#Taro writes
tarotdeckshuffle · 2 years
Where did I go?
I know this is a comatose blog, but I feel like I owe my followers, especially some of my most loyal ones, an explanation of what happened.
It’s been what...3 years since I was truly active? Gosh that’s been a long time. Here’s an explanation of why I left, what’s happened since, and the future.
Why I Left
It sounds cliché, but life got ahead of me, mostly my work swallowed me whole. Why is that? 
Well, your Taro is a lawyer. I’m not your lawyer and I will not give you legal advice.
I started writing after I got my degree and started clerking. I was writing on slow days as a way to keep my writing sharp for the judge. After my state cut that position and buying our first house fell through, I moved on to working on immigration law.
But that boss was a prick. 
That’s when an amazing man contacted me through my old boss and said that he had an opportunity for me to help make the world a better place. 
Since then, I’ve been a public defender.
I love my job, I love my clients, but...it’s a tough job for various reasons I’m sure you can imagine. Needless to say, I typically become brain dead when I get home. This job has left me little left to explore my creative side and even less of me left to take care of myself. 
But I’m trying to work on that. 
I’m not leaving my work, just trying to do better. 
What’s Happened?
I’m still happily married to my soul mate :). We moved back by my parents and they’re so happy to have us.
We built our own house at the beginning of COVID. We started construction just before the lockdown and managed to cash in on low interest but had down payments paid just before prices increased. I’m thankful everyday we have our own home knowing full well if we had been even a month later, none of this would have been possible. 
I lost the last of my grandparents. This hurt so bad and left me in a very dark place for a long time. I had to wrestle with my love for them but also my fear. They were toxic, wicked people that I knew would turn on me at some point, even if they never got the chance to. 
After that, I sought professional help and we got another dog. She’s a 6 year old husky and I think she’s smarter than me lol. 
Thanks to that professional help, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Yes, I hyper fixated on writing all those years ago so no big surprise there. I also got hormonal help and, for the first time in my life, I feel real RAGE. Not frustration, but rage. I never truly felt anger before. It’s sometimes tough to control but it’s nice. As they say, the anger you feel at being treated poorly is that part of you who still loves yourself standing up for what’s right.
I think I’ve dramatically matured over the past few years. I’ve become more aggressive in defending others and myself, but I also try my best to stay kind and forgiving. It’s really not been a road I’ve traveled but a roller coaster I chose to get on but can’t control. 
I thought about this blog and all of my followers and friends all the time. I had so much guilt built up over not posting but fearing the expectation of having to resume posting if I came back. I just didn’t know if I could do it all. 
The Future
That is why I say this to you with every ounce of love in my heart: Screw any expectations you may have of me, lol. I don’t expect you have expectations, but I’m telling myself that even if you do, I don’t have to follow them. I’m aggressively giving myself permission.
I do have some stories in my drafts and in my head that I want to put out to the world. Someday, once all of my debts are paid and I can live comfortably, I want to get back to writing full time. My dream is to put my own book out there for the world. 
For now, I think I’m going to put stories out into the world as I’m able. I don’t know how often it will be, perhaps once a year? Perhaps once a week? I also don’t know what the subject or fandom will be. This time, I’m discovering the path as I go with no destination in mind. 
I am here, I look at all of my notifications, and I miss all of you. I hope you find pleasure in my writing.
In closing, I love you all and hope you can find peace in all I can give you. 
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blackdamvi6 · 10 months
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god am i obsessed in a webcomic
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rosehippiefield · 6 months
I love that no character is one-dimensional:
Sara is not goody two shoes protagonist with unwavering hope (I like Makoto it's not his slander I really promise I love kind guys), she has the highest chance of winning. It can't happen to ultimate cinammon roll. The balance between her caring side that wants to protect everybody and using charisma to her advantage is so tricky and yet it works (though I am a bit baffled at how she changes without Joe in AI simulations).
Joe is not only cheery cheesy best friend that dies just so you can cry about it (even if it's true as well). Joe is distrustful, he is scared and he kind of wants to escape with sacrifice card knowing what it entails. So he came up with a plan where good people being majority would live, and if not he can feel less guilt. Amazing idea! And we all know how he returns in second chapter. A sing of ungrounded guilt that doesn't correspond to reality whatsoever but can't be combated with logic alone. In best case scenario it is defeated with reminder of how real Joe behaved, showing how faulty our perception can get from trauma.
