnetic toxic exposure.
For all their asserted love to save the earth and protect you from a toxic environment, the Green Heads all favor the toxic shot bioweapons, despite never subjecting themselves to spike protein damage. Then they try convincing you to eat bugs, many of which harbor pathogenic bacteria and other toxic organisms. The vocal eugenics champion Bill Gates attempted to persuade you to eat lab-generated protein called “meat,” along with whatever other chemicals he intended to incorporate into the product.
One way or another, be it mosquito vectors, contaminated foods, or other globalist-designed health dangers, these madmen seem quite determined to kill off as many of us as possible. This is the dream world in which they reside. They want fewer people on the planet. Those deemed fit to remain must meet their criteria of worthiness. The rest are “useless eaters,” a term attributed to undesirable people at least since the Nazi era.
Whether it’s Palestine, Ohio, or your own neighborhood, America has become an environmentally-unfriendly place. The very people who shout, “Save the whales!” seem determined to destroy our natural world. For them, the green agenda is a gold mine that is designed to line their pockets, exploit mankind, and curtail population growth. In the globalist mind, human beings are not sustainable. Therefore, they must be eradicated. They regard us not as a part of the biological fauna, but as an ecological burden. Rather than being the highest forms of God’s creation, we are the dredges of life who threaten all other life forms. So say the tyrants whose aim is to destroy our world. Ironic, isn’t it?
What’s even more ironic is the fact that President Trump took time and his own resources to convey hope and support to the victims of worthless Biden’s puppet terrorist team. I can’t imagine what life in America will look like by the end of 2023. What’s certain is that the toxic spillovers from government abuse are a plethora. The Communist-Democrat regime will continue poisoning us until the culprits are finally held accountable and stopped. Their abuse so far has involved biowarfare and chemical warfare, but now the prospect of nuclear warfare is on the horizon.
Do the elitists really want to save the planet? No. Good fruit doesn’t come from bad trees. The globalist mindset resides within the spheres of illusion, compromise, deception, and greed. The next time your government oligarchy advises you, “We’re here to take care of you,” remember that it’s not what they say but what they DO that count.
America’s coup d’état continues until we the people, resolve to stop them.
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