Keiji is not just sexy detective that supports Sara, oh no. This guy gets close to our heroine on purpose and I dare say kind of uses her for own gain. Then, his trauma doesn't equal all of his character nor it magically justifies killing Megumi, it simply explains his current actions. And of course I really want to believe that he is not some creep flirting with people in most suspicious way. He just needs excuse for evading akward questions. This man, deprived of sleep because of his sins, is both cunning and kind, capable of cruelty and striving to be like his idol.
Kanna and Gin are not annoying children that constantly need saving or exist to evoke sympathy. In Kanna's case sympathy is natural, but it is not the only thing going for her. Kanna is about giving a chance, letting go regrets, making thought-out sacrifice and when it fails moving on to make sure it doesn't have to happen. She develops constantly, bringing ideas to the table and trying to get all group stay united. Kanna makes conscious choice to spend time with Shin to get information, so while she can be manipulated it's not always the case and she's not all naїveness. Her arc of overcoming trauma and insecurity may seem familiar to characters from other media, but it is unique and distinctive.
Gin is autism representation without making him vilain or weird. He has some pecularities, for example, wearing animal-like clothes and repeating animal sounds, and yet nobody bats an eye, so surely he's no outcast or useless (on the contrary, he is quite useful remembering names in the bar, using scent, helping morally etc). Gin's the least morally gray of the cast, but it doesn't mean he is cardboard nice support kid either: he has his dislikes or his own thoughts (he is quite distrustful toward Kanna because he's younger and doesn't use age as justification for her actions).
Reko seems simple enough, a hot-tempered rock star, emo/punk lady many would like to date. Strict to the strong, kind to the weak. She had a lot of changing in the past and it continues here, she is becoming softer. But it's not her only trait: she's a talented singer that was interested purely in music and it's perfection. She ignored to some degree her happiness, her band, her beloved brother for the sake of art. She wasn't indifferent, but appeared as such. And now, finally having a better understanding of what's important and bright future ahead she ends up in a death game with Alice. Their plotline is prominent in second chapter and is devastatingly tragic.
Alice looks like comic relief with his exaggerated reactions and bizzare choice of words (personally I love this type of speaking it's cool). But he is actually not only a scaredy cat: he is a person without a purpose. He searched for it in a path with sister, but no happiness came, only murder of Midori. Alice hides his soft side to not be hurt, he on purpose builds a wall and appears so arrogant because when he was openly kind the close ones were indifferent (not to mention prison, I admire how Alice kept his sanity at all).
Shin is a prime example of morally gray character done right (majority here are morally gray but with him being antagonist it's far more prominent). I have seen various post about fandom interpreting him either as "totally evil manipulator", "Kokichi/Nagito kinnie", "cinnamon roll he did nothing wrong" or "what a loser". But he's not just good or bad, him having antagonist status doesn't make him Ouma copycat or Komaeda's successor, and while I get him being a loser is funny it's not the only thing to define him (though it's more of a joke than serious interpretation). Shin is very insecure and distrustful guy who "sees shadows where there aren't any" (quoting Sara) due to 0% and wants to live, using all methods... until he gets attached. He plots mainly against people he considers his enemies (to tell the truth, with 0% anybody could be classified as enemy), and I think he wouldn't abandon those close to him like Kanna, perhaps partly due to guilt of using her. In general, his actions, while obviously not the best (and he knows it perfectly well), come from fear of death and paranoia rather than pure malice or craziness.
Nao may appear as mentally weak girl you constantly have to help and can't rely on. Yes, Nao has problems with dependance on other, but she has her own aces up her sleeves. She's creative, smart, open-minded. For me her advantage lies in unexpectedness: who knew she saw through AI's lies? For her own sake and for the group Nao is capable of difficult actions like puching fake Reko. This girl is about growing more responsible, learning to trust your own judgement (she has great intuition by the way) and becoming independent.
Kai is quite too unique for stereotypes in my mind, a mysterious but awfully suspicious man. He looks so feminine but don't let that deceive you: he's assasin. Assasin that doesn't kill. Kai is the person escaping from his bloodied, horrible, traumatic past into right, calm, tranquil future with only householding chores and not killing attempts to protect... wrong people (Sara is not bad person, but her father is likely to be tied to Asunaro). So poor househusband is leaping from one abusive enviroment into another, but now being genuinely loyal and unaware of all skeletons kept in closet.
Q-Taro is certainly not only kindhearted big muscular guy (that dies in certain chapter) or stupid. Yes, he looks like parody on American, yes, all his accents make his speech a bit silly and stereotypical. No, he's not dumb. In fact, many plot twists involve him in some way (especially the banquet). Also, he could sacrifice his life for somebody, but he is equally capable of doing the opposite. Q-Taro is quite honest but not above tricks to leave this place, he cares for th group (taking into accout his team-spirited profession) but prioritises himself until later; he knows how sinful people are including him and that allows him to forgive quickly.
Finally, Mishima dies so early you don't hope to see him after 1.1. But if you think he's the shock value first victim that dissapears after, you are not quite right. Mishima, being dead, yet has influence on story as well, either through mystery of his head or AI that appear three times (maybe something is really up with him). Not to mention Ytts where his character shines and not burns. Him being almost perfect doesn't ruin anything, it motivates to become better as well because he wasn't always like this. Plus, he's no ideal, Mishima understands how world works but is passionate to a fault, not to mention his suspicious behavior. He is example of a person that matured, overcame his main faults and inspires the same in others.
Of course, everyone can interpret these characters differently and it's great, those perseptions can be true all at once. They are so interesting and captivating thanks to many layers of depth where everybody can see something unique.
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tarostrinkets · 1 month
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Simon Petrikov & Winter King Keychains/Phone Charms Pre-order !!
Due to popular demand, the Simon Petrikov and Winter King shaker pieces have been turned into individual keychains! It comes in two different versions for those who want a keychain for their bag or for those who want a charm for their phone! Thank you all for your support! <3
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pudding-bucket · 5 months
Bro, why do people always get so angry at Q-taro for just trying to escape in that one 2-1 ending,,, it's actually so idiotic considering that like 80% of those people attempt to vote Joe and escape with him at the end of the first main game anyway
For example: my friend is sitting here telling Q-taro to kill himself after he got the whole Q-taro escapes ending and it's actually so stupid because like a few days prior he was throwing all logic out the window to vote Joe and escape with him,, and he's STILL defending that previous idea as he rages at Q-taro. It's actually so dumb i swear 😭
Anyway Q-taro is an amazing character I stand by that
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beanieman · 8 months
what are your thoughts on an 'everyone survives au', what they would do after the death game?
(Before I get into separate headcanons, I want to add that I think every single one of these characters would be struggle with paranoia. I mean, they were put in a death game.)
Sara Chidouin - Sara ends up staying at Joe's place a lot considering her Father was taken down with the company. It's easier for her to hang out with him then to stay at home, but she still calls her Mother daily to make sure she's alright. Other than that she continues going to class and her near death experience has only made her more determined to get good grades so she can go to a good school. She also finds a local kendo and joins as a student.
Joe Tazuna - Joe finds a lot of comfort with Sara staying at place. It makes him feel more secure that they're together, and the whole experience has certainly made him value their friendship. But outside of her, he keeps going to school with the intention of getting his diploma. He's not sure of what he wants to do after high school, but his experience has left him more determined then ever to live life in the moment.
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Gin Ibushi - Gin goes back home and gives his Mom a big hug. He missed her a lot, and he's very glad to be home safely with Mew-chan. He was walked home by Sara and his Mother ensures that he can still see big sis Sara and all his other new friends. Despite his new connections his Mother is still worried for his safety, so she moves him to a private school that is much smaller. He gets a lot more help here and makes some good friends his own age, but he's still always excited to see Sara and Joe when they come to tutor him after school.
Keiji Shinogi - Keiji is forced to finally get therapy considering his friends around him know that he can't keep ignoring his issues. He gets a lot of encouragement from them, but he knows that the healing process takes awhile. While he works on himself, he gets a job as private investigator and helps people that the police won't. Also he dyes his hair a different color to symbolize a fresh start. (Also because the person writing this post hates his hair color.)
Alice Yabusame - With ASU-NARO's grip loosened, Alice is released from jail within a few months time. He doesn't go back to making music considering Reko already has an established band and he feels like he's intruding, but he still gets what he really wants. He gets to play music with Reko again. This time for fun without the pressure of stardom. As for his career...well it comes to him while he's reapplying hair dye. He decides that he would make a great hair dresser, and Reko supports him whole heartedly.
Reko Yabusame - With a near death experience to change her life, she decides to send Alice a letter in prison and offer a chance at reconciliation. He takes it, of course, and she's glad that she's the first one to great him once he's released. Outside of Alice, she decides to tour with her band. Life is short, and she wants to play as much music as she can in that time!
Nao Egokoro - Nao goes back and finishes her collage education. That's what's most important to her, but after her education is said and done she works out a plan with Mishima to become his official mentee. She wants to teach art to some day, but in the meantime, she's more than happy to attend all the shows Reko invites her to.
Kazumi Mishima - He goes back to teaching as that's his passion. Yet now he tells his story to his students as both a cautionary tale and a tale of persevering despite all odds.
Q-taro Burgerberg - Q-Taro goes back to playing sports. It's what he loves, and he's not going to let a death game slow down his passion. He also keeps in contact with Gin and frequently takes him to watch his games.
Kai Satou - With parts of both his families taken down with ASU-NARO, he is left having to live for himself. He gets a job as a chef and his own apartment in the middle of town. It's all very new to him, as is his friendship with the rest of the group. He talks to Q-Taro and Sara the most, often checking in on them to make sure that they're doing okay. He's even let Sara crash at his place a few times if Joe wasn't around and she needed a break from home. He really feels like she's family, and it fills some of the hole Mr. Chidouin left behind.
Kanna Kizuchi - Kanna is very glad to be home with Kugie and her parents. She's also glad that she has Sara and Shin's number and can call them anytime if she wants hangout. They both frequently come to pick her up to get ice cream, and they pick her up from school so she doesn't have to walk home.
Shin Tsukimi - Shin doesn't handle being put into a death game well. Even though he survived despite all odds (or percentages) he still struggles with shaking the fear. Anyway, let me elaborate on my AU about this exact scenario where Shin ends up traveling and living in hotels so no one can truly track his location. Also very important note that he keeps with Kanna and they eventually find out that they're bio siblings after he meets Kanna's parents and they recognize the name of his parents.
Ranmaru Kageyama - Ranmaru gets Sara's, Joe's, and Anzu's number before he leaves the death game. Despite it all, it feels...refreshing to have new friends in his life that are happy to talk with him. He spends a lot of time texting with them, and when he's not doing that he relaxes with the knowledge that he has genuine friends.
Naomichi Kurumada - He's proud of everyone that they were all able to win, and he has a new outlook on teamwork considering they were all able to win together. He continues to box, but now he has new friends coming to watch him from time to time.
Anzu Kinashi - Anzu goes back to business as usual. She likes being a funny clown girl and wants to continue her craft. She would like to see her mentor again to tell him all that's happened, but she'll be happy preforming either way.
Mai Tsurugi - Mai goes back to the bakery and uses her near death experience as a way to make money. Anytime anyone comes in she goes "I just had the roughest time,🥺" so she will get better tips.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - Shunsuke tries to find a different job that doesn't tangle him up with ASU-NARO. He figures he'll try to get some kind of desk job, but in the meantime, he enjoys taking his morning jogs again.
Hinako Mishuku - It depends on how the participants escaped the death game. If ASU-NARO was running then she'd stay with the company and wonder what was next. Maybe it would be another death game, or maybe they'd do something new, but she is loyal since ASU-NARO presumably wouldn't get the chance to betray her in this route. However, if ASU-NARO was destroyed, then she'd have to find an entire new path in life. Where that could take her I couldn't say with as little as we know about her real personality now.
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weirdinhumans · 2 months
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crystalcatgamer · 2 months
Okay more Roger Pirates except it's about the more obscure members (and Rayleigh for some familiarity)
Taro, their only pianist, has a strange ability to track down pianos anywhere. He claims he was cradled in one as a baby, but others advocate that one was dropped on him. Spencer had proposed it be both, and somehow that had explained everything. Personally, Rayleigh thinks it explained absolutely nothing, but pirates are weird bastards like that.
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bitterseaproduction · 8 months
Me: *sits up straight in sickbed out of nowhere*
Me: That ‘akeshu bond as children but they don’t recognize each other in P5’ idea, but it works because, as detective prince and criminal transfer, they’re both using pseudonyms. 😳
Housemate: ???
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inotaro · 6 months
how many times will i have to read the same 6 jordan li fics until there’s more???😪😪
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lovecaitlined · 3 months
KaySun: These Unbridled Thoughts (Episode 61 rewrite) 🔞❤️‍🔥
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I am back with a steamy rewrite of that Episode 61 scene, because no one can convince me that KaySun did not want to fck then and there among the shattered remains of their bedroom. 🔞❤️‍🔥
I am really grateful for all the positive feedback I have received on Wattpad, AO3, and of course, Twitter and Instagram so far—because people seemed to like the way Suna’s emotions were covered, and ofc the KaySun smut.
Special thanks to my homegirl Yasha for helping create a new cover for Ultraviolence as well. 🖤
A rewrite of that specific Episode 61 scene, when Suna gets all up in Kaya's face and taunts him. You could cut the sexual tension in that room with a knife. I can't prove it, but they almost kissed. What if Suna let her intrusive thoughts win? What if Kaya gave into his desires? Well, they'd do more than just kiss, then.
Anyway, I saw Taylor last week for the Eras Tour, and aside from the fact that she was amazing, she sang False God X Slut!—meaning KaySun endgame, of course! 🩵🧿🙏🏻
AO3 • Wattpad
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beomgyutruther · 1 month
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woah... first spring poem i've written ever... thank u spring u are gentle and tender and kind and i wish you'd stay forever
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soobberries · 11 months
mingi x reader, where reader is a super famous actress who is known to be an atiny. but mingi is a fanbiy as well.
> how would mingi ask her out?
> how will people react?
Ah I love this!
fanboy!Mingi is the most endearing idea to me lol.
when I got this ask I was having a creative slump but since the comeback I have been INSPIRED!
[This has been written in the third person for convenience and the reader goes by she/her. Let me know if you'd prefer it in second!]
Also, it was inspire by this tiktok of kwak dongyeon and kim sohyun.
so instead of answering it straight up, I'm going to set the scene:
Y/n has never shied away from admitting to being an atiny, mainly through vouching for or promoting ateez when she's doing lives or just posting on socials. She has always made an effort to acknowledge their comebacks and other performances. It almost became an ongoing joke between her and her own fans and some fellow atinys about how she was so dedicated and wished for them to 'notice' her. It got out of hand to the point that interviewers and journalists would bring up the topic and jest about it all, some going as far as asking her who her favorite was and how she got into them.
Unbeknownst to her as well as her fans, she's been noticed by ateez for a long, long time, specifically by Mingi. Nobody really knew about his tiny obsession with her, until he slipped up one day on b.stage, telling the fans to go watch the series she was acting in. There was only mild praise about her performance, masking the post as a promotion for the series more than her.
Fans already began to stir, and y/n of course, couldn't help but find out about this small recommendation, but she played it cool, merely stating that she was 'honored' to have such an opportunity to be mentioned by the people she respected and thought so highly of.
Fans adored the small interaction, her fans, in particular, cheering her on and congratulating her.
Seeing the reaction, Mingi was already losing his shit, not realizing that she would get wind of the news so quickly. Oddly enough, it only spurred him on against his better judgment to then make yet another post about another series she happened to act in, now being more brazen about his affinity towards her, adding screenshots or photos of her, leaving comments like "so pretty," "wow" "she acts so well ㅜㅜ".
Fans immediately began to investigate (read: interrogate) Mingi, asking him if he liked her or if she was his celebrity crush and such. To fans' concern, y/n went more radio silent about the whole thing, opting to only speak about promotional or professional things, avoiding ateez as a topic of conversation as best as she can.
While it was her manager who warned against making too many comments, she was also going through some sort of euphoric high that she didn't want to let out in case it scared ateez away. Was that a rational concept? no. Will she still avoid speaking of ateez in fear of being 'unprofessional' and over-rambling or fangirling a bit 'too much' over Mingi? yes.
This is the first time it was truly her moment to shine. She may have had a lead role before, but this was different. This was cute, hot, talented Mingi from Ateez acknowledging and complimenting her out in the open even though that could totally be a risk to his career. The stakes were high! (not really, but hey, she was an actress for a reason - the natural drama).
It was just a matter of contacting him...but how? It was difficult not to overthink how to go about this matter. She could just contact him through social media but, ateez share their sns. She could try and approach him at award shows but the chances of even being at the same one are low.
Good thing she didn't have to do much before the perfect opportunity presented itself right at her doorstep in the form of a phone call from a variety show mc with whom she once worked.
They apparently phoned with the intention of letting Mingi say hi to her (later revealed on the aired episode, his presumed crush). He and who she assumed to be some other hosts were snickering as Mingi timidly said a hello, asking how she was and wishing her well.
It was painfully strange to hear what was occurring on the other side of the call, an overall ruckus, alongside squeals and mumbles, some that definitely sounded like Mingi when the MC was asking her permission to give Mingi her number, to which of course she wouldn't dare deny.
There were a few days that went by, making her nervous about the whole ordeal; wondering if they ever did give Mingi her number or if he even planned to text her.
But one magnificent notification later, she was delightfully greeted by an awkward text.
Mingi had been a nervous wreck since the show. Not only was he nervous for it to air in the first place, but having the hosts put him on the spot like that was a seriously anxiety-provoking experience, and one he thoroughly hopes he never has to go through again.
However, he did have Y/n's contact name staring right back at him so perhaps it was worth the pain he went through. He also had his members to ease his mind and cheer him on after going on the show and at the time, Yunho's presence beside him made the promotion a bit more worthwhile.
Wooyoung and San were chiding him for not immediately texting Y/n when the opportunity presented itself, but he waved them off, saying he'd do it, only to stare at the blaring light of his phone screen in defeat throughout his days. Typing and backspacing his life away.
He sent the text,
"Hello, this is Ateez Song Mingi"
and proceeded to throw the phone on his bed aggressively, mentally punching himself, instantly regretting his whole entire life.
Luckily, it only made Y/n giggle, feeling too giddy to even conceptualize the extent of the awkwardness in the text.
She replied simply, attempting to make small conversation, as she kicked her feet, shoving her head into a pillow, trying to regulate this rush of energy she was feeling.
Meanwhile, he was grabbing his phone like a lifeline, holding it far too close to his face and trembling mildly while typing back.
The slight tension that came with learning and speaking to a new person floated away steadily over the next few days as they continued to text non-stop, peeling down barriers and steadily changing the relationship. It no longer was able to be classified as a simple acquaintanceship and parasocial crush.
After some discussion with members and friends, Mingi realized he needed to meet Y/n in person, no longer satisfied with the little talking they were able to do.
He wanted to be simple in his approach, as to keep everything pressureless and comfortable. So, taking a huge inhale of courage after a few weeks of texting, he dialed your number. He took every preventative measure he could, ensuring that Y/n was not on a schedule and realistically free during this time.
Hearing his voice over the phone was very different from the first time she heard his voice. The first time was rushed, and noise pollution made it a bit hard to think straight, but this time was different. This time she could appreciate the deepness of his voice. How smooth it is when he sounds confident and sure, even with that slight stutter which gave his nervous disposition away, it was something she wouldn't mind becoming more familiar with.
"I was wondering if we could have a meal sometime? uh, soon, while we have free schedules-" "Yeah, it would be great to officially meet you!" "Does tomorrow sound alright?" "Sure! We can decide where we eat tomorrow," "Great, it's a date."
the end lol.
He would have his moments where he has some rizz so I had to add that little line at the end ya know?
Let's not lie, people would be ecstatic about the interactions initially, especially some solid fans, but there would be extreme backlash after maybe the second encounter. The first time you go on a date with Mingi could be overlooked, but if it becomes consistent, it could cause quite the stir for better or for worse.
Personally, most atiny I have encountered are chill, so perhaps the backlash wouldn't be as strong, but there definitely will be some sort of it, because that's the unfortunate reality that follows being in the public eye as well as having a job that requires you to sell dreams and be the 'unattainable attainable'
So that's just my take!
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beanieman · 1 year
A Very Specific Scenario That Reminds Me Of YTTD Characters But I Don't Elaborate On Why
Sara Chidouin - You're at the library looking for a book that calls to you. There's no specific genre or title you're looking for, just a sense of wanting something to read. Standing between the shelves, you spot some friends looking for a book. They greet you with a wave before you group up for a joint search. The idea seemed great until you get kicked out of the library for causing a disturbance.
Joe Tazuna - You tell a joke in a crowded room. Everyone laughs and looks at you like you're the funniest person in the vicinity. You'll spend the rest of your life chasing that high.
Gin Ibushi - A stray cat approaches you on the street. It's fluffy body rubs against your leg as it happily purrs in affection. For a moment you think it wants to go home with you, then you recall the leftover sandwich you have in your bag from lunch. You throw a part of the meat to the cat and it runs off with it quickly. You'd be offended if you weren't so amused.
Keiji Shinogi - You people watch as you sit on the park bench. You see a couple walking their dog walking hand in hand. You hear siblings loudly arguing about who will get the front seat. You taste smoke as a woman walks by with a cigarette, her hoodie looking made out of a soft fabric you can imagine the texture of. You smell cheap cologne as a man passes through. He meets your eyes and nods as if he understands what you're doing. It's the most relaxing part of the day.
More Undercut
Alice Yabusame - After seeing a picture of someone attractive online, you decide to cut your hair to mirror their style. The scissors are gripped tightly in your hand as you raise the blade to the strands of hair you no longer want to have. As the first cut removes a chunk of hair, you gasp to yourself, realizing you didn't mean to take off quite so much. Your next step is to quickly Google the names of hairstylists in your area, hoping one of them will have an appointment open for tomorrow.
Reko Yabusame - An energetic song plays over the car radio as you drive toward your road trip destination. Friends sit in the seats beside you sharing inside jokes and telling stories you've all created together. A part of you can't wait to get there and see what adventures await you, another wishes the moment would never end.
Nao Egokoro - You're a child on a summer afternoon who's been playing the pool for hours. The water is pleasantly warm, and your hair reeks of chlorine as the adult present asks if you want a popsicle. A grin races across your face as you enthusiastically request your favorite flavor.
Kazumi Mishima - You find an old journal tucked away in your dresser that you decide to read. You see the words and know they were yours, but they no longer belong to you. The version of you that wrote those logs is long gone as you've changed into a different person through the years. The realization couldn't be more bittersweet.
Q-taro Burgerberg - You struggle to lift the large box from the floor, your arms aching as the weight resists your grasp. You're about to give up and let someone else complete the task when a stranger greets you with a friendly smile and offers help. With their assistance, the box is moved with ease, their presence only lasting a brief moment longer as they wave goodbye and continue with their day. You still think of them from time to time.
Kai Satou - It's your first time cooking a new dish. Ingredients are laid out on the counter along with a recipe you plan to follow step by step. You're excited to try something new and nervous about what could go wrong. Even still, you do your best, and despite a few small mistakes, you're able to make a wonderful meal that makes you proud.
Kanna Kizuchi - The night should be dark, but you see a small light hovering by your face as the humid summer air engulfs you. You hold your hand out and let the small firefly land on your palm. It glows a vibrant light that makes you feel like a small child once more catching fireflies with your brother until your Mother calls you inside. You're torn from the memory when the bug flies off your hand toward the other lights shining vibrantly like a star.
Shin Tsukimi - You take a nap in the late afternoon and don't wake up until the moon is high in the sky. After a brief period of confusion, you walk through your house for a glass of water and realize everyone else went to bed long ago. You're the only one awake and decide to play on your phone until sunrise or sleep greets you. The bright light of your device illuminates your face as you open an app and start to scroll.
Ranmaru Kageyama - Your finger hovers over the send button as you look down at the text and read the message you wrote once more. It's a simple line of "Hey. How are you?" meant for a friend that faded from your life with time. A thousand questions and worries race through your mind as you wonder if it's worth sending, before eventually deciding against it.
Naomichi Kurumada - You settle into your seat at the theater for a movie you've looked forward to seeing since it was announced. The lights dim and you look up to the screen in joy as the title card flickers in. You glace at the people around you and they all share the same excited energy.
Anzu Kinashi - Your friend recommends you a new media that seems like it would be your thing. You only have to indulge in this media for a little bit to understand that this is going to be something that sticks with you. A rush of excitement pulses through your brain as you text friend to say how much you enjoyed it before looking for fandom content.
Mai Tsurugi - It's a major holiday and your family hosts. You wake up with the scent of food wafting through the air and the sound of a Hallmark movie is playing in the living room. You jump out of bed to help in the kitchen with a giddy feeling you only have at certain times of the year.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - You cross another item off your to do list as the late afternoon arrives and you aren't done with your chores. There's plenty left to do, and a frustrated sigh leaves your lips at the realization you're getting very little down time today.
Hinako Mishuku - Jack-o-lanterns cover the street as kids excitedly knock on each door looking a trick or treat. You put on your costume to greet them and hand out the candy they desire. Once the last child has left into the night you turn on your tv and flick through the various scary movies playing to decide which one will thrill you with scares tonight.
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mejomonster · 1 year
I'm trying to remember what author it was who said they'd think of a scene, write it. Then later think of the scene, and write it again fresh. And do it a few time.
So like not quite the same as editing since they made a totally fresh draft without reading the old ones. But a g99d way to freshly look at how to write a scene with lower stakes since one copy is already made so if you make a new attempt and it sucks just return to old draft to edit or keep as is.
My brain is saying that's how Yoko Taro writes but God help me i hope that's not who actually said it
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bubbles-lounge · 11 months
Self Aware Yandere Simulator
The head cannons I promised<3
You can tell I've had thoughts about this for awhile...
This doesn't include the 1980's version. If you lot would like that just send a request in!
Now onto the head cannons!
Ayano would probably be the first to noticed as she is the person you control so she's the first to start to pay attention to you and notice your existence. This would also mean YanSim did start to worship you in some way(not really like genshin though tbh) Ayano would be first.
About the worship, I don't really think very many who are aware of you will worship you as rivals like Megami would find you mental ill for even doing this and allowing it to continue, especially if you don't do pacific routes often. Though If we think about other ones like Genshin Self-Aware Worship you even though you technically kill others, so we could twist it like that but otherwise I think Ayano might look up to you quite abit as you in the way make sure she ends up with her senpai in the end. Again if we twist it like we do with some Self-Aware Things we could go with Ayano obsessing over you as she may see it as you being accepting of her and she could place large trust in you, which if I'm right is a reason way she fell for taro as she thinks he is trust worthy.
After Ayano might be Osana, maybe Taro, you might even consider Info if we knew about her routine and more about her. It wouldn't be the other rivals(just say they are in the game for this) unless you had a extreme amount of resets and they started to feel large deja vu at realise they have seen Ayano at school even after been arrested, caught murdering and etc..
Out of Osana and Taro I think Osana would notice first with the fact she keeps getting a feeling every time she sees Ayano, also if you do the same elimination method she would get deja vu from the fact she felt this happen to many times. She Would then probably start to remember the times its happened before but slowly.
Osana Might try and stop it but soon realises she can't as the game codes would enable her but she wont understand why she can't do what she wants. I think for her to become aware of your existence would be after a bit of being killed and/or being helped by Ayano she would start hearing this voice after getting close to Ayano that seems to be from somewhere around Ayano.
Now after She Figures Out your controlling Ayano and that Ayano doesn't really care about what she's doing and is infact wanting to do it, Osana could have a few reactions, if we go with what it think would be the most realistic reaction would be absolutely horrified by the fact the person who she guesses is in control is this, insane. Another reaction might be Horrified at first like the first reaction but instead of keeping that opinion like the first reaction but at a point comes to accepts this and starts to see you as this god or higher being that gets to chose their fate and they have no control, this leads Osana to have a small type of worship towards you, not heavily but still worships you as a god above them all.
Taro(I actually like his character but he is overdramatic compared to others) would be the same as Osana but obviously he isn't being saved and/or killed but its with having his reactions to Ayano being near one to many times, catching her murdering and fails like that. So like Osana He starts to realise its resting at times and remembers catching Ayano but like Osana he cant do anything about it, also due to the fact Ayano, A.K.A the player, is avoiding him he wont really hear your voice except from when Ayano accidently gets too close then Taro might hear your voice but its still not as much as Osana would. When Taro Figures It Out he will have the similar reactions as Osana but with the second reaction he will be quicker to like you as you never kill him, this applies for the first reaction he wont hate you as much as Osana but still hate you for constantly killing his best friend. You might say they would end up bring it up to each other subtly but like how they cant avoid Ayano or do any thing about it as the game code stops them, the same applies here as they wont have the ability to talk about it, unless they break the game code or they might be able to text about it but I'm not going to into these two things for this post.
There you guys go!
I hope you all enjoyed this!
Remember to drink water
Remember to sleep well
Remember your stunning, wonderful and amazing<333
Have a great day/night<3
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